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Minutes 03-21-78
MI~TES OF REG~I~AR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA, A~LD IN CI~f HALL, TUESD~V, M~ARCH 21, 1978 PRESENT Emily M. Jackson, Mayor Edward F. Harmening, Vice Mayor Richard D. Caldwel}, Councilman Joseph DeM~rco, Councilman David Roberts, Councilman Frank Kohl, City ~nager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Gene Moore, City Attorney Mayor Jackson welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. She announced in the absence of Rev. Rouglas Smith, the City Manager will give the Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag wil} be led by the C±ty Attorney, Mr. Gene Moore. .A. GE~A APPROVAL Mayor Jackson asked if there were any additions, deletions, or corrections to the agenda. ~. Kohl requested the following iter~ to be added at the end of the agenda under OTHER: Budget Transfer Request on C.P.A. AQdit, Transfer of Employee Nathan McGrady, and Palm Beach Reg$onal Visiting Murse Association. Mr. Harmening moved to accept the agenda as amended, seconded by ~. DeMarco. Motion carried 5-0. Allri~, OUNCE MENTS Mayor Jack_son read a Proclamation proclaiming the week of April_ 2nd through April 8.th, 1978, as National Library Week. Mayor Jackson announced that the ~wo wee-k~ of April 5~htto 14th will be Rid Litter Weeks with R&d Litter Day being on April 15th. All residents are urged to put all unw~uted articles out for the Sanitation Deps~tment on the regular trash pick-up day. This is a good chance to have a general spring clean-up. Then on Satur- day, April 15th, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon, every man, woman, and child is urged to join in the massive clean-up for Rid Litter Day. Jim~ Patterson, of the Recreation Department, is chairman of this event. He has had a preliminary planning meeting, and the next meeting will be on Monday, April 3rd, at 4:00 P.M. at the Civic Center. All clubs, schools, and groups are urged to participate to make this an even more successful Rid Litter Day. Donations are being requested to purchase more litter recepta- cles to be placed in strategic places around the City. Please help make Boynton Beach the cleanest City in the county. This zsa chance for Boynton Beach to set an example to other cities. Get together with a group and pick a spot that you think needs a good clean~-up. For further informatioh, call Jimmy Patterson at the Civic Center at 732-2638 and see where and how you can help. Mayor Jackson announced that the Little League ope.ning day is Sunday, April 9, at 2:00 P. M. and the public is invited. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUN~ MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA F~RCH 21, 1978 Mayor Jackson announced that the City of Boynton Beach has a new best seller, the Fiscal Digest for Taxpayers, thanks to Mr. Robert's hard work and it is available in the Office of *SeeM in. the City Clerk at 25¢ each. 4/4/75 Mayor Jackson announced there would be a meeting of the Re- gional Sewer Board at the Boynton Beach Council Chambers on Thursdsj, March 23, at 7:00 P. M. Mayor Jackson referred to many people thinking thatJour para- medics are supposed to take everyone~%o the hospital and ex- plained that their purposs was to save lives and not to take people on routine trips to the hospital. *See Min. of 4/4/~ I~NTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS TO PAST M~YORS Mr. Kohl referred to it being an honor fore,he City Manage~-to have part in the introductions and presentations to ~he former Mayors and then introduced and requested the following to come forward: Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable W. T. Woolbright, Sr., Mayor 1948 Harvey Oyer, Mayor 1960 John Archie, Mayor 1961 a_ud 1963 Willard Pipes, Mayor 1962 Walter Madsen, Msjor 1966 Vincent Gallo, Mayor 1969 Forrest Wallace, Mayor 1971 Emily Jackson, Mayor 1973 and 1978 Dave Roberts, ~yor ~975 Alva Shook, M~vor 1954 and 1955 Mr. Kohl and Vice M~vor Harmening then presented gifts to the past Mayors. .Mr. Kohl invited everyone to have coffee and cookies and declared a recess. MsJor Jackson reconvened the meeting at 7:55 P. M. MIS~TES ~egular City Council Meetin~ - March 7~ 1978 ~. Roberts referred to Page 1~, beginning of second paragraph, and corrected the name to Mr. Kenneth "King". Fm. Harmening referred to Page 6, third line from bottom and corrected it to: He feels the odds against this "not" becoming a slum are fairly slim. M~. Catdwe!! moved to accept the minutes as corrected, seconded by M~. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0. -2- MINUTES - REGULAR CI~ COU~'C!L ~ETING BOYNTOI¢ BF~CH, FLORIDA M~.RCH 21, 1978 ~JBL IC AUDIENCE Mayor Jackson announced if there was anyone wanting to speak on any item on the agenda to please give their name to ~s. Padgett. She then asked if anyone in the audience wished to address the Council and received no response. NIDS One (1) h'ew Brush Truck (Fire Department) (Tabled) Mr. Roberts moved to take this item from the table, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0. Mm. Kohl informed the Council that bids on the above were opened on Tuesday, February 28, ~978, in the office of the Purchasing Agent. This bid item was tabled at the March 7, 1978, Council meeting at the request of the Tabulation Com- mittee to give them more time to review the specifications submitted. The Tabulation Committee recommends awarding the bid to W. Q. Dowting Fire Equipment in the amount of $26,861. Eagle Fire Trucks had too many exceptions to the specifica- tions for consideration. A copy of the Tabulation Sheet, Proposal and Affidavit from W. Q. Dowling have been submitted. All legal reeuirements have been met. Funds are available as follows: $2~000 in Account 001-231-520, transfer balance of $86~ from Account 001-231-520-02.36. ~my he have Council's wishes on this matter. Mr. Caldwell moved to approve the bid for the new Brush Truck and award it to W. Q. Dowling Fire Equipment in the e~ount of $26,861 and approve the transfer of funds to and from the nec- essary accounts in the amount of $861. N~. DeMarco seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0. Raw Water Supply Wells ~o. t5 and ~g Mr. Kohl informed the Council that bids on the above were opened on March 14, 1978, at 3:00 P. M. in the office of our ~rchasing Agent, M~. William H. Sullivan. A copy of corres- pondence from M~. Joe C. Swan, P. E., Resident Engineer of Russell and Axon, indicating his recommendation that the low base bid be awarded to the low bidder, AECOA, Inc. of Lake Worth in the amount of $154,381.00 has been submitted, Also, a copy of the Proposal and Affidavit signed by ~. Rudolf Roth, President of AECOA, Ina~., has been submitted. We have checked all other requirements and everything is in order. Monies for the above project are available in the "Water Con- s~ruction in Progress" Account No. 401-000-t69-01-00 (surplus in Utility General Fund), until further action regarding the bond issue. He concurs with the above recom~mendation and re- quests Council's wishes on this matter. -3- MINUTES - REGULAR CiTY COUNCIL M~ETIT~G BOYNTON BE~.CE, FLOR_fDA F~MCH 21, 1978 !'~. DeMarco made a motion to grant the bid to AECOA, Inc. for the sum of $t54,381.00. Mr. Caldwell seconded the mo- tion. Under discussion, M~. DeMarco referred to the com- pletion noted of ~80 days and asked if it would be within the time limit and Mr. Kohl replied that this company was recommended by the Consulting Engineers and Utilities Direc- tor, even though longer than the other ones. Mr. Caldwell added that it was noted that they might be able to complete it within 120 days, Mm. Caldwell questioned the term "low Base hid" and M~. Kohl explained how the alternate hid was based on the pump specifications. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC ~ ~R ING NO~E LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Readin$ - PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Ordinance No. 78-3 - Re: Rezoning Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block 4, Gulfstream Estates Plat No. 2, and Portion of Abut- tin~ R-O-W from Zone R-lA to C-~ (Dr. Charles Simon) ~. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-3 by caption on second reading. Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of this ordinance an~ received no response. She asked if anyone wished to speak against this ordinance and received no response. ~. Caldwell moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-3 on second and final reading, seconded by ~. DeMarco. No dis- cussion. M~s. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Roberts Aye Councilman Caldwell Aye Councilman DeMarco - Aye Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jac~on No Motion carried Proposed Ordinance No. 78-9 - Re: Annexation of Parcels of Land Located in Section 4, Township 46S, Range 43E (Irene Hall Bowers) ~. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-9 by caption on second reading. Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished to s~ak in favor of this ordinance and received no response. She asked if anyone opposed this ordinance and received no response. -4- MINUTES - REGUL~ CIT~ COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BE.~_CH, FLORIDA ~RCH 21, 1978 Mr. Caldwell moved the adoption of Ordinance second and ~ 1 _ina_ reading, seconded by ~. Roberts. cussion. ~s. Padgett took a roll call vote on the as follows: Councilman Caldwell - ~ye Councilman DeMaroo - Aye Vice Na~Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye · ~.otlon carried 5-0. ~Oo 78-9 on No dis- motion Proposed Ordinance No~ 78~I0 - Re: Rezoning Parcels Located in Section 21, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, from Zone R-2 to Zone R-3 (Ansell Jefferies~ Jr.) ~. Moore read proposed Ordinanc.e ~o. 78-10 ~y caption on second reading. Mayor Jac~kson asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of this ordinance and received no response. She asked if anyone wished to oppose this ordinance and received no response. M~. De~rco moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-10 on second reading, seconded by M~. Caldwell. ~nder discussion, Mr. Harmening referred to what he ~aid previously that he thinks if this project is built, the way it was described, it will become a slum within one to two years and he is against it, M~s. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman DeMarco - Aye Vice Mayor Harmening - No M~yor Jackson - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Councilman Caldwell - Aye Motion carried 4-I. Proposed ~rdinance No. 78-11 - Use for a Boat Sales Agency on Brown Jr's Subdivision (Thomas Re: Authorizing Conditional Parcel Located in Lot 5, Sam Boffe~/Gulfstream Marina) Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-~1 by caption on second reading. Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the aua~ence wished to speak in favor of this ordinance and received no response. She asked if anyone wished to Oppose this ordinance and received no response. M~. Harmening moved the adoption of Ordinance Ao.~ 78-11 on second and final reading, seconded by ~. DeMarco. No dis- cussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: -5- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COLq~CIL ~TiNG BOYNTON BEACE, FLORIDA M-~RCR 21, 1978 Motion c~mried 5-0. Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Councilman Roberts - ~ye Councilman Caldwell - Aye Councilman DeMarco - Aye Proposed Ordinance No. 78-12 - Re: Rezoning Parcels Located in Sections 178 20, Township 455, Range 43E (Riteco Develop- ment Corporation) Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance Bo. 78-12 by caption on second reading. Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of this ordinance and received no response. ~n~ ~ asked if anyone wished to speak against this ordinmuce and received no response. second and di~cussion. as follows: Mr. Caldwell moved the adoption of 0rdinmuce No. 78-~2 on final reading, seconded by ~. Harmenm__g.~ '~ No ~s. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion Councilman Roberts - Aye Councilman Caldwell - Aye Councilman DeMarco - ~e Vice Mayor Harmening . Aye M~yor Jackson - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 78-13 - Re: Amending Ordinance No. 68-17 to~ovide for the Deregulation of Cable Ser~i__ce Rates ._ooze informed the Council that some amendments had been made since first reading of this ordins~ce after discussion with the attorney for the a~pl_cant. He read the amendments th~at the provision for deregulation of rates provided by this Ordinance snell have no effect upon the continued obligation of the franchisee to pay to the City franchise fees provided by prior agreement between the ps, ties and that the City of Eoynton Beach, ~lor_da reserves the right to reinstitute rate regulation at any ti~e it deems necessary in the future. He then read proposed Ordinance No. 78-13 by caption and advised that tSis would be considered a second reading' with a third reading to follow. ~. DeMarco made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 78-13 as amended, seconded by ~. Caldwell. Under discussion, ~. Harmening commented that he thought the amendments were well taken. Mms. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: MINUTES- R-E~ULAR' CiT%~~ COL~-~CIL M~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA I~ARCH 21, 1978 Councilman Catdwell Aye Councilman DeMarco Vice Mayor Harmeming - Aye Mayor Jackson D~ve Councilman Roberts Aye Motion carried 5-0. O__r~inances - 1st Reading Proposed Ordinance No. 78-14 - Re: Annexation of Parcel of Laud Located in Section 17, Township 452, Range 43E; and Zoned R-1AA (Riteco Development Corporation) Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-14 by caption on first reading. Ms. DeMarco moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-14 on first reading, seconded by Mx. Caldwell. No discussion. M~s. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman DeMarco - .%ye Vice Mmyor Harmening - Mayor Jackson - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Councilman Caldwell - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 78-15 - Re: _&mending Section 21-35, 21-42, and 21-55.1 of Chapter 21 of the Com_fmem'~ ' ~ Ordinances Pertaining to the Municipal Employees' Pension Plan M~. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-15 by caption on first reading. M~. Harmening moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-15 on first reading, seconded by ~. ~ ~ . ~a~awell No discussion. ~s. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Councilm~n Caldwell Aye Councilman De~co ~Je Motion ~ ~ carr~ec 5-0. ~esolutions -7- MINUTES REGUI~R CITY C0bR~CIL .~TING BOY~0N BE~CH, _ LOR~DA_ M~&RCH 21 , 1 978 Other Mm. Moore referred to there being an additional item for Riteco Development COrporation listed on the agenda subJe6t to the adoption of the two Ordinances and stated that ~lnce the ordinances have been adopted, that item could be stricken. Mm. Caldwell moved to delete Item D under Administrative, seconded by M~. DeMarco. No discussion. MOtion carried 5-0. OLD. BUS !NESS Discuss Parental.Responsihiti.~y - ~yor Emily w. Jack~en. Mayor Jackson referred to submitting backup clippings and having discussed this previously and reaching the decision n ' that the State Law may solve the problems .rev!ously and stated that she does not think it has. She explained how she thought the parents Should be responsible for the juve- niles and also how she did not think the juveniles getting arrested were gettm..g the punishment they deserve. She thinks the parents should be ms. de aware of the fast and be h~.ld responsible. She told about her personal experience with such a matter.. She requested comments from the Council members and M~. Moore. M~. Moore replied that he would have to research this. Mm. DeMarco questioned the legality of setting a limit and Mayor Jackson suggested havingM~. Moore research this_,~ everyone is in accord. ~. DeMarco made a motion to have this researched by the City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Mayor Jacksonclarified ~hat the City Attorney was being instructed to look into the feasibility of there being parental responsibility for juve- niles. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. AQMINiSTRATI~-E Consider Recommendation of ~m~d_ng 0ff~.cial Re: Uniform C. gunty Addendums to t=h~..C0~s M~. Kohl referred to all the Council Members being advised on March 9, 1978, that all material regarding the above was available in the Council's Office for review. Our Building Official, M~. Edgar E. Howell, recommends the adoption of the uniform minimum Countywide amendments tothe following codes to establish uniformity of code enforcement within Palm Beach County: 1. Standard Building Code, 1976 Edition 2. Standard Plumbing Code, 1975 Edition w/1976 Amendments 3. Standard Mechanical Code, 1976 Edition 4. National o~ect_mcal Code, 1975 Edition MINUTES - REGULAR CiTY COUNCIL _MEETING EOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA M&RCK 21, 1978 ~. Kohl continued that a copy of the memorandum from ~. Howell as well as his explanation of recommendations regard- ing the Code Addendums had been submitted. May he have Coun- cil's wishes regarding this matter please. Mayor Jackson stated we would still have to do this even if we did not like it and M~. Howell disagreed and advised that it was the option of each City government. He added that it is hopeful that each City municipality will do it so there will be uniformity and the builders will have the same code wherever they go. Mr. DeMarco asked if all the cities were falling in line and ~. Howell replied that 22 are adopting it for sure and it looks pretty unanimous at this point. Mr. Roberts asked if it would prevent us from ~a~ing some of the rules more restrictive and M~. Howell replied that it is hopeful that it will stay as presented other than the Admini- strative section of the code which includes fees, etc, Mr. Roberts clarified that there was nothing to prevent us from making it more restrictive and Mr. Howell agreed, but stated it was hopeful that it would not be changed so there will be uniformity. He added that it has been studied and discussed with industry and the building officials and they feel it is a good code. M~. Roberts referred to the problems with the houses built on North Seacrest and asked how it was affected by FH~ fi- nancing and ~. Howell replied tha~ right now, they are sub- ject to the code, the same as anyone else. ~&~yor Jackson referred to Chelsea Pickett and >~. Howell replied that this was factory built housing and there was not much we could do about it. Mayor Jackson asked if it could be kept out and M~, Howell replied that we could try, but we really can't because it is under State Law and explained how factory built housing is inspected by State inspectors with us hav- ing no jurisdiction to make interior inspections. >~. Caldwell asked how this would be brought to the atten- tion of the individual contractors and Mr. Howell informed him that the Local Contractors Association has copies of the addendums and if it is passed by the Council, he will send a letter to all licensed contractors. M~, Caldwell moved to adopt the new Uniform Building Code iddendums, seconded by Mr. De~rco. ~o discussion. Motion carried 5-0, Consider Site Development Plans: John Pagliarulo for Walter Holly to Construct Five (5) Store Bays with Accessory Storage on N, W. 3rd Street MINUTES - REGULAR CITY CO~CIL M~ETING BOYNTON EEACH, FLORIDA M~RCH 21, 1978 ~. Kohl informed the Council that the Planning & Zoning Board at their regular meeting of M~ch t4, 1978, unanimously recommended approva~ of the site development plans submitted ~y~M~. ~ohn Pagliarulo for M~. Walter Holly to consvruct five 5) sto~e bays with accessory storage on Lots 93, 94, 95, Arden Park Subdivision, N. W. 3rd Street, subject to meeting the handicap requirement and to further define occupancy those uses listed as permissive and conditional in the zone. Motion to approve was made by ~. Lambert and seconded by ~s. Huckle. The excerpt from the minutes of the March ~4th meeting covering this subject has been submitted. May he have Council's wishes on this matter. ~. DeM~rco moved to accept the site development plans for Mr. Walter Holly, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Leo Blair for Dr. Nelson Lopez to convert a house to a Doctor's Office at 230 S. E. 23rd Avenue ~. Kohl informed the Council that the Planning & Zoning Beard at their regular meeting of March 14, 1978, unanimously recommended approval of the site development plans submitted by Mr. Leo Blair for Dr. Nelson Lopez to convert the house at 230 S. E. 23rd ~vsnue to a doctor's office, subject to the following staff recommendations: Building Dept~ M~et handicapped requirements Install 6' wall on rear lot line 3. Construction to conform to fire zone standards Engineering Dept: Paving and drainage plans with ele- vations Paving of parking lot to be 6~' crushed rock and 1" asphaltic con- crete City Plsmner: ~o Sidewalks on S. E. 23rd Avenue 2. Conformance with buffer wall ordi- nance Motion to approve was~made by Col. Trauger and seconded by F~s. Huckle. The excerpt from the minutes of the March 14th meeting covering this subject has been submitted. May he have Council's wishes on this matter please. ~. Caldwel! stated that he attended the Planning & Zoning Boardi~meeting and thinks Chairman Ryder can attest to the fact that there was a good deal of concern about the buffer wall. The land is being used on either side of this parcel for residential even though zoned C-~ ~ud it is residentially zoned land in the rear. The problem is if the owner of this -10- MINUTES - REGUI~R CITY COUNCIL ~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~i~CH 21, ~978 property was forced to comply with the wall, he will have stone walls on three of the four sides. One by one, these houses are being changed into privately owned doctor's offices and he questions the wisdom at this time for forcing this man to build stone walls between the commercially zoned lots. The ordinance as it reads now requires a wall between commercial and residentially zoned and used land. He agrees there should he some sort of Barrier between residentially zoned land; how- ever, in this particular case where all the land is zoned commercial, why force this man to build a "Fort Lopez" with concrete walls on three sides? Another thing brought up was th~ £act that in the rear of this property the water meter is located with the potential o£ water lines being in the ease- ment. He would propose the following amendment to the passage of this ordinance that we exclude the Barriers on either side of the properties and~request a dense natural barrier be built along the rear line. He added that if there are utility lines and there is a problem, we will not have to worry about the wal~ caving in. Mr. DeMarco clarifie~ that he meant a hedge to the rear and ~. Caldwell replie~ that it shoul8 be some- thing thick and dense which will visually seal it without imposing the threat of the wall collapsing. M~. Harmening stated that he read the minutes from the Plan- ning & Zoning Boar~ meeting and certainly agrees with this idea, not so much to bhe rear but it seems a total waste and poor utilization of land and needless expense to require the side walls with the land being zoned C-1. He feels it will only be a short time befors the adjacent properties are con- verted and it does not seem to make sense to establish walls on the sides. He does not have the same reservations for it on the rear, but has nothing against a hedge° M~o Simon Ryder, Chairmen of the Planning & Zoning Board, appeared before the Council and referred to the Board dis- cussing this matter at length and suggested a legal opinion be obtained from the City ~ttorney. He advise8 that they are in agreement that in this particular instance, it would be wrong to have a concrete wall on all three sides. He told about the concrete wall being brought about when a bowling alley was built next to R-3 zoning; howe~er, this i~ a dif- fereut situation. He told about other facto~sbeing consid- ered. In the past, the applicant has obtained a variance from the Board of ~djustment and this may be logical in this case. He does not see how the Council can make an exception in this case~ ~yor Jackson asked if the Board was research- ing m~d~ing corrections to the zoning code and Mr. Ryder re- plied affirmatively. F~. Harmening requested an opinion from the City Attorney and M~. Moore replied that he thought we could work out in effect what Mr. Caldwell has suggested. He believes this site plan can be approved without the requirement of concrete walls, but with the requirement of a hedge. He added that if there MLN~JTES - P~GULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA M~CR 21, 1978 needs to be flexibility in the ordinance, it should be pur- sued. He thinks some discretion should be given to the Plan- ning ~ Zoning Board o~ the City Council. Mr. Harmening moved to accept this site plan and have the City ~g~nager instruct· the Building Department that side walls are not required and a hedge is required in the rear. Mr. Caldwell seconded the motion. Under discussion, ~. Caldwell clarified that the masonry wall would be replaced with a~,~ense natural ba_~rier in the rear only. M~yor Jackson added that the ordinance would be given further study by the Planning & Zoning Board. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Conrad Pickel to Construct an Artist Studio at the ~orner of Potter Road and U. S. #1 M~. Kohl informed the Council that the Planning & Zoning Board at their regular meeting of March 14, 1978, recommended the site development plans submitted by Mr. Canrad Pickel for an artist studio at the above location be approved subject to the following staff recommendations: Building Dept: Engineering Dept: Utility Dept: 1. Meet handicapped requirements 2. Parking spaces to be at least two: 1 10' x 20' and 1 12' x 20' ~. Paving and drainage plans with ele- vations 2. Parking lot to be 6" crushed rock and 1'~ asphaltic concrete Must cut wye into main east of manhole and run service to lot City Planner: I. As per variance Motion to approve was ~mde by M~. Lambert and seconded by M~s. Huckle. Vote was 6-1 with Mr. Arena dissenting. The excerpt from the minutes of the March 14th meeting covering this subject has been submitted. May he have Council's wishes on this matter please. M~. DeM~rco moved the approval of this site plan with the recommendations as noted by the staff, seconded by M~. Caldwel!. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Sanitary Sewer Extensions - N. E. 7th Street M~. Eohl stated that drainage and road construction on N. E. 7th Street is underway at the present time which is being funded by the Economic Development Administration. We feel it would be timely and feasible to request a change order on -12- MINUTES - RE-GULAR CITY COUNCIL M~ETING BOY~. TON BEACH, FLORIDA ~£~RCH 21, 1978 our contract with Rubin Construction Company to include the extension of sewer lines on N. E. 7th Street. The reason these extensions have not been accomplished sooner is that the roadway is quite a bit lower than the easements and to have done the job under those circumstances would have cost the City much more money. It would be most desirable to pro- ceed with these extensions for the new homes on the street as well as the existing homes. Our Utilities Director, Perry Cessna, and our City Engineer, Ms. Thomas Clark, have both indicated their approval of the schedule submitted. The plans, which were prepemed by Ms. Clark, have been available in his office for review. He also has the plans with him if they wish to review them au this time. Funds are available in the '~Sewsr Construction in Progress" Account 401-000-169- 11.00 (Utility General Fund). The approximate cost will be $12,640.50. May he have Council,s approval to proceed? Mr. Roberts questioned the length and Mm. Kohl informed him approximately 600 ft. of pipe. Mr. Harmening referred to 1964 or 1965 during the course of a sewer extension project when there were plans to lsj pipe on this street; however, approximately 200 ft. was laid using two cr three methods; but the next day due to the characteristics and muck in that area, this pipe was totally out of alignment and the project was abandoned. He questions what they are going to do this time which is so much better and ~m. Kohl replied that he did not ~uow, unless it is better methods. He added that they did plan to put a stone bedding under the pipe and Harme~ing replied that about 3 ft. of stone was laid previ- ously. Mr. Kohl stated that the pipe must be guaranteed for one year. ~. Harmening referred again to the muck in this area and stated that to de-muck it would be expensive and the only feasible method would be cast iron pipe on piling which will not be accomplished for $12,000. Mr. DeMarco agreed and suggested that the City Manager look into this further. He added that he did not believe it would serve the purpose unless put on piling. ~. Kohl stated that he would check it out. M~. Roberts referred to the engineers being able to answer some of these questions and Mr. Kohl informed him that Bel- vedere Construction Company has looked the job over and stated they can do it and it is guarantee~ for one year. However, he will gladly look into the piling, but thinks it will be high in cost. Mr. Harmening stated that he has no objections to awarding the contract at this price, but does not intend to authorize this installation and after payment have it fail. ~. Kohl stated that he would obtain a signed contract and M~. Harmening suggested having some specifica- tions to hold the contractor. M_~. Kohl suggested deleting this item until the next meet- ing and M~. Harmening replied that if he wanted to proceed, -13- MI~S - RMGUI~.R CITY COUNCIL ~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA M3~RCH 21, t978 they must guarantee that the specifications are such that the pipeline is satisfactory and usable. M~. Kohl stated that he would get all this information together. ~. Caldwell sug- gested bringing the facts of what happened in 1963 to the engineers' attention and ~. Kohl repliedtthat they are aware of it. ~. Kohl clarified that he would bring it back to the Council at the next meeting. ~. Harmening moved to table this until the next meeting, seconded by M~. DeMarco. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Recommendation of Community Relations Board Re: City of Boynton Beach Beautification and Clean-up Campaign ~. Kohl read the attachad memorandum from M~s. Blanche H. Girtman, Chairwoman of the Community Relations Board, dated March 8, 1978. He added that ~e could not send letters as requested without the Council's approval. M~. Roberts suggested possibly printing a reminder on the back of~the water bills and ~. Kohl replied that he would do what- ever the Council desires. ~. DeMarco suggested that the no- tice be in conjunction with Rid Litter De~. l~. Caldwell moved to direct the City ~nager to come np with the proper wording to encompass the Community Relations Board's concept and attach to the back of the utility bills, seconded by M~. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0° A.~plication for Per~gt to Solicit - Boynton Beach Little Leagu~ ~. Caldwell moved to gran~ the permit to solicit to the Boynton Beach Little League, seconded by M~. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Establish Date for Special City Council Meeting Re: Public Hearing on Jarvis Propert~ Mayor Jackson referred to the Planning & Zoning Board having a hearing scheduled on April 11 for the Jarvis Property~and suggested that a separate date be set by the Council for the hearing so everyone could be given a chance to speak. After discussion, it was agreed to hold this special City Council meeting on Thursda~v, April 20 at 7:30 P. M. ~stablish Date for Workshop Meeting Re: Chamber of Commerce Mayor Jackson announced that the Chamber of Commerce requested a meeting with the City Council to discuss their new building and possibly would like to have it next week. After discus- sion, it was agreed to hold this workshop meeting on Wednesday, P~rch 29, at 7:30 P. M. MI~UTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~,~ETING BOYNTON Bw~_CH, FLORIDA ~RCH 21 , 1978 List of Payments - February~ 1978 M~. Caldwell made a motion that the list of payments for Feb- ruary, 1978, be attached to She February minutes, seconded by Ns. DeMarco. No discuSsiOn. Motion carried 5-0. Approval of Bills Mr. Kohl read the following bills for approval: ~B.M~ Corporation '~omPuter rental for the month of March Pay from ~dgeted funds 001-~33-510-02.21 2. Ruben Construction Co. ~sph. concrete for Street Dept. Pay from budgeted funds 001-401-540-02-3A 3. Long, iow Lime Pall, tod'lime for Sewer Plant Pay from budgeted funds 401-533-550-03-65 4. Melex Golf Cars ~otf Cart fom beach Pay from budgeted funds 320-621-560-04-81 Bid approved ~2/13/77 $ 3,433.50 2,931.24 1,979.00 1,38-.50 5 ~nwalt Corp. ~rri~ chloride for Sewer Plant PaY from budgeted funds 401-533-5~0-03-b5 for Sewer Plant Pay from budgeted funds 401-533-550-03-65 ~owiand Truck E~uipment~ Inc~. weeper for Street Dept. P~V from accounts 320-401-540-04-83 320-000-115-31-00 Bid of 12/13/77 $32,000. $ 2,960 2,723.94 34,960.O0 Wallace~ McHar~ Roberts & Todd Services rendered for comprehensive plan for NOvember and December Pay from budgeted funds 001-80t-570-02-6A City of Bgca Raton~ Cooperative Dispatch Center ~:'~onthS of fiscal year t977-78 Pay from budgeted funds 0011801-570-02-79 Isi~h Andrews ~nior C_~lzens~' Club - 2 weeks Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-871-570-02-5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 6,300.00 65,000.00 110.00 -15- MI~JTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING BOYNTON BEACR, FLORIDA 21, 1978 Willie Ruth McGrady 96.00 Server for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks P~y fro~ Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-871-570-02-5A Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73 12. ~tnton Beach Child Care Center~ In~. er-care Program for April, May & June Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-871-570-02- 5A Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73 2,841.00 Davis Meter & Supply Liquid Odophas for Sewer Treatment Plant Pay from budgeted funds 40t-533-550-03-65 3,190.33 14. Rubin Construction Co. N. E. 7th Street Drainage and Road Pay from Public Works Grant Fund 350-835-570-05-74 Contract dated 1/23/78 10,296.00 15. Russell & Axon 6858-15-CPR Inv. ~20 5,016.05 Resldent ins'¢ection and engl~eer~ng services at Water Treatment Plant Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-0t-00 E. N. Rita Enterprises~ Inc. Est. #1 Construction of B_dg./Eng./~lanning~ Bldg. Pay from Public Works Grant Fund 350- 835-570-05-7 ~ Cont_ac~ dated t/23/78 66,973.50 17o Caroenter~ Ma~ & BremeE t5,642.00 Final billing for financial statements 1976-77 Pay from following funds subject to approval of transfers: 001-131-510-02-66 $9,064.00 401-503-550-02-66 6,252.00 320-131-5t0-02-66 326.00 18. Florida Diesel Repair to garbage packer on 11/8/76 893.47 Charge to prior year expense 001-000-271-02-00 Mr. Eohl stated that the bills described have been approved and verified by the department heads involved; checked and approved for payment by the Finance Department; funds are available in their respective budgets. He recommends payment of these bills. Mr. DsMarco moved to p~ the bills, seconded byM~. Harmening. ~nder discussion, Mr. Roberts referred to Items 3 and 5 cover- ing chemicals to kill odors at the Sewer Plant and ~. Kohl infor~ned him that these were chemicals used at the Treatment Plant. Motion carried 5-0. -16- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COb~C!L M~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA M~.RCH 21 , 1978 9THER Budg~ Transfer Request on C.P.A. Audit Mm. Kohl referred to a C.P.A. audi~ in the amount of $2,083.00 and read a budget transfer request to cover this amount. He explained that it covered the C.P.A. audit to help the new person in our Finance Department and added that it was approved previously for the new accountant. }~. Harmening referred to the new person being a~C.P.~A, and questioned that this much help was needed ~ud M~. Kohl replied that it was only $2,000 and it was for the entire City's account. ~. De~rco moved to approve the budget transfer for the audit as requested by the City Manager, seconded by ~. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ~ransfer of Employee Nathan McGrady Mm. Kohl requested approval to transfer this employee from Building Maintenance to Refuse Trash Driver inasmuch as it is not in the budget. Mr. HarmSning so moved, seconded by Mm. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Palm Beach Regional Visiting Nurse Association Mr. Kohl referred to the Visiting Nurses Association coming to the Council a few months ago and their request being post- poned until the financial report was submitted from the auditors and stated that he was now bringing it back to the Council. }~. Roberts asked how many cities in the surrounding areas contribute regularly to this particular service? He added that if we make donations to any particular group, about 50 organizations will be requesting help which he thinks will create a problem. Ms. Julie Monahan informed him that they have obtained money from Lake Worth and Delray Beach~ but have not gotten money from Boynton Beach in recent years. She added that one of the main offices in Palm Beach County is right in this area. Mr. Kohl asked how much money Delray Beach is paying and Ms. Monahan replied that $10,000 was pledged i~ t978 and $6,000 was received from Lake ~orth in ~977, but they have no guarantee for ]978. ~. Roberts re- ferred to this Association being funded by the United Fund and Ms. Monahan agreed but stated that it does not cover in any way ho~ much they do. She added that in the Boynton Beach area, they do about 1,300 visits per month smd most are at no pay or a part fee basis. Discussion followed about the contributions made to various organizations and their merits. Then suggestions were made for the amount of the contribution to this Association. M~. DeMarco move~ to give the Visiting Nurses Association a $3,000 contribution, seconded by ~. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0. -t?- M~JTES - REGULAR CiTY COUNCiL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~RCH 21, 1978 ADJOURNMENT Before adjourning, Mayor Jackson requested the three former Mayors still present to come forward and say hello. After comments from former M~yors Willard Pipes, Harvey Oyer, and Walter Madsen, Mr. DeMarco made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was pro- perly adjourned at 9:15 P. M.. CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Yl ' 0 or - Vi~ M~.yor / Councilma~ Councilman ATTEST: C~y Clerk (Two Tapes) MEMORANDUM TO: ~. Frank ~ohl DATE: ~arch 8~ ~97~ City Manager ~FROM: ~s. Blanche H. Girtman Chair~oman Core. unity Relations Board Cleanup and Beautification Campaig~ for the City of Boynton Beach As you will note in the minutes of the Commu~uity Relations Board meeting of March 8, 1978, ~e discussed at length the possibilities of having a cleanup and beautification campaig~ for the City of Boynton Beach. ~e suggest letters being sent to all the residents of the City reminding everyone that pride in their own possessions is a valu- able asset, not only to them but to the commur~it¥~ The Cit~ of Boynton ~each wou~d appreciate everyon? t~king pride in their home aud surround~ugs to continue keeping the City of Boynto~ Beach clean and beautiful. '~ t We?ould appreciate your opinion wn~ther let ers could be sent an~ such a program implemeoted. 2/28/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 1 680 075430 GRIFFIN EOUI PMENT 11~04/77 84.'50CR 3138 030501 _..RENA C~ARRIER .............. 2/01/78 3t39 104508 FRANK JOHNSON 2/01/78 88.75 3140 230452 OLIVE WALLACE 2/01/78 168o90 3141 056500 NOODROW .EUTSAY 2/0t/78 55.64 B142 166300 ELEANOR PUFFER 2/01/78 91.28 B]43 2B15~0 W.T. W~LCH 2/01/78 82.65 B145 084660 HURIGL HOLZMAN 2/01/78 164.46 8146 020405 CONSTANCE BAISH 2/01/78 53.79 3147 19094(]__ .~%Y.~ SCHORR ............... 2/01/78 .......... 8148 266900 MILDRED A. ZWART 2/01/78 77.13 3149 190945 JOHN SCHNEIDER 2/01/78 133.20 3150 232510." KA!O.. WI LL I AMS ......... 2/01~78 ....... 365~9.1 3151 021540 FRANK A. BEDNAR[CK 2/01/78 305.62 ~152 104509 GEORGE ~. JOHNSON 2/01/78 88.66 . 3153_ _ ._202550 JA~ES C.. THQ~:~S_Q~ .......... 2/01/78 ............... 71.19 3154 206S00 JOHN M. TUITE 2/01/78 91.50 B155 081650 HAROLD HERRING 2/01/78 30.34 3156 __ _194270 K~N SNOW ........................ 2/Qt/78 .............. 3157 124590 NORMAN LOLATT~ 2/01/78 42.46 B156 196360 COW RD SULLIVAN 2/01/78 194.10 ~t59 ....... ~0~51~ .... L.5~ _THOMAS ............. ~/0!/78 ............ 3187 134650 GENE MOORE 1/Bt/78 2,208~00CR 3211 065550 FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE 2/02/78 3212 160400 PALM ACH. COUNTY ?tB.A. . ._ 2~02~78 ........ ~213 216410 UNITEO WaY OF PALM ACH. 2/02/78 26.62 3215 094300 I NTERNATI ON&L BROTHERHOOD 2/02/78 11..1Z B?i~ .... 03290~ CITY OF BOYNION B~ACH ....... 2/01/78 ............... S21~ 0~2901 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2/01/78 6.00 ~2~6 08290~ C~TY OF gOYNTON B~ACH 2/01/78 5.72 8215 _ _ 08~901 ...... CITY OF SOYNTON SG~CH ............ 2/01/7~_ ........... 32!~ 161720 PE.TTY CASH WAIER I SEWER 2/01/78 4.40 s2~s ~6~720 PETTY C~SH WATER g SEWER 2/01/78 3216 ........ 161720 PETTY CASH WATER & SEWER _._ 2/01/78 ............. 3216 161720 PETTY CASH WATER ~ SEWER 2/0~/78 ~216 161720 PETTY CASH WATER & SEWER 2/01/78 2.97 ~216 161720 PETTY CASH WATER ~ SEWER 2/01/78 [3.76 3217 134650 GENE NOORE 2/01/7~ 2,3~7.00 3~18 020160 S~B. ASSOC. F[REFIGHTERS 2/02/78 2A1.40 3218 __. 020160 B.A. ASSOC. FI~GF[GHTERS .... 2/02/78 ............... 2~1.~.4QC_~ 3219 1~0950 WILLIE RUTH ~qCGRADY 2/02/78 48.00 3220 014240 ISIAH ANDREWS 2/02/78 55.00 3221 1939~2 _ LEON_SHIt. ES .... ..... 2/02/78 _ 3222 160380 PALM ,BEACH JR. COLLEGE 2/0~/78 322~ 180500 EVA RAYNONO 2702/78 322~ ....... OTO~O0_ _. ~ETT. Y ~ARRIGA ............. 2/02/78 .......... ~QyO0. 3225 074500 CHARLES GODFREY 2/02/78 BO.O0 3226 015500 VEVA ARMBRUSTER 2/02/78 10.00 3227 190959 OLYVE F. SCHOOLEY 2/02/78 I0.00 ~228 221650 A. RICHARD VERZAAL 2/02/78 144.00 2/28/78 CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH N 0 I N-"G ...... C' H E'~' K $ PAGE 2 CHE~K ~ _VENOOR.~ ....... VENDOR NAME ........ ~HECK DATE___TOTAL.AMOUNT _ 3229 330001 GORDON GREGORY 3231 ._ 450012 _GEORGE SIMS 3232 3400~1 CURTIS HENR'Y ................... B233 062910 FIRST BANK ~ TRUST 3234 . 024725__ ROYNTON BCH~ FEDERAL 3235 024730 BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 3236 136420 MUNICIPAL POLICE .2/03/78 164.59 2/03/78 236.48 2/03/78 185.94 2/03/78 I1~532.44 2/03/78 ....... 6.82~.27 2/03/78 2,333.92 2703/78 909.08 3237 062820._ 3238 011200 3239 011350 3240 013850 3241 021530 FIREMEN'S RELIEF ~ 2/03/78 ........ 609.85 ADAMS CHEVROLET 2/07/78 222.46 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 2/07/78 15,416.66 _M~S. ~STELLE ALVARY ......... 2/07/78 ............ BEANE EXTERMINATING CO. 2/07/78 156.00 3242 022930 BISHOP'S 2/07/78 22.05 3243 ._ 023800 __BLUE_ CROSS OF FLORIDA ......... 2/07/'78 _ t5~558.53 3244 024720 BOYNTON BEACH CHAMBER 2/07/78 833.33 3245 024760 BOYNTON GLASS SERVICE, 2/07/78 121.19 32~6 . 024765._ BQYNTON GUN ~ LOCK, [NC.. .... 2/07/78 ........... 719~8~ 3247 024800 BOYNTON WEST DEVELOPHENT 2/07778 1~700o00 3248 030299 CAIN FEED & SUPPLY 2/07/78 124.56 3249 ..... 03540~ ...... CREST / GOOD MANUFACTURIN 3250 041610 DELRAY-ELECIRIC SUPPLY 2/07/78 35.67 3251 044650 OON~S ALIGNMENT 2/07/78 1~.50 3252 ....... ~46.50 JOHN 8o DUNKLE 3253 050300 EAST COAST FiRF E©UIPo 2/07/78 32.32 3254 050310 EASY PAY TIRE STORE 2/07/73 982.37 3255 .... 051245 MRS. C. EDGERTON 2/07/78 ..... 16o00 3256 054370 ENGINEERING MACHINE ~ 2/07/73 15.67 3257 061615 ROSARIO ~ ELOISE FERAZZOL 2/07/78 lO0oO0 3258_ .... 062800 FIRE E~UIp._SALES ......... 2/07/78 ....... 31~.__ 3259 0637~0 FLORIDA BRAKE E 2/07/78 31.25 3260 063780 FLORIDA POWER ~ LIGHT CO. 2/07/78 38,990.02 3261 __ 065500 _~RANKHOUSE ~LECTRtC .... 2/07/~8 3262 0700[0 3263 070402 3~64 ..... 071576 32'65 075530 32'66 075580 32'~6 .... ~75580 3257 084620 32'68 100220 3269 100310 3270 11157O 32,71 11158O 32'72 120450 3273 " 122850 3274 130400 3275 130540 3276 3277 3278 5279 - ~RANSNIS~ION, INC. 2/07/78 392.50 GATEWAY FREIGHT CO. 2/07/78 31~22 _ GENERAL TRUCK PARTS CO._ ........ 2/07/78 ......... ~R R.L. o UMNONS PRINTING 2/07/78 14.75 GULF OIL CORP. 2/07/78 3;137.64CR GULF OIL CORP. ~ ................. ~/02~78 ....... HOLLY ACCUMULATOR S 2/07/78 52.71 JoA.S. BUIL~RSD~ · INC. JACK'S CAMERA CENTER KELLERS ELECTRIC SERVICE KELLY TRACTOR CO. LAN[ER BUSINESS PRODUCTS LIONEL O. EDtE CO. MANHATTAN TROPHIES C.C. MARTIN 131000 MCPHERSON,S OFFICE MACHIN [31550 MECHANICS UNIFORM SERVICE 134515 MODERN ROOFING 135410 MR. O'S PA[NY g 2/07/78 100.00 2~07/78 ..... 282.94_ 2/07/78 127.00 2/07/78 466~84 2/07/78 .......... 223°00 2/07/78 625.'00 2/37/78 29.97 .... 2/07/78 ........... 100.00 2/07/78 20.00 2/07/78 60.00 ....... 2/07/78 ..... 200.00. BODY SHOP 2/07/78 175~00 ~5o7 2/28/78 CITY OUTST OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 3 A N D t-'~ 'G C H-E C ~ S .................. CHECK_~ _ VENDOR VENOOR NAME .................. CHECK DATE TOTAl. AMOUNT 328O 328t 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 37s7 3288 3288 3288 3288 3288 ~89 3290 32.91 140420 140450 153800 160355 160420 151510 182750 NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE DEALE '2/07/78 !5o00 NATIONAL LINEN SERVICE 2/07/78 B15.65 OLYMPIA SPORF SHOP, INC. 2/07778 295.70 PAINT CENTER 2/07/78 98.12 PALM BEACH OFFICE SUPPLY ....... 2/07/78 ........... 32.05 PEACOCK'S R~OIATOR 2/07/78 203.25 PICARD.CHENICAL CO. 2/07/78 77.88 162790 PIERC. E_~IRE CO., 164600 POMPANO OFFICE SUPPLY, CO 164600 POMPANO OFFICE SUPPLY, CO 164600 POMPANO OFFICE SUPPLY, CO ......... 164600 POMPANO OFFICE SUPPLY* CO 164600 POMPANO OFFICE SUPPLY~ CO ].84705 POWER TOO_ SERVICE ........ 184700 ROWLAND TRUCK EOU!Po, INC 186500 RUSSELL & AXON 3292 ......... _t 9 !~6_Q SCRANT ON _pU 5L.I S H I NG CO, 32'93 191520 SEACRFST VETERINARY 3294 191600 SERVICE EOUtP. CO., INC~ 3295_ ...... 193350 .... HRS. NAZTI~_ SKIPPER 32.96 194-708 SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE 32~97 195998 ST PFTERSBURG BANK ~ TRU 3298 ......... 19~Zt05 .... SUNCO ~ INC. 32'99 205540 TRIPLE CEDAR NURSERY 33.00 206420 TURNER" S NURSERY 3~0!. ..... 21015¢_ U..$. _ PnST~ASTER ~3p2 230400 CHARLES WALDNER, 33D3 230450 EARL WALLACE FORD, INC. 330% ..... ~305~5 ..... HATER HYDRANT SERVICE 3305 235500 DAVID WRIGHT g SON, INC, B]06 164600 POMPANO OFFIC~ SUPPLY, CO _~3D~ ..... 164600 P~MPANQ _OFFICE SUPPLY, CO 3306 164600 POMPANO OFF~CE SUPPLY, CO 30o 164600 POMPANO OFFICE SUPPLY, CO INCo _ ............ 2/07/78 ........ ~_~29.43 2/07/78 42.46CR ?/07/78 ~.63CR 2/07/?8 2107178 5.54CR 2/07/78 58.37 2/07/78 ................ 2/0?/78 40.72 2/07/78 514.35 2/07/78 ............. ~0.00 2/07/78 19.00 2/07/78 406.91 2/07/78 ............. 2.90 2707/78 34.00 2/07/78 152.90 2/07/7~ ........ _1¢~50 2/07/78 1t6.00 2/07/78 175.00 2/07/7~ ...... ~60.00__ 2/07/78 44.00 2/07/73 46.29 2/07/78 ....... ~.~.1~50 2/07/78 418.35 2108/78 43,32 2/08/78 4.72 2/08/78 5.85 2/08/78 5.65 3307 194400 SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUT .... 2/08/78 17,676.85 B30'~ ........ 194400 SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUT 2/08/7~ ........ .133.02 3307 194400 SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRiBUT 2/08/78 4,709.63 3~p7 ..... 19%4Q0 _ SO~!AL ~ECU~ITY CDNTgIB~T ..... 2/08/!8 ........... 22,519.50 3308 063683 FLORIDA ATLANTIC UN[VERSZ 2/08/78 90~00 3309 075580 GOLF OIL CORP. 33~0. 19t510.. SEACREST PETROLEUM CO. 3311 161720 PETTY CASH WATER & SEWER 33~1 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 33[1 ...... 032901 CITY OF 80YNTON 8EACH 3311 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON 8EACH 33li 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 33~1 032901 _ CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH 33_1~ 032901 CIIY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3311 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH 3~12 130500 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSo 3312 130500 HANUFACTURFRS LIFE INS~ 2/08/78 2,613.0l 2/0~/78 ............. 524.63 2109/78 5.00 2/09/78 6.19 2/09/78 .......... 6.00 2/09/78 6.93 2/09~78 8.09 2/09/73 ......... ~_2o50.. 2/09/78 6.55 2/09/78 t3.68 2/09/78 .... 467.57_ 2/09/78 5.55 2/28/78 £ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH HECK.~_. VENDOR_ ~ . .VENDOR NAME .......... CHECK DATE TOTAL 3312 130500 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INS. 3312 130500 MANUFACTURFRS LIFE INS. 3313 014240 ISIAH ANDREWS 3314 130950 WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY 3315 ._ 190465. SANOPIPER CONST. INC.. 3316 490010 KEN WEST 3317 280011 DONALD BLACK 3318 ........ 32090~ ..... ROBERT EELTZ 33.19 380003 JOANNE LUTHER ....................... 3320 196009 PAUL STARTZMAN 33~ ..... ~!t690 ...... AERIAL S~.HYDRAULfC_EOUI~H .... 3~22 013780 ALLIED CHLORINF S 3323 015500 VEVA hRMBRUSTER 3324 016000 . A~LANTtC HARDWARE 3325 016030 ATLAS PEAT 8 SOIL',--~'NC~ ..... 3326 020170 Bo~. aUTO PARTS, INC. A~OUNT __ 2/09/78 121.17 2/09/78 7.40 2/10/78 55.00 2/10778 ~8.00 2110/78 14,751.00 2/10/78 ~04.26 2/10/78 254.80 2/10/78 _ 237.81 2/10/78 128.24 2/10/78 25°00 2/1.9~78 ............. 150.00 2/10/78 1,678.92 2110/78 lOoO0' 2/10/78 86~28 2/10/78 ..... 30o00 2/10/78 270.46 3327 020450 BAKER E TAYLOR COMPANIES 2/10/7~ .......................... 883.89 3328 021700 BO. OF CO. COMMISSIONERS 2/10/78 2,469.74 3329 021201 RD. OF CO. COMMISSIONERS 2/10/78 9,017,00 33~0 ...... 021690 - A~NOtD BERMHARQ.~& COtI_~ ..... 2/10/7p ........... ~85.00 3331 024590 THOMAS BOUREGY & CO~ 2/10/78 8.85 3332 024651 R~ R. BOWKER 2/10/78 24.00 3333 ..... 024710__.__BOy~TO~ AUT_Q SPPPLY ........... 2/10/78 . 3334 024725 BOYNTON BCH. FEDERAL 2/I0/~ - 7~024.72 3335 024730 BOYNION BEACH RET[RElqENT 2/10/78 2,.348.05 333h___ 024780 80YNTON PUMP & SUPPLY 3337 025582 LILLIAN BROOY 2/10/78 I2.45 3338 025600 8ROWARO PUMP ~ SUPPLY CO. 2/Z0/78 59.0I ~339 030280 CADILLAC ENGR _ 2/10/78 5~.41 _ =- .: .... AVERS S$~O 030400 CONNEAUT ~FT*LLtC PAC~N~ 2/10~8 ............ 3341 031650 CENTURY POOL SERVICES 2/t0/78 9.60 3343 034500 COATS 6 CLARK~ INC. 2/10/78 4.40 3344 034597 COLUMBIA RECORDS 2/10/78 250.00 3345 035450 CRIMM[NS COMPANY, [NC.__ .......... ' ' · . __ 2/10/78 ........ 60.3~- .... 3~46 040499 GEORGE Co DAVIS 2/10/78 8~016.00 3347 040500 DAVIS METER S SUPPLY 2/I0/78 ~77,82 334~_ ........ ~4~12_ __ DELRAY FARM SUPPLY 2/10/78 3349 04~750 D'O0~L~DAg'g CO° 2/10/7~ ...... 83°95 3350 3350 3351 335:2 3353 3354 3355 3357 3358 3359 3360 045450 DRt-SLIDE 2/10/78 24.41CR 045450 DRI-SLIDF ....... 2/10/78 24.41 046440 DUNCAN ENT. - ............ 2/!0/78 ........ 950.00--' 046445 DUNCAN EDWARD CO° 2/10/78 155o39 050790___ EAGLE. LIRE TRUCKS.,_ JNC° 2/I0/78 121.00 082590 RD E. FIELD JR. 2/10/78 i00.00 062820 FZREMEN*S RELIEF & 2/10/78 615.44 ._062910 FIRST 8~NK ~ TRUST 2/10/78 11,~58oll 063600 FLANAGAN METCALF, INC~-- .... 2/10/78 ....... 265.59 063715 FLORIDA DIESEL TRUCK & IN 2/10/78 148.t3 06374] .._ FLORIDA ELECIRIC MOIOR$ 2/10/78 899.30 063744 FLORIDA GEORGIA TRACTOR 2/10/78 - ' ~500'~00 ....... 2/28/78 C~TY 0~ BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 5 H c EGG._~ ~NQOR..~ VENDORNANE ............. ~HE~K DATE __TOTAL AMOUNT 3351 063780 FLORIDA POWER ~ LIGHT CO. 2/10/78 494.90 3362 ~ _ 063792 FLORIDA PRECAST CORP. 2/i0/78 300.00 ~363 0~4600 FOUR STEEL CORPORATION "' 2/10/78 105.66 3364 066500 FUIURA PR[MTING 2/10/78 793.64 3365 ...... 070355 G~LE RESEARCH CO. 2/10/78 716.30 3366 070400 BE/FY GARRIGA - 3367 070410 ~AYLURO BROTHERS 2/10/78 96,80 ~ ~ 2/10/78 30,00 3368 .... 071545 MIKE GEHRtNG .......... ~/10/78 .......... 2.B0 3369 0736~0 --GLASGOW EOUIP~ENT CO. 2/10)78 1,100.00 3370 074500 CHARLES GODFREY 2/10/78 30.00 ~371 .... ~75400 GRAN~D~ VALVE ~ FITTING._ _ 2/10/78 _ _ 97.1~ 3~72 075610 GULESTREAM LUMgER CO. 2/10/78 1,404.44 ~373 080B10 HALSEY g GR]FFITH, INC. 2/10/78 315.96 ~37~ ...... o8o424 __.HARDRIVES OF DELRAY, INC. 2/10/78 ......... 24~.0 3~75 080550 HAUSER ~OTOR CO. 2/t~/78 480.76 3376 084690 EOGAR HOWELL 2/10/78 121.00 B377 ........ 100395 JAOCO SIGN, INC. 10/78 180o00 3~78 104600 JONES EOUtPNENT ~6.' ........... ;//tb/78 ........ 75.90 3379 104700 JOSTEN~S 2/10/78 10.50 .3380 ........ 110280~_ LA~ LINE INSTRUmEntS 2/10/_7~ ........ 14.24 3381 111510 KEATTS tRUCKING SERV~'~E ......... 2/10/78 3382 111550 BERT KEFHR 2/10/78 121.00 3383 ___ [20410 _LAMAR UNIFDRRS .............. 2/10/78 .......... 26.93 3384 120450 LAN ER BUSINESS PRODUCTS 2/10/78 1t0o00 3385 122900 LINOSLEY LOMBER CO. 2/10/78 60.05 3386 ..... 122830~ MILL[E LIPTON ........ 2/10/78 ...... 9~20 3387 130565 MAURY~% TOOL CHESI 2/10/78 479.70 B388 131050 MC©UAY-PERFEX INC. 2/10/78 1,762°44 3~8~ _ _ 132755 MIDAS ~UEFLE~.SHGPS .__ 2/10/78 ............ ~.89 3390 t34645 MOORE BUSINESS FORMS, INC 2/10/78 857.72 3391 136420 MUNICIPAL POLICE 2/10/78 899.79 3~92 ..... 140430 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER ...... 2/10/78 ....... 1,092o9.~ ...... BBgB 151~t0 '- ODOR CONTROL SYSTEHS 2/10/78 59.50 8394 161600 PFNNWALT CORPORATION 2/10/78 2,723.94 ~395 ....... 161710 PETTY CASH RECREATION 2710/78 42.18 3396 162870 PITNEY BO~F$ ..... ' 2/10/78 40°50 3397 166200 PUBLIX MARKET 2/t0/78 120.73 33~8 _ ~0500 __EVA RAYMOND ................... ~/10/7~ 30°00 3399 182850 KENNE/~ ~. RIPLEY 2/10/78 ..... - .... 3400 186500 RUSSELL g AXON 2/10/78 i1,730.37 3401 ..... ~90959 OLYVE E. SCHOOLEY ...... 2/10/78 ....... iO.OO_- ~402 191096 SCOBEE-COHBS FONER~L HONE 2/10/78 5.00 3403 191100 SCOT/Y~S 2/10/78 135.71 3404 _ 191703 SEWEL/ HARDWARE CO., INC._ . 2/10/78 . _. _ 74.04 3405 193912 LEON S~ILES .... 2/10/78 127.50 3406 194709 SOJTHERN HYDRAULICS & EOU 7/10/78 91o08 3407 _ 196010 STATE_OF FLORIDA DEPT. OF 2/10/78 ..... 85.84 3408, 196015 STATE OF FLORIOA ..... - ..... ~ I ~ -~ 2/10/78 97.75 3409 196411 SUPeRINteNDENT OP OOCUREN 2/10/78 6°00 ~410 216440 UNIVFRSIT¥ PRESSES OF FLO 2/10/78 .~ ~.90 ~411 234625 JoJoA. WOLF FRES~ DIST. 2/10/78 6~00 2/28778 CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH PAGE o u T S T a"N 6'i-iN- C .¢ c'K-s ............. 6 CH~C~ # .... V~O~-~ ..... VFNO.OR_~ANE ................... CHECK gATE ._~OraL a~agN~__~ 3412 241600 XEROX'CORPORATION 2/10/78 145.00 3413 020160 B.B. ASSOC. FIREEIGHTFRS 2/t0/78 241.40 3414 196009 PAU£ STARTZNAN 2/14/78 - - 75.00 3415 075590 BROWARD COMMUNITY 2/14/78 50.00 3416 013719 ._ BERNIE ALLEN 2/14/78 .... 160.00 3417 015725 ASHLAND CHFMICA'[ CO. - '- 2/14/78 - 146.50 ..... 3418 016020 ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK 2714/78 218,058.64 3419 016300 ~dTO' PRODUCTS, INC. 2/14/78 155o62 3420 024280 BOAF CERT[FICATION'BOAR'D ...... 2114178 .......... 25~0" 3421 024750 BOYNTON GLASS SERVICE~ 2/14178 52.62 3422. _ 026370 OR. JAMES F~ BUF~ ............... 2114178 200.00 3423 030200 CoL.S. CORP. 2114/78 ' 300.00 3424 030280 CADILLAC ENGRAVERS 2114178 28.84 3425 .. 034920 fiUTH CORONIS 2/14/78 5°00 3426 041685 DEPT. OF COM~o AFFAIRS ...... 2/14/78 - -- ~0.50 3427 046450 JOHN 8. OUNKLE 2/14/78 4°00 3428 053705 ELL CEE JAY CORP. B~19 -' 0637~ .... ~LORID~'~LE~TRIC MOTORS ..... 343~0 063800 FLORIDA UNEMPLOYMENT FOND 2114/78 .__ 100.00 2114/78 85.90 2114/78 2,057.36 3431 ...... 06464~ .... GEO. FOWLER WELD!NG_qO. _ .... 2~14¢7.S ............ 3432 075450 GRA~BAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. 2/14/78 129o50 3433 075500 GRIFFIN POLLUTION 2/14/78 700.00 3434 ..... 075580 GULF OIL CORP. _ 2/14/78 _ ......... 525.25 3435 080 50 HAaVEL a DELANO .......... 2/14/78 280.00 3436 090105 I.B.M. CORPORATION 2114778 121.25 343.~ .... 100200 O ~ d BLUEPRINTERS 2/14/78 3.95 343~ iOOBIO JACK"S CAMERA CENTER 'i ..... 2/14/78 ......... 1~2~04 3439 101750 ~OOD JEZEWSKI 2/14/78 16o00 3440 114600 KOPY KING PRINTING ~E~ ~_ ~ 2/14/78_.._ _ 200.66 3441 ---'120410 -'-~AMAR UNIFORMS 2/14178 925.~6 ~442 130310 NHtTT MACDOWELL 2/14178 653.95 344~ 160420 PALM BFACH OFFICE SUPpL~ . 2/14/78 ............. 350.40 3444 't6}7~0 -STAN PICKERING 2/14/78 3445 162870 PITNEY BOWES 2/14/78 116.00 3446 ..... 164600 POMPANO OFFICE SOPPLY, CO 2/14/78 ............ 428.60 3447 164705 POWER TOOL SERVICE ~/14/78 14.35 3448 190435 LOU SANYN 2/14/78 344~ ...... ~9~.1@1 ~C~TT COSST~pCTION 2/1&/78 ~450 191700 SEWELL HARDWARE COC~--~-~ ........... 2/t47'7~ 3451 194840 RUSSELL P. SPENCER ~452 195998 ST° PPTFRSBURG BANK a TAU. _ 3453 196405 SUNCQ, INC. 3454 201580 TENNIS SUPPLY 3455 ....... 205410 .... TRAIL FORD TRACTOR 3456 210190 U.S.S. aGRI-CHEMICALS 3457 216390 UNIJAX 345~ 216408 UNITED PARTS SERVICE 345~ .... 216580 UTILITIES SERVICE, INC. 3459 216580 UTILITIES SERVICE, INC. 346 __ 2 29 o VISIONS 346J 222965 VlZCAYA ART NUSEOM a GARb 100.00 64.40 2/14/78 13.50 2/14/78 198.38 2/14/78 159.60 2/14/78 I25.79 2/14/78 24.30 2/14/78 191.15 2/14/78 1,177.06 2/14/78 22.76 2/14/78 477.35CR 2114/78 477°35 2/t4/78 19.70 2/14/78 65.00 -, 2t28/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ,,~50L 0 U T S T fi N 0 ~" cHECK # VENDOR ¢¢ VE~DOR NAME PAGE 7 C K S CHECK DATE TOTAL ~NOUNT 3462 232400 Jo WHITE ALUMINUM 3463 1960!0 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT. ~464 210150 U.S. POSTMASTER 3466 014240 ISIAH ANDREWS ~467 130950 WILLIE ~UTH NCGRADY 3468 024725 80YNTON BCHo FEDERAL 3469 410002 GERALD ORSIN! OF 2/t4/78 200°00 2/17/78 ...... 3.00 2/16/78 850.00 2/16/78 55.00 2/16/78 48.00 2/16/78 88.67 2/16/78 703.04 3473 013925 3474 .... 015500 3475 021200 ~476 021700 3477 0247?5 3478 024730 3479 034680 3470 045450 ORI-SLIDE 3472 490011 CHRISTOPHER ~fLD~E'R AMERICAN CYPRESS FENCE VEVA AR~BRUSTER BDo OF CO. COMMISSIONERS BETHESDA MEMORIAL BOYNTON BCHo FEDERAL EOYNTON ~EACH RETiR,_NENT CDNSOL]DATEO ELECTRICAL 3480 .... 0~5404 CRAWFORO OOOR_.~ ............. 3481 040410 DATA SUPPLIES 3482 046450 JOHN B. DUNKLE 3483 ......... 0~6480 MARY DUPNI~ 3484 062820 FIREMEN'S RELIEF 3485 062910 FIRST BANK E TRUST 3486 ..... p~3795 FLORIDA STANDARDS_LABORAI 3487 070400 BETTY GARRIGA 3488 070410 GAYLORD BROTHERS 3489 ..... 074500 CHARLES GODFREy 3490 075580 GULF OIL CORP. 3491 114600 KOPY KING PRINTING CENTER 3492 .... 120410_ LAMAR UNIFORMS 3493 136340 LAURA ~UDRYK 3494 136420 MUNICIPAL POLICE 3495 ....... I37500 MYERS PLUMBING 3496 161705 PETTY CASH POLICE 3497 162750 PICARD dHEMICAL CO. 2/17/78 2/17/78 2/17/78 2/17/78 2/17/78 2/I7/78 2/17/78 21t7/78 2/16/78 ........... 24-4! 2,043.56 108.00 ............ 24.00 .... 179.41 129.07 .... 6,960.52 2,455°22 1.45 2/17/78 2/17/78 t91.40 2/17/78 15.20 2/17/78 ......... 16o0~ 2/17/78 608.31 2/17/78 12,199.25 2/17778 ........... 29.50 2/17/78 30o00 2/17/78 134.00 2/17/78 ........... 30.00 2/17/78 21.60 2/17/78 79.60 2/17/78 ..... 342.06 2/17/78 1Io00 2/17/78 927.42 2/17/78 ............ 33.90 .... 2/17/78 81.43 2/17/78 261.80 ~T SERVICE, INC. ___ 2/17/78 ....... 102-00 3498 ...... 165540 PROTE.,ION 3499 I80500 EVA RAYMOND 2/17/78 3,0.00 S500 181577 RADIO SHACK 2/17/78 12.95 3501 ....... 182800 ...... ~INKER MATERIA~ COR~_. _ 2/17/78 j14,94 %502 190959 OLYVE E. SCHOOLEY 2/17/78 t0.00 BAQ3 191521 SEAGATE OF GULFSTREA~ CON 2/17/78 627.00 3504 196008 STAR PURLISHING .............. 2/17/78 ..... 118.29 3505 202850 TISDALES 2/17/78 276°00 3506 216415 UNIVERSAL 8EACH SERVICE 2/17/78 2t6.00 ~507 221600 VELVA SHEEN ..... 2/17/78 ...... 123.91 3508 232800 WILSON SPORTIN~ GOODS 2/17/78 539.77 3509 580009 NICHOLAS ATHENS ?/17/7B 9.85 ~5t0 530010 GEDRGE ALOTRICO ................ 2/17/78 ........ 7.50 3511 530011 WM, W. ANDREWS 2/17/78 4.70 q5~2 530012 ARNOT LEFFLER ASSOC INC. 2/17/78 15.00 3513 540017 BILTMDRE BLDG. CO. 2/17/78 ......... 24.60 3514 540021 BOCA RATON FEDoSAVo & LN. 2/17/78 12.20 2/28/78 CITY OF ~OYNTON 8EACH PAGE 8 _,.CHECK ~ .... VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAME .............. CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 3515 540028 ELENORF L. BOYD, ESTATE 2/17/78 3.80 3516 ...... 540029_ SANDRA RRIGGS ......... 2/17/78 .... __ 2.60 3517 550031 CANAL 30, tNCo ..... 2/17/78 30.00 35iB 550032 R.H. CALAMARI 2/17/78 6.50 3519 ........ 5~0033 CHARTER DRIVE CORP. _ .... 2/17/78 ......... 30.00 3520 550034 CHARTER DRIVE CORP. 2/I7/78 100.00 3521 550035 WM. H. CHATLOS 2/17/78 15.00 3522 550036 MRS. ELMER COBLEIGH 2/17/78 ~523 550037 LEnNARD COLLINS 2/t7/78 7.50 ~524 550038 JOSEPH CORBETT 2/17/78 ' 7.20 ~525 5500~9 OON CORRELL ................. 2/17/78. ............. . ......... 7.2~ ~526 550040 KEVIN COYNE 2/i7/78 7.20 3527 550041 MRS. ELMER CROSBY 2/t7/78 4.70 3528 ...... 550042_ _MARY CAIN ........ 2/17/~8 ........ 59.50 3529 55004~ ROBERT Go CURRIE 2/I7278 52.50 3530 550046 DAVID ELDON. JR 2/17/78 36.25 353~ _ _560024 JAMES DANFO~ .................... 2/17/78 .............. ~.~5 3532 560025 RO~FRT DIGBY 2/i7/78 5°00 3533 570007 EUGENE EDDY 2/17/78 8.00 3534 570008 MRS. WILBA EDENFIFLD 2/17/7~ ...... 7.50 3535 580008 DWANE FOLSO~ 2/I7/78 33.20 3536 590008 D.L. GLIDDEN 2/17/78 4.70 3537 ___ 600017 _ ADA HARVEY .............. 2/1,/7~ .......... ~_tI5 3538 6000~8 ,MRS. HAROLD HILL 2/17/78 3539 600019 ROSELLA Jo HiLVERKUS 2/~7/78 ~o70 35~0 .... 600020 PAULINE HOLTZ 2/17/78 .... 6.20CR 3540 600020 PAULINE HOLTZ ............... 2/I7/78 .... 6°20 35~t 61000i tIT FLORIDA CORPo 2/17/78 I1.55 35A2 ........ ~20010 ANDREW J. JARRELL 2/17/78 2.60 3543 620011 NILLIA~ D. JEFFERY ........... 2/17/78 .... 38.65CR 3543 620011 WILLIAM D. JEFEERY 2/17/78 38.65 3544 630016 HARRY KAYE _ ..... __ _ _ 2/17/78 24.40 3545 630017 OOROTHY KInG ...... 2/17/78 ......... 6.15 3546 640005 LIN~-BAR CONSTRUCTION 2/I7/78 23°90 3547 ........ 640014 t g S CORP. OFEICE 2/17/78 .............. 3=.50 3548 640017 GROVER LEYAN~ ............... 2/17/78 1.90 3549 6~0018 RALPH LIVINGWAY 2/17/78 355~ ........ ~50038 ~I0 STATES MORTGAGE CO. 2/t7/7~ .... 15.00 3551 o500.9 STANLEY MDRAtTIS 2/17/78 10.10 3552 6500~0 WM. MOSSO 2/17/78 2.45 355~ 650041 ORAZIO MANDIA . _ .2/17/78 ..... 56.10 ~55~ 680008 PTE OVERLOOK CONDO ASSOC. 2/17/78 6.50 3555 680013 LOUIS PREDITSCH 2/17/78 15~00 355~ 680014 JOHN PALAZZO 2/17/78 7.50 3557 680015 F. W. P~LMER ........ 2/17/78 15~50 3558 680016 JANES R. PATTERSON 2/17/73 1.90 3559 700011 R.4~ CARLSON CONS/. CO. 2/17/78 __ 15.00 3560 700016 NRSo CHARLES RECKLESS ..... 2/17/78" 4.70 356l 700017 LOUtS~ ~ICHARDSON 2/17/78 3562 700018 NICHSEL ROGFRS 2/17/78 4.90 3563 710004 WESLEY STEUNE 2/17/78 ' 20.90 ~507 2/28/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 9 0 U T S T A N D I N G C H E C K S cHECK ~ VE.NDOR.¢~ .... VE._NDOR NAME ............... CHECK_DATE TOTL~L_ &MOUN'[__ 3564 710031 SCOTT CONSTRUCTION 2/17/78 24.40 '3565 710032 LILLIAN SHFRMAN 2/17/78 ...... 4.70 3566 710033 SHARI DARREN INC. GIFTS 2/17/78 9.85 3567 710034 JFRRY SMOLINSKI 2/17/78 5.10 3568 710035 MRS. IVA STEBERL 2/17/78 ..... 7.50 3569 710036 SHANE STUBBLEFIELD 2/17/78 lO.Q0 3570 7100S7 HERBERT V. SCHAFFER ti 2/17/78 34.12 357.~ 410038 ROaFRT STOFFRE.GE~ ........ 2/17/78 ............... 4-.70 3572 720016 ANTONE M. TITTIZER 2/17/78 27.20 3573 720017 H. FARL THOMAS 2/I7/78 I2.20 357~ ...... 720018 CLIFFORD TALBOT. _ ..... 2/I7/78 .......... 3,85 3575 720019 OELPHINE THOMPSON 2/17/78 24°37 3576 740009 FRE~ YON DER LIETH 2/I7/78 4.70 95~? ...... 75~022 W.C. 3578 750023 WILLIAM WARREN 3579 750024 JAMES C. WATSON JR. 3580 ..... 750025 TERRY ~FLDON 3581 750026 OTTILIE WOLF 3582 750027 KENNETH J. WOLFE 3583 ..... 7509~8 ...... ROBERT WALLACE 3584 750029 DONALD W. NALSH 3585 750030 TERRY WELEON 358~ _750031___ SARA WILLIAHS WALLACF JR ............. 2/17/78 ............. ~.00 .... 3587 790407 CITY OF BOYNTON BFACH 3588 790408 CITY OF ~OYNTON BEACH 3589 790~09 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3590 790410 CITY OF BOYNTQN ~EACH 3591 790411 CITY [}F BQYNTON BEACH 3592 ...... ~90412~ _CITY_~ BOYNTON BEACH 3593 790413 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3594 790414 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 11.55 2/17/78 7.20 2/17/78 ........ 15-00 ._ 2/17/78 4.70 2/I7/78 2.30 2/17/78 ...... 12.20 ____ 2/17/78 26.00 2/17/78 5.40 2/17/78 ..... 8.00___ 2/17/78 22~50 2/17/78 2.80 2/17/78 .... 7.50 2/17/78 5.15 2/17/78 15.00 ..... 2/17/78 .... 15.00 2/t7/78 15.00 2/17/78 7°50 35,~.5 __7~091~ _ CI~%_O~BOYNTONBEACH ........... 7/17/78 15.0 3596 790416 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3597 790417 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3598 790418 .... CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 35:99 790419 CITY OF BQYNTON BEACH 3600 790420 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3601__ . 79042~ .CITY_OF BQYNTON BEACH 3602 790422 CITY OF BOYNTON B=AC, 3603 790423 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3604_ ..... 790~24 CITY DF BOYNTDN BEACH 3605 790425 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3&06 790426 CITY OF BOYNTON BE~%CH 3607 ....... 790,'+27 .... CITy_OF BOYNT~N BEACH 3608 790428 CITY QF BOYN/O~, BE~CH 3509 790429 CITY DF BOYN/ON BEACH 3510 790430 CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3~1~ 790431 CITY QF BOYNTON BEACH 3~12 7904~2 CITY OF BOYNTDN ~FACH 361~ 7g0433 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3614 790484 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 2.80 2/17178 15.00 2117178 ............ 7-50 2/177'78' 11.20 2117/78 15.00 ?/17/78 .......... 2717/78 15.00 2717/78 8.50 2/17/78 ..... 15o00__ 2117178 2.80 2/17/78 7°80 7717/78 .......... 2/17/78 7.80 2/17/78 2~80 2/17/78 ............. 7°50 .... 2/17/78 8.45 2/17/78 lO.D0 2/17178 ............ 7.50 . 2/i7/78 30.00 2/28/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE CHE~ ~_ VENDOR # VENDOR NAME .......................... CHECK DATE TOTAL_A~O~NT _ 3615 790435 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3616 790436 CITY OF BOYNTDN BEACH 3617 790437 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 36'18 790438 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3619 790439 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3620 790440 CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH 3621 790441 CITY OF 50YNTON BEACH 3522 790442 CITY OF BOYNTON 3623 790443 CITY OF BOYNTON 3624 790444 CITY OF BOYNTQN 3625 790445 CITY OF BOYNTON ~/17/78 15.00 2/17/78 ....... 7.50 2/i7/78 7.00 2/17/78 7.50 2/17/78 ............. 2/17/78 7.50 2/17/78 7°50 BEACH ..... 2/17/78 .............. ~6.~0 BEACH 2/17/78 7.50 BEACH 2/t7/78 15.00 BEACH 2/17/78 15.00 3626 790446 CITY DF 5627 790447 CITY OF 3628 790448 CITY OF ~629 790449 CITY OF 3630 790450 CITY OF ~63t 790451 CITY OF 36~2 --- 790452 CITY OF 3633 790453 CITY OF BOYNYON B6B4 .... 790454 CITY OF BOYNTON 3635 790455 CITY OF ROYNTON 3636 790456 CITY OF BOYNTON BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 15.00 BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 15.00 BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 7.50 BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 15.00 BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 13.85 BOYNTON BEACH ........ 2/17/78 2.80 BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 ...... 2~80 .... BEACH 2/17/78 2.80 BEACH 2/17/78 3.45 BE~CH 2/17/78 7.50 BEACH 2/17/78 15.00 3637 790457. CITY. OF BOYNTON BEAC~ 3638 --~90458 CITY OF BOYNTON 8EACH 3639 790459 CITY OF BOYNTDN BEACH 36~0 790460 CITY OF BDYNTON BEACH 3641 790461 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 36~2 790462 CITY OF BOYNTON 8E~CH ?t17/78 ............. !¢~0 2/17/78 3.85 2117/78 15.O0 2/17/78 ....... ~5.00 2117/78 5o60 2/17/78 8.85 3643 ...... 790463_ C~TY_OF_.BOYNTON 8E&~ ....... 2/17/78 .... 3644 790464 CITY OF BOYNTON BE~CH 2/17/78 5.60 36~5 790465 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 15.'00 36~6 ....... 790466 _CITY OF _BOYNTON BEACH __._ 2/17/78 ............ 7~80 3647 790467 CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 13.60 36~8 790468 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 15o00 365% .... 79046~___ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH .......... 2/17/78 7.50 36~0 790470 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 .............. 15.00 ~6~1 790471 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 7.50 35~2 790472 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~/17/78 15.00 36~3-- ..... 790473 --~IT~--oF-'BOYNTON-~EACH ..... 2117178 ............ 7.~0 3654 790474 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 15.00 36¢5 790475 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ........ 2717/78 ....... 7°50- _ 36¢6----- ~90476 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 15.00 36~7 790477 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2717/78 4.90 5658 ...... 790478 CITY OF gOYNTON 8EACM ......... 2/17/78 .......... 5.05 3659 790479 CITY OF 8OYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 7.50 3660 790480 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 7.50 3681 ....... 790481._ CITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH .... 2/17/78 ........... 30o. 00 .... 3662 790482 CITY OF 80YNTON 8EACH 2/17/78 5.60 36¢] 790483 CITY DF BOYNTDN BEACH 2/17/78 7.50 36~4 ..... ~90484 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ......... _ 2/17/78 15.00 5665 790485 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2/17/78 7.50 2/28/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 11 GHECK_~ .... ~ENOOR ~ .... VENDOR NAME .............. CHECK OATE .... TO~AL AHOUNT_ 3566' 790486 CITY 3567 .... 790487 CITY 3668 790488 CITY 3569 790489 CITY 3670 ___ 730490 CITY 3671 790491 CITY 3672 790492 CITY ~678 ...... 790493___ CITY 3674 790494 CITY 3675 790495 CITY 3676 .... 790496 ..... CITY 3677 790497 CITY 3678 790498 CITY 3679 .... 790499 .... CITY OF 3680 790500 CITY OF 8681 790501 CITY OF 3682 ....... 790502 .__CITY OF 3683 790503 CITY OF 3634 790504 CITY OF OF BOYNTON BEACH DF BQYNTON BEACH OF BOYNTON REACH OF 80YNTON BEACH OF BOYNTON BEACH _ OF 80YNTON BEACH OF BOYNTON BEACH OF ~OYNTON BEACH OF BOYNTON BEACH QE BOYNTON BEACH OF BOYNTON BEACH O~ BOYNTON BEACH OF SOYNTON BEACH BOYNTON BEACH '_ .... 8OYNTON BEACq BOYNTON BEACH BOYNTON BEACH BOYNTQN BEACH BOYNTON BEACH 3685 .... 790505 ...... ~ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3686 790506 CITY OF BOYHTON ~EACH 3687 790507 CITY OF BQYNTON BEACH 3688 ....... 790508_. CITY O~ 80YNTON BEACH ~689 790509 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3590 790510 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3691 ........ 79051~ .... CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3692 790512 CITY OF $OYNTON BEACH 3693 790513 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~694 .... 790514 CITY OF 60YNT~N BEACH ~695 790515 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3696 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3596 ..... 032901 __ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3696 032901 CITY OF B~YNTON BEACH 3696 032901 CITY OF ooYN~ON BEACH 3696 ...... 0~290I _ CITY O? 3696 161730 PETTY CASH WRIER a SEWER 7/I7/78 15.00 2/17/78 .............. 2/17/78 15.00 2/17/78 2.80 2/17/78 ....... 15.00 2/17/78 13.60 2/17/78 5.60 2/17/78 .......... 2117/78 2.80 2/17/78 5.15 2/17/78 ........ t5.00 2/17/78 7.50 2/17/78 9.90 2/17/78 .......... 15.00 2/17/78 15.00 2/17/78 5.00 2/17/78_ __ 7.50_ 2/17178 2.80 2/17/78 2.80 2/17/78 .............. 15,00 2/17178 7.50 2/17/78 2.80 2117/78 ......... 7.50___ 2/17/78 3.50 2/17/78 3.45 2117/78 ......... . 7°80_ 2/17/78 15.00 2/17178 7.50 2/17/78 2.80 2/17/78 12.70 2/17/78 4.0O 2/17/78 ......... 2.19 2/17/78 12.50 2117/78 8.00 ~/I7/78 6.00 3697 340002 3698 193912 3699 .... 011400 3700 021680 3701 023570 3702 ..... 024412 3703 024726 CASH WATER ~ SEWER 2/17/78 1.40 CASH WATER a SEWE~ ...... 2/17/78 3696 161720 PETTY 5695 ......... 1617~0.___ PETTY EDGAR E. HOWELL LEON S~ILES ADVANCE AIR COND$TIO~NG .. BEVERLY BERKE PATTI BLACK BERT B. BOLOT BOYNION BEACH FIRE DEPT DOROTHY CLICKNFR 3704 033663 3705 050300_. EAST COAST FIRE EOUIP. ~ 2/21/78_ 3706 051300 EDWARDS ELECTRIC CORP. 2/21/78 3707 073600 GLASGOW EOUIPMENT CO. 2/21178 3708 ~ _ 074600 GORE NEWSPAPER CO. 2/21/78 3709 075581 GULF OIL CORPORATION 2/21/78 2/17/78 125.00 2/I7/78 127.50 2/21/78 ........ 67.86 2/21/78 IO.O0 2/21/78 lO.O0 20Q.O0 2721/78 ............. 2/21/78 97.00 2/21778 16.00 186.12' 284.16 20.76 3~96.86 2/28/78 . CH~CK ~ VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAME 3710 082790 3711 ____110090 37t2 3714 3715 ClTY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 12 CHECK DATE_.. Tg!At A.M~UNy_- NANCY HILL 2/21/78 5.00 K-MART OISCQUNT STORE 2/21778 KIRK MATERIALS, INC-.' - 2/21/78 91.00 LAWNMOWER HOSPITAL 2/21/78 MAURY'S TOOL CHEST 20.90 OKENICA .......... 2/21/78 t57o~0 112815 120560 130555 15331~ - -KAREN 2/21/78 43.20 3716 160100 P ~ G DISTRIBUTORS 2/21/78 35.80 3719 181577 /78 RAOIO SHACK 15.00 2/21/78 14.85 BT~O .... 182800 RINKER ~TERIALS CORP. _~_ _ 2/21/78 ~721 19035~ ..... SAFETY KLEEN CORP.' ...... 2/Jl/78 ........ ~3%?_~ 27.50 3722 191700 SEWELL HARDWARE CO., INC. 2/21/78 45.16 372~__ 194700 SOUTHEeN BELL TELEPHONE 2/21/78 37 ~724 201586" 'TERMINAL TRANSPORT CO~, I-' 2/21/78 .... ........ B,935. 3725 232400 J. WHITE ALUMINUM 19.13 3726 232790 EUNIcE WI~ 2/2!/78 80.58 372'~ .... ~34~00 .... WORTH CHE SON 2/21/78 20° 23.25 3728 020~58 BARILE E×C~VATtNG E PIPEL 2/22/78 9 092.86 37~__ 075480 .._ GRIFFIN EQUIPMENT 2/23/78 ......... ~t$.~ 3731 330002 DONN~ GALLAGHER .............. 2/2~/78--- 35°06 3732 i30950 NILLIE RUTH MCGRADy 2/24/78 373~__ .014240 ___ISIAH ~NDREwS 38.40 3734 450013 SAMUEL SINS ...................... ~/24/78 ......... 44°00 3734 450013 SANOEL SIMS 2/24/78 283°94-- 37~._ _ 340006 LEMON. HARRIS 2/2~/78 283.94CR 3736 t61720- PETTY - -:. 2/24/78 i'84.02 CASH WATER' ~ SENE~ ' 2124/78 ............. 5.60 3735 032901 CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH 2124178 3736 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH .2.27 - ' 2/24/78 ' 3736 03299i CITY OF BOYNTON BEAC~ ......... 2/24/7~ ............. 5.72 ~.98 8736 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2/24/78 17.30 3736 .... 032901_ _CITY OF.BoyNTON BEACH 373~ 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2/2&/~8 .............. 9'~54 3735 032901 CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH 2/24/78 3737 ...... 015500 VEVA hRHBRUSTER 5.10 3738 020100 B ~ H SALES 2/24/78 401.69 3739 020450 BAKER 8 TAYLOR COMmANIES 2/24/78 i84.3i 3740 ....... 02120i BO. OF CO. COMMISSIONERS ..... 2/24/78 3741 021625 ~'- ROBERT BFNTLEY,'INC. -'-' .... 9,0~B.00 70.7B ~742 023580 BLAIR E~UIPMENT CO. 2/2~/78 3743 ..... 024651 R. R. BOWKER 1,838o20 3744 024725 BOYNTON BCH. FEDERAL 2/24/78 ' ' 7~000.52 3745 0247~0 BOYNTO¢i BEACH RETIREMENT 2t24/7~ 2,501.60 3746 ....... 024850 WILLIAM ~ EMILy BOYNTON 2/24/78 3747 024900 .... BOYS LIFE ........ _ 120o00 3748 025602 ANNA K. BROWN 2/24/78 7.20 2/24/78 100o00 3749 030475 CAREER PLANNING CORP. 2/24/78 3~50 030500 CARR SOI_ ~ SOD ' 6.95 2/24/78 ............. 560°00 3751 032420 CHFSTERFIEi. 0 CHEMICAL COR 2/24/78 137,87 3752 ..... 034550 COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. 2/24/78 ' 3753 034870 CONSUMER REPORTS _ 47.79 2/24/78 27°00 2/28/78 0 U CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH T S T A N D'I N ~ C H E C K-S ' CHECK ~ VENDOR.~ VENDOR NAME -- - ..... CHECK DATE RELIEF..E ...... 2/24/78 FIRST ~ANK & TRUST 2/24/78 FLORIDA BOLT ~ NUT 2/24/78 FLORIDA EDUCATIONAL FLORIDA LEVEL ~ TRANSIT 2/24/78 FLORIDA PO~ER g LIGHT CO. 2/24/78 HtLORED A. FORD ......... 2/24/7~ GAMETI~, INC. 2/24778 BETTY GARRIGA 2/24/78 GAYLORO BROTHERS ...... 2/24/78 CHARLES GODFREY 2/24/78 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. IMCo 2/24/78 _R.L. GRI~MMONS PRINTING _ . _ 2/24178 1.8.No CORPORATION 2/24/78 3792: 160380 PALM BEACH JR. COLLEGE 2/24/78 3793: 161600 PENNWALT CORPORATION 2/2~/7~ 3794:_ _ 161640 THE PERFECTION FORM CO. 2/2~/78 3795 151700 PETTY CASH LIBRARY ..... 2/24/78 3796 162750 PICARD CHEMICAL CO. 2/24/78 3797 _._ 180500 EVA RAYMOND 2/24778 3798 190959 OLYVE E. SCHOOLEY 2/24/78 3799 192700 T.j. SIERS 2/2~/78 3800 .. 193912 3801 196002 3802 196009 3803 3804 PAGE 13 TOTAL 3754 035350 CUSTOM BUSINESS MACHINES 2/24/7~ 32.50 3755 __ 040500 DAVIS MFTER ~ SUPPLY 2/24/78 ...... 806.25 3756 041600 DELRAY CHEMICAL CO. 2/24/78 104.00 3757 044400 DO IT NOW FOUNDATION-tNST 2/24/78 9.50 3758 .. 046530 DURO -'TEST CORPORATION 2/2a/78 349.70 3759 050200 E ~ S PRODUCTS CO. 2/24778 ...... 103.g5 3760 055500 LOOIS ERISMAN 2/24/78 O' .. 200.00 3761 ..... 02820 FIREMEN'S 3762 062910 ...... 722.81 3763 063690 13,711.73 3754 063740___ 44°62 3765 063752 ....... 37~0~___ 3766 963780 1,973.64 3767 .... 054553 340.52 3768 070390 ......... 100.00 3759 070400 832.17 3770 070410 30.00 3771 074500 ..... 408.91 3772 075450 30.00 3~73 075530 211.37 7~55 3774 090100 ....... ~'~029o00 3775 100390 ROBERT JACQBSON-DESIGN 2/24/78 t0.00 377~ 104600 _ JOBES ECU]PMENT .C~ ............ 2/2~/78 ...... 4,299~6~ 3777 110120 K--R INDUSTRIES 2/2~/78 i00o90 3778 115500 SUZANNF No KRUSE 2/24/78 200.75 3779 ..... 120410 LAMAR UNIFORMS ......... 2/24/78 1,030.85 ...... 3780 120545 LAW ENFORCEMENT RESOURCE 2/24/78 ....... 29.00 3781 124600 LONGVIEW LIME 2/24/78 !,979.00 3782 ..... 130320 . MACMILLAN PUBLISHING CO. 2/24/78 ._ ~0.69 3783 130327 MAIN STREET BOOKSELLERS .... 2/24/78 .... 156.00 3734 130537 MARIETTA P~OLS 2/24/78 81.84 3785 .... 130960 . MCG~AN~- HIlL BOOK CO. . ....... 2/24/78 .............. 15;61 378& 131700 LAURA ~ETZ 2/24/78 15.00 3787 134580 MOMAR 2/24/78 2,706.06 3788 ........ ~34600 MONROE CALCULATOR -___ 2/24~78 .......... ~5o00 3789 134670 WILLIAM MORROw g CO:,-I~C 2/24/78' 26.25 3790 136420 MUNICIPAL POLICE 2/24/78 1,.107.24 .3~9~ ...... ~4044~ _..NATIONAL LIRRARY WEEK ........... ?/24/78 ................ ~%._3O 102.00 2,723.94 4.34 253.30 ..... 30.00 10o00 28.00 LEON S~ILES _. 2/24/78 ............ 127.50_. STACKPDLE COMPanY ......... 2/24/78 21.00 PAUL STARTZNAN 2/24/78 50.00 201515 TEEN 2/24/78 ............ 9°00 206?93 tUCaE~ ~' JOHNsoN .......... 2/24/78 153.oo 2128178 CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH 0 U T S T ~ N g I N G C H PAGE 14 CHECK ~ VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAME CHECK ~ATE .... ~07~L AMOUNT_ 3805 206295 3806 210090 3807 241500 3808 251700 3809 ..... 6000~0 . 38[0 600021 ~811 6200L1 3812 _ 620012___ 88t3 450013 3836 241600 3837 011200 3838 013798 TUCKER MANUFACTURING 2/24/78 14.20 U.S. CONCRETE PIPE CO.. ........ 2/24/7~ ......... 969.~0._ XEROX CORPORATION 2/24/78 1,216.77 YORKE MEDICAL BOOKS 2/24/78 38.25 PAULINE HOLTZ ........... 2/24/78 .......... ~70___ HARDDRIVES, INC. 2/24/78 1.50 WILLIAM D. JEFFERY 2/24/78 11o15 MRS. JE~._JaCO~S .................... ~(.24~78 ........... 27~>~_ SAMUEL SIMS 2/24778 322.36 XEROX CORPORATION 2/27/78 712.50 ADAMS CHEVROLET .................... 2.~8/7~ ........... ALUMINUM WORLD 2/28/78 100.00 3839 014300 CARMEN ANNUNZIATO 2/28/78 50.00 384o ..... 936Bpq __~UTOPRODUCTS, INC. 2/28/78 3841 024710 BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLY .......... 2/28/78 859.39 3842 025600 BROWARD PUMP R SUPPLY CO. 2/28/78 !66.00 ~843 .... 080300 ~tCHARD Do CALDWELt ....... 2/28/78 3844 0~1650 JOSEPH J. DFMARCO 2/28/78 85°00 3845 044650 DON'S ALIGNMENT 2/28/78 14.50 3846 ....... 053810. EASY P~Y TIRE STORE .............. 2/28/78 365.42 3847 063700 FLORID~ B~AKE ~ 2/28/78 ................. 120.25 384~ 0~5590 CHARLES FREDERICK 2/28/78 85.00 3849 073600 GLASGOW E©UIPMENT CO. _ ........ 2/28/78 ............ 3850 074610 GORILLA MOTORS 2/28/78 225.t5 3851 075515 dACK GROSSMAN 2/28/78 100.00 385~ ..... 075580 GULF OIL CORP. _ ........ 2/28/78 ...... 3853 0~0A26 HARLEY DAVIDSON OF PALM B 2/28/78 101.16 3~54 080428 EDWARD HARMENING 2/28/78 ~5.00 3855 .... 080550 HAUSER ~OTOR CO. ............. 2/Z8/78 ...... 3856 080575 HAWKINS ~ NOUN, INC. 2/28/7~ 100o00 3857 084600 JOSEPH T. HOLLAND 2/28/78 125.00 3858 084690 EDGAR HOWELL .......... 2/28778 125.00 38159 100380 EMILY JACKSON 2/28/78 100,00 3850 111550 BERT KEEHR 2/28/78 50.00 3861 114550 FRANK KOHL ................ 2/28/78 3862 120500 B08 LATHA~ 2/28/78 .......... 125.00 3863 131589 MERCHANT TRANSPORT 2/28/78 14t.32 386~ _ 132755 MIDAS MUFFLER SHOPS .............. 2/28/78 ............... 12.~__ 3865 134650 GENE MOORE ...... ~" 2/28/78 2,333.00 ~866 156200 EDWARD OT~ 2/28/78 ~25.00 3867 t~0350 TEREESA PADGETT 2/28/78 25°00 3~68 161510 PEACOCK'S R~DIATOR ........ 2/28/78 36.00 3859 161650 CHARLES PERSING 2/28/78 I25.00 ~870 I62790 PIERCE TIRE CO., INC. 2/28/78 804.55 3871 164700 PORTER PAINT CO. '- 2/28/78 97.25 3872 182780 RICH MOTOAS, INC. 2728/78 9.81 ~873 184517 DAVID ROBFRTS ..... 2/28/78 85.00 3874 191510 SccACREST PETROLEUM CO* 2/28/78 ......... 1,085.30 3875 191700 SE~ELL HARDWARE CO., INC. 2/28/78 88.19 3876 192600 HAROLD SHULL 2/28/78 125.00 ~877 196170 STEVFN'S DRUGS 2/28/78 8.06 2/28/78 ]SITY DF BOYNTDN BEACH O U T S T A N D I N G C H E C K S PAGE i5 cHECK ~ VENDOR # VENDOR NAME ........ cHECK.DATE TO~AL 3878 201700 TESTING LAB OF THE 2/28/78 90.00 3879 221650 A. RICHARD VERZAAL 2/28/78 399.60 3880 230450 EARL MALL&CE FORD, INC. 2/28/78 10.13 3881 231600 THORAS E. WENGLER 2/28/78 125.00 ~882 _ 232400 J. WHITE ALUMINUM 2128/78 ........ 12o00 3883 235500 DAVID WRIGHT & SON, INC. 2/28f78 148.50 3884 264550 BETTY ZOBEL 2/28/78 20100 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 3901 3902 3903 3904 011350 AONINISTRATIVE_CHAR~E~ ........... 2128/78 ......... )3,416-66_ 013710 ALLEN CHEMICAL CO. 2/28/78 327.10 015500 VEVA ARMRRUSTER 2128/78 10.00 015700 ASGROW OF FLORIDA 2/28/78 ........ 344°00 015990 ATLANTIC CD&ST FIRE CO. 2/28/78 74.00 020098 8 K E FILTER SALES 2/28/78 87.76 020450 _BAKER g TAYLOR COMPANIES 2/28/78 ............. 020458 ~ARILE FXCAVATtNG g PIPEL 2/28/78 423.27 025585 BROOKS PRODUCTS 2/28/78 887.50 3905 ..... 030485 .... CARPETS BY ROSS ........ 2/28178 .... 3996 032410 CHELSEA TITLE ~ GUARANTY 2/28/78 3.00 3907 032625 JOHN CHUREY 2128/78 540,00 3908 ....... 03~550___ COCA COLA B~LI~__QO .......... 2/28/78 ___ ..... 53.10__ 39,09 034915 COPPER SALES CQ- 2/28/78 955.80 3910 037700 CYPRESS PQND NURSERY 2/28/78 130.00 39,11 .... 041590_ @ELRAY AMC.JEEP, INC. _ .... 2128/78 ........ t8.00___ 3912 041600 DELRAY CHEMICAL CO. 2/28/78 395.00 3913 042855 TERRY VANDENBOSCH-DINKY'S 2/28/78 55.00 39!4' 046450__. JOHN B. DUN<LE .................. 2/28/78 ............ 11.~5.__ 39~15 050200 E & S PRODUCTS CO. 2128/78 179,85 3916 053900 EMERGENCY ~EDICAL ~ SAFET 2/28178 50.55 3917 ..... p53901_ .EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE 2/28/78 ........... llO.OQ___ 3~18 054370 ENGINEERING MACHINE CO. 2/28/78 14.34 3919 062901 FIRST BANK & TRUST OF PAL 2/28/78 3,500.00 3~20 ...... 9~298~ .... F, ISHER.~ pORT~_~_O-~ ........... 2/28/7~ ........ !3.13__ 3921 063799 FLORIDA TREND 2/28/78 11.75 3922 070400 BETTY G&RRIGA 2~28~78 30°00 3~23 ....... 0726~5 _ BARRY._GIBBS ..................... 2/28/78 75.00 3~24 073600 GLASGOW EOUIPMENT CO. 2128/78 606°00 3925 074500 CHARLES GODFREY 2/28/78 -30.00 3926 075~4~ .... ~HARL. ES. GRAV~S ................ 7128/78 ........ ~P.O0 3927 075445 JOSEPHINE GRAY 2728/78 45~00 ~928 075530 R.L. GRUNMONS PRINTING 2/28778 554.51 3929 ..... 075580 GULF OIL CORPo ................. 2/28/7~ ........... 78,10___ 3930 084640 HENRY HOLMES AOUATICS 2/28/78 75.00 3931 084670 HOSE & ACCESSORIES, INC. 2/28/78 53.60 393z 086350 HUCKLEaUCK MUSIC 2/28/78 3~33 094260 INSTITUTIONAL DRUG '~UPP~Y ...... 2/28/78 138.I0 oo oo J u BLUEPRINTERS 2/28/28- to.oo 3935 100319 ..... JA~K S CAMERA ~ENT~R ........... 2128178 22.00__ 3~36 iii580 KELLY TRACTOR CO. 2/28/78 3937 I12680 WILLIAM T. KICKENAPP 2/28/78 3938 ...... 114600 KOPY KING PRINTING CENTER ........ 2/28/78 ............. 3939 120450 LANIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS 2/28/78 IO.O0 2/28/78 CITY OF BO~ON PAGE 16 ~a~507 ......... 0 U T"~ T- A N D ~ N G C H F C K S CHECK # VENDO~ # VENDQR mANE ............ ~ CHECK DA~.~ .... TOTAL 3940 120541 LAW ENFORCEMENT DESK REFE 2/28/78 16.50 3941 121656 LEISU~ TIME FOUR 2/28/78 80.00 3942 121666 LES-RAY BORCAT, INC. 2/28/78 279.75 3943 130400 H~NHATTAN TROPHIES 2/28/78 35°52 39~4 1309~5 BILL MgCONKFY ........ 2/28/78 .... 25.00~ _ 3945 130950 MCGRAW HILL BOOK CO. 2/28/78 5.52 3946 131659 ~ERRY MUMMERS 2/28/78 3947 132740 MICKLER~S FLORIDIANA 2/28/78 1~.80 3948 132770 MILLER gEARINGS 2/28/78 82.95 3949 132790 MINNESOTA MINING ~ 2/28/78 494.70 3950 140435 NATIONAL FIRE PROTEQT~DN ...... 2/28/78 .......... 3951 140470 NATURAL HISTORY 2/28/78 10.00 3952 141600 THOMAS NE'LSQN ~ SONS 2/28/78 24.08 3953 151850 OFFICE EQUIP. SERVICE CO. 2/28/78 _265.00 3954 153310 KAREN OKENICA 2/28/78 84.40 3955 153600 OLD DOMINION BRUSH 2/28/78 390.66 3956 160377 PAL~ BEACH COUNTY RAMBLER 2/28/78 ........... 100~0 g~ ~ NEWSPAPERS 2/28/78 564.87 3957 160410 PAL~ _mA~H 3958 160420 PALM BEACH OFFICE SUPPLY 2/28/78 47.16 3959 160430 PALH BEACH RADIO, INC. ..... 2/28/78 ......... t92.3Q_ 3960 164600 POMPANO OFFICE SUPPLY, CO 2/28/78 152.68 3961 180500 EVA RAYMOND 2/28/78 30°00 3962 181578 RECORD SHACK 2/28778 55.15 3963 t84560 BETTY ROHACK 2/28/78 25.00 3964 186305 RUBANK INC. 2/28/78 56.70 3965 186310 RUBIN CONSTRUCTION CO. _ . . 2728/78 ..... 761.98 3966 190959 OLYVE E. SCHOOLEY 2/28/78 3967 191600 SERVICE EOUIPo CO.~ INC. ~/28/78 168.63 3968 193912 LEON SNILES ..................... 2/28/78 ....... 127o50 3969 .... 193970 SMITH ~ WESSON CO. 2/28/78 48.00 3970 194700 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE ?/28/?8 295.42 3971 194710 _ SOUTHERN. METER SU?P~ CO... 2/28/78 ........... 12~40.40 3972 196009 PAUL STARTZ~AN 2728778 50°00 3973 196405 SUNCO, INC. 2/28/78 115.65 397~ 201580 TENNIS SUPPLY 2/28/78 269.80 3975 202515 LEE THOMAS 2/28/78 45.00 3976 202600 JEAN THURBER 2/28/78 ~44o00 ~977 204490 TOM OlD tT SIGNS 2/28/~.8 ........... 3978'- 205410 TRAIL FORD ~R~Cf'~A'Cd% ....... 2/28/78 121o10 3979 205595 TROPICAL SUPPLY CO., INC. 2/28/78 3980 210190 UoSoS. AGRI-CHEHtCALS 2/28/78 .... 281.90 3981 '-- 221480 'BERNIE VALENTINE BAND 2/28/78 ~982 230540 ~ATER DEPARTMENT 2/28/78 7,460°40 3983 230545 WATER HYDRANT SERVICE .... 2/28/78 ..... 3984 ..... 232798 WILSON ROWAN LOCKSMITH CO 2/2~/78 94.68 3985 23~650 WOLVERINE SPORTS ~/28/78 46.86 664~207.32