Minutes 02-17-81MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1981 PRESENT Edward F. Harmening, Mayor Walter "Marty" Trauger, Vice Mayor Joe deLong, Councilman Patricia Woolley, Councilmember Samuel Lamar Wright, Councilman Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk James W. Vance, City Attorney Mayor Harmening welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He announced the Invocation tonight will be by Pastor Ken Ferguson, Ascension Lutheran Church, to be followed immediately by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Vice Mayor Walter Trauger. He requested everyone to please rise. AGENDA APPROVAL Mayor Harmening stated under. Announcements, he has a proclama- tion to read. Mr. deLong stated that he has been called by a member of the Planning & Zoning Board, Mr. Sidney Bernstein, who can no longer serve because of his wife's illness. He will forward a resignation, but requested him to inform the Council to make an appointment so the Planning & Zoning Board won't be working short-handed. He requested this to be listed as Item IX-D. Also, he has an announcement to be made by the Mayor. Mr. deLong moved to accept the agenda with these additi6ns, seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Harmening announced that our City Building Official, Mr. Bud Howell, was elected Chairman of the Palm Beach County Building Standards Board, which is prestige and recognition for the City of Boynton Beach. Mayor Harmening read a Proclamation proclaiming March 6, 1981 as Poppy Day. MINUTES Regular City Council Meeting of February 3, 1981 Mr. Wright referred to Page 27 and stated during the discus- sion of the resignation of Mr. Joseph Albury and his replace- ment, he made mention of the rationale that Councilman deLong gave of supporting Councilmember Pat Woolley that hopefully that rationale will be applicable for all of us when making Board appointments. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Mr. Wright referred to Page 29 and stated he made mention of a workshop meeting to discuss the MICA report prior to bring- ing it before the Council. He mentioned this at the end of the discussion prior to the motion being carried. Mr. Trauger moved that the minutes of February 3 be accepted with these additional comments. Mr. deLong seconded the mo- tion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Mayor Harmening announced if anyone in the audience wanted to address the Council on any item not on the agenda may do so at this time. He added if anyone in the audience wanted to addre~ the Council on any item on the agenda, please give their name to the City Clerk and they will be called upon when that item is the regular order of business. (There was no response from the audience,) BIDS One (1) Self-Priming Centrifugal 6" Trash Pump Mr. Cheney advised money was approved in the budget for this self-priming centrifugal 6" trash pump, He explained how this would be used in connection with the lift stations. A number of bids were received and it is recommended the bid from Sisco in the amount of $7,888 be approved by the City Council. We ~udgeted $9,000 for this item. Mr, deLong moved to accept the recommendation of the Tabula- tion Committee and accept the low bid from Sisco for one self- priming centrifugal 6" trash pump. Mrs. Wootley seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. deLong referred to it only being 7:40 P, M. and moved to suspend the regular order of business and continue with other items following the public hearing. Mr. Wright seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS NONE L'EGAL Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing NONE -2- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Ordinances - 1st Reading Proposed Tree & Landscape Ordinances (Tabled) Mr. Vance reported that he has been unable to complete confer- ences with the concerned individuals. Mayor Harmening an- nounced these will be left on the table. Proposed Ordinance No. 81- Re: Adopt Codified Code of Ordinances Mr. deLong stated he would like to have some clarification on this. He referred to having Chapters 1 thru 26 inclusive and questioned what happened to the following chaPters and Mr. Vance informed him that various chunks of the code were re- moved which were not apropos, such as the tax collector and tax assessor which were abolished by State Statute. Mr. deLong stated he is concerned that we should have a listing of what was deleted so we know what is taking place. He is concerned about Chapter 31, Zoning and Planning generally, being removed as the Community Appearance Board was created in Chapter 31 and now Section 2 makes reference to superseding. He wants to make sure that won't be phased out. He would like to have a listing. Mr. Vance replied that he has available a copy of the revised code. Mr. deLong commented that it would be nice to be given some advance warning, so we can review it. He cannot verify what is being carried over. Mr. Vance replied that this is a reasonable request, but unfortunately only two advance copies were received and one copy was distributed in sections to the various departments and he had the other copy. Mr. deLong moved to table this until we have the opportunity to review it, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Under discussion, Mayor Harmening added that he agrees and discussed this with Mr. Vance and several questions were brought to his mind. Mr. Vance added there would be no problem and a copy will be made available tomorrow. Motion carried 5-0. Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 81-I - Re: Authorizing Execution of Water Supply Agreement wi~ Briny Breezes Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution NO. 81-I by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY.COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF OF THE SAID CITY THAT CERTAIN WATER SUPPLY AGREEMENT WITH BRINY BREEZES, INC., A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. -3- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Mr. deLong moved the adoption of proposed Resolution No. 81-I, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Under discussion, Mr. deLong asked the CitY Attorney if he scrutinized this agreement and found everything in order and Mr. Vance replied affirmatively and it is the same as approved in previous years. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Ay~ CoUncilman Wright - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 81-J - Re: Requiring Individual Pricing of Items Sold by Retail Establishments Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 81-J by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF B©YNT©N BEACH, FLORIDA, EXPRESSING ITS SUPPORT FOR THE PASSAGE OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE~BO~RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY REQUIRING INDIVIDUAL PRICING OF ITEMS SOLD BY RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS UTILIZING ELECTRONIC CODING EQUIPMENT TO DETERMINE CHARGES. Mr. deLong moved adoption of proposed Resolution No. 81-J, secOnded by Mrs. Woolley. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 81-K - Re: Construction of Boynton Beach Regional Park Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 81-K by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, EXPRESSHNG ITS APPRECIATION TO THE PALM BEACH COUNTY COMMISSION FOR ITS DECISION TO CONSTRUCT THE BOYNTON BEACH REGIONAL PARK IN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. -4- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Mr. deLong moved adoption of proposed Resolution No. 81-K, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a rOll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 81-L - Re: Accepting Improvements Hunters Run Southport Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 81-L by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE WATER AND SEWER LINES OF REPLAT HOUSING TRACT A, SUMMIT PLAT NO. 1, (SOUTHPORT AT HUNTERS RUN) Mr. deLong moved adoption of proposed Resolution No. 81-L based upon the City Engineer's, Tom Clark's, memo of Feb- ruary 11, 1981, relative thereto. Mrs. Woolley seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Harmening referred to deleting the letter of credit and Mr. Vance advised this is covered in Section 2. Mr. deLong added that he included the memo from the City Engineer because this lists and itemizes everything. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 81-M - Re: Accepting Improvements Josephine S. Latino Subdivision Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 81-M by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING WATER LINES, SEWER LINES, STREETS AND SIDE- WALKS FOR JOSEPHINE S. LATINO SUBDIVISION -5- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Mr. deLong moved adoption of proposed Resolution No, 81-M based upon ' · , City Engineer Clark s memo of February 12 rela- tive thereto. Mrs. Woolley seconded the motion. Under dis- cussion, Mr. Cheney refer~ed to one of the payments being received from Mr. Latino and one payment being paid by a check from Mr. Pagliarulo and advised we will be returning the money to those who gave th~ money. He talked to Mr. Latino and if he feels both amgunts should be returned to him, we will need a legal statement from his attorney. He made it clear to Mr. Latino that our only choice was to give the money back to the person who gave it unless an attorney clarifies otherwise. Mr. deLong stated this was his reason for including Mr. Clark's memo. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Other Consider Recommendation to Appeal PERC Decision on Binding Arbitr-ation - Leonard Carson will be present Mr. Cheney referred to indicating that Mr, Carson would be here, but advised that he judged the timing wrong and re- quested Mr. Carson to be here between 8:00 and 8:30 P'. M. He requested the Council to come back to this item at a later time. Mr. deLong moved to lay this on the table until after the public hearing, seconded by Mr, Trauger. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Renewal of Lease Agreement between City and Thomas E. and Linda L. Coffey regarding ~ccess to City Landfill Area Mr. Vance referred to this being an annual event to renew the lease with Thomas E. & Linda L. Coffey regarding access to the City landfill area and Mayor Harmening added that it can only be renewed for one mome year. Mr. Trauger questioned what happens after this year a~d Mayor Harmening replied that we should be able to get to the area from the golf course. Mr. Cheney agreed that eventually we will want to get in from the.golf course, but he would like to have the City Attorney review what our basis is for access to this piece of land sometime before the next option runs out. We may or may not have access with or without this agreement. He thinks for now, we should continue this. -6- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17,1981 Mr. deLong stated we are still using it for trash and Mr. Cheney agreed. Mr. deLong stated that it is landlocked and Mr. Cheney replied that he is not sure as he understands there has been some disagreement whether this document is needed. Mr. deLong commented that he believes the County Commission was responsible for cutting in the road. Mr. Cheney added that some research may be helpful on this in the future. Mr. Trauger moved to accept the renewal lease between the City and Thomas E. and Linda L. Coffey regarding access to the City landfill area. Mr. deLong seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Grant Revocable One Year Permit to Use Public Property- Paul A. Young Mr. Vance advised this is a proposed revocable permit utiliz- ing the format established some months ago. A memo has been submitted from Mr. Cheney outlining the circumstances. Mr. Cheney stated that he has a more detailed legal descrip- tion for paragraph No. 1 as follows: The 30 ft. public right-of'way adjacent to the east right-of-way line of the Florida East Coast Railroad extending south of S. E. 6th Avenue to the westward extension of a line 10 ft. south of and parallel to the north line of Lot 9, Block D, Hathaway Park, Section 28, TOwnship 45 South, Range 43 East, as recorded in Book 13, Page 17, of the records of the Clerk of Palm Beach County. Mr. deLong moved to grant this revocable permit to use public property as requested by Paul A. Young covering the legal description as stated. Mrs. Woolley seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. deLong added that Mr. Young wants to take care of the property and make it presentable because it is contiguous to his yard. Mr. Cheney added that he met with Mr. Young and he understands it is a one year lease and must be renewed. Motion carried 5-0. City Attorney Report on Los Mangos Development Mr. Vance reported that the material furnished by Mr. Sche±ner is being reviewed by the Building Department and when com- pleted, he will review it. Mr. deLong moved to accept this report, seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. -7- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Mr. deLong moved to revert to the regular order of business, seconded by Mr. Wright. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P. M. Consider Amending the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan - Energy Element Mr. Annunziato announced this is a public hearing on a pro- posed Comprehensive Plan amendment to include an. Energy Ele- ment. This has been in the composition phase for approxi- mately one year. This originated and gained forward motion by a resolution proposed by Vice Mayor Trauger. The staff has gone through an extensive study of the energy problem. They put together some proposals in an energy element to save money and outlined a rational course. This package was forwarded for inter-governmental reviews. All the inter- governmental reviews have now been received and as noted in the package submitted, the reviews have been pretty much favorable. This proposed Energy Element is the first major amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. There have been several minor amendments to sections. This is not a required element, but is optional. It comes to the Council from public hearings held by the Local Planning Agency. It comes with a positive and unanimous recommendation for approval by the City Council. He then advised that Mr. Grabeel will explain the technical aspects and highlight the plan spelling out the importance of the plan. All.the legal requirements have been met and we can go forward with this document. Mr. Trauger referred to a memo from Mr. John Green of Commun- ity Development dated February 10 and questioned if he under- stood what was being planned and Mr. Annunziato replied that he believes Mr. Green did not fully understand the element and how it fits into the program. Mr. Grabeel Stated that he can only summarize how this ele- ment fits into the Comprehensive Plan. It is similar in format to the rest of the plan. Section 3 covers all re- quired elements and this is optional. This is going through the same adoption process as the plan itself. All the required statutory review has been done by the inter-governmental agencies. The element itself contains three primary sections: Introductory, explaining problems; Discussion of Energy Re- lated Activities, which the City has been involved with and much has come from programs mentioned in the Comprehensive Plan; and Plan Implementation, which has three categories of implementation strategies, administrative and informational. -8- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Mr. Grabeel continued that he believes there is mis-informa- tion, duplication and confusion about energy. This is our attempt to take a closer look at it on the part of the City. He would be happy to answer any questions. Mayor Harmening ascertained there were no questions from the Council members. He asked if anyone in the audience wanted to speak in favor of this proposed energy element to the Com- prehensive Plan and received no response. He added it is the City COuncil's intention to try and save as much money through efficient use and utilization of all forms of energy in the City itself. Possibly it will accomplish tWo purposes, to keep the costs down and conserve energy. He asked if any- one in the audience wanted to speak in opposition to this proposed Energy Element to the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan and received no response. He ascertained there were no comments from %he audience and declared the public hearing closed. Mr. Cheney acknowledged the presence of the new representative from Florida Power & Light Company, Mr. Dave Hills. Mr. Trauger moved to amend the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan to include the Energy Element as outlined in the pro- posed Comprehensive Energy Plan. Mr. deLong seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Land Use Amendment & Rezoning Request Request: Rezone from C-3 %o C-1 with Contingency removed Land Use Amendment from Community Commer- cial to Office and Professional Commercial with contingency removed Location: South Congress Avenue, adjacent to North side of Canal L-26 Proposed Use: Construction of Condominium Office Building Applicant: Nabil Hansen, Ph.D., P. E., Agent for Robert B. Reed as Trustee Mr. Charles McCurahan, Architect, informed the Council there aMeight acres of property with 775 feet of frontage on Congress Avenue. They are asking for rezoning from C-3 to C-1. They propose to build a two story office condominium project. They have set the buildings back from Congress Avenue and it will have a residential feeling with heavy landscaping. They have provided for 533 parking spaces. This will be an office condominium project with 64 units. -9- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Mr. Bob Reed came before the Council and advised he is the applicant in this request. This request is to rezone from C-3 to C-land ¢0UP~dwith this request, they are requesting elimination of the access road requirement from Woolbright Road to this property over Canal L-26. This requirement was attached to the property when originally zoned C-3. This is a request downward to C-1 and elimination of this access road required by the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Annunziato stated that he has several comments pertinent to this application. The request is actually for three things: to amend the future land use element of the Compre- hensive Plan from Local Retail Commercial to Office Commer- cial, to remove the special requirements for vehicular access from the applicant's property to Woolbright Road as noted on Page 41, Item ~5, of the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Technical Report, and to rezone from C-3 Community Commercial to C-1 Office/Professional Commercial. Mr. Annunziato then referred to the history of this property and advised there were some initial disagreements between the staff and property owners. The initial recommendation was medium residential consistent with the property to the north and west. The owner of the property at that time concluded in order to meet the criteria for C-3, he would tie the develop- ment of this property into connection to Woolbright Road to create an intersection in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan policies. Following that activity, the land has set and the Comprehensive Plan was adopted. An application was then received from Mr. Reed to remove the access requirement and it was heard by the Planning & Zoning Board about three months ago. The Planning & Zoning Board was not in favor of removing this restriction and the application was withdrawn. This latest application was then submitted and comes with the following recommendations from the Planning & Zoning Board: 1. That the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan be amended to reflect a change in land use from Local Retail to Office Commercial with respect to this application. 2. That the special requirement placed on this tract of land as noted on Page 41 of the Technical Report, Area 5, be removed owing to the reduction in traffic impact which would result from a change in land use designation from Local Retail to Office Commercial. This reduction is 7 to 1. 3. That the official zoning map be amended to incorpor- ate a change from Community Commercial C-3 to Office/ Professional Commercial C-1. -10- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 4. That the developer dedicate 10 ft. of right-of-way for Congress Avenue to Palm Beach County and partici- pate in the cost of a traffic signal at S.W. Congress Blvd. and Congress Avenue in proportion to his traffic impact. Said proportionate dollar value to be bonded. Mr. Annunziato added there was an additional item discussed by the Planning & Zoning Board and that was if the City Council goes along with this request for the right-of-way to be dedicated to Palm Beach County, that it be dedicated within 30 days of the final action by the City Council. Mr. Cheney questioned if there was any objection to this recommendation regarding time of dedication? He explained how some things had not taken place when expected in refer- ence to dedications. Mr. Reed stated if this was discussed at the Planning & Zoning Board meeting, he doesn't recall it. They have not considered it. He would have no objection to a 30 day requirement, but they do not own the property yet. He cannot answer the question, because it would require ob- taining releases from the mortgage holders of that property. It is not within his prerogative to say they definitely would meet the 30 day period. It would require consent of the mortgage holders which he cannot speak for. Mr. Cheney clarified that he would be willing to dedicate it within 30 days if he owned it and Mr. Reed clarified that they will own it, but parts of the property will be subject to a mort- gage. He cannot dedicate without the consent of the mortgage holder. Mr. Cheney stated this is the kind of problem which has created difficulty with getting the dedication talked about in the future. Mayor Harmening clarified that one of the prime contingencies on the approval is the dedication of the right-of,way. He realizes before it proceeds, the right-of- way will have to be dedicated. Mr. Reed clarified that he can only commit to the fact that if this is approved with these four conditions attached, the t0 feet will be dedi- cated but he cannot commit to 30 days from date of this ac- tion. All he can say is before pulling the building permit it will be dedicated. ' Mr. Cheney stated if the County decides to widen Congress Avenue and they don't have the dedication, there will be a problem. He thinks the record should show it was discussed and the reasons why the applicant can't do it, so there will be information on record months from now. Mr. deLong clarified that Mr. Reed wouldn't be able to get a building permit until it is taken care of and Mr. Vance agreed, but sometimes it drags on. Mr. Vance explained how sometimes construction takes years and the conditions in the past are forgotten. -11- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Mr, Nabil Hansen stated that he is the engineer of this pro- ject and for High Point, who is the seller of this property, and advised that he would commit them to 45 days. Mayor Harmening replied that he thinks 45 days would be adequate. Mr. Vance stated since he is the agent representing the appli- cant, are the other conditions acceptable and Mr. Hansen replied affirmatively that they are fully acceptable. Mr. deLong referred to. attending all the meetings in refer- ence to this particular application and stated the developers, owners, trustees, City Planner, City'staff and Planning & Zoning Board should be commended as they have done a wonder- ful job on this with upgrading the type of commercial in that neighborhood. Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience cared to comment in opposition.to this proposed rezoning and amend- ment to the Land Use Plan and received no response. He asked if anyone in the audienCe wanted to speak in favor of this proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, rezoning and removal of special requirement and received no response. Mr. deLong moved to accept the unanimous recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board with the four recommendations outlined in the memo from the City Planner with the dedica- tion to be accomplished within 45 days. Mrs. Woolley seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Wright commented that this seems to be a very beautiful facility for this area, but he questions the need for offices in that area. Mr. Annunziato replied that he cannot testify to the need, but can advise there have been many people who have come into his office looking for office space on Congress Avenue. He believes the need is there and waiting for developers with an office building. Mr. Wright questioned the number of offices proposed and Mr. Reed replied there would be a maxi- mum of 64, but some may be combined. Mr. deLong added that if they wanted to proceed with C-3 development, there would be no way to stop them and Mr. Annunziato agreed, but the access road would be required to Woolbright Road. Mr. deLong clarified that we cannot say there is a necessity or not. Mr. Cheney added that there is probably no vacant office space in Boynton Beach now. Mr. Annunziato clarified that the presentation may not necessarily result in what is going to be built as there is no contract between the City and developer for this condominium office building to be built. As requested, Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: -12- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Mr. deLong moved to revert to the regular order of business, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Motion carried 5-0. LEGAL - Other (Cont.) Consider Recommendation to Appeal PERC Decision on Binding Arbitration - Leonard Carson will be present Mr. deLong moved to take this from the table, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Cheney referred to submitting a recommendation from Mr. Leonard Carson, who is our special labor counsel, and also a recommendation from the City Attorney that we proceed with this appeal and advised that he concurs with both recommenda- tions. He hopes the Council members have read the opinion from PERC. He hates to see this continue, but thinks it is an important issue to the City. He thinks there is confusion in the PERC decision. He thinks the items outlined in Mr. Carson's memo where decisions should be made are extremely important. Some people indicate the matter of binding arbi- tration is legal in other states; but in this state, it is clear binding arbitration has been before the Legislature and has been knocked out. It is clear binding arbitration should not be in the n'egotiating process in the State of Florida. It is unfortunate it got into the contract ~in the first place. He thinks it is a bad precedent. He thinks it should be addressed by the court system. We should preserve the right for the local City Council to make the final decisions. It is a local decision until the State Legislature speaks otherwise. He recommends that the Council authorizes that we continue with this appeal. Mr. Trauger moved to consider the recommendation to pursue the PERC decision through the court process, seconded by Mr. deLong. Mayor Harmening clarified that it has been moved and seconded to direct the City's Labor Counsel, Mr. Leonard Carson, to pursue the appeal of the PERC decision. Mrs. Padgett advised that Mr. Vasallo and Mr. Carson have asked to speak. Mr. Vance referred to this matter currently being in litigation and stated that Mr. Vasallo represents the labor union involved and he does not think it is appro- priate for Mr. Vasallo to address the Council on whether they -13- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 should appeal. Mr. deLong added that we cannot hold a hear- ing here and we are just acting on the City Manager's recom- mendation. Mayor Harmening stated that he has no objection o l~stening to Mr. Vasallo and Mr. deLong replied that he prefers to take the advice of the City Attorney, Mayor Harm~ning asked if the City Attorney felt it was inappro- priate for this Council to hear arguments from Mr. Vasallo End Mr. Vance replied affirmatively. Mayor Harmening stated on the advice of the City AttOrney, we will have to respect- fully decline to hear Mr. Vasallo's comments. Mr. Vasallo clarified that if the Council wanted to hear Mr. Carspn, then he requested the opportunity to speak. If Mr. Cars~ speaks to the Council, he would like to entertain questions. Under discussion, Mr. Trauger stated if this is not pursued to the District Court of Appeals on this decision, we would be in dead center. We would be hung up without a firm deci- sion. Mr. Vance clarified that he and Mr. Carson feel there are some areas in the PERC decision which could be clarified. They don't feel binding arbitratiOn should be applied in our instance. Mr. Cheney clarified that we are currently in the local court system, where we have been taken by the union and that is a separate issue. If we don't appeal this and de- pending on what happens in the Circuit Court, we may be in the position where all outstanding issues may go to binding arbitration. Mr. Trauger stated from what he has read, we are Dow at the point of binding arbitration and Mr. Cheney agreed except for the Circuit Court case,and Mr. Vance added~ that we have the right to appeal the PERC decision. Mr. deLong clarified that binding arbitration was agreed to by a former City Manager and it stands and the matter is before the court whether this is in violation. Mr. Trauger asked if it is in the process to the court, does the City Council have to take action to push it on and Mr. Vance replied affirmatively as authority must be given and they cannot file an appeal unless authorized to do so. Mr. Cheney clarified that the issue before the Circuit Court is not responsive to this PERC decision, but is another issue. The Only way to be responsive to this decision is to appeal through the District Court of Appeals. If not appealed, it will be binding. Mr. Wright asked if we have a few weeks to make a decision and Mr. Vance replied nega- tively as there is a limited time period and Mr. Carson added that it is a 30 day period. -14- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Mr. Carson advised there is another proceeding before the Circuit Judge. We must act immediately on this. The effect of a PERC decision is to make very simple the ques- tion before the judge. Everyone else in the State of Florida conducts negotiations through their Chief Execu- tive Officer, the City Manager, and then the City Council makes the final determination whether to ratify the agree- ment, break the impasse, -or fund the agreement approved by the Chief Executive Officer and ratified by the Legislative body. What we are faced with here is this is the only City who will not have that opportunity to make that determina- tion. Someone who we don't know, without requirements, no standards, etc. will make this determination and the Coun- cil will have nothing to do about it. The Council will have to pay the tab whether they like it or not. They will be stuck with it. The question before the Circuit Judge is very simple regarding the provision to submit to arbitra- tion. Our contention is there exists such a provision, but it is not effective. He suspects the judge will have a difficult time arriving at a determination in view of the PERC decision. We must establish it is inconsistent with what the State la~w is. The Council is answerable to the taxpayers. Mr. Wright questioned why this provision isn't effective and Mr. Carson explained how if any provision conflicts with a rule, City Charter, state law, etc., it has no effect until that law is changed. The PERC decision seems to imply this is not so and it is necessary to challenge it in court. Otherwise, once the arbitrator makes a determination,there is nothing the Council can do as elected officials. Mr. deLong clarified that we must decide whether to accept the recommendation of the attorneys and City Manager to pursue this and someone must make a decision and this can only be obtained from a court decision. Mayor Harmening added that the people elected us to make decisions and he does not propose to have any part in binding arbitration. Mr. deLong agreed, but stated the court should make the final decision. Mayor Harmening continued that this would remove all our control of'the purse strings. We can accept or reject any proposed agreement brought to us by the City Manager and in preparation of the budget. If we allow this ruling to go unchalleged, we have negated our duties. Mr. deLong agreed and stated this is why he feels we should have the court make the decision. Mr. Wright questioned what brought us to this point and Mr. Cheney replied we have been at this point for a number of years. In our negotiations this year with the union, he -15- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 made it clear that one of the important issues to be changed and negotiated was eliminating this clause of binding arbi- tration. He can understand the union's position and knows they want to keep it. He thinks we must get rid of it. There was no question from the beginning that this was one of the issues which we probably were not going to agree on. In the process .of getting off dead center because we could not agree on it and because at the beginning, there was a provision to obtain a declaratory statement from PERC, we petitioned for same and hoped it would come before negotia- tions were completed, but PERC did not make a decision be- fore then. We got into the situation where we could not agree and worked hard in negotiating. When we couldn't agree, the union wanted to indicate to go to binding arbi- tration and knew we would challenge that provision through PERC and the court system. His position is we should get it settled and not have it hanging over our head. We cannot let it sit any more. Mr. Carson added that we were up-front and said we wanted to challenge this and determine the valid- ity. Mr. Cheney continued that if the court system is to ultimately rule that binding arbitration is a proper proce- dure in the State, he believes it would affect negotiations on the part of both parties. We feel the State Legislature has consistently not put binding arbitration on the books. Motion carried 4-1 with Mr. Wright dissenting. OLD BUSINESS Review Tentative Plans for Wilson Park Renovation - Phase III Mr. Cheney informed the Council that we have in the budget in General Revenue Sharing some $70,000 - $35,000 of local money and $35,000 of County money. We~ have known for sometime some of the things to be done in the Wilson Center area. We have held off until the consulting study was completed. Mayor Harmening referred to the restrooms being improved and Mr. Cheney replied that this is just a tentative proposal and there has been no direction from the Council to improve the restrooms and concession stand. The history has been one of putting money into the building and having vandalism problems. Do we want to put money into that building or not? It is the general feeling with scheduling and planning, the restroom situation can be taken care of in the pool building. The second question is the concession stand. He has been meeting with some people in the area. We have, at the moment, no money for the concession stand. Some people in the area suggested t'hey wanted to remodel the concession stand and use it themselves, but there may be some Health Department pro- blems. One idea was for the City to consider investing in MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 a mobile trailer concession stand, which would not be left around and could be used at various sites. We have not investigated the potential for that. Mr. Cheney then showed a plan for the Wilson Park renova- tion and explained the proposed improvements. He wants to know if the Council is in agreement to proceeding in this direction according to this plan. Mr. deLong referred to requests for a slab to be installed for roller skating at this park and Mr. Cheney explained that the basketball court and parking areas could be used for roller skating. He referred to this being a current fad and stated there should be multi-purpose areas to re- spond to needs. Mr. Trauger questioned if the restroom facilities at the pool would be open to accommodate people when there are ball games and Mr. Cheney explained they could be scheduled to be opened when there are activities. Mr. Trauger suggested investigating the idea of the trailer mobile concession stand and discussion followed how this could be used for-various events and at various sites. Mr. Wright stated he met with Mr. Cheney relative to this matter because people in the community were concerned about the concession stand and restroom facilities. He recommends some improvements should be made. The concession stand should be demolished and he agrees with a~mobile concession stand. He would like to see the playground area developed. Mr. Cheney added that it is unfortunate that the City has not been able to work out a joint use arrangement with Poinciana School, such has been done at other schools for joint use of facilities. Mr. Trauger moved to accept the City Manager's plan as stated in the February 12 memo for the .Wilson Park improve- ments in the sequence and order as listed in the last para- graph and investigate the cost of a mobile concession stand and demolition of the existing concession stand. Mr. deLong seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Review American Legion Land Transfer Mr. Cheney informed the Council that we are talking about transferring current Legion land with land adjacent to the Day Care Center. Also, through the Neighborhood Strategy Area Project, we are talking about expansion of the Day Care Center. He will have a report at the next Council MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 meeting after receiving the proposed budget for the next three years for Community Development funds. It is proposed the Day Care Center will be funded in the first year. One of the procedural problems is the Day Care Center has a long term leaSe, but we can work with the Day Care Center to ex- pand their building. He has arranged to meet with the Day Care Center Board of Directors. He wants to be sure they understand what is going on to get money into the project, the size of the building and land, and the Council's desire that the southern portion be available for transfer to the American Legion. The American Legion is aware we are trying to proceed. It is moving and has not been dropped. Mr. deLong moved to accept the City Manager's report and await further input. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. NEW BUSINESS Request for Additional Driver License Office - Requested by Councilman deLong Mr. deLong referred to receiving a communication from Delray Beach asking us to join with them in reference to this and moved to have the City Attorney draft the appropriate reso- lution. Mr. Wright seconded the motion. Mayor Harmening clarified it was moved and seconded to instruct the City Attorney to draft the appropriate resolution to support the request for an additional drivers' license office in the Boynton Beach/Delray Beach area. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Creation of a Program Aimed at Making Boynton Beach Energy Efficient and Creation of a Full-Time Energy Coordinator Position in the Office of the City Manager Mr. Cheney referred to the report he submitted being self- explanatory and stated our costs with energy are going to continue to grow. We have done enough work with the left hand to suggest there is some potential to reduce energy consumption. We have convinced ourselVes that virtually everything we do is involved with energy. Some savings have been made already. Energy costs can eat us up, but in looking at Dade County, a lot of reductions can be brought about. He is not suggesting that we are going to reduce energy costs from what they have been, but hopes we can reduce energy consumption, because -thecost~wilt.-increase. The only way to get a handle on this and understand all the ideas coming forth is %o assign someone full-time to look at all the energy issues. For the next few years, as long -18- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 as it appears to be productive, we should look at everything we do. It will take a concerted effort. He has a suggested cost for the last seven months of this fiscal year. He has suggested the costs for a full year to be considered at next year's budget. Mr. Cheney recommended that the City Council authorize this position for the remainder of this year and depending on the budget for at least another year and see what we can accom- plish. We can measure this program's accomplishments. If we don't accomplish anything, the program can die. We can decide whether it is a cost effective .program. Mr. Trauger commented that after reading all of this and initiating the starting of the energy program, he has been well pleased with the Planning Department and Mr. Grabeel who developed this. In looking over this in great detail, he was initially reluctant to spend this. However, we must proceed with a program and emphasize it, so it will not die out and lose its effectiveness. He thinks with seven months left, we will have a measurable point to see whether the program is cost effective or not. As energy prices increase, we should do everything to contain ourselves to a minimum of dollar expenditures. He suggests that we create a temporary position for this length of time. Mr. Trauger moved to accept the City Manager's report as prepared and accept the recommendation for a proposed Energy Officer over a seven month plan as outlined in his memo. Mr. deLong seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Harmening asked if this would be limited to the balance of the seven months and Mr. Trauger replied affirmatively. Mayor Harmening asked if there would be any problem hiring someone for only the seven month period and Mr. Cheney re- plied that in any position which is not funded for another year, there is the problem of how to handle that person. Mayor Harmening referred to the initial acquisition of the person and Mr. deLong commented that once a position is created, we are hung with it. This is something like the MICA studies as it is easy to give figures, but we should have actual proof. He does not see why anyone would not take a temporary appointment and if they make good and do a good job and the results are worthwhile, then it would be appropriate to create the position. Mayor Harmening clari- fied that he was just inquiring whether there would be problems hiring someone on a temporary basis and Mr. deLong replied that somebody working for the City may be willing to try it. -19- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Mr. Wright stated that he is not in favor of a temporary position. He thinks we can do some good for the citizens in this community with this program and make this have a multi-fold purpose and save some money ourselves. We should be concerned with the services to be provided for the citizens. He doesn't think the utility companies are doing that goOd a job of educating the people and he needs all the information he can get. Mr. deLong commented that with conditions the way they are, he thinks people would be willing to take a temporary job. If it doesn't prove feasible, why should we have excess baggage on the payroll? Mr. Wright replied that we can always make the decision that a job is not needed. Mr. deLong stated this is the policy making body. If it is to be a temporary position, so be it! We will give them the opportunity to prove that the savings being quoted is made. It should be shown to us. It should be proven whether we will receive this. Once you put someone on the payroll, you will find it is hard to get rid of them. Mr. Wright clarified that the motion was to create a tem- porary position and Mr. Trauger agreed. Mr. Cheney commented that he thinks after one year, 1½ years or maybe two years, the savings will be shown. Even the simple things which have been done, have shown a savings. In the Building Department, the energy consumption was cut 40%. He thinks it will sell itself in the seven months. We will be able to show we have been able to save on con- sumption or have identified programs. Mr. deLong asked if anything was ever going to be done about recycling newspapers? Mr. Trauger stated this will be for seven months and then it can be reviewed at budget time. Mr. Wright added ~at he spoke with Mr. Cheney about the funding availability through the Community Services Trust Fund with thinking about a way to cut down the expenditure of our own dollars. Mr. Trauger asked where they get their money and Mr. Wright replied it is money coming into the County. Mr. Trauger commented that nobody has any funds in any pot unless it comes from the taxpayer. Mr. Wright stated that it will be spent in the County, so why not have it come to the City. Motion carried 5-0. -20- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Mayor Harmening then read proposed Resolution No. 81-N by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE JOB DESCRIPTION FOR ENERGY COORDINATOR Mr. deLong moved adoption of Resolution No. 81-N. He stated this gives classification and clarification and this will apply to a temporary position. Mayor Harmening stated that any position can be abolished. Mr. deLong then amended the motion to insert the word "temporary" in this proposed reso- lution. Mr. Trauger seconded the amendment. Mr. Vance sug- gested if they are going to create a job description, it would be better to create it as it is in the resolution with a clear understanding in the minutes that the position will' only be funded subject to budget review in September. Mayor Harmening clarified that nothing needed to be changed. Mr. Trauger withdrew his second to the amendment and Mr. deLong withdrew the amendment. Mr. Trauger then seconded the ori- ginal motion. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Report on Beach Public Information Program - Requested by Vice Mayor Trauger Mr. Trauger requested a statement from the City Manager where we are currently under negotiations from the presen- tation we had several months ago and Mr. Cheney stated that he has made two presentations in the last couple weeks. Some pictures will be taken soon to include as part of the' presentation. There are other meetings scheduled and letters will be sent out this week to clubs and condominium organiZa- tions which have regular meetings to offer our services to- make brief presentations on the beach so 'they can ask ques- tions~ etc. prior to having a public hearing before the Council. Mr. Trauger referred to having a referendum and bond issue and questioned the time we can spend on this before having to move and Mayor Harmening replied that we should probably make the determination whether we want ko do this first and then whether to have a special election or include it in the general election one year from March. -21- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Mr. Cheney stated the last action taken by the Council was to suggest this come back before them in April or May for a public information meeting. He understood they wanted a public information program for the community and then the Council would hold a public information meeting and after having input, then decide whether to proceed. It was de- sired to have the public understand what we are talking about. Mr. deLong stated the fiscal agent should be consulted as we must know the cost and Mayor Harmening replied that the interest rates could not be given for six months from now. Mr. Cheney stated the fiscal agent is working with us for the golf course and we will get input. Mr. deLong added that there was no need to have a special election if it could be ready for the regular election. Accept Resignation and Appoint Replacement Member to Plan- ning & Zoning Board Mr. deLong moved to accept the resignation from Mr. Sidney Bernstein as a member of the Planning & Zoning Board with regret. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. Mayor Harmening added that the Clerk should send the appropriate letter. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. deLong moved that nominations be opened for an appoint- ment to the Planning & Zoning Board, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. deLong placed in nomination the name of Mr. Ezell Hester. He added that Mr. Hester's resume is on record because he has served the City in the past and did a remarkable job on the Board of Adjustment in past years. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. Mr. Simon Ryder, Chairman~of the Planning & Zoning Board, came before the Council and stated this comes as a surprise to him and Mr. Annunziato. He asked who received this resig- nation and Mr. deLong replied that Mr. Bernstein telephoned him. Mr. Ryder stated it is his understanding that the former Chairman of the Board, Mr. Arnold Thompson, indicated if there was a vacancy, he might consider coming back. He added this will make four new members out of seven and Mr. Wright informed him that Mr. Hester served previously on the Planning & Zoning Board. Mr. Wright added that he spoke to Mr. Thompson prior to making nominations to the Planning & Zoning Board in January and at that time, Mr. Thompson said he was not willing to serve because he had other things to do. -22- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Mayor Harmening added that he was also told the same by Mr. Thompson. Mr. deLong stated he also spoke to Mr. Thompson and attended every Planning & Zoning Board meeting last year and was impressed with the way Mr. Thompson handled the chair and he was very confident, but he made the decision about not serving. Mr. deLong referred to this not being the proper order of business and moved that nominations be closed, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Harmening announced that Mr. Ezell Hester has been nominated and appointed. He requested the City Clerk to please send the appropriate notice. ADMINISTRATIVE Report on Firinq~Range (Tabled) Mayor Harmening announced this would be left on the table. City Manaqer Report on MICA Studies (Tabled) Mayor Harmening asked if the members wanted to schedule a WOrkshop meeting to discuss these MICA reports and received affirmative responses from the members, Mr. Cheney requested the date to be set in a couple weeks and after discussion, it was agreed to have this workshop meeting on Thursday, March 5 at 7:00 P. M. City Manager Report on Consolidation of Bank Accounts Mr. Cheney referred to this being in the nature of a progress report which will be continued unless there are some objec- tions and Mayor Harmening replied that from what he has read of the summary, it seems like a good idea, but he would like to ask some questions. Mayor Harmening asked if a high proportion, 80% or more, of the idle cash is invested on a continuous basis and Mr. Swann replied negatively. Mayor Harmening asked i~ the annual rate of return on the cash investments competitive with market interest rates and Mr. Swann replied negatively, but that is why they are trying to consolidate all the bank accounts. Mayor Harmening asked if there was a set of stated goals a~d policies that control the investment of idle cash or at least a semi-formal operating procedure and Mr. Swann informed him that all the investment procedures are set with the Treasurer of the City and her contacts are used with the banks and CDs. -23- MINU~ES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 17, 1981 BOYN~ON BEACH, FLORIDA i Mayor Harmening asked if the cash is pulled from different funds for investment purposes and Mr. Swann replied affir- matively. Mayor Harmening asked if one person is assigned the responsibility for cash ~anagement and Mr. Swann replied affirmatively. M~yor Harmen~ng asked if the accounting sys- tem provides regular information concerning our cash position and investment performance and Mr. Swann replied affirmatively as there is a computer printout. Mayor Harmening asked if there is an on-going analyza~ion of the investment performance in terms of market conditions and maximum yield and Mr. Swann replied affirmatively, that on a day-to-day basis, we are dealing with banks and getting the maximum on our CDs, but do not have the consolidated abilitY yet for larger units of money. Mayor Harmening asked if there is an active program to insure timely collection Qf taxes and other revenue with immediate deposits and receipts and Mr. Swann replied affirma- tively. Mr. Cheney referred to the t~x question being related to those agencies whO do their ~wn tax collection and Mayor Harmeni~g agreed and clarified this meant all the other funds too. Mr. deLong asked if this was going to be by bid and Mayor Harmening replied affirmativE~ly. Mr. Trauger stated that cons¢ fine, but when talking about limit the bidding just to bar the large cash flow investmer Fund, Merrill-Lynch Fund, et¢ provision on this, they offez withdrawal, the same as the that what we are talking abo~ We are talking about service on a bid basis where we will review them. Basically all tically, We have the right daily basis. In this proced invested whenever it is in ti which we will negotiate in tS a variety of bank services, done automatically. If we w~ put them someplace else, that Trauger clarified this will bank to do this automaticall there will be some problems of the bond nature. Mayor H~ thinks this is an excellent t out in order to increase the to the maximum. ,lidation of bank accounts is bidding, he would not like to .ks as there are many other on .ts such as Dreyfuss Open End · Unless there is a legal the security, protection and .thers. Mr. Cheney replied .t here might be different. with a bank that would be done get proposals from banks and .he money is invested automa- ~o do other investments on a .re, the money is automatically ~e bank above what we agree, ~e bidding, plus we will get ~tc. The idea is to have it .nt to take excess funds and · is our business. Mr. ~onsolidate the money in the ~ and Mr. Cheney agreed, but ~ith the utility funds because .rmening commented that he ~rogram and should be carried yield on the City's idle funds MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Mayor Harmening asked what has been done to overcome the float and Mr. Swann replied that right now, he has a sched- ule of bank accounts and each day, the float is in a savings account which is not the maximum earnings and that is why we are trying to get away from this. Everything the City has is invested, but it is not invested at the maximum that it should be. Everything has a savings account at least. Mayor Harmening clarified that his question referred to the float in the matter of depositing funds today and interest is not paid today. Has anything been done to try to expedite the clearance of any of our funds so the interest will be accrued as soon as possible? Mr. Swann replied that he has talked to quite a few of the bankers and they have allowed us to have collective funds. Mayor Harmening asked if he had con- sidered asking some of these larger contributors to pay in federal funds and Mr. Swann replied negatively as he was not aware of this. He thinks we will be able to work with one bank a lot more closer than we can with speading it out over several banks. Mayor Harmening asked if we are still being gUaDanteed pledged government securities backing up all our deposits and Mr~ Swann replied affirmatively. Mayor Harmening asked if there is any check made to see they have actually done this and Mr~ Swann replied affirmatively, that it is done on a quarterly basis and done annually by the auditors and we receive confirmations from th~ bank. Mr. Cheney advised that one thing included would be participation to those banks who have branches in the City. Mayor Harmening agreed, but suggested we go wkerever we get the best yield~ There was further discussion about the bid proposals and the expected response. Mr. ~rauger moved to accept the reco~n~menda~ion of ~he City Manager in his memo of February 17 regarding consolidation o~ the bank accounts. Mr. deLong seconde~ th~ mo~ion. No discussion. Rot~on carried 5-0. Budget Transfer Request - UnemPloyment Mr. deLong moved to grant this requests, seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. ~ot~on carried 5-0, Budget Transfer Request - Wederal Revenue Sharing Mr~ deLong moved to grant th~s request, seconded by Mr, Wright. No discussion. Motion carried -25- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Mr. Trauger referred to one of the Board's mentioning that 10% of Federal Revenue Sharing'is to be for social services and asked the City Manager to check if that Board has full control of that amount of money or not and Mr. Cheney replied that he will do this and he plans to meet with that ~oard. He believes they have an advisory responsibility, but not full control. Mr. deLong questioned the purpose of the Wilson Center van and Mr. Frederick informed him that temporarily it will be an addition, but is actually a replacement for a 1974 van which is used for trips for senior citizens, youngsters in the summer, used by the staff, etc. Mr. deLong asked if it is used for serving meals and Mr. Frederick replied nega- tively. Mr. deLong referred to people having trouble get- ting to the Boat Club for meals and Mr. Cheney informed him that our vans are not used for that program. Sale of Cemetery Lot 3, Block M Mr. deLong moved to grant this request, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Request Authorization to ~ispose of Records Mr. deLong moved to grant this authorization, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Mayor Harmening clarified that it was moved and seconded to grant authorization to dispose of records as set forth in the memo from Mrs. Padgett under date of 2/4/81. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Cheney added that we are in the middle of the biggest destruction program he has ever seen. Fourteen trash bags have gone out. Records are being dug out from over twenty years ago. Request Permission for Two (2) Construction Trailers to be Placed at Site of Boynton Beach Mausoleum - John Ingran, Vice President, Ingran Construction Mr. deLong moved to grant permission, seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0, List of Payments - Month of Januar¥'1981 Mr. deLong referred to discontinuing this and Mr, Trauger disagreed. Mr. deLong moved to place this list of payments on file, seconded Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Mi/ion car- ried 5-0. -26- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 Approval of Bills Mr. Cheney read the following bills for approval: Allied Chlori~e Corp. Chlorine for Water Treatment Pay from Water & Sewer Rev. 401-332-533-30-63 1,989.00 Board of County Commissioners Use of County Landfill for January, 1981 Pay from General Fund 001-341-534-40-9A 9,954.00 3. Howard Cook, General Contractor, Est. ~5 Project: Boynton Beach Clubhouse, NE 22nd Ave Pay from Fed. Rev. Sharing 320-000-205-01-00 Contract dated 9/9/80 6,814.80 4. Lassiter Construction, Inc., Appt. 95 For Wilson Municipal Pool Pay from General Fund 001-000-115-87-00 Re-imbursable from Comm. Dev. Agreement 26,388.00 0 Moore Business Forms, Inc. Stock Paper for Data Processing Pay from General Fund 001-133,.513-30-12 1,235.28 Russell & Axon Professional services rendered on various projects Pay from accounts: 403-000-169-11-00 9,789.64 403-000-169-11-00 2,388.27 403-000-220-63-00 2,026.30 403-000-220-64-00 5,633.88 19,838.09 Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson 2,216.50 Legal services during month of December 1980 Pay from General Fund 001-141-514-40-64 1,213.25 001-141-514-40-6L 1,003.25 South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Board 25,000.00 City portion additional funds to cover expenses attached to the furtherance of Step II & minor amendments Pay from Utility General Fund 403-000-169-11-00 R. J. Sullivan Corp., Est. 96 (Final) For pump & discharge contract - Mango Heights Pay from General Fund 001-000-247-89-00 6,466.10 -27- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1981 10. Isiah Andrews 110.00 Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks Pay from Fed. Rev. Sharing 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 11. Willie Ruth McGrady 96.00 Server for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks Pay from Fed. Rev. Sharing 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73 12. Publix Market 44.30 Meals for needy & infirmed for Jan. 1981 Pay from Fed. Rev. Sharing 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 Mr. deLong referred to the bills having been found in order and moved to pay the bills, seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. deLong referred to newspaper recycling and Mr. Cheney advised him this will be studied. ADJOURNMENT Mr. deLong moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 10:00 P. M. CITY OF BOYNT( BEACH, FLORIDA BY Mayor ATTEST: Clerk ~ecording Secretary (Three Tapes) '"UR 'q36 320~05 ~L 7 021549 :31938' 025483 31939 030501 31940 080432 1941---: t942 I0~508 31945 16630~ 31945 1908~5 4~ ......... 1-90940 ,948 ...... 192592 232515 31950 .......... 202550 31951 233452 B1952 231583 'ITV .qF BOYNTON B~A2H R E N T M O N T H C H E C ADMINISTRATIVE VENDOr: NA~E CHEC< DATE TDT&L A~OUNT CONSTANCE BAISH 1/0t/81 53.79 F~ANK A. BEDNARICK 1/01/81 108.59 DB5 BJTLER ............. 1/0!/81 227.58 qENA CARRIER 1/01/81 68.~3 JDHN HARRINGTDN 1/01181 397.99 MJRIEL HOLZMaN .............. ' ......... 1/01/81 ................. 16~.46 F~NK JOHNSON 1/O1/Bt 88.75- GEORGE A. 30NNSON 1/01/81 88.66 ~JHN JOHNSTON ............. 1/01/81 ......... 625~I~ ELEANOR PUFFER 1/'01/81 91.28 JOHN SCHNEIDER 1/01/81 133o20 ~A~Y E.--~CHORR ..................... t~0-1~8t -Z-53-.66 ADA SHOOK LEE THOMAS 1/01/81 JAHES--C. THOMPSON ..................... 1/0I~81 .................................... 1/0-1/81 ............ 202.21~ ......... ' ........... OLIVE WALLACE 1/01/81 W.T. WELCH 1/01/81 M I L OR. E.B.-A ,---'--ZW A RI 1/0-1/3-i tENON HARRIS ......................... 1/0-1/81 WILLIE BAGLEY 1/01/81 MRS. FLORENCE SULL.I'-VAN ...... 1/01/81 GEORGE JUNNIER ]./,~1/81~' HAROLD HERRING 1/01/81 795.91 71.19 ............. 168.90 82.65 71.~13 ....... ..... 551.53 ........ 489.21 ................. 194o10 ............ 964°63 39.3~ ...... 225.41 91.50. 920°69 265.2Z .... 185°~2 ............. ....... oO .......... 28°80 27~185o~0 ............ 8~888.°18 ........ ~710o49 I~786;77 ........ I~35°76 .......... 5~5~6o67 1959 .... :t Z45'9g..: :.:- ~ ND,-MA N.. L3LATIE .1/0.1./81. 1960 - 19~290 KEN SNOW .......... 1/01/8'1 1961 206300 JOHN M, TUITE 1/01/81 1952 ..... 235495 CJRTIS E ..... WRIGHT ................. 1/D1/81_ 1963 2Z2794 J~N ~lCKI 2038 BIDDD2 CLINTON EDWARDS 1/02/81 2.039 ............. 39203~ .... KEVIN M:GDWEN ......................... 205~ 160388 PALM BEA:H JR. COLLEGE 12/3!/B0 2372 BDDDD2 C. MD~MAN DOUGLAS 1/02/81 2073 ........ D 1~.243 ISIAH. INDREWS ................. 2074 1]0950 WILLIE RUTH ~:GRIDY 82375 D52glO FIRST BA~< ~ TRUST 1/02/81 310.7.6 .......... D. 2.~25 _ ._ BDYNTON...C.I TY_ F E~ERAL_._C. ~ED ......... i/D~ 81 ~077 02~730 BDYNTON BEACH RETIREHENT 1/02/81 32378 I35423 ; VJNICIPAL POLICE 1/32/81 ~32u. 9 ............ 052~20 FIREMEN'S RELIEF &. '~2DBD 194433 SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIgUT 1/05/8'0 ~12080 lPAGOD SOCIAL' SECURIIY CO~IRtBjT 1/25/81 ,2_081 _. 32083 32094 32085 32088 32389 ........ 210150 U.S. 19442] SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRtBUT 195025 STALE OF FLORIDA - DEPT.' 330007 DAVID T GALLOWAY 210157 g.'S. POST~ASTER 014240 TSIAH 'ANDREWS l~850 WILLIE RdTH MCGRADY ._ 013720 ALLEN IN%JRAN25 AGENCY 013780 ALLIED CHLORIN~ g 015536 A~MY NAVY SURPLUS POSTMASTER 1/05/81 1/07/81 1/09/81 1/39/81 t/39/81 1/09/81 1/$9/81 1/~9/8i .1/~9/B1 ................................ I/D 6/_81 ............... 3 D...O0 ........ 4,442.73 20°00 .415,12 900,00 55°00 ...... '48.00 1.4,523.00 1,5~7°00 924.00 "TTY OF BOYNTON BE"r '~,~H ~ E '~l'I' M 3 N T H CHECKS ~=CK_ ,," V.FNO0~ ", VENDO~ NA~AE, CHECK 32292 32293 32295 32395 32097 32298 32099 32103 :~21D1 ...... 32102 32123 3213~ 32195 32126 321~7 321~8 32199 32110 3~I12 ._321iL3 32114 32ii5 32II5 32i!7 32ii8 32125 32121 32122 32123 32129 ..... 32125 32~26 32127 32128 3~28 32129 32139 ~132 32133 32134 32135 "32136 32137 32138 216929 G2043~ 22~447 221201 021530 321675 323553 024599 22~717 024720 22~725 22~739 924769 032185 230289 030290 330303 032415 33~9~ 0362~7 3ff1513 0~I689 953~0! 953910 952785 052~20 362910 052P15 053703 35371~ 083742 353752 3_5378~ 0~3798 35~503 070013 070010 373411 072579 37~503' 074600 27558P 075519 090310 393433 08~597 ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK THE ~AKER ~ TAYLOR CO. TqE BAKER & TAYLDR BD. Of CO. COM~ISSIDNERS BEANE EXTERMINATING CO, DANIEL BELL ~LACK'S READER SERVICE TqOMAS_ ~OUREGY & CO. BDYNTON ~70 SUPPLY BOYNTON BEACH'CHAMBER BOYNT'ON CITY FEDERAL CRED BOYNTON 'BEACH.RETIREMENT ~DYNTDN GLASS SERVICE, C.K.'S L~CKSHOP, INC. CADILLAC _ENGRAVERS _- . CAIN FEED ~ SUPPLY C'ALD~ELL, P~C ETTI, BARROW PETER L. CHENEY ........................................ COHHERCI~L HYDRAULICS HOWARD CODK CdPOLA PRODUCTIONS ..... DAVIS HETER ~ SUPPLY DELRAY ELECTRIC S~PPLY DENS~.ERGER F.I.~E EQUIP. .C.O~ ....... DOJ8LEDAY ~ EMERGENCY ~ED~CAL SERVICE EMERGENCy ONE FIRE SHIEF'S AssOC~'~F''P~ .... FIREMEN'S RELIEF & FIRST_BA~ ~ TRUST FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CLOR!~ BRAKE E FLDR~DA EAST COAST CHASTE FLDRIDA ENGINEERING SOCIE FLU~IDA LEVEL ~ TRANSIT FLDRIOA POWER & .LIGH!...CO~ FLORIDA TENNIS ASSOC. ~OJR STEEL CORPORATION G.G. TRANSHISS[ON~ I~C G.G. TRANSmISSiON, INC. ~ETTY GARRIGA GAYLORD BROS.,INC. HENRY E. GIBSON, SEC, TRE CHARLES GODFREY G]RE NEWSPAPER CO. GJLF 3IL CORP. GJLFSTREAM LUMBER CO. H~LSEY & GRI~FITH, INCo ~ARDRIVES~ INC. HIGHSMITH [0., INC. EOGA~ HOWELL PAGE 2 DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 1/09/81 130,375.51 1/09/8t 1/09/81 1;510.51 1/29/81 1/0o/81 145.00. 1/09/81 .......... ~8.00 ....... 1109/8i 6.49 1/09/B1 21,30 .1/39/81 .. 909,31 1/09/81 .l,O00.O0 1/09/81 8,981.18 .i/09/81 ....... A,-693.8~ 1/09/81 4.3.35 1/09/81 20.00 1/09/81 - _.~.-I_3 1/09/81 173,45 1/29/81 2,.863.09 1/.0.91/81 .................73-0I 1/09/81 271.30 1/39/91 14,846.~0 1/09/81 __ 19~85 i/~9/8t 780.40 1/09/81 t. 57,49 _i/09/.81.. ......... ~0,00 ......... 1/09/8t 9.33 1/09/8~ iD.OD 1109181 30.00 t/09/81 993.97 1/09/8! 1/09/81 25.0.00 1/OQ/81 194o28 1/09/81 ............. 39.00 __.. 1109181 lZ~.O0 1/09/81 17.40 1/0~/81 ..... 17,.185,.~0 l/,J./81 1~.90 1/0ot81~- ~-- 215.00 1/09/81 45,00 1/09/81 ............... ITP.O0 1/09/81 12.00 i/~9/81 45.00 i/Og/Bl 89.70 1/09/91 7,2~7.1~ 1/3~/8'1 397.96 1/09/81 _ 85~.58 ...... 1/39/81 .85.80 1/39/81 97.47 1/09/8t 112.22 ~ E CITY OF BOYNTONO..4,~H"C r N T MONTH CH E C K S PAGE 3 "]" 32140 OgOlOl .I '141 32142 32143 100~t0 37144 123491 32145 12165a 32145 121673 32147 1217~2 32148 122800 3214~ 12476P ~ . 3~153 133409 32151 ............. 1.3050.0 32152 130~42 32153 131685 3~154 132743 32155 13460P 32155 136~23 32157 ........ 140393 32158 1~044~ 32159 140469 32160 141721 3~i51. .i62 150365 32153 .............. 16338! 3215~ 153407 32165 160410 32155 .~ 150455 32167 161700 32158 152753 3216~ .......... 162793 37170 1'80500 32171 132771 32172 170353 32173 190059 32174 lg1515 32175 ......... lO151v '32176 191523 32177 192750 3217~ 194290 32179 194697 3213~ 32131 1~4712 32182 iqSOlP _t33 196015 3~1B4 176225 37195 291515 3~196 Z954i0 32187 235353 3~i35 2334~ 32189 234525 S~EC< DATE [.B.M CORPORATION I.B.~. CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL CITY JACK'S CAMERA CENTER LASSITER CONSTRUCTIO~ LEt~AN PUBLICATIONS, INC. HARRY Po LEU INC. LEXIN&TOM FEED & SUPPLY LINDSLEY LUNBER JOHN LOdERY ~ANH~TTAN TROPHIES qETR~POLITAN MUSEU~ OF AR ~ICKLER'S FLGRIDIAN~ MONROE CALCULATOR MJNICIPAL POLICE NLA TREASURER ........................ NATIONAL LIBRARY RE.SOURCE . NATIONAL ~ELDING PRODUSTS NEN YORK 'TIMES LARGE TYPE OD~R'CONIROL SYSTEMS PAINT CENTER PALM BCH. JR, COLLEGE ....... PALM BEACH HYDRAULIC JACK PALM BEACH NEWSPAPERS PE~'RY PATTERSON PETTY CASH LIBRARY PlCARD CHEMICAL CO. PIERCE TIRE .CO-,..INC ........... EVA RAYMOND JA~ES RHDDEN SR. SAFETY KLEEN CORP. 3LYVE E. SCHOOLEY SE~CREST PHARmaCY SE~CREST SURGICAL SEACREST VETERINARY SILVER BJRDE.TT KEN SNOW S. CENT. dASTEWATER TREAT SOJTHE~N HYDRAULICS E EQU SDLJTH COUNTY DRUG ABUSE ....... STATE-OF FLORIDA DEPT. 3n STATE OF FLORIDA FLORENCE STUBB!NS TEEN TRAIL ~O~D TRACTOR CO. TJRF ~ASTER DF FL)Ri)A EArL NALLACE MOTORS, INC. .J.J-~. WOLF FRESH DIST. C~al% KLAMERT i/O~IB1 1/09/81 1109/81 1/09181 '1/09/8t I/OOIB1 1/OD/81 1/~7/81 1/39/81 1/0~/81 1/09/81 ..... 1/09/81. 1109/8! 1/~9/81 1/09/81 1/0~/81 1/09/81 1/09/81 -1/09/81 1/09/81 1/09/81 1/09/81 1/09/81 1/39/81~ l/o9/Bf' 1709/81 1/39/91 1./30/B1 1/09/81 1/09/81' 1/09/81 1/39/81 1/09/81 1/'09/81 1/39/81 1/09/81 1/09/81 1/09/81 1/0~/81 1/07/81 1/09/81 1/0~/81 1/S~/81 1/09/B1 1/3~/81 1/09/91 1/39/B1 1/09/81 1/~9/81 1/09/B! 1/09/81 T3TAL AuOUNT 423~00 79.31 3~.75 27.8~ 75,978.00 8.00 382.42 79.25 35.33 48°00 132,56 ................. 561.58 7.95 56.95 . 12.29 21~.00 1,481.36 ................ 15.00 31.23 37.50 -- 48.97 89~40 39.24 .............. IO.00~ 35.27 5,228o51 95.00 9.95 78.50 2~337.39 ._ 45.00 303.00 38.50 15.90 476.81 _177.80 75.35 9.87 203.00 39,1~6.40 29°23 ..6,000.00 153.50 172.15 15.00 1I.g5 336.09 1,332o~0 872.U0 5.50 3,115,57 .2 7 3?,tO 1 .321¢;3. 321o.~ ,32195 321'~7 32198 32199 32202 32201 .~ .-322 D 2. 32203 3220~ 32205 ~2206 32227 32209 32212 322ii 3~ 12 3221~ 32215 32215 32217. 32218 3221~ 32220 32221 32222 32223 32224 ~2225 32226 32227 ~2228 ~2229 322 ~2 ~'~2~i ~22~2 ~:'~233 ~ ~2 34 32235 32235 3~237 ~3223B 32239 3224~ 32241 -IT¥ OF BOYNTON BEA£H £ J ~ ~ c N T M lO N T H C H E C K S VENOO~ t~ 3gOOlP 230015 51372D 314033 51530D 020439 523443 0~356~ 523933 025580 026370 539280 042605 5.~23GI 044?50 555951 06300C 073355 5.7~553 075450 37553O 080425 193310 114600 115651 i~DA1D 12~50 121525 130400 130~51 1.3~504 134645 l~DAZ~ 14045© 16275~ 18~520 19039~ 120507 193~51 lg~513' lq472~ 21~353 215390 21~1~ 23177~ VCNUOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT ~DBE~T P. MYRI[K 1/09/8I ~OYNTON CITY FEDERAL CREO i/DO/81 ALLEN INSdR^P~ ,~ AGENCY 1/13/Bt ~ERIZAN LIBRARY A'SSDC. 1/13/81 AJT~PROD~JCTS, INC. 1/13/BI T~ ~AKER K TAYLOR CO. ~ - 1/13/81 T~5 BAKER g TAYLOR C~. 1/13/BI ~L~CK'S READER SERVICE 1/13/81 BLJE CROSS OF FLORIDA ......... I/i3/81 BOVNTON aJTO SUPPLY 1/13/81 BR~ -DART, INC, 1/13/81 D~. JAMES._E.._BUEFA.~ .............. 1/13/8_1 CADILLAC .ENGRAVERS I/IO/8I DIAZ!T CO., INC. 1/I3/81 DILLE~ .BR. OWN...ASSOC ...................... . ..... 1/13/8i DD!JBLEDAY ~ CO. 1/13/8t JOHN B. DUNKLE 1/13%81 1,852.44 1,356.95 389.00 4°00 268,~9 18.52 675.28 2_1,0ID.]1 18°23 122,58 ........... 150.D0 29.13 27.59 307,08 13.60 VIOLET FISHER SCIENTIFIC 1/13/81 GALE RESEARCH COo 1/13/81 gDqE NEWSPAPER CO ........... 1/13/81 ESTLER. -' 1/13/81 .............. 91.16 54.30 GI.99 1/1.3/81 107.52 1/13/81 29.70 1/13/81_, ............. 1/13/81 290.00 1/13/81 123.16 1/13/81 ......... 202.85 1/13/81 95.00 1/13/81 1,104°05 L/lC/B1 ........... 76..00 .... 1/13/81 7,50 1/13/81 7,95 1/13/81 __ 33.00 1/13/81 355.00 1/13/81 6.23 1/13/81 ......... Z2..OO 1/13/81 158.5.7 1/13/81- 22.00 1/13/81 37Z,82 1/13/81 486,15 1/13/81 102.75 1/13/81 __ . -50~00._ 1/13/81 9~.00 1/1B/B1 34.59 1/13/81 212~01 1/13/81 5B,50 1/13/81 100.74 1/13/8i 286~25 1/13/81 103.32 1/13/81 311.00 1/13/~I 22.90 %qaYBAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. R°L. GRUMMONS PRINTING HAND'S .......................... HYLINE JACK'S CABERA [ENTER KDPY KING PRINTING ~ - , .~ENTtR. ELEANDR K~USELL LAMAR UNIFORMS LANIER BJSINE'S.S PRDD~£TS PAUL DAVIS LECLAIR MANHATTAN TROPHIES MARINE ENGINE EQUI~. CO. MgCA!N S~LES qCG~a&-HILL BOOK COMPANY qO~ILE COHMUNICATIONS MOORE BUSINESS FORMS, IN[ NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE DEALE NATIONAL LINEN SERVICE PlCARD £HEHICAL CD- RDBEeT RICHARDSON R~BERTS SEPTIC TANKS SAL'S SPORT SHOP SAPGENT-SOWELL, INC. SSHNDPP ~FG. CO. CONE'S UNIFORMS SOUT~ERN P&PER CO. JNDE~GRDJND SUPPLY JNIJaX UNIVERSAL BEACH SERVICE WESTERN PJBLISHIN~ CD. C R E 'l T .M 3 N T H C H E C K S ~EC< # VENnO~ :: VENDO~ NA'4E CHEC< DATE ~ S2242 790143 CIty DF BOYNTON B~A~H 1113/8i ""32>3 13753~ LEE ~¥LES TRANSMISSION 1/13181 -3~ ~ 232~01 CITY IF ~OYNTON BEACH .... 1/13/8I 32245 2~0002 LILLTAN ~ONNER I/iS/S1 322~5 ~iOO~5 JOE L ONENS I/IS/Bi 32247 014240 ISIAH ANDREWS ............... 1/15/81 ;2248 13~959 WILLIE R~TH MCGRADY 1/15/81 ~249 014159 AMERICAN ~ATER WORKS ASSD I/I5/81 ~2250 01590D ATLANT~£ HARDWARE .......... 1/15/81 52251 015323 ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK 1/15/81 32252 015~00 AUTOPRO:DUSTS, INC. t/I~/81 3225.3 320!7D BuBo AUTD..PAR.TS, _INC ........ S ........ 1/15/81 ~225G 020~85 JJDI BAOKEMA ................ I/t5/8I 2255 022930 BISHOP'S 1/15/81 ]2255 02~725 BOYNTON C.IT.K FEDERAL C~E~ ............. 1/15/81 ~2257 024728 .BOYNTON BCHoNEWS JOURNAL I/I5/81 32258 024733 BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 1/15/81 ~2ZbR,.. ......... D.26755 B2250 0Z~773 32251 325603 ~2252 _ ~2263 030505 32_65 ...............0.3. Z905 82256 034993 335563 O~161g 34172~ ~2270 052309 32273 052910 322.7_~.. 3.53675 PAGE 32275 053592 32276 063720 32.2~7 _~5q533 i,~2278 35q5~9 2279 065590 ~22~0 D7O~OO 322~1 070410 !32282 272673 -%2233 ..... 27~520 ~22~4 075459 ~-~5 075580 ~a~5 390574 32288 085458 32289 090105 ~-~%2292 193319 J22gi 112109 322P2 Ii050i TOTAL ~MQUNT 12.I0 215.D0 _.. 69,39 . . !84.31 251.76 ......... 55.00 48.0O 43.00 59.97 1,500.00 1~.90 ................... 154.._48 ........... . .12.00 ..... · 39.00 8.,955,18 lg.O0 3,421.80 .... BCYNTON._G.J~._E...LOC~,_._INC ~3YNTDN MEOICAL~O×YGEN. '._.i ........... B~3~D PUMP E SUPPLY BYRDS ELECTRIC..M~I.DR KAYE CARSON CITY ]~ ~OYNTON BEACH .£_IT.Y OE__DELRA%....BEACH ROBERT E,COOK SR __ 1115/8i.- ................ 379.9.7 1/15/81 .... 238,00 1/15/81 392.i~ I/I5/~1 .............. 1~2.00. 1/15/81 2~o00 1/lb/B1 53.00 .1/.15/8.i .............. 92._~9 ~/1:5/81 ................. 15~00 · 1/15/81 89'2.56 1/15/81 18,873.I2 1/15/8_1 ........ lO.D0 1/15/91 ig.O0 1115181 750.00 _!/1~/,8.! ............ 954.00 1/15/81 38.90 1115181 349.00 1/15[81 45.00 1115/81 407.80 1116181 ~2.00 ~/15181 ................. ~5...00 1/15/81 509,00 1/15/81 2~330.I5 1/15/81 5.95 1/15/81 225.9'0 1/15/81 20o00 1/15/91 117.84 1/15/91 23.46 1/15/al 695.74 1/15/8t 9.37 FIREMEN'S RELIEF.& FIRST BANK & TRUS.T FLDRTDA.._~MA~EUR S~E!.BALL FLORIDA BOLT E NUT ~LORIDA EAST COAST FSJR ST.EEL._CORPO~AT. ID~ GEq. FOWLER WELDING CO. Cq~RLES .FREDERICK ~BETTY .GA_~.~IGa GAYLORg .ROTH:'RS HENRY E. GIBSON, SEC, TRF C~ARLES...._SDDFRE.Y H]:RIE GREENE, TANK INSPEC GJLF ]IL HARK!NS ~ ASSOCIATES, IN[ H]LLY AC£UMULATOR ~ ~J~IEL HUTCH Io~.~. CORPORATION JACk'S CA~ERA CENTER K ~ M ELECTRIC SUPPLY !NC KAWASAKI CR~NM LIFE INSURANCE CD, 1115/8i 2,783.76 DELRAY E.LEC!~IC_$~PLY ................... 1/15/.81 .............. Z3,~6 ..... DE~IND MACHINERY 23. 1/15/81 . ~4.21 EAST COAST FIRE EQUIP. 1/15/81 74.35 _EASY PAY_~I.RE..STO~E .............................. 1/16/8_1 ............ 27 · q.F_ C K / ~ 81 1 3':1 32295 322q6 "32297 32293 32299 32332 32301 32332 32333 ~-~32304 32335 32335 32307 32338 32309 32313 32311 32312 32313 3~'315 3,23~5 :'32317 3231~ 32319 32320 32321 32322 32323 323~4 32325 3232~ 32327 32329 3~32~ 32333 32331 32332. 32333 ~-'~334 :~335 32335 :23B7 3233~ 3233~ 3~3~0 3~34t 3~3~£ 112~88 11~633 121573 122~1! 130233 130319 131G7! 132771 135423 137533 133~31 150109 153373 i53374 150383 152771 162789 .-155532 155203 13050~ 13159! I~2BDD 1B~310 19005P 1~1703 19277g 1.~392~ lg~303 lg5225 291589 232563 235533 216353 216~15 230453 23178~ 2~1503 251520 262799 29002~ 33233! 013v6~ 323~37 021~33 3~556~ 3332~3 BEACH C H E C K S ~AXINE K!MBRELL 1/15/91 <OPY tING PRINTING CENTER 1/15/81 ~APRY ~, LEJ INC. 1/15/81 LLOYUS OC BOYNTON BEACH 1/15/81 ~qITT ~AEOONELL 1/15/~I MEINEKE DISCOUNT MUFFLERS 1/15/8i '~ILLF~ DODGE 1/15/81 M~NICZPAL POLICE 1/15/91 LEE ~YLES TRANSMISSION 1/15/81 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER 1/15/81 P & g DISTRIBUTORS ___ 1/15/81 PALM BEA2ff BRAKE & WqEEL' 1/15/81 PALM BEACH £OMUJNICATIONS 1/15/81 PALM BEACH JR. COLLEGE ........ 1/16/81 BETTY 'PIS{INS 1/15/81 ~ARy PIERCE 1/15/81. PRgOJZTS FDR INDUSTRY IN[ .......... 1/15/8i P3BL!X MARKET 1/15/31 EV~ RAYMOND- 1/15/31 MARY E.REESE 1/16/81 RiNKER' MATERIALS CDRP. 1/15/8I RJ~IM CONSTRUCTION £0. 1/15/81 3LYVE E. SCHOOLEY -.- 1/15/81-- S23TTY'S 1/15/81 SEaCPEST PETR2LEUM CD. 1/15/~1 SERELL HARD~ARE CO.,.INCo 1/15/81 SIqON,S UNIFORVS 1/15/81 JOHN S~IT.H ...... 1/I5/.81 SN]~ CONCRETE CORP. 1/15/81 :LCRFNCE STUbS!NS 1/15/81 TENNIS SUPPLY ._ 1~15/81 T~QRNDIKE PRESS 1/16/8i TRANSI-TR3NICS, INC. 1/15/81 UNOERSROUND SUPPLY ..... 1/15/81 ]N!VE~SAL BEACH SERVICE 1/15/81 JNI~,_KSAL BEACH SERVICE I/i5/81 EARL NALLACE FORD, INC. _._ 1/15/81 ~;ESTE~N AJTO STORE 1/I5/81 REVERL¥ WITTE~ 1/15/8l XEROX CORPDRATIDN 1/15/81 ZE~ '~EDtEAL SJPPLIES 1/15/81 RD~EPT J. ZIELINSKI PH.D. 1/i5/81 ~A~P ELL 1/15/81 CITY DF BDYNTON BEACH 1/l~/gl aLVAR gRESS 9EPT.B 1/29/8i THE BAKER g TAYLgR CD. . 1/2D/~Z BO. OF CD. COMMISSIONS BRDD~S PRODUCTS 1/23/~t £ADILL~C ENGRAVZR5 1/23/8i TOTAL AMDgNT 33.00 25~.90 71.25 932.05 5~.89 ....... 841.80 37.95 115.61 208.90 57.00 ........ ....... 39.60 ......... 95.78 24.00 ................ 759.00 ........ 17.00 - 3.3.00 ............... 13~.25 ............ 53.57 ~5.90 ....... 22.00 217.55 ....... 15.90 73.35 839.59 .... 105.84 .... 207,90' 32.00 ....... 29_°90 .......... 178.00 15,00 117.36 59.28 ............. 24~5Q ........ 22.00CR 22.00 .... 15,58 ..... 295.~0 2~.75 45D.DO 95.00 5.50 42.95 333.22 955.35. 17 3'I/q I ~ J ,.2 R 3 44 3~6530 323~5 363590 3234S 372~73 32347 0~b351 323~$ 132793 32349 13753S 32353 190465 32351 190955 32352 1~2779 32353 235533 ~32354u ..... : ...... 2.15451 2355 : 241601 32356 310003 3235~ ......... 53000~ 32358 530011 32359 530012 - 32.3~3 ........ 340339 32351 5403~D 32352 5403~2 323~3 54~043 3,7~64 540344 3~65 55 I T $~7 55 28 323~5 55 Q29 32'373 55p323 22 3~374 5~0~) 32375 550D25 3~377 5~3o1~ .-a23,~8 ............... 59]0-22 2379 59 023 ~3~3 5q 02~ 323~2 59 ~'323S3 5q~og7 '~'~35 600032 ~335 530333 3~397 3~385 ~3099l 3~0 620C0~ '323~I 323~2 53033q 3~3~3 -!TY .DF Bg¥~,ITON gEACH E N T M 3 N T H [ H E C K S VEN~O~ NA~E CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT DOUBLEDAY & CD. 1/23/Bi 186.26 DJRD - TEST CORPORATION !/23/8i 74.86 CLA~£R~FT, INC. 1/22/~1 283.00 HENRY E. GIBSON, S_u, TR5 1/2~/81 12.00 NOaq qLtDDLESTON 1/29/91 143.00 SALLY RYOER 1/23/81 12.00 SANDPIPER OF BOYNTON 1/2]/81 303.00 SENEVIE.VE S£HOLER .-- 1/23/81 16.00 SIMON'S UNIFORM5 1/29/81 108.00 TR~MSI-TRONICS~ INC. I/2~/8t 155o30 FRAM£ES.JRBAN ................................... 1~23/8! ....... XEROX CORPORATIO~ ....... 1/23/81 137.30 RAYM]ND L. EAST 1/23/81 237°60 &Mx] AOK. INS ........................................ 1~23/8i ............. 22_.20 ELLANCER ALLEN 1/20/81 GA~TH aN~ERSON 1/23/81 9.~0 MARTHA N ...... BAKER ............................ -I/2.3/B1 ......... 2.7_.20___~ TqOHAS BARNES .......................... ~/22/8,1 ....... 78°80 LILLI~N 3. 8ONNER 1/23/81 15o00 WILLIA~ BDURERY ............................ 1/2.~/8! ............. 21.50__ IqIS B~OW~ 1/20/81 20~'20 CASTLE BLD~S) INC, 1/2D/81 37o~5 -BILL..CLINE .............. ~ ............................. --LZZD/_81 .................. i~,9_0 DIC~ ,RO.~ELL ..... Z/2~/81 : .......... 12o20 JA~ES CHDBAN ..... i/gO/Bi 13.50 £RANBROOK_LAKE_ESIAIES .............. 1/2.9/8i ..................... 55.50 Wo~. DA [ANARA 1/29/81 57.20 ~AROLD OAILEY 1/29/81 ~70 KENNETH.'DAVIDSDN ......................... ' ...... 1/2D_/.8i' ....... 12..Z0 HENRY JOHN DE BAN -. 1/23/8i ......... 43,00 SUSAN DILLON .1/20/81 21,50 ~]LAMD DUFAULT ........................................... 1/20/,81 .... ....... ~2,2Q DREXEL PROP. INC 1/23/81 33.63 GUY ~RIESN~R 1/23/81 17.00 FAYE GALLOWAY ..................................... 1Z23/81 .......... --.-._.~_-~O ....... GE' m~ £ULVERHOUSE CONST. 1/23/91 93.70.. O]JGLAS GILL 1/23/81 23.00 BEN &NO..PHIL GISSE~ ............. 1/20/8t ......... IRc;q_ GRADISER 1/29/81 NDR~A H. SRA~ 1/20/81 57.20 RALPH HAYDEN .............................. 1/23/8.1 ........ I.~.80 MAR&ARET HOOSER 1/23/~1 DDMN~ t. ~URLEY 1/29/81 5.90 APRIl HETCHLER 1/23/81 22.70 HJNIE~S RJN 1/23/91 477.40 MICHAEL JARV!S 1/go/Bi ~3°25 DAVIS Lo JAVINS 1/23/81 27.2_0 ]TT3 <~RDE 1/23/81 23.00 PAIL D. KELLY t/2~/8t RR!JZE KNIGHT 1/23/Bi 27,20 1/3!781 3~_~-75 323P5 5~D13 .32.~z .... ~5oo38 32~33 65303q 32434 .--/q~.~- --~ ....... 6500.~2 /~2~D6 65094~ 32~27 672309 ...... .3_2..~ Q~ ..... S70017 32410 6~0020 ..325411 ............. 680021 ~32412 32413. .32414 37'!5 32416 .32417 .......... 32418 32419 32423 32421 32422 32423 ......... 32424 32425" 32427 32425 730010 790030 73333'! 73-3032 700033 733098 71,003~ 7t3032 713333 71.003~ 7.1.0335 ?1~935 710037 7FSO3B 720011 723S12 "~l'5242.9 ............... 7.20013 L, .ij2433 72091~ 32431 723915 32432 ...... 720015 .... 32433 720017 '32~34 753915 32435 _._ 75001~ ~'~'¥3b 75391~ 32~37 7'50020 32435 79300D 32439 7~31~3 ..... 32~50 15172~ ~24~1 13395O 32~42 Dlq24D 32qq3 011353 .324~ 3!3T2~ SII'Y OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 8 RENT MONTH CHECKS FENOO~ NA~E CHEC< Dire TOTAL A~OUNT B3BB!E KNOWLES LOIS LAC.KHAN 1/23/81 HOWARD E, LYNCH 1/23/81 L, q. ASSOCIATES, 'INC,` .... 1/29/81 HIL~a ~. MADDA~DRD 1/23/81 ERIC M~GIDNE ............................. 1/23/81 ~ANSO ESTATES 1/23/81 EE~D ~ATIL~INEW 1/20/8i DONALD MILE'S ...................................... 1123181 ROBERT S, MILLIGAN 1/23/81 ~-. M.. MITCHELL 1/20/81 R~UL MORALES 1/23/81 JOHN OLSON 1/23/81 . . 9RLA~ HO.¥.~S__..:SO~.R.~ ............... ~/2_3.Z8.1 .......... CLARENCE E. PERRY 1/23/81 STUART L, PRESTON 1/23/81 GEDgGE..._PEI_E.R. 5_ _1~2~/~ HERRICK H. RYAN ................ 1/23/81 ....... STEVE RICHARDSON i/ZD/gl 39.20 ~,90_ 27.20 3.80 27.20 3g. O0 2~.~0 .... 23.00 ....... ~o70 3.40 38.50 12.20 ...... 1~.._80 ............ 12,20 27.20 ._11..3~ ...... .2.80 ........ B.30 .PA~L ~D55 .............. '~ ............ 1/20/81 ................... 10,~0 ROSIER CONSTRUCTION i/23/81 57.20 LENAPD RUSE 1/20/8l 2,60 :.SDDES.CDNSTRUCI. I. DN_IN2 ............... 1/29/81.~... ......... LOU SAMYN -, - 1/23/81 REID SCOTT J~qES SHELTDN RICHARD SHUBERT EARLE So SMITH Ti. MDTHY..SI.I.CKNEY ......... JJLIUS SZABO 27.2'0 1/20/81 1.50 _1/23/81 ............... '__:54.5~: .......... 1/23/81 21.50 t/23/81 12,20 -.l/ZgZSl .................. 24.~0 ........... 1/2-0/81 12,20 JOSEPH t, SMITH 1/23/81 ANNE .C, I.JRNER .................................. 1/29/81 JJLI~NNA TANNER 1/29/81 HARRY D, TANFIT 1/ZD/81 IVDR'_TH.OHA5 .......................................... IZZ9~B1 JASPER A, THOMAS 1/23/8i GAIL TITJS 1/23/81 JOHN F._.ZDWNES ............................... 1~2D181 DORIAN B, TRAUGER 1/23/81 WAYNE BUILDERS 1/29/81 S9IRLEY_.WOOD ........................... 1/22/81. VEDLETTA WRIGHT 1/23/81 ALWYN WOODRUFF 1/29/81 SITY D~ BDYNTON BEACH .__ 1/29/81 CITY IF BDYNTON BEACH 1/23/81 PETTY CASH WATER & SEWER 1/23/81 WILLIE RUTH MOGRADY ............. l/ZO/91 IS!AH ANDRE~S 1/23/B1 AD~4INISTRATIV~ CHARGES 1/23/81 ALLEN INSJRANSE AGENSY _ 1/23/81 6.55' '' ............... 17.40 4,70 60.00 -- ' .._24..50 ......... 11.90 9.HO ................. 19.QQ ....... 23,00 18.40 .......... 9.80 ...... 52.20 15.30 2,04~.19 15,60 23.69 .... 48.00 55.00 26,541.67 -3,528.00 7.!TY qF BOYMTON BEACH _ J ~ :~ ~ ~l T M 3 N T H C H E C ~, S 32447 32448 .32449 32450 32451 32452 32453 3245% 32'455 .rT32:455 24.57 32458 .32459 32450 3245i 3~45.L ......... 32463 3246% 32455 32.468 ............ 32459 32473 32471 32472 32473 223439 020459 921233 32159~ 022695 324553 02~729 324725 224739 324783 ....... 3.39333 " -032383 032¢09 332993 032397 33289~ 33365~ 040~G7 0~0533 3~1532 044759 0~5~55 0~3900 ~5554~ 362~23 052910 063339 963723 ...32.41~ ............DSqSO0 32475 373a03 .32475 07158TM  2477 074S00 32479 075470 · 2481 393313 32482 090425 32483 39013? 32494 19%759 -~1,324.85 110400 / 3~,4,~ 7 I 1 ~57 32~89 1 ~3~13 32490 120~59 324~i l~3aOl ...... 32472 13o4o~ 493 130565 324q~ 13155~ 32495 VENDOr-MAUE CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT THE BAKER ~ TAYLQR CO. 1/23/81 THE ~AKER & TAYLOR COo 1/23/81 ~AKER ~ TAYLOR COMPANIES 1/23/81 Bb. qF C3. COMMISSIONERS 1/23/81 A.~. BEST CO. 1/23/81 BIKE BARN ............ 1/2.3/81 T.,J.qDNLES ELECTRI~ =0. 1/23/8~ ~OVNTO~ BEACH CHAMBER 1/23/8t BOY,TON CITY FEDERal CRE9 1/23/81 53YNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 1/23/8t B]YNTON PUMP & SUPPLY 1/23/81 ..CALD~ELL-,.PAC. E.~.T.I.~BARROW & ........... 1/2.3/81 CHACE SCHOOL OF GYMNASTIC 1/23/81 SqASE MANHATTAN BANK 1/23/81 CiTY OF BOCA RATON,.SOOPE .... '..1/2S/81 CITY OF BOYNTON' BEA'CH 1/23/81 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 1/23/81 LAJREL CLEMENTS ........................ i ..... 1/23Z8I ELEANOR H. DANE 1/23/81 D~VIS PUBLIS~ING SO, INC. 1/23/B1 DELRAY CHEMICAL CO. 1/23/51 DOUBLEDAY ~ CO. 1/23./81 JOHN B. DJNKLE '1/23/81 EMERGENCY MEDICAL ..~...~AFEI._ i'/23/81.~ ERNST & WHINNEY 1/23/81 FIRE~IEN~S RELIEF ~ 1/23/81 FIRST ~ANK & TRUST 1/23/B1 FISHER S£IENTIFI[ 1/23/81 VLgRID~ EAST COAST 1/23/8i 121.32 227.89 10.83 27.78 i3.50 ...... 13.95 3'17.49 436.28 g,1%6..18 3,392.69 221.62 225.2~ .... ~gloBO I25.25 98_,.1BO.DO 283.50 ~1.90 ..... 3g.O0 I~7.50 593.00 5.58 2,00 ...... 605_~50 852.58 19~749.34 219.95 5.00 FOUR STEBL.C. ORROgA!.ION ........... '.1/23/6_1 .......... . ......... ~D_.~.D.8 ............ BETTY GARRIGA 1/2.3/81 45.00 GEOTEC, .!NC. 1/23/81 995.0'0 CHARLES GODFREY ....................... 1/23/8! GRAPHIC INSTANT PRESS 1/23/81 58.20 GREYHOUND TOURS & TRAVEL 1/23/81 79t.85 GRIFFIN .... PDLLUTION ' !/.23/81_ .................................... 425.00 HALSEY & GRIFFIIW~ INC. 1/23/91 7g.50 HAND'S 1/23/81 11.70 I.B.Vo 29RPORATIO~ ...... 1/23/81 ..... ~.~a2~.49 J]JR~IC'S ~AINTENANCE 1/23/81 2'94.00 JEAN KARR & CO. 1/23/81 7.30 KNAPP INS ......... 1/23/81 'EJGENIa KONAR 1/2~/8i 28o25 KOPy RING P~INTING CENTER 1/2~/~I 3¢o00 LA,AR UN~FORMS 1/23/81 LA~IIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS 1/23/8i 99.00 LASSTIER "ONSTRU£TION "O. 1/23'/81 ~ANHATTAM TROPHIES 1/23/81 388.84 ~AURY'S TOOL CHEST 1/23/~1 77.90 LISA METHFESSXL 1/23/81 5.50 ~IAMI ELEVAIOR CO. 1/23/8]. 58.51 = 3 -'%Z~5 135423 3 97 13551p 3Z4PB 140393 32499 1~34i3 32503 151~59 32531 153~03 32502 160~.1~ 32533 162753 32534 15~133 32505 1~050~ 32596 181~82 · ~.32537 ............ 185533 ~2508 190511 32539 '32512 32511 32512 3Z513 ~3251~ 32515 ~ JIB 32523 32521 32522 325~3 325~ 3'2525 3252~ 32527 31528 325~ 3~533 3! ~532 33 8253~ 3~535 '-32536 32537 ~538 325~ 325Cl 325S£ 325~3 325~5 3~5~6 lg0O5~ 191513 12522.5 lP5433 ............ %9~405 19&89o 202~01 21835~ 283~55 2305~5 .231763 232403 23~655 3~003~ 3g00~9 ~23323 032901 ~13723 014323 .915553 023751 330303 3317~D. 333S31 33535S 0~3£S 0~158i 350371 354415 ~ R E N T M D N T H 'C H E C K S VEN30? t, AME CHEC< DATE TOTAL A~OUNT MJNi£IPAL POLICE 1/23/81 ~J~DSKI AND ASHTON 1/23/8i ~.A.~.a. APPRAISAL GUIDES 1/23/81 ~!~LC~ C-HElICaL CO. 1/23/~1 9F~ICE EOUIP. SERVICE CO, 1/23/81 3LYMDI~ SPORT SHOP, INS. 1/23/81 PALM ~EACH ' ~ · N_WSPAPERS I/2~/81 · ~A..D C~E~ICAL C~. 1/23/81 DJ~LIC E~PLOYEES RELATION . 1//3/BI EVA RAYMOND 1/23/81 REDB3DK 1/23/81 RJSSELL g AXON ................................... 1/.g3/B1 SAVVY 1/23/B1 ]LYVE E. S~HODLEY 1/23/81 SE~CPEST PETROLEUM CO. ..... : 1/23/81. :LORENCE STUBBINS 1/23/81 SJMS~iNE PAINTING 1/28/81 SJNCO, .INC. .1/23/81 GRADY W. SWANN 1/23/B1 JEAN THURBER 1/23/81 TI~E 1/23/81 ONOE~SqDJND SUPPLY 1/23/81 NALLACE,MCHARA,ROBERT'S g 1/23/Bi WATER HYDRANT .SERV.ICE .......... 1/23/81 ~ES'TE~M ~OTO STORE. I-/23/81 J. MHiTE AEUMINOM 1/23/8i E3~ WOOD ....... 1/23/81 ~ERDX CORPORATION 1/23/81 CARMEN L. HAYES 1/23/81 JDHN F. MAR.TI'~ ......... 1/23/81 DAVID L. PURDY 1/23/81 CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH 1/25/81 ALLEN INSDRANZE ~o_~Y ~/27/8i £A~MEN ANNUNZIATO 1/27/8Z JACK ANTHONY 1/27/81 ART ~RAFT [NC. .. 1/27/8I BLDSSO'4 SHOPPE FLORIST 1/27/81 B-.Tv ~DRDNI 1/27/81 RHONgA BRIGHT _. 1/27/81 EAL~WELL,PACETTI,BARROW ~ 1/27/81 PERRY CESSNA 1/27/8i THOMAS A.' CLARK 1/27/8i ~3~TS & SLAKK, INC. 1/27/91 CJST.?M T'S 1/27/81 PAUL D~GGS 1/27/81 DATE'S P~INT & BODY SHDP 1/27/81 9A715 '~ETER g SUPPLY 1/27/81 JOE DELONG 1./27/81 NILL!~ P. DONEY 1/27/81 PAJL ECKERT 1/27/81 EDITH EPSTEIN 1/27/81 64.75 ~9,00 8,I9g.20 125.00 .... 632.90 213.75 !~2.B0 ~5,00 8.97 _20,2bZ.S&_ 12.00 15.00 15.00 10,773.00 ............ -_.92~.50 21.25 755.00 ....... 1,054.96 17,&15~'00 .......... A, 537.50 .......... 35,90 35.6G ....... 18.90 .... 1,052'.22 1,013.79 ................. 95.00 1,355.30 54.24 8,592.00 103.00 I0.00 ......... 2.00 _ 19.0.0 10.00 ..... 18.00 .. 3,503.00 130.00 75.00 159.40 234.80 lg. O0 195.53 1,581.33 155.00 83.00 233.00 ZD.90 173!/B1 Z!TY 3F BOYNT ON BEACH ?? . S U R R E N T M D N T H C M E C K S J. EC.<,-" VENDD~ ,". V'=',l~.D:~: ..... ',lA,F-- -~2547 ' ' ~5298~ ANBY FISHER 1/27/81 ID.90 3, ~8 355593 C~ARLES FREDERICK 1/27-/81 139.00 32549 330313 HALSEY & GRI~F!TH, INC. 1/27/81 32550 usu 28 EDWARD HARMENING 1/27/81 175,00 ,32551 33~573 HOWARD H]3D ~E~ORIAL FUN9 1/27/81 5~.00 32552_ _. 3BGBB2 HOUSE BY T. HE SE.A..PU~LISH! .......... 1/27/81 ............. 11o95 52553 08~59D EDGAR HOWELL 1/27/8i 32556 101507 DEE G. JEGHERS 1/27/8i 203°00 32555 111553 BERT KEEH~ ..... 1/27/8i . 283.00 32556 120500 BOB LATHAM 1/27/81 203o00 32557 12259~ JENNIFER LIEBERTZ 1/27/81 10°00 2,5.58~- ....... 131760.: .M. EYER 2559 32562 150353 32532 161737 154533 .19_1975 32555 . 192778 ~2566 19~502 DATE TOT AL AMOUNT SOD ........................................ ---I,/22A8.L ......... ~,i.~Q_ ._ MUNICIPAL-CODE CORPo 1/27/81 .............. 253.2.9 ......... TEREESA PADGETT 1/27/81 5~o00 C~ARLES DERSING .............................. 1/27/_8~ .............. 2O~.O.O. PETTY CASH - PUBLIC WOR~S 1/27/81 ROBERT POCSIK 1/27/81 .SqAARE ZEDEL-.HO&EIXA[ MICHELE SIMON .......................... 1/27/81... NIURKA SODUPE 1/27/81 PAJL STARTZMAN MEMORIAL 1/27/8i ,._ SJNCO, ~NZ. 1/27/8i 1 ~.'85 203 · O0 ._3 aZ_._5 D_ .... ................. 1D.O0 ...... L .10o90 ........... 5 3_..00. 123.70 74 75 7 ........ 3!q2qD 2D5532 WALTER M.'TRAOGER 1/27/81 155.00 03 ...... 1.~_,~S..E .... NENGLE.R].--_] ........... ~ ..... ~/27Y_8_1+ .......... 2. u~._O]O~ '' ...... . ..__ 232939 EDWIN W. NiNCH ............... L/27/81 - _ ...... 2OD,O0 ......... 23G66! PATRiSIA L, WOOLLEY 1/27/81 155.90 2~5~95 .$A'~JEL L. WRIGHT ...................... 1/2!AB1 ............ 15.5_.00 254559 BETTY ZOBEL 1/27/81 53o00 270019 LJANNE ALLEN 1/27/81 ISIAH ANDR'E~S ...... : .................. ' 1/3~_~1 ....... - .......... 130950 >09 D1.~333 ~13 314242 1 015999 2 32'0162 251~ D2D443 ~25!5 021517 32,616 024723 32617 02~72~ '~25!8 324733 ~'~23 325~83 ~021 325285 32522 333333 32523 333533 22524 032413 '"32525 332~97 32525 3~1687 32527 0~752 32525 346~57 WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY I/3D/83 AME~IZAN LIBRARY ASSDCo 1/33/81 SUE ANDRENS 1/3~/81 ATLANTIC COAST FIRE CO° 1/30/81 B.B. ASSOC. ClREFIGHTERS 1/33/81 TqE ~AKER E TAYLOR CO. KAREM 9ENNETT BOYNTON BEACH CHILD CARE BDYNTOM :ITY FEDERAL CRE9 BJYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT aTTY;J,BRIAN BRENNAN___AND __- B~3 - DART, INC. C.M. BUCK CALDWELL~PACETTI~BARROW 5 CA~ SOIL ~ SO~ CHENIC~L CONCEPTS CITY D~ BDYNTON BEACq OEPl DF HEALTH & REHAgILI DDJoLEDAY g CO. JDHN ~o DJNKLE 1/39/~1 1/39/81 i/3~/81 1/39/81 1/39/8t 1/33/8_I i/3D/B1 1/33/81 1/39/B1 1/33/81 I/3~8t 1/30/81 1/39/81 1/3~/51 .... ~9.00 ..... ~,50 ....... 2O.DO ..... 7.50 397,80 9~.~ ...... ..... !~3~5.76 73.50 .............. 7~.-~ ........ 9,303,42 ...... 4.8.~.~b ......... 83,90 9.°86 273.75 i5.00 29.55 ......... 28~°50 __ 05.00 257,33 °80 2 J 'ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH E N T M D N T d C.H E C_.K S PAG= 12 ,-:ECK,," 2529 '32 33 32531 32532 ~,32533 G2537 325)~ 32~39 325~2 VENDOR 051519 35232D 052910 053003 053583 353737 ~53783 35379~ 055500 _055553 370397 072705 325,%3 ....... 37353! 32644 07%500 32545 07%53.6 ._32545: ........ D.75533 32647 075510 325~8 380425 32549 ...... 381552 37~50 084~£3 3L~51 084693 52652. .. ..... D~6~07 32553 390099 3255~ 115G12 . 32555 ............ 120315 32555 .t24503 32557 13334~ ..... 32658 ...... &30400 32~59 130950 32550 I31763 32552 135423 32553 1~0444 ~3255.~ ........... 1.49473 2565 153734 ~2566 15040C 32567 ......... 150~19 32658 180509 ¼"~2559 181691 ~2570 _ 1~599 ~'~-571 190959 32573 t9170D 3257~ 10~395 32575 194733 '~b75 1~4727 ~2577 1~5225 3257~ 2D158! 32679 215!5~ CHEC< DATE TOTAL AMOUNT MARY JOE FERNANDEZ 1/33/8t ~IRE~EN'S RELIEF & 1/33/81 903.37 FIRST BAN~ g TRUS_T .... 1/33/81 19,102.00 ~ISHE~ SSIENTIFIC 1/33/81 453.69 SHAJN glTZMORRIS 1/39/81 i0'.00 FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNiVERSI 1/39/31 ............ 203.00 .......... FLORID~ .INDJSTRIAL SERVI2 1/33/81 358.35 =LORID~ LIBRARY ASSOC. 1/39/8I 87.50 FLDRIDA.POWER_g_LIGHT CD ............. I/3~/81 FLDR!]~ TENNIS ASSOC. 1/39/81 FRANKHOUSE ELECTRIC 1/33/81 53.03 NANCY GARNSEY 1/30/81 ...... ~.00 3.00 45.00 53.00 ...... 37.30 12.80 ......... 1,067.50 183.20 535.50 45.00 .............. :.7.80 ....... ......... 92.1_2 .......... 8.00 55.00 .......... 15.95 3'1.23 78.75 23.00 .......... 888.~6 45.00 25.00 15.90 87.50 67.34. 225.~1 4,~22.14 .- lDO.DO I5.00 5.00 .1,203,00 32551 .......... 13'4699 ~OTOR BO0~S, ]HE HEARST___C .................... 1/.33/81 .. BERTHA GIES 1/33/81 ' GL~SG3W__E'~UIPME.N.~_S_Eg~IC.E ............. 1/39/81 CHARLES GODFREY 1/39/81 GOLD COAST CHAPTER A,P.W. 1/33/81 :.R.L...~RUMMDNS.....P~.I.NIi_~G ....................... 1/30/8.1 GULFSTReaM LUM~ER £0. 1/33/81 HAND'S 1/33/81 HES T~aNSPORT,!NC .............. ' 1/3D/81 ~DLLY ACCUMULATOR E i/3~/81 ~3~EqT HD~ELL 1/30/81 [.B.~. CORPORATIO~ 1/33/81 c~NK L. ~RE~5R i/3D/81 LADY'S C..I. RCLE RATC.HNORK Q ........... 1/.3~./8.! LDNGVIEW LIME 1/39/81 ~AKO COMPRESSORS, INC. 1/39/81 MANhATTAN.TROPHIES .................. '_ _l/SD/_81 H2G~a, - ~ILL BOOt ~3. i/3~/81 ~EVEq SOO 1/3D/81 EVa RAYMOND 1/33/81 RESOURCES IN REVIEW 1/33/81 RD~ELL DISTRIBUTiNG_ED ......... 1/33/81_ DLY¥E £o S[HOOLEY 1/33/8i SE2vI2E I~DOSTRIAL SUPPLY 1/30/81 SE~ELL HARDWARE CO., INC. 1/33/81 DAVID SOBEL 1/39/81 SDJI~RN BELL TELEPHONE 1/30/81 $DUTH FLA.PROFESSIONAL TE ._ 1/32/81 FLORENCE STUB8I~S 1/33/81 lEMNOS MANUEL 1/30/81 U.S. POSTMASTER 1/33/81 MJNI[IPAL POLICE 1/33/81 NATIONAL LIBRARY RESOURCE 1/33/81 .NA~URAL.~ISTORY ............................... 1/~D/_81 GAlL 3L. SEN 1/39/81 PALM BCH. COUNTY P.B.A. 1/33/81 , PALM BEACH_.NE~SPARERS ................ 1/3.P/81 __ ~./3,!,/nl~ ~ ~1v DF BDYNT.n.N 6~AEH Z7" 2 ,~I ~ ~ [ N T M 0 ;I I H C H E C K S _325~D 32583 325~4 ~2556 ~2~? ~2~BB 32589 325~D 215151 ti. S. POSTMASTER 215CLS UNtTgD ~AY. D~ PALM BCH. 21bc37 JN!VERSITY OF TAMPA 23340D CHARLES WALDNER~ M.D. 23354? WATER DEPARTMENT 23155! GAIL NESSTER Z51572 HARRIET WEITZENFELD 2~25~~ ~]Z WILLiAmS . _23~525 J.J.A.: W~LF FRESH DIST~ 26169? ×EROX CORPORATION 25753~ YDJNG ATHLETE HAGAZINE 32591 ........... Z52793 PA.G~ 13 DATE TOTAL AMOUN ' T 1/39/81 51~. 1/33/31 t~.00 1/33/81 3,20~.95 1/30/81 .............. 1/3D/B1 3.DR 1/3~/81 435~00 i/3D/81 6.50 1/30/81 BIB.II 1/3D/8i 7.50 RDBERT....J ..... ZI:L: ~S~I.._PH.D_ .~ ' ' ............. _ O0 O0 1/33181 ........... 209.,,.0.0-- ....... ......................... g92,52.1.26.. _ _~ ::-' (: 'X. MEMORANDUM TO: ,OITY COUNCIL DATE: VIA CITY MANAGER FROM: TEREESA PADGETT CITY CLERK We now have disposal authorization from the State of Florida, Division of Archives, on the following records: Occupational license'application-s denied or never completed, A - Z, 1970 thru 1976 M'S r~ c. records re: Occupational licenses: Corresponc~ence, Ins. Co.'s, memo's, Ins. · Bonds, complaints, inspections, night clubs, violations, franchise, reports.etc. 19[~9 thru 1976 (Microfilmed) Copies 6f: License study & Fee schedules from other cities, Domicile & Co. licenses re registration fees, list of licenses to Police & Inspection Dept.'s, reminders for renewal etc. 19~9 thru 1976 Certificate of Competency's for .~ontractor licenses, 1960 thru 1976 -' (Not Microfilmed) With 5~ur approval we 'will proceed, to destroy the above named records.-