Minutes 02-14-81MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, FEBRUARY 14, 1981 PRESENT Edward F. Harmening, Mayor Joe deLong, Councilman Patricia Woolley, Councilmember Samuel L. Wright, Councilman Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk James W. Vance, City Attorney Mayor Harmening called the meeting to order at 9:30 A. M. and announced it is a special meeting called in accordance with Section 56 of the City Charter of the City of Boynton Beach, to consider: Ratification of actions relative to the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board. 2. Consider Resolutions re: S.C.R.W.T.D.B. matters. Ratification of Actions Relative to the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board Novation and Substitution Agreement Mayor Harmening asked if there were any questions in reference to this agreement and Mr. Wright asked if Mr. Bean could sum- marize it. Mr. Bean advised that the Novation and Substitu- tion Agreement is a substitution for the new agreement which was signed by the Board. The new contract starts from our present design concept as we are now going forth. The pre- liminary design has been completed and at this point, the contract eliminates that portion and we go from that point on. Mayor Harmening added that the Novation Agreement doesn't kill the original agreement with Russell & Axon, but merely substi- tutes a new one. Mr. deLong moved to ratify the action that was previously taken at the last meeting of the S.R.W.T.D. Board in rela- tion to the Novation and Substitution Agreement. Mrs. Woolley seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0. Consider Resolutions re: S.C.R.W.T.D.B. Matters Mayor Harmening ascertained there were no questions in refer- ence to this and Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 81-H by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHOR- IZING AND DIRECTING THE SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD, REPRESENTING THE CITIES OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA AND BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AS GRANTEES, TO MAKE APPLICATION FOR A STEP II GRANT FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE UNDER PUBLIC LAW 92-500 CONSTRUCTION GRANTS PROGRAM - EPA PROJECT NO. C-120406020 MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 14, 1981 Mr. deLong moved to adopt proposed Resolution No. 81-H, seconded by Mrs. Wo°lley. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman deLong - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Bean advised that ratification was needed authorizing the Chairman to sign on behalf of the Board for the grant. Mr. deLong so moved, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Mr. Vance advised this is included in the second paragraph of the reso- lution just adopted. Mr. Cheney suggested a motion to ratify the action taken by the S.C.R.W.T.D. Board as required by our Inter-local Agreement. Mr. deLong so moved, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Mayor Harmening clarified that it has been moved and seconded to ratify the actions of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board at their special meeting of February 11, 1981. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0. ADJOURNMENT Mr. deLong moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned. ATTEST: ty Clerk FRecor ' g ~ (1 Tape Transcribed) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ ~ - Co~cilman ? -2-