Edward F. Harmening, Mayor
Betty Riscoe, Vice Mayor
David Roberts, Councilman
Norman F. Strnad, Councilman
Walter "Marry' Trauger, Councilman
Peter Lo
James W.
Cheney, City Manager
Padgett, City Clerk
Vance, City Attorney
Mayor Harmening welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order
at 7:30 P. M. He announced the Invoca~ion tonightwill be given
by Mr. Edgar E. Howell~ our Building Offici~l~ followed immediately
by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flagled by Councilman Walter
T~auger. He requested everyone to please rise.
Mr. Cheney announced that he would like to add four things. He
advised that three are status reports having to do with the golf
course~ Motorola and the library. Mayor Harmening suggested
having these reports given under New Business. Mr. Cheney con-
tinued that he would like to add under Announcements a proposed
proclamation relative to the firefighters and their Memorial
Sunday celebmation which is nationwide, He indicated to the Fire
Department the City Council would be willing to designate the
appropriate Sunday in October.
Mr. Trauger stated that while the City Manager is making his re-
ports, he would like to have some progress reports regarding the
bike paths and when we are going to hear something about the Tree
Mr. Vance announced he would like to add under Legal, D-2, A
Report to the Council re: Case of Boynton Beach vs. Town of
Ocean Ridge.
Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of the agenda as corrected,
seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. Motion carried 5-0.
Donation from Cast-Off Square Dance Club
Mr. Cheney referred to submitting a memorandum from Mr. Charles C.
Frederick, Recreation Direotor, concerning the ~700 contribution
from the Cast-Off Square Dance Club for the purpose of making
improvements for ~he utilization of the Civic Center and stated a
letter from the Cast-Off Square Dance Club and Mm. FrederickTs
acknowledgement and response of thanks for their donation was
also submitted. We are asking the City Council to officially
OCTOBER 2, 1979
offer our City's expression of thanks for the support of the Cast-
Off Square Dance Clu~. Me understands this is zomewhat of an
annual contribution.
Mayor Har~aening suggested that the City Manager be directed to
send the appropriate letter of thanks for this contribution.
Mr. Trauger so moved, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No discussion.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Cheney read a Proclamation proclaiming October 7, 1979, as Fire
Fighters Memorial Sunday.
Regular City Council Meeting - September 18, 1979
Mr. Trauger moved the adoption of the minutes of the Council
meeting of September 18, 1979, as presented~ seconded by Mr.
Roberts. Motion carried 5-0.
Presentation by Representative of Southern Bell Telephone Co.
Mrs. Hirshberg, Representative of Southern Bell Telephone Company,
referred to conducting a complete survey and evaluation of the
telephone system used in City Hall and explained that it is eom-
posed of a switchboard and 24 additional lines added throughout
the departments because of the lack of trunk lines on the switch-
board. She told about the present system being constantly in use,
having no night service available and no long distance control.
Mrs. Hirshberg stated the proposed telephone system is a Dimension
400 Electronic Communications System and she explained how one of
the benefits would be restriction of individual stations to control
cost. She continued explain~dg the benefits with having no key
equipment, being able to transfer outgoing and inside calls by the
station user and touchtone built into the system. She added that
rewiring would not be necessary and there would be sDace saving
with individual equipment needed to run the entire system. She
also explained that night connections could be made before or
after hours.
Mrs. Hirshberg then showed a chart and explained the two tier plan
available. She explained how the costs of Tier A would be effee-
rive for five years and how Tier B continued after that. She ex-
plained fully the monthly charges and added the installation
charge would be $5,550 which cou!d be spread in 12 monthly payments.
OCTOBER 2, t979
Mrs. Hirshberg stated these rates and this proposal are based on
the evaluation conducted with department head interviews and the
cost estimated should be within.5% either way. After a eontraet
is signed, they will review station by station to determine the
exaet needs. These rates are based on the current tariff.
Mr. Trauger asked what the difference was between the t00 and 400
Dimensions and Mrs. Hirshberg replied that basically it is the
size with Dimension 100 growing to 100 stations and Dimension 400
growing to 400 stations.
Mr. Strnad asked if a survey had been made of the equipment and
changes which would be necessary and Mrs. Hirshberg replied affir-
matively and advised that interviews were conducted with the
department heads. She added that individual problems in eaeh
department would be handled when the telephone by telephone in-
stallation is done. There will be no out of service period. The
system will be installed and completely functional before cutting
over to it. Complete training will be given to all users
Mrs. Riscoe asked if the equipment would be much larger than the
existing equipment and Mrs. Hirshberg replied negatively and ex-
plained that it will be smaller with less maintenance.
Mr. Cheney requested Mrs. Hirshberg to comment about the ability
and status of our current switchboard and maintenance and Mrs.
Hirshberg stated the current is no longer manufactured. It can
be maintained as long as they have parts and facilities. It is
s mechanical switch with a high maintenance rate due to the fact
everything is indgvidually wired. Additional lines have been
added through the years and the system is a mixture of key sta-
tions and the switchboard. She then explained how an individual
telephone on this new system without any buttons wou~d enable
the user to put a call on hold, go to a waiting call, add on a
third party, switch between the two, and transfer an incoming
or outgoing call to another party.
Mr. Roberts asked ii the switchboard would be eliminated and Mrs.
Hirshberg replied negatively.and added the switchboard will be
easier to work and the clerk should have more time to open mail,
etc. Also, a greater number of incoming calls can be handled
without any problems.
Mr. Strnad commented that the possible inerease of rates over a
ten year period would also apply to our present system and Mrs.
Hirshberg agreed and clarified the $975 would be frozen for five
years and at the end of five years, it will drop off with Tier
B left and non-contract items.
OCTOBER 2~ 1979
Mr. Strnad mommented that he thinks the installation cost is quite
reasonable for 16 weeks for $5,000. Mrs. Hirshberg advised they
do have a tame increase filed for which will substantiallyinorease
the installation charges, but they don~t know when itwill take
effect. However, it can be spread over a 12 month pei~iod.
Mr. Cheney referred to the basic amount of ~50,000 and Mrs.
Hirshberg advised there is a one time figure if the Citywants
to take the system and pay it off at one time which is approxi-
mately $5C,000. If the funding is availab!e~ the entire instal-
lation man be billed. This would mean paying off Tier A at one
time whiehis approximately 8% .lower than over the five years.
Mr. Cheney clarified that if we pay $50,000 at the beginning,
we would not pay $975 per month.
Mr. Cheney told about people calling inand finding the lines
busy.and added that another problem is having to ask people to
call back on another extension which would be eliminated on the
expanded system.
Mr. St~aad made a motion to proceed with this installation as he
thinks we should update the City in the best possible way and
sooner or later, we will have to switmh over and it might be
mheaper now. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. Under discus-
sion~ Mm. Trauger requested Mrs. Hirshberg to explain how the
new system would control ~ng distance calls and Mrs. Hirshberg
explained how each individual telephone station would be de-
signed with restrictions and programmed with a memory. She
also explained how individual stations mould be reprogrammed
as necessary.
Mr. Roberts m!arified that the installation is not actually
$5~550~ but this is the amount per month with 12 payments or
a S50,000 one payment. Mrs. Hirshberg agreed. Mr. Roberts
stated the total cost in ten years is ~395,000 as compared to
S376~000~ but with S50,000 we would have to use the system quite
awhile to breakeeven. Mr. Cheney m!arified that $50,000 is the
substitute for $975 paid for 60 months, but in any case we also
pay the $5,500 installation charge.
Mayor Ha~mening requested Mr. Cheney's recommendation and Mr.
Cheney stated that he recommends that we proeeed, We have an
old system and it has problems of repair. The lines are busy.
We do not have adequate control over long distance malls. This
new system, being toumhtone, is a savings. We will have more
flexibility within the operation to contact and have monferenee
type malls. Basically our present system is old and it is
memhanimal opposed to electronics. As suggested in the budget
proposal, it makes sense to spend Federal Revenue Sharing Funds
for this purpose and if we can freeze any utility~rates, it is
a help. He recommends we proceed with this type of system.
OCTOBER 2, 1979
Mrs. Riscoe stated she would hope the maker of the motion would
incorporate the one payment of $50,000 since we have appropriated
the money.and can save 8%. Mr. Strnad and Mr. Trauger agreed.
Mayor Harmening clarified the motion has been amended to accept
this proposal and to pay for it in one lump sum which is presently
budgeted. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Harmenin~ announced if anyone in the audience wished to
address the Council on any matter not on the agenda to please
come forward at this time. Me added if anyone in the audience
wished to speak on any item on the agenda to please give their
name to the City Clerk and when that item comes before the body,
they will be called upon.
Col. Albert Wehrell stated he has lived in Boynton Beach since
1962 and he was perturbed to read in the newspaper that there
was some thought of changing our form of government to what he
would term a ward type of government. That is archaic and we
are a modern City.
M~. Bob Riley, 342 S.W. 4th Avenue, stated he is present tonight
due to a near matastrophe on Saturday night.when water came within
a foot of homes previously flooded in this area. The Vice Mayor
and City Manager were at the site. The pit does not have water
draining into it~ but the pit is draining into S.W. 4th Avenue.
On Sunday morning~ a sanitary sewer drain cover had popped off
and raw sewage was on the front lawn. He realizes a pump system
is being planned w~n~ch will take about 6 to 8 months, so he re-
quests an emergenmyprovision be made and a butterfly valve
installed between S. W. 4th Avenue and the pit to prevent this
water from draining into S.W. 4th Avenue. He does not want to
wake up to another flood with raw sewage.
Mayor Harmening replied that he is not sure he understands
exae~ly what occurred to cause this and Mr. Cheney replied that
he is not familiar directly with the raw sewage problem, but
it is possible one of the lift stations malfunctioned on Satur-
day night. If a lift station malfunctions, it will fill up and
pop off the cover. Each lift station is inspected every day and
he will look into this further tomorrow morning.
Mr. Cheney stated in regards to the drainage, the elevations in
that area were checked with survey equipment. The elevation of
the pit ~s 10.67' and the elevation at 4th Avenue is 16.52',
which is 6? above the pit. He explained that when the pit f-ills
up with 6~ of water, it is at the same elevation as the manhole
mover on 4th Avenue. The elevation of 3rd Street~ just west of
the pit is 19~. He did go to this area Saturday night when
called and the water did drain when the rain stopped, but the
pipe is being checked to see if it is broken or clogged. He
does not know if a butterfly valve would work~ but we can look
into it.
Mayor Harmening stated he was curious where a butterfly valve
would be located and Mr. Cheney replied that p~obably ,it would
be at 4th Avenue to prevent the water from baeking into 4th
Avenue. Mayor Harmeninq clarified thata cheek valve was meant
~and Mr. Riley.stated a one way valve. Mr. Cheney stated a one
way valve will work as long as the water is flowing to the pit,
but if the pipe is f~ll, the water cannot go anywhere and will
lay on 4th Avenue. Mr. Ritey stated when the pit gets to the 6'
level and ~the water runs from 10th Avenue~ it creates a greater
volume on 4th Avenue.
Mayor Harmeningsuggested possiblymoving ahead'and expediting
the construetion of the pumping stations and outfall line and
Mr. Cheney informed him that the design has been ~in~preparation
~and he proposes to submitthe proposal at the next Council meet-
ing. He explained how there were a number of things to be con-
sidered and how they propose to keep the terms of the bid open
from a performance point s0 the design standards ean be consid-
ered. An evaluation canbe made with Council approval.
Mr. Riley stated the estimated cost of the butterfly valve is $100
and if the City cannot afford it, he will buy the valve if the
City will put it in. Mayor Harmening replied that he is not pre-
pared to comment on that until he sees exactly~where it would go
and how it will work out. He requested Mr. Cheney to have the
Engineering Department look into this alternative in the interim.
Policemen, Firemen land w0~k~en'unif6rms
Mr. Cheneyinformed the Council thattwo bids were received for
this item, one from Lamar Uniforms and one from Engel's with a
varietyof prices depending onthe items purchased. In tabulat-
ing and comparing the prices~ it is concluded that Lamar Uniforms
has submitted the low bid. He recommends the Council authorize
the granting of thiscontract to Lamar Uniforms to provide uni-
forms for the'?olice, Fire and General Services Departments. Mr.
Trauger asked if this covered a f~ll year~s supp!yof uniforms
for these people and Mayor Harmening replied a~firmatively.
Mr. Trauger moved acceptance of the bid from Lamar Uniforms of
Miami as stated on the bid sheet, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. Mr.
Cheneyadded this will be limited to what is inthe budget. No
discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Traugerasked if this included shoes for the Fire Department
~and Mr. Cheney,rep!ied negatively. He explained that~shoes are
separate in the unioncontract and this covers the normal day to
day uniforms the employees wear.
Landscaping - Galaxy Park
Mr. Cheney'informed the Council that two bids were received, one
from The Garden Store for $6,971 and one from Pala Landscaping
for $7,923.20. The City Tabulation Committee recommends accept-
anco of the low bid of $6,97! from The Garden Store.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to accept the bid from The Garden Store of
Boynton Beach for the sum of $6,971. Mr. Trauger seconded the
motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Josephine S. Latino Subdivision
Preliminary Plat~ 12 Duplex Lots
Location: S.E. 2nd Street, between S.E. 28th & 31st Aves.
Mr, Annunziato informed the Council this preliminaryplat is being
presented in two phases~ preliminary and final The preliminary
plat was reviewed by the Teahniea! Review Board and forwarded to
the Planning & Zoning Board with comments. The Planning g Zoning
Board took the Technical Review Board comments under advisement
and recommended approval of the plat consisting of 12 duplex lots
located at S. E. 2nd Street between S. E. 28th and 31st Avenues
adjacent to the railroad.
Mr. Annunziato referred to the staff ~omments and advised the
Building Department has required sidewalks to be installed and
the Police Department has noted street lighting, fire hydrants,
buffer on rear of lots. The Recreation Departmentsubmitted a
memo which basically set up the formula for the parks and recrea-
tion dedication and it was recommended to be translated into a
dollar amount. The Planning & Zoning Board had to set the figure
for the value of the land. What was deemed to be acceptable and
substantiated by letter was a land value of $14,217 per acre which
has resulted ina parks and recreation dedication requirement of
$6,115. It was recommended by the Planning & Zoning Board that
the developer participate in the .4 of !% impact fee consistent
w/th the Palm Beach County School Board policy. The applicant
accepted these recommendations. The staff recommendation is to
approve subject to comments.
Mr. Anthony Latino, 8308 S.W. 26th Street, Doyle, came before the
Council. Mr. Vance asked if he aeeepted and agreed to abide by
the staff comments in connection with the platting of this sub-
division and Mr. Latino replied affirmatively.
OCTOBER 2~ 1979
Mr. Trauger moved acceptance of the preliminary plat plan for the
Josephine S. Latino Subdivision located at S. E. 2nd Street between
S. E. 28th and 31st Avenues, with the acceptance of staff review
comments. Mr. Roberts seconded the motion. No discussion. Mo-
tion married 5-0.
Final Plat Approval
Replat 'of ~ract A, Seacrest E~at~
Mr. Cheney ,stated the onlyquestion before us is the one from the
City Attorney'regarding the bond. The developer is willing and
has given a cash bond in the amount of ~7~000, but the an~unt
recommended is $10,566.00. The question ,is whether we can accept
this cash bond in this amount of money as opposed to a performance
bond? Mr. Vance clarified that Mr. Latino has already 'submitted
a cheek to the City and Mr. Latino agreed and added there will be
an additional bond if it is required for $3,500. Mr. Vance clari-
fied that this cash bond is being posted in compliance with the
subdivision ordinance and ~it is understood and agreed in the
event Mr. Latino fails to complete any of the public .improvements
in the completionof this plat that the Citylmay use this money
to complete those improvements. Mm. Latino~eptied that he under-
stands this and agrees. Mr. Roberts clarified that we are to vote
on plat approval and not the site plan and M~. Vance replied this
was correct.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to accept the final plat for the
Josephine S. Latino Subdivision for the repIat of Tract A,
Seacrest Estates~ subject to all staff comments. Mr. Trauger
seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing
Ordinances - 1st Reading
Proposed Ordinance No. 79-30 - Re: Repealing Sections 60~ 61 L 69
of the City Charter
Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 79-30 by title on first
Mrs. Riscoe moved to accept on first reading Ordinance No. 79-30
repealing Sections 60, 61 and 69 of the City Charter. Mr. Roberts
seconded the motion. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll
call vote on the motion as follows:
OCTOBER 2, 1979
Vice Mayor Riscoe - ~es
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Trauger - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 79-KK - Re: Adopting Pay Plan for Fiscal
Year 1979-80 and Establishing Job Descriptions
Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 79-KX bytitle. Mr. Cheney
advised the Council there a~e a couple things he would like to
comment ~on. He referred to this resolution including a number
of job descriptions and pointed out some were changed in title
particularly relative to the Public Works Department.
Mr. Cheney stated he would like to make a suggestion relative to
the minimum qualifications for the Director of Public Works posi-
t-ion. As it is w~itten now, the minimum job requirements are grad-
uation from a standard high,school or vocational school with five
years experience .at 'a supervisory leve!~ etc. He would like to
change that to graduation f~om a standard high school or vocational
school with a four year degree beyond that in a related field
with five years experience or ten years experience ina related
field, five of whichmust be in a supervisory and management posi-
tion. He thinks we need in this particular job more than the
high school requirement and if we a~e ~alking of only high school
education, at least ten years experience.
Mr. Cheney continued that he would like also to brin9 attention
to a couple additions at the end of this document which were not
in the pay plan before. He read the paragraphs under the Disabi-
lity section. He referred to having, a couple cases of extended
disability, which technically we cannotreplace those positions
and the City has provided disability insurance, so we are not
suggesting the people be out in the cold. There are one or two
cases where the people may not have pursued the claims adequately.
He feels it is necessary to have some ability to call this to an
end. There should be some procedure and this is what this parti-
cular phrase intends to do.
Mr. Cheney then recommended that the overall pay plan for City
employees for the coming year be adjusted by 6~%,whieh is the
blank on the front page. He has reviewed the past of the City
and saw that it mainly stayed at 5% and has also reviewed what
has been happening in other communities. He has been holding
off making a reeommendation. He doesn't call this a cost of
living increase because the cost of living is much more. There
are funds in the budget to cover this amount of money and that is
his recommendation for this resolution~
OCTOBER 12, 1979
Mayor Harmening clarified that the insertion in proposed Resolution
No. 79-KK is 6~%. Mr. Roberts referred to there also being some
changes recommended for the experience and training ~f the Public
Works Director and Mr. Cheney agreed. Mr. Robemts asked if there
was any change in the last item and Mr. Cheney 'replied negatively,
but he wanted to bring the disability section to the Council's
Mr. Trauger moved the City Counei! adopt Resolution 79-KK as
amended with the insertion on the first page of 6.5~ and the
Director of Public Works with minimumqualifications changed
from five years to ten years and a four year degree. Mr.
Strnad seconded the motion. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took
a ~olt call vote on the motion as follows:
Counci!man Trauger - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Riseoe - Yes
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carz~ied S-0.
City Manager's Recommendation for Classif%ed City Employees,
P/Y 1980 (Tabled)
Mr. Cheney referred to ha~ing acted on this. Mrs. Riseoe moved
to strike this from the agenda, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No
discussion. Motion uarried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 79-LL - Re: Amendin~ Resolution No.
79-HH - Design Concept for 55 Acre Recreational Facility
Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 79-LL by title. He
added that essentially the County gave us this land and they
developed a certain amount of resentment when we included a
reverter clause when giving the land back to them. Mr. Cheney
added that this has been discussed and it was decided we could
reach the same objective withoutthe reverter clause. This
will be on the agenda for the County Park g Recreation Board
on Thursday morninc and he and Mr. Fredez~ will be present in
ease there are any questions. The issue before the County is
will they accept the land and how do they propose to ~und it.
He recommends this amended resolution be adopted.
Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of Resolution No. 79-LL, seconded
by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call
vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor P/scoe - Yes
Councilman Trauger - Aye ~
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motionearried 5-0.
Amend Section 49(a) ~f Charter (Tabled)
Mayor ~armening asked i f any member of the Council cared to do
anything at this time with this and when hearing no comments~
he announeed itwould be left on the table.
Report-Re: Case of Boynton Beach vso Town of Ocean Ridge
Mr. Vance referred to having had pending for 40 odd years a dis-
pute withthe Town of OeeanRidge regarding some property 'lying
west of Ocean Boulevard and this particular lawsuit was heard
last week aand the court has entered a final judgment determining
the aGreage in dispute that the title is in the City of Boynton B
Mr. Trauger asked him to describe for the audience the exact
location of this piece of prgperty. Mayor Harmening stated this
starts about 50 ft. to the south of the present Ocean Ridge Town
Hall and runs from the Intracoasta! Waterway to the ocean and
Mr. Vance clarified that it is just west of A1A and runs to the
Spanish River. He added that this was originally acquired in
1921 as a total parcel~ east and west of Ocean Boulevard. Mayor
Harmening asked if as a result of th~ research into this~ did we
ever determine where the Spanish River lies in relation to the
Intracoastal and Mr. Vance replied that he believes we are
pretty close at this point, singe the Spanish River was filled
in 30 years ago. Mayor Harmening clarified that it does not
run to the Intracoastal.
Summary Report on Codes Violation Enforcement
Mr. Cheney referred to several meetings ago, in response to a
question raised by Councilman Trauger, there was a discussion on
the number of building violations relative to various City codes
and stated he has submitted a brief summary of the status of code
violations that have required written notices for approximately
the last seven months. There are obviously many other violations
that are reported to the Building Department which are resolved
through telephone calls, personal visits by the department staff
or other informal methods. The violations recorded on this list
are those that cannot be solved in an informal way and which must
be addressed with a formal written notice. As noted~ many of
these are corrected as a result of this notice procedure~ and
others are turned over to our special City Attorney. With the
development of a Codes Enforcement Board, the matter of obtaining
compliance after the written notice will be handled by the Board.
Mr. Cheney eontinued that this report indicates ~he following:
1. Total number of violations which required w~t~ten
notice for compliance: 970
-2. Number of violations complied with upon receipt
of notice: 168
3. Violations pending speeified time limits: 44
4. Total number of ~iolation affadavits submitted to
City Attorney: 58
5. Number of affadavit violations complied with upon
receipt of notice: 23
6. Number of affadavits pending court action: 35
Mr. Trauger thanked him for this report. He stated he requested
this report so we could see what we were into with the creation
of the Codes Enforcement Board. This report shows the Building
Department has done an especially good job in ~ollowup. With the
Codes Enforcement Board, we will have some teeth to act on the
Codes Enforcement Board
Nominations and Appointments
Mr. Strnad stated the people who are going to be seated on this
particular Board must be of the ealiber that we have on the
Building Board of Adjustments S Appeals. They mst be people
who are familiar with all types of oonstruetion violations which
may come before them. He thinks we have short-changed this Board
in not having more qualified journeymen and master craftsmen on
this Board. He thinks we do need an engineer and architect, but
also have to have the same caliber of person seated on the Build-
ing Board of Adjustments g Appeals, so he is knowledgable when a
violation comes before the Board to determine whether it is ~easi-
ble or not or how to judge the particular violation. He thinks
we are short on this Board of actually what is needed.
Mayor Harmening referred to building code violations being stressed
and stated actually there are a number of other violations which
will be covered by this Board not particularly in the realm of
building such as zoning, sanitary problems, eta. Mr. Strnad re-
plied there are people on that Board at this particular time who
would be able to take care of these violations with the addition
of other people with knowledge in plumbing, electric and general
contracting. Some of the people suggested so far are not in his
estimation qualified for this. Mayor Harmening informed him that
the Codes Enforcement Board does not supersede the Building Board
of Adjustments & Appeals. When there is a hardship on a particu-
lar building code, that case comes before the Building Board of
Adjustm~ts g Appeals.
OCTOBER 2, 1979
Mr. Roberts stated that possibly Mr. Strnad was not here when we
discussed the subjeot of how this should be drafted and it is
based on ~a new State law and this is what ~we have done and the
Board will receive guidance from an attorney. There are many
other violations to go before this Board such as parking~ debris
on tawn~ etc. We have followed tke State guidelines. Mr. Strnad
asked if the State law gave the minimum amount of people to be on
the Board and Mr. Robert~ replied that according to the law there
should be an ar~hitect~ businessman~ engineer~ realtor and general
contractor~ and an attorney .will be available for guidance.
At this time~ Mayor ~a~mening declared nominations open ~for
members of this Board.
Mr. Roberts stated at the last meeting~ he asked to hold off
until tonight until resumes were received. He received a re-
sume giving us an expert in the field,of architecture. Also~
the appointments are to be one member for one year~ two members
for two yea~s and two members for three years.
Mr. Roberts then nominated Mr. Samuel Scheiner, an architect who
submitted an e~cellent resume and is a resident most of the year.
He added this nominationwould be for the one year term. Mrs.
Riscoe moved that nominations be closed. Mayor Harmening an-
nounced sinoe there were no other nominations, Mr. Samuel
Scheiner shall be appointed for a period of one year.
Mr. Roberts suggested making the nominations according to the
list of professions noted. Mayor Harmening agreed and declared
nominations open for the businessman to be appointed for a term
of two years. Mr. T~auger nominated Mr. George C. Davis. Mr.
Strnad moved that nominations be closed. Mayor Harmening an-
nounced since there was only one nomination~ Mr. George C. Davis
will be appointed for a term of two years.
Mayor Harmening declared nominations open for the engineer.
Mr. T~auger nominated Mr. Enrico Rossi. Mr. Strnad moved that
nominations be closed. Mayor Harmening announced since there
was only one nominee~ the Chair declares the appointment of
Mr. Enrico Rossi for a term of two years.
Mayor Harmening declared nominations open for the general con-
tractor. Mrs. Riseoe referred to Mr. Richard Kurtz submitting
a resume since he is interested~ butstat~dg he is presently
serving on,another Board. Mayor Harmening replied that if this
man is moved around~ ~it will create an opening on another Board.
Mr. Roberts read ~hrougha resume submitted by Mr. roy Ward.
Mr. Trauger nominated Mr. Foy Ward. Mrs. P~iseoe moved that
nominations be closed. Mayor Harmening announced since there
were no other nominees~ the Chair deelares that Mr. Foy Ward
will be appointed for the term of three years.
OCTOBER 2, 1979
Mayor Harmening declared nominations open for the realtor. Mrs.
t~iseoe nominated Mr. Richard Lambert for three years. Mr. Roberts
moved that nominations be closed. Mayor Harmening announced since
there was only one nominee, the Chair declares that Mr. Richard
Lambert be appointed for a three year term.
Mayor Harmening clarified that the Board is constituted with one
architect, Mr. Samuel Scheiner; one businessman, Mr. George ~.
Davis; one engineer~ Mr. Enrico Rossi; one general contractor,
Mr. Foy Ward; and one realtor~ Mr. Richard Lambert.
Consideration of Board Attorney
Mr. Roberts asked if the regular City Prosecutor, Mr. Thomas J.
Woolley, could siton this Board since he is involved handling
the violations and Mr. Vance replied that Mr. Woolley 'would have
no p~oblem representing the Board except with reference to items
he is currently prosecuting. Mayor Harmening asked if he contem-
plated that items presently before the dourt'would be dropped and
referred to this Board and Mr. Vance replied that probably .it
would be a judgment call whether or not prosecution will continue
on items filed in County Court, but it p~obably would be a good
idea to follow throughon items filed in County Court. Mayor
Harmening clarified that there would be ao conflict. Those
cases not filed would come before this Board.
Mr. Roberts clarified that this attorney would be in an advisory
capacity to the Board with the work and decisions being done by
theBoard and Mr. Vance replied that the attorney would be
strictly an advisory to the Board.
Mr. Strnad asked if this would be a quasi-judicial Board and
Mr. Vance replied affirmatively.
Mr. Vance eontinued that he does not know if an amount was con-
sidered for paying the attorney when the budget was adopted,
but he does not think a la~ge amount will be needed as he does
not see a meeting being held more than once or twice a month
and the meetings should not be that long. Mayor Harmening
asked how many cases were pending in County Court and Mr.
Vance replied there are approximately,35. Also~ a substantial
number may be in the letter writing stage and not filed. Mayor
Harmening suggested that Mr. Cheney meet with Mr. Woolley to
see where we stand and those not being actively pursued be
referred to this new Board. Mr. Trauger referred to budgetary
recommendations and Mayor Harmening suggested waiting to see how
it goes and discuss remuneration with Mr. Woolley. Presently
we have a remunerationagreement with Mr. Woolley to handle
eases in County Court. After further discussion~ Mr. Vance
agreed to meet with Mr. Cheney,and Mr. Woolley to discuss this.
OCTOBER 2, 1979
Mr. Strnad referred to the possibility of a violator getting an
unfavorable decision from the Codes Enforcement Board and asked
if he ooutd appeal the decision to the Buitdin~ Board of Adjust-
ments g Appeals and Mr. Vance replied negatively ~as it is a totally
separate procedure and explained this Board is only constituted
to cover certain violations. Mr. Str~ad asked if someone in vio-
lation could go before the Building Board of Adjustments g Appeals
for relief or must they stay with the Codes Enf~reement Board
and take their decision and Mr. Vance replied that it will be the
deoision of various departments whether to refer the matter to
this particular Board. Mr. Strnad clarified that the only re-
course would be to go before the proper court of jurisdiction.
Mr. Cheney questioned how a chairman for this Board would be
selected and Mayor Harmening replied that the Board elects the
chairman. Mr. Cheney suggested that an organizational meeting
of this Board be called with the City Attorney present toeex-
plain the process and he will discuss itwith Mr. Woolley. Mayor
Harmening agreed and Mr. Vance added that this might be helpful.
He suggested that a letter be sent notifying the members of their
appointments and include a copy of the ordinance establishinc the
Board. Mayor Harmening requested Mr. Cheney to proceed with-this
and Mr. Cheney agreed and advised he will report at the next meet-
Recommendations for Beach Improvement Program
Mr. Cheney re~4 the following report submitted by Mr. Fredemdok:
~Based on past Council action and the preliminary priority list
established, as listed below, recon%mend the following action:
1. Litter Control and Cleanliness
2. Sun Shelter Areas
$. Dune Preservation and Landscaping
4. Picnic Area
5. Bath House Faoi!ity
6. Signing Program
7. Lifeguard Facility.
I. Initiate Priority ~1, Litter Control and Cleanliness
based on the following details:
Purchase and install refuse containers, all weather,
rustresistant type.
Upper Levei~ Concession, Shelters,
Bath House: 14 ~ $200 = $ 2,800
Picnic Area: 6 ~ $200 = 1~200
Beach Area: 6 ~ $ 90 = 540
TOTAL = $ 4,540.
OCTOBER 2~ 1979
Priority ~2~ Sunshe!ter Areas to be partially initiated
by purchase and installation of 10 aluminum benches
~ $179 each~ inoluding shipping. TOTAL = ~ 17790
The remainder of Priority ~2, Renovation and Repair of
sunshe!ters and Priority ~47 Picnic Area (Tables and
Grills) are currently being priced and shall be sub-
mitted at a Council meeting in the near future.
Recommend that a consultant be secured to prepare plans
and specs and cost estimates for the remaining priority
~37 Dune Preservation and Landscaping
~5~ Bath House Facility
~6~ Signing Program
~7, Lifeguard Facilities
Mr. Cheney then referred to the recommendation that a consultant
be secured and explained that we must go through~the mandated
consultant selection process and suggested the 30 acre park
development also be included. Mayor Harmening agreed.
Mr. Strnad referred to originally discussing additional sun
shelter areas and Mr. Cheney pointed out this was included under
No. II and he also explained how the shelters are being repaired,
He added that before finalizing the shelters, a decision about
the dunes must be made and he ~plained the shelters must be lo-
cated to look over the dunes.
Mr. Trauger referred to dune preservation landscaping and asked
if the University of Florida Advisory Service of the County
Agent had been oonsulted and Mr. Cheney replied this alternative
could be exp!ored~ but he does not know how much service they can
offer, He added that specific designs must be prepared and the
installation supervised.
Mr. Trauger expressed hi~ approval of these recommendations and
made a motion that the City Council follow Paragraphs I and II
listed in this memo of September 26 covering the purchase of
refuse containers and aluminum benches in the amounts specified
of $47540 and $1~790 approximately. Mrs. Riscoe seconded the
motion. Mayor Harmening clarified that it was moved and
seconded to direct the City Manager and Recreation Director to
pursue P~iorities I and II in the approximate amounts specified.
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0,
Mr. Trauqer referred to the winter season approaohing in a few
months and explained how debris was a problem. He suggested
plaoing some repainted oil drums around to take care of the
cigarette butt pmob!em until the refuse containers come in.
Also~ he feels a maximum effort should be made now to get the
sand cleaned up that ~lays in the streetand sidewalks. When
OCTOBER 2, 1979
the Parks & Recreation Department is re-organized and function-
ing and the hurricane cleanup completed, he would like to see
more emphasis given to this project. Mr. Cheney-explained that
there is always a sandproblem. In regards to the re-organiza-
tion of this department, there won't be any more men, but we will
try to take care of this problem.
Mr. Trauger then recommended investigating as soon as possible
the feasibility of a consultant for the dune preservation and
landseaping~ bath house facility and 50 acre park. Mr. Cheney
replied that he would like to wait awhile because Mr. Frederick
is involved with taking over the Parks Department which takes
place November 1. Mayor Hammening clarified that no aetion is
required and the City Manager will put,cue this in ~a timely fashion.
Mrs. Riscoe referred to the sand blowing on the curbing being an
ongoing proeess and stated that maintenance should be continuous
with it kept clean in the summer as well. She asked if it 'was
scheduled regularly for maintenance and Mr. Cheney replied affir-
matively and added that hopefully the dune program will take care
of this eventually.
Report on Golf Course
Mr. Cheney-referred to meeting with the Golf Course Advisory
Committee with Mr. Frederick on a number of occasions and ad-
vised the Committee has also been meeting with potential golf
course architects the City might want to hire. The Board of
County Commissioners did take action leasing the land to the
City for the golf course under a 99 year lease with some condi-
tions relating to the use of the land. This got into the minutes
as a warranty deed and we indicated that would be fine. Also~
the Committee, Mr. Frederick, the City Attorney, and he met with
the Assistant County Attorney and Mr. Dance and talked about the
issue of golf eourse use by City and non-city residents. They
are going to prepare a resolution whieh we will review and bring
to the Council to discuss. Hopefully,we will have a memo of
understanding of the agreement telling us how the land can be
used. At that time, he will prepare a proposed schedule of
activities to take place in order to bring this about.
Report onthe Library
Mr. Cheney stated that sometime ago, the Board of County Commis-
sioners decided they would not fund municipal libraries in Fiscal
Year 1980 as they have in the past. They hope we would continue
to have an open door policy. He thinks we are heading towards
a consolidated library~system. We realized in October, we would
start to charge non-city residents a fee for the use of the lib-
rary because we were foreed into it. On September 18, he indicated
OCTOBER 2, 1979
that he heard the County had taken some steps to reeonsider their
positionto see about doing some ~unding for municipal libraries.
There was some discussion by the Board of County Co~issioners and
they agreed to draft a resolution. They asked the municipalities
to keep records of non-munioipal use of the library on the basis
we would get some money. There was some suggestion there would
not be money for this coming year~ but in ~iscal Year 1981 and
they would pay us something for the records kept in 1980. Hope-
fully ~something can be worked out. It is his recommendation that
while this is still proceeding through the County that we attempt
to keep anopen door policy and keep it status-quo for a few weeks
relative to non-city residents using the library as long as the
County p~oceeds in this direction and deoide~ in November whether
to remain status-quo or oharge a non-resident fee. He thinks it
is gal~able as long as the County is still discussing it.
Mayor Harmening stated he believes it would be incumbent upon
the City Council to take some action in this regard. Now that
the fiscal year has started and we have a new agreement, he be-
lIsves it is neeessary for the library to make a oharge to non-
residents under the existing ordinanees. We should hold in abey-
ance any provisions of the ordinance. Mr. Vance replied that he
has not reviewed this particular ordinanee. Mayor Harmening ques-
tioned how we could aecommodate these people for the time being
in light of the existing ordinanoes and Mr. Cheney replied that
it is his recollection that the status is not an ordinance but ~
vote by the City Council some months ago saying we would start
ehamging non-residents. Possibly a statement of attempt could
be made by the Council until the ordinance is researched.
Mr. Roberts referred to the work involved to separate the resi-
dents from the non-residents and Mr. Cheney replied that he
thinks this has been done by the library and he told about the
addresses haging been checked.
Mr. Vance suggested that perhaps the City Manager needs to review
the proeedures for moving into the situation without the County
eontraot in detail to make sure everything is done correctly.
Mayor Harmening agreed and suggested until then that the librarian
be instructed not to take any hasty actions. He clarified that
diseussion indicates that the Counoil is seeking to explore ways
and means of aceommodating the County and residents of the County
in the use of the public library and until such time as details
are worked out, we will try to be accommodating.
Report on Motorola
Mr. Cheney announced that an application was received from
Motorola today. Also, the Treasure Coast Regional Plannin~
Agenoy has received an application and is reviewing it. The
next step is for them to identify the sufficiency of the applica-
tion which should be by October !2. We are now awaiting a rezon-
lng applieation. At the moment everything is on target and the
applieation is in central file. Favorable comments were expressed
by the Council.
Report on Bike Paths
Mr. Cheney~advised thatinformation has beensent to the County with
a requestfor their joint funding. He will give a more detailed
report with an exact status at the next 'meeting. He is waiting for
the County to respond to our request.
Mr. T~auger explained that he was concerned about the present bike
paths and designating signage for them. Also~ the bike pa~hs are
overgrown with sand along the beach front. The plan should be
implemente~ where portions of streets have been designated for
bike paths. Mr. Cheney replied that he will work this into the
Report-on T~ee Ordinance
Mr. Vance reported that he just recently obtained a copy of this
massive ordinance and has not had the time to review it. Mr.
~auger suggested the bike paths and tree ordinance to be held
in abeyance.
At this time, Mayor Harmening declared a five minute recess. He
reconvened the meeting at 9:45 P. M.
Replacement to Building Board of Adjustment L Appeals (Tabled)
Mr. Roberts moved to take this from the table~ seconded by Mr.
Trauger. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Harmening asked if anyone had a nomination for a replace-
ment member on the Building Board of' Adjustment g Appeals. Upon
receiving no response, he referred to receiving in the mail a
resume f~om Mr. Henry G. Hyams, a long time plumber~ and stated
the opening on the Board was made by the resignation of a plumber.
Mr. Trauger commented that the resume was very good and the man
seemed very well qualified. He then nominated Mr. Henry G. Hyams~
seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. Mr. Strnad moved that nominations be
closed. No~a~ation carried 5-0 appointing Mr. Henry G. Hyams
to the Building Board of Adjustment S Appeals.
Appointment of Alternate to Board of Adjustment (Tabled)
Mr. Roberts moved to take this from the table, seconded by Mr.
T~auger. Mayor Harmening ascertained there were no nominations
for this posltion and Mr. Roberts moved to put this back on the
table~ seconded by Mr. Trauger. Motion carried 5-0.
Ratification of Proposed Fire Fighters Union Contract
Mr. Cheney referred to submitting a copy of the existing current
union contract which teehnically ended on October 1, which by
mutua% agreement we did eontinue to eomply with for 15 days and
stated also submitted were several pages containing the new and/or
amended artieles. Since this was the first time he met with this
union, he enjoyed the opportunity to do this. As long as we have
a union, we should negotiate in a good faith effort. He thinks
the meetings were pleasanT, even though we did notagree on every-
thing. We did have serious disagreementson a number of things as
to interpretation, etc. We do have a fair contract for both the
City and union. He thinks the proclamation the City Council passed
tonight relative to the Firemen~s Memorial Sunday is a good step
to union relationship. There will always be disagreements, but
possibly they will narrow down.
Mr. Cheney then referred to some of the things in the contract
negotiated and explained there was a long standing problem of
additional pay to EMT I and II's, but this has been solved with
recommending an additional 5% for certified EMT I and anaddi-
tional 10% for certified EMT II. He to~d about diseussing physi-
cal exams and advised one area not included is the area o~ stress
tests. The union was concerned about improving eommunications and
it was agreed a copy of all memos and notiees will be posted on
the bulletin board with a copy sent to the secretary of the union.
Also, we agreed to one other proposal relative to when a fire
fighter below lieutenant works out of elassifieation with this
contraet proposing if they do that for three shifts out of a 30
day period~ we would eompensate them at the next highest grade.
In regards to vacation, we basically allowed them to accumulated
more than the maximum of two years. We had a long discussion on
edueation and training~ He explained that education not required
for certifieation will not be done on City time since he is eon-
cerned about the ability to man the fire station. Also, it was
indieated it would be more flexible to take vacation on short
notice as long as the chief felt it was covered on that particu-
lar night. He indicated he is not opposed to educati~employees,
but the primary area is to be sure to have the number of people
necessary to respond. Also~ one of the things in the current
contract suggests each year at the appropriate time, the fire
union can indicate to the City those articles they wish to open
in the coming year's negotiations, but nothing is ineluded about
the City opening articles for negotiations. This new eontract
recognizes both sides to have responsibility.
Mr. Cheney stated in conclusion, he wants to point out he is con-
cerned about taking out educationand training. He is coneerned
about training and balanee between the fire fighters and paramedies.
OCTOBER 2~ 1979
Mr. CheneM continued that he has told the members of the depart-
ment that he will be addressing this throughout the coming year.
He recommends ratification~o£ this eontract bythe City Couneil.
He hopes we will have positive relationships with the Fire Depart-
ment and Fire Department Union.
Mr. Roberts referred to the i~l~ievanee Procedure under Article 24
and asked ifthis applied since it is covered by Civil Sera, ce
and Mr. Cheney informed him the grievanee of this particular eon-
tract would be through the procedure in this eontraet. This is
to cover disputes rising out of this particular eontract.
Mr. Roberts referred to the increase being 6.5~ and explained
this inereases the City's contributions to the pension, etc. and
suggested that theadditiona! fringe benefits should be noted
from time to time. Mr. Cheneyaqreed that everything in the
contract has a cost whether direet or indirect and this was dis-
cussed throughout negotiations.
Mrs. Riseoe moved for ratiPieation of the proposed fire fighters
union contract with the proper City officials to sign the contract,
seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Motioncarried 5-0.
Mr~ Trauger added that he has been following the fire prevention
monthly reports for about the last seven to eight months and ex-
plained that ~hey have been excellent reports pointing out in
detail that the number of calls have been.increasing about 70 to
80%~ but the aetual losses to the City have been decreasing at a
oonstant rate. Statistically this means the people of Boynton
Beaeh will be saving money on their annual fire insuranee. In
spite of handicaps in ~personnel~ this points out that Boynton
Beach has anexcellent Fire Department doing a favorable job.
Request Permission for Office/Construction Trailers
A. G. Drake, Agent for Bland Construction
Holiday inn Project, N. W. 2nd Avenue and 1-95
Jack Imiea and John Arnold of J. J. Assoeiates~ Inc.
Job Site: S. E. 4th Street and S. E. 21st Avenue
Mrs. Riseo~ moved to grant permission for Mr. A. G. Drake and
Mr. jack Pica andMr. John Arnold for temporary construction
trailers at the designated sites~ seconded by Mr. Trauger. No
discussion. Motioncarried 5-0.
Discuss Responsibilities of Community Relations Board - Councilman Roberts
Mr. Roberts referred to having some problems on this Board last
year and stated he felt in talking with them, we could eliminate
some of it. He has been very much involved with this Board from
OCTOBER 2, 1979
way back and they have done a good job. The City has diverted a
lot of money and employees ~-ith working to upgrade the area, im-
prove facilities~ improve 10th Avenue, etc. It was suggested that
the City Council give some guidelines to this Board and two reso-
!utions have been passed covering the duties of this Board. One
resolution pertains to being a liaison between the City and the
Housing Authomity and he thinks most of their work revolves around
that with upgrading the housing. The other resolution pertains to
health, welfare and safety. We have 13 Boards at least and each
Board is guided by a set of ordinances or resolutions. In order
to operate the City, he thinks we must have some kind of direc-
tion these Boards go in.
Mr. Roberts stated that after Peading the minutes of this Board?s
last meeting, it was so confusing and it seemed everyone was at
each other and they did not get total consent to any items brought
up. He does not think some of these items are germane to their
performance. He suggests there be a new resolution or the Board
should operate under the existing resolution.
Mr. Roberts stated that one of their activities seemed to be en-
croachment on another Board and he told about observation commit-
tees being appointed. The members talked about an officer obtain-
ing pension and this is handled through the Potiee Pension Board.
Yet~ these members are going to look into this matter and prepare
a report. He does not think they have any jurisdiction over this.
He does not know if they want to supervise the committee or what,
but this information is available from the City Manager.
Mr. Roberts stated thatanother item discussed had to do with
spedding money. This Board approves monies for the Day Care
Center. This Day Care Center was originally and still is a
federally funded center and is doing a good job. However when
the City~ who is responsible to the people for handling funds,
has g~ven.an okay for $18~000 and receives no statements~ he
thinks it is incumbent upon the Council to look into this and
see where it is going,
Mr. Roberts commented that there was a remark along the line that
he is supposed to be leaving the City and it was questioned why
he is butting in on this. He regrets that he will only be a
member of the City ,until the first week in January~ but he doesn't
think he should sit back and not take a stand when~some things are
questionable. He is not thinking about giving them a hard time.
This Board is supposed to be promoting community relations and
he thinks the City Council should be a part of those community
relations. Whenyou encroach on the City Council's responsibility
~of setting policy and conducting the work of runninga government~
that is a political issue. This Board has stated they'want a
full time attorney. He does not object to suggestions being made
OCTOBBR :2, 1979
individually; butas a Board~ he does not think they have the
responsibility to ask us for a ~ull time attorney when this item
has been disoussed many times by this City Council and the min-
utes eontaining th~se discussions are posted on the bulletin
board. The Couneil decided a full time attorney would be expen-
sive and not feasible. This is not a question of health, welfare
or housing.
Mr. Roberts stated this Board has also asked for districts. He is
trying to figure out how we can have districts where we have 27000
acres under development with only cows. It is difficult to ereate
districts in a City in the middle of a eonstruetion boom.
Mr. Roberts stated the last item mentioned by this Board had to
do with a dinner and remarks were made about this Council copping
out. He spoke to a member of this Board before one meeting when
an item was on the agenda for having a dinner for Mrs. Costin who
has done an excellent job. Ne .explained to the member that
usually there are about six retirement dinners per year which
the Council members attend and we pay our way and he didn't think
public funds could be used for this purpose. However, he did sug-
gest, which he thought the Counoil wouldn't object to, that a re-
quest be made to the City Manager and possibly money would be
available for a oelebration with snacks and a drink. This was
discussed many times.
Mr. Roberts stated he thinks these matters should be discussed
and copies of these resolutions forwamded to the Board. The
Board has made excellent progress with 'low cost housing. As far
as Mrs. Costin~ he thinks this Council should draft a resolution
honoring her dedication of time and effort for so many years to
be signed by the members of the City Council suitable for framing.
However, he thinks this Board needs some direction.
Mr. Roberts then made a motion to draft the appropriate resolution
to Mrs. Costin for all the work, efforts and good she has done for
this community and present it to her suitable for framing. He
suggests the other items remain in the proper area. Mr. Trauger
seconded the motion for the resolution. Mayor Narmening clarified
that it has been moved and seeonded to instruet the City Attorney
to drag a resolution pramsing Mrs. Costin for her work in the Day
Care Center. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
M~. Roberts stated the other suggestion is to send oopies o£ these
resolutions to the Chairman and members of this Board and to ask
questions if they are uncertain about the guidelines. Mrs. ~iscoe
replied that she has taken time out and has spoken to Mr. Cheney
about this Board. She has felt this Board has done absolutely
zilch. She has attended many meetings. At this particular time,
OCTOBEt~ 29 1979
she was glad to see the Board had written something whether poli-
tical or not. If we are sittin~ here with our heads so inflated
that we cannot listen to what-other people have to say~ we have a
problem. Itlmay not be what we want to hear~ but they have the
right to brin? it to us. She has been very upset that we have not
gotten any input. The Board up until the last month has been lay-
ing dormant. She concurs withthe sentiments regarcling Mrs. Costin.
She takes exception that Mr. Roberts is nit picking these minutes.
How many meetings of the Community Relations Board-has Mr. Roberts
attended this year where he could have given input rather than sit
here and degrade them?
Mr. Roberts referred to Mrs. Risooe~s statement about the right to
speak and statedthat as individuals they can speak to the Council
at any time, and we will listen; but as a Board, they are supposed
to work under the guidelines. If theyare going to get into poli-
tics which is the duty of this Council, hep too, can speak and be
heard. There is no argument that they have done a good job. He
does not agree with Mrs. Riscoe that they have done nothing. They
should follow the guidelines and make comments when they have
grounds for it.
Mr. Strnad stated that if there is disagreement with something
written on paper~ you~should just throw it in the basket and
forget about it. Mr. Roberts replied that he was trying to
correct this matter.
At this time, Mrs. Padgett advised that Mr. John Miller had
requested to speak on ttm~s subject. Mr. John Miller, 198 S.E.
27th Avenue, and Vice Chairman of the Community Relations Board~
came before the Counei!. He stated he doesn't intend to get into
controversy over this controversial Board. When dealing with
community relations, it is a constant controversy. He then read
Section 2 of Resolution No. 78-!I defining the responsibilities
of the Board and stated this is what this Board is ~oi~3. it is
stated in general; but if it is to be specifie~ then the areas
to be covered should be stated. He requests the Board be given
direction of what Fir. Roberts is stating theynnee~.
Mr. Roberts informed Mr. Miller that in his opinionthis resolu-
tion was drawn more or less ~o protect the rights of minorities
which includes housing, upgrading the way .of life, improving the
neighborhood~ putting in parks and cemeteries, etc. He does not
think it has to do with policy making or anything political or
government. He also doesn't think the Board should butt in on
another Board. There are 12 other Boards and they stay within
their guidelines. A statement was made by a member that this
Board represents the whole City. He thinks if this is too bread
and causes confusion, it should be amended.
OCTOBER 2, 1979
Mr. Miller responded that speaking as an individual, he thinks it
is ineumbent upon the Council as the directors of the Board to
delineate what is political and what is not. The Board will dis-
cuss the statements made at their next meeting.and he hopes they
will come up with.answers to give an idea where they stand. Many
of the items brought before the Board are political. To say a
~ull time attorneyis more political then renovating a cemetery
in a certain section of town~ it is hard to draw the line. Mr.
Roberts replied that this particular item had been discussed at
least six times by'the Council and itwas reviewed thoroughly.
Good reasons were given for the CouncilTs decision and a vote was
taken. Then~ this Board makes the recommendation. Also~ the
same thing-applies to districting. The City is in a state of
expansion and it is almost impossible to have any districts and
they would have to be re-aligned every year. There are also
other arguments against it. This has been discussed and has been
turned down.
Mr. Miller stated that he welcomes this kind of discussion of
what has transpired at the Board,s meetings, He asksdM~. Roberts
to attend the meetings like Mr. Trau~er and Mrs. Riscoe have done.
This is one of the few times the Board is getting some feedback~
which is what they have wanted. If it creates too much contro-
versy to reply,to their memos~ then maybe they should refrain from
sending memos.
Mr. Roberts clarified that he was just trying to solve these
matters in ~a peaceful way. He told about making a personal
effort for this based on being instrumental in the creation of
this Boar~ to solve inter-racial problems. He thinks progress
has been made~ but by,reading the minutes, this Board ib being
critical of the Council, Mr. Miller replied that he didnTt
think theywere being critical and also~ they do notargue all
the time. He thinks they have submitted constructive resolu-
tions and memos to the Council.
Mr. Sam Wright~suggested that before Mr. Roberts leaves office,
he should talk to other officials in other municipalities about
$9%~c~tign!°f C°nsu!tant~ Neighborhood strategy Area
(community Development/Target Area)
Mayor Harmening referred to a recommendation being submitted by
the City staff and pointed out that~in the screening of appli-
cants, four have been ~recommended. He referred to the action
necessary~and Mr. Vance suggested the Council schedule time for
brief presentations to be made by,at least,three of the firms.
OCTOBER 2, 1979
Mayor Harmening suggested having a workshop meeting for the inter-
viewing and questioned ho~ much prior notice these firms needed?
Mr. Annunziato replied that seven to ten days notice would be ade-
quate. After discussion, it was agreed to hold a workshop meeting
on Thursd~y~ October 18, to conduct these interviews. Mr. Vance
clarified that these presentations oan be made at the workshop
meeting with the City Council to take formal action designating
one at the next regular meeting. Mr. Annunziato suggested it
might be helpful to put a time limit on the presentation,and
Mayor Harmening agreed and suggested ten minutes. Mm. Cheney
ascertained it was oonvenient to have the meeting at 7:30 P. M.
Mayor Harmening requested M~. Cheney ~to notify the first three
firms and if one was unable to respond~ then the fourth firm
listed be used as an alternative.
Contract Approval for Water Lines - Seaway Villas
Mr. Cheney,informed the Council this is the first eontract under
the new utility ordinance with over-sizing~ eto. It is a simple
contract because there is no disagreement with the developer. The
only issue is the installation of a 16" water line to the east of
the property-adjacent to the railroad. The developer has agreed
6" of that'water line is his obligation for the whole length of
the pmoperty. We know the cost of the 6" the developer has agreed
to and we have agreed to the difference for oversizing. In ac-
cordance with Ordinance No. 79-18~ we have agreed the developer
will get capital facility charge credits for oversizing. The
only problem is that the contract was not ready on Friday to be
forwarded for the Councilfs review, so it aah be postponed for
two weeks. Mayor Harmening clarified that this is in accord
with the City paying their shame for the oversized lines for
the City?s benefit and the contractor paying for the amount of
lines installed for his benefit. Mr. Cheney added that the City
Attorney and Mr. Cessna are in agreement 'and he recommends sign-
ing this contraet.
Mr. Vance questioned the blank for the number of residential
equivalent units on Page ~ and Mr. Cessna informed him it would
be 42 plus the clubhouse with swimming pool. Mayor Harmening
clarified that the insertion would be 58.8. Mr. Vanee added
that in reviewing the contraot~ it will be noted there are pages
of things which the developer will do and two short paragraphs of
what the City will do.
Mrs. P~scoe moved for approval of this contract for the water lines
for Seaway Villas with the insertion of 58.8 units. Mr. Trauger
seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
OCTOBER 2, 1979
Application for Use of Council Chambers - High Point Boulevard
Association, Ina., Section 4
Mr. Robemts asked if the date requested was an open date for the
chambers and M~s. Padqett replied that the afternoonis no problem.
Mm. Roberts moved to allow them to use the place, seconded by Mr.
Trauqer. Hnder discussion, Mr. Trauger questioned the use and
Mr. Roberts informed him it would be for their annual meeting.
Mr. Strnad commented that he thinks we should not charge the tax-
payers to use their CityHall. Mayo~ Hammening agmeed this was
a good point, but we.wou!dnot have any~eontrol and people would
be inand out eonstantly~and there are cleanup problems, etc.
Motioncarried 5-0.
Application for Permit to Solicit - League of Women Voters of South
palm Beach CountY, Inc.
Mm. Roberts moved to grant this permissionto solicit, seconded by
Mrs. RiScoe. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Roberts stated that he thinks this Council shouldask for a
report from the Day Care Center and Mrs. Riscoe replied that the
Community Relations Boamd has asked for one. Mr. Trauger sug-
gested that we request the Board to ask for a financial report to
be submitted fmom the Day Care Center and Mrs. t~iscoe replied
that we should ask the Day Care Center directly,as they do have
a three month audit.
Mrs. Riseoe moved to direct the City Manager to ask the Day Care
Center for a f~nancial report periodically, seconded by Mr.
Trauger. Under discussion, Mr. Roberts commented that he thinks
a statement~shou!d be submitted showing where the money.is being
spent as we have increased our contribution by 400% over the yeams.
Motion carried 5-0.
Approve~ of Bills
Cheney read the following bills for app~ova!:
E.V.F., Inc.
Custom Ambulance
Pay fmom Genema! Fund 001-221-522-60-81
Council approved 6/5/79
!,B.M. Corp.
Rental ~or September
Pay from General Pund 001-133-513-40-21
6,645. O0
OCTOBER 2, 1979
Jones Equipment
Repair on Star Tran MK-303-A -Poliee Dept.
Payfmom General Fund 001-21!'521-40-33
Allied Universal Corp. 2,324.50
Chlorine fOr Water T~eatment Plant
pay f~Om Water $ Sewer Revenue Fund 401-332-533-30-63
Charles E. Waldner
yearly,physicals for police officers
Pay from General Fund 001-132-513,10-49
Nalco Chemioa! Co. 1~761.44
Naleo POlymer ~or Water Treatment Plant
Pay from Water L Sewer Revenue Fund 401-332-533-30-65
Lanier Business Produots, !nc.
Reader-Printer & Service tot 15 mos.
Pay from General Fund 001-122-512-40-99
Couneit approved 8/21/79
Retirement Plans, Inc.
Pro~essional servioes rendered inoonneetion%rith
general employees retirement plan
Pay from Retirement Trust Fund 6!1-861-586-20-29
Willie RuthMoGrady 96.00
Server ~or Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sha~ing Fund 320-641-564-40-5A
Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73
10. Isiah Andrews 110.00
Dmiver ~or Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Payfrom Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-641-564-40-~A
Russell & Axon 626-681-45-4 Inv. ~2
Professional services rendered in oonneetion with
Regional Lift Stations &Foree Mains
Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-11-00
Authorization dated 6/19/79
Russell & Axon 626-681-44-2 Inv. #4
Professional services in oonneetion with Water
Storage Tank
Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-01-00
Authorization dated 5/2!/79
OCTOBER 2, 1979
Russell &Axon 626-681-30-4 Inv. ~!5
Professional services inconnection:with Mirror
Lakes S/Doff-site utilities
Payfrom Escrowed Acct. 401-000-220-53-00
Authorization dated 6/6/78
Russell & Axon 626-681-40-1 Inv. ~6
Professionatservices in connection with S~wer
EvaluationSurvey 401-000-169-11-00
Authorizationdated 3/23/79
Russell L Axon 626-681-04-1 Inv. ~6
Professional services in,connectionwith O.LM
Pay 'from 1978 Water & Sewer System Constr. Fund
Authorization dated 10/12/77
Russell & Axon 6~6-681-04-3 Inv. ~10
Professional servmces performed as general consult-
ing engineers during construction of Lift Stations
and Force Mains - Parts A & B
Pay from 1978 Water S Sewer System Constr. Fund
Authorization dated 10/12/77
6, 598.08
Russell & Axon 626-681-04-6 Inv. ~10
Professional services in connection with resident
project services during construction of Lift
Stations L Force Mains -Parts A & B
Pay from 1978 Water L Sewer System Constr. Fund
Authorization dated 10/12/77
National League of Cities
Membership dues 10/1/79 - 9/20/80
Pay f~om General Fund 1979-80 Budget
Mayor Harmening questioned when we subscribed to membership in
the National League of Cities and Mr. Cheney replied it was pro-
posed in the Upcoming budget. Mayor Harmening commented that he
doesh~t recall any time that we subscribed to the National League
of Cities and as far as he is concerned, that is $1,024 which can
be saved. Mr. Cheneyadvised that he will report back to the
Council On this. ~
Mr. Strnad questioned why the amounts of Items 1~ and 17 were
identical for Russell & Axon and Mr. Cheney replied this happens
every month as there are two contracts for the same amount of
money involved with their respective work. One is for professional
services in connection with resident project services and the
other is for P~ofessional services performed as general consult-
ing engineers. They are two separate previously ,approved eon-
tracts. The basic original prioe of the contract was set by EPA.
Mr. Strnad stated he w/il have to agree with the Mayor regarding
Item 18 as he is opposed to paying anything of that ~amount to the
National League of Cities. Mr. Cheney replied that it is his own
feeling that-this is a valuable Organization and we do get good
Mrs. Riseoe moved to pay the bills excluding Item 18~ seconded by
Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. ROberts made a motion to adjourn~ seconded b~ Mr. Trauger.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly 'adjourned at
10:55 p. M.
~' ~ ~City Clerk
Reo6~lng S'e~retary
(Pour Tapes)