R94-81RESOLUTION NO. R94~/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND PALM BEACH COUNTY, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MINOR ROAD; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, known as the "Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969" authorizes local governments to make the most efficient use of their powers by enabling them to cooperate with other localities on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities that will harmonize geographic, economic, population and other factors influencing the needs and development of local communities; and WHEREAS, Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, permits public agencies as defined therein to enter into interlocal agreements with each other to jointly exercise any power, privilege, or authority which such agencies share in common and which each might exercise separately; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the citizens of Boynton Beach to complete construction of Miner Road as soon as possible since it is the most direct access from Boynton Beach Fire Station #3 to certain development projects; and WHEREAS, the City has collected $297,840 in impact fees from developers in the vicinity and Fire Station %3 and is willing to contribute that sum towards the design, planning and construction of the missing link of Miner Road; and WHEREAS, the County recognizes it is in the best interest of the citizens of the county who reside in the area of Boynton Beach Fire Station %3 to complete Miner Road, and therefore, is willing to undertake construction of the missing link of Miner Road with the City's participation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County for the construction of Miner Road. Section 3. This Resolution shall take immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of~':., 1994. effect ATTEST: Cit~ clerk ~ ~ ~Mayor APR-2B-1994 ~9:.0~ P~£ ENGINEE~I~B ~B7 47B S??B P.iO/iB D~velop~r~ Developer: Project Name: Legal Demcription: Impact F=em Paid~ L~a! De~oription~ Knollwood Groves, Inc. Knollwgo~_Grqves $108,515.00 Gene B. Glick Company Helear PUD {79,124.00 TOTAL P, 18 This In=erlooal AgTeemem~ is made the ~a~ o~ , 19~4 , between ~e Cit~ of Bo~n~on Beach, a mun~uipali~ locate~ in ~alm Beach, Florida (hereinafter "City") aha malm Bea~ Co~ty, a ~litical mubdivision of ~e S=a~e of Florida, (h~elnaft~r "Count~"), each one constitu=ing a Dublic agency ag defined in ~ar= I o~ ChaDter 163, Florida S=atutes. ~ I TN · ~ 8 ~TH ~~, gectio~ 1~.01, Florida S~atutes, ~own a~ the -~lori~a In~rlo~ai Cooperation Act of 1~6~" authorizes local gov~ent~ to ~ ~he ~t e~ficient u~e of ~eir ~owers by ~nabling ~h~ to cooperate with other localitie~ on a ~i~ of muuual adv~ge a~ ~e=e~y to provide ~ervice~ and facilitie~ that will ha~onize ge~rap~io, economic, population and other fa~or~ influencing =he neeas a~ ~velo~n= of local communities; and ~~ Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Sta=utes, pe~it~ p~lio agencies as defined therein to enter in%o interlocal agre~ents with ea~ o~er =o jolntly ex~cise any power, privil~, or au%horlty whloh such agenoie~ sha=~ in co~on and which each might exercise separat~ly~ and ~~ i~ is in the bes~ in, erect of the citizens of Boynton Beach =~. c~pl~te condec=ion o~ Miner Road as ~oon a~ possible sino~ i~- is ~ most direct accc~ from Boynton Beach Fire Z=ation A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND PALM BEACH COUNTY, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MINOR ROAD; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 163.01, Florida :Statutes, known as the Cooperation Act of 1969" authorizes local the most efficient use of their powers by with other localities on a basis of thereby to provide services and facilitie that will harmonize geographic, factors influencing the needs loca communities; and WHEREAS, Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, permits Il public agencies as defined therein to enter into interlocal agreements with each other to jointly exercise any power, privilege, or authority which such agencies share in common and which each might exerciSe separately; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the citizens of Boynton Beach to complete construction of Miner Road as soon as possible since it is the most direct access from Boynton Beach Fire Station #3 to certain development projects; and WHEREAS, the City has collected $297,840 in impact fees from developers in the vicinity and Fire Station #3 and is willing to contribute that sum. towards t]he design, planning and construction of the missing link of Miner Road; and WHEREAS, the County recognizes it is in the best interest of the citizens of the county who reside in the area of Boynton Beach Fire Station %3 to complete Miner ]Road, and therefore, is willing to undertake construction of the missing link of Miner__ Road with the City's participation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT= Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, does hereby authorize and.direct the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County for the construction of Miner Road. Section 3. This immediately upon passage. Resolution shall take effect PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of April, 1994. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Commissioner Commissioner ATTEST: City Clerk W~~# the City has collected $297,$40.00 in impa~-~ fees £rom developers in ~he vicinity and Fire Station #~; and WHR~t the City has requested the County ~o oo~lete construction of the missing link of ~iner Road and is willing contri~te the $297,840.00 tow~dm the design, planning and ~ons~ction of the mis~ing li~ of Miner Road; and ~Ba~, the Co~ty reo~nizes it is in the best interest of the citizen~ of the cowry who resi=e in =he area of Boynton Beach Fire Station ~3 to c~plete Miner Roa~, an~ therefore, is willin~ to undert~e =onst~ction of the missing link of Miner Road with the City's pa~icipa~ion. ~~E~K~, in consideration o= =~e mu=ual represen=a=lons, terms, an= covenan=s ~ere!nafter ~et fo~ t~e rece~p: an~ sufficiency o~ ~l~ ~s ~ereDy acKnowle~gee, t~e part~es ~ereDy a~ee as follows: s~t~on x~ T~e p~po~e O~ ~l~ Agr~emen~ ls ~o provide flor ~e alloca~Lon of responsibiliti~ ~tween ~e City and the county for planning, ~esi~a~cons~ction of the m~ssing l~nk of Miner Road between La~ence Road an~ Con~ess Avenue as depicted in general on the sketch attached here=o as ~hibit "A", hereinafter referred to as ~e "Proje~". T~ County's representative/contra~ monitor during the te~ of ~is A~eem~t shall be Charles Walker, Director, Traffic Division whose telephone n~r is (407) 684-4030. The City'~ repre~entative/contra~t monitor during the term of this Agreeme~ ~hall be Carrie A. _~arker, City,.,.Nana, get , whose telephone nu~er is ~407) . 37~'~0~0 · Thi~ Aqreement ~ha11 take e£~eo~ upon execution by both ~.1 City hereby agrees ~s fo!lows~ ~. City shall hire a consulting engineer, at City's ~ole Co,=nty s~oi£ioation~ and sh~ll d~liver s~id plmns to County in ~bid ready" format including all necessary permits. City's of engineer and the fee to be paid to such engineer shall be mubject to County's prior writt=n approvs1, which ~.pproval shall not be unreasonably denied or delayed. The County shall have right to r~view and approve the plan~. b. City shall pay for the "bid ready" plans from the of t~e plans or October 1, 1994, whichever is later. 4.2 County hereby agrees as follows= a. county shall s¢~e~ulet~e Project in its flscal. 94/g5 road cons%ruction program and Will com~e~¢e construction of =he Fro]e¢= as soon al=er dc=oDer 1, 1994 as is practicable provided cl~y ha~' dellvered the plans and the balance of the impact fees to ~e county. b. County shall provide~the funning require8 above the imDact fees remitted by the City n~ce~ar~to complete ~he It is estimated that the total cost of Project will be aDDroximately $450,000.00. c. UDon completion of the ~roje=t, County ~hall accept Miner Road as a Count~ maintained road. d. County ~hall provide traffic impact fee credit~ to the develop~r~ who contributed to the $297,8&0.00 collected by the City in accordance with Exhibit 'B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. City ~hall maintain adequatm records to justify all charge~, expen=~=, and co~t= incurred in performing the plan preparation for at lea~t three (3) year= after completion of the Project. The County ~ha11 have aoce~ to all book~, records and documents a= required in thi~ ~ection for the purpose of inspection or audit during normal business hours. The partiee hereto expressly covenant and egree that in the even~ either p~r~ i$ in de£aul~ of its obligations herein, the paz~cy not in default shall pro~ide to the party in default thirty (30) days writtennotice to cure said default before exercising any of its rights =s provided for in this Agreement. Oe~on 70 Nnforu~ent Cost~ An~,costs or expenses (including reasonabl~ attorney's fees) associated with =he enforcement of the terms and/or conditions of thisAc/ree~ent shall b~ borne by =h~ r~sp~ctlve parties, provide~, however, that this clause pertains only to the parties to this Agreement. Ali notz._es r~quira~ to be given un~er =his;~greement s~all De dmemed sufficient to mach party when delivered by United States Charles R. walker, Jr., P.E., Director, Tra£Z~c ~lvls!cn 160 Australian Ave. w. Pal~ Beach, F1 3340~ w£=h a copy ~0: County Attorney 301 N. Olive Ave. Suite W. Pall~ Beach, FI. 33%01 Carrie Parker C~ty Manager City cZ Boynton Beac~ 10o E. Boynton ~eacn Blvo. Boynton Beach, Fi 33435 with a copy ~o: Section 9. Delegation ofDut~ Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to authorize the delegation of the constitutional or statutory duties of state, county, or city officers. A copy of this Agreement shall be filed in the records of the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners. and employees shall not be ~eemed to assume any liability for the acts, omissions, an~ negligence of the other party. Further, nothing herein shall be con~=rued as a waiver ofsovereign immunity by either party, pursuant to seutlun 7~8.~, Florida Statutes. E~ch par~y, to =he ~xt~nt permitted by law, agrees to protecu, defend, r~£mburs~, indemnify and hold the o~her party, its agents, employees mn~ elected officer~, and each of them free and ~armless at ~11 tlme~ from and against any and all suits, a~lo~s, legal or a~nistrative proceedings, claims, de~ds, damages, nature whe=~er arising in any manner dire~ly or ind~rectly caused, o=casione~ or oon~ributed to in whole or l~ par=, Dy reaso~ o~ any act, ~ission or ~ault w~e=~er ~ndemnl~ying party, of anyone acting under its Oirection or control, or on its be~a!f in connection per=o~nce of t~s Agreement. In no event shall t~is lnd~nlfication apply to liability caus~ Ay the ~egl~gence or willful misconduct of ~e benefitted party, its respective ag~ts, servants, employees or officers, nor shall =he liability limits set fo~h i~ 768.28, Florida Statutes, ~ waived. s~tion ~3. ~n~e~ ~is Aqreement maM ~e amended ~ea~!ou 14. This Agreement shall bo oon~trued by an~ governed by the laws o~ ~he S~=te of Florida. Any and all legal a=tion necessa~ ~o ~nforce T.he Agreement will be h~d in Pal~ ~each County. No remedy herein co, farted upon any ~art¥ i~ intended~obe exclusive of any uther remedy, and ea=h and every su~=h remedy shall De c~ulatlve an~ shall be in addition to evert' other remedy given ~ereunder or now or hereafter ~xis~in$ at !aw 'or in equlEy or Dy statute or otherwim~. No ~ingle or partial exercise Dy any 9arty of any right, power, or remedy hereunder s~ali preclude any ot~her or further exercise thereof. ~eo~n 1~. T~e o£ ~e T~e par=les expressly agree t~a~ =~me lB o= =~e essence in this Agreement and =~e :al!ute Dy a party' to complete performance wic~in the time speciE~e~, or within a reasonable time if no time l~ spec!fle~ here~n, s~ai1, a: ~A%e op=lon of =~e o=her par=y w~c/~ou= llablli=y, in addition =o-any otAer rights or remeO~es, re!lave =~e o~er party of any obligation to accept sucA performance. The County and the City agree that no person shall, on the grc~3nds of race, color, sex, national origin, disability, religion, ancestry, marital status, or sexual orientation be excluded from the benefits of, or be subjected to any form of discrimination under any activity carried out by the performance of this Agreement. ~ect~on 17. C&m~o_ns Tae oaptlons and section designations herein set forth are for convenience only and shall have no substantive meaning. In the event that any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, or provision hereof beheld by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such shall net affect the remaining portions of this Agreement and the same shall remain in full force and effect. sea~ton 19, ~ntire~ of ~=reement This Agreement represents the entire understanding between the parties, and supersedes all-other negotiations, representations, or agreement, either written or oral, relatin~ to this!Agreement. ATTEST: Dorothy H. Wilken Deputy Clerk PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By: Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM AND L~I2AL SUFFICIENCY County ATTEST: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA A~ROVED A~ TO [~ORM AND LEGAL ~%Tl~I CT ~ BY: City Attorney ;I Deecr£p~£on ~ Paid; Developer~ Name: Deecription; Impaot Fees Paid: EXHIBIT Knollwood Groves, Inc. Knollwood Groves $108,515.00 Gene B. Glick Company Melear PUD $79,124;00 9 TOTAL P, 10 R95 0021D INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT This Interlocal Agreement is made the day of JAN 1 0 1995 , 199 , between the City of Boynton Beach, a municipality located in Palm Beach, Florida (hereinafter "City ") and Palm Beach County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, (hereinafter "County "), each one constituting a public agency as defined in Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, known as the "Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969" authorizes local governments to make the most efficient use of their powers by enabling them to cooperate with other localities on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities that will harmonize geographic, economic, population and other factors influencing the needs and development of local communities; and WHEREAS, Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, permits public agencies as defined therein to enter into i nterl ocal agreements with each other to jointly exercise any power, privilege, or authority which such agencies share in common and which each might exercise separately; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of Boynton Beach to complete construction of Miner Road as soon as possible since it is the most direct access from Boynton Beach Fire Station #3 to certain development projects; and WHEREAS, the City has collected $297,840.00 from developers in the vicinity of Fire Station #3; and WHEREAS, the City has requested the County to complete construction of the missing link of Miner Road and is willing to contribute the $297,840.00 towards the design, planning and construction of the missing link of Miner Road; and WHEREAS, the County recognizes it is in the best interest of the citizens of the County who reside in the area of Boynton Beach Fire Station #3 to complete Miner Road, and therefore, is willing to undertake construction of the missing link of Miner Road with the City's participation. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual representations, terms, and covenants hereinafter set forth the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: Section 1. Purpose The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the allocation of responsibilities between the City and the County for the planning, design and construction of the missing link of Miner Road between Lawrence Road and Congress Avenue as depicted in general on the sketch attached hereto as Exhibit "A ", hereinafter referred to as the "Project ". Section 2. Representative /Monitoring Position The County's representative /contract monitor during the term of this Agreement shall be Charles Walker, Director, Traffic Division whose telephone number is (407) 684 -4030. The City's representative /contract monitor during the term of this Agreement shall be Carrie A. Parker, City Manager, whose telephone number is (407) 375- 6010. Section 3. Effective Date/Term This Agreement shall take effect upon execution by both parties. Section 4. Responsibilities and Duties 4.1 City hereby agrees as follows: a. City shall hire a consulting engineer, at City's sole cost and expense, to complete construction plans for the Project to County specifications and shall deliver said plans to County in "bid ready" format including all necessary permits. City's choice of engineer and the fee to be paid to such engineer shall be subject to County's prior written approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably denied or delayed. The County shall have the right to review and approve the plans. b. City shall pay for the "bid ready" plans from the $297,840.00 the City has already collected. City shall remit the balance of these funds to the County upon completion of the plans or October 1, 1994, whichever is later. 4.2 County hereby agrees as follows: a. County shall schedule the Project in its fiscal 94/95 road construction program and will commence construction of the Project as soon after October 1, 1994 as is practicable provided City has delivered the plans and the balance of the impact fees to the County. 2 b. County shall provide the funding required above the impact fees remitted by the City necessary to complete the Project. It is estimated that the total cost of Project will be approximately $500,000.00. c. Upon completion of the Project, County shall accept Miner Road as a County maintained road. d. County shall provide traffic impact fee credits to the developers who contributed to the $297,840.00 collected by the City in accordance with Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 5. Access and Audits City shall maintain adequate records to justify all charges, expenses, and costs incurred in performing the plan preparation for at least three (3) years after completion of the Project. The County shall have access to all books, records and documents as required in this section for the purpose of inspection or audit during normal business hours. Section 6. Breach /Opportunity to Cure The parties hereto expressly covenant and agree that in the event either party is in default of its obligations herein, the party not in default shall provide to the party in default thirty (30) days written notice to cure said default before exercising any of its rights as provided for in this Agreement. Section 7. Enforcement Costs Any costs or expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) associated with the enforcement of the terms and /or conditions of this Agreement shall be borne by the respective parties, provided, however, that this clause pertains only to the parties to this Agreement. Section 8. Notice All notices required to be given under this Agreement shall be deemed sufficient to each party when delivered by United States Mail to the following: County: Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E., Director, Traffic Division 160 Australian Ave. W. Palm Beach, F1 33406 with a copy to: County Attorney 301 N. Olive Ave. Suite 600 W. Palm Beach, Fl. 33401 3 City: Carrie A. Parker, City Manager City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, F1 33435 with a copy to: Section 9. Delegation of Duty Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to authorize the delegation of the constitutional or statutory duties of state, county, or city officers. Section 10. Filing A copy of this Agreement shall be filed in the records of the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners. Section 11. Liability The parties to this Agreement and their respective officers and employees shall not be deemed to assume any liability for the acts, omissions, and negligence of the other party. Further, nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver of sovereign immunity by either party, pursuant to Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. Section 12. Indemnification Each party, to the extent permitted by law, agrees to protect, defend, reimburse, indemnify and hold the other party, its agents, employees and elected officers, and each of them free and harmless at all times from and against any and all suits, actions, legal or administrative proceedings, claims, demands, damages, liabilities, interest, attorney's fees, costs and expenses of whatsoever kind or nature whether arising in any manner directly or indirectly caused, occasioned or contributed to in whole or in part, by reason of any act, omission or fault whether active or passive of the indemnifying party, of anyone acting under its direction or control, or on its behalf in connection with or incident to the performance of this Agreement. In no event shall this indemnification apply to liability caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the benefitted party, its respective agents, servants, employees or officers, nor shall the liability limits set forth in 768.28, Florida Statutes, be waived. Section 13. Amendments This Agreement may be amended in writing executed by both parties. 4 Section 14. Remedies This Agreement shall be construed by and governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Any and all legal action necessary to enforce the Agreement will be held in Palm Beach County. No remedy herein conferred upon any party is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy, and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise. No single or partial exercise by any party of any right, power, or remedy hereunder shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof. Section 15. Time of the Essence The parties expressly agree that time is of the essence in this Agreement and the failure by a party to complete performance within the time specified, or within a reasonable time if no time is specified herein, shall, at the option of the other party without liability, in addition to any other rights or remedies, relieve the other party of any obligation to accept such performance. Section 16. Equal Opportunity Provision The County and the City agree that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, national origin, disability, religion, ancestry, marital status, or sexual orientation be excluded from the benefits of, or be subjected to any form of discrimination under any activity carried out by the performance of this Agreement. Section 17. Captions The captions and section designations herein set forth are for convenience only and shall have no substantive meaning. Section 18. Severability In the event that any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, or provision hereof be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such shall not affect the remaining portions of this Agreement and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 5 Section 19. Entirety of Agreement This Agreement represents the entire understanding between the parties, and supersedes all other negotiations, representations, or agreement, either written or oral, relating to this Agreement. ATTEST: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA BY4! ��i - - BY (h'" APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY By: Ar ' 4 7 ,0:11! " / "7 City Attorney ATTEST: 1 � ,,, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ITS `Ot11tl +, BO''! OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Dorothy H. Wilken 'Pc Deputy Cl erl ,' 4 :r• ` ' / — hair APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIEN Y R95 0 021D -au \A ` orney JAN 1 0 1995 G: \gengovt \ebh \boybch.int 6 1 r ' N , 1 MILE 1.- 0 cc MINER RD w Z El-a M Ct ISSING LINK w 3,280 Q .<5 FIRE STATION #3 ci w cc 0 z 0 U EXHIBIT A t EXHIBIT "B" 1. Knollwood Groves Inc. Knollwood Groves Impact Fees Credit - $108,515 2. Gene B. Glick Company, Inc. Melear PUD Impact Fees Credit - $79,124.00