Minutes 02-28-12 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2012, AT 6:30 P.M. IN THE CHAMBERS, AT CITY HALL 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PRESENT: James Brake Mike Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director Cory Kravit Stacey Weinger, Board Attorney Sharon Grcevic, Acting Chair Brian Miller ABSENT: Roger Saberson, Chair Matthew Barnes, Vice Chair The meeting was called to order at 6:31 p.m. Sharon Grcevic, as the longest term board member, acted as Chair in view of the absence of Roger Saberson, Chair and Matthew Barnes, Vice Chair. Four members were present to constitute a quorum. 1. Pledge of Allegiance The Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 2. Introduction of the Board Self- introductions were made. 3. Agenda Approval Motion Mr. Miller moved to approve the agenda as posted. Mr. Brake seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 4. Approval of Minutes from January 24, 2012 Mr. Miller moved to approve the minutes of January 24, 2012. Mr. Brake seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 1 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, FL February 28, 2012 Ms. Weinger administered an oath to all those intending to speak. 5. Communications and Announcements: Report from Staff Ed Breese, Principal Planner, reported the Commission did accept and approve the recommendations of the Board on Colonial Gateway Veterinary Center and Electric Vehicle Infrastructure. 6. New Business: A.1 Seabourn Cove Phase I I (REZN 12 -001) — Approve request to replace an expired Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Plan for 121 townhome units with a new PUD Master Plan consisting of 148 multi- family rental units, located on the west side of South Federal Highway, east of Old Dixie Highway. Applicant: Bradley Miller, Miller Land Planning Consultants, Inc. Kathleen Zeitler, Planner, advised the property owner, Gulfstream Gardens Phase II, LLC, of 7.4 acres requested a new PUD Master Plan for the property. She located the property between Federal Highway and Old Dixie Highway near Miller Road. The owners also owned Seabourn Cove Phase 1 to the south that is currently under construction. The present zoning district would not change. The request was for approval of a new Master Plan for the PUD. The surrounding properties were described as residential to the northwest, undeveloped property on the northeast, a church on the southwest, a townhouse development to the southeast. On the east is the right of way for Federal Highway and another townhouse development. On the west is the Old Dixie Highway right of way and further west is the FEC railroad. The PUD zoning requires an approved Master Plan. The new Plan proposes 148 multi- family dwelling units at the maximum density of 20 du (dwelling units per acre) within 14, three -story buildings with recreational amenities and parking. The design of Phase II would be the same as the design already approved for Phase I. It has 308 multi- family rental units. The proposed development would be gated for privacy with one point of ingress and egress with right -in and right -out to Federal Highway. An extended entryway would allow for stacking of several vehicles at the gate. There would be a gated, sod access off of Old Dixie Highway for emergency purposes only. The 14, three -story buildings would have over 200,000 square feet of building area. The design includes rental apartments and townhouses with the possibility of conversion to condominiums. Many would be handicap accessible. The amenities would be a pool, pool gazebo and club house for the residents and 278 parking spaces that include 52 garage spaces and 7 handicap accessible spaces The Site Plan 2 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, FL February 28, 2012 portrays open space areas, meandering walkways, covered trellis with benches and covered bike racks. A landscaped walkway would be installed along the swale area beside Old Dixie Highway to connect the two phases of Seabourn Cove. There would be three building types and they are the same as permitted in Seabourn Cove Phase I. It is a contemporary design with impact resistant windows, decorative shutters and balconies. They have a smooth stucco finish, score lines and S -style roof. The color palate would be neutral. Eight buildings will have one bedroom, one bath and no garage units. The other buildings would have two and three bedroom units that include a one car garage. There would be 96 one - bedroom units, 38 two - bedroom units and 14 three - bedroom units. The landscape plan has canopy trees and palms and exceeds the minimum requirements. Green area would encompass 34% of the property. There would be buffers around the entire development and large landscape islands throughout. Foundation plantings around all buildings would have trees half the building height. There would be extra plantings in the swale along Old Dixie Highway. The plant materials would be Florida number one grade and have low or medium watering needs. Staff determined the plan was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan objective and policies. It was consistent with the established land use patterns. Approval was recommended. A.2 Seabourn Cove Phase II (NWSP 12 -001) -- Approve New Site Plan request for 148 multi - family units (rental apartments and townhomes) in 14, 3 -story buildings, and associated recreational amenities and parking areas of 7.40 acres, located on the west side of South Federal Highway, east of Old Dixie Highway in a Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning district. Applicant: Bradley Miller, Miller Land Planning Consultants, Inc. Staff reviewed the request for New Site Plan and recommends approval contingent upon the approval of rezoning, including a new Master Plan and subject to satisfying all conditions of approval. Bradley Miller, Miller Land Planning Consultants, Inc., agent for the owners, located the development and described the surrounding areas. Seabourn Cove Phase I has 70% of the vertical construction underway. The area has the high, land -use designation of 20 du per acre and the project is consistent with the density already in place. The request establishes a new Master Plan for the property and a Site Plan with more detail. There would be 277 parking spaces, six more than required, with 52 spaces in garages. The site features a gated community, clubhouse of 2,500 square feet with exercise and social facilities, resort style pool, gazebos and barbeque areas and pedestrian pathways. The landscape plan has two and a half times the number of trees required. The perimeter buffers exceed Code to provide a secured community. 3 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, FL February 28, 2012 The owners have voluntarily committed to improve the 50 -foot right of way along Old Dixie Highway and create a linear park. They requested to establish a new Master Plan and New Site Plan. Board Member Miller pointed out the additional landscape would buffer the noise from the railroad tracks. The applicant agreed with staff and all the conditions of approval. Mr. Brake inquired about the location of the dumpsters. Mr. Miller replied there would be a compactor off of Old Dixie Highway with the communities having a valet service for the trash to be transported to the compactor. The trash from the compactor would be removed by the City every other day. Ms. Grcevic asked if the three -story building had elevators and Mr. Miller replied they were walk -up units that could be adapted for condo conversion if the market changed. The exit is on to Federal Highway and the Fire Department requested a stabilized grassy area on the west side on to Old Dixie Highway be designated as an emergency exit. The lighting along Federal Highway was discussed and it was recognized that the Florida Department of Transportation would have to address the issue. The applicant had no plans to install lighting along Federal Highway. Toni Donlin, 1 B, Ridgepoint Drive, had sent an email to staff expressing her concern with truck traffic on Old Dixie Highway, a narrow road, and the lack of side walks in the area for those walking or biking through the area. A prior commitment had been made that delivery or construction trucks would not be using Dixie Highway and she wanted the regulation enforced. Diane Winger, 3582 North Old Dixie, submitted a petition with signatures for a traffic calming area. They reside along Old Dixie, Periwinkle, Gibbs and a few from Miller. The traffic on Old Dixie Highway is an endangerment to anyone walking or biking. There are no lines on the road, speed bumps, traffic signals or street lights. She contended a lot of people were being put into a small space and the developer was responsible to ensure their safety. Mr. Kravit did not feel the comments related to the agenda item before the Board. Mr. Brake agreed. Mr. Miller responded there would be no vehicular connection to Old Dixie Highway except for access to the compactor once, every other day. There is a road to three single - family units on the north side, not part of the development. Linda Stabile, 3811 Wall Street, Delray Beach, had contacted the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and City staff regarding the truck traffic during construction in the area. Working with the developer has assisted with the issue, but the construction vehicles continue to use the road. Mr. Miller commented the developer has admonished the subcontractors on several occasions and there is a provision in every contract that dictates a route, but a few truck drivers do not comply. The new linear park would include a pedestrian walkway that currently does not exist. 4 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, FL February 28, 2012 Ms. Grcevic assured everyone wants the residents in the area to be safe. Unfortunately the concerns voiced were not under the jurisdiction of the Planning and Development Board. No one else coming forward, Ms. Grcevic closed public audience. Mr. Brake commended the developers for making the effort to be a good neighbor to the existing residents along Old Dixie Highway. Motion Mr. Kravit moved to approve Item A.1, Seabourn Cove Phase II to approve the request to replace an expired Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Plan for 121 townhome units with a new PUD Master Plan consisting of 148 multi - family rental units located on the west of South Federal Highway, east of Old Dixie Highway. Mr. Miller seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Motion Mr. Brake moved to approve Item A.2, for a New Site Plan with148 multi - family units including the Conditions of Approval. Mr. Miller seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. B.1 LDR Matrix and Notes Modifications (CDRV 12 -002) — Approve modifications to the Land Development Regulations (LDR) "Matrix and Notes" to include "Schools in the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning districts "; "Accessory Commercial Uses in the Recreation (REC) zoning district "; and "Clarification of rules applicable to commercial components of Industrial Uses ". Applicant: City- Initiated. Eric Johnson, Planner, reviewed the request. The Code amendment would further two initiatives in the City for business and economic development and internal consistency. It may further sustainability initiatives also. Currently primary and secondary schools are not allowed in the PUD zoning district. The amendment would change the use matrix to allow the schools. The Recreation Department had requested an amendment to allow certain commercial activities in City parks. The last amendment clarifies a previous ordinance relating to tasting rooms for beverage manufacturing. Mr. Johnson added the change to allow schools in PUD was based on the American Planning Association's policy guide to enhanced linkages between symbiotic and uses. The schools should be close to the homes. The Comprehensive Plan addresses schools should be allowed in all residential land use categories. There is one existing elementary school in a PUD and it would now be conforming. Staff recommended 5 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, FL February 28, 2012 approval. The accessory components in parks would allow such things as mobile vending units in parks with a comprehensive and holistic review of each request. The guidelines would have to be discussed, with a contract drafted and approved by the Commission. Staff had been approached by individuals wanting to open microbreweries and the existing language in the LDR was confusing. The intent of the original ordinance would not change. The added language would clarify the purpose and intent of the Code. Staff recommended the Code amendment be approved. Mr. Brake questioned where the schools could be added into a PUD. Mr. Johnson replied the City's PUD calls for a Master Plan and there could be a commercial component. There are vertical mixed use and horizontal mixed use that can be accommodated in a PUD. The proposed change would allow a school to occupy a certain amount of space within a property zoned PUD. Mr. Brake wanted to be sure the change would not clutter the zoning. Mr. Johnson replied it would comply with the Comprehensive Plan. A school would be a permitted use that would have to be reviewed and approved ultimately by the Commission. Motion Mr. Miller moved to approve modifications to the Land Development Regulations to allow schools in Planned Unit Developments, accessory commercial units within Recreation zoning districts and clarification of rules applicable to commercial components of industrial uses. Mr. Kravit seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 7. Other 8. Comments by members Mr. Miller discussed the property previously approved as Cuthills on Federal Highway. The owner had purchased an adjoining property and done extensive landscaping and opened the area to expand the business and relieve the parking concerns. Ms. Grcevic hoped more businesses would come to the area and help beautify Boynton Beach. Mr. Miller commended the staff. Mr. Miller also mentioned the medical building approved along Federal Highway was now being constructed. Mr. Kravit applauded Ms. Grcevic for chairing the meeting. 6 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, FL February 28, 2012 9. Adjournment Motion Mr. Miller moved to adjourn. Mr. Brake seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Ms. Grcevic property adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m. ' zetf) - 7? Judith A. Pyle, C ; /'' Deputy City Clerk