Minutes 09-14-11
Tom Kaiser, Chair
James Bowman
John Farrington
Bridget Roberts
Stuart Preston
Frank Bregoli, Alt
William Mitchell. Alt
Stanley Gavlick, Alt
Karl Washington, Alt
Mark Bobich, City Liaison
Lester McKinzie
Reverend Richard Smith
I. CALL TO ORDER - Tom Kaiser, Chairman
Chair Kaiser called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m.
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
III. INVOCATION - Designated
Chair Kaiser gave the invocation followed by a moment of silent reflection.
Roll call was taken. A quorum was present.
V. AGENDA APPROVAL, September 14,2011
Mr. Gavlick moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Farrington seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
September 14, 2011
There were no changes to the minutes.
a. Chair
Chair Kaiser distributed a handout of the activities for the Boy Scout POW/MIA
Remembrance Vigil on Friday, September 16, 2011 at Veterans Bicentennial Park.
Chair Kaiser felt the more they use the Park, the better it is for Boynton Beach.
Between the tours of the Park that they give to schoolchildren, and the dignitaries that
attend the ceremonies, the events were well attended and Boynton Beach receives
much positive recognition.
b. Members or Visitors
Don Scantlan, a former member of the Veterans Advisory Commission (VAC),
contacted Central Command (CENTCOM), which oversees the Iraqi and Afghanistan
War Operations to obtain a speaker. He requested a uniformed Afghanistan War
participant attend the unveiling of the Afghanistan monument. When a response is
received, he will coordinate it with Chair Kaiser.
He also commented he served with the previous commander to Special Operations
Command (SOCOM) twice. He inquired if there were objections to him contacting the
commander to ascertain if he could attend the unveiling of the Afghanistan monument.
Mr. Scantlan preferred to have the Commander, who is a retired 4-Star General, versus
whomever CENTCOM would recommend speak at the event. It was unlikely
CENTCOM would send a General. The members had no objections to try to have the
General from SOCOM as the first choice speaker.
Mr. Scantlan commented the General lives in Dade City, Florida and he inquired if the
VAC could offer any financial assistance if there were expenses involved. Chair Kaiser
responded there were no funds available. Mr. Scantlan stated he was committed to
making the visit happen and welcomed assistance from anyone or from one of the
various veteran organizations.
a. Veterans' Bicentennial Park Events
Events at the Park were contained on the handout. Chair Kaiser advised June 6, 2012
would be D-Day. They intend to install the Iraqi monument, which will be the final
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
September 14, 2011
monument on one side. The Afghan War ceremony will be held December 7, 2011.
They will put an emblem on the top of the bench provided by Mr. Scantlan of the Navy
Seal Team 6 and it would be a real showpiece. Chair Kaiser advised they would assist
Mr. Scantlan with the bench.
I. Black Veterans', Female Veterans', 442nd Regimental Group Veterans'
Monuments, Friday, September 2,2011
Chair Kaiser stated he received very positive feedback on the monuments. He also
commented the imprints created by Lake Worth Monuments were incredible and he
applauded their workmanship. Lake Worth Monuments has assisted with all of the
monuments since the beginning of the effort. He commented they were very helpful.
II. National POW/MIA Remembrance Vigil, Boy Scouts, Friday,
September 16, 2011 (tentative)
Chair Kaiser advised this effort needed the assistance of all the Veterans Advisory
Committee members and it was 90% comprised of Boy Scouts. A firing squad would be
present and if one wanted to bring colors they could, but they were not needed as the
flag was already there. There will be two sets of two Boy Scouts who will start at the
flagpole, walk the horseshoe, stop at the sidewalk so as not to leave the Park, turn
around and come back while holding the American Flag. There will be chairs and a pop
up tent in case it rains, but there will be no tents for sleeping. Chair Kaiser would bring
soda and water in the evening, and bagels, donuts, hot chocolate, and coffee the next
morning for the participants. He was hoping to obtain enough for 30 or 40
Scoutmasters and Boy Scouts. The Veterans Council would pick up the cost.
The event will begin at 5 p.m. on September 16, 2011 and ceremonies will begin the
next day, September 17, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. It was hoped that in the future, the City
Commission would permit a sleep tent at the event. Lighting will installed at the Park for
the night. Chair Kaiser commented lighting should have been included in the Park's
original plan. Sidewalks should have been included for the rows of monuments.
Instead, the Veterans paid for them. Port-o-Iets for the scouts will be provided. He
pointed out Veterans needed to attend because they have their emblems at the Park. It
was noted the Jewish War Veterans would not be present due to their observance of
the Sabbath. He pointed out the press would be in attendance.
III. Veterans' Day, Friday, November 11, 2011
The French Dignitaries are unable to attend this event. Chair Kaiser commented they
will continue to assist World War II Veterans receive the Legion of Honor Medal from
the French Government. To-date, 200 medals have been awarded.
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
September 14, 2011
Chair Kaiser commented there would be seven ceremonies this year at the Park and
nobody else in the Unites States honors veterans the way Boynton Beach
does. The ceremony will commence at 10 a.m. and will end at 11 a.m. when the firing
squad and bugle will sound.
IV. Afghanistan War Monument & Pearl Harbor 70th Anniversary
Commemoration, Wednesday, December 7,2011
There will be about 10 medals awarded by the French dignitaries who will be present in
honor of Pearl Harbor. Chair Kaiser explained at exactly 12:55 p.m., no matter where in
the program they are, they will stop and honor the exact minute the Japanese planes
would have appeared over Pearl Harbor. At that time, the rifle and bugle will sound.
Additionally, Chair Kaiser hoped to have the British, German, and Japanese Consul
Generals present, as the Afghanistan monument would also be unveiled.
There was a brief discussion about Four Chaplains. The Jewish War Veterans Post
440 will host the event at Temple Beth Kodesh on February 5,2012, at 2 p.m. followed
by coffee and cake. The Veterans Council will help offset the cost to the Jewish War
v. Iraqi War Monument
A D-Day Ceremony will take place on June 6, 2012 to honor the veterans of the Iraq
War. The monument will complete the final series of monuments on one side of the
Chair Kaiser also commented on a program that his daughter handles which could
enhance any of their programs. There are cards youth can color on the front and write
a letter to a service man/woman, identifying themselves by their first name and stating
they are from Boynton Beach. The cards will be sent to the various branches of military
service as indicated on the front of the card. When the cards are completed, Chair
Kaiser's daughter collects them and sends them. He explained the program really
makes the Boy Scouts look good and hundreds of cards have been sent to the troops in
VI. Donated flags and poles along center walkway (awaiting written
Chair Kaiser explained he spoke with the individuals interested in donating the flags and
flagpoles. The most they could donate was $200 each. Chair Kaiser was confident they
could raise $1,200 and have three poles on each side of the Park. They would fly the
armed forces flags for ceremonies. However, City regulations have caused the cost to
rise to nearly $4,000 and he did not know if the funds could be raised because of the
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
September 14, 2011
cost of the other items at the Park. He commented the flags and flagpoles were needed
as the Park needs color.
VII. Honorary Member Appointments
Chair Kaiser had submitted the names of Honorary Member Appointments to Mark
Bobich. When the new list is issued, one or two names will be deleted and Mr.
Luechter's name will be added. He requested the members provide names to him as
the list has remained the same since inception of the Commission.
VIII. Proposal for Veterans' Bicentennial Park Name Change
Mr. Bobich explained the Veterans Advisory Commission (VAC) needed to vote to make
a recommendation to change the name of the Park, which would then be forwarded to
the City Commission.
Mr. Scantlan explained he has attended the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
meeting when this was discussed. He clarified there is another Veteran's Park in
Boynton Beach which is located on Ocean Avenue. One year ago, Commissioner
Orlove questioned the naming of the Bicentennial Park. Research showed it was
named "Boynton Beach Veterans Bicentennial Park." He had suggested they drop the
word "Bicentennial." A member of the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board suggested
the name "Veterans Memorial Park"; however, a member of that Board later commented
he was contacted by an individual who stated living veterans do not like the term
As a veteran, Mr. Scantlan had no objection to the word "memorial" as the Park is a
memorial. The Chair of the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board suggested the VAC
make a recommendation on the name of the Park to them. They would heavily weigh
the suggestion and forward it to the City Commission. It was noted not one of the VAC
members objected to the word "memorial."
Mr. Gavlick moved to rename the Park "Boynton Beach Veterans Memorial Park." Mr.
Farrington seconded the motion. There were no objections and the motion unanimously
It was noted the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board meetings are open to the public
and Mr. Scantlan suggested it may be helpful for the VAC members to attend the
meeting in support of the request.
Discussion followed it may be helpful to rename and remove the word "Veterans" from
the original Veterans Park on Ocean Avenue as it adds confusion.
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
September 14, 2011
Mr. Bregeli moved they request the City delete the name "Veterans" from the other
(original) Park. Ms. Roberts seconded the motion.
Dialogue ensued there are two bicentennial plaques at the new park, which could be
excavated and moved to the park on Ocean Avenue. Further discussion followed the
City may want to consider naming the park on Ocean Avenue "Bicentennial Park" or
another name.
Ms. Roberts moved to remove the plaques from Veterans Bicentennial Park and move
them to the Park on Ocean Avenue. Mr. Farrington seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
a. Other
It was learned there is a retired 3-Star General who attends St. Mark Church. When the
General was a Colonel, he led the charge up Pork Chop Hill during the Korean War. It
was thought he could be a potential speaker in the future and there was agreement to
make contact with him.
Mr. Scantlan had recently met with State Representative Allen West who requested he
receive a formal invitation to the Pearl Harbor/Afghanistan December 7, 2011 event.
Additionally, Mr. Scantlan was at a meeting and he met an individual who wanted to
discuss fundraising. The individual commented her organization looks for opportunities
to donate and she suggested a flyer on the Park be created. Mr. Scantlan referenced
the Art in Public Places brochure and thought it would be beneficial if they could find
someone to create and print a flyer that, in addition to the bricks, could be used as a
fund raiser.
Chair Kaiser commented it would be fantastic if someone from the outside wanted to
sponsor a project. Mr. Bowman commented there was a website called
microgiving.com, which is a receptacle for philanthropists who want to donate to certain
causes. There is no cost involved. It only requires registration of the group. Mr.
Bowman volunteered to register the Veterans Advisory Commission. If the funds for the
flagpoles were raised, Chair Kaiser advised the name of the donor would be placed on
the pole.
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
September 14, 2011
Chair Kaiser gave the Benediction followed by a moment of silent prayer.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 9,2011 at 10:00 a.m.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was properly adjourned at
10:48 a.m.
Catherine Cherry
Recording Secretary