TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 AT 6:30 P.M.
Woodrow Hay, Chair Pro Tem Vivian Brooks, Executive Director
James "Buck" Buchanan James Cherof, Board Attorney
Steve Holzman
Mark Karageorge
Jose Rodriguez, Chair
Bill Orlove, Vice Chair
Marlene Ross
Before calling to order, Attorney Cherof explained that due to the Chair and Vice Chair's
absence, there should be a motion to appoint Mr. Hay to Chair Pro Tem as he had
Mr. Karageorge motioned to appoint Mr. Hay as Chair Pro Tem for this meeting. Mr.
Buchanan seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
I. Call to Order — Woodrow Hay
Chair Pro Tem Hay called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Pledge to the Flag and Invocation
Mr. Karageorge gave the invocation and Mr. Buchanan led the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag.
III. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll. A quorum was present.
IV. Agenda Approval
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL January 10, 2012
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda
Mr. Karageorge suggested deleting Informational Announcements in order to expedite
the meeting.
Chair Hay advised he wanted to pull Item VII. A. Approval of Minutes
B. Adoption of Agenda
Mr. Karageorge moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Hay seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
V. Informational Items and Disclosures by Board Members and CRA Staff:
A. Disclosure of Conflicts for Items Presented to the CRA Board on Agenda
There were no disclosures.
B. Informational Announcements
VI. Announcements & Awards:
A. Ocean Avenue Concert — January 20, 2012
Kathy Biscuiti, Special Events Director, advised on January 20, 2012, the Ocean
Avenue concerts would begin again. A classic rock band would be playing. It would be
held from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Gourmet food tucks would be on site.
B. Downtown Open Market — January 22, 2012
The Downtown Open Market would be held at the same location as the concert.
Gourmet food trucks would be on site and an oldies band would be playing from noon
until 4:00 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL January 10, 2012
VII. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of Minutes — CRA Board Meeting December 13, 2011
This item was pulled.
B. Approval of Period Ended December 31, 2011 Financial Report
C. Monthly Purchases Orders
D. Consideration of Approval of Rent Subsidy Grant to Discovery Business
Services, Inc.
E. Consideration of Approval of Commercial Fagade Grant to Cuthill's Backyard,
VIII. Pulled Consent Agenda Items:
VII. A. Approval of Minutes — CRA Board Meeting December 13, 2011
Chair Pro Tem Hay advised there was a correction to the minutes on the first page.
Under Informational Items and Disclosures, it stated he talked with Mr. Hester. Since
Mr. Hester passed away quite some time ago, it should state he talked to Douglas
Mr. Holzman moved to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Karageorge seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
IX. Information Only:
A. Public Comment Log
X. Public Comments: (Note: comments are limited to 3 minutes in duration)
Chair Pro Tem Hay opened the public comments. No one coming forward, public
comments was closed.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL January 10, 2012
XI. Old Business:
A. Consideration of Waivers/Variances of Program Rules to Interior Build -Out
Grant, Rent Subsidy Grant and Commercial Facade Grant for Splashdown
Divers, Inc.
Mr. Holzman moved to approve the three items. Mr. Buchannan seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
XII. New Business:
A. Consideration of Taking Ownership of City -Owned Property located at 110
NE 6 Street, at Ocean and Casa Loma Blvd., as Part of the CRA Boynton
Harbor Marina.
Mr. Karageorge moved to approve and it was seconded by Mr. Buchannan. The motion
unanimously passed.
B. Consideration of Issuing General Contracting Services Bid RFP for Interior
Build -Out of Jones Cottage
Mr. Holzman moved to approve option 3, as recommended by the Executive Director, to
issue an RFP. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Mike Simon, Development Director, wanted to bring to the Board's attention that the
responses were submitted to the Building Department for their first round of comments.
He felt based on past experience, it would be in everyone's best interest to have full
fledged sets of drawings before proceeding to an RFP. He would advise when they
were released. It could create a delay of a week or two.
Amended Motion
Mr. Buchannan moved to amend the motion based on staff's recommendation. Mr.
Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, FL 3anuary 10, 2012
C. Consideration of Issuing General Contracting Services Bid RFP for Boynton
Harbor Marina Open Space Project
Mr. Karageorge moved to approve option 3, once the finalized data is received from the
Building Department. Mr. Buchannan seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
XIII. Executive Director's Report
A. Project Status Update and HOB Investment Update
Mr. Karageorge wanted to thank Ms. Buscuiti for doing an excellent job with the events.
In addition, the groundbreaking at the Ocean Breeze site was a great success.
XIV. Future Agenda Items:
A. Renegotiate the Terms /Fees with the Palm Beach County Commission on
Ethics (Tabled 11/8/11)
XV. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Pro Tem Hay adjourned the meeting
at 6:43 p.m.
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Recording Secretary