Minutes 10-27-11
HELD ON OCTOBER 27, 2011, AT 7:00 P.M.
Stephen Waldman, Chair
Mary Morera, Vice Chair
Carol Lundquist
Hattie Miller
Libby Stroud
Lori Wilkinson
Dr. Tiffany North, Alternate
Khadijah Davis, Student, Regular Voting Member
Calin Roiban, Student, Regular Voting Member
Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Myra Jones
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m.
II. Pledge of AllegiancelMoment of Silent Reflection
Ms. Lundquist led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed by a
moment of silent reflection for our troops in harms way.
III. Approval of Minutes of September 22, 2011
There was one change to the minutes. Hattie Miller was listed as absent, but was
Ms. Wilkinson moved to approve the minutes as amended. Ms. Stroud seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Approval of Agenda
Chair Waldman added a presentation by Jeanne Heavilin, of the Sister Cities
organization, to Old Business, Item D.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 27,2011
Ms. Stroud moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Lundquist seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
V. An nou ncementslPresentations/Correspondence
Sherri Claude, Board Liaison, noted one member had not taken the Mandatory Ethics
Training. She agreed to forward the link to take the training online as well as the Ethics
Certification form to sign upon completion of the training.
Ms. Claude named the members of the Board who needed to submit applications for
VI. Public Audience
VII. New Business
A. Student Exchange
Jeanne Heavilin, of the Sister Cities organization, explained Dan DeCarlo, a Sister City
Board Member living in China, was trying to organize a student exchange program for
the summer. Ms. Heavilin met with Tony Durante, who handles the Delray Beach Sister
Cities exchange program. Ms. Heavilin distributed notes of her meeting to the members
and commented, if desired, the Boynton Beach Exchange Program could be modified.
The Delray Beach model was very thorough. In this program, five to seven students
from local high schools in grades 9 to 11, submit an application and make a
commitment to tour the community to learn what it has to offer. They then make
presentations to the community the year following the exchange.
Ms. Heavilin explained each student would stay with a host student about the same
age. The Boynton student would shadow the exchange student and stay two days with
the host family. The entire trip was seven days, although Mr. DeCarlo envisioned the
trip would be several weeks. Ms. Heavilin explained Asian cultures were not as
comfortable having non-family guests in their homes as Americans were, and the length
of stay was contingent on learning what host families were willing to do.
One major component of the program was orientation, which was an intense weekly
program that runs September through May for the students selected to participate.
Students are ambassadors of the City and much time would be spent learning basic
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 27, 2011
language, so the students could introduce themselves properly and know basic
vocabulary about household items, hygiene, food and currency, and how to behave.
Ms. Heavilin inquired who would handle the program for Boynton Beach. She
introduced Chris Francois, President of the Sister Cities Committee, who stated she did
thought they could not undertake the task.
Discussion turned to tying the program into an existing student exchange program to
avoid starting the process from scratch. It was suggested it would be beneficial to
contact the Chinese language program or have students or teachers willing to take over
the orientation program. It was noted there is a Chinese language class in Boynton
Beach on Saturdays, and Palm Beach County has a dual-language, full-immersion
program, which included Chinese. There is a Chinese-American Friendship Group that
may be of help. Chair Waldman discussed the program with personnel at Boynton
Beach High School who could contact individuals in the international program and
identify three or four students. Ms. Wilkinson had a tie to the multicultural program at
the school district and would contact them. There was agreement the Board was not
equipped to take-on this program at this time, but could facilitate the event, keeping next
summer as the goal.
Dr. North suggested contacting local universities and colleges who have cultural groups
and overseas programs already established. She pointed out Lynn University and FAU
have international departments they work with to facilitate the trips. Ms. Heavilin had
also met with individuals from Miami-Dade College, which has a good teacher exchange
program. The Board had contacts with Lynn University, FAU, Broward College and
Nova University. It was thought the Board could be on a Committee to assist with the
program. There was agreement Ms. Wilkinson would make some calls and forward
information to Ms. Heavilin and Ms. Francois. Once the information was received, they
could approach the High School.
Chair Waldman received an email from Mr. DeCarlo, which Ms. Francois read to the
members. Mr. DeCarlo's daughter had put together an international corner, which was
like an English Club. The idea was to match students.
Ms. Stroud left the meeting at 7:32 p.m.
Airfare to China was $1,100 to $1,200, and youth would have to pay their way. A total
of $2,500 per student was more than enough. The Sister Cities organization does a lot
of fundraising to help subsidize the trips. If the program were implemented next year,
fundraising could occur. Chair Waldman suggested the Chamber of Commerce be
contacted to help in this regard.
Ms. Heavilin also stated, the City Commission approved Les Cayes, Haiti as a second
Sister City. She hoped to have the paperwork finalized by December. Les Cayes is
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 27,2011
located on the southern coast of Haiti. Tourism is one of their biggest industries. Their
population is similar to Boynton Beach, and education and housing were the top two
priorities. They have a 10-year strategic plan in place for economic development, and
there should be a lot of opportunity. A letter of invitation would be sent to the Mayor of
Les Caves to come to Boynton Beach to sign the agreement. It was hoped their Visa's
would be approved by December.
Young Artist/Young Artist
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April, was to
a month
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
n Beach Florida
B. January Meeting
Ms. Claude stated City Commission Chambers were not available for the January 26,
2012 meeting. If the Board wanted to meet in Chambers, January 25th was available.
After brief discussion there was discussion they would see if a Library Conference
Room was available for the meeting on the 26th.
VIII. Old Business
A. Shred-a-Thon (report)
Ms. Wilkinson explained the Shred-a-Thon fundraiser was held and the Board raised
about $1,800. The event was very successful. Individuals were at the site at 9:30a.m.,
and the trucks arrived by 10 a.m. Some people gave extra money and there were quite
a few doctors, lawyers and CPA firms that participated. There was also interest in
knowing when the next Shred-a-Thon would be held. Some x-rays and hard drives
were brought for shredding, which could not be serviced, as it was a paper only event
and x-rays required a different truck. The company, however, graciously transported 25
boxes of x-rays back for shredding at no charge.
Ms. Wilkinson thanked MicroShred LLC and explained there was an issue with the
original company they were going to use. MicroShred volunteered to assist for free.
They brought two trucks: one for the shredding, and the other for the boxes individuals
used to bring their documents. If the company charged, they would have charged $300
per hour.
MicroShred volunteers for these types of events three or four times per year and all they
ask for in return was for the Board to advertise for them. The Board did so via
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 27, 2011
advertisements in the Palm Beach Post, Sun Sentinel, WRMB Radio, and WPTV
Channel 5, which came from the City Press Release. Ms. Claude got the word out to
Glenn Jergensen from the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber posted the event on
the Chamber Facebook page, in the Boynton Buzz Newsletter, and on their main
website. The City Police Department included the event on their Facebook page and
several members of the Board posted it on their personal Facebook pages. Ms.
Wilkinson called the radio station and plugged the event on two different radio shows. It
was noted all the proceeds went to the Harvey Oyer, Jr. Account.
The Board paid $25, as the City required an insurance rider, and Chair Waldman
donated a $40 tip to the employees who took the boxes out of the vehicles and
shredded them. It was manual labor intensive.
The company was a family-owned company and they were amenable to working with
the Board to hold the event on a regular basis. If the Board made money on the event,
they could split the proceeds or receive a discount. After brief discussion, the members
agreed an after tax season Shred-a-Thon would be a good time to hold the event again.
One woman commented her practice had an entire warehouse of outdated records and
did not know where to dispose of them. The event was highly successful.
Chair Waldman complimented Ms. Wilkinson as the event was her idea and she worked
hard on it. Ms. Wilkinson and the Board thanked Ms. Claude for her assistance. There
was agreement to hold another event in May. Ms. Wilkinson would contact the
company and send a thank you note to the company from the Board. She would also
send thank you letters to the editors of the newspapers. She expressed thanks to Mr.
Fogerty, the School Principal and Boynton Beach High School, MicroShred, LLC, Ms.
Claude, and everyone who posted the event.
B. Program Planning for Upcoming Year
Chair Waldman commented he had not called the bowling alley regarding having a
bowling tournament. In the past, AMF Bowling Lanes were receptive to the event as
long as advance notice was given, and the Board purchased food from them. Chair
Waldman inquired if the Board was interested in him approaching the CRA to partner in
the event. Discussion followed any organization could partner in the event and split the
proceeds. In prior years, the Board had not raised a lot of money, but sought to make
the event more of a family day. After brief discussion, there was agreement to set a
date at the next meeting.
Vice Chair Morera secured the date for the Tennis Carnival for April 28,. 2012, from 10
a.m. to 12 noon at Hunters Run. The event would be in the next issue of FunFare
Magazine and registration would be handled the same way as other Recreation and
Parks events. The Carnival usually draws 30 players. The event was being held earlier
in the day due to the heat. Vice Chair Morera usually handles the refreshments.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 27, 2011
C. Youth Volunteer Bank/Bob Borovy Award
Ms. Claude stated the Borovy Award application had been updated and was posted on
the website. It would also be in the next issue of FunFare Magazine. The information
was sent to Boynton Beach High School, at their request, and she would email the other
high schools as well as send out a press release next month. The deadline was April 2,
The Youth Volunteer Bank has about 80 volunteers and Ms. Claude noted there are
new participants. Ms. Claude commented she emails the volunteers when the Sand
Sifters hold an event.
IX. Future Meeting Dates
The next meeting date was December 1, 2011.
X. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Wilkinson moved to adjourn. Ms.
Lundquist seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned
at 8:12 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Recording Secretary