Joseph F. Zack, Msyor
Emily Mo Jackson, Vice Mayor
Richs~d D. Caldwell, Councilman
~oseph DeMarco, Councilman
Norman F. Strnad, Councilman
Fr~k Kohl, City Manager
Tereesa Padget%, City Clerk
Gene Moore, City Attorney
~jfor Zack called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.~ M. and re-
queste~ e~eryone to please rise at the sound of the gavel for
the In~ocatio~gi~en ~y Re~. James Smitk, Associate Pastor,
May~r Zack presented serv&ce awards to the following City
Mr. F. Edward Mitchell, Lieutenant, Fire Dept. - 20 yrs.
Mr. Harold Miller, Detective, Police Dept. - 15 yrs.
Mr. Milford Manning, Lieutenant, Fire Dept. - 10 yrs.
Deputy Chief Hamilton advised that Detective F~ller was unable
to be present because he was ont om a call.
Mrs. Padgett certified the following to ~e th~ results of the
General Election held on the 6th day of December, 1977:
2,304 - Joe DeLong
3,445 - Edward F. Harmening
2,514 - Ronald Johnson
3,361 - David Roberts
Mms. Padgett added that the total votes cast was 5,971 which
was a 31.~2'~ turnout. Mayor Zack questioned if this was a
good turnout and Mrs. Padgett replied that it was a little
below last year which waspprobably due to the rain. Mayor
Zack requested _Mr. David Roberts to rise and Mr. Edward F.
Harmening to rise and congratu!ated them both. Mrs. Jackson
mo~ed to accept the returns of the election, seconded by Mr.
DeMarco. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
l~yor Zack announced that the South Central Regiomal Waste-
water Treatment & Disposal Board meeting would he held at
Delray Beach on December 8 at 5:30 P. M.
Mayor Zack stated that one of the best things the City Council
accomplished in 1977 was to appoint the Community'Pre,motions
~oard. He congratmlated the City Manager and ~ommunity Pro-
motions Board for the two outstanding ewents held the past
weekend - the Beauty ~.~a~eant and the Christmas Parade. He
added that it was the best weekend the City has enjoyed in
some time.
DECEMBER 7, 1 977
~Irs. Jackson requested Item D under New Business to be deleted.
M~yor Zack announced the following additions:
NEW BUSINESS - F. Gouaty Fuuds for Appearance of
Beach and City
IX. ADMINISTRATIVE - G - 5. Request of Radio Club to
I - 8. Police Dept ..... .$752.00
OTHER - ~illage Royale on the Green Beautification
Mr. Caldwell moved to adopt the agenda, seconded by Mrs.
Jackson. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Zack referred to the agenda and annoUnced if there was
any item anyone in the audience desires to speak on to please
gi~e their name to Mrs. Padgett and the City Clerk will call
on them at the appropriate time.
Regular City Council Meeting - November 15, 1977
When called on by Mayor Zack, Councilmen Strnad, DeMarco and
Caldwel! replied they had nothing.
Mrs. Jackson referred to Page 10, under the Proposed Contract,
second paragraph, and referred to it saying the recodification
of the ordinsuuces and stated she believes it should be the
charter. Yms. Padgett clarified that it was the ordinance
Mrs. Jackson referred to Page 16 and Mr. Caldwell's statement
about the policemen having changed to wash and wear mniforms
and adv&sed that this was not a change since they have had
them all along, Mr. Caldwell replied that he has seen a lot
of Uniforms and there is a questiom whether the previous ones
were wash and wear. The previons uniforms had to be taken to
the cleaners for the military press and in some situations to
be dry cleaned. He knows they were recently changed. He
would like the minutes to stand as he stated.
Mr. Caldwell moved to approve the minutes as corrected,
seconded By Me. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion carried
Special City Comncil Meeting - November 23, 1977
When called on by M~Jor Zack, Councilmen Strnad, DeMarco and
Caldwell replied they had nothing.
DECEMBER 7, 1977
Mrs. Jackson referred to Page t, first big paragraph, fifth
line down, and added after "agenda": at the special meeting.
She referred to the next line a~ud corrected "after the meet-
i~g" to "after we adjourn". She then referred to Page 3,
first paragraph, last line, and corrected it to "We must
decide on this" instead of saying we must hid on one or the
Mr. Caldwell moved to approve the minutes as amended, seconded
~yMr. DeMar~o~ Motion carried 3-0 with Mayor Zack and Mr.
trnad abstaining.
F~rs. ~incent Molleaappeared before the Council and advised
that she owns the property where Smokey's Wha_wf is located.
She wsuld like to have an investigation into the Building
Department regarding the licenses which have been issued to
the TwO Georges from t975 to date. She cannot vote in the
City of Boynton Beach because she li~es in Delray Dunes, but
does own several pi&css of property in Boynton Beach and pays
taxes. She believes the Building Department has been ex-
tremely illegal in the issuance of the permits to the Two
~eorges. They have placed ~umpsters on City property and
she would like an investigation from the Council into the
zoning and also into the Building Department. If it is at
all possible, she would like not just am investigation, but
a writtem legal investigation into this. She has read the
minutes from the Board of Adjustment meetings and it is
strictly a fiasco and she would like the Council to do some-
thing.. She is representing the adjoining property owners.
They have appeared many times before the Boar~oof Adjustment
and it is an illegal mess. She thinks there is something
going on and as a close property owner, she would like an
investigation. Mayor Zack and Mrs. JaCkson agreed that the
minutes from the Board of Adjustment meeting were confusing.
Mayor Zack requested direction from the City Attorney and
Mr. Moore clarified that ~s. Molls was talking about the
proceedings b~fore the Board of Adjustment which is basically
an autonomous board. He agrees the minntes were confusing
and he has sent memos requesting clarification of matters
be£ore that Board. Mayor Zack stated that the only thing
Mrs. ~olle could do is go to court and Mr. Moore replied
that if the Uity is dissatisfied, we have the right to appeal
to the court the same as an aggrieved party. The Board of
Adjustment is an autonomous body and once it is appointed,
the Council has no control of their actionsr M~s. Molle
clarified that her only alternative is tO file suit and
Moore replied regretably that is all he could tell her.
Mrs. Jackson referred to two ~e~rs bo~s~-~avin~ ~e~n involved
this and Mrs. Molle agreed that it has been going on since
1975. Mayor Zack questioned what the Council could do and
~ms. Jackson suggested looking into it.
of 12/20/'
DECEMBER 7, 1 977
Mrs. Janet Hall appeared before the Council and stated that
she represents the Seamist Marina, Kenneth Lyman and eight
chs~rt.er Boats. She feels there is a problem being compounded
daily. The City Attorney ordered the Building Department to
put a stop work order on this subject to action ~y the Board
of Adjustment. At the Board of Adjustment meet~E, they sim-
ply ~onfirmed. what one year of this pile of papers says that
they were asked to act on a ~ariance on a setback for rebuild-
lng efa restaurant~ They did not do anything about the park-
ing because they were not requested ts and there would have to
be a separate variance request. The people are concerned why
the stop order was li£ted the next merming following this
~etimg. It has been ~ery controversial. Nothing that Board
id that might would confirm what they said. They only acted
on a ~ariance to rebuild the building. There is an existing
restaurant. There is an applicatiom for a wholesale food
pro~e~sing plant and There would be three
bmsinesses with only the restaurant
omly.. She feels the City
te replace that stop wore
is being built, what it is ~ing b~ilt for, how ma~y busi-
nesses, and what the parking requirements are.
M~s. Jackson suggested that Mr. Kohl request Mr. Howell to
write a complete histor~ o£ this matter. She would certainly
like to know why the re~ tags were lifted. She thdnWs the
COuncil should ha~e this in writing to review. Mrs. Hall
stated they were appearing t,night because every day that
goes by, the building is ~ea~ing completion.. Mrs. Jackson
stated that if there is a~y~ing wrong, a step work order
should be put Back on. M~'8~ Z~ck ca~le~ on: the Building
Official for information.
Mr. Howell informed the Council that the Board of Adjustment
granted Mr. George Culler at the December 13, 1976 meeting
permission to tear down and rebuild the existing restaurant
as is~ At that m~eting, a statement was made by the chair-
man of the Bos~d at that time pertaining to the parking. It
came up at that meeting whether there would be any variance
needed for the parking. He thin-ks his statement was that
when giving a variance to rebuild, they had to consider re-
bnilding of what was existing and parking would be grand-
HarbOred. Howe~er, Mr. Joseph Aranow, the Chairman, stated
2he applicant should come in for parking. It was unclear
and he brought it back before the Board~for a parking vari-
ance. F~. Culver came back in ~nne 1977 and was given a
parking variance based on a 1~O seat license. Later that
same Board of Adjustment rescinded their actiom when they
~OmUnd out the license was ill~gal, which left him with the
decision whether the permit was valid or void. He requested
Mr. M~ore,s opinion and was informed the Board should clarify
whether the December 13 minutes required this man to come in
DECEMBER 7, 1 977
for a parking variance. In reading the Board's answer suud
talking to Mr. Moore, it was their opinion that the Board
s~d it was grandfathered for the 50 seat restaurant. The
question is,wwhich is confusing a lot of people, whether
this man is ~ilding something for two businesses. As far
as the Building Department is concerned, he is rebuilding
the restaurant. Before Mr. Culler can operate any other
type of business, he wouldhhave to come for a license which
would require inspection for the proper parking and to meet
the aode for the ~usiness he is going to operate. If M~.
Culver goes in to operate any business ether than a restau-
rant, he will take him to court. If he tears down the exist-
ing. restaurant, he would have parking to operate a different
type of business which he is talking about.
Mrs. Jackson clarified that it was still a 50 seat restaurant
Mr. Culler was supposed to be building and Mayor Zack added
that it wo~ld have 13 parking spaces and Nm. Howell agreed,_
Mr. Caldwell asked if the exterior dimensions were being ex
panded and M~. Howell replied negatively. Mr. Caldwell asked
if the ~ari~nce would h~d if he rebuilds in the same confines
and runs somethi~ othe~ than a ~estaurant and ~. Howell re-
plied negatively that he must apply for a license for the use.
~s~ Jackso~ asked if the~ stop work order had been taken off
and Mr. Howell r~Plied that it had and if they stop the job
mow, he thinks we would be subject to a law suit. Mrs.
Jackson clamifie~ that ~he assmmption'was that a 50 seat
restaurant was being buil~
Mr. Moore clarified that the variance was granted for the
building and not the use. ~f Mr. Culver attempts to alter
the use, he will run into the problem of having a brand new
building and mot ~eing able to use it because under the
license law, he must provide the required parking. Con-
struction was held ~p mnder the red tag to obtain the Board's
clari.fication. The Board ~said they did not consider parking
part of it because the variance was granted to rebuild the
· b
building. Any re.ar may be well founded by the nemgh ors,
hut as far as the City is concerned, we cannot determine
what he is going to d~ ~ith the building but when he comes
in for the use, he must comply with the regUlations. Mrs.
Jackson added that we must just wait and find out what is
being' done. Mr. Moore. added that Mr. Culver has bee~ ad-
Wised~ that if he ~uts i~ another use, he must comply with
the parking requirements Based on an~ichange from the res-
taurant. Mr. Howell ~dded that he has also informed Mr.
Culver of this and if he does anything other than a res-
taurant, he will ~e subject to court ac~mon. Mr. Kohl
added that he would c~eck ~uto the dumpster situation.
DECEMBER 7, 1977
Application for Re-zoning
Location : 3650 South Seacrest Blvd.
Request : Rezone from RIA to C1
Use : Pro~essional Offices
Applicant : Charles J. Simon
¥~. Kohl informed the Council that Mr. Chs~les J. Simon
called him at 3:30 P. M. today and requested this to he
tabled until January 17. He referred to it being adver-
tised in the newspaper :and Stated if Council agrees to
ta~e this, Mr. Simon may pay for the ad. Mayor Zack
q~estioned the advantage of tabling this since the Plan-
ning & Zoniug Board had acted om it and Mr. Kohl replied
that it was the Council's prerogative to table. Mr. DeMaroo
moved to table, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Motion carried
Mr. Moore referred to this being scheduled for a public
hearing and suggested giving the people the opportunity
to speak. Mayor Zack asked if anyone wanted to speak in
favor of this rezoning of the property located at 3650 South
Seacrest Boulevard and received no response. He then asked
i~ anyone was opposed to this and received no response. Mr.
Kohl a~nounced that this would be reset for January 17, 1978
at 8:00 P. M.
Abatement of Hazardous Conditions
Mr. Kohl read the notice of public hearing as follows:
"Notice i~ hereby given that the City Council of the
City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, shall meet
at 8:00 P. M. Wednesday, December 7, 1977, at the City Hall,
Boynton Beach, Florida, at which time the owners of the fol-
lowing described parcels shall be given anpopportunity to
show cause why the hazardous conditions of certain dilapidated
structures and buildings located thereon shound not be cor-
rected or abated:
Parcel 1:
Lot 2 less Road Right of Way, Block 54-A,
Lake Eoynton Estates Plat 4
Town & Country Squire, owners
Parcel 2:
That part of S 5 acres of the SE ~ of NE ~
of E ~ lying East of ~. S. #1, Section 33,
Twp. 45, Rge. ~3.
Eugene Harvey, owner
Mayor Zack asked if anyone wished to speak in favor and re-
ceived no response. He asked if anyone wished to speak in
opposition and received no response.
DECEMBER 7, 1977
Mayor Zack stated he understood that the house in Lake Boynton
Estates was on fire and is empty and the other house is down
and Mr. Kohl agreed. Mr. Caldwell moved to delete the second
item, seconded ~y Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Moore suggested proceeding in accordance with the ordi-
mance pertaining to Parcel 1.1 Mr. Caldwell so moved, second~
by Mr. DeMarco. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Janet Hall appeared be£ore the Council again and asked
the City Attorney if he really felt if Mr. Culver puts $50,000
to $70,000 into the completion of these plans and goes to court
and asks for the use that the City can stop it once it is com-
pleted and Mr. Moore replied he thinks we would have a better
chance then than we do now. Mr. Oulver is simply building a
building and we know he has some anticipated use. He has been
given written notice that if there is any change o~ use, he is
proceeding at his own peril.
Elevator for Oity Hall
Mr. Kohl advised that the grant was for $50,000. He stated
that bids on the above were opened in the Office of the Pur-
chasing Agent on November 29th at 1:00 P. M. All legal re-
quirements have been met. Two bids were received on this
project. The "Tab sheet" recommending the bid from West
COnstruction Company o£ Lake Worth in the amount of $55,000
i~ on file. Ple~e note this bid is $5,000 over the original
grant allocation. We have written a letter to EDA to ask
them to consider increasing this project so that we may pro-
ceed. According to a telegram received today, we have to
proceed hy December 14.
¥~yor Zack referred to the additional $5,000 and M~. Kohl
replied that he has not heard. He added that we have been
told byEDA that monies we have not expended in other grants
can be allocated to this. Mr. Caldwell stated that as far
as other monies are concerned, there was something there for
the Recreation Department about bids mot being received in
time and M~. Eohl replied that letters have been sent to EDA.
~. Caldwell moved to accept the bid from West Construction
Company of Lake $orth in the amount o£ $55,000, seconded by
~s. Jackson. No discussion. Motion cs~rie~ 5-0.
Mr. Kohl explained that a letter would be sent to EDA in
the morning together with the minutes, which will be typed
bnt mot of Eicially approved. The minntes must be sent as
soon as possible. ~or Zack added that time is limited
with a grout a~ud action must be taken.
Jail Renovation - Police Complex
Nr. Kohl informed the COuncil that the above ~id was opened
in the Office of the P~rchasing Agent on November 29th at
1:30 P. M. All legal requirements were met. As they are
aware, this is a federally funded project in the amount of
$133,900. The "tab sheet" recommending Sandpiper Construc-
tion, Inc. of Eoca Raton as the low bidder in the amount of
$51,050 is on file.~ He concurs with the recommendation of
the Tabulation Committee.
Mayor Zack asked if this completed the project and Mr. Kohl
replied affirmatively, He explained that even though the
price seemed low, he did have the architects, engineers,
and Building Department check everything with the contractor
how it will be done, etc. If all requirements are met, it
is possible to put this ~uto other programs hopefully.
F~. DeMarco moved to accept this bid from Sandpiper Construc-
tion, Inc. in the amount of $51,050. Mrs. Jackson seconded
the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Office Building for Engineerin~ Building & Pla~nin~ Departments
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that bids for the above were
opened in the Office of the Purchasing Agent on Eovember 29th
at 2:30 P. M. All legal requirements were met. One bid was
received from Gersch & Bramuchi in the amount of $482,000.
The Grant amount is $296,825. A request will be made to the
Economic Development Administration to re-Did this item as it
is over budgeted. It is hoped that a re'bid will bring this
in line with the allocated grant amount.. He added that he
has been in touch with EDA on many things and was informed
that Florida is in a bad positiom for receiving bids on
federally funded projects because of the minority clause in
the contract and all the paperwork. I~s. Jack, on asked if
this could be negotiated and M~. Eohl replied that possibly
it could later, but not at this time.
~s. Jackson moved to go out for re-bid, seconded by M~.
Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
N. E. 7th Street Drainage & Road Constructiom
Construction of Galaxy Park Including One (1) Lighted Ball
Park; Two (2) Lighted Tennis Courts; Parking; Walkways;
SprinP~ling and Full Landscapin~
I~. Kohl stated that funds allocated from EDA Grants were
$90,000 for the _~. E. 7th Street Drainage and Road Construc-
tion and $136,875 for the Construction of Gals_xy Park. How-
e~er, no bids were received on either project. A request
will he made to EDA to re-bid these projects.
Mrs. Jackson moved to go out for re-bids, seconded by Mr.
Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Kohl clarified that he could not send letters without
going through the City Council and will send the minutes
to EDA also.
Seacrest Blvd. Utilit~ Relocation
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that EDA budgeted $65,400 for
this project. Bids on the above were opened in the office
of the P~rchasing Agent on December 1, 1977 at 2:00 P. M.
The Tab Sheet on this item is on file. The Tabulation Com-
mittee recommends rejection of this bid as it far exceeds
the budgeted amomnt. We are requesting EDA for an extensio~
and will rebid the project reducing the scope of the work.
.Mayor Zack asked if these estimates were done by our own
personnel and Mr. Kohl informed him they were done by our
Engineering Department ~nd the Consulting Engineersfrom
Russell & Axon.
Mr. Caldwell mowed to re-bid, seconded by Mrs. Jackson.
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
One (1) 3-5 Ton Roller with Tilt Trailer
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that bids on the above were
opened in the Office of the Purchasing Agent on Tuesday,
November 29th at 3:00 P. M. All legal requirements were
met. The Tabulation Committee recommends acceptance of the
low bid in the amount of $16,225.00 from Florida Georgia
Tractor Gompamy, Inc., North Miami. Funds are available in
the Federal Revenue Sharing Account $320-401-540-04.83. The
Tabulation Sheet is on file for your review. He concurs
with the recommendation of the Tabulation Committee. As
they know, we had Federal Revenue Sharing for this account
£or $18,000.
~. Caldwell moved to grant the bid to Florida Georgi~Trac-
tor Company, Inc., North Miami for $16,225.00. Mrs. Jackson
seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearin~
Proposed Ordinance No. 77-33 - Re: Providing for Adjustments
Of the General, Federal Revenue Sharing, Publicity, and Oper-
ating Capital Improvement Fmnds
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 77-33 by caption on
second reading.
DECEMBER 7, 1977
Mayor Zackasked if anyone wished to speak in favor of this
ordinance and received no response. He asked if anyone wished
to speak in oppositiom to this ordinance and received no re-
Mrs. Jacksen moved the adoption of 0rdin~uce No. 77-33 on
second and final reading, seconded by N~r. DeMarco. No dis-
cussion. Mss. Padgett took a roll call vote ss follows:
Councilman Strnad
Councilman Caldwell
Councilmsm DeMarco
V±ce ~yor Jackson
Mayor Zack
- Not present
- Aye
- Aye
- Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Ordinances - 1st Readin$
Proposed Ordinance No. 77-34 - Re: To Provide for an Amended
Estimate of Revenues and Expenses for 1977-78 Fiscal Year
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 77-34 in its entirety
on first reading.
Mrs. Jackson moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 77-34 on
first reading, seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No discussien.
Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Caldweil Not
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor ~ackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Proposed Resolution 77-KEK - Re: To Locate, Construct and
Maintain or Improve a Portion of S. R. S-811 (Seacrest Blvd.)
Ms, Moore read proposed Resolution 77-EEK.. He added that the
copy of the requested instrument is attached to the proposed
M~. DeMarco moved the adoption of Resolution 77-KKK, seconded
by ~$. Jackson. Under discussion, ~. Caldwell asked if it
was possible to request from the County that no extension of
time be granted by the comuty~with*ut the~ majority consensus
of the City Council? He does not know if the State and County
are aware of the position they put the merchants in when they
grant an extension. An example is the merchants on 15th Ave.
who are starving-. It may be rough, but he think~the citizens
*See Min.
DECEMBER 7, 1977
should he protected. Mr. Moore replied that Seacrest Blvd.
is mainly residential, hut there will probably be problems
with the road blocked. However, if they don't get the rights-
ef-wa~ and our cooperation, they simply will defer the project
or will not do it~ Mr. Caldwell clarified that he just wanted
to protect our citizens and have the ~ouatM~ p~s~ the contractor *Se~ Min.
on the ~nderstanding it will he completed on a certain date. o~
In the past, extensions have been granted regardless how they 12/20/7~
aE£ec_t the people in the immediate area. Mr. Moore stated
he is certain there is a time period set forth in the con-
tract a~d we can recommend that the City M~nager in trans-
mittin~ this appro~ai request they not extend a~y time limits
withomt input Erom the Council on Behalf o~f the citizens.
However, he does not think it wom~d be ~i~ding. ~fter fur-
ther discussion, Mrs. Padgett took a roll Ca~l vote on the
motion as ~ollows:
C o~mcilman DeMarco Aye
Vice M~yor Jackson Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
~yor ~ack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Mr~ Caldwell then moved that in Mr~ Kohl's transmittal to the
State, he respectfully requests they notify Boynton Beach in
advance o~ any consideration given for a request for extension
~£ time and take into consideration our advice to the D. O. T.
at that time, seconded hy Mrs. Jackson~ No discuss~on. Motion
carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution 77-LLL - Re: Utility Indemnification Agree-
ment S. R. S-811 (Seacrest Blvd.)
Moore read proposed Resolution 77-LLL.
Mrs. Jackson moved the adoption of Resolution 77-LLL and in-
structed the proper authorities to execute the agreement,
seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took
a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
~ice Mayor Jackson Aye
Councilman Strnad Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Mayor Zack Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
DECEMBER 7, 1977
Consider Recommendation of Planning & Zoning Board - Re:
Proposed Ordinance on Recreational Vehicle ParWiug
M~ Kohl informed the Council that the Planning & Zoning
Board at their special meeting on November 29, 1977, sug-
gested ~arious changes and they have been made on the sub-
mitted copy of Chapter 30. Motion to approve was made by
Mr. Winter and seconded by Mr. Lambert. The vote was 6-1
with Mms. Euckle dissenting.~ May he have Council's wishes
on this matter.
M~yor Zack stated he compared the previous proposed ordinance
with this an~ knows they excluded vans, ehanged to allowing
one vehicle to he parked in the front, excluded tie downs,
~s. Jackson mo~ed to instruct the City Attorney to draw up
a~ ordinance for the January 17 meeting, seconded by ~.
DeMarco. Mrs~ Padgett announced that Mr. Simon Ryder had
requested to speak and M~s. Jackson withdrew her motion.
Mm. Simon Ryder, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Board,
appeared before the Council and read the following state-
"At a special meeting last week, the Planning & Zoning
Board, hy a vote o~ 6-t, agreed to accept its latest draft
of the proposed Recreational Vehicle Ordinance and to refer
it to the Council with recommendation for its adoption.
At present, unless kept in a garage, it is nnlawful to
park or store a Recreational Vehicle or boat and/or boat
trailer on one's own property. Recognizing the presence of
mamy such vehicles in the City and that it is not always
possible to use the garage for such purpose, nor are there
safe and convenient stora$~ facilities available off the
premises, the Board determined that it was a realistic ap-
proach to provide other means in order to resolve an acute
problem for many City residents.
Simply, the proposed ordin~uce provides that such vehi-
cles may be stored on one's property provided that only one
be k~pt in front of a house on a driveway or other hard sur-
face and where possible, another may be stored in a rear or
side ~rd, in which instance, no special surface or paving
is required. However, in areas where deed restrictions, more
restrictive, prevail, these proposed regulations are not in-
tended to apply. The Board hms studied similar problems in
other cities as well as considering the input derived from
various public hearings, all of which is reflected in the
DECEMBER 7, 1 977
During previous appearances before the Council, we
heard expressions to the effect 'leave it the way it is'.
The Board in good conscience cannot subscribe to such re-
commendation. To do so might result in two undesirable al-
ternatives, namely:
1) Either the City would abstain from enforcing the
present ordinance, which over an indefinite period of time,
could hardly be advisable, or
2) The City would enforce the ordinance which would in
all likelihood subject it to confrontations with aroused
citizens or a mass exodus out of town.
The Board feels that its proposal will provide an equit-
able solution which should receive general acceptance and
recomm~n~that it be adva~uced for preparation of~an ordinance
for eventual formal approval."
Mrs. Jackson made a motion to have the City Attorney prepare
the ordinance and suggested it be ready for the January 17
meeting. Mr. DeMarco seconded the motion and commended the
Planning & Zoning Board for their work. Under discussion,
Mr. Strnad stated in reference to the remarks made by Mr.
Ryder, he stated to leave it as it is because he was not
satisfied with the way it was drawn up originally, but now
that it has been chan~ed, he will go along with it. Mr.
Caldwell referred to Section I~, No. ?, and stated he as-
sumed this~meant nothing could be parked on the right-of-way
an~ Mr, Ryder informed him this was covered otherwise in the
ordinance. Mr~ Caldwell asked if the Board considered
sc~eening the recreational vehicles from the next door neigh-
bor,s yard and F~. Ryder replied that~it was considered, but
to~d abgut the people being emphatically Rpposed to such a
requirement. Ne added that the B~S~d~has come a long way to
~e it acceptable to the recreational vehicle owners and
h~efully it should not be objectionable to the other resi-
dents of the City. Of course, th~ mmst remember that areas
with deed restrictions are excluded and the deed restrictions
w~l prevail~ F~yor Zack remarked that he thinks other cities
wDtl be asking for copies of this ordinance as they have been
waitinE for this from Beynton Beach. Motion ca~ried 5-0.
Co~sider Recommendation of Planning &.Zoning Board as it
Pertains to Antenna Heights
Ma~or Zack referred to this being explained by the discus-
sions co~ered in the Planning & Zoning Board minutes and
they have recommended the heights to remain as written
since the ordinance is only one year old and they spent
considerable time with indepth research and exceeded ori-
ginally what they planned on the height of antennaes.
DECEMBER 7 , 1977
M~. DeMarco referred to the government allowing 60 ft. high
antennaes and questioned whether we could stop it or have the
right to enforce it and Mr. Annunziato replied that he didn't
believe there was anything that would prevent us from making
am ordinance more restrictive than the Federal regulation.
The FCC regulation is the maximum. Mayor Zack added that 60
ft. high would be equivalent to a six story building.
~. Galdwell referred to people speaking at length previously
about their concerns that this ordinanc.e restriction would
i~te~re with television and radio reception and they felt
there-should be an allowance to raise antennaes higher to
give batter reception. Mr~ Ann~mziato informed him that the
ordinance allows someone in a single family zone to have the
antenna exceed the roof line height ~y 15 ft.~ That would
provide for an antenna of 30 ft. which does exceed the dis-
t~ict'height regulations by 5 £t~ An ordinance like this is
generall~ diffi,ult ~ecause it will please some people and
mot othe~s~ The Planning & Zoming Board felt they came up
with a reasonable solutmon to a difficult proBlem.~ They
£elt this was reasonably ~dequ~e and must think of the
possibility o~ having tkonsands of anten~aes. Mr. DeMarco
~Pli~d that he would rather have one high in ~he air rather
~an ha~e interference on,is tele~isiom. Possibly t~ey
should consider it shoul~ ~e ~llowed if it wa~ld fall on
the person's own property~ Mayor Zack replied that he?as
mot in favor of ha~ing 6~ ft. antennaes a~l over the Ci~.
i~tssugEestion is to leave the ordinance as it is an~ this
s also the recommendati~u of the Plazmimg & Zonimg Board
quests they contact hi~ or the o~her Oo~cil m~m~s.
Mr. Oaldwell then moved to table this, seconded by Mrs.
Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Caldwell then suggested that the CBers give technica~
imDut with regard to improvement of radio or television re-
ception and requested again that they contact him or ~he
other Council members. Mayor Zack replied that he thought
the information should be given to the Planning & Zoning
Board. ~s. Jackson referred to the Planning & Zoning Board
having researched this, hut a~ked if they had an advertised
public hearing and Mr. Ryder replied negatively. Mrs.
Jack~on suggested that it be referred back to the Planning &
Zoning Board and they have an advertised public hearing to
~et technical input. Mr. Ryder stated they would not be
hie to s~isfy e~eryone and told about the reactions at
the public hearing held last year before the ordinance was
Mrs. Jackso~ made a motion to continue the moratorium and
have an advertised public hearing held by the Planning
Zoning Board for publi~ input, seconded b2 Mr. Caldwell.
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Resolution to Palm Beach County - Re: Expediting
Repairs to South 15th Avenue - Councilma~Richard D. Caldwell
Mr.. Caldwell stated as he alluded to earlier, the merchants
at Sunshine Sqmare are concerned about Christmas being upon
them and their patrons cannot get to them to shop because of
the traffic job the County is doing on 15th Avenue. He ori-
ginally understands the job was to he completed hy November
30. He has now been informed the Count~ has of£ered an ex-
tension af time to the contractors for completion of the road.
Our citizens and merch~utS are being financially impaired be-
aause this ~ob is not completed~ He requests the Council to
send a resolution to the Gounty Commissioners expressing our
~ave concern with regard to the conditions en 15th Avenue
oolbriEht Road) between Eeacrest Blvd. and ~ederal Highway
~nd b~ing it to their attentio~ the effect the extensio~ of
time gr~nted to the contractor has had on the merchants as
~ell as the c±tizens in our Cit~.
Mr. De~rco referred to this being part of the City's fault
-~ecaus~ of the r~elocatio~ of the sewer. Mayor Zack stated
bhat he has also received a number of complaints and he
talked to the City Managsr and he contacted the County Engi-
nee~m and Commissioners~ The completion dates are December
~D east of ~ederml, latter par~ of February east of the
~ailroad, and the latter part of April eaSt of ~eacrest.
The u~ilities were not the contractor's fault. Mr. Caldwell
re£erre~ to this mot bsing the City's fault and May0r~ack.
replied that it certainly was. He explained how the lowermng
of t~e water lines prolonged the job. ¥~. DeMarco asked if
the job was on schedule a~d N~. Kohl repliedtthat they have
a new schedmle.
Mr. Strnad stated that whenever we have a job of this magni-
tude within the City limits, there are bound to be disruptions
for the businesses and peo~e. He spent 1½ hours today With
the foreman of the construction job and spoke ~o him at
length about having the job expedited. He was informed that
they are working under a contract and if there is any way to
perform the job sooner, it would be money in their pockets.
They are not trying to delay it in any way. Also, he noticed
that Sunshine Square was so crowded, he could hardly find a
parking space. He is not in favor of sending a resolution
to the County and causing resentment towards us.
Mayor~Zack stated that originally the 8en~=~cter su~s~~ clos-
ing the entire road, but the City Manager requested that one ~SeeMin.
lane be kept open. Possibly a letter could be sent to the o£
~ounty Engineer ~o see if the job could be expedited. Mr. 12/20/77
Caldwell replied that he would appreciate that. He further
told about the merchants complaining of business loss and
~w the p~ople had problems getting into the shopping center.
DECEMBER 7, 1977
He also told about the dirt problems the merchants were ex-
periencing. Every time we are involved with the County, he
ms frustrated with the red tape involved to get something
done for our citizens. If a letter will suffice, so be it.
Mr. Caldwell then moved tb instruct the City Manager to send
a letter to the County regarding this situation, seconded by
Mrs. Jackson. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Recommendation of Firemen ' s Pension & Trust Fund
Consider Recommendation of Municipal Police Officer's Retire-
ment Fund Board of Trustees - Mayor Joseph F. Zack
~yor Zack referred to bringinE this up at the August meeting
a~ud he suggested tabling it so we could do something for the
general empleyees. He told about meeting with the actuary
last Monday and finding out it might be too much for the City
to absorb this much mone2~ It would be very difficult to
match the setup like the Police and Fire Departments. Cost
inf. ormation has been submitted and two men have requested to
Deputy Chief William R. Hamilton appeared before the Council
and referred to the proposal submitted with the agenda being
self-explanatory. He explained how the cost was figured at
.12% of the payroll and would cost $1,126 this year and he
does not think it would increase over $100 per year. He
further explained the cost. He stated at the present time,
they have no coverage at ~ll with death benefits. If a
policeman or ~ireman dies before he retires, the widow would
get back only what he has paid in. Mayor Zack added that the
maximum would be 5~%.
Mr. DeMarco stated they were in agreement when discussing
this at budget time and asked if the money was available yet
and Mr. Kohl replied that he could get it.
Mr. Caldwell referred to this plan only being eligible to
the policemen or firemen with 10 years or more service and
Deputy Chief Hamilton agreed and added that this is feasible
and would cut the cost. There had to be some cutoff date
and they wo~ld not have vested interest for ten years. It
would be very ~ostly without the ten year limitation. Mr.
Caldwell stated he was very concerned about this and sug-
gested looking into coverage for death if it should occur
prior to vesting or retirement. Deputy Chief Hamilton re-
ferred again to it being quite costly and stated the whole
package was based on ten years ~u~ding.
Nr. Caldwell then ~eferred to the beneficiary receiving a
refund without interest and stated he thinks some interest
should be given on the money even if only 3 or 3½%. Deputy
DECE~ER 7, 1977
Chief Hamilte~replied that the problem is that this was a
Base pension plan adopted in 1952 and it was never added to
until the lasmt two years~ Mr. Caldwell asked who the carrier
is and Deputy ~h&e£ Hamilton replied that it is State approved,
hut we f. und it ourselves~
Mr. De~r¢o stated inasmuch as we agreed on this at budget
time, he moves to approve this for the Police and Fire De-
partments, seconded byMr. Strnad~ Under discussion~ Mr.
Caldwelt suggested looking i~to the possibility of upgrading
this Dlan~ Ee wou~d definitely like to see all employees
i~ucluded, especially in high risk ~obs such as the Deliceme~
and ~iremen. He would like to discuss it in advance of the
Budget. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Zack asked if an amendment to the ordinance was needed
and Deputy Chief Hamilton replied affirmatively. Mr. Moore
referred to them adopting the state pla~and Deputy Ghief
N~m~lto~agreed, But stated they were deviating from it and
would need a separate ordinance.
Discuss South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant
Mayor Joseph F. Zack
Mayor Zack referred to ~he previous meeting of the Regional
Board when De~ray ~each did ~ot hawe a quorum and the mention
~y some oi the Delray Beach Council men, ers then and pre~i-
ously that we should take e~er the facilities, he suggests
we write a letter telli~ them we are willing to run the plant
at their or eu~ interpretation of the agreement. Mrs.
Jackson replie~ that she did not agree with their interpre-
tation. Mr. DeMarco me,ed to send a letter as suggested by
the Mayor, seconded ~y~ Strnad. Under discussion, Mr.
Caldwell requested ~ari~cation of this action. Mr. DeMarco
s~ated that Delray Beac~
we will send
plied that he did
ment and this wouldhe
trou~le with the
that De~
that only one ~
clarified that they
Boynton Beach to
would accept it
the Interlocal
~ered to let ~s run the plantand
the of£er.. Mr. Caldwell re-
it~ There is an Interlocal Agree-
from the contract and cause
agencies. Mr. DeMarco stated
~tatement and Mrs. Jackson added
to he changed. Mr. Caldwell
Delray Beach wishes for
and we shall do so and
BoyntonBeach gives
Strnad agreed or it could
Mr~ Caldwell stated he thought
decre~from the judge.
· £ we ge along with ~h~.,~e indicate Delray's position is
the true and correct D~t~on and he refuses to go along
withito ~. DeMarce cl~i~ied that we would be going
u~der the assumption th~'~Want us to operate it and we
DECEMBER 7, 1 977
~s. Jackson asked the City Attorney if we would be hurt by
taking this step and Mx. Moore replied that it would be an
exercise in futility~. He asked if the offer had been made in
writing? Up to now, Delray Beach has taken the position they
will run the plant, but he thinks an authority should. Mr.
DeMarco asked if sending the letter would have any effect
and ~.~ Moore replied negatively and that it would just call
their blu£f.
As requested, Mrs.
as follows:
Padgett toek a roll call Tote
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Counci~m~u Caldwell ~o
Councilman DeMarcO ~ Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
~ayor Zack Aye
on the motion
~otion carried 4-I.
Discuss Taxi Cabs
Vice Ma~or Emily M. Jackson
Mrs. Jackson told about Norman Hands call,her after the
last meeting. She went through the zoning code and it states
taxi cabs are prohibited in C-1, C-2 and C-3, but are per-
mitted in C-4. The business is only an office with a dis-
patcher. She sees no reason why that would be more o~n~xious
than a restaurant. She feels a desk and telephone should be
permissable in C-2. She then moved to amend the ordinances
to include taxi stands in C-2, C-3 and C-4~ Mr. Caldwell
seconded the motion. Under discussion, M~. Moore asked if
there was input from the Planning &Zoning Board and received
a negative response. Mr. Caldwell added that he thinks this
is ideal since it is a neighborhood taxi service and would fit
well in the C-2 category. Motion carried 5-0.
Receipt of Correspondence from Boca Rat~n - Re: Proposing
Amendment to ~ticle ¥III of the Florida State Constitution
Mr. Kohl stated he submitted the resolution from the City
of Boca Raton proposing an amendment to Article UIII of the
Florida State Constitution. Mayor Zack referred to this
being similar to the resolution from the Florida Municipal
League of Cities and Mrs. Jackson added that we also passed
a similar resolution. M~. Caldwell questioned the differ-
ence and ~s. Jackson replied that if they get a lot of
these, they may go along. ~s. Jackson moved to have a
resolution prepared, seconded by Mx. Caldwell. No discus-
sion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Recommendation of City Planner, Mr. Carmen Annunziato,
Re: Annexation Request of Irene Eall Bowers
Mayor Zaek stated in reading the comm~uaication from Mr. Annmn-
ziato, his recommendation is to forward this back to the
Planning & Zoning Board. Mrs. Jackson so moved, seconded by
Mm. De~rco. Me, ion ca_~ried 5-0. ~. Caldwell requested the
~lanning & Zoning Board to act expediently on this. Someone
ms asking to be annexed and we should take advantage of it.
Requiring All Residents to Clearly
Mr. Caldwell told about the police officers and ambulance
driwers br&nging to his attention that mamy homes ~o not have
numbers. The postman knows where they are, but that is
through habit. He would li~e the City t° ~raft an ordinance
requiring all homes to clearly display their honse numbers
for the purpose e£ expediting emergency vehicles to get to
~he scene in. a vsry timely m?.n~er. He e~plained how ambu-
ances and policemen waste~ time' looking ~or the numbers.
He requested inpmt from the ~ity Attorney and suggested that
the appropriate ordinance be drafted.
Mayor Zack asked the City Planner if there was anything in
the bock and ~. Annunziate isformed him there was nothing
in the zoning code, but possibly the post office has regu-
lations. N~s. Jackson added that the post office could force
people to do it by not delivering their mail. Mayor Zack
suggeste~ referring this to the Planning & Zoning Board so
the size, etc~ could be determined. ~s. Jackson asked
whether we have the authority to tell people to put the
number on their house and Mr. Moore replied they may be
'~%~roaching on something which may bean invasion of pri-
vacy. He ~oes not know if-they could force somebody to do
this. Mr. Caldwell reGuested him to check into the legality
of it and told about getting complaints about the time taken
for police to find a house.
*See Min. of
~. Ca!dwel! moved to table this for input, seconded by Mrs.
Jackson. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
County Funds For A~earance of Beach and Cit~
Mr. DeMarco stated he attending a County meeting last week
and it was brought out the County has f~nds available to the
cities for cleaning up beaches and also for cleaning up the
restoof the city. The only requirement is that the City
Nmnager send a letter requesting this and possibly the City
would have to let them have the use of a dump truck to haul
the trash away. All expenses would be borne by the County
through State funds. The letter should be written to Mr.
Hank Przelonski.
DECEMBMR 7, 1977
N~. De~rco moved to turn this over to the City Manager and
instruct him to send a letter requesting these funds or aid
and he is sure we can get this approved. Mrs. Jackson seconded
the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-~.
COnsider Site Development Plans to Reconstruct Existing Two
~or~ Bnilding - Applicant: Mr. Robert Sempell
Mr. Kohl imformed the Council that the Planning & Zoming
Board at their regular meeting of November 22, 1977, unani-
mously recommended the site development plans submitted by
Robert Sempell to reconstruct an existing two story building
located at 2610 north F~deral Highway (Lots 62-67)Lakeside
~ardens Subdivision) for of£ice purposes be aDproved, sub-
ject to pro~iding for the handicapped and providing eleva-
tions for paving and drainage purposes. Motiom to approve
was made ~ ~. Lambert an~ seconded by Mrs. Huckle. May he
have Council.'s wishes on this matter.
Mrs. Jackson moved to approve these plans subject to the same
stipulations, seconded by ¥~. DeMarce. Under discussion, ~s.
Jac~on remarked that she is glad something is going to be
done as this building has been an eyesore for years. Motion
darried 5-0.
Consider Requestoof Utilities Director, M~. Perry A. Cessna,
Re: Water Lines to Cranbrook Lake Estates (Mr. Joseph Cogan)
Mr. Kohl read the attached memorandum from M~. Perry A.
Cessna dated ~ovember 16, 1977.
~k~. Caldwell clarified the recommendation was to leave this
with the consulting engineers. M~. Strnad asked why our
people could not figure out the difference between a 10,
and 16" pipe as it is just a matter of increasing the size
of the pipe. Mr. Kohl suggested having him check imto it
and if he has to come back to the City Council, he will.
M~. Strnad moved to follow F~. Kohl's suggestion, seconded
by Mrs. Jackson. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Discuss Area Planning Board Request-- Re: Lakeview Haven
F~asibility Analysis
~. Kohl referred to submitting correspondence from the Area
Planning Board indicating their desire to receive official
action on this matter. As indicated, our deadline is Decem-
ber ~2, 1977, He has discussed this matter with his staff.
Our City Planner, ~. Carman Annunziato,states: "The subdivi-
sion known as I~dkeview Haven was constructed in conformance
with City specifications, and said subdivision is consistent
DECE~ER 72 1977
with adopted plans and policies. There will be no adverse
effects imDos~d on the natural, social or economic environ-
ment of the City and approval of this application will not
cause a duDlication of ongoing programs and Drojects."
Our City Engineer, Mr. Tog Clark, states: ~This subdivision
has been recorded and imDrovements (water, sewer, drainage,
and streets) completed. V. A. mhd F. N. A. guarant~ed mort-
~ges will, of course, help developers that might not be able
o get conventional loans. Construction will have to meet
~ity requirements."
He then read a letter frem M~. Perry Cessna advising that
the Engineerin~g Department has as-built plans and insofar
as the Utility Department is concerned, everything is com-
M~.. DeMarco moved to approve the feasibility study, seconded
by Mr. Caldwell. Under discussion, M~. Caldwell asked if
~his meant it would be predominantly funded by F.H.A. loans
and Mr. Kohl replied they could n~t discriminate. Motion
carried 5-0.
Consider Membership Nomination to the Palm Beach Co~uty Solid
~aste Authority Citizen's Advisory Committee
Mr. Kohl referred to submitting a letter £rom the Palm Beach
County Solid Waste Authority. Mayor Zack questioned what
type person they were looking for and the qualifications?
Mr. DeMarco replie~ that he has a man in mind who is familiar
with the County and nominated M~. Leon $~iles, seconded by
~s. JacksOn. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Resolution for Demolition of Unsafe & Unsound Struc-
ture Located on Old Boynton Road
Pk~. Kohl requested the City Attorney to be directed to pre-
pare the appropriate document to demolish the following stru~
ture and clear the land as stipulated in Chapter 14-A of
our Code of Ordinances:
Owner of Record and
Property Address
Legal Description
B M I Inc.
700 BinghamSt.
Pittsburg, Pa.
Old Boynton Road
Boynton Beach, F1
-21 -
Sec. 20, T~p, 45
Rge. 43
Pant of Lot 111
inDeed 885
Page 254
Plat Book'7
Pmge 20
Property Control
# 08 43 45 20 01
DECEMBER 7, 1 977
Mr. Caldwell moved to grant the City Manager's request,
seconded by Mrs. Jackson. ~o discussion. ~tion carried
Consider Resslution for Demolition of Unsafe & Unsound Struc-
ture in Conjunction with Community Development Project
Mr. Kohl respectfully requested the City Attorney be directed
to prepare the appropriate document to demolish structures
and clear the land as described on the suhmitted list. This
is in accordance with Chapter 14-A of cur Code of Ordinances
and in conjunction with our Community Development Project,
Mrs. Jackson moved to instruct the City Attorney
the proper resolution, seconded by Fr. Caldwell.
sion. Motion carried 5-0.
to draw up
No discus-
Mayor Zack asked if any of these projects were underway and
Mr. Kohl replied that the~e were not, hut many homes ha~e
hee~ ~aken down.
Consider the Following Applications for Solicitation:
1. American Cancer Society
2. American Heart Association
3. Florida East Coast Cerebral Palsy
4. Christian Record Braille Foundatiou, Inc.
5. Radio Club
Caldwell asked what the Radio Club was soliciting for and
Kohl informed him it was for a kidney victim°
~s. Jackson moved to approve all the applications, seconded
hy Mr. DeMm~rco. No discussion. Motion c~ried 5-0.
Consider Transfer of Funds:
1. From Contingency to-Sewerage Collection ...... $7,665.
2. From Fixed Charges (Utility Acct.) to
Non-Automotive Utilities Fund ................ $2,600.
3~ From Contingency to Police Department for
Pistol Range ................................. $ 659.
Mr. Kohl read the Budget Transfer Requests for the above.
Mrs. Jackson moved to transfer the money to the right places,
seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Encumbrances of Unexpended Funds:
1. Bicycle Paths ............................. $ 2,990.00
2. loth Avenue Widening ...................... $50,000.00
DECEMBER 7, 1977
3. Workmem,s Compensation Insurance ........ $ 17,543.00
4. Pension Reserves ........................ $ 18,153.00
5. Firemen,s Pension ....................... $ 11,657.00
6. Police Pension .......................... $ 7,448.00
?- Unemployment ............................ $ 5,312.00
8. Police De~t ............................. $ ?~2.00
~r. Kohl read the abo~e list~ Mayor Zack asked if it referred
to loth A~enue where the Coumty left off-and Mr. Kohl replied
that lOth Avenue is where we have been trying to get the
C0d~ty to assist us.. Mr. DeMarco moved to grant these encum-
brances o~ unexpended f~ds, seconded hy Mrs. Jackson. No
discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Village Royale on the Green Beautification
~. Kohl told about receiving several calls requesting us to
beautify the area around N. E. 22nd Avenue and N. E. 1st Lane
similar to what we did on 26th Avenue. Mayor Zack added that
this was on City property. Mr. Caldwell stated he would like
something to be done there and does not want that area to
slip away. Mr. DeMarco questioned the plans and ~. Kohl
informed him it would be similar to what was done on 26th
Avenue. He explained how some areas may take different
Mr. DeMarco moved to grant this request, seconded by Mrs.
Jackson. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
~yor Zack suggested possibly some other sections should be
beautified and M~. Kohl replied they would be taken care of
because we ha~e some extra funds which have been approved.
Approval of Bills
Kohl read the following bills for approval:
Retirement Plans~ Inc. 2,601.75
A~ual service for Actuarial Report and
special services for benefit stud~'
Pay from Retirement Trust Fund 611-861-570-08-14
Willie Ruth McGrad~
Server for Senior ~itizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from budgeted funds 320-871-570-02-5A
Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73
-23 -
DECEMBER 7, 1 977
Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from budgeted funds 320-871-570-02-5A
Ordinance ~73-t5, passed 5/15/73
Miracle Recreation Equipment
Playground equipment~for Rolling Green
Pay from encumbered funds
I ,037.28
Boa~d o£.C.o~ty Commissioners
Dmmp tickets for the month of October
Pay from budgeted funds 001-321-530-02-9A
Allen Zusurance A~ency .
Adjustment o~ General L!ability 9/20/76 -
Pay from Prior Year Expense 001-000-271-02-00
_6,656.6 _
401 000-271 02 O0
$ 3,328.33
Russell & Axon 626-681-23-2/5 Inv. #1 5,760.00
Engineering services for Raw Water Wells 15 & 16
P~y from Utility General Fund 401-O00-169-01-00
Authorization dated 8/18/77
Russell & Axon 626-681-08-b Inv. #16
Resident inspection and engineering services
during construction at Water Treatment Plant
Pay from Utility General Fund $01-000-169-01-00
Russell & Axon 626-681-08-3 Inv. #14
O0nsulting services during construction for
Water Treatment Pls~t
Pay fromUtility General Fund 401-000-169-01-00
Authorization dated 5/8/74
Wallace, McHars~ Roberts & Todd Inv. #1
Services rendered for Boynton Beach Comprehen-
sive Plan
Pay from budgeted funds 001-801-570-02-6A
Council approved 9/6/77
Intercounty Construction Cor~. E~. #15
· a~er Treatment Plant expansion
Pay from Atlantic Nationa~ Bank 1975B Series
Contract dated 7/9/76
DeVos Construction Est. #3
Pistol Range
Pay from account 001-20t-520-04-21
Subject to approval of transfer
Bid accepted 8/9/77
DECEMBER 7, 1977
Mr. Kohl stated that the bills described have bee~ approved
and verified by the department heads involved; checked and
ap~uroved for payment by the Finance Department; funds are
s~ailable iR their resPective budgets. He therefore recem-
mends payment of these bills~ H~ added that he did cut down
No. 5, but showed the MAyor someppictures of what we had to
contend with. It is unbelievable what was needed to clean up
the City.
Mss. Jackson moM~ed to pay the bills, seconded by Mr. Caldwell.
~nderdiscussion, Mayor Zack asked if it would be possible to
get a ~etter print on the copies submitted as they were impos-
sible to readaand Mr~ Kehl replied that he would see they are
much better the next time. Motion carried 5-0.
M~s. Jacksom moved to adjourn, seconded by Mx. Caldwell.
Motion carried 5-0 end the meeting was properly adjourned
at 9:20 P. M.
~ Recording Bebretary
(Two Tapes)
/~ . · ~oancil Member
~/ Council Member
City Manager
November 16, 1977
Perry A. Cessna
Director of utilities
~u.~¢. Cranbrook Lake Estates
We have the final approved plans for this subdivision. Their plans
cai1 for a 10" water line running approximately 1900 feet south
from 23 Avenue to the south end of their property.
Our master plan calls for a 16 line along this area; and, as such,
it is recommended that we contact the developer, Mr. Cogan, so that,
we can coordinate this. The city Council should he requested to
approve having our engineers, Russell and Axon, prepare ~lans'an'd~
specifications for installing a 16" line and taking bids for both _
a 16" 'and--10" line, with ~he City participating ~e difference 1.
in the cost between the two pipe sizese
I realize that this is sometime away; but, I feel we sho~/ld prepare
it ahead of time, rather than wait till the last minute and get caught
up in the rush on this project.
PAC :bt
cc: Tom clark
City Engineer
Central File
Perry ~-i Cessna
Directo~ of Utilities
~'b'b~ City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby certiTy the following to be the results of
the 6th day of December, 1977 A.D.
ii5 48 % _ 15_~_
:o,:t __3_o.3_
314 158
287 486
2o .... 3_ .--~
85 24
2 .~
~ ~TE~ ALLO~.~ED
!7 I.~
2¢ 2.8
~.e. 3.1
i I