Betty Riscoe, Viee Mayor
David Roberts, Councilman
Norman F. Strnad, Councilman
Walter T'Marty'~ Trauger, Councilman
Peter L. Cheney, City Manager
Betty Boroni, Deputy City Clerk
James W. Vance, City Attorney
Vice Mayor Riscoe welcomed everyone and called the meeting to
order at 7:30 P. M. She announced the invocation will be given
by Rubin Lefkowitz~ Lay Rabbi, Congregation Beth Kodesh~ followed
by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Councilman Norman
Mr. Roberts requested the addition under Administrative, Item
D-2, Discuss Appointment to Boar~ of Adjustment. Mrs. Riscoe
referred to the City Manager bringing several other additions
to her attention and requested the following additions:
1. Status Report from City Manager Re:
Recent Hurricane as far as City Faoili-
2. Resolution and/or Confirmation of
Recent!yAppointed Department Heads -
Fire Chief and Utilities Director.
3. Proclamation Re: Constitution Week.
B. aT, Water Line on N.E. 12th Avenue
ADMINISTRATIVE: D-2 Discuss Appointment to Board of Adjustment.
G. Discussion of Access Road to 55 Acre Parcel.
Mrs. Riscoe added that she has one correction under Administrative,
Item A, the name of the gentleman is Erling.
At this time, Mr. Vance arrived and apologized for being late. Mrs.
l~iscoe advised him that under Announcements, she requested discus-
sion of whether a resolution and/er confirmation is needed for the
appointment of new department heads and Mr. Vance ir~ormed her
that it is not necessary for the Council ~o oo~nfirm the appointments
of department heads appointed by the City Manager.
Mr. Roberts moved adoption of the agenda as corrected, seconded by
Mr. Trauger. Motion carried 4-0.
Status Report on Recent Hurricane
Mr. Cheney referred to the hurricarenot being as severe as expected,
but advised we were prepared. He will submit a written report after
a meeting tomorrow. From the point of damage~ primarily there were
just branches down and the sand was blown on the parking lot at the
beach. The awning at the civic center did get blown away. He told
about the employees being very cooperative and getting the City
buildings ~llyprepared with all equipment moved inside. However,
some buildings had to be covered with plywood and he would like to
discuss the expenditure of money for shutters so we do not have to
rely on plywood again. He was surprised the shelters were not used
to a greater capacity and told about having more room with being
prepared for medical emergencies at the civic center. The employees
called came to work willingly-and within a few days, he will compute
a bill of the overtime cos~ for personnel. However, from the point
of view of cost in losses, he does not think we had much .and does
not think there was much in the community.
Mr. Trauger stated he thinks the City Council and citizens should
officially thank the City Manager and those who worked in this for
their great service in implementing the emez~ency plans. He would
like the City Manager to write a letter to all those employees who
came in expressing our sincere appreciation for their outstanding
service to our City during Hurricane David. Also, that a copy of
this letter be placed mn each employeeTs personnel file. Mrs.
Riscoe agreed. Mr. Trauger so moved, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No
discussion. Motion~carried 4-0.
Mr. Strnad stated in the future if there is any hurricane alerts
warning or watch, he would like to be sure any of the contract~rs~
builders, etc. are Uroperly notified ahead of time to secure any
matemials lying around which could cause some damage. He noticed
they were very lax in a number of cases. He thinks they~should
receive notifieation from the City advising they must conform to
requirements if there is a possibility of a hurricane hitting us.
Mr. Cheney agreed and advised about a month ago, we sent a letter
to all contractors reminding them of the ordinances. Last week,
a major number of contractors were visited notifying them what
should be done. The problem is people indinate they will do some-
thing~ but it is not followed through. The contractors workin~ on
the Seacrest Blvd. project and the sewer line project had a lot of
barricades out, but they were picked up on Sunday and holes were
filled in.
Resolution and/or Confirmation of Recently Appointed Department Heads
Mr. Vance referred to Section 49 of the Charter and read paragraph
(a) and advised this language is subject to interpretation, so it
may be appropriate to have the department heads appointed confirmed
by the Council. Mrs. Riscoe stated the only reason she mentioned
this is because when prior appointments were made, this was done.
Mr. Cessna came aboard this morning and she wanted to make sure to
tie up anyloose ends. Mr. Cheney requested the City Council to
ask the City Attorney to submit a written opinionnindicating very
clearly what thiswhole process means for the future. It is very
important it should be clear whenlt takes place witha total mean-
.ingand what 'This meaning puts on the appointive responsibilities
and supervisory ~responsibilities of the City Manager.
Mrs. Riscoe referred to the word "confirmation~T not being clear
and Mr. Vance informed her that confirmation does imply after the
fact. He ad,ed this particular wording is not found in the typi-
cal strong city manager charter. The entire intent of all three
sections i~ to provide for the City Counoil to be the polioy mak-
ing body and the City Manager administers the City. The phrase
does not define off-leers.
Mr. Cheney stated if the Council has the responsibility to oonfirm,
they would also have the responsibility not to confirm and Mrs.
Risooe replied that ~aetually it would be giving a vote of confi-
dence, but the whole section is vague. Mr. Cheney added the inter-
pretation is important.
At this time, Mrs. Riscoe weloomed back into our City, Mr. Perry
Cessna, and added that he left last 'year but we are very fortunate
to have him back.
Proclamation Re: Constitution Week
Vice Mayor Riseoe mead a proclamation proclaiming the week of
September 17 thru 23, 1979 as ConstitLrt~on Week.
Regular City Council Meeting - August 21, 1979
Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of the minutes of August 21, 1979,
as recorded, seconded by Mm. Trauger. No discussion. Motion
oaz~ied 4-0.
Mr. Roberts added that at our last meeting, we briefly diseussed
the appo%ntment of the City Attorney and he took exception to
some of the remarks made and requested a verbatim transorip% so
there would not be any doubt. He would like this added to the
minutes so when they are posted on the board, this can be read.
Vice Mayor Risooe announoed if anyone wished to speak onany ~tem
on'the agenda to please eome forward and give their name to the
Acting City Clerk. If anyone wishes to speak on any item not on
the agenda~ they may do so at this time.
Mr. Edgar Lewis~ 1391 S.W. 27th Avenue, stated he would like to
disouss the Big Bass Waterway between 26th and 27th Avenues be-
tween l!th and 14th Streets. Me cannot get answers to what he
thinks are simple questions. He would like to know who owns this
canal, who is responsible for the maintenance of this manal and
the maintenance of the canal bank at the end of the street. He
has the plat from Palm Beach County for Golfview Harbor Section
2 which was recorded in 1961 and it indicates the streets and
waterways are dedimated to publim use. He has montamted the City
administration .and they have referred to the developer. He did
not buy his house from the developer and does not feel he owes
him anythinq and feels it is a City funmtion. He would like to
know how he man get answers to these questions.
Vice Mayor Riscoe asked if Mr. Cheney Knew anything about this
situation and Mr. Cheney replied affirmatively and stated that
both Mr. $ Mrs. Lewis know ~e is not able to give complete ans-
wers but he is trying to. Part of the problem is in connemtion
to a streetwhich has been built in Golfview Harbor which crosses
the canal. There are some questions about 'the responsibility
regarding the headwa!l of that bridge. The culvert slipped in
during the Apl~il storm and it should be rebuilt and we have been
discussing it with the developer. It is our position at the
moment that we cannot mertif¥ it was built morremtly. We~do not
have mertifimation from the engineer it was built ammording to
p!ans~ but 'the developer says he does have this. The question is
who is responsible for rebuilding that ~area and cleaning out the
end of this canal. What we do in one canal affemts what-we do in
other canals. This area has also been compounded since we
have had a relatively dry 'spring. We have had pollution in this
canal the same as in other mana!s throughout the City. It is
unfortunate this canal ends ~ehind this property owner. He just
does not have a total report on what the solution to this problem
is going to be.
Mr. Lewis asked whe~ he mould expect an answer? His ma.in monaern
is maintenanme. He has not seen any maintenance done by the City
and wants to know whether it is a City manal or not? Mr. Cheney
replied that an additional question is what is the City willing to
accept in the budget for maintenance of manals throughout the
City. The ownership is hazy ~n the canal structure throughout
the City.
Mr. Cheneyadvised that Mr. Clark just indimated that Mr. Michaels,
the deve!ope~, did call today and there will be a meeting with him
tomorrow. We have been trying to meet with tb~ developer and his
attorney to hopefully monvinme them they have some responsibility
to clean out the end.
Mrs. kismoe asked if possibly by our next regular Council meeting
we would be able to give ~Lr. Lewis some explanation as far as
maintenance is conmerned and Mr. Cheney replied affirmatively
that he will have a report as to where we stand for the next
Mr. Roberts stated before the City oommits itself, he thinks the
records from the past should be checkedd Somewhere along the line
this has come up and it was pointed out the developers built these
canals and it is actually not the property of the City nor is it
our particular job to maintain them but we have helped in the con-
trol ofwater lilies. Mr. Cheney agreed and advised we do have a
spraying program covering the eana!s.
Vice Mayor Riseoe announced that two weeks from tonight, we will
have additional information to give. This is the first ~she has
heard about this. She is interested in knowing what is happen-
ing regarding these eanals and the maintenance since one is be-
hind her house.
Mrs. Zibelli, 440 Ocean Parkway, thanked the newspaper reporter,
Mr. Cohen, for his article in the Sun Sentinel. She referred to
a tornado going through her yard and damaging her fence and stated
she has been trying to find out if the code allows only a 6' fence
in the rear yard as she would like to replace her fence with an
8T or 10' cyclone fence, but she could not get-an answer from the
Building Department regarding this. Mrs. Riscoe informed her
that she believes a fence higher than 6~ will require a variance.
Mrs. Zibelli asked if this entailed a tremendous amount and Mr.
Cheney informed her that a hearing before the Board of Adjustment
is required with proper notice sent out which results in at least
a three week process. He thinks the Vice Mayor is correct regard-
ing the height, but he will check this and give her an answer
Water Meters
Mr. Cheney advised that two bids were received, one from Neptune
Water Meter Company and one from Badger Meter Company. The recom~
mendation is to aceept the low bid f~om Neptune Water Meter Com-
pany in accordanee with the tabulation sheet.
Mr. Trauger moved to accept the bid from Neptune Water Meter Com-
pany as stated in the opening of August 28~ 1979, seconded by Mr.
Strnad. No diseussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Water Line on N. E. 12th Avenue
Mr. Cheney distributed copies of the tabulation sheet and advised
these bids were received today. Some weeks age, a bid was awarded
for a water line on N. E. llth Avenue to the successful bidder,
E. N. Murray Company. Today the bids were opened for N. E. 12th
Avenue and the low bidder again is E. N. Murray Company. They ha~e
requested and we eoncur if the Council approves this bid, they can
order the pipe and when finished N. E. llth Avenue, they can move
right to N. E. 12th Avenue. Both projects are funded from Community
Development and are part of the community development program. He
then read the three bids received for N. E. 12th Avenue. He re-
quests approval o£ the low bid.
Mr. Trauger moved to accept the bid for the 4" water line on N.E.
12th Avenue from E. N. Murray Company in the amount of $33,706.65.
to be paid by Community Development f~nds. Mr. Roberts seconded
the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing
Proposed Ordinance No. 79-25 - Re: Amending Section 27-14 of
Chapter 27 of Codified Ordinances for Increase in Taxicab Rates
Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 79-25 by title on second
Vice Mayor Riscoe asked if anyone inthe audience wished to speak
against this ordinance and received no response. She asked if
anyone in the audience wished to speak for thisordinance and
received no response.
Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of Ordinance No. ~9-25 on second
and final reading, seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Mrs.
Boroni took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Ri scoe - Aye
Councilman Trauger - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Motion car~ied 4-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 79-26 - Re: Adopting Budget for Fiscal
Year Beginning October 1, 1979 and Ending September 30, 1980
Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance Mo. 79-26 by title on second
~ce Mayor Riscoe asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak
against this ordinance and received no response. She asked if
anyone wished to speak in favor of this ordinance and received
no response.
Mr. Trauger moved the proposed Ordinance No. 79-26 be adopted on
second reading~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Mrs.
Boroni took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Roberts Aye
Councilman Trauger Aye
Councilman Strnad Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Proposed Ordinanoe No. 79-27 - Re: Fixing Tax Millage Rate for
Fiscal Year Beginning October 1~ 1979 and Ending September 30, 1980
Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinanoe No. 79-27 by 'title on second
Vice Mayor tliscoe asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak
against this ordinance and received no response. She asked if
anyone wished to speak for this ordinance and received no response.
A woman inthe audience questioned the proposed millage and Mr.
Cheney informed her it is 5.951 and. D24 for the interest~and sink-
-lng fund. The woman questioned the rate last year and Mr. Cheney
replied this is less than it was last year. Mr. Roberts added
this particular millage is lower than the amount suggested by the
appraiser's office. Mrs. kiscoe added the Council asked the City
Manager to go back to the department heads and he did and they
tightened their belts and a revised budget 'was presented. She
thinks an outstanding job was done and we, the oitizens, will be
the recipients of a better situation.
Mr. Roberts moved adoption of Ordinance No. 79-277
Trauger. No discussion. Mrs. Boroni took a roll
motion as follows:
seconded by Mr.
call vote on the
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Trauger - Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Ordinances - 1st Reading
Proposed Ordinance No. 79-28 - Re: Crea~ing Codes Enforcement Board
Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 79-28 by title on first
reading. He stated this is the codes enforcement ordinance which
has been discussed previously. There are a couple areas in the
ordinance he would like to comment on at suoh time a motion is
Mr. Roberts referred to the proposed effective date being October
1 and Mr. Vance agreed. Mr. Roberts asked if this Board would be
staffed by residents of the City of Boynton Beach~and Mr. Vance
replied affirmatively,
Mr. Roberts moved adoption of Ordinance No. 79-28 on first read-
.ing~ seconded byMr. Strnad. Under discussion~ Mr, Vance stated
this ordinance is an attempt to p~ovide a more efficient and par-
ticularly a mo~e expeditious method of enforcing various codes.
This ordinance proposes to cover the building code~ occupational
licensing code~ sign oode and related technical codes. He then
read the requirements for membership on this Board from Section
4A on Page 2. He emphasized that it is important to have the most
talented people we can obtain on this Board because it will be
sitting in a quasi-judicial capacity. They will be hearing eases
presented and will be rendering opinions. It is important the
Council attempt to obtain the best qualified people they can to
serve onthis particular board.
Mr. Vance advised that an attorney for the board itself will also
be needed. The City Attorney cannot present a caseand represent
the board at the same time beeause it is a conflict-of interest.
Perhaps the gentleman who presently handles the p~osecution of
code violations or some other person could be considered. He and
the City Manager propose to discuss this in more detail within the
next eouple weeks. Hopefully with some training and supervision~
the Building Official can present cases. He proposes to go
through one or two eases with him and assist in the presentation.
Mr. Cheney referred to receiving complaints from citizens on a
regular basis and also the City Council members commenting on
why we are not more successful in getting compliance with some
significant problems throughout the City and stated now we are
restricted through the court system. One of the biggest problems
is getting the time before the eourE. We do get a lot of compli-
ance by letter writing~ but a lot of violators do not comply.
Some citizens take advantage of the system knowing it takes a
long time to go to court. Hopefully with this new board with
our own citizens and the proper prosecution and a good attorney~
we will be able to get compliance. He thinks the City will be
cleaned up in a lot of areas with this board.
Mr. Strnad stated he thinks this is a step in improving our City
image and he is all in favor of this. However, he was wondering
if it would be possible to have an attorney sitting on this board
as a non-paid member? Mr. Vance informed him that any attorney
who sat on this board would automatically re,rain from rendering
a legal opinion to other members. He would sit the~e as a lay
person but he would not assume liability of advising the Board
ina non-paid status.
Mr. Roberts referred to the law being designed specifically to do
away with attorneys and legal action, so these situations can be
solved within our own confines and Mr. Vance clarified that the
!aw is designed to provide enforcement in each municipality in
the county if they desire to avail themselves of it rather than
force all the municipalities to utilize the overcrowded court
system. He thinks this Board should have the advice of counsel
as it proceeds with its deliberations. Mr. Strnad added if there
is any question about the BoardTs decision, the onlyway it could
be determined would be through the court of proper jurisdiction.
Mr. Vance stated he would suggest legal counsel to assure the
Board proceeds in the proper andlegal way. Mr. Strnad agreed
they must be guided in a legal manner when making a decision.
Mrs. Riscoe referred to property owners not residing in this area
being in violation as far as the care of their properties and
stated the laws must be enforced. Mr. Trauger agreed this will
put teeth into what the City has been trying to do. He told
about people not being concerned because they know enforcement
of ordinances through the court system is a problem.
Mr. Strnad stated he is in favor of this ordinance, but asks that
we table this until the next meeting so we can review it more
thoroughly and have the Mayor give his feelings on it. Mr.
Roberts replied there will be a second reading. Mr. Vance ad-
vised for this to be effective October 1, we would have to pro-
teed with first reading tonight.
Mrs. Boroni then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Trauger Aye
Councilman Roberts Aye
Councilman Strnad Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 79-HH - Re: Conceptual Design for 55 Acre
Recreational Facility
Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 79-HH by 'title. He stated
essential!ythis resolution indicates an attempt by the City
Council to transfer the 55 acre tract back to the county pro-
vided anagreement can be reached on five points. He read para-
graph five on Page 2 and stated he left the number of years blank
as he thought it would be appropriate to get the Council's input
regarding that period of time. Mr. Roberts asked if the county
had indicated a~y time limit and Mr. Cheney replied the Board of
County Commissioners have not indicated a time limit. They have
not acted on this project. Funds are available in the bond issue.
SEPTEMJ~ER 4, 1979
Mr. Cheney continued that the ~ounty Commission is making a budget
where and when to spend the monies. Mr. Dance has suggested a
commitment can be made and this project started as soon as the
design is finalized. He thinks we would hope they would make a
commitment within a three year period because we will be making a
commitment on the 30 aere parcel. Mr. Roberts asked if five years
would be fair and Mr. Cheney replied that he would like to see
them start sooner. The $50,000,000 bond issue can disappear very
easily in five years. If we are taking the position we want to
get some of that money into the south county area, it is not un-
reasonable to have a decision made sooner. He is afmaid with
pressures for that 'kind of money being so great that five years
is fair but maybe nothin~ will be left. He suggests three years.
Mr. Trauger moved the adoption of Resolution No. 79-HH with the
insertion in paragraph five of within 3 years. Mr. Roberts
seconded the motion. No discussion. Mrs. Boroni took a roll
call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Strnad Aye
Councilman Trauger - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
P~oposed Resolution No. 79-II - Re: Creating Position of Maintenance
Man Trainee
Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 79-!I by title.
Mr. Roberts moved adoption of Resolution No. 79-!i, seconded by
Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote
on the motion as follows:
Councilman Roberts Aye
Councilman Trauger Aye
Councilman Strnad Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Report on Bus Stop Benches
Mr. Cheney stated in response to the Council's request in ~previous
discussions, he is recommending that we install benches at bus
stops that are similar to the new ones that have been recently
~insta!!ed at the Municipal Beach. These benches are made of
aluminum and therefore should be more than .adequate to meet the
needs of these locations, but more importantly, can ~in the future
be easily relocated to other areas if and when the County erects
bus shelters. The benches will be installed on small concrete
foundations poured into the ground and can be relocated with .the
removal of eight bolts. It is estimated these benches will cost
between $80 and $100 each and can be installed by Citypersonnel~
It apparently will take at least six weeks for delivery of the
benches. He would recommend a transfer from contingency in the
current budget be authorized for this project, depending on the
number of benches the Council wishes to have installed.
Mr. Cheney continued that in conneetion with this and tryid~ to
make decisions where the benches should be, he attempted to have
the Police Department observe where more people are waiting for
buses. The Police Department contacted the Palm Beach County
Transportation Authority. On August 30, 19~9, a meeting was
held and Palm Beach County Transportation Authorityadvised us a
new bus route will go into effect in January, 1980. Some benches
would have to be relocated. He distributed a list noting ten
locations where benches are needed. In additional conversations
with Palm Beach County Transportation Authority, he has been ad-
vised they are in the process of continually analyzing routes
and making changes, so we are not sure where we put a bench
there will always be a bus stop. He explained how the installa-
tion was relatively inexpensiv~so the benches could be moved.
He thinks it is safe to pick some oft the locations listed and
possibly some others and install them realizing some may have to
be moved.
Mr. Trauger asked if there was enough volume at Bethesda Hospital
and the post office for two benches and Mrs. Riscoe replied that
two benches at Bethesda Hospital at shift change are necessary.
Mr. Roberts referred to two being listed for Sterling Village
and Mr. Cheney informed him one would be on the south side and
the other on the north side. Mrs. Riscoe stated in looking over
this list, she thir-ks it is a step in the right direction. She
definitely feels we need this. Perhaps eventually additions will
be needed, but she thinks twelve should be sufficient at this
time. Mr. Trauger agreed it should be tried. He referred to the
price of $80 or $100 and Mr. Cheney replied this was an estimated
price. Mr. Trauger clarified that these same benches could he used
at other places and Mr. Cheney replied affirmatively.
Mr. Trauger moved that the City put in twelve bus stop benches as
stated on the memo fTom the City Manager of August ~30, 1979~ with
the cost not to exceed S!00 each. Mr. Strnad seconded the motion,
Mr. Cheney added he will present a budget transfer from contingency
to the current budget at the next meeting and Mr. Trauger included
in the motion that a budge~ transfer is to be included in an
amount not to exceed $1,200. Mrs. Riscoe clarified that it had
been moved and seeonded to purchase twelve benches at a cost not
to exceed $1,200 with the funds to come from contingency. No
discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Boynton Public Beach - Preliminary Report, Improvemenu Considerations
Mr. Cheney referred to submitting a report prepared by Charles
Preder~ck in response to Councilman Trauger~s request for review
of beach facilities and stated he believes this uepor~ covers in
summary form all of the areas Councilm~n Trauger questioned. At
this point, he is asking for City Council discussion and comments
on the directions suggested by parts of the report so we can pro-
coed in accordance with City Council policy direction and report
back to the Council on:
1. Changes in report's direction suggested by the City Council.
2. Suggested priorities for action.
Additional cost estimates as needed.
4. Procedures for implementation.
He doubts they want to read all Mr. Frederick~s report this evening
and it is available for any citizens who want it. He will review
a few significant things. There are suggestions to upgrade the
existing bath house facility so it can be maintained better and
will be more lasting. One of the most important areas deals
with dune preservation of landscaping and it is suggested we employ
landscape consultants to prepare drawings and plans mainly to pre-
vent people f~om watkin~ on the plantings in the dune area, build
walkways over the dune area and eliminate the slanted concrete
walkways. A planting program is proposed for the whole beach area.
In the shelter areas~ it is recommended the benches and some of the
shelters be replaced. There are recommendations for constructing
different life guard stations with giving the guards some protee-
tion and having a first aid station. The picnic area is popular
and some pimprovements are needed~ We have a proliferation o~
signs and he thinks they should all be consistent and possibly be
wood grouted signs. The refuse containers should be changed.
There is a current rule about no eating on the beach which may
or may not be desirable~ but many people like to go to the beach
and eat and if we have enough trash cans it s~ould be possible.
In reference to cleanliness of the grounds, three departments
have been responsible and with consolidating these responsibili-
ties all under the Parks Division, it should be more efficient
and easier. We have contacted the County in reference to repair-
ing the north jetty. The snack bar is a separate issue to be
discussed. It is proposed to reduce the number of outside
showers as there is vandalism and a lot of water used.
Mr. Trauger stated he went over this report and has been to the
beach and looked at all the areas. He commends Mr. Frederick
for preparing an outstanding report. He would like to reeommend
to the City Council we give priority in consideration of several
areas and he would like a plan implemented to get the most divi-
dends to give the City Manager some guidance. He suggests the
Program VI! listed for litter control and cleanliness to
give us a good appearance coming into the tourist-season,
since the items listed were quite good.
Along range program for dune presezl~ation and landscap-
ing.. He thinks we should get a cost idea quickly as
improvement is needed.
3. Improve the picnic area as suggested in item V.
4. Follow the reeommendations for the bath house facility.
5. Implement a sign pmogram to reduce traffic problems.
6. Follow the recommendations for the sun shelter areas.
7. Follow the recommendations for the life guard facilities.
This is the sequenee he suggests be followed so we can make the
best effort at min/mum cost.
Mr. Roberts questioned to what extent they were planning for the
life guard facilities? He added we have had problems getting
permits from Ocean Ridge. Mr. Cheney informed him the plan was
to only slightly redesign the existing facilities, so there
should not be any major problem. Mr. Frederick added that we
had a plan for a first aid headquaD~ers station and did find
o~stacles in our way. The plans now are for a small simple
building, 8 x 10' enclosed shelter, to be utilized in inclement
weather. The other two stations will just be improved with side
paneling. This is quite a reduction from the previous request.
Mr. Stro~d asked if any requests had been made to Ocean Ridge
to allow this and Mr. Fmederick replied negatively because he
wanted the City Council's feelings first. He would like to try
as there is a foundation there now and this will not be a totally
new structure. Mr. Cheney added that he has not yet met with
Ocean Ridge officials and would like to talk to them about this.
A !o~,of Ocean Ridge people use the beach. This is actually ~
health improvement to treat the people better and is nothin~
major. He would like to think if we approaeh it in a posit{ve
way,and suggest it is a help to both of us and not a major new
building, he hopes we can get some res~s. Further comments
were given in favor.
Mr. Roberts then referred to this being a rather long study with
a great deal of material and stated he would like this deferred
until the next meeting so he can look into it and get a figure on
som~ of these items. He then made a motion to put this on the
table until the next-session. Vice Mayor Riscoe ascertained this
motion died for lack of a second.
Mr. Trauger moved to try to place priorities on the items he indi-
oated so the City Manager can mome back with a cost effective
study on the items in that sequence so the Council can make up
their minds of pmiorities based on the cost ~and time involved.
Y~r. Stmnad seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Strnad
stated he was not trying to take away from Mr. Tmauger~s proposal
for sequence, but he does think we need more benmhes. When he
goes there in the evenings~ the benches are completely filled.
M~. Trauger agreed and moved the sun shelter area ~om No. 6 to
No. 2. Mr. Frederick advised the benches are on order right now
and more ate included in the budget to be ordered October 1.
Viee Mayor Riscoe clarified that it had been moved and seconded
to go with the pmiority .list 'Coune/lman Tmauger deemed necessary.
Motion carried 4-0.
Request of Joseph Cogen~ President, Woolbright P!aza~ for Approval
of Final Plat
Mr. Cheney informed the Council the developer of Woolbriqht Plaza
is requesting that the Mayor and Council give approval o~ the
final plat for the Woolbright Plaza development. The application
for this approval is complete with the exception of providing a
performance bond in the amount of ~178,791.65. The developer has
taken steps to obtain the necessary bond and he recommends that
the Council approve this final plat~ pending submission of the
perd]ormanoe bond in a ~orm approved by the City Attorney. He
thinks this ia a reasonable request and sees no problem approving
this as long as the City Attorney approves the bond. Mr. Vance
stated providing it is in oonformance with our ordinanoe and is
submitted within a reasonable time period, he sees no problem with
contingent approval. Mrs. Riscoe referred to a time period and
Mm. Vance replied the developer indicates the bond will be in by
September 6,
Mr. Roberts moved approval of the final plat requested by Joseph
Cogen, President of Woolbright Plaza, with the proper bond as
indicated in our ordinance, seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discus-
sion. Motion carried 4-0.
Seaway Villas (PTjI1.D.) Final Pla~, Performance Bond
Mr. Cheney informed the Council the developer of Seaway Villas
bas mequested approval of the final plat for his development.
Ail the material neoessary for the approval of this plat has
been received including the performance bond. That bond has been
forwarded to the City Attorney and if it receives his approval, it
is his recommendation that the City Counoil approve this final
plat at this meeting, Mr. Vance advised that he has reviewed the
performance bond and it is in appropriate form.
Mr. Trauger moved tke approval of the final plat for Seaway
Villas PUD with acceptance of the attorney-stating the perform-
anee bond is inorder. Mr. Strnad seconded the motion. No dis-
-eussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Request of T. J. Erling, Waters Edqe, for 60 Day Extension on
Permit for Temporary Construction/Sales Trailer, 2030 North
Fedemal Highway
Mr. Cheney recommended this request be approved for the Waters
Edge project. Mr. Roberts moved to grant the request of Mr.
T. J. Erling, a 60 day extension .for a trailer located at 2030
North Federal Highway, seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion.
Motion carried 4-0.
Request of S. J. Jarvis for Extension of Easement Date to Decem-
ber 317 1979 for Installation of Water Mains, P.I.D./Commercial~
between S.W. 15th and S.W. 23rd Avenues, East of E-4 Canal
Mr. Vance referred to Mr. Jarvis making the request, but advised
that actually we want the easement-and recommend the extension be
granted. Mr. Trauger moved to grant the extension for the easement
requested by Mr. S. J. Jarvis to December 317 19797 for installa-
tion of water mains on .this P.I.D. between S.W. 15th and S.W. 23rd
Avenues east of the C-4 Canal. Mr. Roberts seconded the motion.
No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Request of Con~ad W. Schaefer for Reduction of Letter of Credit7
Hunter's Run7 Plat No. i
Mr. Cheney informed the Council the City has had a letter of
credit in the amount of $8007000 for the Hunter?s Run overall
loop road improvement program. The developer7 through his e~i-
neer~ has requested that this letter of credit be reduced to
$1007000 and has indicated this amount is adequate to cover any
unfinished work on this project. The City Engineer recommends
that the City Council approve the reduction in this letter of
credit and he concurs. He added the south end of Congress Avenue
is taking on a major face!ifting with this project and he thinks
it is going to be a real plus to the City in many ways. He ex-
plained how the landscaping would be a valuable asset for the
developer as wel/ as for the City.
Mr. Roberts moved to grant the request of Hunter's Run for reduc-
tion in their letter of credit to the amount of ~1007000. Mr.
Trauger seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Resignation of Hazy F. Kindbeiter, Building Board of Adjustment
and Appeals
Mr. Cheney ~read the letter of resignation received from Mr. Harry
Kindbeiter. He suggested the resignationbe accepted and the ques-
tion of a replacement be addressed,
Mr. Roberts moved to accept the resignation of Mr. Harry F.
Kindbeiter from the Building Board of Adjustment g Appeals.
Mr. Trauger second the motion ,with giving a letter of appre-
ciation to Mr. Kindbeiter for his services. No discussion.
Motion carried 4-0.
Replacement for Above
Mr. Strnad requested if there are nominations or proposals for a
~eplacement~ they be a master licensed plumber, which Mr. Kindbeiter
ms, because all the members of the Building Board of Adjustments
Appeals aressupposed to be master tradesmen. Vice Mayor Riseoe
called for nominations and Mr. Roberts replied that this is a
sudden resignation which he was hOE aware of.
Mr. Trauger moved to table this appointment until the next-regular
meeting~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 4-0.
Discuss Appointment to Board of Adjustment
Mr. Roberts referred to reading the minutes from the Board of Ad-
justment meeting and stated they seem to be upset ~and were empha-
tic about having Mr. Bauer removed beoause of his failure to
attend meetings. The Board does not have the authority to make
appointments, but it is vested in the Couneil. It 'was also sug-
gested that an alternate be moved up to a regular member position.
Mr. Strnad questioned what this was all about and Mrs. Riscoe
asked if he was p~oposing to throw someone off the Board and Mr.
Roberts replied this was all brought to our attention in the Board
of Adjustment minutes. Mr. Strnad advised that Mr. Bauer is not
a resident during the summer, but goes away four to six months.
Mr. Roberts stated he should be removed and a replacement ap-
pointed. Mrs. Riscoe referred to the City Clerk apprising the
Council of these things and Mr. Roberts informed her this was
all brought to our attention through the Board of Adjustment
minutes and the Board tried to make an appointment. Mr. Vance
clarified that the Board cannot appoint a replacement and Mr.
Bauer must ~resign or be removed formally by the City Councilt
before a replacement is made.
lit. Roberts moved to dispense with the services of Mr. Prank
Bauer onthe Board of Adjustment because he has failed to attend
three consecutive meetings and is a winter resident. Mr. Trauger
seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion married 4-0.
R~l~c~ment for Above
Mr. Robemts moved to move up Mr. Carl Zimmerman from alternate to
regular member on the Board of Adjustment, seconded by Mr. Strnad.
No discussion. Motion .oarried 4-0.
Mr. Roberts suggested bringing in a name the next time to serve as
an alternate on this Board and Mrs. Rismoe ag~eedo Mr. Trauger so
moved, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Appointment ~o Expired
Mr. Cheney stated at the meeting of the Boynton Beach Housing
Authority~on August 28~ 1979~ he was a~ked to bring to the atten-
tion of the City Counei! the following resolution which was
passed by the Housing Authority relative to the appointment of a
person .to f-ill the temm of office of Woodro~ Hay whieh ends in
July 1979, and which asks and recommends that ~e be re-appointed:
"In view of the fact that the term of office of Woodrow Hay,
one of its members who was appointed to complete the term of
Matthew MacCauley, ends as of July, 1979, we of the Boynton Beach
Housing Authority respectfully submit that he be re-appointed to
the Authority for a regular term of four years. We feel that he
has made a substantial oontribution to the Authority~ is a coopez~
-ative member~ is part of the~hnic group where the need of the
services of the Authority ~is greatest, relates well to the commun-
~ity, has a basic understanding of the services of the Boynton
Beach Housing Authority. We of the Boynton Beach Housing Author-
ity back his re-appointment."
Mr. Roberts nominated Mr. Woodrow Hay ,to serve on the Boynton Beach
Housing Authority. Mr. Trauger asked if this was the same position
with the Board recommending a member for replacement :and Mr.
Vance replied negatively ~since this term has expired. Mr.
Trauger then seconded the motion. Under discussion~ Mr. Vance
clarified this will be a full four year term appointment on the
Boynton Beach Housing Authority. Mr. Strnad questioned to what
ethnic group Mr. Hay belongs and Mrs. Riseoe replied that Mr.
Hay is black. Motion ear,led 4-0.
Approval of Bills
Mr. Cheney read the following bills:
1. Underground Supply Co., I~e. 6,462.98
Supplies ~or Sewage Collection Dept.
Pay from Water $ Sewer Rev. Pund 40!-351-535-40-3P
2. Glasgow Equipment Service, Inc. 3~500.00
Partial payment on 10~000 gallon diesel tank
Pay from General Fund 001-394-539-60-9A
Bid approved 6/19/79
3. Wilson Insurance Agency 2,424.00
!ncreasemalp~actice & add additional units
PayJfrom General Fund 001-221-522-40-45 $1466.00
001-000-155-03-00 $1958.00
4. Bell & Howell 1,375.47
Spacemaster Reader/Printer for Library
Pay from General Fund 001-711-571-60-77
Bid approved 3/20/79
5. Willie Ruth MeGrady 96.00
Server for Senior Citizens Club -~2 weeks
Pay ~rom Fed. Revenue Shaming 320-641-564-40-5A
Ordinance ~73-t5, passed 5/15/73
6. Isiah Andrews 110.00
Driver ~or Senior Citizens Club --2 weeks
Pay from Fed. Revenue Sharing 320-641-564-40-5A
O~dinanee ~73-15~ passed 5/15/73
7. Intercounty Construction Corp. Est. ~10 253,891.35
Part A Lift Stations
Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-11-00
75% EPA re-imbursable
Contraot dated 10/26/78
8. Bert B. B~ldt 8,117.06
Sidewalk construetion at Congress Middle School
in lieu of easement for foree main. Anticipate
re-imbursement for 50% of cost f~om Palm Beach
County - Pay ~rom Utility General Fund
401-000-169-11-00. Council approved 7/3/79
9. City of Delray Beaeh 1~215.91
CityTs portion due City of De!ray Beach for mdio
S booklets for Dr. Votrath per agreement
Pay f-~om General Fund 001-221-522-40-6P
10. Paul N. Howard Co. 4~992.00
Ir~ta!lation o~ 312 linear ft. of 16" cast iron
pipe to replace elay pipes.
Pay ~rom W & S Rev. Fund 401-351-535-40-3F
Mr. Cheney recommended these bills be approved.
moved for payment of these bills~ seconded by Mr.
diseussion. Motion earried 4-0.
Mr. Strnad
Roberts. No
Discussion of Access Road to 55 Acme Parcel
Mr. Cheney stated in 1978, the City Council agmeed to share in the
cost of an .access road off Congress Avenue in the area of the 55
acmes and the ownem agTeed to dedicate the right-of-way. The
design of the mead is about complete and a few weeks ago~ he
discussed the eonstruot~ion of the road with the developem. The
agreement in 1978 indicated it would be done immediately. He
indicated to the ownem if he was not in any h~rry~ it might be
well ~o do this as part of the County project when they want
access to the pamk and it-would all tie togethem. Howevem, since
then the developer has meoeived an option for purchase of the
adjacent land and he would like to act upon that. The option in-
cludes the requirement this road be eonstmucted. The option runs
out on Novembem 1. There is no way to go through the bidding
process and construct the road by Novembem !. He would like to
recommend and see if the Council would concum to have the deve-
loper build the moad~with us agmeeing to the pmice of the ~oad
prior knowing it is within a reasonable cost and we will pmovide
oum 50% shame rom eonst~uction. The soumce of funds would have
to be resolved for this. He does not think we have time to tie
into the County development. We have not appropmiated money for
oum shame. He hopes to eome back with suggestions for funding.
Mm. Stmnad questioned the amount and Mr. Cheney ,replied our share
would be 50% of the cost. Mm. Clamk advised the latest~cost was
~53,000 and Mr. Cheney clamified that oum cost would be ~27~000
om $28,000. Mr. Strnad refemmed to it being ~22,000 two years
ago and asked if it could be delayed until we have more money
and Mm. Cheney replied that he didnTt believe we should because
the developer won't be able to take the option _and we may be
subject to a damage claim because we did not build the road
immediately. Nm. Vance added that he has discussed this bmiefly
with the City Manager and we agmeed to construot the road if we
got the might-of-way. If the developer loses the sale, we may be
subject to be sued.
Mr. Roberts stated as he mecalls, last yeam when this was offered
to us, we weme supposed to develop the road and we nevem did. It
was also brought up in the spming and not done. Ne does not think
we should hesitate to act now and wommy latem wheme the money will
eome from. Mm. Cheney added that it was bmought to his attention
when he fimst armived and he pmoceeded with the designing.
Mr. Roberts moved to go ahead with this construction as long as
the pmice is measonable, seconded by Mm. Traugem. No discussion.
Motion carmied 4-0.
Before adjourning~ Mr. Trauger announced that ke wanted to bring
one item to the Council's attention. He attended a meeting of
the Community Appearance Board and the tree ordinance was brought
to h~s attention. The proposed tree ordinance pertains pl~imarily
to developers destroying all trees in an area and leaving it barren.
This tree ordinance looks good to him after reading it~ but he
understands when it was presented to the City Council previously
it was met with some opposition. The Community Appearance Board is
still vitally concerned and feel it is needed for operation of
their Board. Is there any objection to putting this on the agenda
for another look? Mr. Roberts referred to having more ordinances
than we need now and a whole department would be needed to enforce
this one. A previous City~ttorney suggested we m~ght have trouble
enforcing this ordinance because it was lengthy. Mr. Trau~er
stated in view of the ordinance we passed tonight for a Board to
enforce ordinances, he thought it would be ~appI~priate to bring
this ordinance forward because it could be enforced. He would
like to have the City Attorney.look it over. He would like to
add it on the agenda for discussion at the next Council meeting.
Mm. Vanee advised this particular ordinance has batted its~way
back and forth across the state and other states. It is a dill/-
cult enforcement ~situation. The writing of reasonable standards
gets to be an interesting operation. In many instances, communi-
ties have site plan approval and requirements as a ~easonable
appmoach to avoid some p~ob!ems. He ~i!l be happy to look this
o~dinance over and Mr. Tra~ger requested him to.
Mr. Roberts moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. T~augem. Motion
carried 4-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:30 P. M.
VSce Mayor
~ Recording S~cretary
(Three Tapes)