Minutes 05-11-11
Regina Waterhouse, Chair John Huntington, Board Liaison
Victor Norfus, Vice Chair
Ben Lowe
Phyllis Stern
Joyce Mura
Floyd Zonenstein
I. Openings
A. Call to Order
Chair Waterhouse called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
II. Roll Call
Chair Waterhouse announced Brian Miller, Sanford Mayer and Stanley Sorgman
resigned and there are now three open positions on the Board. Accordingly, the Board
was looking for volunteers to serve on the broadest reaching advisory board in the City.
III. Approval of Minutes from February and March Meeting
There were no changes to the February meeting minutes.
Ms. Stern moved to approve the February minutes. Mr. Lowe seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
There was one correction to the March meeting to reflect Mr. Lowe was not an
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 11, 2011
The March minutes were approved by consensus.
IV. Announcement:
Chair Waterhouse advised immediately prior to the April meeting, she had met with
Officer Huntington. There has been great concern about the lack of effectiveness and
the perception of the Community Relations Board. She put together information and
thought there was follow up on many of the issues the Community Relations Board had
discussed in the past. The Board was waiting for the public to come to them, but she
suggested reviewing what occurred at other advisory boards and the City Commission
meetings and letting the public know the Community Relations Board will follow up on
their issues.
Don Scantlan, Chair of the Financial Review Committee, (FAC), had made several
recommendations to the City Commission, which addressed some of the issues the
Community Relations Board was interested in. She and Officer Huntington discussed
reaching out to the various Homeowners’ Associations, which dovetailed with some of
the recommendations put forward by the FAC. The affected residents were impacted by
decisions made by the City Commission and it was thought that could be a good place
to build bridges.
Chair Waterhouse researched the Commission minutes and compiled a list of the FAC
recommendations for the members to review. At the April 5, 2011 City Commission
meeting, there was an issue with a burned structure and a feeling that no one from the
City followed up on it. There was another suggestion about the City conveying a deed to
a park to the Homeowners Association so the City would not have to maintain or
improve it.
Chair Waterhouse explained at the same meeting, Dorey Kilgren spoke about the over-
55 population and the impact some of the recommendations from the FAC would have
on them. Ms. Slebodnik had again spoken about the trolley and the FAC would speak
about that because a recommendation was made.
She referenced the minutes regarding the Shopper Hopper and the FAC
recommendation that the service be discontinued and replaced with a subsidized taxi
service, charging fares, and other elements of the service. The survey said there was
overwhelming support for discontinuance. Chair Waterhouse inquired what survey was
used. The discussion indicated the item was tabled pending a report to the City
Commission but the report indicated the City would institute something else and charge
$3. She noted Palm Tran and Mae Volen only transported patients to their primary
physician and Chair Waterhouse thought this might be something to keep in the
forefront. Reference was also made to garbage collection, which has an impact on all
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 11, 2011
There was agreement the Shopper Hopper and the CRA should remain on the list Chair
Waterhouse drafted. With respect to the trolley, Chair Waterhouse reached out to Molly
Stahlman and suggested she contact the City Manager to see if there was going to be a
Ms. Stern expressed Mr. Mayer left the Board because he was unsure how the
members could pursue anything meaningful without giving the members proper
identification. She thought it was a shame the members have no backing so they could
approach business establishments about not having the Shopper Hopper. She thought
they would have to start from the ground up before they could take action. She
commented the City was building a Boundless Park for individuals who will not have
transportation to frequent it. She pointed out when she served on the Youth Advisory
Board, they were able to solicit funds and offer programs because they could approach
the community for sponsorships.
Mr. Lowe reviewed the function of the FAC and inquired how they came up with the
items to consider. The CRB needed to determine what issues were out there and
borrow their strategy. He liked that they had a form, they take the issues, list the pros
and cons, and have specific information to back up what they do. He suggested first
developing a set procedure similar to the FAC and addressing the items one at a time.
He agreed they would like to see more people attend and not have the Board act on
their own thoughts. Officer Huntington responded the FAC was put together by the City
Commission to help determine how the City could save money and the FAC put the
agenda together.
When he and Chair Waterhouse got together to discuss the CRB, it was how to get it off
the ground and obtain an audience. Officer Huntington commented he would sit down
with whomever he can get a voice within the City Managers Office and discuss the
purpose of the Board and how to have a functioning Board so the members can have a
meaningful experience and a sense of accomplishment.
One way to start was to ascertain what problems the community was having. Right
now, the Community Relations Board does not have information unless they attend
other meetings. Speakers at City Commission meetings only have three minutes to
voice their concern. With the CRB as their voice, however, the residents have a better
chance of having issues addressed because the Board was asking the City to put a
particular topic on the agenda.
Officer Huntington suggested the members voluntarily attend HOA meetings. Some
meetings were not held every month but they meet when needed. Attending a meeting
to hear community activists and bring it up as a topic of their agenda to offer assistance
was one way to proceed. It was noted they have a huge voice and a large voter base.
Ms. Stern disagreed with Officer Huntington’s view and felt the members already had
agendas they could work on. Last year, they wrote a letter for the Shopper Hopper,
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 11, 2011
heard from apartment dwellers in Renaissance that were distressed about a noise
issue, there was a traffic problem on Seacrest, a mom and pop business establishment
being closed down in the HOB revitalization and others.
Chair Waterhouse reiterated the intent with the listing of the FAC recommendations she
provided was for the members to review the list and decide at the next meeting what
items they would undertake and how to do it. She wanted to obtain a copy of the survey
and know who received it because she asserted 513 responses was not an appropriate
statistical sample.
Vice Chair Norfus commented when there are open forums or events, he attends them
and felt that was where the Board was missing their opportunity. The Community
Relations Board just wants to let them know there is a venue to follow for issues they
have. The trolley and sidewalk issues came from the City Commission meetings. After
the City Commission meetings, issues are difficult to address right away because it is
another month before the Board meets. When it is brought up, that is when it becomes
an issue.
Officer Huntington explained the Board had to pick a topic. He reminded the members
to send their items to him to put on the City website. All of the committees are listed on
the City website so the public can see what meetings are coming up. When he and
Chair Waterhouse go to the web page, there is nothing posted for the Community
Relations Board. He urged the members to email him or the Chair and indicate what
they want to discuss at the next meeting. Additionally, one of the first items on the
agenda is “Approval of the Agenda.” The members could add as many items to the
agenda as they would like.
The Board could also partner with the Police Department to have a guest speaker to
discuss identify theft. The meeting would be publicized through the media and at that
meeting, the members could spend the first 10 minutes informing the public of the
purpose of the Board. The Board could utilize a speakers bureau. Chair Waterhouse
explained that was the purpose of having Don Scantlan come to the meeting to explain
how they came to their conclusions, or have the Director of the CRA come to a meeting.
People would attend the meeting because it affects them. The Arts Commission could
speak about their projects.
Officer Huntington referenced Inlet Cove Association. Presently, they are having
problems with vacant shopping centers, vagrants, burglaries, etc. If a member attended
one of their meetings, they could learn about issues and add information to the agendas
as it becomes available. INCA meets the third Monday of every month at the Senior
Officer Huntington commented the Heart of Boynton was having their next meeting at
the Carolyn Sims Center. They had invited Florida Senator, Chris Smith, which should
be well attended. It would provide an opportunity to do a flyer about the CRB to hand
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Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 11, 2011
out at the door and introduce themselves to the President of the Association. Vice
Chair Norfus would be attending that meeting.
Vice Chair Norfus commented he attends the INCA meetings but he could use more
help with Commission meetings. He also hoped the City Commission would introduce
the CRB to the attendees but it has not occurred. Ms. Stern suggested brochures be
printed so they could be distributed at those meetings.
Officer Huntington was attempting to update the HOA registrar to see how many HOAs
there were so they could tap into the contacts they have. Chair Waterhouse suggested
putting together a broadcast email with the agenda to post in the HOA clubhouse. They
discussed some HOAs have TV channels and they need to know the HOA boards so
they could get the information out there. Officer Huntington agreed to forward the list
electronically. One of the best tools to provide notice of issues and meetings was
through the City website in advance of the meetings; however, it was noted some
members had difficulty accessing it.
Chair Waterhouse proposed the following for the next meeting:
Get additional members on the Board;
Have a vehicle for communication, which would involve physical attendance,
blast emails to HOAs and having an agenda in place to be on the city website;
Have people attend to speak and putting them on the agenda so the information
was listed and would draw people; and
Review the work done by the FAC, the structure they have, and the issues they
address because they will come back to the Board. They are part of the Board’s
purview. At the next meeting, the members will narrow the focus to the issues
they can address.
Chair Waterhouse stressed it was important to recognize there is a big difference
between listening and addressing issues, and having the power to do something. The
Board does not have the authority to do that.
V. Approval of Agenda
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
B. Adoption
VI. Public Audience
Jolynn Slebodnik
, 625 Casa Loma Boulevard, got involved when the trolley was
cancelled. Ms. Stahlman had many options in place. She found out about the Board
from Vice Chair Norfus from one of those meetings.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 11, 2011
Her understanding was the survey said drop the trolley. The reason they discontinued
the trolley was because the Shopper Hopper was supposed to remain. Over 800
signatures in support of the service were obtained. She felt little people were being
forgotten in this town and she hoped the Board could help.
On a different matter, Chair Waterhouse wanted to add to the agenda a decision about
the summer meeting.
Chair Waterhouse moved not to convene in the month of August. Ms. Stern seconded
the motion. The motion unanimously passed.
VII. Old Business:
A. Transportation options follow-up
B. Finance Advisory Board follow-up
C. CRA follow-up
D. Survey follow-up: Old School Project and Branding Boynton
E. Marketing the Community Relations Board
VIII. New Business
A. Brian Miller resignation
B. Advisory Board Candidate recruitment
IX. Adjournment:
Vice Chair Norfus inquired if the Board could put it on record that when individuals come
before the City Commission, that they be advised there is a CRB they can go to and
discuss matters with. Many individuals attend the meetings and leave frustrated.
Officer Huntington had forwarded a template to Chair Waterhouse and advised that was
the vehicle to use to have items put on the agenda. It was a memo sent to the City
Commission, City Manager and Attorney. The City Manager and City Commission
follow it. Other boards have a template they use. Officer Huntington also agreed to
research how much was spent on the Boards and flyers. The photograph and member
list on the brochure would need to be updated. Ms. Stern requested a generic flyer be
designed to put in City Hall and to bring to other meetings. Chair Waterhouse agreed to
develop the flyer.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
May 11, 2011
Vice Chair Norfus moved to adjourn. The motion was duly seconded. The meeting was
adjourned at 8:13 p.m.
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Catherine Cherryf
Recording Secretary