Minutes 02-21-78MINUTES OF REGU~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, .FLORIDA, HELD IRT CITY HALL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1978 PRESENT Emily M. Jackson, Nayor Edward F. Earmening, Vice Mayor Richard D. Caldwell, Councilman Joseph DeMarco, Councilman David Roberts, Comncitman Framk Kohl, City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Gene Moore, City Attorney Mayor Jackson called the meeting~ to order at 7:30 P. M. She ~equested everyone to rise for the Invocation given by Mr. Frank ehl,~ Cit~N~G~ger, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led bym¢o~cil~ Joe DeMarce. AGENDA APPROVAL Mr. Narmeni~g moved to adopt the agenda as printed, seconded Mr. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0. ANFOUNCEMENTS Mayor Jackso~ read a Proclamation proclaiming the weekend of March 4th and 5th, 1978, as Festival of the Arts weekend. Mayor Jackson read a rmary t9 to 25, 1978, Week. Proclamation proclaiming the week of Fek~ as Big Brothers/Big Sisters Appreciation 7~yor Jackson requested anyone wishing to speak on any item on the agenda to please give their name to Fms. Padgett. N~ayor Jackson announced that Item B regarding Antenna Heights Under Old Business was not going to be heard tonight, but will be stricken from the agenda until the Planning & Zoming Board has had time to work on this in workshop session and make a recommendation. She added that this was also true of Parcels 3 and $ regarding rezoming requests applied for by S. J. Jarvis under Public Hearing. She assured everyone that the press would he motlfied when these items are going to be heard. Nayor Jack.~on announced that the Firemen's Ball is going to be held on Saturday night at the Knights of Colmm~us Hall at 8:00 Po M. MINUTES Regular City CouncilMMeetin$ - Februar,y 7, 1~78 Mr. Roberts referred to Page 17, second paragraph, last line, and corrected "had" to "have". He referred to Page 20, para- graph on top a~out halfway down, ~nd questioned the correct- ness of Mr. Moore's reference to an "actuarial" and after dis- cussion, it was agreed to change this to "actuary". MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 21, 1978 Mayor Jackson referred to Page l, next to last paragraph, and corrected "dominal" to"domino". She referred to Page 19, third paragraph up, third line up, and changed "sexton- to "cemetery work". She referred to Page 19, second paragraph up, last sen- tence, and requested that the last part of the sentence be eli- minated with a period being placed after 1960. She referred to the~ast paragraph on this page amd changed "sexton" to "cemetery work,. She referred to Page 26 and questioned whether Ns. Esterick's name was spelled correctly. Mr. Roberts moved to accept the minutes as corrected, seconded by Mr. DeNarce. Motion carried 5-0. Special 0ity Comncil Meeting - February 15. 1978 M~. Narmening moved to table, seconded by Mr. De~rco. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Dr. Charles Simon appeared before the Council and referred to appearing before the Council about four weeks ago with an ap- plication for the rezoning of a parcel of property from R-IA to C-1 and advised at that time, there was a hearing held, discussion and a vote taken in the affirmative for the change. Two weeks ago, this came up again because of being au ordinance and the vote was against the rezoning. He referred to being unaccustomed to how a city works and stated he w~s not aware there was an ordinance, was mot aware it was coming before the Council again, did not know he needed to appear, or he would have been present two weeks ago. He was informed about it after the meeting. He apo}ogizes, hut did not know it was coming up again and was not informed through any office of the City. Since that time, he has looked into it and has more information which was not presented at the City Council meeting four weeks ago w~ch he thinks would clarify the facts regarding the property location and surrounding areas. He respectfully requests the Council to give him time for the reconsideration of this rezoning. Mayor Jackson referred to there being a law on the books ~pertaining to the fact if it is turned down, it cannot come ack for 18 months and Mr. Moore agreed, but advised that a~y member of the prevailing side could move to reconsider o~ the second alternative could he the withdrawing of the appli- cation. Dr. ~imon stated that he was under the impression that it was passed at the first meeting and there would he no f,mrther dis- cussion. He was not aware of it and had no idea it was an ordinance. At the first meeting, there was a great deal of discussion, but th~ minutes of the Planning & Zoning Board were not submitted, the petition he presented was not sub- mitted, nor was there an indication of where the property was located. He would like to be given the opport~mity ~o give a presentation. -2- See Min. of 3/7/78 MINUTES - REGULAR CITE COUNCIL MF~TING BOY'ON BEACE, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 21 , 1978 Mr. Roberts stated he would he in favor of having this come up at a futmre meeting for reconsideration. He was guilty of not exami~i~g~ae area properly until the action was taken. Mr. Roberts made a motion to reconsider, seconded By Mr. Caldwell. Mayor Jackson clarified that the motion was to reconsider the request for rezoning of Dr. Simon's property located at Eeacrest ~ud Gulfstream Boulevards. Under discus- sion, Mr. Roberts told about thi~kimg of the wrong loeation when the vote was taken. Also, if Dr. ~imon has some .addi- tional information, it may thr0~' some light on this item. Mayor Jackson asked if this co~l'~ be placed on the agenda for the next meeting and Mr. Moore replied affir~tively, since there were no objectors. Motion carried 5-O. Mayor Jacksom ~o~ced that all zoning is done By ordinance and if granted, there must be a first and second reading of the ~rdinance. Mr. De~rc~ asked if in the future, the ordi- nance could be prepared for the meeting when the ~pu~lic hear- ing is held en the zoming~ ? Mr. M~ore explained that the ordi- nance was prepared if the recommendation was ~avorable from the Plaguing & Zoning Board aud he will have them ready Lo matter what the recomme~dati~ from the Board is from now EID$ One (1) Sewer Red,ins Machi~ Mr. Kohl informed the Council that bids on the above were opened on Tuesday, February 14, 1978, at 3:00 P. M. in the Office of our Purchasing Agent, Mr. William H. Sullivan. The Tabulation Oommittee recommends acceptauce of the sole bid from Utilities SeP¥ices, Zmc. of Fort Lauderdale in the am0~t of ~9,615.95. A copy of the Tabulation Sheet, Pro- pos~l and Affidavit signed by Mr. Richard W. Post, Sales ~anager Of Utilities Services, Inc. have been suDmitted. Council approved the above purchase, please consider also ~. Oaldwell move~ to grant th~ transfer of funds and the bid in the amount of $9,615.95 to Utilities Services, Inc. of Ft. Lauderdale, seconded by Mr. Harmening. ~nder discus- sion, M~. DeM~rco asked if there were any other Bidders and Mr. Kohl replied that this was the sole Bid and explained that there were only a few companies around ~ ~i~g'~his machine. Motion carried 5-0. -3- MINUT~ - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 21, 1978 One (1) Tractor with Front End Leader Mr. Kohl informed the Council that bids on the above were opened on Tuesday, February 14, at 3:30 P. M. in the Office of the Purchasing Agent. 'Several bids were received; however, the Tabmlatien Ce~nmittee has requested that this item be tabled inasmmch as they want to review the specifications with the department head. May he have Council,s wishes en this matter. ~. DeMarco moved to table this item, seconded by F~. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0. Vehicle Towing Service Contract Mr. Kohl requested the Conncil to also table this inasmuch as they would like te give this to Boynten Wrecker Service with the Council,s approval with the bids that have been received, But would like to discuss this fnrther with Boynton Wrecker Service. Mr. Caldwetl moved to table, seconded by 2~. DeMarco. Motion carried 5-0. LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Readin~ - ~blic ~ear~g Proposed Ordinance NO. 78-~ - Re: Repealing Section 5-2.1(c) and Section 5-2.1(b~ ~ovidin~ for Oonstrmction Clean-up Bo~dm Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-~ on second reading by caption. N~yor Jackson asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of this ordinance and received no response. She asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to this ordinance and received no re- Spo~seo ~. Harmening moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-4 on second and final reading, seconded hy Mr. De~rco. No dis- cussion. ~s. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman DeMarco - Aye Councilmam Caldwell - Aye Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Motion carried 5-0. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETtNG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 21, 1978 Proposed Ordinance No. 78-5 - Re: Amending Section 11.1C, ApPendix Ay Zenin~ Regulations~ Relative Non-Cenform~ Lot~ Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-5 on second reading by caption. Mayor Jackson asked if anyome wished to speak in favor of Ordinance No. 78-5 and received no response. She asked if anyone wished to speak in opposi~u~and the following ap- peared before the Council: Mr. Dante Bernetti appeared~before the Council and advised that he was speak~g for the Homeowners Association of Laurel Hills, Glen Arbor and Gordon Park. He stated that they appre- ciated the Council's response to this matter and the proposed amendment is a step in the right direction, but in their opi- nion it does not go far enough. He explained how the lot sizes should be met prior to the issuance of the building per- mit. He submitted and read a suggested amendment. Mayor Jackson informed him that if it was amended, it would be considered as the first reading of the ordinance and would cause a delay and Mr. Bernetti agreed and requested their amendment to be considered as an alternative. Mayor Jackson stated that it would be logical to pass the ordinance as read and take the proposed amendment under consideration after the City Attorney reviews i~ and Mr. Moore agreed this w~uld be Mr. Noore clarified that they wanted it and Mr. Berne~ti replied that replaced with their proposed the only thing different was the zt on the retroacti~ity. ~ thought having gone into this hsw the rights of the people were completing the hearing under consideration and a recommendation at the next Council mee~ ~g. Mr. ~aldwell questioned the source of the proposed amendment and N~. Ber~etti replied that they retained the firm~ of Moose an~ Ciklin. Mr. Caldwell clarified that they fe~ short order. Possibly it would be advantageous to table Ordinanc~NO- 78-5 pending Mr. Moore's re~iew of this and th~ Oouncil,s ~eview of the ordi~anceo He thinks due con~ siceratien should be afforded th~s. Mr. Raymond Titman, I~5 N. W. 8th Street, appeared before theCouncil' and requested Ordinauce No. 78-5 to be tabled long enomgh for the Oeuncil to give the alternative ordinance their full consideration. -5- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOY,TON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2t , 1978 Mr. Harme~ing stated it seems if we table it, we are defeat- i~g our purpose. This was discussed and the amendment was prepared. There is a 50 day moratorium on the issuance of permits for 50 ft. lots. We have gone about as far as we can, but this may be better. However, he thinks we should pass this ordinance and at the next meeting, we can amend it if we approve this additional language. Mr. Caldwetl ques- tioned the rush and Mr. Harmening replied that we should at least close the door t~rt of the way. We tried to give the people as mush relief as we could by Ordinance No. 78-5; but if we table it, we have not aceompl~shed much. Mr. ROberts referred to there being a lo% of requests to close the door and stated that one way is to pass the ordinance. He ex- plained ~ow he did not see how we would accomplish the par- POSe by stopping it, but can amend it ~t a future date. Mr. moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-5 on ~econded by Mr. DeMarco. No dis- cmssion. M~s. Padgett a roll call v~te on th~ motion as follows: Councilman DeMarco - Aye ~ice M~ayor Harmsning - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Councilman Caldwell - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Catdwell moved that this proposed ordinance be looked into and examined and brought before the Co~ucit at our next regular CoUncil meeting, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Under dis- cussion, Mr. Harmening suggested that the City Attorney give the ~ouncil his view and comments on this amendment as soon as possible and considerably prior to the next meeting, so we have his input and we can notify ~. Kohl whether to pro- ceed. Mr. Caldwell included this suggestion in his motion, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLI~ HEARLNG Parcel #1 - Abandonment Request Description: Applicants: That Portion of S. ~. 2nd Street Lying Between Lot I~, Benson Heights Subdivi- sion and Lot~, Westchester Heights Sub- division Fred and Laura Benson Carl and Mary Shuhi M~yor Jackson asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of this ~handonment. -6- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 21, 1978 Mrs. Mary Shuhi, 150 S. W. 25th Avenue, appeared before the Oounciland ~advised that this is a sh~rt block located one block west of Seacrest Blvd. approaching into the emergency entrance route to the hospital. She explained how they were concerned for the area, many children, and this traffic cut- ting across the emergemcy route to the hospital. She referred to being advised previously that it must be kept open for the use of fire vehicles and explained how it was impossible for a large fire truck to make the turn. l~yor Jackson stated that the Planning & Zoning Board denied this request and suggested that it be requested after Sea- crest Blvd. is widened and possibly they would have a differ- ent feeling. She then asked if anyone else wished to speak in fa~or. Mr. Fritz Banting, S. ~. 1st Street, appeared before the ~ouncil and stated that everyone im the neighborhood signed a petition because of their concern of the speeding traffic on this street. There must be some way to slow o~ stop this traffic, or there is going to he an accident. He referred to the new addition being built at the hospital and explained how the ~raffic from this street intersected with the emergency r~ute. He suggests that the s~reet be blo~ed off and possibl~ with a movable blockade to sto~ the incoming traffic which could be moved for emergency vehicles. ~s. Jean Simon appeared before the Council and advised that she moved into this neighborhood in ~961. It is a difficult prohlem and fortunately no~ children have been killed, but many dogs have been. The doctors ~se it to cut away from ~acrest Blvd. Mr. Tom Ryan, 14~ $. W. 24th Avenue, appeared before the Coun- cil and stated he would like to see this area blocked off for a number of reasons. He told about his relatives and dogs almost beimg hit. The problem is caused by the hospital em- ployees and doctors using this street for an emergency and it is occasionally used by an emergency vehicle. The people zoom aromnd the corner at 60 m~h. Somebody is going to get killed if something isn't done. Mayor Jackson asked if anyone wished to speak against this item and received no response. Mr. Roberts referred to the use of this street and stated he didn,t th~nW it could be shut until such time as Seacrest Blvd. is widened. Both the Fire and Police Departments recom- mended not abando~ug it. He does not think a valid reason has been given for abemdoniug the street, but action should be taken to curb the speeders. Many streets carry a great portion of traffic and there is the question of how long this has existed. -7- M~NUTES - REGULAR CI~ COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 29, 1978 ~yor Jackson referred to there being a need for the street since there is traffic and questioned what will happen when Seacrest Blvd. is being worked on and there is no alternate way for ambul~uces to get to the hospital? Mr. Caldwell referred to there being a discrepamcy with the Police and Fire D~partments stating it is used by emergency vehicles, but the applicants disagreeing. If the street does not go anywhere, who is using it - strictly the employees. Mr. Joseph DiFiore appeared Before the Coumcil and referred to his experience in construction and suggested that the Councilmen go to the hospital and see the man in charge of comstructiDn. He told about their plans to make a new road an~ suggested that this be checked into. It is true this street has cars speeding down it, but they are starting to- morrow to widen the area for the annex. The Council should survey the situation and talk to M~r. Tressler, the Contract Supervisor. Mr. DeMarco suggested taking the necessary slow the people down until such time as we be worked out. precautions to ca~ see what can Mr. Harmeming moved te deny this request at the present time, seconded by N~o Roberts. ~Jnder discussion, Mr. Harmening added that as soon as the construction is completed and as soon as we have had a chance to look at it, he thinks perhaps we might he m~re agreeable to request the abandonment in the near future, tn the~terim, he thinks the Council should direct the Police Department to concentrate a little effort in this area to slow the people down. Also, possibly the Police Department could survey it and install some traffie~ control devices. ~. Kohl replied that he would handle it. Motion carried 5-0. ~arcel #2~- Conditional Use Applicant: Location: Request: Thomas Boffey for Gulfstream Marina, Res- taurant and Motel, Inc. 2280 North Federal Highway Conditional Use in C-3 Zone to Allow Boat Sales Agency N~. Kohl informed the Council that the a~ove application was submitted for a new Boat Sales Agency located at the Gulf- stream M~rins including the vacant lot at the intersection of Las Palmas and U. ~. #I. The Planning & Zoning Board, at their Regular Meeting of February 14, 1978, unanimously recom- mended approval of this request subject to providing handicap parking and tying in existing structures to sewer on Las Palmas if possible. The motion to approve was made by ~. Trauger and seconded by M~. Winter. ~hat are Council's desires? -8- MINUTES - REGULAR CIT~ COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 21, 1978 Mayor Jackson asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of this conditional use and received no response. She asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to this conditional use and re- ceived no response. F~. Harmening moved that the request for conditional use in the C-3 Zone for a Boat Sales Agency at 2280 North Federal Highway be granted, seconded hy Mr. Roberts. Under discus. sion, Mr. Caldwell stated he would like to view opposition on the handicap parking requirement as he questions a marina t~pe operation having to meet handicapped requirements ~otion carried 5-0. ' Parcel #3 - Rezoni~$ Request Applicant-. Location: Request: Use: .~arcel #4 - S. J. Jarvis 900 S. W. 15th Avenue (Acreage - Section 32) Rezone to Planned Industrial Development from R1-AA TO be developed under the uses permitted b~ P.I.D. Rezonin~ Request Applicant: Location: Request: Use: S. J. Jarvis 900 S. W. 15th Avenue (Acreage - Section 32) Rezone to C-3 from R1-AA To be developed under uses permitted by C-3 Zone Mr. Harmening moved to strike these two items from the agenda until we have a recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Noard, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0. Mm~r J~cksqnrefer~ed to th~sebeing properly advertised for puD±lc aearings tonight and annoumced that the public hearings would be postponed until we have a recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Board. The Planning & Zoning Board will consider these requests further on F~urch 14. Parcel #5 - Rezonin$ Request Applicant: Location: Request: Use: Ans~I1 Jefferies, Jr. 710-730 Eorth Seacrest Blvd. Rezone to R-3 ~rom R-2 Townhouse Development Mayor JacksOn asked if anyone wished to speak in this request. favor of Mr. Ansell Jefferies, 1509 - 44th Street, West Palm Beach, appeared before the Council arid stated last Tuesday, this petition was presented to the Planning & Zoning Board and it was denied. He is here to ask the Council to reconsider. -9- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETt~NG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 21, 1978 Mr. Jefferies continued with telling how he talked to the City Officials, City ~&~nager, City Planner, Zoning People, people assigned to the Community Action Committee and numer- ous people in the neighborhood when he first started this project andasked what they wanted and needed. Basically this request is the results of what those people wanted. The land is zoned R-2 whichwill permit 44 units which would h~ve to be constructed as duplexes. The best use would be multi-family construction which would meaa more space in the area~ maintenance ease, better overall la2out and better quality to the City, O~e gentleman spoke against this ~e- quest saying it would increase the density, but the deDsity of R-2 according to the zoning rules says 9.68 per aer~ and the moning for R-3 says t0.8 units. This is talking~asically about an increase of one umit. The cost of comstructionby mseoof a multi-family approach would be less and the land cost wo~ld he less. There were also refereacesto this pro- ject ending up like others throughout the nation; however, maaaging it, He requests the Council to approve this rezon- ingreqhest. Mr. Rubin Lefkowitz, 2615 N. E. 3rd Court, appeared before that an~area has been targeted by the Palm Beach County Hous- Authority au~ Community Development Program as requiring serious attention. He told ab~mt the Housing Authority doing aeed wh type that the County Housing Amth0rit2 for the and explained how there were housing available. He ~mbarking oa a cleam~p pro- te Community have a desperate a positive and constructive thing in an area aad find mot discourage .az~v individual per plan to go ahead with that This is a dire need £or, peop~e requiring disc~u~.sed this situ~tioa with DePartment and ha~ beea assured sure whomeve~ ~c0mes into that sit~atiom will Ithat conf~_m with the requirememts of the In r~tatiom to the slumP rob!em, the became a slum was the Stewart Arms in was the fault of individuals who became Hereql ~. ~efferies to come before the Boynton MINUTES - REGULAR CI~ COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACE, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 21, 1978 Beach Housing Authority and discuss his specific plans, con- struction and management and the availability of Title 8 fands for rent subsidies so we can take care of some of our people. Speaking for the Boynton Beach Housing Authority, they have surveyed the situation and have studied it and believe very stro_ugly nothing should be put in the w&¥ of this man of de~eloping this project that meets the needs of the people. He told about the Director of Community Development supporting t ' his preJec~t~ . 100%. He referred to dise~ussing this with the Executive Director o~ the Palm Beach Go%u~ty Housing Authority and was advised there is a pending request for HUD funds and they will be under the direct jurisdictiom of the Housing Authority inregards to specifications of construction, etc. H~ urges the Commcil to reconsider. ~. Roberts asked if this was the same contractor who made application about three years ago and ~. Kohl replied nega- tively. Mr. Roberts referred to being favorable to the o~r contractor, But he disappeared and Mayor Jackson replied that there were problems. Mmyor Jackson asked if anyone else wished to speak in favor of this and a gentleman appeared before the Council and ad- vised that he has lived in Boynton Beach for 24 years and told about being unable to find decent housing. Ee feels if N~ Jefferies is willing to build fairly decemt housing for low income ~eople, it is desperately needed. Re has been working im social services for 1½ years and is aware of the prohlems'~ He feels something of this nature should be approved and could be beautifully Built and not typical of what people hav~u~Deen living in. ~or Jackson asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition and received no response. ~. Rarmening moved te uphold the Zoning Board and deny this request. Mayor Jackson ascertained this motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Caldwell referred to the circumstances, the information in the Planning & Zoning Board's minutes, and the City Planner feeling this is in the best interest of the City as a whole being advantageous to the City and residents a~ud made a motion to grant the change in zoning from R-2 to R-3 on the basis that one unit per acre will not significantly change the density in this area. ~. DeMarco seconded the motion and added that he concurs and th~uks it will be a worthwhile asset for that area. No discussion. Motion carried 4-~ with ~. Harmening dissenting. LEGAL (Continued) Ordinances - 1st Reading MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL F~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEB~U~LgY 21, 1978 Proposed Ordinance No. 78-6 - Re: Amending Article V, Section 21-87, Providing for Survivor Benefits Under Municipal Police Officers, Retirement Fund Fm. Moore informed the Council that this proposed ordinance pertains to the Policemen,s retirement fund. Mr. Roberts asked if it was recommended and Mr. Moore replied affirma- tively hy the Police Pension Board and actuaries. He added t~at it is~something they all wanted and agreed upon and it c.larlf--es, the situation. Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-6 en first reading, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Under discussion, Mr. Caldwell referred to it stating the benefit shall eqmal 2½% of average final compensation for each year of continuous service and questioned if it would be a monthly figure and ~s. Padgett replied affirmatively. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Harmeni~ - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Co~ucilman Roberts - Aye Councilman Caldwell - Aye Councilman DeFm~rco - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 78-7 - Re: Amending Article VI, Sec- tion 21-93, Providing for Survivor Benefits Under Municipal ~iremen,s Retirement Fund Mr. Moore informed the Council that this is an identical amendment to the Firemen,s Fund. Mr. Harmen~ug moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-7 on first reading, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. ¥~s. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Roberts Aye Councilman Caldwell Aye Oouncilman DeMarco Aye Vice Mayor Harmening Aye Mayor Jackson Aye Motion carried 5~O. Proposed Ordinance No. 78-8 - Re: Repealing Section 6-8, Abolishing Position of Cemeter~ Sexton Mr. Moore informed the Council that this ordinance carries into effect the prior action of the Council repealing Sec- tion 6-8 providing for the office of Cemetery Sexton. -12- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY C0~NCIL MEETING BOYNTOE BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 21, 1978 ~. DeMarco moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-8 on first reading, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Caldwell - Aye Councilman DeMarco - Aye Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye ~yor Jackson Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 78-9 - Re: Annexation of Parcels of Land Located in Section 4, Township MS, Range 43E (Irene gall ~owers Property) ~. Moore informed the Council that proposed 0rdinamce No. 78-9 carries into effect the prior recommendations of the Planning & Zoning Bo~d, Planning Department and Staff re- garding theannexation of the Irene Hall Bowers property. ~. H~mening moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-9 on first reading, seconded by N~. Caldwell. No discussion. Padgett took a rell call vote on the motion as follows: ¥~rs. Councilman DeMarco ~- Aye Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Oouncilm~u Caldwell - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 78-K - Re: Declarating the Existence of a Nuisance on Parcel of Property ~ithin the Municipal Limits of City M~. Moore informed the Council that this resolution pertained to a nuisance on the parcel of property described as Lots 19 and 20, Block 3, Golfview Harbour, 1st Section, recorded in Plat Book 26, Page t78, P~blic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida and the background ~aterial had been submitted regard- ing the findings of the Sanitation Officer. Mr. Roberts referred to the letter received from the owner and asked if there was any substance to that and ~. Kohl re- plied there is because the people on both sides have put s~uff on the property. ~ Roberts asked if we have the grounds to remove it and M~o Kohl replied affirmatively. Mr. Moore added that he believed a public hearing would have to be held on this. -13- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 21, 1978 Mr. Harmening moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-K, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: ¥ice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Councilma~ Caldwell - Aye Councilma~ DeMarco - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 78-L - Re: Requesting Permission From Board of County Commissioners to Rezone Land to be Annexed Into the City From Residential Multiple Family District and General Commercial to Community Commercial Mm. Moore informed the Council that Resolution No. 78-L was in conj~uction with the annexation ordinance we passed and explained how this was statutory procedure regarding County property being annexed into the City. He added that in this resolution, we are requesting the County to grant a waiver to make the requested zoning of C-3 coincide. M~. Caldwell moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-L, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Roberts - Aye Councilman Caldwell - Aye Councilman DeMarco - Aye ~ice M~yor Harmening- Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 78-M Re: Indicating to the Board of County Commissioners the City's Opposition to the Establish- ment of a Consolidated County Library System Mr. Moore informed the Council that Resolution No. 78-M estab- lishes the position of the City Council based on the recommen- dation of the Library Board expressing its' opposition to the establishment of a consolidated County library system, and our intent and desire to retain an autonomous municipally owned library system to operate on a cooperative system with other established municipal libraries and the Palm Beach County library system. Mr. Harmening moved the adoption of Resolution NO. ?8-M, seconded by Fm. Caldwell. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: MI~JTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 21, 1978 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Motion carried 5-0. Councilman Caldwell - Aye Councilman De~mrco - Aye Vice Mayor Earmening - Aye Mayor Jacksom Aye Councilman Roberts Aye Proposed Resolution No. 78-N - Re: Appointing Paul H. Startzman as Liaison Officer for the City with the South Central Regional ~astewater Treatment and Disposal Faeilit~ Mr. Moore informed the Council that Resolution No. 78-E is the-formal resolution appointing Mr. Paul E. Startzman as Liaison Officer between the South Central Regional Waste- water Treatment and Disposal Facility. He added that $50.00 is the compensation agreed upon. Mr. DeMarco moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-N, seconded hy Mr. Caldwello No,discussion. ~s. Padget% took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Motion carrie~ 5-0. Councilman DeMarco Aye Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye F~yor Jackson Aye Councilman Roberts Aye Councilman Caldwell Aye Proposed Resolution No. 78-0 - Re: Rescinding Resolution No. 78-B Ooncer~ing the ApDointment of Special Assistant to City Attorney M~. Moore informed the Council that Resolution No. 78-0 car- ries into effect the action of the Council in rescinding Resolution No. 78-B appointing ¥~. Burton ~chaels as a spec- ial assistani City Attorney in the lobbying action since it looks like it is going to be economically not feasible to continue the operation, of our plant. ~. EarmeninE moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-0, seconded hyMr. RoBerts. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call Vote on the motion as follows: Motion Carried 5-0. Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Councilman Caldwell - Aye Councilman DeYmrco - Aye -15- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 21 1978 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ' Proposed Resolution Fo. 78-P - Re: Seacrest Boulevard/North .Df South 15th Avenue (Tabled) M~. Moore referred to this being previously acted on by the Council and advised that this resolution and the next one are the formal resolutions executing the deeds and authorizing the rights-of-way for Sea,rest Boulevard. Ee added that p~rsuant to ~. Harmening s request, it was inserted to in- clude the right of maintenance. Moo Roberts moved to take these two resolutions from the table, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0. M~. Harmening moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-P, seconded hy Mr. DeMarco. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Co-ancilma~ Roberts ~- Aye Councilman Caldwell - Aye Ceuncilman DeMarco - Aye Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 78-Q - Re: Seacrest Boulevard/South of South 15th Avenue ~. Harmening moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-Q, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Caldwell Aye Councilman De~rco - Aye Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Other Consider Water Suppl~ Contract with Briny Breezes ~myor Jackson asked if this was the same as every year and F~. Kohl replied affirmatively. Mm. Harmening moved that the proper officials be authorized to sign the contract with Brimy Breezes, seconded by ~. DeM~rco. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. MINUTES - REGULAR CI~ COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 21, 1978 B0¥NTON BEACh, FLORIDA Consider Renewal of Lease Agreement - Thomas E. eof fey and Linda L. Coffey/Cit~ Re: Access to City Landf~ 11 Mr. Kohl informed the Council that this is just the lease agreement we ha~e with Thomas E. Coffey and Liuda L. Coffey for access to o~r landfill. We still haul trash and,have to have this. He added that a ~%yment transfer request was sub- mitted to pay the $1,200 for this. Mr. DeMarco moved to renew this lease with Thomas E. Coffey and Linda L. Coffe~ and have the proDer offieials execute the contract, seconded by Mr. Rebertso Motion carried 5-0. Consider Amendment to Interlocai Agreement - Re: Cooperative Dispatch Center Mx. Kohl explained how this amendment covered our satellites of Gulfstream and Highland Beach entering into this contract. He added that their numberer calls would be estimated. Mr. Caldwell moved to amend the Interlocal Agreement with regards to the South Palm Beach County Cooperative Dispatch Center and accept the proposed amendment submitted i~ i~sen- tirety, seconded by Mr. Roberts. ~nder ~discussion, Mr. DeMarco asked how this system was working and ~. Kohl replied that it seems to be working well so far. Motion carried 5-0. OLD BUSi~E$S Consider Tree Preservation Amendment to Community Appearance Boar~ Resolution (Tabled) Mr. Harmening moved to take this from the table, seconded by Mr. DeMarco. Motion carried 5-0. M~yor Jackson referred to the proposed amendment submitted by the Community Appearance Board stating that all trees with a diameter of 2" o~ more shall be sDotted with location dimen- sions on a separate survey of the lot or parcel by a regis- tered land surveyor and shall accompany the site and landscape plan at the tim~ of presentation before the Board and stated she thought it could possibly be very expensive to spot trees 2" or more on a large wooded tract of land. She suggests that I ft. would be more appropriate and F~. Harmening and DeMarco agreed. Mr. Caldwell referred to the requirement being to note the trees on a survey, but questioned where it stated they had to be preserved and Mr. Harmening gave him a copy of the entire tree ord%nance to read. ~. Caldwell continued that he would like to see some sort of ordinance and told about the City of Gainesville having a satisfactory one. He added that some Pine Trees are not 12~ in diameter, but are very pretty. Mayor Jackson suggested obtaining the Gainesville ordinance and M~. Kohl replied that he would. MINUTES - REGUt~AR CITY COUNCiL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORiUA FEBRUARY 21, 1978 Mr. Roberts ~eferred to it being brought to his attention about Leisureville removing the trees along 23rd Avenme and told how the people womld be anxious to plant trees. Mr. De~rco moved to table this until research of the Gaines- ville ordin~ce ca~ be made. Mr. Eohl informed them that he would obtain this and inform the Council. Fr. Roberts them moved to strike this from the agenda, seconded by Mr. DeN~rco. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Recommendation of Planning & Zoning Board Concerning Antenna Nei~hts (Tabled) Mr. DeMarco moved to strike this item, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0. NEW BUSINESS Consideration of Vested Rights in the Continuing Development of the Four Sea Suns Condominium Complex - John J. ~lk~r~ Jr M~. Kohl informe~ the Council that he just received a request to table this since our plans are different; the as-built drawings are different than in the Building Department. Mr. Harmening referred to the information submitted and pointed out that no building has taken place since 1971 and he does not think there are vested rights. He moved ts strike this item, seconded By M~. Caldwell. No discus- sion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Earmening then made a motion to deny this request, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. .~eceiMt of Proposal from Community Relations Board Mr. Kohl read a memo from ~so Blanche Girtm~, Chairwoman of the Community Relations Board, requesting their proposal to be placed on the agenda for this City Council meeting. He added that as requested, he did confirm this to the Chair- Mayor Jackson referred to receiving the proposal and clari- fied that they are asking for people to do some work. She requested input from the Council of their feelings. ~. DeMarco stated he questioned this kind of money to be spent for the Community Relations Board. It is strictly a volunteer group. He questions making this expenditure with- out it being in the budget. -t8- MI2~UTES - REGULAR CIT~' COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 21, 1978 Mr. Roberts stated there seemed to be an overlapping of the activities of the Housing Authority and Community Relations Board. He does not see the purpose of spending this money for this kind of activity for the creation of a new branch of government. It would be opeming up pay for all the Boards. Mayor Jackson asked if there was any way to obtain this money from Community Development and Mr. Kohl replied that he had mot been informed, but one member has gone to CETA. Mrs. Blanche Girtman appeared before the Council and requested to speak in defense of this proposal. She referred to the Community Relatioas Board being ~ormulated last year and read the duties and responsibilities of the Board from R~solution No. 77-SS. She told about the Board meeting regttlarly and discussing these duties and advised that they are unable te f~ind the tine to perform the duties requested by the Council in ResolutiOn Fo. 7?-SS. Consequemtly they worked on the sub- mitted proposal for three months and request the Council to read it and consider it. The total amomnt is $21,700 and ~hese peo~le would he under the supervision of the City Mana- ger.. It can be funded any way the Cit~ desires and not neces- sarily from the City budget. This is one of the best ways to get information to ~he Housing Authority, different Boards and areas referred to in Resolmtion No. 77-$S. She would appreciate if~they would think about it before throwing it away° M~. Roberts referred to a cleanup program being funded and heimg in the process and Mr. Kohl agreed and explaimed how this was being done in accordance with a proposal from the Housing Authority and the funds are coming from the taxpayers through Community Development. There is a possibility that CETA will provide funds for this proposal and if the Council desires, he will discuss it with them. Mr. DeMarco ques- tioned the chance we had and M~. Kohl replied that he did not know and re£erred to submitting plans previously, but being told they do mot have the money. N~. DeMarco moved to,have Mr. Kohl look into this, seconded b~ Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Caldwell referred to it being questionable ~ creating the positions of an Executive Director and Outreach Worker and stated that the Community Relations Board is very anxi- ous to help the City, hut they are still looking to us for a stronger directio~ and he thinks we should all think~seri-- ously about defining what the Community Relations Board's duties are to us. Mr. Irving Kutlin, 702 S. N. 18th Street, appeared before the Council and advised that he is a member of the Community Rela- tions Board. He clarified that the proposal submitted has a MI~TE$ - REGUL.~R CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTO~ BEACH, FLORIDA FEB~U.~RY 21, 1978 City Department of Community Relations to be set mp rather than a voluntary Board. Nobody questions the need for Police, Fire, Building Departments, etc. Being paid for by the taxes of Boynton Beach. He explained how community relations were also necessa~ to man a_ud the community. He referred to not deluding to the fact that we have gotten along without it and why spend the money, but explained how it was necessary be- ~eO~re_.there ~.as a ~fat~lity. By having a Department of Community ~.~..a~o_~s__.,~_~ey~c. anmgt g~ar_ante~ com~.un.ity harmony, hut can ~ ~mng a ~sas=er. ~l~ney ~eel ~av~ug a paid executive to avoid the pitfalls happening in the City is important. He hopes the City Council will set up a public hearing and have t~he people in Boynton Beach give input~ ADMINISTRATIVE Consider Approval of Change Order to E.D.A. Contract for Seacrest Boulevard Utility Relecation/Barile Excavatin$ Mr. Kohl referred to the Change Order and copy of the memo from the City Engineer being submitted and advised that the Utility Fund would have to pay the amount of $2,530.20 since only $65,400.00 is funded by E.D.A. He explained that the prices for the wet taps were included, but the City will have to furnish the pipes, fittings and fire hydrants which will cost an additional $6,000. He requests both amounts to be approved. .Mr. Harmening moved to accept the City Manager's recommenda- tion aud approve the Change Order for Barile ~xca~ating. Mr. DeMarco seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Approval for Repainting Aerators at ~ater Treatment Plant ~m. Kohl referred to a memorandum from the Director of Utili- tie~ along with a copy of _~ll-Out Contractors, letter being submitted and stated that he concurs with the recommendations outlined. ~L~y he have Council,s wishes on this matter? Mr. Harmening stated that he read both letters from ~. Cessna and the contractor, but he does not understand it. It seems originally Inter County Construction Co. was going to do%the work, ~ut now we have a letter from Mm. Bill Murray repre- senting Russell & Axon and various prices are quoted. In reply, Mr. Kohl read the following two paragraphs from Cessna,s memo dated February 9, 1978: "The engineers have contacted All-Out Contractors for the attached quote(with Inter County's approval) to do this on a time and material basis which both Inter County and the engineers estimate would cost the City approximately $4,000. -20- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 21, 1978 This work must be done but if it is done on a direct time and material basis, monies would have to be provided from the Utility Surplus Funds to pay All-Out Contractors, Inc. inasmuch as I have no money for s~ch work in my budget. If it is done this way, it will amount to a savings of approxi- mately $3,500. to $~,000. for the City." Mr. Harmening asked how come Inter County did not want to do it and Mr. Kohl replied that they will, but it will cost more. ~x. Harmening clarified that he is in favor of the savings, but cannot understand how this came about. Mr. Perry Cessna appeared before the Comncil and stated this would normally be taken care of by a change order; however, the Council changed the process which means this has to he changed and the other aerator is not coming down. He ex- plained how Russell & Axon recommended this in an effort to keep the increased cost down. He added that it would he paid from the surplus funds and not the bond money. ~. C~ldwell moved to accept Mr. Perry Cessna~s ~ecommenda- ~ion to allow All-0~% Contractors to sand blast and repaint our aerators subject to the cost for time and materials as laid out in the memos. Mx. Harmening seconded the motion. No discussiom. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Demolition of Structure and Clearing of Land on N.'E. Railroad Avenue in Conjunction with Community Develop- ment Act M~. Roberts moved to accept and consider a resolution for the demolition of structure and clearing of land located at ~309 N. E. Railroad Avenue in conjunction with the Community Development project, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mx. HarmeninE questioned the approach to the people living in~ these houses and Fmyor Jackson replied that people are not living in most of them. P~. Kohl added that they have had no problems ~ud Comm~m. ity Development works with the people. Consider Proposal Resardin~ Purchase of Xerox 4000 Copier M~". Kohl referred to submitting a memo and stated they would like to buy this ~erox Copier under the installment lease purchase plan. In the long run, it will save the City money. He added that the memo gives a couple different explanations from the Finance Dept. and Mx. Sullivan on the number of reasons and savings. Mayor Jackson referred to suggesting that we purchase the machines a few years back and questioned what had changed and ~. Kohl explained that Xerox did not allow them to purchase the machines when they are new, but has now offered it for sale. They will only rent new models. -21- MINUTES - REGUL~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOSTON BEACN, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 21, 1978 .Mr. De~rco moved to purchase the Xerox 4000 Copier on the lease purchase plan as per the letter, seconded by Mr. Earmening~ No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Approval of Site Development Plans for a Warehouse; Applicant: DeMarco & Sons~ Inc. ~. Kohl i~formed the Council that the Planning & Eening Board at their regular meeting of February 14, 1978, recommended the site development plans to construct a warehouse at ~52~ Neptune Drive be approved as snbmitted by DeMarco and Sons, subject to providing a sidewalk, meeting handicap standards and connecting to the e~isting sewer. The motio~ to approve was made By N~s. Nuckle and seconded hyMr~ Arena. May he have Council's wishes on this matter. Mr. ~aldwell moved to approve the site plan for DeMarco and Sons Warehouse mt 1521 Neptune Drive, seconded by Mr. Roberts. ~o discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Approval of Beverage License Application: Frank and Nina Mannoni dba Dais~,s - 3643 South Federal Highwa~v ~. Kohl read the application. Mr. ~oberts referred to the application not being complete and ~. Kohl informed him that the location does comply. ~. Harmening moved to gran~, seconded by Mr. DeMarceo No discnssion. Motion carried 5-0. Requests for Refnn~on Cemeter~ Lots - Anna K. Brown William & ~mily Boynto~ ~. Kohl informed the Council that the above requested refunds for their cemetery lots and the Cemetery Board has recommended approval. ~. DeMarco moved to approve, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. ~otion carried 5-0. Request for Transfer of Cemetery Lots - Alone Cleland (Cook) to J. L. Overby Mr. Kohl referred to a request submitted from Mrs. Alene Cleland (Cook) to transfer two of her cemetery lots and ~issd that the Cemetery Board, at their Regular Meeting of February 15, 1978, recommended the approval of this transfer. M~. Caldwell moved to grant this ~ransfer, seconded by ~. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. -22 - MI~S - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Application for Permit to Solicit: ~hts~of Columb~ ~. Caldwell moved to grant the permit to the Enights of Columbus, seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Budget Transfer Request Re: Liaison Officer Mr. Caldwell moved to grant this budget transfer, seconded by Mr. De~arco. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. List of Payments - Januar~ 1978 ~. Narmening moved to accept the list of to the minutes, seconded by Ne. Caldwe!l. Motion carried 5-0. payments and attach No discussion. Approval of Bill~ N~o Kohl read the following bills for approval: t. Jones E~uipment Co. $ ~ullet proof vests for Police Dept. Pay from funds transferred to 00~-201-520-03.97 Authorized by Council 12/20/77 2. Board of Count~ Commissioner~ Sse of Comnty Dump for the month of January Pay from budgeted funds 001-32~-530-02.9A 3. Barile Excavating & Pipeline Co., Inc. Est. #2 Cherry Hills water system improvement Pay from Utility General Fund 40~-O00-169-01~00 Refundable from Palm Beach County Community Dev. Contract dated 12/1/77 4, Pennwatt Cerp. Anhydrous ferric chloride for Sewer Treatment Plant Pay from budgeted funds 401-533-550-03.63 Blair Equipment Corp. ice-O-Matic ice machine for Utility Dept. Pay from budgeted funds 401-53~-550-04.91 401-531-550-02,99 State of Fla. contract #740-65-78-1 6. Momar~ Inc. Floc float polymer for Sewer Treatment Plant Pay from budgeted funds 401-533-550-03.65 7. Lon~view Lime Palated lime for Sewer Treatment Plant Pay from budgeted funds ~01-533-550-03.65 4,299.60 9,023.00 9,092.86 2,723.94 1,838.20 $1,71t.20 ~27.00 2,706.06 1,979.00 -23- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ET!NG BOY,TON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 21, 1978 8. ~.B.M. Cor~. 4,029.00 Oomputer rental for February, 1978 P~y from budgeted funds 001-133-510-02.21 9. Rest Constructio~ Est. #1 5,769.00 Elevator in City Hall Pay from ~blic Works Grant Fund 350-835-570-05.6~ Contract dated 12/9/77 10. Willie R~th McGrad~ 96.00 Server ~or Senior Citime~s ~lub - 2 weeks Pay from budgeted funds 320-871-570-02.5A Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73 11. ~siah Andrews 1~0.00 river for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks Pay from budgete8 funds 320-871-570-02.5A Ordinance #73-~5, passed 5/15/73 Mr. Eohl stated that the ~ills described have been approved and verified by the department heads involved; checked and approved for payment ~y the Finance Department; funds are available in their respective budgets. He recommends payment of these bills. Mr. Harmening questioned the bill from West Construction and Mr. Kohl explained that it was to pay for equipment being made and electrical work,and ramp work completed. ~. De~rco moved approval of the bills, seconded hy Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. OTHER Sara Sims Park Mr. DeM~rco referred to there being a problem with Sara Sims Park and the funds must be straightened out or will be lost. ~. Kohl clarified that one plan was submitted, but rejected. He told about the people from the ch~c5 in that ~_~ea agree- ing to a park without a ball park and it was revised and sub- ~ttted to Community Development; however, after that, other people same and said they wanted a ~aI1 park. We m~st advise ~ommunity Development which plan we want or the ~ity will lose the funds. Mayor Jackson asked a~out how many did not want the ball park and Mr.. Kohl replied ahout ~0 to 12. Mayor Jack~on questioned whether a playground was a passive park to sit i~ or for ¢~ildren to pla~ in. Mr. DeMarco replied that he thinks it should be a place for the children to pla~. -24- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MMMTING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 21, 1978 Mr. DeMarco told about attending a meeting at Wilson Park and the people expressed their agreement to a park Being built for the younger generation~ Mr. Kohl explained that the first plans submitted to Community Development had a Little League ~all field withomt lights, tennis courts, small playgro~ud areas, etc. It was tmrned down hy one group who did not want a ba~l field. Plans were then submitted without a ball field and that group accepted them. Mayor Jackson suggested possibly having a combination of a passive park and ~seball Dark. She referred to the number of baseball teams in that area and stated they are in need of baseball fields. She suggests going ahead with the ori- ginal plan, but near the ch~rc~ have tables where older people can sit. Also, no shuffleboard courts as they are not used at Wilson Park. Mr. Kohl clarified that the first plan had a ball field and tennis courts. The ball field was taken out per the peoples' request on the second plan and a roller skating rink was put in, bnt others objected. The funds a~e coming from Comm~uity D~velopmen~ ~nd we mmst make up our mlndo ~. Caldwell asked i~ GO~munity Development approved both plans and ~. Eohl re- plied that they approved the first plan, but we are waiting for a decision now. ~r. DeMarco move~ to proceed with the first plan with the next stage to inclmde lights, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Mayor · ackson clarified that it was to proceed with the Sara Bims Park under Community Development funds. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ADJOURNMENT Mr. De~rco moved to adjo~rn, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:45 P. M. -25- MINUTES - REGULAR CIT~ COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 21, 1978 ATTEST: ~ Recording Secretary (Three Tapes) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Councilman Coum cilman -26- I~E ~i011~ I/ollTB _._~. -. _. '- ~I0~I~--- Z~T ' E~DER LLIA~4S ~/0l/?B ........ 8B.6' 6 3oHNSON ~/01/7~ TU I T E ........................ i~ 0~778 225- 4 ........... ~i-6 i77s, .... / ' zoo .'c · - '"' il VAN -- 0'~/7'8 ....................... ~10-5-Z~8 WS 1105178 11. DuNKLE METER, CO. COM~I ssIONER~ 11061~8 'NTON ~uTO sUPPLY SS PoND NU'Rs~RY 1/061~8 ' pRODUCTS ~U. pMENT RENTAL t106/7~ ......... ~tO~ EAST co~ST ........ " riOS/T8~ ' ]uSE ELEC~'~ [~ TTY G~RRIGA i/O6/YB ......... ~RLES GODFREY . 1/06/78 NE~SPAPER O U T S T A N D I N G ,iA-MI SON ROOFING MICHAEL' ~OV ~CS SuZ~N~E H. K~USE JUaN L~D ...... LE,3N coUNTY MIAMI HERALD BE AR l NGS ~oM~R sIEGFRiED oTTE pALM ~EACH'-6~-I CE RAY, tOND REEVES COMPANY, INC- ~E~EX 30.00 1/o6/~8 ......... ~S-2bb 1106t?~ 11,3Z2-04 1/06I'~8 .___- ..... --~0 16 o .6( RusSELL ~' AXON s. 0-9 ._s_. ,__.~__N_C__._.=. . 'ijL~;idE E,, SCHOOLI:¥ sMITTY'S SERVICE SHOP ~9o souTHER~ ~---U-L-LP-!~~5 COD~ ....... - .... '~U'i4 GO-~.'-'~f RY ENT ERP R I SE S !/06/-ir8 TOM'S WELDING S~RvICE ' -'-'!~Ob/]H ..... - .... . ~ 1186l ~ .... iuFF ~OTE DINOL BO0 VIKING ENTERPRISES cITY OF ~OYNTON B~CH ' TTY cASH wATER 6 SEWEK 720 PETTY-'~-~-'W~- g SEWER ..... ~/0~/~/06/~ [53- 14 ~RK CooPER I/~061~' [707 PETTY CASH --'PUBLICITY _-]1~09~78 7zo pETTY CASH wATE~ ~ SEWER 720 PETTY CASH wATER & SE~ER CITY OF BoYNTON BEACH CiTY O~ BOXUTON oE~CH _. ~/-O~/X~-'- · ....... ~iOO/?O got CITY 'OF--~YNi[IN BELCH .... 13, ...... 1/09/~8 . - ~2901 CITY OF BoYNTON BEACH 2 2gO[ CITY OF BOYNTON BE~CH .... ~901 -~ITY OF BoYNTO~4 BEACH ~/09/~ '25 BoYNTON BCH. FEDERAL %/09/18 6,818 1200 AD~S CHeVROLeT ~15910 ASSt)cIATED LIBRARIES* INC I/JO/TO ~16000 ~TLANTIC HARDWARE 'J'O,l 6gO0 AuTOPRODUCT S' INC- - ~20~60 B.~. ASSOC- FjREFiGHTERS l/~[/78 £ITY OF HOYNT£)N BEACH PAGE ,qU T S T A N D I N G ~ H E C ~S .................. <~257I 020450 3572 02045~ 2573 021702 2574 02473O 2575 024760 257~ 024765 2577 025605 2578 025620 2579 D~0299 258! 034592 2~32 041610 '2583 044750 2584 046440 2586 06oi o 587 o628 o 2585 062910 2589 063711 2590 063798 -'~591 064600 2592 065550 VE,,tDOR NaME CHECK DATE_ ..TO~L AMOUNT BAKE~ & TAYLOR COMPANIES BANYAN PSYCHIATRIC INSTIT BD. OF CO. COMMISSIONERS BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT BDYNTON GLASS SERVICE, BOYNTCN GUN & LOCK, [NC'.' B~B BROWN BRUNO AUTO CENTER, INC. CAIN FEED ~ SUPPLY W~LLI~M D. CAVANAOGH 1/10/78 1/10/78 1/I0/78 £tt0/78 ...... [J_lo/7s 1/10178 165.00, 1.483.20 2,529.12 22.59 363.96 30.00 II3~00 56.95 .~g~LINS SIGNS ................. If 10118._ DELRAY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 1/10t78 DOUBLEDAY ~ CO. .... ~U!~C.A N ENTo ENGINEERING MACHINE GLAOYS FALCON FIRE~EN~S RELIEF ~ FIRST BANK E TRUST 82.,80 IlIO/Y8 225.00 40.93 t/loins too. ...... I/1~178 .............. 717.92 1/10/78 13,25~69 FLORIDA FIRE CHIEF'S ASSO 1/10/78 - 10.0~ FLORIDA TENNIS ASSOC. 1/10t78 ....... 15.00 -"F%uR-SY~f"CORPORATION .... I/[0/7~ .................... 333.27 FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE 1t10178 1,022.00 2593 2595 2597 259~ 2599 2600 2601 2602 070355 GALE RESEARCH CO. .................. 071545 ~IKE G;EHRING 074600 ~'ORENE'WS'P~PEK'C'~o' ...... 080520 EUGENE B. HASTINGS 080550 HAUSER MOTOR CO. 1/I0173 0~4620 MOLLY ACCUMULATOR & 1t~0178 084700 HOXIE'S SHOE STORE 6.30 1 6.F7 O ZOI ~ 86 ~17.95 2602 084700 2603 09~300 2604 1003 lO ' ' '~ --'~'~505 ..... 110300 ~-~XIE'S SHOE sTORE- INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD JACK'S CAMERA CENTER ...... - ?i6/T - 55 o. oo t/10178 22~24 l/10/78 241 . I~ 1110/78 ........... '---~ 0~-~0- ..... 2606 2607 2008 2609 2610 :"-261t 2612 261S 261~ 261b 2616 :261'1 2619 2620 --111545 ' - ........... ~/10/78 42.00 MICHAEL KEEFE ...................... 120410 L'kMAR ONIFORMS .............. f/lO/~8 124760 ..... ~'6-R~' ['O-(~fR--9 ...................... f6/78 130a20 MACMILLAN PUBLISHING CO. 1/10/78 9.24 130380 HOWARD J. MALLORY 1/I0/78 IO0.OO 131670 METAL PRODUCTS, IbC. 1/10t18 ........ 100.'00 ....... I32740 ~ICKLER'S FLORIDIANA .... 1/10/78 ......... 18~30 132770 HILLER BEA~INGS '- 136420 MUNICIPAL POLICE 1/10/78 1,001.5! 136500 JOSEPH MURO 1/10/78 200~00 ~7500 '-MYERS PLUMRI'N'~ .................. IJ'lO~8- ......... 140435 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION 1/10/?B ' 46.5~ 140~50 hATIUNAL LINEN SERVICE 141600 THOMAS NELSON & SONS [/10/78 ............ 24~0~ ........ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH OU T S T A N D I N G C H E VENDOR ~ VENDOR N6NE PAGE CHECK {)ATE TOTAL AMOUNT .2621 141715 NEW REPUBLIC 2622 144590 NORENE CONSTRUCTION t/10/78 -2623 151310 ODOR CONTROL SYST~NS 1/10/7~ 2624 153725 OLLIS BOOK CO. 1/10/78 2625 160365 PAINT CENTER 2626 160400 ....... PALM BCH".'COUNTY P.~.A. ' 1/10/78 2627 160430 PAL~ BEACH RADIO, INC. 1/I0/?8 2628 1625~0 PHOTO ~URALS OF FLORIDA 2630 165425 UAYNE Ro PRINDIVILLE I00.00 I77.32 19~.30 l/iD/TO iUD.OD 263I 166200 PUBLIX MARKET 1/10/78 ' 2633 .... 180490 SHARON RANDOLPH .......... 1/10/78 -- ........ ~0 - 263~ 18t578 RECORD SHACK I/loiTa ............. ~'2'ii ' 2635 186315 RUBY BUILDERS, INC. 1/10178 500.~ 2537 191525 SEARS. ROEBUCK ~ CO. 1/10/7~ 2638 ....... 194300 ..... S~OW CONC'R-ETE 'co~P. ................ 1/i0298- ............ 2639 19~693 SOUTH TECHNICAL CENTER 1/]_0/78 26~0 194700 SOUTHERN 8~LL T~LEPHONE 1/I0/78 I22.53 2~1 ....... i9600~ ..... STAR Pfi~C~SH [NG ......... ~?lO/V8 2662 20280I TIME 1/10/78 2643 205500 TROPI GAS, INC. ..................... i~.~ ~/7a 25~ 216~10 UNITED WAY OF PALM BCH. 1/10/78 2645 23Z~25 LOU ~ 4LICE WINOKUR '-_~._~I0/7~ .................. 3~5 .... 2646 23~625 J.J.A. ~ULF FRESH OXST~ .... 1/10/78 ........ < ........ 6.00'- - 26~5 02380O BLUE CROSS ~F FLORID~ I/II/78 26~8 .......... 023800 BLUE CROSS OF FLORIDA J/1i/78 26,+8 oz~8oo BLU5 CROSS OF FLORZO~ J/t/./?8 Z6~8 023800 BLUE CRASS OF ~6~8 o~Boo BLUE C~OSS OF FLU~[gA 26~8 023800 BLUE CROSS OF FLORIDA 1/11/78 2648 .......... 023800 BLUE CROSS OF FLORIDA 1/11/78 I39.1~ ~a~ 1o~5o0 5O~E~; Y~dJ'- ....... t/~z/~8 ............. ~oo.oo 2650 10~500 JOBEAR, INC. . ..... 1112178 2651 10~500 JOREAR, INC. -- ...... !%12/78 ~ I~ i~5 ..... 2652 130950 ' ~ILLIE-R1~-H '~CGR~DY ..... 1/12/78 48.00 2653 0142~0 ISIAH ANDREWS 1/12/78 55.00 2656 ..... 160390 PAL~ BEACH COUNTY ~UNIClP 1/13/18 ~00.00 ~655 010150 ~'.' ~[~TR~ TY~'E~N'~-JTER'"CO~'- ' ~'3')73 _ ?655 010150 A. RELTRAN TYPENRITER CO. 1/13/18 ..... 39-~90C~ 2655 010150 4. BELTRAN TYPEJqRITER CO. [/[3/?~ '~23..95CR 2655 010150 A. BELTRAN TYPEWRITER ~0. 1/13/7~'- ' ....... ~]~-- . OCR 2655 OIOISO A. BELTRAN TYPEWRITER CO. t/i3/7~ 2655 010150 A. BELTRAN TYPEWRITER CO. 1/13/78 ~9.80CR 2655 010t50 A. BELTRAN TYPEWRITER-C~. 1/1'3/78 ........... -~8~'- 255~ 010150 A. RELTRAN TYPEWRITER CO. 1/i~/7~ 25~5 010150 A. RFLTRAN TYPEWRITFR CO. 1/13/78 2655 010159 A. BFLTRAN TYPEWRITER CO. [/13/78 ......... 39.g~C~ CITY ElF BLtYNTON BEACH PAGE OUTSTANDING CHECKS L VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAHE CHECK. DATE TOTAL A~.OU?4T t I 13178 79.80CR 1/13/78 79~80Ca 11 13178 159.60Ca 1113178 635.68 2655 2655 2655 2655 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2653 2664 2665 2666 010150 a. BELTRAN TYPEWRITER 010150 A. BELTRAN TYPEWRITER 010150 A. BELTRAN TYPEWRITER OIOiEO AD HELTRAN TYPEWRITER 010150 A. BELTRAN TYPEWRITER 013723 MARY ALLEN 013780 ALLIED CHLORINE £ 015500 VEVA AR~BRUSTER 0t6300 020170 021610 022930 024412 'AUTOPRO~UCTS,~'~NcL ........ B.B. AUTO PARTS, INC. 020300 BADGER METER, INC. , 1113178 020450----BAKER ~ TAYLOR COMPA~I'E~ ..... ~/13/78 021202 BO. OF CO. COMMISSIONERS 1113/78 021202 BDo OF CO. COMMISSIONERS '1t13/78 BELWIN MIELS'PU~£ISHtN~ ...... i!131~' BISHOP'S III3/78 BERT B. BOLDT 1113178 I21~2I I1976.00 g~-oo 3:6.25 200.00 ~667 02~710 .... BOYNTON AUTO S(j~PLY ..... 1/13/78: ....... 2668 024725 BOYNTON ~CH. FEDERAL 1113t78 ..... 2669 024728 BOYNTON BEACH NEwS JOURNA 1113/78 .......... 5.20 2670 ...... 024730 BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT ..... 1~13/78 2671 025585 BROOKS PRODUCTS 1/13/7~ 2672 025590 BROWARU COMMUNITY 1/13/78 ' 40.00 2573 025620 BRUNO AUTO CENTER, INC. 1/13/?~ 2674 030280 CADILLAC ENGRAVERS 1113178 2675 030302 JOHN CALDWELL 2676 ...... 032396 .... ~E~"-gFCOM~ERCE'-OF-TH 2671 034550 COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. 1/13/¥8 2678 034591 DAVID S. COLEMAN 1/13/78 2679 .......... 034870 ~-O'~'O~T~'~'E)n~t-S .............. 1113/78 2080 041600 OELR~Y CHEMICAL CO. I!13178 15 24. O~ .- ~ ',. ~9~-75 ' 15.,OO ............ 52 .~00 2681 044750 DOUSLEDAY [ CO. 1/13178 ............ 2682 ....... 05031~- ~-ASY-~%?-~-iRE -~ORE ...... :--'-~/~3178 1,t17~57- 2683 050360 EBONY JR. 1/13/78 7.-00 2634 053900 EMERGENCY MEDICAL & SAFET 1113178 2685 06151~ ....... ~E~ER~[-'~O}~ATI'ON~-'CO ..... I~3/78' 2686 062820 ..... FIREMEN'S"RE[I'EF & .............. ~/78 ....... 2687 052910 ..... FIRST ~ANK ~ TRUST ................ ~7'~/78- -~-2~55 2688 ...... ~6367~- F£~IDA AMATEUR SOFTBALL~ -- lll~l~7g 5.00 2689 064595 HELEN FOSSUM 1/1~/78 5.00 2690 065500 FRANKHOOSE ELECTRIC 1113178 2691 070355 GALE RESEARCH CO. 1/13/78 ~5.69 2692 070400 BETTY GARRIGA 1/13/78 ..... 3OT~D ' 2693 070410 GAYLORD BROTHERS 1/1~/78 120.00 2694 074500 CHARLES GODFREY 1/13/78 30.00 2695 074600 GORE NEWSPAPER CO. 1/13/78 35.~9 25~6 075450 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. 1/13/7B 170.76 ~97 075580 GULF Oil CORP. '[1'13/78 2',386.7B 2595 075810 GULFSTREAM LUMBER CO. 1/13/78 863.48 -26~9 ~30310 HALSEY ~ GRIFEITH, INC. 1113178 111.93 2tO0 0847O0 HO×YE'S SHOE STORE 1/13/7B ............ 1/31/73 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE MBA507 0 U T S T A N D ! N G c,HECK ~ VEN,.,OR # VENDOR NAME 2701 086400 DORIS HULBERT ~L___2702 .... 104600 JONES EOUIPMENT CO. 2703 110~oo ~AN KA~" g CO. 2704 120560 L AWN~OWER HOSPITAL 2705 122910 LITTER-GITTER 270~ 130310 WHITT MACDOWELL 2701 130320 ~709 130549 2710 130942 2715 2716 27t7 27t8 2719 2720 272I 2723 2725 2726 2727 2729 2730 2731 2731 2731 2732 ;2733 2734 7 ...... 2 36 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2744 274z~ 27z~4 1/13/78 ......... /Z3/?B Z?.BZ 1/I3178 29.94 ................ ....................... t.o74.5o MACMILLA~ PUBLISHING CO. t/13/78 '-' ti-el -- MAR~E FN~INE EeUI~. CO.' - ~11~/78 ................ ~.e8 .... vEL-' e ICS ...................... '----- ~CCALL~S 't/~3/78 ' ' - 2711 132716 BURTON M. MICHAELS 1/13/78 ......... l, 800. O0 2 ~ [2 i-~ ~ 0 '-~EiN I C fP i'[--~ £ f~ ....... _ ...... ~ / !3/?'~ ~_ ........ -~ 136440 MICHAEL MUNRO .................... ...........................~0~0 NAT~ONAL AUTOmOBiLE BEALE ~/~3/~ ............................. 140460 NATIONAL WELDING PROOOCT~ ............. 1/13/78 153800 OLYMPIA SPORT SHOP, INC. 1/[3/78 160410 PALM BE~CH NEiqSPAPE~S ..... l/13/78 150420 PALM BEACH OFFICE SUPPLY 161510 PEACOCK' S RADIATOR l/13~7S 79,62 -162790 PIERCE TIRE CO., INC. 1/13/78 ' 774.54 ~80506 .... -gO~ R ~ f~bT~6 .................... -~ 2"137-Y~ 182800 RI NKER MATERIALS CORP. 1/13/78 __ !90930 JACK[ E SCH[LLER t/[3/78 5.00 1909 ~g-~_ pL-Y 4~ '~:-_.~-6%{6h%~f .... _ ......... ~/% 5~%- XS:OO -- i9151o ....~EAC~EST ...... PerRoteu~ CO. ' 1/13/78 ......... 19152o SEACRE ST VETERINARY ............. :--'i'~78 ........ I 1600 SERVI~E EOUIP. CO., INC. i/I3/78 192370 CATHERINE SHEEHAN l/I3/T8 .... !939tZ LEON SNILES 1/13/78 . 34,760.50 196015 STATE OF FLORIDA 1/t3/78 1960t5 STATE OF FLORIDA I/I3178 .... - t96t72 LEROY ~. STEWART 1/13/78 .... 196187 MRS.- E. STOUGH 1/137¢~ 30..00 204600 _-"iON'S WELDING ._ ~05530 ..... TRANSI-TRONICS.. ......... INC. "- 1/13/78 ................. ~'50 ..... 2163S0 UNICHEM CORPORATION 1/13/78 221610 MARY VENTD 222~00 VIKING--~NTERPRISES 450011 195010 196015 032901 032901 O]2901 032901 032901 032901 PATRICIA A SHELLY STATE ~F FLORIDA - COMM. ~TATE OF-FLORIDA ........ CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY DF 'BOYNTON BEACH .... CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY 0~ 80YNTON BEACH CITY DF ~OYNTDN BEACH 1/13178 5.00 1/13/78 550.52 - 1/t3/T8 ...... 120,39 1113/18 ......... 1/16/78 4.00 1/16/78 8.50 1/16/78 5.80 1/16/78 1/t6/78 .............. B~4~ -- 1131/78 -~CITY OF t~OYNTON BEACH ~ t~AGE ~, OUTSTANDING CHECKs ................. CHECK ~ VENDOR 2744 2744 2744 2744 2744 ~7~5 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 ??54 2754 2755 27S6 2757 2758 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 7771 2772 2773 ?774 277~ 2776 2777 2778 2779 27~0 VENDOR. . NAME. CHECK DATE TOTAL AMO~iT 0t29Q1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH lJ[~/78 032901 CITY OF ~OYNTON ~E~CH- 1/I6/78 . ...... 6.00 161720 PETTY CASH WATER & SEWER 1/~6/7B ..... 161720 PETTY CASH WATER ~ SEWER 1/I6/~8 161720 PETTY CASH WATER ~ SEWER.. . .. .._1/16/78 2.57 l~0460 ~R. J.H. PAULSEN 1/L6/78 -- 010150 A. ~ELTRAN TYPEWRITER CO, 1/17/78 .... 1,962.51 011400 ADVANCE AIR CONDITIONING 1/17/78 016030'' A'T['AS~T'& SOIL, I~o--- 020457 ELIZABETH BARTLETT 021203 BO, OF CO. COMMISSIONS [/I7/78 ..,__. 021530 BEANE EXTERMINATING ~ ........ ~-~17J78 J61.00 02~780 ~OYNTON PUHP & SUPPLY It1717~ ...... 030280 CADILLAC ENGRAVERS - 1/17/78 ...... 10,,07 03050'0 C~R~' ~O'i-L--'~-S~D ............... ~717/78=- ' ' " 70~00CR- 030500 031660 1/17/7g 70~00 033629 ..... [/17/7~ ....... 034680 1/17/78 ............. 376.80 050~00 %/17/78 ........... CARR SOIL E SOD CERTIFIED LABORATORIES ALLEN C. CLARK CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL EAST COAST FIRE EOUIP. 2781 27~2 2783 2784 ~785 2766 2738 2759 ..... 062'785 ..... ~'l~-'~IE~i~ ASSOC. OF-PA ..... %/17/78 30,00 2760 062950 FIRST PRESBYTER[AN CHURCH 1/17/78 487.50 276i 063000 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 1/17/78 063766 .... F~'h~'D~--POLLUTION CONTROL ........... I~[7/78 0637~0 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO. -"-J/17/TB 075500 GRIFFIN POLLUTION .... --~/17/78 075581 ~ULF OIL CORPORATION l/t7/78 3~718.62 0~0400 HARDaIVFS, INC. 1/I7/78 405.50 100~"0---""~ CAMERA CENTER ................. ~717/~$ .......... 111570 KELLERS ELECTRIC SERVICF 1/17/78 ........... ~O~oo 111590 KEN HANUFACTURING 'CORP. "-~/17/78 ........ 122800 LINgSLEY LUM~ER CO. 1/I7/78 130940 MCCAIN SALES 160370 ERNEST W. PAKUL .......... ~/~7/78 ....... 160375 PAL~ BEACH CANVAS CO. 1/17/78 ........... 160~2~---~'L,~TBEA~-~ICE SUPPLY 1/17~78 - 164600 POMPANO DFFICE SUPPLY, CO [/17/78, ' .... 19~3~fl .....~FETY_ _K.~EEN CORP, 1/17278 27~50 29152 SE S, ROE UC I ........ 8 .OS .... 193930 LARRY SNIT'H 1/17/78 ...... IO0.-O0 196020 STATE ........ OF FLORIDA' DEPT-:. ....... ...... . .... t/~?/78 ........... ~:~" 196170 STEVEN'S DRUG~ 1/17/78 196392 IiILLIAM SULLIVAN 1/I7/7~ 27~00 196410 SUPERINTENDENT DOCUMENTS 1/17/78 2~]600 XEROX CORPORATJON .... J/17/7~ ........ 5~0008 AIRLINE PROCESSING CORP. 1/17/78 97.20 530009 NICHOLAS ATHENS ~/17/78 "' 540017 B[LTN~RE BLDG. CU. ' -t/17/78 ........ 1/31/?a CITY C ~EC K-S ..... CHECK ~ VENDOR # VEIDOR 2790 540024 FoH. BAKER ~ .... 2791 ...... 549075 HERMAN RUUD 2792 5400~ HAROLD RUERSTER ......... 2793 54002? VINCENT aAFUNDO _. 1/17/78 2794 ..... 550026 OSCAR W. CARLBERG ' 1/17/7~ 27~5 55002? JOE CHURKo ........... -- ?7~b 5~0028 CHARLES CURRY 27~_.. 550029 CHA~aER OF CON~SRC~ - 1/17/7~ 2798 ~5003~ LOUIS CLE~oNs 2799 560020 JOSEPH DISCUILLO ._ __. 2800 560021 LOCKHART DUFF IJJTJ78 ~6~ ...... ~6oo2~ RUGE~ MJ' b~; 2802 .... 5~002~ DEE. HOUSING 092172110~35 2803 - 570006 FRANK EIRAS,"ESTATE 2805 580007 DEBORAH FOLDS 2806 2807 280~ 2~09 2810 2811 PAGE CHEC~ DRTE TO[AL A~OU~T [/1'7/7'8 I/IT J?78 ....... _. 4.70 ........... !o.8o 2.35- 4°00 1/17/78 ............... ~6~00 590006 WILLIAM GRAPENTINE 1/17/?8 5.10 600016 ...... ~O~E~f HILL ................... !~-l~/78 23.00 1/i7/7~ ............. 620008 HELEN H. JOHNSON 1/17/ '' ' 620009 RICHARD p. JONES 1/17/;~ 4.70 6~o~i} ...... M~£Vi~ 'k~N .................... ' 8.oo 630013 KENNETH ALBERT REALTY 1/l?/78 'T' 283l ....... 67000~ 2332 680009 2~33 700011 R.W. CARLSDN CONST. 2~4 700012 HARRY RECKNER"- 283~ 700013 ANNA Mo ROBERTS 2836 700014 DOUGLAS ROHRBAUGH 2837 700915 VITO RIGGIO 2836 710024 EVERETT d. SAUNDERs 2839 710025 CAS[MIR SIKON ?~0 710026 NILLIAN ED SHURTLEY 2812 630014 DANIEL J. KESSLER 1/17/78 2814j' 640003 ~IN-SAR CON---- ..... 1/17)~8 ...... 6 '~-- 2817 '640016 JUDIIH LAUOIE 1/17/~'8 ......... 1II?/78 2.00 2818 650004 HOWARD MALLORY l/l?/?B lO. Bo 2820 650028 NAOmi HCCALLISTER 2821 65oo29 - I/l~/Ta - - '~.2o ....... M. ~iE~ ~ 8. ~AC~ILLIAN _~1/17/1B - 1-.90 2822 650030 ~OWA~-~Z-'-~A~-g~X'LL ......... l~Y~h ........... ~--~--~-~--- 282~ 650031 CHARLES MEAD 282~ 650032 SAMUEL MERCADO 1/17/78 12~20 2826 650034 PAUL ~UELLER ......... 1/1~)~ ...... 2~27 ...... . 1/17/78 ........... i~"00- 650035 EDWARD T. MULROY 2829 650037 PAUL MUELLER 1/Z7/78 2830 67000~ JOSEPH ORLANDO 12,00 RON O~ER~EY .................... 1/17/78 1/17/78 .__t/I7/7a 4.00 1/17/78 ..... 7.50 1/17/78 4.70 1/17/78 5.10 1/17/78 30.00-- 507 '0 CITY OF ~0YNTON BEACH PAGE 9 U T S T A N O I N G 'C H E CK S .............. CHECK ~ VENDOR # VENDOR NAHE ?10027 JiIBY SNITH ~i0028 HERBERT STEWART 710029 GREG $TICKNEY 710030 A.L. $TRICKLANO 720015 WALTER R. TAYLOR 740002 '~EMONE VEINRERG 740004 RICHARD Co VOLLRATH HD 750017 CHARLES NALTERS 75o018 'TB'ooG'LA~ -~ATSON' -= .... -' 2841 2843 2844 2845 2846 ?847 2848 2849 2850 285I 2853 285~ 2855 2856 2857 790306 2853 79030Z 2859 7~030~ 2860 790309 2861 790310 2862 790311 CITY OF-~OYNTON BEACH 790304 CITY '~'"~-~YNTON BE~CH 790305 CITY OF 8OYNTON BEACH CHECR DAlE TO~L ~N~g~T . 1/17/~8 _ I0.80 1117/~8 ...... -'~8-.00 _. l / 17t 78 ~. 70 1/17/78 ........ "Y~2o 1./17/78 750019 LOTTE WILLANZHEINER 1/17/78 750020 HOWARD WITHFRS' ......... _ 750021 JOHN C-EE ~VN~ ' - ...... 1'Y't7/7~ .............. ~:~20 ' t117178 7.50 I/I7/75 ].5.00 . .~.ITY OF.BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH" CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH CITY gF BOYNTON BEACH 1/17Y78 ...... 1/17/7~ ........ 2.80 - ' 2863 790312 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 1/17/78 15.00 286~' '' 790313 ~-FTY '~¢---Bd~NTO~ .... 1/17178 BEACH .......... 1/17i?'8- 2865 790314 CITY OF BOYNT~N BEACH 1/1717~ ........ ~--~.ZO 2866 ..... ?~g315 C~TY OF BOYN~ON BEACH .... 1JI7~78 2867 790316"--~-~Y~-~-~NYQN ~E~ ............ ~/171'~ ..... ' 3.50 2868 790317 CITY OF BOYNTQN BEACH 1/17173 2569 7q0318 CITY OF BOYNTON 8EACH i/I7/78 287I 7903~O CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH I/[7/78 ..... 2872 790321 CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH -- 2873 ............... 1117178 2874 790323 CiTY OF BOYNTaa BEACH 1/17/78 . 2875 79032~ CITY OF BOYNTQN BEACH ..... ~117178 lB.0O - 1/I7/75 15.0~-'- 2877 79012~ CITY OF BOYNTe~ BEACH --'Z~I?m~ 2878 .?903::.__ CITY OF BOYNT~U BEACH ......... 15.00 ...... 1/17/78 ....... 2880 790329 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH t/I?/78 15.00 2881 790330 ..... ~_~.T_~ O[_~OYNTgl~ BEA,CH 1/17178 ~B~2 .... ~03~1 CITY n~ ~VN~-'~×~ ..... '-~l?m~ 2883 ?g0332 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACh' ' - 1~17/T8 .............. 28~4 790t33 CITY OF BOYNTO~BE~CH ..... --- 1/17/73 - 2885 790334 CI~-~"~OYNTO~-BEACH .... 1/17/78 288b 790335 CITY OF BUYN¥ON BEACH 1/I?/78 15.00 2887 790336 CITY OF BOYNTON' BEACH -1/17/78 285~ 790337 ~ITY-oF' BOYNTO~ BEACH ..... 1/17/78 ............. 2ha9 790338 ciTY OF BOYNTON BEACH 1/17/78 2890 790~39 CITY OF IB.0O BGYNTiJN BEACH 1/I7/78 289I 790340 CITY DF BOYNTD~ 3EACH t/l?/?a 15.0o 28~2 2~93 2894 1/31/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ?9034] CITY OF ~OYNTON ~EACH 7903~Z c~-T'¥ OF BOYNTON'~EACH PAGE lO ~/17178 ._1/17178 19.60 1/17/78 2895 790344 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 1/17/78 ToSO --- 7903~5 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2890 ..... 79034~-"--~ i~---O-~-~NTbN-BEACH 1/17/78 . -'7~:~b--- 2897 ...... I417/78 30.00 289~._ 7903~8 CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH 1/17178 2900 -Ygb3~ .... c[¥Y ~¢ ~-~N--E~CH ' 2901 790350 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH '- 1/17/78 2902 790351 CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH I/IT/78 290~ ' 790~53 .... ~f¥ o~' 80VmoN BEACH " ' 290~ 790~5~ ....... I/"tT/TS 2907 790356 CITY OF 8OYNTO~ BEACH [/17/78 2908 .... 79035~---~IT~-~F_~YNTON BEACH 1/17/78 ' . ....... '7.50 2909 790358 CITY OF BOYNf~'~SACH -i~i7/78 29~0 790~59 CITY OF BOYN~O~~ 8EACH ~/~7/7~ -' ............. 2911 790360 C~T~__O~_BOYNTON: BEACH _ ~/i7/78 Z90352 CITY OF BOYNTON 6EA¢'' 7~50 2914 ' : ~ ' 1/I7/78 2~15 .... · 79035~--- ~-? ~- ' d~--~y~ ~ ~E ~ CH .......... ~-~YV8 2Bio .... 790365 .... C'i-~YO'F BOYN~ON~BEACH ~17/~8 ....... 2917 7'9036~ .......... d~YV '~N-"~N~;' ~EACH ............... i7~'7/78 ........... 29 [ 8 ..... ~639'y~[y~-~--6~fif~-~-~,~d4 ......... f? i-777 ~--~ ~0 2919 790368 CITY OF BOYNTON,BE~CH 1/17/78 50.00 2920 _. 7~69 C[fY OF BOYNTON~EACH ~/i7/78 ' 2922 79037l CITY OF BOYNTON'~BEACH 1/17/78 2923 790372 CITY OF BOYNT~N:~ACH ' 1/17/78 ..... 292~ ......... 7903Y3' ~ly?-d~-~a~'~?'~EACN ..... 2925 79037~ CITY ...... 1/17~-- _ ~o __ cvo~f~ CITY OF BO;YNTON'BEACH ~L~ - ' I5.00 g ~o 7903 ................... :~---~ .... ~'~/~ . 79 CITY OF BOYNTO~ B A; -- ........... ~ 9. , E. CH .............. CITY OF BOYNTO~ 8E.~C~ 293~ 790383 CITY OF BO~NTON ~EA~H 1/17/78 293~ 790384 CITY OF BOYNTON 8E~CH 2936 790385' ~ITY-OF'BOYNT~N -~EAC~ ..... [/17/78 2937 790386 CITY OF BOYNTON BE~CH I/Z7/78 7.50 2938 790387 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH lilT/78 _ 7.50 2939 790388'-'~ITY--~p-BOyNT~N-BE&CH ........ ~/i7/78 .......... 2940 790389 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 1/17/Z8 t5.00 294t 790390 CITY OF BOYN~ON BEACH 1/17/78 7.50 2942 790391 CITY OF BOYNT~ B~ACH 1/17/78 -- - ~507 BOYNTON BEACH D-'l N G C H F C'-K S 1/31/78 CITY OF 0 U T S T A N CHECK ~ VENOOR,.~ VENDQR NAHE 2945 790392 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2944 790393 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2945 790394 cI'rY UF BOYNTON BEACH 2946 790395 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2947 790396 CITY OF BOYNTDN BEACH 2948 790397 CITY oF BOYNTON BEACH 2949 79039S CITY OF BOYNTDN 8EACH 2950 790399 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2951 79040~ '~I¥~-~"BOyNT~-N--'BEAC~ 2952 ~g040t CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 295~ ......... 790402 CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH 2954 790~0~ ..... C~T~'~'-~O~NT~N BEACH 790~04 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CHECK 2955 2956 790~05 2957 2958 i14600 2959 020458 2960 2961 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 CITY OF 80YNTON CITY-~-BO~N?~N'BE~C~ KOPY KING PRIN~I~ N~ CENTER ~ARILE EXCAVATING & PIPEL ISI~H ANDRE~S 15o.00 1/I7178 7.50 .... 1/17/78 1'5=,00 1/17/78 .... 15.00 __ II18/78 36,979.5~ 130950 WILLIE RUTN MCGRADY 37000~ JOE H ~IK<LS 011400 ADVANCE AIR CONDITIONING 1/20/78 180.91 01~720 ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY 2971 024725 2'972 024730 2973 0256'D0 2974 030500 2975 2976 032625 2977 035400 2978 040500 2979 ....... 0~1600" 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 7985 2986 79~7 29~8 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 7968 016300 AUTOPR~OUCTS'; iNC. 1/20/7~-- lz20/78 ....... 2969 020170 B.B. '~UTO PARTS. [NC. 1120/78 .......... 2970 ...... 02026~ ~'~'~ ............................... BOYNTON BCH. FEDERAL 1/2o/78 BOY~QN REACH RETIREMENT 1/20/78 ~BROWARD PUMP &'-~UPPLY--'~O. .... 1/20178 C~RR SDIL a SOD It20/72 CHAS~_~.~NHATT4N ~AN~ 1/20/78 JOH~ CHOREY CRABTREE CONSTRUCTION ~/20/78 DAVIS METER & SUPPLy 1/20/78 DEL~'-~HE~ic'~£ CO.-~ 046450 JOHN 8. DUNKLE ..... ENGINEERING MACHINE C~ ...... 062820 FIREMEN"S RELIEF E 1/20/78 062910 FIRST BANK G TRUSF 1/20/78 0637~'0 FLfiR~6~ EAST ~OAST ........... 1/20/~' o~o~oo BETTY ~A~R~CA 070410 GAYLORD BROTHERS ........ 1/20/78 071550 GENERAL 6NC TRUCK '- 073500 GLASGOW EQUIPNENT CO. 1/20/78 07~500 CHARLES GODFREY 074o[0 GORILL~ MOTORS ............. ~120/78 0~5581 GULF OiL CORPORATION [/20/78 060310 HALSEY a GRIFFITH, INC. 1120178 080550 HAUSER ROTOR CO. 1/20/78 1/31/73 CItY OF 6QYNTON REACH ..MBAS07 -'O-U T ~'T' ~-N D I N G C H ...... ~HECK ~ VENDOR # VENDOR NAHE 2995 084&?0 HOLLY ACCUbIULATOR 2'995 ...... 090100 I.~.N. CORPORATION 2997 090105 .... I.R.~. CORPftRATION 2998 104505 JOHNSON RADIO COMMON[CATI 2999 114600 KiJPY KING PRINTING CENTER 3000 ....... 120410 - LAHAR UNIFORMS " ~001 121740 SALLY LEWIS EC -S ..... -1/20/78 ....... ~,029.00 t/2o/?s 1.oo 1/20/78 ~37.75 3oo2 122980 LOBSTER. INC. 1/20/78 '' .._ ~O.OO · Z/20/78 ~00~ 134575 HOM CttEMICAI CO., [NC. 1/20/78 3005 I3~600 MONROE CALCOLATOR ~.00 3007 140~0 NATIONAL C~SH REGISTER ~/20/78 3oos 15o925 I/2o/78 OCE~NSID~ POOLS. INC. 3010 153800 OLYHPIA SPORT SHOP, [NC. 1/20/78 38.10 3011 __ 160~90 P'ALN BEACH COUNTY ASSOC. ~/20/78 50.00 3013 162750 PICARD CHEMICAL CO. . 1/20I?~ ~-, 30I~ 162790 PIERCE TIRE CO., INC. 1/20/78 3o1~ ........ 165456 ..... ~RiNT'i'N'~'-~TER~--iNC. ............. ~--/~)~-2 ..... 1,055.8~ 3016 tSO~gO SHARON RANDOLPH 3017 150500 EVA RAYMOND 3018 ...... 1a2800 .... ~I .' ......................... 1/20/78 3019 NKER MATERIALS CORPo - ....... ~)~0~ .......... 190500 "SARGENT-SOWELL INC. 51.94 3019 ~0500 S A R G E NTZ~b~W~ [ [-';- -~.- .............. = .... ~_L8 3019 190500 - '~' SARGENT-SOWELL, INC. 1/20/78 ~020 .... 190959 OLYVE E. SCHOOLEY 3021 19152~ ~C~ES?--VETERINARY ................. ~[20/78 IO.o0 3022 193912 LEON SMILES 3023 [9~700 'SOUTHFRN .... ~,~. ~ ~/20/78 ' 302~ ~u~tu IRA ............ ~t~ ..... IL FORD TRACTOR CO ...... ;=-= ........ 3025 22~650 A. RICHARD VERZAAL ...... ~00.2I - 1/20/78 3026 j 230450 EARL W~LLACE FORD, INC. l/ -- 536.40 BO20 2~1600 XEROx CORPORATION - ~029 _._ 3~OO0~__~GARY V HAMHQND [/20/78._~'~ 3o o zooo "k'i JR; ...................... ........ .... 3031 _130570 CAFSAR O. ~AUT[ 1/20~--~-- 1/20/78 200.00 3032 ....... 235495 CURTIS E. WRIGHT 1/20~__ I~5.00 3034 06i870 WILLI~H V. FLUSHING 1/20/78 ..... 50.00 3036 016295 C. 8ERNAL AUSTIN 1/23/73 .... ~037 132716 BURTON H~ MICHAELS -' 3038 032401 VIRG[ CHATFIELD 1/23/~ ..... 1124/78 15~81 3040 060489 GEORGE DAVIDSON -t72~/~8 ' - - 30~1 0~650 DON~S ALIGNMENT 30~2 08160b TERRY HENES [/24/78 ~9~00 1/26/78 1/31/78 CITY OF BOYNTL-I~] BEACH MBAS07 ' 0 U T S T A N D I N G C H ~ C K S CHECK N VENDOR ~ VENDOR N~HE CHECK 3043 3044 ~045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 ..... 3053 305z~ 3055 3O57 3058 3059 3060 3061 3-062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070' 3071 307~ 3073 3074 3O75 3076 30'77 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3094 PAGE_ 1 3 232400 232790 0~2600 HI-CRAFT BUILDERS 1124/78 ~O0. o0 120545 LAW ENFORCEHENT RESOURCE 130945 BILL NCCONK~Y I40447 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NUN 1/24/78 30.25 155410 MARGARET O~REGAN 1/2417~ 30.00 190500 SARGENT-SOWELL, INC. 201525 MRS. J. TEMPLE _.. 202600 JEAN. THURBER 1/24/78 d. WttITE ALUMINUM ..... '1)24/78 ........ [b~-'~O--~ .... EUNICE WILSON 232900 LUANNE WISEMAN - 081605 TERRY HENES .... '-'-~/25/78 108.00 210150 U.S. POSTMASTER [/25/78 '' ?50.00 014240 IS[AH ANDREWS 130950 UI~[IE' Rbf~ MCGRADy .... 205800 TROPIGAS, INC. 153310 KAREN OKEN[CA ~/27~78 460003 PEDRO TREVIND 1/27/7~ ..... 013710 ALLEN CHEMICAL CO. 013780 ALLIED CHLORINE & 1/27/78 013900 A-:%. BEST ~PANY 015500 VEVA ARNBRUSTER 1/27178 lO.O0 020090 B ~ C ROOFING CO. 1/2~178 o'2o~?0" ~ &-~"PRODUCTS ..... .... ~00~00 020450 BAKER ~ TAYLOR COMPANIES ...... 021200 BO. OF CO'. COMMISSIonerS '-I/27/78 024710 flOYNTON AUTO SUPPLY 1/27/78 024725 80YNTON BCHo FEDERAL 1/27/78' 024730 '~Y~TON ~CH-RETIREME~ .......... . 1127178 ............. 025593 BROWARD COUNTY HISTORICAL 1/27t78 ' . 030301 DAVID CALD~RUNE 1/27/78 031650 ~NTU~Y PUOL'SERVICE~' -- 1/27~8 .......... 032400 CHASE MANHATTAN BANK 1/27/78 ..... 034600 ..__COMMERCIAL RECORD 03~965 HR: 'B~N COWAN ....... --- - ' 0~4750 DOUBLEDAy ~ CO. ' ................ 050550 EVAUL AUTO SERVICE 1/27/78 0628~ ..FIRE~FN'S RELIEF ~ 9.00 ........ 1/27/78 607.07 062010 FIRST BANK'S' TRUST ....... 1/27278 ...... 063830 FLORID~ WATER ~ POLLUTION 1/27/78 12.00 066~00 FUUq STEEL CORPORATION 1/27/7~ - 070355 b~LE RESE~Rd~-CO. ' ........ ~127/78 ........... 070400 BET~Y G~RRiGA 1/27/78 30.OO 070~10 GAYLORD BROTHERS 1127178 072670 HENRY F. GIBSON, SEC~"~RE - 1/27/78 073580 GLAMOUR 12.00. 07~500 CHARLES GODFREY 1/R7/78 ~0~00 1/2T/7~ 30.,00 075530 R.L. GRUMMONS PRINTING '1/27/78 1/31/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MBAS07 -U"O T S T A N 0 I N G C H E C K _~H~K # __VENDOR. ~ _ . VENDOR. . . NAME. CHECK DATE TOTAL ~NOU~T _.. 3095 075640 TOM GUSTAFSON 1/27/78 ZOO. DO'- 3096 080310 HALSEY [ GRIFFITH. IMCo . _. t127/7~ I93.00 3098 104660 RICHARD p. JO~ES 3099 .... I14SO0 KOPY KING PRINTING CENTER 31oo 12o¢1o 'L'~A~ t~I#~R~S ' 310! 120450 LANIER RUSINESS PRODUCTS t/2~/7~ - 58.88 3102 122790 --LtN-~AR CONSTRUCTION 31o4 1327~o t~IKF ~ coMPany ? 3105 [32770 MILLER ~EAR[NGS [/27/78 10..00 3lo8 13~626 ...... ~OoD¥'~'-i-~'V~S¥ORS SE~V~'~E 31o9 .... lJ~5 ~-5~i~-~-L-i~- .......................... _~5~--1/27/7 31t0 136440 MICHAEL MUNRO 3111 136~20 NUROSKI-HUCKLEBERRY INC. 1/27/~8 3112 ............................. ' . 140458 NATIONAL SECURIT~ E~T~'PR ~1~3 141600 IHOMAS NELSON ~ SONS 3114 160380 PALM BEACH JR. COLLFGE [/27/7~ '- 24.,08 363.9~ 3116 161696 ROSE~AR[E PETERSON 1/27/78 100~00 311~ .... Ib~600 POHPANQ OFFICE SUPPLY, CO [/27/78 3~i 1863~o RfiMh~O~f~b-C-~6~ 3122 1905~0 SATURDAy EVENING PO~ ..... --''27~78 ~90959 'OLYVE E. SCHOOLEY 31~ ..... ~ ~o~&~E- ~ ~-~-~-~ ~s~ ...................... ~.L~,/7~ ID.OD 3125 190963 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 1/27:/78 ..... I8.00 ___ 3126 191365 CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 1/27/78 438~50 3127 191520 ..... ~EAC~EST~'V'EYE~'~-ARY ........ 3128 191600 SERVICE EOUIP. CO., INC. ~ ..... ~ 193912 LEON SHILES 1~2~I78 ~,- ~130 ~700 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE '- 1/27178 3131 19~710 _ ~OU~H~RN METER SUPPLY COo 1)27/78 3132 200500 TAYLOR RENTA~'"~NTER ...... 3133 ..... ~'OI~SO- fb=ql~T~--~'pffL~- ....................... [/27178 9~37 3134 210140 U.S. NEWS [ WORLD REPORT 1/27/78 18~00 3135 ..... Z~170.0 WESLEY STEUWE CONSTRo ~,. 3136 460002 .... ~D~'~'~-'~'--TINtE~ 1~a7/78 103~13 3137 . 210t50 U.S. POSTNASTER ~30/78 ~-' 750~0~ 3160 013720 ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY ....... ' 3161 01~00 CARNE'~ ANNUNZIXTO _~/~1/78 1/31/78 50~00 ~ 3162 020100 B ~ H SALES 1/31/78 35.00 3163 020300 BADGER METER, INC. II31178 988?_0_0' ...... 3164 021611 BELVEDERE 5 ~ I0 1/31/75 ........... 2I~12 -' 3165 030300 RICHARD D. CALDWELL 1131178 85,00 3166 031700 PERRY CESSNA 1/31/7~ 3l~7 041650 JOSEPH J. DEMARCU 175.19 30.76 1/31178 CITY OF qBA 507 '' CHECK BlS8 3189 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 ~' 3178 3tY9 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 ~ 3185 3186 3187 - 3188 3189 3190 ~:' 319I 3192 _ 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3?04 3205 ~ 3206 3207 3208 3?09 3210 BOYNTON BEACH OUTSTANDING VENDOR # VENDOR N~N1E 055300 963749 063782 065590 074600 075450 080428 084600 084690 CHECKs EOUIPMENT RENTAL FLilRID~ LIBRARY ASSOCo FLORIDA PRECAST CORP. CHARLES FREDERICK GORE N~S.~PER CO. GR~YBAR ELFCTRIC CO. INC. EDWARD HAR~ENING JOS~..[~...~JOLLAN9 EDGAR HOaELL C~ECK DATE 1/31/78 1/31178 1131178 1/31178 ._.1~3t/78 1/31/7~ 1/31/78 ........... ~/31178 t/31/7~ 100310 JACK.S CAMERA CENTER 1/~I/78 - 100380 EMILY J~CKSON 1/-- ............................. -- ' 31/78 104511 VICKI JOHNSON ........ 111550 ~ERT KEEHR 1~31/78 114550 FR~a~ KOHL 1/31/781/31/78 120500 BOB LATHAN 130565 MAURY'.~. ~OOL CHEST 132770 MILLER BEARINGS 132781 MILDRED MILLER 134650 GENE MOORE" ...... i~ 72 o -' Jfi~'"fi i E ~Ei ..... -" 156200 EDWARD OTT 160350 TEREESI PADGETT 160454 JiM PATTERSON TOTAL ANOUNT ...... 135.00 300.00 85.00 ........... 85.00 1~5.00 1/31/78 1/31/78 1/31/78 1/31/78 t72%80 1/31/73 .... ~208~.00 1/31 / 7a -1~26 o 1/31/78 !~,.00 !f_%t/78 1/31/78 ............. i25~00 100.00 ............ ~00 .............. ~00, IO~.o0 17~,.00 1~5.00 110~55 16i6so ~.~!~S ¢ERSIN~- 1/31/~a ............ 12z_13o 1646i0 POOL M~K~'~'S';'-'I'N~% ................................. 1/31/78 100~.00 184517 DAVID ROBERTS ' 1/31f78 191520 SEACREST VETERINARY 1/31/78 8~00 45.00 ........ i'~i525 ~-)-~E~UcK i cO. ................ i/31/78 191600 SERVICE EOUIPo CO.~ INCo 1/31/78 -'- .... !~9. roo __.192600 HAROLD SHULL 1/31/7a 125.00 1947}0 '- SdUf~-~'APER cO.- ........... 1)31778 200100 TAB PRODUCTS CO. ~o48o TAULMAN SALES CO. 1/;1/78 221650 - ~='RT~h~SWE~Z'~'~ ..................... IZt.5o 222840 TO~ VI~& :ONSTaU£TION ............ i73 ....................... 230451 ~ALL'iC'~ ~ ....... : 1/78 100.00 230580 UAYNE SIGNS 1/31/78. 231600 THOMAS E. WENGLER 1/31/ 264550 BETTY ZOBEL 1/31/7~ ~I.40 - - 1/31/~8 ~-- .... ~'~bo