Joseph F~. Zack, Mayor
Emily M. Jackson, Vice Mayor
Richard D. Caldwell, CoUncilman
Joseph DeMarco, Councilman
Norman F. Strn~d, Coumcilman
Frank Kohl, City Manager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Gene M~ore, Cit~ Attorne~
~jor Zack welcomed everyone to the first City Council meeting
in 1978 and ca~led the meeting to o=der at 7:30 P. M. He re-
quested everyome to please rise at the sound of the gavel for
the Invocation- gi~enby City ~m~uager Frank Kohl, followed b~
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by City Attorney Gene
Mayor Zack announced that filing for homestead exemptions
would be held tomorrow, January 4th from 9:00 A. M. to 4:30
P. M. in the lobby of City Hall.
Mayor Zack announced that the South Central Regional Waste~
water Treatment & Disposal Board would meet at Boynton Beach
City Hall on January 5 at 7:00 P. M.
N~yor Zack introduced his son, Phil, present from Ohio to-
gether with his wife, Nancy, and two grandchildren, Greg and
Keith, and his wife, Eleanor.
Mrs. Jackson annoumeed that the Legislative Delegation would
be holding a public hearing on Friday, January 13, at the Palm
Beach County Court House at 9:00 A. M. and they would hold a
hearing at Boynton Beach City Hall on January 30 at 9:00 A.M.
Mrs. Jackson moved to table Item A, Consider Tree Preservation
Amendment to Community Appearance Board Resolution ?3-T, under
Old Business until the next agenda on January ~7. Mr. DeMarco
seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
~s. Jackson moved to approve the agenda as corrected, seconded
by P4~. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Zack referred to the agenda and announced if there wa~
any item anyone in the audience desired to speak on to please
give their name to Mrs. Padgett and the City Clerk will call
on them at the appropriate time.
JANUAR~~ 3, 1978
Regular City Council Meeting - December 20~ 1.977
When called upon by Mayor Zack, Mr. DeMarco, N~. Strnad and
Mx. Caldwell replied they had nothing. ~s. Jackson referred
to Page 1, next to last line, mud made the addition in the
motion to approve the "amended" agenda.
Mr. DeM~rco moved to approve the minutes as corrected, seconded
by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Zack received no response
sired to address the Oouncil.
when he asked if anyone de-
Abandonment of 10 ft. Alley Between Lots 92 & 93, Arden
Park. Applicant: Walter L. Holly (Due to cancellation
of the December 27th Planning & Zoning Board Meeting,
this Public Hearing has been re-scheduled for February 7'
Eity Council Meeting)
Mrs. Jackson moved to scratch this item from the agenda,
seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing
Proposed Ordinance No. 77-35 - Re: Confirming Reversion of
Zoning Classification Anson & Meadows Planned Unit Develop-
ment from PUD to R1AAA
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 77-35 by caption on
second reading.
Mayor Zack asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak
in favor of this ordinance and received no response. He
asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to this ordi-
nance and received no response.
Mr. Caldwell moved the approval o'f Ordinance No. 77-35 on
secondeand final reading, seconded by ~s. Jackson. No dis-
cussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion
as follows:
JANUARY 3, 1 978
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson Aye
Councilman Caldwsll - Aye
Councilman Strnad ~e
Mayor Zack Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 77-36 - Re: Prescribing Procedures and
Standards for the Development & Subdivision of Real Estate and
£or the Sure. eying ~.PlattingThereof
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 77-36 by caption on
second reading.
May~r Eack asked if a copy of this ordinance was in the library
and Mr. Kohl replied that he was pretty sure there was, but he
will check. Mayor Zack then asked if anyone wished to speak in
favor of this ordinance and receiwed no response. He asked if
anyone wished to speak in opposition to this ordinance and re-
ceimed no response.
M~. DeM~rco moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 77-36 on second
reading, seconded by N~. Caldwell. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett
took a ~oll call vote on the motion as follows:
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - ~e
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 77-37 - Re: To Provide for Establishment
of Taxi Offices in Zone C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District
Mm.~ Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 77-37 by caption on
second reading.
Mayor Zack asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in
favor of this ordinance and received no response. He asked if
anyone wished to speak in oppositiom to this ordinance and re-
ceived no response.
of Ordinance No. 77-37 on
and final reading, seconded by Me. Caldwell. No dis-
Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as
Jackson moved the adoption
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Jack~on - Aye
Mayor Zack - ~Je
Motion carried 5-0.
JANUARY 3, 1978
Receipt of Correspondence from Eon. Michael P. Smodish~
Attorney at Law - Re: J. Earl Pratt (Lime Softenin~ Case)
~yor Zack referred to the Council members receiving a copy
of this correspondence and Mr. Moore advised that he received
notification that the plaintiff, ~. Pratt, has taken a volun-
tary dismissal, so the matter is completed. No action needs
to he taken as the appeal ~as been withdrawn.
)~. Caldwell meved to notify Reed & Smodish informing them of
the City's pbsition in regards to the d~opping of this case by
M~. Pratt a~ thanking them for their previous service and
assistance in t~slca~e and advising there is no need for fur-
thererepresenta~ioh since it is a ~c~tissus. Mr. Deq_~co
secon~ded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 50.
Consider Change Orders #2 and #3 for Water Treatment Plant
I~. Kohl read the attached letter dated December 28, 1977,
from Russell & Axon. Mayor Zack added that this ~as a result
of our action and the cost and extension of time required has
been given.
Mrs. Jac~on moved to grant Change Orders ~os. 2 and 3, Water
Treatment Plant Expanszon, Phase I A and II - intercounty
Contract, City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Project No. 626-
681-08-3 (6858-t5~III~. Mr. DeMarco seconded.the motion.
~o discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Kohl znformed the
Council that it wa~ necessary to sign the Change Orders to-
Approval of Bills
Mr. Kohl read the following bills for approval:
Davis Meter & Supply $ 2,607.43
Odophos liquid for Sewer Treatment Plant
Pay from budgeted funds 40t-533-550-03-65
2. Board of Count~ Commissioners 8,538.00
Use of County dump for November _
Pay from budgeted funds 001-321-530-02 9A
Florida East Coast Railway Co. 1,950.00
Annual Maintenance for year in advance
Pay from budgeted funds 001-80t-570-02-16
Agreement dated 8/18/77
JANUARY 3, 1978
4. Allen Insurance Agency 2,777.00
Special Risk Accident Policy
Pay from budgeted funds 001-801-570-02-41
5. Bernards 1,875.96
~ Committees Dinner
Pay from Publicity Fund
6. Russell & Axon 626-68t-08-6 Inv. #17 4,3~9.55
Full time resident engineering and inspection
at Water Treatment Plant
Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-01-00
Authorization dated 5/8/74
7. Russell.& Axo.~ 626-681-08-3 Inv. #t5 5,341.39
Oonsnlt~ug services during construction for
Water Facilities Expansion/Water Treatment
Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-01-00
8. Momar, Inc. I,~4.95
Floc Float for Sewer Treatment Plant
Pay from budgeted funds 401-533-550-03-65
9. Davis Meter & Supply 1,268.62
Odophos for Sewer Treatment Plant
Pay from budgeted funds 40t-533-550-03-65
10. Intercount~ Construction Est. #16 320,396.~8
Water Treatment Plant Expansion
Pay from Atlantic National Bank 1975N Series
Contract dated 7/9/76
11. IsiahAndrews 88.00
Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from budgeted funds 320-871-570-02-5A
Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73
12. Willie Ruth McGrad~v 76.80
Server for Senior ~itizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from budgeted funds 320-871-570-02-5A
Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73
Mr. Kohl stated that the bills described have been approved
and verified by the department heads involved; checked and
approved for payment by the Finance Department; funds are
available in their respective budgets. He therefore recom-
mends payment of these bills.
Mrs. Jackson moved to pay the bills, seconded by Mr. Caldwell.
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
JANUARY 3, 1 978
Acknowledgement and Appreciation of Service to Mayor, ¥ice
Mayor and Councilmen
Mr. Kohl referred to it being an ho~o~-c, fom-~m to make these
presentations and preseRted a plaque a~d~ little gift from the
taxpayers of Boynton Beach to the Councilmen, ~ice Mayor and
Mayor individually.
Farewell Remarks b~ Councilman Normam F. Strnad
Councilman Strnad first wished everyone a very happy and pros-
perous ~'ew Year. He then stated he hopes things get better in
the future, much better than in the past. He has taken great
pride in the job he was selected to do for the Cit~. He has
no regrets for 'the actions he has taken and hopes in the future
coming days that the things which were unfinished during this
past administration can be completed to finality - the Regional
Sewer Plant which has been a controversial issue and the Water
Treatment Plant whic~ he hopes can be straightened out. He
hopes the incoming Councilmen, who stated during their elec-
tion campaign were in favor of lime treatment, will follow
this through and he hopes they will move very soon to get our
plant in the condition it is supposed to be which was mandated
by the D.E.R. with lime treatment, which will be of benefit
to the people in the City. He thank~ the people again who
elected hi~ to serEe.
Farewell Remarks b~ Ma~or Joseph F. Zack
Mayor Zack read the following statement:
"It is with great humility and gratitude~ I thank 4,000
plus voters for electing me to serve on the City Council for
the past two years. I hope I have lived up to the expectations
of those who voted for me.
I believe that this Council has contributed a great deal
to the welfare, safety, and health for the people of Boynton
Beach. I think we also accomplished the theme of unity - un-
selfishness, understanding, and respect for each other, altho
we did not always see eye to eye on every subject, but we did
vote according to what we thought was best for the citizens of
I want to thank the Department heads, and all other em-
ployees of this City who have cooperated in making my tenure
of office 'rather' a successful one. All the employees are
an importan~in the operation of the City; they all con-
tributed something of material nature. Also, thanks to the
City Clerk and City Attorneyfor their cooperation and assis-
tance, and to the unsung heroes of 14 various City boards
JANUARY 3, 1 978
consisting of 102 volunteers for their contribution in striv-
Lug to improve conditions within the City. I also w~-ut to
say, Many thanks to the press for the good coverage of all our
M~ny thanks to the City Manager, Frank Kohl, who is con-
stantly trying to improve conditions here in Boynton. I will
miss our be£ore 8:00 o'clock morning chats which were very
informative and conducive to better government. He will do
more than what is required of a City Manager, if he has the
full cooperatio~ of the City Council. He is sure doing his
best and more in carrying out his responsibilities. It has
been a pleasure working with him.
I also hope that the past two years I have contributed
some ideas of value to this City. As I have stated at ~mrious
times that I did not make a promise or a committment to any
group or individuals before my election or during my tenure
in of£ice. I did my home work and tried to do the things
that best served the majority of the citizer~.
There are a number of vital issues that this City will
face in the £uture, but I have confidence that the oncoming
and future Councils wil~ face them for the betterment of the
To my fellow Councilmen, it has been a pleasure working
with you and ! wish you and the two new Councilmen all the
success in the world. To the people of Boynton Beach, again
I say, thank you for the great honor you have bestowed on me."
M~kyor Zack then decla~d~a recess. The meeting was called
hack to order at 8:00 P. M.
Councilman David Roberts
Vice Mayor Edward F. Harmening
Mayor Emily M. Jackson
Mrs. Padgett administered the oaths of office to the above.
Remarks by Mayor Emily M. Jackson
Mayor Jackson read the following statement:
~'HAPPY ~Y~ YEAR, BOY~ON BEACH! I would like to intro-
duce some peOple that are very special to me. First - my
daughter, Mrs. Allan Mallanik and my three grandchildren,
Glenn, Bruce and Pam and their three friends; and their
other gran~Rther, Mr. Rudy Mallanik. They are from Chester-
field, M~ssouri; La~erne, Alabama and Norwalk, Connecthut.
JANUARY 3, 1 978
NOW, I would like to introduce my better hal$- my hus-
band of almost 47 years, Walt.
1978 is going to be a good year for Boynton Beach. Keep
co~ing to the Coancil meetings and see for yourself!
You see before you here five Council members whose main
purpose is to serve all the citizens of this City. with careful
deliberation - spending your tax monies ~n a thoughtful way,
aiming to give you the very best services at as l~ttle cost
as possible. There will be no big capital improvements with-
out a r~ferendum. We expect our employees to be happy and to
serve you to the best of their ability, just as we Council
members aim to do.
Each of us is an independent thinker. We will openly
discuss all items before us in a friendly ws~, each voting
his or her own convictions. There will be no ,ru~oer-stamp'
voting, or voting based on personalities. I certainly don't
expect us to always agree, but when we disagree we will each
respect the other person's viewpoint. Do you agree wi~h me{
feilow Council memoers. (Affirmative responses were g~ven.}
One change I wish to make ~ud that is that there will be no
'Mayor's Office'. Instead, there will be a ~Council Office'.
In other words, that office will he open for all members of
the Council to use. I will he there most mor~-~-~gs from 9 to
11 and amy other time anyone wants to see me~ But it is also
to be used by any other members of the Council, when they
wish to do so.
There will be a lock on the telephone and I will give the
key to the City M~nager to prevent toll calls being made b~
anyone other than the five Council members. Any Councilman
who wishes to use the phone may get the key from the City
Manager, and if it is a toll call, there will be a log book
in which you can enter the date, the number called and your
name. This will help in certifying the toll charges when ~
Bell,s bill arrives.
Two things I would like to mention - even though I'm
sure it is not necessary to say this to these Council members -
but it ne~er hurts to remind ourselves.
One is that we must remember, everything pertaining to
City business F~JST be put in central file, with copies to
other Council members and the City R~nager, so that we are
all kept informed.
The other thing is that we must remember WE SET T~ POLICY,
and the City Manager c~arries it out. Therefore, we will never
interfere with the personnel or any other thing that rightfully
is the City Manager's job. This will prevent trouble.
JA~JA~RY 3, 1 978
I have found that by talking daily with the City Manager,
either in person or by phone, I am aware of any items that
come up, and it makes the City Manager's work easier if he
knows m~ viewpoint. Also it keeps me from goi~g off on a
Again I want to reiterate to all the citizens of Boynton
Beach, that we are here to serve you. This is YOUR City and
we ~re ~OUR servants. Keep coming to the meetings and keep
an eye on us~!"
Remarks by Vice }~or Edward F. Harmenin$
Vice Mayor Narmening introduced his wife, Donna, and his
youngest daughter, Patricia,and added that the restoof his
family was away from home, one in college and the other mar-
ried. He would like to t~_ke this opportunity to thank every~
one in Boynton Beach'who were g~a~ioms enough to vote for him.
In all humility, he will try to serve the people and the City.
Remarks by Councilman Rich~md D. Caldwell
Councilman Ea~dwell referred to it being a new year and having
a new Council with new challenges and new problems to overcome.
He looks forward to working with each of the other members of
this prestigous bod~. Onward and upward as far as the City is
concerned. He thao_ks everyone who put him here last year.
Please let the Council know their feelings on issues, so we
can be responsive to everyone.
Remarks by Councilman Joseph DeMarco
Councilman DeFmrco announced that it has been a pleasure to
serve for the past year on this Council. He has tried to
live up to the ~latform he~presented at the time of his elec-
tion~, such as the Water Treatment and Sewer Plants. He re-
ferred to the remar~ made by Mr. Strnad about the Sewer
Plant and stated that we do not e~pect to give anything away.
To the outgoing ~%~yor and ~. Strnad, it has been a pleasure
to work with them. He feels they have helped the interest
of the City and praises both for serving on the City Council
and working with the City Council for the benefit of Boynton
Beach. In reference to his intent to run for the County
Commission, he will be here for another ten or televen months.
It has been a pleasure to work with the City and he is look-
ing forward to working with the new Council.
~emarks by Gouncilman David Roberts
Councilman Roberts introduced his wife, Dorothy, and thanked
her for her help in the last campaign. He then read the
following statement:
JANUARY 3, 1 978
"I would like to thank those of you who have given me
the opportunity to sit on this Council once agmin. It is a
repeat of t972 only because it is my desire to serve ALL the
people to the best of my ability as well as protecting my own
welfare. Since none of us- ~sperfect, there may be a mistake
ma~e now or then, but any error will be an honest
I hake a great affection for Boynton and faith in its
~uture. Progress will he made either 'in spi~s of' or
cause of' its City Council. Progress would be smoother and
easier 'because of its Council' as opposed to 'in spit~f
its ~ouncil', but its ~uture, in any case, is mo~t favorable,
in my opinion.
Before proceeding with the future, some housekeeping is
in order no~, to out everyone in the proper perspective.
Over the past several years, an unhealthy atmosphere has been
created in or around City Hall. In several cases loyalties
were divided and which must be corrected as soon as possible.
Tonight, however, I wish to pledge my cooperation to the
Mayor and the members of this Council and hope I can be of
some value to the City and its residents during the next two
Thank you."
Mr. Roberts then stated that before proceeding with the nomina-
tions, he understands some additions could be made to the agenda.
In ~iew o£ the fact the South Central Regional Wastewater
Treatment & Disposal Board is meeting on Thursday night, he
was hoping he could ask some questions prior to the meeting.
He would like to discuss this under XI!. OTHER, Item E. ~yor
Jackson agreed and ascertained there were no further additions
to ~he agenda°
Appointments of City Officials
City Manager
Mr. DeMarco nominated ~. Frank Kohl for City Manager,
by ~. Harmening. Nomination carrie& vote 5-0
City Attorney
of 1/17/
Mm. DeMarco nominated F~. Gene Moore for City Attorney,
seconded by _Mr. Caldwell. ~omination carried. Vote 5-0. SeeM in. of
Mr. DeMarco requested Mr. Moore to say a few words. ~. Moore
thanked the Council and stated it was his p%easure to be here
and he looks forward to serving the City Council in the future.
JANUARY 3, 1978
Adopt Rules of Order and Designate Parliamentarian
Mr. Caldwell moved to adopt Roberts Rules of Order Revised
and designate the City Attorney as the Parliamentarian,
seconded by Mrs. Harmening, Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Jackson explained how the procedure for calling the
roll had been done last year. Mm. Roberts questioned the
purpose and Mayor Jackson explained how the same person was
not always called f. irst. She added that she would like to
have her name included in the alphabetical order. Mr.
Roberts stated that under Roberts Rules, the procedure is
usually in alphabetical order, but he does not wish to op-
pose. Mayor Jackson ascertained there were no objections
to continuing with this procedure.
Mr. Roberts referred to not having a particular time desig-
nated for speakers under Public Audience and suggested it be
li~ted as they do in other cities. The main business is the
Council meeting and he suggests having a rein on the Public
Audience period. If thereis a leng~hy issue which reGuires
a great deal of discussion, if necessary, he thinks a special
meeting should be called or it should be delayed until the
end of tke agenda. He referred to some people speaking over
a half hourunder Public Audience and suggests a reasonable
time be siren of possibly three to five minutes with extra
time given to a group at the end or at a special meeting.
Mayor JaCkson asked if the other Councilmen were in agree-
ment. Mm. DeMarco replied that he thought it should be tried.
M~. Caldwell stated there would be flexibilities and MAyor
Jackson agreed.
Appointments to City Boards and Committees
Mmyor Jackson referred %~the.~i9~ CounciL~ir~onr~ll3d~sA~s~ir~:theseappoint-
ments last week, but advised that no decisions were made. She *SeeM in.
then requested Mr. Marmening to present the names discussed, of l/17/7~
She added that the present members were contacted, but it was
impossible to reac~ some, some refused and some did not give
a definite answer.
Board of Ad~ustmen%
M~. Harmening nominated Lillian Bond, David Healy, ~ernon
Thompson, Foy Ward, Carl Zimmerma~, Ben Adelman, Joe ~miorana,
and as alternates: Charles Rodriguez and Bill Cwynar. ~.
Caldwell seconded the nominations. ~. DeMs~co moved to
accept this group of people for the Board of Adjustment,
seconded by P~. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Roberts stated he was not against any appointments, but
there have been some problems brought to his attention. The
idea is there have been some problems with the Board of Ad-
justment granting variances ~ud he thinks something should be
JANUARY 3, 1978
done. He suggests possibly having the City Attorney discuss
the Board's duties with the members. A variance should be
granted because of a hardship and not something created by
the people. He explained how granting variances interfered
with the zoning code. He suggests possibly having Mr. Moore
meet with the Board and Mr. Moore replied that he would be
glad to meet with them at their organizational meeting.
Mr. Roberts then referred to the law requiring seven members
to sit on the Board at all times and Mr. Moore informed him
that a majority constitutes a quorum, but there must be five
Totes in favor to grant relief~ Mr. E-~e~clarified that
~ quorum would be four, but they could n6~g~ant affirmative
~emeter~ Board
Mr. Harmening nominated Basil Camilot, Bertha Chadwell,, L.
Don Combs, Edgar Hurford, Donald Sloan and Tereesa Padgett.
Mr. Caldwell seconded the nominations and the nominations
carried 5-0.
Buildin~ Board of Adjustments & Ap..~eals
Mr. Roberts referred to contacting Mr. Robert Alan Black and
Mr. Caldwell advised that he was able to reach him at his
office. He referred to ~. Black living in Boynton Beach at
least five years and having served on this Board for two years
and it was unfortunate they were unable to contact him pre-
viously, but when he reached him this morning, he definitely
indicated he would like to serve on this Board.
M~. Harmening nominated for the Building Board of Adjustments
and Appeals: Richard Kurtz, Robert Olenik, Rick Rossi,
Thomas Bowles, Robert Alan Black and for alternates: Joseph
Longo and Ward Cummings. Mr. DeMar¢o seconded the nomina-
tions and the nominations carried 5-0.
Library Board
Mr. Roberts referred to this Board doing a good job and added
that everyone appointed is a registered voter.
~. Harmening nominated for the Library Board: Christine
Edwards, Sandra Lautenschlager, Ruble N~ck, Nanie Weaver,
F~artha Muschella, Estelle Schapp and Mildred White. Mr.
Caldwell seconded the nominations. Under discussion, Mayor
Jackson stated she received a letter after discussing these
from a person offering to serve on the Bos~d. Mr. Harmening
and Mr. Caldwell added that they had also received some
letters from people volunteering to serve. Nominations car-
ried 5~0.
JAR~UARY 3, 1 978
Planning & Zoning Board
Mr. Harmening nominated for the Planning & Zoning Board:
Ronald Arena, Marilyn Huckle, Richard Lambert, Simon Ryder,
John Jameson, Walter Trauger and Garry Winter. ~. Caldwell
seconded the nominations and the nominations carried 5-0.
Recreation Board
N~. Narmening nominated for the Recreation Board: Jan Centola,
Bob Feldma~, Lee Grimes, Tom ~rvin, Walter Madsen, Dorian
Trauger and Emily Sinclair. Mr. DeM~rco seconded the nomina-
tions~ Under discussion, ~. C&~dwellasked if it was possi-
ble to have two alternates or increase the number to nine.
For alternates, he would like to nominate Judith Sisko and
told about her being active in the BoyntonBeach Little League
nd ha~lng l~ved here for years~ He also would like to nomi-
Rate Tom Bof~ey, the owner of Gnlfstream Marina, and referred
to boatlng bexnga key rec~eatmon ~n th~s area. Mayor Jackson
asked if~there were any objections and Mr. Roberts questioned
whether it wasppropero Mr. Moore ~tated he thought the ap-
poiniments could be made at this t~me and he will check into
it, Mayor Jackson called for a vote for the nominatiQns, for
the Recreation Board and two alternates and the
carried 5-0.
Civil Service Board
M~. Marmening nominated A1 Furia and Stanley Weaver as the
Council appointed members and Kelley Kirton and Don McKone
as the Council appointed alternates. ~. Caldwell seconded
and the nominations carried 5-0.
N~. Roberts announced that he thought the public should be
~aware of the fact that we have quite a group who applied for
different places on these Boards and we did the best we could
toggive everyone a spot especially since one Board has been
abolished. Mayor Jackson replied that the Commmnity Promotions
Board has not actually been abolished, but it was discussed.
She added that places have been found for sGne~o~thesepe~pl~c~
other Boards and it was her feeling in discussing it with ~SeeMin. o~
the people on the Board that their duties could be done by 1/17/75
~d-Hoc Committees as each occasion arises. She requested
the feelings of the other Councilmen. N~. Roberts replied
that he brought it up, so nobody would feel left out. The
names of those interested in serv. ing will be kept on file,
so they can be appointed for people who drop out during the
~. DeMarco stated he felt the Communit~ Promotions Board
served its purpose last year and possibl~ it should be held
in abeyance with appointments not made. Mayor Jackson re-
plied that i£ it was abolished, it is always our or Mr.
FJohl's prerogative to take care of the parade, etc. in
another w~y.
JANUARY 3, 1 978
Mr. Roberts moved to abolish the Community Promotions Board,
seconded by M~. DeMarco. Under discussion, M~o Caldwell
stated he thinks this Board helped Mr. Kohl last year and
think~ it was a useful Board and should be continued. Mr.
DeMarco replied that most of the members did not care to
serve this year and Mr. Caldwell referred to the number of
registered voters in the City and stated he feels the Board
was created and ser~ed well and there are many people in
the City who would like to get invol~e~ and he thinks this
is an excellent way for them to get involved. He hates to
see peoples' ~ehicles limited for getti~ug involved in City
affairs. Mr~ DeMarco stated it was the general consensus
of the people on the Board~ that they did net want to serve
again and had served their usefulness~ Mayor Jackson sug-
gested that po~sibl~Mr~ Caldwell make a listoof names and
give it to N~. Kohl for him to contact when there are dif-
ferent things such as Rid Litter Day, etc.
Mr. Harmening suggested instead of dissolving the Eoard,
perhaps it could be reconsiituted. Instead of having an
ongoing Board, perhaps when there is a project,and we need
extra help, certain people could be appointed for the
specific project. Mayor Jackson referred to only one or
two members being able to attend all the meetings last year
and how it was split int~ sub-committees. ~. Caldwell
referred to the conversation ~hanging direction and asked
if they now meant to hold the Board in abeyance and make
appointments as the need arises and Mr~ Roberts clarified
that his motion was to abolish the Board based on having
trouble ~et~ng a group to ser~e and not doing a fulltime
job on certain projects. It ~ould just as well be an Ad-
Hoc Com~ttee. He suggests a~olishing it and if there is
a need, it could be reconstituted.
Mayor Jackson then called for a vote of all those in favor
of abolishing the Community Promotions Board and the motion
carried 5-0.
Community Appearance Board
Mr. Harmening nominated for the Community Appearance Board:
Danny O'Brien, Kitty Deneen, Arnold Fasano, ~at Weinshel,
Harold Blanchette, Nat Ostrow and Carn Reid, an~ as alter-
nates: Jean Pipes and Harold Werger.
Mr. Caldwell suggested Gene Johnson as a third alternate
and Mr. Moore replied that he believed this Board was con-
stituted by ordinance and the third alternate would have to
be approved. M~. Harmening stated that he was going to
nominate Gene Johnson for the Community Relations Board and
he doesn,t believe there is a question on the number for
that Board. Mr. Caldwell then withdrew his nomination of
Gene Johnson for the Commmnity Appearance Board and seconded
the ~ominations presented by F~. Harmening. Nominations
carried 5-0.
JANUARY 3, 1978
Community Relations Board
Ym. Harmening nominated for the Community Relations Board:
Blanche Girtman, Joseph Albury, John Grimes, John Miller,
Arthur Berman, Joe-Di~iore, Sam Wright, Art Matthews, Bob
Kaufman, Irving Kutlin and Gene Johnson. Mr. DeMarco seconded
the nominations. Under discussion, Mr. Roberts asked if
there was amy possibility of one being removed for the Hous-
ing Authority and ~. DeMarco replied that when there is a
vacancy, the change could be made then. Nominations carried
Employee Pension Board
Mr. Ha~mening nominated Alfred Voehl and Mr. Roberts added
tha% Mm. Voehl is a former insurance man and will ~uderstand
about investments. M~. DeMarco seconded the nomination.
Under discussion, Mm. Caldwell suggested keeping in mind in
the future to try at all times to have people knowledgable
in the area of pension, tax laws, etc., so their expertise
will benefit the employees. Mayor Jackson stated that an
insurance man was interested at one time, but was not ap-
pointed because of possibly creating a conflict of interest;
howe~er, this man is retired. M~. Roberts told about ¥~.
~oehl's experience with retirement plans, etc. Nomination
carried 5-0.
Firemen's Pension Board
F~. Harmening nominated Larry Chandler, seconded by Mr.
Caldwell. Nomination carried 5-0.
Police Pension Board
Mr. Harmening nominated Murray Schweitzer, seconded by ~.
DeMarco. Nomination carried 5-0.
Mr. Roberts referred to receiving a resume from another man
and Mayor Jackson suggested that the letters received be put
in central file and we will have backup people for any vacan-
P~oposed Resolution No. 78-A - Re: Authorized Bank Signatures
for 1978
Mr. Moore read proposed Resolution No. 78-A and adwised that
it designates the bank signatures for 1978. M~. Roberts asked
if this was permanent or temporary and M~~. Moore informed him
that it changes from year to ~ear because the signatures change.
The bank requires a cmrrent resolution on file.
JANUARY 3, 1978
~. DeMarco moved the adoption of Resolution NO. ?8-A in its
entirety, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. N~s.
Padgett took a roll call vote on the motio~ as follows:
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman ReMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Harmening Aye
Mayor Jackson ~ &ye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Claims Bill for~ our Present Sewer Plant
Mr. Moore referred to this action having been taken by the City
Council at the November 23 meeting and explained how the pro-
blem had been lingering since the creation of the sewer plant.
The environmental agencies have indicated we would have to dis-
continue the use of our existing sewer treatment pla$ and the
engineers have given the indication that the out of pocket loss
would be in the neighborhood of 4.4 million dollars. He ex-
plained how the cities had made attempts with little success to
get reimbursed. There has been one hearing before the Committee
and there will be another meeting on January 17. Because of the
technicalities involved in this matter and the specific nature
Of the type of relief, the Cit~ attempted to retain a lobbyist
in .Tallahassee and we have gotten Mx. Burton Michaels and he
told about his success.H He has prepared a resolution to retain
Mr. Michaels to have a claims bill passed to reimburse us to the
.greatest extent possible. He then read proposed Resolution No.
Er. ~aldwell moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-B, seconded
hy Er. Earmening. Under discussion, Mr. DeMarco referred to
2h&sheing agreed upon previously and Fmyor Jackson added that
anything we are able to get will at least be salvaging some-
thing, rms, Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion
as follows:
Councilman DeN~rco - Aye
Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye
Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Roberts - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Discussion of Regional SeWer Plant
N~. Roberts stated there were a couple items he would like to
ask about. M~. DeMarco stated in regards to the suit with Delray
Beach, he feels in conjunction with the Interlscal Agreement
JANUARY 3, 1978
inasmuch as Mr, Ernest Simon was involved in the original agree-
ment, he would like to see Mr. Simon hired to work with Mr.
Moore on this as he feels it is an important issue for the City
of Boynton Beach. We must preserwe our interest in the sewer
M~. Roberis questioned the sum and substance of the suit. It
was his understanding the suit was merely to determine who is
to run the plant. He referred to it possibly being resolved in
Delray Beach's favor and having trouble in the past and stated
this is a regior~al project and they previously had things re-
solved b~ making a visit to E.P.A~ and it is too bad someone
did not take this step this time. It seems the meetings are
not attended half the time and Belray Beach is operating in a
di££erent direction. He referred to a newspaper article with
statements made hy the Delray Beach City Manager.
~. Caldwell i~formed him there were six points raised with re-
gard to differences in the interpretation of the Interlocal
Agreement which we felt needed clarification. Both Delray
Beach and Boynton Beach at.a regular meeting of the Board more
or less put into focus the more pressing points needing clari-
fication such as who hires and fires plant employees, the plant
manager, e~¢. The point is at this time, we have requested a
declaratory decree to clarify these six points.
Mr. Roberts stated that the suit did not include the six items,
but only one item was picked out. Mr. Moore agreed this was
correct and they had picked out Item 10 which states Delra~.
Beach will oversee construction and operate the facility. How-
e~er, the agreement in its entirety will be presented before
the court with the premise that it is a regional facility.
Mayor Jackson noted that M~. Canon wanted to speak and N~.
Canon distributed copies of a letter referring to the topic
under discussion. M~, Moore read the attached letter from
M~. Federspiel to M~. Canon regarding a declaratory decree
to be requested on six specific items. Mr. Roberts stated
again that the six items were not included.
Mayor ~ackson questioned if it would be a conflict of interest
s~nce N~. Simon helped in drawing up the Interlocal Agreement
and Mr. Moore replied that he did not see any since Mr. Feder-
spiel represents the Board in seeking a fair and full interpre-
tation of the issues. However, at the present ti~e, it does
not appear they are proceeding to get these answers but to get
approval for an isolated issue. To deny the contents of the
complaint is not the proper approach. He seriously doubts
they could get a vote of the Board to seek these answers~and
he explained. Inasmuch as M~. Simon was the City Attorney
before M~. Federspiel or he came on board and had part in the
drafting of this agreement and the issues are before the court,
JANUARY 3, 1978
he feels he would be more confident in defending it if Mr.
Simon could represent the City as a special counsel since he
has this knowledge on this pm~ticul~r agreement. ~. Caldwell
clarified that the City of Boynton Beach would be hiring Me.
Simon as a special counsel a~ud asked if there would be a possi-
ble conflict of interest between M~. Federspiel and Mr. Simon.
M~. Moore replied negatively, but added that it would be up to
the Boe~d to vote on whether to present all the issues. He
sees no ethical conflict because the Board, Mr. Federspiel and
Boynton Eeach are all trying to get answers to these issues.
M~Lvor ~ackson stated that ~. Federspiel was working with the
Board Whe~Mr. Simon was City Attorney.
Mayor Jackson referred to the cost and Mr. Roberts replied that
it was not a question of money, but of putting Delray Beach in
their place~ M~. Caldwetl referred to the language not solving
the issue and Mr. Roberts referred to language used previously.
~. DeMarco made a motion to retain Mr. Simon to help our City
Attorney defen~ this in the interest of Boynton Beach, seconded
hy N~. Harmeni~g. ~nder discussion, Ns. Canon informs d the
Council that it had been indicated to him that Mr. Simon would
not take this position, but wo~ld be a better witness for Boynton
B~ach. ¥~. Moore reolied that Mr. Simon could turn it down, but
he thinks his input ~ould be important. Mayor ~ackson asked if
he would be a better Witness mmd M~. Moore replied that he would
be better handling the entire matter and he does not know if he
would be an appropriate witness. M~yor Jackson suggested trying
as it needs to he resolved. ~. Moore then told Mr. Roberts
about having made efforts to get the E.P.A. to intercede, but
they have just simply said it is a local matter and they did not
want to get invol~ed. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Jackson re-
quested Mr. Moore to get in touch with ~. Simon in the morning.
Mayor Jackson referred to making a rule previously this past
year that no other business should be added to the agenda at
the last minute and stated this was still going to be the pro-
cedure. ~. Roberts stated that if something was to be added,
it should be done at the beginning of the meeting.
Mr. Roberts then stated that the rules should carry over for a
special meeting with only the items listed on the agenda to be
discussed unless the Council approves 100%. In the past, spec-
ial meetings were called in less than 24 hours and the last
item was ~ust any other business. Mayor Jackson informed him
this was dispensed with last year and there must be 24 hours
notice for a special meeting and only the things listed on the
agenda will be discussed or by a vo~ of the entire Council.
Mayor Jackson asked if Mr. Kohl had any re~srks and M~. Kohl
thanked the Council for appointing him and also thanked his
friends and associates. ~yor Jackson announced that M~. Kohl
was building a house and was going to become a resident of
Boynton Beach.
JANUARY 3, 1978
Mr. Harme~ing moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Roberts.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
at 9:20 P, M.
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes )
? .~ECE¥"-'~o.$ ~' Established in 1920
.~,_~; ~L,~ Demeter 28, 1977
Mr. Frank Kohl,
City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
Post office Box 310
Hoynton Beach, Florida 33435
Subject: Chan e Orders
Water Treatment Plant Expansion
Phase I-A and II - Intercounty Contract
City of Boynton Beach, Florida
Project No. 626-681-08-3 (6858-15-III}
Dear Mr. Kohl:
Enclosed are six copies each of Change Orders 2 and 3 for
subject project which we are forwarding for approval with
our recommendation.
Change Order No. 2 consolidates required and requested
changes, both additions and deletions, from the beginning
of construction to the present, resulting i~ a net increase
of $805.00 and a 90-day time extension°
Change Order No. 3 is a revised request fo~ damages respiting
from the partial "cease work" order issued to ~he Contractor
on June 22, 1977o This was directed by the administrative
staff following council action on June 21, 1977. This order
was rescinded on July 6th. This revised request is in the
amount of $2,846.48 and requests a 30-day time extension.
The original request was for an amount substantially highe~
than this request.
The total time extension request (120 days)r extending the
completion date from January 4 to May 4r 1978, appears to
be excessive for the work involved in these two change orders.
However, as-you are aware, due to the requirements of the
Health Department and Department of Environmental Regulation
for certain monitoring equipment with a twelve we~k deliver~~
167 N. E. 2ND AVENUE ~, POST OFFICE BOX 1837 ~ DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA. 33444 * 305/271~26t5
Mr. Frank Kohl, City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
December 28, 1977 - Page Two
schedule, the Contractor has only recently been able to order
this equipment. This revised completion date appears to be
· i
realzst c and the Contractor has agreed, barring any un~ore--
seen circumstances, to request no further time extensio~above
and beyond the 120 days.
Your consideration will be appreciated and, if approved~ please
return four properly executed copies to this office, retalnin~
two for your files.
Very truiy yours~
Joe Co Swan, P.E.
Resident Engineer
Mr. Cessna w/enc-
MLH w/enc.
Mr. Howell w/enc.
Mr. Moore w/enc.