Minutes 04-26-11
Barbara Ready, Chair Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art
Anderson Slocombe, Vice Chair Administrator
(arrived at 7:03 p.m.)
Halena Wolf
(arrived at 7:17 p.m.)
Donn Davenport
(left at 8:18 p.m.)
Nubia Richman
(arrived 7:00 p.m.)
Christine Moeller, Alternate
(arrived at 7:05)
Barbara Lentz (
resigned 4-27-11)
Tiffany North, PhD
I. Call to Order
Chair Ready called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
II. Roll Call of Members
Self-introductions were made.
III. Agenda Approval
Ms. Coles-Dobay explained she had an additional item, FAPAP conference backup,
added as “G” on the agenda.
Mr. Slocombe moved to approve the agenda as amended. Ms. Richman seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
The members did not have time to review the minutes from last meeting.
Mr. Slocombe moved to postpone approval of the minutes. Ms. Nubia seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL April 26, 2011
A. March 26, 2011 High School Report
Chair Ready reported the City hosted a charette with the consultants hired to conduct
the financial feasibility study on the Old High School and to receive public input.
Approximately 60 people attended. The consensus of the public was that they wanted a
Community Cultural Center. Ms. Coles-Dobay added she felt the public worked hard
and interacted well and advised that Kevin Bryner of IBI stated the charette was one of
the better ones he hosted. A general presentation would be given at the City
Commission meeting seeking direction and at a later date would provide more detailed
information about some ideas of how to make this happen with financial partners. They
expected the report will come back from the financial feasibility study soon.
B. April 11, 2011 Presentation of Downtown Plans to AOPBC
Chair Ready advised that Ms. Coles-Dobay and Vivian Brooks, Executive Director of the
CRA gave a presentation to the Artists of Palm Beach. This was the same presentation
given to the City Commission and CRA Board which was about the downtown plan and
how to activate the space on E. Ocean Ave. from Seacrest to the marina. With the
current budget cuts and reorganizations, the questions are how will the program be
impacted and how can private organizations like Artists of Palm Beaches and other
organizations be utilized to do programming, instruction, workshops and activate the
downtown area? These groups are looking for places to showcase their work in areas
such as painting, poetry readings, and dance sessions, and also teaching poetry,
painting and pottery. The City has the facilities to do all these things. In addition to what
was presented, it was to give an understanding of what is being accomplished and what
input is needed. The next steps would be to tour the City, walk the Ocean Avenue area,
look at opportunities here and present ideas for what they would like to do to activate
City facilities and the downtown area. Chair Ready inquired if the Artists of the Palm
Beach was the group the Board wanted to partner with for the one grant that was sent a
letter of interest or the NEA Our Towns grant. Ms. Coles-Dobay advised that there was
not an invitation to do a proposal for that grant; however, the other grant, the Knight Art
Challenge, is the grant that has not yet responded. There may be an opportunity to
utilize it, but the grant was more specific for the International Kinetic Symposium which
was another item presented to them. They were asked if they wanted to participate.
C. April 14, 2011 Sister Cities Young Artists Showcase
Chair Ready advised she was a judge for the artwork from local students, as well as
Chinese students. There were not as many entries as last year, but still was very well
attended. She advised many of the teachers representing their classes were in
attendance. The first place winners won $100 for their art classes. There are many
teachers paying for their own art supplies out of their pockets, so the $100 was very
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL April 26, 2011
welcome and they were very excited to have been awarded the funds. Mr. Davenport
mentioned the theme was Greening of your Community, to make a change in the
community. He also mentioned there was a nice variety of artwork from multiple age
D. April 16, 2011 Boat Club Park Celebration
Chair Ready advised this was another well attended event. Three out of five
Commissioners were in attendance. Chair Ready advised the bait shack was painted by
a 15 year old boy. The Guy Harvey Foundation helped to fund some of it. The building
is the Florida Fishing Academy which the City gave for use and through volunteers it
had been renovated.
E. 7pm Boat Club Park Meet the Artist
The artist requested postponement of the event. It will be announced at a later date.
F. Cancel of Move June 28, 2011 Meeting
Chair Ready advised she would be out of town for the scheduled June 28 meeting.
After discussion, it was decided to reschedule the meeting to June 20, 2011.
Ms. Coles-Dobay announced she sent everyone an email for Florida Association of
Public Art Professionals which is being hosted in Palm Beach County on May 18-20.
There will be a $100 fee for the conference for the entire three days. There will be many
public art projects to tour. There will be sessions discussing integrating public art into a
project. Architects, engineers, landscape planners and all the different disciplines that
work on public art projects, along with artists and administrators were invited. The hours
of the conference were 8:30am to 9:00pm. There will be art projects from all over the
VI. Project Updates
A. Lettering for marlin entryway feature for Wal-Mart Project
Frank Varga was present to discuss the lettering for the Marlin project. He presented
the letters in two sizes. Matthews is one of the biggest companies that produces letters
and they advised if casting is desired with the thickness, the Committee would have to
pay for making the pattern, which would put this over budget. Mr. Varga inquired of
Matthews as to whether there were other types of letters that could come out the size
needed and was told there were not. In order to have 2” letters, they could be laser cut
out of solid stock and be within budget and then would be powder coated. The backs of
the letters would be pre-drilled and could be set away from the wall to give a shadow
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL April 26, 2011
effect. The letters would be attached with stainless steel studs and fastened to the wall.
The letters will be 12” high. Chair Ready advised the Board already agreed on the
thickness of the letters as originally presented. Approval is now needed for the transition
of letters now presented.
Mr. Davenport moved to accept the transition of consecutive weight letters in the format
Mr. Varga presented. The motion was seconded by Ms. Wolf and was unanimously
B. Commercial vs. Fine Art Foundry Information
Mr. Varga began by commenting that commercial foundries give off pollutants. It was
mentioned that the rooftops look rusty when viewed from the skyway going in to
Chicago from Indiana. This is from the pollutants or ash that comes from the actual
melting of the steel. The foundries are supposed to have special smoke stacks that
would filter out the pollutants. With a commercial foundry, there is a lot of melting due to
the forging and other things. A fine art foundry is a specialized field strictly involving
statues. They are environmentally friendly. There is basically nothing that would pollute
the air, and it carries little noise factors. Mr. Varga continued to explain the pouring of
the metal. Bronze is basically copper with nickel added to it to give it strength for
hardness. Bronze melts at a low temperature as opposed to other metals melting at a
higher temperature. In order to melt the bronze, natural gas or electric furnaces are
used. Most foundries use natural gas to keep the cost lower. When the metal melts, it
does not emit pollutants into the air. There is nothing in the process that would be
environmentally unfriendly. He continued to explain the foundry processes.
The New York Modern Art Foundry is very large. There are different rooms for different
things. For example, when a sculpture is brought in, it goes to different rooms and
different phases. Mr. Varga explained each process in each phase.
The sculpture was estimated to be completed by the end of May or middle of June. It
should be put up by September.
C. Seacrest Streetscape project update
Ms. Coles-Dobay advised the project would be installed on May 11th and 12th.
Jermaine Johnson, an emerging artist, under the direction of Debbie and Len Marucci,
is the artist of the project.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL April 26, 2011
Mr. Slocombe moved to accept the Seacrest Seascape project and was seconded by
Ms. Richman. The motion passed unanimously.
VII. Exhibits
A. Avenue of the Arts
i. Removal of three sculptures
Ms. Coles-Dobay updated the Board and reminded them at the last meeting it was
decided to remove a piece that was not holding up and installed another piece for the
remainder of the six month exhibit. “The Hummingbird”, down by the Marina, was
removed because of construction being done and not wanting to damage it. Gus and
Lina Ocamposilva removed the sculpture. The piece, “Follow the Leader”, on the corner
of 4 and Ocean Avenue, which is the Marucci’s piece, was being removed because the
Jones Cottage construction ongoing in that location. The pad will remain. The pad at
the marina site will be lost by the entryway. However, there will be two additional pads
that will be created with lighting in that entryway. Currently, there are nine sites along
the Avenue and upon completion, there will be 11.
Chair Ready commented that it was nice to have the CRA cooperating and have
everyone working together.
ii. Theme for 2010/2011
Ms. Coles-Dobay advised the theme of 2010/2011 applies to our decision making for
targeting the symposium for 2012 or 2013. At the time of the original discussion, when
the symposium was targeted for 2012, the kinetic sculpture was going to be used. This
was the month it was going to be decided and the question was whether the Board was
prepared for a 2012 symposium or should it be moved to 2013.
Chair Ready advised if the symposium was moved back to the following year, then the
kinetic theme should be moved also, in which case a new theme would be needed for
the upcoming year.
Ms. Coles-Dobay advised the sculptures that are on the Avenue of the Arts now, come
out the end of September/early October of 2011. The question was what we want to
have in there. There are eleven sites to work with. Chair Ready indicated the
discussion should be on whether the Board will be ready for the symposium or whether
it should be pushed back a year. Ms. Richman expressed concern that it was such a big
undertaking, she did not feel the Board could be ready. Ms. Wolf spoke from the
education point of view; she did not feel a year would be enough. People still have to
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL April 26, 2011
be brought on board, funding had to be secured, and people seem hesitant to jump in
because the funding was uncertain for next year. Vice Chair Slocombe advised it was a
hard time for everyone, but at the same time, milestones have to be set. The funding
might not be in place right now, but dates could always be changed. Certain things must
be accomplished within a set time frame. Before a date change could be decided,
which was the ultimate goal, there must be pieces put in place first and then work on
those smaller pieces. Mr. Davenport advised that with something this large, a
suggestion would be to possibly bring in an outside person, like an event planner. The
Board does not meet often enough to get a lot of work accomplished. The date was
already pushed back a year. It was a realistic target date and it needs to be acted upon.
He indicated he will acquiesce to whatever the Board decides.
Mr. Davenport left the meeting at 8:18 p.m.
Chair Ready agreed it would be a good decision to create milestones and push the
symposium back a year. She recognized Mr. Davenport for the time, energy and
diligent work he had put in to the symposium so far.
Ms. Coles-Dobay indicated the need to get volunteers and committees together. At the
last meeting, the committee list was set and tasks were set up for that list. She advised
she had spoken to some people who were interested. The key was working with the
right people and getting them focused and committed. The Palm Beach County School
District is still very excited about this project. There was someone looking to include us
in a National EPA grant to fund the school part of the project, and the teaching of the
kinetic solar art project in the school system. There is a lot happening and when it is
talked about, people tend to jump on board. The job of the Board is to get people
excited and to get people part of the Committee. Ms. Coles-Dobay agreed pushing it
back a year is realistic. Huge headway is being made and hopefully at the next meeting,
there will be Committee updates and an increase in momentum. If a decision is made
to move the date, she advised she will begin working on the milestones for a time table.
Ms. Coles-Dobay suggested targeting Saturday, February 11, 2012 in hopes that a two
or three hour “stakeholder’s” workshop, where committees would already be working
and activating many tasks to be accomplished, would be beneficial. The goal was to
have all the partners together in one room and have a presentation on what was being
done and how to get people ready to make it happen. She advised she spoke to the
Commissioners about it and while they know about it, they do not quite understand what
it is the Board is trying to do. This workshop would accomplish a number of things.
There could be sponsors attending, the Committees, the partnerships, and the
Commission and it could be used to get attendees excited about the symposium.
In the meantime, the project in the school system could still be done, and there could be
examples of kinetic art projects with the students working on the displays. Chair Ready
inquired of Ms. Wolf what the process would be to get a movie in a classroom. Ms. Wolf
advised the movie was probably at the high school level. She further advised the way
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL April 26, 2011
the School District works was they have something called Learning Tree Village. The
goal was to eventually get to the point where all teachers are teaching the same thing at
the same time and to have the entire country learning the same curriculum. The goal
also was to have a standards based curriculum so the same standards are being met by
all states and all kids are being equally educated. Palm Beach County has begun the
Learning Tree Village program. The goal is for all the teachers in Palm Beach County,
at the same grade level, teaching the same thing at the same time. Education is
headed to national standards.
Ms. Wolf made a motion to move the symposium back to 2013. It was seconded by Ms.
Richman and unanimously passed.
The Board discussed possible themes for this coming year. Ms. Coles-Dobay
suggested since she was working with the CRA on the Ocean Avenue to Seacrest
project and there already was the amphitheater project that connects the mangroves
down to the marina, maybe it would be possible to go with a mangrove theme. She
reminded the Board of the art that was going to be on the Children’s Schoolhouse
Museum. The CRA was going to look at banners and public art that speak to the
marina district and Ocean Avenue to Seacrest. She suggested utilizing the same theme
of marine life, but possibly more detailed. Ms. Wolf suggested possibly something like
coastal living which would encompass a lot of different things. Ms. Coles-Dobay
suggested the Board make a list of suggested ideas that could be qualified and
discussed for the next meeting.
Chair Ready made the announcement that Barbara Lentz had resigned. There were
suggestions about replacements.
VIII. International Kinetic Art Symposium and Exhibit Planning
A. Target for 2012 or 2013
This item was previously discussed earlier in the meeting.
B. Committees
Ms. Wolf suggested possibly putting volunteers on the committees and possibly inviting
them to the next meeting. Vice Chair Slocombe suggested taking each committee and
splitting the responsibilities amongst themselves. For example, focus on one committee
each time.
Chair Ready suggested devoting approximately 45 minutes of the next meeting to
discuss one Committee and then begin normal business.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
April 26, 2011
C. Education
This item was discussed earlier in the meeting.
IX. New Business
A. Presentations - Dr. Tiffany North
Dr. North was not present so no presentation was made although everything was
included in the back-up material. Ms. Coles-Dobay advised that she thought it would be
better to have back-up information to the presentation in order for members to be able
to comment. This was what the essence of Dr. North's presentation was going to be
about. If everyone was comfortable with it, it would be policy for presentations.
B. Successful Citizen Advisory Board Committees - Anderson Slocombe
Vice Chair Slocombe reported he had received a document from a colleague who put
on a workshop and all the committee people were invited. One of the reasons he took a
copy was because it was very detailed explaining what it involved to have a successful
advisory board committee and provided a checklist on what it took to be a good
committee member. It provided suggestions how to make meetings more meaningful,
and what were the time wasters. He thought it was a good idea and felt everyone
should read it to remind themselves of the role and responsibilities of a committee
X. Unfinished Business
XI. Future Business
XII. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was properly adjourned at 8:53
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Ellie Caruso
Recording Secretary
(8 hours)