12.01.16 - Safety Committee
CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY MANUAL CHAPTER: 12 Risk Management Policy No. 12.01.16 SECTION: 01 Risk Management Policies Page: 1 of 5 SUBJECT: 16 Safety Committee
PURPOSE: The purpose of the City of Boynton Beach Safety Committee shall be to implement an ongoing Safety Program to motivate and promote safety awareness among City employees for the
prevention of incidents involving vehicles and equipment, property loss and personal injuries. PROCEDURES: The Safety Committee shall develop and maintain the City of Boynton Beach Safety
Manual; make recommendations for written safety and health rules to Department/Division Heads, Risk Management, and the City Manager; review incident statistics and anecdotal data to
recommend precautionary measures to prevent the recurrence of incidents; and, promote safety awareness through training, safety orientation, and employee information and participation.
MEMBERSHIP: 1. The Safety Committee will be composed of the Department/Division Safety Coordinators, appointed by the following Department/Division Heads: City Clerk Golf Course Public
Works City Manager’s Office Human Resources Recreation & Parks Development ITS/GIS Risk Management Finance/Warehouse Library/Museum Utilities Fire/EMS Police Dept. The City Manager,
Assistant City Manager or designee shall serve as an ex-officio member. 2. These appointees will be responsible to their Department/Division Heads for information received in Committee
meetings. 1
3. Attendance a. Safety Coordinators are expected to attend each and every Safety Committee meeting. In the case of extenuating circumstances which prevent attendance by the Safety Coordinator,
the alternate shall attend and serve as the Coordinator's proxy. b. Safety Coordinators shall notify Risk Management of his/her absence and notify their alternate to attend the Safety
Committee meeting. c. Department/Division Heads will be notified by Risk Management when departments/divisions are not represented at the Safety Committee meeting with a copy of the
notification sent to the City Manager. d. Safety Coordinators who have missed two consecutive meetings will be reviewed by the Safety Committee for possible recommendations to the Department/Division
Head for replacement. 4. One-half plus one of the entire voting membership of the Safety Committee will be declared a quorum. OFFICERS: Chairperson: The Permanent Chairperson shall be
the Safety Administrator in the Risk Management Department. The Permanent Vice-Vice-Chairperson shall be the Risk Management Department representative. The duties of the Chairperson
shall include but not be limited to: a. Preside over the Safety Committee meetings; b. Serve as a non-voting member of all Committees, standing or appointed; (This does not include the
Incident Review Board, where the Chairperson shall serve as the Ex Officio member.) c. Carry to resolution Committee recommendations and concerns; d. Report status of concerns at meetings;
e. Prepare an annual written report on Committee accomplishments of the previous year and present it to the membership at the February meeting for approval and referral to the City Manager;
f. Appoint Ad Hoc Subcommittees and Special Subcommittees; g. Prepare Safety Committee meeting agendas. Vice Chairperson: The duties of the Vice-Chairperson shall include but not be
limited to: a. The duties listed above for the Chairperson in his/her absence; b. Serve as Chairperson of the Safety Manual Review Sub-committee; c. Other duties as assigned by the Chairperson.
Secretary: 1. The City Clerk Safety Coordinator shall serve as Secretary to the Committee. 2. The duties of the Secretary shall include but not be limited to: a. Keep and maintain the
official minutes of the Safety Committee meetings; b. Maintain membership and attendance records; c. Prepare an annual attendance summary to be included in the annual report; d. Other
duties as assigned by the Chairperson. SAFETY COORDINATOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Have appropriate knowledge of methods, practices, and conditions in the areas they represent. 2. Be responsible
for serving as a resource to the department/divisions related to safety issues. 3. Reports to the Department/Division Head on safety related issues within the department/divisions. 4.
Is responsible for ensuring the employees receive appropriate safety training and information related to their activities through department/divisions safety meetings and inspections
and for follow-up and remediation of deficiencies noted during safety inspections. 3
5. Reviews all Supervisor's Report of Accidents and monitor activities of employees to reduce the frequency and severity of accidents. SUBCOMMITTEES: 1. Standing Subcommittees a. There
shall be one standing Subcommittee: 1. Safety Manual Review -shall perform annual review of the Safety Manual and report recommended changes to the Safety Committee at the pre-determined
meeting. 2. Ad Hoc Subcommittees shall be established on an as-needed basis with specific time limitations. MEETINGS: 1. Regular meetings will be held the second Monday of every month
at 11:00 AM at a prearranged location, unless other arrangements are made. 2. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson, Risk Manager, or City Manager. Special meetings, whenever
possible, shall not conflict with the Regular meetings. 3. In order to expedite monthly meetings: a. Special agenda items should be submitted to the Risk Manager's office no later than
10:00 AM on Monday, the week prior to the Safety Committee meeting. b. Any item to be brought before the Committee for consideration or discussion shall be included in the Agenda or
will require a majority vote at the opening of the meeting to be added to the Agenda. 4. The meetings will be conducted in accordance with the latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order.
INCIDENT REVIEW BOARD (IRB): 1. The IRB is a standing board of the Committee and derives its authority from the Committee. 2. The IRB shall meet the second and fourth Tuesday of each
month, unless other arrangements are made, to review all incidents and injuries, and determine preventability or non-preventability on the part of the employee. 4
5 3. Members of the IRB shall be appointed by the Department/Division Head. The Permanent Chairperson of the IRB shall be the Claims Administrator, Risk Management Department. City Manager
will appoint the Vice-Chairperson of the IRB. The Board shall consist of eight (8) members including representatives from the following Departments/Divisions: Facilities Management Recreation
& Parks Fire/EMS Risk Management Police Utilities Public Works Blue Collar Union 4. The Blue Collar Union representative and alternate shall be appointed by the Chief Steward of the
Blue Collar Bargaining Unit. 5. Refer to APM No. 12.01.09. EFFECTIVE DATE: May 30, 1995 REVISION DATE: September 14, 1998 REVISION DATE: October 3, 2003 REVISION DATE: January 2, 2008
Kurt Bressner Kurt Bressner City Manager