Minutes 07-12-11
Mark Bobich, Chair
Ray Altman, Vice Chair
Catherine Cherry, Secretary
Tom Balfe
Mike Dauta
Chuck Magazine
Michael Rumpf
Barbara Scott
Sharon Vicki
Safety Administrator
Fire Department
City Clerk
Recreation and Parks
Risk Management
Public Works
Karen Abramson
Bevis Pigott
I. Call to Order
Chair Bobich called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m.
II. Roll Call
Roll call was taken. A quorum was present. Chair Bobich commented the Library staff
could not attend the meeting.
III. Acceptance of Minutes of June 14, 2011 regular meeting
Vice Chair Altman moved to approve the minutes. Ms. Scott seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training - tbd
Chair Bobich advised in lieu of a training video, Vice Chair Altman would give a
demonstration of how to conduct a fire extinguisher inspection. A checklist and
PowerPoint slides were distributed. The slides were also contained on the Shared
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
July 12, 2011
Fire extinguishers should be inspected monthly to ensure the extinguisher was not
discharged. Vice Chair Altman explained when inspecting the units, one should ensure
the chemicals from powder extinguishers have not caked or clogged the nozzle. The
pressure on the extinguishers should be checked to ensure the contents can be
discharged. Fire extinguishers should also be placed in the proper locations.
Extinguishers less than 40 pounds must be mounted less than five feet and more than
four inches from the floor. The extinguishers should be located in uncluttered and
unobstructed areas.
(Mr. Balfe arrived at 9:09 a.m.)
Vice Chair Altman commented the plastic tag should be locked. He also noted the
carbon dioxide extinguishers do not have a gauge and other than if the pin is removed,
the only way to determine if the extinguisher is full is for a technician to weigh it. The
inspection forms would be made available. Discussion turned to extinguishers located
in vehicles. The Recreation and Parks Department crews check the extinguishers as
part of their pre-inspection procedures, but it was unknown if the Police check the
extinguishers located in the trunk of the vehicles. At the request of the Committee, Ms.
Scott agreed to research whether personnel inspect extinguishers located in Police
vehicles on a monthly basis.
V. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
There were no reports received.
B. Proud to be a Safe Worker Awards
C. Departmental Inspections and Safety Meetings
Chair Bobich will be making the rounds for inspections and meetings.
D. Incident Review Board Referrals
E. Electrical Flame Resistant Uniforms & PPE Update
This item was emailed to the members in advance of the meeting for their review. Chair
Bobich thanked Tom Balfe, Warren Bazemore, and Bevis Pigott for their assistance in
updating the policy. He noted the Administrative Policy Manual portion pertained to
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
July 12, 2011
wearing hard hats and reflective vests near the right-of-ways. Some of the policies
should be updated annually.
Vice Chair Altman had changes to the policy that are delineated via strikethrough and
underlined as follows:
~ Page 1, fourth line from the bottom, "Altering equipment may reduces its
effectiveness . . ."
~ Page 2, first line, Equipment Specifications and Requirements, "Construction and
testinq of PPE will meet the requirements. . . ."
~ Page 2, Equipment Specifications and Requirements, add Item e. "NPPA"
~ Page 2, City Furnished Equipment: 1, the first line had a typo "Protective
equipment not normally owned by employees is furnished without cost to ef the
~ Page 3, Foot Protection, 1, fourth line should read "Office personnel are
specifically not authorized issued safety shoes. . . ."
Mike Rumpf commented Building Inspection staff is treated with equal hierarchy as their
peers as far as the importance of wearing equipment, but it did not appear the Building
Inspection role and function was given much wording in the document. Under Foot
Protection, Building functions was only used as an example in paragraph 2 and not one
of the functions used in paragraph 1 where it reads "Utilities, Public Works, Warehouse,
Fleet Maintenance, Sanitation etc.". It was noted Building Inspection personnel were
included on the Personal Protection Equipment Specification Table and there was
agreement the words inspecting or working would be added. It would also be added to
page 4, Eye and Face Protection, Item D, " . . .communication, installation, building
inspection and/or maintenance. . ."
(Mr. Balfe left the meeting at 9:33 a.m.)
The Personal Protective Equipment Table was reviewed. Vice Chair Altman noted the
Fire Department is not the only department that is involved with "Immediately
Dangerous to Life and Health" (IDLH) environments. He commented OSHA covers this
topic for any department who would enter an IDLH atmosphere. He thought it would be
beneficial to define it as a separate area for respiratory protection. Normal environments
do not require respiratory protection, but some environments have particulates which
may require one level necessitating a HEPA mask and another level with an IDLH
environment that requires full protection. He noted some of the recommendations would
cross over to eye protection.
(Mr. Balfe returned at 9:35 a.m.)
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
July 12, 2011
Vice Chair Altman referenced eye protection and an EMS call. If someone had the flu,
there would be some discretion. Goggles and respiratory protection should be used,
but the equipment used could increase the patient's anxiety; therefore, it was not always
used. He suggested separating the provisions into levels. The first level would be no
eye protection needed for standard calls without risks. The second level would require
eye protection, such as safety goggles, for calls when there is particulate matter and
flying debris. A third level, such as Ey3, was splash protection through the use of a face
shield. He noted certain activities such as intubation or violent patients, could involve a
splash. He provided scenarios and indicated the information specified the minimum
standards. Mr. Magazine agreed to add additional lines. One would be for basic
protection as Ey1, impact resistance as Ey2, and splash protection with gloves as Ey3.
He noted other departments are also involved in IDLH situations. Further discussions
followed about adding a separate line and then determine if it applied to Fire, Police
Building or other departments. The index was created specific to task, not positions. If it
was going to be specific to departments, the index should be general and task specific.
Chair Bobich suggested having a discussion after the meeting.
Vice Chair Altman also commented that at times the minimum standards might be
excessive. He suggested defining the Ey3 and Ey2 levels and emphasized the need to
add a definition of why the apparatus should be worn. Mr. Magazine suggested
incorporating the information in the APM. After further discussion, there was agreement
this item would remain on the table while Vice Chair Altman and Chair Bobich worked
on the changes. Vice Chair Altman stated for the record the document was great and
there was nothing negative, but felt better definitions would be helpful.
F. Drug Free Policy Statement
This item remained on the table.
G. Other
VI. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
B. Other
Mr. Magazine commented he had been hearing there were issues with safety shoes. If
the shoes were not being fitted or not lasting a year, they could work something out. If
more than one pair of shoes were needed or shoes were falling apart, the Department
would fill out the voucher and obtain another pair. In the past, employees provided their
shoe size to the vendor and were given that size. He noted shoes are cut differently,
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
July 12, 2011
and it was imperative the employee actually be fitted for the shoe. It was emphasized
Risk Management made arrangements to obtain a high-quality shoe. Any problems
should be directed to Risk Management and they would work on resolving the matter.
VII. Announcements
A. Other
Vice Chair Altman commented the EMS Emergency Evacuation and Training
Powerpoint was ready for the voice over. Mr. Magazine would take care of the narration
and the Powerpoint would be on the Shared drive.
VII. Next Meeting Date
The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, August 9, 2011 at 9:00 a.m.
VIII. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Magazine moved to adjourn. Vice Chair
Altman seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at
9:57 a.m.
Catherine Cherry
Recording Secretary