Minutes 10-04-11
AT 6:30 P.M., ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4,2011
Jose Rodriguez, Mayor
William Grlove, Vice Mayor
Woodrow L. Hay, Commissioner
Steven Holzman, Commissioner
Marlene Ross, Commissioner
Lori LaVerriere, Interim City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Janet Prainito, City Clerk
A. Call to order - Mayor Jose Rodriguez
B. Invocation
C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Holzman
Mayor Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. The invocation was given by
Vice Mayor Grlove. Commissioner Holzman led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
(Commissioner Ross arrived at 6:36 p.m.)
D. Agenda Approval:
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Attorney Cherof advised staff had requested Item 7.C be tabled and Item 7.B should
remain on the table because there had been an appeal of the denial of the protest and it
would move forward to the City Commission for disposition.
Commissioner Hay pulled Item 6.A for discussion.
2. Adoption
Vice Mayor Grlove moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner
Holzman seconded the motion.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4, 2011
The motion passed.
A. Informational Items by Members of the City Commission
Commissioner Hay reported the County Commission had approved the modification of
the deed restriction on the Quantum Park lot slated for a parking lot for the EWE Group
He also requested the City Attorney review the Commission's responsibility regarding
open communication. Attorney Cherof advised all communication between members of
the Commission on items that could come before the Commission for consideration
should occur in the sunshine. The sunshine is a public meeting and all communications
should be audible to the audience. The limitation applies under the Florida Sunshine
Commissioner Holzman wished everyone a Happy New Year and easy fast. He had
also toured the Children's Schoolhouse Museum with a local kindergarten class who
used the new amphitheater for their lunch.
Vice Mayor Orlove announced the Children's Museum had won a sign contest beating
600 other nation-wide entries and had received $10,000. The "Wedding on the
Waterway" project had received at least 12 applications and the Recreation and Parks
Board would be making a decision to be announced in November. Beach decals were
now available for the new year and could be bought at City Hall and the Intracoastal
Clubhouse. Vice Mayor Orlove would be reading Llama Llama Red Pajama, to a class
at Forest Park Elementary as part of the Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County "Read
for the Record" program. Commissioners Ross and Hay urged everyone to participate
in the National Day of Reading.
Commissioner Ross had attended the Chamber of Commerce Tri-Chamber Business
Expo at the Courtyard Marriott in conjunction with Lantana and Lake Worth. She
congratulated the Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce on a nice event.
Mayor Rodriguez announced he and the Vice Mayor had attended the Literacy Coalition
Luncheon for the "Read for the Record" program and hoped the City of Boynton Beach
could again win the competition for the most participation in the event set for October 6,
2011. Mayor Rodriguez had also met with the new Principal of Boynton Beach High
School, Ms. Whetsell, to establish a relationship between her and the City for the
coming year. He had also thrown out the first pitch at the Little League kickoff. Mayor
Rodriguez had introduced and welcomed Congressman Allen West, who had his
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4, 2011
second town hall meeting in Boynton Beach. Commissioner Ross had facilitated the
Mayor Rodriguez also acknowledged the passing of former Florida Governor Claude
Kirk and recognized his hard work and dedication.
A. Announcement of Sunday Funday on Sunday, October 9,2011.
Kathy Biscuiti, Special Events Director, announced October starts the events season
with Sunday Funday being held at the Marina, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. It would include a
petting zoo with over 20 animals. Small pumpkins would be available for painting and
there would be face painting and steel drum music. Similar events would be held every
month to acquaint people with the Marina and available water sports.
B. Announcement of the Downtown Open Market on Sunday, October 16, 2011.
Ms. Biscuiti also announced the first Downtown Open Market being held inside and
outside the Civic Center that would include at least ten Gourmet Food Trucks. Indie
crafts, vintage goods, music and food would be available from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. It was
hoped the market would be held on a monthly basis.
C. Proclamation the Month of October as National Arts and Humanities Month for
the City of Boynton Beach
Mayor Rodriguez proclaimed the month of October as National Arts and Humanities
Month and read the Proclamation to be presented to Barbara Ready, Chair of the Arts
Commission. Ms. Ready remarked Palm Beach County's cultural industry is an
economic force with a symbiotic relationship with the business community. It revitalizes
downtown areas by attracting new businesses and sustains economic vibrancy as the
cornerstone of tourism and economic development. The Arts Commission appreciated
the support of the Commission.
D. Recognize the City Hall Painting Project sponsors.
Mayor Rodriguez recognized the sponsors of the City Hall painting project, without
whom the event would have been impossible. Cafe Frankie owner, Anthony Calicheo,
supplied lunch for the painters, Solid Waste Authority supplied the paint, REG Architect
Rick Gonzalez supplied the design and color scheme, ACE Hardware supplied the
necessary painting supplies for the project and staff who worked very hard.
Rick Gonzalez accepted the certificate and remarked it was nice to be recognized for
the community service and he would share it with his staff at REG Architects.
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Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4, 2011
Anthony Calicchio thanked Mayor Rodriguez for the recognition and Cafe Frankie's
hoped to be able to assist with any future food needs.
Linda Moren indicated it was a pleasure for the Solid Waste Authority to be able to
donate the recycled paint and hoped to continue to work with the City in the future.
Dale Hatch acknowledged ACE Hardware was happy to be a part of the project.
Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator and Jeff Livergood, Director of Solid
Waste and Engineering also received certificates of appreciation.
Vice Mayor Orlove pointed out there was more to be done and Mayor Rodriguez
agreed. It was hoped the project could continue, weather permitting.
(at the discretion of the Chair, this 3 minute allowance may need to be
adjusted depending on the level of business coming before the City
David Katz, 67 Midwood Lane, read a police incident report relating to a domestic
dispute involving Sarah Mercedes Marquez and Mayor Rodriguez, husband and wife.
The report indicated the threshold for a violation of Florida law had not been met. Mr.
Katz alleged there was undue influence placed because the initial report has an
indication, "Not For Public Release." A copy of the report is available in the City Clerk's
Carol Volkman, 1207 NW ih Court, thanked the Commission for agreeing to leave the
Senior Center open until 4 p.m. It was ~reatly appreciated by everyone. The Center's
12th Anniversary would be October t and she invited everyone to share in the
Joe Schultz, 1073 NW 11 th Street, made the Commission aware of a problem in Sky
Lake Development, concerning oversized vehicles of all types that harm the safety,
home values and enjoyment of the community. The area has vehicles parked and
stored everywhere, including boats, jet skis on trailers, RV trailers, tow trucks, flat beds,
swamp buggies, air boats, farm tractors, golf carts, commercial trailers and vehicles and
even car carriers. Many of the owners of the vehicles are bullies and have retaliated
against those who complain. Mr. Schultz had received a death threat in the mail and his
wife had been threatened while in her vehicle, by another vehicle. Mr. Schultz
contended the Police and Code Compliance refused to assist in the matter. He asked
that the future request to allow bigger vehicles in the neighborhood be denied and
stricter codes be put in place with chronic violators fined.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4, 2011
Susie Peccerelli, 4289 Dale Road, West Palm Beach, asked the Commission to review
an agreement she had received that violated her rights as an employee.
No one else coming forward, Mayor Rodriguez closed public audience.
A. Appoint eligible members of the community to serve in vacant positions on City
advisory boards
Commissioner Holzman moved to table all appointments. Commissioner Ross
seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Matters in this section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the
City Manager for "Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each
item, with all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public
Record and subject to staff comments.
A. Approve the purchase of 15 AED's at the state contract rate from Cardiac
Science of $1,369 each, for a total expenditure of $20,535 to be paid from the
State Law Enforcement Trust Fund
Commissioner Hay inquired about the criteria to distribute the AED (Automatic External
Defibrillators) units. Chief Immler advised the units are in the patrol cars for every shift.
The Police Department usually gets to life support calls before the Fire Department and
it allows for treatment of a heart failure. There are seven or eight currently in use and
the 15 would be additional.
Commissioner Hay moved to approve. Commissioner Ross seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
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Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4, 2011
B. Accept the FY 2010 -11 Budget Status Report of the General Fund & Utility
Fund Revenues & Expenditures for the eleven (11) month period ended August
C. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R11-111 - Approve the temporary road
closing of Federal Highway on December 3, 2011 for the Holiday Parade and
authorize the City Manager (or designee) to apply for the state permit for the
temporary road closure.
D. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R11-112 - Approve amendment to the Youth
Empowerment Center services agreement with Catrina Lyons (R11-047),
Facilitator for One-eighty for Girls Violence Prevention Project (the "Provider")
to continue to offer programs at the Boynton Beach Youth Empowerment
Center (YEC) through October 20, 2011.
E. Approve a written assurance confirming the City of Boynton Beach will fulfill all
requirements necessary for Certified Local Government certification.
F. Approve the minutes from the City Commission regular meeting held on
September 20,2011
(1) Approve Final Closeout Change Order to Construction Services Agreement
with Felix Associates, LLC to exceed the Commission authorized project
amount of $3,420,857.00 by an additional $11,874.66 for the Raw Water Main
Interconnect, Section A Project for a final project total of $3,432,731.66 and
(2) Approve the final payment to the contractor of $58,507.29.
Vice Mayor Orlove questioned the cost overruns over the contingency. Ms. LaVerriere
replied it was emergency field conditions. Kofi Boateng, Utilities Director, explained the
expenses were unanticipated circumstances encountered during the course of the
project. The monies were transferred from CIP Funds. The source of the funding was
discussed and Mr. Boateng indicated lower than anticipated expenses had created
some excess funds. The problem was in the first phase of the interconnect between the
West Water Treatment Plant and the East Water Treatment Plant. County road repairs
were ongoing and the repair would avoid double digging the roadway. Ms. LaVerriere
stressed the situation was not normal or common practice.
Commissioner Holzman inquired how much money was available in the CIP Fund that
was not allocated to a specific purpose. Mr. Boateng explained the market for
construction cost is favorable and many estimates for projects had been high creating a
surplus to deal with unanticipated expenses. Ms. LaVerriere added the initial revenue
was from a bond issuance and capital expansion funds.
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Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4, 2011
Mr. Atwood interjected the monies were from the available fund balance that was not
committed in the utility CIP Fund. Upon completion of a project, any excess monies go
back into the fund balance or any excess cost would be taken out of the fund balance.
Commissioner Hay moved to approve. Vice Mayor Drlove seconded the motion.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue for public comment and no one came forward.
The motion passed unanimously.
B. (1) Reject the seven (7) highest bids the City received in response to the
Invitation to Bidders
(2) PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R11-087 - Award a contract for Bid #059-
2821-11fTWH "Regional Lift Station at Pence Park" to Wharton-Smith, Inc. of
Sanford, Florida with a Bid price of $812,000, also approve an owner's
contingency of 10% of the amount of $81,200 for a total funding authorization
of $893,200. - (TABLED 8/16/11 & 9/6/11 & 9/20/11)
Recommend item remain tabled until 10/18/11
(This item was tabled earlier in the meeting.)
C. Approve changes to the Annual Bid for Landscape Maintenance, original Bid
#054-2730-08/JA, to redistribute maintenance locations and tasks to second
lowest bidders, due to the closing of one of the awarded vendors.
(This item was tabled earlier in the meeting.)
The City Commission will conduct these public hearings in its dual capacity
as Local Planning Agency and City Commission.
for Humanity (LUAR 11-001) reclassifying subject property from Public and
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4, 2011
Private Governmental/Institutional (PPGI) to Moderate Density Residential
(MoDR). Applicant: Michael Campbell
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 11-026 by title only, on first reading. He
explained there would be two public hearings because it incorporates a Comprehensive
Plan amendment to the Future Land Use element.
Vice Mayor Orlove inquired if the Church had submitted any comments regarding the
site and Hanna Matras, Senior Planner, replied there were none. The Church was
aware of the project and had sold part of the property to the applicant, Michael
Campbell. It would be a platted subdivision and the Lane Use Amendment and
Rezoning would not indicate the size of the homes or any site plan specifics.
Commissioner Ross moved to approve. Commissioner Holzman seconded the motion.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue for public hearing. No one came forward.
City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The vote was 5-0.
for Humanity (LUAR 11-001) rezoning subject property from R-1-A (Single-
family Residential District) to R-1 (Single-family Residential District). Applicant:
Michael Campbell
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 11-027 by title only, on first reading.
Vice Mayor Orlove moved to approve. Commissioner Holzman seconded the motion.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue for public hearing. No one came forward.
City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The vote was 5-0.
Section 26-9 of the City's Code governing water and wastewater rates that will
implement a revised rate structure effective November 1, 2011
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4, 2011
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 11-022 by title only, on second reading.
There would be two public hearings on this matter as well because it relates to utility
Mayor Rodriguez inquired about the debt service and Mr. Atwood advised the debt
service on the current bonds would be an additional $1.8 million a year for 25 years to
pay back the $20 million plus interest. The rate would increase 3% this year and 2% a
year the following years or 14% over five years. Bonds are layered year to year. The
monies are primarily for repairs and maintenance of the infrastructure and would be
Vice Mayor Orlove stressed the rates were the second lowest in the area and would
remain so throughout South Florida and the Treasure Coast. Only the City of Boca
Raton would have lower rates.
Commissioner Ross asked if the residents were notified and Mr. Atwood indicated the
residents had been notified through the water bills.
Vice Mayor Orlove moved to approve. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue for public hearing. No one came forward.
City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The vote was 5-0.
A. Continue discussions of Downtown development options focusing on possible
relocation or renovation of existing Police Department and I or City Hall
Ms. LaVerriere recalled there had been a workshop and a matrix of options and cost
estimates were submitted to the Commission. Staff had been directed to inventory the
vacant City-owned land, not deed restricted, that could be sold and appraisals obtained.
Staff also determined more accurate costs of building a new Police facility on the High
Ridge site or the east Seacrest Boulevard option.
Mr. Livergood reported on the difference between prior purchase prices to the land
values. The nine acres on High Ridge Road were purchased in 2004 for $4.2 million
with a current value of $3 million. The Seacrest property was purchased by the CRA, a
value of $6.5 million and the Rolling Green municipal complex was purchased in 1960
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4,2011
for $10,000. The Leisureville parcel was purchased in 1990 for $100 and the
circumstances of the purchase were unknown.
Mayor Rodriguez suggested the properties currently being used, such as the old Fire
Station #2, could be sold. Mr. Livergood recognized, once vacated, the properties could
be sold. The value of the land would be approximately $450,000 to $500,000. The
other location would be the Miner Road facility that could be available if a Police
headquarters would be built. Mr. Livergood did not feel the parcel on Miner Road would
have any value due to access restrictions and the narrow nature of the property.
Chief Immler indicated six to 12 officers operate out of old Fire Station #2 plus storage
of confiscated vehicles and two large generators. Some evidence and/or property can
be stored off-site at a relatively secure area. Public storage facilities are not secured.
Commissioner Holzman asked if the additional space could be used for the officers at
the current facility. Chief Immler advised there was some expansion into available office
space as departments were moved. The vehicles stored in the basement have now
been moved to the towing facility storage area according to the contract at no cost.
There is a significant amount of space in the area that could be developed and the
evidence and storage problems could be solved for years. Mr. Livergood estimated air
conditioning would be required at a cost of approximately $500,000.
Mayor Rodriguez recalled there was a suggestion to brainstorm the possible closing of
Fire Station #1 that would solve many space issues. Ms. LaVerriere felt it was part of
an even larger discussion on the downtown area and campus that could be done at a
Commissioner Hay would consider closing Fire Station #1 in lieu of the proposal for the
additional space. Commissioner Holzman would consider the option in conjunction with
all other options. Vice Mayor Orlove would be open to the idea, but it would have to be
part of a larger discussion that included adequate coverage for the barrier islands.
Commissioner Ross concurred with Vice Mayor Orlove.
Vice Mayor Orlove asked Chief Immler if the proposed changes in office space and the
use of the open space would be sufficient to meet the needs of the Police Department
for several years. Chief Immler felt it would be sufficient if Fire Station #1 area and the
downstairs area would be included. Ms. LaVerriere cautioned it would come with a cost
of at least $1 million.
Mayor Rodriguez favored selling off property and opening a Police Station Fund for any
proceeds. Ms. LaVerriere indicated it was possible. Commissioner Holzman agreed.
Commissioner Hay felt other priorities may have to be considered before all monies are
deposited in the new Fund.
Vice Mayor Orlove asked about the parcel in Leisureville and the intent of the purchase.
Mr. Livergood was unaware of the details of the purchase and there was no public
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4, 2011
purpose for the parcel. Staff recommended the parcel be sold. Vice Mayor Orlove
suggested the parcel be placed for sale to start the process of selling vacant, City-
owned parcels. Mike Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director, recalled the parcel was part
of a land swap in connection with the development of the Woolbright Place PCD. It did
not have any park dedication requirements.
Commissioner Holzman wanted to include the High Ridge parcel for sale and the
Leisureville property. Mayor Rodriguez agreed. Mr. Livergood recommended the
workshop be held with a view toward the next ten years.
Commissioner Holzman moved to put the High Ridge and Leisureville locations up for
Vice Mayor Orlove amended the motion to focus on the Leisureville site. Commissioner
Ross seconded the motion.
The original motion was amended to consider the High Ridge motion at a later time for a
public safety complex as envisioned by a prior Commission. Vice Mayor Orlove
contended the High Ridge property should be part of the workshop bigger discussion.
Mayor Rodriguez agreed the 2004 Commission did have the idea for the public safety
complex; however, the same Commission in 2006 approved the Downtown Master Plan
that retained the complex in the downtown.
Chief Immler reiterated if the Police Department had the space now occupied by Fire
Station #1 and the downstairs garage space could be utilized, would total approximately
65,000 square feet that could serve the Department well into the future. Commissioner
Holzman emphasized the decisions of past Commissions were not necessarily correct
and a decision today should not be based on decisions made six years ago. The sale
of the most valuable piece of commercial property in the entire City would solve the
problems relating to both Police and Fire with borrowing or issuing bonds. It would not
cost the taxpayers anything.
Vice Mayor Orlove agreed partially, recognizing the future of Fire Station #1 was the key
to any plan. He reiterated his contention that the Leisureville property be marketed and
workshop the future of the current City Hall, Police Department and downtown in
Commissioner Hay added there were many questions and comments with off-the-cuff
estimates that were not sufficient to make a decision at this time. The workshop would
be appropriate and a decision delayed. Commissioner Holzman remarked putting a
property for sale does not mean it would necessarily be sold. The value of the property
cannot be accurately determined until it is placed for sale and an offer to purchase is
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4,2011
Commissioner Ross felt any decision would be premature and understood the High
Ridge site had some access issues. Ms. LaVerriere agreed access for a commercial
use off of Gateway Boulevard would not be possible due to the proximity of the site to
the intersection. Mayor Rodriguez stressed the decision to sell would come back before
the Commission. Attempting to sell the property and the workshop could be done in
parallel to show the Police the Commission is sincere in finding them a home and taking
action. The terms of the sale can be determined if and when a serious offer is received.
The property on Congress Avenue that was old Fire Station #2 could also be put on the
market with parameters to regulate the sale and occupancy.
Mayor Rodriguez passed the gavel and amended the motion to immediately enter into
some "for sale" agreement with the Gateway property, property in Leisureville and the
property on Congress Avenue and that each one have some specific criteria so there is
a back up plan for each one. Commissioner Ross seconded the motion.
Vice Mayor Orlove felt the plan was too aggressive and the Congress Avenue (old Fire
Station #2) should not be added because it is not available property. Vehicles are
stored there and staff currently occupies the space.
Mayor Rodriguez would not amend his motion since any agreement could specify the
closing date and terms of the sale.
Vice Mayor Orlove moved to allow the public to speak on the issue. Commissioner Hay
seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Vice Mayor Orlove opened the issue for public comment and no one came forward.
Commissioner Hay remained uncomfortable with the numerous private conversations
that were ongoing. He thought it should be discussed in a more reasonable
Attorney Cherof indicated things were not moving as quickly as perceived. The
Commission would be voting on a conceptual approval to move forward in a certain
direction. There were many legal requirements involved with selling City owned
property. The matter will be returned to the Commission several times to effectuate a
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4, 2011
sale and approve the necessary contracts with the restrictions that have been
The motion carried unanimously.
It was decided Ms. LaVerriere would suggest available Saturday morning dates for a
workshop and coordinate everyone's schedule to set a date for the workshop.
A. Approve the job description, qualifications, and process timelines for City
Manager search.
Julie Oldbury, Director of Human Resources, recalled the chronology of the events
relating to the search for a City Manager.
Mayor Rodriguez inquired if it was typical to have public interviews and Ms. Oldbury
replied in her experience, it was typical. Each Commissioner would meet individually
with each candidate and then at a public meeting there would be presentations by the
finalists. Only the Commission would be asking questions of the candidates. Attorney
Cherof advised it would not be a public hearing. It would be open to the public. Ms.
Old bury noted there could be an opportunity for public input into the process.
Vice Mayor Orlove appreciated staff's input including the Interim City Manager's
background and qualifications. Based on the information provided, he did not feel any
further search was warranted. The best candidate was already in the position and he
suggested Ms. LaVerriere be appointed City Manager.
Commissioner Ross agreed and commented by retaining the Interim City Manager, the
learning curve would be shortened. Mayor Rodriguez agreed initially filling the position
with the Assistant City Manager was the right decision. He maintained the Commission
had a responsibility to assess the field of candidates including Ms. LaVerriere and give
the public an opportunity to see and hear the candidates. It is an inexpensive process
and Ms. LaVerriere may remain the top candidate.
Commissioner Hay asked for an estimate of the cost involved in the process. Ms.
Oldbury intended to get the assistance of Work Force Alliance to partner with the City to
do the competency assessment; however, she had not received a response to her
inquiries. A management assessment could cost $6,595 for the top ten candidates.
Those funds were not budgeted. Attorney Cherof added there was no legal obligation
to go through a process. Commissioner Hay emphasized it would be an unbudgeted
funding. Ms. LaVerriere has had more than 90 days on the job and that was sufficient.
He did not feel the process was necessary.
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Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4, 2011
Commissioner Ross commented she would prefer not using Work Force Alliance. She
also did not want to spend monies that were not funded in the budget. Her position was
to retain Ms. LaVerriere as the City Manager.
Commissioner Holzman stressed that $6,595 was not expensive in the search for a City
Manager and monies were spent on many other items that were more inane and
benign. The expense may not be necessary and he felt confident the citizens would be
happy to see the money spent on something that would affect them every day. He
enjoyed working with Ms. LaVerriere and thought she was doing a fantastic job. It was
important to get a view of all the candidates and their background to assess the
possibilities of each candidate. The Commission owed the citizens due diligence to
investigate all possibilities to meet the needs of the City.
Mayor Rodriguez noted, in the process, Ms. LaVerriere may find an Assistant City
Manager that would be supportive. Vice Mayor Orlove was not sure an applicant for the
City Manager position would want to settle for the Assistant City Manager position.
Vice Mayor Orlove stressed the two previous budget cycles have decimated the staff
and created low morale issues. There is concern regarding jobs being done and
department operations. There is no sense of continuity for the future that is needed
now more than ever. The learning curve can be lengthy especially in light of the fact the
Interim City Manager knows staff, the Commission and how the departments operate.
Vice Mayor Orlove moved that the Commission afford Lori LaVerriere an opportunity to
become City Manager. Commissioner Ross seconded the motion.
Attorney Cherof indicated the retention or firing of the City Manager required a 4/5ths
vote under the Code.
Commissioner Ross reiterated the position of Vice Mayor Orlove that continuity was
needed for the sake of staff and the citizens would appreciate the decision was in the
best interest of the City of Boynton Beach. She pointed out Ms. LaVerriere had worked
for surrounding towns and cities with excellent contacts throughout the County. It was
not uncommon to opt out of the City Manager search and it was not necessary.
Commissioner Hay confirmed Commissioner Ross's remarks and advised in his
discussion with other members of the League of Cities, Ms. LaVerriere had a positive
reputation. He questioned what more could be gained and why further searching was
Mayor Rodriguez pointed out Mr. Bressner came from Illinois and ended up being one
of the best City Managers in the State of Florida and well respected for 11 years.
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Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4, 2011
The motion failed 3-2 (Mayor Rodriguez and Commission Holzman dissenting).
Vice Mayor Orlove ascertained the minimum timeframe would be 90 days before
presentations would be made to the Commission.
Vice Mayor Orlove moved to have the Human Resource Department begin a search for
a City Manager. Commissioner Holzman seconded the motion.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue for public comment.
Mark Karageorge, 240A Main Boulevard, contended the citizens, business community,
and the employees are impressed with Ms. LaVerriere. At least three sitting official from
other cities have positively commented on the professionalism of Ms. LaVerriere. Mr.
Karageorge felt Ms. LaVerriere was exceptionally qualified for the position and has
moved the City forward in the past few months. He encouraged the Commission to opt
out of the process and select her as the City Manager. She has made improvements in
a very short period of time.
Victor Norfus, 261 N. Palm Drive, supported a search being done. It would give the
public an opportunity to have more information on the new City Manager. The search
would reveal how other City Managers may see the City and respond to the needs of
the citizens. There should be a process that is open to the public so the perception is
one of fairness and transparency.
Brian Miller, 2515 NE 2nd Court, urged the Commission to reconsider the vote on
appointing Ms. LaVerriere as City Manager. She was concerned about the City and
developed the new budget in a very short period of time. It would not be fair to Ms.
LaVerriere to expect her to perform in the interim.
There was discussion relating to the process of obtaining more information from the City
of Fort Lauderdale and their search for a City Manager. Attorney Cherof advised a
more formal demand would have to be made for all applications received.
Commissioner Holzman recalled the instruction had been to contact those candidates.
Mayor Rodriguez directed an email could be sent advising them the position was open
and how to apply if they were interested.
The motion passed unanimously.
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Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4, 2011
Mayor Rodriguez commented Ms. LaVerriere was not being placed in an unfair
situation. She has an opportunity to continue the work she is doing now and he felt
confident she would continue the excellent job she has been doing. Ms. LaVerriere
advised she would continue with her commitment to the City.
HEARING - Amend the Land Development Regulations (LDR) to 1) allow
Indoor Athletic Instruction / Training establishments in the M-1 zoning district
without limiting their size or restricting their location to multiple-tenant buildings
on properties fronting on arterial or collector roadways; 2) change the definition
of Indoor Athletic Instruction / Training to emphasize athletic activities; and 3)
expand the definition of Indoor Entertainment to include indoor playground and
play centers. Applicant: City-initiated
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 11-023 by title only, on second reading.
Vice Mayor Orlove moved to approve. Commissioner Holzman seconded the motion.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue for public hearing and no one came forward.
City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The vote was 5-0.
HEARING - Amend the Land Development Regulations (LDR) to clarify the
methodology used to calculate the maximum wall signage allowed for any
given building or tenant space. Applicant: City-initiated
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 11-024 by title only, on second reading.
Commissioner Ross inquired if businesses were being notified of the change. Mike
Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director, advised no notification would be sent, but one
business was informed because they had attempted to circumvent the Code
regulations. Commissioner Hay asked if the regulations apply to handwritten signs. Mr.
Rumpf added the proposed change did not relate to handwritten signs specifically, but it
did regulate the total area allowed, based on the linear frontage of the building.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4, 2011
Commissioner Ross moved to approve. Commissioner Holzman seconded the motion.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue for public hearing and no one came forward.
City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The vote was 5-0.
HEARING - Changing all references in the City's Code of Ordinances and any
other City records from "Boat Club Park" to now be known as "Harvey E. Oyer,
Jr. Park" as previously approved by the City Commission
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 11-025 by title only, on second reading.
Commissioner Holzman moved to approve. Vice Mayor Orlove seconded the motion.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue for public hearing and no one came forward.
City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The vote was 5-0.
D. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 11-028 - FIRST READING - Approve repealing
the City's firearm regulations for consistency with Chapter 2011-109, Laws of
Florida, which preempts firearm laws and regulation to the State.
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 11-028 by title only, on first reading.
Commissioner Holzman moved to approve. Commissioner Ross seconded the motion.
Vice Mayor Orlove inquired about the possible need for additional security for City
buildings to deal with those who have concealed weapon permits. Chief Immler
acknowledged there could be a problem whether an individual is admittedly armed or
covertly armed. The new law would not change the security needs. The Commission
had previously considered using metal detectors to scan those attending meetings and
search their bags.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4, 2011
Attorney Cherof expounded when laws change it is brought to the attention of the
Commission and, if necessary, amend the Code. The request was simply to amend the
Code to State statute. A determination then has to be made if there would be any other
operational impacts of the new law. There is an assessment being done to review the
current procedures, the reaction of other municipalities, and the interpretation of the
Courts. If security issues were a concern, it would be brought to the Commission's
attention. He cautioned that many issues regarding the security of public buildings is
confidential and not a public record and not always brought to the Commission for
There was discussion relating to the practice in other cities and basis for the installation
of magnetometers. Chief Immler recalled there had been discussion in the past. Ms.
LaVerriere added it was a money issue at the time. The cost was over $50,000.
City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The vote was 5-0.
Registration and Disclosure of Lobbying Activity Ordinance.
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 11-029 by title only, on first reading.
Commissioner Holzman wanted assurance there would not be a per incident charge for
any referral to the Inspector General's office or Commission on Ethics and Attorney
Cherof concurred. There was also the question if some costs could be assessed to a
person found to be in violation. Attorney Cherof advised there could be a provision for
penalty that would offset the City's administrative costs. There could not be an
ordinance provision that prescribes a penalty based upon the administrative costs
incurred by another governmental entity or subcomponent.
Commissioner Hay offered there was a computerized system available that establishes
a database, by cities, of all registered lobbyists. Attorney Cherof added there had been
some effort to have a consolidated lobby registration procedure and database. Ms.
LaVerriere advised the League of Cities was working with the Commission on Ethics to
draft a proposal.
Vice Mayor Orlove sought an explanation on the cone of silence provision. Attorney
Cherof responded there is a cone of silence any time an RFP (Request for Proposal) is
public from the deadline for the submittal of the proposal, until the date the Commission
disposes of the proposals in their entirety. Time prior to the deadline for submittal is not
regulated under the cone of silence. Vice Mayor Orlove thanked the City Attorney for
his work on the issue and the ordinance.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4,2011
Mayor Rodriguez wanted to include bargaining units in the definition of a lobbyist.
Attorney Cherof indicated it could be added. The new ordinance does reflect a different
definition of lobbyist to conform to the County's definition. Mayor Rodriguez contended
the bargaining unit and City officials should be held to the same standards as far as
notification and disclosure before voting on an issue. Commissioner Holzman agreed.
Vice Mayor Orlove argued the proposed ordinance indicates an employee is not
considered a lobbyist. Mayor Rodriguez thought those employees titled within a
bargaining unit should register if they are lobbying and it should be disclosed. Attorney
Cherof noted some union officials are paid to do so and others are not. They would not
fall under the definition of a lobbyist unless the end result of the contract was
considered compensation. Attorney Cherof did not feel it would apply. There are two
components to the ordinance. One is the registration and the other is the disclosure.
Unions could be made to register and disclose or unions could register and the City
official have the responsibility to disclose.
Vice Mayor Orlove disagreed and opined the City's definition should be consistent with
the County definition. Commissioner Ross agreed it should be consistent. Attorney
Cherof would give the input to the County if a County-wide registration system was
initiated. The ordinance could be amended in the future.
Commissioner Holzman moved to approve. Vice Mayor Orlove seconded the motion.
City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The vote was 5-0.
F. Request for a closed door session to be held at 5:45 p.m. on October 18, 2011
regarding BOYNTON BEACH MAUSOLEUM, INC., Plaintiff/Counter-
Defendant, vs. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, DefendantlCounter-PlaintifffThird-
Party Plaintiff, vs. BOCA RATON MAUSOLEUM, INC., Third-Party Defendant.
- Case No. 502008CA030196XXXXMB(AB)
Attorney Cherof requested a closed-door session at a public meeting. The case is
Boynton Beach Mausoleum, Inc. versus the City of Boynton Beach. The session would
involve approximately 45 minutes of discussion.
A. Revisions to restrictions for vehicle size in residential districts - 10/18/11
B. Draft Economic Development Plan for the City of Boynton Beach - 10/18/11
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
October 4, 2011
C. Report from Branding Committee - 10/18/11
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Mayor Rodriguez
properly adjourned the meeting at 9:04 p.m.
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