Edward F. Harmening, Mayor
Betty Riscoe, Vice Mayor
David Roberts~ Councilman
Norman F. Strnad, Councilman
Annette P. Tinker, Acting City Manager
Tereesa Padgett~ City Clerk
James W. Vance, City Attorney
Mayor Harmening welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at
7:30 P. M. He requested everyone to please rise for a moment of silent
prayer ~ollowed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Vice
Mayor Betty Risooe.
Mms. Riscoe requested the addition under New Business~ Item F - The
Appointment of a Pemmanent City Manager. Also. the addition under
Legal, Item 4 - Discussion of the Forthcoming Ordinance for the Forth-
com/ng Election.
Mrs. Tinker advised the site development plans from Holiday Inn were
ready for the Council's review having been approved by the Community
Appearance Board last night; tb/s will be Item B under Site Develop-
ment Plans. She requested the addition under New Business of Item G -
Consideration of Paying Transportation and Motel Expenses for Finance
Director's Applicant from Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Mayor Harmening requested Item B under New Business~ Discuss Utility
Director's Position, to be deleted.
Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of the agenda as correoted~ seconded by
Mrs. Riscoe. Motion carried 4-0.
Regular City Council Meetin~ - March 20, 1979
Mrs. P/scoe moved the adoption of the Minutes of the Regular Council
Meeting of March 20, 1979~ seconded by Mr. Strnad. Motion carried 4-0.
Special City Council Meeting - March 23, 1979
Mrs. Riscoe referred to the first page~ seventh sentence up in the next
To last paragraph, and added that she read Article 6, Section 1, of the
Florida 2onstitution. Mr. Strnad moved the adoption of the Minutes of
the Special Council Meeting of March 23 with the corrections noted~
seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. Motion carried 4-0.
APRIL 3, 1979
Mayor Harmening announced at this time, anyone who cares to address the
Council may come forward. (There was no response.) He also announced
if anyone cared to address the Council on any items on the agenda to
please come forward and give their name to the City Clerk end when this
item of business comes before the body~ the Chair will recognize the
individual who has given his name.
Sara Sims Park Rest Room Building (Re-bid)
Mrs. Tinker infommed the Council the bid opening on this was Tuesday,
March 272 1979~ at 3:00 P. M. in the office of our Purchasing Agent,
Mr. William H. Sullivan. The Tabulation Com~ttee recommends rejection
of the one bid received from Mondo Terra Development Corporation of
Deerfield Beach~ Florida. This job was previously bid on February 132
1979, and was considered to be too high au that time. The bid received
from Mondo Terra Development on March 27, 1979, is considerably higher
and we are therefore requesting that City Council give their approval
for the City To prooeed with negotiations to gee the work done. Copies
of the Tabulation Sheet and Bid Proposal from Mondo Terra Development
Corporation are on fil~. If the Council has any questions regarding
this bid~ she is sure Mr. Sullivan will be glad to assist them. After
this was typed, she called Mr. Doug Dawson of the Community Development
Block Progmam and he advised that if Council approves that we negotiate
~his project, we should not exceed ~45 per square foot. The bid re-
ceived was ~78.58 per square foot which he 2onsiders much too high.
Mr. Roberts stated on the basis of the comments and the Committee's
reeommendation~ he moves to reject this bid, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe.
He included in his motion that the City proceed with negotiations to
get this work done and Mrs. Riscoe agreed. No discussion. Motion
carried 4-0.
Mr. Strnad svaEed the only objection he has To allowing the City Mana-
ger and Purchasing Department negotiate this bid is that he would
rather it come before the Councils so we know bow much money we are
going To spend. Mayor Harmening replied that he presumed before sward
of the bid, it would come back To the City Council for approvel and
Mrs. Tinker agreed this was correct.
Painting the Exterior of the Water Tower (South)
Mrs. Tinker informed the Council that bids on the above were opened on
Tuesday, March 27, 1979, au 3:~0 P. M. in the office of our Purchasing
Agent, Mm. William H. Sullivan. The Tabulation Committee recommends
acceptance of the low bid from Se2umity Tank L Tower Corporation in the
amount of S15,550.00. A copy of the Tabulation Sheet, Proposal and
Affidavit signed by W. D. Johnston~ President of Security Tank & Tower
APRIL 5, 1979
Corp. of Henderson~ Kentucky, are on file. If the Council concurs
with this recommendation, please also approve the bu~et transfer
submitted of $1t,580.00 from Account 401-332-833-40.13~ Water Treat-
ment - Electric, to Account 401-395-839-40.3E~ General Administration -
Wa~er Tower Maintenance.
Mrs. Riscoe moved =o accept the lowest bid on this project of water
tower painting with the transfer of funds included, seconded by Mr.
Roberts. Under discussion, Mr. Strnad questione~ how often this tank
is painted and Mayor Harmening replied about every three years. Mr.
Strnad asked if the same person who painted it three years ego bid on
this partieuiar job and Mr. Sullivan replied negatively and advised
that Hercules painted it previously. Mr. Strnad commented that he
noticed about a yeer after it was painted, it started To rust on the
suspension and Mrs. P~iscoe asked if there was any sort of warranvy?
Mavor Harmenin~ informed them we could probably get a paint job on
the water tower costin~ about three times as much which may last six
years. Mr. Sullivan advi.sed that he believes this painting will last
longer because included in the specifications i~ that it must be in-
spected to be sure everything is being done properly and he explained.
Mayor Harmenin~ added that there is condensation on the bottom of the
tank keeping it moist Which aggravates the rust problem. Motion ~ar-
tied 4-0.
Mayor Harmening noted it was not ye~ 8:00 P. M. and suggested proceed-
ing with the Legal portion of the agenda.
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearin~
Proposed Ordinance No. 79-11 - Re: Annexation of Parcel Located in
Section 1, Township 46 South, Range 42 East (West of Congress Avenue/
Portion of Old Charter World Property - Summit Associates, Ltd.)
Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 79-1! by title on second reading.
Mayor Hammening asked if anyone in the audience wanted to speak in
favor of this ordinance and received no response. He asked if anyone
in the audience was opposed to this ordinance and received no response.
Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 79-11, secc nded by
Mrs. Riseoe. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on
the motion as follows:
Couneilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
APRIL 3, 1979
Proposed Ordinance No. 79-12 - Re: ~mending Ordinance No. 78-34 to
Provide for an Emended Estimate of Revenue and Expenses for the Fiscal
year Ending September 30, 1979 (Antireeession Funds)
Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 79-12 by title on second reading.
Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in
opposition to this ordinance and reee~ved no response. He asked if
anyone was in favor of this ordinance and received no response.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 79-12 on second
reading, seconded by Mr. Strnad. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took
a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 79-!3 - Re: Amending that Paragraph of Section
1, of City Zoning Regulations Defining the Term ~'Family'~
Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 79-13 by title on second reading.
Mayor Harmenin~ asked if anyone in the audience wished uo speak in
favor of this ordinance and received no response. He asked if anyone
in the audience wished To speak in opposition to this ordinance and
received no response.
Mr. Strnad moved for adoption of Ordinance No. 79-13 on second reading,
seconded by Mrs. Riseoe. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call
vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Strand - Aye
Vice Mayor Riseoe - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Discussion of the Forthcoming Ordinance for the Forthcoming Election
Mrs. Riscoe questioned if an ordinance was gomng to become effective
at our next meeting for t~e forthcoming election and Mr. Vance in-
formed her that an ordinance is not necessary since a proclamation
has been approved. Mrs. Riscoe read Section 141 of the Charter re-
quiring an ordinance for all elections and Mr. Vance informed her
this applies where you don~t have a charter provision which eonvrols.
APRIL 3, 1979
Mr. Vance continued that we have a charter provision which sca~es this
in detail. Mrs. I~iscoe referred to a proclamation only necessitating
one signature and Mr. Vance read Section 51 of the City Charter for
clarification. Mrs. Risooe clarified that no ordinance is required
and Mr. Vance agreed and stated we have charter provisions and ordi-
nances in the code book regulating the conduct of elections.
Ordinances - 1st Reading
Proposed Resolution No. 79-S - Re: Requesting ~hat the State of Florida
Transfer Ownership ~f Certain Surplus Rights-of-Way on 1-95 to the City
of Boynton Beach fom Use in Conjunction with Citv~s Existing Fresh
Water Facilities
Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 79-S by title.
Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of Resolution No.
tion as
79-S, seecnded by Mrs.
No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vo~e on the mo-
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Couneilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Discuss Responsibilities of Public Officers - Councilman Roberts
Mr. Roberts referred Eo this not being a new item and seated he would
like to attempt To promote some order to abide by the rules of proce-
dure and the charter provisions which he has mentioned several times.
One Council member improperly handled an interrogation of a legal
building permit and submitted ordinances drafted by himself. Other
Council members investigated into the police. This was all done with-
out Couneil approval. These members still act in an autonomous manner
and have met with the City Manager to discuss future actions.
Mr. Roberts then stated he would like to challenge a statement made by
Mrs. Tinker in a memo To the Buildino Official. He read s portion of
this memo referring to the Council not being involved in the admini-
stration of this City according To the Charter. He questions who else
but the Council should be invol~ed? Why shouldn't a department head
be able to appeal to the City Council? When an Acting City Manager
may be exceeding her lim/ts of authority~ what do zument forbids the
Council from being involved? He then read Section 49 for clarifica-
tion. He also requestsd that statements to the press regarding b/s
close association with Mrs. Detwiler be restricted To fact.
APRIL 3, 1979
In reply~ Mrs. Tinker referred To a memo dated March 1~ 1978, from
Councilman David Roberts to Mayor Emily Jackson and read the excerpt:
"However, I have been made aware of some overzealous activity 'and would
hope all are familiar with Section 49 of the Charter with regards to
Administration. The final paragraph says ' ..... we'shall deal with city
officers and employees who are subjeet to the direction and supervision
of the City Manager solely through the Manager and neither the Council
nor its members shall give orders to any such officer or employee,
either publicly or privately.:T She then read paragraphs (b) and
of Section 49 of the City Charter. In reply to Mr. Roberts, Mayor
Jackson wrote a memo and the one paragraph states: "The other thing
is that we must remember we set the policy, and the City Manager carries
it out. Therefore, we will never interfere with the personnel or any
other thing that rightfully is the City Manager?s job. This will pre-
vent trouble.~
Mr. Roberts s~ted he mentioned Section 49 in this memo and brought it
To the attention of the Council because of a member going into depart-
ments and interfering. However, Mrs. Tinker's statement was that the
Council not be involved with the administration of the City and that is
the job of the City Council. The employees are under the City Manager.
What do we need a City Council for if we are not involved with admini-
stration?of the City?* *See minutes 4/17/79
Abandonment Request
C. Herbert Cornell (A. R. Gregory, Trustee)
S. W. 5~d Street, 285T South of Woolbright Road
Multi-Family Units
Mavor Harmening stated the Planning g Zoning Board after condueting a
Publie Hearing au their March 27~ 1979, meeting unanimously recommended
the abandonment request submitted by A. R. Gregory, Trustee for C.
Herbert Cornell be denied, citing a need To retain S. W. 3rd Street
for access to the City Park and for utility purposes. The motion to
deny was made by Mr. Ryder and seconded by Mr. Johnson. The legal
description and prints showing the location of the proposed abandonment
have been submitted.and also an excerpt from the Planning g Zoning
Board meeting minutes. He asked if the applicant or trustee was
present and re2eived no response. He asked Mrs. Padgett if anyone
had asked to speak and Mrs. Padgett replied there were no requests.
Mrs. RIscoe referred to the Planning $ Zoning Board's reeommendation
and moved to deny this applicant's request on this particular property~
seconded by Mr. Strnad. Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audi-
ence wished to speak in favor of this abandonment and received no
response. He asked if anyone was opposed to this abandonment and re-
ceived no response. As requested, Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote
on this motion as follows:
APRIL 3, 1979
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor P~scoe - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Mayom Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Rezoning Requests
Paul M. Plunkett (Reed $ Matavasi, Agents)
West of South Congress Avenue, South of Lake Worth
Drainage District Canal L-28 and North of S. W.
50th Avenue
Office Building Complex
Rezone from M-1 To C-1
Mavor Harmening asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of this rezon-
lng requesT. Mr. Larry Wolk, 1422 Oxford Lane~ stated he was in favor
of getting some stores and office buildings in this area. There is not
anything in this area for shopping purposes. He would also like to
have office buildings and stores rather than industrial development.
Mr. Bob Reed, Attorney represqnting Mr. Paul Plunkett, referred To
two rezoning applications being submitted and explained the first
request was Eo rezone a a~ acre parcel from M-1 to C-1 office and
professional use and the second application relates To a 7~ acre
parcel to rezone from M-1 industrial to a proposed C-5 community com-
mercial district. He explained the location being south of the L-28
Canal separating the parcel from the Golfview Harbour Townhouse Develop-
ment, ~es~ of the Lowson Industrial Park, and east of Hunter's Run.
This property was zoned M-1 for many years, but this zoning is outdated
to front on Congress Avenue. With rapid development of the western
parts of the City in a residential mode~ it has made it necessary to
buffer the residential usage to the west of Congress Avenue and to the
north with a commercial district to separate the industrial. They
feel such buffering is more compatible planning. He referred to the
permitted uses in industrial and explained how they thought these would
be more obnoxious to residential areas than commercial uses. They
feel the present zoning of this property in the industrial status is
ncc in keeping with the proposed comprehensive plan in that there is
a potential land use conflict any time you have industrial abuttin~
residentially zoned areas. The land use plan encourages buffering
~o eliminate this conflict. On page t0 of the comprehensive plan~
it lists objectives and one is to eliminate existing potential land
use conflicts and encourage commercial where accessibility is ~reatest.
They feel this property is appropriate with being located on a major
roadway. In addition, it has been argued that the City has a scarcity
of industrial zoned property and he read from Page 78 of the plan
stating the fact the City has over 460 industrial zoned land acres
well located, but less than 20% of this area is currently developed.
APRIL 3~ 1979
Mr. Reed continued that although approximately 12~ of the CityTs total
land is zoned commereial~ the comprehensive plan speaks in terms of
most of this eommercial ~and having been zoned inedequately to serve
the needs of the residents. They feel this should be zoned commercial
Eo mee~ the needs of the residents in that area. He believes there is
a commercial district on the west side of Congress Avenue To the south
of this property, but other than that, he doesnTt believe there is any
commercially zoned property on Congress Avenue from Golf Road to Lake
Ida Road. He referred to the residents living in this area now and
stated the potential residential users muse also be considered.
Mr. Reed stated it has been mentioned light industrial might be pre-
ferable on Congress Avenue, but explained how the City code does not
designate between light and heavy industrial. It has also been men-
tioned if the City permits this application~ it would open the flood
gates and every land developer owning properEy frontin~ on Congress
Avenue would rush in here with an application~ but this is a unique
and distinct situation with the request being to rezone Eo co~nercial
from industrial whereas most developers are asking to have residential
property rezoned to commercial. This is a request to upgrade the zon-
ing classification.
Mr. Malavasi then came before the Council and advised that he prepared
the plans on the technical aspects and would be glad vo answer any
questions. Mr. Roberts asked if the entrance to this property was
also the entrance to the school and Mr. Malavasi replied affirmatively.
Mr. Roberts asked if the City has right-of-way and Mr. Malavasi re-
plied affirmatively and pointed out there was 80? right-of-way in the
center which was donated by the owner of the land applying for this
Mr. Roberts questioned if there was no commercial on this section of
Congress Avenue and Mr. Reed replied that he understands there is a
parcel on the wesr side of Congress Avenue just to the south. Mr.
Annunziaro added that it is a 50 acre parcel. Mr. Reed added that
ro the north there is C-3 zoning for the 500 room motel. Mayor
Narmening referred ~o there being more eo~ercial zoning ~o the
north and Mr. Reed agreed as he understands there is some at the
intersection of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue.
Mr. Menendez explained the schematic land use plan for these two
commercial parcels.
Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience wished ~o speak in
opposition to this rezonin~ request. Mr. Bob Guzauskas~ a resident
of Golfview Harbour, asked what is going to happen ~o the other pro-
perry along Congress A~enue? There will be a deluge of owners peti-
tioning for commercial with the area developing into a mesidential
community. The applicants have mentioned a need for commercial use,
but tenants are vacating the Lake Ids Medical Center and there are
vacant stores still at the shopping center further north on Congress
Avenue. If this is rezoned~ it may break the dam which has existed.
It has never been developed being zoned industriml, but empty land
is nice to lock a~.
APRIL 3~ 1979
Mr. Roberts referred To the Planninc S Zoning Board having a split vote
on this matter and requested the City Planner to make some comments in
relation to this request. Mr. Annunziato stated the Planning g Zoning
Board voted 4-5 to vote in favor of both rezoning requests. He referred
to time and money being spent on the comprehensive plan and explained
that a strong feature considered was the recommendation for along Con-
grass Avenue. The plan shows Congress Avenue having logically located
eommercial and residential. Approximately three weeks ago~ the Local
Planning Agency approved the elements of the comprehensive plan which
included this land to be industrial. These two requests do not meet
the criteria in the plan not being located at intersections. This
would result in a dangerous traffie situation with school buses and
traffic from South Teeh exiting. According to surveya~ approximately
twelve times as much traffic would result if these two properties are
rezoned commercially. Also, rezoning from industrial to commercial
would result in the loss of M-1 lands. M-1 land means jobs for the
community. There ia a park and school in this area. There is land
adequately zoned ~ommercial and within one mile~ there are approxi-
mately 67 acres zoned commercial with approximately 4 To S acres de-
veloped. At $ 20% development rate, there would be 600~000 square
feet of eommercial floor area in one mile. Such a commercial parcel
would be obnoxious with being a strip, causing traffic problems, the
aesthetic view nov being the best, etc. Most important, it is not eon-
sisTenT with the Local Planning AgeneyTs recommendation. Dhe approval
of these requests will result in additional rezoning requests. This
is not different from other locations on Congress Avenue and one
developer has indicated he would be interested! in having his land
zoned on Congress Avenue as commercial. He recommends these two
requests be denied.
Mr. Roberts asked if he thought it may wind up as a second U. S. 1
and Mr. Annunziato replied affirmatively. Mr. Roberts added that
plans for development of the commercial area across the street for
Hunter's Run have been approved and Mr. Annunziato agreed and added
that he thinks we have reached the point of over-kill in this area
from a planning viewpoint.
Mavor Harmening referred to the Planning g Zoning Board recommending
both requests by a 4-~ vote: but stated his personal feelings are
somewhat similar to the City Planner. He does believe it would open
the flood gates to a large number of new applicants for commercially
zoned property along Congress Avenue. He thinks it would result in
a strip commercial zone comparable to U. S. 1 or Congress Avenue in
Lake Worth.
Mrs. Riscoe made a motion to deny this request from M-1 to C-1 for Mr.
Paul M. Plunkett, seconded by Mr. Roberts. ~nder discussion~ Mrs.
~iscoe referred to a lot of time and effort having been put into the
comprehensive land use plan and stated if we start breaking it down
~ow~ ~e will be opening a pandora's box. The plan has been designed
for us and is to our advantage. Mr. Strnad referred to the fumes
APRIL 3, 1979
from industrial and stated he thought fumes from the commercial uses
would be preferable if any. Also~ as far as comparing this with U. S.
!, he thinks that is a boom to the City. Mayor Harmening replied that
there can be obnoxious odors from some of the commercial uses. As
requested/ Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
MOtion carried 4-0.
Use: .
Paul M. Plunkett (Reed & Malavasi, Agents)
West of South Congress Avenue~ South of Lake Worth
Drainage District Canal L-28 and North of S. W.
30th Avenue
Shopping Center~ Open Mall Type
Rezone from M-1 to
Mr. Roberts moved to reject this request for rezoning from M-1 to C-3~
seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No discussion. As requested, Mrs. Padgett
took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Mayor Harme_~ing - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Bethesda Memorial Hospital
2815 South Seacrest Boulevard
Replacement Dietary Addition
Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience wished to present any
material in regard to this site development plan and received no re-
sponse. He stated the Planning & Zoning Board~ at their regular meet-
ing of March 27, 1979, unanimously recommended that this site ~evelop-
ment plan be approved subject to the submission of paving and drainage
pla~s with computations. They further recommended approval of the
height exception for the elevator shaft as provided for in Section 4-P
of the Zoning Code.
Mrs. Riscoe referred to attending the Planning & Zoning Board meeting
and explained this construction will not add cars to the roadways or
parking areas, but is moving the present situation to another situa-
tion which will be more spacious.
APRIL 3, 1979
Mrs. Riscoe moved to accept this site development plan for Bethesda
Memorial Hospital, seconded by Mr. Strnad. Mr. Vance referred to the
staff recommendations and Mrs. RIscoe included these in her motion.
Mayor Harmening clarified it was moved and seconded to approve the
site development plan for Bethesda Memorial Hospital for this addition
subject to the staff recommendations. Motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Annunziato referred to the height exception and Mayor Harmening
stated the Planning & Zoning Board granted an exception to the 45 ft.
height limitation for the elevator shaft. Mr. Roberts moved to recom-
mend approval of the height exception for the elevator shaft as pro-
vided in Section 4-F of the zoning code~ seconded by Mrs. P/scoe. No
discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
At this time, Mayor Harmening called a three minute recess end then
reconvened the meeting~at 8:50 P. M.
Charles L. Leemon~ III
S.E. Corner of 1-95 and N.W. 2nd Avenue
Holiday Inn Motel, Accessory Commercial Building~
Pool and Parking Area
Mayor Harmening asked if someone in the audience wished to make a pre-
sentation on this site development plan and Mr. Charles Leemon came
before the Council and stated if there were any questions~ two me, ers
of his staff and his counsel are present.
Mr. Roberts stated he would like a review of the plan and Mr. Annunziato
posted it for the Council members to see and explained the location and
access to the property. He explained that ~wo buildings are planned
~with a four story building~ 34' high housing the motel units~ and a
two story commercial building with parking underneath.
Mr. Annunziato advised that the plan has been reviewed by the Planning $
Zoning Board and staff. He referred to the staff comments and read
Mr. Howell~s comments that on-site water retainage is not shown~ paving
elevation is not indicated, handicap parl</ng must be adjacent to the
building, handicap entrance not shown on the motel buildings, and if
not permitted by March 15, it must meet the energy code. The City
iEngineer noted that it is subject to submission of paving and drainage
iplans. The Acting Utility Director has noted on the water main reloc~
tion, the City requires a 20T easement and detailed plans are required
~on relocation. He added when this was rezoned and streets abandoned~
certain City utilities had to be relocated. The Public Works Dept.
has requested the canopy be eliminated over the driveway so there is
~no interference with the trucks emptying the dumpster. He has com-
mented that all parking is to be a minimum of 65t for 90° parking and
~additionaT right-o£-way on 1st Avenue is to be dedicated. The staff
~comments are to approve the plan subject to the recommendations.
APRIL 3, 1979
Mr. Leemon stated that he understands from the planners and architect
that the items mentioned have been corrected with the exception of the
canopy. Because of rainy weather, they would like to relocate the
dumpeter and retain the canopy for people to unlead in inelement weather.
MayorcHammening replied that it should nov present any problem to relo-
cate the dumps~er and should be acceptable. Mr. Leemon continued that
he does non have any objections to the recommendations sad has corrected
most and will follow the directives.
Mr. Roberts asked if they have gotten permission from the State for a
curb cut and stacking lane at this entrance and Mr. Leemon replied the
distance from the intersection is quite a distance ~nd have received
approval from D.O.T. as long as they stay beyond the right-of-way
fence. D.O.T. cot%ld foresee no problem especially since their traffic
is generated other than during the heavy traffic hours.
Mr. Vance clarified that the applicant is agreeable to comply with all
the staff recommendations listed and Mr. Leemon replied affirmatively with
the~ex~eptiom%.~ of the canopy which they would like To retain. Mayor
Hammening added that it would pose no problem with relocating the
Mr. Roberts referred to questioning the litigation at the last meeting
and Mr. Vance clarified that we have e suit presently pending regarding
rezoning; however, the developer has no5 been made a party and no in-
junction has been issued and we are presently defending the suit. The
developer is aware we are defending the suit and if he wishes to proceed,
he has the privilege as he has the zoning.
Mr. Strnad asked if there is enough room to move the dumpster to
another location where it would be feasible To pick it up and Mr.
Leemon replied that he has talked To his architect and has been
assured there are two other sites. Mr. Strnad stated he would like
the Sanitation DepT. To okay the alternate site. He added there
muss be room for the truck To turn around. Mr. Leemon stated he
will confer with the Sanitation Dept. and the architect To make sure
it is a proper location.
Mr. Roberts referred to voting against the original plan because he
felt it was spot zoning and he is not in favor of this project,, but
the site plan is good. Mayor Harmening clarified that the owner of
the property does have the zoning to build this facility. At this
point in time~ the zoning is no longer under consideration. The
zoning is applicable for this proposal. We are now asked To consider
the site plan which is not zoning. We only have one thing to consider
and this is the site plan. Mr. Vance agreed and stated the matter
before the Council tonight is to either approve or disapprove the site
plan presented. The zoning is not before the Council tonight; the
zoning was decided at an earlier date. The site plan is presented
based upon the existing zoning.
APRIL 3, 1979
Mr. Strnad referred to being in the rental business and told about
there being a 9meat need for more motel space within the Gity of
Boynton Beach. He thinks a pro, eot like this w~l be a great asset
to Boynton Beach, although he would rather see something like this
on H. S. 1.
Mr. Strnad moved to accept this site plan subject to all staff recom-
mendations. Mayor Harmeming ascertained there was no second and turned
the gavel over to Vice Mavor Riscoe to second the motion. As requested~
Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Strnad -
Vice Mayor Riscoe -
CounciLman Roberts -
Mayor Harmenin~ -
Aye, in view of the fact the
site plan is acceptable and he
is nov supposed ~o vote on the
zoning, but he is doing so
against his better judgment.
Motion carried 3-1.
Review and Discussion of Proposed Sign Ordinance (Tabled)
Mr. Strnad moved to take this from the table, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe.
Motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Vance ascertained the members of the Council had not received a
copy of the memo dated March 29 from Mr. Howell proposing an addition
referring to situationswhere the permit may be cancelled. He read
the proposed additional paragraph. Mayor Harmening suggested the
ordinance could be passed on first reading as corrected with the in-
sertion of Section 24-7(3).
Mr. Strnad referred to there being a directive about ten years ago that
all non-conforming signs within the City must either be removed or
corrected after the ten year period and he requested Mr. Keehr to
advise whether this had taken place. Mr. Keehr replied negatively
and advised this matter was discussed with Mr. Howell and Mr. Annun-
ziato, but he doesnTt recall the actual results of that discussion.
Mayor Harmening stated he believes the sign ordinance was passed four
or five years ago and people with non-conforming signs still have
approximately five years to comply. Mr. Strnad staEed the previous
sign ordinance was prepared by the business members in the City, the
Building DepartmenE and Planner and he knows it specifically said if a
sign was non-confozzming~ it must be removed or changed and he thinks
the ten years is up. Would the new sign ordinance negate the previous
sign ordinance giving ten years and Mr. Keehr replied negatively as
the new sign ordinance eliminate~ that portion of the ordinance; there
is nothing in the sign ordinance stating non-conforming signs muse 2omply.
-13 -
APRIL 3~ 1979
There is the possibility some are non-conforming in size, but the
structures conform. He does not have the answer regarding the grand-
father situations but will get an answer for him.
Mr. Strnad referred to yellow sections being marked in the ordinance
and questioned the advantages of deleting these sentences and sections
and Mr. Vance clarified that these are not deletions, but highligbt the
modifications. Mr. Keehr explained how changes were made for clarifi-
cation purposes and in some cases to actually a~dress zones which were
not addressed before such as C-3 and C-4 and eliminate ~nd decrease the
signs which were too large and add certain signs for hardship situations.
There have been constant requests made to the Appeals Board for signs
on the side of a building. The ordinance was discussed at length To-
gether with reviewing sign ordihances from other communities. The
proposed ordinance was done for clarification.
Mayor Harmening asked if the Council could limit the grandfather basis
to a certain period of time and Mr. Vance replied there has been sub-
stantial litigation around the 2ountry involving sign codes. It is
one of the few areas where the 2ourts have decided to go for aesthetic
zoning. Because of so much litigation, he would rather do some re-
search regarding elimination of the existing non-conforming signs rather
than attempt to answer on the spur of the moment. It is a complex
situation. Mr. Keehr added that possibly this clause was eliminated
because other townships have deleted it because of court actions.
Mr. Roberts pointed out that Section 24-18 on Page 14 referred to
non-conforming signs.
Mr. Strnad told about having a non-conforming sign since 1961 and
stated it is a matter of time we are talking about and when the
non-conforming signs must be removed or changed to conform.
Vance suggested that perhaps a more detailed staff report might be
helpful in evaluating this particular ordinance. Mr. Roberts sug-
gested giving further eonsideration to the section he referred
and possibly add something to take care of the non-conforming signs
and allowin~ the balance of the ten year period.
Mrs. Riscoe referred to possibly having To rescind Omdinance No. 78-45
and Mavor Harmeninc replied tha~ a repealer clause is included.
Mr. Roberts moved to put this back on the table: seconded by Mrs.
Riseoe. Mayor ~armening added that this mi[hr be the best approach
until receiving more staff input of the specifics. He wants to be
sure we are eliminatin~ the problems. A great deal of time and re-
search is needed vo analyse this. We almost have to be familiar with
existing signs and even conceivably what is planned by people to know
how it would affect certain portential proposed uses. Motion carried
Consider Re-allocation of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds (Priority
Requests from Department Heads) Vice Mayor Betty Riscoe
Mms. Riscoe referred to having her request from the last Council
meeting typed and subm/tted ye the Council members for considera-
tion and stated these are necessities requested by the department
heads. She finds there are no duplications whatsoever with the Anti-
Recession Funds. Ail these requests are pem the department heads'
needs and priorities. These are definite needs for services throughout
the City. This is the money alloeated for the 55 acres. We also have
a submittal tO consider from Mm. Frederick regarding the 55 acres to
do in phases. She agrees the money is gathering interest, but these
things are needed. She told about the ambulance not being able to
answer a call. She feels these are high priorities for the entire
City. These are very valid and she requesvs thought be given to
these needs.
Mayor Harmening referred to %-~o items in the pmoposa! being proceeded
with since the 2ouncil directed the City Manager to do so. In refer-
ence to the requests from General Services, while some are valid re-
quests~ we just recently did order nwo new commercial packers. He
went over the equipment with the Direetor of General Services and
it was certainly no question the packers were definitely high priority,
but several tkings he alluded that he would like to have but he agreed
he could work with mosE of what he has for some period of time if
funds are not available. He explained how department heads usually
load their requests in anticipation of the amount being knocked down
and having to fight for those items they need desperately. To spend
this much money would practically be renewing a large portion of
General Services. We direeted the City Manager to move on obtaining
bids for the ambulance and police cruisers. Mrs. Tinker replied that
we only got two cruisers and the Police Dept. requested eight~and
approval was not given for the ambulance. Mayor Harmening referred
to instructing the City Manager to bring the paramedics up to State
standards and Mrs. Riscoe agreed, but advised this regamdedqdoetors
and insurance. Mayor Harmening stated it was in regard to every~ing
and Mrs. Tinker replied that she didn't believe an ambulance was in-
eluded. The Council went along with schooling and insurance, but there
was no mention of an-additional ambulance or equipment for same. Mayor
Harmening replied that he believes the specifications were not spelled
out, but from all comments and the direction of the Council, the City
Manager was to proceed on this matter and bring this up to standards.
Mrs. Riscoe refemred to the delivery period for these items and stated
she didn't think any of these things are out of our realm of think/ng.
She does not recall approving an ambulanee~ but did approve insuranee
and schooling. We did not go into the specifics as far as an ambulanee
and equipment. This is definitely the highest priority. Also, she
understands that no cruisers were budgeted last year. Mr. Sullivan
informed her that last year~ we purchased eight new cruisers and this
year, we purehased four. The detective units have not been replaced.
Mayor Harmening questioned the number needed and Mrs. Riscoe suggested
four would be sufficient to the two allocated just recently and Mr.
Sullivan agreed this would be satisfactory.
APRIL 3, 1979
Mr. Roberts referred to just receiving the audit report and stated
there seems to be a surplus in excess of $580,000 and Mrs. Tinker
agreed and advised that it is $671,000 and also an additional $177,000
of Revenue Sharing Funds to be allocated with a time limit. Mr.
Roberts continued that everyone seems To want to grab this $228~000
and altogether it is a good total. Mrs. Riscoe replied that she does
not care where the money comes from, but thinks the necessities should
be taken care of. At the time she prepared this proposal, the budget
-surplus was non in. She added that we should keep so much money in
the bank for emergency purposes, between $300,000 and g400,000.
Mr. Roberts stated that $228,000 was allocated for this particular
project and there is no reason why some of the improvements should not
be made. He believes there is enough money for the road and parking
ares so it nan be used. He suggests this amount be left for that and
we proceed with the unappropriated surplus and the rest can be con-
sidered at budget time.
Mr. Strnad stated he cannot understand why we should keep the $228,000
in the bank. Every day we delay purchasing equipment~ the price is
going up more than the interest we are getting on the money. He thinks
the need is here vo gev more packers the way the City is growing. He
then questioned the time wait to receive delivery of a packer and Mr.
Sullivan replied that it takes nine to twelve months for delivery
unless there is a demonstrator available. He added that we were
fortunate to get delivery immediately on Two packers in February
sinoe another city cancelled their order. Mr. Strnad stressed that
we must ~et the equipment needed to run the City properly. Mr.
Roberts clarified that he was nov against purchasing the needed equip-
ment, but thinks the $228,000 should be used for what it was intended
for. Mrs. Riseoe questioned what it was intended for and Mr. Roberts
replied for the development of the recreation area.
Mr. Strnad referred To the Recreation Director submitting a recommenda-
tion on how To develop the park and stated every other city has gotten
things from the 2ounty free. We have not gotten anythin~ except the 55
acres. We will have To maintain it, etc. If we take County funds, it
will be open to everyone in the County. We will be paying for every-
body in the County.
Mayor Harmening told about most of the recreation facilities in the
County being open to the public. As mentioned previously, he has
received assurances there will be considerable funds forthcoming
from the County for cooperative development of the 55 acre tract plus
the acres across the road. Mr. Dance and Mr. Frederick have gotten
together on this and have come up with a proposal and he would like
to see where it leads. If it is agreeable to the citizens of Boynton
Beach and the County is willing to participate~ we will need money to
pay our share and he thinks we should keep this available until we
find out how it is going to go. This is only in reference to the
$228,000. We do have to put the road in and have to put it in this
APRIL 3, 1979
year as that was part o£ the agreement. We also have to put in utili-
ties. These are basic and fairly expensive. In addition to that, the
development which may ge~ started later this year will cost some money.
We do have funds for the purchase of other needed equipment. There
are surplus funds in the budget and only a budget transfer is required.
He is willin~ to go along with any reasonable requests from the depart-
ments for new and additional equipment. However he questions the re-
quest from General Services for S450,000 and Mrs. Tinker disagreed
with that amount and advised the total request was ~162,000. Mayor
Harmening stated the one he received was considerably in excess of
that and Mr. Roberts added that the total request was $300,000.
Mrs. Riscoe stated she was just asking for a mere pittance to distri-
bute to all departments.
Mrs. Tinker clarified that they were talking about the allocation of
Federal Revenue Funds, specifically $228,000 for the sports complex.
We do have a recommendation from Mr. Frederick: but must keep in mind
these Federal Revenue Sharing Funds must be used. We have $1637000
in Federal Revenue Sharing Funds which must be allocated in the budgeT.
Mayor Harmening questioned the cutoff date and Mrs. Tinker replied
that it is the end of the fiscal year. She clarified that $163,000
is presently in the budget.
Mrs. Riscoe moved To instruct the City Manager_ To follow the request
for re-allocation with a public hearing for the Federal Revenue Funds~
seconded by Mr. Strnad. Under discussion, Mr. Roberts staved we have
not given the Recreation Direcnor a chance to talk about this and he
will not move those funds until he hears from him and there is plenty
of money available to take care of the real needs. Mr. Strnad replied
that we can forget the ~228~000 and use other money and Mr. Roberts
stated this is what he was in favor of. Mr. Strnad continued that we
should get what we need with the money we have as he does Dot want to
lose the money by not spending it. Mr. Roberts stated the $228,000
could be held over. A vote was then taken and the motion lost with a
vote of 2-2 with Mr. Strnad and Mrs. Riscoe voting in favor and Mr.
Roberts and Mayor Harmening voting against.
Mayor. Harmening referred to getting some of the more critical needs
and suggested requesting the City Manager to come back with a depart-
ment by department request on a very high priority basis. He thinks
everyone should have the opportunity to completely review the nature
of these requests. He thinks there might be a favorable vote to direct
the City Manager to expend the necessary funds to bring the EMS service
up to full standard and if we are as critically short of.police cruis-
ers, he sees no reason not to direct the City Manager to go out for
bids for four new cars.
Mr. Roberts questioned the need for a packer in General Services and
Mayor Harmening replied that the commercial has been pretty well
taken care of, but probably additional garbage dumpsters are needed
to supply the growing area. Possibly there is at least one other
packer in bad condition.
APRIL 3. 1979
Mr. Roberts moved to go out for bid for one garba%e packer. Mrs.
R/scoe added that the City Manager should be instructed Eo obtain
bids on an ambulance with equipment, four cruisers, one trash truck
and 20 assorted sized dumpsEers. Mr. Vance questioned if these pur-
chases are to be made out of the ~228,000 and Mayor Harmening replied
Mr. Roberts clarified that his motion was to go ouE for bid on one
heavy duty rear load packer; one ca~,chassis and scowbody; one ambu-
lance with equipment; four police cruisers. Mayor Harmening suggested
that the City Manager be asked to cheek witk other departments as we
are lea~ing heavily towards three. Mrs. Tinker ~eplied that these are
service deparuments and the other requests are minimal and the amounts
can be transferred.
Mrs. Tinker referred ro needing a sign van since the present one has
120,000 m/les on it. Mayor Harmening suggested that a vruck be as-
signed from the Utilities DeparEment and added possibly a 1/2 or 3/a
ton truck could be ordered for the Parks Department. Mr. Sullivan
informed them that the truck for signs must be a van for the equip-
ment and the Utilities Department does not have anything like that.
Mayor Harmening suggested that a new van be ordered then if the
present one is beyond repair.
Mrs. Riscoe requested that the Library be given something and Mayor
Harmening replied that at the presenE time, the Library is experi-
encing a tremendous decline in readership due to the construction of
Seaerest Blvd. Until we see exactly where we sEand~ he thinks we can
hold off on this request due to the lack of circulation at the present
Mrs. Tinker advised that the 10,000 gallon diesel tank is urgently
needed im view of the anticipated shortage of gas. At the present
time, we have a 1,500 gallon tank. Mayor Hammeninc referred to being
on allocation at the present time based on the 1977 allocation and
stated in the past, we had no problem getting deliver~ of the alloca-
tion but it was cut short.
Mrs. Padgett referred to needing money for the special election and
Mayor Harmening agreed this is first priority. Mrs. Padgett con-
tinued that about ~5~000 will be aeeded for the two elections.
Mayor Harmening referred back ~o the additional storage facility for
petroleum products and Mr. Strnad questioned whether it was really
needed? Mr. Sullivan explained that the City is on allocation for
regular and unleaded gas, but there is no lim/t on diesel fuel. I~
we had the larger tank~ it could be filled and if we are put on allo-
cation~ we would have some reserve. He doesn't think we will use
10,000 gallons per month. Mavor Harmenin~ questioned the approximate
cost including installation and Mr. Sullivan est/mated about S10~000.
Mr. Strnad questioned whether it would be fiberglass or metal and
Mr. Sullivan replied metal and explained that fiberglass is non
feasible in the sandy soil.
APRIL 3~ 1979
Mr. Roberts stated the priorities needed should be obtained: a sign
van, a heavy duty rear load packer~ a cab and chassis, a truck for the
Parks Department, ambulance, and cruisers. His motion is to instruct
the City Manager to go out for bid on these. Mrs. Riscoe then seconded
the motion. Under discussion~ Mayor Hammening commented that there is
a need for most of the items agreed to as the budget was cut thin last
year to accommodate recreation. We are probably in the process of hir-
ing a new City Manager and he does not think the budget should be
stripped down. Let a City Manager come on board and hopefully have
him recognize where the priorities exist. Mr. Vance clarified that
the items to be obtained are:
107000 Gallon Diesel Tank
Sign Van
! - ~ ton Truck for Parks Dept.
! - Heavy Duty Rear Load Packer
1 - Cab S Chassis to go with Seowbody
1 - Scowbody Trash Truck
20 - Assorted Dumpsters
1 - Ambulance with equipment
4 - Police Cruisers with sirens and emergency lights
2 - Elections ($5,000)
Mr. Roberts agmeed and stated b_is motion is vo instruct the City Manager
to go out for bids on the above items. Mr. Strnad questioned the dif-
ference between this motion and the one Mrs. Riscoe made and Mr. Roberts
replied that Mrs. Riscoe?s motion was to have the equipment paid for
with the ~228,000. Motion carried 4-0.
Request for a Fire Traffic Light at Sub-Fire Station on Congress and
Main Fire Station on N. E. 2nd Avenue
Mrs. Tinker referred to the Safety Board recommending these and
advised that Mr. Clark looked into it and the cost will be S21,000.
The City would have to pay for these lights and it would have to come
out of surplus funds. Mr. Clark did contact the County Engineer's
office and they have advised that the State Statutes require that the
City pay for traffic signals within the City limits. However, the
County could design them and have them installed at the City's ex-
pense. The Safety Committee strongly recommended these lights be
obtained because of an accident. Mr. Roberts added that these lights
are designed to stop traffic when fire equipment enters the highway.
Mrs. RIscoe moved to instruct the City Manager to proceed with the
installation of a fire traffic light on Congress Avenue and at the
main station behind City Ha!t~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. Under dis-
cussion, Mayor Harmening commented that the traffic has increased
tremendously on 2nd Avenue and he believes it is needed. Mrs. ~iscoe
added that the traffic on Congress Avenue has also increased. Mayor
Har~nening stated the sub-station has small activity, but it will soon
be needed. Motion carried 4-0.
APRIL 3~ 1979
Consider Recommendation from Mr. Charles Frederick~ Recreation Director
Re: Proposed Park Development Plan for 55 Acre Tract and 30 Aer~ Tract
off Congress Avenue
Mrs. Tinker started reading Mr. Frederick~s lengthy Park Development
Plan and Mayor Harmening requested Mr. Frederick To just give a sum-
mary of the proposal. Mr. Frederick stated his primary emphasis is
because of the value of the property and the amount of money for
development which could easily total over $2,000,000, that we definitely
secure the service of a professional firm in the design of this project.
Mayor Harmening referred to the County staff having this degree of ex-
pertise and Mr. Frederick replied that he addressed this in his memo
and has been in contact with Mr. Dance but has not received an answer.
Mayor Hammeninq suggested that possibly the Council could get more
definitive action from the County. Mr. Frederick stated it is diffi-
cult to make a decision until we know what the County will do. Mayor
Harmenin~ stated we will try to address this very shortly to determine
the priority on this.
Mr. Frederick referred to the four alternatives listed and stated
this is critical To the approach we take in final form.
Mr. Roberts asked if the County could use the additional eight acres
for their own use and Mayor Harmening replied that the deed was supposed
to have been signed: but it is being held in the County Attorneyts
office. He believes it was turned over ~o the City, but the final
disposition was held up.
Mr. Roberts referred To the City being responsible for the utilities
and Mr. Frederick agreed and stated regardless whether the County
helps us or not, we will have to carry some load in this project.
The $228~000 could be critical To the first phase development as
that will be very expensive with supplying utilities and roads.
His recommendation is to certainly hold that money. He added that
he has carried over Federal Revenue Sharing funds in his budget.
Also~ we still have 30 acres with 4~ years to develop.
Mrs. Riseoe asked if he had been approached by the Y.M.C.A. and Mr.
Frederi2k replied that he was approached once by the Program Super-
visor of the Boca Raton Y.M.C.A. regarding the possibilities of the
Y coming into Boynton Beach. Mrs. R/scoe suggested possibly we could
lease !0 to 15 acres to the Y.M.C.A. on a long term basis. This would
serve the youth in the commun/ty and possibly should be considered
Mr. Roberts referred To the statements that we have To spend the
~228,000 and questioned what prevented us from tak/ng these funds
and putting them into the Capital Improvement Funds? Mayor
Harmening clarified that the thrust of this argument was to get
the $228,000 out of Revenue Sharln~ money with re-advertising to put
APRIL'3, 197B
the 55 acres on the back burner for the time being. Mr. Roberts
referred to encumbering funds and Mrs. Tinker ~greed it can be en-
cumbered~ but for no longer than a two year period. Mr. Frederick
clarified that the $228,000 was budgeted for this year~ so it can be
encumbered for next year and would be available until September 30~
Mr. Roberts moved to table this item until we have additional input
from the County, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No discussion. Motion car-
tied 4-0.
Discuss Special Meeting of the Civil Service Appeals Board - Councilman
Norman F. Strnad
Mr. Strnad stated he attended the Civil Service Board meeting the other
afternoon and he was appalled by the action of that Board. The first
thing he heard when coming in was a certain Mr. Beane recommending an
attorney named Thompson to investigate the complaints the Civil Service
Board was asked to investigate. Mr. Thompson happends to be an attor-
ney for two people on that Board. He doesn't know why out of hundreds
of attorneys in Palm Beach County they picked Mr. Thompson, but they
did. Further: they were supposed to investigate two different com-
plaints and tried to lump them into one deal. One compaint was about
the Acting City Manager and her actions, which in his opinion has
nothing to do with the Civil Service Board. The complaint ~as based
on memos sent out, which are the administrative affairs of the City
Manager. This is the City Manager we appointed on January 2. The
second-complaint was supposedly an investigation regarding a complaint
from Sgt. Ferrell from the Police Department. If an investigation is
wanted, there should be fu~_l cooperation and an investigation requested
by the State and not within the confines of this City or County. He
would say, at this time, any monies that would be requested to hire an
attorney to investigate the charges which were made would not be ap-
proved by him.
Sgt. Robert Ferrell came before the Council and stated he has been
with the Police Department for five years. Hp until today~ as far
as he knows~ his record has been unblemished. During the last
several months~ things have taken an interestinc turn in the Depart-
ment and City with finding politics controls what goes on in the
Police Department. He has made this public with a couple of formal
complaihts to be fomwarded To the proper body because he felt that
is the only way the proper actions will be taken. His one letter
referred to the action to replace the Acting City Manager and he
planned to speak au that meeting. How~ver~ he was offered job secur-
ity if he did not speak a~ that meeting on Monday night. He was
told no matter what happens, his ~sS?would be safe and he would have
nothing ~o worry about if he didn't speak. His reply was that he is
bi~ enough to take care of himself and he Was not afraid To speak up
for what he thinks is right. This progressed on and on and is covered
in his letters of complaint. However, the most recent is the action
APRIL 3, 1979
taken by the Civil Service Board. This Boamd is supposed to afford
him the right uo a fair and impartial hearing with reference to his
complaint or some kind of job action. This has turned into a joke.
When he went to work the day after the meeting, he would say there
was a ~eneral feeling of disgust other than those in the positions
being attacked in reference to this. There was feelin~ of disgust
and amazement among the officers in the Department tha~ the members
of this Board, a couple who are extremely close friends To the p~ople
the complaints are ~gain'st and also friends of the individual involved
in the complaint about' the City Manager~ would actually appoint his
attorney~to be a prosecutor in this case. He decided To speak to the
2ouneil if they want money to be paid for this. He will wait until
January to see if we can ~et some people replaced on the Board and
appoint some people with integrity. With his comp!aint~ he may as
well allow the person wh~hecfiled the complaint against pass judg-
ment on himself and dete~ine what kind of discipline would be war-
ranted under these conditions. A section of the 2ity Charter calls
for the disqualification of a member of the Board which is comparable
To a member of the jury~ which doesn't take much. He thinks there is
quite a Dit of doubt concerning a number of people on the Board. He
doesnTt mean they should resign from the Board, but disqualify them-
selves in this particular ease. Some officers of the Police Depart-
ment will nor testify in front of the Board as it sits right now,
He would like to have the Board set up more fairly and hire an attor-
ney which does not ~epresent one of the people he would be complain-
~ng against.
Mayor Harmening stated he doesn't believe he has heard anyone before
make an attack on the C~vil Service Board. Many members have been
on the Board for a eonslder~ble period of time and he suspects they
do know many of the partici ~ants involved in this. He thinks if they
were looking for an attorne~
qualifications, he thinks a~
an impartial attorney. He t
Board would handle any comp[
covered by an investigation
· and some people know attorneys and their
selection could be made on that basis for
.as every confidence that the Civil Service
aints or charges brought before it or un-
in a fair and impartial manner. In the
past, the majority of the e~iisting Board~ in his opinion, has leaned
over far backwards to be he] ~ful to members of the classified service
of the City. The Board has taken a long and hard look at any charges
brought by any one. He sees no basis for any complaints.
Mr. Roberts referred To the Civil Service Board being a quasi-judicial
body and questioned how we ~it into this picture and Mr. Vance replied
that essentially the Board is a totally independent Board. It is de-
signed to ru~ on complaints and violations of the Civil Service regu-
lations. Mr. Roberts state~ it would not be proper for a member of
the Council to ask them if they want To replace the attorney and Mr.
Vance replied that is not t~e way the Civil Service Board is set up.
Mrs. Tinker referred to the beginning of the year when she was appointed
Acting Interim City Manager and asked if it wasn't s~aEed at that time
that she had the authority to perform her duties as City Manager and
Mr. Vance replied affirmatively. Mrs. Tinker stated then she would
APRIL 3, 1979
like to know why an investiffation i~ going to transpire due to the memo
she sent to department heads questioning about their acEiv~ties and why
this is coming before the Civil Service Board? Mr. Vance referred to
not being a member of the 'CiVil Service Board, but presumably they
felt complaints involving classified service had been brought to their
attention. Mrs. Tinker continued that there were complaints specifi-
ea!ly about the classified semvice and eharges are brought against her
and she is not the person who violated Civil'Service. In the ease of
Lee Thompson being appointed by the Civil Service Board~ he is very
friendly with one of the gentlemen.~gt. Ferrellis going to object to.
The attorney who serves at the pleasure of the Civil Service Board dis-
qualified himself on the basis that he is a friend of hers. She may
ask him to' rescind his disqualification and semve on that Board.
Mayor Harmening stated he thinks Mrs.- Tinker'is overlooking a germane
point. It is within the purview of the Civil Service Board who they
hire as an attorney. The fact they have used one ~attorney for two ~o
three years does not mean this attorney has to represent them or has
some special relation with the Board. Mrs. Tinker clarified that the
relation pertained to her. She added if we are going to place an
attorney on that Board friendly with persons involved~ she would
rather have her friend serve. Mayor Har~nenin? stated this is within
the purview of the Civil Service Board. Hrs. Tinker asked if these
two investigations are going to run concurrently and Mayor Hammening
replied that he has no idea. He has not discussed the matter with
the members of the Board. He does not know how they propose 5o handle
it or how their attorney will handle it. Mrs. Tinker referred to him
sending a recommendation to the Civil Service Board and asked if they
didnTt tell him how they were going to pursue it and Mayor Harmening
replied negatively~ that he just forwarded the memos with his very
brief comments.
Mr. Strnad asked if Mayor Hammeninq had asked for an investigation
of himself with the eonversation he had for 45 minutes on March 2
with the Licensing Officer withou5 pemmission of the City Manager?
Isn't permission necessary to talk to a department head? Mayor
Hammening replied that sometime back~ there was an ordinance pending
to transfer the license branch from the Building Department to the
Office of the City Manager. Since he never met this lady~ he thought
it would be wise to mee~ her and see whether she was capable of hand-
ling the job. He stopped by and introduced himself and talked to her
close to a half hour. Mr. Strnad replied that this is not the story
he got from her.
Mrs. Riscoe stated as far as the Civil Service Board is concerned,
she thinks eventually this will all be ironed out. Each case will
be judged by its own merit. The only thing she is taking exception
to~ per the March 14 minutes~ is the fact they sit and discuss the
elections forthcoming, how the City Council should appoint the next
high yore getver: etc. She thinks this has no pertinency with the
Civil Service Board of Appeals. It does no5 come under the purpose
APRIL 5, 1979
of what they are serving for. Mayor Harmening replied that everyone
seems to be discussing the CityTs interest and he sees no harm that
they are. Mrs. Riscoe stated this is the only Board she has heard it
from. Mayor Harmening referred to attending numerous Board meetings
during the pasE six years and often times, he has heard the political
climate of the City discussed, but not as a formal agenda item. Most
of the work conducted by the City Boards is mostly informal. The mem-
bers sit around after meetings and have conversations. If this is
some sort of prohibitive topic for discussion, perhaps we should in-
struct them all that under no circumstances are they ever To sit in
judgment or discuss politiea! matters of the City because it might
bring them in ill repute in some eyes; of course, he would have to
dissent. He referred to spending an undue ten,th of time on this
and suggested moving on.
Consider Change Order - 1-95 Strip Park
Mrs. Tinker referred to Mr. Clark submittid~ a ~emo asking for a
change order to be approved by the Council ~i~h the MayorTs signa-
ture required and advised the new contract price is $6,928.80 below
the ori~Q-inal engineering estimate. It is recommended this change
order be approved by Mr. Clark.
Mr. Roberts questioned the location oS this park and Mayor Harmening
infommed him that it is just below the canal on the west side of 1-95
at the old cemetery.
Mrs. ~/scoe questioned how such a large amount could be overlooked
and stated they signed the contract and obviously according to the
contract, they knew exactly what they were getting into. Mrs.
Tinker read the justification that the eonEractor, through his own
error, had not included the cost of providing an asphalt surface To
the park path in his original proposal and this oversight was de-
tected after he si~ned the contract. It is the opinion Of the City
Engineer and Palm Beach County Community Development that this was an
honest oversight and that the contractor is entitled to the additional
$1,433.00. Mr. Clark added that the reason it was obvious mistake
was the bid was so low. Bids could not be obtained when we originally
advertised and this had to be negotiated. In negotiations, sometimes
there are misunderstandings. Mrs. Riscoe stated that others submit-
ting a higher bid may have lost ouE on the job and Mr. Clark clari-
fied that this was not bid but was negotiated.
Mayor Hammening stated he is sure we could legally hold the man vo
the terms and conditions of the contract; but if we ever go out for
bids again, the bids will be high or this contractor will not bid.
Also, the other contractors bidding will remember our position and
bid ~ceordingly. The best long term solution would be to approve
the change order.
Mr. Roberts moved to approve this additional amount oS money of
$1:433.00 on this particular item. Mayor Harmening ascertained
there was no second and passed the gavel to the Vice Mayor to
second the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Harmenin~ stated this
APRIL 5, 1979
is a recommendation of the staff and asked if additional information
was required? Mr. Roberts asked if this project had been started and
Mrs. Tinker replied affiz~fatively. Mr. Roberts clarified that it is
the opinion of the City Engineer and Palm Beach County Community Deve-
lopment that this was an honest oversight and the contractor is entit-
led to this. Mrs. P/scoa referred to this being a matter of negotia-
tion and stated if we did not negotiate, we would not be stuck with
this Situation. She reluctantly will vote on a moral basis in favor,
but did not feel right to second the mo~ion. ItTs getting to the point
where we are afraid of getting stuck with all these people. This was
possibly an oversight~ but why are we always recipients of negotiated
oversights? Mr. Clark replied that this is eot a unique problem and
explained that contractors are reluctant ~o bid on small jobs and
federally funded jobs and this is not like s regular contract. Nego-
tiation is used as an attempt to save the City moneywhen the bids are
too high. Mayor Har~nening asked if the 2ity Mahager concurred with
this change order and Mrs. Tinker replied affirmatively as the job is
almost completed and she thinks we should pay the difference of
Motion carried 4-0.
Consider Ordinance to Amend Section ~56 of the Charter - Re: Calling of
Special Meetings Vice Mavor Betty Riscoe
Mrs. Riscoe stated the only thing she wanted to mention is the fact
she doesn't find one thing that would be intolerable in the ordinance
itself, but would like To make the additions:
No special meetings shall be called with Less than 48 hours
notice except for purposes of acting in an emergency situa-
tion as defined by Section 25 of the City Charter.
It shall be the duty of the City Official, City Clerk or
City Manager preparing the notification of papers to contact
eaeh Councilman or M~yo~ in the event said meeting was
ealle~b~5~= Councilme~ prior to the preparation of said
paper for the purpose of adding an item to the agenda.
She referred to the last special meeting and advised she received the
notice on Thursday for a special meeting at 5:50 on Fmiday and four
items were listed on the agenda. As far as the Revenue Sharing Funds,
she had asked to have that on the agenda for the next meeting whether
a special or regular meeting and this special meeting did occur and
she was not shown the 2om~on courtesy to have this item included.
Mr. Strnad agreed that he would also like to be notified more in ad-
vance. To attend ~wo different meetings, he had to break appointments
because of the short notice. Mr. Roberts asked if ~o days~ notice
was sufficient and Mrs. P/scoe agreed and stated she suggested 48 hours.
API~IL 3, 1979
Mrs. Riscoe added that she also suggested polling the members regarding
agenda items. Mr. Roberts replied that this would be getting involved
in long ifs, ands or buts. He thinks special meetings are of an urgent
nature. The purpose may be defeated by requiring 48 hours notice.
Mrs. Riseoe stated she would try ro attend whether 48 or 24 hours no-
tice; but in case plans are made~ at least there would be more time
to reschedule plans. Mr. Roberts stated that an item could be added
to the agenda at the meetin~ with unanimous approval. Mrs. Ris2oe
suggested that her recommendations be put on the books for clarifica-
Mayor Harmening stated that.usually in the past, there has always been
more than 48 hours notice. Special meetings were rarely called; but
so far this year with the eourse of events, we have had a greater num-
ber of special meetings. The timine of the notice is usually 48 hours.
The only reason the last meeting was called in 24 hours was to pass the
proclamation so the election could proceed as soon as possible.
Mayor Harmening stated regarding the addition of any important or timely
matter to the agenda~ there is no problem to do this with unanimous
consent of the Council. He told about most special meetings beine
attended by three or four members in the past. He sees no purpose
whatsoever for changing this as it has worked out. There was an item
whicN could have been added to the agenda recently, but unanimous eon-
sent was not given because certain members did not want to consider
the item. If he had an item for the agenda, he would put it on the
regular agenda in case the members of the Council would not agree to
the addition at a special meeting. This has been in effect for a long
time and has worked very successfully. He sees no reason to change it.
Mr. Roberts referred to these suggestions being made and stated he
thinks it can be corrected by giving the extra notiee without chang-
ing anything and additions could be added to the agenda before dis-
tribution. Mayor Harmening agreed he didn't think there would be
any problems. It is certainly not his intent to create any hardship
to the members for a special meeting. He feels when the CityTs inter-
est is pressing~ it is ~ncumbent upon the members of the Council to
attend to the business of a priority nature. If there is a change
desired by the majority of the 2ouncil, he is sure it man be efiected.
Consider Creation of AssisEant City Manager's Position - Councilman Roberts
Mr. Roberts referred to the lateness of the hour and moved to table
this for the next meeting, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. Motion carried 4-0.
Consider Alleviating Unsightly Existing Conditions at Causeway Square
Mrs. Tinker referred to submitting s complete file of this to~ether
with pictures and stated she concurs with the department head~ that
this area is unsightly and a nuisanee does exist. It certainly con-
stitutes a health, welfare and se~ety hazard for the residents of our
APRIL 3, 1979
community and is in violation of Sections 13-17 and 13-18 of the Code.
Further~ it will add to the aesthetics of our City along the Intracoastel
Waterway if this is cleaned up. She respectfully requests the City
Council direct our City Attorney re prepare the appropriate resolution
te alleviate, these conditions according To Section 13-20 of the Code.
The Couneilts concurrence with this recommendation will alleviate a
situation which has existed for years. The recommendations were sub-
mitted from the City Engineer, Sanitation Department and Fire Depart-
Mr. Roberts moved to direct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate
resolution to alleviate these existing unsightly conditions, seconded
by Mr,. S~rnad. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
ReeeipE of Correspondence from the Town of Palm Beach Opposing the
Four-laning of State Road A-1-A
Mrs. Tinker tel%fred to the Town of Palm Beach wanting eoneurren~ from
us on this matter and Mr. Strnad replied that he is in favor of having
A-!AA four-laned as it is a bottleneck. Mr. Roberts clarified that we
are not on A-1-A~ so we are not aetually involved.
Mr. Strnad moved to receive and file this, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No
discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Appointment of a Permanent City Manager
Mrs. Ri scoe announced that at this particular point, we have narrowed
our prospective candidates down to one particular gentleman. She told
about spending four hours today checking this gentleman out and cannot
come back to the Council with anything but praise. There was not one
derogatory statement made against this man. She would like to have
Mr. Peter Cheney appointed as our permanent City Manager.
Mrs. Riscoe made a motion to appoint Mr. Peter Cheney as our permanent
City Manager and to instruct the Acting Interim City Manager to get in
contact with Mr. Cheney after the vo~e~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. Under
discussion~ Mrs. Tinker asked if the salary and a car were discussed
and Mayor Harmening replied the salary was discussed. Mrs. Riscoe
added that i~ it is not out of order~ she thinks it would be proper,
providing we get an affirmative reply from Mr. Cheney~ for our Acting
City Manager to write the other gentlemen and tell them they are no
longer in contention. Mrs. Tinker asked if she meant to send letters
to all of them and Mayor Harmening replied that he thinks the ones
interviewed would be adequate. Motion carried 4-0.
Consideration of Paying Transportation and Motel Expenses for Finance
Directorts Applicant from Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Mrs. Tinker referred To having two sessions of interviews with Finance
Director applicants and stated Mr. Sullivan has advised her we have a
very good man located in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. This applicant was
also discussed with our auditors and they would like to interview him.
APRIL 3, 1979
She requests his transportation and motel expenses be paid. We did
transfer monies for the City Manager applicants' expenses and she
wonders if the Council would be agreeable to going along with paying
this applicant's expenses from Portsmouth~ New Hampshire.
Mayor Harmening commented he wOuld be very much surprised if there are
no qualified Finance Directors in this area. Mrs. Tinker informed him
this applicant did work in this area and would like to come back. Mr.
Sullivan added that this gentleman worked for Burnip L Sims for eight
years and Left for New Hampshire and has been there two years and would
like to move back to this area. Mavor Harmening asked the name of this
applicant and Mr. Sullivan informed-him it is Ken Dauhl.
Mr. Strnad asked how many applicants had been interviewed and Mr.
Sullivan replied seven have been interviewed, but we are not inter-
eared in any of the seven. Approx/mately 35 applications were re-
ceived and we are still advertising. Mr. Strnad commen~ed that it may
be worth paying for him to come and Mr. Sullivan clarified that he is
just interested in having his flight paid and did not mennion a motel.
Mr. Roberts moved to pay the plane fare, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe.
Mayor Harmening clarified that it had been moved and seconded to pay
the transportation for the applicant for the City Finance Director.
Motion carried 4-0.
Consider Ridgewood Estates; Connection of S. W. 5tk Street with S.W.
23rd Avenue
Mr. Burl Gentry came before the Council and stated at a previous Coun-
cil meeting, the condition of approval for R/dgewood Estates was to
allow a connection. He has reviewed his proposal with the Traffic
Director of Palm Beach County and it is acceptable witP him. He also
met with Mr. Clark, the Fire Marshall and Police Chief and each said
it would be a feasible alternative. He showed the plan and explained
it would provide a balancsddistribution of traffic from 23rd Avenue
and relieve the over-burden on the other streets. Mrs. Riscoe clari-
fied that 4th, 5th and 6th Streets will be opened. Mr. Gentry then
explained the plan to the audience.
Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience wanted to speak on
this item.
Mr. Rudy Blank, 702 S. W. 25th Placer staEed they know the developer
has struggled with th~s and made an effort to solve the problem.
There ~s still the problem of having only one entrance into their
convaunity. Mayor Harmening asked if this proposal would alleviate
most of the concerns and Mr. Blank replied the traffic will flow
through the community in a more satisfactory manner. ~owever~ it
is fact they will still have one bottleneck to get out ~n case of
problems. Mr. Gentry advised the County would only allow one inter-
section with this plan.
Mrs. R. F. OTMalley, 2818 S. W. 6th Street, told about the large amount
of traffic on 6th Street.
Mayor Hammening stated the proper action would be to reconsider the
motion made at the last meeting to direot the encineer for the deve-
loper to come up with an alternate solution to the traffic problem
and if the feeling is this ia adeqna~e~ then the motion would be after
reeonsideration To remove the stipulation and accept the preliminary
plat without stipulations.
Mrs. P~scoe stated she is aware the mai~ thought was to open 4th St.
to 23rd Avenue and understands this cannot be~done~ but at least the
traffic will be distributed more evenly with this plan. Perhaps when
the development goes in if anything can be done, then it man be pur-
sued. She thinks the people and developer have worked together.
Mrs. Riscoe made a motion to accept this alternate proposal so the
developer can start construction, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Mayor
Harmening clarified that it has been moved and seconded to accept this
alternate proposal and remove any stipulations on the preliminary plat.
No discussion. Motion ear~ied ~-0.
Consider Final Plat Submitted by Watersedge
Mrs. Tinker read Mr. Clark's memo: "Forwarded herewith is a print o~
the signed linen original finat~plat for the Watersedge Townhouses
which is recommended for approval at the April 3~ 1979, Council meet-
ing. The development plans haVe. been approved. The filing fee of $150
has been received along with a ~etter of Credit No. 10-178 as surety
for S95,900. A ch~ck in the amount of ~959 has been received for the
inspection fee? She added tha~ the original letter of credit was
hand delivered to Betty Boronil D~ Mr. Clark. She asked if Mr. Vance
had seen this letter of credit. Snd Mr. Vance replied that it was de-
livered to his off,ce and he reviewed it and it is in order.
Mr. Roberts moved acceptance o~ the final plat of Watersedge with the
necessary surqty~ seconded by M~s. RIseoe. No discuss~gn. Motion
carried 4-0.
Consider Street Resurfaeinq Program
Mrs. Tinker referred Eo submittiog a current list of streets needing
resurfscing as submitted by Mr. Thomas A. Clark, our City Engineer,
and advised it is the recommendation of Mr. William H. Sullivan, our
Purchasing Agent, that we go with the County bid for streen resurfac-
lng as we have done in the past. As indicated, the approximate cost
is $1~5,480.00. The amount budgeted is S75,000.00. If Council so
desires to proeeed with the entire program, we could take the differ-
enee of $50,480.00 from the surplus fund inasmuch as we have just re-
oeived our final audit and monies will be available to transfer.
She has discussed this matter with BEll Sullivan and Tom Clark and
they have agreed that it would be beneficial Eo the City uo proceed
with this resurfaeing program. However, we have been digg/ng into
the surplus fund tonight and she does not know what the total is.
APRIL 3~ 1979
Mayor Harmen/ng suggested staying with the amount budgeted and having
the City Manager come back with a cost breakdown of the amount we have
committed tonight and take up the revised portion at a later meeting.
Mr. Roberts moved to go ahead with the program on the basis of $75,000
and have the City Manager come back taking the streets with dire need~
seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Consider Proposed Tree & Shrub Ordinance (Tabled)
Consider Amendment to Community Appearance Board Ordinance (Tabled)
Mr. Roberts referred to the lateness of the hour and moved to leave
these two items on the table, seconded by Mrs. R/scoe. Motion car-
ried 4-0.
Consider Request for Water Service at 7824 Overlook Road Subndtted by
Dave F. Ebers~ld g Sons 2ontractors
Mrs. Tinker referred to submitting correspondence from Dave F. Ebersold
and Son's Contractors, and Mr. Mark Law's recommendation regard%ng tb/s
request for water service, both of which are self-explanatory. Accord-
ing ro Mr. Lew, this would be at absolutely no cost ro the City and
the cost involved would be that of setting the meters, whatever size
would be required, which, of course, is revenue for the City. The
water main Ee serve this property is in the City right-of-way in front
of the Ebersold property.
Mrs. R/scoe moved te p~ant water service for 7824 Overlook Road,
seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Request for Authorization to Contact the Department of Transportation
to Conduct a Survey Limiting Parking on U. S. ~1
Mr. Roberts moved to grant authorization to contact D.O.T.. to conduce
surveys limiting parking on U. S. 1, seconded by Mrs. P/scoe. No
discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Strnad added that we did eontact D.O.T. in 1976 and they told us
all that was required was Council action and a resolution and they
will carry it out. Mayor Harmening stated this could become a lengthy
and controversial subject and suggested tabling for further study.
Many people are not aware of this and there are many businesses on
U. S. 1 which may take a dim view of it. Possibly it could be tabled
or the City Attorney could be authorized to prepare a resolution
for further discussion at s future date. Mr. Strnad replied there
should not be too many objectors because off-streeT parking is required
for commercial properties. Mayor Harmening agreed, but added many
businesses 6n H. S. 1 are grandfathered and do nor have of~-street
APRIL 3, 1979
Mr. Vance informed the Council that D.O.T. will do a survey based upon
a letter and a resolution is nov necessary. Mayor Harmenin~ suggested
the motion be amended to direct the City'Manag~r To send a letter to
D.O.T. requesting a survey. Then, we can consider the renu!ts of the
survey and take action. Mr. Roberts amended his motion To direct the
City Manager to send a letter To D.O.T. requesting a survey regarding
the park/ng conditions on U. S. ! in Boynton Beach, seconded by Mrs.
Riseoe. No discussi'on. Motion carried 4-0.
Consider Proposed City Ordinance as it Pertaims To Trees Affected by
Lethal Yellowing and/or Other Diseases and the Property Owner's Respon-
sibility for Removal of Same
Mrs. Tinker told about receivin~ a lot of calls in reference To this
and Mr. Peltz thought we should have an ordinance coverin~ diseased
trees with lethal yellowing as she understands there are ~uite a few
Mayor Harmening agreed they should be removed, but he thinks we should
give the property owners a considerable amount of time to do this.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to direct that a City ordinanee be prepared to get
rid of diseased trees. Mayor Harmening questioned the time limit and
Mrs. Tinker informed him that Bob Fe!tz recommended red tagging the
trees and giving 30 days to cut them down. Mavor Hai~meninc replied
that he didn't think this was adequate. Mrs. Riseoe questioned
whether the trees had to be cut down or uprooted and Mayor Harmening
replied they should be removed at least flush with the ground.
Mr. Vance referred to the la~ hour and suggested that he draft an
o~dinance for the Council to review at the next meeting and Mayor
Harmenin~ agreed,
Consider Requests from the Chamber of Commere~
Directional Signs for Boynton Business Fair
Mrs. Riscoe stated as long as these signs are in accordance witk the
Police Departmen~ she sees nothing wrong for having signs directing
to the Boynton Business Fair. Mrs. Tinker added that Ms. Tindell is
work/ng with Mr. Howell. There is a problem with the location and
the Seacrest Blvd. construction.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to go ahead with the entire situation on the signs,
seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Christmas Parade
Mayor Harmenino referred to a letter from the Chamber of Commerce
stating time is of the essence to get the ball rolling for the
Christmas Parade and questioned the Council,s pleasure.
APRIL 5, 1979
Mrs. Riscoe stated she is for it 100% and moved approval as long as we
do not go over the budgeted amount we had for last year including over-
time. M~vor Harmening refemred to transferring funds out of this
account at the City Manager's recommendation and Mrs. Tinker agreed~
but explained the left over funds were transferred after the pamade
was held. The budgen must include the amount in September for the
Decembem parade. Mm. Strnad questioned the amount and Mrs. Riseoe
informed him it is $10~.226.85. Mrs. Tinker suggested it be rounded
off ro $10,500 and Mrs. Riscoe agmeed. Mr. Strnad suggested includ-
ing food and lodging for the bands that come. Mrs. Riscoe co~ented
that the pamade might not be able to be as large as in the past due
tO ~he Seaerest Blvd~ construction. Mm. Strnad refemmed to the parade
being too long and Mayor Harmening agreed some of the units were not
necessary~ Mrs. Tinker advised that DoO.T. does not want any activity
on their roads to exceed a two hour period. Ms. Tindell referred to
the letter from the Chamber of.C~mmerce containing the request to desig-
nate a department to work with the Chamber and Mavor Harmening requested
Mrs. Tinker to designate e depamtment head to work in conjunction with
the Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Tinker requested Mm. Frederick Go w~rk
with the Chamber of Commerce since this is part of a recreational
activity. Mr. Roberts then seconded the motion and the motion carried
Consider Acceptance of Resignation from Alvin Boeltz, Sr., Board of
Mr. Strnad moved to accept the resignation from Mr. Alvin Boeltz~
Board of Adjustment, seconded by Mrs. Riseoe. No discussion. Motion
carried 4-0.
Consider Replacement for Above
Mr. Strnad moved Eo move Mr. Serge Pizzi to a permanent member from an
alternate member of the Board of Adjus~menn, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe.
Motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Strnad moved to table nominations for a replacement member,
seconded by Mrs. Riseoe. Motion carried 4-0.
2onsider Request fur Street Lighting Submitted by Golfview Harbor Home
Owners Association
Mayor Harmeninq asked if there was money in the budget to cover this
and Mrs. Tinker replied that she believes we do. Mr. Roberts asked
if it was eustomamy fom Florida Power & Light Co. to install these
lights since they are collecting on them and Mrs. Tinker replied nega-
tively and she undemstands they have never doneit. Also, from now on~
the developer will be responsible for street lights. Mr. Clark clari-
fied that the subdivision ordinance requires street lights be provided
by the developer in the dedicated ri~ht-of-way. In the past, all our
street lights have been installed by Florida Power S Light Co. and
APRIL 3, 1979
they charge us so much per month, about ~8 per month for each. He
explained that when the developers install the lights, FPL will main-
tain them for a lessor amount with the City being responsible for
maintenance of the poles and wiring.
Mr. Robertsmoved to install street lighting in Go!fview Harbour au the
request of the Homeowners Association, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No
discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Consider Request for One (1) Temporary Construction Trailer to be
Located at 656 East Ocean Avenue, Site of First Financial Plaza Project
Mrs. ~iscoe moved to grant this request, seconded by Mr. Roberts.
No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Request from Bass Creek of Boynton Associates to Excavate Portion of
Land for Lake
Mayor Harmenina stated we have an ordinance on the books requiring s
permit zo excavate. Mr. Strnad asked if this is in the process of
being started and Mrs. Tinker replied they started to excavate and she
believes they were red tagged and were supposed to stop, but proceeded
and have $ lake. We received~.their performance bond and they have
excavated and they have three models. Mr. Vance 2larified that we now
have the proper performance bond by Aetna Insurance Company, which
according to the City Engineer covers the plat improvements including
this excavation which is part of the drainage system. Mr. Clark clari-
fied that the first phase is bonded which included construction of
approximately $!60,000 for drainage, which according Yo the Water
Management District requires a lake for storage and outfall into the
existing canal. The performance bond would be sufficient ~o take care
of the drainage and any damage involved in this lake construction.
Mavor Harmening asked if he recommended approval and Mr. Clark replied
affirmatively. Mr. Strnad asked if they excavated this and took the
fill out without $ pemmit and Mr. Clark replied that he understood they
were digging and the Building Department red tagged them since they had
no bond or excavation permit. If they did continue to excavate, he
did not know that for a fact. Mr. Strnad asked if there were,any
buildings on this ground and Mr. Clark replied the buildings have no
relation to the excavation permit.
Mr. Strnad questioned what kind of fine could be imposed upon this
developer for digging this out without getting a permit from the City
and Mr. Clark replied the permit'goes to the Council for approval.
Mr. Strnad referred to it being subject to a penalty since it is done
and Mr. Clark replied there could be, but there is nothing stated in
the ordinances. If it was a building, a double fee would be nharged.
Mr. Vance clarified there is no penalty prescribed in this particular
ordinance. From what he understands, they have been prohibited from
working on it since February 15. Mr. Clark added that we have been
telling them for several months they have to post a bond and we just
received it. The bond was unacceptable originally.
APRIL 3~ 1979
Mrs. Riseoe remarked that it seems this will be granting a permit for
something already done'and Mr. Clark replied that they ~ave hOE com-
pleted anything. Mr. Strnad asked why it is being filled back in and
Mr. Clark replied according to their engineer, they have quit excavat-
ing and are doing filling. He explained how the concern was To obtain
the bond in case the developer left and the City would have ~o fill the
lake. Mr. Vance clarified that we do have the proper performance bond
Mr. Roberts moved to grant the permits seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No
discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Application for Beverage License Submitted by Lydia R. Aponte dba
Lydia's Magazines, 556 N. E. 22nd Avenue
~r. Roberts moved to grant this particular request for a license,
seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Approval of Bills
Mrs. Tinker read the following bills for approval:
!. ~erox Corporation g 1,156.00
40 cases paper 8~ x 14
Pay from 001-000-141-01-00
Aqua Chem Co., Inc.
Lime for Water ~reatment Plant
Pay from budgeted funds 401-332-553-30-65
Adams Electric Service, Inc.
Voltage selector switch for Onan Model 85KR-!SR
Pay from budgeted funds 401-352-535-40-33
American Fireworks
Fireworks for Fourth of July to be ordered by
Chamber of Commerce - need check in advance
Pay from budgeted funds 101-191-519-40-59
Halsey Griffith, Inc.
8 art steel file cabinets
Pay from budgeted funds 401-333-533-60-71
I B M CorporatiOn
Classes for computer programmer~ Mike Munro
Pay from budgeted funds 001-133-513-10-52
Harley Davidson of Balm Beach
Repair motorcycle per'accident 10/30/78
Pay from Reserve for Self Insurance 001-000-247-41-00
APRIL 3, 1979
8. IsiahAndrews 1!0.00
Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-871-570-02-5A
Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73
9. Willie Ruth McGrady 96.00
Server for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-871-570-02-5A
Ordinance ~73-15~ passed 5/15/73
!0. Carpenter, May $ Bremer 8,086.00
Professional services re year end audit
Pay from budgeted funds 001-151-513-40-66
!1. Carpenter, May L Bremer 57050.00
Professional services re final draft of financial
statements, consultations, ere.
Pay from following funds 001-151-515-40-66
320-131-5!5-40-66 500.00
401~593-559-40-66 1,517.00
Mrs. Tinker stated the bills described have been approved and verified
by the department heads involved; checked and approved Eom payment by
the Finance Department; funds are available in their respective budgets.
She~ therefore, recommends payment of these bills.
Mrs. Riscoe moved To approve the bills, seconded by Mr. Strnad. Under
discussion, Mr. Strnad referred to the Fourth of July Fireworks and
stated he thinks the people would enjoy it more if we eould get Joe
DeMareo down there cooking hot dogs and having ~oda and beer. Motion
carried 4-0.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried
4-0 and the meeting was properly adjoumned at 12:03 A. M.
Recording Secretary
(Four Tapes)
Vice Mayor