AT 6:30 P.M., ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2012
Jose Rodriguez, Mayor Lori LaVerriere, Interim City Manager
William Orlove, Vice Mayor James Cherof, City Attorney
Woodrow L. Hay, Commissioner Janet Prainito, City Clerk
Steven Holzman, Commissioner
Marlene Ross, Commissioner
A. CaII to order - Mayor Jose Rodriguez
B. Invocation
C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Holzman
Mayor Rodriguez opened the meeting by welcoming everyone to the first meeting of
2012 and extending his wishes for good health, happiness and peace in the New Year.
Commissioner Hay offered the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Flag led by Commissioner Holzman
D. Agenda Approval:
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Attorney Cherof asked to add Item 3.E to announce the rescheduling of a closed -door
session to be held at 6:00 p.m., January 17, 2012 regarding Clear Channel Outdoor,
Inc. vs. City Of Boynton Beach. The session would take approximately 30 minutes with
the Commission, Interim City Manager, City Attorney and case counsel, Michael T.
Burke, present.
Commissioner Ross pulled Items 6.1 and M. Vice Mayor Orlove pulled Item 6.E.
Commissioner Holzman pulled Item 6.0. Commissioner Hay had no additional items to
be pulled. Mayor Rodriguez pulled Item 6.G.
2. Adoption
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
Commissioner Hay moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner Ross
seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
A. Informational Items by Members of the City Commission
Vice Mayor Orlove had attended the Shop- with -a -Cop event held at Target. The event
was held at WalMart as well. The police had done an outstanding job and Officer
Kellman spearheads the event that raises more than $10,000 to give under - privileged
children a happier holiday season. He announced the Sand Sifters beach cleanup on
January 7, 2012 at Oceanfront Park and the Great American Bake -off being held on
January 21, 2012 at the Civic Center along with an Arts and Craft Sale. Vice Mayor
Orlove wished everyone a happy and successful New Year.
Commissioner Ross noted the ceremony of signing the agreement with Les Cayes to
become a Sister City had taken place at the Woman's Club. There would be a
groundbreaking ceremony on Friday at 1 p.m. for the Ocean Breeze West project with
Habitat for Humanity and Faith -based CDC to build 21 single - family homes.
Mayor Rodriguez agreed that the Shop- with -a -Cop program was a great program and
Officer Kellman was very dedicated to the kids. The Sister City ceremony was
momentous and he looked forward to many successes in the future. Mayor Rodriguez
advised he would be attending Palm Beach County Days in Tallahassee next week and
asked staff for advocacy points to stress. If the Commission had any input, he would
be glad to take those issues along.
A. Proclaim the month of January 2012 as National Mentoring Month. Receiving
the proclamation will be Gary Graham, Community Outreach Coordinator for
the Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County.
Mayor Rodriguez read the Proclamation for National Mentoring Month, January 2012.
Mr. Graham thanked the Commission for the Proclamation and defined mentoring. A
mentor spends time with kids and shows them what they can and cannot do. You can't
be what you can't see. Show a kid another way and be a mentor.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
B. Proclaim January 16, 2012 as the commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Mayor Rodriguez proclaimed January 16, 2012 as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in the
City of Boynton Beach. There would be a walk commencing at 7 a.m. and the annual
dinner held on January 15 at Benvenuto.
C Announce the Movies of the Ave film for January 6, 2012
Kathy Biscuiti, Special Events Director, reviewed all the events scheduled for January,
2012. Movies on the Ave would be held on Friday, January 6 at the Ocean Avenue
Amphitheater showing the movie, Larry Crowne, starting at 7 p.m. The Gourmet Food
Trucks would be at all events.
D. Announce Sunday Funday on Sunday, January 8, 2012
The Sunday Funday event would be held on January 8th at the Marina with a Sports
Center, Bounce House, balloon animals being made, face painting and a musician
teaching the children about percussion instruments. There would be fun for all ages.
On Friday, January 20 would be the first Ocean Avenue concert featuring the band,
Solstice Reign, playing classic rock from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The Downtown Open Market was scheduled for January 29 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
including the Gourmet Food Trucks. The art show and vintage items would be
displayed for sale in and around the Civic Center with an oldies band playing in the
E. Notice of closed -door session in the case of Clear Channel Outdoor vs. the
City of Boynton Beach.
Mayor Rodriguez remarked this item had been announced during agenda approval.
(at the discretion of the Chair, this 3 minute allowance may need to be
adjusted depending on the level of business coming before the City
Floyd Zonenstein, 2620 NE 1 Court, Village Royale on the Green, President, inquired
why the residents were paying for storm drainage and the area continues to flood during
every rain storm. East of Seacrest the storm drainage was not being maintained
causing the streets to continually flood. Mayor Rodriguez advised the matter would be
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
Jerry Taylor, 1086 SW 26 Avenue, spoke on the request to place a house of worship
in the Boynton Beach Mall. He contended it was not a good idea since non - profits do
not pay taxes, even though the church had offered to pay the same amount to the City,
in essence bribing the Commission. Mr. Taylor hoped the Commission would not
accept the bribe. He urged the Commission to not allow the church into the Mall.
Cliff Montross, 109 SW 18 Street, pointed out the purpose of the Community
Redevelopment Agency (CRA) was to help people improve their properties and make
life better for those individuals within the community. He complained the Boynton
Beach CRA had an agenda for having a good time, not helping people. Mr. Montross
urged the Commission to encourage the CRA to assist the property owners.
No one else coming forward, Mayor Rodriguez closed public audience. He commented
the CRA mission was to eliminate blight and slum and create an environment for
redevelopment. More information would be provided to Mr. Montross. Commissioner
Hay observed there would be a ground breaking for Ocean Breeze at 1 p.m. on Friday
for the construction of 21 single - family homes, a CRA project.
A. Accept the resignation of Willie Pearl Wilson, a regular member of the Library
Commissioner Ross moved to approve. Vice Mayor Orlove seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
B. Accept the resignation of Donn Davenport, a regular member of the Art
Commissioner Holzman moved to approve. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion
The motion passed unanimously.
C. Accept the resignation of Nubia Richman, an alternate member of the Arts
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
Commissioner Hay so moved. Vice Mayor Orlove seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
D. Appoint eligible members of the community to serve in vacant positions on City
advisory boards
Mayor Rodriguez suggested a motion to table all appointments would be appropriate
since there were no eligible applicants. An application had been submitted, but it was
the practice to allow the Clerk's office time to process the application for the next
Commissioner Hay moved to appoint Wendy Kelly as an alternate on the Community
Relations Board. Commissioner Ross seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holzman moved to table the remaining appointments. Commissioner
Hay seconded the motion.
The motion passed 5 -0.
E. Confirm the nomination of Honorary Members of the Veterans Advisory
Commission as Hilda Girtman Pitts, Wilbur Jean Sims, Larry Goldgeier, BG
Albin Irzyk, Marvin Liebensohn, Angelina Milano (deceased) and Kurt
Commissioner Hay so moved. Vice Mayor Orlove seconded the motion for discussion.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
Vice Mayor Orlove noted one of the proposed honorary members was deceased. He
was unsure of the precedent that may be established. Chuck Magazine, Board
Representative, advised some of the honorary members were involved in the events
sponsored by the Veterans Advisory Commission. Vice Mayor Orlove suggested the
member be designated as "in memoriam ".
Commissioner Hay amended his motion to include Ms. Milano's designation as "in
memoriam ". Vice Mayor Orlove seconded the amended motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Vice Mayor Orlove requested to return to Item 5.D for discussion purposes, since he
was on the prevailing side of the vote.
Vice Mayor Orlove so moved. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Vice Mayor Orlove understood there were a couple vacancies on the Financial Advisory
Committee and not just one. The Chair of the Financial Advisory Committee was
present and could relate the desire of the Committee. There is an alternate that would
like to be moved to a regular position.
Mayor Rodriguez confirmed the Clerk's office had processed the application received
this date. Janet Prainito, City Clerk, agreed the past process was to hold any
applications received after the agenda had been published for the next meeting. The
applicant had been informed of that process and requested the application be
distributed to the Commission.
Commissioner Ross reported she had been informed of some urgency for the
appointment that had been conveyed to the Interim City Manager by the Chair. Don
Scantlan, Chair of the Financial Advisory Committee, related he had contacted the
Interim City Manager and inquired why the alternate had not be moved up to a regular.
Ms. Prainito advised Commissioner Ross had the regular appointment. Commissioner
Ross wanted both regular appointments to be made with the two applicants. Mayor
Rodriguez argued the Commission did not typically consider items submitted the day of
the meeting. Mayor Rodriguez inquired if Commissioner Ross wanted to move Mr.
Fisher up to a regular member and she did not. She did want to make a regular
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
appointment. Vice Mayor Orlove recalled appointments had been made from
information handed to the Commission. Ms. Prainito commented in the last six to eight
months the Commission has not considered applications received after publication of
the agenda.
Commissioner Ross stated she had received a message from the Interim City Manager
that the Financial Advisory Committee wanted to ask her to appoint Mr. Fisher. She
was taken aback because it would normally be done from the dais and she had passed
on the appointment at the last meeting. She was not sure if that was a common
practice with other Commissioners. The staff liaison, Mr. Atwood, would normally be
the one to approach the Commissioner and discuss the issue. Commissioner Ross was
concerned with the process and wanted to be sure the advisory boards and committees
were following proper procedure. No other Commissioners were being approached with
the request.
Mayor Rodriguez indicated he had been approached on numerous occasions by
individuals who knew he had an appointment and wanted his endorsement.
Commissioner Ross interjected the matter was discussed at the meeting specifically
directed to Commissioner Ross. Attorney Cherof agreed with the remarks of the City
Clerk and stressed the Commission sets the protocol for appointments. They are
appointments of the City Commission even though the designations of the appointments
are rotated. They are not individual Commissioner appointments. It would not be an
appropriate role of a liaison to make recommendations to an individual Commissioner or
the collective Commission.
Ms. Prainito pointed out there were two regular appointments and one alternate
appointment for the Financial Advisory Committee. The two regular appointments could
be made at this time. Commissioner Hay mentioned even though there was a protocol
the Commission could overrule the established process.
Commissioner Ross moved to appoint David Katz as a regular member to the Financial
Advisory Committee. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion.
The motion passes unanimously.
Mayor Rodriguez moved to move Jeff Fisher from an alternate to a regular member.
Commissioner Hay seconded the motion.
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Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Scantlan remarked there were two alternate positions open and skills in the pension
area were needed.
Vice Mayor Orlove requested the decision on a Vice Chair for the Committee should be
placed on the next agenda. Ms. Prainito offered to review the Ordinance and add the
appropriate item to the agenda when necessary.
Attorney Cherof suggested the process of the appointment of board members and
policy on appointments be revisited and brought back before the Commission for
Matters in this section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the
City Manager for "Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each
item, with all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public
Record and subject to staff comments.
A. Accept the written report to the Commission for purchases over $10,000 for the
month of November 2011.
B. Approve release of the performance bond in the amount of $109,071.46 for the
paving, grading, and drainage improvements to Minor and High Ridge Road in
association with the Imagine Charter School project.
C. Approve reduction of the performance bond by the amount of $103,064.40 for
the restoration guarantee of SE 34th Avenue right of way.
D. Accept the FY 2011 -12 Budget Status Reports of the General Fund & Utility
Fund Revenues & Expenditures for the two (2) month period ended November
30, 2011.
E. Approve the minutes from the City Commission regular meeting held on
December 6, 2011 and the Special City Commission Meeting on December 13,
Vice Mayor Orlove wanted to alter the minutes to show on page 21 that he did return to
the dais to vote because the vote was 5 -0 and have the notation on page 25 removed
that he had returned to the dais.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
Vice Mayor Orlove moved to amend the minutes as stated. Commissioner Hay
seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
F. Approve the purchase of an Ion Chromatograph from Fisher Scientific at a price
of $43,271.04 by utilizing the State of Florida Contract #490- 000 -07 -1 for
Laboratory and Safety Supplies and Equipment.
G. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R12 -001 - Approve (a) the issuance of Utility
System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, not to exceed $55,000,000 and (b)
approve related administrative authorizations
Mayor Rodriguez had pulled the item since it was for $55 million. Barry Atwood,
Finance Director, began by recalling in August a bond issue of $20 million had been
approved. It had since been raised to $55 million. $30 million was added for maximum
refunding at a better interest rate. $5 million is an additional reserve requirement that is
not anticipated to be needed. The additional funding would save $500,000 from future
debt service.
Jay Glover, with Public Financial Management, Inc., the City's financial advisor, had
worked with staff since August when $20 million in funding was approved for capital
improvements. The debt service would be paid back over 25 years and all costs would
be approximately 4.5 %. Interest rates continue to decline and bonds rates follow.
Some of the existing debt issued in 2008 had been refinanced at lower rates for a
savings of $500,000. Mr. Glover structured the deal and would work with the City on
the day of pricing to get the lowest interest rates for a closing in early February.
Julie Santamaria, with RBC Capital Markets, would serve as the underwriter for the
City's bond. They act as liaison between the City and purchasing investors. If there are
not sufficient investors, RBC would purchase the bonds and put their capital at risk.
There has been incredible demand to push the rates down with safer investments in
municipal bonds and water and sewer are among the safest.
Vice Mayor Orlove moved to approve. Commissioner Ross seconded the motion.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue for public comment. No one came forward.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
The motion passed unanimously.
H. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R12 -002 - Approve Agreement with Federal
Property Registration Corporation (F.P.R.C.) for a one -year period for
administration of the City's Vacant Property Registration Ordinance
I. Approve the appointment of Carisse LeJeune, Interim Assistant City Manager,
as a voting member of the Staff Steering Committee to the Southeast
Florida Regional Climate Change Compact Counties (Compact), to
represent the municipalities of Palm Beach County.
Commissioner Ross had pulled the item to accent the importance of the designation.
Carisse, LeJeune, Interim Assistant City Manager, explained four counties had joined
together to identify vulnerabilities for climate change and the need for adaption and
mitigation of changes. An action plan was created for south Florida. It was decided the
municipalities should have a separate vote in the implementation plans and Boynton
Beach was selected for the responsibility. Commissioner Ross added comments were
being solicited and could be submitted until February 10, 2012.
Mayor Rodriguez inquired if all other municipalities were going to share the cost for the
time being spent on this endeavor on their behalf. Ms. LeJeune replied the time spent
during working hours would be minimal. It would be secondary, with her primary
responsibility to City. It was a labor of love for her that she was willing to expend to
create a united voice for sustainability.
Commissioner Hay congratulated Ms. LeJeune on the appointment. It was an
investment the City has made that should be shared with all municipalities because it is
an item of interest to the League of Cities. The League of Cities would ultimately have
to approve the nomination of the City to be the designee. Commissioner Ross wanted
Boynton Beach to be the leading City and supported Ms. LeJeune as the
Vice Mayor Orlove moved to approve. Commissioner Ross seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
J. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R12 -003 - Approve the assessment of the
cost of nuisance abatement on properties within the City of Boynton Beach
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
K. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R12 -004 - Approve the Services Agreement
between the City of Boynton Beach and Boynton Beach Faith Based CDC (the
"Provider "), authorizing the City to enter into an agreement to provide funding in
the amount of $1,225 to Boynton Beach Faith Based CDC as a partner in the
implementation of the Gang Prevention and Intervention Grant.
L. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R12 -005 - Approve five (5) agreements for
services for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) sub - recipients
previously approved for funding by Resolution R11 -080 on August 2, 2011
M. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R12 -006 - Approve the Interlocal Agreement
between the City and School Board of Palm Beach County for the mutual use
of facilities
Commissioner Ross inquired if the Interlocal Agreement included all the public schools
in the City. Mr. Majors replied the agreement included all public schools within the City
limits. The facilities are used for hosting public meetings, field days or even
Commission meetings.
Commissioner Ross moved to approve. Vice Mayor Orlove seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
N. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R12 -007- Approve the Interlocal Agreement
between the City and the Town of Lantana for a Water Main Interconnection
O. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R12 -008 - Authorize Interim City Manager to
execute an Agreement with MD Now Medical Centers, Inc. to provide Physician
Services for the City of Boynton Beach
Commissioner Holzman followed up on previous discussion to ensure the contract does
not interfere with the City's investigation into a City clinic. He also wanted a status
update on the clinic.
Julie Oldbury, Director of Human Resources, indicated it would not impede any
progress being made toward a City clinic. It was anticipated the feasibility of a clinic
and a full report would be presented in March 2012.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
Commissioner Holzman moved to approve. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
CONTRACT" Bid # 015 - 1412- 12 /MFD to Special Products Group, who met all
specifications. The estimated annual expenditures is $134,000, with all items
purchased on an as- needed basis.
Vice Mayor Orlove moved to approve. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
B. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R12 -009 - Approve and authorize the Interim
City Manager to execute an Agreement with Caler, Donten, Levine, Porter &
Veil, P.A. of West Palm Beach, FL for Financial Auditing Services for the City of
Boynton Beach for the fiscal years ending 09/30/11, 09/30/12, 09/30/13,
09/30/14 and 09/30/15 with audit fees for each fiscal year of $96,650, $98,580,
$100,550, $102,560 and $104,600, respectively. RFP #001 - 1410- 12/TWH
Vice Mayor Orlove moved to approve. Commissioner Holzman seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
C. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R12 -010 - Approve the piggy -back of
Manatee County RFP #11- 1065FL with Siemens Water Technologies for
expenditure of approximately $200,000
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
Commissioner Holzman moved to approve. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
D. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R12 -011 - Approve and authorize the Interim
City Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to amend the scope of services for
Task Order #U07 -20 -01 with Wantman Group, Inc. for the Regional Force Main
and Lift Station at Pence Park project
Commissioner Hay moved to approve. Commissioner Holzman seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
The City Commission will conduct these public hearings in its dual capacity
as Local Planning Agency and City Commission.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
A. Approve request by Lake Worth Christian School to hold a fundraising carnival
on school property. Applicant: Jim Adams /Bob Hook for LWCS.
Mike Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning, recalled this was the third application.
Due to zoning complications the request had been forwarded to the Commission. The
circumstances are the same as previous years. There have only been minimal
disturbances at the event.
Vice Mayor Orlove inquired if the process could be streamlined since the request is the
same each year. Attorney Cherof advised the Commission has to approve each special
Commissioner Hay moved to approve. Commissioner Holzman seconded the motion.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue for any public discussion. No one came forward.
The motion passed unanimously.
B. Discuss adoption of a resolution supporting Police and Fire Pension Reform.
Attorney Cherof had brought the item forward based on the recommendation of the
Florida League of Cities to advance two bills pending in the legislature. A significant
factor is the issue regarding the presumptions of police or fire personnel having heart
disease that is now an overwhelming presumption and difficult to defeat. The scope of
the review of the presumption would be changed.
There are also provisions regarding greater transparency by the pension boards and
changes in the language relating to the 175 and 185 monies and their restricted use.
The issue is whether the Commission wants to support a short phrased or long phrased
Commissioner Hay supported submitting a resolution. Commissioner Holzman
supported pension reform in the City to make it more fair when using taxpayer monies.
He was not in favor of providing support for a bill that no one has any type of intimate
knowledge of the content. Vice Mayor Orlove agreed in part, but expressed concern the
end result was unknown and the advantages and disadvantages to the proposal were
unknown. Commissioner Ross felt support of the proposed legislation would be
premature. She realized that reform was necessary, but not at this time.
Mayor Rodriguez and Commissioner Hay contended the support was only to pursue
some type of reform. The details were as yet unknown and further input could be
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
submitted Mayor Rodriguez stressed the General Employee Pension Board recently
voted that $3 million would have to be expended each year for fourteen years to
balance the pension, exclusive of the Fire and Police pension plans. The General
Employee Pension Fund is outperforming the Fire and Police funds. He supported
some reform to help the cities.
Commissioner Ross moved to approve. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue for public comment. No one came forward.
The motion passed 3 -2 (Vice Mayor Orlove and Commissioner Holzman dissenting).
Attorney Cherof advised, based on the motion, a more generic resolution would be
submitted for review and approval by the Commission that would indicate support and
interest, without endorsing the bills as currently drafted.
Commissioner Ross inquired if she could attend Palm Beach County Days in
Tallahassee. Ms. LaVerriere wanted consensus on the attendance since the funds
would be deducted from the travel budget. The cost would be approximately $1,000.
Commissioner Ross moved to add the discussion under New Business. Commissioner
Hay seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Rodriguez added he would be attending also. Vice Mayor Orlove inquired if
sufficient funds were available. He was concerned that other opportunities for travel
would arise and funding would be depleted. He suggested only one representative be
Commissioner Hay moved to allow Commissioner Ross to attend Palm Beach County
Days in Tallahassee. Vice Mayor Orlove seconded the motion for discussion.
Vice Mayor Orlove wanted more financial data. Mayor Rodriguez suggested it be
approved contingent on funding availability.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
The motion passed unanimously contingent on funding availability.
Mayor Rodriguez did not believe traveling to the Sister City in Haiti would be official City
business and would have to be a personal expense. Attorney Cherof advised it would
be dependent on the function of the trip. Vice Mayor Orlove thought if any
Commissioner went, it would be official City business. Commissioner Holzman
provisions of Chapter 2, Article VI, Section 2: City Parks and Recreation Impact
Fee or Land Dedication. Applicant: City- initiated
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 11 -032 by title only, on second reading.
Commissioner Ross moved to approve. Vice Mayor Orlove seconded the motion.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue for public hearing. No one came forward.
City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The vote was 5 -0.
Section 2 -41 of the Code of Ordinances establishing revised redistricting
boundary maps
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 11 -033 by title only, on second reading.
Commissioner Hay moved to approve. Vice Mayor Orlove seconded the motion.
Commissioner Hay established the changes would be effective immediately.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue for public hearing. No one came forward.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The vote was 5 -0.
an amendment to the Pension Plan for the General Employees which
contained a scrivener's error in the definition of "Actuarial Equivalence
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 11 -034 by title only, on second reading.
Commissioner Holzman moved to approve. Commissioner Ross seconded the motion.
Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue for public hearing. No one came forward.
City Clerk Prainito called the roll. The vote was 5 -0.
A. 1st Qtr update on Mae Volen Transportation Program - 1/17/12
B. 3rd & 4th Qtr 2011 combined Climate Action Plan update - 1/17/12
C. Brand Promise Committee Report - 2/7/12
D. Revisions to restrictions for vehicle size in residential districts - TBD
There being nothing further to come before the Commission, Mayor Rodriguez properly
adjourned the meeting at 7:53 p.m.
(Continued on next page).
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL January 3, 2012
Jo Ro+ ri Mayor
illia Orlove, Vice Mayor
Wo• • ow H. Co -sip pi
ATTEST: Steven Holzm. n, ' ommissioner
Ja et M. Prainito, MMC Marlene Ross, Commissioner
dith A. Pyle, C
Deputy City Cle •