Minutes 04-04-11
Warren Adams, Chair
Barbara Ready, Vice Chair
Janet DeVries
Gaylord Allan Hendricks
Eric Jones
John McGovern
Linda Stabile
Ed Breese, Principal Planner
1. Call to order
Chair Adams called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.
2. Approval of minutes
There was one change to the minutes of March 7, 2011. The change was on page 3,
second sentence as underlined: "The committee has $3,500 $2,600 for the printing and
Mr. McGovern moved to approve the minutes as amended. Ms. DeVries Ready
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
3. Public Education Brochures/Flyers
Mr. Breese brought the two-sided brochure rather than the tri-fold. From the email he
sent, the only comments received were from Ms. Stabile and he had incorporated those
comments. Changes were made to both the two-sided and tri-fold brochure and Mr.
Breese distributed the revised brochure for the members to review and discuss if
necessary. Chair Adams asked if they were going with the logo from National Trust.
Mr. Breese advised that after putting in four requests, nothing had been received to
date. He further advised he spoke to the contact for the grant at least four times and
they indicated the department had sent out an older version of the logo and they wanted
to make sure they got it right. He would continue to follow up.
There was discussion by the Committee regarding some minor punctuation and
typographical errors in the brochure. Mr. Breese confirmed the changes and incorporate
and finalize.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, FL April 4, 2011
Ms. DeVries made a motion to approve the brochure, as amended. Motion was
seconded by Mr. McGovern and unanimously passed.
4. Mail Out Options
Mr. Breese advised the National Grant Award is $1,100 even though $2,000 was
requested. These grant dollars could be used for the production of educational materials
only, not mailing expenses. The Boynton Beach Historical Society matched $1,500, with
no restrictions on expenses; therefore, it can be used for mailing costs that are not
covered by the National Trust Grant.
Mr. Breese revisited the same three companies that estimates were previously received
from. They were asked to quote quantities in the 3,000 to 5,000 range as to what the
cost would be for the full color, tri-fold brochure and flyers. TWiG One Stop quoted the
lowest figure for 100 lb text, glossy copy, which is the most common flyer material.
Mr. Breese discussed the issue of the mailing expenses. The map provided to the
Committee is based on discussions of some possible areas to look at for distribution of
the mailer. A radius was pulled from the intersection of Ocean and Seacrest which tried
to capture most of the previously noted historic properties from the 1996 survey. Also
looked at were three neighborhoods along the Intracoastal as other possible locations
for mailing. Ms. DeVries added they would hand mail or hand address the properties
that do not fit into this radius. Some of these properties are located in Lake Boynton
Estates, in addition to ones toward the south. Mr. Breese indicated that based on the
radius under the mailing expense, there are approximately 608 properties. Not included
are the industrial properties along the railroad tracks. As those were left out, the 608
properties are either commercial, fronting on Boynton Beach Boulevard or Ocean
Avenue, as well as the residential properties that surround it.
The next item discussed was the continuation of the subdivisions that are bisected by
that radius. In other words, the subdivisions that run outside the radius. This would
include approximately 400 additional properties. The other potential properties were the
ones discussed along the Intracoastal. If those were included, it would add an additional
166 properties. Other possible areas and specific mailings as Ms. DeVries mentioned
already known properties that are outside of this area to the south and to the west,
could be an additional 200 properties. Looking in Boynton Estates, there are a couple of
blocks of properties that were built in the 50’s and 60’s. Most of the rest of the area was
built in the 70’s and 80’s, so there may be an area there to look at for direct mail and
then obviously the ones that are already marked as being historic, as well. The total
properties of all the areas discussed would be approximately 1,374 if that direction is
chosen. Adding in the cost of the postage, the total spent would be approximately
$604.56. Not included in these figures are the envelopes, but a box could be purchased
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, FL April 4, 2011
that are already pre-stamped with the City address, so manually stamping everything
would not be necessary. Mr. Breese also looked into bulk mailing. The Utilities
Department indicated that their bulk mailing is on pre-designed envelopes. There is a
window for your bill where the name appears and since we are not set up that way, it
would not work. The envelopes say “Customer Relations” instead of “Planning and
Zoning” Department. The consensus was to get the envelopes that have Planning and
Zoning Department on them. For a nominal amount the Property Appraiser can provide
the mailing labels based on these areas and then whatever is not in this area can be
hand addressed. The cost for envelopes and labels would cost approximately $100. Mr.
Breese reminded everyone that this was a 50/50 grant so whatever is used from the
National Trust would have to be matched. With the postage included, we are not at that
number and are not extending the full value of the money given. Mr. Breese advised
that recalling the grant application, the Committee looked at 5000 full color brochures
and 15,000 two sided color flyers. Those two items had figured to be approximately
$1,100. In addition the mailing cost was estimated at approximately $1,500.
Additionally, Phase II of the grant was for public meetings which $1,400 was set aside
for. That is when we were looking at $2,000 from National Trust and $2,000 from the
Historical Society. Presently there are $2,600 available dollars. Ms. Ready inquired
what the date was that the money had to be spent and Mr. Breese indicated August 20,
2011, with the final report due back to the National Trust by September 20, 2011.
Mr. Hendricks inquired whether the grants had anything included for educational
meetings or was it for educational materials only. Mr. Breese said there was thought
given to hosting some public meetings. However, they do not pay for much of that
either. They do not pay for refreshments or anything of that nature. Mr. Hendricks
suggested maybe some display posters, or extra tri-folds. Mr. Breese indicated he
thinks it would be fine if we produced as many of these educational tools as desired.
They give whatever latitude is needed. There was discussion possibly placing a 2’x3’
poster for display in City Hall for exposure. Ms. Stabile suggested getting homeowners
to give permission to put their homes on postcards. That could get people energized
about going historic with their homes. There was discussion whether that could be
classified under educational tools. Possibly, if you wrote it as “architectural style”, you
could classify it as “educating” people about the architectural style of their homes.
The timeline needs to be watched. There are four months left. Mr. Breese indicated
that a position can be posted for 30-60 days and a Planner still needs to be hired so his
or her name can be included on the flyer. Theoretically, someone could be hired before
the August 20 deadline and at the last minute, have the 5,000 flyers printed before the
deadline so and include the planner’s name on the brochure. Mr. Adams advised that as
long as the receipt for printing is dated before the deadline, it is acceptable. The flyers
would be distributed to every City facility, kiosks, and other public places. There was
discussion about different ways to reach the public and getting a website functioning.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, FL April 4, 2011
Mr. Hendricks suggested the first mailing be an introduction; possibly, inviting the
homeowner to something, then continue to build the momentum with a second mailing.
There was discussion as to what could be done at first to pique people’s interest, and
how to build on that initial push of information. Mr. Jones reiterated repetition is
valuable. Mr. Breese will investigate what is involved to get a website. Ms. DeVries
suggested using some of the County’s references to different resources that people
could look at themselves. Possibly some links could be added, a video and maybe a
slide show of approximately fifteen houses. The link to the website, when available, will
be added to the flyer before it is mailed. The Board agreed to allow Mr. Hendricks and
Mr. Breese to work together on this issue.
Mr. Jones made a motion to allow Mr. Hendricks to work with Mr. Breese to finalize the
last phase, the teaser and the website. Mr. Hendricks seconded it and it passed
Mr. Adams mentioned if National Trust did not supply a logo before the next meeting, an
extension on spending the money may have to be requested. Everything has been
ready to be sent out but we are waiting to put a logo on it. Mr. Breese advised that a lot
of language was added to the flyer and some other language may have to be deleted
because it is very tight as it is. It was suggested to make the lettering smaller. There
was discussion on lettering size, layout, and whether to include the map. Mr. Adams
pointed out when looking at the radius; there are four districts. Ms. DeVries replied the
map does not necessarily show historic districts, it is merely to identify the mailings. Mr.
Adams suggested possibly looking at other potential areas further south and west to
identify historic districts. Mr. Breese indicated some of those districts may be
redevelopment areas and would be under the Community Redevelopment Agency. In
the northeast quadrant of the radius there is a lot of CRA owned property and mostly
vacant lots.
Other options were discussed regarding how to spend the funds. Possibly a lesser
amount for flyers, and use the match for postage or just order the 5,000 trifolds and then
there would be funds leftover for posters, postcards, and other things. Did we want to
spend less the first time and more the second time? After group discussion, the
consensus was to print the original amount of 5,000 trifolds.
5. Summarize Tasks or Accomplishments for Next Meeting
Mr. Adams suggested possibly the next grant applied for could be for developing the
website. Mr. Breese will redefine the tri-fold and will look into the website development
process and what we need to do to move forward. He will also check on the costs of
the envelopes and labels.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, FL
April 4, 2011
6. Staff Comments
Ms. Stabile discussed the job description for the Planner. Mr. Breese indicated it was
drafted and had gone up the chain and is now in Human Resources. Mr. McGovern
thought it was very good and included a lot of specifics and there was enough mention
of expertise required. Ms. Stabile indicated she would want to see that a Master's
Degree is preferable. A Bachelor's Degree would be too generic, whereas a Master's
Degree enables you to be specific and be familiar with the terminology. Ms Stabile
added that what they have been pitching to the City Commission is that this position, in
time, should be paying for itself with grants. She continued to state that a person with a
Master's Degree would be important to have as this would be someone who knows how
to use the terminology, is familiar with calling the right people and would know how to
administer the grants. If someone doesn't have a track record of successfully
administering grants, chances are slim they are going to get a grant. They have to show
they have been the principal, and that they have been responsible for hiring whoever is
necessary, and doing the evaluations which are a big component of the grant. In her
opinion, that is the only way the grant will be received. It should also be very specific to
historic preservation. Mr. Breese added that some planners have architectural degrees.
Mr. McGovern added the concrete application in the here and now is a school system
that has only 11 % of teachers with Master's Degrees. The reality is we do not pay the
salaries to make people go for the degrees. Chair Adams added that in some cases, if
you cannot find someone who fits the criteria, the program does not start. If you limit
yourself, the process is slowed down. Ms. Ready asked for consensus for support for
wording. All were in consensus to have the wording as "Master's Degree preferable".
Chair Adams inquired about the Historic Resources Preservation Board. Mr. Breese
indicated it is in the City Clerk's hands right now to get the information out that we are
looking for a Board. Mr. Adams believes the deadline for receiving applications is April
29th. Mr. McGovern inquired about the addition of specific criteria on the application as
compared to the other Advisory Boards. Mr. Breese advised the criteria is very specific.
Chair Adams asked if a member applies for the Board, should they step down from the
Ad Hoc Committee. Mr. Breese indicated a member could be on the Ad Hoc Committee
until that time the Board is in place. The Ad Hoc Committee was put into place to go for
some period of time, accomplish its goal and then sunset.
7. Public Comments
Ms. DeVrios Readv reminded everyone that May is Historic Preservation Month,
according to the National Trust. Ms. DeVrios Readv is conducting a presentation at the
library and suggested a proclamation be completed for the Mayor. She also suggested
finding out what the deadline is to get on the agenda to bring it to the Commission
Meeting for May.