Edward F. Harmening, Mayor
Betty Niscoe, Vice Mayor
David Roberts, Councilman
Norman F. Strnad, Councilman
Annette P. Tinker, Acting City Manager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
James W. Vance, City Attorney
Mayor Harmening welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order
at 7:30 P.M. He announced the Invocation tonight will be given
by Rev. Ben Tidwell, Westside Baptist Chapel~ and immediately
following the Invocation, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
will be led by Councilman Norman Strnad. He requested everyone
¢o please stand.
Mrs. Riscoe requested the addition of Item 5 under Announcements
as she would like To make an announcement. She referred to Legal -
Other, Items I and 2, and stated she has not had s chance to study
these and would like these tabled. Mayor Harmening replied this
could be done when these items come up for discussion. Mrs. Riscoe
moved To adopt the agenda with the corrections made, seconded by
Mr. Strnad. Motion carried 4-0.
Mayor Harmening announced that due to the Special Primary Election
scheduled for May 15, 1979, the next Regular 2ity Council Meeting
wilI be held on Wednesday, May 16, 1979. He added that any time
any national, state, county or local election is held on the same
nigh~ as a City Council meeting~ the Council meeting is postponed
until the subsequent night.
Mayor Harmening read a Proclamation proclaiming the week of May 13
through May 19, 1979, as Municipal Clerk's Week.
Mavor Harmening read a Proclamation proclaiming the week of May 13
through May 19~ 1979, To be National Nursing Home Week.
Mayor Harme~ninq- read a Proclamation proclaiming the month of May~
1979, as Public Radio5s Arts Month.
Mrs. Riscoe announced at this particular time, she wanted to bring
to everyone, s attention this will be the last official meeting of
Acting City Manager AnRette Tinker. She referred to disregarding
the usual cermony for someone going out of office and stated she
would like to bring a few things To everyone's attention. Within
the flrs5 few days of Mrs. Tinker's Eenure, she negotiated with
the Police Benevolent Association regarding union grievances and
did come to an understanding~ whereas~ prior they were at a stale-
mate. She has made many strides in progress in the northwest section.
Mrs. Riseoe continued with telling about Mrs. TinkerTs efforts
with the Fire Department and having the paramedics certified and
stated the only thing to be done now is to appoint a medical
director. She told about Mrs. Tinker walking the beach with
other staff members to find beach property for our citizens since
the County has allocated money for this. Boyn~on Beach is an
$11,000~000 business and she thinks the main thing is we did keep
the office of the City Manager open and we will not have a house
transition when our professional, Mr. Peter Cheney, comes aboard.
She would like to recommend to the Council to advise the Pemsonnel
Director~ Mr. Bill Sullivan, to put a letter of commendation in
Mrs. TinkerTs pemsonnel file.
Regular City Council Meeting - April 17, 1979
Mrs. Riscoe moved to aecept the Minutes of the Regular City Coun-
cil Meeting of April 17, 1979, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion
carried 4-0.
Mayor Harmening announced if anyone wishes to address the Council
on any item not on the agenda~ please come Forward. He added if
there is anyone who wishes to speak on any item on the agenda,
please give their name Eo the City Clerk and when that item of
business comes before the body~ the Chair will recognize them at
that time.
Mr. Chris Westphal, P. O. Box 118422 Fort Lauderdale~ came before
the Council representing the Unification Church. He advised he is
appearing before the Council because his item is not on'the agenda
because of an error. He sent a letter to the Mayor and City Attor-
ney which was received April 25. Unfortunately, Mrs. Tinker did
nov receive her letter until Friday morning. He then read the
letter requesting a permit to solicit with an application enclosed
and also read the reasons included why this permit should be
granted. Mayor Hammening replied since this request for s permit
Eo solicit is not on the agenda and not legally before the body,
probably it is in order to direct the City Manager to consider
this for the next agenda. Mr. Westpha! referred To the City
Attorney and Mayor receiving a copy of this letter and stated his
intentions were to be on this agenda. He also spoke to the City
Manager and her secretary. ~e feels there should be some discus-
sion and remedy made. It is almost a week since the letter was
received by the City officials. Mayor Harmening informed him that
the agenda is finalized Wednesday night. If this is not on the
agenda, it is not before this body for consideration at this time.
There is not much this body can do at this point in time. Mr.
Vance added that the City has long standing procedures for pre-
sentation of an item To the Council. He explained that backup
material must be supplied and a deadline is established.
MAY 1, 1979
Mr. Westphal stated the letters were received by April 25 and he
is not sure whether he can attend the meetin~ on M~y 16 and would
appreciate any eomments. Mrs. Riscoe replied she would prefer to
wait to comment until this is on the agenda.
Mr. Jeff Tomberg, 626 S.E. 4th Street, referred to attending the
hearing on Wednesday regarding the Comprehensive Plan and stated
he and Mr. Clays were requested to appear at this meeting to in-
form the Council whether they had reached any type of agreement.
Mayor Harmening referred To this being listed on the agenda as
Item D under Old Business and suggested it might be appropriate
to reserve his comments until then.
Mr. Bob Riley, 342 S.W. 4th Avenue, stated he is trying To figure
out why the City Maintenance Department has since 1973 taken no
maintenance aetion on the storm drain system in the Mango Meights
section of Bovnton Beach. Today, the City found the drain under
3~ of property. He cannot 2onceive that a City of this size re-
quired To maintain this drain having taken no action since 1973.
Mavor Hsrmening replied he would like To have some update or re-
port from the City Manager as to the status of drainage, perhaps
this one drain in particular~ in Mango Heights to see what has
transpired. Mr. Riley continued that he is not saying this caused
all the problems, but it would have eliminated many. He has dis-
cussed this with the City Engineer and believes he is doing a
study. He will await a reply au the next City Council meeting.
Mr. Bob Riley then asked if the City is prepared to make resti-
tution to the people in this area not 2overed by HUD flood insur-
ance and Mayor Harmening replied negatively. Mr. Riley stated
that HUD has been advised and is studying the situation to deter-
mine whether there was negligence on the part of the City.
Mr. Bob Riley then asked if There are any monies available for
resurfacing S. W. 4th Avenue, the 300 and 400 blocks? This was
brought To the attention of the former City Manager in June,
1977, and they were advised it was on the list. He then told
about a school bus going off the corner and bringing this to the
attention of the City Engineer and Superintendent of Streets,
but no action being taken except an initial patching. The City
has spent more money filling in the pot holes and edging the road
and this could have been resurfaced six times for the money spent.
Mayor Harmening stated if S.W. 4th Avenue is in as bad shape as
this~ the City does have funds to resurface or make repairs or
whatever is necessary. If it is in deplorable shape, he would be
in favor of it. Mr. Riley told about their efforts To get the
street resurfaced but being unsuccessful. Mr. Roberts suggested
havin~ the Acting City Manager get a reporE from the engineers and
proceed f~omthere and Mayor Harmening agreed and requested Mrs.
Tinker To take narc of this.
MAY 1, 1979
Mr. Riley then asked if the City of Boynton Beach is being reim-
bursed by the County for the Boynton Beach street nleaner being
used to sweep County streets and Mayor Ha~mening replied that the
City was not to his knowledge. Mr. Riley stated the cleaner goes
up and down 2nd Avenue which is a County road and he thinks it
should be used for our City streets.
Capn. Dick Silensky advised that he also lives in Mango Heights
and stated the houses were built in the low spots. Why did the
City allow them to build more homes in this area? In ~ay~ the
developer drilled a drain from 4th to 6th Avenue and put in a
ditch. He thinks it is the CityTs fault. However, the reason
he is before the Council is because he has bought ten bicycles
for his son in the last six years. He told about the bicycles
being stolen and the Police Department not being concerned. He
also told about various items being stolen from his property.
He suggests that a list be published in the newspaper listing the
items stolen and when the kids get caught~ the parents should be
held responsible.
One (t) 20 Cubic Yard Rear-end Loader Garbage Packer
Mrs. Tinker infommed the Council bids on the above were opened on
Tuesday, April 24, 1979~ at 3:00 P. M. in the office of our Pur-
chasing Agent, Mr. William H. Sullivan. The Tabulation Committee
mecommends acceptance of the bid from Rowland Truck Equipment,
Inc. of Miami, Florida, for the sum of $37,668.00. Their only
deviation from the bid was no spare tire and their delivery time
was very acceptable. H. F. Masonts bids of $31,054.00 was rejeeted
because the City asked for 23~000 rear axle and the bid was for
22,000. We asked for Piggy-back disc brakes and the bid was hand
brake only. There was no bid on the spare tire and although we
had asked for a 12 month warranty, their bid was a split warranty,
6 months parts and labor, and 6 months parts only. A visual in-
spection was made of a garbage packer at County Sanitation Company
which was similar to the one bid by H. F. Mason Equipment Company
and was found not to meet specs. The bid from Southland Equipment
Company, base bid of $34,958.00, was reuected because they did not
bid a spare tire and had a six month warranty only. Also their
delivery of 150 days was too long. The alternate bid from South-
land of $35,906.00 was rejected for the same reasons as above, with
the exception that it was a 1978 (new) truck. Delivery date on the
alternate bid was acceptable. A copy of the Tabulation Sheet,
Proposal and Affidavit signed by Earl B. Yeadaker, Jr.~ Vice Pres-
ident of Rowland Truck Equipment, Inc. have been submitted. As
for the bid recommended having no spare tire. we have learned they
do have 20 spame tires in the shop a= this time.
MAY 1, 1979
Mrs. Riscoe moved to aecepv the bid from Rowland Truck Equipment
for the rear-end loa~er garbage packer~ seconded by Mr. Strnad.
Under discussion, Mr. Strnad questioned how the warranty works?
If something goes wrong, do we have to take it to where it was
bought from or do they come to our premises? Mr. Sullivan in-
formed him that the company has a service representative who
will pome to our garage to take care of minor repairs; but if it
is something major, ~he truck will have to go back to Miami.
Motion carried 4-0.
Abandonment Request
R.0.C. Development, Inc. (The Fairways)
Tract B of Charter World
Easement, Utility, Ingress and Egress AbandonmenTs
Mr. Burl Gentry came before the Council representing the applicant.
Mr. Roberts referred to these abandonments being requested because
the original plans were changed and Mr. Gentry agreed.
Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in
favor of this abandonment and received no response. He asked if
anyone in the audience wished to speak in opposition to this aban-
dormaent and received no response.
Mr. Roberts moved to grant this request for abandonment to R.O.C.
Development, Inc. as approved by the Planning g Zoning Board,
seconded by Mr. Strnad. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll
cell vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Strnad Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing
Ordinances - 1st Reading
MAY 1~ 1979
Proposed Ordinance No. 79-14 - Re: Declaring the Existence of
Diseased Plants in the City to be a Nuisance
Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 79-14 by title on first
Mrs. Riscoe asked if this meant diseased palms had to be removed
flush to the ground or rooted out and Mr. Vance replied the ordi-
nance just states generally To remove the diseased plant. Mrs.
P~scoe stated she was asked about this because some people wanted
to make a podium type~ decorative thing. Mr. Vance stated he
thinks the words removing the diseased plants would be subject
to interpretation in this respect. Mr. Strnad stated the intent
of this particular ordinance is to remove the crown of the palm in
which the disease originates and spreads. He does not think it is
necessamy to state specifically. Mr. Vance added that he believes
it may be all right to leave a short stump on the ground.
Mrs. Riscoe referred to section D and questioned who in the City
is capable to determine whether there are organisms on the plants
which will be injurious to other plants or other diseases which
are communicable and Mayor Harmening replied that we could pro-
bably call on the County Extension Agriculture Office. He added
that the main thrust was to remove Coconut Palms suffering from
lethal yellowing. He explained that actually with removing the
crown, it does not inhibit spread.
Mr. Roberts moved adoption of Omdinanee No. 79-14 on first reading,
seconded by Mrs. Riseoe. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll
call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
V/ce Mayor Riscoe - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 79-V - Re: Demolition of Structure and
Clearing of Land in Conjunction with Community Development Project
Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 79-V by title.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to accept Resolution No. 79-V as read~ seconded
by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote
on the motion as follows:
Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
MAY 1, 1979
Proposed Resolution No. 79-W - Re: Designating Authorized Individuals
to Prepare, Sign and Countersign Cheeks, Vouchers and Withdrawal
Slips Drawn on City Depositories
Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 79-W by title. He added
this is a housekeeping resolution resulting from the new City
Manager coming on board Monday.
Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of
Mrs. Ri scoe. No discussion. Mrs.
on the motion as follows:
Resolution No. 79-W, seconded by
Padgett took a roll call vote
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye
Mayor Hammening - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Consider Proposed Ordinance Providing for the Prevention of Flood
Damage and Providing Standards for Flood Hazard Reduction
Consider Proposed Resolution Establishing a City of Boynton Beach
Reserve for Park & Recreational Facilities
Mrs. Riscoe referred to requesting these two items to be tabled
and Mr. Vance replied this would be no problem. He clarified
these are not on the agenda for action, but for consideration
only. If the Council desires ro postpone them until the next
meeting, there is no problem. Mrs. Riscoe stated she would
like more information and clarification.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to table Items D-1 and D-2, seconded by Mr.
Roberts. Motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Roberts stated he would like to know where these originated
and the purpose. Mrs. Tinker informed him the City adopted a
flood insurance ordinance last year which was copied from a
sample sent to the City without including the necessary informa-
rion as it pertained to the City such as sea levels, etc. Mr.
Howell asked that it be revised and Mr. Vance has been working
on it for several weeks. It has been revised and should be
adopted with the necessary information included.
Mr. Roberts asked if this is a requirement for all municipalities
and Mrs. Tinker replied affirmatively and stated we have to adopt
it before anyone can get flood insurance.
Mrs. Tinker added the second item was submitted at the recommenda-
tion of the Recreation Director and has to do with new developers
whereby a certain percentage is allocated To the Recreation DepT.
and he would like a separate fund for the monies as they come in
from the developers.
MAY 1, 1979
Considem Street Resumfaeing P~ogmam
M~s. Tinker referred to the meeting of April 3~d and stated a list
of streets needing resurfaeing as prepared by Mr. Tom Clark~ our
City Engineer, in the appmoximate cost of 5125,000 plus was pre-
sented. The budget figure was ~75,000 and Council directed to have
Mr. Clark revise the list including those streets that were in dire
need of repair and to stay within the budgeted amount of ~75~000.
The revised list has been submitted which is self-explanatory. As
indicated in Mr. Clark's memorandum, he included the City Hall
parking lot in the amount of $10,000. If Council would like to
proceed with this project, this could be taken out of the $163,000
Federal Revenue Sharing Fund balance at the end of September, 1978.
These funds can be used for capital outlay items. However, in her
opinion, the City Hall parking lot project should not be attempted
at this time due to the Seacrest Boulevard construction, as she
feels'this would cause quite a problem and an inconvenience for
our employees and our citizens in trying to find parking spaces.
She would recommend, if the Council is interested in going the
City Hall parking lot, it be held in abeyance until the construc-
tion has been oompteted in this area. She then read the attached
memorandum dated April 17, 1979, from Mr. Tom Clark listing the
streets and approximate cost.
Mr. Roberts stated we moved on this before, giving approval to go
ahead with $75,000 worth of repairs and when that is complete to
come back to the Council and see what else is necessary.
Mayor Harmening questioned how the work would be done and Mrs.
Tinker replied she believes we are going outfor County bid.
Mayor Harmening asked if the City forces are doing the overlay
and Mrs. Tinker replied negatively. Mr. Sullivan informed him
it would be by County bid.
Mrs. Riscoe asked ii S.W. 4th Avenue was included,which was men-
tioned under Public Audience and Mr. Clark pointed out that it
did include S. ~. ~th Avenue between S.W. 3rd Street and S.W. 1st
Street. Mavor Haz~nening referred to the intemsection mentioned
by Mr. Riley and asked if there was any possibility of improving
this corner and Mr. Clark told about this corner being abused
and stated the City can cut it out and resurface that intersec-
Mr. Strnad questioned how the price was determined and Mr. Clark
explained that it was based on a price from Rubin who is the low
bidder for the County and it is based on tons in place. However,
he understands there is an escalation clause ~or the cost of the
asphalt which may change the estimate a little bit.
MAY 1, 1979
Mrs. Riscoe moved to accept the street resurfacing program includ-
ing the area spoken about under Public Audience tonight and also
To delete at this partieular time the City Hall parking lot. Mr.
Strnad seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Harmening
added that probably a bud pet transfer can be made when the exact
cost is detemmined since this approx/mate_v amount is budgeted.
Motion carried 4-0.
Vehicle Towing Service Contract
Mrs. Tirker informed the Council this is on the agenda as she
would like to know their preference as to which contraet they
prefer. She has forwarded a copy of Mr. Tanzy's recommendation
whieh stated either form appeared legally sufficient, though the
longer form was more complete. She has only received an answer
from the Mayor and would like input from the Council members which
they prefer. Mayor Harmening replied that he preferred the longer
form. Mr. Strnad stated that we should naturally take the advice
Of our attorney and accept the longer form. Mrs. P~iseoe concurred.
Mr. Roberts replied that he would remain mute.
Review and Discussion of Proposed Sign 0rdinanee (Tabled)
Mr. Roberts moved to take this from the table, seconded by Mr.
Strnad. Motion oarried 4-0.
Mr. Roberts referred to discussing this several times and stated
unless there is some objection, he thinks it should be voted up
or down at this point. It seems to be in order if there are no
further additions or deletions to be made.
Mr. Vanoe then read proposed Ordinance No. 79-15 by title on
first reading.
Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 79-15 on first
reading, seconded by Mrs. Riseoe. NO discussion. Mrs. Padgett
took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mavor Riscoe - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Proposed Comprehensive Plan
Pu~lle Hearing Dates for Adoption of Proposed Comprehensive Plan
Mr. Annunziato referred to tentatively speaking about August 21 for
the adoption hearing and stated he felt it would be appropriate To
set the first hearing date~ not at a reoular Council meeting in
MAY 1, 1979
case there is reason to discuss the plan at more length, for Wed-
nesday, August !, at 7:30 P. M. as a Special Meeting for first
reading of the ordinance to adopt the Comprehensive Plan if it
meets Council's approval.
Mayor Harmening asked Mr. Annunziato to review the amendments.
Mr. Annunziato referred to conducting a public hearing on the
plan last Wednesday night and stated several items were discussed
and dimection was provided to the staff to make additional amend-
ments. He read the sections to be added: Paragraph 2 to Area 3,
Page 89, Land Use Element; Paragraph 10~ Area 20, N. E. loth Avenue
between Seacrest Blvd. & Railroad Avenue; Paragraphs 10 and tl,
Traffic and Circulation Element; and Paragraph 5, Capital Improve-
ments Section, addressing the widening of N. E. 10th Avenue.
Mr. Jeff Tomberg came befome the Council and stated since a public
hearing will be held on August !, he believes it will be best to
wait until then since there is a large agenda for the Council's
consideration tonight. Mayor Harmening clarified that a public
hearing was held last Wednesday and for formal finalization, there
will be additional public hearings. He would think there would
be very little changes made at the final public hearings. He
asked if he was not prepared to make a recommendation at this
time and Mr. Tomberg replied that he is prepared, but thinks it
would be better to wait until the final public hearing. He re-
quests his particular parcels to be held in abeyance until the
final public hearing. Mayor Harmening asked if additional changes
could be made at the final public hearing and Mr. Annunziato re-
plied that minor chan~es could be made if not severely impacting
the plan.
Mr. Tomberg stated he is representing property along N. W. 2nd
Avenue just west of 1-95, approximately one block, and along
Woolbright Road between 1st Street and 1-95, which are not large
parcels of land. Mr. Vance referred To this being mentioned at
the last public hearing and stated it was his understanding he
was to discuss these further with Mr. Annunziato. Mr. Tomberg
clarified that his client was to get together with Mr. Clays
regaz~ing easement to the property. Mr. Vance asked if the
City Planner regarded the matter under discussion as signifi-
cantly affecting the Comprehensive Plan and Mr. Annunziato re-
plied that of the two, S. W. 15th Avenue would be most signifi-
cant as it would impact 15th Avenue in many places.
Mr. Annunziato stated his reco~mjnendation would be to transmit the
plan as proposed and if Mr. Tomberg wishes to address the Council
on August 1 or 21, he has that prerogative. However, for clari-
fication, we would not be holding his issue in abeyance. Mr.
Vance clarified further that public hearings have been held and
this matter has been discussed. There will be subsequent adver-
tised public hearings and if Mr. Tomberg has further comment, he
can make it. He concurs with the recommendation of the City Planner.
MAY !, 1979
Mr. Robervs asked if egress to the one parcel had been taken care
of and Mr. Annunziato replied at the public hearing, the Council
left Mr. Tomberg and Mr. Clays with the feeling if they could work
out in~omess and egress for the parcel at N.W. 2nd Avenue and S.W.
1st Street, there may be room for the recommendation made~ but he
has nov heard from them. Mr. Vance stated it would be appropriate
to discuss this at the public hearings on the plan.
Mayor Harmening stated if Council desires, it has been recommended
by the City Planner that we hold a preliminary public hearing on
August ! at a special meeting and a final public hearing on Aug-
ust 21. Mrs. Riseoe moved to accept these dates for a special
meeting on Auomst 1 at 7:50 P. M. and on August 2! on the Compre-
hensive Plan, seconded by Mr. Strnad. Under diecussion, Mr.
Roberts clarified that the second hearing would be at 8:00 P.M.
at the regular City Council meeting. Motion 2arried 4-0.
Transmission of Plan to Regional §~d 3tare Planning Agencies
Mr. Roberts moved to transmit this plan to the appropriate regional
and state planning agencies, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No discus-
sion. Motion carried 4-0.
Receipt of Correspondence from Attorney Robert F. Griffith, Jr.
Re: S. J. Jarvis, Trustee
Mr. Robert Griffitb, Jr., 630 East Ocean Avenue, came before the
Council representing Mr. S. J. Jarvis and the tract of land lo-
cated on Woolbright Road between 1-95 and the E-4 Canal which was
rezoned this past year from residential to commercial along Wool-
bright Road and a Planned Industrial Park adjoining to the south.
This is land which the City and developer have been working with
in order to provide the City with raw water wells which have been
dug on the eastern side of the property. He referred to Florida
Power g Light Co. having installed power to the P.I.D. area and
stated part of the plan includes development of water mains to
service other parts of the City. He explained that the developer
could not proceed with improvements until the water main is in-
stalled by the City. They request the City Council to approve an
extension date from the required time the commercial property was
rezoned until May, 1980, which would allow sufficient time for the
City to install the necessary waver mains to serve other areas of
the City. The present City law is if a plan is not platted within
one year from the rezoning, it goes back to its for~ner status.
The holdup has been getting the water facilities to serve this
property. The City has been held up getting pipes and plans.
The expiration date for the P.I.D. ie May, t980~ and they request
the commercial part be extended To this date also.
MAY 1~ 1979
Mayor Harmening read Mr. Annunziato?s recommendation: t'By plat-
ting the two parcels at one time, a better scheme for drainage
and access would be afforded the City~ therefore, I recommend that
an extension be granted to Mr. Jarvis on the commercial zoning
with such extension expiring on 4-17-80. This is the date that
the PID zoning expires? Mr. Vance noted the applicant has
quested May and the City Planner recommends April 17 and Mr.
Griffith replied April 17 would be no problem.
Mr. RoberTs moved the request for extension be granted to 4/17/80
as reoommended by the City Planner, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No
discussion. Motion carried 3-1 with Mr. Strnad dissenting.
Application for Beverage License Submitted by Keith Bacon dba
C. P. Keb's, 3632 South Federal Highway (Tabled)
Mrs. Riscoe moved to remove this from the table, seconded by Mr.
Roberts. Motion carried 4-0.
Mayor Harmening clarified the only problem previously was the appli-
eat/on was not totally completed, but this has been taken care of.
Mrs. Riseoe moved to accept the application for the beverage license
submitted by Keitb Bacon dba C. P. Kebts aT 3632 South Federal High-
way, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Discuss Demolition and ReconsTruction of Royal Palm Clubhouse
Mrs. Tinker referred to submitting a lengthy memo covering this
and sunm~ari~ed that Mr. Albers did shore up the roof of the club-
house with Mr. Howell in attendance and it will be safe for the
upcoming election. She then read Mm~. Howellts memo: ??Pertinent
To the above= in my opinion~ an estimate £or demolition of the
above would be $1,200 to $1~500. To rebkild in the amount of 1,900
square feet, which is approximately the figmre in existence pre-
sen~ly; and based on Standard Building Codest evaluation for that
type sTmucEure, which is generally very close to what builders are
charging~ would be in the neighborhood of $55,000? She referred
to being in agreement with Mr. Albers and Mr. Howell that these
costs are rather high to renovate an old building and it is recom-
mended the Boat Ramp Park be used for those residents using the
Royal Palm Clubhouse rather than expendin~ this amount of money.
However~ today she received a memo from t~e Recreation Director
indicating he has s heavy schedule at the Boat Ramp Park and
there are only thmee Wednesdays open for any meetings, but possi-
bly an additionsl room could be built onto it ro provide room for
meeting facilities.
Mayor Harmening referred to the time required and Mrs. Tinker
plied that no time frame was given at all. Mayor Harmening re-
ferred to discussing time being o~ the essence and stated we dis-
cussed the possibility of a penalty clause or bonus clause in the
contracv. Mrs. Tinker replied this was not included a~ all.
MAY 1, 1979
Mrs. Tinker stated the instructions were to obtain a price to
demolish the building completely a~d rebuild and Mayor Harmen/ng
agreed, but stated a time frame was also discussed in order ~o
prevent people from being deprived of a facility for any period
of time. Mrs. Tinker replied that Mr. Howell did not submit this
information with his estimate.
Mr. Bert Keehr~ Deputy Building Official, 2ame before the Council
and advised that Mr. Howell did not mention anything about a time
frame~ h0wever~ under normal construction conditions, he would
estimate tha~ at least six months would be required from the time
demolition be~i~s. Mr. Strnad replied that he thought six months
was too long for a plain structured building and he-thinks 2~
months would be closer to the figure. Mayor Harmening added that
he is sure if it is the right contractor and with a bonu~s penalty
clause that it could be done in less than 2½ months.
Mr. RoberEs stated that no plans have been reviewed and Mayor
Harmening agreed and clarified that we are discussing it in con-
cept whether to proceed.
Mayor Harmening asked how much was spent to shore it up for the
election and Mr. Keehr informed him that a couple men spent Ewo
or three hours there. He added in reference to a time frame~ it
would rely on the contract actually bid.
Mr. Roberts referred to the condition of the present shuffleboard
courEs and questioned whether they should remain. He believes
this should be considered when the plans are drawn and whether to
beautify this area or install a parring area.
Mr. Strnad stated the figure given of $56,000 is in excess of
~25 per square foot and he does not think it will be this expen-
sive for this typebumldlng.' ' Mrs. Tinker explained that it must
meet the Standard Building Code. Mr. Keehr explained the esti-
mate was based on the permit cost analysis from the Standard
Building Code.
Mrs. Riscoe stated she thinks Mr. Frederick's recommendation has
a lot of merit.
Mayor Harmening clarified that time was of the essence if we are
going To demolish and reconsvruct. He does not mean to imply we
must move on this tonight. An alternate has been presented to
build an addition at Boat Ramp Park, but he suggested eonsidering
the different types of uses and whether they would be compatible.
Also, the Royal Palm ~lubhouse is within walring distance of many
people. Mr. Strnad agreed that at least 70~ to 80% of the people
do walk to this clubhouse and crossing the highway to the boat
ramp may be an additional hazard for them.
MAY 1, 1979
Mr. Roberts stated first plans should be prepared and sent out
for bids including the grounds and then make a decision. Mayor
Hamening agreed we should not proceed without doing this.
Mr. Roberts made a morion that plans be drawn and brought back to
the City Council for a buildin~ not to exceed the present area in-
cluding some suggestions for t~e grounds. Then, we can go out for
bids. Mr. Strnad seconded the motion. Mayor Harmening clarified
that it had been moved and seconded to direct the City Manager to
have plans prepared for demolition and reconstruct/on of the club-
house on 22nd Avenue and bring them Yack to the City Council for
approval. What we discussed is something like a shell, nothing
elaborate. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Consider Final Plat for Suma~t Plat No. 2 (Hunter,s Run Golf and
Racquet Club)
Mayor Hammening asked if anyone in the audience was present to
review the final plat. Mr. Tom Clark~ City Engineer, came before
the Council and advised this is Plat No. 2 which does not include
any improvements. He explained it was property which was annexed
recently and is part of the golf course and consists of just five
acres. ~
Mrs. Riscoe moved ro approve the final
for Hunter's Run Golf and RacqueE Club,
No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
plat for Summit Plat No.
seconded by Mr. Roberts.
Consider Acceptance of Final Plat from Ridgewood Estates
Mr. Burl Genvry, representing the devel~per~ advised this follows
the former presentation where the access was revised onto 23rd
Avenue from this developmenr. This is in keeping with the recom-
mendations of the Planning $ Zoning Board. Mrs. Tinker added that
a cheek was received in the amoun~ of ~18,252 for the recreation
facilities and the school board agreement has been signed by the
developer and returned 5o the School Board for their signature.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to accept the final plat of Ridgewood Estates,
seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Presentation Delivered by Mr. Roger Hawkins Director of the Boca
Raton Y.M.C.A.
Mr. Roger Hawkins stated he was present to bring the Council up to
date on the development and progress of the Y.M.C.A. of Greater
Boynton Beach. He told about committees meeting during the past
few months and finding that people feel there is a great need for
a Y.M.C.A. in the greater Boynton Beach community. They have had
three steering committee meetings to discuss the direction of the
MAY 1, 1979
Y.M.C.A. and the needs of the community. The greatest need right
now is a home in Boynton Beach. They are trying to find a facility
to use or a temporary facility. They are looking for some land
where they can ultimately build $ structure similar to the one in
Boca Raton. He is aware the Council has discussed the possibility
of having a Y.M.C.A. in this City and they would like to know if
it would be possible for the City to donate land. They already
have started programming in the community. He told about having
a day camp program during the Easter Holidays and having to turn
children away. They have also planned a day camp program at
3alaxy School whieh will start when school is out. They know the
City does have some tracts of land throughout the community ear-
marked for recreation and if feasible, they would like land do-
nated to the Y.M.C.A.
Mayor Harmening asked if he had discussed this with the City Mana-
ger or Recreation Director and Mr. Hawkins replied that he only
had initial contact with the Recreation Department regarding the
need for s Y.M.C.A.
Mr. Strnad stated he thinks something like this would be advanta-
geous to being in the City with the trouble we now have with the
youngsters. He thinks the youngsters should have some place to
go and be under supervision.
Mayor Harmening questioned how many acres were contemplated £or
the building and Mm. Hawkins replied the only reference he has to
go on is what they have in Boca Raton which is 15 acres of land
with Two athletic fields~ day care pamk, tennis courts~ etc.
Mrs. Riscoe suggested that Mr. Hawkins meet with our Recreation
Director and perhaps they can work out a situation where there
might be the possibility to locate and then come back to the
Council and see what we 2an do.
Mr. Roberts stated he would not be in favor of building anything
on the 55 acres unless it does not intemfere with the plans for
ball diamonds, etc. Mrs. Riseoe replied that we also have 30
acres across the street from the 55 acres. Mr. Roberts informed
her the use of this might be limited with it being designated
for municipal purposes and he would not consider a Y.M.C.A.
municipal purposes. Possibly we could retain ownership of the
land and lease it to the Y.M.C.A. on a long term basis. Mayor
Harmening agreed this could be looked into and suggested that
Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Frederick discuss it further.
Consider Request for Annexation Submitted by Ronald Co~bitt for
~ugh Culverhouse
Mr. Ronald E. CorbJtt, Jr.~ 8206 S.W. 82nd Court~ Miami~ author-
ized agent for the petitioner came before the Council and advised
MAY 1, 1979
the total tract encompasses 85 acres with 65 acres presently in the
2ity limits and this 17 acre tract is in Palm Beach County. Sev-
eral months ago, they submitted an application To dezone the acre-
age in Boynton Beach and it was their intent to annex this addi-,
tional land into the City. The County has expressed their desire
in favor and he asks the Council to make a recommendation.
Mayor Harmening suggested the City Attorney be directed to prepare
the necessary resolution Eo the Board of CountyComm~ssmoners' ' re-
questing this annexation.
Mr. Roberts questioned the exact location of this paroel of land
and Mr. Annunziato explained it was located to the rear of the
middle school going to Knuth Road from Canal L-25 north ro Bovn-
ton Road.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to instruct the City Attorney to draw up the
resolution to the County Commission, seconded by Mr. Strnad.
Mayor Harmening read the legal description of this property to
be annexed: That portion of Tracts 6 and 7 lying South of the
South Right-of-Way Line of State Road No. S-804 as same is recorded
in Road Plat Book No. 2, at page 217 through 220; Public Records
of Palm Beach County~ Florida, and tracts 8 and 25 less the West-
erly 250 feet (as measured along the South line of said State
Road S-804) of the Northerly 500 feet (as measured along the West-
erly line of said Tract 8 and 25) of that portion of said Tracts
lying Southerly of the South Right-of-Way Line of State Road No.
S-804~ and less the West 25.0 feet of said portion of Tract 25,
and ~racts 26 and 27; all said tracts being a portion of Pslm
Beach Farms Company Plat No. 8, recomded in Plat Book 5~ at Page
73, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Motion carried
Consider Request forOne (1)'Tempo~a~ %~aitemcSalesa~iee Sub-
m~'~~6~P~d~ht~--[~i~a~ ~operties.
(Ridgewood Estates)
Mrs. Riscoe moved to 9-rant the trailer request submitted by Arnold
Moretto for Ridgewood Estates, seconded by Mr. Strnad. No discus-
sion. Motion carried 4-0.
Consider Appropriate Name for Parcel Now Known as 1-95 Strip Park
Mayor Harmening announced it would be the Chair's recommendation
that the Recreation Director and Recreation Board either hold a
contest or come up with a suitable list of names so the Council
could select one or there are a number of possibilities in that
area. He asked if the other members had any suggestions. Mr.
~rederiek replied the Board has discussed it and has requested
Mr. Sam Kendrick to consult the Concerned Citizens' Organization
and he will bring back the recommendation to the Council.
Consider the Water Main Extension on Washington Avenue, Hypoluxo~
into the Sunny Hills Lines
Mrs. Riscoe asked if the residents are paying for everything and
Mrs. Tinker replied affirmatively.
Mrs. kiscoe moved us exvend the waver main e×vension on Washington
Avenue, Hypoluxo, into the Sunny Hills Lines: seconded by Mr.
Strnad. Under discussion, Mr. Strnad referred to getting more
wells, but stated he is concerned the residenvs of this City will
have an adequave water supply and we will not run invo anything
like we had before. If we are supplying more water sut of the
City, we must make sure we have plenty of water for the residenvs.
Mr. Robervs asked if this is near Miner Road and Mr. Clark informed
him it is in the County area north of Miner Road. Mr. Roberts
asked where the lines would be laid to connect 5o this and Mr.
Clark informed him the water lines have been exvended with Over-
look Road to serve this 2ounty subdivision. Mr. Roberts referred
to supplying water to a developmenv every time one asks and stated
he has received complaints of low waver pressure at Miner Road.
We do not have a Utilities D/rector and we should have an answer
whether we can supply it. Mr. Clark informed him the normal usage
is six million gallons perdday and we were pumping twelve million
gallons per day when we ran out. Mayor Harmenin~ stated it is
his opinion there was considerable degree of mismanagement. Mr.
Strnad referred to this being in the 2ounvy and asked if water
sprinkling had to be restricved, do we have the authority to do
this in the County limits and Mayor Harmening replied affirmavively.
Mr. Vance informed the Council that he Bas been working with the
Consulting Engineers and Mr. Law doing a reworking of the waver
and sewer ordinance relating vo service which will involve an in-
crease in the capital fac/livy charge. Mr. Roberts stated his
concern is not the installation, but whether or not the amount of
water required for this development will affecv those hooked up
to the system. He would like 5o know the number of units in-
volved and Mavor Harmening pointed out the letter of request notes
six units. Mrs. Tinker clarified that only six propervy owners
are requesting it and it is in our service area. Mr. Clark added
that we do have an agreement with Sunny Hills and this is an ex-
vension us serve some existing families in that area. Motion
carried 3-1 with Mr. Strnad dissenting.
Consider Reques~ for Water Service OnlV a~ 1069 Miner Road
Mrs. Tinker informed the Council that the owner of this property
has had three wells drilled and none are adequate or acceptable.
Mayor Harmening added thav there is an existing 6~, water main
along the South property line of this property and no extension
ms required nor would there be any expense 5o the City. The only
expense that would be incurred would be by Mr. Ritz for the cost
of the size meter involved.
Mr. Roberts moved to gran~ Mr. Ritz some water, seconded by Mrs.
P/seoe. No discuss/on. Motion carried 4-0.
MAY ~1979
Consider Request for One (1) Sales Office Trailer on the Northwest
Corner of Congress Avenue and Charter Drive
Mrs. Riscoe moved to grant the request for ~ sales office trailer
au the corner of Congress Avenue and Charter Drive, seconded by
Mr. Strnad. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Special Election
Nominating Petitions Filed
Mrs. Padgett informed the Council that five have filed for the
Special Election: Diane S. Baird, Marilyn M. Czufin, Joe DeMareo,
Walter ~Marty~ Trauger, and Sam Lamar Wright. Ail these nominees
have sworn under oath they are duly qualified to hold office and
have filed nominating petitions containing 25 signatures which
have been certified by the County office, paid the $25.00 filing
fee, and have been certified by Jack, s Winchester, Supervisor of
Elections, Palm Beach County~ as a registered voter in the City of
Boynton Beach.
Mrs. Riscoe stated she takes objection to the subject matter of
this particular c~se because it states on this memo it is a Spec-
ial Election. The proclamation reads Special Primary Election.
Mayor Harmening asked' Mr. Vance if he had any problem with the
City Clerk's memo and Mr. Vance replied negatively. Mrs. Riscoe
stated she is not against the people running, but is against the
method and manner in which this election has been done. It has
not been done according to the Charter, preferably Chapter 141.
She will vote NO to accept the ballot.
After discussion~ Mr. Roberts moved no place these names on the
ballot in alphabetiua! order, seconded by Mr. Strnad. Under dis-
cussion, Mr. Strnad referred to being curious and asked if the
people had To pay to have the names on their petitions checked
off and Mrs. Pad,err replied affimmatively that they did this
year. She added this eharge has been on the books all along,
but they have not charged until this year~ 100 per name was
charged by the Elections Office. Motion carrisd 3-1 with Mrs.
Riscoe dissenting.
Mayor Harmening stated s request has been submitted from the City
Clerk ~o refund Mrs. Jaekson's g25.00 filing fee since she has
withdrawn. Mr. Roberts moved To refund Mrs. Emily Jackson $25.00
in view of the fact she has withdrawn, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe.
No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Appointment of Poll Workers
Mrs. PadgeEr referred ~o not expecting a large turnout and stated
she has tried to deerease the i/sr. We will need 73 workers. She
has submitted $ list of 86 names who have asked To serve. How
does the Council want her to proceed in order to select workers
for the election?
MAY 1, 1979
Mr. Strnad stated he would like to make the same statement hes has
made previously that he thinks it is very unfair to have ~wo people
from one family serving on the polls when there are a number in the
City who would like to serve. He would not vote for this list the
way it is submitted. Mrs. Pad,err informed him this is just a list
of people who have asked to serve. Mayor Harmening suggested that
the City Clerk poll the people where there are two members from one
family and see which one would want to serve.
Mr. Roberts moved to use one per family with the City Clerk contact-
ing the members of one family for s decision, seconded by Mr.
Strnad. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Mrs. Padgett referred to not having enough workers in some pre-
cincts and having an excess number in others and asked if the
Council desired to move the people vo another precinct or re-
cruit workers from within the precinct to keep everyone in their
own precinct? Mayor Harmening questioned the number needed and
Mrs. Padgett replied: 73. Mayor Harmening asked if this number
would be suffic~nt to have some alternates and Mrs. Pad~ett re-
plied negatively and stated we must have 73 report for ~uty on
the-morning of the election. Further discussion followed on the
compiling of the list and Mr. Roberts stated the City Clerk has
always handled this before and Mrs. Padgett stated she would like
to know the Council's guidelines. Mrs. Risooe suggested using
those who have ~alled in or the most recent ones instead of the
older ones. Mrs. Padgett stated she will use those within a pre-
cinct first ~f there are no objections and Mr. Roberts replied
that the City Clerk is capable of doing this.
Mr. Vance announced that the City has been sued by Robert Riseoe
regarding the conduct of this election. His office will be de-
fending the City. Various motions regarding this suit will be
heard on Thursday of this week at 8:45 A. M. Mr. Strnad asked
if the public is invited and Mr. Vance replied affirmatively.
Mayor Harmening asked if there was any motion desired on the poll
workers and asked if it was the coDsensus of the City Council to
turn it over to the City Clerk and Mrs. Riscoe replied affirma-
tively that it should be taken care of by the City Clerk and Mrs.
Padgett will use the newcomers' names and eliminate doubles in a
family and proceed from there within the precincts. The Council
expressed agreement.
Discuss Water Storage Study as Presented by Russell $ Axon
Mayor Harmening referred to asking the Consultants sometime back
to come up with alternate proposals for a 750,000 gallon water
storage tank on Congress Avenue and the alternates are an ele-
vated tank~ ground level storage tank or partially submerged tank.
The primary considerations are the aesthetics and cost differen-
tial between these three possible alternatives.
MAY 1~ 1979
Mr. Strnad stated he would be in favor of having an on-ground
storage tank rather than having a tank in the air. Also, we
would have a more even supply with the water being pumped.
Mayor Harmeninc- asked if it was the consensus of the Council
they prefer-ground storage rather than partially under-ground?
He does no~ think an elevated tank is in consideration, which
is more expensive. The total construction costs for an elevated
tank is ~744,1255 ground tank is $S18~125; and partly under,round
tank is $5657000. The only difference between the partly u~der-
gmound and the ground would be the aesthetics.
Mr. Roberts asked if any recommendation had been submitted and
Mrs. Tinker replied that both Mr. Law and Mr. Co!tin are both in
favor of ground storage. It is the most practical for maintenance
and the least expensive. She added that Mr. Law suggested it
should be placed on a one acre site and possibly the City should
try to build a larger storage facility depending on the amount of
land available.
Mayor Harmening stated that an elevated tank is ultimately cheaper
because of the operational costs. He explained the one drawback
of the pressure being the least when the demand is the greatest.
With ground storage, a pump is used and it will maintain constant
pressure. He referred to the growth pmojected for the City and
suggested possibly considering going to s 1~000,000 gallon tank
since the cost differential is not all that great. Mr. Strnad
added that possibly it might be considered to do away with the
elevated tank ~at~ron because of the maintenance. Mayor
Harmening replied that with the water in an elevated tank, we
can always get it; but if there are any problems with the pumps/
we cannov get it out of the ground tanks.
Mr. Strnad made a motion to go to a partially underground storage
tank. Mayor Hammening asked if ~e wanted to include a definition
of size and Mr. Strnad replied no less than 1,000,000 gallons.
Mayor Harmer~ng referred to the p~ices submitted and stated it is
probably cheaper to build it larger when in the process of build-
mng but a price has not been included for a partially under,round
1,000~000 gallon tank. Mr. Roberts questioned the advanvag~ of
havin~ the tank partially underground and Mayor Harmenin~ replied
that it is out of sight more. Mr. Roberts p~inted out to have it
on the ground is cheaper and Mr. Strnad replied to have it all the
way underground would be more expensive. They compared the costs
and ~izes further. Mr. Strnad then questioned how high the tank
would be and Mayor Harmening informed him the On-ground tank would
be about 18~ high and the partially underground would be about 10~
high. Mr. Strnad stated we should decide what the people want amd
it must be screened from view. They discussed further the visual
appearance of the tanks.
MAY 1, 1979
Mr. Strnad made a motion to go out for bid on a waver storage
~round level tank no less than 17000,000 gallons capacity~ seconded
by Mrs. Riseoe. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Change Orders
Sara Sims Park - Tennis Courts
Mrs. Tinker read Mr. Flushin~s memo advising the Sara Sims Park
Tennis Courts have been completed, inspected and accepted by the
City Engineering Department and the City Recreation Department.
A Change Order to the Sara Sims Park Tennis Contract was submitted
for the approval by Council. The Change Order document is self-
explanatory. A final bill in the amount of $8,845.48 has been
checked by the Engineerin~ Department and payment is recommended
for approval by Council. Funds amc available from the Community
Development Capital Improvement Grant.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to accept the Change Order for Sara Sims Park
for the tennis courts, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion.
Motion carried 4-0.
Galaxy Park - Tennis Courts
Mrs. Tinker read Mr. Flush~ng's memo advising the Galaxy Park
Tennis Courts have been completed~ inspected and accepted by the
City Engineering Department and the City Recreation Department.
A Change Order to the Galaxy Park Tennis Contract was submitted
for approval by Council. The Change Order document is self-
explanatory. I final bill in the amount of $8,972.64 has been
checked by the Engineering Department and payment is recommended
for approval by Council. Funds are available from E.D.A. Grant
Project No. 04-51-26706.
Mr. Roberts moved to approve the Change Order for the GalaxyPark
Tennis Courts, seconded by. Mrs. Riscoe. No discussion. Motion
carried 4-0.
Application for Beverage License Submitted by Marlene B. Norfus
dba 10th Avenue Market~ 130 N. E. 10th Avenue
Mrs. P~iscoe moved to accept the application for the beverage
license submitted by Marlene B. Norfus dba 10th Avenue Market~
150 N. E. 10th Avenue~ seconded by Mr. Strnad. No discussion.
Motion carried 4-0.
?pplieation for Permit to Solicit Submitted by V.F,W. Post $535
Mr. Roberts moved to grant the application to V.F.W. Post $335 to
solicit~ seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No discussion. Motion carried
Budget Transfer Request from Water Plant to Various AccounTs and
Water Supply to Other Contractual Services
Mrs. Tinker infommed the Coun2il a budget transfer was requested
in the amount of $4,000 from the Water-Plant inasmuch as they no
longer need the remote control chlorinator and funds are needed
for fuel and to build e Temporary road to well Nos. 15 & 16. The
request is for ~500 for fuel~ ~500 for non-auto gas~ oil and lubes~
and $37000 for the road.
Mrs. P~scoe moved to grant the request for a budget transfer from
the water plant to various accounts, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No
discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Approval of Bills
Mrs. Tinker read the following bills for approval:
Aqua Chem Co. $ 4,329.84
Pebble time for Water Plant
Pay from Water & Sewer Revenue Fund 401-332-533-30-65
Dolph Map Company, Inc.
Boynton Beach street maps
Pay from PubliciTy Fund 101-191=519-~0-54
Coun2iI approved 2/6/79
I.B.M. Corp.
Rental for computers for April
Pay from budgeted funds 001-133-513-40-21
Allen Insurance Agency
Two new dumpsters added Eo Auto Liability and
additional coverage for physical damage.
Pay from General Fund 001-195-519-40-41 1,476.00
001=195-519-40-49 5,398.00
Board of County Commissioners
Solid waste disposal for March
Pay from General Fund 001-~41-534-40-9G
Tennis Supply - Final
Construction of tennis courts - Sara Sims Park
Pay from General Fund 001-000-1!5-78-00
Re-imbursable from Community Dev. Block Grant
Contraet dated 1/4/79
8~ 845.48
Tennis Supply - Final
Construetion of tennis courts - Galaxy Park
Pay from Public Works Grant Fund 350-000-247-79-00
Contract dated 1/4/79
MAY 1, 1979
Lot Service - Final
Improvements at 1-95 Strip Park
Pay from General Fund 00!-000-tlS-87-00
Re-imbursable from Community Dev. Block Grant
Council approved 12/19f78
Isiah Andrews
Driver for Senior CitizensT Club
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing
Ordinance 75-15, passed 5/15/75
- 2 weeks
Fund 520-87!-570-02-5A
Willie Ruth McGrady 96.00
Server for Senior Citizens Clul - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 520-871-570-01-5A
Ordinance 75-15, passed 5/15/75
Mun/eipal Code Corp. 4,000.00
Publication of Code of Ordinances
Pay subject to Council approval of over-expenditure
General Fund appropriation is 5,500 - recommend transfer
Mrs. Tinker stated the bills described have been approved and veri-
fied by the department heads involved; checked and approved for
payment by the Finance Deparement; funds are available in their
respective budgets with the exception of the last item. This
account is over-spent on the municipal code. Does the Council
want it to remair over-spent or have a eransfer made? She recom-
mends payment if Council approves. Mayor Harmening replied that
a transfer should be made.
Mrs. P/scoe moved to pay the bills, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No
discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Strnad asked the City Attorney if we are compelled by law to
vote to allow the Unification Church to come in and solicit even
if it is against our better judgment and Mr. Vance replied
are not compelled by law to vote to per, it them to come in, They
have won a long line of cases in courts across the country based
upon violation of their constitutional rights and prohibiting
their religious freedom. There is no law compelling the Council
to vote to let them come in. However~ if they litigate the matter
and sue us, there is a high probability they would win. Mayor
Harmening commented with the resources we have available to us in
legal talent, their probability has been reduced enormously.
Mr. Roberts moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. Motion
eamr~ed 4-0 end the meeting wes properly edjourned at 10:20 P.M.
City Clerk
Recording Secrevary
(Three Tepes)
Mrs. Annette Tinker,
Acting City Manager
Tom Clark,
City Engineer
Street Resurfacing Program
April 17, 1975 "~
In response to your memo of April 11, 1979 a revised
to be resurfaced is submitted herewith.
Street Hame
S.E. 34th Ave. between S.E. 1st St.
and S.E. 2nd Cour~ ~
list of streets
The estimated cost-is $74,980.
Length (f~..) AD, fox. Cost
t000 ~$ 4,800
S.E. 2nd St. South of S.E. 34th Ave.to
S.E. 36th Ave. 750 3,300
Fernwood Drive between Chapel Hill Blvd.
and S.W. 29th Ave. (Sunset Road) 500 2,380
Greenwood Lane between Chapel Hill Blvd.
and S.W. 29th Ave. (Sunset. Road) 600 2,350
Churchill Drive between Chapel Hill
Blvd. and S.W. 28th Ave.
900 4~300
S.W. 29th Ave3 between Pine Tree Lane
an~ Churchill Drive *(Sunset Road) 300 1,400
S.E. 6th Ave. between S.E. 4th St.
and U.S'. 1
S.W. 4th Ave. between S.W. 3rd St
and S.W. 1st St.
N.W. Ist Ave. west from N.W. 8th St.
to dead end
Industrial Ave. 1700 ft. south from
North end
N.W. 7th St. from N.W. 2nd Ave. to
N.M. t3th Ave.
Cor~l Drive between Coral Court and
Old Boynton Road
N.W. 4th Ave. from N.W. 5th St to
N.W. 4th St. '
400 1,900
1200 5,700
400 1.900
1700 8,000
3000 15,000
400 1,900
450 2,100
TO: Mrs. Annette Tinker
Re: Street Resurfacing Program
Page 2
Street Name
Length (ft.)
N.W. 4th St. from N.W. 2nd Ave. to
N.W. 4th Ave. 600
N.W. 3rd Ave. between N.W. 4th St.
and N.W. 3rd St. 400
N.E. 5th Ave. between Seacrest
and N.E. !st Street 600
N.W. 10th Ave. between N.W. 1st St.
and Seacrest 800
N.E. 15th Ave. between N.E. 4th St.
and F.E.C. Railroad 300
N.W. 14th Court and N.W. 1st St. between
N.W. 2nd St. and N.W. 1st Court 800
N.E. 16th Court from N.E. 17th Ave. to
N.E. 1st Court 70~
Totals 15800
The City Hall parking lots also need to be resurfaced
cost for this is $10,000.
Please advise if additional information is desired.
17, 1979
Approx. Cost
$ 2,900
$ 74,980
The estimated
Bob Feltz
Warren Shelhamer
Bill Sullivan