Minutes 05-17-11 Meeting Minutes Com Board May 1712011 C. Disclosures Mr. Holzma understood disclosures. forward. rnedaboutthe were Ms. Brooks should be made. He Id not be any the section would appear on every agenda going There was clarification the disclosure should be on communications with a topic is issue be disclosed. The City. If an individual was paid to be disclosed. The to disclose anybody a municipal official. who the Board member feels has been paid Mr. Holzman disclosed he did not know who was paid by who or who is not disclosed he had spoken to people about certain items on the agenda. not know their names. It was a may be a lobbyist or not. To be person listed in contende Mr. Buchanan members should ease into the Executive Director on several res. VI. Informational Items by Board Members & eRA Attorney A Information Announcements The City sponsors; 2 Meeting Minutes Board ts. The goal was to accomplish the interior parking area and if time and move along further. Multiple sessions may be necessary. There was a reminder that Friday was the last concert of the season. The Ocohee River Band was featured at the free concert on Ocean Avenue. A food and beverage vendor would be available. B. Disclosure of Contracts with lobbyists/Applicants/Proposers to the Agenda (This item had been addressed.) VII. Old Business A. Discussion of Change Orders for Amphitheatre and Marina Entry Projects make a recommendation for helical piers. cost of the change order. cost for the Agency and is not a architect. r the change always reason for the problem, there was a legitimate extra cost and the responsible party had to be found. Motion Mr. Buchanan moved to approve the Marina engineering firm. Mr. Hay seconded the motion. that will be costed-out to the otion passed unanimously. 3 Agency Board Cavossa, Vice President of for the foundation sizes of the ge from the contract documents. There was also a question on the calculation of the fee for the proposed change order. Kaufman Lynn Attorney Cherof commented the provision in Section 18 indicates a fee not more than for the Construction in all instances the ge costs. Chair Ms. Ross referenced the letter from REG Architects were fair and reasonable and should be considered in the issue as much as the res to pay. He relterated the City did not a change order. (Mr. Karageorge arrived at 6:26 p. m.) permit drawing the as an engineering amount of is He supported the increase. Vice Chair Orlove Kaufman lynn. that it met the provisions in the contract with cost of the change order is $5,880 from 4 Meeting Minutes Community Redevel,opment Agency Board Attorney Ms. Brooks inquired jf other Kaufman lynn contracts with orders. Mr. no change other contractor would not make that agreement either.. Any Motion request for a at this time. Chair Rodriguez motion. REG had submitted a letter had also and attempted to compromise the issue with an offer Mr. Buchanan reasonable and ctor to foresee all sides have to be CRA should be responsible for the cost 5 velopment Agency Board Chair Rodriguez stressed it was a contractual issue and Attorney Cherof had advised e contingency. Mr. Holzman reiterated it be done without contract when the price can be compared to e maximum Motion Mr. Cavossa indicated Kaufman Lynn would cover the contract remedies and negotiate the He offered are several ways B. Discussion of Options for Ruth Jones Cottage Brooks reported the movement and renovation of the Ruth Jones C fees paid total cost would be $4511060. e cost and ynn, Some figures are unknown proposed estimated such as the mover's ultimate the the Pine which the site move to a new location would cost $398,458 weeks. A replica would cost $451,600 and take contended it was irrelevant why the parcel was 6 ent Agency Board May 17, 2011 There was value to wanted to continue with Motion Vice Chair Orlove made a motion to that affect. Mr. Holzman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.. C. Consideration of $23,000 for the Impact Fees in the amount of the square would apply to the letter was sent seeking a credit of Ms. Brooks outlined the Fund. Mr. money exceed the would be moved from the General Fund to the if approved, it Motion Mr. Buchanan moved to approve. Mr. Hay seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. VIII. Adjournment before the Board, Chair Rodrjguez properly 7