Minutes 01-05-81MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1981 PRESENT Edward F. Harmening, Mayor Walter "Marty" Trauger, Vice Mayor Joe deLong, Councilman Marilyn Huckle, Councilmember Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk James W. Vance, City Attorney Mayor Harmening welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He announced the Invocation tonight will be by Rev. Rus J. Aldridge, Pastor, Seventh Day Adventist Church, to be followed immediately by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Mr. Peter L. Cheney, City Manager. He requested everyone to please rise. AGENDA APPROVAL Mr. Cheney requested the addition of Item E under Administrative in the first part of the agenda relative to Golfview ~arbour,re- questing authorization to release a bond which will make it~pos- sible for us to accept a new bond in connection with a new site plan in Golfview Harbour. Mr. 'deLong moved adoption of the agenda with this addition, seconded by Mrs. Huckle. No discus- sion. Motion carried 4-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Harmening announced the next City Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 20, 1981. Mayor Harmening announced that filing for homestead exemption will be held in City Hall on February 13, 1981 from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. when representatives from the tax assessor's office will be here to take applications. Mayor Harmening read a Proclamation proclaiming the month of January as National Volunteer Blood Donor Month. MINUTES Regular City Council Meeting - December 16, 1980 Mrs. Huckle referred to Page 5 and stated she believes there may be an error in the second paragraph halfway down and questioned doing 30 years of work over a weekend and believes this possibly should be 30 hours of work. Mayor Harmening replied that it was probably researched back 30 years and Mr. Cheney added that Mr. Cohn did say 30 years as he meant researching the title 30 years back. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 Mayor Harmening referred to the bottom of the first paragraph on Page 18 and corrected that he has been harping on the "main- tenance'' of iequipment instead of status. Mr. deLong moved to adopt the minutes as corrected, seconded by Mrs. Huckle. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0. PUBLIC AUDIEINCE Mayor Harmening announced if anyone in the audience would like to address ~he Council on any subject not on the agenda, they may do so a~ this time. He added if anyone wanted to address the Council on an item on the agenda to please give their name to the City Clerk and they will be called upon when that item becomes the regular order of business. Mrs. Mary H~ssett, 3504 Diane Drive, stated that she has a peti- tion to pres,ent signed by residents on her street for street lights. There have been four break-ins because of the darkness. A bad incident happened on December 28 when a man was shot by an intruder. Tlhe~ pOlice could not find the man because there were no street li!ghts and he was able to hide in the dark. There are only eight homes on the block. The Fire and Police Depart- ments are not aware this is a street and they have to give them directions t!o get there. They have made requests, but have not gotten a res]ponse and now have a petition to submit. Mr. deLong a~sked if this had been presented to the City Council and Mrs. Hassett replied negatively and clarified that they have made inquiries and have been told they will hear something. Mr. Cheney advis!ed that Diane Drive is adjacent to Lake Ida by 1-95. He has talke~ to a gentleman from this street. It has been sug- gested that la request has been made and we have not responded, but he told this gentleman that he would look into this. Mr. deLong ~oved to turn this over to the City Manager and relieve thi~ situation with the good graces of Florida Power & Light Compan~ as soon as possible, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Mayor Harmenting clarified that it has been moved and seconded to turn this/ over to the City Manager for action or a report. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0. BIDS One Front End Loader and Compaction Refuse Body and Chassis for 31 yard Compaction Body (Sanitation) Mr. Cheney informed the Council this is for a front end loader for the Sanitation Department. We received bids on a number of pieces of equipment. Many did not meet the minimum specifications -2- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 relative to the ability and size of the rear axle where most of the weight goes. The trucks that do meet the specifications are available from H. F. Mason Equipment Corp. of Hialeah, Florida. They submitted several bids and one is an alternative which meets the specifications. It was used as a demonstration vehicle by the company. It has 8,000 miles on it, but was used only by company personnel. It is our judgment that the quality of driv- ers was pretty good. It is recommended that we try to buy this demonstration truck. It is $8,000 less than a new truck of the same kind. We will have an opportunity to test and drive it. Mr. Walke, the Sanitation Supervisor, the Equipment Maintenance Supervisor and the mechanic have talked about this and think it is a way to save money. It is a good sized truck and has a sat- isfactory body and chassis. It is recommended the Council auth- orize the purchase of this demonstration truck from H. F. Mason Equipment Corporation in the amount of $70,889. Mr. Trauger asked if there would be a warranty with this truck and Mr. Cheney replied affirmatively, a complete one year war- ranty, the same as a new truck. Mr. deLong moved to accept the recommendation of the Tabulation Committee and added that he is well pleased with the remarks of Mr. Walke. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0. PUBLIC HEARING NONE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS Applicant: Location: Use: Parkcrest Apartments, Lee Walker, Owner & President N. E. 17th Avenue and N. E. 4th St. (Tabled) COnstruction of 44 two bedroom, two bath units in 8 buildings, plus meeting room and recreation facilities Mayor Harmening asked if this is ready to come off the table and Mr. Cheney replied affirmatively. Mr. deLong moved to take this from the table, seconded by Mrs. HuCkle. Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Annunziato referred to several meetings ago when this site plan was presented to the City Council for some additional units known as 'the Four Sea Suns Condominium area and advised it is a plan for 44 units with recreational facilities with access from N. E. 4th Street. There was some question as to the ownership and use of the private streets serving this project. He believes a reasonable solution has been reached. -3- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 Mayor Harmening asked if the rig~t-of-way has been resolved and Mr. Vance'informed him that originally when Four Sea Suns was built, it was a portion of a lar~er development and the particu- lar streets in question were to be part of the condominium asso- ciation as private roads. With the foreclosure, there is a question of title. It is his recommendation that the applicant quit claim all interest and ownership on those streets to Four Sea Suns Condominium to carry ou~' the intent of the development. It is recommended that~ this site plan be approved subject to a quit claim deed being signed and recorded and same being sub- mitted to his office. Mr. deLong asked if the owners in the condominium have been ad- vised of this negotiation and Mr_ Cheney replied that the gentle- man who came before the City Couhcil was concerned about the dumpster location and we have assured him that through the site plan review that the dumpster and grass area won't be there and the parking lot will be open for access to 4th Street by the nursing home. That is what they wanted and that has been done. They are concerned now that the ~nits will not use their streets. The new rental units did not want to use their streets and this solves the problems. This owner will give up any interest and will go out through 4th Street. If Four Sea Suns wants to make the streets public, that is an issue only between the City and Four Sea Suns and not complicate~ by this owner. Mr. Vance asked if a representative of the owner was p~sent and Mr. Bennett Cohn came forward an~ advised he confirmed this with his client and he is agreeable to quit claim any interest he might have in the remaining South Circle Drive and the remain- ing streets. Mr. Vance clarified that the recommendation is this site plan be approved subject to the apprcoriate quit claim deed being prepared, executed and recorded submitted to his office. Mr. de Huckle. Mr. Vance added that th other staff recommendations and asked if the applicant agrees tc and Mr. Cohn replied affirmative and the recorded deed being Long so moved, seconded by Mrs. e approval also includes the Mr. deLong agreed. Mr. Vance the other staff recommendations ly. Motion carried 4-0. LEGAL Ordinances - 1st and 2nd Readin~ NONE Resolutions NONE -4- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTONBEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 Other Proposed Tree and Landscape Ordinances (Tabled) Mrs. Huckle moved that these two ordinances be moved to the second half of the Council meeting, which will be the next regular meeting, so the new Council members will have the oppOrtunity to comment. Mr. deLong seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0. OLD BUSINESS Review of New Proposed Employee Classification Plan and Imple- mentation Manual (Tabled) Mr. Cheney advised this could remain on the table along with the next two items under Administrative. ADMINISTRATIVE Report on Firing Range (Tabled) City Manager Report on MICA Studies (Tabled) Consider Application to Solicit - Florida Consumer Federation, Inc. (Tabled) Mr. Cheney referred to there being a proposed solicitation ordinance in the second part of the agenda and stated he as- sumes the Council wants to leave this on the table until the ordinance is adopted. Mr. Trauger moved to leave this on the table until the new ordinance is adopted or considered. Mrs. Huckle seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. Approval of Bills Mr. Cheney read the following bills for approval: 1. Allen Insurance Agency 14,523.00 Audit on Liability from 9/20/79 to 9/20/80 Pay from budgeted funds 001-193-519-40-41 401-395-539-40-41 $9,682 $4,841 2. Allied Chlorine Corp. 1,547.00 Chlorine for Water Treatment Pay from Water & Sewer Fund 401-332-533-30-63 -5- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 Board of County Commissioners Use of County Landfill for Oct. $11,298 Use of County Landfill for Nov. $ 9,710 Pay from General Fund 001-341-534-40-9A 21,008.00 4. Caldwell, Pacetti, Barrow & Salisbury Professional services rendered re: Ted Sorg vs City of Boynton Beach Pay from Police Pension Fund 612-138-513-40-61 1,962.34 5. HOward Cook, General Contractor, Inc. Est. ~4 Project: Boynton Beach Clubhouse, N.E. 22nd Ave. Pay from Fed. Rev. Sharing 320-000-205-01-00 Contract dated 9/9/80 14,846.40 Palm Beach Newspapers, Inc. For various ads, legal & clerical for November Pay from General Fund 001-132-513-40-75 $ 291.~30 General Fund 001-122-512-40-75 4,937.31 5,228.61 South County Drug Abuse Foundation, Inc. Funds appropriated by City Council Pay from General Fund 001-195-519-40-5B 6,000.00 8. Lassiter Construction, Inc. Application #3 For Wilson Municipal Pool Pay from General Fund 001-000-115-87-00 Re-imbursable from Community Development Agreement 75,978.00 9. Isiah Andrews - 2 weeks 88.00 Driver for Senior Citizens Club Pay from Fed. Rev. Sharing Fund 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance 73-15, passed 5/15/73 10. Willie Ruth McGrady 76.80 Server for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks Pay from Fed. Rev.. Sharing Fund 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance 73-15, passed 5/15/7.3 11. South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board Monthly payment for month of December 39,146.40 Mr. deLong referred to the bills having been found in order by verification and moved that they be paid, seconded by Mrs. Huckle. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0. -6- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 Golfview Harbour Bonds Mr. Cheney informed the Council there is a current bond for Golfview Harbour in the amount of $74,500 and explained that it includes a number of things. We now have in our possession a bond in the amount of $190,833 to cover the things fOr the whole new last subdivision. It is recommended that the Council authorize relinquishing the current bond contingent upon the developer bringing in a letter tomorrow giving us a year's guarantee for maintenance of the existing facility, which he has agreed to do. With releasing that bond, we will record the new subdivision plat tomorrow with the new bond and we also have a check for the subdivision fees and inspection fees. The developer is prepared to go ahead and meet all the condi- tions of the Planning & Zoning Board and City Departments. Mr. deLong moved to approve the recommendation of the City Manager relative to the Golfview Harbour bond, seconded by Mrs. Huckle. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0. PRESENTATIONS/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND APPRECIATION OF SERVICE TO MAYOR, VICE MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS Mayor Harmening presented plaques to Mr. Trauger, Mr. deLong and Mrs. Huckle. Mr. Trauger then presented a plaque and gavel to Mayor Harmening. Farewell Remarks Mrs. Huckle requested a moment to be very brief, since tonight belongs to the new Council and stated she just wants to say it has been an honor to serve five months on the Council. She thanked Mayor Harmening and the other Councilmen for appointing her to this post and giving her this rare privilege to see her City from the inside. She is proud of Boynton Beach. She can assure the citizens that we are in very capable hands. She gives special thanks to our City Manager, Mr. Peter Cheney, and his excellent staff. She thanks Mrs. Tereesa Padgett, our inval- uable City Clerk, and her wonderful staff, who have given her unlimited help and support. She thanks Mr. Vance and Mr. Wolf who labored above and beyond the call of duty in preparing end- less drafts for our districting ordinance and for other legal guidance. She would also like to thank the members of the media for their kindness to her and all the citizens who have given her encouragement and kind words of support. She wishes the new Council members well. 1981 should be a challenging and rewarding year for the Council and the City. She thanks every- one for allowing her to be part of the City's history. -7- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 At this time, Mayor Harmening declared a short recess. He reconvened the meeting at 8:05 P. M. and requested the newly elected Council people to please come forward. ADMINISTRATION OF OATHS OF OFFICE Mrs. Padgett administered oaths of office to the three newly elected Council members.- She then administered the oath to the Mayor and Vice Mayor. NEW BUSINESS Remarks by Mayor Edward F. Harmening Mayor Harmening introduced his wife, Donna. He stated that he hopes in the next year that we will continue to go foward as we have in the past conduCting the City's business in a business- like way with the best interest of all the people and the citi- zens of Boynton Beach. It is a pleasure to be here again. Remarks by Vice Mayor Walter "Mar~ty" Trauger Vice Mayor Trauger stated that he would like to introduce his wife, but she has not arrived yet due to the illness of their son. in very brief remarks to the citizens and to the City Council, he wishes to thank the people of Boynton for having the confidence in electing him Vice Mayor for this next year. It is a great milecap and capstone in a part of his total career. He is extremely proud and assures the people he will serve to the best of his knowledge and ability. To the many people who think the City Council has a large load in front of them, that they do have. Just by title only, he would like to review some of the things the City has started this year and what we must continue on as major projects. He thinks these projects have all been worthwhile and make our City, Boynton Beach, one of the finest cities in the United States. Vice Mayor Trauger stated that we started a drainage program in Mango Heights and we now have to see if it totally works. Our Wilson Park Pool with lighting, fencing, ball field and drainage, has all been a part of which we started and take continuing efforts. The full development of our Sara Sims Park. Our Pioneer Park is just about completed with a little left to be done there. The park at Rolling Green Elementary School ~s a little more Work. Wilson Recreation Center and its maintenance program. Our Royal Palm Clubhouse is just about completed and we can be proud of that and look forward to the dedication of that very shortly. Our drainage program with the City Manager's concept of swales appears to be work- ing, but we need to continue. To these projects alone, we have -8- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 invested almost $830,000 in this past year and will continue as the money hasn't all been spent as yet. Then, we have the large Cherry Hill rehabilitation project to get going and get completed. We have the so-called Auslander project taking place in that area. We have just been presented with the stud- ies of the 10th Avenue improvement program. Our downtown revi- talization program is very vivid and will be before us shortly. The 55 acre park, that is being developed by the County, must get moving. We must stay with our growth projects and recrea- tion projects. The beach development program, which many saw presented at the Council meeting a few months ago, has to take firm action to get it going. Also, our golf course development program and the many fine programs for the internal improvements of the City that our City Manager has brought about through our MICA studies. Those are what we have left and what we are con- tinuing to do. He has several other projects, but in keeping this short tonight, he will present those at future Council meetings as the opportunity and research develops them. He thanks everyone for their consideration. Remarks by Councilman Joe deLong Councilman deLong first commended Mrs. Huckle for outstanding devotion to civic duty and her remarkable service rendered, not only to our City but also to her colleagues on the City Council as well. He extends best wishes to her and continued good health and God speed in her every endeavor. Councilman deLong then welcomed Mrs. Woolley and Mr. Wright aboard. He pledges to both of them his sincere and whole- hearted support in their individual official activities based upon constructive recommendations and sound judgment. He takes this opportunity to also advise them, as newly elected members of the City Council, not to despair when you soon rea- lize there is a vast difference between sitting up here serving the public than it is sitting in the audience. Good luck to both of them for a successful term in office. Remarks by Councilman Samuel Lamar Wright Councilman Wright referred to this being the fifth day of the new year and stated it is in order to wish everyone a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year. He thanks those who supported him during his candidacy for the Boynton Beach City Council. This is a very special evening for many of us who strived for a representative on the City Council in Boynton Beach for several decades. He is grateful to those who have come to witness this swearing in of the new Council. -9- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 Councilman Wright then referred to special people in his life being present tonight and stated he would like to acknowledge them. He introduced his pa~ents, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Wright; his grandmother, Mrs. Roxie Wright; who have been staunch supporters throughout all his endeavors.~ He then referred to there being three special ladies on whom he can always depend and introduced his sisters, Lolita, Veolet~a and Romona. He referred to belong- ing to a united family and~asked his other relatives to stand. He then introduced a very s He introduced his boss, Mrs behind the scenes and guide him in all his efforts, He worked so d±ligently to ape his campaign team, Col. Con Pierce, Miss Carolyn Stokes White. He then requested h cerned citizens to stand be much to his success. pecial friend, Ms. Oristyne Walker. . Maude F. Lee, one who has remained d him profess£onally and supported then referred to those who have arhead his campaign and introduced dry, Mr, Leon Smiles, Mrs, Lottie , Miss Lena Rahm±ng, and Mr, Daniel is other campaign supporters and con- ~ause these persons have contributed Councilman Wright continued that he appears before the people this evening with no special platform, but only to say that he will work to promote the issues he supported dur±ng his candi- dacy for the Boynton City Council. He will work for all citi- zens in this community a~d try to be responsive to their needs' If he is fortunate, he will sit under the slogan "Local Self- Government is the Keystone of American Democracy" for two years and three months and will advocate just that because this is your City and the people should have a viable voice in the deci- r sion making process. Remembe , your input is essential for this body to be truly effective in representing residents of the City of Boynton Beach. As one of the five Council members, there is very little he can do alone; but if we all believe_and live by the motto "In God We TrUst'!, we will be able to work coopera- tively to enhance the quality of life for all citlzens~ in this great City. He will try to live up to his camPaign promises in brir~ng dignity, integrity, and unity to the Boynton Beach City Council, for this is the only way we will accomplish our mission to gain the reSpect of all we r~preSent and cause attitude changes in the way people perceIve government as it pertains to their individual lives. Bqynton Beach is his home and he is very proud of it and it always will be, He looks forward to this City becoming a model South Florida City and one in .which we all can take pride. Remarks by Councilmember Patricia L. Woolley Councilmember Woolley stated she would like to take this oppor- tunity to wish everyone a ~ery happy and prosperous new y~ar, This is a very speCial night for most of us, She would like to congratulate Mr. Trauger and Mr. Wright on their fine outcome in the recent election. She is l'ooking forward to expanding her -10- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 knowledge in municipal government through her association with them and with Mr. deLong and Mayor Harmening. We all look for- ward to a new administration and successful administration and she thinks we all are going to put our efforts into expanding good relationships which the old Council and the new Council will have with City employees, invaluable members of the City Boards, all the people in Boynton, and among ourselves here on the Council. It was an honor to be elected by her fellow residents and she looks forward to the opportunity to serve them. She pledges to do her best to keep Boynton Beach a nice place in which to live; this will be her goal throughout her term on the City Council. Campaigning was hard work, as anyone can tell you; however, she thinks the rewards will come in that we will make Boynton Beach a very nice place to live. She then expressed her thanks to the many Voters who supported her throughout that long campaign period and two long elections. Campaigning for this office enabled her to meet many people personally. It was a wonderful opportunity. Many thanks also are in order for her well organized staff, which numbered into the thirties, who helped her make phone calls and distribute campaign literature. These people put in a lot of time to help and she appreciates it very much. A very special gratitude goes out to special people, who not only put in man hours but man days and nights and really helped her and she would like to acknow- ledge those people. She then acknowledged Mrs. Pat Linkous,. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dougherty, her husband, Mr. Tom Wootley and her daughter, Kimberly. Councilmember Woolley continued that she has been categorized as a political newcomer by most of the press and she hopes in the future, she will be referred to as a person who does have new ideas and suggestions for the City and she is looking for- ward to learning along with everything else. As she approaches her term in office, her philosophy will reflect what has gen- erally been her philosophy in life and those words are expressed in one of her favorite proverbs: "The man who senses the wind of Change should build not a wind break, but a wind mill." At this time, Vice Mayor Trauger introduced his wife, Dorian, who had arrived. Appointment to City Boards and Committees Mr. deLong moved that nominations be opened for the various Boards, seconded by Mr. Wright. Motion carried 5-0. -11- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 Board of Adjustment Mr. Trauger referred to most of the Board members having been excellent throughout the Past year and stated he would like to re-affirm the following appointments to the Board of Adjustment: Theodore Blum, Robert Gordon, Benjamin Ridolfi, Paul Slavin, Vernon Thompson and Carl Zimmerman, with Anthony DiSarli becom- ing a regular member to replace Marilyn Czufin and Lillian Artis remaining an alternate member. Mr. Wright nominated Mr. Nicholas Cassandra as an alternate member. Mr. deLong moved that these people be appointed, seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Building Board of Adjustment & Appeals Mr. Trauger announced he would like to re-affirm appointments on the Building Board of Adjustment & Appeals of those members who have served the past year: Alvin Boeltz, Ward Cummings, Robert Olenik, Oris Walker, and Arthur Williams, with Kenneth Hutchinson and J. Cameron Thurber as alternates. Mr. deLong moved that these people be appointed, seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Cemetery Board Mr. Trauger announced that he would like to re-affirm the cur- rent membership of the Cemetery Board with Mary E. Barton, Basil Camilot, Bertha Chadwell, L. Don Combs, Edgar D. Hurford, and Tereesa Padgett, with Donald E. Sloan as the alternate. Mr. deLong moved that those nominated be appointed, seconded by Mr. Wright. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Civil Service Board Mayor Harmening stated he had a discussion earlier with the City Clerk and doesn't believe any nominations are open for the Civil Service Board. Mrs. Padgett added that she believes it was checked and the appointments are through 1981 with the Board appointing a fifth member. Codes Enforcement Board Mayor Harmening announced there are no vacancies on this Board as the first term expires on September 30, 1981. -12- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 Community Appearance Board Mr. Trauger stated he would like to re-affirm the appointment of Arthur Berman, Harold Blanchette, Kathleen Deneen, Daniel O'Brien, Carn R. Reid and Carroll Kennedy. He suggests that Nathanial Weinshel be moved to the Recreation Board and Louis Prezioso being changed from an alternate to regular member. He recom- mends the alternates for this Board be Mike Rubin, Chauncey M. Buck and John E. Serrentino. Mr. Wright stated he would like to place in nomination the name of Ezell Hester. Mr. deLong referred to there being one vacancy for an alternate on this Board and Mr. Wright replied that he would like Mr. Hester to be a regular member, but if not as an alternate. Mr. V~nce informed the Council that based upon the ordinance, the entire Board should not be open for appointment at this time. The Board~ consists of seven regular members and three alternates. Mr. d~Long clarified that four terms were expiring, those, held by Harold Blanchette, Kitty Deneen, Danny O'Brien and Nathaniel weinshel. A vote could be taken on the names of the two new alternate members submitted: John Serrentino and Ezell Hester. He suggests that Louis Prezioso be appointed as a regular mem- ber. Mr. deLong moved that Louis Prezioso be appointed as a regular member, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Motion carried 4-1 with Mr. Wright dissenting. Mr. d, policl he be down like Mayor avail ~Long stated that we are keeping within the confines of the established by this Council in moving alternates up which [ieves is a good policy. Mrs. Woolley stated if we get a vote between Mr. Serrentino and Mr. Hester, she would know a little about them regarding their interests and Harmening agreed this would be helpful if information is ~ble. Mr. d~Long moved that Kathleen Deneen,Danny O'Brien, and Harold Blanchette be re-appointed, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. No dis- cussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Harmening referred to Mr. John Serrentino being nominated by Mr. Trauger and Mr. Ezell Hester being nominated by Mr. Wright for the alternate position vacant and Mr. Wright stated he wo~ld like to give a brief summation of Mr. Hester's back- ground. He advised that Mr. Hester is a native of the City of Boynton Beach and has resided here all his life. He is a school teacher and has been involved in municipal politics for 15 years. He to~d about his experience with serving on various City Boards. -13- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 5, 1981 BOYNT~N BEACH, FLORIDA Mr. T~auger advised that Mr~ John Serrentino lives in Boynton Beach at 2214 N. E. 1st Way. He then told about his employment and educational experience. Mr. d nate, 5-0. Mr. d s~con. fied Rubin agree disse eLong moved the appointment of Chauncey Buck as an alter- seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Motion carried eLong moved to appoint Mr. John Serrentino as an alternate, ~ed by Mr. Trauger. Under discussion, Mrs. Woolley clari- hhis would be the third alternate with the term of Mike not being open for re-appointment and Mayor Harmening 2. Motion carried 3-2 with Mr. Wright and Mrs. Woolley ~ting. Community Relations Board Mr. T~auger stated he would like to re-affirm the appointments for t~e Community Relations Bo'ard with the current members of Joseph H. Albury, Philip Berkowitz, Blanche Girtman, Lois A. Rush, Douglas Sussman, James Engle and as a replacement for Hyman Simons - Donald W. McKone of 311 N. E. 17th Avenue. Mr. Wright stated he would like to place in nomination the names of Henrietta Soloman, Dee Zibelli and Daniel White. Mr. d Harme~ Mr. T year Mayor Wooll, discu deLon. eLong asked if a certain number was allowed and Mayor ~ing replied that he doesn't believe there is any limit. ~auger added that we did have many more on this Board the ~efore, but cut it down last year to a workable committee. Harmening referred to ten people being nominated and Mrs. ~Y moved to appoint all ten, seconded by Mr. Wright. No ~sion. Motion carried 3-2 with Mr. Trauger and Mr. dissenting. Mr. d~Long stated he would like to move to make it an unani- mous ~-0 vote for the Community Relations Board appointments. Mr. Trauger Seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0, Libral Mr. Ti Libral Sandr~ Musch, Weave~ Mrs. .~y Board zauger stated he would like to re-affirm the current zy Board membership consisting of ChriStine Edward, Lautenschlager, Emanuel Lubin, Rubie Mack, Martha ~lla, and Mildred White. He added that Mrs. Nanie has said she doesn't want to serve and he nominated ~aye Creason, 444 West Ocean Avenue. -14- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 Mr. Wright stated in review of the report prepared by the City Clerk's Department, it seems some of the members were unable to attend half the meetings. He then placed the name of Martha Norfuss in nomination. Mr. deLong requested background information and Mr. Trauger advised that Mrs. Creason has been attending all the activi- ties of the library. He told about her being active in book reviews and in the development of the library. She has also worked with the Library Board. Based on her interest, he made his recommendation. Mr. Wright advised that Mrs. Norfuss is a native of the City. She has done tremendously well in terms of educational back- ground and he told about the degrees she holds. He feels she would serve well on the Library Board and did submit a resume for the Council's Consideration. Mayor Harmening clarified that one additional member has been nominated and Mrs. Woolley requested a vote to be taken on the me,rs individually. Mr. Trauger nominated Christine Edward, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Trauger nominated Sandra Lautenschlager for the Library Board, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Trauger nominated Emanuel Lubin, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. MOtion carried 5-0. Mr. Trauger nominated Rubie Mack, seconded by Mr. Wright. Motion carried 4-1 with Mrs. Woolley dissenting. Mr. Trauger nominated Martha Muschella, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Trauger nominated Mildred White, who is presently Chairman, seconded by Mr. deLong. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Trauger nominated Raye Creason, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Motion carried 4-1 with Mr. Wright dissenting. Mayor Harmening asked if seven members are the limit of the Library Board and Mrs. Padgett replied affirmatively. Mayor Harmening clarified that Martha Norfuss is eliminated for consideration. -15- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 Planning & Zoning Board Mr. Trauger stated he would like to nominate those currently serving: Lillian Bond, Simon Ryder, Garry Winter and Sidney Bernstein. He then reco~ended Robert W. Wandelt and Simon Zive to replace Mr. DiSal~e and Mr. Drew. Mrs. Woolley nomi- nated Ronald Linkous. Mr.I Wright nominated Col. William Condry. Mrs. Woolley stated she wquld like to know something about Mr. Wandelt and Mr. Zive. Mr~ Trauger advised that Mr. Wandelt is manager of the Sun Bank o~ 15th Avenue and is Vice President of the Sun First National Ba~k. He lives at 1334 S. W. 25th Ave. He is a graduate of the University of Florida. Mr. Trauger advised that Mr. Simon Zive has a doctorate of pharmacy and is a registered pharmaceutist. He is a reserve officer in the U. S. Publ~c~ Health Service. He retired to Florida in 1967 and is a permanent resident. Mrs. Woolley advised that Mr. Ronald Linkous lives at 906 S. W. 28th Avenue and has been years. He has been self-E He co-developed Rolling G~ built the original bridge She thinks he would do a ~ Mr. Wright advised that Cc State of Florida. He was after retiring from active gentleman and is capable on the Planning & Zoning mitted. He is a college Mr. Trauger nominated Lil Motion carried 5-0. resident of Boynton Beach for 28 ~mployed in this area for 30 years. ~een area and Lee Manor Isles and across the canal to the north end. ronderful job on this Board. 1. William Condry was born in the reared in Delray and moved to Boynton ~ military service. He is a reputable ~nd could serve in the best capacity oard. A copy of his resume was sub- 'raduate and has a masters degree. lan Bond, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Mr. Trauger nominated Simon Ryder, seconded by Mr. deLong. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Trauger nominated Garry Winter, seconded by Mr. deLong. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Trauger nominated Sidney Bernstein, seconded by Mr. deLong. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Trauger nominated Robert W.Wandelt, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Motion 'carried ~,0. , Mr. Trauger nominated Simqn! Zive, seconded by Mr. deLong. Motion carried 4-1 with Mn. Wright dissenting. -16- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 Mr~ deLong nomiILated Ronald Linkous, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Motion carried 4-1 with Mr. Wright dissenting. Mayor Harmening announced that'this completes the Board. Parks & Recreation Board Mr. Trauger stated he would like to nominate those currently serving on the Parks & Recreation Board: G. Don Fenton, Lee Grimes, Edward Harris, Kathy Haughn, and Betty Thomas. He added in lieu of Barbara Junnier and Stormet Norem, he would like to recommend Jane McConnell and Nathaniel Weinshel. Mr. Wright added that he would like to nominate William Cwynar. Mr. Trauger nominated Mr. Don Fenton, seconded by Mr. deLong. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Trauger nominated Lee Grimes, seconded by Mr. deLong. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Trauger nominated Edward Harris, who is presently the Chairman, seconded by Mr. deLong. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Trauger nominated Kathy Haughn, seconded by Mr. Wright. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. TraUger nominated Betty Thomas, who is presently the Secre- tary, seconded by Mr. deLong. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Trauger nominated Nathaniel Weinshel, seconded by Mr. deLong. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Trauger nominated Jane McConnell, Seconded by Mr. deLong. Motion carried 3-2 with Mr. Wright and Mrs. Woolley dissenting. Board of Trustees - Municipal Firemen's Pension Trust Fund Mayor Harmening announced there are no vacancies on this Board. Board of Trustees - Employees' Pension Plan Mr. Trauger nominated Dianne M. Hardin, seconded by Mr. deLong. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Harmening nominated Leon Himmelfarb as a replacement for Elizabeth Todd, seconded by Mr. deLong. Motion carried 5-0. Board of Trustees - Municipal Police Officers' Retirement Fund Mayor Harmening announced that a nomination is needed to re- place Mr. Joseph Casey, who does not desire to be re-appointed. He added this is for a two year term. Mr. deLong moved to lay this on the table at the present time, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Motion carried 5-0. -17- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 5, 1981 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Golf Advisory Committee Mr. Trauger referred to having to re-affirm the Golf Advisory Committee and Mr. Vance replied that he does not think this is required as it is an informal standing committee. LEGAL Ordinances - 1st Reading Proposed Ordinance No. 81-1 - Re: New Solicitation Ordinance Mr. Vance referred to there having been in the country a gen- eral problem regarding the regulation of solicitations and stated this is an attempt by his office to present an ordi- nance which they believe can be sustained. The major change is the City Manager would handle the solicitation permits with an appeal to the City Council if the applicant is unhappy with the City Manager's decision. He then read proposed Ordinance No. 81-1 by title on first reading: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMEND- ING THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY BY AMENDING CHAPTER 20, PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, ETC., ARTICLE III, CHARITABLE SOLICITATIONS, BY REPEALING THE PRESENT ARTICLE III AND RE-ENACTING A NEW ARTICLE III CHARITABLE SOLICITATIONS; PROVIDING FOR PERMIT FOR SOLICITATIONS; PURPOSE; DEFINI- TIONS; APPLICATION PROCEDURE; FEES; CONTENTS OF PERMITS; RESTRICTIONS ON SOLICITATION; PENALTY PROVISIONS; REPEAL- ING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Mr. deLong moved adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 81-1 on first reading, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Under discussion, Mr. Trauger referred to paragraph (g) on Page 4 and stated this covers the methods to be used in conducting solicitations and the dates and hours, but he finds no place as to where. Mr. Vance informed him that essentially the presumption is that it will be within the City of Boynton Beach. By requir- ing a description of the methods, we can determine if it will be house to house. Mr. Trauger stated that he wants it spelled out whether house to house or in front of a grocery store. Mr. Vance replied that he believes this is included in the description of the method. Mayor Harmening added that he presumes when the application is filled out, it will be filled out in detail as to the methods and someone can make a determination. Mr. Vance clarified that he believes Item G does require a necessary description in answer to the ques- tions raised by Mr. Trauger. Mr. deLong added that Item H also clarifies it. -18- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 Mr. Trauger referred to the requirement on Page 5 regarding badges for 25¢ each and asked if large groups such as the Salvation Army would be required to buy a badge for each per- son and Mr. Vance replied affirmatively as it cannot be made to apply only to certain organizations. Mr. Trauger asked if a badge could be passed among those soliciting and Mr. Cheney replied negatively according to this ordinance. Mr. Trauger stated that he believes this places a hardship on such organi- zations as the Salvation Army, Kiwanis, Boy Scouts, etc. if each one needs a badge. Mayor Harmening commented that we cannot have it both ways and the attempt in this ordinance is to make it more restrictive. Mr. Trauger agreed that it should be held down, but he thinks this penalizes. Mr. Vance stated that usually it cannot be done two ways and .we must either regula~ everyone or do not regulate anyone. There is no middle ground in view of federal decisions. Mrs. Woolley asked if he felt there may be further problems in the City with the ordinance as it stands and Mr. Vance replied that they have done their best to evaluate the applicable federal decisions and believe the provisions are reasonable and probably sustainable. The entire area of decisions relat- ing to this type of regulation is broad and has varied from circuit to circuit in federal courts. They have attempted to be conservative in drafting the ordinance and believe it to be sustainable. Mrs. Woolley asked if each girl scout in a troup would need a badge to solicit and Mr. Vance replied affirmatively. Mr. Wright asked how the funds would be utilized and Mr. Vance informed him they would be considered permit fees and would no't cover the actual cost. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Motion carried 5-0. PropoSed Ordinance No. 81-2 - Re: Amend Building Code to Incor- porate County-wide Addendums Mr. Vance advised the next three ordinances are housekeeping ordinances and each year, we re-adopt the Palm Beach County amendments to what used to be the Southern Standard Building Code and is now the Standard Building Code. He then read pro- posed Ordinance No. 81-2 by title on first reading as follows: -19- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 5, BUILDING CODE, SECTION 5-1, ADOPTION OF STANDARD BUILDING CODE INCLUDING PART II (GAS), AND SECTION 5-2, AMENDMENTS TO THE BUILDING CODE, BY ADOPTING THE STANDARD BUILDING CODE, 1979 EDITION WITH UNIFORM MINIMUM COUNTY-WIDE ADDENDUMS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE BUILDING CODE ADVISORY BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY; PRO- VIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE, REPEALING PROVISIONS; AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, Mr. deLong moved adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 81-2 on first reading with the omission of the word "Southern" wherever it appears in the ordinance or caption. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 81-3 - Re: Amend Mechanical Code to Incorporate County-Wide Addendums Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 81-3 by title on first reading: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMEND- ING CHAPTER 5, BUILDING CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 5-4, WHICH SHALL BE THE ADOPTION OF THE STANDARD MECHANICAL CODE, 1979 EDITION, BY ADOPTING SAID MECHANICAL CODE WITH THE UNIFORM MINIMUM COUNTY-WIDE ADDENDUMS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE BUILDING CODE ADVISORY BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY; PRO- VIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE, REPEALING PROVISIONS; AUTHOR- ITY TO CODITY; AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Mr. deLong moved adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 81-3 on first reading, seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a ~oll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. -20- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 Proposed Ordinance No. 81-4 - Re: Amend Plumbing Code to Incor- porate County-wide Add~ndums Mr. Vance read propose~ reading: AN 'ORDINANCE OF ING CHAPTER 22, PL~ PLUMBING CODE, ADOt A~{ENDMENTS, BY ADOt THE UNIFORM MINIMU~ Ordinance No. 81-4 by title on first CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMEND- ~BING BY AMENDINGSECTION 22-1, STANDARD 'TED BY REFERENCE AND SECTION 22-2 SAME, 'TING THE 1979 ADDITION OF SAID CODE WITH [ COUNTY-WIDE ADDENDUMS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE BUILDING CODE ~DVISORY BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY; PRO- VIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; REPEALING PROVISION; AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Mr. deLong moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 81-4 on first reading, seconde~ by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll ca~l vote on the motion as follows: Counci~member~ W°olley - Aye Mayor ~armening Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Council Council Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. Funds Mr. Vance referred to to this ordinance and title: AN ORDINANCE OF TH AMENDING ORDINANCE ESTIMATE OF REVENUt BEGINNING OCTOBER Mr. deLong moved the a first reading, seconde~ Padgett took a roll ca] - Aye .man deLong - Aye .man Wright - Aye 81-5 - Re: Allocation of Antirecession .here being an explanatory memo attached .hen read proposed Ordinance No. 81-5 by : CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, NO. 80-14 TO PROVIDE FOR AN AMENDED :AND EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ., 1980 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1981. .option of proposed Ordinance No. 81-5 on · by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Mrs. ~1 vote on the motion as follows: Vice M~ Council Council Council Mayor Harmening .yor Trauger - Aye ~man deLong - Aye ~man Wright - Aye member Woolley - Aye - Aye Motion carried 5-0. -21- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 5, 1981 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 81-A - Re: Adopting Rules of Order Mr. Vance read proPosed Resolution No. 81-A by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE 1970 EDITION OF ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER (LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CARD NO. 71-106451) AS OFFICIAL RULES OF ORDER Mr. Trauger moved adoption of Resolution No. 81-A, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Under discussion, Mr. Vance advised that under the provisions of Robert's Rules of Order, the only time a motion can be reconsidered is on the same day the action was taken or the next day immediately thereafter. Mr. deLong added that this applies unless there is a holiday. Mr. Vance added that it probably would not apply to the zoning ordinance where there would be publication. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 81-B - Re: Designating Authorized Individuals to Prepare, Sign and Countersign Checks, Vouchers and Withdrawal Slips Drawn on City Depositories for 1981 Mr. Vance advised this is a housekeeping resolution to author- ize the signing of checks and he then read proposed Resolution No. 81-B by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, DESIGNATING AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUALS TO PREPARE, SIGN AND COUNTERSIGN CHECKS, VOUCHERS AND WITHDRAWAL SLIPS DRAWN ON CITY DEPOSITORIES Mr. deLong moved adoption of Resolution No. 81-B, seconded by Mr. Wright. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. -22- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 ADMINISTRATIVE Presentation and Review of City Manager Report Relative to Pro- jected Administrative Activities for Period of January, 1981 through September, 1981 Mr. Cheney stated this is a report which he submitted in note- book form which attempts to present a list of active projects that he and the City staff see they are involved with in the coming year. He is doing this partly so we do have a relatively complete list of activities which we are faced with and the Council will know what these activities are. This notebook does not include the regular ongoing day to day activities; it includes the project type activities. He wanted the Council to know what is being worked on, so if they feel some of the things are not a worthwhile effort, he can be told and substi- tutions recommended. If there are some priority areas, they want to know. It is a way of being sure the staff is respond- ing to policy and the important items as the City Council sees them. It also giV~ him a handle on knowing what is going on and how the variety of activities fit together. Many are inter- departmental. This is primarily to present a list of where we are going and what we are doing, so hopefully we all know where we are going. Mr. deLong asked if there is any specific time limit as to input from City Council members and Mr. Cheney replied negatively. Mr. deLong continued that from reading it over, it is a very ambitious program and he trus~ it keeps going, so at the end of the year, we will know what we accomplish. Mr. Cheney continued that the next objective is to put dates on these activities, so we can keep secure and check quarterly where we are going. It will also project when a variety of things will be available for agenda consideration. Mr. Trauger complimented the City Manager and stated this is one of the best programs he has seen presented. We will have a table on where the City is going and the direction. Will there be a costing on this in either time or effort to see what we are spending to make it cost effective? Will some of these areas going from implementation require additional capital equipment to be programmed and recommended? Mr. Cheney replied that these are good points. As this process is added to, we will include these things as they can be worked in. He indicated in his memo that we will be starting on projections on what we will be doing or seeing between now and the next five years to know where we are going. This has been done on a regular basis in the Utility Department and a report will be presented in February. These suggestions are good points and will be added. -23- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 Set Priorities for Community Development/Neighborhood Strategy Area Expenditures Mr. deLong stated he was very much disappointed with Green's letter giving a low priority to the Day Care Center. He would like to boost that priority. If any place needed an appropriate center, that is the place. We should do all we can to replace that obsolete building. Mr. Cheney stated this report is a little out of sequence from where he would like it. He is faced with a request from Mr. Green from Community Development regarding their time table on funding. It is important that we give to them some idea of the proposed expenditure of capital dollars from the Community Development program. He had hoped the N.S.A. study would be finished with community input and the Local Planning Agency would act on it; hoWever, the time table prevents that from working out. This is a list of a variety of projects in the order recommended by the consultants. He suggests that we adopt this program as presented and forward it to Community Development realizing there will be plenty of opportunity throughout the coming year to make ckanges in priorities es- pecially after adopting the N.S.A. study. ~Priorities are ~lti- mately set at the County level by Community Development, but Mrs. Girtman is a representative, so we do have a voice. We do need to send something to the County as a result of this meeting. Mr. Trauger asked how soon we need to send this and is there some guidance as to the amount of funds? Mr. Cheney replied that he cannot give guidance as to the amount of funds and it has to be submitted tomorrow. The amount of funds is not known. The final funding depends on the amount of fUnds from H.U.D. and how it is distributed throughout the County. Mayor Harmening suggested in order to make it as brief as pos- sible, that it be submitted in the form as submitted by the consultants. Mr. Trauger asked if he agrees with the priori- ties and Hayor Harmening replied affirmatively. Mr. Cheney added that Mr. Annunziato has been working with the consultants and meeting with the Community Development staff. Mr. Trauger urged him to go forward with all the high priorities for implementation and Mr. Cheney replied that this would be a fine direction if that is what the Council wants. He added that part of the 10th Avenue project Should be discussed in more detail and it is listed for high!priority. It is some- what different than what we discussed~ in the past and he would like to see the whole plan presented. We should decide whether widening or upgrading 10th Avenue should be done to change the characteristics and what we prefer. This cannot be -24- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 answered without the final report from the consultants. The problem of funding is a concern of the whole neighborhood. Mayor Harmening added that this will be subject to numerous revisions in light of funding and priorities. Mr. Trauger moved to adopt from this plan the high priorities and forward to the County. Mr. deLong seconded the motion and included consideration of the Day Care Center as a high priority. Mr. Trauger clarified that his motion was to accept those marked high priority and move the Day Care Center to the category of high priority. Mr. deLong seconded the motion. Under discus- sion, Mr. Annunziato advised that in regard to the Day Care Center, it was recognized as a high priority, but it was a greater priority for the people not residing in the Neighborhood Strategy Area. Mr. deLong replied that he believes we should take another shot at it. Mr. Wright stated that this statement is somewhat questionable. The Day Care Center is overcrowded and most reSide in the target area and should be given consid- eration. Mr. deLong commented that Mr. Green should be given an inclination about what we desire. Motion carried 5-0. Request Authorization to DispoSe of Records Mayor Harmening referred to a memo being submitted from the City Clerk and Mr. deLong moved to approve the disposal of Items 1 thru 4 as specified in the communication dated December 5, 1980 as received from Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk. Mrs. Woolley seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Modify Council Chambers Public Address System Mr. Cheney referred to submitting a memo concerning this and clarified that the expenditure should be up to $1,000 and not $2,000. Mr. deLong commented that this is long overdue and moved to approve this recommendation of the City Manager to modify the public address system. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Trauger commented about the chairs also needing replacement. Mr. Wright added that he has witnessed a demonstration of the Lanier equipment and thinks it is what we need. Motion carried 5-0. OTHER Mr. Trauger referred to the accident with the beach shack being flattened and Mr. Cheney explained that it was hit by a car early Saturday morning and knocked over. We think we can put it back up and re-use it. We have not looked at the front yet. We are meeting with Ocean Ridge officials to be sure they don't require a permit to re-erect it. Both Police Departments have been investigating the accident in an attempt to collect insurance. Mr. deLong added that the culprit has been appre- hended. Mr. Cheney clarified that we are not going to set it back up until we know what Ocean Ridge wants. -25- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1981 ADJOURNMENT Mr. deLong moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:50 P.M. ATTEST: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA BY ~ i~~ Mayor _ 7, ~ic~ May6r/ ~/ ~/ ~o~lman, ~ ~~CCity Clerk Re~o~ding'-Secr etary (Two Tapes) -26- MEMORANDUM XIV. ADMZNI STRAT IVE TO: CITY COUNCIL VIA CITY MANAGER DATE: Dec. 5, 1980 FROM: TEREESA PADGETT CITY CLERK We now have disposal authorization from the State of Florida, Division'of Archives, on the following records: 1. ~Applications for Beach Parking Permits No.'s 20,016 thru 23,596 10/197'8' thru 8/31/79- .2° Temporary Beach Parking Permits No.~s 4379 thru 5772 10/1978 thru 8/31/79 3. All xerox, cc in N mine ri ca: 4. All Copies listing c~m 1972 thru 8 )pies' of Beach ~.arking Permlt app!ications order, 1972 thru 8/31/78 memo's to Recreation Dept. ~elled Beach Parking Perfaits ( No.1 thru 4 - Not Microfilmed) With your approval we will proceed to destroy the above named records. TP/cc f2~31/80 ~5~7 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH "~ECK " ~3037 .... ~892 289'12 29198 29888 30352 30353 333'5A 3035'5 39356 39357 .~lI~ 30358 3935 9 30360 3036I 30362 30363 30364 3036.5 3O366 30367 l- '368 39369 - 30372 30371 39372 ~,0373 30374 30375 .30376 30377 39378 39379 30502 ..... 395g3 30504 39595 3 _'3596 30507 ~- 30508 30509 511 39512 39513 39514 f 305'15 39516 30517 30518 39519 C U R R E N T M D N T H C H E C VENgOR,." 063705 110099 530063 290033 020405 021549 D 26a'80 030501 080~3~ DB~653 10~508 194'5'00 io~IO I66309 190945 190940 i92592 292515 292550 230452 231580 266900 340006 2~000~ 196360 10645g 081650 12~590 I94290 206300 235495 222794 -2101SI 016508 033631 013729 015990 021720 026379 032394 340395 050355 051303 064599 07%612 ° 07'5533 0'80310 08040Z 081615 086456 VENDOR NAME JOHN B, DUNKLE ~LDRID~ CERAHIC SUPPLIES K-MART DISCOUNT STORE ANN ~ARIE MOTEL RIA~ C-D0 CYR CONSTANCE BAISH FRANK A. BEDNARICK OBE BJTLER RENA CARRIER J2HN HARRINGTON MJRIEL HDLZMAN FRANK .JOHNSON GEDRGE A. JOHNSON JDHN gOHNSTON ELEANOR PUFFER JDHN SCHNEIDER MARY ED SCHORR ADA SqOOK LEE THOMAS .JA~ES C. THOMPSON OLIVE WALLACE WoT. ~ELCH MILDRED A. zWART LEMON HARRIS WILLI6 BAGLEY EDWARD SULLIVAN GEORGE J~NNIER HAROLD HERRING N2RMAN LOLATTE KEN SNOW JOHN M. TUITE CORTIS E, WRIGHT JOHN VICKt Uo So POSTMASTER FEDERAL EXPRESS THOMAS A. CLARK ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY A~LANTIC COAST FIRE C0o 'BETTER HOMES & GARDcNS~ DR. JAMES E. BUFFAN CHANGING TIMES DALE'S PAINT ~ BODY SHOP EBONY EDWARDS ELECTRIC CORP, FD~TUNE JACK GOTTLIEO R.L. GRUMMONS PRINTING HAL-SLY & GRIFFITH, INC, WILMA HARLE HENNEPIN :OUNTY LIBRARY J3HN HUSHLER K S CHECK PAGE I DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 12/31/89 225.90 9/05/80 42,25CR 9/05/80 9/19/80 16o40CR 10/10/80 11/01/80 53.79 11/01/80 10.8.59 10/11/80 227.58 11/01/80 63.23 11/01/80 397,99 11/01/80 ll/OI/8O 8.8,75 11/01/80 88.66 11/01/80 625,19 11/01/80 91,28 11/01/80 133.20 11/01/80 253.66 11/01/80 ,202.21 11/01/80 795,91 11/01/80 71.19 11/01/80 168.90 11/01/80 82.65 11/01/80 77,13 11/01/80 551.53 11/01/80 519098 11/01/80 194,10 11/01/80 1,045.78 11/01/80 .. 30.34 ' 11/01/80 42.46 11/01/80 225.41 11701/80 91,50 11/01/80 1,499.59 11/01/80 920.69 I0/31/80 60,0.0 10/31/80 20o00 10/31/80 75.00 11/94/80 203.00 11/04/80 7.50 11/34/80 lO,D0 11/04/80 300,00 11/04/80 12,00 11/04/80 803.40 11/04/80 10.00 11/04/80 112.56 11/04/80 28,00 11/04/80 30,00 11/34/80 19o00 11/04/80 91.5~ 11/04/80 30.00 11/34/80 12o00 11/04/80 56.00 ' -{ECK ,, V.E NO0 R "39520 3"0522 30523 .3O.524 30525 33.526 30527 30528 30529 30530 30531 / ~',0531 39532 30533 30534 30535 30536 30537 395 3'8 30539 -30.543 30544 30545 33546 30547 30549 30550 3055i 3O556 39-:;57 30~.,58 ~30~,~5 9 30563 39 ~05 ~7 3~,568 30569 CITY OF BOYNTON 6~ACH RENT MONTH CHECKS VENDOR NA~E 13475~ JDJRNIC,S MAINTENANCE 114603 KDPY KING PRINTING CENTER I20313 LADIES HOME JOURNAL 140454 NATIONAL REVIEW I53907 OMNI 150383 PALM BEASH JR. COLLEGE 161705 PETTY CASH POLICE I5~620 POPUL'AR MECHANICS 190353 SAFETY KLEEN CORPo 190434 MELVIN SAMPLE 194403 SOCIAL SECURITY [DNTRIBUT 194703 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 19~703 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 194900 SPORTS ILLUSTRATED 196012 ANTHONY STALLDNE 207598 ALFRED TYLL 215393 UNIJAX 23244B EDITH WIDDER 070355 ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO. 370016 CARDLEE J. KRISS 320008 ARTHUR Au FREEMAN 130950 WILLIE RUTH MCGR~DY 014249 ISIAH ANDREWS 010309 ABS TRUCK ~ EQUIDMENT,INC 013723 ALLEN INSURAN&E AGENCY 014920 APPLE TREE PRESS 0154:04 A~EA PLANNING BOARD OF PA 015990 ATLANTIC COAST FI'RE CO. 016~00 AUTOPRDDUCTS, INC. 020179 B.B. AUTO PARTS, INC. 020439 THE BAKER'& TAYLOR CO. 020440 THE BAKER &-TAYLOR CO. 0204~7 BANYON BOOKS 021679 JACK BERLINER 024710 BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLY 024723 BDYNTON BEACH CHAMBER 02~725 BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 02~733 BDYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 025589 BRD - DART, INC. 025600 BRONARD PUMP & SUPPLY CD. 025391 BUREAJ DF BUSINESS PRACTI 032549 ANGELA CHRISTIAN 03~597 [2L~MBIA SPECIaL-PRODUCTS 0~0395 DALE'S PAINT & BODY SHOP 0G0503 DAVIS PUBLISHING COt INC. 040525 DAY-TIMERS 0~1418 DE BRA TURF g INDUSTRIAL '0~1619 DEERAY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 0~2605 DI~Z'IT CO., INC. 044750 DDUBLEDAY g CO. 046453 JOHN B. DUNKLE-CLERK OF T CHECK DATE 11/04/80 11/04/80 11/04/80 I1/04/80 11/04/80 11/04/80 11/04/80 11/0~/80 11/04/80 11/04/80 11/O4/8-0 11/04/80 11/04/80 11/04/80 !1/0~/80 11/0~/80 11/0~/80 11/35/80 11/~7/80 I1/07/8~ 11/07/80 11/07/.80 11/07/80: 11/07/80 11/07/80 11/07/80 11/07/80 11/p7/80 11/07/80 11/07/80 11/07/80 11/37/83 11/07/80 11/07/80 11/37/80 11/07/80 11/07/80 11/07/80 11/07/80 I1/DT/SD 11/D7/80 ll/DT/80 11/07/80 I1/O?/80 11/37/80 11/37/80 11/07/80 I1/07/80 PAGE Z TOTAL. A~,OUNT 309.00 612.90 8.97 24.00 10.00 85.9.6 9.97 217.00 30~00 66~165.68 35.0OCR 35.00 36.00 20.0'0 lO.OO 153.24 30.00 19,338.00 579.84 779.04 %8.00 55.00 188.00 1,297.00 12.95 1.00 129.66 195.I5 195.63 14.27 226.I6 37.05 35.00 ~,015~50 1,O00.O0 8,'5%6.02 .3,307o49 50,03 I13-~3 54.24 20.00 280.00 70~.89 212.00 15.56 11,158.00 62.44 73.59 4.76 56,033.00 12/3.1/'80 ,, VEND 3'~ ,71) 305? t 305?2 ~39573 30 57,4 305'7 5 30'5 ?6 I 39582 39583 30584 .3g585 30586 3,0587 30588 30589 30 5 9a 30:59'3 3 05 9 5 30596 305~7 30598 30599 30691 ~0603 30695 30507 30~6 D 8 3051~ 30'612 39;~ 13 3D614 15 617 I9 CITY DF BDYNTON BEACH C U R R E N T MO N T H C HE E DR,," VENOOR NAHE 051300 EDWARDS ELECTRIC CORP. 05440.0 ENVIRDTECH CORPORATION 05554?. ERNST £ WHINNEY 062801 FIRE FIGHTERS EQUIPMENT 0~2'820 ~fREMEN'S RELI'EF 062910 FIRST BANK & TRUST 0-637,90 FLORI]A BRAKE & 0'6~712 ' ITIES D~O.~CO BETTY GARRIGA 0'74500 CMARLES GODFREY 07~7.~D ~3~ER~MENTAL GUIDES, D~5580 g~LF OIL C.ORP. 0804'2.5 MARLEY OA¥IDSOM OF PALM 0804~1 HAROLD'S SALES & SERVICE 0'86351 N'O~H HUDOLESTON 090105 IoBoM. CORPORATION 09~305 INTERNATIONAL FIRE SER. 09~313 !NTERNATIDNAL INSTITUTE 0 100313 JACK'S CAMERA CENTER 10~503 JONES EQUIPMENT C0.- 111633 BRYDN KENNEDY AND CO. 114503 KDPY KING.PRINTING CENTER 120~27 LANDMARK PUBLISHING CO. 120453 LANIER BJSINESS PRODUCTS, 120563 ~AWNMOWER HOSPITAL 121742 LEXINGTON FEED & SUPPLY 122802 MARY :. LINEHAN 130203 MoT.A. EQUIPMENT CORP. 132853 ~IRACLE RECREATION EQUIP.. I3642~ MJNICIPAL POLICE 136528 Eo N. MURRAY, · I40391 NOS DEPT. OF COMMERCE I~04'1D N~LCg CHEMICAL 140469 NATIONAL WELDING PRODUCTS 153800 OLYMPIA' SPORT SHOP, INC. .160339 PAtM BEACH JR. COLLEGE 164597 JAMES H. POLLOCK, MD 1~5308 PRENTICE-HALL,INC. 166201 PO~LtX MARKET 180500 EVA R~YMOND 186500 ROSSELL ~ AXON I90~70 NATIONAL NILOLIFE FEDE-RAT 19050g SARGENT-SDWELL, IMCo 19095g DLYVE E. SCHOOLEY lqlIO0 191103 0.~ SCOTT & SONS COMPANY 191510 SEACREST PETROLEUM CO= 191523 SE~CREST VETERINARY 1017~5 SEYFA~T'H,SHAW,FA[RWEATHER K S CHECK PAGE 3 DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 11/37/80 201.50 11/07/80 120~00 11/07/80 2,265.12 11/37/83 198.23 11/07/80 847.7'2 11/07/80 18~694.56 11/07/80 257.2~ 11/07/80 2,190.51 11/07/80 1,500.00 11/07/80 9.00 11/07/80 45.00 11/97/80 45.00 11/07/89 7,00 11/07/80 8~85,0.71 11/37/80 449.18 11/07/80 720.00 11/07/80 309.00 11/07/80 287.00 11/07/80 96.30 11/07/80 50.00 11/07/80 4.46 11/07/80 75.00 11/07/80. 17.50 11/07/80 14.95 11/07/80 9.95 11/07/80 300.00 11/07/80 88.45 'I1/07/80 I10.75 11/07/80 29.90 11/07/80 41.42 11/07/80 23,496.31 11/07/80 1,175.16 11/07/80 42',547.31 11/37/80 ZOolO 11/07/89 2,155,88 11/07/80 89.49 11/07/80 23.50 11/0?/80 10o00 11/07/80 lgO.o0 11/07/80 24,95 II/~7/80 47.12 lllO?/8O 45.00 11/07/80 20,296.72 11/07/80 9.50 .11/07/80 138.18 11/07/80 15.00 11/07/80 195o10 11/07/80 4,149.88 11/07/80 1,974.72 11/07/80 479,25 11/07/80 418.97 12~31/8~ SITY DF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE C U ~ R E N T M O N T H C H E C K S ~ECK # 062I 3(-'22 30622 30623 ~0624 $0525 $0'627 33627 30~28 0631 30632 30633 30635 30637 30'538 3o, 3 39,~43 306%2 30643 30644 30645 30646 30647 -33648 30649 30650 33651 30652 3~$53 ~0655 33,656 301657 30658 30,650 3~052 30553 3965~ 30665 ~-~30665 3D657 58 VENDD~ # 194619 194697 194697 194706 196185 196225 196503 19650'3 -2'05595 235609 ~06353 216353 216~O 222803 230~5~ 23~625 2~1603 25%605 450936 353705 1~693 01015~ 010312 01120~ 011403 01280T 014153 01570~ 016923 01630? D20173 021~3D 022930 02~800 024713 024763 024765 330185 030290 030303 03-0~60 '032401 33~60~ · 034605 040395 041613 041614 VENDO~ NAME SDME'S UNIFORMS S. CENT. WASTEWATER TREAT So CENT. NASTEWATER TREAT SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE EDWARD D. STONE JR.& ASSDC FLORENCE STUBBINS SUNCO, INC. ETqEL SUSSMAN ETHEL SUSSMAN TRDP%SAL sUPPLY CO,, INC. TRDPI~3AS, INC. TORF MASTER DF FLORIDA UNDERGROUND SUPPLY UNIVERSITY PRESSES OF FLO VILLAGE SOUTH, INC. EARL ~ALLACE FORD, INC. WALLACE BCHA.RG, ROBERTS J.J.A. WOLF FRESH DIST. XEROX CORPORATION ZONING BULLETIN GRACE ED SHIELDS FLORIDA CERAMIC SUPPLIES SOUTH TECHNICAL-CENTER A. BELTRAN TYPEWRITER COo A DIXIE SAW SHOP ADAMS CHEVROLET ADVANCE ~IR CONDITIONIN~ ALEXANDER BATTERY SALES AMERI=AN WATER WORKS ASSO ASGRON OF FLORIDA ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK ~OTDPRODUCTS, INC. B.B. AUTO PARTS, INC. BEANE EXTERMINATING CO. BISHOP'S BLUE CROSS OF FLORIDA B3¥NTON ~UTO SUPPLY BDYNTON GLASS SERVICE, BOYNTON GUN 8 LOCK, INC. BDYNTON WRECKER SERVICE C,Ko'S LDCKSHOP, INC, CAIN FEED & SUPPLY CALDNELL,PACETTI,BARROW ~ CAPEL KLANG COMPANIES VI~G! CHATFIELD COMMERCIAL HYDRAULICS ~ CDMME~CI.AL CONVEYOR SERV! DALE'S PAINT & BODY SHOP DELRAY ELECTRIC SUPPLY DELRAY STAKE & SHAVINGS, OEPT.DF ENVIRONMENTAL REG CHECK DATE 11/07/80 11127/80 11/07/80 11137/80 11/3778D I i/07/80 11/27/80 11/~7/80 11/07/80 11/37/80 11/0T/80 11/07/80 11/37/83 11/07/80 11/07/80 11/07/80 11/07/80 11/37/83 11/07/80 11/07/80 1I/~7/80 11/19/80 11/10/80 11/12/80 11/12/80 11/12/80 11/12/80 11/12/80 11/12/80 11/12/80 11/ 2/8o 11/12/80 11/12/80 ll/12/BD 11/12/80 11/12/80 11/12/B0 11/12/80 11/12/80 11/12/80 11/12/80 11/12/82 11/12/80 11/12/80 ll/12/80 11/12/80 11/12/80 11/12/80 11/12/80 ll/12/BO 11/12/80 TOTAL AMOUNT 65.00 66,'859.'00CR 66,-850.00 8'9.00 15,003,00 15.00 81,35 2,702.58£R 2~702.58 358.43 ~789.80 1~B30.39 11,50 83~75 271.54 9,675.00 6.50 254.51 32.50 11.95 %2.25 25.00 25.00 15.00 158.34 201,00 86°00 210.32 I55,328.15 55,78 273.57 165.00 ~5.50 Z0,961.53 13,93 13B.I4 604.78 155.00 13.19 138.70 1,309.25 166,92 ~68.00 11.06 143.81 185.58 17.09 37.45 50.00 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2HECK" ,, VEN,DO~,," V E N T M D N T H C H E C K S ENDOR NAME 3~873 042841 DILLER BROWN ASSOC. 571 05030g EAST COAST FIRE EQUIP. 30672 050310 EASY PAY TIRE STORE 39573 050375 EODNDM!C FORUM OF BROW&RD ~ 30674 OEGOlO EMPIRE 30675 055P64 DOROTHY ETHRIDGE 39575 053783 FLORIDA POWER C LIGHT CO. 39677 0537'99 FLORIDA RECREATION & PARK 30678 06383'0 FLORIDA WATER C PDLLUTIOR 33579 0756i0 GJLFSTREAM LUMBER CO. 306.q0 08'0'403 H&RDRiVESt INC. x'~-3ObB1 080424 H&RDRIVES DF DELRAY, INC. 30582 0R1605 TERRY HEMES 30683 082736 HIGHLIGHTS FOR CHILDREN 336B4 0B4620 HDLLY ACCdMULATOR 30685 094301 INTERNATIONAL CITY 30686 10031~ JACK'S CAMERA CENTER 3g6~7 110099 K-MART DISCOUNT STORE 30688 120453 LANIER BgSINESS PRODUCTS 30689 122853 LIONEL 30690 130310 WHITT MACDOWELL 7,~691 130565 MAURY'S ,TDOL CHEST b~,692 131766 MIAMI ELEVATOR 'CD. 30693 I32771 MILLER DODGE 3059~ I40435 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION 3~695 ISIOiO DOOR CONTRDL SYSTEMS 30696 IEOlOO P g G DISTRIBUTORS 30697 160373 PALM BEAS~ BRAKE & WHEEL 30698 160381 PALM BCH. JR. COLLEGE 30609 160401 PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL 30732 15042g PALM BEACH OFFICE SUPPLY 3079I 151511 PEACOCK'S RADIATOR SERVIC 30.792 I86503 R~SSELL C AXON 39703 190181 SCRWTD BOARD 30794 192779 SlMDN'S UNIFORMS ~"-h30705 194395 'DAVID SOBEL 30736 Ig~694 SOUTH FLORIO~ MACK TRUCKS 30797 I94697 S$ CENT. WASTEWATER TREAT 39708 196010 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT. OF 3~709 196015 STATE OF FLDRIDA 30712 205533 TRANSI-TRDNICS~ INS. 33711 21,6350 ~MOERGROOND SUPPLY ~'97!2 2t6~99 UNIJAX ~3713 230448 EARL ~ALLACE MOTORS~ INC. 3071G 231780 WESTERN AOTO STORE 30715 232447 WIOE ~ORLD IM~ORTE~ DART5 3971~ 232793 EONICE HILSON 30717 ZB~662 T~DMAS J WOOLLEY JR. 30718 241603 ×ERDX CORPORATION 30719 2~160I XEROX CORPORATION ~0720 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACM CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 11/12/~0 375.84 11/12/80 144.05 11/12/83 2,3.49.6-5 11/12/80 30.00 11/1~/80 20°82 II/12/8~ 15.00 11/12/80 12,162o14 11/12/80 124.00 11/12/80 96.00 11/12/80 293.38 11/12/80 10,086.B0 11/12/80 375,75 11/12/80 1,278.00 11/12/80 2.45 11/12/80 231.61 11/I2/80 24.00 11/12/80 308.94 11/1~/80 24.24 11/12/80 31.20 11/12/80 1,250.D0 11/12/80 671.00 11/12/80 69.00 11/12/80 58,51 1'1/12/80 312.19 I1/12/8~' 12.00 11/12/80 90.55 11/12/80 39.50 11/12/80 59.B0 11/12/80 10.00 11/12/89 4,000.90 11/12/80 215.10 11/12/80 431.99 11/12/80 2,702.58 11/12/80 41,850.00 1I/I2/8~ I08°00 11/12/80 279,00 11/12/80 153.61 11/12/90 -25,003o00 11/12/80 122.46 11/12/80 216.16 11/12/80 25.60 11/12/80 981.00 11/12/80 596.92 11/12/80 223.00 11/12/80 30.36 I1/12/80 19.47 11/12/80 172.80 11/12/80 562.50 11/12/80 169.94 ll/12/BO 13T.30 ll/12/BO 103.93 CITY OF BDYNTON'BEACH PAGE 507 C U q R E N T M O N T H C H E C K S SHECK # VE490~ ~ VENDOR NA4E "30721 196025 T--'~722 196025 3J723 120407 3072% 330004 30725 014249 30725 130950 30727 01~03~ 30728 ~I%072 30729 OI600D 30730 01'6349 39731- 30732 02356~ 30733 026725 3073~ 30735 D~54~5 30736 030290 30737 032906 30738 03~55Q 30739 03~69~ 307~0 03~922 307~1 0~0395 ~:~7~2 0~1600 743 0~1729 ~'0744 053900 307~5 055800 30746 062829 30747 062910 30748 063009 307~9 053803 39753 364603 30751 070012 30752 070409 30753 072679 30754 07~500 30755 090109 ~ 30756 101661 30757 191665 30758 110400 30759 121525 30760 121678 30761 122791 30762 30763 130323 764 1305~0 30765 39766 132790 30757 135423 30758 1~0~35 30;769 140444 3~77~ 14045~ 30771 160374 STATE OF FLORIDA - DEPT. STATE OF FLORIDA - DEPT. LAKE 4ORTH DRAINAGE WILLIE. L GRAHAM ISIAH ANDREWS WILLIE R~TH MCGRAOY AMERIZAN LIBRARY ASSOC. AMERiCaN SOCIETY OF :IVIL ATLANTIC HARDNARE AWWA PUBLICATIONS ORDER 0 THE BAKER 5 TAYLOR BLACK~,$ READER SERVICE BDYNTON :ITY FEDERAL CRED BDYMTOM BEACH RETIREMENT LILLIAN BRAUN CAEDMDN CITY DF DELRAY BEACH COCA COLA BOTTLING CD, COMMERCIAL HYDRAULICS CORONET DALE'-S PAINT & BODY SHOP DELRAY CHEMICAL C0. DEWIND MACHINERY CO. EMERSENCY- MEDICAL £ SAFET ESQUIRE FIREMEN'S RELIEF & ~IRST BAN~ & TRUST gISHER SCIENTIFIC FLORIDA UNEMPLOYMENT FUND FD~R STEEL CORPORATION GRCD~ BETTY GARRIGA HENRY E. GIBSON, SEC, TRE CHARLES GODFREY IoB. M. CORPORATION JERRY'S PRINT SH~P JET JEaN ~ARR & CO. PAUL DAVIS LECLAIR D~. HERMAN I. LEVIN THE LINCOLN LIBRARY CO. LONGVIEW LIME ~ADEMDISELLE MARINE ENGINE EQUIP, C0. MEYER SOD MINNESOTa MINING MUNICIPAL POLICE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION NATIONAL LIBRARY RESOURCE NATIONAL LINEN SERVICE PALM BEA:~ COMMONICATtONS -CHECK DATE 11/13/80 I1/I3/80 11/13/80 11/1~/80 11/14/80 11/14/80 I1/14/80 11/14/80 11/14/80 ll/14/80 I1/14/80 11/14/80 11/14/80 11/14/80 11/14/80 11/14/80 11/14/80 11/14/89 11/14/80 11/i4/80 ~1/14/80 11/14/80 11/14/80 ll/14/8Q. II/14/80 11/14/80. 11/14/80 11/14/80 11/1~/80 I1/14/80 11/1~/80 11/14/80 I1/14/BO ll/1G/BO 11/14/80 11/14/80 11/14/80 Il/lQ/BO Ii/14/80 11/14/80 I1/14/80 11/14/80 11/14/80 11/14/80 11/14/80 11/14/89 ~1/14/80 11/14/80 11/14/80 11/14/80 TOTAL AMOUNT 20.00 20.00 300.0O 419.40 44.0O 38.40 135.90 110,00 53,00 4.9.00 41000 8.99 8,668.92 3~514,87 15.00 32.34 84.47 79.80 89.00 1.19.60 121.73 201.00 72-42 988.85 11.95 1,034.22 22~394.6l 192.46 ~439.14 45,36 25.00 45.00 24,00 45.00 53,00 78075 18.00 7,30 6.00 225.00 199.85 27,35 10.00 36.30 220.90 350.85 1,56O.19 80.00 31.23 401.21 24.00CR ;HECK,," VENDOR ~30771 33774 30775 39775 30777 30778 30779 30780 30781 30794 .30785 30785 30787 30788 30789 .30790 30791 30792 3r>'' 93 30 794 3-0~ 95 320007 307o5 480002 30797 160381 ..3~798 1617'13 30799 16~381 30830 010153 308~1 010304 30802 011403 30803 0137~3 30804 021618 30805 025603 ~7308':3~ 330185 jo o? '4 0 16~0 30898 0~6~7 30899 05.3901 30810 D55951 ~30811 063783 30812 063830 3081'3 064649 314 065503 30815 ~7155~ 30'815 .0753~ 30817 07550O ~'~30818 075530 30819 083300 30823 080313 30~82I 096253 163374 150383 160381 150436 152879 166203 1BDSOO ~81576 1'82803 -~8~516 I9095~ 191700 192769 1~2779 194715 195225 232538 216353 215415 231603 232553 290023. t. IT.Y OF BO:YNTON BEACH R E ?'1T M 3 N T H C H E C K S PAGE 7 VENDbR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT PALM BEACH COMMUNICATIONS 11/14./80 24...30 PALM BEACH JR. COLLEGE I1/1~/80 10,00 PALM BCH. JR. COLLEGE 11/1~/80 ZO,OO PALM BEAS~ REVIEW £ BUSIN 11/1~/80 26.00 PITNEY'BO~ES 11/14/80 45.0'0 PJBLIX M~RKET 11/14/83 49.66 F.VA RAYM]ND 11/14/80 45.0,0 REC.DRD SHACK 11/14/89 163.90 RINKER M~TERIALS CORP. 11/14/80 186..15 BOB ROBERTS 11/14/80 180.0'0 OLYVE'~E. 5CHODLEY I1/14/89 15,00 SE&CR~ESI ,VETER{N<~RY ll/1~/80 2~9o50 S.E~ELL HARDWARE CO., INC. 11/14/80 228.37 SILVER BURDET'T 11/14/89 '9.87 SI~3N'S UNIFORMS 11/14/80 36,00 SOUTHERN MILL CREEK PRODU 11/14/80 43,28 FLOR~NEE STUBBINS 11/16/80 1.5.00 THOMPSDN-HAYWARD CHEMICAL 11/14/80 ~38,00 UNDERGROUND SUPPLY 11/16/83 558°00 UNIVERSAL BEACH SERVICE 11/14/80 311o00 TqOMAS E, WENGLER 11/1~/80 12.05 TOM W-ILLIAMS 11/1~/80 I50,00 DhINDO'CAMARDELLA 11/1~/80 ?,115o27 ROBERT CAPASso 11/1~/80. 28,00 PATRICIA FRAZIER I1/14/80 98.6.21 DONALD UGLIANO 11/I6/90 1,363.57 PALM BCH. JR. COLLEGE 11/17/80 lO.DO PETTY CASH RECREATION Ii/17/8o 2OOOO PALM BCE. JR. COLLEGE 11/17/80 10o00 A. BELTR&N TYPEWRITER COo 11/18/83 88.00 A. C. Ho ELECTRICAL ll/iB/8b 52.50 ADVANCE AIR CONDITIONING I1/18/90 69.24 ALLEN INSDRANCE AGENCY 11/18/80 250°00 BENNETT POTTERY SUPPLY, 11/18/80 96.33 B~WARO PU~P & SUPPLY CO. 11/18/80 6.98 C.K.'S LDuKSHO ~ INC. 11/I~/80 ~2o50 OELR~? CHEMICAL· CO. 11/18/80 '899.00 WI.LLIA-M P~ DO~.EY 11/18/82 90.00 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE 11/i8/80 10°00 VIOLET ESTLER 11/19/80 [5o00 FLORIDA PDWE~ £ LIGHT £0. 1I/I8/80 89~00 FLDRtDA WATER £ POLLUTION 11/1~/80 60,00 GED. FOWLER WELDING CO. I1/I8/80 5.35 FRaNK~OUEE ELECTRI2 . 11/18/80 259.84 GENERAL RESOURCE CORP.. 11/18/80 20~.33 G~APNI[ INSTANT PRESS 11/18/80 19.80 G~IFFIN POLLUTION 'I1/I8/80 425.00 ~.t. GqUMMONS PRINTING 11/18/80 13~.50 HACH 2HEMICAL CO. I1/i8/80 ~5.12 HAL~EY £ GRIFFITH, INC. 11/18/80 1~8.61 INSTITUTE'OF TRANSPORTATI 11/18/80 46.95 12731/99 CUR K # HEC , ,0822 3-~ 23 30824 30825 ~0827 308,28 30829 30839 30So1 30832 ~0i833 30835 30835 30837 30838 30839 .30'840 39841 30842 30846 30847 308~8 308~9 ~3~850 30851 30852 30853 3085~ 30855 ~0856 ~30858 30859 308~0 30862 30863 3u865 39856 30867 ~30858 3~869 30870 ~0.871 100313 130403 13050~ 130563 1~0~35 150851 160365 162753 15~702 I86310 191515 192789 194703 210150 ~3040~ 230447 23~654 340O37 530902 540011 5~OD1Z 5~0013 540014 540015 5~0016 540018 540019 54002~ 55000] 550005 550005 550005 550009 55001! 55001~ 550013 550004 550005 560007 550008 550019 550926 '580004 580005 5R9005 589319 580011 CITY OF BDYNTON BEACH RENT MONTH VENODR NA~E C H JACK'S CAMERA CENTER MANHATTAN TROPHIES MANUFACTURERS LIFE INS. 'BETTY M6T~HETT NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION JI~ O'CONNOR PAINT CENTER PICARD CHEMICAL CD. POMPANO DF'FlEE SUPPLY, CD PORT-O-LEI CO,, INC. RUBIN CONSTRUCTION SEAC~EST PHARMACY DO~IS SIMS SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE TENNIS SUPPLY UoS. POSTMASTER CHARLES WALDNER~ M.D. RICHARD S. WALKE TIM ~DOD 2DRP. ~DBERT Lo HARRISON JERRY PETTWAY MAURI~E ALLEN MA~IA BALLI ELBERT B~NCKER BENITO BENITEZ JDHN'BISSIONE GREGORY B~CKLEY WILLIAM A. BUCKLEY ROBERT d, BURNS MARY BRATTON BILTMORE BLDG CO INCo CASTLE BLDRS, INC. MARIO E. CAMARDELLA MARY ALMA CHAPMAN ELVIRA CIAFONE WILLIAM H. COLEMAN -CARLTON 2OPPIN DONALD COJLSON JAMES COX HOWARD C~RPENTER FqANK DECHER Jo Ho OEVORE &LAN DROG¥ HDLLIS AD DYER ED DEGRDAT DREXEL PROP0 INC ~DOLDH FLINDOK DAVID FOX JI~Y FREEMAN JANI.E FULLER WILLIAM FULTON E C K S CHECK DATE 11/18/80 11/19/83 11/i8/80 I1/18/83 11/18/80 11/18/90 11/18/89 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/83 I1/i'B/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/83 11/19/80 11/18/80 ll/1B/BD 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/19/80 11/18/80_ 11/18/89 11/IB/83 11/1'8/80 11/18/80 11/.18/80 11/18/80 11~18/80 Il/lB/SO 11/18/80 11/19/80 11/18/80 11/19/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/19/83 11/IB/80 11/18/80 ll/1B/BO 11/IB/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/IB/80 11/18/80 PAGE TOTAL AMOUNT 301.78 39.9~ 688.18 15.00 69.00 64.80 53.49 82.40 28,25 39~.00 93.20 lTl..52 15,00 1~2~2.12 125.70 79.50 80.00 168o00 200.00 39.10 10.08 12085 26.15 6.70 12.20 2.50 41.90 ~,70 ~.70 2.80 154,30 90.25 1.90 12.20 8.90 Z7.20 7.20 4050 4.10 18.30 4070 9020 12,20 12020 225,75 4.70 22.20 5.68 10.70 25.15 1ZI311~3 537 =HECK # 3~873 374 30875 39876 30877 39878 39879 30889 39881 30882 30883 <~39884 30885 3Q886 30887 30888 30889 39890 30891 30892 .30893 >~894 ~o895 30895 3.0897 30898 30899 30990 39901 30902 30993 30904 39995 -30996 39997 30909 30910 30911 30912 30913 30914 ~9915 ~0916 39917 30918 30919 39920 30921 30922 30923 VENDOa ~ 590008 590009 590011 590012 590007 690008 600009 690012 600013 69001~ 690091 610032 -620002 ~20003 62000~ 620905 620005 63000~ 540004 640905 640006 65091~ 650015 65o0~ 650017 650018 650019 650020 650021 650022 650023 650024 660001 670017 690012 680013 690003 70001~ 790015 790016 700017 79091R 700029 700021 700074 79009B 71000q 7IOOiO 7100II 710012 713013 CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH R E N T M 'D N T H C H VENDOR NAME GALLO C ~SSOCIATES SELVA GANESH M.D. MARTIN GOODMAN EJGENE- GUERTIN R. Po HAMBY GEDRGE HDETH JA~K'~OLT HUTCH METALS GREGDRY C. HUBER HJNTERS RUN ARTHUR IAZZETTI J.A.S. BUILDERS RDBERT JANTZ MICHAEL JARVIS MORRIS V, JONES BASIL JEFFERS STEPHEN KRAMP BRAOLEY LANGDON GARY LIVINGSTON MARTHA R. LAWSON ELIZABETH MAGEE MAN~EL E. MANRIQUE FREDERICK MARTH DONNa MENEAR DAN MOLINARI EDWARD MULLEN GEORGE MCLEAN WILLIE J, MANNING JR, JOHN MARTTIL~ PAUL MEADE TERRANCE L. NOBLE OqLAN HOMES CORP. JOHN PARMENTER PAM PRZYBOS GEORGE QUEEN RICHWAGONS BICYLE SHOP HERBERT RIVIERA JOHNNY L, ROBERTS FRANCIS RDDRIGUES L.G. ROGERS W.E. ROTH~ELL HERRIZK H. RYAN RIOGENOOD BUILDERS RHODES CONSTRUCTION INC. ELVIN SANITAG3 E~GENE SCHLATT JDWN K. SIPE D. H. SMITH RICHARD SNYDER E C K S CHECK DATE 11/18/§0 11/18/80 ll/1B/8D 11/18/83 11/18/80 11/15/83 11/18/80 11/15/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 tl/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 1t/IB/80 11/18/80 11/15/80 11/18/80 ll/IBMSO ll/18/80 11/18/80 11/IB/80 11/IB/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/19/80 Il/lB/80 11/18/80 ll/18/80 11/18/80 ll/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/15/89 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 PAGE TOTAL 9 AMOUNT 11.90 9,80 20,90 12,20 97.20 27,20 4,70 14,50 120.00 9.50 610.~0 11.50 5.60 3.00 8.88 24,70 12,20 '5.4.0 10,80 43.80 '15o60 12.40 '~o70 42,50 5,50 22,20 52,20 12,20 29,50 5.80 17.50 13.70 15.00 54.40 10.80 2.2,20 Iq,50 200,00 6.78 18.I0 lOolO 19,40 4.70 48.80 58.75 12,15 4.70 19.10 5,20 26,50 12731/-0 :,TTY OF BgYNTON BEACH HE£~ # ~9~24 ~ 25 3'0925 30927 '30928 30929 30930 30931 30932 30933 39934 ~0935 30936 30937 30938 39939 3094O 30941 30942 30943 30945 V.ENDO~ 30948 30949 30950 30951 30952 30953 30954 30955 30956 30957 39958 30959 30962 30953 30954 30965 30965 .... 967 30968 30969 30970 r~39971 39972 30973 33974 3o975 C U R R E N T M ON T H C HE 710014 710015 710015 710017 710018 710155 720004 720.005 740001 743003 75000,5 750007 750008 750009 750010 790000 270010 45.001~ 3700IB 314249 130950 310150 010335 010910 011293 011359 013729 013789 014039 015525 020439 020453 020452 021608 021615 021696 021598 023651 024599 024659 024725 024726 024733 024990 025553 025585 026285 027689 032499 CENOOR NAME WESLEY STEUNE J~CK STRENGES HECTOR SUAREZ 'RJSSELL SULLIVAN 93N S~HIPPEL SEA. NAY VILLAS SEHMIE TAYLOR S~ARL~S L. TIFFIN THEODORE D. VAN ARTHOS MA~Y C-. VALLERY ED~AR'D D, WANTY HOWARD L. WENTWORTH ROSA BELL WILSON TIM WOOD WM. DAVI9 WRIGHT ~ITY 0~ BOYNTON BEACH UELF'INA ALVAREZ GEORGE SIMS ALAN Lo KIRCHEN !SIAH ANDRENS WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY A. BELTR~N TYPEWRITER JEAN ACCARDI LJCY D'ACUNTO LILLIAN ~DAMS ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY ALLIED CHLORINE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOC. MAE AMPOL BEA ANNIS M~RIO ARRIGOTTI THE BAKER [ TAYLOR BAKER & TAYLOR COMPANIES PHYLLIS R. BALL ~OLLIE BELL ETMEL BENNETT D]'RDTHY BESSEL A.M.BEST CO. HAROLD BLANCHETTE T~OMAS BOUREGY & CD, RoR. BOWKER CO. BDYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED BOYNTON BEACH VOLUNTEER BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT KATHFRINE BRAOY HARRIET BROADWELL B~'OOKS PRODUCTS C.M. BUCK VIOLET BYRUM CHILTON BOOK C K S CHEC< 1 I DATE 1/18/80 t/18/80 11/13/80 11/18/80 11/18/89 11/18/80 11/13/80 11/19/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/18/80 11/21/80 11/21/82 11/21/80 11/2~/80 11/20/80 11/2I/B0 11/21/80 11/21/80: 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11M21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/B0 11/21/80 I1/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/8'0 11/21/80 I1/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/82 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/89 PAGE 10 TOTAL AMOUNT 27,20 30.00 17.'00 1,90 30.00 2t7,60 6.20 12.20 13.50 22.20 4.70 27.20 10.30 3.60 21.50 271.56 455.70 150.3'5 55.00 48,00 3,059.50 30.00 39.00 30.00 26~541.67 31,529.00 2~960.75 95.00 40.00 43.75 30.00 34063 28.42 30.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 33.98 21.93 21.30 8,842.92 456.50 3~298.59 30.00 30.00 525.75 I0.20 30.00 · 12:~31~8'0 CITY OF 'BOYNTON BEACH PAGE HECK ~76 ~b ,76 30977 .30978 50979 30980 ~09B1 30982 309~3 3~9 ~4 ",J :~ R~E N T VENDOR fl ,V,E Nr)OR 0986 .30987 '30988 30989 30990 30991 30992 30993 '30994 gOO !OD 1 -32 )04 31005 . i'D07 3~0a8 .OlD )11 31'015 31016 18 9 1 3ZZ 3 'M'D N ~T"H C H'E C K S NAME 032950 CITY PUBLISHING C0- 032950 CITY PUBLISHING CO. 033639 ANNIE H. CLARK 03~66q RUTH COND'ON 034894 HOWARD COOK 0349~18 KATHSR[NE CORiORAN 034g~0 JAC'K!E COUNTRYMAN 036205 MARY CUE · 041500 JOSEPH DELANEY 0,41688 DEPT.DF ENVIRONMENTAL RES 042660 NETTIE DICTOR 042901 DIXIE LIME & STONE CD. 04~752 So ELIZABETH DORMAN 050359 EBONY JR, 053900 EMERGENCY ~EDI.CAL ~ SAFET 054400 ENVIRDTE~H CORPORATION 056015 MARGARET EZMUNT 060~22 .A~NDLD FASANO 060425 ETHELIND FARR 061514 GDLDE FEI'NSTEIN 062820 FI'REMEN'S RELIEF ~ 052910 FIRST :BAN~ & TRUST 063000 FISHE~ SCIENTIFIC 053~&05 FLEET TECHNOLOGY~ INC. 053653 KAY FLQDK 054545 ANTONIO FDLISI 355519 FRIENDS DF THE SAN FRANCI '070359 WILLIAM SALLAGHER 070400 BETTY GARRIGA 07~4'00 L. JUSTINE GOBEL 074500 CHARLES GODFREY 074530 SARAH GOLDBERG 074598 GORDON BROTHERS 075513 LED GROSSBARO 075516 ARVETA M, GROSS 075529 CHRISTINE GRUCH 080421 BLANCHE HANNIGAN 080427 EDDA HARMON 082890 SALLY HIRSCH 0'84483 JOSEPHINE HOFFMAN 090100 I.B.M. CORPORATION 094283 INTERCOUNTY CONSTRUCTION 09%359 INTERSTATE PIPE MAINTENAN 095700 GLaDYS ISCOE 100409 MARY JAMESON 13t~50 ESTELLE JARDINTER 134633 JONES EQUIPMENT CD. IlIE§5 MARIE KELLER 111520 KENDOR MUSIC, INC. I12692 KEN KING 11-5531 ELEANOR KRUSELL CHECK DATE 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21780 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 I1/21/80 11/21/80 11/2t/82 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/82 11/21/80 11/21/82 ~l/Z1/BO 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80' I1/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/83 11121/80 11/21/80 ll/21/BO 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 I1/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 TOT:AL AMOUNT 677.87CR ~77,87 30,00 39.00 31,538~70 30'00 ~9.,00 30.00 3D~DO 90,00 30.00 5,343.18 30.00 7.00 1,122.95 2,005,00 30.,00 30.00 30.00 30.00 821.46 18,314.23 1,18 275.00 30.00 30,00 5,00 39.00 ~5o00 41.00 45.00 40.00 130.00 30.00 30.00 33,00 30,00 30.00 30.00 40.00 8,414..00 56,034.~9 1,OOOoO0 33,00 43.00 42.50 19.75 30.00 57.47 30.00 6~.00 Iz~3i/sa ~[TY-DF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 1£ ~ECK,," ~1Q26 · 3',_ ~27 31028 31029 31'930 31-0'31 31032 3'1033 31034 31035 31036 ~1038 '31039 31040 31041 31042 31043 31044 31045 31046 3"~98 31049 '31050 31051 31052 .31053 31054 31055 31056 31057 31058 31059 31060 31052 3tj63 3105~ ..... 31055 31055 31J57 '368 3~359 31070 31071 ..... 31372 31073 31374 31075 31076 VENDOR # 11649~ 120306 12049I 121651 124603 12630Z 130553 130565 1309~0 130944 131573 13272~ 132758 132776 132781 132853 13~661 135423 1~0~11 1~1700 155900 150408 150~13 150425 150444 160S01 162705 162790 16q593 160503 181510 182795 186550 190369 lg0940 190959 191519 191690 191705 191979 192698 192725 1~3920 193923 1939~0 194726 194809 I94~61 196170 RENT MONTH CH VENDOR NAME E C K.S CHEC JERRY KUBACEK t 0 C PUMP & EQUIPMENT CO /AMAR UNIFORMS' LASSITER CONSTRUCTION CO. qAL LEONarD PUBLISHING CO MARIAN W. LEVITOH LONGVIEW LIME EUgWI~-M~SIC PU~L'ISHINS J]AN S, MARVICK MAURY'S TOOL CHEST MCCAIN SALES CHARLES MC CORMICK BERTHA MEIGH STANLEY MICHALSKI IRENE MIDJRA MARIAN MILLER MILDRED MILL'ER ~IRACLE RECREATION EQUIP. ELIZABET~ MORGANSTERN MUNICIPAL POLICE N~LCO CHEMICAL CO. NEPTUNE METER CO. NAT OSTRON PALM BEACH LIFE PALM BEACH NENSPAPERS PALM BEACH POST-TIMES ESTELLE PARIS GEORGE PAXTON PILOT BO0~S PIERCE TIRE CO., INC. R.L. POLK EVA RAYMOND SALLY REISER GLAD¥S RINDZUNER JOSEPH RUTTLE WINONA.SAHLER MARY E. S=HORR 3LYVE ED SCHOOLEY SEACREST PETROLEUM CD. SEVENTEEN SEYFARTH,SHAW,FAIRWEATHER ~DRRIS SHAPIRO SIDNEY SIEGEL SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION CO., DOROTHY SMITH JAMES H. SMITH ROSE SMITH SOUTHERN MUSIC CO. SPECIAL SERVICE ~ SUPPLY, SOPHIE SPIRAW~ STEVEN'S DRUGS DATE. 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/2'1/83 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/83 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/~0 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/83 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/83 11/21/80 11/21/80 1'1/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 I1/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 I1/21/82 11/21/83 11/21/80 11/21/80 ll/21/SO 11/21/80 11/21/80 ll/21/SD 11/21./80 I1/21/80 11/21/80 11/21/80 I1/21/80 TOTAL AMOUNT 30.00 837.37 216.58 12,699.00 89.91 30.'00 5,802.47 79.44 30.-00 154-.75 1,863.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 3-0.00 30.00 802.8~ 30.00 1~I95.06 26,889,76 8.58 40.00 15.50 779.53 9.75 1~8.50 30.00 5.00 6,511032 295.00 45.00 30.00 30.0.0 30.00 30.00 39.00 15.00 988,18 -9.95 717.14 3O.O0 39.00 5,326.95 30.00 30.00 30.00 107.54 25.50 30.00 6.38 C!TY OF BOYNTON BEACH E N T MONTH CH E C ~HECK # VENDOR N VENDOR NAME 3-1.577 196225 FLORENCE STUBB[NS i. ~378 196503 ETHEL SUSSHAN 31079 20150D T~ERESA TERN!EL 310BO 202570 LELIA THRDCKMORTON - 3108I 232885 ALMA TITIAN 31082 202950 ELIZABETH TODD 31083 216581 IDA MAE UTZ 31084 221703 EILEEN VESTAL 31085 230459 KATHY WALLACE 31085 230545 WATER HYDRANT SERVICE · 31087 231549 ERNA WEAVER ~'~D1088 23157~ NAT WEINSHEL 31089 2315B1 EDWARD Mo WELCH 31090 232793 EUNICE WILSON 31091 232813 JJLE N~NIALSKI 31092 23G590 WORKING WOMAN 3~093 234592. WORKOUTS 310Q4 241603 XEROX CORPORATION 31095 2~I6Ofi HELEN K. YAWMAN 31096 251610 ~ERBERT YELIN 31097 270020 TERESA L. AKES ''098 400013 ALAN E. NEWMAN ~099 670002 OVERLAND CONSTRUCTION 3110~ 530063 ANN MARIE MOTEL 31101 332950 CITY PUBLISHING CO. 31192 010150 A. BELTRAN TYPEWRITER CO. 31103 011600 AERIAL E HYDRAULIC EQUIP~ 31104 013720 ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY 31105 014300 CARMEN ANNUNZIATD 31105 015~1~ AQTD STERED~INC. 31107 020440 TqE BAKER C TAYLOR CD. 31198 02~503 BETTY BDRDNI 31109 024773 B2YNTON MEDI[AL OXYGEN 31112 02~780 B3YN'TON PUMP & SUPPLY 31111 030303 CALDWELL~PACETTI~BARROW 31'112 031700 PERRY .CESSNA 31113 033531 THOMAS AD CLARK 3111~ 033532 SHERMAN. S CLAR~ 31115 041581 JOE DELONG 31115 04750~ DYNA-MED 31117 053900 EMERGENCY ~EDICAL & SAFET 31118 061513 I. FE'INGOLD 1119 363739 FLORIDA INNOVATION GROUP ~1123 06559~ CqA~LES FREDERICK 3II2I 075288 DENNIS C. GRABEE1 31122 375~50 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. INCo 31123 080310 HALSEY £ GRIFFITH, INC. 31124 090~55 FRANK B HALL~COoOF N.Y. 3112~ 390355 FRANK B HALLECOoOF NoT. 3'1125 080400 HARDRIVES~ INC. 31126 DBD42B EDWARD HARMENING K S CHECK PAGE 13 DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 11/2'l/80 15.30 11/21/80 30.00 tl/Zt/80 33,00 I1/21/80 39.00 11/21/B0 30.00 11/21/80 30.00 11/21/8.0 30.00 11/21/80 30°00 11/21/80 ~0.D0 11/21/80 4,537o. 50 11/21/80 ~0o00 11/21/80 20°40 11/21/80 30,00 11/21/80 282,-60 11/21/83 30.00 11/21/80 9,00 11/21/80 987,75 11/21/80 I~09,5o6I 11/21/80 11/21/80 30.00 11/21/80 908.11 11/21/80 83.86 11/21/80 2,80 11/20/80 16o40 11/21/86 ~90,53 11/25/80 395,00 11/25/80 180o00 11/25/80 8,592.00 11/25/80 100.00 11/25/80 125,00 11/25/80 774.B9 11/25/80 10,00 11/25/83 289.00 11/25/80 31.91 11/25/80 5,5Gg,O0 11/25/80 133,00 11/25/80 75.00 11/25/80 44.95 11/25/83 155.00 11/25/80 ~99o00 11/25/80 88o00 11/25/80 11.00 11/25/80 100°D0 11/25/80 130.00 11/25/80 201.50 I1/25/80 362.21 11/25/80 121.7~ I1/25/80 250oOOCR 11/25/80 259°00 11/25/80 3,258.92 11/25/80 175.00 '. I2Z31/~0t SIT¥ OF BOYNTON BEACH CURRENT MONTH CHECKS ~ECK,-" VEN30~ " ,,' ',/E N:] O~ NAME 1127 3~.129 3t13~ .31131 31132 91133 ~1134 31135 31 311-37 ~1138 ~' Ii39 '31143 31141 31142 31143 31144 31145 .3II46 31147 31148 31150 31151 31152 31153 :31154 31155 3II56 31157 31158 31159 31150 :31161 ~1163 31164 31165 31156 ..... 31167 31168 3!1s~ 170 31171 31172 31173 ~3117~ 31175 31175 31177 086693 086349 101507 111550 120503 120575 12152D 133551' 131701 136402 150359 160375 151653 161660 154509 182782 186310 190188 196200 196428 295532 210150 216~g 231602 232808 26~55~ 39002~ 294493 020405 021549 026480 030501 080432 084660 ID~508 10~-509 I04510 166300 1909-45 I90940 192592 232515 202553 230452 231580 266900 340006 280034 196360 106453 081653 EDGAR HOWELL MARILYN HUCKLE DEE G. JEGHERS BERT KEEHR BDB LATHAM LAWYERS TITLE SERVICES, LEAHY BUSINESS ARCHIVES MARSHALL BOLT ~ NUT CO. METZLER g COX WELDING MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICER TEREESA PADGETT PALM BEACH CANVAS CO. CHARLES PERSING PERSONNEL ASSOC. OF PBC ROBERT POCSIK ROBERT RICHARDSON ROBIN CONSTRUCTION CO. S&M FArM SUPPLY,INC. NORMAN STRNAD SJPERIOR SPRINKLER SYSTEM WALTER M. TRAUGER U.S. POSTMASTER UNIVERSITY PRESSES OF FLO TqDMaS E, WENGLER EDWIN W. WINCH BETTY ZOBEL MICHAEL MUNRO T]M DID IT SIGNS CONSTANCE BAISH FRANK A. BEDNARICK OBE BUTLER RENA CARRIER JOHN HARRINGTON MORIEL HDLZMAN F~ANK JOHNSON GEDRG'E A. JOHNSON JOHN J.OHNSTON ELEANOR POFFER J3HN SCHNEIDER HA~¥ E- SCHORR ADA S~OOK LEE THOMAS JAMES C. THDMPSDN OLIVE WALLACE W.T. WELCH MILDRED A= ZWART LEMON HARRIS WILLIE BAGLEY EDWAR2 SULLIVAN GEg'RGE J~NNIER HAROLD HERRING CHECK DATE P4GE 14 TDTAL AMOUNT tl/25/80 ?' 200.00 '11/25/80' 155.00 11/25/80 203.00 11/25/80 200.00 11/25/80 209.00 11/25/80 85.25 11/25/80 2,383.10 11/25/'80 38.72 - 11/25/80 40.00 11/2~/80 113o00 11/25/80 53.00 11/25/80 25.'00 11/25/82 200.00 11/25/80 70.00 11/25/80 200.00 11/25/80 13.00 11/25/80 799,09 11/25/80 155,00 11/25/80 155,D0 11/25/80 328.80 11/25/80 155.00 11/25/80 1,200.00 II/25/80 IoO0 11/25/80. 203.00 11/25/80 200.00 11/25/80 50.00 11/25/80 304.64 11/26/80 40.00 12/01/80 53.79 12/01/80 108.59 12/01/80 227.58 12/01/80 63.23 12/01/80' 397,99 12/01/80 154.46 12/01/80 88.75 12/01/80 88.66 12/31/80 -625.19 12/01/80 91.28 12/01/80 133.20 12/01/80 253'66 12Y31/80 202.21 12/01/80 795.91 12/21/80 71.19 12/01/80 159.90 12/01/80 82.65 12/01/80 77.13 · 12/01/80 551.53 12/01/80 519.98 12/31/80 194.10 12/01/80 1,045.78 12/01/80 39.34 I2~31/80 CITY DF BO'YNTON BEACH .,' U ~ R E N T M D N T H C H E C K S VENDO~ " ,,'- VENDOR NAME CHECK NECK,,"' 3) 178 124'599 NORMAN LOLATTE 5, .79 194290 KEN SNOW 31180 236300 JOHN M. TUITE 31181 235495 CJRTIS E. WRIGHT ~31t82 222794 JOHN V~£KI 31183 141599 NELSON'S AUTO BODY SHOP 31184 D-I4240 ISIAH ANDREWS 31185 130950 WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY 31186 330017 YVDN N, GRANDBDIS 311'87. 420315 JA~ES R. PATTERSUN 31187 420004 JA~ES RD PATTERSON '/~31188 370012 ELEANOR KUSTRA ~1189 420015 JAMES RD PATTERSON .3119D 010150 A. BELTRAN TYPEWRITER CD. 31191 91031~ A DIXIE SAW SHOP 31102 010323 ABLE ~ENT-ALL ~ SALES CD. 31103 011233 .ADAMS CHEVROLET 31104 D11403 A)VANCE AIR CONDITIONING 31t95 013729 ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY 31195 01~054 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASS 31197 016309 AJTOPRODU&TS~ INC, ~'-'%98 020163 B.B, ASSOC, FIREFIGHTERS 3~199 020173 B,B. AUTO PARTS, INC, 31200 0204~9 THE BAKER ~ TAYLOR CD. 31291 020450 BAKER ~ TAYLO~ COMPANIES 31292 021203 BO. DF CO, COMMISSIONERS 31203 024719 BDYNTDN AUTO SUPPLY 31204 324725 BDYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 31205 024733 BDYNTDN BEACH RETIREMENT- 31206 025583 BRO - DART, INC. 31207 025613 STEVE BROWNER 31208 030569 CATALOGING SERo BULLETIN 31209 034681 CONDOLIGATED FREIGHTWAYS 31219 036238 CJISiNE ~_~31211 044750 DOUBLEDAY ~ CD, ~1212 362823 FIREMEN'S RELIEF g 31213 062910 ~IRST BANK & TRUST 312.14 063789 FLORIDA POWER 5 LIGHT 31215 055553 FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE ....... 31216 070400 BETTY GARRIG'A 31217 072700 WILLIE GIBSON 31218 072805 MR. SAL ~IORDANO DBA EAST 219 074509 CHARLES GODFREY 51223 075533 R.L. GRUM~ONS PRINTING 3122I 075583 GJLF OIL CORP. 31222 0755'81 GJLF OIL CORPORATION ~ 31223 080303 HALE F~RE PUMP CO, 3122~ 08~590 EDGA~ HOWELL 31225 09~59'~ ROBERT HOWELL 31225 090105 IoB. M. £D~PORATION 31227 115601 ELEANOR KRUSELL PAGE 15 DAYE TOTAL AMOUNT · 12/01/83 , 42,46 12/21/80 225,41 12/21/80 91,50 12/21/83 1,499.59 I2/01/80 920°59 11/25/8,0 38~,0'0 11/28/83 33,00 11/28/80 28,80 11/28/80 226,30 I1/28/80 723,33CR 11/28/80 723,33 I1/2~/80 29.5.42 11/28/80 964°44 11/28/80 119,00 11/28/80 7.50 11/28/80 12,00 11/28/80 24,2I 11/28/80 2,~62.75 11/28/80 230,00 11/28/82 45.00 11/28/80 304.I5 11/28/80 3.18,24 11/28/80 105.65 11/28/80' 88,11 11/28/80 10,72 11/28/80 222,22 11/28/80 499.78 11/28/80 8,884,42 11/28/80 3,443,69 11/28/8'0 50.29 11/29/80 .14.00 11/28/80 10,00 11/28/80 ?0,0l 11/28/80 8.95 11/28/80 36.81 11/28/83 .815,83 11/28/80 18,880.23 I1/28/80 '41,635.34 11/28/80 2,688,12 1172B/80 45.00 11/28/80 210,D0 11/28/80 40.00 11/28/80 45.00 11/28/80 86.00 '11/28/8~ 76.80 -11/28/80 8,27q.37 11/28180 40°44 11/2a/80 112,22 11/28/80 817,20 11/28/80 79,67 11/28/80 10.00 12131/B0 C~ECK 31228 229 312~0 31231 31232 31233 31234 31235 31236 31237 31238 31243 31241 31242 31243 31244 31245 31246 31247 31248 ~!249 =_250 31251 31252 31253 31254 31255 31256 31257 31258 31259 31250 31251 31252 31264 31265 312~6 31257 31258 31269 ~270 _,271 '31272 31273 3127~ 31275 31275 31277 31278 2ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH' CURRENT MONTH VENDOR ff ~/END~OR NAME C H E 120472 DENISE M. LARKIN 122911 LL]YDS OF BOYNTON BEACH 1304D~ MANhaTTAN TROPHIES 130960 MCGRA~ - HILL BOOK CO. 131571 MEINE~E DISCOUNT MUFFLERS 132771 MILLER DODGE 134583 MOTHER EARTH NEWS 136420 MUNICIPAL POLICE 160373 PALM BEASq BRAKE & WHEEL 16040~ PALM BCHo COUNTY P.B.A. 15170~ PETTY CASH LIBRARY 161729 PETTY CASH WATER & SEWER 180503 EVA RAYMOND 194703 ROWLAND T~UCK EQUIP., INC 190932 KIMBE~LY SCHMITZ 1~0~59 OLYVE E. SCHOOLEY 194594 SOUTH FLORIDA MACK T~UCKS 194703 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 194717 SOUTHERN HYDRAULIC INDUST 195140 STEREO REVIEW 195225 FLORENCE STUBBINS 236353 TJPP~NS ZI6353 U~DE~GRDUND SUPPLY 216359 PRISCILLA E. UNDERWOOD 216413 UNITE~ WAY OF PALM BCH. 230453 EARL ~ALLACE FORD, INC. 230543 WATER DEPARTMENT 231573 WEIR AUTO ELECTRIC,INC. 330018 CHARLES F. GADSON 19~403 SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUT 032403 CHASE MANHATTAN BANK 210150 U,S. POSTMASTER 014243 ISIAH ANDRE~S 130950 WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY 310153 A. BELT~AN TYPEWRITER CD. 010335 JEAN ACCARDI ~t0910 LJCY D'AC~NTO 011203 LILLIA'N ADAMS 013780 ALLIED CHLORINE & 013781 ALLIED ELECTRIC 014180 MAE AMPOL 014295 BEA ANNIS 015392 ARBOR TREE E LANDSCAPE CO 015525 MARID ARRIGDTTI 015990 ATLANTIC COAST FIRE O15OO~ ATLANTIC HARDWARE 016015 ATLANTIC HIGH SCHOOL BAND 020170 B.B. AUTO PARTS, INC. 020452 PHiL, LIS R. BALL 020473 BARNES INDUSTRIES, INCo 02347~ FRED BASS K S CHEC~ DATE PAGE lb TOTAL AMOUNT 11./28/80 13.0.0 11/28/80 397.15 11/28/80 40.05 11/28/80 65.39 11/29/80 89.85 11/28/80 182,33 11/28/80 15.00 11/28/80 1,187,27 I1/28/B0 75=76 11/28/80 20.00 11/29/80 5.50 11/28/80 24.81 11/28/80 65.00 11/28/80 52.82 11/28/80 5.8.25 11/28/80 15.00 11/28/80 58.56 11/28/80 1,599.29 ll/ZB/~O 65.84 11/2B/80 8.98 11/28/80 15.00 I1/28/80 39.58 11/28/80 791.00 11/28/80' 1D.O0 11/28/80 418.40 11/28/80 118.25 11/28/80 4,068.30 11/28/80 112.00 11/28/80 t98.65 12/01/80 58,062.34 12/32/80 10,525.90 12/33/82 900.00 12/25/00 55.90 12/05/80 48.00 12/25/80 65.00 12/35/80 33.00 I2/05/80 30.00 12/35/80 33.30 12/3'5/80 2,960.75 IZ/05/80 221.75 12/05/80 40.00 12/35/80 43,50 12/05/80 359.35 12/35/80 33.30 12/05/80 17.45 12/05/80 21.56 t2/05/80 300.00 12/25/80 365.08 12195/80 33.30 12/05/80 83.48 12/35/80 25.00 12/31/BD ~ITY OF 60YNTON BEA[H C U'R R'~E N T M O N T H C H E C K S ;qECK" VEND:OR ~' ,. . VENDOR NAME 3~-279 021207 BDoDF CTY.COHMISSIONERS i.283 32163~ MOLLIE BELL 3128'1 021613 BELNIN MILLS PUBLISHING 31282 021615 ETHEL BENNETT 33283 02159.5 DDRDTHY BESSEL 31284 323819 THEODORE BLUM 31285 324380 BDCA_RATON MIDDLE SCHOOL 3:1286 024710 BDYNTON AgTO SUPPLY 3-1267 024725 BDYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 3:1288 224733 BDYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT - .~31289 026990 KATHERINE BRADY 3'1290 025553 HARRIET B~OADdELL 31291 025383 B~LLDDG ENTERPRISES ' 31292 D28522 BJRR3dGHS CORPORATION 31293 027583 VIOLET BYRUM 3129~ 030303 CALDWELL~PACETTI~BARROW ~ 31295 030570 JIM CATLEDGE 31295 333533 ANNIE H. CLARK 31297 '034506 C3MME~CIAL CONVEYOR SERVI 31298 03%569 RJTH CONDON 31299 03~860 CONSTRUCTION ~OOKSTDRE ~-'-'303 03489~ HDWA ' RD £ODK 3i30I 334918 KATHERINE CORCORAN 313~2 ~3~9~0 JACKIE C~UNTRYMAN 313.03 336295 MARY CUE 31334 335353 CJSTDM BUSINESS MASHINES 31335 ~40395 DALE'S PAINT & BODY SHOP 31396 040520 OLLYCE DAVIS · , 31337 04158~ LT. JOHN DELOACH 31398 041603 DEL~AY CHEMICAL C0. 31309 D~266~ NETTLE DICTOR .31310 ~42901 DIXIE LIME ~ STONE CD. 3131I 34457~ S. ELIZABETH DORMAN 31312 355313 EDMOND DUHY .~.-=313!3 050301 EAST LAKE ~IDDLE SCHOOL 313!~ 053900 EMERGENCY MEDICAL & SAFEY 31315 353901 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE 31315 0555~g E~NST K ~HINNEY 31317 055~15 gARGARET EZMUNT 31318 060422 ARNOLD FASANO 31319 050~25 ETHELIND FARR 31322 D5151R GDLDE FEINSTEIN 32l 052829 FiREMEN'S RELIEF K 31322 052010 FIRST BAN~ ~ TRUST 31323 D5365] KAY FLOOK 3132~ 053683 FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERS[ 31325 353599 ~LDRIDA BOLT & NUT 31326 053?38 FL]RI)A HTGoAIR CONDITION 31327 053751 FLORIDA MJNICIPAL FINANCE 31328 3545~5 ANTONIO FOLISI 31329 054555 FOREST HILL NIGH SCHOOL B PAGE 17 CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 12/05/83 6,478.90 12/35/80 ~3-00 12/35/83 85.50 12/35/83 30.00 12/35/89 33.00 12/05/80 33.15 12/05/80 209.00 12/35/80 932,30 12/05/80 8,931.92 12/35/80 3~487.04 12/05/80 30°00 12/35/80 30.00 12/35/80 3,123,.00 12/95/80 130.35 12/35/80 30.00 12/95/89 1,799,75 12/05/80 25.00 12/95/80 33.00 12/35/80 144.08 12/35/80 30,00 12/35/80 25.75 12/35/80 14,320.20 12/35/80 30,90 12/35/80- 49,30 12/35/80 30..00 12/35/80 43.00 12/35/80 2,744.00 12/05/80 25.00 12/35/80 19.55 12/05/80 397.00 12/35/80 30.00 12/05/80 1,88~.71 12/05/80 30.00 12/35/80 25.00 I2/35/80 300.00 12/05/80 102.85 12/35/80 10.90 12/35/80 1,589.~5 12/25/80 30.00 12/35/80 33.90 12/35/80 30.00 12/35/80 30.00 12/95/80 1,005.59 12/05/80 21,835.81 12/35/80 39o00 12/05/80 75.00 12/35/80 I80.80 12/35/80 96.00 12/35/80 10.30 12/35/80 30.00 12/35/83 300,00 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~ U ~ R E N T M 3N T H C H E C K S HECK N VENDOR # VENDDR NAME 070359 070409 07.27~3 07350'5 073500 07~500 07~533 07455I 075~83 075513 075516 075517 075529 075530 075613 080421 OBO~Z7 392699 382706 082890 094589 090099 090105 090108 094359 09570} 190310 iDi~ED 10150~ 131506 110100 111555 112679 I12589 ii6493 120~38 i22451 173463 121601 121665 121680 121742 122585 130329 130409 3% ;~ 32 31333 31334 313.35 31 '336 31331 31338 31339 31340 ,~3~2 3I~5 ~13R6 31667 313~8 '313~9 31350 31351 3~ 31353 3135~ 31355 31355 31357 31358 31359 31360 31351 313~2 313~3 3135 ~ ~-31 355 ~136~ 31357 31 368 313~9 ~31370 31371 31372 373 3137~ 3~375 3137& ~'3] 377 31378 31379 313~2 PAGE 1¸8 F3JR STEEL CORPORATION F~ANKHOUSE ELECTRIC CHARLES FREDERICK WILLIAM GALLAGHER BETTY GARRIGA GJSTAVE GILBERT ~LAD~S CENTRAL HIGH SCHO~ GLASGOW EQUIPMENT CO. L. JUSTINE GOBEL CHARLES GODFREY SARAH GOLDBERG HY~AN GDLDSTEIN GRIFFIN E~UIPMENT LEO GROSSBARD ARVETA Mo GROSS LOUIS GROSSMAN CHRISTINE GRUCH- R.L. GRUMMONS' PRINTING GJLFSTREAM LUMBER CO, BLANCHE HANNIGAN CDRA HARMON 9ANNY-HI~AREDA HIGHLIGHTS FOR CHILDREN SALLY HI~$CH PAUL N. qOWARD CO. I.B.M. CORPORATION I.B.M. CORPORATION ICMA RETIREMENT CORP. INTERSTATE PIPE MAINTENAN GLADYS ISCOE JACK'S CAMERA CENTER MARY JAMESON ESTELLE JARDINIER LEE JEFFERS JEFFERSO~ DAVIS MI.DDLE SC 'JONES EQUIPMENT CO. K & M ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC MARIE KELLER ANDREW KIDD WILLIAM T. KIEKENAPP JERRY KUBACE~ LAKE dORTH JR. SR HIGH SC LANIER COMPANY LANTANA JR. .HIGH SCHOOL 9 LARRY LEGGITT J3HN I. LEONARD JR. & SR. MARI~N W. LEVITOW LEXINGTON FEED & SUPPLY ESTHER LIEBERMAN FRANCES MAIORANA ~ANHATTAN TROPHIES CHEC< DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 12135/80 12/35/80 12/35/80 12/05/80 12105/80 12/35/80 12/05/80 12/~5/80 12/35/80 12/35/B0 12/~5/80 12/35/80 12/35/80 12/25/80 12/05/80 12/35/80 12/05/80 12/35/80 12/05/80 12/05/80 12/35/80 12/35/83 I2/35/80 12/05/80 12/05/80 12135/80 12/05/80 12/05/80 lzl05/86 12/05/80 12/25/80 12/35/90 12/35/80 12/35/80 12/25/80 12/35/80 12/35/80 IZ/OS/~O 12/35/80 12/35/80 12/05/80 12/35/80 I2/05/80 12/35/80 12135/80 12/05/80 12/05/80 1-2/05/80 I2/05/80 23,79 65.66 12.85 30,00 45°00 23.00 300,00 206.24 43.75 45~00 ~0.75 33,00 130010 30..00 39,00 33.00 3'DODO 255.50 26,91 30.00 30.00 303.00 13.95 30.00 52~539.70 90.00 7q.31 193,0~ 600.00 30.00 3~.97 ~3.00 42.50 25,00 200.00 ll.B5 145-05 30.00 25.30 125,90 30.00 303.30 132.00 209.00 88.00 309.00 33°30 84.75 30.00 33.00 100,50 12~31/80 CITY OF 3DYNTON BEACH PAGE= 19 E LI' R R ~E-N T --M 3 N T H C ~H E C K S 31353 31384 31385 31386 31387 .313P8 31389 3!390 )1391 1392 31393 .31394 31395 31396 31397 _31398 31399 31403 31401 ~'31433 31494 31495 31 406 31497 31498 31499 VENDD~ 31415 31416 31417 31418 31419 31423 314~ 314~3 31424 31425 ,~31426 31427 31428 31429 31433 130~04 1,33553 130944 131573 131572 131659 1-3'2700 1'32723 132¥58 132776 132849 132859 134535 134561 134703 135273 136~23 136519 I43411 141703 I~1701 ISI3ID 151313 15590O I50355 163369 160~80 160420 160425 161694 16171D 154503 1.64600 1662.09 167509 180500 I86313 I86500 1B6550 190181 19035D 190B69 190940 190959 19,1525 191979 192698 192793 193920 VENDOR NAME BARBARA MANESS JOAN S. MARVICK CqARLES MC CDRMICK BE~THA'MEIGH MEIDINGER MERRY MUMMERS MIAM[ HERALD STANLEY MICHALSK[ IRENE MIDURA ~ARIAN MILLER VIRGINIA ~. MIRABAL, M.D. ROSE MITTLEHAN RICd~D MDNTESIND ELIZABETH MORGANSTERN MOTOROLA, INC. DICK MUCCI MJNICIPAL POLICE MJROSKI AND ASHTON NALCD CHEMICAL CO. NEPTUNE METER CO, NEPTUNE METER CO. 3DDR CONTROL SYSTEMS ODOR CONTROL SYSTEMS NAT DSTR9~ JOHN P~GLIARULO PAHOKEE HIGH SCHOOL BAND PALM BEACq JR. £DLLEGE PALM BEACH OFFICE SUPPLY PALM B'EASH POST-TIMES ~ARIAN PETERSON PETTY CASH RECREATION ROBERT PDCSIK POMPANO OFFICE SUPPLY, CO PJBLIX MARKET - WILLIE PYFROM EVA RAYMOND SALLY REISER RUBIN CONSTRUCTION CD. R~SSELL ~ AXON JOSEPH RUTTLE SCR~TD BOARD SAFETY KLEEN CORP. WINONA SAHLER MARY E. SCHORR ~ARY SCHRAEDER OLYYE Eo SCHOOLEY SEARS, ROEBUCK & CD. MORRIS SHAPIRO SIDNEY SIEGEL £AR~LYN SIMS DOROTHY SMITH CHECK DATE '12/05/80 12/35/83 12/35/80 12/05/80 12135/83 12135/80 I2/35/80 12/05/80 12/05/80 12/35/80 12135/80 I2/05/80 12/Q5/80 12/05/80 12/35/80 12/35/80 12/05/80 12/35/80 12135/80 12/05/80 12/35/80 12/05/80 12/35/80 12/05/83: 12/05/80 12/35/80 12/35/80 12/05/80 12/05/80 12/05/80 12/05/80 12/35/80' 12/05/80 12/05/80 12/35/80 lZ/35/80 12/95/80 12/05/80 12/35/80 12~35/83 12/35/83 12105/80 12/35/80 12/35/80 12/05/80 -12/35780 12/35/80 12/35/83 12/35/80 12/05/80 12/35/80 TOTAL AMOUNT 25.00 30.00 33.00 30.00 3,290,75 559.00 5'6.60 33.00 30.00 30.00 69.00 30.00 25.00 30.00 40.00 25.D0 1,444.~1 28,00 5,~53.00 214,.16 6,332.28 92.55CR 92,55 43.00 410.00 300.00 21.30 225.66 39.00 40.25 37.47 13.00 71.65 38.35 25.00 45.30 30.00 1,072.25 20,503.74 30.00 35,82~.90 38,50 33.00 33.00 30.00 15o00 62.16 33.00 39.00 10.00 30.00 12/31/~O' ;ITY DF 8OYNTON BEACH PAGE ZO C U 'R R E ~i T M O N T H C H E C K S iHECK ~ VENDOR ~ ~ENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT I31431 ~.433 31434 31~5 31436 31437 31438 31439 31441 31-442 ~"3t443 '31444 31445 31446 '~31447 .31448 31449 31453 31451 31452 31455 31456 31457 31458 31459 31460 31461 31462 31463 31464 31465 ~31466 31467 31468 31469 31470' '~31471 31472 31473 ~474 3~475 31476 31477 ~,31478 31479 31480 31481 193923 JAMES Ho SMITH 12/25/80 30.00 193940 ROSE SMITH '12/35/80 30.00 1948~1 SDPHTE SPIRAWK 12/05/80 19599~ LSUIE ST. LORENT 12/35/80 25.00 196170 STEVEN'S DRUGS 12/05/80 34,1:5. 196225 FLORENCE STUBBINS 12/05/80 15,00 196408 SJNCOAST HIGH SCHOOL BAND 12/~5/80 300,00 ~96500 ETHEb SUSSMAN 12/25/80 SD.DO 196899 GRADY W. SWANN 12/05/80 38..85 2016~3 THERESA TERWIEL 12/35/80 SD.DO 202.507 .CHARLES THOMAS, PUBLISHER 12/25/80 51.50 2.3257D LELIA THRDCKMORTON 12/25/80 30.00 202885 ALMA TITMAN 12/25/80 SD.O0 206970 TdlN LAKES HIGH SCHOOL BA 12/05/80 350.00 216353 UNDERGROUND SUPPLY 12/05/80 2,746.06 216581 IDA MAE UTZ 12/25/80 30.00 221700 EILEEN VESTAL 12/05/80 30.00 224620 RUDOLPH VDN UNRUH 12/~5/80 25.00 230458 KATHY WALLACE 12/05/80 30,00 231540 ERNA WEAVER 12/25/80 40.00 231574 NAT WEINSHEL 12/25/80 13.60 231581 EDWARD M. WELCH 12/05/80 30.00 232550 TOM WILLIAMS 12/35/80 160.00 232798 WILSON RD~AN LOCKSMITH CO 12/25/80_ 434.00 2328ID JJLE ~INIALSKI I2/05/80' 30.00 241603 XEROX CORPORATION 12/05/80 340.71 241604 HELEN K, YAWMAN 12/05/80 30.00 280028 KATHERINE A. BELL 12/35/83 25.00 196025 STATE OF FLORIDA - DEPT. 12/35/80 29.00 163376 PALM BEACH COUNTY HEALTH I2/05/80 20°00 123407 LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE 12/05/~0 303.00 024733 BDYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 12/28/80 3,203.00 074553 GDLFVIEN HARBOR HOMEOWNER 12/09/80 20.00 013153 A. BELTRAN TYPEWRITER CO. 12/39/80 119.00 010312 A DIXIE SAW SHOP 12/09/80 7°50 011350 IDMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 12/29/80 26~541o67 011400 ADVANCE AIR CONDITIONING 12/09/80 .4'65.84 013779 LOUIS ALLIS DRIVES ~ 12/09/80 . 116.48 016303 AUTOPRODUCTS, INC. 12/09/80 457.71 020170 B.B° AUTO PARTS, INC° I2/39/80 719.50 020440 THE BAKER ~ 'TAYLOR CO. 12%09/80 833.17 023~53 BAKER ~ TAYLOR COMPANIES 12/09/.80 9.47 020470 BARNES INDUSTRIES, INCo 12/09/80 83.48 021533 BEANE EXTERMINATING CO. 12/09/80 116.00 023800 BLUE CROSS OF FLORIDA 12/09/80 21,341.08 024700 BDYNTON AUTO GLASS & 12/09/80 160.75 024763 BDYNTON GLASS SERVICE, -12/39/80 95.00 025600 BROW~qD PUMP & SUPPLY CO° 12/09/80 611.91 041600 DELRAY CHEMICAL CO. 12/09/80 103.00 041613 DEL'RAY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 12/09/80 18.18 046308 REVEREND PARK DUFFORD 12/09/80 lO.O0 12731/8o =ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CURRENT MONTH CHECKS HECK f; VENDOR .~! ,~,82 050201 3 ,83 050303 31484 050310 31435 061622 '~1486 062789 31497 063703 31489 0756 ~ENDOR NAME EPCD, INC. FAST COAST FIRE EQUIP. EASY PAY TIRE STORE- FESTIVAL DF THE ARTS FIRE CONTROL DIGEST FLDRtDA BRAKE £ GDL'FVIEW HARBOR HOMEOWNER GJLFSTREAM LUMBER CO. & GRI.FFITHe INC. INE HARDNARE !NT~R~AI~NAL ASSOCo -0F F ~IN-TERNArTI'~NAL CITY JONES EQUIPMENT CD, LAD OFFICE EOUIPMENT PAUL DAVIS LECLA[R LEWIS LESTER LINDSLEY LUMBER CO, LLOYDS OF BOYNTON BEACH WqlTT MACDOWELL MA×SON WELL DRILLING MIAMI ELEVATOR CO, MI~LLER DODGE NATIONAL LIBRARY RESOURCE NATIONAL ~ELDING PRODUCTS ~EAN CITY LUMBER CO. ~DgR CONTROL SYSTEMS ORANGE PATCHWORKS PUB. PAINT CENTER PALM BEACH AUTO PARTS PALM BEACq COMMUNICATIONS PALM BEACH TURF EQUIPMENT PATERA PATTERN PRESS MR STEVEN PEEVER PtCARD CHEMICAL CD. PIERCE TIRE CO,, INC., MS. SqARON POORE PO~ELL PUBLICATIONS ROBERT REED R ' ]WLAND T~UCK EQUIP.~ INC RJSSELL E AXON GEORGENE SCHWERIN SCOTTY'S SHERWIN ~ILLIAMS CO. SILVER BURDETT SIMON'S UNIFORMS SDJTHERN PAPER CO. ST. JDHN~S METHODIST CHUR STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT. O~ STANLEY~S AUTO BODY STATE DF FLORIDA STERLING VILLAGE CONDO. /'~1493 '0'9-4301 51494 104600 31495 123'312 31495 121525 '31497 121669 31498 122800 31499 122911 31500 139312 .31591 130578 31532 131766 3~93 132771 ~'u504 140444 " '31535 1,,~0~63~ ' 31536 150900 31527 151310 31538 155431 31509 160365 31513 160372 31511 169374 31512 163434 31513 160~97 315!~ 161513 31515 162750 31516 162790 ~:31517 16~612 - 31518 164708 31519 131581 31522 184700 ~=~31521 1B6SOO 31522 19095~ 31523 IgiiOD .... 524 I~2473 3~525 I92760 31526 19277g 31527 Iq~729 .... ~31528 I95990 31529 Ig60IO 31532 196014 31531 31532 196150 PAGE CHEC< DATE TDTAL AMOUNT -12/39/80 83,'30 12/09/80 24,8.50 12/39/90 1,108.02 12/09/80 50.00 12/09/83 60.00 12/09/80 396.99 12/09/80 7'0.00 12/09/80 425.87 I2/09/8'0 19~.o90 I2/Ob/~O 463.56 I2/09/80 ~2o50 12/09/80 261,00 12/39/80 7.90 12/09/80 243.69 12/09/80 6.OD 12/39/80 14.00 12/09/80 ~18°28 12/09/80 250.60 lz/Do/so 567.5o 12/09180 35-.56 IZ/09/89 58.6I 12/99/80 64.04 IZ/09/80 31.Z3 I2/09/80- 37.50 12/09/80 26.99 12/09/80 92.55 12/39/80 IOoO0 12/09/80 133.47 lZ/09/80 818.49 IZ/D~/8o z4.oo 12/09/80 18.7Z IZ/DOlSO 4.75 12/09/80 5.00 12/09/80 386.00 12/09/80 3,945.60 12139/83 5.90 12/09/80 10.00 12/09/80 20.00 12/09/80 314.35 I2~39/80 1~765.49 12/39/80 11.70 12/09/80 29,65 12/39/80 110.62 I2/09/80 11,87 12/09/80 36.00 .12/39/80' 593.60 12/09/80 50.00 12/29/80 127.98 12/29/80 60.00 IZ/Og/80 291,91 12/29/80 20.00 12/31/80 C U R q =ITT OF 80YNTON BEACH E N T MONTH CH 4 E C K" " ,,- .,VENDOR,. VENgOR NAME _31533 ~a1534 1535 3' 3'6 31537' 31538 31539 ~1541 ~1542 31543 31544 31:545 315~8 31549 '.31553 315.51 31552 31553 31554 31555 ~'-~'56 3'L~57 31558 31559 31560 31561 31562 31553 31564 31565 31555 31557 31568 31569 570 31575 31576 > 577 3z578 .31579 31583 ~1581 .31582 31583 E' C K S CHECK DATE PAGE 22 TOTAL AMOJNT 29=1580 TENNIS SUPPLY 12/39/80 219.25 22553g TRINITY BLDG. ASSOC. 12/39/8'0 84.00 216350 U~DERGROUND SUPPLY t2/0q/80 .~,564.40 215393 ONIJAX 12/09/80 ?2'00 230448 EARL NALLACE MDTORS~ INC. I2/09/80 218.30 230545 WATER HYDRANT SERVICE 12/09/80 4t537..50 231572 HARRIET WEITZENFELD 12/09/80 14.68 231780 WESTERN AOT.O STORE 12/09/'80 5.2.38 232447 WIDE NORLD IMPORTED PARTS 12/09/80 56.79 234625 J.J.A. WOLF FRESH DIST. 12/39/80 5.50 24160:3 XEROX CORPORATION lg/09/80 308.~9 2~1501 XEROX CORPORATION 12/09/80 137030 257655 YOURS TRULY,INC. 12/39/80 5.90 793459 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 12/09/80 511.80 I95025 STATE OF FLORIDA - DEPT. I2/58/80 29.00 032901 CITY DF BDYNTON BEACH 12/09/80 58.47 196015 JACQULINE STAPLEStDIRECTD 12/10/80 [OD.O0 014242 ISIAH ANDREWS 12/12/80 55.90 130950 WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY 12/12/80 ~8.00 D11223 ADAMS CHEVROLET 12/12/80 119.46 OlIO~l CLARICE ADLER 12/I2/80 SC.DO 014054 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASS I2/12/80 I0.00 D140~9 AMERICAN STATES INSURANCE I2/i2/BO 50.00 015990 ATLANTIC COAST FIRE CO. 12/12/80 21.00 DI600D ATLANTIC HARD,ARE 12/12/80_ 211.09 015922 ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK 12/12/80 120~135.77 020170 B.B. AUTD'PARTS, INC. 12/12/80 46,27 020~3 THE BAKER & TAYLOR CO. 12/12/80 110.4~ 022930 BISHOP'S 12/12/80 39.00 024653 RoR. ~DWKER COo 12/12/80 55.00 024713 BDYNTON AOTD SUPPLY 12/12/80 1,145.81 024723 BOYNTON BEACH CHAMBER 12/i2/83 1~009.00 024725 BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 12/I2/80 9,0II.92 024732 BDYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT I2/i2/80 240.2i 024810 BDYNTON WRECKER SERVICE 12/12/80 25.00 025589 BRO - DART~ INC.. 12/12/89 58.49 025603 BRDNARD POMP g SUPPLY CD. 12/12/80 233.88 026299 BJILDING OFFICIALS ASSOC. 12/12/80 150,00 030299 CAIN FEED &SOPPLY 12/12/80 186.74 03~550 COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. 12/12/80 95.76 035560 CRO~N LIFE INSURANCE CO. 12/12/80 619.82 043395 ~ALE'S 'PAINT.& BODY'SHOP 12/12/80 324.0'5 060121 FAMILY HEALTH MAGAZINE 12/12/80 7.50 062820 FIREMEN'S RELIEF & 12/12/80 836.90 062910 FIRST BANK & TRUST 12/I2/80 I9,717.39 070355 GALE RESEARCH CO. 12/12/80 113,40 071553 GENERAL GMC TRUCK 12/12/80 153.76 074500 CHARLES $DDFREY 12/12/80 '45.90 075518 GRDVE'S DICTIONARIES OF M IZ/lZ/8o 1,660.00 375583 GJLF OIL CORP. 12/i2/80 6,460.38 075581 GJLF OIL CORPORATION 12/12/80 9,009.45 CITY OF OOYNTON BEACH PAGE 25 -C U R R E N T M 3 N T H C H E C K S :HPr-.K,." VENO[~R .." VENDOR NA~E CHECK DATE TOTAL A'4OUN:T s. ~84 080299 HR & DS SEMINARS 12/12/89 59.80 31585 080313 HALSEY & GRIFFITH, INCo 12/12/80 112.57 31586 089~25 'HAND'S 12/12/82 61.79 '315P? 084623 HOLLY ACCU.MULATOR ~ 12/12/80 2'54.50 31588 385415 BETTY HUNDLEY 12/12/80 2'6.78 31589 1Dg31D JACK,S CAMERA CENTER 12/I2/89 289°,56 31590 11157'1 KE'LL~RSBERGER FUND 12/I2/89 I3..95 31.5-91 115412 FRANK.L. KREMER 12/12/89 45.00 31592 115601 ~LEANDR KRUSELL 12/12/80 32.50 31593 121675' DR. HERMAN I. LEVIN 12/12/8-0 250°00 ~-~159~ 122883 MILLIE LIPTON 12/I2/80 45°00 $1595 122911 LLOYDS 'OF BOYNTON BEACH 12/12/80 51.55 31596 ISD40D MANHATTAN TROPHIES 12/12/80 12.8.15 31597 130503 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INS. 12/12/89 655°88 31598 130565 MAURY'S TOOL CHEST 12/12/80 7.50 31599 130960 MCGRAW - HILL BOOK COo 12/12/80 34°?5 31503 I3I'571 MEINEKE DISCOUNT MUFFLERS 12/12/80 56.90 31601 I3~595 MONEY 12/12/80 18o00 S1532 134665 ARNOLD Ao MORETTO 12/12/80 95.00 31603 1363~3 LAURA MUgRYK 12/12/80 49°14 ?-~-504 136~20 MJNICIPAL POLICE 12/12/80 1~349°62 S~5D5 i4245~ NATIONAL LINEN 'SERVICE 12/I2/89 2?9°46 31696 1~1723 NEW YORK TIMES 12/12/82 159°D0 ~1697 169~ PALM BEACH TURF EQUIPMENT 12/i2/80 33.16 31528 15~6'93 P2MPANO OFFICE SUPPLY~ CO 12/12/89 55.75 ~1609 180500 E~VA RAYMOND 12/12/80 45.00 31519 190959 DLYVE Eo SCHODLEY 12/12/89 I5o00 3}511 191519 SEACREST PETROLEUM CO. 12/12/80 1~217°41 31512- 191515 SE&CREST PHARMACY 12/12/80 91.75 31613 192753 SILVER BURDETT 12/12/80 9°87 31614 195174 MICHAEL GtEG STICKNEY 12/12/80 ~5o00 31515 196225 FLORENCE STUBBINS 12/12/80 I5o00 3~$15 196411 S~PERINTENDENT OF DO£UMEN 12/12/80 BoO0 ~3~517 20048D TAULMAN S&LE.S COo 12/12/80 503.00 ~3l$18 215415 UNIVERSAL BEACH SERVICE 12/12/80 187.00 !9 2~4G25 J.J.A. WOLF FRESH DIST° 12/I2/89 5.50 241603 XEROX CORPORATION 12/I2/80 576°23 521 380315 CHRIS LOFFT 12/12/80 ~52o95 ,~22 44002~ STEVEN RONDONE 12/12/80 1~922.77 ,623 910199 A.A. ELECTRIC CD° 12/16/80 I5°12 3kSZ~ Dll~D3 ADVANCE AIR CONDITIONING 12/15/80 $4°36 ~'625 023325 THE BLYTHE CO° 12/16/80 791.00 25 J25~22 BRANDENBERG'S AMOC~ 12/15/8J 99.08 627 02?640 BYRDS ELECTRIC MOTOR 12/15/82 133oD0 528 340311 DAOE PAPER CO° 12/I6/80 54°00 .529 JS~gJD E~ERGENCY MEDICAL ~ SAFET 12/15X80 I~5oG5 33 363690 FL]R~DA BOLT & NUT 12/15/$D 37°75 ,631 974540 GgLDCD~ST PLUMBING 12/16/80 2.4? ,532 3?5483 ~tIFFIN E2UIPMENT 12/15/80 ~2.15 633 DB031~ HALSEY & GRIFFITH~ INC° 12/15/80 103.95 .634 0901~5 I.~.M° CORPORATION 12/15/80 275.96 12~.31/8'0. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C U R R E N T M Z) N T H C H qECK-t~' VENgOR,." 'v~NDoR_. NAME .31635 .35 37 31638 31639 91640 ~1641 ~1642 ~1643 31644 31645 31646 ~I648 .31649 31650 31651 31551 31652 31653 31654 31655 37155 ~o57 31658 31659 31660 31651 31562 31663 31654 31665 31666 31657 31658 31659 31671 31672 31573 .31674 31~75 31676 -'-677 31679 .3t689 31681 31682 31683 31634 094297 INTERNATIONAL ~'SSOCo OF E lgDDD1 J. & J CHEMICAL I00319 JACK'S CAMERA CENTER 11~600 KDPY ~ING PRINTING CENTER 122452 LANIE~ BJSINESS PRODUCTS 140435 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION 150381 PALM BCH. JR. COLLEGE 161329 J.W. PEPPER OF FLORIDA 186310 RJBIN CONSTRUCTIONi CO. 191519 SEACREST PETROLEUM CD. 192779 SIMON'S JNIFORMS 2IOI04 U.S. FOUNDRY ~ MFG° CgRP 216359 JN~ERGROJND SUPPLY 216390 UNIJAX 241600 XEROX CORPORATION 261520 ZEE ~EDICAL SUPPLIES 161710 PETTY CASH RECREATION 161710 PETTY CASH R.ECREATION ~90012 JOHN ~RIGHT 420006 F~EDDIE W PATRICK 390008 JERRY MOODY 370017 JJDITH L. KIRCHEN 370009 CRAIG KLAMERT 320012 R~TH FINNE 390016 RICHARD DDNOVAN 373013 VIRGINIA E. KEISTER 320001 RDBERT FRANZ 270019 DO&IS BAYERS 314243 ISIAH ANDREWS 130950 WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY 390033 02N J. MOTTL 011605 AETNA CASUALTY & SURETY 221200 BD. OF CO. COMMISSIONERS 024653 T.J.BDWLES ELECTRIC CO. 024725 BDYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED ~24730 BDYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 024773 BDYNTON MEDICAL OXYGEN 024780 B]YNTON PUMP & SUPPLY 232905 CITY DF DELRAY BEACH 034550 COCA COLA BOTTLING C0. 040395 DALE'S PAINT & BODY SHOP 062323 FIRENEN'S RELIEF & 062910 FIRST BANK & TRUST 063680 FLORIDA ASSOC. CITY CLERK 063729 FLORIDA EAST COAST 065626 FUNK UNLIMITED 070009 G~N SANDBLASTING & REFINI 070409 BETTY GARRtGA 073600 GLASGDW E~UIPMENT CO. 374509 £~ARLES GODFREY 075530 R.L. SRUMMONS PRINTING K S cHEcK PAGE 24 DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 12/16/80 39,75 12/16/80 302.50 12/15/82 I94.40 12/15/80 579.05 12/16/80 77.30 12/16/80 iO.O0 12/~6/80 10.00 12/16/80 71~46 12/16/80 138.74 I2/15/8~ 1,154o09 12/15/80 36.00 12/15/80 291.20_ 12/16/80 I~813.67 12/16/80 380.64 12/16/8~ 64.00 12/15/80 10O.00 12/18/08 1.55 12/18/80 21.68 12/19/80 326.60 12/19/80 290.63 12/19/80 39-5.46 1.2/19/80 121.70 12/19/80 447.14 12/19/8~ 292.68 12/~9/80'- 434.32 I2/19/89 324.10 12/19/80 596.74 12/19/80 298.32 12/19/80 55.90 12/19/80 43.00 I2/1'9/8~ ~16o20 12/I~/80 76o05 12/19/80 69.89 12/19/80' 43.60 12/19/80 9,019.92 12/19/80 3~387o94 12/19/80 51.00 12/19/80 '327.87 12/19/80 80.74 12/19/80 79.80 12/19/80 384.35 t2/19/80 833.68 12/19/82 18~692.64 12/19/80 1Z/lq/BO 1,950.90 12/19/80 150.00 12/19/80 100.00 12/19/82 45.00 12/tg/80 3,019.00 12/19/80 45.00 12/19/80 67.35 · 12/31/B0 CITY OF BOYNTONBEACH S U R R E N T M O N T H C H HECK,," V:E'NDDR ~ VENDOR NA~E ~'~',85 084593 3'~86 090090 31687 390133 31588 104504 "3'1689 115601 ~15~3 123419 31591 120553 31592 I2~600 31693 130199 31694 130400 315P5 136aZD ~'~'~1696 160~10 31597 162879 '31698 16520D 31599 166201 31703 180500 31701 190350 31732 190959 3~703 I9152~ 3~7~4 i91705 31705 192449 ~''~35 192585 31707 192771 31708 '192~02 31709 194597 31712 196225 31711 195389 31712 216391 31713 230448 3171~ 2G1500 31715 270021 31715 270021 31715 37002~ 31717 530005 ~-!_~1718 530025 ~1719 530007 31719 530O07 31722 540021 31721 5~0022 ........ 31722 5~0023 31723 540028 ~l.72~ 54003~ ~25 5GDO31 31725 560032 31727 560033 31728 543335 ~ 31729 31732 560037 31731 540D38 31732 55000I 31733 552315 E C K S CHECK DATE ROBERT HOWELL 12/19/33 Io9.M. CORPORATION 12/19/80 I.B.M, CORPORATION 12/19/80 LYNN H; JOHNSON ~ ASSOC. IZ/19,/80 ELEANOR <RUSELL 12/t9/80 ,LAMAR UN'IFO~M:S 12/19/80 LAWNMOWER HOSPITAL 12/19/80 LONGVIEW LIME 12/19/83 MICA 12/19/80 MANHATTAN TROPHIES 12/19/80 MJNICIPAL POLICE 12/19/80 PALM BEACH NEWSPAPERS 12/19/80 PITNEY BOWES 12/19/80 PJBLIX MARKET " 12/19/80 PJBLIX MARKET 12/19/80 EVA RAYMOND 12/19/80 SAFETY KLEEN CORP. 12/19/80 OLYVE Eo SCHOGLEY 12/19/80 SEACREST VETERINARY 12/19/80 SEYF~RTH~SHAW~FAIRWEATHER 12/I9/80 RICHARD L.SHEPARD ~ ASSO£ 1'2/19/80 THE SHOPPER 12/19/80 DENNIS SIMMONS 12/~9/80 SIRCHIE FINGERPRINT LABOR 12/19/80r S0 SENT. WASTEWATER TREAT 12/19/80 FLORENCE STUBBINS 12/19/80 R. J. SULLIVAN CORP. I2/19/80 UNIJAX~ INCo 12/17/80 EARL WALLACE MOTDRS~ INC.. 12/19/80 XEROX CORPORATION 12/19/B0 KENNETH D. ALLEN 12/19/80 KENNETH D. ALLEN 12/lO/BO INGEBORG KELLY 1Z/19/80 PARKE~ ADELBERG 12/19/80 DAVID AVILA JR. 12/19/80 GEORGE AICHALE 12/19/80 GEORGE AICHALE 12/19/80 DEREL 30 BAILEY 12/19/80 VIOLA BATTA 12/I9/80 CLARENCE BEERY 12/19/80 WALTER BETSY 12/19/80 HAYOEN BIVINS JR. 12/19/80 SHIRLEY BOSWELL 12/19/80 EDWARD BOYLAN 12/19/80 RALPH B'RIGNOLA 12/19/80 RICHARD BROWN 12/19/80 WILLIAM E. BROWN 12/19/80 SHIRLEY BOSH 12/19/80 KARANETTA BENNETT 12/19/80 CASTLE BLDRS, INC. ~ 12/19/80 PATRICIA CAMERON 12/lg/BO PAGE 25 TOTAL AMOUNT 183.30 54.8O 4~207-.00 183.66 11.50 5el33075 II9.55 5~777023 12,003.00 555.40 1~220o54 38.33 84025 25030' 21.36 ~5.00 38.50 15.00 158.75 3~77Io67 350.0'0 141.75 '90.00 10.00 19~594o72 15.00 3,866.40 1~078000 1,308.00 1,38~14 574o03CR 574.03 Z53.18 4.70 24,00 22o88CR 22088 57.20 27020 6.50 39.50 21.70 14.90 12.20 11.30 17.00 ~3.50 12.60 112.77 6.55 l~'j31/~0 CITY OF-BOYNTON BEACH 5S7 C U R R E N T M D N T H C H E C K S 2qECK t; VENDOR ;; VENDOR NAME '31734 __ '-'73'5 5~'Y36 31737 31738 31739 317~3 317'Cl 31742 31743 3!74~ 317,45 f'"31746 31747 31748 31749 31753 31751 3.1752 31753 31754 -31755 r"755 31'757 31758 3.1759 31760 31751 31752 31753- 3175q 31765 31770 31771 31771 31772 31773 3!77W ~775 3177~ 31777 31778 31779 31783 31781 31782 553016 559017 550018 553319 550023 550021 553322 '550023 5-50024 550025 '550925 5503~8 560011 550012 55901~ 550015 550015 560017 560018 550019 560025 570005 573995 570007 580012 580014 5800'15 580015 580018 580019 5900~ 590015 590015 590017 590018 590019 590020 59002I 593303 500003 630015 639015 690017 60091~ 600019 690091 620037 680005 630005 6330D7 6~O'OOB JOAN ANN ZANNATA HOWARD CARPENTER VI ~INIA CATALFANO DENNIS CHA~4BERS THOMAS' CONNER STEPHEN R. COOPER L A R ~.Y COVI NGT9N Gr- ALD J CROCILLA. CROMARTIE PROP, INC. WILLIAM R, CWYNAR A.Eo CLEWIS JR-D.GASSAWAY CRANBROOK LAKE 'ESTATES DANTE" S HARRY DENTON ROBERT OI~RIS~I LUIS DORTA O. M. ORICOLL PIERRE DUMESMIN GERALD DURAN JOHN DOMINICK DREXEL PROP. INC RAYMOND EAST S-'t I R L.E Y EDWARDS HARRY J.- EIERMANN PATR~-IA FILNTON VITO FLORENT ~NO M~So JOHN FOX V° D'NEIL FRANKLIN MICHAEL K. FREEMAN GJY FR IESNER GARY GLASGOW PALL GOLDSTE ~N PALL GOLDSTE~ ~ILDRED G~AGG GAYLE GREENE SELVA GANESH. M.D. GOLDEN ARMS EJGENE GUERT[N HA~KINS ~ MOUN, INC. HAWKINS ~ MOUW, INC. THOMAS D. HA.~ILTON RPBERT L. HOPSON D.C. HOORNE GREGORY C. HUBER HOUSE URBAN DEV. HJNTERS RUN RICHARD JONES EArL ,-i., KAMMER, ANTHONY KLIMO VICTOR KURTZ OR. FRANK LESKO PAGE 26 CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 12/19/80 12.20 12/19/80 12.o20 12/19/80 25.80 12/19/80 18.80 12/19/89 10.80 12219/80 2t.50 12/19/80 12/19/80 21.70 12/19/80 25,10 12/19/80 fi.T0 12/19~80 212,00 12/19/80 114.40 12/19/83 IB.O0 12/19/80 10,80 12/19/80 29,10 12/19/80 27.20 12/19/80 t2,20 12/19/80 2,90 12/19/80 16.00 12/19/80 ~2,.80 '12/19/80 55.50 12/19/80 22.20 12/19/80 B.30 12/19/80 17.00 12/19/80 9,20 12/19/80 B.~O 12/19/80 6.15 12/19/80 10.00 12/19/80 ~2.40 12/19/80 8.70 12/19/80 14.20 12/19/80 60.OOCR 12/19/80 60.00 12/19/80 ~.70 12/19/80 12.20 12/19/89 39.70 12/19/80 91.30 12/I9/80 i5.30 12/19/80 30.-OOCR 12/19/80 33.00 12/19/80 ~.70 12/19/80 2'2.13 12/19/80 4.70 12/19/80 6,30 12/19/80 342.50 12/19/80 1~008.50 12/19/80 ~3.35 12/1~/80 25.10 12/19/80' 2.50 12/19/80 1G.90 12/19/80 57.20 12'~31/80 ;HECK t') VENDOR ~ ~,ITY DF BOYNTON BEACH RENT MONTH C H ',/E ~iDOR NAME 31783 640009 LENARD LE SOURD ~''784 640013 LAWRENCE LIFLAND 317q5 649911 LORRAINE MOTEL 31786 640081 AWTDNY LAIINO 31787 650025 C.R. MARTS 31788 650925 LEROY MAS~A 31789 650025 WILLIAM MERREL 31790 650929 FRANK MOLINARI 3179I 650030 WILL'IAM MOLHOLLAND 31792 650931 ELIZABETH MULVEY 31793 653332 HENRY MILLER /',~31794 650033 W, R, MIN~S/STDo STATION 31795 660002 CHERRY NELSON · 31796 673033 JAMES OAKLEY 3179'7 670034 JOHN E, DLSEN 31798 670037 OPERATION CONCERN 3179~ 670008 ELDDRA OUSLEY 31803 670017 3RLAN HOMES CORP, 31831 650314 ANTHONY PISA 31832 580015 DENNIS PDULETTE 31823 680015 ~NK PRD~TDR ~.834 650017 PJBLISHERS SERVICE CDRP ~895 680018 CARRIE PEARCE 31896 790023 HERBERT AD REAVLEY 3t8~7 739924 MARCEL R, RENAULT 31808 700025 DR DAVID RICHARDS JR, 31839 739327 DAVID L, RISLEY 31810 730326 JDHNN¥ L- ROBERTS 31811 730029 MARILYN RDDSE 31812 733974 RIDBE~OOD B~ILDERS 31813 733095 RqDDES CDflSTRUCTION INC, 31814 7100iq DOUGLAS SCHULTZ 31815 ?13323 JEANETTE SCOTT 3~816 710921 D.H. SMITH 31817 7IDD2G AL~RE] R. SEEGER /~,3t8IB TIOO25 F. Jo SHEA~ JR. 3'1819 710927 WILLIA~ Fo SMITH 31822 719929 CLAYTON SNEDDDN 3182I 710029 EDWARD SD~ARDS 31822 710039 EJGENE SWINFORD 31823 712155 SEA~AY VILLAS 31824 720006 NICqDLAS TEDESCO ~'q825 720007 THERRIEN E CLEMENS ~i825 720098 SqERYL L. THOMAS 31827 720009 MILTON TRION 31828 ~20319 ANNE ~. YJRNER 3~829 74000C MARK VAN PATTEN 31830 752011 RICHARD ~ATTS 31831 75~212 RJTH NEIDNER 3183,2 750013 ~ANCIS WIhDNER 31833 750015 GLENDA WPDDRUFF E C K S CHECK DATE 12/19/53 12/19/80 12/19/90 12/1~/80 12/19/80 12/~9/80 12/19/80 12/19/80 I2/19/83 I2/I9/80 I2/19~80 12/I9/80 12/19/80 I2/I9/80 I2/19/80 I2/I9/80 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/19/80 .12/1~/83 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/i9/80~ 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/19/89 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/1~/BD 12/i9/80 12/19/80 12/19/80 I2/19/80 '12/19/80 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/1~/82 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/19/80. 12/19/80 12/19/8.0 12/19/80 PAGE TOTAL 27 A~OUNT 12,20 26,50 60,50 11,60 26,50 11,15 10,80 2'5,80 27,20 6.00 21,00 9.35 2~oI0 8.90 27.20 64,50 39.D0 192.00 25.70 15,18 4.00 6.30 15,30 1,30 1,20 9.85 25.80 30.00 5,50 38.30 451013 5,00 1~.20 25.30 27,20 39.50 43.00 7.50 25.28 27.20 27.20 43.00 37.50 23.90 4.70 I2.60 2.40 ~,00 13,10 4.70 13.50 1.2~1189 2I'TY OF BOYNTON BEACH C U ~ R E N T M 3 N T H C H E C K S ~ECK ~ VENDO~ ~ VENDOR NAME ,~-'31834 780001 J~35 790033 3~36 790142 31837 230518 31838 210159 ~31839 270021 31840 280015 31a41 282002 31842 016240 31843 132950 31844 011200 31845 011400 318~7 0I$990 '31848 016300 31849 31850 020200 318~1 ~1852 31853 024479 3185~ 02~712 31855 02~786 ~56 025580 3~857 026394 31858 030185 31859 D30ZB~ )31860 31861 031655 31852 032413 31863 034599 31864 035399 31865 0~0395 31866 041690 867 053901 ~}868 063700 _~1869 063795 ..... !)1870 070400 B187I 070410 31872 071550 31873 071565 .... B1874 073601 31875 07~50~ 31876 075500 ~77 075533 - 3!878 090356 31879 080410 ~1880 0804Z6 31882 084680 31883 086351 3188% 09%229 VINTON G. O. ZWAHLEN CITY OF BDYNTON BEACH CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH DAVID C. WARE U.S. POSTMASTER KENNETH D. ALLEN BDYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED LILLIAN BONNER ISIAH ANDREWS WILLIE RUTH MCGRAOY ADAMS CHEVROLET ADVANCE AIR CONDITIONING AMERIOAN LIBRARY ASSOC. ATtANTIC COAST FIRE CO. AUTOPRDOUCTS, INC. B.B. AUTO PARTS, INC. B.I.F. THE BAKER ~ 'TAYLOR CO. BLACK'S READER SERVICE BOBBY BORDEN BDYNTON AOTO SUPPLY BDYNTDN TRAVEL AGENCY INC BUREAU OF ELEVATOR INSP. C.Ko'S LOCKSHOP~ INC. CADILLAC ENGRAVERS CASE POWER ~ EQUIPMENT CD CERAMICS MONTHLY CHEMICAL CONCEPTS COMMERCE CLEARING HOUSE BARRY CRANE COURT DALE'S PAINT & BODY SHOP DETECTIVE BOOK CLUB EMERGENCY MEDICAL' SERVICE FLORIOA BRAKE & FLORIDA STANDARDS LABORAT BETTY GARRIG& GAYLDRD .BROTHERS GENERAL GMC TRUCK GENERAL TIRE g RUBBER GLASGO~ EQUIPMENT SERVICE CHARLES GODFREY GRIFFIN POLLUTION R.L. GRUMMONS PRINTING FRANK B HALLCCO.OF N.Yo WILLIAM R. HAMILTON HARLEY DAVIDS2N OF PALM B MOLLY ACCUMULATOR & HOUSE BEAUTIFUL NO~H qUDDLESTON INDUSTRIAL ~ELDING, INC. CHEC< DATE 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/14/80 I2/19/80 12/19/80 12/19/80 12/22/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12723/~D 12/23/80 12/28/80 12/23/80 12'/23/80 12/23/80 I2/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/~0 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80' 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 .12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/'83 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 12/23/80 PAGE TOTAL 28 AMOUNT 24.40 Z,184.71 45.10 175.00 310.00 402.~6 171.67 185.63 33-00 28.80 28.31 220,66 21.00 64.15 631.80 72.97 175.83 25.41 6.49 90,00 413.29 364.00 41.06 25.90 10.09 9,13 289.49 14.00 692.34 10.51 84.00 280.70 23.68 1D.O0 233.t6 38.00 45.00 365,89 29.28 801.56 222,00 45.00 ~25.00 245.00 240~00 173.78 418.05 234.50 11.27 345.00 2,789.00 CITY OF BDYNTON BEACH qECK,. 3. _86 31887' 3188~ .... 31889 31890 31891 31892 31393 3189~ 3182'5 ~ ..... 1'895 ~1897 B1898 31899 B1900 31991 3190~ 31903 3190~ 31995 3~ "o6 B19~8 1939 19t0 31911 '~1912 B1.913 31914 ~1915 '31916 31917 ~1918 ' ~t921 1~22 31923 ........ 3192~ 31925 319~S 31928 31929 930 3193~ 3~1933 3193~ 31935 : L~ R R E N t M O N T H C H E C D94295 094305 09~350 II1590 119609 115601 12041D 120453 121742 122518 1229tI I31571 I32703 132749 132771 ISiS.II 15173.5 154611 180500 181588 190953 191700 194694 196225 lg5395 200200 200501 231583 295410 210150 215390 230448 231521 231782 232480 2~1503 251520 163374 290008 300007 330016 340015 370092 3~0032 4gO00I ~50045 052910 024725 22473] 135429 052320 NAME I~TE~N~TIONAL ASSO[. FOR INTERNATIONAL FIRE SER. INTERSTATE PIPE MAINTENAN KEN MANUFACTURING CORP. KDPY KING PRINTING'CENTER ELEANOR ~RUSELL LAMA~ UNIFORMS LANIER BJSINESS PRODUCTS SALLY LEWIS LIBRARIES UNLIMITED, LLOYDS OF BOYNTON BEACH MEINEKE DISCOUNT MUFFLERS MIAMI HERA'LD MICKLER'S FLORIDIANA MILLER DODGE PEACOCK'S RADIATOR SERVI[ PETTY CASH POLICE POOLS BY L. So RULE, INC. EVA RAYMOND REEVES HARD,ARE INC. SZHWANN RECORD&TAPE GUIDE SEWELL H~RDWARE' CO.v INC. SOUTH FLORIDA MACK TRUCKS FLORENCE STUBBINS SJMMERS ELECTRIC T ~ T ENGINEERING TAYLOR RENTAL CENTER TENNIS S~PPLY TRAIL FORD TRACTOR C0o ~.So POSTMASTER UNIJAX EARL WALLACE MOTORS, INC. WENGE.R CORPORATION WESTINGHOJSE ELECTRIC HERB WILLARD TRUCKING XEROX ~'R ~0 PORATION ZEE MEDICAL SUPPLIES DAL'M BEACH COMMUNICATIONS ARTHUR BLACK SqARON Lo DUE DAVID T. GALLOWAY CARROLEIZER HERRING MINNIE L KING ~DDDY JR., NILLIE WENGLER, THOMAS E. RICHARD C. SMITH FIRST BANK & TRUST B2YNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED' B2YNTON BEACH RETIREMENT MdNI[IPAL POLICE ~IREMEN, S RELIEF & K S CHECK PAGE 29 DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 12/2.3/80' 50.00 12/23/80 25.D0 12/23/80 300.00 12/23/80 259.93 12/23/80 89.70 t2/23/80 20.33 12/23/80 1,0~1o80 12/23/80 136o92 12/23/80 15.00 12/23/80 15.33 12/23/80 265.~5 12/23/80 97.85 12/23/80 21.4.5 12/23/80 65.52 12/23/80 462.17 12/23/80 597.07 12/23/80 81.93 12/23/80 2.00' 12/23/80 45.00 12/23/80 51.58 12/23/B0 25.00 12/23/80 245o00 12/23/83 189.12 12/23/80= 15.00 12/23/80 499~00 12/23/83 103.68 12/23/80 67.94 12/23/80 4.00 12/23/89 143.44 12/23/80 450o00 12/23/80 125.D0 12/23/80' 1,022.92 12/23/80 109.00 12/23/80 ~74.i~ I2/23/80 723.60 I2/23/80 '500.80 I2/23/83 279.16 12/23/80 2~.00 I2/24/80 214.38 12/24/80 117.20 12/24/80 161.77 12/24/08 143o16 12/24/80 167.96 12/24/80 293.16 12/2G/80 244.53 -12/2~/80 348.74 12/24/80 19,953.54 12/24/80 8,954.92 12/24/80 3,507.82 I2/24/80 1,405.~8 12/29/B0 849.42 ~ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH' 597 C U R R E N T M O N T H C H E C "31964 013729 965 Dt4969 31966 014309 31967 016343 31968 323153 31958 020.169 3196'9 024503 31~70 22~653 31971 024739 31972 026370 31973 026429 .~3197~ 0303G3 31975 330462 31976 31977 031709 31978 332413 31979 033631 31980 03~598 31981 335561 31982 041581 3i933 3%6439 3!98% 050371 ~985 055550 31985 352823 31987 065550 31:988 065590 31989 065618 31989 065618 31990 35650] 31990 066500 31991 07553~ 31992 090303 31993 080428 3199~ 084690 31995 0863~9 ~ 31996 090108 31997 131537 31998 111559 31999 120407 32093 123502 32091- 130565 32092 1309~0 ~.2393 131682 209~ 131760 32005 136402 32005 1~0392 32037 1~1701 32093 153353 32009 160~09 32010 151659 32311 'lEGEOD VENDOR NAME ALLEN 'INSURANCE AGENCY AMERICAN STATES INSURANCE CARMEN ANNUNZIATO A~A PUBLICATIONS ORDER O B.B. ASSOCo FIREFIGHTERS B,B, ASSgC, FIREFIGHTERS BETTY BDRDNI T-J-BOWLES ELECTRIC £0, BDYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT DR. JAMES E, BUFFAN BJRRO~GHS CORPORATION CALONELL,PACETTI,BARRGW CAPEL KLANG COMPANIES CENTURY LIGHTING PERRY CESSNA CqEMICAL CONCEPTS THAMAS A. CLARK MELVIN COLGIN CRONN PUBLISHERS, INC. JOE DELONG 'DJN'5 MARKETING SERVICES PAUL ECKERT EROSION CONTROL, INC. FIREMEN'S RELIEF FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE C~ARLE.S FREDERICK FR~E'NDS OF THE PALM BEACH FRIENDS OF THE PALM BEACH FJTJRA PRINTING FJTURA PRINTING R.L. G~U~MONS PRINTING HALE FI~E PUMP CO. EDRARD HARMENING EDGAR HDNELL MARILYN HUCKLE ICqA RETIREMENT CORP, DEE G. JEGHERS BERT KEEHR LAKE NORTH DRAINAGE BOB LATHAM HARRY'S TOOL CHEST MCCAI~ SALES LISA METHFESSEL ' MEYER SOO MJNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICER NYSCA NEPTUNE METER CO. /EREESA PADGETT PALM BCH. COUNTY PoBoAo CHARLES PERSING ROBERT PDCSIK K S CHEC< DATE 12/30/80 12/39/80 12/33/80 12/39/80 12/33/80 12/30/80 12/30/80 12/30/80 12/30/80 12/30/80 12/39/80 12/30/80 12/~3/80 12/39/8D 12/30/80 12/33/80 12/30/80 12/3~/80 12/39/80 12/30/80 12/39/80 12/32/80 I2/30f80 12/30/80 12/30/80 12/33/80 12/33/80 12/30/80 12/33/80 12/33/80 1~/30/80 12/30/80 12/30/80 12/33/80 12/33/80 12/30/80 12/33/80 12/33/82 12/30/80 12/39/80 12/33/80 12/30/80 12/33/83 12/30/80 12/33/80 12/33/80 12/30/80 I2/39/80 12/33/83 12/30/80 12133183 PAGE TOTAL 30 AMOUNT 8,592.00 30.00 I09.00 48.00 475.04CR 10.00 22I .35 172~327.00 150.00 I~5,30 3,837.48 109.08 79.20 130.00 133.28 75.00 15.00 13.19 I55.00 525.00 138.~5 472.88 51,123.90 2,773.52 130,00 5,0OCR 5.00 1,O19oO0[R 1,319.00 81.00 15,38 175o00 200,00 155,00 241o30 200.00 2O9,OO 300.00 200,00 24.00 397.50 44.30 55.00 I75.00 12090 2,221.25 50.00 29.00 200.00 209,00 =ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C J R R E N T M D N T H C H E C 'HECK,," VENOOR,," VENOOR NAME /"~2.212 154583 POLICE RETIREMENT TRUST F , ?~'~13 180448 RAMADA INN, SOUTHWEST ~014 182800 RI~KE~ MATERIALS CORP, 32215 195310 RJ~IN CONSTRUCTION CO. ~32015 192779 SIMON'S UNIFORMS 32.017 1947,03 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 32018 19502'5 STATE OF FLORIDA - DEPT, 3201~ 202555 P- THOMPSON 32022 225612 T~AIL FORD TRACTOR COo 3202I 205532 WALTER M. TRAUGER 32022 21008I U.So CHAMBER P~ESS 32223 215392 ~NIJAX ~-~3202~ 216410 UNITED-WAY OF PALM BCH° "32025 231600 Tq~S E. WENGLER 32026 23i~79 WESTERN PJBLISHING CD. 32027 232~08 EDWIN Wo WINCH 32228 26~553_ BETTY ZOBEL 32029 2BOO3B JOHN E. B~EITHART 32030 390012 MILF~qO M~NNING 3223I. 530027 GEORGE AICHALE 32032 530008 CHARLES D. AYLOR &~ ASSOC. ~033 650003 HA~RY NEUSTADTER ~ }34 02016~ BoB, ASSOC, FIREFIGHTERS 32035 020170 B,Bo AUTO PARTS~ INC, 32235 256500 FJTJRA PRINTING 32,040 024723 BOYNTON BEACH CHILD CARE 320~i 030185 C.K.'S LOCKSHOP, INC. 32042 0GI60~ DELRA¥ CHEMICAL 32243 050300 EAST COAST FIRE EQUIP. 32Q44 053902 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE- 32045 052791 FIREHOUSE MAGAZINE 320~6 063000 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 32047 353782 FLORIDA POWER ~ LIGHT CD. 320~8 065618 ~[ENDS 3F THE PALM BEACH 32049 070400 BETTY GARRIGA ~%320.52 070ff13 GAYLORD BROTHERS 32051 07450.0 CqAOLES GODFREY 075581 GJ.LF OIL CORPORATION 32653 090099 IoB,M, CORPORATION 3205~ 104603 JD~ES EQUIPMENT CO° ~32055 122~t~ LAMAR UNIFORMS 32055 1GOR~5 NATIONAL PURCHASING INSTI 3~057 144500 NOLCO CHEMICAL cO. - 358 153382 PALM BEACH ~Ro COLLEGE 32059 i50423 PALH BEACH OFFICE SUPPLY 32060 161720 PETTY CASH WATER & SE~ER 32251 IBOSDD EVA RAYMOND /~'32062 18~520 ROBERTS SEPTIC TA~KS 3.2353 I90959 OLY~£ E, SCHODLEY 3205~ 191510 SEACREST PETROLEUM CO. 32065 '' 1qb225 FL]RENCE STUBBINS K S CHECK DATE 12/3D/80 1213318'0 1213D/BO 12/30/80 12/30/80 12/30/80 I2/32/82 12/30/80 12/33/80 12/33/83 12/30/80 12/30/80 12/30/80 12/38/80 12/30/80 12/39/80 12/30/'80 I2/32/80 12/30/80 12/39/80 12/33/83 12/33/80 12/30/83 12/39/80> 12/3~/83 12/31/89 12/31/80 12/31/80 12/31/83 12/31/80 I2~31/83 12/31/80 12/31/80 12/31/80 12/31/80 12/31/80 12/31/82 12/31/80 12/31/82 12/31/80 12/31/80 12/31/82 12/31/80 12/31/80 12/31/82 12/31/80 I2/31/8D 12/31/80 12/31/80. 12/31/80 12/31/80 PAGE TOTAL 31 AMOUNT 20,600,00 3'9,00 2~0,30 495.08 3.6,0,0 ~,582,28 23,,00 I'3,,98 30.89 155,30 9.95 25.5'3 ~lS.GO 209,00 17~15 200,00 50.00 29,46 50.00 12.20 10.68 30.00 318.24 156.80 999.00 2~957.~3 26,40 36.50 100,90 ~0.00 12,50 743030 ~6~175.69 5.00 45.00 79o91 ~5.00 8~271..06 93.00 765,00 30.00 50,00 187.00 48.00 16.29 19.66 45.90 60.00 15,00- 15.OO qECK '~ --32066 3~68 32069 32372 'B2DT1 ~ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C U R R E N T M D N T H C H E C K S VC:NDOR. ,,', ~/ENDOD NAME CHECk DATE 215B53 221603 231783 3~00~3 SUNC'O, .INC. J~OERGROJND SUPPLY VELVA SHEEN WATER DEPARTMENT '~ESTERN AJTO STORE DON Jo MOTTL 12/31183 I2/31/83 12/31/83 12/B1/80 12/3~/80 12/31/83 PAGE TOTAL A~OUNT 5,'885.20 242.33 3~700o85 139.99 9.36 2tlgZ~sB4o61~ ....