Joseph F. Zack, Mayor
Emily M, J~cksom, Vice Mayor
Richar~ D. Caldwell, Councilmaa
Joseph DeMarco, Coumcilm~n
Norman F. ~trmad, Co~cilman
FramkEehl, City Manager
G~ereesa Padgett, City Clerk
me Moore, City Attorney
Mayor Zack called the meetin$ to or,er at 7:30 P. M. and re-
quested everyone te please rise at the so~ of the gavel for
the Invocation given by Mr. FramkKohl, Ci~y Manage~? f~llewed
bY the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Comncilma~
Richard D. Cal~well.
~yor Sack anno~u~e~ that a public hearing would he he~d regard-
img the use of Revemue Sharing Fun~s and a Workshop Session-o~
the 1977-78 Budget em Monday, August 8th at 3:00 P. M.
Mayor Zack annomnced that Budget Workshop Sessions would be
held on Tuesday and Thursday, August 9th an~ 11th, at 3:00 P.M.
Mayor Zack annonnced that the Boymtom Beach Little League All-
Stars ~efeate~ the North Palm BeachAll-Stars 9-8 on July ~7th
to win the District 7 Championship. They mow go to Titusvmlle
on Monday, August 1st,to compete in three days ef divisional
and sectional play, but the game was rained out last night.
If they w~u at Titusville, they go to St. Petersburg to play
in ~egional competition involving 13 states. If they win the
regmomal, theY pla~ in ~he World Champiomship. Congratulations
~uud best of luck.
Mayor Zack referred to the Agenda and a~nounced if there was
~uy item anyone im the audience desired to speak o~ to please
give their name to Mrs. Padgett amd the City Clerk will call
upon them at the appropriate time.
Agenda Additions
Mayor Zack annomnced the following agenda additions:
VI. LEG~_L ~ Resolutions #4. Proposed Resolution No. 77-00
Ratifying Action at Last
Council Meeting
VII. OLD BUSiNES~ - E. Housing Authority - Term of Office
IX. ADMINiSTRAT~FE - N. Water Lines
O. Two Well Locations
F~. DeMarco moved to approve these agenda additions, seconded
by Mr. Caldwell. No ~iscussion. Motion carried 5-0.
AUGUST ~, 1977
Regular City Council Meetin$ - Jmly 19, 1977
When called upon by Mayor Back, Mr. DeM~rco and Mr. Etrmad
replied they had nothing°
Mr. Caldwell referred to Page 14, fourth paragraph, line 9,
and stated ~question- should be ~questionable~. He corrected
the same line to: ~additio= of B5% can recapture the eapitali-
zation in this period of time.~
Mrs. Jackson referred to Page 21, third paragraph, sixth li~e,
and corrected it to ~tate: ~Also, they are studying the pest
office and it is none of the City's business." She referre~
to the last ~entence i~ this p~_~agraph and corrected it to
say: "This is the Cemetery Board's job and it seems the Task
Force is spinning their wheel~."
Mr. Caldwell moved the approval of the mim~tes as correcte~,
seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
M~yor Zack asked if ~yene wished to address the City Coumcil
and received no respomse.
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing
Ordinances - 1st Reading
Proposed Ordinance No. 77-23 - Re: Disbursement of Anti-
Recessional F~ndm
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 77-23 on first reading
in its entirety.
M~s. Jackson moved the adoptio~ of Ordinance No. 77-23 on
first reading, seconded by Mr. Ca,dwell. No discussion.
Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as fellows:
AUGUST 2, 1977
Coumcilman Caldwell - Aye
Couacilman DeMarce - Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Comncilman Strnad Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0,
Proposed Ordinance ge. ?7-24 - Re: Providing for Legal Defense
of City Of~icials~an~ Git~ Employees
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 77-24 in its entirety
£irst rea~ing.
N_ws. Jackson referred to Sectioa 1 mentioning including the
members of the Boynton Beach Housing Authority and stated she
thought they were a se~arate entity and the law says they can
he sued or $~e. Mr. Moore replied that they are not a sepa-
rate body an~ were appointe~ hy the City Coumcil; however, if
they sue it is their pro~lem,an~ this covers only if they are
Mr. DeMarco moved the adoption o£ Ordinanee No. 7?-24 om first
reading, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. U~der discussion, Mr..
~aldwel! stated he was oppose~ to the City offering any more
attachments te the Housing A~thorityo Ee thought this b~dy
was a~tenomous except for filling vacancies. He though~ they
were ontheir own and questioms whether the City should be
held tia~le for their actions. Mrs. Jackson agree~ this was
her point. Mr. Caldwell asked if it w~uld be possible for
them to j~in with the Commty an~ asked if ~. DeMa~co had
considered this possibility and Mr. DeMarco replie~ that they
were still a~pointed by the City Co~ncil~ Mrs. Jackson agreed
they were appointed by t~e City Council, b~t stated they were
actaally en their own. M~. N~ore stated that it could be
eliZa%ed from the ordinance and Mr. Caldweli replied that
they m~st kaow whe%her they ear get liability covema~e through
the COumty. N~?. Moore sSa%ed that for personal l~lity, it
mBst Be show~ if they acted beyond their duties an~ explained
if they get sued f~r something, the defense is the ite~ of
N~s. Jackson requested the Mayor to read the law as she thinks
they are am autonomous body by themselves and not amswerable
to us$~ Mayor Zack read the applicable section of the law
stated he personally felt the Housing Authority was covered
under the Coumty Housing Authority, but th~s it should be
Mrs. Jacksou move8 to elimiuate this portion and Mr. Caldwell
suggested tabling it until they contact the County as te
whether they will pick up the liabilit2. Mr. DeMarco ques-
tioned whether it should be tabled with the possibility Of
AUGUST 2, 1977
some City employees being sued who should he protected. Mr.
Caldwell seconded Mms. Jackson's motion to eliminate it and
stated it could always he a~ed. Under discussion, Mr. Moore
asked if the~ wamted it noted to exclude the Housing Authority
and after discussion, it was agreed to leave it in this mamner
with the exclmsion so as not to leave it in the a~. Mrs.
Padgett then took a roll call vote on the m~tien as follows:
Councilma~ DeMarco - Aye
~ice Mayor Jackson Aye
Gouacilma~ Strna~ - Aye
Cemucilman Caldwell- Aye
Mayor Eaek - Aye
Motion c~ried 5-0.
P~oposed Resolution No. 77-PP - Re: Authorizing Checking Account
with First Ba~k& Trust Known as: City of Boynton Beach Glaims
Mr, Moore read propose~ Resolution No. 77-PP.
Mr., Caldwell asked what this fmnd was for and Mr. Kohl informed
him it was in regards to the computer program with all checks
going into one account and separated into different funds, but
has nothing to do with suits whatsoe~er.
Mr. DeMarco move~ to adop~ Resolution No. 77-PP, seconded by
Mrs. Jackson. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call
vote on the motion as follows:
Vice Mayer Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad -
¢ouncilma~ Cal~well - Aye
Councilman DeMotes Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 77-QQ- Re: Demolition of Unsafe and
Unsound Buildings
Mr. Moore read Resolution No. 77-QQ. Mr. Kohl added that the
addresses were on the attached page of the resolution.
Mr. Caldwell moved the adoption of Resolution No. 7?-QQ,
seconded ~y Mr. DeMarco. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took
a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Motion carried
Councilma~ Strnad Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMarce - Aye
~ice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
5-0. -4-
AUGUST 2, 1977
P~oposed Resolution No. 77-RR - Re: Bo~rd of County Commis-
sioners to Adopt Palm Beach CoUnty Sheriff's Department Budget
to Exetude Costs of Road Patrol to Mmnicipalities
Mr. Moore read Resolution No. 77-RR.
Mrs. Jacksom stated she was in sympathy with this and thinks
it is right; however, the next to last whereas says the Sher-
iff's Road Patrol is ,exclusively, for the benefit ef the
property and residents in the u~incorporated areas and she
asked how mamy times have we called on the ~heriff3s Depart-
merit a~d requeste~ Deputy Chief Hamiltom to come forward.
Deputy Chief Hamilton informed them that the City has mot
called om the road patrol, hut e~aine~ how they work to-
gether with the de~etive,s bureau~ Mayor Zack referre~ to
requesting the Sheriff,s he~opter am~Mr. Hamilton agree~
they have onee or twice. Mr. Caldwell asked if the helicop-
ter fell imto the authority of the road patrol and Mr.
Hamilton replied: n~. Mr. Caldwell asked if he felt this
resolution weul~ impair the cooperation betw~e~ the two
departments and ~. Hamilton replied: no, he di~ not see
amy chsmce of it. Mr. Cal~well asked if he ha~ discussed
this with the Sheriff and the effec~ ~m their budget and
cooperation and Mr. Hamiltom replied that it womld affect
their budget as the Sheriff plans~to put on quite a few road
patrolmen, ~ut it will not affect our relationship im a~y
way. Mr. Caldwell referre~ to the Sheriff,s Department
having jurisdiction over the entire Coumty amd Mr. Hamiltom
agreed, hmt explained how the2 cooperated together ~nd the
amaller departments do investigate their felomiem. He is
s~re the cooperation will still be good aud will not affect
it in any way.
Mr. DeMarco asked if the League of Municipalities ~r a~y
ether cit~ had passed a similar resolutio~ an~ Mrs. Jackson
told about the League of Municipalities being in favor of
this and not wanting dual taxation. However, she just ques-
tions the word "exclusively-. Mr. DeMarc~ stated he would
hate to impair the cooperation and Mayor Eaek replied that
he thinks the Municipal League has expressed themselves many
times as they feel it is double taxation. Mr. Hamilton added
that the City does have adequate road patrol.
Mrs. Jackson moved to adopt Resolution No. 77-RR, seconded
hy Mr. DeMarco. Under discussion, Mr. Caldwell referred to
feeling u~comfortahle about thim and stated he did not want
to impair the cooperation. Mrs. Jackson explained that it
was a known fact that the Sheriff is to take care of the un-
iscorporated areas and she just questioned the wor~ "exclu-
sively-. Mrs~ Padgett them took a roll call vote on the
motion as follows:
*and have
to do the
See Min. of
AUGUST 2, 1 977
Councilman Caldwell -
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman S~rnad - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion ~arried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 77-00 - Re: Ratifying Action at Last
Council Meetin~
~L~yor Zack amnounced there was ne need to read this reselmtion
as it deals with the County Gomm~ssiom and School Board to
operate at the same millage as last year.
Mr. DeM~rco moved to adopt Resolution Ne. 77-00, seconded by
~. Coldwell. No discussion. Mrs. Pa4gett took a roll call
Tote on themotion as fellows:
Councilmam DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Caldwell- Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Earl Pratt Law Suit - Re: ~ater Plant (Tabled)
Mayor Zack referred to receiving a notice requesting briefs
to be filed an~ Mr. Moore informed him that all ~riefs have
been filed. Mayor Zack referred to getting close to the six
weeks and Mrs. Jack~on stated she personally would like to
see this wait to see how we make out with the D.E.R. It was
agreed to leave it on the table.
Mrs. Jackson asked what was the latest date~'for a~ item to go
en referendum in the fall and ~. Moore informed her it was
30 days, hmt there should be some input to present an intelli-
gent propositiom to the voters.
Consider Site Development Plans for Storage Building -
1800 Congress Blvd.~ Leisureville
Mr. Kohl referred to this item being deleted from the May 3
agenda and advise~ that Mr. Joe Ambridge recently contacted
the Oity and asked that this be placed before the Council
again for consideration. He referred to the Community Ap-
pearance Board meeting minutes of July t8, ~977, wherein this
AUGUST 2, 1977
item was discussed, and although objections were voiced,
they did approve the landscaping plans. May he have Council's
wishes on this matter. M~s. Padgett added that several people
had requested to speak on this item.
Mr. Simon Ryder, 2379 So ~. 13th Avenue, Leisureville, appeared
before the City Council and stated he ha~ a statement te ma~e
concerning this matter which was brought before the Pl~ing &
Zoming Board sometime age. It was the first inkling he had
of this proposal and it was apparently unkmown to 2,200 home-
owners in Leisureville.. ~_s a member of the Pl~ing & Zoning
Board, he ~oted against this application. He respected the
decision of his fellow Beard members since they viewed this
matier as differences betwee~ the Leisureville Board of
r~ctors and owners they represent. He is speaking as a very
m~ch concerned home~wmer and definitely not for the Plamuimg &
Zoning Beard.
Mr. Ryd.er continued that the plans which have been su~Gmitted
do no~ indicate the relative position that this proposed build-
ing would have in connection with the existing const~action.
He has prepared an exhibit with a photograph of the location
showing the adjacent buildings and has prepared a fro~televa-
tio~ showing the comparative location of the proposed an~
existing buildings all drawn to scale. He presented this
exhihlt to the Council members. This location is on Congress
Blvd., which is a City dedicated street and he referred to
the amoumt of traffic passing this location. The appearance,
which he th~ would be unwholesome, would be apparent to
a~yone going along the street. As shoe on the exhibit, the
proposed location is a beantifully landscaped area which is
only 30 ft. between two bnildings. Placing this proposed
warehouse type flat roof structure between them woul~ be an
architectural monstrosity. His contentiom is that this pro-
posed eyesore shows a lack of plamming and is am attemp~ by
the Bbard of Directors to circumvent ~he approval of the home-
owners with it being an expenditure mnder $5,,000. The lack
of attention given this matter is evidenced ~y the application
association. No
Dla~ was prepared ~y a qualified person to obtaim ~ids and he
xpla~ned how specmf~catmons were not g~en satisfactorily.
~The Planming & Z~ning Board and Commu~ty ApPearance Boar~
~av.e gone alenE With this 'amd apparently ~eel this is mnOt
thezr p~rob.lem. Therefore, the City C~umc~ ~ms~: be concerned
that th~s is not or~erly.amd harmomieus ~?elepment in the ~
City. He asks this appiica~ion to be 'denied, ~o those who
pay ~or the mainbenance may be given am o~Do~tunity to give
aDprov~[ on a properly designed s%ructure se~ im a suitable
~. Caldwetl asked who owned the land an~ Mr. Ryder informed
him that the recreation lands are owned by the Camp,~elli
AUGUST 2, 1977
Trustees and not by the association or developer. In the
event this building is built, the homeowners will have to pay
in addition to the cost also the maintenance and taxes.
There are i~stances already where other buildings of this
kind have been transferred from the original owner to some-
eno else. Anythiag which is built is not built on their
land, but they pay taxes on it. Mayor Zack stated this was
true in all condemimiums. Mr. Caldwell asked if the building
was to be bmilt between two homes and Mr. Ryder informed him
that one building was the beauty salon and the other was rest
Mrs. Jacksom referred to the minutes of the May 2 meeting of
the Commm~ity Appearance Board when it was stated there were
no landscape plans and they must have pla~s. Then, at their
July 18 meeting, it states a revised plan was presented. Is
there a plan? Mr. Ryder informed her that plans were sub-
mitted, which he signed as being approved by the Plan~ng &
Zoning Board, and they have mot bee~ cha~ged but he under-
stands they have been supplemented with landscaping treat-
ment. The Commm~ity Appearance Board reviewed them agaim
last night. Mrs. Jackson stated that she received a tele-
phone call in reference to this being listed as a storage
building and was informed that it was changed to arts and
crafts. Mr. Ryder replied that he thought the initial pre-
sentation mentioned storage of old chairs and ~mhrellas and
possibly arts and crafts. Mrs. Jackson asked if it was for
storage or not and Mr. Ryder replied that it was probably
needed, but he quarrels with the location.
Mr. Irving Kutlin, 702 $. W. 18th Street, Leisureville,
appeared before the Coumcil and advised that he came to
speak to the Council and as an appointee of the Commanity
Appearance Board and servimg as am inspector for the Board.
Two weeks ago Monds~, the Comity Appearance Board approved
hy a vote ef 4-3, the beautification or appearance of the
Leisureville storage eenter. We have bee~ called many
things im Leisureville, mostly beautification, bu% we are
legally the Commumity Appearance Board. Beauty is to the
beholder, but appearance is an immediate representation.
The Comm~ity Appearance B~ard has more to do than just
plant flowers an~ they are concerned. He then read the
discussion from the Community Appearance Board minmtes of
Jmly 18 regarding their review of the Leisureville storage
huilding. At that particular meeting, he asked Chairman
Reid to listen to his argmments, b~t he was not prepared
with the Technical Co~m~t%ee Sectiom 31-2. Last might at
their meeting, he bmought it to the attention of the Board
and read Sectiom 31-2, Article 6. When he brought this to
the attention of the Board last night, it was agreed in the
future the Board woul~ no~ be that haphazard on ruling on
one part. We know mow that the ~ity Charter makes us aware
that the whole commmnity is involve~ and we will be mere
careful im the future.
AUGUST 2, 1977
I~. Kutlin continued that apart from the Community Appear-
a~ce Board, he lives around the corner from this proposed
~uil~iag. He uses the sauna and a window looks out over
this beautifu~ landscaped area of omly 30 ft. His house is
at the minimmm 10 ft. away from his neighbor's a~d ~uder no
circumstances eau a b~ildi~g be built in this area a~d be
loft. away from the other building.~ He appeals as a neigh-
her a~d resident of Leisureville. The need has not heea
determ~uedj Very few people have been informed this was
going te happen. At least 50% ef the people in Leisureville
are away. Ne thi~k~ it is beholde~ uponthe ¢itH to notify
the people 02 Leisureville that there is goi-~g to be a~other
type ofbail~iag. They should at leas~ advertise and have a
hearing. Let the people have thei~ sa~. He them explained
how Leis~reville was not an island, but is part of B~ynten
Mrs. Jackson referred to nobody mentioning that the proposed
building had a flat roof as shown in the picture submitted
hy N~. Ryder and asked if~y other buil~inginLeisureville
has a flat roof and Mr. Kutlin replied there were none that
he knew of. ~s. Jackson added that she looked and did not
see a~y.
Mr. Carl Zd~erman, 122 N. W. 14th Street, appeared before
the Council and stated he is a lease holder en the land upon
which this b~ilding is to be built. He told about the back-
ground en the Leisureville PUD with the zoning density and
character of this community being set by the City Council
with a special ordinance i~ 1968~ It is a clean looking
community, but very much overcrowded. The setbacks allowed
here are less than required in any other part of the City.
There are few large grasse~ areas. The average lot is 55 x 90
Et. or 11/100 of an acre which includes half of the street
meaning ~_ine houses per acre. They need some open space to
relieve this pushed together look. The officers in Palm
Beach Leisureville have built and allowed to be buil~ many
additions on private and recreation land adding to the over-
crowded land. Not long ago, a maintenance building and
o£fice building ~ere built taking, away landscaping. Both
of these were bu~l~ in violation of accessible open space
regulations and the terms of the lease in which the asso-
ciation is only the third party. It was u~kown to most of
the Leisureville people. It is a bit ironic that beth build-
ings and the gol2 course and the land in the recreation s~ea
were sold after improved by them with their money without
benefit to them. Now, this is th~ third application and
most absurd. Unless it'is stopped, there could be more.
There is no provision in the lease ~or the association to
build more buildings of any size and charge the cost against
the developer or the sece~ party of the lease which is the
lessee. The $5,000 limitatiom ~as~ no connection with ~he
lease a~nd is found in smother document for ~other purpose.
AUGUST 2, 1977
Mr. Zimmerman continued that the first building built cost
about $20,000, which was spending more than $5,000. The
developer or owner canmot give permission on his own or build
a~ himself mmless the lessee agrees simce it is the lessee's
momey or his maintenauce momey to pay for the upkeep for a
long time to come, T~is is a fair and mpright feature of
his lease and is legally spelled out. Hew foolish it would
be for him to stand by and let the associatiom or developer
contimue to build at their whim. It would be especially
foolish since he is protected in the lease he signed. Ne
had legal ad, ice when sig~img His lease ~ecause mamy persoas
take over am~ de sad thi~s. The question be~re the City
Council is the request fo~' this strueturecomimg from ~he
right part~? Is the applicatiom valid? Tbs la~ is emmed
or lessor. Agreement by ~oth is needed ~o alter the lease.
The association is out sf place to cas~m~ditienal
on these retired people without giving ~hem a voice. The
association cannot be an agent for him, the lessee, and also
an agent for the owner or secsnd party of the lease without
a conflict ef interest, i~ leeks like the officers of the
association are trying to put this over or get by with it in
a subtle way.
M~. Caldwell a~ked if the setback req~ements for storage
sheds would ~e met in this particular case and Mr. Zimmerman
informed him that everything in Leismreville is special
exceptions with special exceptions given and the Council
must decide the setbacks. Mr. Caldwell asked if this were
to happen throughout the City in the same identical zoning,
would the setback requirements be met a~ud Mr. Zimmerman re-
plied: no, a variance would be required from the Board of
Adjustment. N~. Caldwell questioned the construction and
Zimmerman replied that he understood it will be CBS with a
flat roof. M~. Caldwelt asked if the other utility sheds
were about the same type and size and Mr. Zimmerman informed
him that the one on the golf course is larger and cost con-
siderably more. However, it was built in a small golf course
and it is crowded in. The office building was an addition
to an existing building which ruined the arcD~itecture. They
were both approved by the City Council since nobsdy spoke
against them. He thought that was the end, but it seems to
be ge~ug on and on.
Mr. Caldwell then asked the City Attorney if this situation
could possibly get the City into a similar case as occurred
~etween the developer of Village Royale on the Green and Mr.
Moore replied that it possibly could the ~ay it is sounding,
but he does not know the background. Mrs. Jackson stated
that it was started in 1968 as ~u exception to the zoning~
laws with one exception following a~other. She added that
she also agree~ with ¥~. Kutlin that the Cemm~uity Appearamce
Board was set up to go not only into landscaping, but compa-
AUGUST 2, 1977
Mrs. Rose Smith, 2889 S. W. 13th Avenue, Leisureville, ap-
peared Before the Council and stated she appreciated the
opportunity to appear her.ore them to discuss this proposed_
storage ~uildingo The Lelsureville group present is repro
senting many who desire to'~have it constructed. It has the
approval of the Recreation Committee and Boar~ ef Birectors.
Leisureville benefits greatly hy the e£forts put forth by
~he volunteer Werkers o Hoars sro spent making, items for
their amnnal bazaar and it is now necessary to have storage
apace ~or artiele~ of handiwork. Also, they own a number of
items, such as~baby item~a~ i~vali~ items,loaRe~ to ewaers
which they nee~ a ~lace in whic~ te store them. They have
raised thousands of dollars which have been used to install
fences, etc. Without these fumds, the maintemance fee f~r
living i~ Leisureville would greatly inereaseo The ~re~esed
building is of ample sime and when completed an~ shru~be~,
it will blend very s, They weml~
greatly appreciate gr~nted approval a~plica-
Mayor Zack clarified that the cost wo'~ld be pai~ by the
Recreation Committee and Mrs. Smith agreed. Mrs. Jackson
stated she felt they were getting away from the su~ect as
the subject is whether this ~uilding is compatible with the
other areas and is this the right site. Mrs. Smith clarified
that she just spoke on the need for the hail~ing. Mayor Back
added that they must know if it is zoned properly.
Mr. Joe Ambridge, General Manager of Palm Beach Leismreville,
appeare~ ~efore the Council and stated ~efore he starts making
any comments, he would like to keep the recer~ straight that
he tries to be neutral. He is employed to represent the
members of Leisureville though the Boar~ of Directors. The
Board is elected by a majority of the people in Leisureville.
He would like to ask if they have met the requirements and
thinks they have since the Planning & Boning Beard vote~
affirmatively a~d a majority affirmative vote was given by
the Community Appearanc~ Boar~. The next step is to meet
the code requirements of the Building Department and if they
do, he thinks they have adhere~ to the various items set up
By the City to protect the ~eople. If they have met two of
the Boards, requirements and! meet the code, he th$~ per-
sonally that all the other thoughts stated were out of ~rder
end have nothing to do with the City Council. If he is
wrong, he would like a member of the City Council or City
· ttorney to tell hi~. Mayor Zack replied that according
to the minutes, they have met all the requirements~of the
Planning & Zoning Board and ~ommunity Appearance Board.
Mrs. Jackson stated ltha~ thei C~mmunity A~Pearance Board
concentrated on the an scap~ng and ~. Ambridge replied
that the Community Appearanc~ Board did approve the build-
i~g. Mrs. Jackson informed him that this Board was a
AUGUST 2, 1977
recommending Board to the City Council and Mr. Ambridge re-
plied that he thought they should be told what their duties
are before being ~nvolved im any more plans. Mr. Moore
formed him that specifically meeting the requirements would
be up to the City Plamner ~nd the Boards' function is to
recommend to the City Council with the final decision bein2
made by the City Oeumcil. Mrs. Jacksom referred to the
Planning & Zoming Board having somebody from the Building
Department sit on the Board as does the Board ef Adjustment,
hut the Community Appearance Board does not have amyhedy te
sit ~ud ~aide them amd she would like to have that takem into
consideration after this discussion.
Mr. Ambridge contimued that he was mot making derogatory re-
marks against the City, but it would seem in 1968 when it
was developed that City Council members did mot have the fore-
sight to leek at the plans and, realize there were no provisions
for maintenance areas or storage areas. There are 1,800 pri-
vate hemes with lawns to be cat and no storage area for the
lawn equipment. Mrs. Jackson stated she was mot on the Council
at that time, but di~ e~jeetasa private citizen then that
it was goimg to be overcrowded. Mr. Ambridge stated that he
hoped the City considers this in future projects.
~. Ambridge then referred back to the buildimg itselland
stated that the majority of the people in Leisureville want
it and the Board of Directors have approved it. Leisureville
does have ma~y activities and committees that gather fmnds
for the betterment of the entire c,mmunity. The Recreation
Committee is composed of ~,200 to 1,500 residents participat-
ing in the various activities. They make arts an~ crafts
sold at the annual bazaar. The Recreation Committee r~ises
approximately $50,000 per year which is fumuelle~ back into
the commmnity. He explaine~ how their fees would be affected
if this was not done. This year the Recreation Committee has
allocated $25,000 i~to the community association to defray
assessments for all the people im Leisurevilte. He hears re-
marks that the Boar~ of Directors have ne regard for the as-
sessments, but for the last four years, the assessment has
been maintained at $40.00 per momth when the inflation has
increased 20 to 30%. With the Recreation Committee and
Board of Directors, the maintenance assessment has been
maintained. The Board of Directors are concerned about any
increases and are trying to find ways to keep assessments
down. There are 1,200 participants in the Recreation Com-
mittee who de the various things to raise this money. This
may be getting involved in items covered in the Leisureville
documents which they operate under, but the members do have
recourse back to the Board of Directors. They can be heard
by the Board of Directors. He does not know of~any case
where a hearing was denied. Since the arts and crafts started
last spring, only one person has ~ske~ to be heard. People
AUGUST 2, 1977
evidently like to use public forums with newspaper coverage
and minutes taken and have not expressed their~opinions within
the confines of Leisureville. Leisureville people de not want
everything aired i~ the press. If the people do not like the
way it is run, they can recall the Board of ~irectors. He
thimks they are opera~g~by f~.~,s~h~s'Of the ~a~o~ity~ruleAa~~ ~ small
minority should ~e% be~ c~uging ~hings. The whe~&s
majority should still prevail, The majority are for ~he
hmilding. The Recreation Committee needs it and it shoul~ SeeM in. o£
be Built. The people stere the arts an~ crafts in their
h~mes during the year and should have a place to stere them 8/16/77
which is over the $25~000 allocated to keep the assessments
at What they are. Ne WoUld like the City Ceuncil to consider
whether this meets the City's requirements, ~ut ~id want to
give the baekground of how they ~ot where they are.
Mr. Caldwell referred to arts and c~ts being stored in
this ~milding and Mr. Amhridge agreed. Mr. ~aldwell asked
if the building was also going to be used for the storage
o~ lawn equipment and Mr. A~.~tdge r ~plie an~ teld
aoout the Community Association previeus]j a build-
lng on Industrial Drive to s,tsre the lawm equipment, but
now have built a maintenance ~uild~ on the gol~ course
as it was the only plaee where it could be put not in sight
of homes.
}~. Caidwell referred to his statements regarding the lack
of foresight an~ stated that hopefully we ca~ use the lack
Of foresight then to our advantage to improve the site to-
day, He pointed out that the total distance between the
buildings on either side of this proposed building would be
8 ft. and if we are going to attempt to rectify our lack ef
foresight, he 9uestions whether this close next to the ad-
joining buildings should be consi~ere4 at this time. He
realizes the overall need for a storage area, but the fact
remains there would only be 8 ft. between the buildings.
He questions whether this would be considere~ an appropriate
dista_uce between buildi~Ks. ,Mr, Amhridge replied that he
was not there in 1968, but the people i~ LeiSureville are
law abiding citizens and whatever the requirements
they will try to cooperate with them. If they meet the re-
quirements, they would like to go ahead ~u~ if not, they
will adhere to the decision. Mr. Caldwell stated that he
understood this building would~not meet the setback require-
ments and Fm. Ambridge replied that because of the PUD,
~othing meets the requirements. }~. Cal~well questioned
just what they could ge by and called on the City Planner
for input.
AUGUST 2, t 977
Mr. Annunziato stated that as pointed out hy ~. Ambridge,
Leisureville isaa PUD amd a PUD does not have setbacks as in
commercial or residential districts. The matter of setbacks
could be settled here tonight. If the Council feels 8 ft.
is not adequate, they could require the setbacks to he in-
Mrs. Jackson referred to the 8 ft. not including the overhang
on the one building and asked if a truck could pass under.
~. DeM%~rco referred to the people speaking against seeming
te thimk there might be other areas for the location of this
building and aske~ if this was possible an~ ~. Ambri~ge in-
formed him that the Reereatiom committee looked over all of
Leisureville ~u~ this area is R-2 which is in the canter of
Leisureville. At R-I there is an area which may be considered
along the canal, but in their opinion there is no room at the
R-3 area which is close to homes. This area is centrally lo-
cated and near a large parking lot. The consensus was that
this would be the most practical location. Mrs. Jackson re-
ferred to 15th Avenue an~ M~. Ambridge informed her they
had nothing to do with 15th Avenue and their jurisdiction
stops at the ca~al.
Mr. John Godfrey, 2099 S.W. Lake Circle Drive, appeared before
the Council and advised that his position here tonight is to
represent the Board of Directors. Something he finds in
everything which has been said in both pres an~ cons has not
been taken into consideration and that is they are the Palm
Beach Leisureville Community Association, a corporatiom not
for profit and they cannot borrow mone~ or float ben~s. He
told about the work done by the approximately 1,500 people
in this group. Of course, they would like to have $20,000
to build the building. Also, he weald like to mention that
a previ,us speaker was a member of the Boar~ when the previ-
ous buildings were approved, but he is definitely against
this building. In reference to the people being away, %he
plans for this building were started last January when every-
one was in Leisureville. This building is needed. He told
how his living room or bedroom was loaded with items to be
sold at the annual bazaar. In reference to the location,
they have permission from the developer and in 99 years, he
gets it back anyway and we won't be here. ~hen Mr. Ryder
stoo~ up, he was allowed to oresent a picture, but we were
told to present a drawing which we did. In reference to the
aesthetic look of the building and not blending in,with the
other buildings, less than two years ago an addition for an
office was built with a flat reef and it went right through
with no discussion. A hip roof would cost $4,500 additional.
If the Board says they are going to raise the maintenance
$1.00~ they are shot ~own. They have not taken this lightly
and have upwards of 50 people who have discussed this f~r
over eight months. He asks the Council's kindness in approv-
ing this for L~isureville.
AUGUST 2, 1977
Mrs. Jackson stated she feels there has been much said which
should be discounted. We should discount persomalities,
emotionalism, and use, But the point is whether this is liv-
ing up to the ordinance. She read the Community Appearance
Board ordiaance and stated she thought this is what we have
to pass om. M~qvor Zack referred to approximately a month
ago when a storage facility was approved for Inlet Harbor
and asked how much difference this was and Mrs. Jackson re-
plied that it was not a PUD and this is located en two maia
City streets. Mayor Zack stated that this is a PUD and is
properly zoned. He thimks the Planning& Zoning Beard members
were concerned about the legality hut pointed out that the
Board of Directors were elected by the people to represent
them~ It was also mentioned that no architect was needed
as long as the Building Department approved the plans. This
has been approved by the owners of the land and he does not
see why this is~prolonged. If it is needed, he thinks it
will be an important asset to the community of Leisureville
and he ~l~ves there as well as Mr. Ryder. M_rs. Jackson re-
plied that they must discount emotionalism and this does ~ot
fulfill the ordinance.
~s. Jack, on moved to reject the site plan and added that
hopefully they will come up with another site. Mr. DeMarco
seconded the motion with the understanding that this will
go back to the Pls3zuing & Zoning Board and Community Appear-
ance Board as he does not think it was handled correctly.
Under discussion, M~. Caldwell statedj~he was concerned with
two points. He agrees with some of the comments from the
Board meetings and speakers, but thinks a good share of this
is an i~ternal problem and not one which should be ultimately
decided by the CoUncil as to the pros and cons of the build-
ing. Secondly, his prime concern is the lack of distance
between buildings with only 8 ft. between two permanent
structures. We should decide whether the building could be
made smaller with more space and not whether it is the proper
thing. He thinks we have to ~eal with the objective facts.
We must deal with the safety and fire codes. We mus~ decide
the setback requirements an~ he questions whether 8 ft. is
an acceptable distance to the Fire Department. He explained
how they must be concerned with the possibility of fire
spreadi~.h~re~. Strnad replied that he thought he was all
wet as is a building being constructed On U. S~ 1 right
now with not more than 3 ft~ Between the next building.
Leisureville is a PUD and the setbacks were inherited and
we did not make them. The setbacks are small, but why
amend them now, but we should try to get along with ~hem.
-~ zn~he ~uture, a new development comes along, we can
~lan xor it. Ne does not think the people should be panal-
mzed for the lack of foresight of former Councilmen. Mrs.
Jackson stated that this was not compatible with the other
buildings. M~. Caldwell referred to Mr. Strnad stating the
setbacks have bee~ established and M~. Strnad clarified that
AUGUST 2, 1977
there were no setback requirements in a PUD. Mm. Caldwell
questioned ~j~st when we would set them to protect the health
and welfare and ~. Strnad replied that this has been done
and is after the fact now. Mr. Caldwell questioned new build-
ings and Mr. Strnad replied that they have not ~ad the proper
setbacks and he thimks there should be some latitmdeo Mr.
Caldwell stated he appreciated his c~mments, but if ~e allow
too much latitude, hequestions whether we would be doing the
people an i~justice. Mayor Zack stated that in reference to
the setbaCkS, he thinks the Plamming & Zoning Beard should
come up witk reEulations to control them. Mrs. Jackson re-
plied that this could mot be solved ~ow.
~s. Jackson reoeate~ that her motion was to reject the site
plan. Mr. De~co asked iE it weald ge back to the Planaing &
Zoning Board and Mrs. Jackson replied that they ceuld come
back with something else. ~. Caldwell asked if they must
wait one year if it is turned down and Mr. Moore replied
that the one year period only applied to zoning change°
Mr~ Caldwell clarified that the site plans could be modified
and go through the Boar~ again and Mr. Moore agreed. .Mr.
Caldwell aske~ if it would only be an approximate two week
~elay and Mr. Kohl replied that it would belonger than that.
Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote e~ the motion as
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - No
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
CouncilmamDeMarco - Aye
Mmy~r Zack - No
Motion carried 3-2.
~s. Jacksom referred te the Community Appearance Board re-
questing through their minutes sems way to enforce maintenance
and stated that the City Attorneyhas ~ent a letter regard-
ing this and she thinks it should be forwarded to the Community
Appearance Board.
M~s. Jackson then stated that we have come to a point now
where this is an example where nobody sits in with the Com-
munity Appearance Board and she thinks somebody should sit
there to give guidance, possibly the City Planner. Mr.
Strnad referred to asking for this the first year he was on
the Council, but -~er Roberts disagreed. He asked Mr.
Barrett for him or a representative from the Building De-
partment to attend every Commami~Appearance Board meeting.
~s. Jackson movedto have the City Planner orrepresentative
from the Building Department sit in ~ith the Community Ap-
~aranee Board. Mm. Kohl replied that this would be up to
the Building Department amd that is ho~ he would like to see
i~. Mr. DeMarco seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
See Mi~
AUGUST 2, 1977
Construction Costs for Extending Gravity Sewer to Serve
~mokey's Restaurant (M~. Vincent Molle Request)
Mrs. Jackson moved to take thiE'?mfrom the table, secende~ ~y
Mr. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0.
M~. Kohl referred to two letters being submitted from Mr.
Cessna and Ne. Clark together with a cost estimate.
Mayor Zack stated he persomally felt the responsibility of
the City was to go to the propertyhline of the respective
owner and he does met th~k the responsibility of the City
shomld go beyond that. ~f they t~e it so far, we will take
it the rest of the way. He k~ows they are asking ms te foot
the bill and questions whether a precedent would be set.
Mr. DeMarco asked if Mr. Molle was present and receive~ no
response. Mr. Eehl informed him that Mr. Melle was notified.
Mayor Zack asked if they desired to leave it on the table
and Mrs. Jackson replied that if Mr. Molle i~ not interested
enough to come, she believes we should take eare of it.
Mayor Zackagreed that they have the facts.
Mr. Moore asked if ~. Molle had offered to pay all the costs
and ~. Kohl replied: no, he does not wamt to pay the costs
and that is why he was present at the previous two meetings.
Mrs. Jackson stated that when it first came up, he agreed to
do it and he feels he needs it.
Mrs. Jackson moved to deny this~request as a precedent would
be set. Mayor Eack clarified we wo~ld not do anyt~Ing since
it is not our re$~ensibility. Mr. Caldwell seconded the
motion. Under discussion, Mr. Caldwell pointe~ out that
according to the original agreement, Mr. Molle did agree to
the orig~ual terms in 1971 and accepted it then. M~tion
carried 5-0.
Discuss Legality of the Proposed Mamsolemm - Vice Mayor Jackse~
~s. Jackson referred to this going back and forth and there
being some question and asked if Mr. Moore had received a
copy of F~. Hurford's letter and Mr. Moore replied: yes an~
advised that the current status of the Cemetery Board Ordi-
n~nce provides the trust fund can only be used for perpetual
maintenance and upkeep and does not provide to the exten~ for
construction or additions. Also, the Charter authorizes the
City to operate the cemetery for the burial of the dead ~nd a
mausoleum may be a technical point. However, he e~plained
that the ordinance could be amended if authorized by the City
Council. Mrs. JacP~son asked if it was legal and Mr. Moore
replied that he questioned it. Mrs. Jackson asked if they
could borrow money from the ba~k and Mr. Moore replied that
AUGUST 2, 1977
he thimks they c~ot take a valid lien on the cemetery pro-
perty, but possibly the City could expend from their surplus
funds, tt woul~ not be a loan, But a valid expemditure of
funds for a mausoleum to benefit the public, But they are
getting into the question of whether to do this without a
referendum. There also could be a progre~ set uD for pre-
Mr. ReMarco referred to the possibility of presales ~nd called
on ¥~. Hurford. M~. Hurford explained that this was the
Board,s purpose to request the City Council to give approval
to changing the Gharter to allow them to have capital improve-
· merits and the proceeds of the burial lots instead of being
u~ed only for maintenance could be used for crypts for the
mausolemm. They comld take $100,000 from their trust fu~d.
He suggests calling it the Cemetery Trust Fund to give it a
specific earmark and then with the City's funds, which could
either he lent to them or put to their use, Eor a period of
at least five years, they could assmre hay±nE it back to the
City within a year's time based om presales through advertis-
ing and through special prices to people who would h~ them
prior to their need and they would be going om their ow~ from
that p~ticular period on. The amount o£ money returned from
the $100,000 borrowed from the trust fu~d would also be re-
turned in that period of time such as an add~tio~al year. He
is asking for five ye~s since they do not ?~ow what contim-
gencies will arise. He hopes the people would take advantage
of the mausoleum and they would be sol~ at a lower co~t and
at the same time have a return for the cemetery trust fun~
that would contimue forever. I~ having an apDroxJ~aate
$~,000,000 trust fund ultimately in a period of 20 years with
~ interest, they would have $50,000 returned every year and
it would not cost the citizens 5¢ on taxes. They would be
~. Strna8 stated he realize8 this would be an incentive
for people to buy crypts, but what happens if they die Before
it is built and Mr. Hur£ord replied they could give the money
back or give them a lot in the cemetery temporarily~
Hurford continued that once the Council gives approval, the
mausoleum could be built in six months as it is all prefab-
ricated work. In the meantime, as far as bhe sales, they
have an office and with some advertising at minimal oost,
bhey could have the mausoleum built.
N~. DeMarco asked if a Capital Improvement Fund should ~e
established and have this come up for referendum?
~s. Jac¥~on asked if all ¥~. Hurford said was legal a~d Mr.
Moore informed her that the ordinance must be amended to
utilize the trust fund for other than maintenance purposes.
Also, somebody should investigate whether there is enough
AUGUST 2, 1977
money to~make it feasible with enough money to maintain.
The trust fund must he secure, if there are surplus £unds,
they ca~ be spent for a legal purpose, hut the Con~cil must
make the determination.
Mayor Zack asked the City Clerk how much money was in the
fu~d and Mrs. Padgett replied that she ha~ not received a
report for several months~ Mr. Hurford referred to his
letter of April 26 sent to the Council advising they have
4,642 lots which represent $t50 each or $696,300. O~ the
sale of the mausoleum, th?y would have a sizable amount on
that which he would not like to declare at the present time.
Mayor Zack s~ated that as of J~ary l, there was $275,000.
H~ thiaks the City Attorney referre~ ~o %he erdi~ance Dasse~
in 1 963 regardin~ the cemetery fmn~. Ne then asked how ranch
maintenance the Cemetery Beard pays and Mr. Hurford re~lied
that they pay all in%erest off their investments and return
it to the City. Nayor Zack stated that ~he set~ is that
when cemetery lots ~re sold, it goes to the Cemetery Board,
and the opening and clos~g of the g~a~e goes te the General
Fund. He questione~ why ii was going to the General
and referred to the ~udge~ listing the cost for one fmTl-
time man being paid BY the General F~d. ~'hy are there
separate funds and why arsn'~all the fun~s in the Cemetery
Fund~ If all the money went into ~ne fun~, it could take
care of all maintenance. ~. Hurford replied 'that it could
be done that way. Mr. K~l sugge~s~e~ discussing this at the
budget hearings and advised ~hat ~it could '~e cha~ge~. Mayor
Zack clarified that he was referri~ to t~ ordinance
~eels all money sho~d go Back to ~he Ceme~tery Board.
¥~yor Zack then referred to the cost of the cemetery lots
being $150 to local residents and $200 to outsiders and ~.
Hurford agreed and adde~ that the ~eople from Delray Beach
like our cemetery so well because it is high and dry and
he explained. Mayor Zack referred to Delray Beach charging
more for cemetery lots and asked ifsa~y consideration had
~een given to raising the costs to make it mere self-suo-
porting and ~. Hurford replied that he had ~ot had the-
opportunity to discuss this with the City Council as yet.
Mrs. Jackson stated she would like to get the thought of
the Council and turn it back to the Cemetery BO~rd for more
input. ~i~yor Zack stated he thought it would be nice to use
the trust fun~ and borrow the rest of the money.
Dr. Ernest Campbell appeared before the Council and advised
that he was the Chairman of a Committee to make a study of
a mausoleum. He has made an i~depth study and is in the
process of determin~ some answers. He thinks they need a
written opinion from ~!r. Moore. Fr~m the amount of input
AUGUST 2, 1977
citizens on the street have given h~m and because of the tre-
mendous interest in this, he believes it would be wise for
the Council to continue some committee to come up with dis-
cussions. He thi~s the attorney should give advice exactly
what could be said. Mr. Moore questioned the mention of him
having a conflict of interest ~d Nr. Campbell replied that
he did not care to clarify it. Mr. Moore insisted that he
does not have a conflict and only o~s a cemetery lot. Ee
thinks an investigation should be made into all the parties
proposing this thing. One time he represented the owner ef
Palm Beach Memorial Park, hut has ~t for years and ha~
k~owledge of what is being talked about.
Mayor Zack ~tated he thought it would be proper to investi-
gate whether we can use this money in the trust f~d and
borrow ito Mrs. Jackson suggested that ~. Hurford meet with
Mr. Moore about this~nd added that a referendum was not
needed. ~. Caldwell stated he would like to see an ordi-
nance drawn up to change it as he thinks ~. Hurford,s idea
has a lot of merit. He so moves, seconded by Mrs° Jackson.
Under discussion, Mr. Moore clarified that they wauted the
ordinance changed to allow the Cemetery Board to utilize
funds for expansion of the project. They want to set ~p a
vehicle in the&ordinance for the sale of lots for a capital
improvement program. M~tion carried 5-0.
Consider Recommendatio~ of City Attorney - Re: Water Treatment
Mr. Me,ere referred to submitting his written recommendation.
Mayor Zack stated he went along with the lime softening based
on the information ~d knowledge that no politics were in-
volved. Here, he thinks we are getting a man involved who
is chairman of the Democratic P~rty. M~. Moore clarified
that he was ta~king about professional qualifications.
~yor Zack continued that he hoped the political structure
does net take public health at stake. He does not care what
the decision is from the D.E.R., but hopes no p~li~ics are
involved. He feels ~r~ Moore is well qualified to handle
this situation and does not question his ability, so why hire
another person?
Mrs. Jackson stated that ~hey voted on a motion to have
another person go with ¥~. Moore with Rmssell & Axon and
~. Strnad replied that he never vote~ en this. M~yor
Zack stated that the motion was for ~ Hallmark, N~. Moore,
Mr. Cessna ~ud himself~ Mrs. Jackso~ stated that she made
the motion ~ud definitely said we neede~ somebody that knows
this kind of law. As far as politics, she does not think it
has a bit to do with it.
AUGUST 2, 1977
Mrs. Jackson then told about listening to a three hour dis-
cussion this afternoon and F~. Peter Rhodes being asked about
lime softe~iug and his reply was that people with good water
should ~se it and there is no need for lime softening. She
was aware there was a feeling about this and a fear of lime
softening causing cardio-vascular disease.
Mrs. Jackson moved to have ~. Moore go with M~r. Jori Moyle.
~. Strnad requested the sa~e privilege to spea~,before the
tion. He stated this is the most ridiculous thing, he has
seen. Mr. Moyle has represented Manalapan and is now repre-
senting Relray Beach in the same position we want him to re-
present us for $100 per hour. Why should we pay him~$1~ per
ho~ar for the same case? He is representing Delray Beach i~
connection with our application and if they win, we k~ow we
would win. Why ~ay $100 per hour?
Mrs. Jackson asked if it would be possible to have Mr. Moyle
represent us at the same time with Delrsy Beach and M~.
M~ore replied that he could not ~nderstand the confusion on
the part,of the Council. ~e field of administration law is
a very special section° ~tr. Moyle is recommended with a high
degree of competency. The Council has kicked this around for
months. He feels it hls duty to advise them to get the best
representation. He feels this is a divided issue and they
are getting out of professional advice and into other areas. SeaM in. o~
!~ they want to proceed in this properly, they will retai~ ~/16/77
Mr. Moyle to represent them. As far as getting involved with
Delray Beach, their issue is not our issue. ~we are talking
about saving $500,000 per year if we are successful on this.
M~. Strnad stated that a capable City Attorney hs~ not men-
tioned how mmch would be saved by the taxps~er with giving
better condition in the PH control of our water system and
the effect on the condition on the pipes and M~s. Jackson
replied that this has been refuted by M~. Russell.
M~. DeMarco then seconded Mrs. Jackson's motion and stated
if they are going to have four to five people go to Talla-
hassee a~ud they are not qualified, we are wasting time. He
knows Mr. Moyle is qualified. Under discmssion, Mr. Strnad
referred to Mr. Moyle representing Sterling Village where
the Pratts reside who are suing the City against lime soft-
ening. Mayor Zack repeated again that he thinks our City
Attorney is highly qualified. ~irs. Jackson stated that she
knows when the motion was made, which carried by a 3-2 vote,
that she requested an expert to go with Mr. Moore and Mayor
Zack added that he also wanted to go. Mayor Zack replied
that the minutes would verify this. M~. Strnad stated that
i£ there was ar~'question as to w~at was said, this could he
tabled and the ~inutes consulted. Mrs. Jackson replied that
she is aware of what she said and if she had known there was
AUGUST 2, 1977
going to be an~ questiom, she would have brought the mimutes.
~er motiom stands. Mr. Caldwell stated that we. have committed
ourselves to fight the lime question with the DoE.R. Our own
competent attorney ~ees not feel he is competent im this
field. Are we going out to win this or not? He explaiaed
how he felt they should start in to wi~. Mrs. Padgett then
took a roll call vote on the motion as fellows:
Councilman Strnad - No
Councilman Caldwe!l - Aye
CoUncilman BeMarco - Aye
ViOme Mayor Jackson - Aye
Mayor Zack - No
Motion carried 3-2.
~ousing Authority - Term of Office
M~. DeMarco stated that he talked to Mr. Barry Seaman today
and he said whomever was elected Chairm~n should have the tenu oE
one yea~,a ~u~?0ri~.t~ and ~thg~.n a Ch~ ~.~ul~d~ be~.se~cte~ b~ the n~rs according t¢
Mr. Kohl showe~ the~Co~ncit members the certificateo~ ap- Statute 421.
pointment. Mayor Zack referred to Mr. Charles Johnson an~
Mr. W±lliamMe~singer being experienced people and suggested
they be appointed for four year terms. ~Ir. Moore informed SeeMin. of
them that they must appoint a full Board and~signate terms 8/16/77
and designate the first Chairman.
Mayor Zack made the following recommendations:
~. Charles Johnson, Chairman, - 1 year
Mr. William Meisinger - 4 year term.
Mms. Sarah Gold,erg - 4 year term.
Mm. Rubin Lefkowitz - 3 year term.
M~. Matthew Macaulay - 2 year term.
F~s. Jackse~ moved to ratify the appointments of Mayor Zack
as listed above an~ have the certificate of appointment signed
by the Mayor. Mr. Caldwell seconded the motion. No discus-
sion. Motion carried 5-~.
Approval to Execute Agreement Between the City & Palm Beach
..C0u~ty . Re: Community Develbpment Block Grant Projects
M~. Kohl referred to submitting a copy of the letter from
the ~ounty and requested the Council to approve the agree-
M~s. Jackson moved to approve the agreement between the City
and Palm Beach CoUnty regarding the Comm~uUity Development
Block Grant Projects,
~ ~. seeonded by ~. Caldwell. Ne discus-
sion. ~o~on carried 5-0.
AUGUST 2, 1977
Approval of Site Development Pls~us for Barnett Bank
~. Kohl informed the Council that the Planning & Zoning Board
at their re~alar meeting of July 26, 1977, une~mously recom-
mended approval of the site development plans for the Barnett
Bank to be located in the southeast corner of Boynton Plaza
subject to the following:
Engineering Dept: 1. Paving and drainage plans to be pro-
2. 20 i~. easement for regional force
main along Congress required.
Utility Dept: Abandoned fire hydrant connection to be
plugged and Blocked with concrete thrust
block. If new fire hydrant location re-
q~es more than one pipe length, a tap
valve and valve at hydman~ w~ll be required.
City Planner: If the adjustment i~ dimensions on site
causes substantial change to site plan,
reserve the right to have Plaz~ning &
Zoning Board review plan again.
The motion to approve was made by ~. Tranger and seconded by
M~. Winter. F~y he have Council's wishes on this matter please.
~s. Jackson referred to the location being the southeast
corner a_nd asked if it was going to be ~ separate building?
She requested to see the plans. Mr. Annunziato informed her
it would he in the southeast corner of the plaza where the
trailer is located now'. Mrs. Jackson asked if they were
going to use the parking lot which belongs to someone else
and Mr. Annunziato explaine~ the site pla~. F~s. Jackson
referred to them using the same Dark3_ug as the plaza and
asked who owned it and ~m. A~unziato informed her that Mr.
Aths~s owns it. Mms. Jackson questioned what would happen
if it was sold~ ¥~. DeMarco asked if the driveway would be
widened? F~. Annunziato clarified that they would use the
same property, but it will be widened em~ the property was
sold to ~e adjacent to the driveway and the driveway is a
permanent access to the plaza, M~s. Jackson asked if it was
a definite right-of-way and ~. Annumziato replied that it
was not a right-of-way, but a driveway as shown on the plan.
M~s. Jackson asked if the b~uk objected to usd_ng this access
and ~. Annunziato replied: no as it is the only access to
the site.
M~. DeMarco made a motion to approve the site plan
to the listed items, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No
sion. Motion carried 5-0.
-23 -
AUGUST 2, 1977
Approval of gite Development Plans for Bethesda Memorial
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that the Planmi~g & Zoning
Board at their regular meeting of July 26, 1977, unanimously
recommended approval of the site plans for a~ditio~s and
modifications to Bethesda Memorial Hospital subject to details
being submitted for water mai~ connections and the provision
of a buffer wall. Motio~ to approve was made by Mr~ Lambert
and seconded by Mrs. Schorr. May he have Council's wishes on
this matter please.
Mrs. Jackson moved to grant approval of the site pl~u for
~ethesda Memorial Hospital subject to details being snbmitted
or water main connections and the provision of a bnffer wall,
seconded by ~. Caldwell. ~o discnssio~. Motion carrie~ 5-0.
Approval of Site Development Plans for Christi~ Develo~ment~ tuc
M~. Kohl informed the Council that the Planning & Zoning
Board at their regular meeting of July 26, 1977, unamimously
recommended approval of the site develooment plans for the
above units after noting that this project concept is new
this ~rea. Motion to approve was made by Mr. Winter and
seconded by M~. Lambert. ?~y he have Council's wishes on
this matter please.
Mr. Strnad moved to approve this request, seconded by N~
DeMarco. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Discuss Purpose of Community Relations Board - Vice M~yor Jackso~
Mrs. Jackson referred to having the Community Relations Board
and Housing Authority~and stated as far as she was concerned,
we need both. However, she would liketohaveth~p~q0oseo£t~e Cc~m~nit~
Relations Board changed and thinks it should act as a liaison
between the Housing Authority and those ~eeding homes. She SeeM in.
thinks they could be a liaison between the City ~nager and
let him know of anyone needing hot meals. She thinks they
could be helpful with spreading the word in the northwest
section~ Ehe understands people in this area see homes being
torn down ~ud are fearful their,s will be next. She thinks
these people could go into that area and ta~k to the people.
She thinks they could organize a co~unity cleanmp program
to get the people going.
Mayor Zack replied that he thinks these suggestions are well
taken s_ud thinks we should have a resolution to that effect.
Resolution 77-W originally presented was to take c~e of
housing and he thinks a new resolution should be prepared.
~s. Jackson gave her notes to Mr. Moore for preparation of
the resolution.
AUGUST 2, 1977
Mrs. Jackson moved to have a resolution prepared for the
Community Relations Board as suggested ~ud to repeal the
other one, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion
carried 5-0.
Consider Recommendation of M~nicipal Police Officers' Retire-
ment Fumd Board of Trustees
Consider Recommendation of Firemen's Pension & Trust Fund
Nayor Eack stated that he has met with both of these groups
and underst~uds the Fire Department is also interested i~
survivors, benefits, But there is nothing for the general
employees and he thinks they should be i~¢luded some place.
Ee thinks this should be tabled until the general employees
come up with their cost, so we have a complete picture. Mr~
Eohl replied that he approved and advised that he just got
through with the budget and did not know a~ything about this
and right at this time, there is no mo~ey. Mayor Zack re-
plied that the figure for the survivors' benefit for the
Police Dep~tment is $1,t26 ~ud for the. Fi~e Department is
$4,~00, but he does not k~ow t~e cost for the general em-
ployees. He thinkn we should have all the figures.
~. Caldwell explaine~ how he thought they must consider deli~-
eating between the hazardous duties. He explained how there
was a difference in the occupations of the policemen,, firemen
and general employees. Mayor Zack ~tated he did not want
this City to get out of line with their pension plans, but
believes what is done for one department should be done for
the others. M~s. Jackson suggested they all give this some
thought and ~. DeM~rco added that he thought it should be
provided for in the budget.
Mrs. Jackson moved to table this, seconded by ~. Caldwell
and he added that it would be brought up next week at the
budget he,rings. ~s. Jackson added that they also wanted
the i~formation for the general employees. No discussion.
Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Recommendation of Community Relations Boar~
Mrs. Jackso~ referred to the letter from the Community Rela-
tions Board advising that ~ William H. Miller had missed
three consecutive meetings with no excuse and they thought
no replacement was necessary because of the size of the
Board. However, since then, five people have been placed
on the Housing Authority with nine people left o~ this
Board. M~s. Ann Miller has volunteered and she lives in
the northwest section and is a retired school teacher.
~yor Zack suggested setting up the resolution and indicating
the number of people to serve on the Board and Mrs. Jackson
suggested leaving the number o~n aud seeing how it works ou~.
She also referred to some members not attending regularly.
AUGUST 2, 1977
Mrs. Jackson moved to accept Mr. William Ho I~ller's resig-
nation, seconded by ~. Caldwell. No discussion. M~tion
carried 5-0~
M~s. Jackson referred again to Mrs. Ann .Miller being inter-
ested. Mr. DeMarco asked how many members there would be
and Mrs. Jack, on replied there would Be a total of ten, but
they never all attend. Mr. Strnad moved to accept Mrs°
Jackson,s recommendation, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. N~
discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
M~yor Zack referred to the Community Relations Board re-
questing a meeting to bs held with the City Council and
stated that their next meeting is scheduled for August 10.
~s. Jack, on suggested that they get together and organize.
~yor Zack s~gested appointing a temporary Chairma~ and
Mrs~ Jack, on replied that the people know each other and
she thinks they can organize themselves~ Mayor Zack sug-
gested appointing ~. Bill Cwynar as temporary Chairman.
~. Caldwell moved to appoint Ne. Bill Cwyn~r the temporary
Chairman, seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion
ce~rie~ 5-0.
Receipt of Correspondence from Ellis Sarasota Bank - Re~
Certificate of Destruction
~s. Jackson moved to accept the Certificate of Destruction,
seconded by ~. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Transfer of Funds 1. ~ater Distribution & Sewerage Collection Depts.
2. Fourth of Jul~ Fireworks
Mr. DeMarco moved to grant approval of these transfer of
funds as submitted, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. No discus-
sion. Motion carried 5-0.
Permit to Solicit - Leukemia Society of America
~. Kohl informed the Council that the application was in
order. Mr. Caldwell moved to grant this permit to solicit,
seconded by Mrs. Jackson. No discussion. Motion carried
Request of LeRoy E. Ekstr~ud - Re: Cemeter~ Lot
~s. Jack, on moved to grant this request for the remains te
be ~moved and the marker be reset, seconded by Mr. Caldwell.
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
~proval of Bills
-26 -
~. Kohl read the following bills for approval:
AUGUET 2, 1977
Ruhin Construction
Paving various streets
Pay from Federal Revenue Fund 020-895
Rubin Construction
Paving various streets
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 020-895
America~F~eworks~ Inc.
FJ_rewo~s for 4th of July festivities
Pay from Pahlicity Fmnd 060-887
Subject to approval of trea~sfer
I ,468.92
Florida East Coast Railway
Paving N.Eo 22nd Ave. orossi_ug per agreement
of g/1 8/5 - 2, 68. 5
Pa~lg0~71_2t~ _~o~ossing, per agreement
Paving S.E. 5th fve. crossing per agreement
0f 10/5/27- $ 738.00
Pay from Anti-Recession Fu_uds 001-854.35
Pending approval of City Council
Willie Ruth McGrady
Services ~or Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from budgeted funds 020-880
Ordinance #7~ 15, passed 5/15/73
96. O0
Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from budgeted funds 020-880
Ordin~uce #73-15, passed 5/15/73
7. I.B.M. Corporation
~onthfy computer rental for July 1977
Pay from budgeted funds 001-890.38
Russell & Axon 626-681-21-4 #2
Professional services in connection with the
revised applicatio~ to delete softening of
Water Treatment Plant
Pay from Utility General 030-205
Authorization dated 5/3/77
Russell & Axon 626-681-08-3 #10
Consulting services during construction of
Water Facilities Expansion Water Treat-
ment Plant
Pay from Utility General Fund 030-205
~uthorization dated 5/8/74
AUGUST 2, 1977
10. Russell & ~xon 626-681-08-6 #12 5,523.72
Resident inspection ~ud engineering services
during construction at Water Treatment
Plant ~ud Warehouse
Pay from Utility General Fund030-205
11. Florida Power & Light 3,27t.16
upgrading and improving street lighting
along Seacrest Blvd. from N.E. 10th Ave.
to the north City Limits per Tom Clark
1/t 9/73
Pay from budgeted funds 001-854.14
12. Allied Chlorine & Chemical Products 1,086.00
~hlorine for Water Plant
Pay from budgeted funds 030-811.63
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that the bills described
been approved and verified by the department heads involved;
checked and approved for payment by the Finance Department;
funds are available in their respective budgets. He recom-
mends payment of these Bills.
M~s. Jackson referred to Item #4 and stated that they have
never had decent railroad crossings ~ntil recently, but why
do we have to pay for them and ~. Kohl replied that he had
received a number of comments.
M~. Strnad stated he would like more detailed information
about the bills fro~.~R~sell & Axon. Who are they consult-
~r~ with? Why does it cost that kind of money for something
~rawn up and going ahead? Why are these tremendous bills
being presented? Mr. Kohl informed him that he had the
detailed bills in his office.
M~s. Jackson moved to table Items 9 and 10 and pay the rest,
seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Under discussion, Mr. Strnad com-
mented that Russell & Axon keep sending bills ~ud we keep
approving them. Motion carried 5-0.
Water Lines
~. Kohl referred to Drexel Properties wanting to put in a
water line on Lawrence Road south to the 15th Avenue canal~
and advised that they have to put in 8" and we should put in
16~ and the difference between 10 and 12" per ft. would be
approximately $25,000. It must he done sometime an~ he would
like permission to go ahead and get bids and deal with Drexel
and put in the difference.
M~. DeMarco moved to grant permission as requested, seconded
by M~. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
AUGUST 2, 1977
Two Well Locations
Mr. Kohl read a letter regarding the wells in the eastern
part of the City and stated he would lake to obtain bids and
come back to the Coumcil as we need wells.
~. Caldwell moved to grant this request, seconded by Mr.
DeMarco. Under discussion, Mr. De~%rco questioned the loca-
tion of these wells and Mr. Cessna informed him they were
close to the canal and added that they have well studies
completed on the property west of 1-95. Motion carried 5-0.
Mm. DeMarco suggested that it would be in order to send a
letter to Mr. Tom Clerk in sympathy in regards to the death
of his daughter and Mr. Kohl replied that he would send the
Motio~ carried
at 10:20 P. M.
Jackson moved to adjourn, seconded by ~. Caldwell.
5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
~ty Clerk
Recording Secretary
(Three Tapes)
,' At A$OTA
July 20, 1977
TEL. (813) 366-2580
DiScription of Issue: City of Boynton Beach~ Florida
Water and Sewer Revenue' Bond Series 1974
Co~pon $6 Due 2-1-77
Bon~ds ~16 thru 930
75 Cpns. @ $181.25 $ 13,593.75
99 Cpns. @ 175.00 17,325.00
100 Cpns. @ 177.50 17,750.00
20 Cpns. @ 181.25 3,625.00
100 Cpns. @ 183.75 18,375.00
15 Bonds @ $5,000.00 75,000.00
Paid by Ellis Sarasota Bank & Trust Company from 1-1-77 thru 6-30-77.
Authorized Signature
Trust Operations Officer
~Archie W. geardVTM ~
Senior Vice President & Trust Officer