Minutes 07-18-78~EAO/4~ PLO~/DA~ HELD I~ CITY HALL~ TU~$D~Y~ 0~/LY 18~ 19~8
Emily M. Jackson, Mayor
Edward P. Harmening, Vice Mayor
P/chard D. Coldwell, Councilman
Joseph DeMarco, Councilman
David Roberts, Counoilman
Prank Kohl~ City Manager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Mayor Jackson welcomed everyone and called the meeting ~o order at
7:30 P. M. She announced the Invoeation would be given by City Mana-
ger, Frank Kohl~ and the Pledge of Allegianoe to the Flag would be
led byCouncilman Joe DeMareo. She requested everyone to please rise.
Mayor Jackson asked if there were any additions, deletions or correc-
~tions To the agenda.
Mr. Kohl referred to Item H under Administrative and informed the
Council that the appeals have been withdrawn on items 1 and 2. Under
Approval of Bills, he would like to add one from RitapInc. for Galaxy
Park and Pioneer Park which he will explain. Under X. OTHER~ he would
like to add a letter from the Department of Community Affairs in re-
gards to a one month extension.
'Mr. DeMaroo moved to adopt the agenda as corrected~ seconded by Mr.
Coldwell. Motion oarried 5-0.
Presentation of Service Awards to City Employees by Mayor Emily Jackson
Mayor Jackson announced that she thinks it is a great thing in the
City when people oome to the City to work and stay. It is a great
honor to present awards to people who have been here a long time.
She presented a service pin to Mr. James Rhoden~ Sr.~ Captain in
the Fire Department, who has been with the City for 15 years. She
then presented service pins to the following for ten years of ser-
vice: Harold Hammond, Beaoh Custodian; Thomas Williams, Recreation
Supervisor III; and Willie Moody~ Sanitation Supervisor.
Board of County CommissionersT Public Informational Meetings - Re:
Revised Charter
Mayor Jackson announced that she understands the Board of County
Commissioners this afternoon did pass on first reading the County
Charter. There will be public hearings anyone may attend~ so they
know what they will be voting on. She then read the attaohed list
of scheduled meetings.
Civil Defense and Hurricane Information
Mayor Jackson referred to this being hurricane season and read a list
of places available for shelters. She added that one paper did list
the Boynton Beach City Council Chambers, which cannot be used because
the seats cannot be moved Also, it was said the middle school could
be used, but it has been declared unsafe and that constructi6n fault
had nothing to do with the City of Boynton Beach ~s we did not have
anything to do with the inspections. She announeedthat lists were
available in the back of the room listing the numbers to be called
in case of emergency and a list of the shelters.
Regular City Council Meeting - July 5, 1978
Mr. Roberts referred to P~ge 11 and stated he thought it was a bit
confusing where Mayor Jackson called for a vote on the amendment and
suggested for clarification that it ~ate: T~be excluded from site plan
review and City Counoit.'T Mayor Jackson agreed this would make it
Mr. Coldwell moved to approve the minutes as corrected, seconded by
Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
One (1) Microfilm System and Reader/Printer with Odometer (Tabled)
Mr. Kohl requested this to remain on the table because he just re-
celled word this afternoon that the board wants to study this fur-
ther. One of the companies submitted good information which they
want to research. It will be ready for the next agenda.
Construction of Wastewater Facilities for Regional Pollution Control,
Section I, Part A, Lift Stations and Part B, Force Mains
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that bids on the above were opened on
Tuesday, July 11~ 1978 at 2:00 P. M. in the office of our Purchasin~
Agent~ Mr. William H. Sullivan. Copy of correspondence from Mr. Joe
Swan, P.E.~ of Russell & Axon indicating his reeommendation of accept-
ing the bid from Intereounty Construction Corp. for Section Is Part A
in the amount of $1,972,000.00; and from Paul N. Howard Company for
Section I, Part B in the amount of $2,773,995.00; both of whom are
the low bidders~ has been submitted. May he have Council's wishes
please. He added if they would like to ask questions, Russell L Axon
are present in the audience.
Mr. Catdwell moved to award the bids for Part A to Intercounty Con-
stmuotion Corp. and Part B to Paul N. Howard Company for the purpose
of lift stations and force mains~ seconded by Mr. DeMaroo. Mayor
Jackson clarified that it was moved and seoonded tA award the bids
per the recommendation of the City Manager. Under discussion, Mr.
DeMarco added that the bids are close to the estimates~ within 3%.
Motion carried 5-0.
JULY 18, 1978
Mayor Jacksonannounced that she was sorry she had jumped over this
item. She requested anyone wishing to speak on any item on the agenda
to please give their name to Mrs. Padgett. She added that 'this did
not include the Public Hearing, as anyone will be allowed to speak at
that time. She thenasked if anyone wished to speak on any ~tem not
on the agenda and received no response.
BIDS (Continued)
Water Line Extensions
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that bids on the above were scheduled for
opening on Tuesday, July 11, 1978, at 3:00 P. M. in the Office of our
Purchasing Agent, Mm. William H. Sullivan. However, there were no
bids received on this projeot; therefore, the Tabulation Committee is
requesting that this item be tabled for a recommendation to be sub-
mitred at a later date. May he have CouncilTs wishes please.
Mr. Harmening moved to table, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Motion ear-
tied 5-0.
Lamp Platform Supports - Wilson Ball£ield
M~. Kohl informed the Council that bids on the above were opened in
the office of our Purchasing Agent, Mr. William Sullivan, on Tuesday,
July 11, 1978, at 4:00 P. M. The Tabulation Committee recommends
acceptance of the low bid from T $ T Engineering of Boynton Beach in
the a~unt of $5,669.36. A copy o£ the Tabulation Sheet, Proposal
and Affidavit signed by Mr. Terry Vollmer~ owner of T g T Engineering,
have been submitted. Ail the legal requirements have been met. Funds
for this project are available in Account 001-000-115-87-00, Palm
Beach County Community Development Bloek Grant (Wilson Park). He
eoneurs with the recommendation of the Tabulation Committee. May he
have Council's wishes on this matter.
Mm. Coldwell moved to grant the awarding of the bid to T L T Enoineer-
lng of Boynton Beach in the amount of $5,669.36~ seconded by Mr.
Harmening. No diseussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Eight (8) Pre-Stressed Concrete Poles - Wilson Ballfield
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that bids on the above were opened on
Wednesday, July 12, 1978, at 11:00 A. M. in the office of our Purchas-
ing Agent, Mr. William Sullivan. The Tabulation Committee recommends
acceptance of the low bid from South Eastern Prestressed Concrete,
Inc. in the amount of $17,992.00. A copy of the Tabulation Sheet,
Proposal and Affidavit signed by Mr. Charles F. Philips, President of
South Eastern Prestressed Concrete, Ino., West Palm Beach, have been
submitted. Ail legal rqquirements have been met. Funds for this pro-
ject are available in Account 001-000-115-8Y-00, Palm Beach County
CQmmuD/ty Development Block Grant (Wilson Park). May he have CouneitTs
Wmshes on this matter.
JULY 18, 1978
Mr. Harmening moved to accept the Tabulation CommitteeTs reeommenda-
t-ion and award the bid for eight prestmessed concrete poles for Wilson
Ball Field to South Eastern Prestmessed Conerete~ Inc., in the amount
of $17,992.00. Mr. DeMareo seconded the motion. No discussion.
Motion carried 5-0.
Demolition ~ork - 109 N.E. 1st Street
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that bids on the above were opened on
Tuesday, July 1!~ 1978, at 3:30 P. M. in the office of our Purchasing
Agent, Mr. William H. Sullivan. The Tabulation Committee recommends
acceptance of the low bid from Big Chief, Ine. of Port Lauderdale for
the amount of $1: 2~.00. A copy of the Tabulation Sheet, Proposal
and Affidavit signed by Mm. Cliff Geyer, President of Big Chief, have
been submitted. ~ has checked all other requirements and everything
is in order. Funds for the above were not auailable after the finali-
zation of the Cit?s purehase of the ?'Jackson~? property from the ac-
count to whieh monies had been allocated for this; therefore, if Coun-
eil grants approval, we will also need the ~oltowing:
Budget Transfer Request:
001-801-570-08.117 Gen. Fund/Fixed Charges/
001-801-570-04.11, Gen. Fund/Fixed Chargesf
Land-Ocean & N.E. 1st St.
He concurs with the recommendations of the Tabulation Committee. He
added that the reason we do have a difference is there were monies
we had to expend because of buying property and paying the legal re-
Mr. Harmening moved to accept the bid for demolition work at 109 N.E.
1st Street upon the recommendation of the Tabulation Committee and
City Manager and award to Big Chief, Inc., in the amount of g1~284.00
and authorize the budget tmansfer in the amount of $2,053.00. Mr.
Caldwell seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Caldwe!l moved to go to Legal until 8:00 P. M., seconded by Mr.
Harmeninq. Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinances -2nd Reading - Public Heaming
Proposed Omdinanee No. 78-26- Re: Amending S~etions 31.1(K)(1)(a)
and Section 31.1(B)(e), Appendix A~ Exempting Single Family Home
Building and Floor Plans from Planning &Zoning Board and Council
Review Relative to Planned Unit Development
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-26 on second reading by
caption only.
JULY 18, 1978
Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in
favor of this ordinance and received no response. She asked if any-
one wished to speak in opposition to this ordinance and received no
Mr. Caldwell moved the approval of Ordinance No. 78-26 on second and
~inal reading, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett
took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Caldwe!l - Aye
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinances - 1st Reading
Proposed Ordinance No. 78-27 - Re: To Provide f~r Amended Estimate of
P~venue and Expenses for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1978
(lntireeession Funds)
Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-27 by caption on first read-
and advised that this is an interbudgetary transfer.
Mr. DeMareo moved to adopt Ordinance No. 78-27 on first reading,
seconded by Mr. Caldwe!l. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll
call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman DeMareo - Aye
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Motion carried
Proposed Ordinance No. 78-28 - Re: Site Plan Review
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-28 by caption on first meading.
Mr. Caldwell moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-28 on ~irs~a~eading,
seconded by Mr. Robezffzs. Under diseussion~ Mr. Harmening commented
that this ordinance is a little broader than we discussed. We dis-
cussed additions and a~terations and not just totally eommereial pro-
jeers. Mr. Roberts replied that this would fall into the category
of construction :costs of Section 1. Mr. Moore added that he under-
stood they talked about ~lterations, but the final motion included
all commercial buildings and alterations thereto. Mayor Jackson
pointed out that Mr. Moore's elarif-ieation was clear in the previous
minutes on Page 11 that being deleted from site plan review was all
new commercial buildings and/or,additions and alterations as long as
JULY 18~ 1978
the valuation is under $100,000. Mr. Caldwell referred to the pro-
posed ordinance actually accomplishing our intentions and Mr. Harmening
replied that ~lterations and additions do not eontemp!ate totally new
eonstmuction. Further discussion followed about the intent and Mm.
Moore e!arified that the language ~n the proposed ordinance eovers all
commercial building projects including new, alterations and additions.
Further discussion followed regarding the ~elarifieation .and intent-and
then Mr. Moore reeommended that th~ p~oposed ordinance be acted on as
it is a compmomise. As requested, Mrs. Padgett took a roll eall vote
on the motion as follows:
Vice Mayor Har~e
Mayor Jackson
Councilman Rober
Councilman Cald~
Councilman DeMar
Motion married 3-2.
Rezoning Requests
Parcels No. 1 & 2:
Portions o
Rezone fro
470 N. W.
~inda L.
Abandonment Request
N.W. tst
Block 72~
Hills Add~
Linde L.
~ing- Aye
- No
- No
Beverly Hills Addn. No. 3
R-iA and C-2 to C-3
nd Avenue
Dn of Motel
Charles L. Leemon, III
N.W. 4th St. between SR-804 and
ye. lying between Lots 5, 6, & 7,
and Lots 31 & 32~ Block 73; Beverly
. No. 3
Charles L. Leemon, III
Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in t~e audience wished to speak in favor
of this rezoning request and the f~llowing appeared befor~ the '~ouneil.
Mm, Chuck Leemon~ Holiday Inn owns r and °perator~ appeared before the
Council. He is present to address the situation of having a Holiday
Inn type facility here in Boynton Beach. He th~nks the ?~ndreds of
people who have offered their supp
In 1976, he applied to the local
eials. He tookdthe comments and
seriously and went hackto his
changes to conform to the commenti
the propesed motel. They plan to
the loea! people, restaurants and
felt would fit into Boynton Beach.
ments ab:out the location and some
presently zoned areas for motel a~
Drt and is grateful they have come.
oning Board and talked to the offi-
scommendations made at that time
insets and architects and made
made. He showed a rendering of
have t00 rooms~ meeting rooms ~or
soffee shops, which the architeets
He is aware of there being mom-
people have commented that the
hotel sites should be su£fieient.
JULY 18, 1978
Mm. Leemon continued that their review of the sites and investigation
of the possibility of having a fsllure at the other two locations were
too much to attempt. It was too much 6f a risk. Finally they de-
cided the best location would be the site they are asking for review.
This is an excellent site with easy on~ff to the interstate. He re-
ferred to the Holiday Inn bringing more activity to the area and told
about a~vey done in a similar town in Illinois and how the money
left at the motel would be generating 21 times more funds for Boynton
Beach before leaving town. Also, there have been some comments about
this being big money coming to Boynton Beach :and the little guy does
not have a chance; however~ the only people involved will be his wife,
and his son and his wife. He and his family live here and own homes
here~ He feels it will be a great advance for Boynton Beach to have
a Holiday Inn here. He told about Holiday Innts reservation system
being international and stated that Boynton Beach would become recog-
Mr. Coldwell explained how the rezoning requested looked like a 38
snub nome revolver to him. He referred to the top seotion immediately
adjacent to 2nd Avenue across from Galaxy School and stated his first
impression to go from C-2 to C-3 that close to the Interstate seems
like a good use for the p~operty. The area he is the most concerned
with is the area requesting R-lA to C-3, which is on the south side of
N.W. 1st Avenue. Personally, he would be opposed to rezoning that.
This would definitely result in commercial encroachm%t~nto the resi- eSeemmin-
dential neighborhood and there would be no buffer zone with a gradual utes 8/~
downsoaling f~om the higher use. Is it necessary for this one patti- 7I
cular section to be zoned commercial and Mr. Leemon replied that it was
not absolutely necessary to have this zoned commercial, but he would
like to have parking allowed on this piece. Mr. Coldwell replied that
C-1 would si]ow parking~ but he would not want that-against the resi-
dentia! neighborhood. Mr. Caldwelt referred to possibly having a
wall to buffer the residential and Mr. LeemS.n replied that he has
discussed this with his planner and the intent is that it will be
heavily buffered in that area.
Mr. Caldwei1 questioned the location of the building on the site
and Mr. Leemon informed him that 'the building is designed to be west
of 4th Street. He then showed a proposed plan. Mr. Caldwell clari-
fied that the land immediately adjacent to 2nd Avenue would be used
for parking and in~ress and egress and Mr. Leemon agreed and added
that the building would be along 1-95.
Mr. DeMaroo questioned if he would be willing to obtain a permit
within six months if this rezoning is granted and i£ nothing is done
within a certain time period, would he be ~illing to let it revert
back to what it is presently and Mm. Leemon replied that he thinks
six months may be a little short because of so much being involved
and being time consuming. Mr. DeMameo questioned the period of time
and Mr. Leemon replied that he would have it started in 18 months.
JULY 18, 1978
Mayor Jackson asked how many acres the site consisted of and Mr.
Leemon replied that it was a little over two acres. Mayor Jackson
asked how many feet~were on 2nd Avenue and Mm. Leemon replied that
if the ramp is counted, it is over 1,000 feet.
Mr. Don Lambert, 209 North Seacrest Boulevard, appeared before the
Council. He advised that he is the agent 'who sold all th~s land.
He thinks it is time to clear the air on some of the misinformation
being spread around. People in the immediate area of the planned
pmoject have not been told all the facts pertaining to the alternate
factors. The area adjacent to 2nd Avenue and 4th Street, whieh is
approximately 428¢ x 117~ is ample to allow eight commercial busi-
nesses To be built, it is already zoned C-2 and no zoning change is
needed. He gave examples of the kinds of businesses which'would be
allowed. Howard Johnson?s previously submitted plans for a restau-
rant before Mr. Leemon acquired the additional property giving access
to 2nd Avenue. If the property is split up with eight commercial
businesses, only one or two could use 2nd Avenue for egress and the
rest would be using 4th Street. Also, nobody would build a residence
on the north side of 1~ Avenue backing up to these businesses and
there would be no buffer for the immediate residences, The peoples~
spokesman, Mr. Midgette, stated at the Planning g Zoning Board meet-
ing that he had not checked dn this, but he knows about this because
he has disoussed it-with him on several occasions. He is wondering
why Mr. Midgette hid this from his people and misled the Planning g
Zoning Board. It certainly does not take much common sense to know
one business on this whole tract amply landscaped and walled would
be better than eight businesses with no buffer. Also, Mr. Stroshein
claims to be running a race with Mr. Leemon whose property will be
granted a franchise for H6!iday Inn. Mr. Stroblqein feels this request
should be turned down beoause his property is zoned for a motel. Mr.
Stroshein stated when the time is right and Holiday Inn 'wants to go
in~ he %f±ll get it. For everyonets information, when the Holiday Inn
site inspector was here, he asked him about another site being sub-
mitted for approval and the representative stated that if he was
referring to the one behind the shopping center, he has already in-
spected it and Holiday Inn rejected it as being unacceptable. Also,
Mr. Stroshein made the untrue statement that Mr. Leemon-works for
Holiday Tnn and used this to mislead the Planning g Zoning Board.
This matter should be decided on the facts. It was also said that
Mm, Leemon acts as if he is doing the City a favor and he is. He
then told about being a member of the Chamber o~ Com~rce and en-
couraging Mr. Leemon to build a motel in Boynton Beach. It was
also stated that Holiday Inn should build on the tract already zoned
rather than requesting rezoning, but in order to interest the better
hotel chains in approving a site, the criteria must be followed if
the franchise is to be granted. One of their suggestions in their
criteria is to locate on the town side at the interchange if it is
to be successful. There may be other areas properly zoned, but it
does not mean Holiday Inn or another franchised chain will approve.
The decision is whether to have a first class hotel or a second class
operation in a second ~lass location which may not be successful.
JULY 18, 1978
Mr. Tim Zompa, 416 S.W. 5th Avenue, appeared before the Council and
advised that he was asked to appearfD~yhis father since his father
mould not be here, but he did attend the Planning & Zoning Board
meeting. Just having returned from a three week vacation, he sta~ed
at Holiday Inns and they are good inns and consistent in quality.
People are going to come to this area regardless. We are going to
grow and need business like this. Prom his experienee working with
the Chamber of Commeree and Board of Realtors, he is famitiamwith
the criteria of Holiday Inn and without a location and site, they
eannot!oca~e. The zoning has changed with the growth of the City.
AKolidaM Inn is needed. We need this caliber of business and 2nd
Avenue is the best loeation'for it. A place is needed for the busi-
ness people to meet. 'We should look beyond the residential charac-
teristics of the immediate neighborhood. One-half of the block is
commercial already. It is part of the center of the City and will
continue to grow that way.
Mr. James Graham appeared before the Council and advised that he
owns propertyon N. W. 2nd Avenue and owns a house in southwest
Boynton. He has heamd a lot of talk about this deal. It just came
to his attention last week about the location of the Holiday Inn
possibly being jeopardized in locating on 2nd Avenue. Prom his ex-
perience~ he knows Holiday Inn has been a eonsistently nice place
to be all the time. The businesses in the area of Holidays Inns
benefit from the money spent by the people staying there. This
will dress up 2nd Avenue and get the people off 1-95. When people
see a Holiday Inn~ they do stop and this will bring revenue into
the City. He cansee nothing but benefit for Boynton Beach. He
thinks the location is geographically perfect and vis~.ble from 1-95.
Obviously from the rendering~ it will be superior. Judging from the
Holiday Inns he has stayed in, he has never been dissatisfied build-
ing wise, landscape-wise or architecture-wise. The Holiday Inns
have always been a benefit to the area. He does not think it would
hurt the residential area. There will be more businesses along 2nd
Avenue. The Ho!idaysInns are well kept and clean. He lives on
13th Avenue and he expects 15th Avenue to be commercial and just
two blocks from his house is Seacrest Boulevard and that could also
go eommereia!. If the commercial property goes in the right direction,
he is in favor of it. He thinks it is important to have a Holiday
Inn. He thinks a large percentage of people are in favor of staying
at Holiday Inns when travelling. If we have a Holiday Inn in this
location, people will see it and we will bene£it by it. He hopes
the Couneil will be in favor.
Mr. Serge Pizzi appeared before the Council and stated that N.W. 2nd
Avenue is an important thoroughfare for our City. It is our inter-
change with 1-95. Quite a few years age, we felt slighted when the
turnpike left us without an interchange. We have one now on 1-95.
It is not a nice approach coming down 2nd Avenue since there are
many old residential dwellings whieh should be rep!aced with new
modern conforming buildings with business. A Holiday Inn at this
loeation will serve the community need and give the property owners
JULY 18~ 1978
on 2nd Avenue the incentive to improve their properties. A City of
our size needs large motels. Their fine facilities will help attract
tourists and industry. If we do not have the facilities ready when
asked for, we will lose prospects to our neighboring cities. These
projects take a few years in the making. Mr. Leemon has been working
on this since 1976. LetTs take advantage of this big opportunity
and moderi~se our City. He thinks the Holiday Inn will be a beaeon
at the highway intersection there.
Mrs. Anne Tindelle representing the Chamber of Commerce appeared
before the Council and read a statement approved by the Board refer-
ring to the need of meeting rooms and the capability to hold large
banquets in Boynton Beach. It is felt the affli~aion with a nationally
named facility will be an added benefit to the community.
Mr. Harvey Oyer~ Jr., 227 S.W. 15th Avenue, appeared before the
Council and stated he would like to try to make a few comments which
have not been hit on. 1-95 really got started in the 1940rs when
Palm Beach, Da'Re and Broward counties felt there was a need for a
thru-way. He served as a member of this City Council in 1958 when
the State Road Department recommended an interchange at 2nd Avenue.
Pot 20 years, people have been able to make decisions based on the
recommendation of the interchange at this location. He has travelled
on expressways and realizes the normal use pattern and realizes it
would be proper to have a motel at this location. Historically,
H. S. 1 has been the backbone of commur~ties along the lower east
coast; h~wever, the use pattern is moving to where the bulk of trans-
portation is along 1-95. As a resident and businessman in the com-
munity,~he thinks it is in all our best interests to make the b/chest
and best use of the property. This will bring in added income and
keep down the taxes on the residents plus being the proper use of
land along approaches to 1-95. One qf the things alluded to has
been the question of competition of one motel against another one
or one location against another. He thinks the proper consideration
that should be given if we believe in the free enterprise system is
to let the people who are spending the money or loaning the money
make the deeisions within the proper legal zoning. He believes it is
proper to rezone it for this, but the City should not be put in the
spot of favoring one individual or another. He.would hope in a few
years there would be a half dozen motels this size or greater. Also~
as part of our b/story, 50 some years agc~ the leading developer mn
South Florida wanted to put a major development in Boynton but some
of the citizens ran his oonstmuction crews off the site with shot
guns. The man was Addison Misner and the project was the Boca Raton
Club and Hotel. He thinks the position should be taken if something
is good and worthwhile~ it should acme into a community ~overned by
laws and not have the situation of playing any favorites and the
best foot should be put forward.
JULY 187 1978
Mr. Dave Centola, 329 S.W. 10th Avenue, appeared before the Counoil
and presented a petition to the City Clerk signed by 579 people. He
explained that this petition was in favor of the Holiday Inn being
built at this !ooation and are aware a zoning change is necessary.
They believe the Holiday Inn will be a benefit totthe City as a whole
and this benefit will far outweigh any disadvantages to the residents
in the immediate area. Most are also aware of the fact that City
building codes will provide for buffer zones or a 6 ft. wall which
will give added protection to the residents in that area.
Mayor Jackson ascertained there were no further speakers in favor
amd requested anyone wishing to speak in opposition to this project
to come before the Council.
Mr. Gene Cooper, 458 N. W. 1st Avenue, appeared before the Council
and advised that he lives directly across the street from this pro-
ject. He retired eight years ago. He was unable to attend the Plan-
ning & Zom/ng meeting because of attending a V.P.W. convention and
stayed at a Holiday Inn and what they had was 2,000 drunks.
Mr. John Midgette, 460 West Ocean Avenue~ appeared before the Council
and stated that he has lived here for 20 years. He would like to
take a little time to come back to Mr. Lambert with using his name
and how he misled people in the area. He requested that Mr. Lambertts
statements be read from the record. Mayor Jackson infommed him there
would be no debating back and forth and requested that he just state
his opposition.
Mr. Midgette continued and stated that those speaking in favor, none
live within the area of where this is to be built. Of the 579 signa-
tures on the petition just presented, he does not know how many are
within the area of the letter sent out by the Council who are eligi-
ble to sign the petition. He has a petition signed by the residents
of this particular area with 170 names that object strongly to this
particular location. When he built in~ Boynton Beach, he selected
this section as a retirement section. Surely if he had an idea a
motel was coming less than two blocks where he is living, he would
not have built. There are nice houses on N.W. 1st Avenue. The
builder is present who built several of the homes. The motel wants
to construct a 6 ft. buffer wall which will be nice to look at! He
would like to ask if any of the Council members would like to have
something like this to look at? Would they like to have the pro-
perty changed from R-1 single family residential to C-3 within one
blook of their homes? He does not think any of them would like to
have this in their back or front yard. He then presented a petition
with 162 signatures of those living in the area and added that he
could go outside the area and obtain 2~000 signatures in opposition.
Also, he will take up the matter personally with Mr. Lambert at a
later date.
~/LY 18, 1978
Mr. Earle Waters, 416 N.W. 1st Avenue~ appeared before the Council
and stated that he bought his lot in 1955. His house was built in
1958 and it was a sand road. He got up a petition and contacted all
the owners of lots on that road and they all agreed to pay the City
if they would pave it. The City paved it and the people paid for it.
They want it to stay residential. He owns two lots on the street.
The first speaker said it just as plain as could be. It is true that
big money is coming into the City, but they are forcing a lot of little
people out. It is a question whether big money will cause the City
Council to sell out the residents and taxpayers or not. Nobody who
spoke, except possibly for one man, did not have a financial interest
in having a Holiday Inn built there and zoned C-3. The residents
should be considered because the land is zoned residential and the
master plan was approved with it being residential. He hopes the
Council will not vote against the residents.
Mr. Arnold Stroshein, 710 N.E. 7th Street, appeared before the Council
and stated he really has no opposition against a Holiday Inn or any
other leading chain. This is progress for our community. He has had
his architect prepare a site plan for a 2.38 acre parcel, rectangular
in size~ and the planning consultant can oonfirm this~ in the C-4 zone
to house a 100 room motel with a maximum seating capacity in a banquet
room for 40 people. This requires 165 parking places and that is the
maximum density unless the requirements are changed.
Mr. Thomas Woolley, Jr., 917 Sunset Road, appeared before the Council
and referred to being retained by the residents to speak at the Plan-
ning $ Zoning Board meeting, but advised that he is speaking on his
own tonight. He thinks the Council should consider that if everyone
wants a Holiday Inn, it should be decided where Boynton Beach wants it
and not where one person wants it. Mr. Leemon bought it knowing what
the zoninc was and figured he could have the zoning changed and make
money. The motels should be where it was decided they would be. The
proper zoning should be followed and the master plan followed. There
are two perfect areas properly zoned. Zt would be different if Mr.
Leemon took care of the traffic flow, etc. and there was enough room
for a four story buildin~ with a 6 ft. buffer wall. It is not true
that Boy!iron will lose the Holiday Inn if this property is not re-
zoned as there are two properly zoned areas~ one downtown and one at
the 15th Avenue interchange. As he said previously~ he likes tennis,
but wouldn't like the lot next to his house rezoned for a tennis
Mayor Jackson ascertained that nobody else desired to speak and
closed the discussion to the public and opened the floor to the
Council members.
Mr. Ca!dwel! stated that he thinks the question is not what firm is
qoing to be brought in~ but what is the best use of the land. It has
been his contention when the zoning plan was passed in 1975 that the
commercial depth along 2nd Avenue was, him his opinion~ a little bit
shallow for any major commercial development. It lends itself to
JULY 18, 1978
nothing more than small strip type stores and would not allow a major
commereial development. He feels ~his proposed motel is excellent
eommercial development at this type of interehange. However, he does
not like the idea of residential land being invaded by commercial and
that is the reason he is opposed to rezoninc- any residential land south
of N.W. 1st Avenue. However, he does fee! inasnmeh as the actual eon-
stmuction of the buildin~ will be far enough removed from the residen-
tial homes that i~ has possibilities for theddevelopment of this parcel
of land.
Mr. DeMarco stated that N.W. 2nd Avenue, South !Sth Avenue are main
thomoughfares and should have been eommercial and 1-95 made a whole
new ballgame as far as the concept of BoyntonBeach. It will get
worse if we don't do something now. Certainly small stores can be
put on this land, but he doesn't know whieh is worse or better. He
would like to see one building rather than a jungle of small build-
ings. He also agrees with Mr. Coldwell that something should be worked
out for the piece south of N.W. 1st Avenue.
Mr. Roberts referred to having listen~ddto all the stories and stated
we must come up with a eommon sense approach. He got a kick out of
some of the signatures on the petition in favor as some are from
Leisureville and a ~omt time ago, these people screamed about the
rezoning on 15th Avenue from R-5 to C-1 and a two storFy development
is being built now and they will not be able to see the sky if they
go out. The amount of land involved here ~spretty small for a four
story building plus it being aresidentiat neighborhood. When it was
zoned eommerciat for the master plan, there was no 9pposition. Boynton
Beach does need a motel. However~ how eon you buffer a four story
building set in the middle of one story buildings - y~u would have to
build 50 ft. walls. He is sure this amount of land is not eonduoive
to !azcge'buffering. This well kept residential area cannot be im-
proved with a four story building. It will stick out like a sore
thumb plus having lights and being a 24 hour operation, in this par-
tieu!ar ease, he has to express his eonscience and can in no way
cept this particular request when it will be spot zoning and for the
facts he already stated.
Mr. Harmening stated that he always tries to consider what i~ the
highest and best use of the land on any zoning problem. In this
ease, he is caught on the hom~s of a dilemma. There is not much
question that the land along 2nd Avenue is adequately and properly
zoned at the present time. The existing zoning could probably pre-
sent as much as a problem to the existing residents as the proposed
usage. H1s heart definitely goes out to these people who live in
this area as he does not think they have a good position because he
believes eventually rezoning will take place ~itb this area having
1-95 on the west and 2nd Avenue on the uomth. These people will be
fighting the same battle again and again. Possibly the City Council
might win the battle tonight~ but it won't be the wa7 because he as-
sumes this piece of ground has unity of title and assumes Mr. Leemon
J~LY 18, 1978
is the owner and explained how a similar package would probably be
submitted and conditions may change so there will be no question
about the highest and best use of the land. He thinks at the best,
the people are fighting a delaying action because as times change,
there is no question it will be commercial.
Mr. Roberts clarified that the question is now and not what happens
in five or ten years. If anybody can sit here and displace those
homes withspotzoning for the reasons which he mentioned, then it is
up to their own conscience.
Mayor Jaekson stated that she has always felt people who live in an
area shou!d~have a great deal to say about what their neighborhood is
like. When i-95 came through, it changed theecomplex of the City.
Things changed in only one or two years and now we have a high speed
highway going from Miami ~o Maine. She referred to having driven a
great deal of it and explained how when travelling: most people are
not interested in the downtown area but just-want to get off the
road and find a place to eat and sleep. The time will come when
Boynton Beachwi!l have more than one motel. When you pull off 1-95
and find three or fou~ motels in a short distance, nobody is inter-
ested in going downtown or off the beaten track unless staying here.
There are only two exits from 1-95 in Boynton Beach and not that many
places where we will be able to accommodate good motels. The remark
was made that this residential area was a retirement area 20 years
ago and she does not agree that this was a retirement area and there
were none until Sterling Village came alohg. We have retired, young
and middle ~e~ people in the City. If there is a Holiday Inn, we
will have j~bbs for the young people. She feels very definitely that
this is the highest and best use of the land and would be good for
the Cit-f of Boynton Beach.
Mr. Caldwe!l asked if it-was possible to turn the position of the
building so more of the building could be on 2nd Avenue and Mayor
Jackson replied that this request was to change the zoning and not
consider the site plan. Mr. Caldwell explained how possibly if the
building was turned, there could be a proper blending of the zoning
for the area abutting the residential. He feels the lots on the
north side of N.W. 1st Avenue could be zoned C-I. Mayor Jackson
replied that we must act onthe applicant's request and Mr. Caldwell
referred to make changes in the request in the past and stated that
he would like to know if there was the possibility of having more
transition in the zoning. Mr. Moore clarified that he was talking
about a minimum space for the motel and the additional space being
for supportive use. Mr. Ca!dwe!l referred to the car wash being
zoned ~-3 for the operation and C-1 for the parking abutting the
residential. Mr. Roberts referred to the plans including a banquet
hall for 200 people on this site of a little over 2 acres and ques-
tioned the parking requirements and Mr. Howell replied that he be-
lieved 50 spaces would be~quired.and added that parking lots are
allowed in the C-1 zone. Mayor Jackson re£erred to the applicant
having checked into this and Mr. Annunziato replied that he had not
seen a site plan. Mayor Jackson clarified that the site plan is not
submitted until the rezoning has been approved.
JULY t8, 1978
Mr. Roberts referred to the recently rezoned piece of land for a motel
and hotel being for sale and stated that this property could also be
sold if there is no room for the motel.
Mr. Catdwell stated that we are trying to decide on zoning. If we
can aemommodate the motel and &llow the lower half to go from R-iA
to C-I, it is not that bad of a change in the zoning and to go from
C-2 to C-3 on 2nd Avenue, but is the land large enough? He ex-
plained on the plan and asked Mr. Leemon if it eould be done. Mr.
Leemon replied that if west of 4th Street was included, he mould do
it. The area along 1-95 is needed for the building, but he will be
willing to work with them onanything east of 4th Street. Mr.
Ca!dwetl replied that he would not go along with thatseetion as it
is too deep into the residential area.
Mayor Jackson announmed that all the discussion haesbeen given and
she requested Mr. Kohl to read his statement~ an excerpt of the
Planning g Zoning BoardTs recommendation.*
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that the Planning & Zoning Board at
their regular meeting of July liD 19787 held a Public Hearing on
tb~s request to rezone certain parcels of land, located in the south-
east morner of !-95 and N. W. 2nd Avenue~ from R-IA ~a%d C-2 to
The Planning & Zoning Board made two recommendations as follows:
1. The Board recommended the rezoning request submitted by
Charles and Linde Leemon to rezone certain parcels from R-!A
to C-3 beddenied, and
2. The Board recommended that the rezoning request submitted
by Charles and Linda Leemon to rezone certain parcels from
C-2 to C-3 be denied. The reasons for a recommendation to
deny are as follows:
a. Not proper to rezone residential to commercial when sites
exist already properly zoned;
b. No need to take an area of the town and create a eommer-
mial site in an existing residential area, traffic will
affect school, utilities are a problem and no guarantee
of ~u~ure use;
m. When 1975 zoning was adopted, special care was taken to
protect existing residential areas;
d. Investments ane ae~urring in neighborhood under existing
zoning~ should provide stability in zoning for existing
residential areas.
Mr. Kohl continued that for recommendation ~1 above, the motion to deny
was made by Mr. Winter and seconded by Mr. Arena. The vote was 5-1
with Mr. Jameson dissenting~ noting there are hotels and motels along
interstates throughout the country and that his decision is based on
the future ~se of the interchange. For recommendation ~2 above~ the
motion to deny was made by Mr. Winter and seconded by Mrs. Humkle.
The vote was 5-1 with Mr. Jameson dissenting. The legal deseription~
JULY 18, 1978
print showing the location of the parcels, and excerpt from the Plan-
ming & Zoning Board meeting minutes have been submitted. Ma~ he have
Couneil?s wishes on this matter.
Mr. Ha~mening moved that the request for rezoning for Parcels 1 and
2, Beverly Mills Addition No. S be denied~ seconded by Mr. Roberts.
No discussion. As requested~ Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on
the fmotion as follows:
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMareo -No
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson - No
Motion carried 3-2.
Mr. Harmening made a motion that the abandonment request which went
along with this rezoning petition be denied, seconded by Mr. Roberts.
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Abandonment Request
5 root Easement in Lake Boynton Estates~ Plat 4A
N. W. 8th Street and N. W. 2nd Avenue
F. Ronald Mastriana~ Esq. for Town $ Country
Squire of North Miami~ Inc.
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that the Planning & Zoning Board at
their regular meeting of July 11~ 1978~ unanimously reeommended that
the abandonmentrequest submitted by F. Ronald Mastriana as described
in the legal description submitted be approved subject to the app!i-
cant assuming the costs of the relocation of the power lines~ tele-
phone cables and water lines, and that the app!ieant dedieate and
reeord an easement to accommodate the relocated water line. The
motion to approve was made by Mr. Winter and seconded by Mr. Jameson.
The legal deseription~ print showing the location of the parcel, and
excerpt from the Planning L Zoning Board meeting minutes have been
submitted. May he have eouneilts wishes on this matter.
Mayor Jackson asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of this request.
Mr. F. Rona!d Mastriana appeared before the Council and advised that
they intended to construct a funeral home on this pareet. The site
plan has been submitted which is included on the agenda for consider-
ation later. He showed a survey and pointed out that the easements
go directly through tb.e property and if not abandoned~ nothing could
be constructed. They have pmovided for easements on the west to accom-
modate the utilities in the area. He then showed a plan.
JULY 18, 1978
Mr. Roberts referred to recommendations having been made by the utility
companies and asked if these were being taken care of and Mr. Mastriana
replied affirmatively and added that everything has been worked out~
they are paying the eost for the relocations. Mr. Cessna added that
all the .~%-i!ities have been taken care of.
Mayom Jackson asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to this
abandonment request and received no response.
Mr. DeMarco moved to agree to the request for abandonment for the
5 foot easement in Lake Boynton Estates as set forth in the recom-
mendation by the Planning & Zoning Board. Mr. Caldwell seconded the
motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinances - 1st Reading (Continued)
Proposed Ordinance No. 78-29 - Re: Approving Plat of Sky Lake Subdivision
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-29 on first reading ~by cap-
tion. He added that Council previously approved this and directed an
ordinance be prepared setting bond.
Mr. Caldwell moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-29~ seeonded by
Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on
the motion as follows:
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Hamm~ning - Aye
Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman PDberts - Aye
Motion married 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 78-30 - Re: Municipal Employees' Pension Plan
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-30 by caption on first read-
ing, He added that the purpose of this ordinanee is to provide appro-
priate retentionassimilations for our employeesgoing to the regional
Mr. Harmening moved the adoption of Ordinance No.
reading~ seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No discussion.
a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
78-30 on first
MrS. Padgett took
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
JULY 18~ 1978
Proposed Resolution No. 78-FF - Re: Demoltion of Struoture and Clearing
of Land in Conjunctionwith Community Development Project
Mr. Moore informed the Council that this has to do with our ong~Zng
demolition program and movers appmoximatety 16 parcels.
Mr. Harmening moved the 'adoption of Resolution No. 78-FF, seconded by
Mr. DeMarco. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the
motion as follows:
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Coldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMaroo - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 78-GG - Re: Tentative Award to Contractors
for Lift Stations - Part A and Force Mains~ Part B
Mr. Moore referred to this coming from the recommendation of the con-
sulting engineers pertaining to the bid awards for the eonnectionsof
facilities for the regional sewage treatment plant and advised that a
eopywas submitted with the agenda.
Mr. Coldwell moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-GG, seconded by
Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on
the motion as follows:
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Coldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jaekson - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 78-HH - Re: Millage Rates
Mr. Moore informed the Couneil that this requests the County Commis-
sioners to establish a millage reduction based on the inorease in the
tax roll to avoid any increase in taxes for 1978.
Mr. Coldwell moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-HH, seconded by
Mr. DeMareo. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took ar~moll call vote on
the motion as follows:
Councilman Ca!dwell - Aye
Councilman DeMar~o - Aye
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jaekson - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
JULY 18, 1978
Proposed Resolution No, 78-II - Establishing the Guidelines for the
Purpose and Punction of the Community Relations Board
Mr. Moore informed the Council that tb/s sets forth the Comm~unity
Relations Board as agreed at the last Council meeting. The original
resolution was adopted with the additional last-sentence.
~L~. Ca!dwe!l moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-II~ seconded by
Mr. Roberts, No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on
the motion as follows:
Councilman DeMareo Aye
~ice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson Aye
Councilman Roberts Aye
Councilman Caldwe!l Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Roberts requested that Mr. Kohl send a copy of this resolution to
each member of the Community Relations Board. He added that there was
also ~ question in the minutes from the Board meeting about what hap-
pened to their right to provide input in regard to the poor and needy
and we have an ordinance on revenue sharing spelling out that particu-
lar respons±bility. He suggests that a little note be included with
the mesels~en bringing it to their attention that this responsibility
is included in an ordinance. Mr. Kohl replied that he would take care
of this.
Proposed Resolution No. 78- ~e: Request from Palm Beach County Con-
cerning the Year Two Thousand Plan
Mm. Kohl informed the Council that the developers and Mr. Charles
Walker~ representing the County, are present. Mayor Jackson sug-
gested hearing from both sides·
Mr. Roberts referred to reviewing the letter from the Florida Dept.
of Transportation-and stated he also noticed they want to propose a
general position applicable to cases where roads are needed with the
help of the Metropolitan Planning Organization. He cannot understand
why this resolution was submitted to us pointing out a particular
development which could enhance our area in more ways than one, esoee-
ially from a financial standpoint. Also~ the letter states alterna-
tives. This development is looking for security and building a 120 ft.
right-of-way through such a development would impair security and
create high traffic. Also~ a highway would devalue the property.
Mr. Charles Walker, Director of Traffic for Palm Beach County, ap-
peared before the Council and referred to letters sen~ to the City
stating that Flavor-Pict Road/Coconut Lane would be required. He
explained that in urban areas~ development has proceeded until traf-
fic has become such that additional roadways are required and when
JULY 18, 1978
this is recognized, the rights-of-way are no longer available. In
Palm Beach County, they have not reached that stage. In unincorpor-
ated areas, the County has a thoroughfare plan and when a developer
comes in and a road is shown on the thoroughfare plan, they require
the developer to dedieate the right-of-way. When Charter World was
planned, this Fight-of-way was ine!uded in the Charter World projeet.
They are requesting this right-of-way be required from this new
~ect. The 2000 Plan basically .projects the tripling of the popula-
tion. The basle eonelu~ion is that we will have traffic problems in
this area because the government eannot build the roads required by
the expanding population. The State Road te{ter to Palm Beach County
states the roadways we have presently are not sufficient and we must
protect right-of-way for f-~ture roadways. That is the intent of the
thoroughfare plan to show where these moadways will be. The resolu-
t-ion directed to the City is to request the developer to dedicate
the rightzof-way so this road will be available and also to have the
developer contribute a f~ir share for the construction of Congress
Avenue. Heexp!ained how the widening of Congress Avenue would be
required beeause of the development in the area. He then showed the
thoroughfare plan of the County.
Mayor Jackson asked when the 2000 Year Plan was adopted by the County
Commission and Mr. Walker replied within the past six months. He
added that the 2000 Plan and the thoroughfare plan are not the same.
The 2000 Plan projects to the year 2000 and the thoroughfare plan is
the plan the County is using to protect rights-of-way for future
roadways. This right-of-way is under the th~oughfare plan. Mr.
Moore asked if the thoroughfare plan has beenapproved and Mr. Walker
replied that it has not been formally approved by the County Commis-
sion, but it is used in following the zoning in any ~incorporated
areas and the County Commissioners have supported it. In this case,
the thoroughfare plan shows Flavor-Piet RoadfCoeonut Lane running
into this d&Qe!op~ent into the City of Boynton Beach and it is re-
quested that continuity be provided on this thoroughfare plan.
Mr. Hammening stated he was on the Council at the time Charter World
was approved and does not recall an 120 ft. dedicated right-of-way.
Mr. Walker informed him that it was shown in the original traffic
impaet plan. Mr. Harmening stated that the original plan was changed
almost beyond reeognition. He questions whether it was ever aetually
dedicated. Mr. Walker replied that this was ao~ or there would be no
problem if it was.
Mr. DeMaroo referred to having a good wide road to travel west-and
stated that there is 2nd Avenue, 15th Avenue~ 23rd Avenue and Lake
Ida Road and he questions whether another is needed. Mr. Walker
informed him that this will be the major east/west road which will
eross the turnpike between Boynton West and De!ray West Roads. Mr.
DeMareo asked if there were any plans for 15th Avenue and Mr. Walker
replied there weren't for past the turnpike. Mr. DeMareo stated
that he thought 15th Avenue would be a more appropriate road. Mr.
Walker stated that this road is approximately one-half way between
Boynton West and Delray West Roads and falls about one ~ile spacing
between 23rd Avenue andLLake Ida Read.
J~LY 18, 1978
Mr. Roberts asked how a highway could be proposed through a rather
exe!usive development with security and Mr. Walker replied that the
developer can modify his plan to aeeommodate this road and there
still could be privacy and security. Mr. Roberts referred to the
County ~A~ndoming Barwick Road to give Delray Dunes privacy and stated
thatthey now wanted to open this road.* He then explained how the
developer had improved the plan with lowering the density and height.
He does not think it is neeessary to have another road in this area
going from Congress Avenue-~o Military Trail. There would be no pro-
blem with building the road west from Military T~ail. Also, rights-
of-way have been dedicated for 15th Avenue to go west and be four
lanes. ~Now the County wants to ereate a new read through a similar
Mr. Walker stated that there is a huge area to the west and if the
rights-of-way are not proteeted, theywill not be available to go
the~e, Mr. Roberts replied that he appreeiated this~ but he cannot
understand why this particular highway must be located here~ he
could understand if itwas going to continue east to Seaerest Blvd.
or~oute 1. Mr. Walker explained how Congress Avenue would be an
important major north/southroad in the future with commercial devel-
opment. Mr. Caldwetl disagreed and stated with Leisureville and
Golfview Harbour~ he questions how commercial Congress Avenue will be.
Mayor Jackson suggested hearing from the developer and added that
she thinks we will have to weigher b~th way~ beforamaking a_deeieZon.
Mr. Daniel Johes~ attorney representing Summit Assoeiates, appeared
before the Council. He told about their plans to have a totally
private community with security and low density. When they entered
into the purchase of this property, they eame to the City and asked
iftthey could replan the entire property. They did not know they
would have to comply with something never adopted and turned down by
the County Commissioners. Barwiek Road was ineluded on the thorough-
fare plan and Flavor-Pict Road is not even shown on the 2000 P!an.
This is requesting a 120 ft. right-of-way to go through their pro-
petty and eliminate the planning they have done and they will have
to redo the whole thing and go back to something which was proposed
befome. Coeonut Lane is a 50 fto moad and this will require the
re-establishment of the people living along it. He thiD/~s this is a
bad choice. The County Commissioners never adopted this as their
plan. Inthe process of planning this project, they recognized the
needs to improve Congress Avenue and went to the County Engineer's
office to see what they could do with Congress Avenue. They will
widen Congress Avenue for the additional two lanes by their project
and install traffic signals when warranted. Then~ they were told
about this road and there is no way to plan around this road. He
showed a map of the area and pointed out the proposed location of
this road and how it would eut through the middle of the projeet.
Thfs is a six lane moad and there are houses which will have to be
relocated and the people don't even know about it.
JULY 18, 1978
Mr. Roberts referred ~o the development having three golf courses and
Mr. Jones agreed and added that there was no way to plan around this
road. He then showed the plans and pointed out that this right-of-way
would go right throuq-h the middle eliminating golf holes~ housing
pods, and acreage. Alternates were mentioned, but the road must be
aligned with Coconut Lane, so that leaves no alternatives. They will
widen Congress Avenue and this will be used by everybody in the County.
They have been encouraged by the City Planners from the beginning, but
when this resolution was pa~ed~ they did not-know where to go. They
request the City Council to state they like what they are doing and
state that the CounTy's request is unfair and they should continue
with their development as planned. There is not a reasonable alte~-
native. Lake Ida Road and 15th Avenue should be considered. He be-
lieves 15th Avenue should lead to the turnpike from 1-95. There is
nothing shown in the Year 2000 plan going to State Road 7. He then
explained how the whole thoroughfare plan would probably change based
on the County makLn~arevision in their land use plan which will
crease the densities. They proposed to start in September and build
golf courses~ ~oadsand install utilities. Me has a letter which sums
up everying and would like to read it for the record. He then read
the attached letter from Mr. Robert B. Pirie, President of Delray
Dunes Associated~ dated July 18, 19~8.
Mr. Jones then stated that tb~ir planner, traffic engineer, owner of
property and ma~er of the project are present and this is very im-
portant and theycannot go forward if required to do this. They are
in agreenmnt with the requirement regarding Congress Avenue, but can-
not abide with this road. They want this development to be an assert
to Boynton Beach. This is one place where this cannot work.
Mayor Jackson referred to the City being caught in the ~ddle and
questioned what ~we could do about it and Mr. Moore replied that he
has some serious reservations about the position and reasonableness
of this request. He has serious legal reservations about this being
required of the developer to force him to submit this right in the
middle of the development. Mm. Roberts referred to the possibility
of being deprived of a development which will be an addition to our
tax base and planned with reduced density and with security. Mr.
Moore agreed and stated f-rom a legal standpoint~ he does no~ feel at
this point-we have the legal authority to agree to the request of the
County to reGuire granting of this right-of-way.
Mayor Jackson suggested this be tabled and have Mr. Moore research
it regarding the legal aspects. Mr. DeMarco replied that he would
like to hear from everyone present and then table it for further
Mr. Ca!dwe!l asked if Mr. Moore meant that the County is not in a
position to require this and Mr. Moore replied that this is within
our juri~diotiona! limits. Mr. Caf[dwell elarified that the plan has
not been adopted by the County and Mr. Walker agreed~ but added that
it is used by the County as a working document. Mr. Caldwe!l stated
JULY 18, 1978
~inee it is not officially adopted, then the County is making undue d~
mends upon the developers, Once it is adopted, then it is affixed and
there are no variations. ~e would like to go along with the developer,
even though'wanting to cooperate with the County, because the roads
are important, but how can we go along with it 'since it is not adopted.
Mr. Moore clarified that the plan which was adopted does not set ~f~h
this road.
Mayor Gaekson referred to the plan being adopted and asked if the
Countywas going to require everyone to give the rights, f-ways
and Mr. Walker replied that this was just a working documemt in the
County. Mayor Jackson asked why we were notto!d about this in 1973
and Mr. Walker replied that the City was. Mayor Jackson disagreed
and Mr. Walker informed ~her that it was included in the traffic re-
port. The roadway tying into Flavor-Pict Road/Coconut Lane mould use
the same right-of, way, but there is a question whether the road will
be available to the public. Mr. Caldwell added that there was also
the question 'of putting a major ~thoroughfare through a residential
area. He is not pleased with what the County did along Seacrest.
They have not ado~ed the plan they are alluding to and it does not
bear credence in,thiS manner.' Mr. Roberts added that each case is
individual and hei~h~k~ the County.is wrong in this case, Mr.
Walker stated that if the roadway is not obtained at this time, it
never will be av~i!able to the government. Mr. Roberts questioned
whether it 'would do that much damage since there are accesses from
Military Trail going west.
Mayor Jackson stated that she is in favor of rights-of-way being
given, but this comes after the fact. This developer has gone ahead
and has been working on this since 1973 and now, in 1978, he is sup-
posed to de~icate this road. She thinks it should be done in the
future after it is passed.
Mr. Catdwell moved to respectfully decline the County?s request for
enforcement of a 120 ft. right-of-way for Flavor-Pict Road to Coeo-
nut Lane. Mr. Harmening moved to table for further study~ seconded
by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried ~-1 with Mr. Caldwetl dissenting.
Consider Approval of Lettem-Agreement from Carpenter, May -~ Bremer
for Examination of Financial Statements for Year Ending Sept. 30~ 1978
Mr~ Kohl referred to a letter being submitted from Carpenter, May &
Bremer and Mr. DeMarco asked if it satisfied him. Mr. Kohl stated
that he feels they have done a good job and they will continue doing
a good job. Mr. DeMarco moved to aceept Carpenter~ May L Bremer's
proposal, seconded by Mm. Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried
J~LY 18~ 1978
Consider Execution of Title VI - Letters of Agreement (CETA)
Mr. Caldwell moved to execute the current CETA agreement, seconded by
Mr. Roberts. Under discussion, Mr. Caldwe!l suggested attaching a
letter to this agreement requesting this to be made the final agree-
ment. Motion earthed 5-0.
Consider Appointment to Board of Adjustment
Mr. Roberts moved to take this from the table, seconded by Mr. Ca!dwell.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Jackson referred to two nominations being made at the last 'meet-
inq~ Robert 01ds and John Miller~ and asked if there were further
nominations. Mr. Roberts nominated Mr. Serge Pizzi, a well qualified
man who is quite capable and used to be our former judge ad-litem.
Mayor Jackson advised that she did speak to Mr. 01ds and he said he
would be delighted to be on the Board of Adjustment. He did serve
previously on the Plannin~ & Zoning Board. She believes he has re-
viewed the Board of Adjustment ~minutes in the City Clerk's office.
Mr. Caldwel! added that he also spoke to Mr. Miller and he indicated
his delight to serve on this 3Board. Mayor Jackson referred to the
last meeting when Mr. Miller addressed the Council and stated she
believes he is the only person who has a good grasp of community
relations and feels he should stay on that board.
Mr. Harmeninq moved that the nominations be closed, seconded by Mr.
DeMarco. Motion carmied 5-0.
Mayor Jackson then called for a vote on the nominees and the results
were as f611ows:
John Mi!!er - 1 in favor *See Minutes 8/1~Y8
Robert Olds - 1 in favor
Serge Pizzi 3 in favor~ -
A~m6~i-on was then made$ carried rem unanimity in the appointment of Serge Pizz~
Consider Recommendations - Re: The Establishment of Filing Fee and
Obligation for Payment of Costs Indurred in Conneetion with Process-
ing of Application for Zonin~ Changes or Other Relief from the 0rdi-
nane~ and Charter
Mayor Jackson referred to this beinc badly needed and Mr. Kohl stated
that there has been reference to the eost of pla~ing ads in the news-
papers and we have always over-run and he suggests t/mis be changed.
Mr. Roberts asked if it was in keeping with the neiglfooring municiQali-
ties and Mm. Kohl replied negatively~ but~was in keeping with what it
costs the City of Boynton Beach. He added that he did list the costs
at other cities for comparison.
JULY 18~ 1978
Mm. Roberts moved to accept the recommendations of t~ City Manager,
City el erk~ Building Official and City Planner~ and instruct the City
Attorney to dra~f~up an ordinance for the establishment of filing fee
and obligation for payment ~of costs incurred in connection with pro-
cessing of application for zoning changes or other relief f-rom the
ordinances and eharter. Mm. Harmening seconded the motion. No dis-
cussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Discuss Sidewalks - Councilman P/chard D. Caldwell (Tabled)
Mr. Ca!dwell moved to remove this f~om the table to discuss the
sidewalk ordinance~ seconded by Mr. Harmening. Motion .earried 5-0.
Mr. Ca!dwe!l referred back to 1976 and 1977 when a lot of thought and
good judgement went into the creation of the sidewalk ordinance and
stated he wondered if perhaps we did not overlook the effect on the
already established eommunities. He knows it is the intent to pro-
vide sidewalks where needed. He questions the need to construct side-
walks in the neighborhoods where the~e is low traffic. Many areas
have constructed sidewalks which go nowhere nor will ht~okup to any
sidewalks. He realizes there is a futuristie approach to establish
sidewalksaalong highly travelled roads. He would like to direct the
Planning $ Zoning Board to look into the feasibility to change the
ordinance, perhaps where~dewalks can be installed upon 100% comple-
tion of the community and not p~eeemeal. In Golfview Harbour, there
are some homes built a~ter the majority of the development with side-
walks set in and they do not go anywhere and are an eyesore to the
neighbors. There are areas alon~ 23rd Avenue with sidewalks sur-
rounded by lawns not going anywhere. Perhaps an alternate aoluTion
to this problem may b~ split funding the cost of installation of side-
walks at some future date. I~ all the residents were to put sidewalks
in at one time~ it would be a better priee compared to one house put-
ting in sidewalks. He thinks it is a hardship to require one resident
to put in a sidewalk. He respectfully requests the Council to request
the Planning S Zoning Boa~rd to look into the possibility of alternate
solutions to the sidewalk problem in this City.
Mr. Roberts referred to Section 25-14, Paragraph (b) giving authority
to the building offieial and Teehnieal Review Board to waive this
requirement and Mr, Caldwe!l agreed, but stated so far he has yet to
see one recommendation ~ith the ~ct~nieal Review Board and building
official recommending sidewalks not be installed. It is their rule to
request every developer to install s~dewa!ks. ~ayor Jackson replied
that they only handle m~ltip!e dwellings and business and she can
understand it mey not be necessary inresidential areas, Mr. Roberts
stated that he thinks single ~amily homes should have sidewalks.
Mr. Caldwell moved to direct the P!~nning $ Zoning Board to look into
alternate solutions of the sidewalk ordinance and pay particular atten-
tion to residential neighborhoods. Mayor Jackson ascertained the
motion died for lack o~ a second,
JULY 18, 1978
Discuss Solicitations - Mayor Emily M. Jackson
Mayor Jackson referred to the Little League from West Palm Beach
coming to sell tickets and we turned them down. She suggests that
we add to our ordinance that no permit should be granted unless most
of the money directly benefits the residents of Boynton Beach. Mr.
Harmening suggested possibly defining a certain portion which must
remainwithin the City to be used for whatever non-profit or chari-
table purposes. Mayor Jackson sug~-ested turning the ordinance over
to the City Attorney to be researched.
Mr. Harmening moved to turn over to the City Attorney this ordinance
for research, seconded by Mr. DeMarco. Under discussion, Mr. Harmening
added that also a strict accounting should be forthcom/ng. Motion
carried 5-0.
Discuss Disposition of Fiscal Report - Councilman David Robemts
Mr. Roberts referred to still having a lot of books left and stated
that with budget hearings coming up, he thinks the people should get
some use out of them and they shomld be distributed at the next
Council meeting. The booklets may help the people understand what
we have to go through with preparing the budget. Mr. DeMareo asked
how many booklet~were left and Mr. Roberts replied: $00, about 200
were sold. Mr. Kohl stated that he would bring the books to the Coun-
cil meeting.
(Planned Industrial Development Eoning - See minutes 8/1/78)
Discuss the Planned Unit Development Zoning - Mayor Emily M. Jackson
Mayor Jackson referred to the statement in the P.I.D. Ordinance stat-
ing: many other reasonable information whioh may be required from time
to time by the Planning $ Zoning Board and the City Council which is
commensurate with the intent and purpose of this ordinance~' and stated
that she feels this is toc broad a statement. She thinks it should be
inoluded just what they skould subndt. She thinks it should oome from
the Technical Review Board, but not from us. She thinks there should
be something more speoific. She suggests the City Attorney delete
this and put something else in its place.
Mr. DeMarco moved'that the City Attorney redraft this section,
seconded by Mr. Harmening. Under discussion, Mr. Ca!dwell suggested
that the City Attorney consult with the Technical Review Board and
Mr. Kohl agreed and added that he always consults with the planner
and Building Department, Motion carried 5-0.
City Managem?s Administrative Report
Mr. Kohl announced that the following is a partial list of the recent
aecomp!ishments of the City of Boynton Beach.
JULY 18, 1978
We applied for and received S773,000 in funds from the Economic
Development Administration in Public Works Grants for the
following projects:
a. City Hall Elevator - now complete.
b. Police Dept. Renovation $ Remodeling Jail.
o. Office Building at 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. for Engineering,
City Planner $ Building Dept. 90% completed.
d. Galaxy Park - presently under eonstruotion and will in-
clude a lighted ba!tfield, landscaping, sidewalks, and
a restroom shelter complex.
e. N.E. 7th Street drainage S road construction.
f. Seacrest Blvd. Utility relocation.
We were able to utilize the available space in the Police
Dept., converting the municipal jail facilities to office
spaee~ thereby saving the additional cost of the proposed
second story construction to the Police Department.
Establishment of regulations of parking and storage of recrea-
tional vehicles.
Drilling of wells completed and expected to be operational by
approximately late October or early November, 1978, on pro-
perty donated to City by Mr. Stephen Jarviso (Two wells -
No. 15 L 16)
Published a Town Report, a Fiscal Digest for Taxpayers to
provide information to them on the cost of operating the
City. This included breakdowns on salaries and department
totals for contractual services, commodities, capital outlay
and fixed charges. This report was produced by the City and
made available at City Hall for a charge of 25¢ per copy or
can be read for free at the Library.
For many years~ the City had attempted to work out an arrange-
ment with the County for the 55 acres by the South Technical
School. This Council was able to aequire this land from the
County for a cost of S1.00. In addition, we received another
8 acres to the south of the 55 acres for a total of 63 acres
for use as a park and reereational area.
We have received $12,000 from the County for use in developing
the Boynton BeaCh Boat Ramp Park. This project will begin
immediately, and will be for two new boat ramps and dock.
At Pioneer Canal Park, we have two tennis eourts under con-
struction. We have already completed a restroom shelter
eomplex at this site.
We have Cranbrook Lake Estates 169 units under construction.
~n addition~ we have approved Palmland - 52 units~ Sandhill -
2,610 units~ and preliminary approval on Skylake - 197 units
for a total of 2~859 units.
JULY 18, 1978
Mr. Roberts referred to an editorial in the Post and stated that it
sounds to him that this editor must be new to this area. There are
remarks included about Sandhil! and abdicationeof duty and he thinks
it should be settled. He explained how Sandhitl had lowered the den-
sity, will have parks~ has given land for acsehool and will widen COngress
Kve.* In the statement he made previously about Boynton Beach looking
like Fort Lauderdale in the year 2000~ referred to the traffic and
nothing else. It-seems people would have to have quite an imagination
to make a comparison since we do not have any beach ~ront property or
aceng~ete~ith .large hotels. Me says this editor is new around
here and anybody,in Broward County should know what he is talking
about. The editor doesnTt realize that he and Mrs. Jackson were in-
volved in litigation against Charter World in 1972 when the developer
tried to get zoning to produde an unlimited number of people and it
was knocked down to the Countytand use plan which was six units per
acre. Now, the new development wants to build with ~less density. He
cannot be accused of abd~ationeof duty. He was also involved mn
litigation on the height .limitation and seven stomies was knocked
out. We do not abrogate our duty. We mre also involved in rezoning
the land use intensity and the density was cut down. He does not
think this statement is quite proper and we have not shirked our
responsibility, eSee minutes 8/1/78
Mayor Jackson added that everyouead in the City has had an overlay
.of paving and Mr. Kohl clarified that not every one has, but-we have
done more overlays in the past 1 to 1~ yeams.
Mayor Jackson stated that we purchased many library books and Mr.
Kohl agreed. Mayor Jackson added that ramps have been constructed
at every City building for the handicapped and Mr. Kohl agreed.
Mayor Jackson asked how much longer the E.D.A. signs must be kept up
and Mr. Kohl replied that they will be removed when we get paid for
the jobs.
Mr. DeMarco stated that if Mr. Roberts wanted to take issue with the
commen~s in the newspaper~ there are many othemswhich are quite
Mayor Jacksonadded that also nine public hearings were held on the
Sandhill development.
Consider Ratification of Actions Taken by South Central Regional
Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board
Mayor Jacksonannounced that two motions were needed to ratify the
action of the Board.
JULY 187 1978
Consider Ratification of Actions Taken by South Central Regional
Wastewater Treatment $ Disposal Board
Mm. Caldwell moved that the City of Boynton Beach ratify the aetion
taken by the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment S Disposal
Board at its regular meeting on July 13, 1978, adopting the Operations
Agreement 'with the City of Delray Beach with the insertion of para-
graph 8B 'to provide that ~a!l operational costs will be shared equally
by the City of Boynton Beach and the City of De!ray Beach until Delray
Beach connects to tt~e Regional Wastewater Faeility, ~om which date
forward until such ti~e as Boynton Beach connects its wastewater flow
to said facility the City of Boynton Beach shall pay .to the City of
Delray Beach the sum of six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) per month and
the City 1of Delray ,Beach shall pay ali operational costs of the faoi-
tity durin~ suel% period~ and provided further, that 'at the time at
whieh the ~ity of Boynton Beach ~shall commene~ wastewater flow into
the Regional Facility, tl~e method of payment thereafter shall be in
confommity with the !nterlocal Ag?eement. Mm. Hamme~ng seconded the
motion. No discussion. Motion lca~Ti~ed 5-0.
Mr. Harmening moved that the City of Boynton Beach ratify the action
taken by the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment L Disposal
Boamd at its regular meeting on July 13, 1978, adopting the User
Charge and Industrial Cost Recovery Agreement. Mm. DeMareo seconded
the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Site Development Plans
Derte Bailey Tot Dralet Bait & Tackle Shop to Construct a Parking
Lot at 2010 North ~ederal Highway (Tabled)
Mr. Harmening moved to take this from the table, seconded by Mr.
Ca!dwell. Motionearried 5-0.
Mr. Ca!dwell moved the adoption of the site development plan as
recommended by the Planning & Zoning Board, seconded by Mr. Roberts.
No discussion. Mot/on carried 5-0.
Town & Countmy Squire of North Mia~
Home at the Southwest Corner of N. W.
Street in Lake Boynton Estates
Inc. to Construct a Puneral
2nd Avenue and N. W. 8th
Mr. Harmening moved to approve the site development plan for Town &
Country to construct a fun~s3~dmme at N. W. 2nd Avenue and N. W. 8th
Street subject to tY~e Fire Marshall's, Utility Dept.'s, and City
P!anner~s recommendation along with the recommendation from the Plan-
ning $ Zonin~ Board. Mr. Caldwell seconded the motion. No discus-
sion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Moore referred to the discussion to move these matters to the
public hearing section of the agenda and Mayor Jackson agreed and
requested Mr. Kohl to do this.
JULY 18, 1978
Consider Recommendation from Planning $ Zoning Board re: Annexation &
PUD Zoning Request Submitted by John Planigan for Summit Assoeiates, Lt~
Mr. Roberts moved to accept the recommendation of the Planning &
Zoning Board for annexation and PUD request submitted by John Flanigan
for Summ/t Associates and let it take the regular course, seconded by
Mr. Caldweli. Undem discussion~ M~. Ca!dwell asked if this would af-
fect the road and M~. Harmening ~eplied negatively. Mm. Roberts re-
ferred to notifying t~ Coun~ and Mr. Moore agreed. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Resolution for Demolition of Strmetures and Clearing of Land
Mr. Kohl requested that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the
appropriate document toddemotish the three structures as listed on
the submitted page and clear the land as stipulated in Chapter 14-A
of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances.
Mr. Caldwe!l moved to direct the City Attorney to draw up the proper
resolution for demolition of structures as stated in the July 18 letter
from the City Manager. Mr. DeMareo seconded the motion. No diseussion
Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Request for Temporary Trailers/Sandhilt
Mr. Kohl referred to submitting a eopy of a recommendation from our
Buildin~ Offieial, Mm. Edgar E. Howell, regarding a request from
Sandhi!i Subdivision for the plaeement of two temporary trailers for
offiee use and an off-ice site plan indicating location of the trailers
and requested Council's wishes in this matter.
Mr. DeMarco moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Ca!dwel!o
No diseussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Requests for Extension of Retirement:
Frances Wolf~ Recreation Department
Harold Burns~ General Services
Mr. Kohl referred to letters having been submitted and requested appro-
val of these requests. Mr. Caldwell moved that extensions of retire-
~nt for Franees Wolf and Harold Burns be granted~ seeonded by Mr.
Harmening. Under discussion, Mr. Kohl eommented that as of October,
we will not have to do tb/s any more as the federal law will take
effect. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Beverage License Appl~;cation - William Chickvary dba Just One
of Boynton Located at 1824 North Pedera! Highway
Mr. Ca!dwe!l questioned if the requirements were met since Mr. Howell
had not signed the applieation. Mr. Howell replied affirmatively and
advised that he does not sign the application until approved. Mr.
DeMareo moved to grant~ seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion.
Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Approval of Budget Transfer Request -
Building Department
OI1LY 18, 1978
Contingencies to
Mr. Kohl requested the budget transfer in the amount of $3,362 for
verticals to mover the windows in the new Building, Engineering
Planning Dept.
Mr. Caldwel! moved to authorize the budget transfer as per City
Manager's, Frank Koht~ request in the amount of $3,362. Mr. Harmening
seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
List of Payments - Month of June, 1978
Mr. Caldwell moved to attaeh the list-of payments to the minutes,
seconded by Mm. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Approval of Bills
Mr. Kohl requested that an invoice be included from Rita~ Inc. for
Estimate ~2 for $6,298.63 for the rest rooms at Galaxy Park and
$6,094.51 for the rest rooms at Pioneer Park or a total of
He then read the following bills for approval:
1. Board of County Commissioners ~ 1,800.00
Nine manholes on Woolbright Road
Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-11-00
Verbal agreement between Tom Clark and Karen Otsen
2. Charles E. Waldner, Jr., M.D. 2~080.00
Armual physicals for Fire Department
Pay from budgeted funds 00!-141-510-01-49
3. Aqua-Chem 1,387.74
Pebble lime for Water Treatment Plant
Pay f-rom Budgeted funds 401-512-550-03-65
4. Publi~ Market 169.24
Meals for needy and infirmed
Pay f-~om budgeted funds 320-871-570-02-5A
Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73
Zntereodnty Const-~uetion Est. ~20 9,878.10
Water Treatment Plant Expansion
Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-01-00
Contraet dated 7/9/76
6. Frenz Enterprises 6,910.16
Sludge hauling for month of dune
Pay from budgeted funds 401-533-550-02-99
JULY t8, 1978
7. Boynton Drapery $ 3,361.80
Verticals for raw office building
Pay from Genera]f~und 001-261-520-04-78
Sub~ect toapproval of transfer
8. Municipal Code Corporation 2,129.75
100 copies of Supplement ~S1
Coded to 001-151-510-02-77 (Overspent)
Approved by City Manager
9. Ameriean Cyanamid Company 5~500.00
Magni~loC 985 FloeeulantT~or Water Treatment Plant
Pay from budgeted funds 401-512-550-03-65
10. Willie Ruth MeGrady 76.80
Server for Senior Citizens Club- 2 weeks
Pay from budgeted funds 320-87!-570-02-5A
Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73
ll. !siahAndrews 88.00
Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay f~om budgeted funds 320-871-570-02-5A
Ordinance ~73-15~ passed 5/15/73
Mr. Kohl stated that the bills described have been approved and veri-
fied by the department ~e~ds involved; checked and approved for payment
by the Finance Deparkme~.; ~unds are available in their respective
budgets. He therefore recommends payment of these bills.
Mr. DeMarco moved to pay the bills, seconded by Mr. Coldwell. Under
discussion~ Mayor Jackson referred to the Municipal Code Corporation
and asked if they~were doing our book over and Mrs. Padgett informed
her that they are working on it~ but ske does not have a date on it.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that the Department of Community Affairs
has provided an opportunityto extend the comp!etlon date on the mom-
prehensive plan to September 30, 1978. The Department of Community
Affairs has also required that ~we transmit copies of all materials.
He would like to have the Mayor sign this so we have one months exten-
sion of time. It does not mean any money or cost.
Mr. DeMarco moved that the extension be granted and the proper aut?~r-
ities sign the documents~ seconded by Mr, Harmening. No discussion.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Caldwell moved to adjourn, seoonded ~y Mr. Harmenin9. Motion
carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 10:SS P. M.
V~Mayo r
~ Couneilman
~~City Clerk
Recording Secretary
(Pour Tapes)
Central Fire Station,
150 ~. E. 2nd ~venue .............................. 732--8166
Acting Director, Allan Nyquist, Fire Marshal (Home) ..................... 732--9325
Assistant Director, Captain James Rhoden, Sr ............................ 732-2570
(Home) ..................... 732-3147
Fire Department .................................... ~ ......... 732--8166 & 732--8167
Police Department ....................... 732--8116
Fire Department ......................................................... 732-8t66
Police Department ....................................................... 732--8116
~eneral SerVices, Bo~ Feltz ............................................. 732--2444
(Home) ..................... 734--0385
Perry Cessna .............................................. 732-811/ ~x~ension 247
(Beeper) ................... 837--1693
(Home) ...................... 737--6843
L. L. Spano .............................................................
(~ome) .....................
Bethesda Memorial Hospital .............................................. 737--7733
A. A. Ambulance ......................................................... ~32--2500
Radio Station WKAO ................. - .......... 737-5000
Radi ' ~32 7850
o Statiom WHRS ..................................................... _
Boynton Congregation'Church
115 ~orth Federal Highway
580 People
2. Rolling Green School
550 Miner Road
800 People
3. Wilson Recreation
211 N. W. 13th A~enue
4. Poinciana School
' 140 N. W. 13th Avenue
5. South Technical Center
1300 S. W. 30th Avenue
6. Galaxie Elementary School
/' 461 N. W. 2nd Avenue
7. civic Center
128 East Ocean Avenue
224 People
2,500 People
255 People
400 People
July 18, 1978
2. Board of County Commissioners' Public Informational
Meetings - RE: Revised Charter
(SLx (6) public i~_formational meetings - Countywide - July 19 through August 7, 1978.)
Wed. 7/:t9/78 'No. Cot~ty
7:30 P.~L Courthouse
PGA Blvd.
Boazd of Col~uissioners
General Public
Receive cou~nts from the
public on the proposed
Thurs. 7/20/78
7:30 P.FL
De]ray Bch.
City Hall
100 NW 1st Ave,
Board of Co,~z~2ssioners
C-eneral Public'
Sarma as/above.
~Ymn. 7/24/78
7:30 P.M.
Board of Cou~Rssioners
General Public
S~r~as above.
l~n. 7/31/78
7:30 P.I~
* CenturyVillage Board of ComTissioners
West Palm Beach C~neralPublic
Sama as above.
Thurs. 8/3/78
* Kings Point
Delray Beach
Board of Commissioners
General Public
Sa~e as above.
¥~n. 8/7/78 ' Belle Glade
7:30 P.M. Courthouse
Board of Comnissioners
'C~neral Public
S~-.r~-- as above.
l~n. 8/14/78
1:30 P.M.
Room l01
Board of C~a~ssioners Workshop to review comments
Charter Axk~isory Council fromCounty-vzide public
Constitutional Officers informational meetings.
General Public & Staff
~aes. 8/22/78
10:00 A.M.
Rsom 101
Board - Staff
Citi zens
Final Public Hearing on
proposed "Charter"
Emily M. Jackson
July 18, 1978
City Council
Boynton Beach, Florida 33~35
The Golf and Racquet Club
Su~mmit Associates, Ltd.
PUD Application
Please be advised that the Homeo~mers Association of Delray Dunes has had the opportunity
to review the proposed planned unit development n~*pending before the Council for The
Golf and Racquet Club.
We find it to be far superior to the previous approved plan for Charter World and encour-
age you to pass the proposedplan without amendment.
We understand that Palm Beach County has requested that as a condition of approval you
compel Summit Associates~ Lt~-~ to convey a 120 foot right of way through the property to
align with Cocanut Lane which is to become a major east-west thoroughfare between Congress
Avenue and S~a%e Road 7. We would be opposed to this.
The Golf and Racquet Club is to be a totally private community, providing its own security.
We believe this makes it compatible ~ith Delray Dunes, especi~.]ly since the proposed plan
provides a much lower density than t~hat previously approved. A public thoroughfare through
the property would prevent a private security control community as well as cause a ma~or
redesign of the property. In *.~1 likelihood a great increase in the proposed density would
result. Additionally, our analysis indicates that a major widening of Cocanut Lane drasti-
cally alters the character of the community which has developed in that area in a negative
We would greatly appreciate your support of The Golf and Racquet Club as proposed,
Ifwe may be of further assistance, please adw~ise.
Very truly yours,
5064 ........ 960001 ........ IRALA, LINDA 4/28/78 102.81
6326 230452 OLIVE WALLACE 6/01/78 168,90
6327 056500 WOODROW EUTSAY 6/01/78 55.66
__.~3Z8_ ' l&63:00_ EJ-EANO_~R__P~JEFER ................... 6/01J75 9[o.Z~
.... 6329 .......... 231580.5 _ W.T. WELCH 6/01778 ............... 82.65
6330 .......... 192592 ..... ADA SHOOK 6/01778 ............ 202.21
........ 63~.6 ....... 232510 KATO..~.I~LLIAMS 6~01Z78
; IHONPS 6/01/78
202515 LEE THOMAS _ 6___~1~_~ .......
6341 206300 JOHN M. TUITE
................................................................ 6/01/78 91.50
;. 53~2 081650 HAROLD H-~'~'~ 6')~'~'~
''~634~: ?-12~590 :NORMgN [BLATTE ~-- ~2.46
t': )' 63~5 '~. i96360 EON&RD SULLIVAN 6/01778
___ ~03 161720 PETTY CASH WATER [ SEWE~ 6/01/78 4.80 '.
6403 161720 PETTY CASH WATER E SEWER 6/0Z/78' 3.~5
6403 1~720 PE~TY CASH WATER ~ SEWER 6/01/78 5.63
:------s-/-Ol/7§- -- .oo
6403 :"~]~03290~ ~ 'CITY OF~BOyNTON BEACH :'. 6/0t/78 8.20
} ~[TY' OF 8~OYNTON BEACH :_~ 6/01/78 8.28
6403 032901 CITY OF BDYNTON BE&CH 6/0l/?~-'-' 9.00
6406 VERZAA[, JR.~ ' 6/02178 2~7.85
6409 450018 MAC~ SLOAN 6/02/78 ii7.90
6460 232~90 SHERIFF ~ICH~RO WILLE ~:~] 5/31/78 li.95CR
6662 0it350. ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 6/06/78
~646~__::/~ 020~00 T, BADGER:;NEIER, INC. 6/06/78
646~ 024720 BOYNTON BEACH CHAMBER 6/06/78 833.33
6465 025660 LARRY BRYSON 6/06/78 131.25
56 030299 CAIN FEED [ SUPPLY 6/06/78 76.35
FG~- -- 6/06/Z~ .: ;c 126.00
03459~ COLLEGE'TENNIS GUIOE 6/06/78 3.50
0~4~_8 _DREW CHS~tCAL .__6/06/78 899°88
6470 ....... 063780 .. FLORIOA ~.OWER [ _L.[GH~ _CO~-.. 6/06/78 .......... 22,786.29
6471 072700 UILL[E GIBSON ............... .....
6/06/7~ .................. ~t25
6472 075610 GULFSTRFAM LUMBER CO. 6/06/78 9.40
,~,~BAE07 0 U T S T A N D I N G C H F C K S
6~7~ 086~50 HUCKLEBUCK MUSIC 6/06/78
6475 I1~550 F~ANK KOhL 6/06/78
6~77 1~050~ MANuFACTURErS LIFE INS. ' 6/06/78 ] 588,00
~ .
6 79 ~04~2 NATIONAL UTILITY P~oDUCT. S 6/06778
~90 ~53~10 KAR:F~ OKEN] CA 6/0~/78 180,80
64,~5 1924,70 SHEaWIN WILLIAMS CO. 6/06/78
6486 294,700 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 6/06/78
6491 230545 WATER HYDRANT SERVICE 6/06/78 3,712..50
_~/09/7 B 295.20 '
6/09/78 355.~
6506 290001 gAVlO A CIPRIA~i 6/09/78 357,~6
65:[0 0t1510 AECOA ~, INC. 6/09/78 4,6,911., ~0
6516 020458 8ARILE EXCAVATING & PtPEL 6/09/78 11,105.T3
"~'S i ~----'-6'~ ~6-~"--T'~5:T-6~-' ~6-:- ":E'6 ~ i~-~-'f6-6:~'~ ..... : ........ ~76:~7Y~- ..... i-~7~2-T~---~' =
6520 doYNTON 6/0q/78 6,915215
6521 BOYNToN BEACH FIRE D[PT 6/09)78: ::/ 97,00
': "~'~ 6522 024730 BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 6/09/78 2.357.13
:'. ....6523 030540 CASE POWER ~ EQUIPMENT CO 6/09/78 51.38
034,550 COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. 6/09/78 59.?0
0 U T S T A N D t N G
6525 042710 DIET MASTERS 6/09/78 8.90
~'~ 6526 044650 O~N'S AL~'~ENT ......... 6/09/78
6528 050200 E ~ S P~ODUCTS CO. 6/09/78 58.40
6529 062820 FIREMEN'S RELIEF & 6/09/78 6]1.37
__.~Q .... _O~291~__.F~Z...B~K ~._T_BUST__ ........... 6/09/78 11,790.52
6531 053700 .ELORIDA BRAKE ~ . 6/09/78 68.92
6532 063715 FLORID~ DIESEL TRUCK. ~ IN 6/09/78
':i" 6533 063740 FLORIDA EDucATIONAL 6/09/78
:,:: ........ Fb- --? ......... -g 5 97
'~ '. 6535 . 065550 '~R~TERNAL:OROER OF. POLICE 6/09/78
...................... 6/09/78 18.00
6538 07280~ .... 8~-~ ~-~'~ ..................................... ~ 5~TY-~ ...... 15.5~- -
080~29 HARPER S ROM PUBLISHERS ' 6/09/78
080550 HAUSER MOTOR CO.. .................... ~/~9/78 102.02
~5~3 03_~620 ..... HOLLY ACCUMULATOR g .... ~/09/78 .................................~87[~-~ --
6544 086350 HUCKLEBUCK MUSIC ~.~(..],~
6545 ~215 INFO EXPO '78 6/09/78
)94280 INTE--~C~OUNTY--CONSTRUCTION .... 6/09/78 ~,679.76
' 6547 100310 JACK'S CA,ERA CENTER . 6/09/78 95.60
6548 1~1580 _KELLY TRACTOR,~g3____-- 6/_09/78 ~ 1,699.tl .
6549 124600 LONGVIEW LIME 6/09/78 1,979.00
6550 130320 MACMILLAN PUBLISHING CO. 6/09/78 5°60
6551 130565__._ MAURY'S TOOL CHEST ..... _6_/_9_~__/78 _._ 33.50
134650 GENE MOORE 6/09/78 2,290.00
6553 136420 MUNICIPAL POLICE 6/09/78 - 900.02~
~..5.~.~ ___ t_ 6__9k9.9_- P ' ~ (~__~.I_ S_T R3.8_ U _T..Q~_S ...... 6/09/78 35.80 '
655_5 ..... ]..60'~72 P__ALM BE~CH AUTO PARTS 6/09/78
..................................... 6.2'_ .6.,.}}
6:55~ ...... 1604p0 .... _P~kf¢. BCH,, .,¢_QUNTY _P,,B.._A? ............. 6/09/78 ................. 1.3_.~._.._Q~ .......
6_5_57_ ......... 1_50._4:_t~0_ ....PAL~I ;BEACH NEWSPAPERS 6/09/78 1.380.66
6559 162790 PIERCE TiRE CO., INC. 6/09/78 ' 862.62
6560 162880 CLARENCE L. PITTMAN 6/09/78 .. 450.00__- _
6561 ..................... 166200 PU3~.!~ .. HABF~T .................................................................. 6/09/78
6562 180500 EVA RAYMOND
6/09/78 30.00
6563 182780 RICH MOTORS, 'INC. 6/09/78 91.12
6564 182785 RI~GEWAY PLUMS.lNG, INC.~ !: 1,783.00
6565 182800 '~iNKER MATERIALS CO~P: 6/09/78 ' 32
~_~ 1~29_ 5~_ E. N. RITA ENTERPRISES,. I __ 6/09/78 , 76,954.06
6567 184700 ROWLANQ TRUCK EOUIP.m INC 6/09/78 .... ._=
6568 t86310 RUOIN CONSTRUCTION CO. 6/09/78 ~,745.96
~6_~ ____!~6~_5~0_ RUSSELL & AXON 6/09/78
6570 190350 SAFETY KLEEN CORP. ~- 6/09/78
6571 190989 OLYVE E. SCHOOLEY 6/09/78
6572 192585 THE SHOPPER 6/09/78 - 110.26
6573 193912 LEON SMILES ....................... 6/09/78 .............. !~-50 .......
6576 205410 TRAIL FORD ~RACTOR .C~ _. 6/09/78 ............ 40°50
6575 ~6~O_._~O~G~OU~ND.S_U~KY ........ 6/09/78 326.25
· ~6/30/78 C~TY OF BOYNTO~N BEACH PAGE z~.
M_~AjQ.7_ ..................... L..O__U__;T__S__T A __N_~_ I ~,~ ~___C_H___E__ :C_.K__S_
, .
~-~6578 222~20, VI~CE C~N!NG ~UOES 6/09178 ~75.00
~ ~0-6~ 32~- ;~ E~ ~:*~S-' ~66~ ~v zc~ ~,¢o~
FRANCIS 6/09/78 I
_!_5. o___o_
~ 6$~8 _ 5~20, MITCHEL~ GAYNES ---~ 6/09/78 8.00
~D ZS;O0
~. 661~ 6000~6 COREEN HOWARD 6/09/78 9.40
........ _6~A ........ _~..0'_0.9~_ .... ~.QG.E~__!~.~.AN_ .................................... ~Q~ZZ~_~ .........
6520 6~0025 LOUIS KULCI NSKI 6109178 ~ II.00
. 6625 640~38 ..... ROB~RT__R..LEDER ._. ...... 6/09/78 .............. 33.25
; . ~L _ _ ~:~2~______~ 5_~ 0 P~L MOROBITTO 6/09178 ~.70
.6627 &5006! ..... _PHI LIP MOYERS ..... 6/09/78 ............... 5.._~...
6528 650062 EDWARD MULROy ........... 6~09/78 15.00
56~0 55006~ JOHN R. RC V~ 5/09/78
66~ 550008 DAVID ~. NEBEL 5/09178
66B3 ..... 680029 K~RMI T PETERSON 6109178 .................... ~.~0
66B5 6800B1 JACK E. PIT~AN 6/09178 ii.50
........ ~6~0.__ ..... T~O:Q.~ .... ~E$_~_N~.~.~_~ .............................. ~(0~!7~ ....... 12.20
&6~1 7500~9 VERA WEBBER 6109179 15.50
78000~ ROSE ZELKQ 6/09/i i0o80
~EACH 6199178 I5.00
........ 66~5 ........ 79_08~ .... ~I~Y_O~ ~OYNT~ BEAC~ ............. 6/99!78 ............ 2-_89
66~7 790896 CiTY DF BOYNTON 8EACH 5/09178
66~9 :'r.. 790898,'~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH
6651 790900
6/09/78 2~80
6/09/78 11.~0
6109178 ;~::" - '~2.80
TY OF BOYNTON__B~CH_] ..... 6/09/Z8~ 2.80
6.657 790905 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/09/78 2.80
~6~';: 790909: CZTY O~ 8QYNTO~ B~CH : 6/09/78 ~ : 8.00
'? ~: 6661 "':4:790910 :CITY OF BOYNTON. BE CH , 6t09/78 , : 7.80
,_~.~ 66~2 :.-:~? 79__~0~1i ~' CiTY OF .BOYNTON 5/09/78
~'~'-t~ 6663 790912 CITY OF BOY,TON B~CH ~/09178 2,80
: 6667 '790916 'CITY OF BOYNTON B~CH ~. - 5/09/78 ' 18~0
__ __6668 ~ 790917 CITY OF BOYNTON BmACH" 6f09/78 15.60__
~ 6669 790918 CITY OF ~OYNTON ~EACH 6/09/T8 15.60
6671 790920 CITY OF BOYNTON 8E~CH 5109178 15.60
6673 790922 ~ CITY 6/09/78
6674 79092~ C ~ y__O~ B_QY ~__~ A C_~ ........ 5/09/78 3.50
6676 790925 ....... C.] T y_._q~ ...~YN~._B~ ACH 5/09/78 .............. _7._~. 5~
6577 790926 CITY OF BOYNTON BE~CH 6/09/78 ~3.60
~,~A507 0 U__T_ S T A N D I N g C H E C K S
,~&678 790927 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 6/09/78
6680 796929 CITY OF B~YNTON BEACH 6109178
:6690 ?90939 CITY OF .B~.~NTQN BEACH 6/09/78 15,00
6/09/78 66,75
6/09/7B 5.60
6,/09/78 15.00
6714 79096~ CITY OF BEACH 6109/'78 t 2.80
[: ~ i "'-'~i;'f~'-:'-6~ ~'¥-~-§~ ~'R-~ ..... -'~ ....... ~"-'~ 6~ 7~ ~' '-' ...... ~
%~..-6721 790970 CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH 6/09/78 1~.22
~ ~723 : 790972 o~BOY~T~N ~EA~H [209/78 11~20
~2~ ..... :'-'9"~6 ~"V g ....... ~76:~2~--: ~-'~'- '--" -
O U T S T fi ~ D I N G C H F C K S
6730 790979 CITY OF aOYNTON BEACH 6109178 15.00
6731 790980 CITY OF BQYNTdN-~EACH ~/09/78
67~2 790981 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 6/09/78
6733 7909~2 CITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH 6/09/78 15.00
67~4 79098~ CITY OF BQYNTON BE~CH 6/09/78 I5.00
~735 79~9~4 CITY OF BOYNTON gEfiCH 6/09/78 2.80
~7~6 79~985 CITY OF 8OYNTON ~EACH 6/09/7~ 13.60
6737 790986 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 6/09/78 15.00
8743 79~0,992 CITY OF BOYNTON BE~CH 6/09/78 15.00
6745 ~;?;:: 790~ CITY OF ~OYNTON'~ACH-. -' ~ 6109/78 - 2.80
67~6 0355',6b~ CROWN LIFE I~SURAN~E CO. 6109178
&7~8 024'7~0 80YNT~N BEACH RETIrEmENT 5/12/78 900.00
6752 024765
6753 024800
9/13/78 - " 950.~6 '
9/13/78 305.26
9/13/79 ~t00.00
9/i3/78 100.00
6758 060110 MRS. SUSAN FAiR 9~I3/78 .0
......... :; ....... . ;,:-'= ................. -'~ .... :: ~'-~ ................................ :._..a_~ ..... ~ 5 O
6760 065~20 LOUIS :PRE IDI~}CH 9/13/78 109.00
6770 I34575 NO~ CHEMICAL CO., INC. g/I3/78 208.93
677S' 192750:' SIGNPOST ~UBL
6774 192760 SILVER BURDETT 9/13/78
6775 ......... 196009 PAUL STARTZMAN 9113/78
6776 196170 STEVEN~S DRUGS 9/13/78 6.77
6777 205600 TROPtGAS~ INC. 9/13/7S 1~6.54
~'48~,507 ITt U T S T A N D [ N G C H E C K S --
~778 2Z6~[5 UNiVErSAL BEACH SErViCE 9/~/73
677~ 216~5 UNIVEffStTY OF PITTSBURGH 9/1~/78
6781 2~17~ WESLEY STEU~E CONSTR, ,9/13/78 200;00
6~2__:_ O~ BLUE CROSS OF FLORIDA 5/1~178 70,~7
...... ~:~782 --- BLUE c~OSs OF FLORIDA
196015 STATE OF FLORIDA 6/1~/~8 80.56
6T90 3z, OOI1 ALVIN HE~RING ,JR. 6116/78 120~62
6791 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 6/16L~8
6~91 ~ 03-290I CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH 6/I6/78 5.50
679~ ~t5500 VEVA ARMBRUSTER 6/i5/78 10.00
6795 0159~ ATLANTIC COAST FIRE CO, 6/1_6__(7_~ 118.~0
0:16000 ~TL~NTIC H~RON~RE
0i6300 AoTOPRoDU~Ts, iNc;
x~6799 0204~0 ~HE BAKER ~ TAYLOR CO. 6/~6/78
6800 ~21~QO .,B~,LO~. ~O~__~_~_!SS IONE~S 6~_16178 515.9Q
680~ ~2~730 ~OYNTO~ BEACH RET[ffEMENT 6/16/78 2~339.78
6806 ~02~765 ~OYNTON GUN 8 LOCK~ INC. · 6/i5/78 i7.35
ozs o 'b ARD Pu: m :co;
030280 ~O[LLAc ENGRAvERs : 6/16/78 ,' 6;82
6812 032~95 ESTELLE CHAMITOV 6/16/78 91.80
~.~ 6~ 03455~ ..... COCA COLA .... BOTTLING Cf).. 6/16/79 59.70
681z+ 034596 ...... NATHAN ~OL L[NS 6/~6/7S
~-- ] .... 6816 041610 DELRAY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 6/16/78 94.01
6817 O~168~ JOHN DENS ON ~116/78 16.00
6821 062 [ 6/78 621.79
................ ~(~6/78 zg.~o
..... 6826 ...... g~OS_~O ...... G~MET] ~_. I NC. _
...................... 5/16178 6~
6827 070~00 BETTY GARRIGA 6/16178 30,00
:':' 6829 :::~1570 GENE~A'L'TOoL ~ ~lcHIMihG 6/18/78 375.00
__ :___ ~BO 0g4500. C~R[~S GODFREY ] 6/16/78 BO.O0
6 ~1 075400 GRANAOA VALVE & FITTING 6/t6/78 57.82
6832 075500 GRIFFIN POLLUTION 6/16/78 700.00
6~33 0?5530 R.L. GRUMMONS PRINTING 6/16/78 108o80
6/16/78 : 3,996.03
CORPORATION . 6116/78 . 41.60
.... ~3~ Q75.810 GU_LFSTREAM LUMBER CO. 6/16/78 315.32
........ ~_83_8 . ._~g!:]4_~4__.H~p~R]VES OF DELRAY, INC. 6/t6/78 256.~0
6:839 0~6~50 HUCKLEBUCK NUSIC 6/16/78 75.00
6843 i11570 KELLERS ELECTRIC SERVICE 6/16178 45,00
6844 ]~12~0 WILLIAM T. KICKENAPP 6/16/78 100o00
684~. ~20]03 L.E.AoR,N., INC. _ 6/16/78 33.00
68G9 12~678 D~, H[~M~ I. [[VIN 5/16/78
~?~:Z[ !~765 JACK M. HILES 6/16/78 506.08CR
:6852 16i78 245~5
6-854 135410 MR. O'S PAINT & BODY SHOP 6/16/78 676,71
6 -
I .-,~. 68_ S
: , ' 6859 16Z750 PICARO CHEMICAL CO~
6/16/78 228.68
6116178 101.89
6860 16/+600 POMPANO OFFICE SUPPLY, CO 6/16/78 124.41
....... 6862 165310 PRECISION FRAM~ S~RVICE 6116/78 60.00 '
6863 180498 RANGING, INC. 6/16/78 .............
6864 180500 EVA RAYMOND 6/16/78 .............
_~6~.._ 190959 OLYVE E. SCHOOLEY 6116/78 10o00
6866 191100 SCOTTY'S 6/16/78 50.30
68a7 191510 SEACREST PETROLEUM CO. 6116/78
6869 191700 ..... S.EWEkk H4RD~ARE CO~, INC. 6/16778 ..............
6870 193912 ..... k~_~.~!k. ES ................ 6/16/78
6871 194750 SOUTHERN WIPERS 6/16/78 76o61
_~,~ ....... ~.~.. TAULMAN SALES CO. 6/t6/78 28.20
6876 2~0500 TAYLOR RENTAL C~N~ER ................. ~7_~ ....................
........................................ ........ 21.96
6877 202~40 THAYER ADVERTISING, INC. 6/16/78 267.98
]O 136620 _ POLICE .... __ ~16/78 '
6883 194600 SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUT 6/19/78 22,73~.57
6883 194~00 SOC~AE SECURITY CONTRISUT _6/19/78 11.04
}NTRIBU~- 6/19/78
CONTRi~U_T ~:;;-,6/19/78~
....... 6_~_~ ........... ~ ~,__~ 0_~.] A_~L._~ E.__~p~.!~ Y CONTRIBUT 6/tg178 27,978.~8
6884 161720 PETTY CASH W~TER ~ SEWER 6/20/78 7.00
6_884 161720 PETTY CASH WATER & SEWER 6/20/78 3.00
6884 .......
5~85 ...... 015990 ..... ~T.~&~!~C.....COAST..~.IRE _C~- 6/20/78 ............. ~.~
6886 022930 BISHOP'S 6/20/78 19.60
025610~S~VE 8RUNNER 6/20/78
6888 025660 LARRYCBRYSDN 6/Z0/78
688._ ~ : QB?70_O 'CYpR__ESS POND NURSe_R?: _ :6~0778 ~:' ' 250.00 - '
689o o~i6~. JQH~._P~_~N ................... i6.00
........... 0~75 ....... ~.6.~A_P~ ........................... _. 6/2o/7~ ........................... /6.OD
6S9~ 053605 ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION ~ 6/20/7~ ~6.00
056300 EN~L S UNIFORMS 6/20/78 65.90
6894 . 063714 FLORIDA OEPT. OF TRANSPOR 6/20/78 ' J d:i 1.00
6895 063780 FLORIDA POWER ~ LIGHT CO. 6/20/78 1T.97
6896 063787 FLORIDA PUBLIC UTILITIES 6/20/78 3.87
6897 070605 GATOR FREIGHTWAYS 6/20/78 9.48
6898 ..... ~'~6d ........
6899 07S~-~7-k.L. ~U~ONS P~I,TIN~ 6/~0/7~ ~.~0
6900 084620 HOLLY ACCUMULATOR & 6/20/78 10.00
6901 086350 HUCKEEBUCK MUSIC 8/20/78 75.00
6904 120410 LAMAR UNIFORMS
~...~507 O U T S T A N D I N G C H E C K S
6906 132165 JACK M. MILES 6/20/78 .......... 58~.~ .........
'" 6908 234650 GENE MOORE 6/20/78 105.00
6909 1363~0 LAU.A MUDRYK 6/20/78 ~5o00
3910 ...... ~0~6~ .... ~AT~NA~_.W~L.O~_N~ ?ROOUC~S ......... 6/~0/7~_' 41.0-2
691~ 142720 JuHN N[EBEL 6/20/78 100.00
"' 6912 _. 153310 ....... K.A~F~.~
!'" .... ~13 ~53300 OL¥~ SPORT SHOP, INC. 6/Z0/7~ ZSZ.60
't~: : .1.6914 160G20.~;:PAL~ BEACH OEE:ICE. SUPPLY
~_. -!, 69~_ ' 18~&__SOOj.:__~USSEL~'~ AXON' L _ 6/20178
6917 19~700 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 6/20/78 107.53
6918 19~810 6/20/78 20.07
6919 196009 PAUL ST~RTZMAN 6/20/78 11
. 6921 202950 YVONN~:TOA~E 6/20/78
.... 6~92__~232~25~.A. WHITMAN. J~. 6.~2~/_~8 175.00
..... 6923 .......... !!!!~9 ........ SOUTH~R~..~[.kL-!E~.PHONE ~/.201~.8 ................. !~J~-B! .......
6/20/78 6.22
6/20/78 78.02
6/20/78 48°04
194700 SOUTaERN BELL TELEPHONE 6/20/78 65.00
BELL TELEPHONE 6/20/78_. '-
-6923 194700 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 6/20/78 42.06
6923 194700 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 6/20/78 76.36
6923 ~94700 SOUTHERN ~ELL TELEPHONE . 6/20/78 ~ '
6923 194700 ?SOUTHERN;'BELL TELEPHONE ' 6/20/78. '~ "-
6923 194700 souTHERNBELL TE'EEPHONE.::'' 6/20/78
6923 194700 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 6/20/78 25.55
6923 194700 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 6/20/78 2~6o26
~ ', ~,924 1~-4-625 GEORGE A. NOVAK ~ THOMAS 6/21178 5,000.00
6925 013720 ALLEN INSURANCE AG_NCY 6/21/78 15,422.00
6925 0.13720 ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY 6/21/78 I~395.00
~ ~926 NETTff ZIG'GEER :
.__A~27 o:~424o :~SIAH A~REwS : '~/~2/7~
· 692a ........ 130950 ~8 !.LL I E._~UTH MCGRADY ....... 6122178 ........... 58_ _.~0_.9 .....
692~ 3zooo~ 6/23/7~ ................ ~8~.8
6930 340012 JOSEPH HOLLAND 6/23/78 172.00
280019 MICHAEL BAIRD 6/23/78 3B9.26
--~g~:O~g'-' HAROLD H, SHULL · 6/23/78 363,18
02428° BOAF CErTIFICATiON BOARD; 6/23/78 10,00
0~550 VEVA AR~ ~STER 6/23/78
6960 0416:B~ .........
OUIPHE~ ~O. 6/23/78 360.00
~sg o~o:Oo : EiS~ CO~s::Fi~E EOU:P; S/Z~17O
5973 070400 BETTY GARRtGA 6/23/78 30.00
697~0'715:0: GED i~STI TUTE :
6976 GMc TRUC~ :6/23/7
6977 074500 . ~ARLES GODEREY ·
O~ MIKE HALE 6/2~/78
6978 . 0803
........ 6/23/78 17.9~5
6979 ~80306 G. K. HALL
6980 080426 HARLEY DAVIOSON OF PALM B 6/23/78
.................... 88,35
6991 0S0550 ...... HAUSER MOTOR CO. 6123178
6982 981715 HEYER DIST~ ................... ff(~3/78 137.57
~' ----6983 ........ 08~ .... JOHN F. HOLLIHAN 6/2~/78
6984 084620 HOLLY ACCUMULATOR [ 6/23/78
6985 0~0105 1.8.M. CORPORATION 6/23/78
6988 120~20 LAFAYETTE RADIO EL~CTRONI 6/2~/78 77.28
130530 JOHN: W, MARCHERET ASSOC. 6/28/78 999.00
7!004 180500 EVA RAYMOND 6/23178
~005 182780 RICH ~OTORS, INC. 6/23/78 30.12
i' ~006 182800 RI~]KER MATERIALS CORP. 6/2~/78
;-~i: ..... ~Olo I~~YVE E. SCHOOLEY 6/23/78 ~00
7016 202500 ARTHUR H. THOMAS CO, 6/23/78 7]Lo51
' ~--~ i 2
7921 KZNG '205~55
7022 230451 WALLACE & TIERNAN 6/23178 21.86
_7_Q~_~.____ 2}~]5~5____ W____~S___T__~CONSTRUCT ION
~ 6723/78 25,713o00
702z+ 2]~780 WESTERN AUTO STORE -%-~ ~98
7027 COrpORATIOn, : 6/23/78 39~;20
7028 290'008 JOHN F. CAINE 6/23/78 = 363,66
-; : ~030 400006 GERALD NAULT 6/23/78 2,11S.1I
0 U T S T A N O I N G C H E C K S
~JO] 1 136~20 MUNICIPAL POLICE 6/23/78 450.00
[, ~0~2 196020 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT, 6727/78 _ ~Q:.:. .....
011~0O AiR CONDITIONING 6/27/78
:7036 0,~300 AOTopRooUCTS; iNC. 6/27/78 : 91,47
~__] 7 .~. Au~o PA~TS, ZNC. a/2Y/~a i04.5a
7048 064557 FOREST PARKS HEIGHTS 6/27/78 64.B1
: ................ :;:.::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i5; 2:
070~10 GAYLOR! BROTHERS 6/27/78 49.65
MUSIC 6/27/78 75.00__
7'055 1!~_95 ~.I_N__G 0__~ TH_E__HILL WATER_S_~ ....... 6/27/78 90.00
· O5& t20A10 LAMAR ~N~FORNS . 6/27/78 261.48
~0~5~:2 : 1~1550 ~E~fi~NICS UNIFO~MsERvICE 6/27/78 F _ 60.0O
............................... 72.00
· ~61 153310 K~REN OKENICA 6/~7/79 _ _
_~: ;: $~65 ':' '~tgO~5 ;; ~:LSAMYN' ; 6/27178 :~ "100.00
: ........ ~67 19~715 SGUTHERM MILL ~.~g._~_O.~
: 7~ ...... ~g'~ .............. ~0~ ........ ~:i~--"~'~'~'~ ~ 6/27/78 _ 50.00
7070 2025~6 :~ENRY'E. THOMPSON ' 6/27/78 231.7~
7071 ~05:536 ~R~KPHOTOGRAPHIC CgMPANY _6/27/78 ~ 297.93CR
7973 216580 UTILITIES SERVICE, INC. 6/27/78 487.80
---~--;-~~ PAIRICI~ W~TKINS 6/27/78 15.007
7075 2B2800
..... 707~.__ 232800
7076 ....
7~77 ...... 257650
.... ~_078 266310
_T~.~.GEORGE. YOUN~ C. OMPA.NY 5/27/78 .............. ~.} .........
ZUCCALA WRECKER SERy[CE 6/27/78 __ 45o00
~A507 0 U T S T A N D ! N G C H E C K S ..........
~.7079 191630 ..... SE.~V[CE ~ND..US!~.~AL SUPPLY .......................6127/78 ~ .......... ~_.],_,.1~.~_~_6~ ............
'080 0~1515 DELTA AtRL[NE~ .............. 6J.~7/7 8 ..................~h~..9_q..
"~682 ....... ~69~'0 ....... ~'j-~ [~ ~TH MCGR&DY 6/29/78 ~8.00
7107 210150 U.S. POSTNASTER 6/29/78 18.00
7108 290009 LJNg~ C CARDELL ...... 6/B0/78 260.62
7tZO ~50020 HENRY SCHULTZ S/50/78 588.~5
~50021 SAU SHEJ
50. O0
10 _. 0.__0
~ : ' ~ RETIREMENT 6/30/78 2~362o02
7131 ....
6/2 265.80
7149 080433 CHRIS HARRIS ' 6/30/78 4.00
d HN H LFRICH 6/B0/78 125.00
7150 _ Q~1602.: O_ E
' 6/30/78 MT. 58
A N 0 [ N o C ..'_ :.
~.17152 084600 JOSEPH T. HOLLAND 6/30178
,.153 084690 EDGAR HOWELL .6/30/78
7154 lOOBBO EMILY JACKSON ' 6/30/78
~---~-i~ 5 111550 BERT KEFHR 6130/78
'7156 I14550 FRANK K~HL 6/30/78
71_57_ __ tZ0410.. L~A~A~_PNtE. ORM~ .................. ~!78
__120500 BOB LATH&N.
........... 12~Qo
6/30/78 ............ 1Q.O..OO .....
6/ 333;;00
___7_165 ...... 1__4_179.9 ..... _N_E_P_.! U t'~ MET~_CP,, .................. 613_0/78 ............ 7._2 _0.,_4__! ............
,,, ,.~,,~7~6 tz~6550 NU,TI!NG ENGINEERS O~ F__k&- . ~.L3o__4Z_8
?170 1604~4 JIM PATTERSON 6/30/78
POLK 6/30/78 248.00
~ 'EVA RAYMOND 6130/78
· I 7 6
'VE E. SCHOOLEY _ 6/30/78 10,00
NIRIN_A .... 6_/~3_0/78 400.00_
19,1 ARS. ROEBUCK & CO. 6/30/78 '432.00
1~3 2 !,~350 UNDERGROUND SUPPLY 6/30/78 131,63
2~'1401 V~R SCIENTIFIC, INC. 6/30778 297.93
~ s~o~T~
Y188 BETTY ZOBEL 6/30/78 20.00
· 189 ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY 6/30/78 .......... ~_~ ...........
~t89 210 _LEN INSURANCE AGENCY 6/30/78 934.00
19 IVIRONMENTALiRE 6/30/78 20.00
· 6/30/78
ACCENT AUA~DS 6/30/7~ ~1.00
:~ 011200 AOAMS CHEWOLET 6/S0/78 1~5.~8
~ ' ...................... ......... ;-g-)'~'6~ ........
7196 0.2~4~10 80YNTON AUTO SUPPLY
~ o~5~o .L~R¥ ~RYSON~ ~ ~i~o/v8 ?Y!
7i99 iOB0540 CASE POWER ~ EOuIPMENT CO 6/30/78
--~200 031700 PERRY CESSNA 6/30/78 97.00
7201 0~1610 DELRAY ELECTRt~ SU~pL~ 6(~0/78 ......
_~7~02 041680 DENSBFRGER FIRE EOUIP. CO 6/30/78
0 U
.... ;'204
080~10 HALSEY & GR[FFITH, INC. 6/]0/78
08D~50 H~RVEL ~ DELAND 6/~0/78
0B0550 HAUSER MOTOR CO. 6/30/78
61Z0/78 3=Dp.gO _
6/3o/78 a6.t6
6/B0/78 42.00
6/B0/78 5.00
7214 08~620 HOLLY ACCUMULATOR g 6/~0/7B
,.'~__ 7215 t0~ JACK'S 'CA--H~:~'-~hT~ ........ 67~/78
:~ ..... 1216 .......... ~1570 .... KELLERS ELECTRIC SERVICE 6/30/78 .......... 1_~1_,_4~__
7219 132755 MIDAS MUFFLER SHOPS 6130/78 15.95
...... .7~9_ 15~850 O'B~IEN. ~U]T~ _O'.~R[EN ....... 9Z39/7~ 250.00
7223 16,037& PALM BEACH COMMUNICATIONS 6/30178
-~722~ 16i511 PEACOCK'S RADIATOR SERVIC 6130/78
· 7225 [6Z790' ::'PIERCE TIRE COo, INC. 6/30/78
7226 i~600.:~POMPANO OFF[CE SUPPLY, CO 6130/78
7227 18~538 ROCKWELL INTERN'L .-- MUN.[~ ..........
7231 19~700]'.. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 6/30/78
..... ~232 _ 1.?~9 SBUT~ERN HYDRAULICS ~ EOU 6/30/78 73.9~
7235 1~6020 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT. 6/~0/78 __~.00
..... 7235~- 1~61t0 B[LLIE JEAN STEELE
7237 ' ZOOZO0 T: & T ENG[NEER]NG 6/30/78 ~6-00
7238 ~028~0 :TINKER T~ CON~RUCTIgN 6/30/78 100.00
72~3 ~32~00 J. WHITE ALUMINUM 6/30/78 5.00