Minutes 03-03-81MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1981 PRESENT Edward F. Harmening, Mayor Walter "Marty" Trauger, Vice Mayor Joe deLong, Councilman Patricia Woolley, Councilmember Samuel Lamar Wright, Councilman Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk James W. Vance, City Attorney Mayor Harmening welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He announced the invocation tonight will be by Rev. James M. Smith, First United Methodist Church, to be followed immediately by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Mr. James Vance, City Attorney. He requested everyone to please rise. AGENDA APPROVAL Mr. Trauger stated under Administrative, he would like to add the resignation of Dr. David Brainard from the Boynton Beach Housing Authority as Dr. Brainard called him and resigned be- cause he has taken a position in California teaching. Mr. deLong stated under New Business, he would like to make an inquiry regarding the equipment in the Fire Department and the plaques on buildings constructed by the City. Mr. Vance stated that he has ~three additions under Ordinances - First Reading: a proposed ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan by adopting an Energy Element, a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance No. 80-19 by rezoning a certain parcel of land from C-3 to C-l, and a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance No. 79-24 amending the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan in connection with the rezoning ordinance. Mr. Cheney stated that he has an addition under Administrative, H-l, another set of record disposals. Mr. Trauger moved the approval of the agenda for March 3 as added to, seconded by Mr. deLong. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Harmening announced that the Festival of the Arts will be held this weekend, March 7 and 8, at the Civic Center. He added this has been a worthwhile exhibit for the past few years. MINUTES Special City Council Meeting of February 14, 1981 Mr, deLong moved the adoption of these minutes, seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Regular City Council Meeting of February 17, 1981 Mr. Wright moved the adoption of the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on February 17, 1981, seconded by Mr. deLong. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0, PUBLIC AUDIENCE Mayor Harmening stated if anyone in the audience would like to address the Council on any item not on the agenda, they may do so at this time and received no response. He added if anyone in the audience wanted to address the Council on any item on the agenda, they may give their name to. the City Clerk and they will be called on when that item is the regu- lar order of business. BIDS Stack Chairs -.Card Tables and 8' Banquet Tables - Royal Palm Clubhouse Mr. deLong moved to accept the recommendation of the Tabu- lation Committee and award the bid to Halsey & Griffith for the stack chairs, card tables and banquet tables. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Trauger asked if there were other suppliers and Mr. Cheney informed him that some companies don't bid and when one company was called the next day, they said they did not get around to it. Mr. Trauger asked where these would be used and Mr. Cheney replied at the Royal Palm Clubhouse. Mayor Harmening commented that it has been sometime since we have bought chairs from Halsey & Griffith and Mr. Sullivan agreed it has been quite awhile. Motion carried 5-0. Moveable Partitions - Police Department Mr. deLong moved to accept the recommendation of the Tabu- lation Committee and accept the bid from Halsey & Griffith for these moveable partitions for the Police Department in the amount of $3,933. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Cheney clarified that the budgeted amount is $4,168 and the bid amount is $3,933. Motion car- ried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P. M? NONE -2- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS Applicant: Location: Use: Summit Associates, Ltd. submitted by Charles N. Gilbert, Agent Coconut Lane & Barwick Road (North Portion, Tract C at Hunters Run) Three Maintenance Buildings & Four Apartments Mayor Harmening noted this was unanimously recommended for approval by the Planning & Zoning Board. Mr. Annunziato informed the Council this is a resubmission of a previously approved site plan with several changes which have been in- corporated into the site. These changes result-3 in connec- tion with the applicant to put on-site a private television system and the ability to fuel work vehicles from on-site. There will be a modification to the roof structure of Build- ing A and modification to the residential building providing a seven room dormitory and two apartments. They have also reduced the parking by five spaces to save some large trees to shelter the lot. This comes from the staff with a posi- tive recommendation and no comments. It also comes with a unanimous recommendation.from the Planning & Zoning Board. Mr. deLong moved to accept the recommendation from the Plan- ning & Zoning Board and approve this revised site plan as submitted by Mr. Charles Gilbert. Mrs. Woolley seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5,0. Applicant: Location: Use: Howison Group for Lake Vista Townhouses East submitted by Terry Howison, Agent Rider Road at N. E. 7th Street Five Townhouses and Docks Mr. Annunziato stated this was initially reviewed by the City and there was some comment concerning the amount of pavement for backup, The plan has been modified to maintain 45 feet for backup 90° parking. Init±aliy it was reqUested that the lot on the finger canal and Intracoastal be utilized for a single family home, but that was not practical and it has been changed to five townhouses in this application. This comes to the City Council with positive recommendations from the staff, Planning & Zoning Board and Community Appearance Board. There were some staff comments. Mayor Harmening asked Mr. Terry Howison if he is familiar with the staff comments and Mr. Howison replied affirmatively. Mayor Harmening asked if he agrees to comply with the staff comments in all respects and Mr. Howison replied affirma- tively. -3- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Mr. deLong moved to accept the unanimous recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board to approve this plan for Howison Group for Lake Vista Townhouses past subject to staff comments. He added that he was present at the Planning & Zoning Board meeting and heard the full revie~ of this plan when it was accepted. Mrs. Woolley seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Applicant: Location: Use: Markham/Thomas Partnership submitted by Russell C. Chase, Agent Southwest corner of U. S. 1 and Gulfstream BoUlevard Construct Wendy's 96 Seat Restaurant Mr. Annunziato informed the Council this property was re- cently annexed into the City during the past summer. This is an application for a Wendy's Restaurant with a drive-thru facility. It is located on the southwest corner of Gulfstream Boulevard and U. S. 1, directly south of the Gulfstream Mall. This application was reviewed by staff and there were several staff comments basically concerning extending the utilities and some comments from the Building Department. The primary comment from .the Engineering Department Concerned two curb cuts on U. S, 1 for access. It ~as felt it could be served by one curb Cut with two way traffic. The applicant does agree with that staff recommendation. This comes with a posi- tive recommendation from the Technical Review Board, a unani- mous recommendation from the PlaDning & Zoning Board, and was reviewed by the Community Appearance Board last night and comes with their recommendation. Mr. deLong moved to accept the Planning & Zoning Board's unanimous recommendation to approve this plan submitted by Mr. Russell Chase subject to ~taff comments. Mrs. Woolley seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Harmening asked if the applicant was familiar with the staff comments and Mr. Chase replied affirmativSly. Mayor Harme~ing asked if he agrees to abide by the staff comments and Mr. Chase replied affirmatively. Motion carried 5-0. Applicant: Location: Use: Mobil Oil Corp. ~ubmitted by Jan A. Wolfe & Associates, Agent Northwest corner of Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road Construct a Mobil Oil Service Station Mr. Annunziato informed the Council this is an application for a service station with gasoline pUmps on Woolbright Road. The applicant has agreed to curb_the median back from Con- gress Avenue to alleviate the situation which has occurred on the east side of Congress Avenue. This application was -4- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 reviewed by the Technical Review Board and comes with a posi- tive recommendation. The Planning & Zoning Board unanimously recommended this site plan be approved and it comes with a positive recommendation from the Community Appearance Board. Mayor Harmening referred to the staff comments being primarily from the Building Department and Mr. Annunziato added that the comments of the staff concern ordinance requirements or appro- vals by other government agencies. Mr. deLong moved to accept the unanimous recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board and approve this site plan submitted by Jan A. Wolfe & Associates for Mobil Oil Corporation with staff comments. Mrs. Woolley seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Harmening asked the representative, Mr. William Wheeler, if he is familiar with the staff recommen- dations and Mr. Wheeler replied affirmatively. Mayor Harmening asked if he is in agreement~and Mr. Wheeler replied affirma- tively. Motion carried 5-0. LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing NONE Ordinances - 1st Reading Proposed Tree & Landscape Ordinances (Tabled) Mr. Vance reported that Mr, Wolf met with representatives from the Community Appearance Board and some additional matters came up which they are ~working on and another meeting is scheduled this Thursday. Mr. deLong moved that both ordinances remain on the table, seconded by Mr, Trauger, Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 81-6 - Re: Adopt Codified Code of Ordinances (~Tabled) Mr. Vance referred to a copy of the new code having been made available and stated he is not sure if the Council has had adequate time to review it or not. Mayor Harmening requested the feeling of the Council and Mr. Wright replied that he believes Councilman deLong was concerned, but he finds it self-explanatory. Mr. deLong stated that he doesn't appreciate the method used to eliminate certain ordinances. He knows the staff has done a splendid job in weeding out obsolete ordinances, but it is the authority of the City CounCil to say what is to be eliminated. What was to be eliminated should have -5- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 been brought before' the City Council for our review. He is not going to spend the rest of his life trying to decipher what is going to be eliminated. Mr. Vance informed him that the sections which were removed are those sections made obso- lete by State Statute; there was no intent to remove sections of the City Code that were not obsolete. Mr. deLong stated that he did not contend that, but his contention is that it would have been easier to tell us what was taken out instead of what was left in. Mr. deLong referred to needing an instrument to work with and stated as we go along, we will find out what is missing. He is just explaining that it would have been much easier to ex- plain what they wanted to delete instead of doing it this way. He is not going to spend time comparing the new with the old. Mayor Harmening referred to this having been going on for over 1½ years and Mr. deLong replied that we have never gotten a presentation of what was going to be eliminated. Mayor Harmening explained that ~he codification people do the. revi- sion and did not eliminate anything which was not eliminated by ordinance or State Statute. Mr. deLong stated that we did not have the opportunity to check it over. He is not going to raise any contention. If he votes for it, it will be based on needing an instru- ment to proceed, but not approving the way it was worked out. Mayor Harmening stated the original copy from the codifica- tion people was submitted to various departments and some commen'ts were received. Mr_ Cheney explained that the codi- fication people met with~11 the departments, the City Clerk and City Attorney. They digested all the ordinances which have been passed and the c draft form and eliminated It was brought back and t~ priate sections and submit could be Sure nothing was errors and duplications we the Council office for rev company and reviewed again back and it was reviewed s were three or four things warded to the code committ meeting, he took the table the new code and attempted numbers where things were Obviously there may still included which are not nee point is valid. At this ~ they have and if it is dis left out which was an ado~ onflicts. They rewrote it in the items by statute or ordinance. e City staff reviewed their appro- ted comments, so the code company left out. At that time, some re discovered. Also, it was in iew. It was taken, back by the · Then, this draft book was sent gain by each department. There discovered and comments were for- ee and added. Since the last of contents of the old code and to show by comparison of chapter reorganized and were left out. be some omission and some things ded. He thinks Mr. deLong's oint, he suggests' they adopt what covered something was inadvertently ted ordinance of the City earlier, he suspects the City Attorney will say it was a scrivener's error and should be put back in. -6- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Mr. deLong stated the thing which concerns him is that all the time spent on this new one, it should have been sub- mitted exactly as it was taken out. Mr. Cheney stated this was done and Mr. deLong replied that he wanted the items. Mr. Cheney stated possibly the code company could supply this. Mr. Wright referred to a workshop meeting being scheduled in the near future and asked if this could be covered at that time? Mr. Trauger referred to the possibility of adopting the code as now prepared and questioned what happens later when some- thing occurs which was formerly in the code and has been eli- minated and Mr. Vance informed him that if we find something was left out, we would have to re-adopt that particular ordi- nance. Mr. Trauger referred to a violation and Mr. Vance replied that he doesn't believe anything of significance has been left out. This has been through a detailed review with his office. It has been through two reviews of each depart- ment going over its section of the code. Their best effort was made to do it correctly and that is about all that can be done. Mrs. Woolley stated 'she would like to go ahead with this as something is needed to work with. Mr. deLong remarked that the old one is in effect. Mrs. Woolley continued that if anything comes up, it can be worked out from there. Mr. Wright added that with taking more than two years, he would think it is in perfect form. Mr. Trauger moved to take this from the table, seconded by Mr. deLong. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 81-6 by title on first reading: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING A NEW CODE FOR THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA; ESTABLISHING THE SAME; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES NOT INCLUDED THEREIN; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATING SUCH CODE; PROVIDING FOR THE ~NNER OF AMENDING SUCH CODE; AND PROVIDING WHEN SUCH CODE AND THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. Mrs. Woolley moved to accept proposed Ord'inance No. 81-6 as read by City Attorney Vance. Mr. Trauger seconded the mo- tion. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: -7- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 81-7 - Re: Amending Comprehensive Plan by Adopting an Energy Element Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 81-7 by title on first reading: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 79-24 OF SAID CITY, BY AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY BY ADOPTING AN ENERGY ELEMENT TO SAID COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; REPEALING PROVISION; AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Mr. deLong moved adoption of Ordinance No. 81-7 on first reading~, seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Ay,e Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 81-8 - Re: Amending Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 81-8 by title on first reading: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 79-24 OF SAID CITY, BY AMENDING LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY BY CHANGING THE LAND USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY MORE PAR- TICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER FROM "LOCAL RETAIL" TO "OFFICE COMMERCIAL" AND DELETING THE CERTAIN REQUIREMENT NOTED IN THE TECHNICAL REPORT AS ADOPTED BY THE COMPRE- HENSIVE PLAN~ PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; REPEALING PROVISION; AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. -8- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Mr. deLong moved adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 81-8 on first reading, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 81-9 - Re: Rezoning a Certain Parcel of Land from C-3 to C-1 Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 81-9 by title on first reading: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 80-19 OF THE SAID CITY BY REZONING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER FROM C-3 "COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT" TO C-1 " OFFICE PROFESSIONAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT", PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; REPEALING PROVISION; AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Mr. deLong moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 81-9 on first reading, seconded by Mr. Wright. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 81-O - Re: Additional Drivers License Office Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No, 81-O by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ~REQUESTiNG SUPPORT OF THE PALM BEACH COUNTY LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION FOR THE FUNDING OF AN ADDITIONAL DRIVERS LICENSE OFFICE IN THE DELRAY/BOYNTON BEACH AREA BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA. -9- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Mr. deLong moved adoption of Resolution No. 81-O, seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call Vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 81-P - Re: Application for 701 Comprehensive Plan Assistance Program Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 81-P by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT - 701 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Mr. deLong moved adoption of Resolution No. 81-O, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Under discussion, Mayor Harmening referred to it saying we believe our commitment will comply with the appropriate state and local laws, rules and regulations for the administration of this program, etc. and questioned what are some of the regulations and Mr. Annunziato replied that he is not sure as it is not specifically outlined at this stage in the application. This is a preliminary application procedure to get on line. If the application is acceptable, it doesn't require us to go forward. Mayor Harmening ques- tioned the percentage of matching funds and Mr. Annunziato informed him it would be 2,/3 from the state and 1/3 local. Mr. deLong asked if we have provisions for matching funds and Mr. Cheney replied that we have not budgeted for them, but hopefully some of our energy costs programmed in the future will serve as the matching share. Mr. deLong re- ferred to it being quite a sum and Mr. Chgney replied that he doubts it as he doesn't believe much 701 money will be coming in this direCtion. Mayor Harmening added that he believes it will be awhile before getting to the actual expenditures; however, the brochure looked like it might be worthwhile. Mr. Wright asked if this is some of the money appropriated by the State Legislature and Mr. Cheney informed him these are federal funds. Mr. Wright asked if they are administered by the state and Mr. Cheney replied affirmatively. Mr. Wright stated this is supposed to be the Department of Veteran and Community Affairs and Mr. Annunziato agreed, Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the mo- tion as follows: -10- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 81-Q - Re: Removal of Lethal Yellowing Trees - Liens Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 81-Q by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ASSESSING THE COST OF ABATEMENT OF CER- TAIN NUISANCES AGAINST THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY INVOLVED, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Mr. deLong moved adoption of Resolution No. 81-Q, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Under discussion, Mr. Wright stated that he thinks one of the residents spelled out in the attachment complied with this matter today and Mr. Cheney agreed that one of the people on this list did pay today. Mr. Vance ad- vised that name should be deleted. Mr. Wright stated that it is B. & Edith Smith at 544 N. W. llth Avenue, and Mr. Cheney agreed and requested this to be eliminated. Mr. deLong moved adoption of this resolution with the elimination of this name, Smith. Mr'. Trauger seconded the motion. Mr. Cheney referred to there being a blank to be filled in and Mr. Vance advised this should be 1981. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 81-R - Re: Demolition - Lien Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 81-R by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ASSESSING THE COSTS INCURRED BY THE CITY AND THE NECESSARY PROCEDURES ENTAILED IN THE DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF CERTAIN DANGEROUS, DILAPIDATED~ UNFIT, UNSANITARY AND ~UNSAFE BUILDING AND/OR STRUCTURE WITHIN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, ASSESSING THE COSTS OF ABATE- MENT OF CERTAIN NUISANCES AGAINST THE OWNER OF THE PRO- PERTY INVOLVED, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. -11- MINUTES- REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Mr. deLong moved adoption of proposed Resolution No. 81-R, seconded by Mr. Wright. Mr. Cheney advised there is a change in the price and it should be $1,596.03. Mr. Vance added the blank on Page 2 should be 1981. Under discussion, Mr. de~ong referred to reading over this resolution and ques- tioned why there'is a difference in Section 3 of 5% between an individual a~nd corporation and Mr. Vance replied that the State qf Florida feels an individual needs protection and~ corporations can take care of themselves. Mayor Harmening commen~ed this Would appear to be discriminatory and Mr. Vance ~nformed .him that it has been included for quite a few years. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Motion Propos~ South Mr. Var A t AC( PU~ MA~ LE~ Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye carried 5-0. ~d Resolution No. 81-S - Re: Accepting Improvements 'ract of Leisureville (Section 10) ~ce read proposed 'Resolution No. 81-S by title: ~ESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, IEPTING THE PUBLIC ROADS, STORM SEWERS WITHIN THE .LIC RIGHTS OF WAY AND WATER AND iSEWER LINES FOR iNTENANCE AND OPERATION.FOR THE SiOUTH TRACT OF iSUREVILLE, SECTION 10. Mr. Ch~ney advised this is a product of probably ten punch lists ~hich have been prepared over the last six months. Most w~Ire prepared with the cooperation of the developer and condominium association. We have come down to finally ac- cepting the public improvements and he ~discussed this with Mr. FiSher, th~ new president of Leisurieville, and he con- curs t~at all ~he 'public improvements aire finished, but he wrote ~. lett.er relative to private improvements, two drains raised too hig~ at corners and resurfaciing of a private S. W. 19th Court. The developelr states the thick- this street does meet standardsI and he did take care street~ ness o~ of the the as~ are ta} develot HarmenJ to spe~ drains. This is an issue between the developer and :ociation. As far as public things concerned, they ~en care of. Mr. Rossi is present representing the ~er and Mr. Fisher representing ~he association. Mayor .ng asked if either of these gentlemen had requested ~k and Mrs. Padgett replied negatively. -12- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Mayor Harmening referred to a new bond being posted in the amount of $10,200 and Mr. deLong asked if this would be suf- ficient and Mr. Cheney replied affirmatively. Mr. deLong referred to the performance bond covering drainage and stated he believes there was a drainage problem and Mr. Cheney informed him this covers the public drainage md the drainage between Cedarwood Villas and this development is private. Mr. deLong clarified that he is talking about off 18th Street and Roma Way and Mr. Cheney replied that he under- stands it is all taken care of. Mr. deLong clarified that the punch list is all cleaned up outside of what this per- form&nce bond will cover and Mr. Cheney agreed. Mr. Trauger moved to adopt Resolution No. 81-S and have the letter from the City Engineer dated February 25, 1981, recom- mending release of this bond be made a matter of public record. Mr. deLong seconded the motion. Mayor Harmening referred to there being a certification from the engineer of the subdivision and Mr. Trauger clarified that all attach- ments with the resolution as presented are included. Mr. deLong clarified that the specific note to be included was from Mr. Clark's memo stating that he recommends that the Bond #4118933 in the amount of $1,324,304.30 be released. This resolution is based on Mr. Clark's recommendation. Mr. Cheney asked if they wanted to include Mr. Fisher's letter and Mr. Trauger replied that the whole package should be included; all the attachments included with the resolution to lock it in firmly. This is adoption of Resolution No. 81-S with attached memo, letters and agreement. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Motion carried 5-0. OLD BUSINESS Golf Course Development Schedule Mr. Cheney referred to forwarding this schedule by mail and stated he included it on the agenda ~ case there are any com- ments or questions from the Council members. Mr. deLong commented as far as the schedule is concerned, he believes this has been compiled to the best of their ability for ex- pediting, Could there be any further reshuffling of the schedule to have it come back any sooner? -13- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Mr. Trauger moved to spread upon the minutes of this City Council meeting the Boynton Beach Municipal Golf Course schedule of activities as prepared on 2/23/81. Mr. deLong seconded the motion and requested the City Manager to answer the question he asked whether there is any possible chance to move this along more rapidly. Mr. Cheney replied that he doesn't think it is possible. That is one reason why he put as much detail in the schedule to incorporate the issues of financing, design and clubhouse building to show how they fit together. We cannot proceed with a project as complicated as this without a target date. Mr. deLong asked if the members of the Golf Committee have all received a copy of this schedule and Mr. Cheney replied affirmatively and added that he is meeting with them on Monday night. Mr. Cheney continued that they have gone over this in a lot of detail and think it is a realistic schedule. Also, the idea of opening on July 4th is kind of exciting. Mr.. Wright commented that he is glad to see we are moving forward with this. Motion carried 5-0. Authorize One Year Renewal of Urban Forestry Contrac~ Mr. Cheney referred to this being budgeted this year and being approved with the budget and advised it is a continu- ing agreement with the State as to the activities on this program which was started one year ago. Mr. deLong moved to authorize a one year renewal of the Urban Forestry Contract, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Under discussion~ Mr. Wright requested an explanation of this program. Mr. Cheney stated that basically the State has agreed to provide an Urban Forester to the City. We pay the State $3,000. They provide a Forester totally at their cost to us to use as we see fit. He knows Mr. Hallahan has been involved advising citizens and we are involved in a program of landscaping the Water Plant, have started a nursery at the Water Plant with plans to expand, and Mr. Hallahan has been participating in the technical review process. Mr. Trauger commented in watching the Technical Review Board's process and through the beautification of the City, he thinks the City has got- ten their monies' worth. As the other tree and landscape ordinances get developed, we will be fortunate to have some- one of this caliber on board. MOtion carried 5-0. Discuss Girl Scout Park - Requested by Councilmember Patricia Woolley Mrs. Woolley stated that she understands the City has been receiving memos from the County as to the status of Girl Scout Park located at the end of Sunset Road in Chapel Hill. -14- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~RCH 3, 1981 Mrs. Woolley referred to speaking on behalf of the home- owners and stated they would like to see this park barri- caded off to any vehicular traffic. They have had numer- ous problems on Sunset Road and Chapel Hill Boulevard. The Boynton Beach Police have done a good job in keeping up with the complaints. However, last week, one of the neighbors was walking his dog and two cars came flying by from the park and ended up in a front yard. The car came so close that it knocked this gentleman and his dog off the road and he was terrified. The Police were called and the neighbors barricaded the entranceway. However, when the Police went into investigate, the cars were gone since they evidently have access out of the back of the park towards 23rd Avenue. This is one incident where someone could have been killed. There are cars zipping up and down this street and they are not the people who live there. Obscenities are yelled out of car windows. High school kids come there on their lunch break and a man does come from Atlantic High School to route the kids out of this dead end area. It is a lovers' lane area and who knows what is going on back there. It really creates a hazard as far as traffic. She thinks the County should be demanded to block it off. It doesn't serve any useful purpose. The Girl SCout hut isn't there and it is not used by any group. It is not maintained. Kids are there all night long and they have drag races on the grass area. She understands the people who have lived along this street have been complaining about it, but have not gotten anywhere. This is an appeal to have the County do something about this hazard. Mr. deLong stated he thinks it would be appropriate and moves to have a resolution drafted to the County authorities to see if they can barricade this or have some control. Since it is the will of the neighborhood to eliminate this nuisance, we should accommodate them. Mayor Harmening suggested having Mr. Cheney send a letter to Mr. John Dance and Commissioner Gregory setting forth a few of the statements made instead of a resolution. Mr. Wright suggested sending a copy to the County administration and Mayor Harmening disagreed. Mr. deLong stated that he believes a letter should be sent to Commissioner Gregory with a'copy to Mr. Dance. Mayor Harmen±ng suggested incorporating in the letter that we would like to have the County Park Police visit this place around noon, 2:00 P. M. and at dark to investigate the con- ditions, Mrs. Woolley added there was a sign saying the park closes at sunset, but it has been taken down. Also, at one time, there was a fence, but it was torn down with the cars over a period of time. -15- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Mr. deLong stated in order to comply with disposition of this item on the agenda, he moves to instruct Mr. Cheney to send the appropriate letter to Commissioner Gregory with a copy to Mr. John Dance. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. No discus- sion. Motion carried 5-0. NEW BUSINESS Equipment in the Fire Department Mr. deLong moved that the City Manager be instructed to submit to the City Council a detailed report if there is any lack of equipment in the Fire Department and the condition of the equipment which exists. Some people are apprehensive about the equipment we have. There is supposed to be some equip- ment missing, etc. Included in the motion, he would also like to have some input from the City Manager insofar as the communication received from the Public Safety Department of Ocean Ridge last November relative to a mutual agreement between their department and our department including the use of new equipment. He would like to have some informa- tion on that to see where we are going. He thinks the City Council should be apprised of all these types of communica- tions because the lives of peoPle in this City depend upon the Department of Public Safety. If we are shorthanded, we should know befor~ giving priority to other items, Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Plaques on Buildings Constructed by the City Mr. deLong referred to there being a set policy in the past to put a plaque on every new building constructed in the City and asked if this practice had been discontinued? Mayor Harmening replied that to his knowledge, it had not. The only change, which wasn't City Council policy, was that the S.C.R.W.T.D. Board voted to dedicate a plaque without any names. Mr. deLong referred to plaques being put on the dog pound, library, etc. and stated in the past, every time a bid was sent out, a plaque was included in the specifica- tions for the contractor to supply and he thinks we should revert back to that old system. Mr, Trauger commented that one will be needed for the Royal Palm Clubhouse and Mr. deLong agreed and added this is what brought it to his mind. Mr. Trauger suggested instructing the City Manager to go ahead and get the appropriate plaque and Mr. deLong agreed, as long as the policy has not been abandoned. Mr. deLong moved to continue with the previous policy of placing plaques on all COnstructed public buildings in Boynton Beach, seconded by Mr. Trauger, Mr. Cheney asked if they wanted to catch up on old ones and Mr. deLong re- plied affirmatively as he believes the people in office deserve recognition. Motion carried 5-0. -16- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 ADMINISTRATIVE Report on Firing Range (Tabled) Mr. Cheney stated he can give a repOrt on the status and direction in which we are going. Mr. Trauger moved to take this from the table, seconded by Mr. Wright. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Cheney stated the last time we discussed this, it was the results of communications back and forth between us and the F.O~P. and the response of the F.O.P. at that time was they would like to consider the solution to the firing range would be for them to get out of it entirely and possibly the answer would be for .us to bUy out what was already there and buy out their lease. We would then go in as a City and have a firing ranqe run by the City Police Department for the pub- lic and not rely on the voluntary F.O.P. to do it. That is still the position of the F.O.P. and their new officers. He has met with the president. In the meantime, he has written a letter to the City Attorney asking him to give a summary as precise as possible as to what the various lease hold inter- ests are on that piece of property. Once the City Attorney does that, he will sit down with the F.O.P. and reach an agreement what their lease hold interest is and what ours is. At that point', if we still want to proceed, we may agree on a price to buy them out but may need an appraisal. At least, the appraisal will be based on what we agree on they have. The next step is when we hear from the City Attorney, we will meet with them again and proceed along the way and hopefully will work out something reasonable. Mr. deLong asked how-much of a lease do they have and Mr. Cheney replied, that he thinks it is about fifteen years left for about one acre. It used to be twelve acres, but was re- duced to a little over one acre. Mr. deLong referred to them paying nothing for the lease and Mr, Cheney clarified that they want us to buy out the building they put there and the lease hold interest of 15 years for that one acre of land. He wants that defined what that is. Mayor Harmenin9 agreed there should be something more definitive and Mr. Cheney agreed and stated we cannot negotiate or talk about anything until the property interests of both sides are defined. Mr. deLong referred to being in a rough bind in dealing with the taxpayers if we are going to have to pay to abrogate the lease when they were granted this free and clear. Mr. Cheney agreed this is part of the question as if they were given something free and clear, they have less value than if they had to buy something originally, but they have 15 years -17- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 of using that free and clear which has some value. They have a building which they built, the clubhouse part, and have the use of the building which the City paid for, the concrete shell. Obviously, they have 15 years use of that concrete shell, but there is nothing in it. All those things affect the value up and down. We want this identified by the City Attorney. Mr. deLong stated he would like to know just exactly how much they are looking for in return from the City. Mr. Trauger asked how much land in that area does the City own and Mr. Cheney replied that he thinks it is about 12+ acres. Mr. Cheney added at one time, the F.O.P. leased all 12 acres and then we reduced the amount of land down to about one acre and agreed to build the shell in the back which was supposed to be a pistol range that they were going to help with. Mr. Trauger referred to possibly the American Legion getting crowded by the Day Care Center and stated possibly they could locate in this area. Mr. deLong stated at one time, we did promise we would put up an appropriate building for them and the money was available, but somewhere along the line the administration in the past washed it out. We were concerned about the building the F.O.P. has in Delray Beach and we wanted to meet that stan- dard so the members of the F.O.P. could hold their installa- tions, etc. here, but it never came to pass. Along the line, somebody scuttled the program. It would have been cheaper to have done it at that time because we had the money. Mr. Trauger moved to have the City Manager continue with negotiations with the F.O.P. regarding the firing range and building. Mr. deLong seconded the motion. No discus- sion. Motion carried 5-0. City Manager Report on MICA Studies (Tabled) Mayor Harmening stated this will be left on the table until the workshop meeting is held. Mr. Cheney suggested having the workshop meeting on Thursday, March 19, at 7:00 P. M. when all the members of the City Council will supposedly be here and the members expressed agreement. Consideration of City Hall Roofing Proposal & City Hall HVAC Study ! Mr, cheney referred to money being budgeted fOr roofing and advise~ when preparing the bids, the question came up about what to do with the air conditioning units on the roof. -18- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Mr. Cheney continued that the initial thought was to put the water tower on the ground and take the other compressor off and do the roof and then put the compressor back. However, when our people looked at this, there were some questions about what we do have and how successful it is. It was recognized that the old compressor is 25 years old and the water tower is about 10 years old. Mr. Howell called in an engineer in the HVAC system and asked what he thought. That engineer has suggested the capacity of the air conditioning is two to three times what we need if all is done right. Probably the old duct work has fallen apart. It is produc- ing more than needed. The question is what to do. The recommendation is to employ this engineer to analyse the whole system and patch the roof in the meantime and hope- fully abandon the oldest air conditioning unit and move the compressor off the roof probably between City Hall and the Personnel Office. Possibly we could get rid of the two other small units on the roof which have been added during the years and hopefully save electricity. The option would be to take the units off the roof, redo the roof and do some analysis of energy and air conditioning in this building. Any tech- nical questions, Mr. Howell can answer. This will delay a project in which strong interest was indicated. Mr. deLong referred to Mr. Howell's communication stating that electrical invoices are approximately $1,000 to $2,000 per month in excess of what they should be and stated~ it would appear an investment of $1,650 for an analysis would be in order. Mr. deLong moved to accept this recommendation to engage the service of this engineer for an analysis and do temporary repairing of the roof. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Harmening referred to basically being in accord and he thinks it would save money, but roofing costs are related to energy costs. If energy is going up this year as projected, it might be cheaper in the long run as far as the roof to expedite this portion of the job and get it done as soon as possible before the price of roofing goes up. A flashing patch is only a temporary solution un- til working out the details. Would it be possible to compress the time estimated and get the roof replaced this year before May 157 Mr. Howell informed him that the problem is there are two huge units on the westerly portion of-the roof plus there are some small units. He feels we can possibly delete one of these units and get it off the roof and shade it for more efficient operation. Also, there is probably some duct work where the insulation has collapsed. At this time, we don't know what we are talking about on the air conditioning part. -19- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Mr. Cheney added when we do this, we may come out with addi- tional capital costs. One of the other questions on this roof is do we lower the ceiling, to save space and improve the lighting, and put insulation on top of the ceiling or on top of the roof? Mayor Harmening referred to having to change the windows and Mr. Howell replied negatively as it could be dropped 18 inches. Mr. deLong reminded the Council that according to the commun- ication, one-half of $1,650 could be appropriated from the federal government and the consultant would file on behalf of the City. Mayor Harmening clarified that his concern is at the rate we are going, we are going to be postponing the roof for a consid~erable length of time and roofing costs are directly proportionate to oil costs. If we postpone it too long, roofing costs may go up considerably. Mr. deLong referred to the recommendation to authorize an expenditure of $777 for roof repairs and Mayor Harmening agreed, but stated he would like to know if we could proceed with this on a faster schedule than it appears from the memo. Mr. Howell replied that in all fairness, it would depend on getting the money for the air conditioning; this needs to be considered first. Mayor Harmening agreed the ultimate cost would have to be considered. Mr. Howell added that he doesn't think the roofing costs will increase that much as they are getting more into plastics every day for roofing materials and getting away from oil and asphalt base. Mr. Wright asked if any quotes were received for the $42,000 and Mr. Cheney informed him this price was a product of estimates with talking to roofing companies. Mr. deLong included in his motion that the City Manager be instructed to expedite the repair of the roof, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Mrs~. Woolley asked where the role of the Energy Coordinator falls into this and Mr. Cheney informed her that this is a highly technical engineering process to check this. Mr. Wright asked if it is possible to burn fewer lights -downstairs to cut down on utility costs and Mr. Cheney re- plied the ceilings on the first floor could be lowered to cut down lighting. A few years ago, the lighting on the first floor was doubled as more lighting was needed for office work. This resulted in more heat being created from the lighting with more air conditioning needed. -20- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTONBEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Mr. Wright asked if the lights could be decreased in the evenings and Mr. Cheney informed him that the lights left on are security lights. The night lights are going to be put on time-clocks. They will not go on until 8:00 P. M. and go off at 6:00 A. M. Motion carried 5-0. Review of Proposed Three Year Community Development Budget for Neighborhood Strategy Area Mr. Cheney stated as a product of the consultants' report and all the Community Development questions, we have been moving in the direCtion of identifying what projects should be done and at what priorities. We have been working with Community Development and others hoping the dollars will be allocated somewhat in line with the needs identified. He forwarded a report and distributed another report with slight revisions. In moving into the various County advisory committees making recommendations for funding, he wants to be sure as a City we have input in the funding. The Day Care Center has been listed as No. 1 plus other items listed by the consultants. These have been divided into three years. This is an increase in funding from the past. This attempts to address expensive things like day care, rehabilitation and the N. E. 10th Avenue project. There are two significant meetings coming up, one on March 11, the Local Citizens Input Advisory, and~ in April, there is a meeting in West Palm Beach where the County-wide Community Development Advisory Board makes recommendations for allocations in funding. Mr. Green's department will put together a report based on that. This goes onto the County Commission and proceeds onto Atlanta. His recommendation is the Council either support this funding proposal or make any amendments they see fit. If the Council supports this, it would be helpful in the funding process with the City Council taking a positive posi- tion. Mr. deLong asked if there is any particular rush on this and Mr. Cheney replied it would be helpful if they would take action before the March 11 meeting. Mr. deLong asked if there was much difference between the two reports and Mr. Cheney replied negatively, about $2,000 to $3,000 difference with basically more money in code enforcement, since basically we did not use the total cost of the code enforce- ment person we have here from Community Development. Mr. Trauger asked if it is still in the ballpark of $1,736,000 and Mr. Cheney replied affirmatively with $789,300 the first year; $705,620 the second year; and $258,100 for the third year. -21- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Mr. Wright referred to the proposed budget for FY 1984 and noted improvements to Wilson Park and stated at the last City Council meeting, we gave the staff the go ahead to make the necessary improvements at Wilson Park with $35,000 from the CitY and $35,000 from the County. Mr. Cheney agreed this was correct, but this is an addition in this report and has nothing to do with the $70,000. Mr. deLong stated if these are the only changes made and the City Council feels they want to go along with this, he does not see any necessity to table this. He moves to approve, seconded by Mr. Wright. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Mr. Cheney informed the Council that according to State Law, they must make a formal acceptance of the annual audit. Mr. deLong stated the only comment he has about this is the communication which was received from Ernst & Whinney states on the second page that this report is intended solely for the use of management of the City and the State Auditor General and should not be used for any other purpose. This communi- cation outlined certain suggestions and he would like to know if these suggestions are going to be implemented? Mr. Cheney replied affirmatively, as much as feasible. Mr. deLong requested to be apprised of those not feasible. Mr. Trauger explained that the statement Mr. deLong referred to is an accounting term as it is not submitted for everybody to take apart and this is the auditor's protection. Mr. deLong replied that he understands, but questioned how it was made specific in the communication. Mr, Trauger referred to going through this report in great detail and stated it is an exceptionally fine report and particularly M~ Swann's operation did a g~ job putting this together, He feels it has been worth the cost to pay a b±g e±ght firm to prepare this, It will be good to enter into competition for another award for o~tstanding fiscal services, Mr, Trauger moved that the City Council accept the Compre- hensive Annual Financial Report dated Septen~ber 30, 1R80, Mr. deLong seconded the motion. Under discussion, 'Mr, deLong added that in the past, we have received a national award and the s~stem is still in effect; however, ke is con- cerned with the ±mplementation of the suggestions, Wright added that he is concerned about them too and has requested a copy of the memo to see how we are implementing some of these th±ngs'. Motion carr±ed -22- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Budget Transfer Request Mr. deLong moved approval of this request, seconded by Mr, Trauger. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0, Mayor Harmening referred to this request being dated December 22 and asked how come it took so long and Mr, Cheney replied that he asked for a more detailed report regarding the water meter parts repair program before passing this onto the Coun- cil. Accept Resignation of Henry G. Hyams from Code Enforcement Board Mr, deLong moved to accept and send the usual letter, seconded by Mr, Trauger. No discussion, Motion carried 5-0. Consider Replacement of Above Mr. deLong moved that nominations be opened for a replace- ment, seconded by Mr, Trauger. No discussion~ MotiOn car- ried 4-1 with Mr. Wright dissenting, Mr, Wright added that we should see some resumes befOre making nominations, Mr, Trauger moved that Mr. Jacob S, Kasdin be appointed to the Codes Enforcement Board and he told about his experience and qualifications. Mr. Wright asked if Mr, Kasdin falls into one of the categories based on the ordinance for mem- bership to serve on the Codes Enforcement Board and Mr. deLong replied that he checked this out through the City Clerk and this is an alt6rnate appointment and there are no requirements necessary for this appointment, The City Clerk can verify that no qualifications are stated for the alternate member, Mrs, Padgett agreed that 'she had found none. Mr. Trauger added! that he found none when checking himself. Mr. Wrig. ht stained in the future., he thinks when these recommendations are to be made that resumes should be placed in the boxes for nominations to the Boards.~ Mr, deLong remarked that he probably has ,people in line that he wants to appoint and Mr. Wright replied that there should be no double standards and we should have resumes submitted before nominations are m~de, Mr. deLong moved that nomina- tions be cloSed, seconde~ b~ 'Mr. 'Trauge~. Motion carr'ied 5-0, Mayor Harmening referred to having one nomination and proclaimed Mr. Kasdin appointed to the Codes Enforcement Board. -23- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Request Authorization to Dispose of Records Mr. deLong stated in view of the fact we have so many of these, there are two ways it can be handled, one by motion to combine all or the other by resolution outlining what the records were. By motion, we can state exactly what communications were received. Mr. Vance stated if the desire is to simplify, a motion can be made to approve disposal of records per the memos dated 2/24/81 from the City Clerk. Mr. deLong stated having received disposal authorization from the State of Florida, Division of Archives, for cer- tain records as listed by various department heads in their following memorandums: A. City Clerk Padgett - one memorandum dated 2/20/81, three memorandums dated 2/24/81, and one memoran- dum dated 2/27/81; B. Finance Director Swann- one memorandum dated 2/25/81; C. Purchasing Agent Sullivan - one memorandum dated 2/26/81; he moves that the City Council approve destroying the records as listed in the memorandums and that the memorandums be made a part of the public record. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0, Request Sale of Cemetery Lot 669A & B, Block O Mr. deLong moved to approve this request, seconded by Mr, Trauger. No discussion. Motion carried 5~0. Little League Agreement Renewal Mr. deLong referred to this being more or less the same as in the past and stated he believes the City Manager and City Attorney have looked it over and if there is nothing to call to our attention, he moves to renew this agreement. Mr. Wright seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Cheney stated the additional phrase would be included mentioned in Mr. Frederick's memo. Motion carried 5-0. Request Permission to Erect Temporary Sign fo~ Festival of Arts Mr, deLong moved that permission be granted, seconded by F~s. Woolley. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0, -24- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Approval of Bills Mr. Cheney read the following bills for approval: Longview Lime Lime for Water Treatment Plant Pay from Water & Sewer Rev. 401-332-533-30-65 9,457.20 e H. F. Mason Equipment Corp. 1979 Mack Truck Front-end loader refuse body Pay from General Fund 001-000-247-91-00 Per bid of 12/23/80 Council approved 1/5/81 70,889.00 South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Board City portion of additional funds to cover expenses attached to the furtherance of Step II & minor amendments. Pay from Utility Gen. Fund 403-000-169-11-00 25,000.00 Southeast Underground Const., Est. #1 Project No. 626-681-59-6 Force Main - Miner Road Pay from N..W. developers escrowed acct. First Bank & Trust 35,175.45 Southeast Underground Const., Est. #1 Project No. 626-681-56-6 Water Main - Congress Ave/Miner Road Pay from N.W. developers escrowed acct. @ First Bank & Trust 278~585.60 Southeast Underground Const., Est. Project No. 626-681-45-6 Force Mains 316 & 319 - EPA ~C-120496020 Pay from Utility Gen. Fund 403-000-169-11-00 75% re-imbursable from EPA 507,888.09 7. Wantman & Associates Final Payment Wilson Municipal Pool Pay from General Fund 001-000-115-87-00 Reimbursable from Comm. Dev. Agreement 2,100.00 J. Williams Pump Service, Inc. Bowl Assembly with 60' column pipe & stainless steel shaft Pay from Water & Sewer Rev. 401-331-533-40-3B Council approved 1/20/81 5,169.00 -25- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 Isiah Andrews Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks Pay from Fed. Rev. Sharing 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73 99.00 10. Willie Ruth McGrady Server for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks Pay from Fed. Rev. Sharing 320-641-564-40.-5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 86.40 11. Summit Associates 21,279.70 Refund of money held in trust in Utility General Fund 12. South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Board Monthly payment 37,761.00 Mr. deLong moved that the bills, having been found in order, be paid, seconded by Mr. Wright. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Accept Resignation of Dr. David Brainard from the Boynton Beach Housing Authority Mr. Trauger told about Dr. Brainard accepting a position at Santa Cruz University and moving to California. He stated to keep this Board functioning with a full membership, he accepted Dr. Bralnard's resignation on behalf of the City Council. Mr. deLong moved to accept this resignation with sending the appropriate letter of thanks, seConded by Mr. Wright.. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Replacement of Above Mr. Trauger moved that nominations be opened for a replace- ment member on the Housing Authority, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. No discussion. Motion carried 4-1 with Mr. Wright dissenting. Mrs. Woolley stated she doesn't have a written resume, but can give a verbal resume and will submit a written resume later. She then nominated Mr. Basil Hawkins, 2811 S. W. 5th Street, for this appointment. She then told about Mr. Hawkins' interests, qualifications and experience. She feels he would be an asset to the Housing Authority and should be considered. Mr. Wright asked if a resume would be submitted and Mrs. Woolley replied affirmatively, Mr. Trauger moved that nominations be closed, seconded by Mr. deLong. MOtion carried 5-0. Mayor Harmening referred to having one nomination and proclaimed Mr. Hawkins appointed to the BoYnton Beach Housing Authority. -26- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 3, 1981 ADJOURNMENT Mr. deLong moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:35 P. M. ATTEST: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor ~ ' ~ C 6'uno, ma n ~~City Clerk Secretary (Two Tapes) -27- BOYNTON BEACH MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES BY DATE tract ork lan tion Phase I ngs & . t ion on and Work VIII. D BUSINESS P~qe ! of 2 .:ed !~ is by i.on of ;o!f BOYNTO~T BEACH MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES BY DATE Page 2 of 2 Clubhouse '. o%~rs e .se f Course and nd Sale .n 'relim- Con- ~nd '~n Starts Starts :'lay - 7/3-.-S/3 , . ~ 6/23,-7/23 , ~/~..~ . · , . e 8/7-- 9/11 · 9/11 · . I ~/1~ , i ~ 9/16 . 11/2( .' ~ i · BOYNTON BEACH MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE SCPLEDULE OF ACTIVITIES BY CATEGORY FUNDING ' izes .t to ng Plan ?ogs 1 of ! ~solut ion ~solutiOn ~dation :[ys is ':ion · ' Pre- .;atement F, eb i Mar Apr Ma~;": Jun 'Jul Au, q ,Sep Oct ' ' "' ~ ' ....... Nov Dee Jan I Feb , Jun JU! i AU~ { Set 4/2!_ .'.' , 4/13--5/13, 6/2 ' · 6/3-i · ,, -6/5 . · ' 7/2 7/3- -8/3 . 6/23_7/23 ' , 9/15 : · ':;: 9/16 '" · 6/5-,--'. --. ~ . ' ' ..... 1-9/1 · i ' BOYNTON BEACH MUNICIPAL GOLP COUR~SE SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES BY CATEGORY DES !GN '.:ed ',ontract Work t ~es ign ,f · e Plan . s Work t wings Page i of 2 '2ourse :)If ')nt'ra c t ' ~' " Ap "~ Jul taus Ee5 Mar Apr MaV Ju~ Jul Aug ..$.ep , Oct NOV Dee Jan Feb' M'ar r I ~ay Jun I ' 2/25- 5/11 I 3/23 ~19'"~6/2 ' ' 6/3--'7/15 " " ' 5/20, ............. 8/7 i 6/23"~7/23 ,7/2!-B/4 · 1 I 9/11 ' ~ .~ed ')urse ':t ion 'Lon Play DES M E M~O R A Nb U M . TO: FROM: VIA CITY MANAGER A / TEREESA P~DGETT "'~,'- [[B !981 We now have disposal authorization from the Stat= o~ Florida,_Division of Archives, on the fol!owin~ records: 1. Dog Tag. Receipts #1- 388 (7/~/6.o-_8/2~ %!) 1.- 378 (10/2/_61 10/ 5/.62) 1 - 303 (10 8/62 - 9/.~. '63) 1 - 276 (10 1/63 - 9/l 16~) · i - 285 (lO ].~/6~ - 9/ .o/65) I- 7k2 (11 1/65- 10/ 1/66.) 1 - 897 (11/1/66 2 10/31/67) 1- 1010 (1]/1/67-!0/;3i/.68) 1 - 1137 (11/1/68.' :1'0/31/69 ) #1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 loo9 (', l/1 1167 (n/_z ~99 (11/,_~ ",~8! (lZ 1 t374 (ii ;i i~i7 (ii i i575 (il 'i i2.23 (ii 'i loii (i¢ ;i 245 (lC i /69-1o/31/7o /70-10/."~1/71 /71-10/31/72 /72-10/ ~1/73 '73-!0/½1/.74 /.74-1o ~,1/.75 ¢75-!q ~1/76 /77-9/ )78) /78-10 [7/78 Dog license reports, changes, memo' s~ correspondence, list of owner-s and notices, Prior to 1979 3. Court Recording discs of Court Sessions - 9/1957 - 8/1965 (Not Microfilmed) With your apprOval we will proceed to destroy the above named ~ecords. TP/cc MEMORANDUM FROM: CITY COUNCIL VIA CITYMANAGER TEREESA PADGETT CITY CLERK DATE: 2/24/81 We now have disposal authorization from the State of Florida, Division of Archives, on the following re2ords': 1. Absentee BaLlots - Prior to 1979 2. Poll Lists - Prior t0 1979 3. Oaths - Prior to 1979 Nominating Petitions-Prior to 1979 Other Election Material~_ Prior t6.!979 B. C. D. E. G. Precinct folders L & h Testing run Candidates qualifying records Notices to Poll Workers. Correspondence In£ormation Seminar material (Not Microfilmed ) With your approval we will proceed to destroy the above named records° TP,/cc X. ADMINISTRkTIVE H. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: CITY COUNCIL ViA CITY MANAGER TEREESA PADGETT CITY CLERK We now have disposal authorization from the State of Florida, Division of Archives, on the following records: 1. INVOICES issued by City~ Clerks Office, .~T,,o. 's 66-1 thru 237, 67-1 thru 211, 68-1 thru 229, 69-1 thru 73-1 thru 399, 74-1 thru 378, 75-1 t~u thru 410, 77-1 thru 397 - 1966-77 ' ' 2. REOUIEITIONS. . - Office of City Clerk- 196p-77-~ ,3.. Copies of Misc. Cash Receipts- 196~-77 4. Monthly report sheets of cash receipts :- t9.~9-61 5. Long distance telephone calls - 1959-76 6. Completed'inter-departmental memo's to'Finance on utility payments - 1/1966 - 5/1970 7. Completed memo's to H. Fretz, Inspector - Prior to 1976 8. Administrative Correspondence (Misc)- Prior to 1976 9. Duplicate letters of "incorrect utility checks returned" (Not Microfilmed) 1967 - 1969 With your approval we will proceed to destroy the above named records. TP/cc MEMORANDUM FROM: CITYCOUNCIL VIA CITy MANAGER TEREESA PADGETT CITY CLERK We now have disposal authorization from the State of Florida, Division of Archives, on the-following records: 1. .TAX RECEIPTS-- Prior to 1961 Tax Roll 2.. Copy o£ H.E. Applications on R.E. 'Property (Prior to 1961) Tangible P.p. Tax returns - Prior to '1961 Widow & Disability Exemption _ Prior to 1961 OTHER - Prior to 1961 _ ~.-. A. Tax Correspondence B. Tax Roll Adjustm'ents C. Tax Balances D. Boa-rd of Equalization E. Tax Assessment Cards (rolodex file)- F. Redemption Receipts & Certificates (Not Microfilmed ) With your approval we will proceed to destroy the above named records. TP/cc FROM CITY COUNCIL VIA CITY MANAGER DATE: 2/27/81 ' ' - "We now have disposal authorizatio~ from the State of .Florida, bivision of Archives~ on the following records: 1. 'All duplicate copies of-C~ty Voters Registration Records ''- 1921 thru 1975 M6nicipal Court 'Doeket Cards, No.-i thru 14,'996 " 3130160 thru 1129171 ~ -. 3. 'Municipal Court'- Aff.~davits "' ' i(Not Microfilmed) With your approval we will PrO6eed to destroy the above named records. - ' TP/cc TO: FROM CITY COUNCIL ViA CITY MANAGER Grady-W Swarm Direc~6r 0~ Financ~ DATE: February 25, 1981 --we now have disposal authorizatiOn fro~ the State' of Florida~ ~ivision Of Archives, on the following ~eeo~ds: Invoices prior to 10/01/76 With your approval we will proceed to destroy th named records. These re~ords, will be destroyed .by burning. TP/ec ~T,~ENT O. STATE~ ! NOTICE OF INTENT "V of Boynton Beach ~on ADDRESS [Street CiW and Zip Code) 5. CONTACT JName Florida 33435 -P.O. Box 310 ~ Bo~nton Beach, TO: DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIVISION OF ARCHIVES, HISTORY AND RECOR DS MANAGEMENT TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 Schedule No. bo Item No. 57 invoices Title Grady~$~wann. (305) 734-8111 Ext. 220 6. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in item 8 ere to be disposed of in t~e manner eh~ked below: ~ a. O~tmctlon ~ b. ~%ctofiimingan~ D~tmc~ion ~ c. Other 7. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be Ei~o~ of a~ cormc:ly repre~nted ~tow and that any audit requi.remen:~ f~ ~e r~or~ ~radv Swarm, ~inan~e .... gl,, '' Di~ecto~ ---Type Na~e and T~tle ~ Dates Prior. to 10/01/76 10, DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION Disposal far above hsted r-cord~ i~ authorized. Any deletions or modsf~catio~ are indicated in red. ~ 't-.. ""~' ' / ' -"; - .' RECORD SERIES LIST e. Destruction Volume Action and Date Approval 200 cu. ft. The above li~ted record~ h~ve b~n d,s~o~d of ,~ the m;~nr~e- .amd on the date shown in cohsmn f. TO: FROM CITY COUNCIL VIA CITY MANAGER DATE: Wiltiam--~lliv~n., PUrchasing Agen~ February 26, 1981 We now have disposal 'authorization from the State of Florida, Division'of Archives~ on .the following ~ecor~s: see the attached form With your approval we will pro6eed to destroy the shove named records, by burning at the incinerator at Bethesda Hospital. TP/cc ~ n Beach 4. AD O R ESS JStr~t; Ci~ a~d 2ip CodeJ 120 N. E. 2nd Avenue o ton eacn, ioriaa DEPARTMENT OF STATE ' DIV|sI ON OF ARCHIVES.' HISTORy TALLAHAS~EE. FLORIDA-323~ No. No. (i - Title ariel ~al size RECORD SERIES LiST 9. _DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION ' Arc~v~, H,~Zory Wm. Sullivan 734-8111. X27 0 - 6. NOTICE OF INTENTION: 'ch~ed ~ow: ' ~ c. Other 7. SUBMITTED BY: · - - . [epr~nt~ ~ow and ,~ .... ~ Of a~ coe tl~ " -[~m-'--.Snl!iva-n, Purc~asi ~ A~ (copies prior to Year 1974) file drawer) tnclu$;vs Volur~e Septi1971 thru 2o~ Dec, I974 cu fl 10. DISPOSAL CEi~TIF.ICATE ~~TE OF FLORIDA ~'%~ IE3EPA~NIENT Of: ~'~ ~rds Man~e~ent lb ~GENCY 4. ADDRESS (Street. Ci~ and i20 N. ~. Bo~tdn Beach, FlOrida 33435 TO: DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIVISION OF ARCHIVES. HI, STORY AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA 32304 .ECE!VED Schedule Item No. No. ~BC-1 91 91 BC-1 II BC-1 .NOTICE OF INTENT TO DESFROY SCHEDULED RECORD c~ AND DISPOSAL CERTI~ICAT~ ~ J PAGE 10~ ' ~ PASES' ' · I 3. BUREAu ., Purchasing/Pers?~el J 5, CONT6CT INane & Telephone Wm. Sullivan 734-8111 X270 6. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The ~heduled r~ords listed in Item 8 are to ~ die--d-of in ~e manner ch~k ed below: ~ a. Oest~c6on ~ b. Micro~ilmimg a~ O~Ction ~ c. Other Title 7. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be di~osed of are correctly represented below and tha~:~any audit requirements fo~ ~ .. Signature ~PH. fi_ 1~] Oate ' FJ' RECORD SERIES LIST .icate copies, Requis itions )itto )itto )itto Purchase order and ,ticate coPies, Purchase orders amd. Requisitions (1 Wood File Cabimet) ,licate copies, Purchase orders and Requisitions (1 Cardboard box) puplic~e copies, Requisitions Ditto Duplicate copies, Requisitions Purchase orders'amd Purchase orders - and (Legal size file cabinet, 4 drawer) (8.0.cu. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION Disposal for above listed records is msthorized Any deletions or modihca/~ons are indicated in red. / t', .. - · .'. ' ' /'?,.~.- '-".~ . lB' ' _..-' .... , ...."/', .... =-~/ .L and R¢cord~ ~ahag. m~nt Inclusive Dates thru ..1969 Volums 70 ~-"1 File bc 5 f,-'- 2" 52 ¢r"3 " % ¢;4' " ¢5 " 4 drawers 8.0 cu.ft 1977 1 Box '2o0 cu.ft 1978-1979 1 File 1977-1978 1 File (2fO cuft each) 1972-1973 #1Dtawer 1974-1975 #2 " 1973 #3 " 1972 #4 " Destruction __ Action and Date Completed"After Approval 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The aho~e listed recorde I~;,~e been disDo;~_d of ;n the manna- and on