Minutes 08-23-77MINUTES OF SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD IN CITY HALL TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1977 PRESENT Emily M. Jackson, Vice Mayor Joe DeMarco, Councilman Richard D. Caldwell, Councilman Norman F. Strnad, Councilman Frank Kohl, City Manager Gene Moore, City Attorney Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk ABSENT Mayor Joseph F. Zack (On vacation) Vice Mayor Jackson called the special meeting to order at 9:06 A.M. to consider a report from DER presented by Russell and Axon re: Lime Softening and take appropriate action on same. Mrs. Jackson then called upon Mr. Milton Nallman of Russell and Axon to bring the Council up todate. Mr. Hallman, Vice President of Russell and Axon, Consulting Engin- eers expressed his appreciation to the Council for holding this meeting this morning to enable him to join his family for a few days vacation in North Carolina before his children start back t~ school ~ext Monday. .He stated that his firm, in accordance with COIL~clls.' instructions about two months ago, had been work- ing diligently with the City Attorney in an effort to secure approval of the DER to operat~ the water treatment plant with the proposed modification without the lime softening treatment. He referred to their many contacts with various Regulatory Agencmes over a period of time and their denials. He felt things sta~%ed to unfold last week after they attended a semlnar in West Palm Beach on the State and Federal Safe. Drinking Water Act. This act pro-~ vided se~sral alternatives that could be pursued. After several meeting~ with various groups a~d'a good number of telephon'e calls, two representatives of their company went to Tallahassee to talk with Mr. Glen Dykes. This was strictly th~ technical branch of the Department of Environmental Regulations and not administrative. He referred to the pamphlet received at the above mentioned seminar and noted Chapter 17-ER-77 Emergency State Safe Drinking Water Regulations which are like the Federal. The past legislature adopted this and authorized~ the DER to be the Regulatory Agency for the Safe Drinking Water A~t for the state of Florida. They said the State regulations could not be any more stringent than the Federal regulations. He further explained that they were able to obtain this permit to operate under a different concept more easily because of the design construction and existimg equipment in the plant now under construction. He then read the highlights of the attached letter dated August 16, 1977 addressed to Mr] Glen Dykes from Timothy P. Brodeur, MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA August 23, 1977 Utility Management and Operations Director, Russell and Axon. Vice Mayor Jackson requested Mr. Hallman to read-the answer to this letter in its entirety. He then read the attached letter addressed to Mr. Timothy P. Brodeur under date of August 19, 1977 under the signature of Warren G. Strahm, Subdistrict Manager, Department of Environmental Regulation. Mr. Hallman then summarized the subject by stating the following has been accomplished: 1. Permission to operate the water treatment plant without the use of the lime softening element. 2. Approval of conversion of the treatment process from softening to iron removal color removal plant. We will still take advantage of the equipment installed for the lime treatment to settle out the iron and color prior to filtration. 4. We will still provide the highest quality finished water meeting the newly enacted Safe Drinking Water Act, while not softening due to the concerns of the inverse corrolation of cardiovascular disease with hardness in the water as expressed in the National Academy of Sciences sunkmary report. 5. The lime treatment process and equipment that is being installed at the plant will be able to be instituted almost immediately in the event it becomes mandatory due to water quality standards. 6. The City has been successful in obtaining the approval of the PBCHD and DER to operate as constructed without instituting the softening application. The City Council may expect to receive a benefit in sayings in operational cost based on this latest approval by the D.E.R. It is too early to project the exact amount of savings until the tests are completed and until one year of operational data utilizing the Iron/color removal process. We must continue to provide the highest quality of drinking water,_ as well as safe drinking water, to the users in the Boynton Beach Service Area. It will be necessary to monitor and provide the testing as outlined in this approval by the D.E.R. & PBCHD. The New Safe Drinking Water Standards mentioned ink, the D.E.R. letter of approval, as chapter 17-ER-77 and the recent seminar in West Palm Beach on the State of Florida and Federal controls makes it manditory to provide more detail laboratory test and monitoring of safe drinking water delivered to the users. Much of the testing will be required later, thus the City of Boynton Beach taking these progressive steps, will enable this city council and administration in ~setting the pace and accepting its responsibility for the protection of the public health through providing safe Drinking Water. Mr. Strnad asked Mr. Hallman if the DER was going to require new -2- MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA August 23, 1977 pla~t~ in the future to install lime softening equipment in the event they might need it or are they going to say they don't need it now. Mr. Hallman said this answer should come from the DER but according to his understanding from what DER has told them in recent months, they will require the additional barrier which can be the lime softening process or the alum coagulation or some other method of coagulation and sedimentation. He said Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Countries are still under the orig- inal Berkowitz memo to provide the additional chemical barrier to protect against bacteriological and virus contamination. Mr. Strnad then asked who was responsible for this added expense since the DER had changed their mind. He realized a portion Of this was a Federal grant but the balance c~une from the taxpayers. Mr. Hallman said that EPA and DER are now taking a closer look at lime softening because of the possibility that there may be some direct relationship to cardiovascular diseases with the hardness of water. The real concern is to remove the bacteria and virus~f~om the raw water. He clarified that the major por- tion of the equipment installed in the plant would be used. He enumerated the following exceptions: (1) Lime silos (2) Lime feeders (3) Lime slakers No softening of the water will be done at this time. Mr. Strnad then asked if the two wells in the north end of the City were restricted from being pumped into our treatment plant. Mr. Hallman explained that these two wells had been removed from service and were being continuously monitored, flushed, chlorinated and retested to see if the wells could be brought back. These wells are abandoned at this time and will.not be used again until it is proven they are free of all bacteria. Mr. Strnad further questioned the need for lime to treat bacteria intrusion and Mr. Hallman assured him that the proposed system of coagulation and sedimentation would do the same thing. Mr. DeMarco inquired if there would be additional cost. Mr. Hallman stated there would be---they would need two blowers, additional monitoring equipment, chlorine residual analyzer, tur- bidometer and additional laboratory equipment. He estimated some- thing like $15,000. We still see a substantial savings in,this method---possibly in the neighborhood of a quarter million'dollars and still provide a high quality of water for the citizens of Boynton Beach after meeting the requirements of the DER. Mr. Caldwell asked if we had found a viable alternative. Hallman answered in the affirmative. Mr. Firs. Jackson asked if the water would be properly treated. Mr. Hallman said it would be and they would continue to test for a one year period. He stated that this ~s an official permit to operate the plant utilizing the additional chemical barrier as -3- MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 23 1977 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ' discussed. We do have the safeguard backup of lime softening if it should be determined necessary in the future. Mrs. Jackson expressed her thinking that this is the result of the study made by the National Academy of Science for'the EPA. They need more time to study this matter. Mr. Hallman agreed. Mr. Strnad pointed out that the Council did not take it upon them- selves to institute this type of plant. They ~ers directed to do it and RUssell and Axon chose this rou~e to go and the 5 members of Council in 197.5 voted unanimously for the lime treatment. Mr. Hallman agreed and stated that they had the directives from the agencies identifying the' acceptable method~of treatment at that time and it was the lime softening t~eatment. Mr. DeMarco pointed out additional savings to the City now since they do not have ~to send Mr. Moore and Mr. Moyle to Tallahassee. Mr. Strnad then questioned if people placing water softeners in their home would be susceptible to cardiovascular disease. Mr. Hallman pointed out that normally the softening unit was placed on the hot water Side only. It is an accepted fact that the soft- e~ing process raises the sodium content. But this still leaves the choice up to the individual home owner. Mr. DeMarco moved to accept the approval 6f DER---this letter to operate the plant---and authorize Russell and Axon to go ahead with preparation of the change order, which must come back to Council for approval, to install the additional monitoring system and two pad-mounted blowers. Russell and Axon would continue the testing period for one year. Motion seconded by Mr. Caldwell and a roll call vote was taken. Councilman Strna~ Aye Councilman DeMarco Aye Councilman Caldwell Aye Vice Mayor Jackson Aye Motion carried 4-~. Mrs. Jackson then read the following statement and asked that it be made part of the minutes: "This should be good news to the taxpayers and residents of this City. For this means we are not forcing lime softening into the water unless and until the EPA has more studies to find out whether lime softening gives cardiovascular disease. There is much diverse opinion on this, and the National Academy of Sciences in their report released.in May of this year said 'It is-the Academy's judgment that from a scientific point of view, the absolute guarantee of safety implied by this language cannot be made for most of all the contaminants to be studies'. There- fore the academy is going to complete the study required in the Safe Drinking Water Act and until it is proven that lime is nec- essary and not harmful, we will continue treating our water to the fullest extent to insure that our City water continues to be pure. The periodic testing will take care of this. --4-- o o ~ o~ o ~ o MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYI~5~DN BEACH, FLORIDA August 23, 1977 Als~ the taxpayers will be saved money by this action. First, we have been saved $100 an hour plus expenses which we had expected would be necessary to have a meeting with Jay Landers of the DER. This will also mean, I am sure, that the J. Earl Pratt case will be dropped, which will save paying $40 an hour for Attorney Smodish. And best of all we will save about $500,000 (which now Mr. Hallman says is less) at,year in operating expenses by not having Lime Softening. We can just be thankful that we have saved the taxpayers this much money, while at the same time providing them pure, prop- erly treated water in an ample amount." The Vice Mayor then referred to the County to allocate the entire cost of the Sheriff's Road Patrol to the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County and said since this was not noted on the "Notice of~ the Special Meeting" ~ a vote of the Council to consider same would be necessa~i. Mr. Kohl stated that ihs P.B. County League had requested this and furnished Council copies of the proposed resolution. Mr. DeMarco moved to add the proposed Resolution to the agenda. Motion seconded by Mr. Caldwell and carried 4-0. the proposed resolution requesting o · The City Attorney read Resolution No. 77-UU by caption only. Mr. DeMarco moved to adopt Resolution No. 77-UU. Motion seconded by Mr. Caldwell and a roll call vote was taken. Councilman Strnad Aye Councilman DeMarco Aye Councilman Caldwell Aye Vice Mayor Jackson Aye Motion carried 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 A.M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ ~/ Vice Mayor Council Member ATTEST~ City Clerk Council Member (Two Tapes) C REUB!N OD ASKEW GOVERNOR STATE OF FLORIDA DEPART~IENT OF ENVIRON~JIENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA SUBDtSTRICT 3301 GUN CLUE~ ROAD POST OFFICE BOX 3858 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 August 19, 1977 JOSEPH W. LANDERS. JR SECRETARY ~. Timothy P. Brodeur Russell and _~on, Inco 1620 ~;~son Avenue Post Office Box 9490 Daytona Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Brodeuz: 32020 Re: City of Boynton Beach Water Treatment Plant F~xpansion In your letter dated August 16, 1977 to ~-[r. Glenn Dykes you proposed a process conversion from a softening plant to one designed for iron and color removal through coagulation, settling and f' Recent bacteriologica1 failures in one and possibly two of the existing wells and the plans of the city to establish a new ¥~ell field to the west of the city makes it mandatory, in our opinion, to maintain the coagulation barrier in the treatment plant, it is not mandatory however that the barrier be a lime softening process if a viable alternative can be found. Accordingly, your proposed conversion is approved, providing the following conditions are satisfied: Provide to the Department and the Palm Beach County Health Department details of a monitoring and sampling program to be followed during the first year of operation. The program should be submitted no later than thirty (30) days prior to the start of the treatment facility and should address for raw (composite) and finished water the following parameters: a. Turbidity b. Color c. Iron d. Trihatomethane production e. Bacteriological quality The physical facility is to be constructed basically as approved by the Department except for minor modifications and the addition of two (2) blowers. Plans and specifications for the blowers and Page 1 of 2 Page 2 Mr. Timothy P. Brodeur August 19, 1977 associated piping should be submitted prior %o installation. It is understood that the lime feed system will be constructed as appro~ed but will not be used unless the proposed process proves unsuccessful. Visual and operational tests of the lime feed system shall be made %o the extent possible without charging the silos with lime. Details on the proposed coagulant aids and the feed rate (range) shall be submitted prior to use. Nothing in this approval should be construe~ as relieving the utility of the requirements of the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, the Florida Safe Drinking ~Iater Act~ or Chapter 17-ER-77 and Chapter 17-22 (when it becomes effective) of the Florida Administrative Code. Sin_cerely, WGS:~J~:fs cc: Joe Swarm, Russell and Axon Glenn Dykes, DER-Talla~_~ssee City of Boynton Beach~q~ Palm Beech County Health Department Page 2 of 2 August 16, 1977 Mr. Glenn Dykes, Chief.Potable Water Engineer State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation 2562 Executive Center Circle East Montgomery Building Yallahassee, Florida 32301 Dear Glenn: Subject: City of Boynton Beach, Florida Water Treatment Plant Expansion R&A Project No. 626-681-21-4 The City of Boynton Beach, Florida is currently constructing an expansion of its water treatment plant to increase the capacity from 8 The expansion is configured to provide for lime softening, i~ashwat~r- recovery and sludge dewatering and disposal. Currently, ~he plant is an iron removal/filtration system with pre- and post--chlo~nation. Plans and specifications for the expansion were approvc<~ by the Palm Beach O0unty Health Department on December 4~ 1975, ~nder Serial No. B49q6-AL. Bids for construction of the project were received on June 10, t976 and a-contract was awarded to Intercounty ConstruCtion Corporation. Construction was started in July 1976 and is now well advanced, wi'th all structures ~n progress and nearly all equipmen~ il} advanced stages of fabrication or in shipment.. Completion of the project should be reached by early 1978. -- D~e to the very real concerns of the inverse correlatio~ of car~iiovascular disease with hardness in water and due to the concer~s expresseff in the Suramary Report of the National Academy of Sciences (pages 42 and the City Council of Boynton Beach has voted not to operate the expanded plant in the lime softening configuration, subject to your approval of thle modifizations proposed herein. Russell & Axon, therefore, has been authorized by the City Council to seek approval to operate the expanded plant in a manner ~at will provide ~e highest quality product, consistent with the recently enacted State of Florida Safe Drinking Water Ac~ and the requirement'for full treatment. Therefore> the foltowin2 modifications in the plant (see attached drawing) are proposed for Mr. Glenn Dykes -2- August 16, 1977 approval to o - ~ pe, a~e the plant as an iron and color 1. Present expansion includes: a. removal process: Three (3) upflow clarifier basins - 60 feet square by t7 feet SWD, each. b. Four (4) rapid sand filters - 695 feet square, each. c. Washwater recovery basin - 476,000 gallons. d. Sludge thickener - 35 feet diameter by lO fee% SWD. eo Vacuum filter - lO feet diameter by lO feet f. One (l) additional chlorinator [2,000 lb/day unft), Chemical feeders. 2. ~odifications include: a. Rawwater pre-chlorination for iron and color oxidation~ Air injection for iron oxidation (either to supplement or replace 2a, above, depending on trihalomethane (THM) concentrations)~ Tests will be conducted to cause the iron an~ color to settle out in the clarifier basins where it can be handled by the vacuum filters. The air requirements wilt be met by providing two pad-mounted blowers. Instrumentation will be 2~ded to provide for continuo~s turbidity and chlorine residual monitoring> with ~larms on the ef. fluent. In summary, the proposed change in operation will entail the process conversion from a softening plant to that of iron and color removal.- Precautions will be made for effluent quati tymonitor~ng. Tests will be conducted to optimize the process by settling out the iro~ amd color Yn the clarifiers prior to filtration where the sludge produced can be vacuum filtered. Meanwhile, the lime treatment process~ which the C~y I~r. Glenn Dykes. Aug,~st 16. 1977. is constructing ~o, this expansion, as approved by the reafilatory agencies, can be instituted almost iumed~ately in the event of any failures in bacteria or iron and color removal under these modifications- Yerj truly yours, RUSSELL & AXON Timothy P- Brodeur -Director Utility l'~anagemerit E Opera~ions Biv~sio~ TPB:hkh Att. cc/att-: Mr. Warren g. Strahm, Subdistrict l~anager State of Florida Department of Environmental REgulation South Florida Subdistrict 230t Gun Club Road P.O. Box 3858 West Palm Beach, Florida 33q06