Minutes 07-19-77MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETinG OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD IN CITY HALL, TUESDAY, J~LY 19, 1977 PRESENT Joseph F. Zack, Mayor Emily M. Jacksem, Vice Mayor Coumcilmam Councilman G~me ~oores City Naaager City Clerk ~ity Attorney Mayor Zack called the glance Ammoumcemen~s led b2 meeting to order at 7:30 P. M~ amd re- at ~he or,he gavel for pastor, St. of Alle- Jackeem. ?resenta$iem of Service Awards to City Employees bY Nsyor Zack Mayer Za~ka~noumced on behalf of the City Council and City ~M~e. ager, hewas happy to present awards to eleven respective eple represe~timg mime departments of the City. He.them ammoumced the following and made the presemtatio~: 10 years of sera. ice - Martin Knabe Amuette Timker Claire Kendall 15 years of service - George MacNeill LIOY~ Rhoden Joh~Vicki Betty Zohel 20 years of service - NathamielMc~rady 25 years of service - Tereesa Pa~gett 30 years of service - Lemom Harris Lee Thoma~ M~. Freddie .it has ~een a pleasure to an~ he presente~ him a $100 coworkers. Council am~ amnoumced around for 30 years ~icate on behalf o£ his Mr. Johmnie Je~te~ appeare~ Before the Council amd announced at this time, he would like te Brimg forward all Lee Thomas' buddies te present a gift they have for him. He e~oun¢~ed that all Lee Thomas' friendsamd buddies who have worked with him for a long time wa~t to p~esent to him a $50 war bond. ~yor Zack thenco~gratulated those present and also those present and requested ever~ome to give them a b&g hand. -1- MINUTES - REGUT,~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 Mayor Zack read a Proclamatio~ proclaiming the week ef A~Eust 1st through 7th~ 1977, as Natiomal Clowns Week. Mayor Zack referre~ to the agenda a~dan~ounced if there was aayene in the audience desiringto s~eak om amy item to Dlease give their name to'Mrs. Pa~gettand the Oity Glerk will call on them at the appropriate time. ~ Agenda A~ditio~s Mayor Zack amaemaced the following agenda a~ditions: VI. LEGAL - B -E. PreDosed Ord. Ne~ ~?-~, RE.: Amend- Permit Fees VI. LEGAL - D -1. Beach Property. VI. LEGA~ - E -1. Tax Rates, ~omaty Schools and Ce~ty Commissioners IX. ADMINISTRATIVE - M - 6. Misc. Items~ to take care of Lostage mailout, stamDs, etc. d also trip to Atlanta for Federal Gra~t Application. Mr. DeMarce regueste~ the item of "T~sk Force" ~e adde~ u~der Old Business. Mrs. Jackson requested that Item G be taken off, s~nce it was placed en the agenda inadvertently. Mayor Zack clarified that Item G ~uder Old Bnsiness ~enld be: Task Force. MINUTES Regmlar Cit~ Council Meetin$ - July 5, 1977 Whem calle~ mpon by Ma~or Z~k, Mr. DeMar¢o smd Mr. Str~ad re- plied they had nothiag. Mr. Caldwell referred te Page 7, second te last paragraph, sevemth lime dewa, and corrected "any" to "all", so it rea~s that s~ actions, etc. Mr. ~aldwell then referred to Page 10 and stated that he re- calle~ i~ the earlier portiom of this year, this Goumcil ~oted te eliminate the qmalification of votes and their ~otes will he either an Aye or Nay vote en the voting situation. He feels Mr. Str~ad'e comments shoul~ he str~en and merely a Nay vote recorded. Mrs. Jackson referred t~ Page 1, u~der Announcements, third line do~a, and advised that it should be the Cemm~aity "Im- provement- Forum. She referred to the last line om this ~age am~ muggeste4 that it Be "Dlaqme" iastea~ of "service -2- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACE, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 MrS. Jacksom referred te Page in the second "mute". She re~ bottom, a~d advised that it should be "without" with lime softenimg. She referre~ to ~e 15, 4~, ~ state4 letter ha~ m~ ~ 6., ~ext 5, fi~e limes dow~ and again i~stead of fi~e limes at the Jume 29 t~ las~ W~ $~d line, imc~me is lower tha~ last ~ third' ~ aP, read: disposal. Nayor Zack referred to Page 19 amd clarified that it was stated the Co~ucil may give eom- schools. He referre~ to Page 20 and stated DeMarce, s statement was$~20,O00. He referred te and clarified that the tax~ rate was for ~he 77-78 year hegimuimgOctober l, 1977. Ers. Jackson moved the adoptiom of the mimates as corrected, secomded ~y Mr. ~al~wett. No disemssion. Motion carried 5-0. P~BLIC AUDIENCE Mr. Rom Johmsem, 1205 N. W. 7t~:iSt~eet, appeared before the ~o~cil. He referred te previous ~iscussio~s objecting te R~er msvimg imto Boyntom Beach and presented the City Oterk with a petitiom cemtaiaing 7,500 sigmatures im eppo- Sl~iom. He thamked the presemt a~d past Oo~uucil members who have supported this and numerous individuals. He then read a list of homeowners an~ condominium associatioms who had given their support. M~ayor Zack thanked him. Mr. Jok~ Jame$om, 6~9 Las Palmas Park, appeared before the Council. He stated he came prepared to speak on the mill- age rates and asked if this had been am additio~ to the agenda a~d Mayor Zack informed him that the tax rate on the agenda is for the Co~mty School and County taxrate. He then relad the attache~ statement prepare~ by the C.I.F. dated aeme of the properties have gome up 20 to BO%. MINUTES - REGULAR CIT~ COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 ..PUBLIC AUDIENCE (Continued) fore the Com~cil au~ m~l control. He referred to to to en their with the trot. Ke f~e a Ei~em ~he t having the power the ordinance could respomd and just inform the people to keep theLr animals He the~ explaimed how he was eemcermed to animal should deal with ~IC HEARl~G ~ 8:00 P. M. Amendment: To Allow Schools as a : in R-1AAA and C-1 Zones Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 77-20 om first readimg. M~yor Zack asked if anyone wished to s~eak in favor of this ordinance a~d recei¥~d ne response. He then asked if ~yeme wished to speak in opposition and received no response. Mrs. Jackson referred to not having any R-1AAA zones in the City now and stated she wondered whether s~eols should be included in that area. Mr. Amnunziato replied that this was ' the Planning & Zoning Board and they decided to as a oe~ditlonal use and he explained the pro- cedure. He ad~ed that there was vast acreage zoned R-1AAA north of the Boyaten Ca~al. Mrs, JaCkson stated there was none with houses on and N~. A~nunziato replied that was area, they will object. Mr. DeMareo moved to adopt Ordinance No. 77-20 em first read- ing, seconded by Mr. Caldwello No discussiom. Mrs. PaSgett took a roll cai1 vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Caldwetl - Aye Ceumcilmam DeMarce - Aye Mice Mayor Jackson - Aye Councilma~$tr~ad - Aye Nayer Zack - Aye Motion carried 5-0. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEMTING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 BIDS Demelitiom of Bu~ldinss - 2925 $. Federal EiEhway $1 Kohl inferme~ the City Oo~cil that bids om the above July 14, 1977, at 12:O0 moon in the Age,t, Mr. William$mllivsm. The ~ee recommends acceptamce ~ t~e low bi~ FortLau~er~ale, i~ the amo~ut of Sheet a~d Proposal 'have been me~ ef of the hi~ for-the ~as 2923 $onth · i~ ~¢. of ~Mr. DeMa~co. Ne discmssio~. LEGAL Ordim~mces - 2n~ Readies - P~li¢ Eeari~ Propose~ Ordima~ce 'Ne. 77-1~ - Re: Amemding Ordimanee Ne. Re~ Portions of Lot4, Laurel Hills, (315 & erie R-lA to Zone Mr. Moore rea~ prepese~ Ordima~ce No. 77-18 by caption second reading. Mayor Zack aske~ if amyone wishe~ to speak im favor of this ordinance am~ receive~ no response. He the~ asked i£ amyone wished to speak in oppositiom to this ordinamce a~ received nO response~ M~s. Jacksem moved the adoption of Ordimance No. 77-18 om second an~ fimal rea~ing, seconded ~yMr. Caldwell. Ne ~iscusSion. ~s. Padgett took a roi1 call vote as follows: Councilmam DeMarce - Aye Vice Mayer Jackson - Aye Oo~cilm~m ~tr~ad - Aye Commcilmam Caldwell - Aye Mayor Zack Aye ~e~ien carried 5-0. Propose~ Ordimamce NO. 77-19 - Re: A~ Ordinance Ame~img ~ectiom ~OA-5 of Appendix A, te Reqmire Comcurrimg Vote of Five (5) Members ~f Board of Adjustment te Take Affirmative Actie~ MINUTES - REGU ~LAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 77-19 by caption om secon~ reading. Mayor ~ack asked if amyone i~ the amdience wished to speak in favor of this ordinsmce a~d received ne respomee. He them asked if~yone wished to ~ppose this ordinance and received no response. Mrs. Jackson mc.ed to adopt Ordimance No. 77-19 on second a~d fimal reading, seconded by Br. Galdwell. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye ¢oum¢ilma~$tr~ad - Aye Gouncilmam G~14well - Aye 6o~cilmamDeMarco - Aye ~or Zack Aye Motion carrie~ 5-0. 0rdimances -Ist Reading Proposed Ordimance No. 77-21 - Re: Repealing Section 26 o~ the Charter Pertaining to Prcced~re for Enactment of Ordimances and-Resolutions Mrs. Jackson moved to take this from ~he table, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Zack referred to ask~for impnt from the City Attorney regar~i~g Home Rmle a~d Br. Moore i~formed them tha~ t~ere is a uniform method for adopting ordinance~ according ~o the Home Rule which does not include the last step in our Charter. He explained how it womld be a substantial savings to the City to eliminate that step. Mr. Caldwell asked if it meant as it stands now, the Council moves er ~irects a~ ordinance, there is first readimg, second reading, amd then publication a~d Mr. Moore clarified that the Charter says after it is read om the second reading, it must ~e pmblished again, which womld ~e the third publication with no p~bli¢ hearing comnected to it but jmst a publicatiom after the second reading. Mr. OaldweI1 clarified that it was Just a notification that it has ~een passe~. Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 77-2t im its entirety on first reading. Mr. Caldwell moved the adoption of Ordd_u~uce No. 77-21 on first reading, seconded By Mr. DeMarco. No discnssion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: -6- MINUTES - ?~UL&R CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 Ceuncilmam Strnad - Aye Gouncilman Caldwell - Aye Coumcilmaa DeMar¢o - Aye Vice Mayor Jacksem - Aye Mayor Sack - Aye Motion carried 5-0. read prepese~ Or~iaance Ne.77-22 mia its entirety hits. Jacksom meve~ ~he a~optiom of 0rdi~aace No. 77-22 on first rem~i~g, seconded by Mr. ~eMaree. Nod'mscussmom.' Mrs. Pa~get~ took a roll call vote om the motiom as follows: Councilmam Caldwell - Aye Comncilmam DeMarce - Aye ¥i¢e ~ayor Jackson - Aye Councilmam~ S~trna~ - Aye Mayor Zaek - Aye Motio~ carried 5-0. Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 7?-LL - Re: Adopting, the South Cen- tral Palm Beach Oe~nt~ ~0~ Facilities Plato Nm. Moore read propose~ Resolution No. 77-LL. ~. DeM~arco moved the adoption of Resolution No. 7?-LL, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. ~o ~iscussiom. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows. Councilmam DeMar¢o - Aye Vice Mayor Jackson -Aye Co~cilmamStrnad -Aye Councilman Cal~well - Aye Mayor Zack - Aye Motiom carrie~ 5-0. Proposed Reselutiom Ne. 77-MM- Re: Demolitiom of Certai~ B ildmngs Wmthmm the Cit~ Mr. Moore read~jproposed Resolution No. 77-MMo -7- M~TES - REGULAR ~!TY COUNCtL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 Mr. Caldwell moved the adoption of Resolution No. seconded By Mrs. Jackson. No ~iscussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows: Vice .Mayor Jackson - Aye Councilman Str~ad Aye Geuncilman Caldwelt - Aye Councilman DeMaree - Aye Mayer Sack Aye Motion carried 5-0. Resolution Ne. 7?-NN - Re: Acceptimg Federal ~ra~t Nr. ~eore read proposed Resolutio~ Ne. 7?-NN. Mrs. Jackson move~ the adoption of Resolution No. 77-NN, Mrs. Pa~gett then took a roll c~l vote c~ the motiom as follows: Councilman Strnad - Aye Councilman Cal~well - Aye Councilman DeMarco - Aye Vice M~yor Jackson - Aye Mayor Eack - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Other Beach Prope.r ty Mrs. Jackson re~ueste~ a report from the City Attorney re- gardingwhe owns what in Ocean Ridge and Mr. Moore reolied that he has~een trying to get a meetf~g set, but without success. He believes there has been a recommemdation for the two ~ouncils to get together an~ Mr. DeGange is present and possibly he can advise why this meeting has not Been ar~amged. He personally feels it Doil~ ~ewn to a legal question of who owns what. Mayor Zack stated that since they don't seem to be able to get together, he z~ggests taking action since this has been dragging on for a ~mmber of yes. rs. Mrs. Jackson moved to imstruct the Oity Attormey to go ahead with a friendly lawsmi~. Mr. Caldwelt seconded the motion. Under ~iscussion, Mr. Oaldwell referred to having decided -8- MINUTE~ - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 this before amd ~er Zack agreed. this motion ~hat i~ was ~ mhe has me amimesity, settled by law. Caldwell referred ~e Moore replied [ that have to get this Mr. DeMarce referred to Mr. De~a~ge being present and asked if he could ~ossi~ly ad~ somethdmg. Mr. DeGamge appeared ~e- a~eu~ ~he 47 weeks age waitS, for a commitment from the Oceam Ridge to Mr. an~ at the easiae. Nayor,Zack Nsmager a~ ~e commitments were present te are recent as Shore am~ he Mrs. the treate~ ~et true. the to M~. Neore them we OWm it, them to u~e it. qmit claim* deed Beach owms t ~ If wsmt to meet with Beach owns 'evidence to the lawsuit, if this get a to le~ wo~l,~ admit eu~ MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYRTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 Mrs. Jackson then took Back her motion and moved to table this if Ocean Ridge ~ithin two weeks comes up with a letter stating this a~d giving us a chance. ~r. DeMarco asked if the Commission had met recently andMr. DeGaage replied that his Cemm~sio~ was willing to sit down and discuss this wh~le situation. Mr. Caldwell stated that in all due resHect to Mr. DeGange, i~asmmc~ as the actual ownership of this la~d is still r the ~ is the Beach~s; their e~imions could aisc. would be Gcea~ Ridge's and %iatioms.. Ne thi~ we must start with settling who truly has title to that laUd. O~ce it is clarified, then sides definitely have something %o negotiate with. Other- wise, it coul~ go back and forth and he explained. M~s. Jackson asked if a quit ¢3~m deed was recorded and Mr. Moore replied that if ~he Town of OceamRidge is willing te q~i~¢taim deed t~ ~he pr.operty so~th of Town Hall and tmterrupted ~m stating that he did not say that. Mr. Neere clarified that the simple issue which is confronting them is the legal owaersh!p of that property. If this Co~cilfeels Ocea~Ridge aho~ld have it, we could lease it t¢ Nm. DeG~mgo stated ~sed ~ 32 year, and he does not setmH. He adde~ ~at they received a 'Manager a~out parking. Mrs. Jackson what iu Ocean solved if ~ want that. The' lease it to~ them. to what? that we J3~st want ~o know who owns Mr. Moore stated that it could ~e re- a q ~hey do ~ot pwoul~ b~ a~d we could 'Mrs. Jacksou questioned a 9~it claim deed Mm. Derange informed them that in his discussiom im the past with Mr. Kohl, ~hey t~l~ed about the City of Boynton Beach giving Ocean Ri4ge a quit olaim deed to the property to the somth,~a quit claim deed to %he property wher? the casino is and 47 parking spaces. Mayer Zack informed him that we have Been waiting for a letter confirming this, But have net gotten amything. He added that there have ~eea some articles in the press with neither side making a~4y esmmitments. Mrs. Jackso~ state~ she did not want to tie the parking into amy kind of deal and Mr. DeGange replied that obviously, she _~as not concerned about the parking. Mr. Caldwell informed him that B~yntom Beach is concerned with the p~king, hut it MINUTES - REGUL~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOY,TON BEACh, FLORIDA JB-LY 19, 1977 is the questiom of how we can deed something to yon and you deed to us when neither party eau agree who ow~s it. Mr. DeGamge asked who determines this and Mr. Caldwell replied that it~sheuld be done by the ~udicial procedure. Mrs. Jackson stated that her motion still stanza. Mr. Moore stated if this Council would assume we owm the land, an ar- rangement could Be made for utilizing the property to the seutk of the Town Hall and a lawsuit could be eliminated. ~ut agre~ agai~ that she ~id no~ wa~t ~mking tied ~i~me% want parkin~g, the Gity addi~ie~l was in- side in piemi¢ area. Boy, tom Beach was ~iven a same~hing and Far. whole whether to a :he property to the south, a he explained. Mrs. Ja0kson amended her motion that we have a fmiendly law- suit if we don,t hear from Ocean Ridge w~thin the next two weeks in regards ~o Mr. Moore's stat~ second meeting in AmgUst. tf we ~on't hear ~ in August, we will go ahead with a friendly lawsuit. Mr. DeGauge ~uestioned just what a friendly lawsuit was and Mrs. Jackson replied that we are not mad%a~ yom, but want to k~ow who owns what. ~,~s. Jackson clarifie~ that her motiou was to file a friendly lawsuit if we do mot hear hy our seeen~ meetim~ in August from Ocean Ridge that they will give a mit claim dee4 for the whole area and allow us to ar~ we will lease the property back to them ~er 99 years. Mr. Cal~well seconde~ amd clarified that it would mean we the property and are wilIing te lease it back to them for the Padgett took Councilman Caldwell - Aye Councilman DeMarce Aye Vice ~yor Jackson - Aye Councilman Strnad - ~ye Mayor Zaek - Aye Motion carried 5-0. -11- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA J~LY 19, 1977 Tax Rates~ Coumt7 Schools aud Co~at~ Commissioners Mayor Eack smaounced that all the Coumty elected offici~ were invited to attend a meeting on July 12, 1977, at the Palm,each Town Coumcil Chambers to discuss assessed valua- tion increases and how it will effect the schools. Assessed valuation imcreased in some mmnicipalities ashigh as 5G%. The follow~ school figures were presented: Tear ending- 976 9~? 975 41.6 M 71,088 Students 49.,6 M 71,224 59 M ?1,00a 64.6 M (Projected millage) Equal number of students Since 1975, a total increase of M or 55.1% compared to the cost of li~ing increase of 20.~ These elude air conditioning which is paid for ~ther fumds. ~e ~oynton Beach assessed valuation 51M which means about aa 8th o~ a mill decrease based on the as- sesse~ ~aluation increase. Since our Council has takem such a~tion, he recommends that the City Attorney &raft a~ appro- priate resolution to be sent to the Palm BeaCh Ce~u~ty School State, County and local governments to tighten np their tax belts and stretch the taxpayers, dollar. He also checked the unincorporate~ areas and there was a %axvalus. tionincrease of 13% and a 31% overall increase im assess valuation with mumicipalities as high as 50%. Mrs. Jackson told about-M~s~ Youm~, President of the Munici- pal League, telephoming her~ advising that ~he Beard o.f Direc- tors is meeting tomorrow an~ requesting inputfrom this Council. Mayor Zack replied that whem we express ourselves locally, we should definitely express ourselves co~ty-wide. Fms. Jackson moved that the City Attorney be i~structed te draft such a res'~ion to the School Boar~ and Coumty~ommis- sioners. Mr. DeMarco seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. DeMarcs state~ that we must keep the taxes down, especi- ally with the higher assessment. Mayer Zack told about his experience with ~tretcking the tax dollar. Mr. De~arco re- ferred te mentioning ~f<6meand stated that he still says we have too many chiefs an~ not enough Indians on the School Board. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Zack re£erre~ to the School Board meeting on July 27 and the Commty Commissioners meeting tomorrow morning and instructe~ ~he City Clerk to let them knew the action we have taken and in the meantime, the City Attorney can draft the resolution. -12- M~N~TES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 19, 1977 BOYNTON BEACE, FLORIDA OLD BUSINESS Appointments to Commmmity Action Administering B~ard and One Alte~aate .(Table~) ~ne Mrs. Jackso~ moved to take this from the table, seconde~ by M~. Caldwell. Motion carrie~ 5-0. said he ~oni~ b.e glad to serve and he requested H~. Jok~ ~tep~ens to he a_p~i~eda~am alteraate. ~s. Jacksem the~ morea to ma~ these appointments, seconded by Mr. ~aldwell. No ~iscmssiom. ~otion carrie4 5-0. Comsider Offer to P~rchase Property - Sutts~ Namer (Tabled) Mr. Kohl requeste~ this to be delete~. Mrs. Jackson moved to delete the whole thing, meconde~ hy Mr. Cal~wetl. Ns discussion. Motion carri~ 5-0. Discuss Water & Sewer Serviee 0ursine City Limits - Councilman Richard D. Ca!dwell (Ta~led) Mr. Caldwell referred to there being many areas abutting the ~ity with some about to request water an~ sewer servi~e. He would like to see the City eensolidate the areas to the north and west and thinP~ we shoul~ be able to arrange for an ordi- ~anc~ to be drawm up indicating whe~ a property owner or group of property owners ask the City to install water and sewer lines that the City in turn request they sign aa agreement with us stating upom that group of homes or development be- $oming contiguous with the City, they will be aute~calty · ncorporated into Boy,ton Beach. Ne thimks weca~ alleviate many County pockets this way. It could be m lot easier for us to patrol as far as police, fire an~ utilities, plus giv- ing a more ~nified rate. Mr. Cal~well then move4 to instruct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance stating whe~ a homeowaer, group of home- owners or developer not contiguous to the Cit~ requests water and sewage lines from the City of Boyatom~ BeaCh that aa agree- ment be reached mpon becOmi~ centigaous to the City limits they will be annexed to %he City. Mayor Eack sta~ed this WaS kind of a questionable thing and ~m. CaIdwell c~arified tha~ he was talking about the eries that become contig~ons and are using water a~ sewer lines. He referred to t~em actually taking up space for the people in the City limits and there is already ~n extension ef the City with them using City facilities, so why ~ot go the whole r~te. -13- NINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING BOYNTOE BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 Mr. DeMarco asked if this was legal and Mr. Moore informed him there could be an agreement, hut this would eliminate the 125% surcharge they are paying. Also, he thimks part of the agreement would be an mnderstanddmg that it would mot be automatic. He explaine~ how a group ef people comld ar~e they were mot hemmd By a~ agreement made By the dove- leper. Mr. Caldwell referred to Delray Beach having ~ ordinance aimed at i~¢erporating Comnty pocket areas and Mrs. Jackson replied that i~DelrayBeac~; they are completely surromaded wasa little different, future. Mrs. Jacksoa stated~that im 197~ whe~ever a~ybedy me~tiomed a~nexation, %he hall was filled with ~eople. She told about the people not wanting to be annexed. She then referred to there Bei~ga law a i~ ~e.m-or more people lived there aud Mr. they must have a referem- dum if a~yone is living there. Mrs. Jackson stated that the agreement would not mean a~ythi~g and Mr. Moore stated tha~ it Could Be co~trmed as voluntary, hut they would not be dealing with the same peeple. Mrs. Jackson asked if .Mr. Caldwell meant we should not give them water and stated that we must whether we want to er not. ~e are mandated to do i~ and have ~o choice. It is in our utility area. Mr. Kohl added that the Nater Quality s~MIN. Management Pla~ required us todo it. Mr. Caldwell agreed, c~ hut stated that the City taxpayers are paying employees~ 8/'~77 bond issues, etc., which must be funded through the hon~s floated by the City of BOYmtom ~each and through the rates. ~nls per~o~ oz $ime. ne also t~i~wm, tha~ wSlle ~e are definitely directed By State law, it woul~ definitely behoove these people to ~eceme part of the City when they Become con- tiguo%~s to it. He explained how it would make for a more smoothly ~perated area with fire and police services. He thinks it would be mere advantageous for these people to become p~mt~of the City and get all the services amd reduce tkeir rates. He thiaks the people in these areas are afraid of paying extra taxes amd do mat realize the ramifications which might occur if they have to depend on County services whe~ City services are closer. Mayor Zack asked what happened when people asked whe were located with 1,000 ft. ia Between 8nd also what happens to the people BetWeen and Mr. Caldwell replie~ that they become part of the City when they become contiguous to the City. Mayor Zack stated he still feels ~ven though contiEuous, they m~st petitiom the Council to come in and Mr. Moore agreed they must ask v~%mtarily. Mayor Zack added that if we force them, we must ~ay for the referendum, etc. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 M~. Strnad stated that M~. Caldwell is off on the wrong track completely, Ne doesn't think people object because of the add±tiomal taxes. He has sDoke~ temam~ ef them and thimks Mr. Oaldwell cam back up what he says. These people want the privileges of living in the County, se they ~_we mot u~der wishes mpon these people. M~s. Jacks'em stated she agreed with him 100%. agreed, Mr~ gtrmad clarified they Could mot have am erdi- manee for a specifie~ thing for certalm people a~d have the same ordinance fo~ other ~eople which woul~ be more lenient. N~. Cal~well replied tha~ he coneurre m premise, hut believe~ he was missing the poimt. He howhe actually meamt, to ~reate a zomi~g classi~icati~m for these ~he people. Mr. Cal~well them moved to take this from the table, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motiom carried 5-0. M~. Caldwell cemtinne~ that he thought we have an e~cellen% opportunity to deal with the people and make them part of the Oity. He does not th~ it is d~uble staudard a~d referred to zoning classificatiems each having specified msee. He suggested possih~ creating a R-4A zeme for larger tracts of lam~. Mr. Catdweli amue~uce~ his original motion still stood. Mrs. Jacksem replied that maybe she could make a facetio~ amend- merit to appoint Mr. Oaldwell as a committee of omo to contact some of these people in this area. Mayor Zack ascertained that the motiom died for lack of a second. Mr. Caldwell asked if they could at least look imto the possi- bility of a special zoming classification for future uses of these areas. He suggests that they plam for these areas and look into what they have there and incorporate it into our ce~e. Mayor Zack requested the City Pla~ner witk the Ohair- ma~ of the Planning & Zoning Board to discuss this at their ne×t meeting. 0onsider Request of Mr. Vincent Melle (Tabled) Mrs. Jacksem move~ to take this from the table, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0. -t5- ML~UTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MF~TING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 Mr. Kohl referred to Mr. Molle's statements made at the last meeting and advised that he had submitted all the correspon- dence relatir~ to Ns request. According to all the letters which have Been written over the ma~y years, there is noth~ stating the City ha~ to do a~ythi~ other than what it has been doing. Mr. Vincent Molle appeared before the Council a~d advised that he read over all the letters which were given to him and also talked te his neighbors. Act~al!y the sewer he is requesting, The City states they ca~uet find ~ saying they would give it te me ~re kind of t~ting ~ a ~eveloDer and this is raw h~ch ±~ net i~ the City. However, these lets are in the City a~d should have City ~ervice. They have mai~ the charge w~ul~ Be $3,700 in 1970 and $~,700 in 1971 with the City Se own the line. 14r. Kohl stated that the one paragraph ~ the letter ~ated July 20, 1971, from Mr. Clarence Q. Jones, Jr., City Manager, to Mr. Vincent Melle stated it Better tha~ any other letter ~nd res~ the following: "In addition, the Co~cil directed that the City assmme responsibility for the installation of the 325 linear foot force main extending from the sewer ma~ele te your west ~roperty line. You would Ms responsible for imstall- ation of the dual pump an~ the 220 linear f~ot force mai~ within your property boundaries. The City will retain ownership of the line it installs, will maintain said. line, and reserves the right to ¢or~nect additional con- sumers as desired. M~intemance of the pump a~d line installed By you will remain the responsibility ef the property owner.~ Mr. Kohl centimued that it was not his prerogative to make ~ay decisions, but he is just going by the letters writtem over the years and the ordinsmce in effect at that time. '.Mrs. Jackson added that the City Council also held a meeting on that same day and read the discussiom and m~i~m from the minutes of the Jmly 20, 1971 meeting. She added that she doesn,t believe this is the only place in the City where this is true. There was no sewer there. This was mot part of Lauderdale Cons'truction when they came in here. There are other sections very similar to thism. Mr. Molle referred to M~. Kohl stating he ha~ not received his letter and clarified that it was included with the ether letters given to him and the letter he was referring to is th~ one dated May 18, ~976. -16- MINUTES - REGULAR. CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 Mr. Molls continued with stating the City never could supply a sewer to him, but gave him a permit to build the bmildimg and NrA Zones said he would get a sewer. The City has never even obtained a signed deed for the easement from ~. his bnildi~g on Let 24. He also h~ a letter frem Mr. Lac~y to verify 'this.. he Mayor Zack ~tate~ he Believed the letters are accurate a~d doesn't see where we can make changes new. He euestisne~ hat would happen te the others and~. Molls replied that he ~ould g~e the Coumcil Mr. Lacey's letter so it coul~ be rea~ i~to the record. He a~de~ that Mr. Laeey was informed hy ~. Clark that he would have a sewer within two years. could go by amythingunless it is in writing and voted on by the Council. Mr. Molle referred te the City being in the utility husLuess and Mrs. Jackson informed him there were Places ~ot on City sewers. ~. Molle stated that they are paying City taxes. Mrs. Jackson stated that he wanted the sewer for his place of business and Mr. Molls replied that the Oity could not provide the sewer and could only put in the force line. Mr. DeMarco asked~if he had a sewer and Mr. Molle replied yes, it is on a force main and has one pump, but he is sure Mr. Lacey would like ~ sewer. M~. DeMarco qneztioned the estimated cost and Mr. Molle informed h~ that the estimated cost of $$,752.00 was given i~ 197]. ~m. DeMarco asked if a gravity ~ line was fea~ibl~ at this location and ~. Kohl replied: yes as Russell & Axom submitted the estimate of $4,752..00. Mr. Molle stated they coul~ net back mo these prices and cannot do it te~ay without h~ving e~em~nts~ Mr. Moore informed him theft if the City does not ha~e the easements, they can discontinue what is there now. -17- MINUTES - REGUk~R CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON ~BE~CH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 Mr. Moore asked if anyone had checked into the cost recently and the possibility of contributing together a~d Mr. M011e replied that he had ne idea. ~yor Zack suggested that the City Man~er contact his staff and come up with a cost emti- mate and Mr. Kehl replied that he would present it at the next meeting. Mr. Molle asked if he had to pay for it amd inmtat~l it and Mayor Zack informed him that the City ~N~nager would investigate this further with the staff. Mrs. Jackson moved to table ~his until the Council has this further imformation, seconded by Nr. DeNarce. Motio~ car- ried 5-0. Discmss Earl Pratt Law Suit - Re: Water Softening (Tabled) N~yor Zack amuounced this would remaim ca the table. Appointment of Five Members to Heusin~ Authorit~ (TaBled) Mrs. Jackson moved to take this from~the table, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0. MaYor Zaek referred to Mr. DeMarco's suggestion at the last meeting for each Comncil member to appeint one member. N~. DeMarco ~ominated Mr. Matthew ~caulay and a~ded that he has worked in this area in housing and also has some legal a~d housing expe~ience. ~. Macaulay appeared before the Council and informed them of his experience s~d qualifica- tions. Mr. Caldwell seconded the ~omi~atioa. Nomination carried 5-0. N~. Strnad nominated Mr. Charles Johmson and referred to him having submitted his resume previmusly and being Co-Chairma~ of the Community Relations Board now. Mr. DeC, rcs seconded the nomination. Nomination carried 5-0. ~r. Caldwell nominated Rev. L. Edward Wollenweber and referred to a lengthy resume havLug been submitted previously prier to his appointment to other Boards. He told about his experience in the past of being employed by the Planmimg Department of the St. Paul Housing Authority? Mayor Zack laid aside the gavel and seconded the nomi~a~mon. Mr. Caldwell ad,ed that he thinks Rev. Wollenweher is highly qualified and'has served on other Boards. Asrequ~sted, M~s. Padgett then took a roll call vote on this nomination a~ follows: Councilman DeMarco - No Vice ~ayor Jackson - No Councilman Etrnad - NO Councilmam Caldwell - Aye Mayor Zack - ~e Nomination failed 3-2. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING BOYNTON BF~&CH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 ~s. Jacksom nominated Mr. Rubin Lefkewitm an~ referred to him submitt~_g a resume, having worked ia this type of work, and being Go Chairmam of the Commumity Relatisns Bo~. Mr. DeNm~rco seconded the nomination. As re~este~, ~s. Pa~gett took a roll call vote ou this nomination as follows: Vice Mayor Jack, em - Aye Oouncilma~ gtrna~ - Aye Oouncilman Ca!dwell - Aye Ceuncilmam DeMar¢o - Aye N~yor Eack - Aye Nomination carrie~ 5-0. Mayor Z~ek nomimated ~. ~illiam Meisinger and referred to him being on the Board an~ beingfaithful.' ~ Mr. DeMareo seconded the nomination. Nomimation carried 5-0. Mayor Zack suggested Nms. Sarah Goldherg for the fifth member and _~. Cal~well replied that he thought he should be given the opport~ity to consider this further. .Mr. Caldwell move~ to close the nominations at this time, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Under discussiom, F~. DeMarco asked if the Authority could proceed with four members and M~s. Jackson ~eplied: no, they must have five. ~. Moore informed them he thought they could preceed as there will be a quorum with a vacancy on the Board. Mayor Zack referre~ to the Statute calling for five members. Mrs. Jacksonasked if it was legal for the four members to meet and Mayor Zack state~ that the Statute says five people must be ap- pointed. · ~. Caldwelm then re-nominated Rev. L. Edward Wollenwe~er to expedite the matter, seconded by Mayor Zack. As~requested, ~s. Padgett took a roll call vote on this as fellows: OouncilmaaStrnad - No Councilma~ Caldwell - Aye Councilmam DeMarco - No Vice Mayor Jackson - No Mayor Zack - Aye Nem3_uation faile~ 3-2. Mayor Zack again suggested appointing F~s. Sol,berg and Mr. Oaldwell replied that the Council voted on one appointment per Council member and each one has appointed o~e so far, except him. Mayor Zack asked if they wanted to vote on the motion to close the nominations and Mm. DeM~rco replied he thought a fifth member should be appointed. ~yor Zack rea~ the rules regarding appointments. N~s. Jackson stated she MI~JTES - REGUL~_R CITY COBq~CIL ~TING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 thought this could be considered a vac~mcy and Mayor Hack disagreed and stated there was not an Authority without five people. Mr. ttrnad added that he had two altermates im the event his first choice was not acoeotaBle and Mr. Ca!dwell replied that he thought Nr. ttrnad ~ho~ld Be awarded at least ten brownie points. He centimmed that inasmuch as Rev. W~a~ollen~eber has ser¥~ o~ Boards, he had no idea th~ was .am~mo~it~. He thinP~ Rev.~ollenWe~er speaks ~s mind ms active on the Boar~s ~ud they weuldknow what his thinking is on issues. He then again made a motion te close nominations. ~a~vor Zack referred to the Gommunity Relations Bear~ presemtly ing 1~ people and smggested they could ch°~e another member from there for the Housing Authority. Mrs. Jackson stated that if ~. Caldwell is not goimg to come up with another name ~ow, she nominates Mrs. Sar~ Goldherg, secomded ~y Mr. Strnad. Mr. Caldwell stated this was i~ total disagreement with the agoeement reached ~or each-Oeua~il member to appoint a member. Each one is entitled ~o appoint a member and not have another C~uncit member make the appoint- ment for him. ~s. Jacksom referred to his previous reference to take a vote on each nominatiomand advised that she was prepared with smother alternate. Mr. Caldwell replied that they could do whatever they pleased. Mrs. Jackson then:with- drew her motiom. Mrs. Jackson stated in order t~ expedite things, she makes a motion that we appoint someone as a fixed member, seconded ~y Mr. DeMarce. Metio~ carried 4-1 with Mr. Caldwell disse~timg. Mrs. Jackson nominated Mrs. Sarah Goldberg., seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Under discussion, Mr. Caldwell stated he ha~ uoth- ing against ~s. Goldberg at all. Motion carried 5-0. ~i~yor~ack annouace~ the next question was to appoimt the mem- 5ers for the specified terms. ~. DeMarco referred to the Chairman being appeimted for the one year term an~ ~ayor Zack informed him the Chaimmam was appointed ~y the Mayor for ome year and from then eh, the group ef five select the Chairman. Mrs. Jackson moved to table this ~ntil the next meeting as this Authority ca~u meet and get starters Mr. ttrnad seconded the motion. Under discussion, ~. Caldwell asked if a tem- porary Chairman was going to be appoimte~ and Mayor Zack sug- gested that ~¢. Johnso~he the temporary Chairman. Motiem carried 5-0. Task Force Mr. DeMarco referred to reading the minutes of the Task Force ~visory Oommittee and stated he is wondering what they trying to do. It seems they are comimg into the Cemetery Beard and telling them what to do and other Boards smd he questions the intent of this Committee. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOtq~TON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY t9, 1977 Mayor Zack informed him that the purpose of the Task Force, as the Council agreed, is to investigate and check the needs of the City. The letters which the Council members received were not from the Task Force Advisory Committee at all. Some work was done without Committee approval. M~. DeMarco e~ari- fled that he was referring to the mimutes and ~yor Zack con- tinued ~h ex~p~l~ni~.g ~at the.Tas~ Force is a workimg arm of the om~y. Tmey snou±c come mn with Cemmittee approval amd make recommen~ations to the City Council. ~.~p?M~.~cg_re~er~e~ to h~vi~g a good ~emetery Boar~ a~d ~? mx- ~e T~as~ ~orc~ 17 ~eing to give impmt to them, he q~es~oms ~ ~or mack ~forme~ him the Task Force w~ only here to recom~n~. F~s. Jackson stated that she read the minutes a~d also listemed to thetapes because she began to wonder what ~as going o~. They talke~ a lot about parks, talked abont spending money, etc. This is where they are stepping on the toes of'the Recreation Director. It seems that the Task Force is over- seeing a Boar~. Also, they are ~tu~y./~.g. ~he post office suud it is ~of'~the ~i~y.'~ ~us~ness. She ~hikks before the ~ost uxzmce ±ease runs out, mt would be advisable to send a letter to Congressman Pa~l Rogers. Also, in reference to post of- rices, there is some rule that they are not required to have SeeM in. parking an~ she referred to the buildings being rente~ and of gave the example of the new one in West Palm ~ach. In re- 8/2/77 ~e~et~ ~m~sole~m, they have gone into m lot of work, a ±~ m~ untmt Dr. Campbell comes hack and ~ the meantime, {his is the~ Ceme%ery. B,a~'s~job and i~ seems the ~ask Force is-spinning their wheels%" Mayor Zack informed them that in regards to Dr. Campbell, he understands that he never me~'!~with the committee, but sub- mitted his personal recommendation. Ia reference to the area of parks, this was also a personal recommendation. He ~nder- stamds they do work with the Recreatiom Department. Mr. DeMarco referred to some members of this Committee Being present and requested input. Mr. ~ehn Jameson a~d Mr. ~tthew Macaula~v appeared before the Coumcil. Mr~ jameson ~ufermed Mayor Zack they had not worke~ with the Recreation Department and Mr. Macaulay added that they have only made recommenda- tions. _Mayor Zack informe~ him that they had not made a~y recommendations whatsoever. Mr. Jameson agreed with this statement. Mayor Zack ~eferred to smggesti~s beimg made, but clarified that they have not made any recommendations and when they do, it will be done as a group. Mr. De~%rco read from the Committee,s minutes when Chairman Wollenweber read Dr. Campbell's memo. Mayor Zack agreed this was correct and advise~ that he told the ~hairmam that he did not want ~nything sent to him. He was accused ef being am i~fluence on this Committee and steDped out. They must make recommendations as to the needs of the Cit~, Mr. DeMarco stated that he wondered if they were overstepping their houmds. -21- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MME~T~G BOYNTON BEACE, FLORIDA JULY 19, 4977 Mrs. Jack, on stated that when it comes te the police station, she doesn't thLuk there is erie person en the Task Force that would be capable about doing something at the police station, ether than the City Manager and Police Chief. Also, nobody knows mere about the mausoleum tham the Cemetery Beard. As far as the Cardiac Task Force, they are concentrating on raising money Zor the hospital and that is not a job for the City. Chief Nright has stated the Cardiac Task Force is com- plete. In readimg the misutes, she feels they have not come Mr. Caldwell suggested disbanding the. Committee and ~or Eack clarified that the Task Force will o~ly make~'~recemmen- d ° · atmons ~d it is up to~the City Council what they w~ut. This was made clear w~e~ the Committee was organize~. M~s. Jackson replied that ~his was net th~ point as they have had seven meetings ~d the City has paid a secretary to sit there an~ they have not done amything in those seven months. She does not see a~y need for ~he w~ele thing. Mayor Zack suggested that the two members present make this report to the Cemm~ttee for discussion. Mr. Caldwell re- ferred to only~ two members being presemt and stated he thought the Coumcil should make a decision. ~. DeMarco added that only eight members attended the last meeting and the Committee was o~gin~lly set up with representation from every organiza- tion in Boynton Beach. ~rs. Jackson stated she did not see any reason for having a Task Force ~ud is inclined to agree~ with Mr. Caldwell to disband it. Mayor Zack suggested having the Committee dis- cuss this and M~s. Jackson replied that they could not dis- b~nd themselves and it is up to the Council te do this. ~.yor Zack stated he understood that Rev. CamDbell made a pers'enal recommendation without discussing it with the sub- committee er Committee and Mrs. Jack, on informed him it was tabled mntilDr. Campbellgets back and the next meeting is not scheduled until September~ This will mean that it will be eight months and nothing has been accomplishe~. She does not see any point in having a Committee. By the time this Committee meets, we will be ready with the budget and this will not mean a darn thing. ~s. Jackson then moved to disband the whole Task Force Advisory Committee, seconded by ~. DeMarco. Under dis- cussion, M~. Caldwell stated he thought the concept was an excellent one and commended M~yor Zack. Ne thinks such a Task Force before ~e~ug created shomld have their duties clearly specified what it is to move on and make recommenda- tions on. They were curious to know directions and he be- lieves it was a breakdown of commnnications. Mr. DeMarco -22- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 stated he personally thought they are eversteppiag their hounds and Mayor Zack questioned ia what way. Mr. DeMarco referred te the mausoleum and stated that the Cemetery Board has been doing a terrifTc job for years. Nayor Zack stated that the T~k Force Committee has not takem amy action on the mausolemmaad the band was tmr~eddow~B~ the C~mcil. Mr. DeMarce stated he did not think the legality was right amd ~myer Zaak repeated ~at it was t%~ned dow~ by the Ce~m- cit. ~. DeMarco c~arifiei~that it wa~ in reference to borrow- ing the money and not a ~ mausoleum. Ma~r ~ack state~ no, made a~y recommendations, s~end- img homrs and muhml~timg a lom~ Leemon did the same thimg, ~at she believe-at hey are their time as we have department heads~to do the ~mme work. There was a suggestiom to move the'~a!l ~eld to~.ro~mCor the mauselemm, ~ut there hasbeem a great amoum~ of mome~ put into that. Mr. Jameson s~ated tha~ the reports which have ~eem referred to pertaimimg: te the police s~atiom, parks, etc. were re- ferre~ to committees, ~ut none of these Committees have ever met. He has ne~er ~een i~vited, calle~ or netif&e~ that there weul~ be a meetin~ Mayor Zack remarke~ that this was orgamizational. Mr. Jameson continued that the Task Force as it'stands n°w is not successful and it never will ~e. It ~eeds leadership and guidance and they ~e met have it. Meet- ings should be called with notices heing sent meting th~ pur- pose of the meetimg~ Just to come is a waste of time. Also, the Chairman has come mnprepared. Mrs. Jackso~ agree~ ~ stated she heard this e~ the tape. Motion carried 5-0. NEW BUS/NESS Consider Re~estof ~eaver Development Corporation Mm. Kohl referred te submitting correspondence from Melvin E. Weaver, President of Cypress Creek Co,try Clmb, which is self-explanatory and also copies of letters from department hea~s regar~img the propose~ devel~pme~$. He would like te suggest, if in agreement with the Council, there is some good if we ca~ provide water and sewer to a development that he pays and we should have an orddaance that as people start to move into the homes i~ a subdivisioR or development that the developer gets his money back. Mrs. Jackson referred to M~. Cessna's memorandum dated July 6, Item No. 5, and stated she di~ net like the expression "to put up froot money" amd asked if it would~e legal and ~. Moore replied: yes. ~r. DeMarco added that they would be recovering the prorated share of the lot. Mr. Kohl -23- MINUTE~ - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~EETING BOYNTON ~BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 clarified that the developer weald get his moaey back, hut he has to pmt u~ money for the lines. Mayor Zack referred to there beimgno assurance of a~nexa- tion amd Mr. DeMarco replied they would he charging 125%. water a~d sewer wsy eat there. Mr. Moore stated that he is cemimg here and it is i~ our service area. aet schedule what each property owner weald pay. ADMINI~T~L&TIVE Censider Site Development Plans - Lloyd's ef Beyatom, Inc., 314 West Imdustrial Avenue~ Parkin$ Lot & Carport Addition ~. Kohl informed the City Council that the Plamaing & Zoning Board at their meetimg of July ~2, ~977, unaaimously recom- mended approval of the site development plans submitted by Lleyd,s of Boy~to~, Ins., for a parking let an~ carport addi- tion to an existing building at 314 West Industrial Avemue, subject to the following: Parking lot to be constructed with 6~ inches of c~shed reck and ~ inch of asphalt amd the closimg ef the cem- ter driveway. Motion to approve was made hy ~. Lambert amd seconded by Mr. Winter. May he have Co~ncil,$ wishes on this matter please. Mr. DeMarco moved to approve this, seconded by Mr. Strnad. Under discussion, Mrs. Jackson askedLif he meant with the same restrictions and Mr. DeMarco replied: yes~ Noti,n carried5-0. Consider Site Development Plans - Joseph J. M~ro, 680 West ~ndustrialAv~nue~ Office Baildin~ Mr. Kohl informed the City Co~ncil that the Planning & Zoning Board at their meeting of July ~2, 1977, unamimously recom- mended approval of the site plans submitted by Mr. Muro, subject to the following provisos: MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 Er~lneering Dept: Utilities Dept: Planning Dept: Submission of paving and drainage plans with elevations shown. Parking 10t to be eomstructed with 6 inches of crushed rock amd 1 inch asphalt. Subject to septic tamk permit from Palm Beach Commty Health Department or inStal- tatien of.a grinder pmmp system. 50 ft. easement to Be dedicated as right- of-way. Motion to approve was made by Mr. Tramger and Mr, Lambert. May he have Co~ucil,s wishes please'. seconded by this matter Mrs. Jackson meved to approve subject to the provisos listed, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No ~iscussiono Motion carried 5-0. Consider Site Development Plans - Tom Gustafson Industries, ~O3 N. E. 7th Avenue, Parking Lot and Cove~ed Storage Area Additio~ Mr. Kohl i~formed the Council that the Plannimg & Zoning Board at their meeting ef July 12, 197~, recommende~ approval of the site development plans as submitted subject to providing a buffer wall ~n the north property line as require~ by ordi- nance and installation of sidewalks on N. E. 7th Avenme. The motio~ to approve was made ~y W~. Trauger an~ seconded By Mrs. Huckle. The vote was 6-1 with Mr. Lambert dissenting. May he have Council's wishes on this matter please. Mr. De~rco moved to accept subject to the recommendations, seconded ~y Mrs. Jackson. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Request Approval for B~ilding Department to Issue Building Permits on Properties Affected b~ ~ide~n~ of Seacrest Blvd Mr. K~hl referred to submitting~a memo from our B~lding Official, Mr. Bud Howell, which explains the reasons for this request. He concmrs with Mr. Howell and N~. Annmnziato, amd respectfully requests Coumcil,$ approval. He added that they di~ have a 'meeting with Mr. Kelly, who is the~quisitiom Mama- ger of the Co%u~ty, and he stated if we did_ not do this, some- thing coul4 happen to the Seacrest project because they alwaF~s try to get the~ City to go along. N~. Strnad asked if this woul~ be ~retroaetive for all pro- perties and~Mr. Kohl replied: no, just on Seacrest where they are going to widem a~d tak? properties. Mr. Strnad referred to other highways ia the City and ~m. Kohl replied: no. -25- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 Mrs. Jack~on referred to the corners and asked if they were ~eally going to be cut off that far and ~. Kohl replied that the stakes indicated where it would be. Mr. DeMareo remarked that p~ssibly we should thdmk about making Seacrest commercia~ to Elve the people a break where they a~e lesdmg land. additiomal item of ~amagea and it is Saving money for the taxpayer~and County. Motio~ carried ~-0. Mayor Zack requeated Mr. DeMarco,s ~quiry about commercial ~unu~ziato state~ he be premature with em- ~rking'o~ the comprehensive pla~. Mrs. Jackson adde~ that it was zoned commercial from 2nd Avemue north and Mr. Annunziato agree~ and state~ that sout~ of 2n~ Avenue, it is that ~uy individual property owne~ could make applicatio~ for a z,ening change. Consider Appeal from Attorney Joseph Tomberg - Re: Ruby Davis e ' He~r7 D molition Mr. Kohl informed the Coumcil that this is table~. Receipt of Correspondence from Board of County Commissioners Re: Exchange of 55 Acre Tract (Tri-Partite A6reement) Mr. Kohl referred to submitting correspondence from Mr. Kahlert, County Engineer, as well as a copy of a newspaper article from the Sun Sentinel of June 22, 1977. As indicated in this article, this exchange in one way or another has been kicking around since 1966. Also submitted was some of the information from the files on the so-called Tri-Partite Agree- ment, consisting of ten pages. In addition, he referm to the m~ecial meeting of the City CounciI ho~d February 25, 1975, which gives a~d~tional background on this item. Mrs. Jackson stated she would not vote if there was any con- nectio~ to bring Ocean Ridge in this in any way. She would like to have the 55 acres if given with no strings attached. It will depend on the economy how it ca~ be develoDe~. If not possible, she suggests making it into a County park and have everyone use it. She does not want the-wo~ "Tri-Partite'~ brought in. Mayor Zack referred to receiving a letter from -26- MI~UTES - REGULAR CIT~ COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 ~r. Kahlert and stated that he agrees with Mrs. Jackson that there should be no strings attached, mo time limit to develop the ~e Oce~ Ridge out of it. Mr. DeMarce Bug- a letter stating we are interested, b~t ~ot in a three way deal. N~s. Jackson moved to instruct the City Manager to send a letter to the Co~ty Commission stating we are imterested in having them give ms these 55 acres to m~ke ~ a parkas 5--0. Goasider Resolutio~ teDemolish Strac~mres in Conj~ctien with CommmaityDe~elopmen% Pro~ect ~. Kohl referred to submitting the owners, names and addresses of the two structures and recommends demolition and clearing ?f t~? lan~ per Chapter 14-A Code ef 0rdiaances, and in con- Su~c~on wmth the Cemm~mity Development Project's They would very mmch appreciate Council,s concurrence with the recom- mendation to demolish these structures a~d ask that the City ~ttorney be direc%e~ te prepare the necessary documents. c~ssion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Recommenda%ion of Utilities Director - Re: Sewer Hook~s Mr. Kohl referred to N~. Warren address~ing the Council an~ advised that he submitted a letter regarding the septic ta~ks i~ the Grove Road development, which were installed daring the moratorium. Mrs. Jackson asked how they obtai~e~ ~er- mission for the septic ta~ks and Mr. Kohl replied from the Palm Beach Co~mty ~ealth ~De.partment. Mr. DeM~co commented they coul~ get this Derm~?ss~on now and ~. Moore agreed if sewage is mot available. N~. Kohl informed them that the moratorimmwas on at that time, bat the City did not state they were goiag to pay for the sewer. It.was a different thing altogether than the people prior ts December 1973. Mr. DeMareo questioned the kin~ of actioa and Mayor~ack replied that the Utilities Director has said if we give relief, it would be opening the door. Mr. DeMarco move~ to deny this~request in view of the ~ac~ they were pat in daring the moratorium aa~ the City is not responsible. ~s. Jackson seconded the motion. No ~iscms- sion. Motiom carrie~ 5-0. -27- MINUTES - REGUL~M CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 Ce, nsider Recemmendation of Commmaity AHpearance Boar~ authority. May he have Co~cil,s wishes on this please. Ci~ Attorney draft ~teriora~es~ If there is no follow-up, He recommends that the City and the i~itial follow-up is isspectio~ basically at the tim~ the certificate of occapamcy is issued. Is this now a poimt of maintenance a~ a later ~ate and Mr, Kehl replie~: yes, that iswhat they are referring to. ~s. Jackson added that there are places where plants have ~ie~. Mr, ¥~ore suggested that it Be clarified in the ordinance that,.when the site plan is approved, it is their responsibility te maintain it. Mrs. ~ackson stated that they mmst have the amtherity to enforce he maintenance as she ~nderstands they have spoken to some of the ~ee~le and the people have not paid amy attention. ~r. Moore clarified that they must get the teeth in for main- tenance then. Mrs. Jackson moved to authorize the City Attorney te ~raf~ ~n amendment to the ordinance, seconded by ~. DeMarce. ~nder discussion, Mr. Caldwell asked how far after the final c/o was approved they would he allowed to inspect and would it be retroactive a~d M~. Moore replie~ that it. might ~e doubt- ful and explaiRed how t~edr ~nction woul~ actually be moni- toring. Mro Caldwel~ asked what the City Co~c il or Build_tag Department could do and M~. Moore replied there ceul~ be some point in the procedure requiring the property owner to bring it up to par er the City would do it and put a lien o~ i~. He will try to work sGmethiag out. Mr. Kohl sta~e~ that con- stitutionally, he di~ not kaow how far they could go. ~r. Strnad stated he thought they hsJve to be very careful with this particular setmp becamse there is a lot mere involved than ~ust saying the h~sh~s must be growing. He explained how semethinE may not leek nice to e~e person, b~t woul~ to another. He stated he thought the only way to. enf~ce it has read the minutes sin~e then ma_uy times and doe~ not -28- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BO~NTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 thi~kwe have strong enough wording regarding sprimkler sys- tems. He explained how ma~y people just stated they weald have hose bibs a~d ha~d water their pro~ertyo It should be si~p?~ative to specify that a sprimkler system mast Be in- ailed. Mrs. Jacksem referred to people not using the spr~er systems and Mr. DeMarco replied that if it is kept growing the first year or so, there is a geed chance of it survivimg. Mrs. Jackson commented she was ~Lfraid they could not go into it for a~y length of time. Motion carried 5-0. Mrs. Jacksen also referred to the mitres mentioning that it if there is semethi 1' she tried to make a She think~ kuowabeut it, us a letter. C.A.B., his office has and he has gone oat do. Mrs. incorporate4 in the Mr. Kohl added that he ' the minutes. this, she thinks it is a geo~ idea She exclaimed how ~arieusthings in the wa~s ~s ~o them to write ~rence to the to Comncil ~his was oat the of do the se8t he coul~ with Ele¢ Request for Retirement Extension - Mr. Edward Ott, ~ir. Kohl informed the Council that Mr. Ott started with the City of Ma~¢h 5, 1973. This is his second request for re- tirement extension; he is 66 years old, having ~een Bor~ ia ~911. We feel it is for theWhest interest of the Building Department that he be allowed to work another ye~ f~Lll time due to the fact that he is qualified both as an electrical inspector, (his classified title) and does fill ia as Dlmmb- i~g inspector whe~ needed. He recommends we e~tend Mr. Ott for another year and respectfully requests Council,s concur- ren~e, Mr. DeMarco moved to grant this reqaest, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Request of Ceme~er~ Board Mr. Kohl read the attached memorandum dated July 13, 1977, from Mrs. Pa~gett regarding two agreements for deeds on cemetery lots that the Cemetery Board feels should be de- clared null and voi~. -29- MINUTES - RE~JLAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19~ 1977 Mrs. Jackson asked if the letters~'sent had eeme hack and Mr. DeMarce asked if they were local or out of town and Mrs. Padgett informed them that the first erie is in Delray Beach amd the ether on the west coast, a~d the letters have been received but there have been mo replies. ~s. Jacksom moved to gra~t this request a~d declare these agreements null and void and place them O~ the market for re- sale. Mr. Caldwetl seconded the motion. No discmssion. Motion carrie~5-O. Consider~T~ansfer.of~OemeteryLots from L. Den & Jeamme Oombs .~e Sta~tey &Oq~arlene Porter Mr. Kohl requested the Commcil to consider this requeste~ ~rans£er ef cemetery lots from L. Don & ~eanne Combs to Stamley & Charlene Porter. Mrs. Jackson moved to approve this transfer, seconde~ by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Transfer of Fun~s: I. City Attorney Dept. - For: 2. Building Department - For: 3. City Hall A~m~nistration - 4. Cooperative Dispatch Center 5. Street Improvements 6. Misc. Items to take care of postage mailout, stamps, etc. and also for trip to Atlanta for Federal Gran~ Application. M~. Kohl requested consideration of these altogether and re- ferred to submitting budget transfer requests for each ome. He read each request an~ the justificatiom for transfer. He added that the last i~em was in accordance with a request to notify the people of certain things they must do with their trash as required by the County and this will cover the cost for postage mailout of stamps, flyers, envelopes, etc. He then advised that $65.00 was spent for the Atlanta trip for the $1,787,000 grant we hopefully will get. Mr. Caldwell questioned who the legal fees would be paid to and Mr. Kohl ~x~XLmala~3~w a special master was called in to settle the Fire Fighters ~oliday policy grievance. Mr. Moore added that the charges were split ~y the City and the umiom. ~. K~hl adde~ that this request also covere~ the witmess fees for the planner to go to court for the Milnor lawsuit. Legal Fees Salaries & Contractual Serv. For: Xerox M~chine Mrs. Jackson moved to gramt these requests fer.$~amsfer of funds, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Ne discussion. Motion carried 5-0. -30~ MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MM~MTING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 List of Payments - June 1977 ~. Kohl referred to submittimga list of Daymen~a. Mrs° Jackso~ moved to accept these Dayme~ts amd attach te the mimutes. ~he added that there was one item which say, s pub- tieity fumd and water an~ sewer fmmd and ¥~. Kohl has ex- plained what happened. Mr. DeMarco seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Approval of Bills Mr. Kohl rea~ the followinE ~ills for approval: Lom·view Lime ~e~icals for Sewer Treatment Plant Pay from ~mdgeted fun~s 030-822.65 1,834.80 2. Kel~ Tractor Co. Repair to ~22 Packer Pay from appropriated ~mds 001-853.29 1,229.94 ~llie~ Chlorine & Chemical Chemicals for Water amd Eewer Pla~ts Pay from budgeted fmm~s 030-811,63 $1,086.00 030-822.63$ 724.00 1,810.00 Municipal Code Cerporatio~ A~alyzati~ of Boymton Beach Ch~ter an~ Co~e of Ordinances Pay from budgeted fmmds 001-820.17 Council approve~ 4/5/77 1,400.00 Regency Do~$e 3 Police Cruisers Pay from momies transferred for K-9 U~it gta~e ~id - Comncil approved 4/5/77 13,978.65 P~blix Supermarket Food for elderly, inflrme~ an~ poor Pay from Budgeted f~n~s 020-880 Ordinance #73-15, passs~ 5/15/73 4~.78 0 Isiah Andrews Driver for Senior Citizens Clu~ - 2 weeks PaY f~.m budgete~ f~u~s020-880 Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73 99.00 Willie Ruth McGrady ~erver for ~enier Citizens Club - Pay from ~udgeted fum~s 020-880 Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/77 2 weeks 86.40 -31- MINUTES - REGUI~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 Russell & Axon 626-681-2t-4 #1 Professional services i~ connection with the revise~ applicatio~ to delete softenimg of Water Treatment Plant Pay from Utility General Fund 030-205 Amthorization dated 5/3/77 l ,421.25 ~rsch ~ Brammchi Est. #9 warehouse and office building lm~Y~freTM U~ility General Fumd 030-205 goatra¢% dated ~/26/76 23,949.45 Rubin Com$~ruction Co. Relecatioa. OE N. W. 6th Avenue Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing 020-895 Subject to approval of transfer Approved J~ne 21, 1977 by City Council 2,038.34 12. The Microfilm Center 'Microfilming amd jacketing for Bmitdimg Dept. ~ from budgeted fmnds 001-870.16 I , 948.67 Crabtree Comstructio~ Co. ~tility Reloeation on Woolbright R~. Pay from Utility General Fund 030-205 Contract dated~2/15/77 14,279~ 76 14. Board of Coumty Commissioners ~se of Cou~tyLandfill for ~he month of J~ne Pay from transferred f~ds 001-853.37 5~ 792.O0 ~. Kohl stated the bills described have been approve~ and verified by the department heads involved; checked and ap- proVed for payment by the Finance Department; funds are avail- able im their respective bndgets. He recommends payment of these bills. Mr. De~rco moved that the bills be paid, seconded by ~. Strnad. No discussiom. Motiom carried 5-0. OTHER ~yor Zack referred to the five people appointed to the Housimg Authority tonight and stated they should not be members of other Boar~s and the Council members agreed. He adde~ that these five people appointed should start working on the bylaws. Mr. Kohl informe~ the Council that Mr. Vincent Molle gave Mrs. Padgett a letter a few minutes ago and requested it to b~ read into the minutes. ~ims, Padgett clarified t~hat it was the letter from Mr. Lacey. Mr. Moore sRggeste~ just attaching it to the minutes and Mrs. Jackson replie~ that she would like to have it i~ the mlmutes. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 19, 1977 Nr. Caldwell moved to incorporate the letter in the mimutes, seconded hy Mr. DeMarce. No discussiom. Motiom carried 5-0. The letter is addressed te the Boynton Beach City Coumcll dated July 13, 1977 from Mr. Walter Re Lacey, Owner of Lacey's BarBer Shop amd Property and reads as fellows: '~This is to verify the statement made By .Mr. Vi~cent Melle about availability of gravity fee~ sewer. Mr. Kohl said he could find nethimg imdicati~g that the Tom Clark stated to me at my barber shop a~d ag~ in his office 2hat the City ~auld have g~avity sewers withi~two years in from2 of all our properties." ADJOURNMENT Mr. Cal~well moved to adjourn, seconded By Mr. Strnad. Motiom carried 5-0 amd the meeting was properly adjourned at 10:15 P.M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: · ~ ' y Clerk ~ Recording ~ecretary (Three Tapes) M~or Vice ~yor Council Member MEMORANDUM Frank Kohl, City Manager ~TA~reesa Padgett, City Clerk July 13, 1977 Boynton Beach Memorial-Park Cemetery Agreements We submit two Agreemgnts for d~eds on cemetery lots that the Cemetery~Board feels should be declared null and void. - 1. Lot 79, ~tock B - Agre.em. ent dated October 30, 1973 $ 125.00 20.00 o~ly payment ever made (10/30/73) 2. Lot $ 105.00 Balance · 156, Block C - Agreement dated Juiy. 12, 1972 $ 125.00 - 50.00 4 payments made to ~date (last p~yment made 8/29/75) $ 75.00 Balance %ne agreement they signed contained the following paragraph: "In case of failure of the said party of the second part to make either of the payments or any part khereof,-this contract shall, at t.he option'of th~pa~ty of the first part, be forfeited and t~rminate~, and the ~arty.of_ the second'part shall forfeit all ~ ~ payments made by %hem on the con~ract~ and such payments shall be retained by the said.party of tke first part in full satisfaction and:liquidation of~alt d~ages by it sustained; . and the said party-~f the first part shall have %he right to u take possession of the lot wi~hofft bein~ liable ~to any action therefor." We have made many written requests for payment.~nd notified them March 30th, ~977 by certified mail that based on their default in payment that for- feiture provision of the'agreement.would be invoked. We respectfully 'request .approval to declare these agmeements null and void and p~ace these'two lots back on the market-for ~resale. /~ ' ~eree~a Padgett,/~it~ Clerk LIST OF PAYMENTS ~JNE, 1977 Paymemt~ made in June by date: June 2, June June June June 8, June 9, June 10, June 13, June 14, June 15, June 16, June 17, June 20, June 21, June 22, June 23, June 24, June 27, June 28, June 29, June 30, 1977 ................................. 1977 ................................. 1977 ................................. 1977 ................................. 1977 ................................. 1977 ....................... 1977 ....................... 1977 ....................... 1977 ....................... 1977 ....................... 1977 ....................... 1977 ....................... 1977 ...................... 1977 ...................................... 1977 ...................................... 1977 ..................................... 1977 ..................................... 1977 ................................................ 1977 ............................. 1977..~ .......................... 1977 ............................. 1977 .................................................. 9,028.48 90,318.12 82,070.90 32,841.45 3,647.99 96,856.47 99,834.15 15,118.68 6,233.91 16,647.65 1,494.27 109,672.45 118,142.34 6,212.29 3,161.15 25,242.47 79,349.94 508,860.19 204,922.76 7,289.41 44,596.37 $$ t,565,840.18 Payments made in June by fund: General Fund .................................... Water & Sewer Revenue Fund ....... ~ .............. Sewer & Water Deposit Fund ...................... Utility General Fund ............................ Federal Revenue Sharing Fund .................... Operating Capital Improvement Fund .............. Retirement Trust Fund .......................................... tvlunicipat Folice Retirement Fund ............................... Fireman's Relief & Pe~ion Fund ................................ Publicity Fund ................................................. Boynton Beach Memorial Park Fund ............................... Federal Public Works'Employment ................................ Civic Center Bo~d Sinking Fund ................................. 973,2tl.30 228,229.55 1,551.20 277,562.64 55,241.64 1,361.47 13,548.80 344.33 389,71 1,651.65 3,350.73 9,397.06 .!0 S 1,565.840.18 June 1, 1977 GENERAL FUND 20265 Rosier Construction 20266 Boynton Beach Fire Department 20267 Clarence J, Delamater FIP~EMANS RELIEF PENSION FUND 0178 John M. Tuite 0t79 Harold Herring 0180 Ken Snow 0181 Norman Loiatte FfJNICIPAL POLICE RETIREMENT ~JND 0100 Edward Sullivan RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 1572 Roma Carrier 1573 Frank Johnson 1574 Olive Wallace 1575 Woodrow Eutsay 1576 Eleanor Puffer 1577 W.T. Welch 1578 Ada Shook 1579 Mariel C. Holzman 1580 Constance Baish 1581 Mary Sohorr 1582 Mildred A. Zwart 1583 John Schneider 1584 Kato Williams 1585 Frank A, Bednarik 1586 George A. ~ohnson 1589 Charles Maccarrone June 2, 1977 GENERAL FUND GRAND TOTAL $4,298.74 20268 20269 20270 20271 20272 20273 20274 20275 to United Way of Palm Beach County Boynton Beach Assoc. of Firefighters Palm Beach County P.B.Ao Void Internt~l Brotherhood of Firemen & Oilers Fraternal Order of Police Florida Police Chiefs Association See May 31, 1977 $ 100.00 98.90 100.00 $ 298.90w/ $ 9~.50 30.34 225.41 42.46 389.71 t94.10 63.23 88.75 168.90 55.64 91.28 82°65 202.21 164.46 53.79 253.66 77.13 133.20 ~65.9I 325.92 88.66 1~200.64 3,416.03 $ 39.20 208o80 232.00 27.80 300.00 20.00 20277 SaeMay 3!,1977 20278 City of Boynton Beach -:Retirement Trust Fund 1,200.00 20279 Xerox Corporation 159.93 20280 Elizabeth Bartlett 147.50 20281 Sharon Randolph 24.76 20282 Banyan Psychiatric Institute 15.00 Page72~ June 2, 1977 (continued) GE~N-ERAL t~J ~D 20~83 20284 20285 20286 20287 20288 20289 20290 20291 20292 20293 20294 20295 20296 20297 20298 20299 20300 20301 20302 20303 20304 20305 20306 20307 20308 20S09 20310 20311 20312 20313 20314 203~5 Gore Newspaper Co. Recreation Dept. - Petty Cash Mr. D~s Paint & Body Shop Hearne Brothers See ~ay 21 R. Lo Grummons Printing Somes Uniforms Court Reporters~ Ltd, Reed & Smodish Triarco Arts & Crafts A~ODA-4to Center Carmen~ Annunziato David Wright & Son Charles Godfrey Veva Armbruster Sally Lewis Betty Garriga Eva Raymond Pompano Office Supply Sun State Systems Seacrest Petroleum Co. Loren's Sharpening Service Kopy King Printing Center IDS Corporation The Good Life Engel's Uniforms CentR~y Pool Services C & 0 Window & Screen All Florida Safety Supply Star Publishing Co, Weir Auto Electric Kerb Willard Trucking Gay!etd Brothers $ 35.49 39°05 30.23 382.50 49.45 72.00 150.00 60.00 131.44 55.00 52.10 76.77 30.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 30.00 51.22 115.00 453.02 11.75 66.80 84.61 16.56 240.7~ 8.50 6.00 41.41 331.05 100.00 50.00 135~00 $ 5,330.64~ WA~ER 03604 03605 03606 03607 03608 03609 03610 03611 03612 03613 03614 03615 03616 03617 03618 03619 03620 AND SEWER REVENL~ FUND Florida Bolt & Mut Co. See May 23 See May 23 Xerox Corporation Void National Electric Coil ~iv. Xerox Corporation Florida Power & Light Malco Chemical C~. Southern Wipers B & ~ Sales Underground Supply Co. Capel Klang Picard Chemical Intercounty Construction Southern Meter Supply Co. Corrosion Specialties $ 32.50 159.93 88.00 67.28 .:!~96.37 246.24 71.61 324.97 699.75 89.52 280.00 300.00 123.22 518.45 $ 3,697.84 GRA%~ TOTAL $9,028.48 Page 3 June 3, ~1977 GE~rERAL FUND 20316 20317 20318 20319 20320 20322 20322 20323 20324 20325 20326 20327 20328 20329 20330 20331 20332 20333 20334 20335 Dewey A. Johnson $ 122.09 Scott Flushing 190.64 City of Boynton Beach - Payroll Funds 52,585.04 City of Boynton Beach - Municipal Police Pension . 1,020,81 Fund City of Boymton Beach - Firemen's Relief & Pension Fund 674.7! Boynton Beach Federal Credit Union 6,523.57 First Bank & Trust 13,010.23 Void Void City of Boymton Beach - Boymton Beach Retirement Trust Fund 2,316.72 Pitney B~wes 212.00 Manhattan Trophies 65.00 Pierce Tire Co. 651.19 Seotty's 63.11 Service Equipment Co. 147.79 Molly Amcumulator & Electronics 70.50 Kelly Tractor 60.28 Worth Chemical & Paint 88.09 Superior Plastic Designers 30.75 Advance Air Cond. & Heating ____.~/ ~~$78,204.03 WATER 03621 03622 03623 03624 03625 AND SEWER REVEN-OE ~JND City of Boynton Beach - Payroll Funds Easy Pay Tire Store Service Equipment Co. Allied Chlorine & Chemical Miller Bearim~s FEDERAL REVE~JE SHARING FUND 527 Isiah Andrews 528 Willie Ruth McGrady PD~BLICITY FLq~D 1666 Greater Boymton Beach Chamber of Com~erme $10,619.09 4.75 19.56 724.00 64.29 $11,431.69 44.00 38.40 82.40 600.00 GRAND TOTAL $90,318.12 p~e 4 June 6, 1977 GENq~RAL FUND 20336 20337 20338 20339 20340 20341 20342 20343 20344 20345 20346 20347 20348 20349 20350 20351 20352 20353 20354 20355 20356 20357 20358 20359 20360 20561 20362 20363 20364 20365 20366 20367 20368 20369 20370 20371 20372 20373 20374 20375 20376 2D377 Bob's Barricades $ 4!1~48 Biscayne Fire Equipment 277.50 Boymton Auto Glass & Body Shop 70.15 Consol~4ated Electrical Distributors 4.95 Custom Business Machine 30.00 Mr. D's Paint & Body Shop 55.00 Delray Chemical Co. 94.00 E & S Products 56.45 Flaghouse, Inc. 84.05 Gaylord Brothers, !nc. 398.20 Kelly Tractor Co. 92.37 Lamar Uniforms 239.57 Mobile Billiard Service 1~130 Olympia Sport Shop 25.20 P & G Distributors 17.10 Palm Beach Canvas Co. 22.50 Picard Chemical 27.80 Rich Motors 11.50 Ruhin Construction 754.63 Void Social Security Contributions Trust Fund 39,567.24 Schnupp Manufacturing Co. 67.58 Ler0y W, steWart 10.70 Trail Ford Tractor 97.22 Jack Cooke & Co. 2~542.50 Palm Beach Office Supply 9.72 Graybar Electric 22~.03 SnOW Concrete 110.25 B B Auto Parts 66.81 Autoproducts 2t6.02 Oceanside Pools 200.00 Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. 577.15 City of Boynton Beach - Civic Center Bo~d Sinking Fund 763,36 City of Boymton Beach - Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 4,984.94 City of Boynton Beach - Retirement Trust Fund 4,836.98 City of Boynton Beach - Police Retirememt Fund 5,640.13 City of Boynton Beach - Firemen's Relief & Pemmion Fund 4,919.20 City of Boymton Beach - Boynton Beach Memorial Park 2,097.15 City of BoYm~on Beach - Publicity Fund 2,266.32 City of Boynton Beach - Special Assessment Fund 291.86 Boynton Auto Supply 235.23 Richard Jones 200.00 / $72,603.14J WATER Ai\~ SEWERREVENUE FUND 03626 Roger R. Banks $ 40.95 03627 Delray Electric Supply 57.36 Page 5 June 6, 1977 WATER AND 03628 03629 03630 03631 03632 03633 03634 03635 03636 03637 03638 S~R REVEN%~ FUND (continued) Harvel & Deland Ellis K. Phelps & COo Picard Chemical Rinker Material Scientific Products Underground Supplies Palm Beach Office Supply Co. Autoproducts ~anufacturers Life Insurance City of Beynton Beach - Utility General Boynton Auto Supply FEDERAL 529 53O 531 532 $ 860.00 393.00 15.00 38.40 87.18 637.62 19.44 34.88 21.60 3,474.36 17.06 $ 5,696.85 RE'v-ENwJE SHARING Void ~* McCain Sales of Florida 410.00 Publix 108o93 City of Boynton Beach - Water & Sewer Revenue Fund 847.56 $ 1~366.~9 OPERATING CAPITAL IMPROIrEMENT ~JND 0298 John P. Niebel $ 194.00 0299 Four Steel Corp. 79.39 0300 Snow Concrete Corp. 73.50 0301 City of Boymton Beach - Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 197.92 0302 City of Boynton Beach - Utility General Fund 791.66 $ 1,336.47 UTIL%TY GEb~RAL ~JND ~33 - -Ellis ear,sera]Bank & Trust BOYNTON BEA~{~ORIAL PAtaK FUND 1667 Mack!e Nurseries 1668 USS Agri-GT~emicats PB~LICITY ~Jk~ 1669 City of Boynton Beach ~iWater & Sewer Revmnue Fund CIVIC CENTER BON~ SINKING FUND 1670 City of Boynton Beach - Publicity Fund MUNICIPAL POLICE P~TIREME~ 0t01 City of Boynton Beach ~ Retirememt~Trust Fund 250.00 148.00 541.26 689.26 35.54 .10 $ 93.05 GRAA~ TOTAL $8~,070o90 Page 6 June 7, 1977 GENERAL FO-ND 20378 20379 20380 20381 20382 20383 20384 20385 20386 20387 20388 20389 20390 20391 20392 20393 20394 20395 20396 20397 Paul Loudin City of Boynton Beach - Water Hydrant Se~ice Tri-Cities Construction Blue Cross of Florida Engel's Uniforms Triarco Arts & Crafts Superior Plastic Designers Fox Valley Marking Systems K~py King Printing Palm Beaeh Newspapers Huck!ebuck Music Productions Sally ~ewis Veva Armbruster Charles Godfrey Ers Raymond Betty Garriga Willie G~bson Pete Basil Cathy Patterson Albert W. DeCtercq WATER 03639 03640 03641 03642 03643 03644 03645 03646 03647 AND SEWER REVENUE FUND Blue Cross of Florida Office Equipment Service Unijax WESCO Arthur H. Thomas Co. B & H Sales Davis Meter & Supply Juno Industries Florida Water & Pollution Con£rotlOperators UTILi'~ GENERAL FUND 434 City of Boymton Beach - Administrative Charges OPERATING CAPITAL IMPROVE5~I~T ~JND 0303 Bean Exterminating Co. GRAND TOTAL $32,841.45 $ 200.00 4,075.00 200.00 8,630.27 192.83 30.97 52.50 588.00 79.80 123.91 75.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 ~I~2.00 220.00 88.00 20.00 $14,818.28./ $ 894.20 315.00 237.60 33.64 21.60 587.50 361.00 100.97 30.00 $ 2,581.51 $15~416.66 $ 25.00 Page 7 June 8, t977 GEbIE EAL FUND 20398 20399 20400 20401 20402 20403 20404 20405 ~0406 20407 20408 20409 20410 20411 20412 20413 20414 20415 20416 20417 20418 20419 2042~ 20421 20422 to 20431 20432 City of Boynton Beach - Firemen"s Relief & Pension Fund $ 100.00 Smitty~s Service Shop 79.60 Void Duro-Test Corp. 325.72 Custom Drapery Service 220.00 Odor Control Systems 61.00 State of Florida - Dept. of Revenue 53.06 Scholastic Book Service 9.00 L. J. Morton 5.90 Macmillan Pub_zahing 34.47 Florida Educational Paperbacks 12.60 Doubleday ~'Oo. 26.02 Baker & Taylor Companies ~148.02 J. J. A. Wolf 6.00 H. W. Wilson Co. 18.00 Robert Bentley, Inc. 8.25 Superintendent of Eocuments 8.00 H. W. Wilson Co. 91.00 David Calderone 3.50 James Rhoden, Jr. 36.00 Steven Gale 72.00 Xerox Corp. 65.00 Tropigas 19.22 U. S. Post Office 68.55 51~64 $ !,522.55 City of Boynton Beach - Petty Cash WATER 03648 03649 to 03661 03662 A~ S~JERREVENLr~ FL~ Perry A, Cessna City of Boynton Beach - Petty Cash UTILITY GEh~RAL FU~ 435 Russell & Axon FEDERAL PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT 0500 Void 0501 Baker & Taylor Companies GRAND TOTAL $3,647~99 $ 98.30 13.85 $ 112.15 $ 1!~252.77 760.52 760.52 Page 8 June 9, 1977 GENERAL FL~D 20422 20423 20424 20425 20426 20427 20428 20429 20430 20431 20432 20433 20434 20435 20436 20437 20438 20439 20440 20441 20442 20443 20444 20445 20446 20447 20J.~8 20449 20450 20451 20452 20453 20454 20455 20456 20457 20458 20459 20460 20461 20462 20463 20464 20465 20466 20467 20468 20469 20470 20471 20472 20473 Beacon Restaurant Boynton Gun & Lock Cain Feed & Supply Dictaphone Corp. Jack's Camera Center Whirr MacDowell Mechanics Uniform Service Palm Beach Radio Seaerest Veterinary Center See June 8 Municipal Code Corpo Void Void Mary L~ Walter Void Void GeorgeM~¢Neill, Jr. Void Mary R. Allen Willie L. Graham Clifford C. L~¢is William Shrewsbury Reeves Company Void A.BoC.Do Auto Body Adams Chevrolet Co. Burroughs Corp. E & S Products Florida Brake & Truck Parts Gulf Oil Corp. Kellers Electric Service Manhattam Trophies National Welding Products Olympia Sport Shop Rowland Truck Equipment Void Trail Ford Tractor Earl Wallace Ford Xerox Corp. Gulf Oil Corp. Pierce Tire Co. The Microfilm Center Hose & Accessories Molly Acetrmu%ator & Electronics ~auser ~tor Co~ B B Auto Parts Easy Pay Tire Store Edward Allen Wayne K. Moffman Arthur Ao Freeman ?!ayworld $ $ 7.45 174.41 123.70 31.60 265.00 2.00 192.30 1~2.00 1,775.59 226.20 463.83 423.45 142o98 410.08 192.74 2.!3 125.00 .20 75.60 45.39 51.20 3,580.43 82.75 20.00 24.50 24.00 24.22 20.39 113.64 457.90 3,012.27 1,232.92 1,836.90 48.21 74.00 150.52 10.91 803.73 512.52 469.36 392.50 194.47 $ !8~098~23 Page 9 June 9, 1977 (continued) WATER AND SEWER REVENUE FU~ID 03649 03650 03651 03652 03653 03654 03655 03656 03657 03658 03659 Nalco Chemical Co. ~oid Pen~alt Corp. State Supply Co. Adams Chevrolet Co. Tisda!es Roto-Rooter Tom's Welding Serive Palm Beach Office Supply Scientific Products B B Auto Parts Easy Pay Tire Store L~flLI~Y GEIqEtL~LFUR~ 436 Russell & Axon 437 Russell & Axon 438 Russell & Axon FEDERAL PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMElfC 0502 Century Pool Service 0503 Advance Air Con~. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FLrND 533 Industrial Refuse Sales 534 Boynton Beach Child Care Center 535 ~%~cCain Sales of Florida OPERATIi~G ~PITAL /_W~ROVEMENT 0304 Vbfd $ 2,274.08 2,534.81 26.57 I7.78 129.00 2,100.00 866.25 85.56 449.77 123.06 $ 8,606.88 2,225.25 3,702.97 49.345~07 55,2~3.29 $ 4,800.00 1,753.39 $ 6,553.39 $ 5,510.00 2,377.18 437.50 $ !8,324.68 GP~Nq) TOTAL June !0~ 1977 GENERAL FU~.VD 20474 20475 20476 20477 20478 20479 20480 2048~ 20482 Edward P. Munchar Frank Smith Lazarus Salamon Tomberg & Woolley Void City of Boynton Beach - Payroll Funds City of Boynton Beach - Police Pension Fund City of Boynton Beach - Firemen~s Relief & Pension Fund City of Boynton Beach - Boynton Bch. Retirement Trust Fund $ 455.28 405.42 3,000.00 729.25 40,159o33 912o98 487.29 944.t6 Page 10 June 10, 1977 GENEtLAL FUND (eO~lmued) 20483 20484 20485 20486 20487 20488 20489 Boynton Beach Federal Credit Union First Bank & Trust EngelWs Uniform Atlantic ToShit~s Wilson-Rowan Locksmith Co. Stage Equipment & Lighting Co. Florida Power & Light 6,493.57 10,344.74 336.78 60.00 274.44 83°00 14,816.85 WATER 03660 03661 03662 03663 03664 03665 03666 A~ND SEWER REVE~JE FUND City of Boynton Beach - Payroll Funds U. S. Postmaster See June 8 Ftanagan-Metcalf Badger Meter Michael J. Colitz & Associates Graybar Electric $ 15,903.37 750.00 354.77 770.75 250.00 44.59 $ 18,073.48 FEDERAL 536 537 538 REVENUE SHARING FU~D Isiah Andrews Willie Ruth McGrady Rinker Materials $ 55.00 48.00 658.30 $ 761.30 $ 111.88 $ 3.36 BOYNTON BEACI{ MEMORIAL PARK FLrND 1671 Florida Power & Light PUBLICITY FUI~9 1672 Florida Power & Light UTILITY GER~RAL FUND ~9=.. -. F~ma~ :Richardson, Watson, Slade, ~cCarthy & Kelly, P.A. $ RETIREHENT TRUST FL%~ 1590 Linda A. Mackos $ 788.51 GRA_ND TOTAL $99,834.15 Page 11 June 13, 1977 CEASE RAL FUND 20490 20491 20492 20493 20494 20495 20496 20497 20498 20499 20500 20501 20502 20503 B.O.A,F. Certification Board Swanks Discount Records Doubleday & Associated Libraries Baker & Taylor Companies Bound to Stay Bound Books Consumer' s Research Wesley Ste~we Construction Mike Gehrimg R. L. Grummons Printing Psychology Today Larry & Phyliss Galsky Biart Realty Corp. Farm & Garden Supply WATER AND SEW~ER ~]~IqUE FUNq) 03667 Florida Power & Light GRA~ TOTAL $15,118.68 June 14~ !977 GENERAL FUI~ 2050~ 2O505 20506 20507 20508 20509 20510 20511 20512 20513 20514 20515 20516 20517 20518 20519 20520 20521 20522 20523 20524 20525 20526 20527 20528 20529 ACR Supply Boynton Gi~ Service Carlton T. ~hite Donl s Alignment Duncan Enterprises Eagle Army & Navy Store American Computer Supplies Goldcoast Eng. & Testing Co. Ho L. G~-~mmons Printing Mr. Ice Machine Co. IDS Corp. Jack's Camera Center Palm Beach Office Supply Scotty' s S. Florida Crane Service Southern Paper Co. Taylor Rental Center Unij ax Zep Mfg. COo National Recreation & Park Assoc. Fox Valley Marking Systems Halsey & Griffith Boynton Auto Supply Boynton Auto Supply B B Auto Parts Atlantic Hardware 5.00 44.95 5.94 29.51 33.75 3.52 9.00 100.00 2.80 2.75 11.00 i00.00 200.00 19.23 567o45~/ $ 1.50 11.80 240.00 14.50 565.00 28.86 363.85 180.00 138.75 281.00 78.07 61.17 14.49 50.74 112.50 135.10 16.49 106.32 246.80 9.85 27.09 142.95 60.52 ~94.87 106.06 54.26 Page 12 June 14, 1977 GENERAL ~J~ID (continued) 20530 20531 20532 20533 20534 20535 Autoproducts Delray Electric Supply Boynton Pump & Supply LuAnne Cole Wiseman WhittMacDowell Advance Air Cond. $ 164.78 74.06 288.21 13.50 317.50 63.87 $ 4,464.46/ WATER 03668 03669 03670 03671 03672 03673 03674 03675 03676 03677 AND SEWER i1EVENITE FU~ Gold Coast Plurabing Service Equipment Broward Pump & Supply Halsey & Griffith Boyaton Auto Supply B B Auto Parts Atlantic Hardware Delray Electric Supply Boynton Pump & Supply Whitt~v~acDowell $ 25.00 52.13 194.31 1.96 3.56 44.96 45.61 19.33 296.59 139.00 $ 822.45 HEWER 01630 01631 01632 01633 01634 01635 01636 01637 01638 01639 01640 01641 AI~D WATER DEPOSIT -~urND City of Boyaton Beach acct. of George Conner $ 7.50 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Blanche Hun~er 15.00 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Lawrence Rohin~en 9.20 Lawrence Robinson 5.80 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Clifford D. Severson 4.20 Clifford D. Severson 3.30 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Linwood Harvey 7.50 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Wm. Cavanaugh 7.50 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Ralph E. Henderson 2.80 Ralph E. Henderson 4.70 City of Boyntou Beach acct. of Pete V!ahos 2.80 Pete Vlahos 4.70 $ 75.00 $ 72.00 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND 539 Collins Signs ~%DERA~PL~LIC WOPR~S EMPLOYMENT 0504 Void 0505 V6i-~ -~: Li:~ C~n~d. 0509 Advance Air Cond. GRAND TOTAL $6,233.91 $ 800. co ~age 13 June 15, 1977 GENERAL ~d_%~) 20537 20538 20539 20540 20541 20542 20543 20544 20545 20546 20547 20548 20549 20550 20551 20552 20553 20554 20555 20556 20557 20558 20559 20560 20561 20562 20563 20564 20565 20566 20567 20568 Data Supplies Capel Klang Co. Michael E. Keefe State of Florida - Dept. of Revenue Carmen Annunziato Estelle Cha~tftov Void David L. Reid John Denson Francis Davis Kruse, O'aonmor & Ling The O13~pia Sport Shop John B. Dunkle National Linen Service City of Boynton Beach - Water Department City of Boynton Beach - Water Department M.A.P. Builders Charles Walduer, M.D. Xerox Corporation Dick Sietner Sales Advertisers Press Eva Raymond Charles Godfrey Betty Garriga Veva D. Armbruster O!yve E. Schootey ¥ianhattam Trophies John B. Dunkle U. S. Postmaster Eucktebnck Music Productions Doubleday & Co. Baker & Taylor Co. Recreation Department - Petty Cash 342.94 90.12 47.95 91.84 125.00 214.20 73.00 16.00 16.00 1,355.00 25.56 16.90 265.43 7,985.70 2,80 1,100.00 356.00 794.09 33.50 293.68 30.00 30.00 30.00 !0.00 I0.00 53.4O 7.45 !00.00 75.00 10.27 5.34 48.75 $13~655.92 WA~mR 03678 03679 03680 03681 03682 03683 03684 Ah~D SEWER REVEAVo~m FJND Sargent -So~All 8.O.U.S Industrial Electric City of Boynton Beach - Water Department Porter Pai~k Co. Onan Perkins Diesel Duro-Test Corp. $ 122.47 8!0.00 30.00 300.55 241.44 83.10 55.04 $ 1,642.60 SEWER 01642 01643 01644 01645 01646 01647 01648 01649 01650 AND WATER DEPOSIT ~Jl~ City of Boynton Beach ae~t. Lof~M.7~:'~exaco $ 23.85 ~. & J. Texaco 6.15 City of Boynton Beach acct. of J. C. Bryant 7.50 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Willi Anders 2.80 Willi Anders 12.20 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Blaine P. Albes 15.00 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Martin Dougherty 3.50 Mamtin Do~gherty 4°00 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Richard P. Jones 2°80 = June 15, 01651 01652 01653 0~654 01655 01656 01657 01658 01659 01660 01661 01662 01663 01664 01665 01666 01667 01668 01669 01670 01671 01672 01673 01674 01675 01676 01677 01678 01679 01680 01681 01682 01683 01684 01685 01686 01687 01688 01689 01690 01691 01692 01693 01694 01685 01696 01697 01698 01699 01700 1977 AI~D WATER DEPOSIT FUND (continued) Richard P. Jones $ 12.20 City of Boynton Beach acct of Dorothy Kehoe 7.50 City of Boynton Beach accto of Wm Wingler 2.80 ~illiam Wing!er 4°70 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Sands Point Homes 15.00 City of Boymton Beach acct. of Burleson & Najar 15.00 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Harvey Knott 7.50 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Boca Estates 6.30 Boca Estates 23.70 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Her-mn Bi,er 2.80 Herman Binder 4.70 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Harvey Hyink 2.80 Harvey~yink 71$,20 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Steven R. Knuth 7.50 City of Boynton Beach acct. of M.AoP. Builders 21.70 M. A.PPo Builders 38.30 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Boca Retch Federal SAvings & Loan 15.00 City of Boynton Beach acct, of William Desylva 7.50 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Elmo El!iott 7.50 City of Boynton Beach acct. of BriaR,oI(elly 14.50 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Wesley Steuwe Cont. 23.80 Wesley Steuwe Construction 6.20 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Mrs. Albert Rolfe 4.20 Mrs. Albert Hoife 3.30 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Joaml t~hodes 15.00 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Charles Button 15.00 City of Boynton Beach acct. of William H. Boynton 4.90 WitliamH. Boynuon 10.10 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Leslie Derfter 12.70 Leslie Derfler 2.30 City of Boy,ton Beach acct. of Dfc A. Lopez-Terres 5.00 Dr. A. Lopez-Torres 25.00 City of Boynton Beach acer. of Gordon Steiger 14.00 Gordon Steiger 1.00 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Scott Construction 5.60 Scott Const~action 24.40 City of Boynton Beach acer. of Lin-Bar Construction 4.20 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Larry K. Niemi 5.80 Larry K. Niemi 9.20 City of Bobrnton Beach acct. of Kathryn C. B~-ushingham 15.00 City of Boy,ton Beach acct. of Paul Wheetus 2.80 Paul ~heAlus 12.20 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Gale H, Kirahner 2.80 Gale R. Kirshner 4.70 Bruce Fast 7.50 City of Boynton Beach acct. of Fred A. ~uick 7.50 City of Boynton Beach acct. of James F. Fox 2.80 James F. Fox 4.70 City of Boymton Beach acct. of Ronald G. ~ook 2.80 Page 15 June 15, 1977 SEWER A~'O 'WATER DEPOSIT FUArO (continued) 01701 01702 01703 01704 01705 01706 01707 01708 01709 01710 01711 01712 01713 01714 01715 01716 01717 01718 01719 Ronald G. Cook City of Boynton Beach acct. of Vincent Foy Vincent Foy City of Boynton Beach acct. of Dr. Sero Ca!i Dr. Saro Call City of Boynton Beach acct. of Knute Lindfors Knute Lindfors City of Boynton Beach acct. of Leonard Rospenda Leonard Rospenda City of Boynton Beach acct. of Maro!d Lee Harold Lee City of Boy~to~ Beach acct. of Glare Fanning Glare Fannimg City of Boymton Beach acct. of Village Fruit & Produce City of Boynton Beach acct. of The Game Room The Game Room City of Boynton Beach acct. of Wm. H. Miller William H. Miller Leon F. Austim UT!LIT~ GES~RAL t~rND 440 Testing Lab of the Palm Beaches FEDERAL PUBLIC WORKS EMPLO~ME~NT 0506 City of Boynton Beach - General Fund 0507 Baker & Taylor Co. 0508 Argus Communications CRAND TOTAL June 16, 1977 GE~'~RAL FUND ~@~69 Carolee J. Vande~wall 20570 City of Boynton Beach-- Petty Gash 20571 Bowman Transportation 20572 George W. or Laura Culver WATER AND SEWER REVEIf0E FUI~D 03685 City of Boynton Beach - Petty Gash SEWER AI~DWATER DEPOSIT FD~qD 01720 City of Boy.ton Beach acct. of Jack Anderson 01721 City of Bo}.~nton Beach acct. of Designer Estates 01722 C~y ~f Boynton Beach acct. of C. L. S. Corp. 01723 C.L.S. Corp. 4.70 2180 4.70 2.80 12120 4.20 3.30 2.80 12.20 2.80 i2120 6.30 8.70 15.00 10.15 4.85 8.40 !6.60 7.50 120.00 $ 212.40 265.76 47.27 S 525.43 $ 153.20 45.61 i00.00 100.00 $ 398.81~ $ 2.96 $ 15.00 15.00 2.80 12.20 Page 16 June 16, SEWER 01724 01725 01726 01727 01728 01729 01730 01731 01732 01733 01734 01735 01736 01737 01738 01739 01740 01741 01742 01743 01744 01745 01746 01747 01748 01749 01750 01751 01752 01753 01754 01755 01756 01757 01758 01759 01760 01761 01762 01763 01764 01765 01766 01767 01768 01769 01770 01771 1977 AND WATER DEPOSIT ~gND (continued) City of Boyntom Beach acct. of Shek Chu Chan Shek Chu ~aan City of Boynton Beach acct. City of Bayntom Beach acct. City of Bosrmton Beach acct. City of Boymton Beach acct. Dennis Dwyer City of Boymton Beach acct. City of Boynton Beach acct. City of Bos~aton Beach acct. City of Bo~ton Beach acct. City of Boymto~Beach acct. City of Boymton Beach acct. Burgess C. S~ewart City of Boy~ton Beach acct. of Minnie Laster City of Bo~r~lton Beach acct. of Aaron Jones David Batelan City of Bo~on Beach acct. City of Bo~aton Beach acct. Stanley Fo~ City of Boynton Beach Acct. of Joeeph Snipes Joseph Snipes City of Boymton Beach acct. of T. W. Poore T. W. Poore City of Boy~ton Beach acct. City of Boymton Beach acct. City JOf Boynton Beach acct. City of Boynton Beach acct. City of Bo~ton Beach accg. l~aryann Fl~herty city of Boy~ton Beach acct. of Roger 5ellen Roger Hellman CSty of B~y~ton Beach acct. Stockton, %Vaattey & Davin C~ty of Boy~ton Beach acct. of Carl Wingate Carl Wingate City of Boy,tom Beach acct. of Cram Lorf John Salont&y City of Boynton Beach acct. City of ~ton Beach acct. City of BoY~ton Beach acct. Larry McCormick Re]bert Steinmetz Void City of Boy~ton Beach acct. of Eugene Newman Eugene ~ewman City of Boy~ton Beach acct. of Gil Gordon Vo/fd .... of Triest Construction of Ford R. Davi~ of Larry Galsky of Dennis ~yer of Vernon C. Kleist of Henry Jarvis of Frank W. Carroll of Charles Christensen of Bobby Stevens of Burgess G. Stewart of Donald P. Greemough of John Browning of LaPlant Adair of Risto Sikio of Camion He,es of Mary Slay of Maryan~ F!aherty of Stockton, Whatley & Davin of MaryE. Linkous of A~na Marie Sitetta of Larry McCormick $ 9.90 5.10 30.00 7i50 !5.00 3.50 26.50 15.00 7.50 7.50 15.00 7.50 2.80 4f7Q 15.00 15.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 2.80 4.70 2.80 4.70 30.00 7.50 15.00 15.00 7.80 7.20 7.80 7.20 6.30 8.70 12.80 2.20 7.50 15.00 7.50 15.00 2.80 12.20 7.50 5.00 2.50 9.90 Page 17 June 16, SEWER 01772 01773 01774 Carl Lippert 01775 G~ty of Boynto~ Beach 01776 City of Boynton Beach 01777 Peter Weeks ,0t778 City of Boynton Beach 01779 City of BoYmton Beach 01780 Joseph Al! 01781 City of Boynton Beach 01782 City of Boyaton BeaCh 01783 Biltmore Building Co. !977 AND WATERRBPOSIT FLrb~) (continued) . City of Boynton Beach acct. of TOby Ke~rns City of Boynton Beach acct. of Carl Lippert acct. of John Lowe acct. of Peter Weeks acctl of San4sPPointHomes acct. of Joseph Ali acct. of Cedar Paint acct. cof Mondell Paving Co. FEDERAL 541 REVENbq~ SttARING. FIrND lsiah Andrews Willie Ruth McGrRRy BOYNTON BEACH MEMORIAL PARK FUN~ 1673 F~rst Federal Savings &Loan $ 15.00 22.40 7.60 15.00 5,60 24~40 15.00 7.70 7.30 15.00 100.00 15,00 $ 55~00 48,00 $ 103.00 $ 249.60 GRAND TOTAL June 17, 1977 General Fund 20573 20574 20575 20576 20577 20578 20579 20580 20581 20582 20583 20584 20585 20586 20587 20588 20589 20590 20591 20592 20593 20594 2059B 20596 20597 Sharon L. Randolph $ 234~22 T. B. Hicks 628.88 Michael T. Baird 546.84 Theodore Sorg 424.12 Adrienne $org 250.82 Mrs. George Kilbourn 3.00 Void City of Boynton Beach - Payroll Funds 40,099.46 City of Boynton Beach - Police Pension Fund 897,81 City of Boynton Beach - Fireman's Relief & Pension 581.74 City of Boynton Beach - Boynton Beach Retirement Trust Fund 2,158.26 Boynton Beach Federal Cr~Rit Union 6,633.57 First Bank & Trust 10,324.11 City of Boynton Beach - Water & Sewer Revenue Fund 24,124.86 City of Boynton Beach - Boynton Beach Memorial Park 1,000.00 City of Boynton Beach - Sewer & Water Deposit Fund 1,050.00 Scott Construction !00.00 Lionel PiaI~orld 247.60 Valve Sheen 522,36 Kopy King Printing 33.65,~ Sears, Roebuck & Co. 238.11 Keatts Trucking 1,0!6.00 State of Florida - Dept. of Pollution Control 20.00 Suzanne M. Kruse 185.00 The Miami Herald 16.25 $91,336.66 / Page 18 June 17, 1977 WATER A~ND SEWER RE~EI~JE FUND (continued) 03686 Regis Vogel $ 31.50 03687 James R. Bentley 10110 03688 Clement Kress 9o10 03689 Mrs. George Kilhourn 12.70 03690 Village Royale on the Green 50.00 03691 Stockton~ Whatley & Davin 15.00 03692 Laurens D. De~ces 14.70 03693 City of Boynton Beach - Pay?oll Funds 15,624.33 03694 Sargent~Sowell, Inc. 10.93 03695 Badger Meter 988.00 03696 Southern Mechanical Seals 160.82 1LETIILEMENT TRUST ~OND 1591 James A. C~ll 1592 Deborah J. Conrad ~JBLIGIT~ FUN~ 1674 First Bank & Trust $!6,927.18 $ 210.35 598.26 $ 808.61 $ 600.00 Gth~ND TOTAL $109,6~2.45 June 20, 1977 GENERAL FUND 20598 -Bak~r~&~or.TCo. $ 76.47 20599 Doubleday & Co. 25.11 20600 Thomas Nelson & Son 24Q08 20601 R.R. Bowker 51.40 20602 Nathaniel Dame & Co. 20.35 20603 Rucklebuck Music Productions 75.00 20604 Julie Finne 13o50 20605 Richard John Rusehe 13.50 20606 Patricia Shelley 50.00 20607 Steve Brunner 10.00 20608 Cathy Patterson 56.00 20609 Pete Basil 140.00 20610 Willie Gibson 84°00 20611 Mary Fey 4.00 20612 Coca Cola Bottling 51.70 20613 Olympia Sport Shop 64.00 20614 Louis Erisman 100.00 20615 Southern Bell Telephone 3~419.90 $ 4~279.01 WATER AND SEWER REVENUE FUND 03697 Refunding & Improvement Bond Sin~ing Fund $~,570.71 03698 Dri-Sl~de 213.62 03699 Miller Bearings 20.27 03700 Hach Chemical Co. 26.74 03701 R. Johnston & A. Flora 150.00 03702 Oleo Scharnack 150.00 03703 Southern Bell Telephone 141.82 $113,273.16 Page 19 June 20, 1977 SEWER ANDWATER DEPOSIT ~J~ 01784 Cleo Scharnaek 01785 Nancy Hammerton Replaces ch. #13057 01786 Lin-Bar Construction FEDERAL PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT 0510 Baker & Taylor Co. 0511 Go K. Hall PUBLICITY FUND 1675 L. Co William Co. BOYNTON BEACHMEMORIALPAP, K ~tlND 1676 Southern Bell Telephone TOTAL $118,142.34 June 21, 1977 GES~RAL FUND 20616 20617 20618 20619 20620 20621 20622 20623 20624 20625 20626 20627 20628 20629 20630 20631 20632 20633 20634 20635 20636 20637 20638 20639 20640 20641 20642 20643 KKopy King Prinking Center United Bescar Jewelers Smith Municipal Supplies Allen Chemical Co. Century Pool Services Cues,thC Custom Ambulances of Florida H° F. Mm. son Equipment Mechanics Uniform Service National Recreation & Park Assoc. Office Equipment Service Roberts Septic Tank Stage Equipment & Lighting Taylor Rental Center Tom's Welding Service Triple Cedar Nursery Worth Chemical & Paint Co. Xerox Corp. International Assoc. of Arson Investigators Detective John Hol!ihan Lt. Edward Hillery Florida Intelligence Unit Dutch's Scuba Diving Academy Lt. Edward Eillery Muroski-Huckieberry, Inc. Gorilla Mmtors Graybar Electric Autoproducts $ 15.00 DO NOT POST 8180 $ 23.80 116142 222.95 339.37 202.80 24.2O $ 14.65 139.80 75.02 29.60 48.63 219.00 50.00 11.79 30.00 !0.00 40.00 45.00 50.09 42.86 10.00 56.00 163.77 114o33 40.00 75.00 75.00 25.00 50.00 125.74 25.00 .140.83 62.48 30.63 Page 20 June 21~ 1977 GENERAL pLrND (continued) 206'44 Gulfstream Lumber 20645 Ernest E. Norberg dba E & J Roofing 20646 Construction Bookstore 20647 K-Mart WATER 03704 03705 03706 03707 03708 03709 03710 03711 03712 03713 03714 03715 AND S~WERREVENUE FUND Glidden Paint Co. Granada Valve & Fitting Co. Advance Air Condo & Heatimg Edwards Electric Glasgow Equipment Griffin Pollution Control Marine Emgine Equipment Marshall Bolt & Nut Keatts Trucking Service Sears Service Center Glasgow E~ipment Gulfstream Lumber SEWER A}~ WATER DEPOSIT FUlqD 01786 Lin-Ear CoD~truction FEDERAL P~VENTJE SHARING FUND 542 Four Steel Corp. 543 Gulfstream Lumber FEDEP~AL PUBLIC WOPdfS EMPLO~NT 0512 Advance Air Condo & Heating $ 318.87 100100 29140 29164 $ 2,278.13/ $ 21.46 176.64 !4,50 39'69 690.00 700100 49.10 41,78 45100 655.00 35.11 $ 2,488.23 8.80 93.60 973.69 1,067.29 369.84 GRAND TOTAL $6~212.f9 June 22, 1977 GENERAL FU~O 20648 20649 20650 20651 20652 20653 J~mk~s Grady Monroe Gulf 0il Corp, Law Enforcement Assoc. ~reck Photographic Trieste Construction WATER 03716 03717 03718 03719 A}~ SEWER REVEA~UE PUND Kellers Electric Service Tisdales Roto-Rooter S~wmll Hardware East Coast Fire Equipment $ 44.35 I00.00 992.75 29.00 162.00 200.00 $ 1,528.!0~ $ 29.35 237.00 1i0.47 108,85 Page 21 June 22, 1977 WATER A~ 8E~ERREVE~ FU~ (continued) 03720 Underground Supply 03721 Kimg~s General Repair 03722 Rinker Material 03723 Void 03724 Scientific Products MLrNICIPAL POLICE RETIREMEi~ ~5~ 0102 William J, Leovic $ 635.25 112.39 39.00 39.41 1,311.72 57.18 250.00 14.15 264.15 FEDEP~L REVEI~CE SHARING FOND 544 L~mmower Hospital 545 Rinker ~iaterials GRAND TOTAL $3,161.15 June 23, 1977 GEN~P~%% FUND 20654 20655 20656 20657 20658 20659 20660 20661 20662 20663 20664 20665 20666 20667 20668 20669 20670 20671 20672 20673 20674 20675 20676 20677 20678 20679 S~aorest Veterinary Center I.B.M. Corp. Clean Machine Car Wash Atlantic Coast Divers Sea Mist Marina Duncan Enterprises Criminal Justice Institute Board of County Co~issioners E & S Products Easy Pay Tire Store Carpenter~ May & Bremer LuAnne Wieeman Engel's Uniforms EngineeringMaohine Co. Florida BraRe & Truck Parts Hauser Motor Co. Holly Accumulator & Electronics Kelly Tractor Co. H. F. Mason Equipment Peacock's Radiator Service Rowland Truck Equipment Seaorest Petroleum Co. Trail Ford Tractor Halsey & Griffith Sunshine Pools Linde Cerdell 41.50 192.78 58.50 16.80 360.00 2,745.00 20.00 353.66 15.00 190.88 900.00 54.00 55.74 98.42 76.95 173.20 71.07 i%29.51 76.11 28,50 102.5i 815.26 73.32 58.73 100.00 234.46 7,033.90~ Page 22 June 23, WATER 03725 03726 03727 03728 03729 03730 03731 03732 03733 03734 03735 1977 (continued) A~ND S~WER REVEhrOE FUA~O Allied Chlorine & Chemical Malco Chemical Longview Lime Penr~a!t Corp. Tom's Welding Pierce Tire 0o~ Pilot Freight Carriers Taylor Remtal Center Graybar Electric ~alsey & Griffith FEDEI~L 546 547 548 549 REVENUE SHARING FUN~ ElectricaI Systems John Niebel Willie Ruth McGrady tsiahAndrews UTILITY GENERAL 441 Russell & Axon GRAND TOTAL $25,242.47 June 24, 1977 G%NERAL FU~ 20680 Patrick Smith 20681 David T. Galloway 20682 Joe Mikals 20683 Joseph Romano 20684 William Fuchs 20685 Michael Stickney 20686 Cyril Deal 20687 Louis Brunetti 2~688~-~oe Benitez 20689 20690 20691 20692 20693 20694 20695 20696 20697 20698 J~ Russell Chatham City of Boy.ton Beach - Payroll Funds Municipal Police Pension Fund Firamen~s Relief & Pension Fund City of Boo. ton Beach - Retirement Trust Fund Bo]n~ton Beach ~ederal Credit Union First Bank& Trust Merchant Transport Marietta Industries Jose Castro $ 1,086.00 1,098o48 1,834~80 2,564.04 2,I00100 24171 29°75 23179 33.09 13195 8146 $ 8,817.07 $ 4,506..1 125.00 48.00 55i00 $ 4,734.11 $ 4~657.39 $ 160.75 160.15 168.57 238.04 358.60 !62.66 281.24 100.00 407.49 261.76 40,188.15 906.11 562.43 2,121.62 6,635.57 10,323.35 I47.77 31.50 100.0O Page 23 June 24, 1977 (continued) WATER A~ND S~RE~v~VJE 93736 City of Boy,ton Beach - Payroll Fundss RETIP~ME~C TRUST FUND 1593 ~as Kerrigan 15,498.53 535.65 GRAxN~ TOTAL $79=349.94 June 27~ 1977 GENERAL ~Jl~ 20699 20700 20701 2079G 20703 20704 20705 20706 20707 20708 20709 20710 20711 20~12 20713 20714 20715 20716 20717 20~8 20~19 20720 2072~ 20722 20723 20724 City of Boymton Beach - Sewer & Water Deposit Fund City of BoyntonBeach - Water & Sewer Revenue Fund City of Boynton B&ach - Utility General Fund Safety-Klean Corp. Olympia Sport Shop Beane Exterminating J~an B. Dunkle Densberger Fire Equipment Olyve Schoo!ey Yeva Armbruster Batty Garriga Ghat!es Godfrey Eva Raymomd Southern Building Code Congress Internt~l Southeastern Fidelity Insurance Palm Beach Newspapers Coca Cola Bottling ~enryAlbers C~m~erical Record M~s. Lorraine Smith John B. Dnnkle RuSin Construction MOard of County Commissioners Summers Electric WATER 03737 03738 03739 03740 A~ S~ER ~REVERrOE Water & Sewage Works Marine Engine Equipment Gulf Oil Fisher Scientific FEDERAL REVE~JE SHARING FLVND 550 ~abine Construation UTILITY GENERAL FdND 442 First Bank & Tr~st GRAND TOTAL $508,860.19 805.00 8,842i76 237,985~56 25~50 54~28 114.00 7.45 25.00 10100 10~00 30.00 30.00 30.00 110.00 100.00 124o20 51.70 11.25 29.50 60.00 9.71 9.40 16,678.70 63.7t 4,857.00 377.00 $270~45!.72 $ 24.00 346.00 75.35 t177.12 622.47 $ 37,786.00 $200~000.00 Page 24 June 28~ 1977 GENERAL FUND 20725 20726 20727 20728 20729 20730 2073~ 20732 20733 20734 20735 20736 20737 J. Ai S. Builders I. B. M. Corp. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Sears, Roebuck & Co. U. S. Postmaster Real Estate Data Baker & Taylor Doubleday & Co. Western World Avon Collectors Club Graybar Electric First Banl~ & Trust McGra%z~HiiI Book Co. Kenneth Danison WATER AND SE~RREVE~ FL%~ 03741 Densberger Fire Equipment FEDERAL P~VER~JE SF~RING FUND 551 Graybar Electric FEDERAL PUBLIC WORKS E~LOYMENT 0513 Baker & Taylor GP~AN-D TOTAL $204~92~.76 June 29, 1977 GEneRAL FUN~D 20756 20757 20758 20759 20760 20761 20762 20763 20764 20765 20766 20767 20768 20769 20770 20771 20772 20~73 20774 20775 Claire Kendall Real Estate Data Kelly Tractor Broward Pump & Supply Mr. D~s Paint & Body Shop P & G Distributors Pompano Office Supply Sea Mist Marina First BarLk & Trust Snow Concrete Southern Signs Taylor Rental David Wright & Son Zee M~dical Service Medical & Safety Supply Delray Chemical Co. Autoproducts B B Auto Parts Boynton Auto Supply $ 100,00 3,632133 19126 64125 30100 195100 78,88 7~67 14.95 324.17 200,000.00 4.90 100.00 $204,571.41/ $ 55.00 $ 247.84 $ 48.51 456.60 173.00 3,000.00 43.82 60.00 17.10 102.24 57.90 56.25 26.00 15.50 27.35 79.72 43.15 49.87 66.00 339.22 372.03 651.78 Page 25 June 29, 1977 GENERAL FUND (continued) 20776 See June 20 20777 E!io Gonzalez 20778 See June 30 to See June 30 20792 See June MO 20793 Farm& Garden Supply WATER AND S~WER REVENUE FUND 03742 03743 03744 03746 03746 03747 03748 03749 03750 Southern Mechanical Seals Air Fluid Easy Pay Tire Store See June 30 Taylor Rental Nalco Chemical Autop~oducts B B Auto Parts Boynton Auto Supply FEDERAL 552 553 REVE~VJE SHARING Keatts Trucking Snow Concrete BOYI~fON BEAC~IMEMORIAL PARK FUND 1677 Engineering Machine Co. PUBLICI~"~f FUN~D 1678 Kopy King Printing Center June 30, 1977 GElqERAL ~JND 20738 20739 20740 20741 20742 20743 20744 20745 20746 20747 20748 20749 Gene Pfoore Joseph Fo Zack Norman Strnad Emily Jackson Richard Caldwe!l Joseph DeMarco Tereesa Padgett Betty Zohel Charles Frederick Frank Kohl Edgar Howell Edward Ott GR~ND TOTAL $7,289.41 !00.00 23.88. $ 5,761.4~/ 22.72 106.90 162.00 25.99 254.40 2.23 1.16 34.48 $ 609.88 $ 120.00 312.38 $ 432.38 $ 275.79 209.95 $ 2,083.33 100.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 25.00 20.00 85.00 I00.00 125.00 125.00 Page 26 (continued) 20750 20751 20752 20753 20754 20755 20756 ~o 20761 20762 20763 to 20775 20776 20777 20778 20779 20829 20830 20831 Bob Latham %~omas Wengler Joseph Holland III Harold Shult Charles Ferslng Bert Keehr See June 29 See June 29 Allen Insurance Agency See June 29 See June 29 Jose D. Mejia See June 29 James Shelton ~arold Shull City of Boynton Beach - ~ewer & Water Deposit Fund City of Boynton Beach - Water & Sewer Revenue Fund City of Boynton Beach ~ Utility General Fund WATER AND SE%~RRE%~NUE FD~ND 03745 Allen Insurance Agency BOY~TON BEA~A MEMORIAL PARK FU~ND 1679 First Federal Savings & Loan P~ETiRE~NT TRUST FUND 1609 First Bank & Trust $ 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 50.00 2,813.33 306.56 20.31 169.78 940.00 7,910.82 ...... 24~350.57 $ 1~406.67 $ 2~000o00 $ 8,000.00 GRAND TOTAL $4~,596.3% Page 27