Edward P. Harmening, Mayor
Betty Riscoe, Vice Mayor
Ron Johnson~ Councilman
David Roberts~ Councilman
Norman Strnad, Councilman
Mayor Marmening welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order
at 7:30 P. Mo He announced the Invocation will be given tonight
by Father A1 Victor, St. Mark's Catholic Church, and requested
everyone to please stand. He then thanked Father Victor and
requested everyone to remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag led by Vice Mayor Betty Riscoe.
Annette P. Tinker, Acting City Manager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
James W. Vance, City Attorney
Mayor Harmening asked if there were any additions~ deletions or
corrections to the agenda.
Mr. Roberts referred to Item C. Status of City Finances under
Administrative and stated in view of the fact this has been pub-
lished that we have a ~ealthy surplus, he would like this item
deleted. He referred to Old Business and requested the addition
of Item E to discuss the meeting held Friday afternoon by Council-
man Strnad with Ms. Lillian Bonnet and the Building O~f-icial.
Mrs. Riscoe referred to Item C-1 under New Business and corrected
ttrescindtt to ~reviewt~.
M_rs. Tinker announced that she had some additions under Approval
6£ Bills. On Friday, she received a bill from Allen Insurance
Company for our special risk accident insurance in the amount of
$37169.00 and if not paid tonight, it would be delinquent. She
also received a bill from Carpenter, May g Bremer for teaching,
training, consulting service and assistance to the ~inance person-
nel in the amount of $2,932.00. This a~ternoan about 2:00 P.M.,
she received an application for permit to solicit from The
Soroptimist Club of Boynton Beach/Delray Beach. With the Council's
permission, she would like to add these on the agenda.
Mr. Johnson referred to Administrative and requested Item I. to
be ~isted as: Consider Acceptance of Resignation ~rom Director
of Utilities and Replacement.
Mms. Riscoe moved to adopt the agenda as corrected, seconded by
Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
JANUARY 16, 1979
Mayor Harmening read the following letter w~itten to Mr. Harvey
W. Rodgers, Tax Coordinator Boynton Beaeh, American Association
of Retired Persons, Inc., from Mm. Frank Rohl: 'TWo are very glad
to be of some serviee to our taxpayers home in Boynton Beach~ and
we are pleased to be able to provide space in our lobby every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. from
February 5~ 1979 to April 15, 1979. We have had tremendous re-
sponse from our residents regarding your Tax Aide Progmam, and
we appreciate the help this gives our residentso~' He added that
anyone who is interested should keep these dates in mind.
Regular City Council Meeting - January 2, 1979
Mr. Johnson referred to Page 18, fourth line down under his re-
marks~ and requested it to read: "One thing, we were talking
about harmony and working together on the City Council, I think
if we keep one thing in mind, etc."
Mrs. Riscoe refer~ed to Page 22, second paragraph~ second line,
and corrected the work ~'~ommission" to ~Counci!~.
Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of the regular City Council meeting
minutes of January 2~ 1979~ as amended, seconded by Mr. Johnson.
Motion carried 5-0.
Special City Council Meeting - January 4, 1979
Mr. Strnad referred to Page 15, first paragraph~ eleventh line
down, and requested the last word on the line ~the'~ to be omitted.
Mr. Strnad moved for adoption of the minutes of January 4, 1979,
with the correction noted, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. Motmon
carried 5-0.
Mayor Harmening requested anyone who would like to speak about
anything not on the agenda to please eome forth. He requested
anyone who would to speak on anything on the agenda to please
give their name to the City Clerk and they will be allowed to
speak when that item is before the body.
Mr. Clyde McElrgy, 19 Velaire Drive, stated he would like to obfect
to the previous City Council's agreement to rezone the property
on the lower end of Hoadley Road. Me appeared before the Plan-
ning g Zoning Board and again before the City Council and the
recommendation both times was not to rezone the property.
JA~YdARY 16, 1979
Mr. MeElroy continued that within a month not only has this been
rezoned, but it has been done without notification. He feels
this action is highly unethioal and illegal since information
about this was not given. The large parcel between Congress Ave.
and Hoadley Road was also rezoned without notification and he
feels this was illegal. This is one of the nicest neighborhoods
in the City and he does not feel the City is backing them one
iota with allowing this to happen. If the eastern side of Hoadley
Road is allowed to go commercial, this will allow everyone to have
access off Hoad!ey Road. They do not need this kind of action.
Mr. Nathaniel MeGrady~ 316 N.W. 17th Avenue, told about kids
roaming his area and sho~ting out street lights. He would like
to know if there is anything which can be done about this.
Tonight, about four teenag~ boys were there shouting the lights
and he contacted the Police Dept. and waited about 30 minutes,
but there was no response. There should be some kind of punish-
ment. Mayor Harmening agreed and suggested if he and a friend
view this happening and know the names of the boys~ they should
~gn a complaint with the police and they will take care of the
Mr. John Bueeigross, 1210 Old Boynton Road, appeared before the
Council and stated that he is the Treasurer representing Poinciana
West Condominiums. He referred to another gentleman speaking in
behalf of the neighborhood near Hoadley Road and first apologized
for not hearing the entire speech because he arrived late. How-
ever, he conveys similar sentiments from Poinciana West, a condo-
minium of 60 units. They were not notified when this particular
zoning was brought to the attention of the Planning & Zoning
Board. They are in the immediate vicinity; however, not within
the specified footage of the problem. He explained h~ Hoadley
Road deadends at the canal and is only used by the people living
there. It is a nice residential area. It is a nice place to
live because there are no trucks, etc. He assumes the people who
built their homes there took this into considemation. He is
aware a public hearing was held regarding the rezoning of the
parcel of land on the east side of Hoadley Road and common sense
tells him it might be in the best interest of everyone if the
east side were residential and the west side commercial. With
allowing the back parcel to be commercial, it would allow a lot
of traffic through Hoadley Road and this would only be a benefit
to the developers purchasing that commercial lot and it will not
benefit any individuals living there. The thing that disturbs
him mostly is the City gave this to the Planning & Zoning Board
for their consideration and the Board voted unanimously to zone
Hoadley Road residential on the east side. It was then consid-
ered by the previous Council and they saw fit to deny the rezon-
lng request. However, they decided to reconsider and changed it
back to commercial because of something which happened a number
of years ago which he doesntt think makes much difference but
what is here today is what concerns us now. He referred to
JANU3~RY 16, 1979
~moperty being zoned appropriately when zoned, but stated everyone
knows zoning is not 100% when set up. It is quite a chore to plan
areas in a city for development and'try to s~tisfy people, industry~
etc. He questioned again how sucha decision could be made after
the unanimous decision made by the Board and Council previously.
He referred to statements made for this to be a large department
store with this area to be used for parking and stated this sounds
good~ but it is still zoned commercial. There is no reason it
would definitely be a ~arking area with it being zoned commercial.
He is also aware of the beautification treatment ~required by the
City with a buffer between commereiat and residential zoDing and
stated he would like to know how this would be aeeomplished in
this instance. If in the interestof development of Boynton
Beach and the interest of availability of positions for people
work~ng~ if the Council sees in their wisdom this might be the
reason why they would like to have that commercial, he might be
able to accept such a thing if they would tell him there would
be no access from Hoadley Road.
Mr. Buceigross clarified that the important thing is that this has
been rezoned without their knowledge. They were invited to the
hearir~2~ but thenit was changed without letting them know. He
does not think this is proper or right. He thinks this must
certainly be considered.
Mr. James B. Day came before the Council and advised that he is
the trustee of the property everybody has been addressing. The
property was totally rezoned in 1971. It was purchased byan.
investment group in 1973 and at that time~ it was zoned C-1.
In 19Y5~ the City went througha major rezoning operation. He
and Mr. Hank Thompson went before the Planning S Zoning Board
at that time and were advised the property should stay intact
and if there were any changes~ they would be notified. Subse-
quently something happened and the back 1.8 acres was rezoned
and they didn't know about it. They are trying to get this
straightened out. The buyer is Jefferson's Department Store
and a site plan has been submitted to the Building Department.
This parcel is planned to be used for parking. If the City
wants deed restrictions~ they will put it on for parking. They
will have access along the canal and behind the building and
will not use Hoad!ey Road. Hoadley Road was dedicated to the
canal and across the canal and it was abandoned without their
knowledge. Jefferson's is willing to work with everybody. If
the people don~t want traffic back there~ then they won't have
it. It is major development for the City. They have a dead-
ling coming up with Jefferson's in which they must exercise
their option and if they don't~ it will probably be on account
of the parking. Mayor Harmening questioned when the deadline
was and Mr. Day replied January 31, He added that they have
been trying to work with the City and Jefferson's will also.
If the people want beautification~ etc.~ it will be worked in.
The site plan is available.
J~NUARY 16, 1979
Mr. Roberts referred to the entire City being rezoned in 1975 and
stated apparently there was an oversight on this par~iou!ar section
and there is eorrespondence in the file regarding this. When they
came in amd asked to have it eorreoted~ the Planning L Zoning Board
apDa~ent!y was against rezoning it and the Council went along with
that recommendation. However, when it came back and the situation
was explained with all the backup co~respondenee~ the Council felt
an error had been ~ade and'should be corrected.
Mr. Roy Roseke, 410 Hoadley Road, advised that his property abuts
the property in question and he has lived there 22 years. He
asked if it was legal to rezone anything without notifying some-
body and Mayor Harmening replied that in 19757 ads were published
in the paper for the whole City with two pub!io hearings being
held. As Councilman Roberts attempted to explain, apparently
when the lines were drawn on the map in 1975, it~entsStm&ight~'uthru
this property instead of going around. Mr. Roseke agreed and
stated this is how it was when he bought his property. This
parcel was residential when he bought his property and stayed
residential. Mayor Harmening replied that he believes the record
will portray this to be C-1 in 1971 and at the time of the rezo~ng
in 19Y5~ the C-t and C-3 categories were changed extensively and
C-3 zoning was placed on the property at that time. Mr. Roseke
clarified that originally when it was changed to commercial, he
was not notified. He is the one being affected and will have to
look at a parking lot with trucks, dumpsters, etc. Mayor Harmening
stated that the site plan submitted for development could possibly
take care of this to his advantage and satisfaction. He added
that there seems to be some question about this and perhaps it
should be given further consideration and placed on the agenda
for another meeting. Mr. Roseke questioned what they had to do
now to have their property zoned commercial so they could sell
it and Mayor Harmening replied that an application for rezoning
must be submitted,
Mrs. Risooe asked if the City Manager could be requested to
direot the City Attorney to look into whether this is a perti-
nent situation and the citizens do have a legitimate gripe and
the previous Council might have erred that we can delve into
this and find out if this is so and bring it up for reconsider-
ation? Mr. Vance replied that under Roberts Rules of Order a
motion ~or reconsidering can only be made at the next subsequent
Council ~eeting. The motion to reconsider must be made by one
who voted on the prevailing side of the motion. Mr. Roberts
~eferred to the original action being reconsidered and Mr. Vance
disagreed and explained that it could not have been reconsidered
because the original action was taken on November 22 and two
regular Council meetings intervened prior to the consideration
of the matter on January 2. The actual action taken was a motion
making a legislative determination that the 1.8 acres should have
been included in the entire larger parcel. This was not a motion
to reconsider the original zoning app!ioation~ which would have
been improper beoause of the intervening time.
JANUARY 16, 1979
Mr. Roberts clarified that the concern was whether an error in
t9Y5 should have been corrected. Mr. Vance clarified that it
started out as a motion to reconsider, but ended up with a motion
making a legislative determination that the zoning map should be
correeted to show 1.8 acres as commercial.
Mr. Roberts asked if there was anything preventing us from making
a correctionand Mr. Vance replied that there are procedures under
the code for making a eorrection. He referred to Sections P and G~
Chapter 3, of the Zoning Regulations and clarified that these
correetions relate to actions taken by the Planning g Zoning
Board rather than the City Council. Mr. Roberts asked if it
could be referred back to the Planning & Zor~ng Board to make a
correction? Mayor Harmening suggested giving Mr. Vance more time
to consider this matter and have discussion at the next meeting.
Mr. Vance replied they could bring it back, but to get it back
before the Planning & Zoning Board, a motion would have to be made
to reconsider the motion making the legislative f~nding and that
must be made by the individuals voting on the prevailing side at
the last Council meeting. He would suggest the only way to get
some time to take a look at it and get it to where it should be
would be to determine it was not proper by overturning the previ-
ous vote by making a legislative determination and make an approach
through the Planning & Zoning Board.
Mayor Harmening referred to the present owners having a deadline
to meet and asked if the City Attorney had a recommendation?
Mr. Vance replied that it appears that the procedure which was
adopted at the time of the previous vote during the last Council
meeting is not contained in the code. The code does have a couple
provisions to take care of errors and mistakes, but those operate
through the Planning L Zoning Board. The mistake did not come to
the City Council under the procedures set up in our existing
zoning code. Mayor Harmening replied that it did come within the
purview of this Council to rectify a previous mistake. Mr.
Vance replied that there is a procedure for rectifying in the
code if there was a mistake. If the Board did not take ah~on,
the Council would have to amend the zoning ordinanee. This would
have to be done by ordinance.
Mayor Harmening stated that it appeared to him there was an error
made in the map in going back through the material and his only
question is whether the action take by this Counei! was entirely
proper? Mr. Vance replied that he is still accumulating paper
on this matter and since he only obtained it the latter part of
last week, he cannot at this point give an answer.
Mayor Hammening suggested putting this on the agenda for discus-
sion at the Workshop Meeting. Mr. Vance informed him that if
there is no motion to reconsider at this meeting, then there can
never be a motion to reconsider as such.
Mr. Strnad stated if a mistake was originally made and it was
favorable to the people living there, they would not have com-
plained or objected to the zoning. Had it been ~adverse, they
would have come forth and objected. This has gone on for many~
years and the people assumed the zoning was such when the error
was made. Mayor Harmening ~eptied that the owners also were not
aware .of it ~and with nobody being aware of it~ nobody sought a
cormection, Mr. Strnad questioned how we knew an error was made
as this may have been the intention of the Planning & Zoning
Board at that time. Mayor Hammening replied that in checking
the files~ he thiDJ<s the conclusion is fairly obvious. The line
was not intended to be drawn in the manner in which it was.
Discussion followed about the proper procedure to follow and Mr.
Vance clarified that technically a motion to reconsider~ if
adopted~ would bring the motion before the Council. At that
point in time~ the motion would be alive and he believes a
motion to table would be apprepriate. Mayor Harmening suggested
giving Mr. Vance the opportunity to researeh Roberts Rules in
detail and coming baek to this item under Legal.
40,000 Sq. Ft. ~419 Bermuda Sod/S. W. 15th Ave. Little League Field
Mayor Harmening referred to the material submitted ~dth the
agenda mentioning that this might not be timely and he asked
if Mrs. Tinker wanted to strike this from the agenda. Mrs.
Tinker recommended striking this from the agenda upon the recom-
mendation of the Recreation Director,
Mr. Roberts moved to strike this from the agenda upon the recom-
mendation of the acting City Manager~ seconded by Mrs. Riseoeo
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Hank Skokowski of Urban Design Studies
West of Congress Avenue and North of Lake
Worth Drainage District No. 26 Canal
A Parcel of Land located in Palm Beach Farms
Co., P!at No. 8, and a parcel of land located
in Section $07 Township 45 South, Range 43
East (98 Acres)
Multiple Family Development and a 20 acre
Commercial I~elopment (Meadow Lakes)
Mrs. Tinker announced that she received a letter from Mr. Hank
Skokowski of Urban Design Studios requesting this to be tabled
or postponed until the February 5 Community Appearance Board
meeting and the Febmua~y 6 City Council meeting. Mr. Roberts
movedtto table this item as requested, seeonded by Mrs. Riscoa
Motion carried 5-0.
JANUARY 16, 1979
DiScussion of Hoadley Road Parcel (Continued)
Mr. Vance announced that he bad found an ~answer regarding the
motion to reconsider. If a motion is made to reconsider and
adopted~ then the original motion ~is before the Board as though
not having voted on it. They can then ~either vote on the motion
or a motion to table would be appropriate.
Mayor Harmening suggested that it would be in order to table this
matter until all the members of the Council have had an opportunity
to study all the backup material to see what actually probably
transpired at the time of the 1975 rezoning. In order to render
a fair and impamtial decision based on the ~acts~ he feels it ~would
be necessary for the new Council members to have all the material
available which was submitted for the January 2 meeting.
Mr. Roberts made a motion to reconsider the action taken on this
item at the last meeting~ seconded by Mr. Johnson. Mr. Vance
clarified that it was the reconsideration of the motion making
the legislative determination that theme was an error in the
zoning map me!ating to 1.88 acres which is currently zoned resi-
dential and the legislative d~ermination~s that it should be
commercial. Motion earried 5-0.
Mr. Strnad moved to table this motion at this time, seconded by
Mr. Johnson. Motion carried 5-0.
Site Development Plans (Continued)
Robert Hamilton of Mariner Village of Boynton
Bast of U. S. ~1 Between N.E. 10th Avenue and
N.E. 12th Avenue
A Portion of Section 22, Township 45 South,
Range 43 East; Lake Addition (7.9 Acres)
65 Unit Townhouse Development (Lake Worth
Mariner Village)
Mr. Robert Hamilton came before the Council and stated on Wednesday~
November 8~ the City Council approved a change in plat. He ex-
plained that the previous owners had plans to build single family
homes in this R-3 zoned area~ but were unable to develop it. He
went undem contract to purchase and asked the Council to consider
allowing him to use the existing plat and live within the boundar-
ies of the existing R-3 zoning. He read the conditions the
Council based their appmoval on and advised that since that meet-
ing~ he has submitted not only these things but all the necessary
plansaand requirements of this City which have been approved by
all the Boards. Inasmuch as he has complied witht~_he letter o£
November 8 and has been through all the Boards and approved by them
unanimously~ he is requesting final approval.
JANUARY 16~ 1979
Mayor Harmening stated that the Planning g Zoning Board~ at their
regular meeting of January 97 1979, unanimously recommended that
the above mentioned site development plans be approved subject to
the submitted staff and Board recommendations.
Mr. Strnad requested to see the plan. He referred to there being
some diseussion about parking along the 20 ft. private road and
Mr. Hamilton agreed and stated prohibitions would be ineluded in
association documents not allowing parking in the street. Mr.
Strnad asked if we could enforce the no parking on this private
road and Mayor Harmening replied that the residents ean. Mr.
Strnad referred to access by emergency vehie!es and Mr. Vance
informed him the City could not enforce no parking on a private
street. He added that normally this type of thing is taken care
of by deed restrictions or eondominium documents. Mayor Harmening
stated this was the recommendation ineorporated into the comments
of the various Boards and it can be included in our motion.
Mr. Strnad referred to this statement being included in the
minutes and Mr. Annunziato informed him that one of the contin-
gencies attached to the plan with the Planning $ Zoning BoardTs
recommendation was that the community association documents state
no parking allowed in the street and access for emergency vehicles
be kept open.
Mr. Roberts moved to grant the request of Mr. Robert Hamilton of
Mariner Village and approve the site plan including the staff
recommendations, seconded by Mr. Johnson. No discussion.
Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing
Proposed Ordinance No. 79-1 - Re: Repealing Ordinance No. 78-3~,
Providing for Severance Pay, Sick Pay, and Vacation Pay for City
Manager in Event of Discharge
Mr. Vanee read proposed Ordinanee No. 79-1 by caption on second
Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience would like to
speak in favor of this ordinance and received no response. He
asked if anyone ~posed to this ordinance wanted to speak and
received no response.
Mr. Strnad moved for adoption of Ordinance No. 79-1~ seconded by
Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote
on the motion as follows:
Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Johnson - Aye
Mayor Harmening - Aye
J~911ARY 16, 1979
Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinances - 1st Reading
P~oposed Ordinance No. 79-2 - Re: Bminging Terms of Offiee of the
CommUDity Appearanee Board in Conformity wq_th Other Boards
Mm. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 79-2 by caption on first
Mr. Strnad moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 79-2, seconded
by Mr. Roberts. Under discussion~ Mayor Harmening stated if the
purpose of this ordinance is to bring the Community Appearance
Board into keeping with some of the other Boards and limiting the
term to one year, he sees nothing wmong; however, if the proposed
ordinance is an attempt to eliminate the four remaining people who
were on the Board and carried over to this year, he feels it is a
shallow removal. He thinks the people who served the City 'well
and came to the meeting last ~ht should be considered and any
attempt to use this ordinance to remove them would be ill founded.
Mr. Stmnad stated new members were appointed to the Board, which
was illegal because of an oversight on the part of our former
City Attorney not to include this Board. Mayor Harmening clari-
fied that the action taken in regards to this Board was that the
aetion was aetua!ly tabled pending a determination as to which
members were carried over and for how long. This Board was not
inetuded when the dates were changed and the former City Attorney
would ~ve ~to be asked whether it was an oversight or deliberate
act. Mr. Vanee replied that he has no way of knowing whether it
was an ovemsight or deliberate act; howevem~ theme is a general
tendency on this type of Board to have overlapping terms. Mr.
~Dberts asked if there was any discussion about this befome to-
night and Mayor Marmening meplied there wasn't to his knowledge.
Mrs. Padqett then took a roll call on the motion as follows:
Councilman Roberts No
Councilman Johnson Aye
Councilman Strnad Aye
Vice Mayor Ri scoe Aye
Mayor Harmening - No
Motion carried 3-2.
Mr. Robemts referred to a lot of stuff being thrown at us without
discussion and stated as a matter of courtesy, he thinks it should
be brought up for discussion. Mayor Harmening added that there
would be another reading of this ordinance.
JANUARY 16, 1979
Proposed Ordinance No. 79-3 - Re: Amending Appropriating Ordinance
No. 77-25 and No. 78-60, Which Adopted the Budget for the Fiscal
Year Ending September 30, 1978, by Providing for Adjustments of the
General Fund
Mr. Vance read pmoposed Ordinance No. 79-3 by caption on first
Mr. Strnad moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 79-3 on first
reading~ seconded by Mrs. Riseoe. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett
took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Riseoe Aye
Councilman Johnson - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Mayor Harmening Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Padgett requested the original copy of Ordinance No. 79-1
for signatures and Mr. Vance replied that it was not drafted by
his office. Mrs. Tinker added that she believed the former City
Attorney had the original of this ordinance. Mrs. Padgett re-
ferred to talking to Mr. Vance about it and Mr. Vance agreed and
stated he may have it and will check.
Proposed Resolution No. 79-D - Re: Position of Finance Director
Mr. Vance read p~oposed Resolution No. 79-D.
Mr. Roberts referred tot~his eancelling Resolution No. 79-B in
total. Mayor Harmening asked who put this on the agenda and
received no response. He referred to Mrs. Tinker preparing the
agenda and questioned who requested this to be on the agenda?
Mrs. Tinker replied that she has no idea who put it on as it
was brought in Friday afternoon late. She added that she has
been discussing the position of Finance Director with Mr. Vance,
but doesT~not know whyt it was put on the agenda.
Mr. Johnson asked if it had anything to do with the creation of
the Finance Director?s position and Mr. Roberts replied that it
was established with the previous resolution. Mr. Vance clari-
fied that the Finanee Director's position exists by virtue of
Resolution No. 79-B. Mr. Strnad agreed and stated it was a
classified position and by moving to adopt this resolution, it
would cancel out the previous resolution.
JANUARY 16, 1979
Mr. Strnad moved to adopt this resolution cancelling out the
classified Finance Director's position~ seconded by Mrs. Riscoe.
Under discussion, Mayor Harmening referred to looking rather
foolish to the people in the audience and the people in Boynton
Beach and stated at the last meeting~ a resolution was passed
ereatin? the position of Finance Director and now apparently
our wi~do~ we have decided we made a mistake. Maybe we should
have considered our action more carefully in the first place.
Now, for whatever reason, it is decided to do away'with the posi-
t-ion of Finance Director. Mr. Johnson stated he could not vote
one way or the other because this whole thing does not make sense
and Mayor Harmening replied that it is necessary for him to cast
his ballot. Mayor Harmening informed him that ;at the last meet-
ing~ the Council through Resolution No. 79-B.created a classified
position of Finance Director for the City of Boynton Beach.
Now: this week~ through Resolution No. 79-D~ we are seeking to
abolish the position of Finance Director. Mr. Strnad clarified
that we are attempting to do away with the classified position of
Finance Dimector by this action. If we delete or abandon the
former resolution, we are doing away with the position of Finance
Director in the classified position and the attempt now is to put
the position of Finance Director in a non-classified position.
We do not plan to do away with the Finance Director. Mr. Johnson
stated he did not see anything creating the position as non-classi-
fied and Mr. Roberts replied this would come later as another sur-
prise. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on this motion
as follows:
Councilman Roberts - No
Councilman Johnson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye
Mayor Harmening - No
Motion carried 3-2.
Consider Water Supply Contract with Briny Breezes
Mayor Harmening referred to a renewal contract with BridyyBreezes
being submitted and asked if a resolution was prepared and Mr.
Vance replied negatively. Mayor Harmening read an excerpt from
the memo-submitted from the Utilities Director: ~They do have a
flat rate for one connection only, rather than so much per living
unit as everyone else inside the City has. Council will have to
make a decision as to whether they wish to continue the contract
as is~ or revise it to conform with our standard practice to all
other outside of the City customers."
JANUARY !6~ 1979
Mr. Roberts requested Mr. Cessna to step forward. He referred to
this contract being renewed annually and asked if he was suggest-
ing possibly some changes be made to bring this up to modern times
and Mr. Cessna replied that he did research this and found last
year that they did pick up this, so Briny Breezes is on the per
unit basis and isa meeting the same requirement as everyone. It
does conform with the ordinanaes throughout. He did submit a
later memo, but evidently it was not forwarded to the Council.
He recommends the contract be renewed.
Mr. Roberts moved to renew the contract with Briny Breezes,
seconded by Mrs. kiscoe. Mayor Harmening requested that it be
included to have the proper officials sign the contract and Mr.
Roberts and Mrs. Riseoe aqreedo Mrs. Tinker asked if the City
Attorney should be directed to prepare a resolution and
Roberts replied that he believes a resolution was drawn a long
time ago to give them water and the contract is renewed every
year without a resolution. Mr. Vance agreed and stated it was
only necessary to renew the oontract. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Resignation of Paul Sta~tzman Councilman David Roberts
Mr. Roberts referred to not acting on this before and stated since
it was done by resolution~ he moves to accept the resignation of
Mr. Paul Startzman and send a letter of thanks for all his efforts
in acting for the City as a liaison between Boynton Beach and the
SCRWTD Board and have the City Attorney prepare a resolution to
oaneel this resolution. Mr. Vance stated that actually with Mr.
Startzman~s resignation~ the resolution becomes iinoperative° Mr.
Roberts clarified that his motion was to accept the resignation
with a letter of thanks~ seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No discussion.
Motion earried 5-0.
Consider Appointment of Finance Director
Mr. Roberts suggested this be left on the table since we don~t have
a position for a Finance Director. Mayor Harmening added that~
under the cireumstanees~ he thinks such an appointment would be
completely out of order since we just decreated the position of
Finance Director. It should either be left on the table or stri%ken
from the agenda. Mr. Strnad moved to leave this on the table and
Mr. Roberts replied with not takingaction~ it stays on the table.
Mayor Harmening called for a vote ofa&ll those in favor of leaving
it on the table and the vote was 5-0 in favor.
Appointment of Three Members to the Community Appearance Board (Tabled)
Mr. Strnad moved to take this from the table~ seconded by Mm.
Roberts. Motion carried 5-0.
JANUARY 16, 1979
Mr. Strnad nominated the following three members proposed previously
for the Board:
Mrs. Rigby
MrS. Rogers
Mrs. Smith
Mr. Vance pointed out that the ordinance required one member to
be a landscape arehiteet or designer and another member be an
arehiteet if available. Mayor Harmening replied that he thinks
this has been covered as one of the carry-over appointments is
Col. Cern Reid who is a landscape arehiteet. Mrs. Padgett ques-
tioned if Col. Reid was a earryyover member and Mr. Strnad asked
if a whole new slate had to be appointed and Mr. Vanee rep!%ed
negatively. Mayor Harmening clarified that no one was appointed
the last time with the action being tabled. Theagenda could
possibly be in error with stating three members to be appointed
to the Board. Mr. Vanee elarified that four members of the Board
have earry-over terms at this point. The members being carried
over a~e listed on the informatian sheet: Harold Blanehette,
Kathleen Deneen~ Nathaniel Weinshel and Danny O?Brien. There
are three vacaneies based upon the City Clerk's records. It is
in order to appoint three new members. Mr. Strnad then rescinded
his former nomination.
Mr. Strnad nominated the appointment of Mrs. Rigby, Mrs. Smith and
Col. Reid. Mr. Roberts moved that nominations be closed. Mrs.
Riscoe moved that the three nominees be appointed, seconded by
Mr. Stmnad. Motion carried 5-0.
Appointment of Member to Firemen~s Pension Trust Fund (Tabled)
Mr. Roberts moved to take this from the table, seeonded by Mr.
Strnad. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Vance stated there was some question regarding the language
in the State Statute relating to this particular appointment.
He found no Attorney General~s opinion. The language appears to
be contradictory in the Statute. It says a two year term and
also at the pleasure of the Board. He then asked how much time
the present member has to serve and Mayor Harmening replied: one
year. Mr. Vanee continued that if it is important enough~ he
could ask for an Attorney General~s opinion or the current term
ean be served out.
Mrs. Riscoe referred to directing the City Clerk to get in touch
with Mr. Chandler since he was not available for the meetings to
see what his intentions were and Mayor Harmening replied that
this was mentioned, but a directive was not given to the City
Clerk. He added that there was only one meeting ~ast year and
Mm. Chandler did not attend, but he does not know the reason.
Mr. Roberts moved to put this on the table until finding out
whether Mr. Chandler is going to serve or not~ seconded by Mm.
Strnad. Motion married 5-0.
Discuss Meeting Held Friday Afternoon
Mr. Roberts referred to a meeting being called Friday ~fternoon
by Councilman Strnad to meet with the Building Official and Ms.
Bonnet with the other Council members being invited and stated
since this was not a called meeting, he probablywould have gone
to jail for violating the Sunshine Law. There is a request £~om
the acting City Manager on this item and he is asking that we be
informed of what this meeting was for. What was the intent of
the meeting? No minutes were taken! Mrs. Tinker replied that
she asked for a secretary~ but none was available.
Mr. Strnad stated that if Mr. Roberts wants to go into this busi-
ness again saying he violated the Sunshine Law~ he moves to have
the State Attorney investigate the meeting he had on Friday
afternoon. Mr. Roberts replied that he was out o~ order as he
was just asking the intent of the meeting.
Mr. Roberts referred to the Charter stating such things should be
handled through the City Manager and it is also spelled out that
the Mayor and City Council should run the affairs of the City.
He thinks it is in order to ask what the purpose of this meeting
was. Mr. Strnad replied that the purpose of this meeting was to
ask the Btnilding Official about certain complaints he had from
contractors in town referring to certain people using licenses
out of Palm Beach County. He wanted this information for himself
to relay book to the contractors and he simply invited the rest
of the Council to come and hear the questions he asked. No
official action was taken nor any policy made.
Mr. Roberts stated that if he had attended the meeting, he would
have been in violation of the Sunshine Law. Other members of
the Council were a~ound.
Mr. Roberts questioned how a clerk got into the act and referred
to Ms. Bonnet and Mr. Strnad replied that she fits into the pie-
ture because she was instrumental in issuing licenses to people
from out of state. Information was required fmom her sinoeshe
is the Chief Lioense Issuer. Mr. Roberts clarified that he was
not looking for a building pemmit and Mr. Stmnad replied that if
he wanted a detailed report on it~ he will get one. Mr. Roberts
questioned what Ms. Bonnet was doing and Mm. Strnad replied that
he asked her to come with Mr. Howell since she is in the License
Department and would be able to answer the questions.
Mr. Roberts asked if anything was done improperly and Mr. Strnad
replied affirmatively that there was evidenee. Mr. Roberts
asked if it was a building permit or somethingand Mr. Strnad
replied that he is hesitant to discuss this at this particular
time. If he wants to discuss it at a special meeting, he will
get all the information together to be discussed. Mr. Roberts
replied that a special meeting was not needed. The admir~stra-
tion of this City is to be carried on by the Mayor and City
Council and he does not think we should take it upon ourselves
to have a one man operation. We had it in 1976 and should not
go back to it. Supemvision is done by the City Manager. He
explained how the City Council members should deal solely
through the ~ty Manager and not give orders either publicly
or privately. Mr. Stmnad replied that no orders were given,
but questions were simply asked. No policy was set and
no one was giving orders.
Mr. Johnson referred to there being a possibt~ accusation made
with reference to violation of the Sunshine Law and stated there
would have to be more than one Council member at the meeting.
There was only one Council member present at this meeting~ so
there was no violation of the Sunshine Law. Mr. Roberts replied
that he did not make any accusations and added that more Council
members would have been present if the attorney was not present.
Diseuss Resolution to the Department of Transportation for
Improvement on Stack Lanes - U. S. ~! & S. E. 15th Avenue
(CounCilman Norman F. Strnad)
Mr. Stmnad stated that the last official thing he did when leav-
ina office in !977 was to ask for a resolution to be presented to
the Department of Transporation to lengthen the stack lanes on
the northbound and southbound sides at the intersection of U. S.
~t and Woo]bright Road. They did increase the stacking lanes,
but have not done it to proper proportions with'~ue traffic being
generateS. He told how the ears get backed up causing congestion
which could result in a bad accident. He requests that another
resolution be sent to the Department of Transportation asking
them to make a survey and they will find the stacking lanes are
not adqq~at~ handle the traffic being ~enerated there.
Mavor Harmeninq asked if Mr. Tom Clark had anything to add and
Mr. Clark replied that they have increased the stack lanes, but
he has not investigated this problem. If it is a problem~ this
is the eormeet procedure.
JANUARY 16, 1979
Mr. Strnad moved to send a resolution to the Department of
Transportation requesting them to investigate the possibility
o~ making the southbound and northbound stack lanes longer
at the intersection of U. S. ~! and Woolbright Road, seconded
by Mr. Johnson. Mm. Vance added that if the City Engineer could
send some dooumentationwith the resolution, chances of obtaining
relief are much better than se~ding ~ bare resolution. Mayor
Harmening asked Mr. Clark if we were equipped to run our own
vey and Mr. Clark replied that we are not actually traffic engi-
neers. We could just make observations. We could verify that
Councilman Strnad has observed this p~oblem and check it~ but
D.O.T. will perform their own survey. Mayor Harmening added that
if we ask them to make a survey with the complaint in the same
document~ we should get aetiOno Mr. Strnad added that it should
be mentioned that it has been increased once, but is not to the
extent it should be. Motion earried 5-0.
Diseuss Remuneration for Acting City Manager (Vice Mayor Riscoe)
Mrs. Riscoe stated on the 2nd of January when we appointed Mrs.
Tinker Acting City Manager, we neglected to bring in the fact
that we were not going to do anything with her salary.
Mrs. Riscoe moved to give Mrs. Tinker an additional $200 per
week, seconded by Mr. Strnad. Under discussion, Mr. Roberts
asked what Mrs. Tinkerts current salary is as a secretary and
Mms. Tinke~ replied that it is ~16~ 900. Mayor Harmening clari-
fied that the additional amount would be $27,000 per year in
round figures. Mr. Roberts commented that he knows we have a
surplus now: but does not know if we have that mueh of a sur-
plus. It should be paid on a monthly basis. He would expect
this money to be taken out of the City Manager?s aeeount.
Since the City Manager draws no benefits, the only deduction
would be Social Seeurity and it would be paid separate f-~om the
$17~000. This seems a little steep; about $860 per month.
Mrs. Riscoe replied that if she thought it was~ she would not
have made the motion. If we had a permanent City Manager, he
would be getting more. Whether Mrs. Tinker is the acting City
Manager or not~ she is still doing the work. Mr. Roberts re-
plied that this is a topic for debate. If the Couneil so wishes
to give that type of money to an acting City Manager, that is up
to them and he will accept it; but he is just saying he thinks it
is a little high. Also, Mrs. Tinker is not as capable as a regu-
lar City Manager. Mrs. Riscoe replied that she agrees with this
possibly and it behooves us to get moving on the hiring of a
regular City Manager. Until such time, Mrs. Tinker should be
paid for her time spent and she knows she is working with our
Mr. Roberts submitted anaamendment to the motion to have it paid
on a monthly basis of $800 and taken from the City Manager's fund
in a separate check. He added that he is not in favor of $860 per
month, but will be out-voted. Mr. Strnad stated he did not see
any reluctance on the part of Mr. Roberts when he gave the former
City Manager $18~000 as a going away gift and Mr. Roberts replied
that these are words of wisdom and if Mrs. Tinker wants to band in
her resignation, he will give her three months severance pay. Mr.
Johnson then seconded theamendment. Amendment carried 4-1with
Mrs. Riscoe dissenting.
Mayor Harmening clarified that the amended motion is to increase
the City Manager's salary $800 per month to be paid in a separate
check from the City Manager's account with the only deduction
being Social Security as required by law. Mrs. Tinker referred
to income tax and Mr. Roberts replied that it can be paid in a
lump sum without income tax deducted. Mrs. Tinker questioned why
it should be paid that way since other acting City Managers were
paid on a weekly basis and the deduotions were taken out normally?
Mr, Vance advised that he thinks income tax has to be deducted
and Mr. Roberts requested income tax to be included. Mayor
Harmening then called for a vote on the motion and the motion
carried 5-0.
Consider Workshop Sessions to Review 1978-1979 Budget with Department
Heads !:~
1. Review all Promotions and Salary Increases Accom-
plished Through the 1978-197~ Budget for Further
Study (But not those increases pertaining to cost
of !iving)~
MayorHarmening asked if Mrs. Tinker put this on the agenda and
Mrs. Tinker replied affirmatively, at the request of the three new
Council members. They would like to review the budget with the
department heads to see what theirneeds are. She has hea~dpper-
sonai!y from some who would like to go over the budget again with
the new Council members as they feel they were cut down to the
very bone in the last budget.
Mr. Roberts referred to promotions and salary increases and Mrs.
Tinker replied that she has discussed this with the PersOnnel
Direetom and some employees received a jump of one and two
grades during budget sessions and this should be reviewed. The
reference is only to promotions. In some instances, there were
jumps of two classifications or grades.
Mr. Roberts stated he would like a legal opinion on this since the
budget was accepted in September for the fiscal year starting
October 1. Public hearings were held and the millage was deter-
mined on that particular budget and he doesn't think it can be
changed. Mrs. Tinker replied she didn't think the intent was to
add anything to the mil!age but to re-allocate federal revenue
sharing funds. She has spoken to the auditors and this can be
done with advertising of public hearings regarding the re-alloca-
tion of federal funds if the Council chooses.
JANUARY 16, 1979
Mr. Vance asked if they were referring to amendments to the City
budget and Mm. Roberts replied that any amount of funds can be
transferred from one account to another, but some salary increases
were included and he feels salary increases or decreases should
not be contemplated on the old budget. A millage was arrived at
after accept-lng the budget and he is wondering if that should be
disturbed. There is no problem with transferring funds. Mr.
Vance agreed that funds can be transferred. Also, the statement
is correct that the millage is established and we must operate
within that amount of money. Transfers can be made from one
department to another or from one fund to another, but we must
operate within that amount of money. Mrs. Tinker replied that
this was understood and there is no question of the millage being
adjusted. However, with federal revenue funds being re-alloeated,
we would have to advertise and hold a public hearing.
Mr. Roberts asked if it would be legal to affect any of the salar-
ies of the employees which have been incorporated in the millage
and Mr. Vance replied that he would like to discuss this item with
the Personnel Director and review the personnel rules before
attempting to answer it.
Mayor Harmening asked when it would be convenient to hold this
workshop session? He referred to it possibly being a lengthy
process and stated he did not know what they had in mind in the
way of reviewing the budget. Mr. Johnson suggested possibly
waiting until a Finance Direotor was hired and Mayor Harmening
replied that the position of Finance Director was just rescinded.
Mr. Roberts added that we will be starting on a new budget in
about four to five months. Mr. Johnson stated that he had in
mind getting some funds allocated to departments really need-
ing them and Mr. Roberts replied this could be done by trans-
ferring ~unds. Mrs. Tinker clarified that the funds being
referred to were the funds allocated for the gymnasium, which
are revenue sharing funds, and the Council would have to make a
determination where to allocate those funds and advertise.
Mr. Roberts referred to the agenda item stating promotions and
salary increases and Mrs. Tinker replied that she discussed this
with Mr. Sullivan and in some eases, they did not stay in line
with the classified service and those should be adjusted.
Mayor Harmening suggested that Mr. Sullivan submit recommendations
to the Council and this can be placed on the agenda for the next
meeting. As far as the federal revenue funds being re-allocated,
a public hearing must be advertised and this can be held at the
next regular meeting also.
Mr. Vance clarified that a public hearing regarding the $200,000
to be re-allocated could be advertised and if the Personnel Direc-
tor feels because of a lack of funds some deserved promotions
were not made, he could make a recommendation. Mayor Harmening
agreed and requested Mr. Sullivan to make a recommendation and
requested the re-allocation of funds to be advertised ,for a
public hearing.
Discuss Continuance of Services of Assistant City Attorney
Mrs. Tinker informed the Council that she reoeived a phone call
from Thomas Woolley~ Assistant City Attorney, who wondered what
the status of his position was at the present time. She advised
that she could not answer since this is a decision for our City
Council members. She submitted a copy of Resolution No. 78-DDD
wherein Mm. Woolley was appointed to this position at a salary of
S200.00 per month. In addition, a copy of a memorandum from our
Building Official, Mr. Edgar E. Howel!~ which is self-explanatory
and a copy of House Bill 14-80 to which he refers was submitted.
If additional informationis needed on this matter, she feels
certain Mr. Howell will be able to answer any questions. Mr.
Howell does have quite a list of violations which he has turned
over to the Assistant City Attorney. She referred to the infor-
mation submitted pertaining to these eases.
Mrs. Tinker continued with advising that this afternoon, she
discussed this further with Mr. Howell and he told her about a
bill about to be presented to the Palm Beach County Delegation
where it would entitle all municipalities to form one board.
They think it would be a great idea for the City. She would like
permission to turn this ~ile ~ver to the City Attorney for his
review. Also~ Mr. Howell thought this bill would be coming before
the Legislature in April and it may be a good idea for the City
to adopt a board to enforce code violations going on in the City.
Mr. Howell would be glad to pursue this further.
Mayor Harmening stated this probably could be presented to the
Legislative Delegation whioh will be meeting here shortly. At
the present time~ it should be turned over to the City Attorney
or tabled until such time when he oan review it and male a
Mr. Vance advised that he discussed this briefly with the Building
Official this afternoon. He would like to make a couple recommen-
dations. The Assistant City Attorney acting as special prosecutor
of code violations has been on the job two months with four eases
pending in court and processing others. He has not had the chance
to review the file. It looks like ~hings are moving and it is
better, than going through the State Attorney's office. He recom-
mends on a short term that Mrs. Tinker be directed to inform Mr.
Woolley he is in office and will continue to be in office for the
near future. With respect to the special act relating to Palm
Beach County~ this may be an appropriate approach~ but he would
like a chance to review it before presenting to the Legislative
Delegation. Mayor Harmening informed him that a public hearing
is scheduled on January 29 in Boynton Beach and we could ask the
Legislative Delegation to consider this at t~t time.
JANUARY 16, 1979
After discussion of this process, Mrs. Riscoe moved to continue
with the same system we hay% seconded by Mr. Strnad. Mayor
Harmening clarified the motion was to direct the City Manager
to inform Mr. Woolley to continue enforcing code violations as
he has. Motion carried 5-0.
Establish Date for a Special Meeting - Re: Recommendation of
Director of Utilities, Mr. Perry A. Cessna
Mayor HarmeDing questioned what night would be convenient and
after discussion~ it was agreed to hold a Special Meeting on
Friday January~ 19, at 7:00 P. M. Mayor Harmening requested
Mrs. Padgett to prepare the notice.
Mrs. Tinker asked if Mr. Cessn~s recommendations should be for-
warded to the City Clerk to be included on the agenda for the
special meeting and Mayor Harmening replied that all items should
be included of that nature.
Consider Annexation and Zoning Request Submitted by Benjamin
Frankel, President of Summit Assooiates~ Ltd. - Hunterts Run
Golf and Racquet Club
Mr. Roberts referred to this being a little piece of !and~ which
is the old Charter World, and stated we have already annexed one
piece and this will make it a larger piece of land. It is not
inconsistent with any plans,
Mr. Roberts moved to accept this application and have it take the
normal course~ seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. Mayor Harmening stated
that it is the recommendation from our City Planner, Mr. Carmen
Annunziato~ to approve the request for annexation and zoning from
Agriculture to Planned Unit Development (PUD) with Land Use Inten-
sity (LUI) of 3.9 in conjunction with Hunterts Run Golf L Racquet
Club. No additional units are to be built on this 4.4 acre tract
as this will remain consistent with and will be ine!uded in the
previously approved Summit plat and plans. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Request for Two (2) Temporary Construction Office Trailers
at Site of Sewer Plant~ Pump Station 359, 551 N. W. 14th Avenue
Mrs. Riscoe moved to grant this request, seconded by Mr, Roberts.
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Amendment to Animal Control Ordinance Authorizing Animal
Warden to make Arrests
Mayor Harmening referred to deputized people having to attend a
course and Mr. Vance agreed and suggested this matter be post-
poned. Mrs. Tinker added that she has a memo from Capt. Hilliary
giving some informationand requests the City Attorney to review it.
Mr. Vance agreed that the matter should be submitted to his office
for review. Mayor Harmening called for all those in favor of turn-
ing this over to the City Attorney and the vote was 5-0 in favor.
Consider Request from H. E. Sheldon~ Amusement Enterprises -
Carnival for the Benefit of the Boynton Beach Kiwanis Club
Mr. Roberts moved to grant this request to Sheldon Amusement Enter-
prises for the K/wanis Carnival, seconded by Mr. Johnson. No di~
eussion. Motion carried 4-t with Mrs. Riscoe dissenting.
Consider Standardization of Water Meter Purchases
Mayor Harmening read the memo dated January 5, 1979, from Mr.
Bill Sullivan: "Attached is a request from Utility Director
Perry Cessna rqquesting the standardization of water meter pur-
chases, which is self-explanatory. One other advantage of using
just one type of water meter is the City only has to maintain
one parts inventory. Neptune Meter is one of the best water
meters made in this country and is used by most of the cities in
South Florida. If you concur with this will you please put this
on the next agenda for Council approval." He added this was Mr.
Cessna ts recommendation also.
Mrs. Tinker stated that Mr. Cessna has asked to be permitted to
order more than $800 to $900 worth at a time~ which makes sense.
We do need the equipment. She thinks Mr. Cessna is capable of
making purchases and should be given approval to go beyond $800
to S900. Three or four purchase orders are usually typed to
order the quantity to keep the amount under $1,000.
Mayor Harmening asked if she was suggesting we go out for bids for
a larger number at one time or raise the limit and Mrs. Tinker re-
plied to raise the limit in this particular case. Mrs. Riscoe
asked if we would get a better price and Mrs. Tinker replied
Mayor Harmening requested Mrs. Tinkerts recommendation and Mrs.
Tinker replied that since ~h~s memorandum was written~ Mr. Cessna
has submitted his resignation. In view of this, she recommends
holding this in abeyance. Mr. Roberts asked if there would be
any problems and Mayor Harmening replied it was not a question
of ordering something and Mrs. Tinker added that it is just a
question of needing meters quickly and constantly needing them.
Mayor Harmening stated he did not think it was an unreasonable
request to order more and it possibly could save paperwork and
some money. If we can continue for a short period of time~ it
can be tabled or stricken f-rom the agenda. Mr. Strnad moved to
strike this from the agenda~ secondedbby Mr. Roberts. No dis-
eussion. Motion carried 5-0.
JANUARY 16, 1979
Consider Recommendation from Fire Ch~e£ - Re: Open Burning
Mr. Strnad stated he was glad to see this on the agenda and
told about during the past several months, thousands of people
in the City being bothered with smoke f-rom burning of trees in
d~fferent developments. 'Me explained how a contractor should
take the disposal of trees into eonsidemation when surveying an
Mayor Harmening stated this was changed by Ordinance No. 78-32
and wou~d have to be changed likewise. He asked if it 'was the
pleasure of the Council to ask the City Attorney to prepare an
ordinance rescinding Ordinance No. 78-32 and reinstating its
predecessor. Mr. Strnad so moved~ seconded by Mr. Johnson.
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Budget Transfer Requests: 1. Fixed Charges/Contingeney to City Manager/Equipment Repairs
2. For Garbage Packers/Two Front End Loaders
Mayor Harmening read the budget transfer requesteto transfer $180
from Account 001-195-519-90.11, Contingencies, to Account 001-121-
512-40.33, Equipment Repairs, to provide money in the City Managerts
Equipment Repairs account for typewriter maintenance contract.
Mrs. Tinkem added that she just learned they do not have the
amount of money necessary for typemmiter repairs. Mr. Roberts
moved to approve this budget transfer request~ seconded by Mrs.
Riscoe. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Tinker stated at the January 2, 1979 Council meeting, the 1978
Council approved the purchase of two Front End Loaders, funds to be
taken from Contingency. However~ a transfer of funds was not pre-
sented at that time for the necessary funds. On Wednesday, she
learned that we did not have enough ~unds in Contingeney for this
purchase and the Budget Tmansfer submitted was prepared to be
presented to the City Council at the special meeting of January
~, 1979, since this purchase had to be expedited due to the delivery
date~ as she was told by Mr. Sullivan. Mowever~ Council did not
address this transfer at the January 4 meeting. We were still in
a bind for the additional $65,940 for the second front end loader.
Due to the uz~3ency~ she had Bobby Feltz prepare a tmansfer of funds
for this amount to be taken out of the Contractual Landfill funds.
Since this is within the same department, it is not necessary to
go to Council for this transfer. She believes there is sufficient
balance in the Landfill Account to pay for the month of January,
after which she will have to come back to Council to mequest this
account be replenished from our Fund Balance account. We would
appreciate your approval of this transfer so that we can proceed
with our purehase of the two front end loaders as desig,~ated at
the January 2 meeting. Mrs. Riscoe moved to accept this budget
transfer, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No diseussion. Motion carried
JANUARY 16, 1979
Consider Acceptance of Resignation from Director of Utilities
Mrs. Tinker stated it is with extreme regret that she must add
this resignation to our agenda. As theyknow, in the last year~
she has been closely associated with Mr. Cessna, working under
his direction in the Utilities Administration Department. It
has beena pleasant and rewarding experience for her as she con-
siders Mr. Cessna to be an expert in his field, extremely con-
cerned about the City, particularly .in the area of being abso-
lutely certain that all developers are paying their fair share
as it pertains to the installation of utilities. Although she
hates to see him go~ she can understand his feelings. The posi-
tion he has accepted is paying far more money, in addition to
having some very fine fringe benefits.
Mayor Harmening announced he thought it would be in order to
accept Mr. Cessnats resignation and personally added that it
was with extreme regret. Mm. Roberts moved to accept the resig-
nation o£ Mr. Cessna with regret 'and Mrs. ~scoe seconded the
motion with reluctance. Mr. Roberts requested a letter be sent
making our feelings known. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Replacement for Director of Utilities
Mr. Johnson announced he would like to make an appointment to
this position since he thinks it is veryimportant. He thinks
we should have someone there to have ample time to be trained.
He would like to recommend Mr. Anthony J. Canon. He told about
Mr. Canon~s qualifications~ but added that the position would be
under a temporarycondition~with the position to be advertised
in the future. Mr. Roberts clarified that Mr. Canon was sug-
gested for the Interim Utilities Director and the jobwould be
advertised and Mr. Johnsonagreed.
Mayor Harmening stated that he believed under the Civil Service
Rules~ this falls within the prerogative of the acting City
Manager to make this recommendation. Mr. Vanee agreed and
added that the Council can indicate concern regarding filling
the position, but the actual appointment should be made under
the Civil Service Rules by the acting City Manager subject to
approval by the City Council.
Mrs. Tinker announced thatshe had no recommendation at this
time. As far as she is concerned~ the position is ~ti!l filled
byMr. Cessna. Until such time as we take applications or start
advertising, she does not feel there is an opening in that depart-
ment at this time. Mr. Johnson replied that he did not want to
wait until after Mr. Cessna has gone and someone should be put
in there temporarily.
JANUARY 16, 1979
Mayor Harmening asked if someone wanted to make a motion to adver-
tise? Mr. Johnson asked if the City Council can make a recommenda-
tionand Mr. Vance replied the City Couneil can express concern
about the position being vacant and can direct the acting City
Manager to fill the position as early as possible to give some-
body in-house experience while Mr. Cessna is in the position to
give advice. There is no problem with the City Council express-
in~ concern about having continuation in the position and giving
a directive to the acting City Manager.
Mr. Roberts suggested having a replacement start February 1 with
having a few overlapping weeks. Mayor Harmening suggested that
the position be advemtised. Mr. Vance replied that it should be
an au. tomatie procedume to advertise under the rules. It is the
duty of the acting City Manager to attempt to see the position
is filled on a continuing basis. He believes this is a normal
administrative duty.
Mrs. Riseoe requested the Personnel Director to come forward.
She believes sinee Mr. Cessna is a classified employee until
such time as that position is vacant~ we can aetualty do noth-
ing other than advertise and Mr. Sullivan agreed this was cor-
Mrs. ~iscoe moved that prior to February 13 and as soon as pos-
sible~ we start advertising and Mr. Sullivan shall draw up the
proper procedures to advertise for the position being vacated by
Mr. Cessna~ seconded by Mr. Strnad. No diseussion. Motion
carried 5-0.
Approval of Bills
Mrs. Tinker read the following bills for approval:
1. Adams Chevrolet Co. 4~495.00
~for Sewage Collection Dept.
Pay from budgeted funds 401-351-535-60-83
Council approved 12/6/78
2. Aqua Chem Co. 1,313.05
Lime for Water Treatment Plant
Pay from budgeted funds 401-332-533-30-65
Isiah Andrews 99.00
Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-871-570-02-5A
Ordinance ~73-15~ passed 5/15/73
Willie Ruth MeGrady 86.40
Server for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-87!-570-02-5A
Ordinance ~73-15~ passed 5/15/73
JANUARY 16~ 1979
Publix 96.66
Me--for needy and infirmed
Pay fmom Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-87!-570-02-5A
Ordinance ~73-15~ passed 5/15/73
Trail Ford Tractor Co. 3,774.00
Backhoe for Boynton Beaeh Memorial Park
Pay from Boynton Beach Memorial Park Fund 631-875-587-60-45
Council approved 1!/22/78
Palm Beach County Solid Waste Disposal
Hse of County,land~ill ~or December
Pay f~om budgeted funds 001-34!-534-40-9G
Otto Meyer L Sons~ Inc,
Sod for 15th Ave. Ballpark
Pay from budgeted funds 00!-722-572-30-64
Flomida Diesel Truck L Industrial, Ine.
Emergency repairs to garbage packers
Pay from budgeted funds 001-341-534-40-33
Carpenter, May L Bremer
Professional serviees re; audit of 9/30/78
Pay from budgeted funds 401-393-539-40-66
Boynton Beach Child Care Center 2,962.00
After eare program for 1st quarter~ 1979
Payfrom Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-87t-570-02-5A
Omdinanee ~73-15~ passed 5/15/73
Moody?s Investors Service, Inc. 2~700.00
Professional services re~ municipal bond rating
Pay from 1978 Water & Sewer System Construetion Fund
Northern Bank Note Co. 1,555.68
Bonds and coupons rom 1978 Bond Issue
Pay from 1978 Water & Sewer System Construction Fund
William R. Hough $ Co. 4,850.00
Prin~ing copies of Offieial Statements re: 1978
Water g Sewer Bond Issue
Pay from 1978 Water $ Sewer System Construction Fund
1S. Intercounty Construction Est. ~2 36,841.50
Lift Stations S17-356-359
Pay from 1978 Water S Sewer System Construetion Fund
Contract dated 10/26/78
16. Carpenter, May $ Bremer ! 2,750.00
Examination of aceounting records re: 1978 Bond Issue
Pay from 1978 Water $ Sewer System Constmuction Fund
JANI/ARY 16, 1979
17. Barile Excavating & Pipeline Co., !nc. 8~524.16
Seacrest Blvd. Htilities Relocation
Approved from following funds subject to receiving
release of lien. 350-000-247-80-00 3~763.32
401-000-169-0!-00 4~760.84
18. Allen InsuranceCGompany
Special Risk Accident Insurance
19. Carpenter, May g Bremer 2~932.00
Teaching~ training, consult-~ng service and
assistance to Finance Personnel regarding
the closing of all f~nds per agreement
with Mr. Frank Kohl
Mrs. Tinker referred to the invoice from Carpenter~ May $ Bremer
in the amount of $2~750.00 and the former City Attorney?s state-
ment at the last meeting that Hough g Co. was supposed to pay
part of this and advised that Mr. Moody explained this is our
bill and the overtime was not included whichwas forwarded to
Hough g Co. She stated the bills described have been approved
and verified by the department heads involved; checked and ap-
proved for payment by the Finance Department; funds are available
in their respective budgets. She therefore recommends payment of
these bills.
Mr. Roberts moved to pay our bills~ seconded by Mrs. Ri scoe.
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Applications for Permit to Solicit: Palm $1ades Girl Scout Council
Soroptimist Club of Boynton Beach/De!ray Beach
Mr. Roberts questioned where the Palm Glades Girl Scouts were
from and Mayor Harmening replied they cover the whole County.
Mr. Roberts moved to grant permission to solicit, seconded by
Mrs. Riscoe. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
List of Payments - Month of December~ 1978
Mr. Roberts moved to accept these for the record~ seconded by Mr.
Johnson. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Strnad asked if it was necessary to submit all these bills
in the back of the agenda material twice a month and stated he
does not look through them and the Finance Department should take
care of it. Mr. Roberts replied that possibly it should be con-
tinued until we get a Finance Director and this can be used for
checks and balances. Mr. Strnad stated it was a waste of paper
and time to put these bills in his book and they can be left out.
JkNI1ARY 16, 19Y9
Mr. Strnad referred to dedieating our new water plant and sug-
gested that a dedication be held before Mr. Cessna leaves the
plant and Mayor Harmening agreed.
Mr. Roberts moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. Motion
carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 10:10 P.M.
f ayor
~// ~ Vice Mayer
Co uneilman
D~ity Clerk
Recording S~cretary
Three Tapes)