Joseph F. Zack, Mayor
Emily M. Jackson, Vice Mayor
Richard D. Caldwell, Councilmaa
JosePh DeMarce, Councilman
Norman F. Strnad, Councilman
Frank Kohl, City Manager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Mayer Zack called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. and re-
quested everyone to please rise at the so~nd of the gavel for
the Invocation given by Father A1 Victor, Assistant Pastor,
St. Mark,s Catholic Church, followed by the Pledge of Alle-
giance te the Flag~le~yCouncilmanNormanF. Strnad.
Mayor Zackannounced there were two announcements and first SeeM in.
called oK the proud father, Councilman Caldwell. Mr. Caldwell of
announced that oK August 29, his wife gave birth to a 7 lb., 9/20/77
7½ oz. baby boy named Bryan-Richard.
Mayor Zack annomnced that Vice M_ayor Jackson had a presenta-
tion to make. Yms. Jackson read the following statement:
"Last month I was the only member of the Council who was
able to have the great pleasure of attending a very important
event for Boynton Beach. This was the graduation of our K-9
Corp, at the same time the Sheriff's K-9 Corp graduated.
This graduation, held on the John I. Leonard athletic
field, in spite of the fact that it was a very wet, soggy
day (almost as bad as the weather this past weekend) was a
wonderful sight. To see our Police Officers Kirman~, Guenst.
Smith and Osborn, together with their dogs King, Prince,
Belle and Fella, as well as the Sheriff,s four men and dogs,
was indeed a very impressive sight. As these dogs went
through their exhibitio~ - scaling high walls, attacking,
etc. - they at all times were protecting their masters as
they obeyed their every command. To think that these men
and dogs learned ali of this in 14 weeks, shows the great
dedication of the trainers, the dogs and the men. There is
a mutual love, trust and respect between the men and the
dogs, and as a result our police department and the City
are going to be better protected. This is the cuL~ation
of a dream I have had for several years ~to have Boynton
Beach have a E-9 Corp.
While I was watching this wonderful demonstration of
the ability of the dogs and men, there was another person
from Boynton who braved the terrible weather t% be present.
See MJ~
This is because she has been especially interested in seeing
that Boynton has its own E-9 Corp, as she realizes the giant
step ~orward that this is for our City. This person is Mrs.
Dorothy T%trco. Mas. Turco owns the Golde~ Leash Pet Shop in
the Gmlfstream Mall. But M~s. Turco was not there just to
see the demonstration. She was there to GIVE something to
show her appreciation ~or these men and their dogs. There-
Sore, during the graduation ceremonies she presented a gift
to each of our men and dogs.
SherifERichardWille was so impressed by Mrs. Turco's
thoughtfulness, that he asked me to make a presentation, in
his behalf, to ~ms. Turco.
Will Mrs. Turco please come forward?
Mrs. Turco, on behalf of Sheriff Wille, I now present
you with an identification card."
F~s. Jackson then read the identification card and thanked
Honorary Deputy Sheriff Turco. Mayor Zack thanked
Jackson for the presentation and added that it is a great
~enda Additions
~yor Zack announced the following additions to the agenda:
VIE OLD BUSI~F~SS - B. Cemetery Board
Transfer of Funds
1. Water Treatment Plant
2. Water Distribution and
Sewage Collection
3. Audit Fees
Mms. Jackson moved to approve the agenda additions, seconded
by Mm. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0,
Mayor Zack referred to the agenda and announced if there was
any item anyone would like to speak on to please come forward
and give their name to ~ms. Padgett and the City Clerk will
call on them at the appropriate time.
Statement by Vice Mayor Jackson
}~s. Jackson read the following statement:
"This is a statement in regard to a letter sent to N~yor
Zack, with a copy to me, signed by eight businessmen. I had
thought that this letter was not worthy of comment, since it
was evidently written with either a malicious or jealous in-
te~t. However, since someone saw fit to give this to the news
media, I feel some mistatements should be set straight.
SEPTEmbER 6 , 1977
I am sure the Promotion Board will give an answer about
the board dinner, telling the truth: that they are investi-
gating all places and ideas for this event. Mr. Kohl turned
this over to them to handle. NO DE~ISION NAS BEEN MADE as
the committee is looking into all. places to find out about
prices, capacity, the mem.1, etc, This is committee action,
with Mr o Kohl having nothing to do with it.
Mr. Kohl not only paid taxes in Boynton Beach last year,
hut goes to the doctor and dentist in Boynton and probably
obeys the sloga~ in Boynton'.' more than many, ~wy citi-
zens e~ ~o~ton Beach.
Where did these bnsinessmen get. the £igure $1,000 for
entertainment for the last two board dinners?
When Mr. Kohl does any promotion, you will not find him
neglecting his work. Few people who work for the City devote
as much time to City work as ~. Kohl. He is at work way Be-
fore other employees, and thinks nothing of spending evenings,
Saturdays and Sundays if necessary, doing something for the
City. At N__O time has his work as administrator been neglected.
Because of N~. Kohl's ability to promote, he has brought
much good will a~ud recognition to Boynton. After one restau-
rant has had 13 out of 16 dinners there, I don't think there
can he any complaint by that owner. In 1963 the board dinner
~as at Haley's - now the location of the Century bank. In
1966 it was at Boxley's - now Sun Wah which was not in the
City limits then, and in ~196? there was a BBQ at the Civic
Center - which was not very successful.
I am coming to the defense of our City M~zuager because
he won't do it, and bec~e this letter sent to F~Lyor Zack is
an attempt, which started in m small way le~t year, to tear
down the good image we all want for Boynton Beach. The taxes
have been kept d~wn, the employees, by and large are happy,
and the City is progressing steadily.
As any other human, Mr. Kohl has faults, but to attack
him for spending money the Council has every year voted unani-
mously to spend, and for ~he good of the City, HAS to be be-
cause of some ulterior motive.~ Is it jealousy, an attempt
to get publicity or is it perhaps an attempt to make political
If any other Council members choose to sign this release
with me, I would be glad to hav~ you do so. If not, I am not
afmaid to stand up for someone who is doing a good job."
M~yor Zack requested that the letter sent by the eight people
also be include~ ~ith the minutes and a cody of this letter
dated August 29, 1977, is attached.
Regular City Council Meeting - August 16, 1977
N~ayor Zack started o~ his left and requested comments.
Mr. DeMarco referred to Page 15 and corrected the spelling of
Kahlert. M~. Strnad, Mr. Caldwell and Frs. Jackson replied
they had nothimg, ~yor Zack referred to Page 9 and corrected
the spelling of the name Massa.
Mr. Caldwell m~ed to accept the minutes as corrected, seconded
by Mrs. Jackson. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Special City Council Meetin$- AuEust 23, 1977
When called upon by Mayor Zack, Mr. DeMarco replied that he
had none.
Mr. Strnad referred to Page 3 and stated he was very dissatis-
fied with the answer he got in paragraph two as he never got
an answer to his question of who was responsible for this
added expense since the DER had changed their mind. The
answer was of a different nature completely, He wanted an
answer of who was going to be responsible to the taxpayers
of this City for the extra expense and never got an answer
from Russell & Axon.
~. Caldwell stated that he had none.
~h~s. Jackson referred to the last page, the big paragraph in
the middle, and corrected the sentence to read: The Vice
Mayor then referred to the proposed resolution requesting the
County to allocate the entire cost of the Sheriff's Road
Patrol to the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County and
said since this was not noted on the Notice of the Special
Meeting "and according to Roberts Rules of Order" a vote of
the Council to consider same would be necessary "for this to
be added to the agenda."
Mr. DeMarco moved to accept the minutes as corrected, seconded
by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carrie~ 4-0 with
Mayor Zack abstaining.
Mr. Louis Labrador appeared before the Council and stated his
address as 1331S. W. 25th Avenue. He informed the Council
that he and a group of interested people were present this
evening to support Mr. Robert Sellers who lives at 281N. E.
16th Avenue. He referred to a notice of violation being
given to Mr. Sellers giving seven days notice to comply with
SEPTE~,R 6, 1977
Section 4, Page 14A, Code of Ordinances, City of Boynton
Beach. The nature of the violation was an antenna exceed-
lng the height allowance designated in the Code of Ordinances.
These people present are ei~he~television or citizens band
broadcasting type persommel.~ This sort of thing could cause
a tremendous impact upon this community. They would like to
request the officials of the City to review this ordinal, ce,
Section 4, Page 14A, relating to height of antenmaes. As
previously mentioned, the height of Mr. Sellers' antenna
exceeds the height allowed by the City of Boynton Beach;
howewer, it is well with the FC~ regulation, which is 60 ft.
Therefore, they feel there should be ,a compromise between
the F%deral regulation and the City regulation. ~ They are
mot here to defy t.he City of Boynto.n Beach and the ordinances,
hut feel the officials should look i~to this matter,
Ns. Labra~_~ continmed with explaining how height was necess-
ary f?r CB antennaes to avoid interfer~e~with neighbors'
{~evxsiom reception. As he mentioned~ the FCC authorize~
a height of 60 ft. above gromnd or 20 ft. above a building
and he has a copy of that regulation. They request that
this City ordinance be researched because of the impact
3,000 to 7,000 television and CB radio people in this popula-
~h. Labrador continued that they request the Council to ex-
t~md the date of September 8 show~ on the violation for com-
pliance. They would like this done in writing and there is
n~t too much time. The serious consequence is a $500 fine
or 90 days in jail for non-compliance.' They are concerned
~nd Dlead and urge the ~ouncil to have this researched and
on behalf of their colleague request that the cost be con-
sidered as it will take two to three men~ to lower the an-
tenna. Also, he has a petition f~m the immediate neighbors
stating they have no ohjec~tior~s to the height of the antenna
as it is presently er~te~. The amount of time should be
aonsidere~ and at least 30 days be given and not se~en to
eight days as given in this particular case. They feel
se~en to eight days is an inadequate time to comply with the
regulation because most~people are not familiar with this
ordinance and chance should he given for recourse.
Mm, Labrador then explained how television ~utennaes must
also be considered because if they must be lowered, people
will no longer be able to get Channel 2.
Mr. Labrado~ requested that more time be given to Mr. Sellers
and asked if it was within the Council's jurisdiction to
request some research be made on this ordinance to determine
whether it is outdated. They urgently request time. They
are not here to defy the ordinance. This violation does not
violate the liv~ihood, peace and tranquility of other homes
and it is not urgent to take that quick action. The request
for the extension of time they are requesting they would like
to commence at such time it may take the Gity to re~iew the
ordinance in questie~ and determine whether there is a con-
flict with the Federal regulations. N~. Sellers should be
~otified in writing. He has pictures of many antennaes
which exceed the height, including the one on the Fire De-
partment building, They have the ordinance, a copy of the
regulation, and a sketch issued by the FCC regarding proper
installation and proper height of an antemna. They request
consideration be given and tim~ be given, to meet the law.
¥~yor Zack asked if the City Manager knew a~ything about this
~ud Mr. Kohl replied that he was not familiar with this parti-
cular case ~ hut cases have bee~ brought to his attention a~ud
the Building Department has tried to obey the ordinance. He
thinks Mr. Labrador was wrong about 20 ft., as he thin~ it
is 15 ft. above the roof top. Mr. Labrador read the ordinance
pertaining to television ~md CB antennaes.
~. Kohl requested the Building Official to refer to this
specific case ~ud stated the Council could make a decision.
~o Caldwell stated that the Council must address themselves
to the seven day violation. He would not fool around with an
antenna, especially in the weather we have been having.
M~. Labrador announced he had concluded his presentation and
thanked the Council for listening to him~
Mr o Howell stated that it is true there are numerous aerials
in town. His men in the department have asked him iE he
wanted to s~art enforcing this ordinance and since it is an
ordinance, they must. He believes in this particular instance,
~. Shaw made the inspection and the antenna was broken and
looked dangerous. He explained how the construction of some
could be dangerous in hurricanes. As far as seven days no-
tice, all are given seven to ten days notice. Also, he was
told the man was upset that the ordinance was being enforced.
Mayor Zack stated he thought seven days was a pretty short
time. He suggests Dutting on a moratorium for 60 days and
have the Planning & Zoning Board research this and make a
Mrs. Jackson moved to declare a moratorium on this for 60
days and instruct the Planning & Zoning Board to research
this and make a recommendation, seconded by Mr. Caldwell.
Under discussion, N~. Strnad told how a lower antenna was
adequate in 1960; howe~er, with the construction of high
rise buildings to the north and south, television reception
has been impeded. He then explained how CB operators were
a deterrent in crimes. He thinks the ordinance on the books
SEPTEF~ER 6, 19~7
is outdated. He thinks we could come up with something more
up-to-date on this particular item. Mrs. Jackson referred
to being told abeut one an~e~ua that had been too high but
when brought down to the proper height affected television
reception in a nearby ~ondominium and asked Mr. Labrador i~
this could happen and Mr~ Labrador agreed it could and added
that he was not an expert on radio or television a~tennaes,
bnt is a CB fan and television watcher and if the height of
a vertical type antenna is reduced, it will cause radiation
of signals which is interference of television as well as
radios and telephones. He then asked ~if Mr~ Sellers had to
abide hy the ~io!ation and Mayor Zack replied there would be
a 60 day moratorium. Mr~ Labrador asked i~ he would ~e con-
tacted and Mayor Zack informed him t~t all in~ormatio~ would
come from the City Manager. Mrs° Jaekso~ also suggested that
~. Howell i~spect ~r~ ~ellers' antsnna and M~. Labrador in-
Eormed them that he has a photo of it a~d advised that there
are fiv~ gu~ wires and normality there e~re three. Mr. DeMarco
added that he would like to have the _~lanning & Zoning Board
review the ordiaance. Motio~ carried 5-0.
Abaadonment Request:
Applicant - Messrs. Norma~ Michael and
Bruce Costanzo
Location Portions of S. W. 28th Ave.
~. Kohl informed the City Council that this abandonment re-
quest was submitted by Norman Michael and Bruce Costanzo to
abandon portions of S. W. 28th Avenue lying west of the cul-
de-sac platted in the 3rd Section of Golfview Harbour. All
legal requirements have Been met - i.e. legal advertising,
etc. The Planning & Zoning Board at their meeting of August
23rd unanimously recommended that the abandonment request
for portions of S. ~. 28th Avenue between the platted cul-
de-sac and Congress Avenue be abandoned subject to dedicating
the south 12 feet for a utility easement after finding that
the request is in accord with site development plans for
Tract I of the Townhouses of Golfview Harbour. The motion
to approve was made by Mr. Lambert and seconded hy
F~Lyor Zack asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak
in favor of this request and received no response. He then
asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition and received
no response~
SEPTEMBER 6, 1 977
Mr. Caldwell moved to grant the abandonment request for
Messrs. Norman Michael and Bruce Costanzo, seconded by Mr.
Strnad. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Rezonin~ Request:
Request -
C. A. Ostr~m
Gol~ Cmst Plumbing, Inc.
Lots 14 & I6 C.N. Copps Addn.
Rezone from R-2 to C-4
i~m. Kohl in£ormed the City Council that a rezoning request
was s-~hmitted by C. A. Ostr~m for Gold Goast Plumbing, Inc.
to rezene from R-2 to C-4, Lots 14 and 16, C. ~. Cepps Addi-
tion. The Plamning & Zoning Board at their August 23rd
meeting recommended that the rezoning request be denied owing
to the extensio~ of commercial uses into a residential area,
the additional traffic generated on N. E. 1st Street and N.E.
2nd Street, and the objections of the residents in the area.
The motion to deny was made by Mr. Traug~r and seconded by
~. Winter with Ms. Lambert and Mr. Arena dissenting. Mr.
Lambert noted that i~ his opiniom this reguest womld not en-
danger the residential area to the north.
Mayor Zack asked if~anyone i~ the audience wished to speak
in favor of this request.
¥~. Tubby Ostr~m, owner of subject property, appeared before
the Uouncil. Ee stated for the record had he inquired fur-
ther, he woald have made this application for C-2 instead of
C-4, but being all one piece of property he made application
to have it all zoned alike. He has talked to many property
~nsrs in the immediate vicinity who do not ~oject or are in
favor Of extending commercial property to the north, which
is in the belief of many the business heart of Boynton Beach.
He would like to point out other zoning in the immediate area
or in the heart.of Boynton Beach. He showed a sketch and
pointed out the subject property, City owned property, pro-
perty to the east and south of 2nd Avenue zoned C~4 and ~-2.
Me advised that approximately ~75 feet to the east of the
subjsc~ two lots, it is zoned C-4 f~r four blocks through a
completely residential area for at ~east three ~locks with
many single family residences. The property which is in
qusstian is just approximately 175 feet west of the large
C-4'area which abuts the R-2 all the way and he is asking to
extend this commercial property to the north 50 feet. There
are three blocks to the south and 130 feet to the north and
he is just asking for another 50 feet in an area which he
doesn,~ think will be hurt.
Mayor Zack questioned the used of this 50 feet and M~.
Ostr~m informed him that he intended to use it for driveway
and p_arking. He continued that some time back, he had per-
sonall~w~ p~ed to build a commercial building, but has not
Been able to do this with the economy. He has had it for sale,
but all the people have backed off when they realized they
could not use 1/3 of the property for parking. It is all one
piece o£ property. He i~ only asking for commercial area of
183 feet north of the mai~ thoroughfare of Boy,ton Beach and
4o the south there are three Blocks. These two 25 ft. lets
are zoned R-2 and the minimum frontage in R-2 is 75 feet. He
cannot see any way to go, but tc change it. The back two
lots must be changed to a commercial zone or the front three
to residential so the property would be big enough to build
~ything due to the restrictions for setbacks, beautification,
and parking. This property is basically non-conforming.
Mayor Zack stated that north of this property it is strictly
residential and Ns. Ostr~m replied that it is zoned R-2.
~yor Zack asked if there was an apartment complex and Nro
Ostrum informed him that 200 feet north, there is a building
of a commercial nature to the east side of subject property.
Or~ the northwest corner, there is a single family house.
North of that, there are duplexes and older homes.
M_rs. Jackson stated that Lots 14 and 16 are the two 25 ft.
lots and the line does not go to 1st Street. She asked if
ths lots go from street_to street and Mr. Ostr~m replied
that the entire section was laid out in 25 ft. lots and the
lots to the east of 2nd Street adjoin~the C-4 area and are
~. Caldwell asked if the Council has the right to change
the request to C-2 instead of C-4 and Mr. Moore replied:
yes. Mrs. Jackson asked what the highest zoning was in
which parking was allowed and Mr. Howell informed her it
would be allowed in C-t or C-2. M~. DeN~rco stated he would
like to see some place for parking as parWi~g will be a big
factor, especially on 2nd Avenue. Mrs~ Jackson questioned
whether it would make a difference to change it to C-I or
C-2 to the people in opposition.
~yor Zack asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition
to ~his application.
M~. Mclellan, 3~8 - 1st Street, appeared before the Council
and stated his two lots adjoin these two to the north.
Naturally he has to oppose a change to C-4 zoning after
looking at the types of businesses allowed in C-4. When
the notice came, it said it was for parking, but C-4 allows
practically anything. Ee just bought his house last spring
and did not expect to be abutted with something like this.
The C-4 would enhance ~he selling of this property, but cer-
tainly not his residential property adjoining it~ The two
lots adjoining it have parking and a nice building and do
not go back into the residential area.
Mr~ DeM~urco asked if he would object if it were used for a
parking ~ea and ~. Mc~illan replied hs would have less ohm
jection if it was assured it would be for parking.. Mrs.
Jackson a~k?d if he would be willing to have it zoned
and Mr. Mclellan replied anything but C-4.
Mr. Frank B~tema~' ~22~ 1st Street, appeared before the
Council and stated' if there was a driveway going through
from 1st Street to 2nd Street, they would have nothing but
traffic. There are no sidewalks and the people walking
would get mowed down. There is enough of that o~ 2nd Ave.
Also a business would ~e allowed such as aa all-~ight res-
tamrant and this would be located next t~ Bedrooms in homes.
Nayor Zack referred to him owning the commercial bmilding
and Mr. Bo~a~replied that it is not a commercial ~uilding,
~mt his pla~ room. Nr~ DeMarco asked if he would object to
this D~operty being used as a park~ug~ area ~d Mr. Bottema~
replied: no, but he would if it were to be a driveway.
Mr. Caldwell moved to grant this zoning c~ge to C-2 Com-
mercial, seconded by N~ DeM~rco. Mr. Moore suggested that
in a case of this natmre there be a unity of title agreement
entered into that this piece of property wo%~ld ~ot be sepa-
rate from the ~ase piece to protect the neighbors. Mr.
Caldwell included this in his motion. No discussiom. Motion
carried 5-0.
Comditiomai ~se:
Applicant - Scobee-Combs Funeral Home, P.A.
Owner - C. Don Combs
Address - 1622 N. E. 4th Street
Request - Crematory Unit to be Installed
Within Existing Building
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that conditional use approval
was 5eing requested for a crematorium unit to be installed at
the Scobee-Combs Funeral Home located at 1622 N~ E. 4th St.
The Planning & Zoning Board at their August 23rd meeting unani-
mously recommended approval of the conditional ~se request
after evaluating the evidence submitted by the designer of
the unit and that the installation of this ~nit will not
cause a~_r pollution or additional traffic. Two objections
are submitted to this request. The motion to approve was
made b~ M~. Trauger and seconded by ~s. Huckle.
Mayor Zack asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak
in favor of this conditional z~se and Mr. Co Don Combs replied
that he was present to answer any questions if needed.
Mayor Zack asked if anyone wished to oppose this request and
received no response. Mrs. Jackson added that~letters had
been received in opposition, one from Earle B. and Charlotte
Irving, N~nagers of Seaview Park Club, 1620 N. Federal High-
way, and one from Mr. & Mrs. John F. Cronin, 504 N. E. ~6th
Mms. Jackson moved to grant the application of Scobee-Combs
Funeral Home for a crematory unit at 1622 N. E. 4th Street,
seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Under discussion, Mr. Caldwell
referred to the back area being for parking and Mr. Kohl
agreed this was correct. Pm. Caldwell questioned the loca-
tion of the crematory unit and Mr. Kohl pointed out that it
would be in an existing building. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Moore then read Ordinance No. 77-27 covering the condi-
tional use o~ this crematory unit. Mrs. Jacksom mo~ed the
adoptiom of Ordinance No. 77~27 on £irst reading, seconded
by ~. Oaldwell. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll
call vote as £ollows:
Vice M~yor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
COUncilmau DeMarco - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearin~
Proposed Ordinance No. 77-23 - Re: To Provide for Amended
Estimate of Revenue & Expenses for Fiscal Year, October 1,
1976 - September 30~ 1977
~. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 7?'23 Dy caption on
second reading.
Mayor Zack asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak
in favor of this ordinance and received no response. He
asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition and received
no response.
M~. DeMarco moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 77-23 on
second reading, seconded by M~. Caldwell. No discuesion.
Mms. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Strnad Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motmon carrmed 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 77-24- Re: Providing for Legal Defense
of City Officials and Employees
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 7?-24 by captiom on
second reading.
Mayor Zack asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak
in favor of this ordinance and received no response. He
then asked if ar~yone wished to speak i~ opposition to this
NE. Joseph DeFuria appeared before the Council and questioned
the meaning of providing legal defense and asked if this
would be an extra burden on the taxpayers for auy case and
M_r. Moore clarified that it only pertained to any case in
connection with official duties. Mr. DeFuria asked if it
had anything to do with private or personal matters and F~.
Moore replied: no.
~. De~m~rco moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 77-24 on
second reading, seconded by F~. Caldwell. NO discussion.
F~s. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Cou~cilmanDe~urco -~Je
Vice Ymyor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Mayor Zack Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Zack referred to the next two ordinances being first
read on August 16 and asked if they normally waited a month
for the second reading and ~s. Padgett replied that this
was because of the advertising.
Proposed Ordinance No. 77-25 - Re: Adopting Budget for 1977-
1978 Fisca~ Year
Mr. Moore read proposed 0rdin~uce No. 77-25 by caption on
second reading.
Mayor Zack asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of this
ordina~ce and received no response. He asked if anyone
wished to oppose this ordinance and received no response.
~s. Jackson moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 77-25 on
second and final re~ding, seconded by Mm. DeMmurco. Under
discussion, Mr. Calcwell su~$ested reducing the Council's
paychecks from $200 per mont~ to $150 per month and added
that it did not amount to too much, But would save the tax-
payers money. Mms. Jackson ~eplied that this should have
SEPTE.~BER 6, 1977
been done at first reading as if it is done now, this would
be the first reading and the second readisg would not be made
to meet the law. ~. Caldwellagreed and stated he would
wait until next year. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote
on the motion as follows:
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Jacksom - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 77-26 - Re: Fixing a Tax Millage for
1977~1978 Fiscal Year
~. Moore read proposed Ordinance NO. 77-26 by caption on
second reading.
~yor Zack asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in
favor ef this ordinance and received no reply. He asked if
anyone wished to speak in opposition to this ordinance ~ud
received no reply.
~. DeM~arco moved the adoption of Ordin~_uce No. 77-26 on
second reading, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. NO discussion.
Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - ~je
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeF~arco - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinan. ces 1st Readin~
Proposed Ordinance No. 77-28 - Re: Amending Section 154 of
the Charter Relating to Primary Elections and Establishment
of Filing Fees for Candidates
~. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 77-28 in its entirety
on first reading. He added that the specific purpose is
for a namber of years, there has bee~ a $10.00 filing fee in
the Charter ~nd a $25.00 filing fee in the ordinance. This
will amend the Charter to make the $25.00 fee prevail and
render them u~iform. It takes the $10.00 fee out of the
SEPTEmbER 6, 1977
Mrs. Jackson moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 77-28 on
first reading, seconded hy Mx. Caldwell. Under discussion,
Mrs. Jackson referred to having so~amny precincts and having
to go to the County and stated they should take a second look
at the fees as more time and work is being spent on this.
Yms. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as
Councilman $ trnad A~e
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
V~ice Ma~or Jackson -~ Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 77-W - Re: To Florida t~blic Service
Commission Protesting the inverted Rate Structure of Florida
Power & Light
Mr. Moore read Resolution ~o. 77-VV.
Fm. Caldwell moved the adoption of Resolution No. 77-W,
seconded by M~. DeM~arco. Under discussion, Mr. Caldwell
added that inasmuch as the Public Service Commission is very
much seriously considering this idea, let's prod them along
as much as possible. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on
the motion as follows:
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
~otion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 77-~ - Re: Demolition of Unsomnd and
Unsafe Buildings
Mm. Moore read Resolution No. 77-V~.
seconded by F~o DeYmrco. No discussion. Mrs.
a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilma~ Strnad - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Jackson moved the adoption of Resolution No. 77-~,
Padgett took
Motion carried 5-0°
Proposed Resolution No. 77-X~ - Re: De£erred Compensation Plan
Mr. Moore started reading proposed Resolution No. 77-XX and
Mm. Caldwell interrupted him and stated so there would be no
inclination of any conflict of interest, at this point he
would like to sit out in the audience.
Mayor Zack stated that before reading this resolution, ts the
best of his k~owledge, the City Council did not authorize the
Cit~ Attorney to draft this resolution~ Since this authorizes
use of Cit~ equipment and City employees~ he thinks a better
proced~re should be followed~such as ~dvertising for ~ids.
a committee of fi~e,
from the Police and
Fire Departments, erie department head, and two general employ-
ees, to screen i~surance companies and make a recommendatio~
sE three to five companies to the Council. This is the best
way to show we are concerned about welfare. Ne does not
think the proper procedure was followed. He does not k~ow
who authorized the City Attorney to draft this resolution.
There have always been committee~ previomsly. His suggestion
is to scratch this and let the City Council advertise for bids.
Mrs. Jackson moved to strike this from the agenda and turn
over to the employees to make a sel[ection.~ Mr. DeMarco
seconded the motion. Under disc~sion, Mr. DeMarco stated
that he understood the employees themselves rsqmested this
and had gone through it o~ their own time. Ee understood
that they screened different insurance companies° He does
rsalize Mr. Caldwell works for Aetna. Mayor Zack stated
that he personally feels we should give the employees a
choice. M~s. Jackson agrsed that it should be left up to
the employees. Mayor Zack suggestsd that the City Clerk
advertise for ~idso
Mr. Moore clarified that he did not draft the resolution,
hut this resolution came from a committee of employses,
department heads. It was his understanding that this was a
decision and recommendation of the City Council some months
ago. He understood that the employees formed a committee to
investigate the possibility of a deferre~ compensation plan.
Mr. Kohl agreed this was correct. Mr. Moore continued with
advisLug that this was a strictly voluntary cooperation plan
among the employees. The only function required by the
Internal Revenue requirements is that the City Council ack-
nowledge that the employees want to go into this plau and
the Finance Department will make the deduction from the
salaries and pay it directly to the agent.
M~-or Zack stated he still felt this should be advertised
sin=s City equipment ~ud personnel will ~ used. He thinks
the City Council should receive input from the general em-
ployees and not only ths department heads.
SE?~EF~ER 6 , t 977
~. Strnad asked how Aetna got their foot in the door without
the other companies being notified and ~r. Kohl replied that
five proposals had been received. Mr. Strnad stated that the
original proposal was to get this from Aetna and F~ Kohl
agreed it was at first. Mr. Strnad stated that nobody asked
for it until it was presented and Mr. Kohl agreed and stated
that they then had five proposals. Mr. Strnad stated that
Aetna was in there first and now is in there last. He wants
to see this go out for bid, so every comp~u~ has an equal
chance to hid on this. It is spending tax money in the
implementation, whether a little or lot. Ee thinks they ~re
entitled £or this to go out for bid.
M~rs. Jackson repeated her motio~ was to strike this from the
agenda and leave it entirely up to the employees. Mr. DeMarco
referred to it coming through the City Council and Mrs.
Jackson agreed a report should be made to the City Council.
Mr. DeMarco referred to the motion not requesting bids and
M~s. Jackson agreed she had not stated anything about that.
She clarified that the employees can h~ve ~ vote like they
do for Civil Service and she doesn't th~nk the Counci~ should
get involved. Mr. Strnad remarked that it was different
th~u Civil Service.
~E~yor Zack stated he still felt it was the responsibility of
the ~ity Council to advertise for bids and have a committee
as suggested screen Five companies. Mr. Strnad added that
as far as he is concerned if Aetna has the ~est plan, it is
fine; but we should go out for bids first. He does not want
the employees to. say they want this company or that company,
but it should go out for bid.
Mrs. Jackson referred to this com~ug through the department
heads and M~o Koh~ replied that five proposals have been re-
celled from five companies and four have deferred compensa-
tion plans. Some are different. The ones submitted to the
Council were from Aetna. Most department heads and assis-
tants would probably be the only ones taking it. They are
the ones interested ~ud that is how it got started, tt
does concern the City with putting it in the computer, but
it does come from the employees, salaries.
¥~. DeMarco asked if the employees were contacted by the
department heads and Mayor Zack replied that the selection
was made by the department heads. He thin~ we should be
more concerned about the people who work here.
Mrs. Jackson clarified that her motion was to strike this
resolution from the agenda and turn this over to the em-
ployees to make their selection ~ud make a recommendation
to the Council. She asked if they had to go out for ~ids
and Mr o Moore replied thmt this was a strictly voluntary
SEPTE~ER 6, 1977
de~lo~ from the employee,s salary. M~s. Jackson clarified
that it really did not concern the Council whether to go out
for bids, B~ut they ca~ and ~. Moore replied that the govern-
ing body has to acknowledge there is a p~m in effect and take
out the money ~efore i~ gets into the salary. He thd_~ks the
employees have made their decisien~
Mr. Strnad questioned who was going to implement this and
whether it was going to be done free of charge and Mrs.
Jackson replied that it would he similar to a credit union
deduction. ~yor Zack added that a statement must go to the
Finance Department° Mr. Kohl clarifie~ that it Wo~l~ ~e
similar to a card file an~ the City dOeS not participate
except for the eqmipment with it going through the computer,
N~. Strnad stated that taxpayers' money was involve~ and it
should go out for bid.
~. Caldwell requested a point of discussion and Mr. Strnad
replied that he excused himself ~ecause he said he did not
want any involvement in this. ~. Caldwell statedhe just
wanted to ask a question. Mayor Zack referred to there being
a motiom on the floor and ~So Jackson called the question.
As requested, ¥~s. Padgett took a roll call vote on the
motion as follows:
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - No
Councilman DeMarce ~ Aye
N~vor Zack - Mo
Motion tied 2-2o
Mayor Zack then handed the gavel to Vice Mayor Jackson and
made a motion that a request be received from the employees
asking the City Council to go out for bids and also, the
City Council shall appoint five people to serve as a screening
committee consisting of the City Clerk, one depa~tment head~
one representative from the Police and Fire Departments, and
two general employees~ Mr. Strnad seconded the motion. ~nder
discussion, M~. Caldwell asked if he could vote on this and
Mr. Strnad replied they were Still on the same subject. Mrs.
Jackson ~tated she thought the Council was getting involved
in something they should not and state~ she could not vote
on having the Council screen the five companies.
~yor Zack rephrased his motion to have the committee submit
three recommendations. Mr. Moore asked if he meant the City
Council would make the selection of who would handle the pro-
g~am arid ~yor Zack replied that the committee would make
three recommendations. Mr. Moore informed him that only one
company could manage the plan and Mayor Zack replied that
there could be more than one as he has checked into it.
SEPTEF~ER 6, 1 977
¥~s. Padgett then took m roll call vote as requested on this
motion as follows:
Csuncilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman De~rco - No
Vice Mayor Jackson - No
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion tied 2-2.
Mr. DeMarco made a motion that this come up for bid and the
best Bid be accepted with a recommendation to the City em-
ployees and department heads. Mayor Zack ascertained that
this Lotion died for lack of a second.
M~yor Zack suggested waiting until the next meeting and
thinking about this further.
~. Caldweil stated he thought he could give them some infor-
mation which might be helpful in understanding this. He
explained the agreement which an employee enters with the
corporation or governmental body in this plan. He explained
how the amo~ut would be withheld before the employee takes
possession of it so it is not taxed. The point of the reso-
lution is the City must agree they will withhold from the
employee's ~oheck and the employee will not be taxed on
the money going into the plan. On the question of bids,
they are getting hung up on a cost oriented situation.
Bids should not be requested~ but company ~p~ci£ications as
to the number o£ agents ~handling it, Florida license, limits,
charges, etc~ Every company has v~riations of these de_~end-
ing on the size body they are sending specif'ications for.
Whenever this prestigious body decides to initiate this pro-
gram, it will benefit the employees and it is the employees'
money involved. He suggests that the committee not ask for
bids, but company specifications as to how the company intends
to administer the plan. H~ did initiate the concept before
his election, but even if Aetna gets this, he i~ no way will
receive one penny in commission. If they woul~ like a letter
from the home office i~ ~onnecticut, he is sure they will
oblige. Mayor Zack suggested moving en and ~. Caldwell
replied that it was not time to move on. Ma~or Zack refer-
red to him saying the same thing as previously and
Jackson moved to go on to Item D.
Consider Agreement Between the City and Wallace~ McHarg,
Roberts and To~d~ Architects and Urban Planners
M~~. Mohl referred to submitting a proposed contract with
the above planning consult~uts to complete requirements of
the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1975
(L.G.C.P.A.). The City staff consisting o£ the Gity Planner,
Utilities Director, Building Official, Recreation Director,
City Engineer and Deputy City Engineer recommends we award
the contract to the above firm. This firm was chosen after
three plar~ing firms were interviewed By the City technical
staff~ Following the staff selection, the consultant dis-
cussed the scope of services with the City Plan~er and sub-
sequently submitted a contract proposal. F~rther, thi~ con-
tract was reviewed by the~City Planner for compliance with
the requirements of the L.G.C.P.~ and was approved by the
City Attorney as to form. If Council approves, we respect-
fully request the City Attorney prepare the necessary reso-
lution so we may proceed with this very important project.
As you know, this is~m~ndated by the State G~o~ernment.
M~or Zack stated he hoped the Council members had all read
a copy of the draft. He referred to the cost being $35,000
and asked if~any was reimbursable and Mr~ Kohl replied that
they were applying for it.
Mrs. Jackson moved to instruct the City Attorney to draw up
the necessary resolution, so we can proceed with this,
seconded by ~. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion carried
N~. Moore referred to there bei~g a time limit and advised
that he had prepared the appropriate resolution and draft.
He then read proposed Resolution No. 76-XX. ~yor Eack
stated he would have liked for a copy of this resolution
to have been submitted to the Council members.
¥~. DeMarco moved the adoption of Resolution No~ 76-XX,
seconded by ~. Caldwello No discussion, Mrs. Padgett
took a roll call vote on the motion a~ follows:
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMarco Aye
~ice M~vor Jackson - Aye
Councilman ~trnad Aye
Mayor Zack Aye
Motion carried 5~0.
Discussion of Deferred Compensation Plan Continued
~s. Jackson referred to not taking ~inal action on this
subject and Mayor Zack recommended that a letter from the
general employees be submitted to obtain specifications.
M~s. Jackson moved to strike this from the agenda and turn
over to the employees to get specifications from the various
insurance companies. Mr. DeMarco questioned how this would
help, if they w~ut a bid, it should be advertised for Bids.
M~s. Jackson stated she did not wart something just hanging
on the agenda, but Mayor Zack ascertained that the motion
died for lack of a second.
SEPTEMBER 6 , 1 977
¥~yor Zack suggested publishing if the Council cares to or
have a letter from the City employees asking us to secure
specifications. M~r. Caldwell replied that for organization
sake, he thinks someone should designate a committee. Mr.
Kohl referred to the Persomuel Director taking care of things
like this and suggested having him ts_lk to the employees re-
garding a ballot.
M~. De~iarco moved to turn this over to the Personnel Director
mud have a ballot or whatever is necessary. Mrs. Jackson
seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Strnad referred
to this being o~ of order with jumping around on agenda
items and M~s. Jackson stated that' she had pointed out to
the M~yor that this had not been taken care of. Mr. DeMarco
clarified that his motion was to turn this over to the Per-
sonnel Director and have him check with the employees £or
recommendations. As requested, Mrs. Padgett then took a roll
call vote om the motion as follows:
Councilman De~mrco Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad No
M~yor Zack No
Motion tied 2-2.
M~yor ~ack turned the gavel over to Vice ~yor Jackson and
made a motion to receive a request from the City employees
asking us to proceed and get specifications from various
companies in the surrounding areas and a committee shalI be
comprised of the City Clerk as Chairlady, a representative
from the Police and Fire Departments, one department head,
and two general employees. Mr. De~rco seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Mr. Strnad asked how many employees were
going to be consulted and ~. DeMarco replied: 100%. Mayor
Zack added that it would be on a voluntary basis. M~s.
Jackson stated that even if only one person wanted it, the
computer would have to be set up. ~. DeMarco added that
people will need help when they get older and this is a de-
ferred plan which may be needed by some. As reeuested, Mrs.
Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Vice Mayor Jack, on - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman DeManco - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Earl Pratt Law Suit - Re: ~'ater Softening (Tabled)
Mr. DeMarco made a motion to take this from the table,
seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Zack asked the City Attorney if he thought it would be
best to have this case heard on SeptemBer 15 in case lime
softening is required and Mx. Moore replied that he discussed
this with the attorney for the appellant and in light of the
action taken by the Council, action would be moot. Mrs.
Jackson added that if it changes, they would have °to sue the
DER. ~yor Zack stated he was concerned not to have another
law suit. ~. Moore clarified that the thrust of the suit
was to stop lime softening and now the City has stopped it.
F~Jor Zack stated he was concerned when a mandate comes back
that we may have to install lime softening and will there Be
another case and Me. Moore replied: no, the issue will be
decided at this time.
Mr. Caldwell questioned the action to take and Mr. Moore in-
formed him that the hearing is September 15, but he does not
think any action is necessary because thereCis no case at the
present time.
~. Caldwell moved to strike this from the agenda, seconded
by Mrs. Jackson. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mmyor
Eack requested the City Manager to contact Reed & Smodish
advising them of this decision.
~meter~y Board
Mayor Zack referred to the request for the mausoleum from the
Chairman of the Cemetery Board and advised that to date, the
C~metery Board has received no official wor~ from the City
Council regarding the mausoleum. At the AFgust 2 meeting,
the City Attorney stated the ordinance could be amended and
the City Council could expend monies from surplus. However,
the City Manager informed the Cemetery Board that the City
has no surplus funds. Since funds for the chemicals were
included i~ the budget for lime softening and letters were
read at the Special Meeting that lime softening was not needed;
therefore, we do hmve surplus funds. F~. Kohl informed him
that these funds had nothing to do with the General Fund.
Mayor Zack continued that this is too small an item for a
refsrendum and asked if it is possible to ex_oend money from
the surplus funds with the cemetery funds? He would ld/~e a
decision made tonight as to what we plan to do.
~s. Jackson stated that the money for the lime softening
could not be used for this purpose, but must be for sewer
and water according to the bonds. F~. De~rco asked if we
could loan them money and ~. Kohl replied: no, the budget
SEPTEMBER 6, ~ 977
has been adopted and unappropriated surplus~has been used.
The lime softening has nothing to do with this. N~-or Zack
clarified that he was referring to the mo~ey involved and
Mr. Kohl informed him that it is in the Tater and Sewer Fund
and not the General Fund. We cannot use Utility Fund money
for the mausoleum. Mr. DeMarco questioned what money could
be used and Me. Kohl replied that we do not have any. Mayor
Zack asked if there was no surplus fund whatsoever and M~~.
Kohl informed him it was all used in the budget for the dif-
ferent items listed.
Mayor Zack questioned the City Council obtaining a loan for
this purpose and Mr. Moore replied that he did not know where
they would get the money. M~nyor Zack referred to a ba~_~k send-
ing a letter in regards to a loan and Mr. Moore informed him
that the Cemetery Board has no authority to borrow money.
~myor Zack suggested that some action be taken. Mm. DeFmrco
s~ated he thought a resolution would be drawn where it wo~ld
be possible to get this loan and Mayor Zack agreed this had
been discussed, hut no action was take~. Mr. Kohl stated
that it was referred back to the City Attorney for research.
Mm. Moore informed them that the Cemetery Board cannot borrow
money from anyone. The City Council may borrow money, but
must pledge collateral.
Mr. DeMarco made a motion to put this on referendmm for this
coming year. Ne. Caldwell seconded the motion, but questioned
if there was any other alternative. Mrs, Jackson added that
she definitely feels this should go to referendum even though
a small item. Motion carried 5-0.
F~. Moore asked ~ho was going to be vested with the responsi-
bility of implementing ~his referendum item and Mr. DeF~%rco
replied that he thoughtlthe Cemetery Board could handle most
of it. Mayor Zack agreed and suggested contacting the Chair-
man of the Cemetery Bo~a~d~ Mr. Moore referred to the back-
ground informatioh need~d~and Mayor Zack requested the City
Clerk to relay this information to the Cemetery Board.
Consider the Purchase of Two (2) Parcels of Land for Two (2)
Lift Stations for Re$ional Plant
N~. Kohl referred to being mandated by Federal Law to obtain
these two appraisals and referred to the letter dated July 31
from Hank Thompson Realty, Inc., covering these. Mayor Zack
questioned only this one appraisal being submitted and ~.
Strnad added that he is a good friend of Hank Thompson and
highly regards his intelligence in this particulse field, but
feels a mistake could be made. M~yor Eack suggested obtaining
tS~ee and Mr. Strnad agreed, especially for this amount of
M~. DeM~rco made a motio~ to have t_hree appraisals, seconded
by Mr. Strnad. No discussion. Motion ca~rie~ 5-0.
Consider License Agreement Between the City and the Coopera-
tive Dispatch Center
F~. Kohl read the cover letter transmitted with the Space
Rental Agreement for the site located at the water tank, 222
N. E. Ninth Avenue, from Lt. John J. Oliver, Chairman, Board
of Administration, Cooperative Dispatch Center, dated August
8, 1977. Mayor Zack asked if the City Attorney had reviewed
the agreement and Mr. Moore replied: yes, it is i~ the proper
M~. DeMarco moved to accept the agreement and have it signed
~y the proper authorities, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. No
discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Traffic Control Agreement - Woolbright Road (15th
Ave.) & Congress ~venue (S~Ro 807)
M~. Kohl read the attached letter dated August 24, ~977, from
Charles R. Walker, Jr., POE., Director, Traffic Division,
perta~n~g to the above traffic control agreement.
M~yor Zack asked if Boynton West Development Corp. had been
contacted in reference to this $15,000 and M~o Kohl replies
that they have and don't plan to pay it right now, but will
have to pay it. ~. Strnad questioned the total cost of the
light and Mr. Kohl informed him it was $15,000. Mr. Strna~
stated that it wouldn't cost the City anything &nd Mr. Kohl
agreed this wa~ correct.
~s. Jackson moved to have the proper authorities sign the
agreement for this traffic light, seconded by N~. DeMarco.
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Traffic Control Agreement - Woolbright Rd. (15th
~ve.) & S. ~ 18th Street
Mr. Kohl read the attached letter dated August 26, 1977, from
Charles R. ~alker, Jr., POE., Director, Traffic Division,
pertaining to the above traffic control agreement. He added
that this is the one the City has to pay for. ~ayor Zack
stated that the cost wa~ included in the budget.
Er. DeMarc~ made a motion to have the proper authorities sign
this agreement, seconded by ¥~o Caldwell. Under discussion,
~ Caldwell asked if a study had been made of this intersec-
tion and ~. DeMarco replied: yes, it is real dangereuE.
Motion carried 5~0.
Consider Permissive Use Agreement - Re: Palm Beach County
Nutrition Program
Mr. Kohl read the attached letter dated August 17, 1977, from
Robert E. Baldwim, Director, Department of H'~mma~Resources,
pertaining to this agreement. Mr. Kohl advised that this
program would be held at the Boat Club located 210 North
Federal Highway. Mayor Zack cIarified that it was the same
agreement, but a change of location.
F~rs. Jackson moved to have the proper authorities execute
the agreement, seconded hy Mr. Caldwell. No discussion.
Motion carried 5-0.
Discuss Items for Referendum - ~i~e ~vor Emily M. Jackson
M.~s. Jackson anmounced that she £eels now is the time to
prepare for a referendum. 'They have already discussed the
mausoleum and she would like to k~ow if the Goldberg property
is still available and >~. Kohl replied that he has made a
phone call, hut has not gotten a response. Mr. Strnad referred
to the deadline being during the first week in September and
~s. Jackson stated she thirties we should find out a6out this.
N~s. Jackson then referred to talking about a straw vote for
a golf course and the purchase of the land should be con-
sidered and if the people would be willing to pay for this.
The question is whether they should pay for it. Mr. DeMarco
s~ggested voting on the item~ individually.
~s. jack, on meved to look into the feasibility of placing
the Goldberg property om a ballot for a boat ramp, seconded
by M~. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
N~s. Jackson referred to a golf course and suggested that a
sketchy feasibility study be made regarding the cost o~ the
land, approximate size needed, whether to charge a greens
~ee, etc. M~. DeM~rco stated that the Melear property is
still available and he would love for the City to have it.
Mayor Zack stated that this was ~89~cm~s involved at the
cost of $5,000 per acre and he explained how it Would cost
over $3,000,000 Before touching the ground. He added that a
recreation complex would cost approximately $2,000,000. He
obtained this informatio~ from an e~chitect for gcl~ courses
and they are talking about 5½ million dollars. He questions
whether the people are going to vote for this. Mrs. Jackson
replied tha~ it should be put on the ballot to give them a
chance to vote on it. >~. Del~rco agreed that the people
should be given a choice. He questioned the cost for a re-
ferendum and N~s. Jackson replied that if it is put on the
regular ballot for the election, it will only cost for the
M~s. Jackson moved to put this up for a vote and to specify
whether they are willing to pay 5½ million dollars for a
golf course. Mayor Eack stated he thought it should be
enumerated rathsr tha~ state an approximate cost. He suggests
listing the cost to each taxpayer. Also, the question is
whether the taxpayer will have to pay to play. Ms. De~rco
then seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Caldwell
asked what happened to the idea brought before the Co~cil
about the man saying he would give us land if we would develop
it and M~yor Zack replied that this information had not been
received in writing as requested. F~. DeMarco added that it
would strictly be a lease and not a donation of the land.
Mss. Jackson added that if there were any other pieces of
property, they should be considered. As requested,
Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Strnad - No
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
~yor Zack - No
Motion carried 3-2.
Consider Request of Curt G. Joa, Inc. for Extension of Water
Mx~. Kohl read his letter dated Au~ast 18, 1977 to ~¢r. Eli N.
Vance, II~, of Curt G. Joa, Inc. as follows:
~We wish to advise that your request for water lines to
your plant site will be presented to our City Council
at their Regular Meeting of September'S, 1977.
I anticipate no problem with your request. However, it
should be understood that the cost of the lines and all
necessary cor~uections thereto would be at the owners
expense. In addition, all City requirements must be met
when the installations are made."
Mayor Zack stated he thinks past experiences with this gentle-
ma~ have been highly~r~c~mm~s.
I~. DeMarco moved to gr~at this request, seconded by N~.
Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Report on Fixture Count~ ~a~er Usage and Water Rates
~¢~. Kohl read his attached letter dated September 1, 1977,
regarding the sewer rates sent to M~. M~lton L. Hallman,
Jr., ~ice President, Russell & ~¢xon, amd R~. A1 C. Shepard,
William R. Hough & Co.
SEPTEF~ER6, 1977
Mayor Zack asked when he expected an answer and ~. Kohl re-
plied that he hoped within ten days. P~or Zack stated we
must m~et our obligation plus en~e~rgencies.
Mayor Zack asked if.'any men were working on this a_nd Mr.
Kohl replied that no~e were at this time. Mayor Zack ~ked
how ~ruch of the survey was completed and Ma~. Kohl replied
approximately 2/3. Mayor Zack asked if he planned to com-
plete~ it and M~. Kohl replied that he was waiting ~or a~
answer, t~yor Zack stated he thought they should have a
complete sur~ey and Mr. Moore ad~ed~tha% they started some-
thing and should complete it. Mr. De~zr¢o referred to it
already trroving a point with having more f~wtures than shown
and it needs re~isio~. Mr. Kohl added that if we go to a
fixture count, we ~st charge accordingly and must have a
complete reading. Mayor Zack questioned how long it would
take to complete the survey and M~. Kohl replied that it
could ~e completed within a month. Mr. De~rco s~ked if it
was the idea to do away with the fixture charge and M~yor
Zack replied that a decision could not he made ~ntil we have
the exact ~umBer of fixtures. He persomally feels we should
complete the survey.
Mr. Caldwell moved to start up the survey ~nd complete it as
soon as possible, seconded by M~s. Jackson. Under discussion,
N~. Strnad asked if there were enough men to implement this
and ~. Kohl replied that he would get it done. Motion car-
ried 5-0.
Consider Proposed Subdivision Regulations
Mr. Kohl referred to informing the Council on August 24th
that he received the above and had it available in his o£fice.
This replaces the out-of-date existing subdivision regulations
(Chapter 25-A) of the Code. The Planning & Zoning Board has
contributed many hours~of workshop revie~ on this very signi-
ficant document which is vitally important to the City. The
Planning ~ Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval of
the proposed regulations. Motion was made by M~. Lambert
and seconded by ~. Winter. If Council approves, the City
Attorney should Be directed to prepare ~ne appropriate docu-
ment accepting these reg~latior~.
Mayor Zack Stated he had taken this lengthy subdivision regu-
lation home over the weekend and read it~
~s. Jackson asker if anything was includedabout piling er
if only demucking was allowed and Mr. Clark informed her that
this was basically the County Subdivision Ordinance and ~.
Bill Flushing worked on it, He does not remember anything
specifically about demucking, butall plans must be approved
by the Engineering Department. Mrs. Jackson referred to
SEPTEP~ER 6, 1977
there being reference to excavating and stated that piling
should be mentioned, so the people don't think they don~t
have-to do it and ~. Clark informed her there was another
ordinance, Chapter IO, covering this requiring a permit be
obtained from the City Council by applying to the Building
~epartment Eor excavation with a bond requ~ed.
~h~s~ Jackson then stated that 21 months seeme~ like a long
time~omst.~a~t to finish and Mr. Cl~k ~greed this was true,
~ num~e~ of subdivisions have been going on
for three to four years such as Golfview Harbour and Leisure-
ville. The larger subdivisions take years° Mrs. Jackson
clarified that she was wondering whether this was a hard and
fast rule ~d Mro Clark informe~ her that this is the maxi-
Mayor Zack asked if this was in line with the County Subdivi-
sion Ordinance and N~. Clark informed him that the County has
made some changes and they made a few changes which were nec-
essary for the BoyRton Beach area.
~s. Jackson referred to the request to have the City Attorney
draw up the appropriate document and M~o Clark explained
that legal treatment was at the front and back.
Mrs. Jackson made a motion that the City Attorney prepare the
appropriate document accepting the subdivision regulations,
seconded by Mr. Caldwel!. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Disc~s Board of Adjustment - Vice ~&~yor Em~y Mo Jackso~
N~s. Jackson referred to reading the minutes from the Board of
~djustment meetings and suggested that the City Attorney sit
at a meeting in the future and explain their purpose and that
there ~ast be a hardship existing and csN~ot be sel~imposed.
She thinks it should be pointed out that an option to buy
should not be constituted a hardship. A conflict of interest
should mean that the member should not remain seated on the
pedium. She thimks the Bo~J~ is groping and needs help. She
thinks the City Attorney should sit in at the next meeting
and give ~idelines. Mayor Zack agreed and stated that he
has also read the minutes, but thinks a request should come
from the Board of Adjustment sLuce they have the power and
M~. Moore informed the Council that the Board of A~justment
has asked him for opinions o~ numerous occassions, but
basically for administrative problems. He has spent a good
deal of time in general correspondence with them. Their
functions are set forth in the ordinance.
SEPTEM~ER 6, 1977
M~. DeM~co stated that he attended the last meeting and
thinks the Board needs some help suud thinks the City Attor-
ney guiding them at one meeting would help. Mayor Zack
replied that he thinks the request should come from the
Board of Adjustment. Mzrs. Jackson remarked that the Board
might not know they need help. Fr. Moore referred to the
Board having had some complex problems and he does not know
if legal input would help them or not. He feels a request
should come from the Board Mud they are floundering.
F~s. Padgett informed the Council that Mrs. Janet Hall had
requested to speak o~ this item. M~so Janet Hall, Sea mst
Marina, appeared Before the COuncil. She informed the
Council that she has attended several Board of Adjustment
meetings and has read through pages of their minutes. She
explained that she was concerned with making an appeal with-
in the 30 dacv limit. She referred to a decision made 29
days.ago and advised that a re-hearing was called for August
8 aha at that time, a motion was made to re-affirm their
action taken at the last meet~ug, but it died for lack of a
second. She would like the City Attorney's opinion on the
status of this. ~. Moors replied that there could be some
technical point; however, ~ person aggrieved can appeal a
decision. This recourse would have to be tkrough the circuit
court and his position may be to defend the Board of Adjust-
ment~s position, so he would have to decline his opinion at
this time. M~s. Hall questioned the present status of the
decision made by the Board and Fy. Moore replied that he
could not make that decision.
~o DeMarco stated he did not think the Board of Adjustment
had made a decision and ~s. Jackson agreed they did not.
Mayor Zack stated this ws~ not the Council's responsibility
and he does not think we should be involved. F~s. Hall
stated that there was a decision made and if it stands,
they have until tomorrow to make an appeal, but if not,
there is no time limit. Major Zack replied that if there
is a chance to appeal it, an appeal shouYd be filed.
Fm. Caldwell clarified that the Board ~mde a decision at a
previous meeting, then at the following meeting a motion was
made for re-affirmation of their de~s~on and it died for
lack of a second; therefore~ the original motion stands.
~. Charles Rodriguez appeared before the Council and clari-
fied that the Board of Adjustment first actually reconsidered
the original approval in July. A motion to re-affirm failed
to get a second and the only status they are in is reconsid-
eration of theirdecision.· ' The attorney stated they comld
affirm, deny or amend.
See Min.
o, 1977
Mr. Moore stated that it is a very tenuous position because
the Council has no authority over that particular Board.
The only recourse is to appe~lto the circuit court.
Mme. Hall stated again that she was only trying to find out
the Board's decision. She has attended two public hearings,
but does not kuow the result. ~myor Zack suggested that she
go back to the Eoard of Adjustment.
Nm. Rodriguez referred to the City Council appointir~ ~he
members to the Board of AdjUstment and stated that to some
degree, he thinks there would Be some interrelationship and
if there was the feeling that the Board is going astra~,
it would be the basis for an informal discussion. N~. Strnad
referred to this Board being a quasi-judicial bo~y and stated
that the Council could not inject their thoughts. The only
recourse is through a hig~court of the proper jurisdiction.
Request Approval of Final Plat of Cranbro~Lake Estates
?~. Kohl informed the Council that the final plat of Cran-
brook Lake Estates, located at the So W. corner of Golf Road
and Congress Avenue, was submitted by Ms. Stanley Olesiewicz
for ~. Joseph Cogen. The Planning & Zoning Board at their
meeting of June 14, 1977, unanimously recommended approval
of the fiRal plat subject to the posting of a perfOrmanee bond
and the submission of a legally constituted maintenance agree-
ment to the City Attorney for his review as reG£Gired by ordi-
nance. The motion to approve was made by Mr. Lambert and
seconded by Ns. Winter. Since the a~ove action was taken, a
Letter of Credit has been submitted to the City and the linen
has been filed with the City Clerk. The request of Fh~.
Joseph Cogen and the recommendations of the department heads
involved with the project have been submitted to the Council
members. He respectfully requests Council's approval on the
final plat as well as M~. Cogen's request to begin work immed-
iately on the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal running
through this property.
Nss. Jackson moved to accept this plat subject to permits
from the Lake Worth Drainage District and other regulatory
agencies and this not be allowed to commence until the plat
is recorded, seconded by ~. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion
carried 5-0.
Request Approval of South Central Regional Wastewater Treat-
~ent Disposal Board Budget
Mm. Kohl read the following memo dated August 19, 1977, from
5~. Anthony J. Canon, C.E.O.
SEPTEmbER 6, 1977
"in accordance with conditions of the Interiocal Agree-
ment, certain actions of the SC~RWTD Board are subject to
approval by the individual City Council actions of Boy,ton
Beach and Delray Beach. In this regard, the SCR~TD Budget,
herewith attached, was approved by the Board at the meeting
of August I8, 1977. It would be appreciated if you would
place this matter before your Council's next meeting for
their ap_.ur oval."
Mayor Zack added that F~. Canon expressed his apologies for
not being able to attend this e~ening, but had to attend a
meeting in Ocean Ridge.
Fm. Caidwell asked if the figures reflected the salary adjust-
ments and M~s. Jackson replied that this is the Budget passed
at the Board meeting. Mr. DeYm~rco added that the adjustment
was going to be made somewhere else.
Mr. DeMarco moved to grant approval, seconded by ¥~. Strnad.
NO discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Receipt of Resignation - ~. Paul Scoggins, Alternate, Board
.of Adjustment
Mrs. Jackson moved to accept the resignation of M~. Scoggins
with regret, seconded by ¥~. Caldwel!. No discussion. Motion
carried 5-0.
Discussion of Cranbrook Lake Estates (Continued)
M~. Kohl referred to ~. Cogen requesting to begin work i~ed-
iately on the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal running
through his property and ~s, Jackson replied that the plat
must be recorded according to the City Planner and City Engi-
neer. N~. Annunziato clarified that there were three things
involved: approval of the plat, commence construction of the
Lake Worth Drainage canal, and construction of the plat itself.
M~. Cogen has asked that construction of the plat itself not
he allowed until the plat is recorded, but the digging of the
canal is a separate item. He referred to bringing the relo-
cation of the canal to the Council's attention 8md stated
that the canal will be there whether the plat is approved ~r
Mr. Annunziato clarified that the recommendations were to
recommend approval of the plat subject to staff recommenda-
tions, recommend that construction be commenced of the Lake
Worth Drainage District canal at this point, ~ud the plat
requirements not commenc~ ~mti! the plat is recorded.
~s. Jackson moved to rescind her previous motion, seconded
hy Mr. DeN~rco. No discussion. Motion ca_wried 5-0.
~. Moore asked if other bonding was required for the sxcava~
tion 2ud Me. Ann~nziato replied that it was included because
there was no backfill.
Mr. Caldwell made a motion to recommend approval of the plat
subject to staff recommendations, recommend that construction
be comEenced of the Lake Worth Drainage District canal at this
point, and the plat requirements not commence until the plat
is recorded. ¥~s. Jackson seconded the motion. No discussion~
Motion carried
~ppoint ~lternate Member to Board of Adjustment
M~ayor Zack ~certa~ued there were no recommendations from the
Council members~ M~. Caldwell moved to table this, seconded
by N~. DeMarcoo Motion carried 5~0.
Consider Requests of Cemetery Board:
?. Request of Frank Wo Petze for Refund
2. Recuest of N~so F~r~orie J. Israel for Refund
N~s. Jackson moved to refund the purchase price less 20~ on
these two requests~ seconded by Neo Caldwell. No discussion.
Motion carried 5~0o
~pplication for Permit to Solicit - National Multiple
Sclerosis Societ~ - Gold Coast FIorida Chapter
M~. Kohl read the a~plication. Mrs. Jackson moved to gr~ut
permission, seconded by Me. Ca!~ell. No discussion. Motion
Consider Zoning for New Beverage ~pp!ication - Catherine
Thomas and Ruby James~ 130 N. E. ~Oth Avenue (10th Ave. ~arket)
M~. Kohl read the application. M~. DeM~co moved to grant,
seconded by N~. Caldwel!o No discussion. Motion carried 5~0o
?pproval of Bills
Kohl read the following bills for approval:
Microfilm Center $ 1,775.6~
M~crofilming and jackets
Pay from budgeted funds 00~-870o76
2. Board of County Commissioners .
Garbage disposal at CouRty Landf~ll
P~y from Eunds appropriated 00~-853o37
Penwalt Corpe
Chemicals for Sewer Plant
P~ from Acco~ut 001-822o65
Council approved over-expenditure 6/2t/77
Rubin Construction Co.
Concrete for streets
Psy from~Anti-Recession F~nds 003-854.35
Subject ~o passage of Ordinance ~77~3 on
second read,ag 9/6/?~
BiS Chief
Demolition of structures at 2923 ~. Federal
To be reimbursed
Nalco Chemical ~oo
Chemicals for Sewer Plant
Pay from Account O30~822.65
Council authorized over-expenditure 6/21/77
,352 ~88
Underground Supply Co~ Inc.
Water Main supplies
Pay from budgeted funds 030-8t2.57
Aerial & Hydraulic Equipment
Aerial platform truc~
Pay from Anti-Recession F~ttuds 001-851.79
Council approved 3/~5/77
Carpe~ter~ F~a~ & Bremer
Additional fees for accounting purposes
Pay from Accounts 001-830.21 - $ 699.00
030-802.21 $ 1,270.00
Subject to approval of transfer
969. O0
Penwalt Corp.
Chemicals for Sewer Plant
Pay from Account 030-822.65
Council authorized over-expenditure 6/21/77
Russell &Axon 626-68~-04~4 #2
Engineering services for Regional Lift
Stations ~ud Force Mains permits and
Pay from Utility General Fund 030-215
Authorization dated 11/19/72
R~sell & Axon 626-681~08~3 #~
Consulting services during construction of
Water Facilities Expansion - Water Treat-
ment Plant
Pay from Utility General Fund 030-205
Authorization dated 5/8/74
SEPTEmbER 6, 1977
t3. Russell & Axon 626-681-08-6~ #13 $ 7,231.56
Resident inspection and engineering ser-
vices durLug construction at Water
Treatment Plant and Warehouse
Pay from Utility General Fund 030-205
Intercount$- Construction Est. #12 234,812.97
~ater Treatment Plant Expansion
Pay from Atlantic National Bamk 1975B Series
Contract dated 7/9/76
]5. Willie Ruth McGrad7 144.00
Server for Senior Citizens Club - 3 weeks
Pay from encumbered funds 020-507
Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73
16. Isiah Andrews 165,00
Driver~for Senior Citizens Club - 3 weeks
Pay from encumbered funds 020-50?
Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/~5/73
17. Allen Insurance Agenc~ 2,186,00
Addition~~l premium for nee cars and building
Pay from accounts 001-506 $],538o00
030-830.36 ~ $ 648.00
Mm. Kohl stated that the bills described have been approved
and verified by the department heads involved; checked and
approved for psyment by the F±nance Department; funds are
available in their respective budgets. He therefore recom-
mends payment of these bills. He added that Russell & Axon
have included the number of hours, who spen~ them, etc.
Mayor Zack referred to Item 9 ~ud cuestioned what this in-
cluded and Mr. Kohl informed him t~at this was for the help
in procurinE a new accountant and some additional accountLug
fees for work they have been doing in the Finauce Department.
Mayor Zack asked if it involved the budget making process
and Mr. Kohl reolied: no. Mayor Zack asked if everything
was included so-far and ~. Kohl replied that he was quite
sure it is up-to~date.
M~. Caldweil referred to the bill from Allen Insurance and
asked what had happened to self-insurance and ~. Kohl replied
that it has gone by the wayside for this year because the
budget has been approved. ~mJor Zack referred to West Palm
B~ach being interested and stated that he thinks we are large
enough. F~. Kohl advised that he talked to a co~pl~ but
they were not interested.
~. Caldwell moved to pay the bills, seconded by .~s. Jackson~
No discussion. Motion carried 5~0.
SEPTE~ER 6, 1977
Transfer of Funds
Water Treatment Plant - Mu. Kohl requested this transfer
from the Finance Department to the Tater Treatment Plant to
cover estimated expenditures to the end of the year in the
amount o£ $150.00.
Water Dls~But~on and Sewage Collection - Mr. Kohl
informed the Counci~ that this was $500.00 for the Broward
~mp to cower o~er-expenditure on the Broward Pump.
Audit Fees - ¥~. Kohl requested $699.00 for the audit
and $~,270.00 for the a~dit to cover additional audit fees.
~yor Zack referred to there being two items for audit fees
and asked what audit was Being done and Mr. Kohl informed
him that he would get the ~ill after the meeting.
R~s. Jackson moved to transfer the funds as requested,
seconded by M~. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried
Motion carried
at 10:t0 P. M.
Jackson moved to adjourn, seconded by ~. DeMarco.
5~0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
City Cler~
Recorming 5~cre~ary
(Three Tapes )
.~ /~/Vice Mayor
~ ~nci! .~ember
Co ~uncil Member
F T T ,
A~gust 29~ !977
Non. Joseph Zack
C~ ;y Hail
~oynto n Beach,
Dear Mayor Zack:
It is our understanding that the City Manager called a lommunity
Promotion Board Mee~no on Tuesday, August 23rd.
At this ~.~ee~ng~' he requested the support
to remo~e the C~tv Board ~
- ~ a~nner £rom ~he
ou~ o£ town restaurant.
of the four membems presen~
City of Boyn~on Beae~ to an
His'reasoning for doing'so being that the ' ,~ -",~ ~ ...... ' ............
presem. We objecv s~renuously ~o his disloyalty as e '~ ~
proposed actions detailed below: ~vm .... c~ by his
We are 'ousiness men of this City who add substantially vo the
revenues of-the Oity by paying zaxes, water, sewer and garbage
bil~s as well as yearly o ~' L
- ccupa ~ona licenses.
2. The business men ofthis community should be supported not opposed
by our City offic, ials.
We · -~- ~Sld~,~ and doesn't pay vaxes
~now Mr. Kohl is a Lake Park ro ' ~
here. However, his salary of $30,000. pew year pins $1,200. car
..... owance is be~n~ paiO by our zaxes; He should be loyal zo the
people who arepay~ng~ him. '
"Ubsr~ty be~Ns at nome, Hr. ~[o?~!". Ait~ough yo~ are no~ a resi~
dent of this ]ivy, as City Mansger we would expec~ you to hsve
some concern and re~ard for the ~aKpayers of this community.
~y its definition the Boynton Beach Community Promotion Board
should PROMOTE [N[~S CITY and not suppor~ other cities~ if t~ls~
Board dec~des to accept Mr. ~oh~'~ reeommer~tion on +his issue,
defeating its purpose[~
Mr. Kohl's desires ~o presens a musical extravaganza ev the City
Beard dinner is nothing more than his efforvs
l~riands from other communities in the en~ertainmen~ field at OUR
Ne has spent~v~ er $1,000. on entersalnmen~ for the last two board
dirmers all as the taxpayers expense.
Further, if it is the feeling of the. City Council that entertain-
menv is a necess'ity at the Board dinner, we w. ou!d like ~o poinl
ous that we have many talented people and several bend com~os here
in "our town" who would be happy to perform but have never been
asked. Mr. Kohl continues so bring in his friends from Lake Park
and Wes~ Pai~ Beach.
na~e never been given the opport~nity '~o
earn this ex~ra mgney.
We contend our civic min~ed residents who volunveer their services
to the c~ty ~oards woul~ have a most pleasureable evening az a
dinner-dance and would be willing to forego the the enzerzainmenz~
Thereby saving the taxpayers a substantial amounz of money~
In conclusion it is our contention that Mr. Kohl should spend more
time attending to the important problems of the City, of which tl~ere
ars many, and less time as a promotor!
He was hired as our City administrator.z° save taxpayer's money and
NOT an enzrepreneur ~o spend e~31orbitant amoun~ of zaxpayer~s funds
We suggest if Mr. Kohl persists in his musical entertainment extra-
vagan~a ~ ~r -the ~oarld ~dinne~,: ~hi~-.~£~nc,tio~-be,'~el.~ a~O~U~ ~i-t~ C&~
We insisz this City ~unct~on~ ' ' rema~n~¢he' * City off Boynton Beach in its
entirety ~
We ~=s ~tfull
-~ p..~ y request copies be given ~o the
Promotion Board and this letter be made a part
next City Council meeting.
members of the Community
of the record at the
Respectfully submitted,
Vice Mayor Jackson
Councilman Strnad \ ~--
~ouncilman DeMarco
Chamber of ~
Peggy B. Evatt, Vice-Chairman
Dennis P. KoeMer
Bill Mad[eh
August 24, 1977
Mr. Frank Kohl
City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
P. O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
SUBJECT: Traffic Control Agreement - Woolbright Road (S. W. 15th Avenue) and
Congress Avenue (SR-807)
Dear Mr. Kohl:
This is in reply to your letter of August 19, 1977 concerning the installation
of a traffic signal at the subject intersection, it is understood that the
~Boya~on_West Development Corporation has agreed to provide $15,000o00 toward the
installation of the signal. WinCh these monies are available, please forward to
this office in a check made payable to the .2~,ard of County Commissioners. It is
further cost to the City.
To accomplish the above, it will be necessa~z to enner into the enclosed traffic
control agreement. The four (4) copies of each agree~nt are to be executed by
the officials of the City of Boynton Beach. ~q~en executed, please return alt
copies to this office so we may present then to the Board of County Co~nissioners
for execution, at which time a copy will be returned to you.
Your continued cooperation in these matters is appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E.
Director, Traffic Division
CR[,I :nh
Eric losures:
Traffic Control Agreement (4)
';305) 684-ZzCO
_~[ Pe~,-3y B. Evalt, Vice-Chairman 3ohn C. $?
Dennis P. Koeh!er
BiI! Mad!on
B~ll Bailey
August 26,
Mr. Frank Kohl
City i~anager
City of Boynton Beach
P. O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
SUBJECT: Traffic Control Agreement - ,.,oo_brzoht Road (S. W,
cad S. W. 18th Street
Department of E:,~neerin2
and Pu:';c Works
H. F. Kah!ert
Count.. Engineer
15th Avenue)
Dear Mr. Kohl:
This is in reply to your letter of August 19, 1977 authorizing the County
to install a traffic signal at the subtec=_ intersection, It is nnder-
stood that the City of Boynton Beach will reimburse the County for the
initial cost of the installation, and :ha: the County will assume mainte-
nance at no further cost to the City. it is estimated that the initial
installation cost will be $12,500.00.
To accomplish the above, it will be necessary to enter into the enclosed
traffic control agreement. The four (£) copies of each agreement are to
be executed by the officials of the Ci:y ~f Boynton Beach, I~en execnta~,
please return all copies to this office so we may present them to the
Board of County Commissioners for execution, at which time a copy will be
returned to you.
Your continued cooperation in these ma:tars is appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E.
Director, Traffic Division
Traffic Control Agreement (4)
BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, F LC= - A 33402 {305~ $$4-246[
Lake Lvtal Vice-CharCOal
August 17, 1977 File: .N~t 4
Mr. Frank Kohl, City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
120 N. E. 2nd Avenue
Boynton Beach, Florida 33430
Dear Mr. Kohl:
Enclosed please find a Permissive Use Agreement between The City of
Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County for space to operate a congregate
dining site for the Palm Beach County Nutrition Program.
This agreement has been written to include the same conditions in the
agreement, dated May 31, 1977, for the use of the Wilson Recreation
Community Center.
We are forwarding you four (4) copies of the agreement. Should this
agreement meet with your approval, please return three (3) executed
copies for execution by the Board of County Commissio.ners.
If you should have any further e ~'
qu s~ons, please do not hesitate to
contact me at 837-2228.
Palm Beach County appreciates your concern for senior c~tizens.
S i n c e.r~>~y.~,_/~~
.~ /~BepaFtment of Human Resources
/ REB:SAT:cwa
BOX i 989 WEST PA'LM BEACH. F LO R~DA 33.02 . [~051~ g~ ~_222~;. , .
Office of the City Manager
Septeraber 1, 1977
Mr Milton L. Ha!lman, Jr.
Vice Pres., Russell &Axon
Mr. A1 C. Shepard
william R. Hough & Co.
RE: Sewer Rates
As you gentlemen know,
during the past several months, we have had
part-time help employed through the Building Department checking
fixture units in a substantial portion of the city. We are find-
lng that, in general, we are averaging finding 1 to 2 fixtnres more
than on the actual count that we are presently billing.
As you know, our charges for residential sewer service are based on
fixture unit count on the following basis:
0 5 $5.00 Minimum
Over 5 1.00 per fixture unit
We have made a survey of methods on computing sewer charges in about
15 cities. Examples of the different methods of charging are as fol-
Fixture Unit Count Basis
Delray Beach
4 $4.50 Min.; 5 12,
Over 12, 25¢ each.
West Palm Beach 0 4 $4.50 Min.; 5 - 12, 75¢ ea.;
Over 12, 45¢ each
Mr. Milton. L. Hallman, Jr.
Vice Pres., Russell & Axon
Mr. A1 C. Shepard
william R. Hough & Co.
RE: Sewer Rates
September 1,
Page 2
Water Consumption Basis
Riviera Beach
Ft. Lauderdale
Veto Beach
0 - 5,000 Gal., $5.35; Over 5,000,
(with $8.10 Maximum)
0 3,000 Gal., $3.50; Over 3,000,
(No Maximum)
$1.16/1,0 G)
0 1,000 Gal., $2.84; 2 - 5,000, 74¢/1,000
Above 5,000 Gal. 69¢ (Max. $9.00)
0 4,000 Gal., $1.07/1,000
5 12,000 Gal., 73¢/1,000, plus 85¢ billing
charge (Max. 12,000 Gal.)
0 3,000 Gal., $6.00; Over 3,000, 75¢/1,000
(Max. $10.50)
Flat Rate
Pompano Beach $6.05 per living unit
Deerfield Beach 3.00 (1) Bath, 50¢ ea.
Boca Raton 2.30 (1) Bath, $1.15 ea.
Manatee County 8.00 Flat
added bath
added bath
There has been some discussion about changing the method of billing.
Our question is this: Is it mandatory, under the bond issues, that
we maintain the present fo_tm of billing? Or, can the method of bill-
ing be changed -- and, if it can be changed, would mu'= require' a re-
view and input by both the Consulting Engineers and Fiscal Agent be-
fore Council took action on this matter?
Please respond with adequate details, including a time frame on t-his.
Very truly yours,
Mt. Perry Cessna,Utilities Director
City Manager