Emily M. Jackson, Mayor
Edward P. Harmening, Vice Mayor
Richard D. Caldwe!!, Councilman
Joseph DeMarco, Councilman
David Roberts, Councilman
Frank Kohl, City Manager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Mayor Jaekson welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at
7:30 P. M. She announced the Invocation will be given by City
Manager Prank.Kohl and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Plag led
by Councilman David Roberts. She requested everyone to please
Mayor Jackson asked if there were any additions~ deletions or
corrections to the agenda.
Mr. Kohl referred to Applieations for Permit to Solicit and re-
quested the addition of an application from the Boynton Beach
Community Improvement Forum. He then re~aested under the Approval
of Bills the addition of a bill from Retirement Plans, Inc. in the
amount of $3~349.25 which was approved by the Pension Board at
their meeting on September 29, 1978. He added that he also re-
ceived an application for an a!eoholie beverage license for the
Couneil~s approval from the Crab Dock in Gulfstream Marina.-
Mayor Jackson requested the addition of Christmas Parade under
Old Business.
Mr. DeMareo moved to approve the agenda as corrected, seconded
by Mr. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Jackson referred to the Referendum Electionseheduled for
ThUrsday~ October 5~ 1978, having very li~t!e publicity and stated
there is animportant referendum asking whether the Soil and Water
Conservation District should be split. At the present time~ Palm
Beach an~,~Broward Counties are together. The people who serve are
not paid~ but sometimes have to travel 100 miles from Broward to
Palm Beach County. There is also the feeling that Broward County
has'urbanized and they do not have the agricultural areas and
their problems are different than ours. She hopes everyone will
go out and vote on this item.
Mayor Jacksonannounced that City Hall will be closed on Monday,
Oetober 9, 1978 in observance of Columbus Day.
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Regular City Counei! Meeting - September 19, 1978
Mayor Jackson referred to the last two paragraphs on Page 7 and
clarified that it was not aotually an addition of 26+ acres with
single family homes, but a substitution of one kind of zoning for
Mr. Ca!dwell moved to accept the minutes as corrected and elari-
fied~ seoonded by Mr. DeMarco. Motion carried 3-0 with Mr.
Harmening and Mr. Roberts abstaining.
Special City Council Meeting - September 26, 1978
Mr. Caldwelt publiely apologized for not attending this meeting
and explained that he had wmitten down the right time but the
wrong day. Mr. DeMarco moved to approve the minutes as submitted,
seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 3-0 with Mr. Harmening
and Mr. Catdwell abstaining.
Mayor Jaokson announeed if there was anyone in the audienee wish-
ing to speak on any item on the agenda to please give their name
to Mrs. Padgett. She asked if anyone wished to speak on any item
not on the agenda and received no response.
Wilson Park Ballfie!d Lighting System
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that bids on the above were opened
on Tuesday, September 26, 1978 at 3:00 P. M. in the office of our
Purohasing Agent~ Mr. William Sullivan. The Tabulation Committee
reoommends acceptance of the low bid from J & P Eleotrieal Con-
tractors Corporation: Fort Lauderda!e, in the amount of ~34~400.
A eopy of the Tabulation Sheet, Pmoposal and Affidavit si~ned by
Mr. Jaoques Paul, President, have been shbmitted. All legal
requirements have been met. This project will be funded by the
Palm Beach County Community Block Grant, Account No. 001-000-115-
87.00. He eoneurs with the recommendations of the Tabulation
Committee. May he have CounoilTs wishes on this matter please.
Mr. Ca!dwe!l moved to accept the Tabulation Committee[s recommen-
dation and grant the bid to J & P Eleetrical Contraet~rs Corp.
for the amount of ~34,400. Mr. Harmening seconded. No discussion.
Motion carried 5-0.
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Sara Sims Road Construction
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that bids on the above were opened
on Tuesday, September 26, 1978 at 4:00 P. M. in the Office of our
Purehasing Age~t~ Mr. William H. Sullivan. P~ease be advised that
the Tabulation Committee recommends acceptance of the sole bid
from Hardrives, Inc. in the amount of 545,014.80 with the stipula-
tion that inasmueh as this bid was higher than anticipated, a
change order will be prepared to reduce the scope and the price
of this project by approximately $10,000. A copy of the Tabula-
tion Sheet, Proposal and Affidavit signed by Mr. John W. Nutbrown,
Vice President of Hardr~ves, Ina., have been submitted. He has
checked all requirements and everything is in order. This project
is to be funded through the Palm Beach County Community Block
Grant Program. He concurs with the recommendations of the Tabula-
tion Committee. May he have Counei!'s wishes please.
Mr. Caldwell referred to seeing a memo regamding the rebidding
of this and Mr. Kohl informed him it was not on this. Mr. DeMarco
referred to it being a sole bid and Mr. Kohl replied that people
have been asked to bid, but everybody is busy and do not want
these small jobs. Mr. Ca!dwell asked if Hamdrives would aecept
the smaller job and Mr. Kohl replied affirmatively.
Mr. Harmening moved to award the bid on road construction at Sara
Sims ?ark to Hardrives~ Inc. in the amount of $45,014.80 upon the
recommendation of the City Manager and Tabulation Committee, Mr.
Kohl suggested that he be allowed to negotiate to reduce this by
~10~000 and Mr. Harmening replied that this could be done with a
change order. Mr. Caldwe!l seconded the motion and the motion
carried 5-0.
Installation of Septic Tank System at Public Beach
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that bids on the above were opened
on Wednesday, September 27, 1978 at 1!:00 A. M. in the office of
our Purchasin~ Agent, Mr. William Sullivan. The Tabulation Com-
mittee recommends acceptance of the low bid from Roberts Septic
Tank, Inc. in the amount of $3,400.00. A copy of the Tabulation
Sheet and Proposal with Affidavit signed by Jerry Roberts, Vice
Pmesident, have been submitted. All legal requirements have been
met. Funds are available in Account No. 001-i92-519-60.94, as
budgeted for FY i978/79. He concurs with the recommendations of
the Tabulation Committee. May he have Council's wishes on this
matter please. He added that one of these septic tanks is approx-
imately 40 years old and has caved in. There is a direct pipe
running to the other septic tank. We are going to place a new
tank in a new location and replaee all the drain fields.
OCTOBER 37 1978
Mr. Harmening moved to award the bid for a septic tank at the
public beach to Roberts Septic Tank, Ine., in the amount of
$3,400.00. Mr. DeMarco seconded the motion. Under diseussion~
Mayor Jackson referred to damaging the grass or parking lot and
Mr. Kohl explained that some would have to be torn up but will
be replaced. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Roberts added that there is no conflict of interest as he is
not related to this firm.
Lowering ~6" Ductile Iron Pipe for Seacrest Boulevard
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that bids on the above were opened
on Friday, September 29, 1978, at 11:00 t. M. in the Offiee of our
Purchasing Agent, Mr. William H. Sullivan. The Tabulation Committee
reeommends aceept~nee of the low bid from R & R Utilities of Lake
Park in the amount of $26,187.50. They are not able to furnish
bonds as noted~ and it has been recommended that the bonds be
waived in accordance with Item No. 10 under General Conditions.
A copy of Tabulation Sheet, Proposal and Affidavit signed by Mr.
Fella O. Roberts, President of R $ R Utilities~ have been sub-
mit-ted. He has checked all other requirements and everything is
in order. This project is to be funded from the Utility Fund,
Water Distribution Aceount No. 401-333-533-40-5K. He concurs
with the reeommendations of the Tabulation Committee. May he
have Counei!~s wishes please.
Mr. Caldwe!! moved to grant the bid for lowering 16" ductile iron
pipe for Seaerest Boulevard to R & R Utilities of Lake Park in the
amount of ~26,187.50 and also waive the requirements for the bond.
Mr. Harmening seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Harmening
referred to this line only having been in for four years and on
the Countyts plan for widening Seacrest Boulevard, this was shown
as the proper elevation and even a shade lower than shown on the
County's plans. What happened? Mr. Kohl agreed that when the
job was started four years ago, meetings were held with Palm
Beach County and DOT and we were never told it was wrong or should
be lowered. Mr. Harme~nq clarified that nothing was mentioned
at the pre-eonstruction eonferenee and Mr. Kohl agreed, but now
the contractor says werare in error. This is the same thing
which happened on WoolbrightI Road. Mr. Harmening stated that we
are always responsible for moving or relocating utilities in
road rights-of-way, but he objects to the fact that withthis
eontraetor, it always comes up after the fact, If they come to
us when plans are being drawn, that is one thing~ but in this
case, he always eomes after the fact. Mr. Kohl added that he
personally sent a letter to Mr. Kahlert, the County Engineer,
but never received a reply. Mr. Harmening stated that they were
installed at the proper elevation and Mr. Kohl replied affirma-
tively and added that it was never said at that time that we
were in error. Mr. Hammening referred to State read funds being
involved and Mr. Caldwel! agreed, but stated theyare still our
funds and the proper research is not done into projects like this
and the results are additional money must be spent.
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Mr, Harmening questioned how much this pipe has to be lowered and
Mr. Cessna explained that there is approximately 3,500 feet out
of approx~imately 5,000 feet which has to be lowered and the mini-
mum is 3T' on one portion but in some portions, it is as much as
18~. Mr. Harmening asked if ir'was in the way of the Storm drain
and Mr. Cessna replied negatively and explained that the utilities
were plotted so they could be designed around. Mayor Jackson ques-
tioned the location and Mr. Cessna informed her that it starts at
the south entrance of the water plant and goes to the hospital.
He explained that no !ower~dgwas needed between 23rd and 25th
Avenues. He added that it was laid withadequate cover based on
the elevations of the street, but there were no plans atthat
time for widening. Mr. Harmening stated that it may behoove us
in the future ifwe lay anywater lines, including smaller lines
and replacementslines, perhaps instead of 3 ft. lower even more
on any right-of~way where' we anticipate any major roadwork. Mr.
Cessna replied that we are going to a minimum of 42" on any exist-
ing major roads. Also, M~. Clark is eheoking on the north section
to see if there, are any eonf!iets.
Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing
Proposed Ordinance No. 78-46 - Re: Rezoning Portions of Beverly
Hills Addition No. ~ from R-lA and C-2 to C-1 and C-S; Further
Providing for C-3 Zoning on Vacated Portions of N. W. 4th Street
(Leemon's Request/Motel)
Mr. Moore read proposed 0rdinanee No. 78-46 by caption on second
Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in
favor of this ordinance and received no response. She asked if
anyone wished to speak in opposition to this ordinance and re-
ceived no response,
Mr. Caldwel! moved the passage of Ordinance No. 78-46 on second
and final reading~ seconded by Mr. DeMarco. Under discussion~
Mr. Roberts stated that he would like some questions answered
before this is voted on. Has there been any ordinance introduced
for the abandonment of 1st Avenue~ Mayor Jackson informed him a
resolution was passed at the last meeting. Mr. Roberts questioned
how many utilities were located in this area and added that usually
letters from the utility oompanies with comments are included for
review. Mayor Jackson replied that there &~esewer and water lines
which are being moved at the owner's expense.
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Mr. Cessna,clarified that on 4th Street, West, there is nothing
in there now as far as sewer and water utilities, He explained
how the water lines are routed around the north side of the pro-
perry. There is sewer on 1st Avenue and he also understands There
is a main trunk telephone and gas line in the road right-of-way
running east and west under 1-95. Mr. Roberts replied that
usually we receive letters from these compan~s.
Mr, Ca!dwell clarified that originally there was a request for
abandonment of Ist Avenue~ but that request was denied. The only
portion.of abandonment of any 'street is that section of N. W. 4th
Street north of Ist Avenue. No~ng will be touched on lstAv~nue
where Mr. Cessna indicated the trunkline and sewer and water lines
are located. Mr. Roberts clarified that 1st Avenue has not'been
touched and Mr. Caldwell replied affirmatively. Mr. Roberts clari-
fied that just the sewer lines in 4th Street have to be relocated.
Mr. Cessna informed him that he met today with Mr. Leemon and
his arcbitectand engineer and they have agreed to relocate the
!6T~ water line feeding to the west of the City-at the point where
he feels it is appropriate. They will confirm this inwmiting
and will pay the cost for relocation. Mr. Roberts added that the
proper easements will be given and Mr. Cessna agreed.
Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Caldwell Aye
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Harmening - No
Mayor Jackson Aye
Councilman Roberts No
Motion carried 3-2.
Proposed Ordinance No. 78-47 - Re: Christian Villas, Plat No. 1
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-47 by caption on second
Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in
favor of this ordinance and received no response. She asked if
anyone wished to speak in opposition to this ordinance and re-
ceived no response.
Mr. Harmening moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-47 on second
and final reading~ seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No discussion. Mrs.
Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Caldwell Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Rezoning Requests
A Portion of Section 7, Township 45 South, Range
43 East, lying West of the Right-of-way line of
Congress Avenue - Containing 287=31 Acres
Rezone f-rom R-iAAA to PUD with LUI of 3.36
The Southwest Corner of Hypo!uxo Rd. & Congress Ave.
Planned Residential Community
Paul Wolfe, Attorney for C L'H Properties (Mea~ows)
Mr. Kob~ informed the Council that the Planning & Zoning Board,
after conducting a Public Hearing at their regular meeting of
September 12, 1978, unanimously recommended the rezoning request
submitted by Paul Wolfe, Attorney for C & H ~roperties, to rezone
from R-iAAA to PUD with a land use intensity of 3.36 to provide
for 1~395 mixed type dwelling units (density = 4.85 units per
acre) be approved subject to the list of staff recommendations
submitted. The motion to approve was made by Mr. Lambert and
seconded by Mr. Winter. Anexeerpt from the Planning $ Zoning
Board meeting minutes has beensubmitted and a printshowing the
location of the proposed project. May he have Council's wishes
on this matter please.
Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in
favor of this or give a presentation on this and Mr. Paul Wolfe
appeared before the Council. He introduced their planner, Mr.
Julian Bryan, who will present the app!ica.~ion and p!an~ Mr.
Stanley Pranks, President ~f C S H Properties~ and Mr. Walter
Keller, Traffie Engineer.
Mr. Wolfe referred to being in contact with Palm Beach County
with regard to Congress Avenue and told about a memo of under-
standing having been drafted and executed withregard to the
wideninc of Conqmess Avenue. He also told about being in con-
tact with the Palm Beach County School Board and through nego-
tiations with the attorney for the School Board, they have pre-
pared a contract which will be executed. Mr. Cal~el! referred
to developers adding an addendum previously to the agreements
witht~he School Board including language limiting the spending
of those funds for schools %¢ithin the corporate limits oK annex
reserve area as opposed to the School Board's general terminology
of the Boynton Beach area. Mr. Wolfe informed him that the
agreement provides specifically for the City of Boyn~on Beach
or its reserve annexation area.
Mr. Julian Bryan, Land Planning & Zoning Consultant, appeared
before the Couneil and distributed a redueed plan to the Council
members. He then explained the location of the property and
the existing land uses in the area. Mayor Jackson questioned
the distance to Lawrence Road and Mr. Bryan informed her that
it is about 2,000 ~eet-west of the tract. He pointed out the
existing land uses and stated that they have shown land uses
compatible to these.
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Mr. Bryan then showed a sheet showing the soil associations in the
area and a listing of the adjacent property owners. He showed a
topographic map and explained how their plans would tie into it.
He showed a sheet showing the soil tests also and then the land
use plan. Mr. Caldwe!l asked if the lakes were going to be inter-
connected and Mr. Bryan replied affirmatively and explained how
they would connect to the canal to provide the proper drainage.
Mr. Ca!dwe!l asked if they would accommodate small boats and Mr.
Bryan replied they will be connected withdrainage structures, but
a boat could not navigate from one lake to the other.
Mr. Bryan referred to the land use plan and explained that a
change had been made to have two roadways exitI~g to the west
as requested by the staff. Also, within the major loop road,
they have provided the backbone water and sewer system. They
have also made provisions for looping the system through the 60
ft. roads to the west for future development. Me explained how
the tracts on the south and west reflected single family develop-
ment with lower densities with an increase up to Congress Avenue
on the east and garden apartments to the north to the out parcel
being requested for business use. He explained the variety of
housing types and price manges. A road has also been added to
the north to run adjacent to the not included parcel for business
giving access into the shopping center site without having to go
onto Congress Avenue. The other major consideration of the plan
is park sites~ 7.2 acres alone Congress Avenue, 4 acres in.the
rear, and a 20 ft. green belt running along the western right-of-
way of Congress Avenue which will terminate at the park which
will be available to the public. Further, to meet the park re-
quirements, additional amounts have been.indicated in all the
tracts which will be restricted to each parcel. He pointed out
that ot~er land uses were indicated suchas roadways, canals~
parks, lake systems and phasing. With regard to phasing, they
have anticipated since the water and ~ewer will be coming from
the south, the first appropriate tracts to be developed would be
A~ B, N~ and J to give variety. The water and sewer is some
distance to the southof the tract and the major developers have
been discussing brining in ~hese services.
Mm. Roberts questioned the height of the garden apartments and
Mr. Bryan replied that ~t this density, he anticipates they
would be two or three stories. Mr. Robemts stated that he would
prefer something like this rather than having townhouses strung
ou~ back to back and side to side. He referred to the County
accepting lakes as open recreation space and explained that he
was not in agreement to this. He feels we should keep the den-
sity as low as possible and have as much open space as possible.
Mr. Roberts asked if the rights-of-way on the future roads have
been dedicated to the City and Mr. Bryan replied negatively~ but
it will be done by separate legal instrument or when platting the
parcels. He added that they have been requested to provide an
OCTOBER3, 1978
additional 10 ft. right-of-way on the west side of Congress Ave.
as well as 68 ft. on Hypo!uxo Road to allow for moving the canal
and widening Hypoluxo Road. Mr. Roberts asked if private roads
would be going into the 80 ft. right-of-wayand Mr. Bryan replied
negatively~ but some will be public and will be built to City
Mr. Harmenin9 stated that if they are going to ~ve!op Parcels
A~ B~ J, and N initia!ly~ a considerable portion of this 8 ft.
right-of-way,would be dedicated early and Mr. Bryan agreed.
Mr. Ha~mening clarified that not much was left in alternatives
and Mr. Bryan agreed.
Mr. Caldwetl questioned the time table between the phases and
Mr. Bryanrep!ied that they do not have one realistieally~ but
are probably talking about two or three years ~or the first
phase. Mr. Caldwetl referred to single family homes being built
and Mr. Bryan pointed out that Parcels B and N would be single
family detached homes on platted lots. Mr. DeMarco questioned
the price range and Mr. Bryan explained how they would sell for
approximately $40,000 to $60,000.
Mr. Wolfe then clarified that in regard to interconnecting water
bodies, they are required to provide drainage structures to hold
water so it is retained. He explained how it would be difficult
to intereonnect any water bodies with following the new rules.
Mayor Jackson asked if anyone else in the audience wished to
speak in favor ~ this and received no response. She asked if
anyone wished to speak in opposition to this and received no
Mr. Ca!dwell moved the approval of the rezoning request on behalf
of C & H P~operties from R-/3~AA Holding to PUD with LUI of 3.36
as submitted to the Council and approved by the Planning & Zoning
Board subject to staff comments. Mr. Harm~ning seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Mr. DeMarco stated that it is understood they
will provide sewer and water and Mayor Jackson replied'that the
motion included the staff comments which included this. As re-
quested~ Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
OCTOBER 3, 1978
A Portion of Section 7, Township 45 South,
Range 43 East~ lying West of the Right-of-way
Line of Congress Ave. - Containing !2.641 Acres
Rezone from R-1AAA to
Southwest Corner of Hypoluxo Rd. & Congress Ave.
Community Commercial Center
Paul Wolfe, Attorney for C & H Properties (Meadows)
Mr. ?aul Wolfe appeared before the Council again and stated he
really did not 'think there was any need to take time talking about
this. The ~oadway was explained in the first presentation. He
will be glad to answer any questions.
Mayor Jackson asked if they were in agreement with the County
traffic and staff requirements and Mr. Wolfe replied affirma-
tive!y and added that when the County did the memo of understand-
ing~ it included both petitions as one.
Mayor Jaekson asked if anyone in the audienee wished to speak in
favor of this and received no response. She asked if anyone
wished to speak in opposition and received no response.
Mr. Harmening moved to grant the rezoning request of C & H Proper-
ties for a portion of Section 7~ Township 45 South, Range 43 East,
lying west of the right-of-way line of Congress Avenue containing
12.641 acres to be rezoned from R-/AAA to C-3 for a community
commercial center subject to all staff comments. Mr. DeMaroo
seconded the motion. Hnder discussion, Mr. Caldwell commented
that he likes the idea of the road going into the commercial area
from the residential area taking the burden off Congress Avenue.
Motion carried 5-0.
LEGAL (Continued)
Ordinances - 1st Reading
Proposed Ordinance No. 78- Re: Relating to the Issuance of
Permits for Charitable Solicitations Requiring that a Percentage
of Proceeds Derived from such Solicitations be Expended in the
City of Boynton Beach (Tabled)
Mr. Moore referred to obtaining copies of the ordinance from West
Palm Beach and advised that these were furnished to the Council
members. Mayor Jackson referred to the West Palm Beach ordinance
being extensive and stated she felt we could make it simply that
a majority of the money collected is to be spent in Boynton Beach.
She referred to the time when an out-~f~town group applied to
solicit and stated she feels only our own groups should solicit
unless it is the Heart Fund or something like that. Mr. Harmening
added that quite a bit df the Gir~ Scoutst proceeds stays in the
County. Mayor Jackson agreed that the.Sirl Scouts and Boy Scouts
operate in a reg~ona! area.
Mayor Jackson.suggested that each member of the Council review the
ordinance and submit anysuggestions to Mr. Moore.
Mr. DeMarco questioned the amount ~of the percentage and Mayor
Jackson replied that the West Palm Beach ordinance has excess
wording in it. Mr. Roberts agreed that ~it did not have to go
in much depth. He suggests that ~it be worded that no such per-
mit shall be issued unless at least "some'~ of the proceeds de-
rived from solicitations is to be expended within the City of
Boynton Beach. He added that he noticed tonight ~that the Shminers
sub,trod a re,est and he explained how they operated 28 hospitals
throughout the United States and he couldn't see how it could be
stipulated that a certain percentage of the proceeds go to
Boyn~n Beach. Mayor Jackson replied that we could not exempt
anyone as it 'would be discrimination. Mr. Roberts suggested
stating '~some'' a~d including at the discretion of the Council.
Mr. tIaz~ner~ing ~&~iied that he did not think this could be done
according to the laws. HoWever, possibly a small percentage
could be noted~ SUCh as 10%~ which may tend to eliminate certain
types of Soticita~tions and Mr. Kohl replied that it is possible
for any organization to give t0%~ even those we may not want.
Mr. Ca!dwe~ Suggested raising the percentage providing for
exemp~ons to be decided by the Council.
Mayor Jacksonsuggested that it be left-on,the table and requested
everyone to give it further thought and submit suggestions to Mr.
Proposed Ordinance No. 78-48 - Re: Rezoning Parcel of Land Located
in Section 8, Township 45 South~ Range 43 East, From Zone R-IAAA
to Zone C-3 (12.510 Acres - F & R Builders/Boynton Lakes)
Mm. Moore mead proposed Ordinance No. 78-48 by eaption on first
Mr. Hammening moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-48 on first
reading~ seconded by Mr. DeMaroo. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett
tooka roll call vote on the motionas follows:
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMareo - Aye
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Pmoposed Ordinance No. 78-49 - Re: Rezoning Paroel of Land Located
in Seetion 87 Township 45 South, Range 45 East, From R-iAAA to
Planned Unit Development (PUD) with hand Use Intensity (LUI) of
4 (229.09 Acres - F & R Builders/Boynton Lakes)
Mr. Moore read proposed 0mdinance No. 78-49 by caption on first
reading. He added that this ordinance was prDpared after the
amended plan was submitted. Mr. Caldwe!l stated that he thought
the site plan approval had a LUI of 3.36 and Mr. Roberts replied
that the matter of densities prevail regai~less of what the LUI is.
Mr. DeMarco moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-49 on first
'reading~ seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett
took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Caldwe!l - Aye
Councilman DeMareo - Aye
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Poberts - Aye
Motion carried 5-0,
Proposed Resolution No. 78-XX - Re: Requesting Permission f-rom
the Board of County Commissioners to Rezone Land to be Annexed
to the City from the County Zoning Classif/eaKion AG (Agricul-
turaI District) to the City's Zoning Classifieation CO (City
Owned) - (Lift Station No. 317)
Mr. Moore explained that this resolution covered the property
acquired by the City for a lift station.
Mr. Caldwell moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-XX, seconded
by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call
vo~e on the motion as follows:
Councilman DeLlarco - Aye
Vine Mayor Hammening - Aye
Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Coldwell - Aye
Motion carmied 5-0.
Pmoposed Resolution No. 78-YY - Re: Requesting the Designation of
the South Florida Water Management District to be the Lead Agency
Mm. Moore explained that this resolution carried through the
quest of the Council in regards to the lead agency for ~208'~.
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Mr. Caldwe!! moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-YY, seconded
by Mm. Havening. Under discussion, Mayor Jackson requested that
copies of this be sent immediately to the Florida League of Cities
as it may not be too late to get this on their agenda for the
meeting later this month 'with the State. Mrs. Padgett then took
a roll ecl! vote on the motion as follows:
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson Aye
Councilman Roberts Aye
Councilman Ca!dwell Aye
Councilman DeMarco Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Meyor Jackson then explained that she was paying her own expenses
to attend the Florida League of Cities meetings. Mr. DeMarco
stated he thought the City should pay her~expenses. Mr. Caldwell
suggested that sometimes the City Attorney should be sent to attedd
these meetings and explained how it may be helpful. Mm. DeMareo
stated that he thinks the Mayor should be compensated for attend-
ing these meetings and Mayor Jackson disagreed and added that it
was not budgeted and she was aware of this when she agreed to
attend the meetings. Mr. Caldwellreferred to the expenses for
the City Attorney to attend and Mr. Moore replied that he has
money budgeted to attend meetings and added that it would also
be helpful for any Council member to also attend.
Proposed Resolution No. 78-ZZ - Re: Amending Rule VIII, Section
12~ of the Civil Service Rules and Regulations
Mr. Moore explained how this eonfirmed the adoption of the amend-
ments to the Civil Serviee Rules and Regulations.
Mr. Caldwel! moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-ZZ, seconded
by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a moll ea!l
vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Roberts Aye
Councilman Caldwell Aye
Councilman DeMarco Aye
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jaekson Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Ratifieation of Resolution No. 78-UU - Re: Providing for the
Issuance of $2,500,000 Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1978
Mayor Jackson referred to passing this bonding resolutionat the
last meeting and stated .she felt the two members not present should
have the opportunity to join in on this and express any opinions.
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Mr. Harmening referred to the interest rate not being set in the
resolution and Mr. Kohl replied that this is just for ratification.
Mm. Harmening asked if anything was discussed regarding when the
bonds would be plaeed on the market and Mr. Moore replied there
was no lin~tation on that and explained that they were just vali-
dated and eon be sold at the pleasure of the Council. Mr. Harmening
refez~ed to the interest rates probably going higher and stated
we have enough money 'in the Utility Pund and we don't have to do
this right now. Further discussion followed regarding projection
for interest 'rates and Mr. Moore clarified that we are just getting
prepared to sell the bonds if the marketing is reasonable.
Mr. Harmening moved to ratify the action of the Council adopting
Resolution No. 78-UU~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion.
Motion carried 5-0.
Agreement Covering Participation in the Palm. Beach County Library
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that this agreement is similar to
last year and we will receive ~26~837.46. He would like this to
be passed.
Mr. Caldwel! moved to execute the agreement between the City of
Boynton Beach and the Palm Beach County Public Library System and
authorize proper e~eeution of said agreement~ seconded by Mr.
DeMareo. No discuss%on. Motionoarried 5-0.
Consider Request ~r Temporary T~ailers (2) for Sales Office and
Constr~otion Office at Bass Creek II (Tabled)
Mr. Ca!dwell moved to remove f~om the table the Bass Creek tempor-
ary trailer question~ seconded by Mr. Hammening. Motion carried
Mr. Kohl s~ted tkat he submitted a copy of the letter from Bass
Creek Corporation requesting permission to park two (2) trailers
on the property of
100 ft. west of S.
trailer is to be u
constr~ction offic
30~ Section 30-3 C
Also submitted was
of the proposed t~iler location.
on this matter.
Bass Creek II, North of Woolbright Road and
W. 8th Street, Lake Boynton Estates. One
sed for a sales office and the other for a
s. The mequest is in accordance with Chaptem
f the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances.
a copy of the zoning map showing the location
May he have Council?s wishes
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Mr. Roberts referred to development going on in this area and
stated that the original size of the lots in this area
platted at 50 ft. whieh is non-eonforming. He believes they
will not be allowed to build on a 50 ft. lot~ but on this basis~
why has a site plan not ~een submitted to the Planning & Zoning
Board? Mr. Howell informed him that he and the City Planner met
with these people and they have agreed to meet the subdivision
regulations although this is a previously platted subdivision.
The builder will build on 75 ft. lots. There will be street
dedications and they will be paved. Mr. Roberts asked if the
plan would be submitted to the Planning $ Zoning Board and Mm.
Howell replied that there is a shbdivision plan showing the
recreation areas, etc. Mr. Caldwell asked if the plat plans
willie binding as submitted to the Planning $ Z~ning Board and
Y~. Howell Dep!iedthat it is platted~ but there will be some
ehanges. Mayor Jackson asked if it-would go to the County and
M~. Kowell replied negatively. Mr. ~oome elarified that it 'will
not be a rep!~t. Mr. Roberts referred to it being platted about
50 years ago-and Mr. Howell replied that it was platted in 1927.
Mr. Robemts ~e~arked that if we are running the City o~ 50 year
old picts, t~enon-conforming lots should be bmought up to pre-
sent ~equire~e~ts. When Ordinance No. 78-5 was passed, he asked
how many non-c®nforming lots there were in the City then and was
told only about 50 or 60, but now this whole a~ea has eome to his
Mr. Caldwell moved to approve the request for temporary trailers
as requested by Bass Creek, seeonded by Mr. DeMareo. No discus-
sion. Motion carried 5-0.
Christmas Parade
Mayor Jackson announced that she has heard there are several
groups who would like to have floats in our parade and do not
have the money to f-inanee them eompletely. She then read a
notiee sent out by Boca Raton offering- manpower and money to
help in building floats for their parade. She feels this is a
worthwhile project for any eity. She would like to get the feel-
ing of the rest of the Couneil whether we should ~giue different
organizations some help on their ~loats.
Mm. DeMareo stated that if we are going to have a parade~ we
should put e~ort into it and he does not see anything wrong
with the City cooperating with different groups. He agrees
some ground rules should be made. Mayor Jackson added that
there is not a thing which brings more good will than this
with eooperating together.
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Mr.'Kohl clarified thatwe have never asked what Boca Raton is
asking. There have been two or three gmoups who had floats built
by the Cityand theypaid for the materials and man ~urs. They
· will pay'for matemials and man hours onCity time. The Little
League has done it and Village Royale on the Green wants the same
kind of thing. The employees have refused to work on their own
time in view of what has happened. !TLework is done on City time
and the mOneypaid into the City ~coffers. It is City business.
That is what the Christmas Parade is~l about.
Mr. DeMarco referred to this co~ing up during the last eouole
yeams and stated that it~shoutd be settled that we are in agree-
ment this is what we are going to do. This is not spending
City money.
Mm. Roberts made a motion that we help anybody at their own ex-
pense. Mm. Kohl clarified that they pay for material and man
hours on City time. Mr. C~ldwell asked if an ordinance or reso-
lution was in order and Mr. Moore replied that sometimes we get
boxed in with accusations and this is determined to be a public
purpose. Mm. DeMareo seconded the motion and the motion carried
Mayor Jackson requested Mr. Kohl to let Village Royale on the
Green and the Little League know about this decision as well as
anybody else interested.
DiscussiAmendment to Ordinance No. 78-5 - Re: Non-conforming Lots
Councilman David Roberts
Mr. Roberts referred to Ordinanee No. 78-5 being passed at the
request of the people in Laurel Hills beoause of their feeling
that their ares was being downgraded because of building on non-
eonfommin~ lots and stated if possible~ the lots should be en-
larged. At this time~ he thought there were not too many of
these lots around and was in agreement with this ordinance.
However~ he recently found out about the Bass Creek development.
He thinks it is ridiculous to operate on the basis of a develop-
ment platted 50 years ago. There are plenty of non-conforming
lots around including 40 ft. lots on which two houses were built
recently %~th a 6 ft. setback. If we are going to upgrade the
City, we should allow somebody to build on a single lot they own~
but if there is more than one !ot~ they should be made to enlarge
the lots to conform to the new megulations. They are not denied
the right to build on one lot if they own it.
Mayor Jackson referred to there being many single 50 ft. lots and
Mr. Roberts replied that this is not what he is talking about~
OCTOBER 3~ 1978
but if there is more than one lot: they should be made to conform.
He did not realize there were so many. He explained how the
builders would tend to crowd houses on these small lots to make
a buck. He thinks the ordinance should be reworded that if there
is more than one lot~ they should upgrade to the present require-
ments. Mr. Harmening stated that this is what Bass Creek is doing
and Mr. Roberts agreed, but questioned how many more are left
around town.
Mr. Caldwell stated that the intent of this ordinance is to accom-
modate what he stated. Legally we cannot penalize a person owning
one lot with no contiguous land from buildin~ on it. Mayor
Jackson referred to some areas being platted in 25 ft. lots and
statedthat variances were usually granted by the Board of Adjust-
ment previously to build on 50 ft. lots. ~iv, Roberts clarified
that he is talking about people who have bought several 50 ft.
lots for speculation. He has found out there are hundreds of
such lots. He does not think the City should be developed on the
basis of 50 year old platting,
Mr. Moore suggested that there be some investigation to see how
many non-conforming lots there are.
Mr. Howell referred to the two 40 ft. lots mentioned and explained
that these lots actually fae~ 0eean Avenue but the houses face
8th Street and the 6 ft. in the rear is aetual!y the side setback.
He is sure we have a few 50 ft. lots, but if somebody buys five
or six in a row, he has to subdivide. Mr. Moore asked if ~nybody
owned a large inventory of lots whieh would fall within this
ordinance and Mr. Howell replied that he is sure there are areas
with four or five in a row, Mayor Jackson asked if it would be
much trouble to find out and Mr. Howell replied that he could do
Mr. Caldwell suggested that Mr. Bowell be directed to do a study.
He further explained how there was a legal question whether we
eau mandate an owner to divide three 50 ft. lots into two 75 ft.
lots. Mr. Moore replied that at that time, it was felt there
were not too many of these situations around and he thinks this
survey will be of help.
Mr. Roberts stated that he did not believe we are depriving any-
body the right to build on a 40 or 50 ft. lot at the present
time, but he believes we have the right to upgrade a partieular
area and not contrary to law enforee our ordinanees.
Mayor Jaekson*s~ggested Mr. Kohl handle this investigation
administratively and give a report.
*See Minutes
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Discuss Article II, Section 20 (b): Pensions & Retirement Systems,
Establishment $ Limitations Mayor Emily M. Jackson
Mayor Jackson read the following sentence from the oode:
person receiving pension or retirement benefits f~om the City may
serve for compensation in any City office or employment without
waiving all such benefits while so serving.?~ She referred to
the possibility of someone having worked for the City for a long
time and being retired receiving pension and asked if they de-
cided to run for the City Council, does this mean they must give
up their pension or serve without compensation? She does not
think thisiis fair and would like their feelings.
Mr. Moore replied regarding the fairness of it, the Council would
have to make a decision. If it is felt it is unfair or improper,
they could take steps to repeal it. He believes there was a
referendum on this since it is part of Civil Service which was
passed by the State Legislature.
Mayor Jackson stated that her feeling is someone has worked for
many years and put their money in for pension and if elected to
the Council is entitled to the same pay as anyone else. Mr.
Roberts replied that there is a provision that if the person
is retired~ their pension is reduced by the amount of compensa-
tion. Mayor Jackson stated that according to this, you must
give up one or the other. Mr. Moore agreed, but added he did
not know the intent of the Legislature for this section.
Mr. Harmening stated that it probably keeps somebody from retir-
mng and going to work for the City and drawing two paychecks.
He has no objection to repealing it or exempting anyone duly
elected to the City Council.
Mr. Roberts stated that he thinks the pension would have to be
reduced by the amount they get from the City.
Mr. Caldwell stated that theoretically a man elected to office
can move for and increase his own pension benefitsaand there
might be a question as to a conflict there.
Mayor Jackson suggested having Mr. Moore check into bt. Mr.
DeMarco agreed and added that he did not think it is fair like
it is. Mr. Rmberts added that the other provisions under Civil
Service should be takeninto consideratio~ regarding the compen-
sation being reduced by that amount.
Mr. DeMarco made a motion to tumn this over to the City Attorney
for further study and research and make a report at the next
meeting. Mr. Caldwell stated that a motion is not needed and
this can be done by administrative direction to the City Attorney.
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Mayor Jackson added that something else also came up about Civil
Service and stated that aceordino to the Civil Service rules if
we have someone suspended and then reinstated, he gets back pay.
Supposing he has had a job during the interim, do we pay him for
the interim? Mr. Hammening replied ~Ffirmatively. Mr. Kohl re-
plied that we never checked to see where he worked as it never
came up. Mayor Jackson remarked that the man could be getting
paid twice. Mr. Harmening stated when a man is reinstated, the
suspension was illegal.
Consider Recommendation Re: Drexel Properties' Pinetree Village,
Phase II -
Mr. Kohl read the attached letter from Mr. Prank Meier, Vice
President oF Drexel Properties, Inc., dated September 13, 1978.
He then read Mr. CessnaTs memo dated September 15, 1978.
Mr. Roberts asked if there was some way to reward for installa-
tion For future development and Mr. Harmening replied that there
are eonneetion eharges. Mayor Jackson added also user char~es.
Mr. Roberts stated that it should be liable for the difference
between the 8" and 16". Mr. Kohl replied affirmatively and
added that we have done this previously.
Mr. Caldwell questioned our participation and Mr. Harmenin~ re-
plied that we will pay qhe difference.
Mr. DeMarco moved to accept Mr. Cessna's recommendation and have
the City pay the difference between the 8" and 16" water line,
seconded by M~. Caldwelt. No diseussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Request For Bio-surF Unit at Sewage Treatment Plant
Mr. Kohl read Mr. Cessnats memo dated September 29~ 1978:
"At the Sewage Treatment Plant, we have what is called a
thio-surf~ unit which consists of two horizontal shafts, chain-
driven with p3~ie media about 8 feet in diameter which help
treat the sewage. This had been installed under the new con-
traet before I eame here, approximately 4 years ago. The shaft
on one of these two units has failed. The contractor which fur-
D/shed these two units has offered to replace this shaft with a
new one. However, the cost of taking the plastic oFF oF the
.~s~h_a_~.a_Qdmep!acing it would be in the neighborhood of $8,000
to $10,000~ as it would require two large cranes for probably
4 or 5 days~ at somewhere around $!00 per hour, plus manpower.
We do need this uo/t and will need it as we continue to
phase out the plant, and Flow is reduced by diverting part oF
the flow to the Regional System. I have had lengthy discussions
with the manufaeturer over how we could put this back into oper-
ation, so that it would last at least another year during our
phase-out operation.
OCTOBER 3, 1978
As a result~ I have been in contact with TomTs Welding, who
has done work for us before. I have talked with him, the manufac-
turer, and their chief engineer (on the WATTS line). As a result
of these talks, Tom's Welding has furnished us with the attached
proposal, whiAch I strongly recommend that we approve, preferably
on an emer<3enoy basis~ so that 'we man repair this unit and get it
back into operation.
We would have money available inthe new budget under Equip-
ment Repairs, #401-353-535-40.33, Do eover this if this is approved
on an emergency basis. Your consideration would be greatly appre-
Mr. Koh!! added that he would like to do this as we would like to
keep it for another year.
Mr. Harmening moved to approve this request, seconded by Mr.
Caldwell. Under discussion~ Mr. Harmening asked if both are on
the same shaft and Mr. Cessna informed him there are two shafts,
but at the base of one of the shafts, all the welding came~ose.
Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Recommendation - Re: Numbering of Streets in New Subdivisions
Mr. Kohl read the following memo from Mr. Howell dated September
29, 1978:
T'I would appreciate your bringing this recommendation to
City Council's attention as soon as possible, due to the fact
that we have several new subdivisions starting.
It has always been my recommendation that new subdivision
stmeets be numbered according to the overall street system in
Boynton Beach, and that they coincide with existing streets.
In the ease of someone wanting to name the streets, I would
not object to this as long as they also put the numbers of the
avenue, street, place, lane, etc. on the same sign (S.E. 6th
Ave.~ ~t~). I have one subdivision in partieular coming in soon
who wants to name their streets, and they might possibly object
to this.
The Postmaster is vemy much in agreement with me about the
uniformity of this~ and I feel it would be to the best interest
of the City, as well.
I would appreciate your cooperation in this recommendation
and the City Council's views. If they are in agreement with me,
I would like an ordinance to back up the enforcement of same.'~
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Mayor Jackson stated that she feels we lose our individuality with
numbered streets, but agrees we should have them. Mr. Ca!dwel!
stated that he likesthe number system for the sake of simplicity.
Ne questioned if the post office would get confused if a company
has stationery printed with the named street and the numbered
street listed underneath? How is it handled by the post office,
by the name or number? Mr. Howell informed him that the post
office gets a copy of all new subdivisions with the street names
noted. Mr. Harmening rema~lced that it is easier to find your
way in numbered areas than with named streets.
Mm. Caldwell moved to accept the recommendation of Mr. Howell
allowing for a number system as well as names for street iden-
tification in new subdivisions. Mr. DeMarco pointed our that
the request was for a number system in lieu of names and Mr.
Harmening replied that it could be a dual system. Mr. Roberts
questioned the need for both. Mr. DeMarco stated that if the
streets are going to be named, then the number should be added
underneath. Mr. Moore informed them that itmust be either a
numerical system or by name. Mr. Caldwell clarified that pri-
marily all will have a number system~ but they can name the
streets for their own purposes. Mr. Harmening stated that he
has seen a dual system in use~ but it takes bigger signs and
for those foreign to the area, numbers make it easier. Mr.
Roberts stated that he did not approve of a street having a
half dozen names. Mr. DeMarco then seconded the motion. Under
discussion, Mr. Howell clarified that basically he was after
numerical prominence and Mr. DeMarco replied that they will go
b~ number, but can still utilize names if they want, Motion
carried 5-0.
Consider Request for Temporary Trailer (1) for Office Use - North
Federal Highway (Behind Gulfstream Marina)
Mr. Kohl read thetattached letter dated September 25, 1978 from
Mr. Jerry Doyle, Captain Jemmy~s~ Inc., d/b/a The Crab Dock. He
also read Mr. Howetlts recommendation and advised that this
quest is in compliance with our Code of Ordinances, Chapter 30,
Section 30-3. May he have Counci!~s wishes please.
Mr. John Jameson, 649 Los Pa!mas, appeared before the Council and
stated he was particularly concerned about the word 'Ttemporary'~.
What is the Cityts definition of temporary? At this location,
there is a congested conglomeration of structures. There is an
office for Big Ben and an offiee for Sea Queen, two drift boats,
which, to his knowledge~ are not tied down. He wonders if these
were placed there with the City's approval. If they are tempor-
ary, they have been there for quite awhile. Wouldn't it be to
the City[s advantage to have these structures made permanent
and placed on the tax molls? They should look at the overall
picture and he questions whether another temporary structure
should be allowed on this property when there are already two.
Mr. Kohl stated that he did not know there were two trailers there
already and Mr. Jameson clarified that there were two structures.
Mr. Caldwel! suggested possibly stipulating the length of time
allowed and Mr. Jameson agreed, but stressed that it should be
Mr. DeMarco suggested possibly tabling this until Mr. Kohl can
make a further study and Mr. Kohl replied that it does not affeot
this request, but he will check into these statements.
Mr. Roberts asked if a year was a reasonable amount of time and
Mr. Kohl replied that he believes six to nine months would be
Mr. Roberts moved to permit this trailer for six months and if
additional time is needed, the applicant must apply and show
cause why it is needed ~urther. Mr. Caldwel! seoonded the
motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Proposal from Cemetery Board - Re: Mausoleum
Mr. Kohl read the following memo dated September 28, 1978, from
Mr. Edgar D. Hurford, Chairman of the Cemetery Board:
"The Cemetery Board is in receipt of a letter from City
Manager Kohl dated June 27, 1978 enolosing-~he minutes of your
regular meeting of June 20, 1978 and the opinion of the City
The City Attorney is correct in stating that no eity, county
or state law precludes building of a mausoleum in our cemetery.
After further study and careful consideration, the Cemetery
Board supports unanimously the proposal submitted by the Boynton
Beach Mausoleum, inc.
We are very grateful to all of you for your courtesy to Mr.
Brady Osborne, Executive Vice President, Boca Raton Mausoleum, Inc.
Mr. Osborne will be present at the Counoil meeting October
1978, to answer any more sestions that you may~ave.'T
Mayor Jackson referred to everyone having a chance to study this
at length and Mr. Ca!dwell replied that the Cemetery Board has
unanimously endorsed this after looking thoroughly into alterna-
tive proposals and if they feel it is feasible, legal, and econom-
ically sound, why not allow it? Mayor Jackson questioned whether
an ordinance or contract was needed and Mr. Moore replied that a
proposal has been submitted. Mr. Roberts suggested that the eon-
tract be reviewed f~oma legal standpoint and Mr. Moore replied
that he has not endorsed the project, but his memo speaks for
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Mr. DeMareo referred to Boom Raton having one similar to what is
proposed and stated that everything has been working okay for
them. In looking ahead, it will be needed with the population
projeeted. Mr. Roberts added that several have moved elsewhere
because we do not have a mausoleum. Also, the City is not being
involved with anymoney or expenditures. He does not see any
harm in having a mausoleum like Roma Raton.
Mr. Caldwell moved to aeeept the reeommendation of the Cemetery
Boamd and execute the necessary contract, semonded by Mr. DeMarco.
Under diseussion~ Mr. Caldwell referred to it being the same eon-
traetwhieh.was submitted in Mayor June and Mr. Hurford agmeed
and added that they have had the proposal and the attorneys are
making a binding contract for the Council. Mr. Moore clarified
that Mr. Osborne will prepame a fommal contramt in line with the
proposal. Mm. Osborne requested the Counmil to vote the proposal,
then their firmwil! get together with the City Attorney and draw
a eontramt just as the proposal is stated.
Mr. Caldwell changed his motion to approve the proposal and tb/s
firmwil~ get together with the City Attorney and draw a eontraet
just as the proposal is stated~ seconded by Mr. DeMareo. Under
diseussion~ Mr. Moore referred to his previous comment regarding
the possibility of losing the tax exempt status and asked if this
was checked with the comptroller?s offiee and Mr. Osborne replied
affirmatively and the City will come under the Cemetery Aet, but
will not lose their tax exemption. Mr. Moore referredtto audit-
ing forths coming under the Cemetery Act and Mr. Osborne replied
that Boca Raton does not. Mr. Roberts clarified that the motion
was to aecept the pmoposal and Mayor Jaekson replied affirmatively.
Motion earried 5-0.
Mr. Osborne then thanked the Council for the confidence expressed
in his organization and stated theywil! attempt to justify their
confidence by building a mausoleum wkich will be a credit to the
City of Boynton Beach and will operate it in a manner which will
be a credit to the industry.
Consider Receipt of Proposals for Water Line Extensions
Mr. Kohl referred to the regular Council meeting of August 1~ 1978,
and stated he was given appmoval to eontaot several eontraotors
askin~ for proposals to be presented for Couneilts consideration
for water line extensions. He has submitted two proposals, one
from Belvedere Construction Company for the amount of $52,655.00
and the other from R $ R Utilities, Inm. in the amount of
$55,838.30. He added that we went out for bids, but mould not
get any bids prior to this.
Mr. Roberts asked if these were going to be installed deep enough
and Mr. Kohl replied that these are not in the roads. Mayor
Jackson referred to a time limit and Mr. Caldwell pointed out
that the one bid noted work to begin within ten days after
OCTOBER 3~ 1978
receipt of notice to proceed and completion within 60 days. Mr.
Kohl advised that Mr. Cessna tried to get more proposals, but-was
unable to. He explained how the job involved a lot of hand dig-
ging. Mr. Cessna further explained the locations and the job in-
volved. Mayor Jackson clarified that these will not be in the
streets and Mr. Cessna agreed and advised that they are mostly
in rights-of-way in alleys.
Mr. Ca!dwell referred to Belvedere Construction Co. having no
completion date stated and stated he eould not vote for anything
not specifying a completion date. Mayor Jackson referred to the
pmice difference. Mr. Hammening referred to this being a small
job and explained why he thoughtwe did not have to worry too
much about the completiondate. Mr. Kohl agreed and advised
that it would probably be completed in two months. Mr. Cessna
further explained how there was a t~mendous amount of hand
digging, fences to be moved, concrete walls to be tunneled under~
etc. and the contractor would have to get in and move out.
Mr. DeMarco moved to accept the proposal from Belvedere Construe-
tion Company to complete these water lines, seconded by Mr.
Harmening. Under discussion~ Mr. Caldwell asked if the 60 day
completion clause was eincluded and Mr. DeMarco meplied that the
fact could be stressed regarding a time limit. Mr. Kohl stated
that he would get it done in 60 days. Motion earried 5-0.
Consider Acceptance of Resignation from Mrs. Emily B. Sinclair,
Reereation& Park Board
Mr. Caldwell moved to accepttthe resignation from Mrs. Emily B.
Sinclair with a letter of thanks for her serviees being sent.
Mr. DeMarco seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried
Consider Appointment to Replace Above
Mayor Jackson referred to only having three months left in this
year~ the Board only meets once a month, and they have a good
attendance record and questioned whether an appointment was
necessary at this time. Mr. Caldwell replied that we have re-
ceived a letter from Mrs. Judy Sisko indicating a strong desire
to serve on this Board; she is willing, ready and able to serve
even if only for three months. Mayor Jackson informed him that
there have been suggestions before that certain City employee's
families be on Boards: but we have not at any time hadeCity
employee's families on Boards. Mr. Caldwell stated that if
there is an unwritten law, Mrs. Sisko should be notified. Mayor
Jackson continued that she believed a prec~Sent would be set by
making such an appointment. Others have asked and we consistently
have nor done it. Mr. Caldwell requested that Mrs. Sisko be
informed one way or the other.
OCTOBER $, 1978
Mr. Roberts suggested that the appointment be deferred until the
first of the year. Mayor Jackson agreed and suggested that the
Recreation Boamd be notified° Mr. Kohl stated that he would write
a letter to the Board.
Mr. Caldwe!! referred to clarifying this and suggested that a
resolution be prepared setting out the ground rules as desired
by the Council. Mr. Roberts suggested that he put this item on
the agenda for the next meeting.
Consider Applications for Pemmit to So!Jolt: Amora ShrireTemple - A.A.O.N.M.S.
League ~f Women Voters of South Palm Beach County
BoyntonBeach Community Improvement Forum
Mr. Kohl read these three applications ~equesting permits to
solicit. Mr. Harmening moved that permission be granted,
seconded by Mr. Coldwell. No discussion. Motion married 5-0.
Consider Approva!of Budget Transfer Requests
Contingency to Drug Abuse
Mr. DeMareo moved to remove this from the table, seconded by Mr.
Hammening. Motion earried 5-0.
Mr. Roberts referred to discussing this at a meeting previously
and stated that we do have an obligation. Mayor Jackson replied
that $6,000 was mentioned, but then Rev. Wollenweber wrote and
said it was not enough and requested an additional $6,000. Mr.
Harmening stated that if the organization is going to fold their
operation if they don~t get the additional $6,000, he doesn't see
any reason to give the first $67000. Mr. Roberts advised that he
reoeived a message that the $6,000 would be mose welcome and they
would seek other means to get the other $6,000.
Mr. Caldwell moved to authorize the budget transfer from Contin-
geneies to South County Drug Abuse Foundation for $67000. Mr.
Roberts seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Roberts
referred to the Counoil being generous in response to such re-
quests and suggested that these things be looked into a little
more carefully. Mayor Jackson replied that this is why she
voTed~against it in the first place. She looked into it and
found out in Boca Raton and De!ray Beach, the United Way made
the donations. Hopefully someone will start a United Way in
Boynton Beach so the one group could take care of the requests
with the money heine allotted. Mr. Ca!dwell agreed it was a
pmob!em with not having a United Way and this is the reason
this foundation had to come to the City. Mayor Jackson stated
that people contribute ~or the United Way, but not to the City
for this purpose. Mr. Roberts agreed~ but stated in this oase~
we are committed. Mayor Jackson stated when somebody comes to
OCTOBER 3: 1978
a meeting and requests a donation, we should be eautious and table
the request until researehing it. We also made a promise to the
Visiting Nurses Association and we do nor have an elastie fund and
these requests should be researched further. Motion carried 4-1
with Mayor Jackson dissenting.
General Administration (General Fund)to Various Departments
General Administration (Water & Sewer Revenue Fund) to
Various Departments
Mr. Kohl read the Budget Transfer Request to appropriate funds
for fringe benefits (Workmen's Compensation) to the individual
departments ~ listed as State mandated on October 1, 1978
(General Fund). He also read the Budget Tmansfer Request to
appropriate funds for f~ingebenefits (Workmen's Compensation)
to the individual departments listed as State mandated on
October 17 1978 (Water LS~ewer Revenue Fund). As explained
previously~ this was mandated by the State for the uniform aeeount-
lng system.
Mr. Caldwell moved the approval of the necessary transfer of funds
to comply with the State mandated uniform accounting system,
seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion earried 5-0.
Consider Zoning Approval for Beer & Wine License
Mr. Kohl read an application submitted by the Crab Dock, 2280 N.
Federal Highway. Mayor Jackson asked if this firm had other
places and~ the representative informed her that they have a
restaurant in Fort Lauderda!e and Riviera Beach. Mr. Roberts
asked if this was the same restaurant where the trailer will be
parked and Mr. Kohl replied affirmatively, while rebuilding the
Mr. Caldwel! moved
for the Crab DoCk,
Motion carried 5-0.
to grant approval for ~ beer and wine license
seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion.
Approval of Bills
Mr. Kohl read the following bills for approval:
1. Retirement Plans~ Inc.
Approved by the Pension Board 9/29/78
Aqua Chem Company, Inc.
Lime for Water Treatment Plant
Pay from Water & Sewer Revenue Fund 401-512-550-03-65
Herb Willard Trucking
Shell tot City
Pay from General Fund 001-401-540-02-3A
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Board of County Commissioners
Use of County Landfill for month of August 1978
Payfrom budgeted funds 001-321-530-02-9A
Servine Equipment Company, Inc.
9' Contractors Dumpbody & Semi Trap installed
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing 320-401-540-04-83
Pay from General Fund 001-401-540-02-33
~ 529.00
Council approved 8/15/78
Wa!lace McHarg Roberts & Todd
Comprehensive Plan
Pay from Genemal Fund 001-801-570-02-6A
GMC Tmuck Sales L Service 30,820.00
14-yard Dump Truck per bid 3/28/78
Pay f-rom Water & Sewer Revenue Pund 401-512-550-04-83
Council approved 4/4/78
Utilities Serviee, Inc. 9,615.95
Sewer Rodding Maching per bid 2/14/78
Pay from Water L Sewer Revenue Fund 401-531-550-04-42
C~uneil approved 2/21/78
NCRCorporation 1,169.19
For Utility Bills ~
Pay from Water & Sewer Revenue Fund 401-503-550-03-12
Big Chief 1,284.00
Demolition Work - 109 N.E. 1st St., Jackson Property
Pay from General Fund 001-301-570-04-11 per bid 7/11/78
Council approved 7/18/78
Florida Diesel Truck L Industrial
Repairs to ~22 - Sanitation Dept.
Pay from General Fund 001-321-530-02-33
t, 919.87
Willie Ruth McGrady
Server for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sham/hq 320-871-570-02-5A
Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73
96. O0
Isiah Andrews
Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Shaming 320-871-570-02-5A
Ordinance ~73-1S, passed 5/15/73
OCTOBER 3, 1978
Dawson Co. Est. =2
Raw Water Mains
Pay f-~om Utility General
Contract dated 6/22/78
Fund 401-000-169-01-00
Aetna Casualty g Surety Div.
For Workmen's Compensation Insurance
General Pund - ~127,026.00
Water $ Sewer Revenue Fund - $59,777.00
To be charged to various departments
Allen Insurance Agency 70,770.00
For Comprehensive Liability Insurance Renewal
Pay from General Fund 001-195-519-40-41 - ~43,170.00
Pay from Water g Sewer Revenue Fund 401-395-539-40-41
Barile Exeavating g Pipeline Est. ~4
Galaxy Park
Pay from Publie Works Grant Fund 350-835-570-05-73
Contraet dated 1/23/78
Mr. Kohl stated that the bills described have been approved and
verified by the department heads involved; checked and approved
for payment by the Finance Department; funds are availab~ein
their respective budgets. He therefore recommends payment of
these bills. He added that on the bill to Barile Excavating $
Pipeline, he would like permission to pay them when they start
work on the ball f~eld but not until they do. This bill is for
the lights and transformer~ but they are not doing the work pro-
mised and he will hold baek this payment.
Mr. Roberts referred to a page in the Florida League of Cities
Magazine devoted to self-insuring and Mr. Kohl replied that he
read this and we checked into this last year. Mr. Roberts
asked if there was any relief and Mr. Kohl replied that we are
afraid to make a move right now for certain~ reasons.
Mr. Caldwell moved to pay the bills~ including Barile Exeavating
and Pipeline to be paid at the City Manager's discretion,
seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Caldwell moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion
carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly'adjourned at !0:05 P. M.
OCTOBER 3, 1978
~, -' ///Mayor
Vie e~yor
y '~ Counei!man
City C!emk
R~eomdincf Seemetamy
(Three Tapes)
September 13, 1978
M!. Perry A Cessna, Director of Utilities
C~ty of~Boynton Beach
Post Office Box 310
120 N.E. 2nd Avenue
Boynton Beach, Florida 23435
Re: Pinetree Village Phase II
Dear Perry:
In your August 29 letter you requested information relative to the
development of Phase II of the above sub-division.
It seems highly likely that we will be starting the installation
of underground utilities in three months. That would put the start of under~
ground work at about December 12th of this year.
Please keep me advised a~to the C~ty_ proposed participatio~ in
the enlargement of our-~f'~r'waterlin~ to a 16" line.
Sincerely yours,
DREXEL BUILDING · 5554 North Federal Highway · Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33308 · Phone (305) 776-1710
Frank Kohl September 15, 1978
city Manager ~,~
A. Cessna
Director of Utilities
Drexel Properties' Pinetree
Village, Phase II, Letter
dated 9/13/78
Attached is a copy of a letter, which t received today, from Frank Meier
of Drexel P~operties.
For your information, the master plan calls for a 16" line from Con-
gress Avenue westward to the south end of Lawrence Road, and then
northward along Lawrence Road, tying into the 12" water main. Approxi-
mately t~ years ago, there was some sort of mixup and Drexel did not
advise us, which resulted in an 8" line being installed in the north
half of Lawrence Road, between 15th Avenue and SR 804. By this letter,
you can see that they are now preparing to install the 8" water main
southward to the S. W. 15th Avenue extension.
It is my recommednation that we should advise Drexel that we wish to
install this line as a 16" line, and that we will take bids on both
an 8" and 16" line. We would then participate in the amount of the
difference h~tween the bids on these two sizes. I would presume that
council should "OK" this participation. We are ta/kinq ~bout approxi-
mately $10.00 per foot di~fferential between the cost of an 8" and 16".
This represents approximately 2,600 feet of pipe. sixteen-inch pipe
presently is going for approximately $25.00 per lineal foot.
Tour commentsand city Council's approval and/or recommendations are
requested at the earliest time, so that we can advise Robert E. Owen
and Associates and Drexel Properties, and so that they do not take
bids on'the 8" water main.
PAC :bt
Central File
October 3, 1978
D. Consider Request for Temporary Trailer (1) for Office Use
North Federal Highway (Behind Gulfstream Marina)
Transmitted herewith is copy of recommendation from our Building
Official regarding the-above request which is also attached.
The above request is in compliance with our Code of Ordinances,
Chapter 30, Section 30-3.
May I have Council's wishes please?
Please put the following item on the City Council Agenda for above date*
1. Description Letter of request for one (1) trailer (office) to be located on
lot 6 less West 94' r/w SR 5, Sam Brown Jr. Coeb_ind Gulfstream Marina on the
Intracoastal)- until ~estaurant is built. {Approx. l!rr. )
:2. If Bid item - AmoUnt budgeted and Account Number
3- Recommendations Cmn~dera~mn in accordance wi~h Chapter 30, Section 30v3 of -
the City of Bo~ton Beach Code of
· 4. Explanation of Recommendations, in full (attach additional sheets if necessary}.
Documents, detailed cost estimates, maps, etc., supporting each item should be attached
and be reproduced in sufficient number for the City Manager and each Council Member .to
~eceive a copy.
Att: Letter of Request
Copy of Zoning Map location
Item Number Item Number
Agend~ Date Agenda Date
~Action Action
September 2S, 1~78
Mrl Bud Howell
Building Official
City of Bo)~ton Beach
Dear Mr. Howell:
We submit for your approval a request to place a mobile
home or a travel trailer on our leased premises at 2280 North
Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, Florida, to be used as an
office 'for the restaurant we will ha'ye there.
The mobile home or travel trailer will be parked on a
concrete sl~b, properly secured and be' behind an eight foot
wood-stockade type 'fence.' --
We request this mobile home for temporary use for approximately
one year until a permanent structure can be constructed.