Minutes 03-05-12 MINUTES OF THE SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, MARCH 5, 2012, AT 3:00 P.M. IN THE CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Present: Katherine Lynch, Chair Nancy Molina, City Liaison Lillian Bruzzese Blanche Hearst- Girtman Jean Young Stuart Preston, Alternate Absent: Denise Chamberlain, Co -Chair Virginia O'Connell Betty Spinelli I. Call to order The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m II. Pledge of Allegiance /Moment of Silent Reflection The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of silent reflection for our military personnel. III. Roll Call Self- introductions were made. IV. Approval of Minutes Motion Ms. Young moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. Bruzzese seconded the motion that unanimously passed. V. Approval of Agenda There were no changes made to the agenda. 1 Meeting Minutes Senior Advisory Board Boynton Beach, FL March 5, 2012 VI. Chairperson's Remarks • Possible opening for alternate It was noted Tony LaRiccia attended the meetings and was interested in serving on the Board; however, the City Commission had to approve his Advisory Board Application. Chair Lynch also explained she was still looking for someone to serve as Chair of the Board as she did not have enough time to devote to the position. She agreed to remain as Co -Chair with Ms. Chamberlain until a replacement was found. If the City Commission appointed him to the Board, it was hoped he would be interested in assuming the task. VII. Old Business • Avenues for Shopper Hopper Ms. Molina advised there was no change with this item, but the Mae Volen Center lost the grant As a result, staff would provide a head count of patrons coming to the Senior Center for lunch and the Mae Volen Center would prepare the meals. Once delivered, lunch would be served. Accordingly, volunteers were needed. • Free National Member Screening, March 6, 2012 10 a.m. — 11 a.m. How it comes on /Advice to caretakers Chair Lynch announced the Alzheimer's screening would take place at the Senior Center on March 6, 2012, from 10 to 11 a.m. This event would not include actual testing. It would be a lecture discussing the onset of the illness and advice for caregivers. Flyers were distributed to all the condominiums to publicize the event. VIII. New Business • Still looking for articles for senior problems Chair Lynch requested the members submit articles of interest pertaining to seniors to Nancy Molina, the City Liaison, and they would be shared with Senior Center patrons. Additionally, the articles and Senior Advisory Board agenda could be included in the newsletter if submitted to Ms. Molina in advance of the newsletter deadline. Ms. Bruzzese was aware cuts in Social Security and Medicare were forthcoming and would obtain additional information. • Discussion for Car Fit — for April or May The members discussed the Car -Fit program. In the past, personnel from the Motor Vehicle Department and AARP came to the Senior Center and demonstrated how 2 Meeting Minutes Senior Advisory Board Boynton Beach, FL March 5, 2012 seniors could keep their car "fit." Items such as mirror adjustments and blind spots, tire pressure and more were addressed. Ms. Molina explained the program could only be held during Center hours. Discussion followed the program may interfere with lunch; however, Ms. Molina suggested holding the program on a Friday afternoon after 1:15 p.m. At that time, the parking lot was fairly empty and a section of it could be blocked off for the demonstration. • Other programs concerning seniors Ms. Molina advised a jewelry beading class would be held at the Center every other Friday. Art/Sea Living would provide the beads and hold the class. Staff was still working on a date for the flower arranging class, and the free haircuts would continue to be offered at the Center once a month. Ms. Molina explained a medical equipment company representative would be coming to the Center the second Thursday of every month, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. to conduct a self -help session for patrons. The information would educate interested individuals regarding the type of equipment available and assist fitting patrons with needed items. The Caridad Center would be holding a six -week Health Education Outreach session at the Senior Center. Health services through the Caridad Center were available free of charge to seniors or were based on income. Each session would be 2.5 hours, commencing April 18, and ending May 23. A suggestion was made to post a sign -up sheet. The Caridad Center is in Boynton Beach and operates like a walk -in clinic. Florida CHAIN (Community Health Action Information Network) will have a representative at the Center on March 14th, and once a month thereafter to educate patrons about the benefits of Medicare and what the best packages and plans were. Ms. Molina explained the representative was not affiliated with any plans. Chair Lynch would contact the Police Department about the Combat Auto Theft (C.A.T.) program offered through the Police Department. With this program, a sticker is affixed to vehicles and if the police spotted vehicles with the stickers between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m., they could be stopped for no other reason except to ensure the vehicle was not stolen. Chair Lynch also agreed to research the Citizens' Police Academy program which included the Ride Along program. The goal was to reduce crime through community education and participation. • Senior Center Report by Nancy Molina Ms. Molina inquired what the Board thought about instituting a small charge for some activities at the Center. The charge could be to add better entertainment or activities, or even a meal. The members discussed the shows at the center were always free, but 3 Meeting Minutes Senior Advisory Board Boynton Beach, FL March 5, 2012 now there were some charges for certain shows. Discussion followed fees could be $3. Chair Lynch thought the attendees would pay the $3 if there were give -away items and /or good door prizes. Charging $5 or $6 may reduce attendance at some of the activities. It was acknowledged the economy was bad, but some performers were expensive and some bands charge for their expenses. Additionally some performers entertain free of charge, and it would be appropriate, once in a while to pay them. On Valentines Day there is coffee and cake and the St. Patrick's Day entertainer charged for his services. Ms. Molina announced she also wanted to start planning trips, perhaps every other month. The cost would be contingent on the destination and cost of the transportation as bus rentals are expensive. Ms. Molina requested ideas for a volunteer banquet. She thought a luncheon to recognize the volunteers would be appropriate. The banquet had been held at different establishments in the past, and one year it was held at the Senior Center, with food prepared by staff. The members discussed the meeting location. In the past, the meetings were held at the Senior Center, but were now in City Commission Chambers. Chair Lynch polled the members which location they preferred. All the members preferred to meet at the Senior Center. Ms. Molina agreed to contact the City Clerk to determine if the location could be changed. There was very brief discussion with Ms. Hearst - Girtman about those using the Senior Center. It was explained many residents and seniors do not realize the Center was available to all and it was a location that provided activities as well as meals. There was no charge involved. Lunch was free but a donation was requested. IX. Next Meeting May 7, 2012 X. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Bruzzese moved to adjourn. Ms. Hearst - Girtman seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m. (1a' aituai,_ Catherine Cherry Recording Secretary 030612 4