Emily M. Jackson, Mayor
Edward F. Harmeming, Vice Mayor
Richard D. Caldwsll, Councilmam
Joseph DeMar¢o, Co~mcilman
Dawid Roberts, Councilman
Frank Kohl,. Cit~ Manager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Eayor Jackson welcomed everyone and called the meeting to
order at ?:30 Ps M. She reguested everyone to please rise
to the Flag le~ by Councilman David Roberts.
Mr. Earmemi~g moved to adopt the agenda as printed, seconded
by Mr. Caldwell. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Jackson announced that on February 13 and 27~ March
6, 13, 20, and 27; and April~3 and 10, there woald be tax
aid assistance in the City Hall Lobby from 9:00 A.'M. to
l:O0 P. M.
Mayor Jackson announced that City Hall would be closed on
Monday, February 20, 1978, in observance of Washington's
Mayor Jackson announced that if anybody wanted to speak on
any item on the agenda to please give their name to the City
Clerk and she will call on them when the time comes. She
added that when there is a motion on the floor, there will
not be audience participation; but Mrs. Pa~gett will remin~
her when someone wants to speak so they won't be cut off.
Regular City Council Meeti~ - January 17, 1978
Mr. Harmening referred to Pages 3 and 4 and corrected the
spelling to ~Cameroua". Mayor Jackson referred to Page ?
and requested ~he following sentence to be added to the
next to last paragraph which was left out: "She stated her
fear of a domino reaction and thus expanding from the north
to the south." She referred to Page ]9, second paragraph
under New Business and clarified that it was N. W. 22nd Ave.
and not near N. W. 22nd Avenue.
N~. Roberts moved to accept the minutes as corrected,
seconded by ~. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0.
of 2/21/78
FEBRUARY 7, 1978
Special City CounCil Meeting -~Ja~uary 23, 1978
Mayor Jackson clarified that when she referred to the Opera-
tions Ma~al, she suggested reading the !ntroductio~ of ¥olmme
I and the Personnel Section in Volume 2.
Mr. Roberts moved to adopt the minutes ef the Special City
Council meetiag of January 23, 1978, as corrected, seconded
Ky Nm. DsMarceo Motio~ carried 3-0 with Mr. Harmening and
Ns. Caldwell abstai~ing~
Co~f~rsnce - C±ty Co~cil/P.B.A. - Ja~mar7~ 25. 1978
~r. DeMarco mo~ed to accept the minutes of this Conference
Session, seconded by }~. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Jackson referred to many people attending for Item F
under Administrative and suggested considering this at this
time so the people would not have to sit through a long
agenda. Mr. Harmening so moved, seconded by ~. Caldwell.
Notion carried 5-0.
Discuss Contents of Report on Conference with P.B.~.~
Mayor Jackson referred to having a full meeting on this and
having discussed it and stated according to the minutes, it
was moved to bring it back to the Council for our final deci-
sion. She clarified that the testing and training were re-
sol, ed, the ~acations and raises were tu_~ned over to Nm. Kohl
to handle administratively, and the clothing is left. She
asked what action the Council desired to take?
Mr. Roberts moved to accept the first four items with in-
structions to the City Fmnager to resolve the testing and
training, pay plan and vacation. Mm. Harmening seconded the
motion. Under discussisn, Mr. Caldwell referred to the
clothing allowance and ~yor Jackson clarified that the
notion covered the first four items and the clothing allo-
wance could be handled separately. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Roberts then clarified that he did not include the
clothing allowance because h~ ~eels it is a pretty good
percentage with resolving four out of five items.
Mr. Caldwell referred to being in between budgets at this
point and asked if a clothing allowance could be approved
to be included in next year's budget. ~. Moore replied
that the Budget preparation is not part of his department,
FEBRU~qY 7, 1978
bU~ if the Council desires, he believes they could make some-
thing hindi~ug on this Council but they must consider other
Mr. Caldwell referred to the recommendation from the Special
Mm~ster being $100 to $150 per year for the uniformed officers
and $300 per year, a~ increase of $100, for the non-uniformed
officers mud suggested including this im the fiscal planning
for nex~ year. He added that this statement was iL the form
of m motion, hut MAyor Jackson ascertained there was no second.
Mr. Caldwell asked if it was his mnderstandi~g that his fellow
Oouncil members did not want to allow a~y clothing allowa~ce
and ~myer Jacks®u explained that she thought it was premature
to discuss the upcoming budget. She thimks it should be dis-
cussed at the budget meetings in July. ~. DeMarco referred
to giving four out of the five items for this year and sug-
gested possibly reconsidering at budget time as he does not
think we should m~e a commitment now on it. Mr. Roberts
agree~ with ~. DeMm~rco and added that he understood Mr.
Caldwell's recommendatiom was that this would be given to
just the members of the P.B.A. and Mr. Oaldwell disagreed.
Mr. Robertsstated that we ~.~aanot give mome~ to one segment
because they are represented. The Council ms supposed te
represent all employees. T~is w~uld Create a great deal of
M~. Coldwell clarified that he was not indicating we shomld
discriminate between the P.B.~A. members and non-members, hut
he was just merely going along with the Special Master's
recommendation. The Special Master recommended $100 to $t50
per year for the uniformed officers and $300 per year for the
non-uuiformed officers, which is a $100 increase. Mayor
· B
Jackson stated that Mr. Panza was j~st reDresentmng the P..A.
and we are representiD~g all employees. ¥~. Caidwell agreed,
but stated that we are comcerning ourselves with the P.B.A.
Contract and explaimed how the 40 hours training would be
available to all members ef the Police Department. Mr.
DeMmrco agreed that all: shonld be entitled to the traimingo
Fm. Caldwell explained haw the Special Maa~er considered the
arguments given by the City and P.B.A. an~ based his decision
to affect all members of the Police Department. The Special
~ster said we should go ml~ng with all the points and by
agreeing to only fomr O~t of the five, he thinks something
is lacking. Mayor Jac~soa replie~ that she thought every-
eno understood his motion, but no second was giveu. She
clarified that the CoumCil has accepted the f~rst four only
regarding testing, training, pay plan and vacation.
One (1) Blue Print Machine (Tabled)
~. Harmening moved to take this from the table, seconded by
Mr. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0.
~. Kohl informed the Council that this bid item was tabled
at the January 17, 1978, meeting to review the information
supplied by the bidders. The Tabulation Committee recommends
cancellation of the bid. The decision is to modify the exist-
ing u~it which would result i~ a considerable saving to the
City and stilI provide basically the same features required.
May he have Council's wishes on this matter please.
~-. DeMarco moved to strike this from the agenda, seconded
by Mr. RobertS. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. DeMarco referred to people being present in regards to
the Plan Review and requested this item to he considered at
this time.
Pla~ Review
Mm. De~Z~rco moved to remove this from the table, seconded by
Mr. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0.
}-~. Lewis W. Lawder, Executive Vice President of the Home
Builders & Contractors Association of Palm Beach County,
appeared before the Council and told about re presenting
approximately 165 home.builders and 300 suppliers and sub-
contractors involved in housing. He requested some:~iscus-
sion on this subject, so they would know what was planned.
Mr. Kohl referred to the City Coumcil directing the City
Manager at the last meeting to submit mesults of a survey
made among the surrounding cities which indicates their pro-
cedures in handling the review of multi-family and commercial
plans and reported the following:
City of North Palm Beach - They have no Planning &
Zoning Board, but they do have a Planning Commission
which checks duplex, multi-family, and commercial
plans for landscaping, shrubs, etc.
City of Riviera Beach - The Planning & Zoning Board
approves site plans for duplex, multi-family
commercial buildings.
FEBRU~MY 7, 1978
3. City of West Palm Beach - The Building Department
does all code enforcement of zoning, landscaping
and building codes.
4~ Palm Beach County - The Planning & Zoning Board
approves conditional uses and variances only.
5. City of Lake Worth - The Plan~ing & Zoning Board
is similar to our Technical Review Committee, in
that they review and approve site plans on projects
in excess of three acres.
Town of Lantana - The Planning & Zoaing Board only
hears appeals for setbacks and variances.
City of Delray Beach - The Planning & Zoning Board
only handles variances for setbacks and approves
conditional uses listed in their Zoning Ordinance.
8. City of Lake Park - The Building Department enforces
all Zoning Ordinances and Building Codes.
City of Boca Raton The Building Department has two
zoning inspectors and two community appearance in-
spectors. All plans are handled by the Building
Department, which enforces the zoning codes, land-
scaping codes and the building codes. The snly
things reviewed hy Planning & Zoning are the condi-
tional uses.
~o Kohl added that i~ most cases, when the Building Officials
of these other cities were informed of the way our City is now
operating, in comparison, they felt we were behind time by
having the Planning & Zoning approval and City Council appro-
val on such plans. The major cities provide plan check areas
which take care of this, along with the laudscaping. They
have a definite Ordin&nce outlining percentage-wise, the green
areas, shrubs &ud trees required.
Mr. Kohl stated that Section 2-41 ef our Ordinances outlines
the proper duties of the Planming & Zoning Board; however, it
seems that on Page 420.15 (Section 31-2), Paragraph 7, is in
conflict. This portion of our Ordinance, ~etting up ~Planning
and Zoning Generally", states entirely different duties.
Basically, it states that Planning & Z~ning should review all
buildings other than single-family and duplex residences and
report to the City Council their recommendations for approval
or disapproval. Ee is entirely in disagreement with this; he
would much prefer to revert back to the way Pls~ing & Zoning
is ~utlined in Sectio~ 2-41~ In talking with both our Build-
ing Official and our City Planner, it has been mentioned to
~oth that there would probably be a change; therefore, he is
asking Co~ucil to have the Ordinance changed back so the
Planning & Zoning Boa~d could operate as originally outlined
in Section 2-41, based on the following facts:
The Technical Review Committee consists of every
Department Head who would ever hav'e anything to do
with or have any interest in the site plans.
This Technical Review Committee is required to re-
~iew site plans for all buildings other than single-
family and duplex residences and make recommendations
in the form of pro~isos.
When their recommendations have Been incorporated
into the plans, it is his opinion that these plans
should be submitted to the Bmilding Department for
a building permit.
He can see ~o reason for the undue hardship placed
on a developer or a builder by delaying permits
anywhere from two to three weeks simply to secure
the apt~rowal of a Board which, in his opinion, could
not legally change anything pertaining to said plans,
at this point.
Furthermore, he believes this discourages develop-
ments of any type in the City of Boynto~ Beach.
Mr. Lawder referred te how other mmuicipatities do th~ugs and
stated that they feel the current procedures in existence
here are quite unnecessary with regards to time, money, add-
ing unnecessarily to the cost of housing, etc. The Associa-
tion recommends that the Council give favorable action to the
recommendation made by the City Manager.
~Bandonment Request
10' Unimproved Alley Lying Between Lots
92 &93, Arden Park
Rear of 403 No E. 6th A~enue
Walter L. Holly, President
Holly Accumulator & Electronics Co., Inc.
~or Jackson referre~ to the minutes from the Planning &
Zoning Board's review being submitted to the Comncil members
and advised that the Board did pass o~ this with a 7-0 vote
in ~avor of the absmdo~ment. She the~ asked if a~yone wishe~
to speak in favor of this abandonment and received no response.
She asked if anyone wished to speak against this abandonment
an~ received no response.
FEBRUARY ~, 1978
Mr. Roberts stated that in view of the fact that nobody
wants to speak either way and it has been approved by the
Planning & Zoning Board, he moves to grant the request as
d~escribed. Mr. Moore informed the Council that he prepared
a resolution to carry this into effect and he read proposed
Resolution Fo. 78-F. Mr. Harmening moved the adoptiom of
Resolution 78-F, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion.
Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote om the motion as follows:
~ou~cilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
~or Jackson - Aye
Councilman Roberts Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
At this time, Mayor Jackson referred to there being a mistake
in the mewspaper with the announcement that there would be a
public hearing tonight regarding the antenna heights and an-
nounced that this was being reviewed further by the Pla~zning &
Zoning Board and they would be holding the public hearings.
Plan Review (Continued)
¥~. L. Allen Haynes, Vice President of Hawkins & Mouw, Inc.,
General Contractors, appeared before the Goumcil and advised
that he is the President of the Associated General Contractors
of America, Florida East Coast Chapter, representing the lar-
ger contractors dealing in industrial and multi-family work
and the sub-contractors associated im that work. He requests
their indulgence in revising a system which camses delays.
He referred to the financial aspects being considered and
stated the review by the Board could not alter the outcome
as long as the requirements are met. He requests the Oouncil
to consider pmtting the authority back into the Building De-
partment and asking the Building Department to enforce the
City Codes and Ordinances.
Mm. Simon Ryder, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Board,
appeared before the Council and referred to the minutes of
the january 24th meeting of the Board being submitted to
the Council members when the Board members discussed the
elimination of this review and clarified that there was a
general feeling that the Board members are not in favor of
such action and deplore the fact that they were not previ-
ously consulted. It is also evident that the members of the
Board are not concerned about the procedures of other cities,
but such a practice is vital to keep the members in touch
with the City's growth and development. The citizens inter-
est is importan~ and the delay factor to the developer is
not a valid consideration. Is the Council going to ignore
FEBRUARY 7, 1978
the concern of ths Board members? They can go forth and
forget the Building Code and do away with the Zoning Regu-
lations as it will not help the builder or developer By
having the Building Official being the sole arbitrator and
it will deprive the builder of having the City's requ±rements
and stipulations brought out in the open. He requests a vote
of confidence to the Board.
Mayor Jaekson asked how long this method had bee~ used and
~. Kohl replied for a couple years. Mayor Jackson referred
to being a member of the Pla~nlng & Zoning Board in 1974 and
tol~ about the amount of work they had before them the~. She
suggests possibly havimg the Plamning ~ Zoning Board appoint
one of their members and the Comm~ity Appee~ance Board ap-
point one of their members to sit on the Techmical Review
Board review ~nd give impnt.
M~. DeN~reo requested a show of hands from the builders in-
terested in this charge and then Mayor Jackson aske~ how many
members of the Planning & Zoning Board were present. Mr.
Harmening stated he was interested in what's best for the
City and not what the Planning & Zoning Board or the builders
are interested in.
Mr. Ryder told about Checking the records an~ informed the
Council that after they had approved the plans, according
to the Building Department log, it was months before permits
were issued m_nd there was no case less than a month. He
explained how preliminary drawings were submitted for the
Boards' and Council's review and working drawings still had
to be prepared, so the matter of delays still needs to be
Mr. Harmeming stated that he realizes the fact that time is
money and at times ~here seems to be a lengthy and undue
process set up in the City and it is always interesting to
know what they do in other towms, hut we don't necessarily
care what they do. He would like to suggest a possible
compromise, At the present time, one week could be elimin-
ated from this and perhaps more. He suggests that the policy
be changed a little bit and allow the Plamning ~ Zoning Board
more latitude. The Plamuimg ~ Zoning Board can refer site
plans back to the Bailding Department without them coming to
the City Council or at their election, the Board can continue
to refer to the City Council at their discretion. This would
eliminate one layer of the bureaucracy and save some time.
Mr. DeMarco referred to the possibility of the Planning &
Zoning Board turning down a plan and Mr. Harmening replied
that he assumed there would be good cause and in that event
would be referred to the City Council and he would be most
interested in reviewing one which was turned down.
F~. Roberts referred to problems in past years with the bur-
den being on the Building Department and questioned what
FEBRUARY 7, 1 978
plans this would apply to? He added that most subdivisions
and large developments should come before the Coumcil. Mr.
Kohl informed him that this was in reference to commercial
~ilding. Mr. Roberts stated that if it could be limited to
commercial building or small development, he did not see amy
harm in giving it a try as long as it does not get out of
hand like im the past.
~. Caldwel! referred to having had a problem with the Build-
ing Department in the past, but explained how Mr. Howell had
changed this and commended him~ However, to allow all pleas
to go strictly to the Technical Review Board would put the
City again in the potential situatiG~ where we found omrselves
several years back. Ne suggests that the ~o~cil direct the
Technical Re~iew Board an~ Plamning & Zoning Board tG discuss
and possibly streamline the procedure where the Techmical
Review Board would have control and other areas where the
Planning &Zoaing Board would have final approval. Ee ex-
plained how some miner things like a building additio~ or
dumpster slab was actually a waste of time for the Planning &
Zoning Board and could be handle~ by the Teckuical Review
Board° However, he still th~ks there are some areas where
~he Plan~ing & Zoning Board as appointed people and citizens
can make decisions of what is best. He thinks these tw~
~odies should meet and work it out and make a recommendation
to the City Ceuncit. Mr. DeMarco agreed possibly some smaller
mmits could be eliminated and it woul~ not be taking away
all the authority of the Planning & Zonimg Beard. Mr.
Caldwell agreed and addsd that it would also no~t be trans-
f*rring all of the Pin, using & Zoning Board's current authority
~o the Technical Review Board. He thi~k2 a compromise can
~e reached between thes~ two.
M~o Harmening clarified his thoughts~further and stated he
was a little reluctant to see what was recommended come
about because of the apparent deluge of building we will be
face~ with. U~der these overloaded conditions, even though
Mr. Eowell has done an excellent job, there is always room
for error and mistakes in the Building Department. He would
~e very reluctant to see these errors occur if we ca~ prevent
them. He thinks we have teem successful to date in prevent-
ing mistakes~an~ he intends to keep it ~hat way. He thinks
what Mr. Caldwell recommended is the procedure be changed if
possible with ~he Planning & Zoning Board getting together
with the City Manager and Technical Review Board and possi-
bly the City Attorney and attempt to draw up a compromise
agreement to handle the flow of plans through these Boards
in a slightly different mamner than previously in order to
speed up certain types of requests for ~ermits. ~. DeMarco
seconded this as a motion. Mr. Roberts requested clarifica-
tion ~f the motion and Mr. Harmening clarified that there
was no motion specifically, but directiem for the City Manager
FEBRUARY 7, 1978
to meet together with the Planning · Zoning Board and Tech-
nical Review Board and attempt to streamline the process i~
certaim ways they caa work out keeping in mind the thoughts
expressed by certain members of this Council in order to
grant some relief, hut net total relief. Under discussion,
M~. RoBerts stated that in talking about the mistakes made,
he still feels there would be no harm done if it is just
confined to commercial building. ~hen getting into condo-
minimms, multi-buildings, etc~, these woul~ still come be-
fore the Council a~d this eha~_Ee only applie~ to commercial.
Mr. ~armeming clarified that the ~oumcil womld have the oppor-
tunity ~o~evie~ the rec~mmendatiom and eomld approve or re-
ject it. N~. Moore referred to the recommendation made ~y
~. Kohl aud stated that he concurs 100% and the Bmilding
E~partment concurs. He thinks the degree of power~s dele-
gate~ to the Plamndmg & Zoning Board is a questionable
layers of ~ureamcrac~, as they mmst wait to k~ow if changes
mmst be made. Motion carried 4-1 with Mayer Jacks~dis-
~yor Jackson ascertained that nobody desired to address the
Ordinances - 2nd Readin~ - P~b!ic Hearin~
Proposed Ordinance No. 78-1 - Re: Amending Appropriations
Ordinance NO. 76-35 Adopting Budget for Fiscal Year Ending
Be~t. 30~ 1977, b~ Providin$ for Adjustment of General Fund
~. Moore read proposed Ordin~uce No. 78-1 by caption on
second reading.
Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak
in favor of this ordinance and received no response. She
asked if anyone wished to speak against this ordinance and
received no response.
~. DeMarco moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-~ on
second and final reading, seconded by M~. Harmening. No
discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the mo-
tion as follo~s:
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
M~yor Jackson - Aye
Co~ucilman Roberts Aye
Councilman Caldwell Aye
Councilman DeMarco Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance Ne. 78-2 - Re: Establishing Regulations
of Parkin~ & Storage of Recreatiomal Vehicles
Mro Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-2 by caption on
second reading.
Mayor Jack, on asked if a~yone in the audience wished to speak
mn laver of this ordinance and received no response. She
asked if anyone wished to speak against this ordinance and
a gentleman requested the ordinance to be read in detail.
Mr. Mo~re then read proposed Ordinance No. 78-2 i~ its en-
tirety. Mayor Jackson asked if anyone wished te speak
either for or against this ordinance and received no re-
N~. Roberts moved the adoption of Ordimance No. 78-2 on
second and final reading, seconded by N~. Harmening. No
discussion. N~s. Padgett took a roll call vote on the mo-
tion as follows:
Councilman Roberts - ~ye
Councilman Catdwe!! - Aye
Comncilman De~rco - Aye
Vice Mayor Earmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinances - ~st Readin~
Proposed Ordinance No. 78-3 - Re: Rezoning Lots 1, 2 & 3,
Block 4, Gulfstream Estates Plat No. 2, and Portion of Abut-
~ing Right of Wa~ from Zone R-lA to C-I
~$o Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-3 by caption on first
Mr. HarmeDing moved the adoptiom of Ordinance No. 78-3 on
first reading, seconded by M~. DeM~rco. Under discussion,
~yor Jackson commented that she felt this would be start-
ing something on Seacrest Boulevard and she is~not in favor
of it. ~s. Padgett took a roll call wets on the motion as
Councilman Caldwell - No
Councilman DeMarco ~ Aye
~ice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson - No
Councilman Roberts - No
Motion defeated 3-2.
Proposed Ordinance No. 78-4 - Re: Rescinding Ordinance No.
74-4, Section 5-2.~: Construction Site Maintenance; Clean-Up
FEBRUARY 7, 1978
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-4. Mr. Roberts
moved the adoption o£ Ordinance NO. 78-4 on first reading,
seconde~ by Mr. DeMarco~ No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took
a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman DeMarco Aye
~ice Mayor Harmening Aye
Mayor Jackson Aye
Councilman Roberts Aye
Co~ncilma~ Caldwell - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 78-5 - Re: Establishing Procedures
and Regulations for Use of Non-conformin~ Lots
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-5 and clarified that
he had taken the existing ordin~uce and added this section.
He added that the basic effect is it protects people owning
non-conformimg lots under the current existing ordinance, but
a~y sale of a non-conforming lot subsequent to the date of
this ordinance means that the person would have to acquire
additional land or obtain a variance.
~. DeMarco asked if this meant that an owner of a 50 ft.
lot could build on it, but could not transfer title and Mr.
Moore replied that a new owner could not build. Mr. DeMarco
statedtthat it was his thinking that the owner of one 50 ft.
lot co-~l~ build whether the ownership was transferred or not
and N~. Roberts replied that relief could be applied for from
the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Moore clarified that the person
who owns it mow could use it; but if sold, the subsequent
grantee woul~ h~ve to apply to the Board of Adjustment. He
thinks th® law is clear that a person cannot be stopped from
using a 50 ft~ lot, but a varmance would have to be obtained
to use it~ Mr. Roberts referred to drawing the line some-
where an~ stated that this is the way as anybody with a lot
a~ the present time cannot be stopped; however, if somebody
buys it, he must take the chance of obtaining relief from
the Boe~of Adjustment. ~. Moore added that it would also
be p~ssible to buy additional footage.
N~. Cald~ell moved to approve Ordinance No. 7~-5 on .first
reading, seconded by ~. Roberts. No discussion. Mrs.
Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Roberts Aye
Oouncilman Caldwell Aye
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 78-G - Re: Demolition of Structure
and Clearing of Land in Conjunction with C~mmumity Dewelo?
ment Pre~ect
Mro Moore announced that this resolutio~ pertained to the
demolition of the structure and clearing the Tomberg pre-
perty located at 423-25 No E. 11th Avenue~
Mr. DeMarco mo~ed to adopt Resolution No. 78-G, seconded by
Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call
vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Comncilman Caldwell - Aye
Co~ncilma~ DeMarco Aye
Vice Nmyor Harmening Aye
M~¥or Jackson - Aye
Notion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 78-H - Re: Demolition of Structure
and Utearin~ of Land Located on North Seacrest Boulevard
Mr. Moore announced that this resolution pertained to the
demolition of the structure and clearing the Freeman pro-
perty located on North Seacrest Boulevard, Lots 23-24,
Block 2, Palm Beach Country Club Estates.
Mm. Roberts moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-5,
seconded by Nv. Harmening. No discussion. F~s. Padgett
took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Caldwell Aye
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
M~vor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Roberts Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 78-I - Re: Amending Pay ~¥1an for
Municipal Employees
Mr. Moore announced that this resolution was in accordance
with the pay plan as recomk~ended by the City Manager.
M~o DeMarco moved to adopt Resolution No. 78-I, seconded by
M~. Caldwell. Under discussion, Mr. Caldwell requested some
clarification and asked if the passing of this resolution
would i~mediately give credence automaticall~ raising the
positions of the people listed in the memo dated JaNuary 317
FEBRUARY 7, 1978
Mr. Kohl replied that as mentioned in his letter, he met
with Chief ~uddleston regarding titles and classifications
within the department and at this time, we have fifteen em-
ployees in the Police Department who are in officer level
positions from Corporal to Lieutenant° Inasmuch as these
employees have previously taken examinations for their posi-
tions, he would like to waive the testing requirements for
this group. Ever~ one listed is from Corporal to Lieutenant
now. He is asking to do away with the Corporal position.
None of the employees affected will receive a pay increase
other than normal anniversary increases. The new Sergeant
star%lng rate ha8 been modifie~ to match the pay., The Cap-
tain and Lieuter~ut will all remain the same.
Mr. Caldwell stated that he ~nderstands there are specific
requirements for these po~itions other than testing and he
fe~ls all these me~ should he promoted provided they meet
the already establishes requirements. He feels we can waive
tsstinE; however, all other requirements should be met so
we are not delu~ug these positions for the sake of expedi-
ency. ~. Kohl replied that this was not the intent an~
he would ~heck the records of every man liste~ regarding
degrees, courses taken, q~alifications, year~ of service,
N~. Roberts move~ to put this on the table until getting a
~eport. Mr. Caldwell clarified that the resolution a8 it
stands is fine, but he is concerned with the implementation
of it ~nd the automatic-prOmotion of everyone on the list.
He th~uks it is a good resolution provided the men listed
meet all the requirements. He then seconded the motion.
~. Moore suggested passing ths resolution with the effec-
tive date two weeks from tonight and if all on the list
do not qualify, then it could be rescinded and ~. Caldwell
replied that he would like to know the men qualify first.
Motion defeated 3-2 with Mayor Jackson, Vice Mayor Harmening,
a~id ~ouncilman DeMarco dissenting.
~. Caldwell moved to amend Resolution No. 78-I to include
the stipulation that all the tentative promotions from
Corporal to Sergeant, Sergeant to Lieutenant, Lieutenant
to Cap~ain be made subject to all the personnel meeting the
current requirements for each of these positions from Cap-
tains on down to Sergeants. Mr. Roberts seconded. ~nder
discussion, M~. Moore reierred to Captain Hamilton being
present and asked if he had ~uowledge of these men and
Captain Hamilton replied that he believes most meet the
criteria, but there m~y be exceptions. Mr. Kohl stated
that he would rather check every qualification a~d make it
righ%. _Mr. Caldwell clarified that his amendment would
take care of it and M~yor Jackson requested a roll call
vote on the amendment which will stipulate that everyone
must meet the qualifications as they are now.
Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the amendment as follows:
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jacksom Aye
Coumcilmam Roberts Aye
Councilma~ Caldwell - Aye
Amendment carried 5~0~
Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion adopting
Resolution 78-I as follows:
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Oo~ucilmau Caldwell - Aye
Councilmam DeMarco - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 78-J - Re: Request for the Establish-
ment of Special Rate Air Line Fares
~. Moore announced that this resolution was in support of
Village Royale on the Green's resolution regarding the spec-
ial rate air fa~es bei~ extended to Palm Beach International
ME. Roberts moved the adoption of Re~olution No. 78-J,
seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett
took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Roberts Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMarco Aye
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Executiou of Deed & Resolution - City of Boynton
Beach/Department of Transportation
a. Seacrest Boulevard - South of South 15th Avenue
b. Seacrest Boulevard - North of South l~th Avenue
Mr. Moore referred to the Engineering Department recommend-
ing this and read Resolution No. 78-K covering this.
N~. Roberts asked if it was all in order and M~. Moore re-
plied affirmatively.
FEBRUARY 7, 1978
Mr~ Harmening referred to the deed and asked if we were going
to have to re-apply for easements for the existing utilities'
a~d Mr~ Meore replied that this was a standard fo~m, but we
could possibly request a proviso to be included that if any
relocation of our utilities i~ involved, they will pay us;
But hs believes they have rejected that in the past. ~.
Harmening clarified that technically we have no easements or
rights-of-way for cur existing ntilities if we acknowledge
this~ M~r. Moore clarified that this would be a dedicated
easement through o~ir City that we own at the present time.
Ne can include whatever stipulations we want, such as the
right to install utilities. Mr. Kohl stated that if we do
that, they ~ill ask if we want the read ~ilt. Mr. ~rmening
stated that we wo~ld be proceeding on their good faith and
Mr. Moore disagreed and stated if it has to be moved, it
will be at omr expense. Mr. Narmening clarified that we
have quite a sizable mtility investment in that street and
if they decide there isn't room for the utilities, it could
hec~me an expensive problem to move them. Mr. DeMarco re-
ferred to repairs and ~ir. Harmening replied that unless we
have an easement to install, operate, and maintain, we tech-
nically cannot make the repairs. Mr. Moore suggested stat-
lng that we ~eserve the right to maintain easements for main-
tenance, instat]~ation and re-installation of a~y public
utilities and s~g~ested that ~. Kohl call them to ~ind out
abomt this. Mr. Harmening added that it could pose a~ ex-
tremely expensive DroBlem if we have to move all the utili-
ties in the Seacrest ~oulevard right-of-way.
M~. Roberts moved to table this to see if we can do something
about this, seconded by N~. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0.
COnsider Acceptance of Water & Sewer Lines at Pine Point Villas
~. Kohl referred to a letter being submitted from Fr.
David ~entola with the easement and advised that it has
been checked out by the ~t~ities Department and it is in
order. Mr. Harmening asked if the location and legal des-
cription had been verified and Mr. Kohl replied that the
Engineering and Utilities Departments had approved this.
M~. DeN~rco moved to accept the easement and bill of sale~
seconded by M~. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried
Consider Recommendation of Planning & Zoning Hoard Concerning
Annexation Request Submitted b~ Irene Hall Bowers
M~. Kohl informed the City Council that the Planning & Zoning
Board, at their Regular Meeting of January 24, 1978, held a
FEBRUARY 7, 1978
Public Hearing on the above request for a tract of land
located on the Nest side of U. S. #1 adjacent .to the South
City limit° Following the Public Hearing, the Planning &
Zoning Board ~nanimously recommended the following:
t. That the City Council pass a Resolut~iom requesting
the County Commission to change the u~incorporated
testy future land use recommendation from residen-
tial to commercial.
2. That the request for annexation be granted; and,
3.That upon annexation, the land be zoned C-3 (Comm-
unity Commercial)
Mr. Kohl continued that reports from o~r staff members con-
cerning this annexation request indicate~that no substantial
impacts are expected. The motion to approve was made by Mr.
Arena and seconded by M~. Win~er~ ~ne vote was 6-0 with Mr.
Lambert excusing hi,self from ~iscussion owing to a possible *SeeM dh. o~
conflict. ~y he have Council's wishes on this matter please. 2/21/7B
M~. Roberts moved to accept the recommendation of the Plan-
~ing & Zoning Board concerning the annexation request sub-
mitted by Irene Hall Bowers, seconded by ~. Harmening.
No discussion. Motion carried ~-0 (Mr. Caldwell had left
the room).
Consider Recommendation of Planning & Zoning Board Concerning
&ntenna Heights
Mr. Roberts moved to table the antenna heights problem and
turn back to the Planning & Zoning Beard as per their recom-
mendation, seconded by M~. Harmeningo No discussion. Motion
carried 4-0 (M~. Caldwell still not present).
Discuss P~nsion Boards Ordinances - Re: Ma~king Vice Mayor a
~om-Votin$~Member of Pension Boards (M~¥or Emily M. J~cksom)
~yor Jackson told about stepping into the position of F~yor
and becoming Chairman of the Pension Boards and how it
very difficult even after reading the min~tes of the previous
year. She feels if the Vice M~yor is made a non-voting mem-
ber of the Pension Boards, it would simplify matters when he
becomes F~yor.
M~. DeMarco so moved, seconded by F~. Harmening. Mayor
Jackson clarified that it had been moved and seconded that
the Vice Mayor be made a non-voting me~oer of the Pension
Boards. Under discussion, ~. Roberts clarified that this
wo~ld make it mandatory for the ¥ice Mayor to attend and
~Lyor Jackson disagreed and stated that the ~ice Mayor would
· FEBRUARY 7, 1978
be a non-voting member and will be notified of the meetings
and could attend when possible. F~r. Harmening clarified
that this would incorporate the Vice Mayor as a member of
the Board maF~ing him a non-voting member. Motion carried
Discuss Publication of Finances - Re: ~Town Report~'
(Councilman David Roberts~
M~. Roberts referred to receiving input en this and actually
uobody im the City getting a good look at the hu~get, finances,
etc., and he thim~s the time has come to publish a Town Report.
He told about other cities doing this and it being discussed
in 1975. He would like to see this do~e so it is available to
the people for a small fee and won't cost the City a~ything.
It is a question of informing the tax, ers. He would like
to see everything listed like in the budget, explaining com-
moditie~ and contractural services, listing everyones' s~lar-
ies, etc. He thin~ such a publication should he on file if
a~yone wants to bm~ one. The salaries could be listed accord-
ing to positions. It would Eive the public a little morein-
formation and he feels it is about time we did it,
M~yor Jackson agreed with this suggestio~ and requested N~.
Roberts to work with the City Manager. M~. Roberts moved to
have a publication of finances in a Town Report, seconded ~y
Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Appointment of Alternate to the 0rga~ization of
Technical Advisory Committee of the Local ~overnment Compre-
hensive Plannin~ Act (F~or Emily M. Jackson)
Mayor Jackson referred to receiving a letter from the Local
Government Comprehensive Planning Act - Technical ldvisory
~ommittee requesting an alternate member to be appointed.
She referred to F~. Carmen An~unziato being a member and
questioned why his~name was not listed. Mr. Kohl replied
that he would send in his name along with the appointed
alternators name. He requested that the alternate member
be from the Building Department or Engineering Department
and ~. Harmening replied that an engineer would be more
appropriate. Mr. Kohl recommended Mr. Bill Flushing, since
M~. Tom Clark is on some other Boards.
~!r. Caldwell moved toappoint M~. Bill Flushing as
nato to the LC-CPA - TAC, seconded by M~. DeMarco.
sion. Motion carried 5-0.
the alter-
No discus-
Consider Appointment of Liaison Officer - Re: South Central
Re~ional ~astewater Treatment & Disposal Board
Mayor Jackson referred to ~. Paul Startzman bsing this Liaison
O~ficer previously and helping us recently and suggested that
he be appointed the Liaison Officer for the South Central Re-
gional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board.
FEBRUARY 7~ 1978
F~. Harmening moved to appoint ~. Paul Startzman as Liaiso~
Officer for the City of Boynton Beach with the South Central
Regional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board, seconded by
Mr. Caldwell. ~nder discussion, Mr. Kohl referred to Mr.
Startzman having to travel a~d requested approval to pay his
expenses as we have in the pe~t. Mr. HarmeninE included in
hie motion to pay each and every expense incurred, seconded
by N~. Caidwell. Under discussion, Mr. DeMarco referred to
N~. Startzman being subpoenaed recentl~ &nd testifying in
our behalf and questioned reimbursement for that ~nd Mr.
Kohl replied that he would submit for the Co~acil's approval
the oat-of-pocket expenses and travel. Mr. Moore referred
to reimbursement for expenses in the ~ast. Mr. Caldwell
q~estioned how long pasta~ud Mr. Moore clarified that jus~
during the past few months. Motion carried 5-0. N~yor
Jackson requested M~s. Padgett to arrange for a mailbox for
Mr. Startzman.
Cemetery - Discuss Section 6-8: Smperlisor or Sexton &
Assistamts, Compensation; and Section 6-16: Cemetery Fund;
Use~ Investment (Mayor Emily M. Jackson)
M~yor Jackson read Section 6-8 and stated that the money for
the Sexton has never come out of the Cemetery Fund, but has
always come from the General Fund as shown on the records *See ~n. of
submitted. In 1966, the City Manager suggested to the Court- 2/21/7:
cil that the Public Works section have two new divisions established
and the cem~h$~y wor~~ ~ was put under parks and Playgrounds
and CemeterieS. The question arose last year because this is
in the book and she would like to see this changed so there
is no confusion.
Mr. DeMarco clarified that she wanted to cha~gethe Charter
and Mayor Jackson agreed, b$~ Home Rule. ~. Moore informed
them that it was an ordinance. ~%yor Jackson suggested
changing it so the care of the cemeteries is under the Parks
Department. Y~. Moore questioned who would pay for it and
Mayor Jackson replied the General Fund. Mayor Jackson clari-
fied that it has been done this way since 1960.
*SeeM in. o~
Mr. Moore referred to the cemetery being self-sufficient
and paying for maintenance out of the Cemetery Fund and
Mr. Roberts agreed and stated that some people did not want *SeeM in. ~
to spend money from the General Fund on this and he thinks 2/21/78
anything done should be taken from the Cemetery ~und. Mayor
Jackson asked if there was enough money in the Cemetery Fund to pay
~he ceme~ter~_work~ ~ud Mr. Kohl replied that there was $300,000
in the Fun~ now an~ a study was made several months ago.
FEBRUARY 7, 1978
Mr. Harmening referred to the upkeep, it is beyond the power
of this Council to .determine with inflation what the mainte-
nance cost will be ~mless we keep up with the price of the
male of the lots. Possibly in 15 yes~s, the maintenance
figure will eqmal what i~ in the Trust Fund. He thimks it
would be in order to make it less self-sustaining to set up
a schedule to imcrea~ the pri~es on the lots to attempt to
bring in enough mone~~ to maintain a high degree of self-
sufficiemcy. Mr. Moore referred to there being a request
for an actu~. ~o prepare a stud~ and Mm. DeMarco agreed,. *See Min.
hut advised t~hat ~t was too mmc~ mone~o Mm. Marmening czar~- o~o~o
fled that we must anticipate what we are going to need and ~'~
anticipate inflation and raise the price of the lots accord-
imglyo Mm. Caldwel~ referred to the t'rustees doing this and
Mayor Jacksom replied that,the prices were ~ust maised re-
Mms. Padgett then spoke on behalf of the Board and explained
how the families were defraying the cost now and when the
cemetery is full, ~ it will take ca_we of the cost. She fur-
ther explained hbw part of the money was going into the Gen-
eral F~md to defray some of the costs. She clarified that
when the cemetery is full, the fund will take care of it.
Mayor Jackson clarified that the first part of her question
was whether to take out the Sexton under Section 6-8 with
the Board of Governors ma~king the appointment and fixing the
salary, since it is done by the budget and Council. Mm.
Earmening moved to repeal Section 6-8, seconded by M~. DeMarco.
Motion carried 5-0.
~yor Jack, on then referred to Mms. Padgett explaining abomt
the funds under Sectiom 6-16 and suggested including improve-
ments because she thin_ks there are improvements that should
be done from time to time. Mr. DeMarco stated that he still
contends the cemetery is no different th~ the ballfield,
beach, etc. and should be maintained. Mayor Jackson referred
to receiving funds for this and suggested adding improvement~
in the uses. M~. DeMarco moved to add "improvement~ in Sec-
tion 6-16, seconded by M~. Harmening. Mayor JaCkson clari-
fied that the first sentence of Section 6-t6 would read:
"All funds ~erived from the sale of cemetery lots shall be
set aside in a separate fund to be designated as the ceme-
tery fund, and used for the perpetual care, upkeep, improve-
ment, and maintensuuce of said cemetery." Under discUssion,
Mm. Harme~ing asked if this met with the approval of the
Cemetery Board and Mayor Jackson replied that she thought
it would. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Change Order No. 4~- Water Treatment Plant Expansion
M~. Kohl read the fellowing portion from Russell ~ Axen's
letter dated Janm~ry 31, 1978, referring to Change Order No.
'4, Water Treatment Plant Expansion, Phase IA and II - Inter-
county Contract, Ci. ty of Boynton Beach, Project No. 626-681-
08-3 (6858-15-I~I) ~
"Enclosed are six copies of Change Order No. 4 for sub-
ject project ia the amomnt of $~2,979 which we are forwarding
for ~emr approval. This change order reflects the required
modifications to the origiaal plams for the plant fcr opera-
tion wi~h ~ iron removal/coagulation/filtration process
while still maintaining the capab&lity of the origin~l pre-
~io~sly approved chemical preparation a~plica~ion as ~e$~ired
y Health Department/Department ef Environmen=al Regu±a~ion
in their approVal of NO~ember 10, 1977o"
Mr. Kohl added that Sheets were submitted listing the prices
of all the different'items i~cluded which had to be added for
the total of $42,979.
N~. Roberts asked if not going along with the lime softening
caused the change orders and ~. Kohl replied affirmatively.
Mr. Caldwell asked if anyone recalled the amount Russell &
Axon quoted as being the top figure for the additional cost
for the expansion of this plant and Mr. Harmeni~g replied
that he recalled it was on the order of $60,000, Mr. Caldwell
clarified that it was within the original projection and M~.
DeMarco replied that he thought So. ~ Harmening requested
comments from ~. Swan or M~. Hallman and N~o Hallman replied
that he did not have the figures with him which were discussed.
M~. DeMarco added that we would be saving on water treatment
even though spending this additional money. M~. Caldwell re-
ferred to the figures being in the ball park and ~. Kohl
informed him that ~he figures were $50,000 to $60,000.
M~. Caldwell moved to grant Change Order No~ 4, seconded by
M~. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Ratify Action of South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment
and Disposal Bos~d
Mayor Jackson referred to voting on four motions at ths Re-
gional Board meeting which must be ratified and requested
M~. Kohl to read them.
Mro Kohl read the first motion was to approve returning
$~0~000 of ~expended 1974 to 1977 fiscal year administra-
tive f~uds in the form of a credit in equal distribution
amounts to the Cities~of Boynton Beach and Delray Beach as
provided in the Chief Executive Officer's~ letter of October
17, 1977, to the two City Managers. Mr. Roberts moved to
FEBRUARY 7, 1978
ratify the action taken by the Board in returning $10,000 of
the unexpended funds, seconded by M~. DeMarco. No discussion.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Kohl read the second motion that an easement be granted
to Florida Power ~ ~ight Co. subject to approval as to form
by the Board Attormey. ~. De~rco moved to ratify the ac-
tiom taken at the Regional Board meeting granting an easement
to Florida Power & Ligh~ Co. subject to approval as to form
by the Board Attorney, seconded by M~. Harmening. No discus-
sio~. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Kohl read the third motion to authorize the Chief Execu-
tive Officer to sign the application for the NPDF~ permit for
E.P.A. Mr. De~rco moved to r~ati£y the action taken by the
Regiomat Board to authorize the Chief Executive Officer to
sign the application for the NPDES permit for E..P.A.,
seconded by ~. Caldwell. No discussion. Motio~ carried
~. Kohl read the fourth motiom to approve the job descrip-
tion for the Chief Plant Operator and the pay saale as recom-
mended by Mr. Canon, so the position can be created and the
City of Delray Beach ca~ go forward with the filling of this
position. Attached is M~. Canoe's Jamuar~ 31, 1978, letter
with attachments of job description for the Wastewater Treat-
ment Pla~ut Supervisor/Chief Operator wit~ pay scale: $13,5~6
to $1 9,032 per annum-~.nd copy of Page 27 of Section 3.2, ChaI~-
ter C of the ~,Q.M.P. ~n regards to the Page 27, it was voted
by the Board to include the segment from the N.Q.M.P. on the
implementation of the Water Quality ~nagement Plan, Page 27~
Chapter C, Section 3.2 as part of the overall guideline for
hiring by Delray Beach to fill the positions. Mr. DeMarco
moved to ratify this fourth item, the action taken at the
Eegional Sewer Board meeting, seconded by M~. Caldwell. No
discmssion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Updatin~ City's Census Count
M~. Kohl referred to the Council asking him last year to
find out something abeut the City's census a~ud stated he
is sure they are aware that there has been a great deal of
discrepancy regarding the City's census count. The latest
figure used hy ~evemue Sharing was 32,473~ and the Univer-
sity of Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research
estimated our census count to be 33,036. On occasion~ he
has seen our comnt indicate figures ranging from 32,000 to
37,000. As they are aware, th~ amount of Revenue Sharing
Funds issued to the City is based upon our census count.
An accurate cou~t, if fo~und to be greater than the figure
mow being used would most certainly mean a larger receipt
of funding for the City. To have a census taken by the
Federal Government would cost in the range of $15,000 to
$17,000o He would very much appreciate their desires re-
garding this matter.
FEBRUARY 7, 1978
~. Roberts asked who would make the determination and
Kohl explained that the Federal Government hires the people
and sets the rules and regulations. Mayor Jackson referrer
to it net Being as expensive with other cities joinimg in
and Mr. Kohl informed her ~that he wrote ~o approximately ten
cities andnene are doing it. Mr. Caldwell asked if the in-
Council's request.
Mr. Harmening moved to strike this from the agenda, seconded
by Mr. Caldwell. Ne discussiom. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Recommendation from Library Board
Mr. Kohl referred to submitting correspondence from
Mildred White, Chairwoman of our Library Board~ indicating
the Board's position in wishing to avoid any consolidation
of our Library with the County system, if the Council agrees
with the position our Library Board is taking, he suggests a
resolution be prepared ~nnd directed to our Palm Beach County
Commissioners e~pressing ~ City's wishes to retain an autono-
mous municipally owned Library and to strive for a truly coop-
erative system, a goal towards which most of our surrounding
cities have been working. May he have Conncil's wishes please.
Mr. ~aldwell moved to draft the necessary resolution to comply
with the Library Board's recommendation stating our position
to retain an autonomous mur~icipally owned Library and to
strive for a truly cooperative system,.seconded by Mr.
Harmening. No discussiom. Motion carried 5-0.
Oonsider A~proval for Purchase of Reference Volumms for Library
M~. Kohl ~uformed the Co~ncil that Mrs° Virginia Farace, our
Library Director, has requested the purchase of a 40 ~olume
set of FACTS ON FII~ covering the years 1941 through 1980 at
a cost of gl,875.00o Our Purchasing Department concurs with
~s. Farace that there is no other supplier for this news
reference source other than ordering directly from Facts on
File. We are therefore requesting the waiver of bidding and
approval to make the above purchase. Funds are available in
the Library budgeted account No. 001-601-560-04o61o May he
have Co~ancil's wishes please.
~fr. Harmening moved go ~grant the request for the purchase of
reference books for the Library as requested, seconded by Mr.
Roberts. Under discussion, M~yor Jacksom asked if it was
legal to do it this way and Mr. Moore replied affirmatively.
Motion carried 5-0.
FEBRUARY 7, 1978
Request Approval for Additional Personnel in Building Dept.
Nme Kohl stated that as they are aware, our 1977/78 Budget
was approved at $210,162 for the Building Department and
License Department combined. Permits and license fees col-
lected during the first quarter of the 1977/78 fiscal year
have reached a total of ~109,660.49o If we continue at this
rate, as Mr. Howell thinks we will, and as the economic sit-
uation this year indicates, we can most certainly plan to
double our revenues for this department. Of course, as the
revenues increase, so does the number of inspections an~
applications imposed u~on the ~ersonnel of that department~
We camnot expect to produce an~ ~rocess the ~alit~ ~f work
necessary~ nor to de it in a~ expeditious manner without
a~ditional personnel. The Building Department has 53 plans
that have been currently submitted for permits for various
bmildings o Mr. Howell and Mr. Keehr ha~e bee~ helping in
,Plan Check~, but they still have been mUable to keep u~ with
~e volume of work. They are running between ten an~ twelve
orki~g days from submittal to permit issuance. Therefore,
he is requesting approval to hire one full time el~ectrical
inspector, one full time pla~s checker, and to change the
statms of Frances Scebl~ (Clerk I) from part-time to full
time employment. In the ~e¥~nt that constr~ction falters
a~d the work load slows ~own, he would make arrangements to
take the burden off the Oity just as he has done in the past.
~. Harmening moved to grant the request for additional per-
sonnel in the Building Bepartment, seconde~ by Mr. Caldwello
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Antirecession Funds
Mm. Kohl informed the Council that the City is in receipt of
the seventh payment quarter since the beginning of the Anti-
recession Fiscal Assistance (ARFA) Program. The payment for
the calendar quarter beginning January ~, ~978~ is in the
amount of $$3,542.00. He plans to present to the Co~ucil at
their regular meeting of February 2~, 1978, au Ordinance for
the various appropriations of these f~uds, tf they approve,
one allocation will be to our Public Library in the amount
of $t0,000.~00. In the meautime, he respectfully requests
approval to direct our Library Director, N~s. Virginia Farace,
to proceed with ordering the books and materials necessary
for the upgrading of our general book collection, etc.
he have Council's approval please.
Mr. Caldwell referred to this being 25% for the Library and
Mr. Kohl replied that it was over $43,000 and there are only
certain ways to spend the money.
FEBRUARY 7, 1978
Mr. Harmening moved to grant this request, seconded by Mr.
Roberts. Under discussion, M~. Harmening clarified for the
audience that the Government has given us $43,000 and we
don't have any choice, but to soend it. ~. Kohl added that
he has six months to reply to t~e Federal Government after
the ordinance is on the books to spend it as requiredo~ It
must be spent according to Federal Government guidelines.
Motion carried 5-0.
Boynton Beach Elementar~ School
Mr. Kohl referred to submitting a copy of a letter he proposes
to send to M~ Thomas BansBur~, Chairman of the Palm Beach
~eunty School Boar~, which is self-explanatory, but has ~ot
been mailed for the following reason. The next school board
meeting scheduled for the purpose of reviewing this matter
will be held at Galaxy Elementary School on February 8, 1978~
at 7:00 Po M. He has accepted an invitation to s~eak; hew-
ever, before he does, he wa~ts to be sure he will be speaking
em behalf of our entire City Council. He sincerely hopes
this letter reflects the entire Comncil's views and opinions
amd respectfully requests their approval to convey the message
as written.
Mr. Roberts stated that he has received several telephone
calls on this matter and some people are mpset about this.
M~ Harmening stated his only objection to the City M~nager's
position is that it is not strong enough° Mr. DeMarco stated
he was in agreement and plans to attend the meeting.
~ woman in the audience requested that Mr. Kohl's letter be
read to the audience ~ud Mr. Kohl read the attached letter
dated January 26, 1978.
Mr~ DeMarco suggested that the School Board Be requested to
take isto consideration that there is plenty of room at the
South Technical Schoo~ site and he th~ a new b~uilding
could be built there. It is a better location and would
suit the purpose better than here. Mayor Jackson told
about teaching disruptive students and stated she could not
envision having them near the recreation center, City build-
ings, etc. Mr. Caldwetl stated that he planned to speak at
the meeting tomorrow night and told how he was concerned
with the School Board's action first with taking away our
high school and now wanting to take away another school.
Mayor Jackson added that the plans were to have this a year-
round program with stmdents living at the school.
~. Roberts made a motion that this letter be sent, seconde~
b~ M~. Caldwell~ Under discussion, Mr. Kohl clarified that
h~ would read it at the meeting. Mr. DeMarco suggested recom-
mending the South Technical area and Mro Kohl replied that he
has and also has another item that he will speak about.
Motion carried 5-0°
FEBRUARY 7, 1978
M~. Linda Essrig , teacher at Boynton Beach Elementary School, *SeeM in.
requested to speak and stated that they are acquainted with
Of 2/21/
the proposal and have met with the School Board. ~ne School'
is going to suggest the South ~echnical site and thinks it 78
would be better to'have the City back~ug them. ~. Caldwell
referred to Delray Beach and M~. ~sterick informed him that
Delray Beach Elementary School was considered, but it is too
far south. She told about not being able to ~t information
about the cost, ~ut just being informed that this is a good
location. She ad~ed that they have now ch~ged the alloca-
tion of stmdents and pla~ to distribute the childrem to four
schools. Mayor Jackson referre~ to the cost ef $130,000 an~
Ms. Esterick replied that it was $130,000 plus as transDorta-
tion from all over the South Co~aty an~ remodelling costs
must be considered. Mayor Jackso~ added that she thought it
was interesti~E ~hat they pta~ to take 200children ent of
this school a~d will omly have 50 to 60 children there. Ms.
Esterick thanked the City for their support.
Mayor Jackson nrge~ anyone that could attend the meeting
tomorrow night to'please attend if possible. ~. Leon
Smiles appeared before the Council and referred to attend-
ing many sessions when the high school was discussed and
stated that new the interest is to give us another type of
school. He requested the ~ouncil to please remind the
School Board tomorrow night that we don~t need recognition
by this type of school.
Consider Transfer of Used Car Lot License: Richard N. Hines
dba Carriabe souse to Donald N. Young dba Young Cars, Inc.
~. Kohl read the application for this transfer of license.
~. Caldwell move~ to approve this application for this
license transfer, seconded by F~. Roberts. Under,discussion,
Mr. Harmening asEed if this business was all mnder roof and
M~yor Jackson re~
Approval of Beve~
Mar jorie Fo=
Mr. Kohl read the
changing from a ]
to grant this lie
sion. Motion ca~
~ied negatively. Motion carried 5-0.
~e Licenses
~u & Mary Hunsaker dba Office Restaurant
application and clarified that it was
ounge to a restaurant. ~. DeMarco moved
once, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discus-
ried 5-0.
Carl Lipper% dba Boynton Inlet Bait & Tackl~
Mr. Kohl read the application. ~. Caldwell moved to grant,
seconded by ~. Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried
FEBRUARY 7, 1978
Anthony & Silvie Car~anzano dba Alfredo's
Mr. Kohl read the application and clarified that it was the
old Dolphin Bar. .~or Jackson asked i~ it was the same
Alfredo's that used to have The Cellar e~ 23rd Avenue and
P~. Caldwell explained that it was the same family.
Mr. Harmening moved to gra~t, seconded by M~. DeMarco. No
discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Approval of Budget Transfer Request
F~. Kohl referred to the Budget Transfer Request submitted
and advised that it was to adjust the acconnt for the amnual
amount required en fire hydrants.
¥~. Roberts moved to approve this budget transfer request,
seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried
Approval of Bills
Mr. Kohl read the following bills for approval:
George C. Davis 8,016.00
Architectural services on office building
Pay from Public Works Grant Fund 350-835-570-05.71
2. $gard of County Commissioners
Use of County Landfill for December
Pay from budgeted funds 001-321-530-02.9A
3. Penwalt 2,723.04
kuhy. Ferric Chloride for Sewage Treatment
Pay from budgeted funds 401-533-550-O3.65
4. McQua~-Perfex~ Inc. 1,762.44
Pay from Vouchers Ps_yable
State Contract 76-4.3
5. Board of County Commissioners 1,483.20
Pal~S System ~ompmter Rental - 3 months
Pay from budgeted funds 001-201-520-02.21
6. Surto~ ~, F~chaels 2,850.00
ProfeSsional services on claim of City of
Boynton Beach HB 138 of #78-102
Pay from budgeted funds 00~-161-510-02.61
FEBRUARY 7, 1978
7- Glasgow Equipment Service~ Inc.
Rebuilt gas p~umps for General Services
pay from budgeted funds 320-341-530-04.42
~aandpiper Co~tr~ction, Inco 14,751.00
il renovation Estimate #2
Pay from Public Works Grant Fund 350-835-570-05-7A
Contract dated 12/9/77
9. Florida - Georgia Tractor Co. 4,500,00
Tilt-top Trailor
Pay from budgeted funds 320-401-540-O4o83
Bid opened tl/29/77
Willie Rmth McGradyo 144.00
Server for Senior ~tizens Clu~ - 3 weeks
Pay from budgeted funds 320-871-570-02.5A
Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73
11. Isiah Andrews 165.00
Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 3 weeks
Pa~ from budgeted funds 320-871-570-02~5A
Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/t5/73
12. Board of Couuty. Commissioners 2,469.74
Labor and materzals to repair traffic devices
Pay from ~udgeted funds 320-401-540-03.143
t3. Russell & Axon 626-681-08-6 Inv. #18 6,117.32
Resident inspection and engineering services
at Water Treatment Plant
Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-01.00
Authorization dated 5/8/74
I4. Russell & Axon 626-681-08-3 inv. #16 3,752.55
Consulting services at Water Facilities Expan-
sion at Water Treatment Plant
Pay fro~ ~tility General Fund 401-000-169-01.00
Authorization dated 5/8/74
15. Russell & Axen 626-681-24-4 inv. #1 1,860.50
Professional services for Te~t Program -
Water Treatment Plant
Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-01.00
Authorization dated 11/2/77
M~. Kohl stated that the bills described have been approved
and verified by the department heads involveS; checked and
ap, proved for payment by the Finance Department; funds are
available in their respective b~dgetso He, therefore, recom-
menSs payment of these bills.
FEBRUARY 7, 1978
Mayor Jackson referred to requesting previously to have the
bills detailed from Russell & ~xon and asked if it was possi-
ble to include these and ~. Koh~ replied affirmatively.
Mayor Jackson asked where the icemaker was located amd Mr.
Eohl informed her it was at the General Services for the
coolers on the trucks. Mr. Harmening questioned how much
longer Mr. ~chaels would be and Mr, Moore replied that he
has completed what he could do at the Legislative level and
he thiEks there will be a recommendation to the Council by
the end of the week.
Mx. Harmening moved to approve the bills, seconded by Mr.
Cald~ell. No discussion~ Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Kohl referred to submitting a letter regarding the Sky
Lake Subdivision and stated that he assumed that someone
would be here to speak. Mx. Caldwell clarified that the
request was to continue the platted street to Boynto~ Road
and they just w~uted to make certain that it will be con-
sidered in the review of the Sky Lake Subdivision plan.
M~. Roberts moved to adjourn, seconded ~y .WAr. Caldwello
Motion carried 5-0 amd the meeting was properly adjourned
at 10:10 P. Mo
Record~lng Secretary
(Three Tapes)
CiTY of
january 26, 1978
West Pt 'ida 33406
Dear Sir: ~
Needless to say
that the city of Boynton Beach was quite shocked
to read in the local newspapers fhat the Boynton Beach Elementary
School mighf be chosen to have its 300 students transferred to
Galaxy-, Forest Park and Lantana E l~nentary Schools-
According to the papers, "This plan, developed in a committee of
~aich-Mi!!s was a m~mber, says the Boynton Beach school would be
suitable partl~v because of its geographic !oca~ion and the fact
it has been recommended for p~hase o~t for use as a regular school
by a state survey team."
i do not believe that a facility scheduled to'be phased out
because it is unfit for' regular school classes should be converted
to a holding facility for ,,socia!ly ma!adjusted and emotionally
I ~u especially concerned with locating an "alternative" school
next to our Recreation Center. A major part of our civic Center's
daytime programs are geared to provide activities for the elderly,
and I am fearful for the safety of elderly ladies wa!k~n9 Go and
from the center if these ~T, anegeable and hostile students are
relocated in this area. Another concern is the open playground
area located across fr~n the s~noo! ~nere ~m~!! children play.
Surely it is not in their best interest %o ex-pose them to possible
c6nfrontations with much older chil6ren that have been judged so
~nsocie! and uu~anageab!e that they cennot ~e allowed to remain
in schools with their ~wn age group.
Mr. Thc~as Sansbury
January 26, 1978
Page 2.
~et~er'to use
_~1 this facilTty ~nere
and other specialized
i!dren, rather thah
~ntbetween two
in the rear
Center is
it ~= in the best
then lets phase the school
Co~nci! has asked for the past six
lity Complex. The city Fall is directly
[!-and the Boynton Beach Recreational
~cross the street Sn front of the school.
~rest of our c~uununity to maintain this
area as part of our city facilities, and as I stated before, I
could never endorse a plan that could jeopardize the safety and
we!!~Deing of ou~ residents.
Pe~uaps tl~e editorial ~n the Sun Sentinel says it best. "There
seems to be s~ething incongruous about this situation. Students
-who are apparently causing problems in a n~ber of schools are
being catted "disruptive." The solution under consideration
would disrupt the assignment of 300 students who do behave,
sending them off to three different schools. Strict discipline
is a better answer."
S ~ncerely,
Frank Kohl
city Manager