Agenda 07-14-11 CEMETERY BOARD AGENDA THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2011 @ 6:00 P.M. COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~M'ro-' 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ATTENDANCE 3. AGENDA APPROVAL 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 14, 2011 S. RECEIPT OF REVENUE/EXPENSE SHEETS - February, March, April, May" June 2011 6. RECEIPT OF SALES REPORTS - April, May" June 2011 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Parks Division Reports - March, April, May & June 2011 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Discuss Number of Cremated Remains Allowed in a Crypt - Tabled on 04/14/11 B. Discussion regarding gates C. Discuss possible addition to Cemetery Rule # 1-M to include a minimum administrative fee to cover transfer fees. D. Approve the request of Robert Danner for the disinurnment of the cremated remains of George Danner from Boynton Beach Mausoleum, Devotion Building, Section N, Niche A-1. 9. OTHER None 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS A. City Attorney to review Code section on the Cemetery for the purpose of updating archaic language, and add definitions. 11. ADJOURNMENT NOTICE IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CEMETERY BOARD WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. (F.S. 286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXIUARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDMDUAL WITH A DISABIUTY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, (561) 742-6060 AT LEAST TWENTY-FOUR HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLY ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. S:\CC\WP\CEMETERY\AGENDA\2011\AGENDA - 07-14-11.DOC MINUTES OF THE CEMETERY BOARD MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ON THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2011 AT 6:00 P.M. PRESENT Harry "Dale" Hatch, Chair Janet Prainito, Secretary Bonnie Glinski Tom Balfe, Parks Manager ABSENT Karilyn Norem-Hohner, Vice Chair 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Hatch called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. 2. ATTENDANCE Secretary Prainito called the roll. The attendance is noted above. 3. AGENDA APPROVAL Chair Hatch noted there was a typographical error in the agenda under B. Original purchase price $350.00, less 80%, should be less 20%. Ms. Glinski wanted to add discussion on the gate area. It was added to Parks Division Reports Ms. Glinski moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Prainito seconded the motion that carried unanimously. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - December 9, 2010 Motion Ms. Glinski moved to approve the minutes. Ms. Prainito seconded the motion that carried unanimously. 5. RECEIPT OF REVENUE/EXPENSE SHEETS - November & December 2010 and January 2011 Motion Ms. Prainito moved to place on file. Ms. Glinski seconded the motion that carried unanimously. MEETING MINUTES CEMETERY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 14, 2011 6. RECEIPT OF SALES REPORTS - December 2010, January, February & March 2011 Motion Ms. Glinski moved to accept the reports for December through March. Ms. Prainito seconded the motion that carried unanimously. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Parks Division Reports - December 2010, January & February 2011 Mr. Balfe reported the following for September, October & November: I Mausoleum Entombments - -------- J------~l I Ground Full Body Burials . _____-+________ 17 I I ~~:~~~~:~=:~s --==--=~~~~~-==~~t_-~=~=_- 3; j Disentombments & Disinterments Disinurnments ~ 01 -t-- ------~ _.__._._.__.-L_.. _ u_____.-JLJ a. Gate Area Mr. Balfe received the quotes and the least expensive price he received was $2,550. The reason it is so expensive is because a chain link gate would have to be custom made and then has to be covered. This price does not include the type of covering chosen for the chain link fence. Due to the distance of the span, it will have to be made out of very heavy gauge galvanized pipe, unlike a standard gate where 1 112" or 2" pipe is used. These were quotes over the phone because it was not known if the Board wanted to move forward with the gate. Mr, Balfe further advised he had called fence companies and different vendors but some of them are not willing to bid, claiming time is wasted in coming out, quoting a price and then we never do business with them. A couple of vendors sent something back stating they did not want to bid now or in the future. Ms. Prainito inquired as to whether this would be chain link, slats, or other material. Mr. Balfe indicated he was unsure of what material was desired. Slats could be used or possibly a windscreen. A windscreen would be easier if there is a storm, as the zip ties can be cut, the screen rolled up and once the storm passes, it can be rolled back down. With slats, there would be no time to remove them due to the way they are designed and installed. Ms. Prainito inquired if the screen stays in good condition with the wind blowing and whipping at it. Mr. Balfe indicated if it is properly anchored where it cannot flap around, it would be fine. Ms. Glinski inquired about using the wood material; however, no one would guarantee it because it is such a long span of approximately 22 or 23 feet. Ms. Glinski inquired what color would blend in better with the wood. Mr. Balfe advised black generally blends in with the background 2 MEETING MINUTES CEMETERY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 14, 2011 and is aesthetically more pleasing to the eye versus chain link or green. There are probably some brown colors available also if the Board decides to move forward. Ms. Prainito expressed her concerns about the screening and how it would look after a while. Mr. Balfe suggested looking at bamboo rollout, but Chair Hatch disagreed because the cords rot. Chair Balfe suggested that Mr. Balfe continue and get some concrete prices and move forward with the project. Mr. Balfe suggested a combination of a metal gate with boards on the front which would address many concerns. Motion Ms. Glinski moved to accept the report and have Mr. Balfe move forward with the gate project. Ms. Prainito seconded the motion that carried unanimously. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Discuss Number of Cremated Remains Allowed in a Crypt Ms. Prainito advised a gentleman, a former City Commissioner, had called and advised he has a crypt in the mausoleum. He indicated he changed his mind as to whether he wishes to be buried or cremated. He decided that since he has this crypt, he wondered how many cremated remains could go in there so that possibly his family could be entombed with him. Ms. Prainito inquired of Mr. Balfe if, when he spoke to the gentleman, he indicated how many cremated remains he wanted to go into this crypt. Mr. Balfe advised when he spoke to him, he was wondering what he could actually do with it; whether he could sell it, how he could sell it, who could he sell it to and asked about the cremains. At one point, he indicated he would just transfer ownership to his daughter and then he would purchase a niche, because he planned on being cremated. Mr. Balfe advised if a second right of inurnment with the past owner is purchased, then one could go in there. In the ground, two are allowed with a full body. The Board discussed if there was not a full body, how many cremains would be allowed. There is also the issue of how many names can be put on the stone. Ms. Glinski inquired how many names could be put on currently and Ms. Prainito advised it would be two if a second rite in the mausoleum was purchased. It could be a full body and one cremains. With no full body, it has not been discussed. An inquiry was made as to how names would be put on a crypt front? Mr. Balfe indicated that is where the big issue lies. There are a couple of them where they are true companions. There are two caskets and one cremains and there are two last names on the crypt front. He is unsure about three names. If it was the same last name, it probably would not be a problem. However, if there were two last names and three people in there, that could present a problem with spacing. All the letters are the same size. Ms. Prainito suggested allowing on those people with the same last name and then possibly three could be allowed. Mr. Balfe advised when he was speaking to the gentleman, he was speaking of himself, his wife, his daughter and son-in- law. That would be four people with two last names. Chair Hatch advised on a single crypt there would be considerably more space than on a niche. Mr. Balfe explained the way the 3 MEETING MINUTES CEMETERY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 14, 2011 names appear now and pointed out there could be a problem with multiple names. The question is whether there would be enough space. Mr. Balfe further stated that in some instances there is a mother, father and daughter and the name goes in the middle. He does not feel four names would fit. If it were a double, it measures 3 feet by 3 feet. If it was a companion crypt, it is 6 feet from left to right. In that case, there would be room as you could put two in one crypt and two in the other as the crypt front is double the size of a single crypt front. Ms. Prainito expressed concern that if this were to come up in the future, we should consider whether three cremated remains would be allowed if it were three with the same last name. Discussion continued on the number of names and size of crypt. Mr. Balfe advised in a single crypt, there could be three cremains or one casket with two cremains, or one casket with one cremains. There are many variables. Ms. Prainito advised she will call the gentleman who asked the questions, obtain more information and put this on the agenda for the next meeting. Ms. Prainito advised there was an additional request for a transfer of deed. All the paperwork is in order and it is a transfer requested by Peter Kelly and Marjorie Kelly to transfer Lot 505 A & B, Block S, at Boynton Memorial Park to James Patrick Kelly and/or Victoria Kelly. Chair Hatch asked for objections and there were none. Chair Hatch indicated since the correction on Item B was made to 20% instead of 80% and since B-F are all ratifications, the Board could go through each one and make one motion at end. Motion Ms. Glinski moved to ratify items B-F. Motion was seconded by Ms. Prainito and was unanimously passed. Motion Ms. Glinski moved to approve the request made in Item G which was seconded by Ms. Prainito and was unanimously passed. 9. OTHER Ms. Glinski announced she was recently at the cemetery and noticed on the sign that says "Boynton Beach Memorial Park", the "K" has slipped again. Ms. Glinski also mentioned the fountain and noticed the landscaping was removed. Mr. Balfe advised that the chemicals used to keep the fountain clean were killing the landscape, so they have begun to put in river rock but it needs to be leveled out, cleaned and the curb painted. Hopefully, the will improve the looks. Most of the plants were dead and complaints were received. As for the fountain, it will have to be cleaned out again after the river rock is put in. It was pressure cleaned but it is really difficult to maintain due to the wind and everything that 4 MEETING MINUTES CEMETERY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 14, 2011 blows in it. Ms. Glinski mentioned there are other places that have fountains but they do not look green like this one and Mr. Balfe explained they are probably filtered, where this one is not. Filtering takes out the debris. This fountain has to be manually cleaned out and it takes a lot of maintenance. Unless it is filtered it, it will not be an easy task to maintain. Chair Hatch advised there has to be something done to make it look good and inquired about the reclaimed water. Mr. Balfe indicated they researched the reclaimed water and it had nothing to do with it turning green. It has to do with the chemicals and it is a difficult job, due to short staffing, to maintain. When chlorine tablets were used, without the filter process, it created sediment and clogged the pump in the fountain. That was stopped and liquid bleach is being used instead. Ms. Prainito inquired as to the expense of a filtering system. Mr. Balfe advised he would check into it. It would take installing a pump on the outside of the fountain and drilling holes so the water could be filtered. The consensus was that a filtration system should be investigated. Ms. Glinski also mentioned the sod in the cemetery and the fact that it looks like brown clumps of weeds. Mr. Balfe advised there was a problem with dollar weed and unfortunately there is a ban on using atrozine in the cemetery because the cemetery sits on top of a well field for the City water supply. As a result, the City is limited as to what chemicals can be used. The City is experimenting with different chemicals but to get rid of the dollar weed, it was necessary to lower the amount of irrigation. The dollar weed is almost gone and he advised he spoke to a sod contractor and using money in one of the CIP accounts, some resodding will be started. Some of the worst areas will be resodded first. Then strips will be cut down the center and sodded and that sod will spread out to the adjoining areas. Hopefully, within the next month or so, the City will be back on track with watering and using other chemicals. Currently, small areas at a time are being tested to see how it works. A massive kill would eliminate weeds and the grass. 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS A. City Attorney to review Code section on the Cemetery for the purpose of updating archaic language, and add definitions. 11. ADJOURNMENT Motion There being no further business to come before the Board, Ms. Prainito moved to adjourn. Ms. Glinski seconded the motion that carried unanimously. The meeting properly adjourned at 6:37 p.m. Ellie Caruso Recording Secretary 04/26/11 5 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES - COMPARATIVE BUDGET TO ACTUAL For the Month Ended June 30, 2011 FISCAL YEAR 2.011 TO DATE Current YTO Jun-11 BUDGET REVENUE PERCENT $ 2,100 $ 60,000 $ 22,000 37% 500 10,000 5,200 52% 3,300 0 27,425 0% 5,900 70,000 54,625 78% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Interest Income 13,571 50,000 16,221 32% Miscellaneous Income 350 3,000 2,907 97% Fund Balance Appropriated 0 159,805 0 0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 13,921 212,805 19.128 9% Total Revenues $ 19.821 $ 262,805 $ 73,753 26% FISCAL YEAR 2011 TO DATE Current YTO ReveJlues - 632 (Mausoleum) J un-" BUDGET REVENUE PERCENT CHARGES FOR SERVICES Mausoleum/Sale of Crypts 0 0 870 0% TOTAL CHARGES 0 0 870 0% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Interest Income 12,339 40,000 14,748 37% Miscellaneous Income 575 3,000 3,605 120% Fund Balance Appropriated 0 10,000 0 0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 12,914 53,000 18,353 35% Total Revenues $ 12.914 $ 53,000 $ 19,223 36% Grand Total Revenues $ 32,735 $ 335,805 $ 92.976 28% S:\Finance\Cemeteries - Mausoleum\Cemetary Monthly Report\2011 Monthly Report FISCAL YEAR 2011 TO DATE Current YTD Expenditures - 631 (Memorial Pari() Jun-11 BUDGET EXPENSES PERCENT PERSONNEL Regular Salaries $ 9,542 $ 126,998 $ 96,055 76% Holiday Pay 0 700 0 0% Overtime 356 3,000 1,486 50% Cell Phone Allowance 15 180 135 75% Employer FICA 132 9,743 7,213 74% General Employees Pension 1,933 28,893 18,364 64% Ufe Insurance 0 77 29 38% Disability Insurance 0 705 276 39% Health Insurance 1,438 20,705 12,653 61% Dental Insurance 85 1,070 745 70% Vision Insurance 10 141 86 61% TOTAL PERSONNEL 14.11 ~ 192,212 137.042 71% OPERATING Audit Fees $ $ 2,100 $ 124 6% Cellular Phone/Beeper 23 280 210 75% Electric Service 93 3.000 902 30% Water/Sewer Service 37 4,000 326 8% Building Repairs 300 1,000 300 30% Vehicle Maint-Garage 4.52'\ 10,829 6.968 64% Irrigation Maintenance 0 2,000 1,632 82% Self Insurance Chgs (W/C) 223 2,674 2,005 75% Warehouse Service Chg 47 568 426 75% Other Contractual 5vcs 11,675 30,000 13.639 45% Office Supplies 0 500 136 2.7% Operating Equip < $750 a 1,300 0 0% Chemicals Q 1,850 0 0% Uniforms 281 500 535 107% Safety Clothing/Equip 0 590 250 42% Gardening Supplies 0 5,000 196 4% Equipment Parts/Supplies 216 3,000 1,340 45% TOTAL OPERATING 17,416 69,191 28.989 42% NON-OPERATING Transfer to General Fund $ 1,000 $ 12,000 $ 9,000 75% Transfer to Vehicle Svc Fund 575 6,902 5,177 75% Refund on Cemetery Lots 780 2,500 1,960 78% TOTAL NON-OPERATING 2,355 21 A02 16,137 75% Expendttures . 632 (Mausoleum) OPERATING Litigation Fees & Costs $ $ $ 5,000 0% Electric Service 369 600 1,664 277% Water/Sewer Service 742 2.500 5.058 202% Building Repairs 0 2,000 0 0% Other Contractual Services 1,275 11,600 1 0,460 90% Supplies 0 5,500 1.131 21% Equipment Parts/Supplies 0 0 106 0% Refund-Sale of Crypts 0 30,800 638 2% TOTAL OPERATING 2,386 53,000 24,057 45% Total Expenditures $ 36,268 $ 335,805 $ 206.225 61% Net Income Increase(Decrease) $ (3,533) $ - $ (113,249) S:\Finance\Cemeteries - Mausoleum\Cemetary Monthly Report\2011 Monthly Report CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES - COMPARATIVE BUDGET TO ACTUAL For the Month Ended May 31,2011 FISCAL YEAR 2011 TO DATE Current YTD Revenues - 631 (Memorial Park) May-11 BUDGET REVENUE PERCENT CHARGES FOR SERVICES Cemetery Interments $ 4,300 $ 60,000 $ 19,900 33% Cemetery/Equipment Rental 800 10,000 4,700 47% Cemetery/Sale of lots 7,575 0 24,125 0% TOTAL CHARGES 12,675 70,000 48,725 70% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Interest Income 0 50,000 2,650 5% Miscellaneous Income 675 3,000 2,557 85% Fund Balance Appropriated 0 159,805 0 0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 675 212,805 5,207 2% Total Revenues $ 13,350 $ 282,805 $ 53,932 19% FISCAL YEAR 2011 TO DATE Current YTD Revenues - 632 (MBusoleum) May-11 BUDGET REVENUE PERCENT CHARGES FOR SERVICES Mausoleum/Sale of Crypts 0 0 870 0% TOTAL CHARGES 0 0 870 0% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Interest Income 0 40,000 2,409 6% Miscellaneous Income 430 3,000 3.030 101% Fund Balance Appropriated 0 10,000 0 0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 430 53,000 5,439 10% Total Revenues $ 430 $ 53,000 $ 6,309 12% Grand Total Revenues $ 13,780 $ 335,805 $ 60,241 18% FISCAL YEAR 2011 TO DATE Current YTD Expenditures - 631 (Memorial Park) May-11 BUDGET EXPENSES PERCENT PERSONNEL Regular Salaries $ 9,544 $ 126,998 $ 86,513 68% Holiday Pay 0 700 0 0% Overtime 296 3,000 1,130 38% Cell Phone Allowance 15 180 120 67% Employer FICA 730 9,743 6,481 67% General Employees Pension 1,933 28.893 16,431 57% Life Insurance 6 77 29 38% Disability Insurance 61 705 276 39% Health Insurance 1,438 20,705 11 ,215 54% Dental Insurance 85 1070 660 62% Vision Insurance 10 141 76 54% TOTAL PERSONNEL 14,118 192,212 122,931 64% OPERATING Audit Fees $ $ 2,100 $ 124 6% Cellular Phone/Beeper 23 280 187 67% Electric Service 86 3,000 809 27% WaterlSewer Service 37 4,000 289 7% Building Repairs ~j 1,000 0 0% Vehicle Maint-Garage 625 10,829 2,446 23% Irrigation Maintenance 781 2,000 1,632 82% Self Insurance Chgs (W/C) 223 2,674 1}83 67% Warehouse Service Chg 47 568 379 67% Other Contractual Svcs 385 30,000 1,964 7% Office Supplies C 500 136 27% Operating Equip < $750 1,300 F'; 0% '" Chemicals Q 1,850 0 0% Uniforms 55 500 253 51% Safety Clothing/Equip 590 250 42% Gardening Supplies 0 5,000 196 4% Equipment Parts/Supplies 413 3,000 1,125 38% TOTAL OPERATING 2,675 69,191 11,573 17% NON-OPERATING Transfer to General Fund $ 1,000 $ 12,000 $ 8,000 67% Transfer to Vehicle Svc Fund 575 6,902 4,601 67% Refund on Cemetery Lots 1,000 2,500 1,180 47% TOTAL NON-OPERATING 2,575 21 A02 13,781 64% expenditures. 632 (Mausoleum) OPERATING Litigation Fees & Costs $ $ . $ 5,000 0% Electric Service 327 600 1,295 216% WaterlSewer Service 529 2,500 4,315 173% Building Repairs 0 2.000 0 0% Other Contractual Services 1,310 11,600 9,185 79% Supplies 0 5,500 1,131 21% Equipment Parts/Supplies 0 0 106 0% Refund-Sale of Crypts 0 30,800 638 2% TOTAL OPERATING 2,166 53,000 21,670 41% Total Expenditures $ 21,534 $ 335.805 $ 169,955 51% Net Income Increase(Decrease) $ (7,754) $ $ (109,714) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES - COMPARATIVE BUDGET TO ACTUAL For the Month Ended April 3D, 2011 FISCAL YEAR 2011 TO DATE Current YTD Revenues - 631 (Memorial Park) Apr-11 BUDGET REVENUE PERCENT CHARGES FOR SERVICES Cemetery Interments $ 2,200 $ 60,000 $ 15,600 26% Cemetery/Equipment Rental 400 10,000 3,900 39% Cemetery/Sale of Lots 1,050 0 16,550 0% TOTAL CHARGES 3,650 70,000 36,050 52% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Interest Income 391 50,000 2,650 5% Miscellaneous Income 350 3,000 1,882 63% Fund Balance Appropriated 0 159,805 0 0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 741 212,805 4,532 2% Total Revenues $ 4,391 $ 282,805 $ 40.582 14% FISCAL YEAR 2011 TO DATE Current YTO Expenditures - 631 (Memorial Park) Apr- 1 1 BUDGET EXPENSES PERCENT PERSONNEL Regular Salaries $ 13,825 $ 126,998 $ 76,969 61% Holiday Pay 0 700 0 0% Overtime 412 3,000 834 28% Cell Phone Allowance ^h 180 105 58% I..; Employer FICA 1,044 9,743 5,751 59% General Employees Pension 1,933 28,893 14A98 50% Life Insurance 3 77 22 29% Disability Insurance 31 705 215 30% Health Insurance 1.438 20,705 9.777 47% Dental Insurance 85 1,070 575 54% Vision Insurance 10 141 67 48% TOTAL PERSONNEL 18,796 192,212 108,813 57% OPERATING Audit Fees $ 124 $ 2,100 $ 124 6% Cellular Phone/Beeper 23 280 163 58% Electric Service 84 3,000 723 24% Water/Sewer Service 37 4,000 252 6% Building Repairs 0 1,000 1"\ 0% " Vehicle Maint-Garage 355 10,829 1,823 17% Irrigation Maintenance 780 2,000 851 43% Self Insurance Chgs (W/C) 223 2,674 1,560 58% Warehouse Service Chg 47 568 331 58% Other Contractual Svcs 552 30,000 1,579 5% Office Supplies :I 500 136 27% Operating Equip < $750 1,300 0% Chemicals 1,850 0 0% Uniforms 500 199 40% Safety Clothing/Equip 590 250 42% Gardening Supplies v 5,000 196 4% Equipment Parts/Supplies 186 3.000 711 24% TOTAL OPERATING 2A11 69,191 8,898 1 3O,{, NON-OPERATING Transfer to General Fund $ 1,000 $ 12,000 $ 7,000 58% Transfer to Vehicle Svc Fund 575 6,902 4,026 58% Refund on Cemetery Lots 180 2.500 180 7% TOTAL NON-OPERATING 1,755 21,402 11,206 52% Expendltures.632 (Mausoleum) OPERATING Litigation Fees & Costs $ $ - $ 5,000 0% Electric Service 294 600 968 161% Water/Sewer Service 430 2,500 3,787 151% Building Repairs 0 2,000 0 0% Other Contractual Services 1,575 11 ,600 7.875 68% Supplies 0 5,500 1,131 21% Equipment Parts/Supplies 0 0 106 0% Refund-Sale of Crypts 0 30,800 638 2% TOTAL OPERATING 2,299 53,000 19,505 37% Total Expenditures $ 25,261 $ 335,805 $ 148,422 44% Net Income Increase(Decrease) $ (20,515) $ $ (101,961) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES & EXPENOITURES . COMPARATIVE BUDGET TO ACTUAL For the Month Ended Mareh 31,2011 FISCAL YEAR 2011 TO DATE Current YTD Revenues.631 (Memorial Park) Mar-11 BUDGET REVENUE PERCENT CHARGES FOR SERVICES Cemetery Interments $ 4,800 $ 60,000 $ 13,400 22% CemeterylEqulpment Rental 900 10,000 3.500 35% Cemetery/Sale of Lots 4,025 0 15,500 0% TOTAL CHARGES 9,725 70,000 32,400 46% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Interest Income 8 50,000 2,259 5% Miscellaneous Income 0 3,000 1,532 51% Fund Balance Appropriated 0 159,805 0 0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 8 212,805 3,791 2% Total Revenues $ 9,733 $ 282,805 $ 36.191 13% FISCAL YEAR 2011 TO DATE Current YTD Revenue. - 632 (Mausoleum) Mar.11 BUDGET REVENUE PERCENT CHARGES FOR SERVICES Mausoleum/Sale of Crypts 0 0 870 0% TOTAL CHARGES 0 0 870 0% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Interest Income 8 40,000 2,054 5% Miscellaneous Income 450 3,000 2,600 87% Fund Balance Appropriated 0 10,000 0 0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 458 53,000 4.654 9% Total Revenues $ 458 $ 53,000 $ 5,524 10% Grand Total Revenue. $ 10.191 $ 335.805 $ 41,715 12% FISCAL YEAR 2011 TO DATE Current YTO Expenditures.631 (Memorial Park) Mar-11 BUDGET EXPENSES PERCENT PERSONNEL Regular Salaries S 8,4 79 $ 126,998 $ 63,144 50% Holiday Pay 0 700 0 0% Overtime 173 3,000 422 14% Cell Phone Allowance 15 180 90 50% Employer FICA 638 9,743 4,707 48% General Employees Pension 2,900 28,893 12,565 43% Life Insurance 3 77 19 25% Disability Insurance 30 705 184 26% Health Insurance 1.438 20,705 8,340 40% Dental Insurance 85 1,070 490 46% Vision Insurance 10 141 57 40% TOTAL PERSONNEL 13.771 192,212 90,018 47% OPERATING Audit Fees $ S 2,100 $ 0% Cellular Phone/Beeper 47 280 140 50% Electric Service 128 3,000 639 21% Water/Sewer Service 33 4,000 215 5% BUilding Repairs ,.... 1,000 0 0% ~ ! Vehicle Maint-Garage 483 10,829 1 .468 14% Irrigation Maintenance 29 2,000 4% Self Insurance Chgs (W/C) 223 2,674 1,337 50% Warehouse Service Chg 47 568 284 50% Other Contractual Svcs 52 30,000 1,027 3% Office Supplies ~ 500 136 ~?7% Operating Equip <: $750 1.. 1,300 n 0% ,... Chemicals 0 1,850 0 0% Uniforms 500 199 40% Safety Clothing/Equip 590 250 42% Gardening Supplies 95 5,000 196 4% Equipment Parts/Supplies 304 3,000 525 18% TOTAL OPERATING 1 ,441 69,191 6,487 9% NON-OPERATING Transfer to General Fund $ 1,000 $ 12,000 $ 6,000 50% Transfer to Vehicle Svc Fund 575 6,902 3.451 50% Refund on Cemetery Lots 0 2,500 0 0% TOTAL NON-OPERATING 1,575 21.402 9,451 44% Expenditures - 632 (Mausoleum) OPERATING Litigation Fees & Costs $ $ $ 5,000 0% Electric Service 262 600 674 112% Water/Sewer Service 481 2,500 3,357 134% Building Repairs 0 2,000 0 0% Other Contractual Services 2,010 11,600 6,300 54% Supplies 0 5,500 1 131 21% Equipment PartsfSupplies 0 106 0% Refund-Sale of Crypts 0 30,800 638 2% TOTAL OPERATING 2,753 53,000 17,206 32% Total Expenditures $ 19,540 $ 335,805 $ 123,162 37% Net Income Increase(Decrease) $ (9,349) $ $ (81,447) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES - COMPARATIVE BUDGET TO ACTUAL For the Month Ended February 28, 2011 FISCAL YEAR 2011 TO DATE Current YTD Revenues - 631 (Memorial Park) Feb-11 BUDGET REVENUE PERCENT CHARGES FOR SERVICES Cemetery Interments $ 2,500 $ 60,000 $ 8,600 14% Cemetery/Equipment Rental 1,200 10,000 2,600 26% Cemetery/Sale of lots 3,225 0 11,475 0% TOTAL CHARGES 6,925 70,000 22,675 32% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Interest Income 2,572 50,000 2,251 5% Miscellaneous Income 250 3,000 1,532 51% Fund Balance Appropriated 0 159,805 0 0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 2,822 212;805 3,783 2% Total Revenues $ 9,747 $ 282,805 $ 26.458 9% FISCAL YEAR 2011 TO DATE Current YTD Revenues - 632 (Mausoleum) Feb-11 BUDGET REVENUE PERCENT CHARGES FOR SERVICES Mausoleum/Sale of Crypts 870 0 670 0% TOTAL CHARGES 870 0 670 0% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Interest Income 2,339 40,000 2,047 5% Miscellaneous Income 125 3,000 2,150 72% Fund Balance Appropriated 0 10,000 0 0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 2,464 53,000 4.197 8% Total Revenues $ 3,334 $ 53,000 $ 5,067 10% Grand Total Revenues $ 13,081 $ 335,805 $ 31,525 9% FI SCAL YEAR 2011 TO DATE Current YTD Expenditures - 631 (Memorial Park) Feb-11 BUDGET EXPENSES PERCENT PERSONNEL Regular Salaries $ 8,479 $ 126,998 $ 54,665 43% Holiday Pay t'\ 700 0 0% CI Overtime 170 3,000 248 8% Cell Phone Allowance 15 180 75 42% Employer FICA 633 9,743 4,069 42% General Employees Pension 1,933 28,893 9,665 33% Life Insurance j 77 16 21% Disability Insurance 31 705 153 22% Health Insurance 1,438 20,705 6,902 33% Dental Insurance 85 1,070 406 38% Vision Insurance 10 141 47 33% TOTAL PERSONNEL 12,797 192,212 76,246 40% OPERATING Audit Fees $ S 2,100 $ 0% Cellular Phone/Beeper Q 280 93 33% Electric Service 0 3,000 511 '7% Water/Sewer Service 37 4,000 182 5% Building Repairs 0 1,000 C 0% Vehicle Maint-Garage 165 10,829 985 9% Irrigation Maintenance 16 2,000 41 2% Self Insurance Chgs (W/C) 223 2,674 1,114 42% Warehouse Service Chg 47 568 237 42% Other Contractual Svcs 52 30,000 975 3% Office Supplies 0 500 136 27% Operating Equip < $750 1,300 ^ 0% l' Chemicals 1,850 (\ 0% v Uniforms 0 500 199 40% Safety Clothing/Equip L; 590 250 42% Gardening Supplies 101 5,000 101 2% Equipment Parts/Supplies 68 3,000 222 7% TOTAL OPERATING 709 69,191 5,046 7% NON-OPERATING Transfer to General Fund $ 1,000 $ 12,000 $ 5,000 42% Transfer to Vehicle Svc Fund 575 6,902 2,876 42% Refund on Cemetery Lots 0 2,500 0 0% TOTAL NON-OPERATING 1,575 21,402 7.876 37% Expenditures - 632 (Mausoleum) OPERATING Litigation Fees & Costs $ 5,000 $ $ 5,000 0% Electric Service 0 600 411 69% Water/Sewer Service 668 2,500 2,877 115% Building Repairs 0 2,000 0 0% Other Contractual Services 1,135 11,600 4,290 37% Supplies 246 5,500 1,131 21% Equipment Parts/Supplies 0 106 0% Refund-Sale of Crypts 638 30,800 638 2% TOTAL OPERATING 7,687 53,000 14,453 27% Total Expenditures $ 22,768 $ 335.805 $ 103,621 31% Net Income Increase(Decrease) $ (9,687) $ - $ (72,096) BOYNTON BEACH MEMORIAL PARK BURIAL AND ENTOMBMENT REPORT To: Janet Prainito, City Clerk From: Tom Balfe, Parks Manager ---('t-B XC: Wally Majors, Recreation & Parks Director Dwight Saulter, Crew Supervisor File Date: June 2, 2011 SUBJECT: End of the Quarter Report- March, April, May 2011 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------.-.----------------------------- Attached is a listing for all burials and entombments for the City's cemeteries for the months of March, April, May, 2011. All names in red are weekend funerals. Mausoleum Entombments ----------- 17 Ground Full Body Burials -------------- 23 Ground Cremains --------------------- 6 Total Funera/s---------------------------- 46 Disentombment/Disinterment ------- Disi nu rn ment ------------------------------ Please let me know if you need additional information. ~ 00 (1 ~ :r: 00 0 ~ > txl tTl 0 0 ~ ;;0 0 :r: <: 0 00 ~ ~ ~ t"'" t'"' ~ > c: > ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 m 0 m ~ ~ > m > ;:1:i "tl --3 ~ ~ f6 00 z 0 ~ <: ~ ~ rJ.J 0 s:: ;:1:i m 00 00 (1 00 m 0 ...... ~ ~ ...... z ...... 0 m t'"' 00 00 m 00 N 0 00 ...... --3 Z m c:::: :;e --3 tTl t'"' txl 00 m ~ ~ 0 0 m ::l 00 m -< -< ~ Z m ~ 0 ~ ::l ~ 00 00 00 tt'j t'"' gJ :;e(1 -< > m > txl "Tl ~ tTl ~ t'"' ~ ;;0 s:: 0 txl ~ 0 m ...... <: ~ t'"' 8~ ~ ;;0 z ;;0 t'"' ~ r 0 0 tTl m t'"' t'"' 0 < ~ 0 t'"' ...., > ...., ~ Q (1 c:::: (1 n z ~ 0 ~ ~ -< ~ 0000 ~ :r: :r: 00 ~ ...... ~ n :r: tTl 0 > 00 00 > -< 00 ~ 0 00--3 c: c: n tTl 0 < ~ ...... ~ ~z ;;0 ;;0 gJ ~ r m ;x> ~ z (') CD r m > c::::m r- r < ~ tr1 > '- tTl s: ?" 0 tt'j (1 txl 00 ~ ;;0 ;;0 ~ 00 00 txl ;;0 i 00 i ;;0 00 CD CD 00 txl txl txl (1 ~ t"'" ~ t'"' tr1 tTl tTl ~ ~ t'"' tTl tr1 tTl ~ rm tr1 t'"' t'"' t'"' :r: 0 0 (1 "tl "tl "tl "tl 0 "tl ~ "tl OZ ~ 0 0 0 > "tl r":l "tl (1 ;l t'"' r r r ~ ~ (1 r r :;e om (1 (1 (1 "tl t'"' tr1 ~ > > > > ~ > > (/i . g ~ ~ ~ tr1 > > 0 --3 ...., --3 ...., 00 00 ...., 00 00 --3 ...... t'"' --3 ~ t'"' m tr1 tr1 00 tr1 --3 tr1 tTl n --3 0 :E -< txl w w w w -< N -< txl w .... txl txl w txl txl CD j 0 t'"' t'"' b t'"' txl t'"' r 0 txl t"'" Z 0 0 0 t"'" 0 0 t"'" 0 9 9 9 9 0 9 0 z 0 0 9 9 00 .... 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MAUSOLEUM 1-M. Mausoleum Crypts or Niches - Prior to inurnmentlentombment, an owner may transfer or resell the mausoleum crypt or niche provided the owner first obtains the written consent of the City of Boynton Beach. Such consent shall be given automatically provided that the new purchaser's name, address and phone number are on file with the City Clerk and an administrative fee equal to the cost of relettering the mausoleum, crypt, or niche is paid in full to the City of Boynton Beach. After inurnmentlentombment, resale or transfer of ownership shall be allowed. The City of Boynton Beach may purchase the crypt or niche at a cost of 50% of the original purchase price paid for the crypt or niche and provided that disinurnmentldisentombment has occurred and implemented by the proper authorities. No disinurnmentldisentombment shall be allowed except by the consent of the Cemetery Board following written request by the owner or owners of the cryptlniche and in every case shall only be made by the proper authorities. (NOTE: Authorized disinurnmentldisentombment and shipment of body or remains may be made only by a licensed funeral director licensed in Florida to another licensed funeral director at terminal point.) When a crypt or niche was originally sold, the City of Boynton Beach received 15% of the original sales price. A transfer fee will be charged when a previously purchased crypt or niche is resold. The transfer fee will be the difference between the 15% paid to the City at the time of original sale and 15% of the resale price based on fair market value the day of the resale or a minimum administrative fee of $ 7 2-M. The City reserves to itself the right to approve any erection, enclosure, monument, inscription, tree or shrub. ]-M. All identification information including letters and emblems on crypts and niches shall be inscribed by engraving. The cost of new crypt or niche inscription fees shall be paid at time of interment. Existing bronze letters shall be replaced with inscription by the City. Replacement inscription shall be done at no cost to the owner of the crypt or niche, but shall be paid from the Perpetual Care Fund. If existing bronze emblems are damaged, replacement of an existing bronze emblem with a sandblasted emblem shall be done at the owner's expense." 4-M. All flowers must be placed in an approved vase Approved vases include crypt-front vases or bronze vases previously approved by the City. Fresh flowers can remain for a maximum period of three (3) days. No artificial flowers, except silk flowers, are permitted in or around Mausoleum buildings. One (1) vase per crypt/niche will be allowed. Employees will, for maintenance purposes, move and replace these items with care, but the City does not accept responsibility for replacing broken items unless there is a clear negligence on the part of the City employees. After the third day, or in the case of silk flowers, when the Cemetery Sexton determines that the flowers have become unsightly, said flowers shall be removed and disposed of. "No potted plants containing soil, perlite, or other loose materials are permitted in chapels or walkways in the Mausoleum. ( City employees may remove any item placed on a crypt/niche site that becomes untidy or unsightly, in the sole and absolute discretion of the City. Paper items, envelopes, memorabilia or photographs shall be allowed for two days. 4 S:\CC\WP\CEMETERy\CEMETERY RULES\RULES\Cemetery Rules - revamp to Commission 04-21-09.doc AVAILABIUTY BOYNTON BEACH MEMORIAL PARK AND SARA SIMMS MEMORIAL GARDENS AS OF JUNE 30, 2011 ADULT LOTS FOR SALE SOLD AVAILABLE BLOCK B 219 219 0 C 219 219 0 0 219 219 0 E 219 219 0 F 219 219 0 G 208 208 0 H 44 44 0 I 132 132 0 J 82 82 0 K 87 87 0 M 336 336 0 N 1,357 1,357 0 0 1,346 1,345 1 R 848 848 0 S 1,002 1,002 0 W 380 380 0 (now includes 40 additional spaces, previously thought to be too sandy for sale) Y 416 416 0 TOTALS 7,333 7332 1 (does include the 40 spaces in "W" noted above) ADULT LOTS FOR SALE SOLD AVAILABLE REPLAT REGULAR 220 220 0 CREMAINS 220 184 36 TOTALS 440 404 36 ADULT LOTS FOR SALE SOLD AVAILABLE REPLAT 2 REGULAR *278 277 1 CREMAINS 62 4 58 TOTALS 340 281 59 ADULT LOTS FOR SALE SOLD AVAILABLE REPLAT 3 REGULAR 360 27 333 DOUBLE DEPTH 40 0 40 TOTALS 400 27 373 INFANT LOTS FOR SALE SOLD AVAILABLE BLOCK L 304 304 0 REPLAT L 79 14 65 TOTALS 383 318 65 I GRAND TOTALS I 8,896 I 8,341 I 555 *Adjusted number of lots for sale by 42 due to 3 sections of Replat 2 not being wide enough. SARA SIMMS MEMORIAL GARDENS ADULT LOTS 9'X4' INFANT LOTS 6'X4' Prepared: 7/5/2011 Figures as of: 6/30/2011 659 150 212 56 447 94 S:\CC\WP\CEMETERy\Cemetery Report\2011 \Cemetery Report 6-2011.doc -,op' noz -9 ilod<ll:j !u<ll<lWClJ\ nOl.\lJOd<ll:j ;\Jdl<lUJCJ]\AiflL3W3J\dM\ .... '~uaWaJeld Ja)jJew JOJ 5u!5Je4J Ja5uOI OU 5! ND a4~ 'sooz 'I JaqoPO JO s";h - ~-~---_.._._- --~-----'---~-"-'--""----'~- --.~_..- -.....- - - ~ueJuI S~Ol WeJUI V 1 su!ewaJJ ~uap!SaCl-UON 8 Z Jeln5aCl ~uap!SaCl-UON V - su!ewaJJ ~Uap!SaCl 9Z [ Jeln5aCl ~Uap!SaCl - :S:11Y5 :10 :ldAJ. OOZIZ$ ---I VI SZ1 1 s~lne^ um ---i SZ9'Z$ 81 009 V sase^ wnalosnew -i *-0- 69 - n sJa)jJew JO 5u!uas I - - .. - S~UaWJa~U!S!a ! --i - 9 .. .- spaaa JO JaJsueJl. -J 9S vI wnalosnew OOl'[Z$ s5u!solJ 18 sbu!uado ----1 Ol OOVZ L i ._---- ----I :ONn:l 1Yl1:1N:l9 i 006' v$ 6v oos S ~uawd!nb3 JO asn . . ..-----! OS'l[9$ 1 - .. wnalosnew - spunJaCl i OZ['z$ -.--.'""-.. AJa~awaJ - spunJaCl [ l 08l Z --- ....-...... - - ., .. sa4J!N 18 s~dAlJ -- -.-------.-- _"_N'~ i : wnalosneH i SlS'1$ ,-_.," -- [ .. .. peJ~uoJ UO .~,."~__'A'_, SWW!S eJes 00[19Z$ -. -_._-,._----~ ZV OS[V 9 )jJed wee -'-"-"'----- ._---_._._.-_...._._--~-,-- --=to :S~01 :10 31Y5 i - "'_"O"_"'___U_""__'"'" -_._~-_..-. :I~YO-O~-lIY:lA $$ 3AllYlnHn:> 1N3S3ltd 01 01/10/01 WOl:l::J $$ H~NOH H~NOH J.N~lIl1n:> SIHJ. 5~'V5 (aNn::ll.SnCll. ACl3l.3W3J) ONn:l 1YIlIOH3H H:>Y:l8 NO~NA08 ttOZ :lNnr ~1I0d311 A1I3~3H3:l AVAILABIUTY BOYNTON BEACH MEMORIAL PARK AND SARA SIMMS MEMORIAL GARDENS AS OF MAY 31,2011 ADULT LOTS FOR SALE SOLD AVAILABLE BLOCK B 219 219 0 C 219 219 0 0 219 219 0 E 219 219 0 F 219 219 0 G 208 208 0 H 44 44 0 I 132 132 0 J 82 82 0 K 87 87 0 M 336 336 0 N 1,357 1,357 0 0 1,346 1,346 0 R 848 848 0 S 1,002 1,002 0 W 380 380 0 (now includes 40 additional spaces, previously thought to be too sandy for sale) Y 416 416 0 TOTALS 7,333 7333 0 (does include the 40 spaces in "W" noted above) ADULT LOTS FOR SALE SOLD AVAILABLE REPLAT REGULAR 220 220 0 CREMAINS 220 184 36 TOTALS 440 404 36 ADULT LOTS FOR SALE SOLD AVAILABLE REPLAT 2 REGULAR *278 278 0 CREMAINS 62 4 58 TOTALS 340 282 58 ADULT LOTS FOR SALE SOLD AVAILABLE REPLAT 3 REGULAR 360 23 337 DOUBLE DEPTH 40 0 40 TOTALS 400 23 377 INFANT LOTS FOR SALE SOLD AVAILABLE BLOCK L 304 304 0 REPLAT L 79 14 65 TOTALS 383 318 65 I GRAND TOTALS I 8,896 I 8,341 I 555 *Adjusted number of lots for sale by 42 due to 3 sections of Replat 2 not being wide enough. SARA SIMMS MEMORIAL GARDENS ADULT LOTS 9'X4' INFANT LOTS 6'X4' Prepared: 6/2/2011 Figures as of: 5/31/2011 659 150 212 56 447 94 5:\CC\WP\CEMETERy\Cemetery Report\2011\Cemetery Report 5-2011.doc I(JP'T IOZ-c; )Joda~ !ualdUjCJ]\noz\:jJodCl~ !\J<llCllLJCJ:L,d::lL.::lW3J\dM\j. '~uaWaJeld Ja)jJew JOJ 5u!5Je4J Ja5uOI OU 51 NO a4~ ISOOZ'1 JaqoPO JO S'r/* .- - - ~ueJUI S~Ol ~ueJuI [ 1 5u!ewaJJ ~Uap!SaCl-UON 9 Z Jeln5aCl ~Uap!SaCl-UON V .. su!ewaJJ ~uap!SaCl [z L Jeln5aCl ~Uap!SaCl :S:l1YS :10 3dAJ. , , SLO'Z$ n Sl1 1 s~lne^ um i SZO'Z$ VI sa Z sase^ wnalosnew ".--i I --1 *-0- 9S - 91 sJa)jJew JO bU!UaS I I -- -'-'-1 .. - .. - SluaWJa~u !S!a '----j - 9 - - spaaa JO JaJsueJ.l --- --i Zv 8 wnalosnew OO[ 1Z$ s5u!solJ'lS s5u!uado ----< [9 OO[V 6 .- -.------.-1 ---- i :ONn:l 1Yl1:1N:l9 - , , OOv'v$ vv 008 8 ~uawd!nb3 JO asn ~ - OS'L[9$ 1 - - wnalosnew - spunJaCl1 OvSJ1$ S 0811 v AJa~awaJ - spunJaCl -- - sa4J!N 'lS s~dAlJ - - .. - -- -------- --------,-- ........- -. : wnalosneH I SLS'1$ . <..<-.-- ~ [ - peJ~uoJ uo ~~~~I SWW!S eJes OS6/1Z$ ".-_.".,_....-."~-- 9[ SZ6S )jJed wee -.--.......-- :S~Ol :10 31VS f 'e_..............._ ---_.._.~-_...~-- -....-... --..---- , 3.LYO-0.L-lIY:lA $$ 3ALLVlnHn::> J.N:JS:JlId OJ. 01/10/01 HOll:l $$ H.LNOH H~NOH .LN31111n::> SIH.L S31VS (aNn:::ll.SnCll. ACl3l.3W3J) ONn:l 1Y11I0H:lH H::>Y:lS NO~NAOS 110Z AVH ~1I0d311 A1I3~3H3::> CEMETERY REPORT April 2011 BOYNTON BEACH MEMORIAL FUND (CEMETERY TRUST FUND) SALES THIS CURRENT MONTH MONTH $$ FROM 10/01/10 TO PRESENT CUMULATIVE $$ YEAR- TO-DATE SALE OF LOTS.;. 88M Park 3 1,575 27 $16/025 Sara Simms On Contract - - 3 $11575 Mausoleum: Crypts & Niches - - - - Refunds - Cemetery 4 1,180 5 $1/540 Refunds - Mausoleum - - 1 $637,50 Use of Equipment 5 500 36 $3,600 GENERAL FUND: Openinqs & Closinqs 8 2/600 54 $17,000 Mausoleum 8 42 Transfer of Deeds - - 6 - Disinterments - - - - Setting of Markers 7 - 40 -0-* Mausoleum Vases 0 - 12 $1,750 Urn Vaults 0 - 12 $1/950 TYPE OF SALES: Resident Regular 2 16 Resident Cremains 1 4 Non-Resident Reqular - 4 Non-Resident Cremains 1 3 Infant Lots Infant - - *As of October 1, 2005, the City is no longer charging for marker placement. 5:\CC\WP\CEMETERy\Cemetery Report\2011\Cemetery Report 4-2011.doc i W( lit,odaij !\1Cl~ClUiaJ [ lOc\-I-iodCl(j .ija~"Wa).}.(j:Jl..:JI,^J::D\dM\O} --==t---- -------- 05 1 ----~- 659 -------~--'--_._---- + n/OE/v :)0 se sa.m6!::l nol/E/s :paJedaJd 11'~9 S~01 ~NY:JNI ,1'~6 S~01 ~1nOY 1'6 lH7 95 III SN:l01lY9 lYIlIOW:lW SWWIS YlIYS '46noua ap!M 6u!aq lOU L leldaCl 10 suo!pas f Ol anp LV Aq ales JOJ SlOI)O Jaqu.mu palsnfpV'* SSS I tt'E/8 I 968/8 I S1V.10.1 ONYH9 I S9 8tE - 59 I't 0 I'OE :I1SY1IYA" 010S -r--'- E8E I =~J- -~-=~~:-- 6l--~- I'OE ----,--- - , 31"S 110:1 __.___L____.___ -------r----..--...--- ----,-- i 00t' 1 --=-=:......-t=:=::=--- 01' ___--1 .. 09E T --- ..-...----f---- ......--.-----.....----.T ----L--- -.--___1 _______1.....___ 31\15110:J____..l_ S1Y10.1 1 ~Yld:lll 1 >1::>019 S.101 .1NY:lNI --. -~ - 98E t't 01' 0 9t7E I't ---.-- 319YlIYAY 0105 85 Z8Z 85 I' '-"--'- 0 8ll .----- -..--..---- ----.---.- :l19YlIYAY 0105 ._,-- ....1 51Y101 . _I H~d:lO :119000 . uJ lIYl09311 E .1Y1d3l1 J S~01 ~ lnOY_ J ---~~.:~:::F~-:---:= ~:E -=-~=--+= S~~:~~:::> - ---.----..--+- ------.-t-. : 8ll * I lIYln9:1l1 -----t---------------r Z .LY1d3111 -----+- -........... ... 31YS lIO:J -----t---- S~01 ~ lnOY'i ..._._______..______.__...1.-___.._ __ . .----- ---_._-~ .'._' 9E t'0t' 9E 1'8t 0 Oll ----- ---.--- :l19YlIYAY 010S .--'.- -----1- ..------- -- ":w__~_'''_____~_ ---==_---r ...-.-.--.~---..------....T...---...-- Ot't' S1Y.10.L ~--- ~~~ . ------:=t--- 511~~:~-- .----------.---------1 ~Y1d3111 .m _..-~J~_!l..Q.!~-=~:-_t_____ S~01 ~ lnOY .......---1 ----T _.,,---- (aAoqe p~:qou "Mll----".-----r" , UI s<lJeds ot> a41 apnpul saop) EEE' l 9tl' . ------------+---- (ales JOJ ^pues oOl aq ---t-- --------------- ! 0:) l45n04:) ^lsnOI^<lJd 'saJeds I I (eUOIl!ppe ot> sapnpu! 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N ...- .--------~---_.- W --"---'- >I ..--_.-~---.-. r -...--,,-----.-.- I - ~._--_.__.--_.- H -----.---- 9 --_..~-----_.- :I .._._~----_.---- :I ,. ._~---_._- o :> 9 >1::>019 5~01 .1 1nOV CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Control No. DISINTERMENT/DISINURNMENT/DISENTOMBMENT ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION FOR REINTERMENT OR OTHER DISPOSITION Location No. File Reference Contract No. Date (mo.lday/year) I I Original Internment No. Original Internment Date IDisinternment/Disinurnment/Disentombment No. Date Disinterment/Disinurnment/Disentombment Time Scheduled DAM DPM No disinterment/disinumment/disentombment shall take place until a written authorization, signed by the proper relative or legal representative of the deceased, has been given to the Cemetery performing the disinterment/disinumment/disentombment. The undersigned hereby requests and authorizes: IAL d subject to its rules and regulations, to disinter/disinurn/disentomb the remains of: (M.f.) (Lasf) Sex OF ~ New Interment Space Description: Other Disposition (describe): ..::::) <:::A rr c JP ASI1E5 It, 5LA Property Owner (First) (M.!.) (Last) Telephone Number ( ) Funeral Home Director Telephone Number ( ) Funeral Home Address City State I Zip Outer Burial Container Description Manufacturer Provided by Casket/Urn Description Manufacturer Provided by Memorial Instructions REMARKS The undersigned hereby certify that they are the legal custodian(s) of the herein named deceased, having the full legal authority to direct the disintermenU disinurnmenUdisentombment of the remains of the deceased, and certify that they are the owner(s) or authorized representative(s) of the owner(s) of the Interment Rights described above, and hereby authorize the above named cemetery to make disposition of the remains as indicated above. Must be si ned by (1) prop yawner and (2) next-of-kin (or other legally authoriz representative). ~; , ~ I<~, l'iJv r'vr"vy~,,- ,...." ..) (J,.-" Relationship ) Address City State Zip Telephone Number Authorized Representative Signature Date Print Name Relationship ) Address City State Zip Telephone Number OST~ gF F13R1DA I COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, appeared "-0 rt l Qn net'" as authorized representative, who is personally known to me or has produced r-L 1) L- as identification and who gjsL(did not) take an oath, and who acknowledged to and before me that helshe executed the foregoing instrument for the purpose therein enressed, pursuantto due authority. WITNESS, my hand and OffjCia~~a.IJhiS, rrl day of -TI!.4--. 20JL~ (~" ~ I NOTARY PUBLiC-STATE OF l'WltiDA 1.1' ~ 0 ^ ~~ . 1 lla,A t1^~ill ........,"\ Catherine Cherry-Guberman j 1t /1. 1 VfV U g W ~ Commission # DD792144 NOTARY PUBLIC \~l Expires: MAY 27, 2012 My Commission Expires: '11{(k.1 ~ 8f), c9-0/ ~ "i)~;"F:n nlRu ATT.ANTI~RM~NT/DISINURNMENT/DISENTOMBMENT, REMOVAL AND REINTERMENT RECORO-l Condition of Casket/Urn Condition of Outer Burial Container REMARKS Prepared By (Signature) Oate Interment 10 Committed By (Signature) Date Info Verified By (Signature) Date Interment 10 Placed By (Signature) Date Site Layout By (Signature) Date Interment Card Recorded By (Signature) Dale Superintendent's Verification (Signature) Date Property Card Recorded By (Signature) Dale The undersigned certify to the above, also that the casket/urn was not opened, and further witness that they viewed the disinterment/disinumment/disentomb- ment, and that said disinterment, removal and reinterment were properly made, Signature and Address of Relatives Present Signature Print Name Date ( ) Address City State Zip Telephone Number Signature Print Name Date ( ) Address City State Zip Telephone Number Signature of Funeral Director Present Print Name Date Signature of Empioyee Present Print Name Titie Date Signature of Employee Present Print Name Title Date Signalure of Employee Present Print Name Title Date Signature of Employee Present Print Name Title Dete