Edwamd F. Harmening, Mayor
Betty kisooe~ Vice Mayor
David Roberts, Councilman
Norman Fo Strnad, Councilman
Annette P. Tinker, Actin~ City Manager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
James W. Vance~ City Attorney
Mayor Harmening welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order
at 7:30 P. M, He announced the invocation tonight will be a
moment of silent prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag led by Councilman Norman F. Strnad.
Mr. Roberts requested the addition of Item C under New Business:
Municipal League Resolution~ as he has to get approval from the
Council to vote. He requested the addition of Item B under Old
Business: Discuss Investigation of Building ~ermits.
Mr. Vance referred to Resolutions and requested the addition of
2o Proposed Resolution No. 79- Re: County Consent Regarding
Annexation~ which we are proposing to proceed with.
Mayor Harmening announced he would like to make oneaddition
in regards to the Cliffords and their foster hhildren and sug-
guested this be put on the agenda after Publie Audience. Mrs.
Padgett advised that several people requested to speak on this
item, but she told them this was not on the agenda. Mayor
Harmening replied they would be given the opportunity to speak.
Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of the agenda as eorrected,
seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. Motion carried 4-0.
Mayor Harmening read a Proclamation proclaiming March 30 and ~i,
1979~ as Poppy Days.
Mayor Harmening announced there will be a Special Meeting of the
South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board in
Delray Beach at 5:30 P. M. this Thursday.
Regular City Council Meeting - February 20, 1979
Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of the minutes of the February 20
Regular Meeting, seconded by Mrs. Riseoe. No discussion. Motion
carried 4-0.
MARCH 6~ 1979
Special City Council Meeting - Pebruary 26, 1979
Mayor Harmening referred to Page 6 and stated he takes exception
to paragraphs one~ four~ five and six, and on Page 7, he takes
exception to paragraphs two and four. He added there is a small
typographical error in the next to the second paragraph up from
the bottom with the "0" left out of motion.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to accept the minutes of the Special Meeting
of February 26 ine!ud~the exceptions, seconded by Mr. Roberts.
No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Joe DeLong, Hampshire Gardens~ read the Palm Beach County
Senior Citizens Advisory Council priorities to provide a method
or means of transportation for those senior eitizens who must
travel to partake in daily ~inners, to make sure daily dinners
are delivered to shutins~ and to immediately report to the Dept.
of Resouroes any person needing help. It was in this interest
he visited the Wilson Recreation Center and Boat Club Center
advising of kis mission and asking to be contacted. He also
visited the Police Station~ his first visit since leaving office
in 1976. He told about meeting with Chief Huddleston to advise
him of tb/s same mission. After the meeting~ he was taken on a
tour by a member of the department who pointed out the various
alterations, One of the department's agitators, having nothing
to do, passed alone false information about his visit ~hieh re-
sulted in :~hief Huddleston receiving a memo from the Acting
City Manager. Me then read the memo regarding a staff meeting
which was held for a period of two hours. She requests a complete ex-
,placation for his presence at this s~aff meeting for the e~tire
two hours. This is an accusation! His answer to that absurd
memo is he has never attended a Police Department staff meet-lng
when in or out of off~ce. He is a law abiding citizen and there
is no excuse or justification for anyone eonnected with the City
to meddle with his affairs. He feels this accusation was offen-
sive. The tone of the memo makes it appear as a threat to the
Chief. He is curious to know what penalty there would have been
if the Chief failed to reply to the memo by February 26~ This
substantiates the charges appearing in the public press about
witch hunts. A campaign of intrigue is also being conducted.
This is an example of abuse of authority. The City has been
dragged thmough the muddand they are the laughing stock of the
entire County. There is no room in Boynton Beach for political
machines. The only machine is the maehine of the people. The
voters must accept the fact no city has survived bitterness,
hatefulness and revenge. The City government is in a present
state of disorder. He believes the people should band together
to protect the f~ture welfare of our City and extend some sanity
in our City,
MARCH 6, 1979
Mr. Samuel Rindzumer, Village Royale on the Green, came before the
Council and presented a petition to the City Clerk. The citizens
of Boynton Beach present to the Council for their consideration a
petition signed by approximately 3,000 to show their desire to
have a municipal golf course built in Boynton Beach. After sur-
veys, they feel a golf course can operate on a self-sustaining
basis and show profit without affecting the tax structure. They
petition the City Council to hold a referendum on a proposed bond
issue to finance a municipal golf course and facilities. He then
told about the~e being a need for a municipal golf course. Also~
recent surveys show municipal golf cours~ have added prestige to
the city. He explained how the citizens feel the increased growth
of Boynton Beach warrants a golf course. Golf is very important
to many citizens. The Palm Beach County Commission has self,ted a
160 acre site which they will give to the City for construction of
a golf course. The meal estate value is appmoximately $2,000,000.
Me then showed two drawings showing the completed golf eourse~
land and area. He then read an estimate amounting to $!, 500,000
to build the golf course and facilities. On the basis of 17000
members and greens fees, an income of ~400,000 can be recognized
annually and the operating cost would be S275~000 annually. He
then told about federal funds being available for development
of recreation areas. Also submitted are golf course statements
showing the income, expenses and profit from Lake Worth and West
Palm Beach. There are only two golf courses in Boynton Beach
available to the public and both have ~ull membership. The
Boynton Beach Golf Committee and the National Golf Foundation
will fully cooperate in planning this p~oject. Also submitted
are site drawings submitted by the Palm Beach County Commission.
Mayor Marmening replied that personally he has no objection to
putting this on referendum at the November or December election.
Me thinks if the people of Boynton Beach heartily endorse this,
he sees no reason not to go ahead with it. It will p~obably be
discussed further after they have an opportunity to look into
the material submitted.
Mr. Fred 9iS~t. Le, 1316 S. W. t8th Street, stated the increase in
the amount of leisure time available has brought opportunities
for recreation. The expansion of recreation facilities has not
kept pace with the growth. Boynton Beach is experiencing a
shortage of recreation facilities. There is a need for expan-
sion and acquisition of land for recreation uses. To satisfy
this need, the Golf Course Committee was formed and is pmopos-
lng a course to serve the needs. The fundamental idea of re-
creation land use iS human enjoyment. Golf cours~ should be
ranked high. Their plan is to have the County donate publicly
owned land to the City for a nominal fee. The Land Acquisition
Committee has made a study of the land publicly owned. They
carefully searched through the County zoning maps. After muoh
study and consideration, they have selected a most desirable
sit% being a 160 acre tract west of Military Trail. Commis-
sioner Gregory investigated and the County has no use for th~s
MAI~CH 6~ 1979
particular parcel. He has directed the County Engineer to make a
study to determine if it can be used for a golf course. He ex-
plained how a golf course would pay for itself. In order for
this plan to be implementable~ it must be acceptable to the
Boynton Beach residents. He requests the City Council to submit
this to referendum.
Mr. DiSa!le continued that they have spoken to the directors of
neighboring municipal golf courses and their best judgment is a
municipal golf course would be sound for the Cityand stimulating.
Such a recreational facility will undoubtedly increase real
estate values city-wide at least 10%. A bond could finance
this. The golf course will be self-supporting. No taxes will
be used to finance the bond issue. The approximate amount could
be determined and presented to the Council within a reasonable
time. A conceptual estimate can be prepared. He told about
various associations offering their help. Inasmuch as they are
still in the initial phase of planning~ they have obtained
figures based on a national survey. He then read the figures
and stated they indicate there isagreat deal of flexibility
and the final cost would depend on the type. He then outlined
the facility equalling an estimate of $!~500~000. He also read
the estimates for maintenance and operating costs. If this pro-
posal is delayed for any considerable time~ they will be faced in
the future with justifiable expense. Every first rate city has
a municipal golf course. Boynton Beach is s first rate city
and the citizens should be given the opportunity ~ vote cn this
very important issue.
Mr. Jeff Roth~ Boynton Beaeh~ stated he is a member of the Atlan-
tic High School Golf Team. There are many young golfers who
would like to play golf on a regular basis~ but cannot afford
to play at the s~mi-private golf courses in the area. He asks
the City Council to supply the young golfers of Boynton Beach
with a golf course to play on.
Mrs. Roberta Flaskamper, 18th Street~ stated we do not have a
municipal golf course here. The City is growing and there is a
definite need for young and old.
Mr. A1 Pfeiffer, Leisurevi!!e, stated that golf is the No. 1
recreational actimity in Palm Beach County with over 80 golf
courses and 90% are privately owned. There are oruly a few
semi-private courses available. He has talked to many residents
of Leisureville and they are very interested in having a City
owned golf course which will be self-sustaining. It can be
financed by a municipal bond issue with no additional taxes.
Even those who do not play golf realize a City owned golf course
will enhance the value of their property. Let's all work together
to provide a golf course for the goo~ of Boynton Beaoh.
MARCH 6, 1979
Mayor Harmening declared about a three minute recess for those
wanting to leave sooothers may come in.
Rezoning Request
Conrad Schaefer for Melric, Inc.
Section 15, Township 45 South, Range 43 East;
A Part of Lots 3, a & 5 of Sam Brown Jr.~s
Subdivision (2.875 Acres)
Lying East of Las Palmas Park Subdivision and
South of Lakeside Harbor Drive
Construction of Twelve (12) Townhouses~ a Tennis
Court and Swimming Pool
Rezone from R-1AA to PUD with LMI of 4.11
Mr. Conrad Schaefer representing Melric, Inc., came before the
Council and explained that Melric proposes to construct 12 single
family homes in a townhouse configuration on the property Galled
Las Palmas. He showed pictures of the proposed construction.
The units will cost approximately $150,000. Each one of the 12
is a single family home. He told how two hearings were held by
the Planning & Zoning Board and the ne±ghborhood~ traffic and
various other points were discussed at length. The Planning &
Zoning Board gave anaffirmative vote. He respectfully requests
the Council to affirm the motion of the Planning & Zoning Board.
Mr. Roberts asked if the density under PUD complied with the
R-1AA density and Mr. Annunziato replied affirmatively, that it
would be consistent with the current single family zoning.
Mayor Harmening stated this request was presented to the Council
at their regular meeting of February 6, 1979 and advised that the
Planning S Zoning Board had voted to table this item until the
next Planning & Zoning Board me~ting of February 13, 1979, at
which time an alternate plan would be reviewed. Inasmuch as
Council approved the deletion of this item from the agenda~
rather than tabling it~ it was necessary to re-advertise foraa
public hearing before the City Council. The Planning $ Zoning
Board, after conducting a Public Hearing at their regular meet-
ing of February !37 1979, recommended approval for the rezoning
of this property from R-1AA to PUD with LUI of 4.11 subject to
staff recommendations. The motion to approve was made by Mr.
DiSalle and seconded by Mr. Hester. The vote was 4-2 with Mr.
Ryder and Mr. Johnson dissenting.
Mr. Vance asked if the applicant had any problems with the staff
recommendations and Mr. Schaefer replied they had none and will
Mayor Harmening asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor of this
application and received no response. He asked if anyone wanted
to speak against this rezoning and the following came forward.
MARCH 6~ 1979
Mr. John Ball, 661 Las Palmas, referred to this being a short
street and stated the way the houses are proposed to be faced
is in an opposite direction and he doesn't believe they~lend
in with the existing neighborhood. He doesn?t believe a sollu-
tion for parking has been,provided. He believes the density is
misleading because 1/3 of the land is under water. There will
be no openspace. He then explained how the proposed street
would come only 2 to 5 feet ~rom his property line, which he
feels is a dangerous situation. He asked if the Council could
possibly do something about this as the developers have not.
Mr. Roberts asked if he was implying that he would be blocked
o~f and Mr. Ball clarified that he is implying that the pave-
ment would be right on his property line~ his house would be 7~~
to the line m~d with 2 to 5 feet to the pavement~ it would be
dangerous. Mr. Roberts asked if he has public access to his
propertyand Mr. Ball replied affirmatively, He asked what
would be a reasonable distance from the property line before
there is paving and Mayor Harmening replied that this should
probably be addressed in site plan review if this rezoning re-
quest is approved.
Mm. Derle Bailey, 644 Las Palmas, stated he lives approximately
228 feet west of this proposed rezoning. When he bought his
house seven years ago, it was zoned R-1AA and when the 1975
zoning took place, it was left R-1AA. He opposes this rezoning
request. The developer is p~osing an apartment complex. By
allowing apartments to be built~ any later rezoning would surely
result in R-3. There are only two parcels !eft on the waters
edge of La~e Worth zoned R-1AK. If this rezoning is approved~
they will lose one of the R-!AA zonin~on the waterway. The
apartment complex will stif~!e out the R-1AA zoning. Almost
one acre is sub-merged and they only have 1.89 acres. They
have made no measares for filling the land on the north or
south side. They will be putting 12 units on 1.89 acres. Ten
units is all that is allowed in R-tAA on 1.89~acres.
Mr. Bailey then told about taking the drawing showing that 12
single family homes could be built and pointed out that Lots 1~
2, 3, 6 and 10 are short a substantial amount of square footage
and this was based on filling in the sub-merged land. He told
about the governmental agencies requiring permits to fill any
land and requiring surveys to determine the preservation of
mangroves~ sea life~ etcJ
Mr. Bailey stressed that single family dwellings can be built on
this property reasonably. This land is zoned R-tAA and should be
single family detached houses. The developer knew it was zoned
R-]AA and he has a copy of the sa!~ contract. The property was
purchased on a gabble of getting rezoning and if this is approved,
it will pay off for the developer but not for the homeowners who
have lived there ~or so long.
MARCH 6, 1979
Mr. Bailey then presented a petition signed by residents definitely
opposing this and stated they strongly object to the request by
Melrie to rezone ~o~ R-!AA to PUD. He asked if there is any
rebuttal to any of hissstatements to please let him eome book in
their defense.
Mrs. Julia Szymkowski, 655 Las Palmas, stated she is opposed to
this rezoning for the reasons stated by the previous speakers.
Mr. Conrad Schaefer stated he would try toaanswer some of the
points brought out by Mr. Bailey. The property is zoned R-!kA.
A map was presented to the Planning S Zoning Board showing 12
single family homes could be bu~l~ on this p~opertybby filling
the property. The developer does not want to fill the property
in order to build those 12 units. They do not want to destroy
the envi~onmento These are not apartments. They are single
family homes with the only difference being that they have com-
mon walls. Everything else is the same. By allowing the walls
to toueh~ they ean create more open spaoe and they do not have
to fill and man still provide 12 beautiful dwelling units with
open space and tennis courts. It is an unfortunate thing that
they have the last piece of land which the citizens think they
own. Melrie owns it. They sympathize with the people living in
the area having their own home and being able to walk to the end
of the block and look over the lake. It is not their prerogative
because they do not own the land. Melrie is presenting a petition
in total accordance with the eodes and ordinances. These are fee
simple single family homes in total accordance with the codes.
They have complete construction plans dmawato the last detail~
which they will be glad to give the Building Official or docu-
mentation to the City Attorney to show the title is rendered to
these units and the entire ~acility will be maintained. This
is a modern type of land development and high class. Really
what the people are talking about is takin~ this block away
and they will have no place to walk their dog.
Mr. Roberts stated that it was broucht out that possibly the road
should be eorreeted, but this can be determined when the site
plan is submitted. He referred to land being submerged and
asked if there was room for 12 units and Mr. Annunziato clari-
fied there was approximately 2.87 acres with approximately ~ aere
submerged aecording to the survey which leaves approximately 2~3
acres bui~dable. According to calculations, approximately 12
units would fit on the dry land.
Mr. Str~d stated we should take into consideration the residents
and taxpayers who live in this City when we try to determine what
is best for a particular area. We have been bending over back-
wards for the developers and personally he doesn't see any objec-
tion to a !arge pieee of land being rezon~dgPUD, but to take a
small piece like this in a residential area~ he does not think
we are doing justice to the people living in that area. As far
as the reference to people maintaining a single famil~ home~ he
thinks in this area where the price of the land would be very
MARCH 6, 1979
great~ the homes would be expensive and anyone paying that amount
would certain!ytake care of the grounds. He does not go along
with this at all.
~r. Baileyexp!ained that ten homes could be built without filling
Mr. Strnad moved to deny this application for a change from R-1AA
to PUD, seeonded by Mrs. Riscoe. Hnder discussion~ Mr. Roberts
as~'~ whether there could be some kind of compromise to make
everyone happy and Mayor Harmening replied this would have to be
worked~t with the City Planner. Mr. Schaefer informed the Council
tb~t they also have a petition signed by a number of property
owners in favor of the projeet. He referred to only four Council-
members being present and respectfully requested a postponement
until a full Council is present and Mayor Harmening replied that
he may have a long wait. Mayor Harmening clarified that we have
a request from the applicant for postponement. He added if this
is turned do~aq~ it would be one year before another rezoning ap-
plication could be submitted. Mr. Vance stated that the appli-
cant is entitled at'any time to withdraw the application~ but
the request for postponement is at the discretion of the Council.
Mr. Bailey stated he didntt think it should be tabled because the
people are present in opposition and it would be quite an incon-
venience to come back. Mr. Schaefer stated that his client
quests a vote. As requested, Mrs. Padgett then took a roll ealt
vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Strnad
Vice Mayor Ri scoe
Councilman Roberts
Mayor Harmening
In view of the report from
the Planning L Zoning Board~
he is inclined to go along
with it. NO
- Aye
Motion carried 3-1 (Request denied).
Mayor Harmening declared a three minute recess in view of the people
Discussion of the Cliffords and Their Foster Children
Mrs. Kathy Haughn, 1037 Coral Drive~ owner of Deb~N-Heir Pre-
School Educational Facility and President of Soropt&mist, stated
she would like to address the Council concerning the matter of
the Cliffords housing foster children in their home, which at the
present time is illegal. She is sure the original intent of the
law was very beneficial, but finds the situation now is depriving
the youth. She told about calling the Cliffords and contacting
the agency after reading the article in the Palm Beach Post Times.
MARCH 6, 1979
She then read the requirements of the agency placing foster
children. She explained that all this evidence is compiled
and submitted to the government and the state and they either
accept or reject these homes as licensed f~ster homes. This
takes approximately 6 to 8 weeks. No more than five children
including the natural children are allowed in a home. She
then read the rates paid for the children's room, board~ inci-
dentals and allowance. She added that anyone having children
knows this does not eover the expenses. She referred to the
children being covering under the State Medicaid program and
stated this does not pay the total expense, %fnat price should
be put on the love~ care and disruption to a home?
Mrs. Haughn stated that the C!iffords have been active in this
pmogram for five years and Mrs. Clifford is the president of the
local organization. Mrs. Clifford is a public school teacher.
The Cliffords have two fine children of their own. ~sually they
only take two children, but in this case they took three in
order not to split a family.
Mrs, Haughn stated that she f~nds it hard to believe anyone in
this community~ especially this being the International Year
the Child~ would restrict foster parents in Boynton Beach. In-
stead of critizing the C!iffords~ we should get behind them and
give our support. She asks the Council to amend the law to ex-
elude foster homes or declare foster homes legal in Boynton
Mrs, Ruth Hutchison, 5 Colonial Club Drive~ speaking in behalf
of the League of Women Voters, told about the League members
being concerned ~th child welfare and backing pmograms. This
background of care and concern for children and families
brings them here tonight to evalu~ecare~ul!y the problem facing
foster children in Boynton Beach. The League expects different
levels of govern~,ent to provide care and housing for children.
They believe responsible government at each level should share
in the ssfmlution of eeonomie and social problems affeoting gen-
eral welfare. She asks what alternatives the Council will pro-
vide for these children if no change is made in the present
Mayor Harmening replied that it is the Chair's feeling that the
Council is anxious to move in this direction. He asked if some-
one eared to make a motion to alleviate this situation or any
motion appmopriate,
Mr. Vance stated if the attorney were directed to prepare an
amendment to the ordinance in question so it would not apply to
pmoperly license~ foster homes~ it might serve the purpose.
Mayor Harmening suggested possibly following the state guideline.
Mrs, Ri scoe n~ved to direct our attorney to make an amendment to
the present ordinance to absolve the ~oster children situation~
so they may remain in foster homes to the extent of five children
including natural children and may God bless them~ seconded by
MARCH 6, 1979
Mr. Strnad. Under diseussion~ Mr. S~rnad stated he wanted to
make sure this ordinance will not be enforced in the ten day
period and Mayor Harmening replied that it will actually amend
the existing ordinance. Mr. Vance suggested the official in
charge of enforein? that particular ordinance might inquire of
the City Attorney as to the legal aspect of enforcement and he
will let him know at the appropriate time.
Mayor Harmening clarified the motion was to instruct the City
Attorney to bring back a revision to the existing ordinance at
the next meeting~ actually to follow the state law closely allow-
ing up to five children including the natural and foster child-
ren. He asked if it was amended to includefdav~ng the City At-
torney meet with the Building Official. Mrs. Riscoe amended it
to include having the Deputy Building Official~ Bert Keehr, to get
in touch with the City Attorney before making any moves whatso-
ever, seconded by Mr. Strnad. Motion carried 4-0.
Mayor Harmening declared another short recess in view of the
people leaving.
Sales of Used Equipment
Mayor Harmening stated bids on the above were opened on Thursday,
February 22~ 1979, at 3:00 P. M. in ~e office of our Purchasing
Agent~ Mr. William H. Sullivan. The Tabulation Committee recom-
mends acceptance of the bid fmom A. B. Dick Company for the A. B.
Dick Stencil Cutter in the amount of $375.00 and the A. B. Dick
Mimeograph in the amount of 5250.00. Acceptance of the bid re-
ceived from Business Machines, Inc. is recommended for the NCR
Billing Machine 2000 in the amount of $20.00 and the NCR Billing
Machine 400 in the amount of S50.00. A copy of the Tabulation
Sheet and Proposals have been submitted.
Mr. Strnad moved to accept the bids as submitted, seconded~by
Mrs. Riscoe. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0°
Vehicle Towing Service Contract
(Verbatim per Acting City
Manager's Request)
Mrs. Tinker, will you take the rest of the bids.
There is one more bid, I believe, no two more.
Vehicle Towing Service Contract. The bids on the
above were opened on Monday, February 26, 1979, at
3:00 P. M. in the Office of our Purchasing Agent,
Mr. William H. Sullivan. Attached hereto is
memorandum from our Purehasing Agent. Also at-
tached is copy of correspondence from Mr. Paul J.
Davis of Tip Towing whose residence address is
MARCH 6~ 1979
Route 1~ Box 1097, Boynton Beach, Florida. Please
be advised that I concur with Mr. Sullivan~s recom-
mendation and I will read Mr. Sul!ivan~s recommen-
dation. He states: ~The bids were opened for the
Vehicle Towing Service and the overall low bidder
was from Mr. Paul Davis of Tip Towing. We asked
Mr. Davis to submit a letter as to when he could
locate his business in Boynton Beach. The letter
is attached and as indicated, if awarded the bid
he will comply with all portions therof, on or
~efore April !, 1979. He states he would need
this time to secure his lease on Indstrial Avenue
in Boynton Beach~ This storage area is zoned for
this purpose. He would however have to meet all
city requirements for occupational license. He
will also have to have the Police Department re-
view his equipment for compliance. If he is awarded
the contract and does not meet the April 1, 1979
starting date~ the bid should be awarded to the
second bidder, Boynton Wrecker Service p~ovided
they show the City Manager their articles of
incorporation on that date. Mr. Paul Davis re-
sides at State Road 441, ! mile north of Boynton
Road~ Boynton Beach, Florida.~ Do you want me to
read the letter from Mr. Davis on the stipulations?
Well, you can, I guess.
It's quite lengthy. I was just wondering sinee you
have a large agenda.
Well, maybe we had better fc~3o that due to the
length of the meeting. Mrs. Padgett~ do we have
someone who wanted to speak on this?
Yes~ we have two, Mr. Ed DeVries and Coach Davis.
have both asked to speak.
Harmening: Thank you.
Mr. Mayor, Councilmen, my name is Ed DeVries. I
live at 730 Oee~n Inlet Dmive in Boynton Beach.
I am the treasurer of the Boynton Wrecker Service.
In awarding the bid for the next year for wrecker
service for th~City of Boynton Beach, we would
appreciate your giving serious consideration to
the following with regard to the bid submitted by
the Boynton Wrecker Service~ Inc. No. !~ Boynton
Wrecker Service~ Inc. is a Florida corporation
owned equally by five Boynton Beach businessmen
with years of experience in the towing business
in the City of Boynton Beach. Boynton Wrecker
Service, No. 2~Inc. is currently servicing the
MARCH 6, 1979
City and citizens of Boynton Beach with !2 wreckers
and 12 experienced wrecker drivers and a storage
block. Our equipment and facility substantially
exceed the minimum requirements of the City for
this service. No. 3, during the past 12 months
without a written contract, we have provided the
City and its citizens with efficient towing ser-
vices at a reasonable price. Included in our ser-
vices were free towing for all City vehicles with
the exception of City garbage trucks which were
charged only ~>,no~mal fee. No. 4, additionally
our personnel had spent time without charge to the
City for assisting accident reconstruction with
City personnel. No. 5, we have five locations
throughout the City where wreckers are located
which would enable us to respond more quickly to
the scene of accidents in and around the City.
No. 6, Our fee of g30 a tow is below the county
average of $35 for such services, but our fee is
still substantial enough for us to provide quality
equipment and service to the City and its citizens.
No. 7, althought we have no contract with the City
to continue our present services at this time, we
have continued to serve the City and its citizens
because of our dedication to our community where we
live and operate our businesses. No. 8, most im-
portant, Boynton Wrecker Service, Inc.~ow has all
its trucks and facilities and its method of opera-
tion ~nd!icensing established in the City to assure
an efficient continuation of the services we now
provide. No. 9, no other company bidding for this
contract can possibly provide the City or its citi-
zens of Boynton Beach with comparative services for
the prices quoted in our bid. Respectfully sub-
mitred in behalf of Boynton Wrecker Service, Gene
DePace, Secretary, and Ed DeVries, myself~ Treasurer.
Thank you very much.
Thank You, Mr. DeVries. Now, the other gentleman,
I believe, Mr. Davis.
Mr. Mayor and City Council members. I have lived
on Route 44! approximately eight years. At that
times I have had a business in Port Lauderdale and
I have searched continually for a business in this
area that I could get into. I started general
towing in Fort Lauderdale. It?s still in existence.
I sold it because it got too much trouble to handle
with all the trucks. This towing business~ I have
a lot on East Industrial Avenue, ten times bigger
than the present City lot. I have an office at 680
East Industrial Avenue which I.lease from Mr. Mur~
MAt~CH 6~ 1979
Now, I cannot be a citizen of Boynton Beach, but
I know I can perform the services just as I stated
in the letter. As far as services and amount of
cost, my bid is S2! a tow; theirs is $30; thatts
a considerable difference. I guarantee you I can
perform, all the covenants of that letter I sent in.
Are there any questions?
May I ask something?
The Chair recognizes the City Manager.
In reference to the letter submitted by the Boynton
Wrecker Service, I must advise you that they are
not as of this moment a Florida corporation. In
last yearts minutes dated March 7, 1978, they
stated they were going to get the articles of
incorporation, but have never done so. Today I
was presented with a letter fmom their attorney
who stated or sent it to the corporation section~
Secretary, State of Plorida~ that they were enclos-
ing the original and a duplicate copy of their
articles of incorporation. Almost a year later,
they've now decided to incorporate, to become
incorporated. The one tb/ng which concerns me
and I have talked to these gentlemen, in view of
the fact that they are not incorporated~ they
deal as five individual businessmen have the nec-
essary equipment to comply with CDC requirements.
If they should have a quarrel of any sort and one
of them decides to pull out of this and they have
no legal backing without the arq-icles of incorpor-
ation~ we are sitting high and dry without the
necessary equipment to comply ~ith the CDC re-
quirements. Since it has taken them a year to
finally get to their attorney and ask for the
articles of incorporation f~om the Secretary of
State, Mr. Sullivan and I discsssed this thoroughly
and thought that Mr. Davis should be given the
opportunity to get the necessary equipment in
here providing it is done by April t. His bid
is lower in every area.
Thank you, Mrs. Tinker. Ladies and gentlemen,
what's your pleasure?
Mr. Mayor~ at this time~ I would recommend we take
the recommendation of the Purchasing Agent and use
the bid of Mr. Davis.
DO I hear a second?
MARCH 6, 1979
That would be with the stipulation that he must
comply by the first of April?
Ti raker:
Harmer~ ng:
Before the Chair repeats the motion~ did you want
to say something more Mr. DeVries?
Mayor and Council, in regards to the co~oration
situation~ we were never instructed by the Council
personally or by the past City Manager to incor-
porate. This was something that was brought to our
attention only recently and we thought it would be
a good idea to do it and had thought about it a
couple months ago because of the liabilitypur-
poses, but we have gone through with this incor-
poration. It is now in Ta!lahassee and being pro-
cessed. We had no intent or any reason whatsoever
not to incorporate for any underhanded reasen~ it
was just something we were never instructed to do
by the manager or by anyone else and we just never
got to it for that reason. We have been doing~
what I think, a fine fob for the City in this past
year and we have formed this group~ this associa-
tion, which is now a corporation and we get alon9
real fine together as businessmen which we have~
I think~ pmoven in this past year and we would
like to have a chance to go on with it again next
year. Thank you.
There's a motion to accept ....
Dugga .
May I say something. Mr. Duggan~ Village Royale.
I have had the occasion of having to be towed by
one of tha~egroup and they charged me ~35. Of
course, myinsuranee company p~ked it up and
they said that's a real stickupo There was no
reason - it was three blc gks - $35. That's
ridiculous! Now you are going to run into the
same situation if you give these same guys the
same story. People are entitled to get reason-
able rates. Wel!~ the man says he is going to
charge you 521. You should give him all the
preference in the world. Even that's high. I
can show you a letter f~om the insurance company
where they tell you this is a real stickup.
Thank you~ Mr. Duggano No~ the Chair does not
recognize this gerf~leman. We have a motion on
the floor. The motion is to accept the ~ow bid~
i believe, of Coach Davis. is that correct?
Strnad: Yes.
MARCH 6, 1979
IS there any discussion? Is there a second to the
I have a question.
For the purpose of clarification?
Just for clarifi6ation purposes~ Mr. Vance, being
this has been put out on bids~ did this new mom-
pany~ Boynto~ Wrecker Service, were they. attencTing
the bids at that particular time?
I beg your pardon.
Ri scoe:
Or would I address that to Mr. Sullivan?
I'm not sure I understood the question.
Ri sooe:
Apparently there was only the one bid, right?
No, we had two bids.
Oh~ I didn't see the two.
Coach Davis and Boynton Wrecker Service.
I beg your pardon, please excuse me. I do second
Mr. Strnad's motion then.
The only question ! have, Mr. Mayor, about resi-
deney~ we have outside people coming in, I don't
know~ perhaps it's a problem of rates, but can't
it possibly be modified if necessary. I don~t
see why an outsider coming into Boynton. That is
my question.
Harmening: Is there any other discussion.
We're really not sure that he is unless he can
comply with the necessary things by the April !
date. Possibly he cannot.
Mr. Mayor, we have outsiders coming in here every
week. We have MacDonald's~ Ranch House~ different
restaurants. They're outsiders too. So if some-
body can give us a better deal for the taxpayers
of the City~ ! don't see why it~would make any
difference whether they're an insider or outsider.
It's the Chair's feeling at this point in time
that it is a little difficult to determine whether~
while the price appears to be considerably differ-
ent~ it is difficult to determine whether the
service will be commensurate with the one with the
other or with the price. Any other discussion?
Roberts: I don't feel one man can give the service ~hat
four or five can. I would be inclined to favor
the local merchants,
Any more discussion? Ail those in favor of the
motion~ please say aye.
Riscoe: Aye
Strnad: Aye
Harmening: Ail those opposed.
Roberts: No.
The motion is lost two to two. The next item on
the agenda is Demolition - 131 N. E. 2nd Avenue.
Mrs. Tir~ker.
I need clarification on this last item. If we
aontinue as we are~ they have no aontraat~ we
have no fee rates from them~ they have no arti-
ales of incorporation. Do you want to continue
as we have been doing in the last year?
That's addressed tO you~ Mr. Mayor.
Were you addressing me?
Tinker: Yes~ Sir.
The Council made the decision twoto two.
So~ if we drop it~ we don~t have a w~ecker serviae
in the City and we need one to meet CDC require-
ments. Onthe other hand
I realize that, Have we or have we not had one to
Tinker: Yes~ Sir~ we have.
Under the conditions in which you describe?
No, Sir~ we don't have a aontract.
I said~ do we have one under the conditions you
Tinker: No~ Sir.
Harmening: We don~t have a w~ecker service?
Tinker: We have a wrecker service, but that's all we have.
We have no contract.
Harmening: I?m well aware of that.
We have no fee charges.
I~m aware of that. Does anyone outside of Duggan
complain aboutthe fees?
No, Sir~ then we continue as we are is what you're
Maybe we can shed a little more light on that.
Let's see, who~s here fmom the Police Department.
Capt. Hilliary~ would you give us a rundown on
the nature of the services the Cityhhas been re-
ceiving from the conglomerate that is presently
providing it. Has the servi'ce been satisfactory
or unsatisfactory?
Well~ we call for a wrecker and we get one, yes, Si~r.
Is the serviee good? Fair, average, good or excellent?
I have nothing to compare it too. I would have to
say it's good.
Have there been long waiting perdods when you
needed a wrecking crew to clear a highway or
anything of that nature?
Sometimes yes~ but most of the time no.
Thank you.
I would like to say something in reference to the
wrecker service.
The question has been put to the body and the
issue has been resOlved.
The only thing, Mr. Mayor~ perhaps they can pro-
meed to award a contract and bid fees and go
through with the rest of it.
It would possible~ the City Manager could possi-
bly negotiate a contract. I see nothing wrong
with authorizing the City Manager, if the Council
so desires~ to enter into a negotiated contract.
Anything that would make her happy.
The thing is~ there is nothing to move on here.
I would suggest they get a contract with this
group because I think they are more able to pro-
vide the service necessary than a one man operation.
That's my feeling too.
question, Mrs. Tinker?
MARCH 6, 1979
Does that clarify your
Tinker: Yes.
Thank you. Would you carry on with the next item
under bids - Demolition Work.
Demo!i~ion Work - !3! N. E. 2nd Avenue
Mrs. Tinker stated bids on the above were opened on Tuesday, Feb-
ruary 27~ 1979, at 3:00 P.M. in the office of our Purchasing Agent,
Mr. William H. Sullivan. The Tabulation Committee Recommends
acceptance of the low bid from Cuyahoga Wrecking Col~poration of
Opa Looka~ Florida~ £or the amount of $1,700.00. A copy of the
Tabulation Sheet, Proposal and Affidavit signed by Mr. Richard
Millard~ Vice President of Cuyahoga Wrecking Corporation, are on
~ile. She has checked all other requirements and everything is
in order. Funds for this demolition work are available in the
General Pund~ Overpayment Account No. 001-000-115-3t-00 and will
be taken from same due to the fact that we will be reimbursed by
billing the owner or by placing a lien on the property. If you
have any questions pertainin~ to this, she is sure any member of
the Tabulation Committee will be able to assist. The Tabulation
Committee members are indicated on the Tabulation Sheet.
Mr. Roberts moved to accept the bid as recommended by the Purchas-
ing Agent and Acting City Manager in the amount o£ $1,700.00.
Mrs. Riseoe seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried
Due to speakers having the microphone flop down, at this time
Mayor Harmening asked Mrs. Tinker if it would be possible to find
a new stand for the microphbne and Mrs. Tinker replied she would
look into it tomorrow.
Su~mit Associates, Ltd. by Paul Hyket, Agent
South Congress Avenue (Old Charter World
POD A~ 232 Units~ Community Building, Swimming
Pool and Marina (Hunter's Run Go~f $ Racquet
Mr. Charles Gi!bert~ Architect, showed the plan for Tract A and
explained how this consisted of 30 acres completely surrounded
by a golf course on three sides and on the east by a new marina
withaeeess to the canal to the south. The zoning allows E07
units, but they are proposing 240 units. He then explained the
various designs of the ur~ts. He also tald about the construc-
tion. He added there are a lot of trees on the property which
will be preserved and they have planned an extensive landscaping
MARCH 6, 1979
Mr. Roberts referred tot~he application noting 232 units and
questioned his referenee to 940 units and Mr. Gilbert clamified
there would be 232 plus' the 8 sales models. Mr. Roberts asked
if the City Planner reviewed this completely and Mr. Annunziato
replied affirmatively. Mayor Harmening added that it was before
the Planning L Z~ning Board and they unanimously approved it.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to appmove Sub,mit Associates~ Ltd. site develop-
ment plan. Mr. Vance asked if the applicant is agreeable to
comply with all the staff recommendations in connection with the
Planning $ Zoning Boar~s approval and Mr. Gilbert meplied af-
firmatively. Mm. Roberts then seconded the motion. No discus-
sion. Motion cammied 4-0.
Orlan Homes~ Inc.
1700 Block of Palm!ands Drive
54 Villa TYPe Dwelling Units (The Fairways)
Mr. Paul Orlan referred to this project being north of Hunter's
Run Golf g Racquet Club and explained the plans to build twin
villas with interior parking ~rages. He added that the recrea-
tion facilities will ~e constructed when developing the rest of
Parcels B~ C and D.
Mr. Roberts referred to the parking and Mr. Orlan explained that
each of the 54 units would have a garage plus parking in the
dmiveway. This parcel of land was originally zoned for 60 units
and they plan to build 54. There will be a total of 108 parking
Mr. Roberts moved to accept the site plan fmom Orlan Homes, 1700
Palmlands Drive, subject to staff recommendations. Mr. Vance
referred to there being a problem with the recreation require-
ments and stated he believes Mr. Annunziatoddiseussed this with
the developer. Mr. Ar~nunziato clarified that one of the recom-
mendations made bythe Recreation Director was this property
provide recreation on-site or make a dollar contribution. The
developer has provided on-site swimming pool~ shuffle board
courts and putting green. Itis their recommendation to accept
itas revised. Mr. Vance replied that he concurred with this
recommendation. Mayor Harmening asked if this was acceptable
to Mr. Orlan and Mr. Orlan replied affirmatively. Mrs. Riscoe
thenseconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Howard McCall~ Agent for St.
3300 South Seaerest Blvd.
Columbarium Addition
Josephfs Episcopal
Mr. Annunziato referred to the applicant not being present and
explained that the determination was made that a columbarium is
an aeeessory use to a church, it is requested the Council agree
with this determinationand appmove the site plano~
Mrs. Riscoe asked if this was going to be fenced and Mr. Annunziato
explained how it would be an open building with iron railings and
Mrs. Riscoe moved to accept the site planaecording to staff
recommendations and concur in a columbarium being anaccessory
use to a church~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion
carried 4-0.
Use: 37!
Norman Thomson for Boynton Industrial Development
East of Congress Between Lake Worth Drainage
District Lateral Canals No. 28 $ 29
3327000 Square Feet of Warehousing
Mr. Annunziato referred to the applicant not being present and
explained this was a revised site planwith two buildings being
joined to pmovide greater maneuverability for tractor trailers
and it was approved by the Council previously. It is recommended
the plan be approved with the staff comments and incomporating Mr.
Walkerfs recommendation in the plan.
Mr. Roberts moved to accept the site planfrom the applieant~
Norman Thomson for Boynton Industrial Development and it be
quired the memos attached be complied with, seconded by Mr.
Strnad. Under discussion, Mayor Harmening stated the revised
site development plans submitted by Boynton Industrial Develop-
ment~ Norman Thomson~ Owner~ are for the construction of 332,000
square feet of industrial warehousing located on South Congress
at the entrance of the City owned 55 acre tract. The Planning
Zoning Board~ at their regular meeting of February 27~ 19797
unanimously recommended approval of these site plans subject to
staff recommendations. Motion carried 4-0.
Anthony Galante
South U. So ~1 at the Intersection of S. E.
20th Avenue
Popeye~s Pamous Fried Chicken Restaurant
Mr. Galante told about this being a New Orleans company recently
locating in South Florida. He added they have a spic~ytasty
chicken and will have a very attractive building.
Mr. Tar~zy referred to staff recommendations being attached to the
ptan and asked if the applicant was in agreement with them and Mr.
Galante replied affirmatively.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to appmove the application of Popeye~s Famous
Fried Chicken Restaurant~ seconded by Mm. Roberts. No discussion.
Motion carried 4-0.
MARCH 6, 1979
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing
Proposed Ordinance No. 79-5 - Re: Rezoning Certain Parcel of Land
Located in Plat of Seaway Terrace from Zone R-2 to Planned Unit
Development with Land Use Intensity of 5 (East of Seacrest Blvd.,
North of S. E. 21s~ Ave. g West of F.E.C. Railroad - Daniel O~Brien/
Frank Mendoza)
Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 79-5 by title on second
Mr. Strnad moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 79-5~on
second reading. Mr. Roberts seconded the motion, butsuggested
that the audience should participate first.
Mayor Harmeningasked all those in favor of this ordinance to
please come forward. Mr. Gene Moore, representing Mr. Prank
Mendoza~ referred to favorable recommendations being received
fr~m the Planning L Zoning Board, Planning Department and Tech-
nical Review Board and stated this is zoned for duplex~ but they
are asking for re-alignment of one parcel under PUD. They could
build 56 units~ but will only build 42. They will comply ~th
all recommendations. As requested by ~s. P~iscoe~ they contacted
the traffic officials and have filed the input from the County
Engineer. Mr. KatCLert feels it ;would not be proper traffic eon-
trot to allow another entrance onto Seacrest Blvd. The staff and
traffic people made the same .recommendation. In reference to ad-
ditional traffic on 2!st Avenue~ this project 'will be identical
to Los Mangos and will be an adult eommunitywhere they will pro-
bably not have more thanone car per unit. ~1~ere is an existing
problem in the area with traffic~ which is caused by'people taking
a short cut down 21st Avenue because of the construction on Sea-
crest Bl~d. They feel this will be alleviated when Seacrest
B~vd. is completed. Anyeonstruction traffic pertaining to this
project will be routed in and out of the project from Seacrest
Blvd. and not on21st Avenue. He then submitted a petition with
29 signatumes from people living in the area stating their sup-
portand approval of this project without the provision for an
exit onto Seacrest Blvd. because it would constitute a dangerous
exitonto Seacrest Blvd.
Mr. Smith referred to the 29 signatures on the petition living to
the west of the project. He clarified that the residents were
objecting to the additional traffic on~21st Avenue. He told
about viewing the construction plans of Seacrest Blvd. at the
City Planner's office and stated the way the streets will be
a!tered~ it will help put more traffic into their area. They
are not opposing the rezoning, but request the rezoning be
granted with the City Planning Department instructed to give
ingress and egress onto Seacrest Blvd. The consideration by
the traffic people has been what might happen to two cars on a
street~ but theyare talking about the lives of small children
MARCH 6, 1979
playing in the street. How can the two be compared? He ex-
plained the situation further and stated the children's lives
should be considered and the traffic should be put onto Sea-
crest Blvd. where it belongs. If High Point has a problem with
their traffic enterin~ Seacrest Blvd., their street should be
re-opened onto 23rd Avenue.
Mayor Harmening ascertained nobody else wished to speak in oppo-
Mrs. Riscoe stated herefeelings remain the same. She voted for
the site development plan~ but does feel this stmeet should have
some relief~ She thinks there should be some ingress and egress
to Seaerest Blvd.
Mayor Harmening stated the County did not foreclose the whole
concept of an entrance onto Seacrest Blvd.
Mr. Roberts referred to this being discussed previously and
stated he does not see how we can deny the builder. The re-
zoning will not increase the density. Under ourpresent zoning,
the builder can build more units. If a traffic prOblem does
develop, then the Traffic Department would have to take steps to
correet it. This is just a matter of rezoning. Perhaps when the
sit~ plan is reviewed, some suggestions could be made.
Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe - No
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 3-1.
Proposed Ordinance No, 79-6 - Re: Rezoning Certain Portion of
Palm Beach Farm Company Plat No. 8 from Zone R-3 to Zone R-2 and
Other Certain ~Portions of Palm Beach Farm Plat No, 8 from Zone
C-3 to Zone R-2 (South of SR 804~ West of Congress Middle School
and East of Knuth Road/Duplex Subdivision - Ronald Corbitt/Hugh
Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 79-6 by title on second
Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak
in favor of this ordinance and Mr, Daniel Jones representing Mr,
Hugh Culverhouse came before the Council. He referred to the out
parcel and advised it has been rezoned by the County and a peti-
tion to annex is being prepared. He thinks everything is inorder
at this point and the necessary contracts have been signed, Mayor
Harmening asked if there was any problem regarding this annexation
before the ordinance becomes effective and Mr, Vance replied they
will get the appropriate zoning before applying for annexation.
Mayor Harmening asked if anyone else wished to speak in favor of
this ordinance and received no response. He asked if anyone
wished to speak in ,opposition to this ordinance and received no
Mrs. Riseoe moved to accept Ordinance No. 79-6 as read, seconded
by Mr. Strnad. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll eall vote
on the motion.as follows:
Vice Mayor Riseoe - Yes
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 79-7 - Re: Amending Section 6.C~1 of Appen-
dix A of the 'Zoning Regulations by Providing that Lumber Yards be
a Conditional Hse inthe C-3 Zoning District
Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 79-7 by title on second
reading. Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience wished
to speak in favor of this ordinance and received no response.
He asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in opposition
to this ordinance and received no response.
Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 79-7, seconded by
Mrs. Riscoe. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote
on the motion as follows:
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 4-0,
Proposed 0rdinanee No. 79-8 - Re: Amendments Providing that the
0ooupational License Ordinances be Administered by the City Manager
Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 79-8 by title on second
reading. Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience wished
to speak in favor of this ordinance and received no response. He
asked if anyone was in opposition to this ordinance and received
no response.
Mr. Strnad moved the adoption of proposed Ordinanee No. 79-8 on
Second reading~ seconded by Mrs. Riseoe. Hnder discussion~ Mr.
Roberts stated when this came. up under first reading, he didn't
think he was prepared to vote since it was thrust upon us without
discussion. He has looked into this matter and finds the clerk
~n question has moved four time~ While he doesn't object to her
working in City Hall as compared to the Building Department, he
MARCH 6, 1979
doesn't feel we should keep changing the organizational chart so
frequentlybecause the code corporation would be busy all the
time. He doesn't particularly~approve of this, He doesn't know
what the problem is. He doesn't think we should continually
change this particular situation. He doesn't approve of changing
the organization chart every time somebody feels they want to do
that. He is against it.
Mayor Harmening stated that he thinks Mr. Roberts points in many
respects are well taken and he concurs to a large extent. There
seems to be a turmoil in the city organization. There have been
a number of eases which have not made exactly for efficient or
harmonious operation. Rather than see a potentially good employee
become disaffeeted, he believes in this case it might be better
to go ahead and do this. When the new City Manager comes on
board, whenever that may be, let him take a look at it and put
it where he thinks it should be. It is expensive though to change
these things back and forth. It costs money and seems to be an
exercise in futility.
Mr, Roberts continued that he didn't see what harm is done, but
the point is there are many employees. There are 400 employees
and we could have many,people saying they want to move here or
there, He doesn't think it is a wise move~ but will abide by
the vote of the Council. Mayor Harmening referred to the license
office having been physically moved from one department and tem-
porarily placed in another and stated the other department head
evidently was unable to keep an eye on it and perhaps in this
physieal location, the City Manager can and she will be respon-
sible for the licenses. The operation of the office is only in
an interim period.
Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye
Councilman Roberts - No
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 3~1.
Ordinances - 1st Reading
Proposed Ordinance No. 79-9 - Re: Amending Section 5-1 of the
City's Codes by Adopting the Model Engrgy Efficiency Building
Code with Stated Alternative Pages
Mr. Vance referred to having two proposed ordinanc~basical!y
being presented on a semi-emergency basis and stated apparently
there is a deadline involved with the National Energy Code and
the Building Official has requested these ordinances. These are
strictly of a technical nature. He has prepared same and urges
the Council to consider theme ordinances, If there are any addi-
tional questions, the Building Official could probably answer them.
Mayor Harmening referred to both being mandated by the state and
stated since the routine procedure of ordinance passage will not
quite allow us to complete passage of the ordinances within the
mandated date~ is it recommended that these be on an emergency
basis? Mr. Vance replied negatively and stated that reading of
the statutes states we will be subject to the state adopted codes
and this is the method to apply the codes.
Mr. Vance then read proposed Ordinance No. 79-9 onfirst reading
by title.
Mrs. Risc0e moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 79-9~
seconded byMr. Strnad. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a
roll call vote on the motionas follows:
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye
Mayor Hammening -- Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 79-10 - Re: Amending Section 9-16 of the
City's Codes by Adopting the Uniform Countywide Amendment to the
1978 Edition of the National Electrical Code
Mr. Vance referred to this being in the same line as the previous
ordinanoe and stated it is the uniform County-wide amendment to
the National Electrical Code. He then read proposed Ordinance No.
79-10 by title.
Mr. Strnad moved for the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 79-10
on first reading~ seconded by Mrs. Ri scoe. No discussion. Mrs.
Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Vice Mayor Riscoe Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 79-11 - Re: Annexation of Parcel Located
in Section 1~ Township 46 South~ Range 42 East (West of Congress
Avenue/Portion of Old Charter World Property - Summit Assoc., Ltd.)
Mr. Vance commented that he will have a resolution relating to
this ordinance which he added as Item C-2. This will involve
County consent in conneetion with the zoning. He then read pro-
posed Ordinance No~ 79-1! by title on first reading.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to accept proposed Ordinance No. 79-11, seconded
by Mr. Strnad. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote
on the motion as follows:
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 79-Q - Re: Area Planning Board
Ameawide Waste Treatment Management_ Plan
Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 79-Q by title. He added
this is the resolution designating the South Florida Water Man-
agement District as the Lead "2087~ Agency,
Mr. Richard Stalker came before the Council and Mr. Vance in-
formed him that the Council has discussed this on two occasions,
Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of Resolution No. 79-Q~ seoonded
by Mrs. Riscoe. Under discussion, Mayor Harmening statedthis
was reviewed with mixed emotions. He explained to the audience
that the federal government has changed the rules and before we
can get any more money for sewage in this area~ we have to go into
an areawide surface water cleanup prOgram. Mrs. Padgett then
took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 79-R - Re: County Consent Regarding
Mr. Vance advised this resolution relates to and is a companion
to Ordinance No, 79-1! approved on first reading. He then read
proposed Resolution No. 79-R by title.
Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of Resolution No. 79-R, seconded
by Mrs. Riscoe. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call
vote as follows:
Counoilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
Motion ea~ried 4-0.
MARCH 6, 1979
Discuss Legal Procedures Councilman Davi~ Roberts
Mr. Roberts referred to the members of the Council going differ-
ent directions and stated he thought some of the conduct should
be straightened out so we all go in the right direction and not
have the problem passing ordinances and instructing the City
Manager to take certain actions. This is a legislative policy
making body. Policy making must be done by a majority vote and
not with one going in one direction and another in another direc-
tion. He explained how he thought it was beneficial to have
some discussion regardin9 proposed resolutions and ordinances.
Mr. Strnad replied that he was in accordance with Mr. Roberts~
comments 100%.
Mr. Vance stated for clarifieation of the record, he thinks this
is a better approach. He prefers on policy matters with either
resolutions or ordinances, there be a general indication from
the Council suggesting that a resolution or ordinance be drafted
by his office. Straight technical amendments could originate with
the various City departments. Mr. Roberts added that occasion-
ally we have resolutions on which we must take immediate action
or documents requiring signatures and he does not think they have
to be held up.
Status Report - Re: State
Vice Mayor Betty Riscoe
Requirements for Paramedics -
Mrs. Riscoe requested a report from Mr. Vance on this and Mr.
Vance replied that he thinks the matter n~wre!ates to obtaining
information regarding the necessary insuranee for any doctor
we retain and he believes the City Manager was going to check
out the insurance coverage. Mrs. Tinker replied that she has a
Mrs. Riseoe referred to speaking to a couple of paramedics and
stated she was led to believe we are dealing with a time ele-
ment and it is prevalent to move on it. She requested a para-
medie present in the audience to clarify this matter. Mr. Doug
Madigan-stated the laws Mr. Vance is talking about have a time
lim/t of November, 1979. Prom talking to Dr. Westmark~ in
cha~ge of the state programs~ if the City does not comply, they
will stop us from operating. Mr. Vance stated he did inform the
Couneil that we are presently in violation of state law. The
next move is to hire a doctor and get medical malpractice insur-
Mr. ~ad%gan informed them that two companies are handling insur-
ance ranging from $250 to $27000, which is strictly for the
medical director. Mr. Vance informed him that this is being
inquired into.
MARCH 6, 1979
MrS. Tinker informed them that Mr. Sullivan checked this out
and only one insuranee company is eovering this. Beeause the
State of Florida required a medical director, which must be a
doctor, they are restructuring the rates hut have not received
approval yet. Boynton Beach cannot be involved in this program
until we have three state certified EMT 2~s. We only have one
and tests are scheduled later this month. We should be able to
meet the requirements within the time limit. She is waiting to
hear from Western Insuranee after they hear from the state insur-
ance eommissioners. Mr.-MaRi~n~added that five are taking the
state test at the end of this month. Mayor Harmening questioned
if they would be able to pass and Mr. tf~fdi~an replied that he
hoped so.
Mrs. Riseoe requested Chief Wright to eSf~borate further and
Chief Wright referred to running 199 runs in the past month
and stated we do have necessity for this program. The para-
medics are doing a fine
Mrs. Riseoe stated whatever it takes to get the wheels turning,
she would like to see them turn as quickly as possible. Mayor
Harmening replied that it appears to the Chair the proper thing
to do would be to instruct the City Manager to proceed posthaste
to get the program in gear and on the right track to comply with
the deadline. Mrs. Tinker stated that she has been working on
this in connection with Mr. Vance.
Results of the Meeting with Representatives of the Municipal
Corporation - Re: Update of our Code of Ordinanees
Vice Mayor Betty Riscoe
Mrs. Risooe stated Mrs. Padgett forwarded a letter regarding
this which was received after she put this item on the agenda.
Resolution No. 78-HHH Councilman Norman F. Strnad
Mr. Strnad referred to the last Council meeting when he asked the
Acting City Manager to inform him as to how this partieu!ar Reso-
lution No. 78-HHH had been brought to the Council and siq~ed by
five Council members and stated he cannot understand why we would
want to lower the standards for promotion of any of our firemen
when we had a good system on the books. He questioned just how
this came about and in response~ he received copies of memos.
He then read the attached four memos~ one from Annette P. Tinker
dated 2/22/79, one from W. Sullivan dated 2/26/79, one from
Peggy Boul!e dated February 28, 1979, and one from C. E. Wright
dated 3/1/79. He just questions how this eame about with the
standards lowered for promotion of firemen without nobody know-
ing about it and the five members of the Council signed it~ but
nobody eheeked it.
MARCH 6, 1979
Mr. Roberts agreed with Mr. Strnad and admitted the act was
wmon~ but'not willful. Me suffered a traumatic expemienoe and
was ~uite upset at the time of the passage of this resolution
wbioh followed the last election when some of the more quali-
fied people were turned down for inexperienoed people. What
has happened during the past two months proves it. He is just
stating the truth. Mrs. Riseoe replied that between the special
meeting we had this week and right now, she thinks we have aired
our dirty wash. She made a statement to the press earlier this
evening. She is willing to bend for the good of the City, but
is not going to break. Let's proceed without personality clashes.
Whether Mr. Roberts like it or not, they are here. Mr. Roberts
replied that he was not questioning that. He offered to help and
work with the new Counoil~ but was rejected many times.
Discuss Investigation of Building Permits - Councilman Roberts
Mr. Roberts referred to there being a meeting called with the
Building Official and stated he asked what had happened at this
meeting and could not get a reply. The main issue is there is
still snipping going on from the previous administration. A
copy of a building permit was brought to the Building Official
and there seemed to be some alterations. There was no report
made of this discussion with the Building Official. He under-
stands there was nothing found to discredit it. He understands
the building permit was the one for Mr. Kohl. It was supposedly
not handled properly. He would like to know where the copy is
which was used in the discussion with the Building Official. He
asks the Acting City Manager to find out where this copy is. Me
asked whya girl was solicited to dig up this particular item
and whether any findings were improper. May he have the same
courtesy given to him as given to Mr, Strnad? Mr. Strnad re-
plied that if he is interested in that particular copy, he may
get it from Mr. Bludworth?s office. Mr. Roberts replied that
he would not go there for it, but would like to know who made
the copy and why a copy is not in the files?
~onsider Acceptance of Resignation from Counoilman Ronald Johnson -
Councilman Norman F. Strnad
Mr. Strnad moved to accept the resignation of Councilman Ronald
Johnson. Mr. Vance requested the motion to also incorporate the
deola~ation by the Council that a vacanoyexists on the City
Council. Mr. Strnad replied that a vacancy exists upon the time
the resignationis acoepted or when it was delivered. Mr. Vance
requested that the motion be to accept the resignation of Council-
man Ronald Johnsonand declare a vacancy on the City Council to
comply with the City Charter.
Mr, Strnad moved to accept the resignation of Councilman Ronald
Johnson~and declare a vacanoy on the City Council at this time~
seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
MARCH 6~ 1979
Consider Nominations to Pill Vacancy on City Council
Councilman Norman P. Strnad
Mr. Strnad requested the members of the Council to place in
nomination persons they would wish to have fill the vacancy
on the Council.
Mrs. Riscoe asked Mr. Vance if it was correct that any appoint-
ment to this vacancy would only be intaot until the next general
eleetion and Mr. Vance replied this was eorrect. Mayor Harmening
requested ~urther clarification and referred to the next general
election being December and asked if the appointment would only
be until Deoember or to fill the unexpired term. Mr. Vance in-
formed him that he has reviewed the specific language of the
ordinanee and read.
Mrs. Riscoe stated that since this has been clarified, she does
have a man she would like to put up for the Counoil~s approval.
It is about time with 18 to 20% of the population being from the
black community that they deserve some representation. At this
particular time, we are all in receipt of a letter from the Con-
cerned Citizens Voters League of Boynton Beach and the Black
Citizens Coalition of Palm Beach County, both bring to our atten-
tion the name of Samuel Lamar Wright~ Jr.
Mr. Roberts clarified that if the appointment is until the next
general election, instead of two vacancies there would be three
and Mr. Vance replied affirmatively.
Mayor Harmening asked if there were any other nominations at
this time and Mrs. Riscoe replied that she understood that a
vote is to be taken after each nomination according to Roberts
Rules of Order. Mr. Vanoe requested a few moments to research
Mr. Roberts stated while Mr. Vance is researching this, he would
like to makesa few comments. He doesn't feel this procedure in
appointing a stranger into this office is in the best interest
of the City. It is his opinion when having just gone through
an election that if there is a vaeancy~ the next highest individ-
ual would be considered for this particular post on the basis of
the vote of the taxpayers and citizens. Under the circumstances~
if this is not going to be fo!lowed~ he does not think this
Council is qualified to pick at this time without ~iving the
people a chance to elect a substitute. We may be stepping on
the privilege of the people with making one selection. He
would be against nominating anyone without an election.
Mr. Vance informed them that there is no limit on nominations.
There may beas many as desirable. He explained how the vote
would be taken in order of the nominations.
~ See
Minutes o:
Mayor Marmening asked if there were any additional nominations
to be placed before the body. Mr. Strnad asked if he wanted all
the names at one time and Mr. Vance infozmed him that this was
standard pmooedure. Mayor Harmening agreed that it would be
aoeording to Roberts Rules of Omder.
Mx. Strnad nominated Mr. Ezell Hester, who has been an outstand-
ing membem of our oommunity. He is a teacher, has served on the
Board of Adjustment and he thinks he is well qualified to sit
among us. As far as the next highest in line, the voters have
shown they did not want the next highest in line; that is why he
was not with the winning team. He thinks it is our prerogative
to appoint someone,
Mayom Harmening asked if there were any additional nominations
from the body. Mr. St-~nad stated in the event that these two
people are not selected, he would also like to nominate former
Mayor Joe Zack~ who is an unbiased person and an outstanding
member of our community.
Mrs. t~[sooe announced she would also like to nominate Mrs.
Blanche Girtman,
Mr. Strnad moved that nominations be closed if there are no
~urther nominations~ seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. Motion carried
Mayom Harmening requested a vote on the nomination of Mr.
Samuel Wright to fill the vacancy on the City Council. Mrs.
Riscoe requested a roll call vote and Mr. Vance agreed that
would be appropriate.
M~. Roberts referred to the statement just made that there was
one man who would not be appointed because the people did not
want him because he oame in fourth. He feels the people should
have the opportunity to make their own choice at a referendum
and he shall eontinue to vote in that direction. Mayor Harmening
replied that he concurred basically with Mr. Roberts~ sentiments.
He feels there is a considerable period of time for the person
to serve and feels it is wise for this to go t~. the people so
they eon resolve the problem. There has been some discussion
involving the fourth candidate. Many cities do have in their
charter the arrangement whereby if something happens to one of
the officials after taring office, the method of filling the
vaeanoy is to select the neXt highest vote getter in the previ-
ous eleotion. However, we do not have this incorporated in our
charter and it is not available to us.
- 31-
Mayor Harmening requested a roll call vote on the nomination of
Mr. Samuel Wright and Mrs. Padgett ca]led the roll as follows:
Vice Mayor Riscoe Yes
Councilman Strnad Aye
Councilman Roberts - No
Mayor Marmenin§ - No
Nomination fails on tie vote of 2-2.
Mayor Harmening called for ~a vote on the nomination of Mr. Ezell
Hester and Mrs. Padqett called the ~oll as follows:
Vice Mayor Riscoe ~ Yes
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Counei!man Roberts - No
Mayor Harmening - No
Nomination fails on tie vote of 2-2.
Mayor Harmening called for a vote on the nomination of Mr, Joe
Zaek and Mrs, Padgett called the ~olt as follows:
Vice Mayor Riscoe - Yes
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Roberts - No
Mayor Harmeruing - No
Nomination fails on tie vote of 2-2.
Mayor Marmening requested a vote on the momination of Mrs°
Blanche Girtman and Mrs. Padgett called the moll as follows:
Vice Mayor Ri scoe Yes
Councilman Strnad Aye
Councilman Roberts - No
Mayor Ha~mening - No
Nomination fails on tie vote of 292°
Mr. Strnad announced he was glad he could not~be<ae~use~of<dragging
his feet now.
Mrs. Riseoe suggested going ahead with the procedure for election,
so we canall go out and beat the bushes. Mayor Harmening asked
Mr. Vance if this could be accommodated in the Chartem language
and Mr. Vance replied negatively and advised under the Charter~
there has to be two regular meetings,and he read the applicable
MARCH 6, 1979
Discuss MuD/cipal League Resolution
Mr. Roberts referred to distributing copies of a resolution fmom
the Municipal League and explained how they were trying to correct
problems created by the vacated municipal cou~ts. They have a
bill coming up and a vote will be taken at ~he next meeting. He
would like the authority to vote in the affirmative for this bill
to proceed.
Mayor Marmening e!arified for the benefit of the audience that this
is a bill to apply throughout Palm Beacb County to solve the pro-
blems of code er~o~cement. He explained how code enforcement was
more difficult since the loss of our municipal courts. Mr. Vance
added that Mr. Watt feels the resolution from the League would be
helpful getting the bill adopted by the Legislature.
Mrs. Riscoe moved that Mr. Roberts votes our intentions in the
M~nicipal League to support the passage of this legislation,
seconded by Mr. Strnad. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Recommendation from P~nning & Zoning Board - Re: Preliminary
Plat for Ridgewood Estates ~Tabled)
Mrs. Riscoe moved to remove this from the table, seconded by Mr.
Stmnad. Motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Edward Otto, Jr.~ Attorney representing the applicant~ advised
that the plat was studied by the ~ity and county staff and their
recommendations have been incorporated into the plat. If the
Council has any questions, their engineer, Mr. Gentry, or the
City Planner~ Mr. Annunziato, will answer them.
Mayor Harmening advised that the Council members had not re-
ceived a copy of the proposed plat. Mr. Otto replied that the
layout of the streets conforms to all the staff recommendations
and is according to state, county and City requirements. Mr.
Gentry then showed the plat and aerial photograph of this area
and explained the development proposed consisting of 35 lots
and told about the existing traffic situation and pointed out
the routes of travel. The County has made the recommendation
that there can only be one intersection onto 23rd Avenue.
Mr. John Holloway, 2819 S. Wo 4th Street, referred to living at
this address for ten years and told about just hearing about the
possibility of S.W. 4th or 5th Street being extended to connect
with S. W. 23rd Avenue. He then read a p~tition signed by vari-
ous property owners on S. W. 4th Street stating their objection
to any connection of S. W. 4th Street to S. W. 23rd Avenue and
presented it to the City Clerk. He referred to approximately
60 chi!dren !lying on S. W. 4th Street and told about most being
of a young age. They are awabe of the traffic problems existing
MARCH 6, 1979
on S. W. 6th Street~ but explained how 4th Street would have more
of a problem if opened because it is a straight shot through to
Mission Hill Blvd. They do feel sorry for the residents on S.W.
6th Street~ but the problem is existing there and is not on S.W.
4th Street.
Mrs. Su~an Borchardt, 2705 S. W. 6th Street~ stated she is very
sympathetic for the people on 4th Street; however, the fact still
remains whichever routes are opened to 23rd Avenue will have the
thru traffic. She referred to this subdivision having hundreds
of homeswith more homes being built every day, but stated that no
more accesses are being built. She referred to the traffic count
being higher than normal and questioned what was considered nor-
mal and Mr. Annunziato replied that he would guess about 1,200 to
!,300. Mrs. Borchardt clarified that they have approximately 1,000
care more than normal. They-must consider what can be done to
alleviate some of the traffic on 6th Street and the only solution
is to open up another street. She is not asking for 6th Street to
be closed, but to open another street to share the traffic. She
referred to having children of he~ o~nand buying the house on this
street when it was not a thru street. If she lived on 4th Street,
she probably would not want it opened;- but the people on 6th Street
fought hard against the ramp and had to accept it. The basic
faot is that 2~000 ears are travelling that street per day right
now. She would like her children to play in the street, but they
can't. However~ 4th Street seems to be the only solution to have
two streets eoming off 25rd Avenue. Nothing will be fair to
everybody~ but it is not fair for the one street to have all the
traffic. If another street was epened~ it would alleviate some
of the traffic.
Mr. Rudy B!ank~ 702 S. W. 25th Place, referred to the counter
being put on 6th Street and stated that many people will verify
that it was net left in place for 24 hours. The count of 2,199
cars is not a true 24 hour check, but is a spot check. He
studied the letter from the engineers and concluded that they
were under the impression that the request was to close 6th
Street and they recommended not putting allt~he traffie onto
4th Street. He explained in his letter that they wanted to
keep 6th Street open and share the traffic on both streets.
They know the developer is willing to put the proper road in
there, but it seems the City is giving him a rough time. He
thinks this vote should be held up until some arrangement is
made with the developer q~3change the situation. There was also
mention of an objection to having two roads onto 23rd Avenue,
but on the other side of 1-95, there are many homes with
exits onto 23rd Avenue at less than 100 feet. They previously
presented two alternate plans with opening 4th or ~th Street.
The solution is to keep the traffic evenly divided.
~CH 6~ 1979
Mr. Otto proposed that the preliminary plat be approved as sub-
mitted with the Engineering Department requiring the developer
to open 4th or 5th Street and they will be glad to. Ail these
alternatives have been submitted to all the agencies, but they
agree with the plat as drawn. He would like a decision what the
City wants do~e and they will be glad to open either 4th or 5th
Mayor Harm~iiag replied that he realized the developer has no
objection and the City Council has no ~bjection to the approved
plat~ but there seems to be some problem. He doesntt know
whether it man be resolved in total tonight. He feels we could
at least approve the preliminary plat subject to final accept-
ance. He does not intend to hold the developer up needlessly.
Mr. Bill Thomas, 2714 S. W. 6th Street, stated he didntt think
the Council should go ahead and tentatively approve this until
a dec/sion is made for another route to alleviate the traffic.
This street is a disaster and the Planning g Zoning Board would
not make a decision. Mayor Harmenin§ replied that the Planning g
Zoning Board did recommend this and Mr. Thomas clarified that the
motion was to recommend it to the City Council~ but get it in
w~iting from the City Engineer and County Engineer whether it is
feasible to cut th~u 4th or 5th Street. Mayor Harmening replied
that all kinds of recommendations were forwarded from the City
staff and County Engineering Department in regards to this
matter. Some other alternates have been looked at also. Mr.
Thomas clarified that the traffic should be shared and the
Council should not approve this until reaching a decision.
Mr. John Holtoway stated in reply and rebuttal to the people
speaking from 6th Street~ they have failed to realize the poten-
tial straight thru route created if 4th Street is opened.
He is familiar with the traffic survey conducted and much of
that traffic from 6th Street transfers onto 4th Street and
they already have a tremendous volume of traffic. It is a
defi~/te problem and he feels sorry for everybody, but he
does not feel the Council should penalize the developer who has
started developing. This will be solved at a later date.
Mr. Tanzy asked the City Planner if we would be tying our hands
at this time by approving the preliminary plat and Mr.
Annunziato replied that he didn't know what direction the
developer Would take from this. Certainly the Council could
require a bond for public improvements at the final plat.
He referred to the issue coming up again and stated according
to our subdivision regulation for new platted developments~
additional cuts into a roadway are not allowed within 660 feet
of an existing one. However~ there is a variance procedure in
the ordinance for this.
Mr. Gentry stated that aceording to the plan, the roadways would
extend to the right-of-way of 23rd Avenue and if at a later date
it is deemed necessary to tie in~ the right-of-way would exist
up to 23rd Avenue.
Mr. Roberts clarified thatthe developer is entitled to develop~
but thequestionis getting everyone happy, Mayor Harmening
added that there is no question of the right for the developer
to develop his land and he has expressed the willingness to
any directionregarding the roads. He can force the City to
approve the plat if necessary, Mr. Tanzy agreed that at a
rain point, the Citywould be compelled to allow him to build,
Mr. Ho!!oway suggested closing 6th Street and letting all the
traffie go through Chapel Hill Boulevard and Mayor Harmening
replied that then all the people along Chapel Hill Boulevard
would be coming in. It would just be transferring the problem
from place to place.
Mrs. Risooe moved that we pass this plat with the recommendation
that a service road be put in off of the ramp leading off to 6th
Street and all the traffic be shared by ,all three streets. Mr.
Gentry informed her this was their original submittal, but engi-
neering t~hought it was a dangerous situation. It was rejected
by City Engineering.
A gentlemanin the audience referred to the contractor not paying
for it in the end and Mr. Otto clarified that nothing was ever
said about not doing it. Mayor Harmening added that the contrac-
tor has expressed the willingness to go any route the Council
would ask. Mr. Otto agreed and stated that 5th Street was ruled
out because of the Engineer Department's objections.
Mrs. Riseoe referred to putting stop signs on 4th Street and Mr.
Holloway replied this would help, He added that he thinks a
service roadwould accomplish the same thing as opening 4th
Street directly intoR3rd Avenue, He referred to all the recom-
mendations being against opening either 4th or 5th Streets and
stated all the engineering reports are only in favor of 8th
Street being 'opened.
Mr. Dick Kapps, 702 S. W. 27th Place, pointed out the number
of homes involved with 4th Street being opened.
Mrs. Pat Healy, 2837 S. W. 4th Street, s~ated that 4th Street
has heavy traffic now and the cars travel fast. She explained
how the people use this street instead of Seaerest Blvd. If it
is opened up, it will be a big mistake. Stop signs would be a
help now on the street. 6th Street only goes to 28th Avenue and
the majority of the people cut over to 4th Street.
Mayor Harmening referred to hearing the pros and cons and requested
a decision to be made. Mr. Roberts suggested that possibly some
of these people could discuss this further and Mayor Harmening
agreed~ but stated it would only be pushing the f~nal decision
down-stream. This is a preliminary plat and the prime question
is unresolved. It can be tabled Or whatever~ but ultimately the
developer must have an answer.
Mr. Roberts made a motion to adopt the plat and continue working
on it.
Mrs. Riscoe stated that being that a service road was supposed to
be the worst!situation~ she moves that 5th Street be opened. Mr.
Otto informed her that the City Engineer objected to this because
5th Street has too high of anemba~ment.
Mayor Harmening clarified that Mr. Roberts made a motion to
app~ve the preliminary plat and ascertained that it died for
lack of a second.
Mayor Harmening clarified that Mrs. Riscoe made a motion to
approve the plat and direct the developer to opsn 5th Street.
Mr. Strnad seconded this motion. Under discussion, Mr. Clark
referred to this being a preliminary plat, but explained that
the development plans are supposed to be substantially complete.
He thinks the service road option was not approved by the County,
but he thinks it still might be possible to have a connection
to 6th Street. He explained the consideration given each alter-
nate submitted. Mayor Harmening then clarified that the motion
was to approve the preliminary plat and construct a service road
to tie into 6th Street at 23rd Terrace and Mrs. Riscoe corrected
him that the motion was to tie in 5th Street. Motion carried 4-0.
Recommendation from Planning $ Zoning Board to Approve Phasing
Plan Submitted in Conjunction with Kirsner/Faber PUD Rezoning
Mrs. Tinker stated copies were submitted of information from our
City Planner, Mr. Carmen Annunziato: letter of February 15, 1979
from Mr. Joseph Cogen of Cranbmook Lake Estates~ site drawing and
excerpts from the Planning g Zoning Board meeting of February
27th. The phasing plan has been submitted in conjunction with the
approved Kirsner/Cogen PUD rezoning. Said plan was not submitted
at the time of zoning. The Planning $ Zoning Board unanimously
recommended that the Phasing Plan be approved subject to construc-
tion of alt applicable improvements as per the approved Master
Plan. The motion toaspprove was made by Mr. Hester and seconded
by Mr. DiSalle.
Mrs. Riseoe moved to accept this recommendation according to the
Planning & Zoning Board to appmove the Phasing Plan, seconded by
Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Consider Request from B~nai B~rith Haifa Lodge 2969 for Use of
Council Chambers
Mms. Tinker read a letter from the B~nai B'rith Haifa Lodge 2969
requesting the use of the Council Chambers to hold a meeting on
the last Thursday of the month of March.
Mr. Maurice Moresque clarified that the request was to use the
Council Chambers for meetings nine months of the year on the last
Thursday of the month, They have 270+ members and ~ind it hard
to convene in other plaeeSo They have had access to the Council
Chambers for 1~ years.
Mayor Harmening asked if this would present any eonflicts in the
schedule and Mrs. Padgett replied that she didn't think so and
usually Thursday night is the freest evening. Mayor Harmening
stated if something should come up of vital importanee for Thurs-
day night~. ~ might have to pre-empt this group and Mr. Moresque
replied that would be all right.
Mr. Roberts referred to allowing the use by one lodge and stated
probably within a month, 50 o~3aPizations would be asking to use
this building. He thinks it may cause a lot of problems for the
City with allowing one to meet and not another. He would hesi-
tate to set up a schedule,
Mr. Strnad replied that he thinks these people should be able
to use the Cbaneil Chambers as they are taxpayers. Mr. Roberts
has a policeman here for this meeting and he is paid extra
money. If there are other groups, there is no reason they can't
come in also.
Mr. Strnad moved to allow this gmoup to meet here. Mrs, Riscoe
asked if there is a fee and Mr. Moresque replied affirmatively
and they ha~e paid a fee in the past~ Mrs. Riscoe referred to
possibly having something else scheduled for the chambers and
Mr. Moresque replied that they would understand. Mrs. Risooe
then seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carmied 3-1
with Mr. Roberts dissenting,
Request foraa Fire Traffic Light at Sub-Fire Station on Congress
Avenue and Main Fire Station on N. E. 2nd Avenue
Mrs, Tinker referred'bo this coming out at the Safety Conm~ttee
meeting held on February 9 and read the request from the minutes:
~Larry Jaquiss asked that a letter be sent to the City Manager
requesting a f-~re traffic light at the sub-station at Congress
and on 2nd Avenue for the main station. He said if we had such
a light~ we would not have accidents similar to the one last
month where a firefighter was injured because the ambulance had
to stop suddenly while attempting to enter 2nd Avenueo~ She
would like to know whether to proceed with this.
MARCH 6, 1979
Mayor Harmening asked if money was budgeted and Mrs. Tinker re-
plied negatively~ that we do not have the money at this time.
Mayor Ha~mening asked if the County would install them and Mrs.
Tinker replied that she will ask Mr. ~lark to ask them. Mayor
Harmening suggested possibly appmoving in concept pending obtain-
ing the funds needed.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to instruct the City Manager to proeeed with
the negotiations with the County and bring back a cost breakdown
where the funds are coming fr<)m. Mr. Strnad seconded the motion.
No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Consider Request from the Boynton Beach Jaycee's for th~Waiver
of $950,00 Circus Permit Fee
Mrs. Tinker referred to having a request from the Jaycee's and
stated she considers tttis a worthwhile cause. Ail the necessary
investigations have beenmade. They are requesting the City
Council waive the $250 circus permit fee. She would like the
Council's approval.
Mr. Roberts moved to grant the request of the Jayeee's~ seconded
by Mrs. Riscoe. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Review and DiscusSion of Proposed Sign Ordinance
Mayor Harmening referred to this containing a number of revisions
and Mrs. Riseoe moved to table this, seconded by Mr. Roberts.
Motioncarried 4-0.
Consider Establishing a Date for A Workshop Meeting to Review
Additional City Manager Applications Councilman Norman F. Strnad
Mr. Strnad announced that he would like to get on with the business
of hiring a City Manager. He has gone through the previous City
Manager applications and came across one which he thinks is very
good for this City and he is sure there are many more we can dis-
cuss. He would like a meeting set up to go throughttheseappti-
cations. After discussion~ it was agreed to meet on Monday at
7:30 P. M.
Consider Ordinance Prohibiting any Person to Operate Apiaries
or Otherwise Maintain Bees Within the City Limitss
Mr. Stmnad announced that he is about to get additional informa-
tionwhieh may cause this Council to make anintelligent decision
whether thisordir~nee should be passed or not and he would like
to table this until receiving this information. Mrs. Ri scoe
seconded this as a motiono Under discussion, Mr. Roberts referred
to people waiting so late for this and stated he thinks they
should be given the courtesy to say a few words. He requests
the Councilman to withdraw his motion and leave the people talk.
Mr. Strnad replied that they can still talk. Motion lost 2-2.
MARCH 6, 1979
Mm. John L. Jaekson~ Ocean Drive, stated that he ow~s pmoperty on
1st Court at 7th Street and has 88 ei~rus trees. The bees have
never bothered anyone. Me told about Mr. Smiles issuing red tags
to him and telling him he had to get rid of his bees because a
woman was stung several blocks away. Bees are important for
the ecology of the country. This is a hobby with him. In re-
sponse to receiving the red tags~ he told about eontaeting his
attorney and Councilman Roberts and then presenting a petition
to the City Manager. Bees are only a nuisance in a congested
area and we would not have any flowers if it was not for the bees.
Mr. Roberts added that he talked to this gentleman and informed
him that the business wasn't allowed and was told that he only
maintains a few hives. He does have a large feneed-in lot.
Mr. David Lobell~ Chairmanof the Education Committee of the
Palm Beaeh County Beekeepers Association, stated that he offi-
cial] y represents over 40 beekeepers in the County. Florida
~ften leads the nation in total honey production. It is a
multi-million dollar business. Berries and fruits depend on
bees forpollination. Bees are needed by Boynton Beach and can
very safelybe kept in Boynton Beach without~any neighbors being
annoyed. He told about having very simple rules for allowing
bees to be kept.
Mr. Roberts suggested that nobody should keep bees on a commer-
cial basis in the City limits and Mr. Lobell replied that was
Item 1 of the good neighbor policy.
Mr. Bill Gordon, a~ember of the Palm Beach County Beekeepers
Association~ told aboutworking presently with the County At-
torney .and Animal Control Officer on a proposed bee ordinance
to be adopted by the County Commission. They expect to have
the ordinanee within the next 60 days and would like to have
this tabled until they are aware of the plan of the County.
Mr. Strnad moved to strike this from the agenda, seconded by
Mrs. l{iscoe. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Consider Acceptance of Resignations: 1. Mrs. Rose Smith, Community Appearance Board
2. Mr. Joe Smith~ Community Relations Board
Mr. Roberts moved to accept the resignations of the Smiths~
seconded byMrs. Riseoe. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Consider Replacements for Above
Mrs, Riseoe nominated Mrs. Doris Rogers for the Community Appear-
ante Board. Mayor Harmening ascertained there were no further
nominations. Mrs. Ri scoe moved to appoint Mrs. Doris Rogers,
seconded by Mr. Strnad. Motion earried 4~0.
MARCH 6, 1979
Mr. Roberts referred to the Community Relations Board having 13
members and stated that it may get unwieldy. Mayor Harmening
referred to one gentleman having expressed interest in serving
on the Board and nominated Mr. Arthur Berman. Mm. Strnad nomi-
nated Mr. Hy Rosenthal.
Mayor Harmening called for a vote on the nomination of Mr. Hy
Rosenthal and the vote tied 2-2.
Mayor Harmening called for a vote on the nomination of Mr.
A~thur Berman and the vote tied 2-2.
Consider Application for Occupational License Submitted by Mr.
Raymond Ciccone dba Twentieth Century Cab Company to be Located
at 725 North Federal Highway
Mr. Roberts asked if everything was in order and Mrs. Tinker
replied affirmatively and added that an excellent police report
was submitted.
Mr. Roberts moved to grant the occupational license to Mr.
Cieeone dba Twentieth Century Cab Company, seconded by Mrs.
~iscoe. Under diseussion~ Mayor Harmening referred to there
being a need f~another ea~ company and stated he surveyed the
sitatuion in depth and at this time~ does not find the need
for any additional vehicles. Mr. Roberts withdrew his motion
and requested a report to be submitted at the next meeting
as to the number of cab companies, etc.
Mrs. Riseoe moved to table~ seconded by Mr. Strnado Motion
carried 4-0.
Applications for Permit to Solicit Submitted by: 1. Boynton Beach Elementary Parent Teacher Group
2. Cline Pautsoh Post Auxiliary No. 164
Mrs. Riseoe moved to approve, seconded by Mr. Strnad.
sion. Motion carried 4-0.
Approval of Bills
Mrs. Tinker read the following bills for approval:
Allied Universal Corp,
Chlorine for Water Treatment Plant
Pay from budgeted ~nds 401-332-533-30-65
~ack Nicklaus Pontiac, Inc.
Two pickup trucks for Water Distribution
Pay from budgeted funds 401-333-533-60-83
Council approved 12/6/78
No discus-
t, 575. O0
MARCH 6~ 1979
3o Ca!qon Corp, !2.420.00
C-8 Phosphate for Water Treatment Plant
Pay f-rom budgeted funds 401-332-533-30-65
Bid approved 3/28/78
4, Aqua Chem Co,~ Inc, 2,888.50
Lime for Water Treatment Plant
Pay fmom budgeted ~unds 401-332-533-30-65
5. Willie Ruth McGrady 86.40
Server for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-87!-570-02-5A
Ordinance ~73-!5, passed 5/15/73
6. Isiah Andrews 99,00
Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-871-570-02-5A
Ordinance ~73-15~ passed 5/15/73
7. International Business Machines
Rental on computer
Pay from budgeted funds 001-133-513-40-21
3,437. O0
Mrs. Tinker stated the bills described have been approved and
verified by the department heads involved; checked and approved
for payment by the Finance Department~ funds are available in
their respective budgets. She, therefore, recommends payment
of these bills.
Mr. Roberts moved to pay our bi!!s~ seconded by Mrs. Riseoe.
No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Mrs. Riseoe moved to adjourn~ seconded by Mr. Strnad. Motion
earmied 4-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 12:20 A.M.
City Cierk
- g mecoralng ~ecre~ary
(Five Tapes)
..3/ d' ~' Vice Mayor
Mr. Wm. H. sullivan, Director
Personnel Department
'-FP,.OM -' Telephone 732.-8111
Office of th~ City ~an~9~r
P. O. BOX 310
Resolution No. 78-FEqH ..... __DATE:~ 2/22/79
As you are aware, at the February 20, 1979 City Council meeting,
Councilman Norman F. Strnad directed me to. find out how an? why
Resolution No. 78-~was ~laced on the agenda last year ~lthout
the ~nowledge of either ~hlef Gene Wright or you an~ without having
received any recommendations or input to procee~with the resolution.
Anything you may belableto do to enlighten us on this matter will
be very much appreciated. Please have your reply to me no later
than Monday, February 26, 1979.
As I told you previously this ~as not. processed ttuco~gh normal
channels n~mety tl%e Chief, PersoD_net and tl~e Civil Service Appeals
Board.. It was. put on the agenda in December.
Please check your agenda ,memorandums and this may indicate who put
it on that agenda.
DATE: 2/26/79 SIGNED
TO: Annette P. Tinker February 28, 19~9
Inasmuch as you were not in this office in December of. 1978, and
I was responsible for'the preparation of the agenda at that time,
I wish to advise that I'.have not found, nor do I recall any %~itten
correspondence pertaining to Resolution No.. 78-~U~5t. As you can see
by the notation on the attached, the above R~solution~ras received
in this office on the same day as the 12/19/78 City-Council meeting.
Further, in checking my copies of the agendas, it is not listed for
the City Couacil Meeting of December i9, 1978, indicating that I had
no knowledge of this Resolution until it arrived, otherwise, t most
definitely would have included it when typing the agenda.
Peggy Boulle
An~et te Tinker
Acting City .M~nager
C. E. Wright
Fire Chief
Resolution 78-~i
Date 3/1 ~9
In regards to Resolution 78-~t~t, this report is as follows.
I- I, as Chief, never saw the resolution until after it was
passed by council ~d ~ not ~fo~ of it.
2- I would p~s~e that the re~lu~ ~s prep~r~ by ct~
atto~ey, a ~cilm~ or ci~ m~Eer, as they u~ly are.
Redilype 460