Minutes 07-12-11
Jose Rodriguez, Chair Vivian Brooks, Executive Director
Bill Orlove, Vice Chair James Cherof, Board Attorney
Woodrow Hay
Steve Holzman
(Arrived at 6:36 p.m.)
Mark Karageorge
Marlene Ross
(Arrived at 6:34 p.m.)
James “Buck” Buchanan
I. Call to Order -
Chairman Jose Rodriguez
Chair Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Pledge to the Flag and Invocation
Mr. Karageorge gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
III. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the role. A quorum was present.
IV. Legal
Attorney Cherof requested a closed-door session be conducted for the Splash Down
Divers case at the next board meeting on August 9. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m.
V. Agenda Approval
A.Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda
Ms. Brooks pulled Item VIII. Item E off Consent Agenda and requested it be placed
under New Business, Item C.
Vice Chair Orlove pulled Item C from Consent Agenda.
B.Adoption of Agenda
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Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL July 12, 2011
Vice Chair Orlove moved to approve the agenda as amended. Mr. Hay seconded the
motion that passed unanimously.
VI. Informational Items and Disclosures by Board Members
A. Disclosure of Conflicts for Items Presented to the CRA Board on Agenda
Mr. Karageorge advised under New Business, Item C (old VIII. Item E) concerning the
Bridges of Boynton/St. John Missionary Baptist Church, he disclosed that he served on
the board of Pathways to Prosperity which runs the Bridges of Boynton program. He
advised he would be stepping off when the item was discussed due to a conflict.
Vice Chair Orlove, although not a conflict, wanted to disclose for the record he had a
discussion with Kim Kelly regarding signage at Hurricane Alley which was an item on
the Consent Agenda.
Mr. Hay requested clarification from Attorney Cherof on New Business, Item C (Old Item
VIII. E) advising he was a member of the Church but not of that particular Board.
Attorney Cherof advised unless a personal gain is derived from the outcome of the item
on the agenda, there would be no conflict. Mr. Hay advised therefore, he had no
conflict. Mr. Karageorge then asked for a clarification on his disclosure. If he were on
one board and on this board, would that not be a conflict? Attorney Cherof advised it
would not be a legal conflict under the State Statute as it was not a personal benefit. Mr.
Karageorge advised under Attorney Cherof’s definition of the State Statute, he then did
not have a conflict.
B.Informational Announcements
Mr. Hay commented that the July 4 celebration was wonderful. He thanked Kathy
Biscuiti, Special Events Director,for a superb job in organizing the event. He
commented that this was the largest crowd that he witnessed since he had been
attending. Vice Chair Orlove and Ms. Ross concurred with Mr. Hay.
Mr. Karageorge advised that Country Music Television (CMT) was relocating from
Nashville to Boca Raton and would add 40 jobs and were looking for studio space. He
commented that the City’s High School had a production studio. He sent Ms. Smallridge
an email asking that she look into working with Boynton Beach High School for the
studio space. They would be leasing 7,000 square feet of space and felt that it would be
a good thing for business in the County and would have a ripple down effect for Boynton
Beach. Chair Rodriguez advised although a good thing, he did not feel any of that had
any jurisdiction within the CRA. Mr. Karageorge felt the ripple effect would include
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Boynton Beach, FL July 12, 2011
people shopping in the City, buying homes in the City, eating at the City’s restaurants.
The Boca, Delray and Boynton Chambers have worked to help make this possible.
There would be a spin off that could present opportunities for the CRA. Ms. Ross
inquired how Mr. Karageorge found out about this and he advised that he and Ms.
Smallridge communicate once or twice a month and that was how he became aware of
this. Ms. Ross advised she was the Education Commissioner for Boynton Beach High
School and that was in her district and she was not aware of CMT contacting the high
school for space.
Mr. Karageorge also advised that on July 18, it would be the 20 anniversary of Habitat
for Humanity, working in South Palm Beach County.
VII. Announcements & Awards
A. Ruth Jones Cottage Relocation Video
Margee Walsh, Marketing Director, advised that on the morning of June 21, the Ruth
Jones Cottage was successfully moved to its new location on Ocean Avenue. She
showed a short video on the move.
Ms. Walsh also advised another email blast would be sent about the ribbon cutting on
August 19.
B. 4 of July – Salute to Independence Slide Show
Kathy Biscuiti advised there was close to 3,000 people in attendance. The Amber Leigh
Band performed and brought in a lot of fans. The fireworks were spectacular. Ms.
Biscuiti presented a short slide show.
VIII. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes – CRA Special Board Meeting May 17, 2011
B. Approval of Minutes – CRA Board Meeting June 14, 2011
C. Approval of Period Ended June 30, 2011 Financial Report
This item was pulled by Vice Chair Orlove.
D. Monthly Purchase Orders
E. Approval of $1,000 Donation to Bridges at Boynton/St. John Missionary
Baptist Church 3 Annual “Back-to-School Community Health & Resource
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Boynton Beach, FL July 12, 2011
This item was pulled by Ms. Brooks and moved to New Business, Item C.
F. Approval of Business Signage Grant to Hurricane Alley
G. Approval of Interior Build-out Grant to Touch of Colors, Inc.
IX. Pulled Consent Agenda Items
C. Approval of Period Ended June 30, 2011 Financial Report
Vice Chair Orlove wanted clarification of the backup. There was a line for Contingency
that contained a line item of $75,000 and a line item for Association meetings and
seminars for $10,550. He wanted to know if that money was going to be lost if it was
not spent or would it rollover to the next budget cycle.
Susan Harris
, Finance Director, advised that any money not used in the current budget
cycle would roll over to next year for redevelopment projects not in the General Fund.
The $75,000 contingency money and another $25,000 from buildings and grounds
maintenance were included in the budget revenue numbers which were reviewed at last
month’s meeting. Any additional money over the $100,000 in the General Fund would
come back to the Board to be allocated for redevelopment projects, which would most
likely occur after the audit in January.
Vice Chair Orlove he noticed the bank fees had gone up quite a bit and wondered why
that happened. Ms. Harris advised the CRA earns interest income and she had been in
discussions with the bank to lower their fees and adjustments had been made to the
Vice Chair Orlove moved to approve and was seconded by Mr. Karageorge. The motion
passed unanimously.
IX. Information Only
A. CRA Policing Activity Reports
B. Public Comment Log
C. Letter to Congressman Ted Deutch – Re: Post Office
Vice Mayor Orlove inquired of Ms. Brooks if that was prompted by anything. Ms. Brooks
advised she had a request from Michael Weiner who was the landlord of the property.
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Boynton Beach, FL July 12, 2011
However, the reason he had asked for that was because he could not do anything to the
property, even as a landlord, without approval from the Post Office and he cannot get a
dialogue with the Post Office. Ms. Brooks advised she received a letter from
Congressman Deutch advising he put in a request to the Post Office to get some
dialogue going.
XI. Public Comments
Rosella Micelli
, 630 North Road, wanted to thank the CRA for the wonderful job they
have done cleaning up the area. She advised of a problem on her street. There was an
empty building that had a broken fence completely surrounding the building and all the
greenery had been ripped out that was around the fence. The location was the corner
of Federal Highway and North Road. There was not a green buffer even though there
was supposed to be one there between residential and commercial properties. She was
asking for assistance from either the CRA or the City to help get it cleaned up. She
stated on North Road, the South Florida Water Management owns a piece of property
across from her home. She advised she received permission from South Florida Water
Management to plant some shrubs to make it look better, but she was told they only
own the property behind the fence and that she would have to have a letter before they
could plant. She wanted to know who owned the property in front of the fence.
Chair Rodriguez stated the City does not own the property on Federal Highway and
North Road. He was advised that Code Enforcement was already working on the
problem and he will follow up with them. On the other item of the planting of the shrubs,
it was determined that it was an easement and Chair Rodriguez would follow up and
find out whose easement it was.
Frank Micelli
, 630 North Road, wanted to add there were 39 homes on his street and
everyone was contacted to help to plant the shrubs. Some of the residents were worried
about the maintenance after they were planted. Chair Rodriguez restated he would
follow up on who owns the easement and send them a letter.
Libby Stroud
, 132 NE 13 Avenue, wanted to talk about the apartment building on 320
NE13 Avenue. She was aware Code Compliance was working with it as she found it
had a case number. She advised the property was an eye sore and she felt it was
turning into a “crack house”. All the windows were knocked out and she looked inside
the building and it appeared people were living there. She had not looked at the
Property Appraisers’ website to find out who owned it, but she would do that. Chair
Rodriguez commended her for being on the right track, but advised her if there was
illegal activity going on, he would encourage her to call the police. He advised her to
contact the CRA Police and they would monitor the area.
Clayton Allen
, 6110 N. Ocean Blvd, Ocean Ridge, wanted to ask what the people of
Boynton Beach thought about developing the City to be like Delray and Lake Worth. He
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Boynton Beach, FL July 12, 2011
contended that kind of commercialization did not work. It was his opinion the
corporate/village idea would be a total disaster.
Mayor Rodriguez informed Mr. Allen that the meeting was the Community
Redevelopment Agency Board meeting and not a City board meeting. He advised that
the CRA had adopted a Downtown Master Plan and he encouraged Mr. Allen to go
online to the CRA website and look through the plan to see how the City would be
Irene Angelopoulos
, owner of Margy’s Restaurant, 324 North Federal Highway,
advised the parking situation at the Promenade had not changed even though she
asked for help from the owners of the Promenade many times and had been denied.
She advised she had offered to pay for directional signs from the parking garage to the
restaurant and was denied by the owners because other potential retailers would want
the same privileges. She advised the only other tenant was a Chinese take-out that
was getting ready to open. Her situation and the take-out were different as far as
parking needs. She advised she was a diner and needed people to be able to get in
and out easily. She had signatures from customers that she had given to the Mayor and
Commissioner Hay and would like assistance and guidance on how to bring her
business back to the level it was before she moved to the Promenade.
Chair Rodriguez advised he wanted to help her, but it was basically a landlord/tenant
issue. Attorney Cherof had looked at the legalities of the City’s agreement with the
Promenade and there was nothing there that the City can engage in. Ms. Brooks
interjected that the agreement between the CRA and the developer was that a portion of
that retail would be at below market rent. Ms. Angelopoulos stated she felt the
incentives given to the developer should somehow be passed down to a tenant and Ms.
Brooks advised the incentives were for reduced rent and that was all and that was done
pre-construction. Ms. Angelopoulos stated that the design agreed upon before was
changed and the way the building was designed now was not feasible for a restaurant
to survive. Ms. Brooks stated that was an issue for the City and the Planning and
Development Board, not the CRA. The CRA was responsible for the incentive portion.
Chair Rodriguez stated that there was nothing the CRA or the City could do because
the agreement was entered into by her and them, even though the design was not the
same design she signed and agreed to. Mr. Karageorge suggested she contact the
management company and attempt to work the issues out with them as it was a
landlord/tenant issue.
Mr. Hay commented that he knew when the building was first inspected; they had to
have exit signs in the garage in order to get the Certificate of Occupancy (CO).
Currently, the exit signs are gone. He indicated the only way out of the garage was the
same as the way in. He inquired if it was a need for the CO, how could they legally
remove the exit signs? Chair Rodriguez indicated they passed inspection, so they are
compliant no matter how it is now.
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Boynton Beach, FL July 12, 2011
Chair Rodriquez closed public audience.
XII. Old Business
A. Consideration of Employment Agreement for Executive Director
Ms. Brooks presented the amended draft version of the Employment Agreement and
outlined the areas that were changed. She advised she pulled contracts from the CRA
Directors in Palm Beach County and put on a spreadsheet the terms that they had,
including the most recent contract which was for Riviera Beach. She also included the
agreement with mark-ups from the meeting in May. Chair Rodriquez inquired if Attorney
Cherof reviewed these mark-ups and he advised he had and these are business issues,
not legal issues, except for Section 10 which was the termination provision. It talked
about severance pay and receiving five months of pay. The new State Statute that deals
with that issue states it in terms of 20 weeks. His suggestion would be to convert
whatever number the Board thought appropriate for severance to weeks, not to exceed
20. Chair Rodriguez suggested reviewing the line items in order of changes.
Section 2.1 – Deleted: Additional one (1) year extensions of term shall require Board
approval by Resolution. Added: This Agreement may be terminated by either party.
Mr. Holzman inquired of Attorney Cherof if changing the wording would automatically
renew the contract every year or require a vote. Attorney Cherof stated that the rollover
provision that had concerned the Board was with Ms. Bright’s contract. Mr. Holzman
was not in favor of having an automatic renewal in any contract and felt there should be
something that stated there would be an annual review or Board approval. Ms. Brooks
stated there was a provision for that further in the Agreement. She also stated she
simply removed the word “resolution” and it could be a vote at a Board meeting and that
the Agreement still states her extension would require Board approval. There was
consensus from the Board.
Section 2.2 – Added: Termination without cause shall require a sixty (60) day notice to
Employee. Chair Rodriguez asked for clarification if that meant Ms. Brooks would be
paid for two months. Attorney Cherof stated that she would get 60 days plus agreed
upon severance pay. There was discussion as to whether or not the 60-day notice
would apply if there was a decision not to renew the contract or if notice had to be
given, not to renew the contract. Attorney Cherof indicated that if a decision was made
not to renew the contract, it would appear on the agenda the month before the end of
the contract so all parties would be covered. There would be a motion to extend the
contract for another year, or a motion not to extend the contract, in which case it would
end on its own term.
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Boynton Beach, FL July 12, 2011
2.3 – Added: “Employee shall give CRA a sixty (60) day notice of resignation.” There
was discussion on the sixty (60) day suggestion. Attorney Cherof clarified that if notice
was given and the Board wished not to have the Employee hold to the 60-day notice
and asked the Employee not to return, they would still be paid for 60 days. There was
discussion on the length of time to be paid and under which circumstances a resignation
taking place should be paid. If the resignation was amicable, the Employee would stay
thirty (30) days and be paid for thirty (30) days. However, if the resignation was not
amicable, the Employee would be asked to leave and be paid for thirty (30) days. The
consensus was to change the clause to read thirty (30) days notice of resignation.
3.1 – Added: “It is recognized that the CRA pay periods are bi-weekly and if the pay
periods change, the employee’s salary shall not change.” There was agreement by all
Board members.
3.2 – Added: “unless as stated elsewhere in this Agreement”. This refers to Employee
not being entitled to compensation other than for time actually employed by the CRA.
There was agreement by all Board members.
3.3 – Deleted: "may, at its discretion” Added: “shall”. Deleted: “any time during the term
of this agreement: Added: “annually at the time of Employee’s review and in the event
the Employee’s review is above satisfactory, Employee’s salary shall be increased by
five percent (5%). If the CRA fails to perform the Employee’s review as stated in Section
3.4, Employee shall nonetheless be entitled to a five percent (5%) increase in salary.”
Chair Rodriguez stated and reminded everyone what was happening in other areas of
the City and could not support guaranteeing a salary increase to an employee due to a
satisfactory performance, knowing that raises had not been given in three years to City
employees. It was unknown, at this point, when the City would recover and he would
not support an automatic increase in salary. Vice Chair Orlove suggested, although he
agreed with Chair Rodriguez, to add “Employee’s salary shall be considered by the
Board to be increased.” There was consensus to change the wording so as not to make
an increase automatic.
3.4 – Added: “It is the Board’s responsibility to initiate and conduct such formal review
and in the event the Board does not initiate and complete such annual formal review
within thirty (30) days prior to the end of this Agreement, the Agreement will
automatically renew under the exiting terms and conditions and Employee’s salary shall
be increased by five percent (5%). The Board felt this was answered with 3.3, but to
add a clause that the Employee will initiate the review process by adding it to the
Agenda and the Board shall conduct the review and vote.
4.2 – Deleted: Ms. Brooks deleted the numbers inserted for hours of annual vacation as
they change from pay period to pay period. Whatever the accrued total is at the time the
contract was signed would be inserted. Chair Rodriguez was concerned with the dollar
amount that would be paid out should there be a separation from employment. He
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stated he would want a maximum dollar amount instead of all accrued vacation time.
He requested the Finance Director and Executive Director come back to the Board with
a maximum liability risk on vacation and sick time for this Agency. Attorney Cherof
indicated the maximum hours to accrue was 320, which amounted to approximately
4.3 – Added: “Notification of Vacation Leave. Employee shall notify the Board fifteen
(15) days prior to taking more than five (5) business days off. Employee will also notify
the Board of her designee in her absence.” Deleted: “The Employee may not take
more than ten (10) vacation days during any consecutive period of time without
approval of the CRA Board.” The Board was in agreement with this change.
4.4 – Deleted: The number of accrued sick days was deleted and will be filled in at the
time the agreement is signed.
5.1 – Added: “at no cost to employee” and “policies consistent with those in effect as of
the Effective Date of this Agreement and provided by the CRA to its employees. If the
policies relating to insurance of the CRA change, the Employees benefits will change
accordingly.” Deleted: “for Employee consistent with health insurance; and City of
Boynton Beach.” Mr. Holzman was uncomfortable with this. If the City healthcare
changed, it should be an automatic change. He thought the way it was written before,
that was the idea of the previous provision. He was concerned about putting a number
in there. Attorney Cherof advised whatever was provided to other City employees was
provided here. That was the standard when it was drafted and this was the standard for
City management level employees. Mr. Holzman suggested tying it to the City senior
level staff instead of being specific. If things were to change or another Executive
Director came in, the agreement would not have to be changed. The Board was in
agreement with this change.
6.1 – Added: “shall be compensated for the use of her personal automobile for CRA
business, at the prevailing IRS mileage rate at the time of travel.” Deleted: “annual
salary includes value for a car allowance.” The Board was in agreement with this
8.1 – Added: “without prior consent of the Board which will not be unreasonably
withheld.” This change dealt with outside activities and hours of work and engaging in
other employment and professional engagements. The Board was in agreement with
this change. Attorney Cherof advised he was troubled by a phrase from a legal point of
view which was “which will not be unreasonably withheld”, because it was an
immeasurable standard. It was his suggestion to delete that phrase and have it read
“without prior consent of the Board.”
8.2 – Deleted: “quarterly”, replacing it with “annually, dealing with how often the
Employee shall disclose certain affiliations. Deleted: “the” Board, replacing it with “any”
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Board member”. Chair Rodriguez commented if Ms. Brooks was a member of a Board
in October, that would mean it would not be disclosed for almost a year. There was a
suggestion of possibly changing the agenda item regarding Disclosures by Board
Members, to include the Executive Director. There was agreement by the Board to
change this paragraph to read “will disclose at next Board meeting.”
9.1 – The names of the professional organizations were incorrect and the correct ones
were inserted. Deleted: “reasonable membership costs”, replacing with “membership
9.2 – The name of the professional organizations were incorrect and the correct ones
were inserted. Deleted: “reasonable and necessary”.
10.1 – Added: “severance in the amount equal to five (5) months pay and all accrued
vacation and sick time.” The new State Statute now reads up to 20 weeks. It was
agreed to change to read “up to 20 weeks” and add a clause if there was a termination
with cause, the severance would be zero, as defined by the State Statute.
B. Consideration of Youth Empowerment Center Neighborhood Cleanup
Ms. Brooks advised she had been dealing with Ms. Henderson of the Youth Violence
Prevention Program (YVPP). She developed a program called “In the Can”. She would
be working with her youth group in the Heart of Boynton, using them to clean along
Seacrest and in Sara Sims Park. There were no questions from the Board.
Vice Chair Orlove moved to approve and was seconded by Mr. Holzman. The motion
passed unanimously.
C. Status of Board Direction to Potential Tenants of Jones and Magnuson
Ms. Brooks advised at the last meeting it was asked that the two tenants produce more
information for review. They were then given a list of items required to produce.
Neither tenant could provide the information in time for staff to review and provide an
analysis. If agreeable to the Board, Ms. Brooks asked that this item be put on the
agenda for August so she would have sufficient time to review and provide a good
analysis. Mr. Hays asked if the tenants were provided a deadline and Ms. Brooks
indicated they were given June 30 and now they were told to provide by July. Chair
Rodriguez commented that his understanding was that the tenant planned to open in
August and asked what the timeline now was. Ms. Brooks indicated approximately 60
days to complete construction and then the tenant had to do the interior part. The
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Boynton Beach, FL July 12, 2011
opening was hoped for the beginning of the season. Ms. Brooks indicated she was
receiving calls from other people inquiring about the Ruth Jones property, showing
interest. If for some reason the current tenants fall through, it would not be necessary to
rebid as there would be other prospective tenants in the wings. It was requested that
Ms. Brooks have other prospective applicants prepared for review at the August
meeting in case the two tenants fall through for whatever reason.
XIII. New Business
A. Consideration of Board Member Travel to Florida Redevelopment
Associations (FRA) Annual Conference
Ms. Brooks indicated this was already in the budget for this fiscal year and the Board
has to approve Board travel and that was why she put this on the agenda. This was for
the Florida Redevelopment Association and she advised no one had to commit to
attendance at this time.
Mr. Hay moved to approve and Vice Chair Orlove seconded it for discussion. Vice
Chair Orlove inquired of Ms. Brooks whether it was important enough for all the Board
to attend and she advised that this particular conference was the most informative of
any of the other groups. It deals with the Florida State Statute and best practices in our
State. Other Board members would be in attendance who are serving in the same
The motion was passed unanimously.
B. Consideration of Retaining Tax Valuation Specialist Consultant to Assist
with Marina
Ms. Brooks advised the initial assessed valuation was received from the Property
Appraiser. Last year the valuation of the marina was zero. This year it was $1.2 million.
She spoke to the person that valuates the property and she was advised he was valuing
the walkways, the sidewalks, roads. He was doing it as a cost analysis and not an
income basis. Chair Rodriguez advised there was nothing to lose, only gains.
Ms. Ross moved to approve and was seconded by Mr. Holzman. The motion passed
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Boynton Beach, FL July 12, 2011
C. Approval of $1,000 Donation to Bridges at Boynton/St. John Missionary
Baptist Church 3 Annual “Back-to-School Community Health & Resource
Ms. Brooks indicated this was mistakenly put on the agenda under Consent Agenda
and should have been put under New Business because as a Board there was a policy
direction change that we would not be approving “social” donation items in the future
due to budget constraints and moving more in the direction of pure redevelopment. Ms.
Brooks would not recommend approval of this. This was a fundraising organization that
does a lot of fundraising on its own.
Mr. Holzman made a motion to deny consideration of a contribution to Bridges at
Boynton and was seconded by Ms. Ross.
Mr. Karageorge requested discussion. He advised the number of people that attended
last year was over 1,100 residents. It entailed working with the health care community,
the schools, and a lot of other different organizations. It revitalizes the community. As
disclosed earlier, Mr. Karageorge advised he was a member of the Board. He felt there
was some merit to this request.
Vice Chair Orlove agreed that there may be merit, however, he was not sure what it did
in terms of redevelopment. There are many good projects in the community, but the
Board made it clear they wanted to truly focus on redevelopment. As good as it
sounded, he would not support the donation.
Mr. Hay added he would support as it was part of the CRA area. He felt more residents
would attend this year. He also felt $1,000 for over 1,000 youth to benefit was a small
Ms. Ross wanted clarification from Mr. Karageorge if this program was part of Pathways
to Prosperity. Mr. Karageorge advised it was and that they run the Bridges program in
Boynton Beach and tied in with several other agencies.
The motion passed 4-2. (Messrs. Hay and Karageorge dissenting).
Attorney Cherof suggested future motions should be made in the affirmative to alleviate
XIV. Executive Director’s Report
A. Project Status Update
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Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL
July 12,2011
xv. Future Agenda Items
A. Renegotiate the Terms/Fees with the Palm Beach County Commission
on Ethics
B. Consideration of Options for VIP Area at Public Events (Tabled 4/12/11)
C. Consideration of Recommending to City Commission the Time Certain
Creation of an Independent CRA Board (Per Board direction to be done in
Oct. )
D. Consideration of Recommending to City Commission the Naming of
Independent CRA Board Members at the Time of Creation of an
Independent CRA Board (Tabled 4/12/11)
XVI. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Rodriguez properly adjourned the
meeting at 8:23 p.m.
[(La (~1/1M.<U>-
Ellie Caruso
Recording Secretary