Joseph F. Zack, Mayor
Emily M. JacP~on, Vice Mayor
Richard D. Cannon, dwell, Councilman
Joseph DeM~co, Councilman
Norman F. Strnad, Councilman
Frank Kohl, City Manager
Tersesa Padgett, City Clerk
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Mayor Zack welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order
at 7:30 P. M. He requested everyone to please rise at the
sound of the gavel for the Invocation given by ~,~. Frank Kohl,
City Manager, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
led by Councilman Richard D. Caldwell.
Mrs. Jackson read the attached report on Rid Litter Day.
Mayor Zack announced that City Hall would be closed on Monday,
May 30, 1977, in observance of Memorial Day.
M~yor Zack read a Proclamation proclaiming MaJ 31, 1977, as
Bertha Chadwell Day.
Mayor Zack read a Proclamation proclaiming July 5, 1977, as
Tereesa Padgett D~v.
Mayor Zack a~uno~ced if there was any item on the agenda any-
one in the audience desired to speak on, to please steo for-
ward ~ud give their name to Mrs. Padgett and the City ~lerk
will call on them at the appropriate time.
Additions to Agenda
Mayor Zack~announced the following additions to the Agenda:
ADMINISTRATIVE, I - 2. Appointment of Alternate
Member to Board of Adjustment
OT~W~ER, C. Campers and Trailers
D. Microfilming
E. Telegram Regarding Water Treatment
Plant Expansion
Mrs. Jackson moved to approve the Agenda additions, seconded
by M~. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Council Meetin5 - M~¥ 3, 1977
Msjor Zack called on the Council members for additions, cor-
rections or deletions. I~. DeMm~co replied that he had none.
17, 1977
Mr. Strnad requested clarification of the third paragraph
on Page 24 and stated that softening is required and has
always been required as it is a requisite of DER. Mrs.
Jackson informed him that the minutes are correct because
she listened to the tape twice to check this. ~. Strnad
agreed this is what was said, but it is not right. Mayor
Zack asked if Mr. Caldwell desired to ms~e any changes and
Mr. Caldwell replied that inasmuch as he made the statement
and the statement reflects the point he was trying to make
and inasmuch as corrections should apply to grammatical er-
rors and not basic content, he will let this statement stand.
Mr. Strnad clarified that he was not trying to correct gram-
matical errors, but to clarify the point that we ere required
by DER to have lime softening.
~. St~nad continued with reading the fourt~ pa~ag~apk~on
Page 24 and stated that the State has demanded ~ud'required
us to have lime softeni~ all the time. They had two way~
to go and the engineers chose the lime softening as the best
method. He w~uts it corrected to show the State is not going
to request lime softening, but demands it. M~. DeMarco
stated it was his understanding ~hat the State has relaxed
the lime softening requirement since approval of the Manala-
pan plant. It was also his understanding that M~. Russell
was to m~ke the necessary changes to apply to Tallahassee
to take care of this particular item to continue with our
present water until suc~ time as the State requires lime
softening, M~s. Jackson stated again that she listened to
the tape twice and it is correct as stated. ~. Strnad
stated that if any communications had been received from
DER stating the lime softening is not necessary, he did not
receive them.
M~. Caldwell declared this discussion out of order and ~&~yor
Zack stated that Mr. Strnad has the floor ~_nd ws~ts clarifi-
cation. Mr. Strnad stated that it is incorrect as they are
trying to alleviate lime softening, but have had no relaxa-
tion from DER to eliminate lime softening. ~. Caldwell
declared the conversation out of order with correcting word-
age in the minutes. He suggested this be discussed under
another topic or at another meeting. Mr. Strnad requested
the record to stand with his statements. Mr. DeMarco alari-
fled that the minutes would st~ud as written and Mayor Zack
agreed and stated that ~. Strnad was just clarifying the
Mr. Caldwell stated he had nothing.
M~s. Jac~on referred to Page 2, third paragraph, thir~ line,
and changed it to read: Mrs. Jackson clarified that they
"had already" set up the Com~n~nity Relations Board, etc.
She referred to Page 5, third paragraph down, ~ud advised
that the correct spelling was M~. Joseph "Cinagli~'.
F~s. Jackson referred to Page 12, third paragraph down, last
line, and stated she believed this ordinance would have the
second reading at the first meeting in June ~d M~s. Padgett
agreed. She referred to Page t5, last paragraph, third line
down, and requested it to read: two years or break the lease
by mutual consent ~ud "then" go out for. She r~ferred to
Page 26, second paragraph, and stated that "wells" should be
'~ swales".
h~. DeMarco moved to approve the minutes as corrected,
seconded by M_~. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0.
Special City Council Meetin~ - M~y ~? 1977
~hen called upon by Mayor Zack, all the Council members re-
plied they had nothing.
Nms. Jackson moved to accept the ~inutes as written, seconded
by ~. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0.
~s. Jackson referred to the spelling of Mr. Panza's name with
a "z" and the newspaper spelled it with a "s" ~nd ~. Moore
informed her it was correct with a "z" as spelled in the min-
Special City Council Meetin~ - M~¥ 16, 1977
M~. Kohl inforr~d the Council that he received these minutes
today, but had not given them out as they would not have the
ch~_~ce-~ to read them.
Mrs. Harry Holgerson stated her name ~ud her address as 1006
N. W. 7th Court. She informed the Council that four years
ago, a petition was presented requesting 7th Court to be
paved. This has gone back and forth ~ud they are tired of
the sand blowing all over. She has been talking to several
neighbors and they hs~¢e heard if they agree to pay the amount
of $7.00 per ft., which will be payable over a 10 year period,
they will be able to have the road paved within a couple weeks.
They are most willing to do this as they s~e tired of the dust.
There does not seem to be a~J results in getting the road fo~
nothing~ They have paid taxes long enough and have not gotten
anything for the taxes, but appreciate living in Boynton
Beach. !~. Caldwell clarified that she would like the City
to pave the road and M~s. Holgerson agreed. ]~. Caldwell
clarified that her statement was that they wouldn't mind
paying 10~ of the cos~t and ~s. Holgerson replied that if
the City would not come down on the cost, they would agree
instead of continuing this fighting back and forth as some-
th~ug must be done. M~. Caldwell asked if she wanted the
~M_~Y 17, 1977
City to split the cost at 1/3-1/3-1/3 ~ud M-~s. Holgerson
replied that she thought the City should pay some or most
of it. Mm. DeMarco stated he believed the requirement was
to have a petition of 51% and Mms. Holgerson informed him
that a petition was presented four years ago. Mm. Kohl
agreed this had been done previously and added that the
people on 7th Court have been here many times. Also,
Holgerson called him last week. The street needs paving
and he has been trying to get it paved. However, the people
should pay their share l~e everyone else in the City, It
is up to the Council to decide the share to be paid.
Holgerson continued with telling about the inconveniences
of living on an unpaved street.
Mayor Zack asked if anyone else desired to speak about 7th
Court. Mm. Kohl read a letter from Mr. & Mme. John A.
Denholm, Jr., stating they would be willing to pay their
share. ~s. Holgerson informed them that another neighbor,
Mrs. Altadonna, was also willing to pay her share.
M~. Kohl referred to his previous recommendation to let him
ge~ prices, as he has already done fime or six times for
7th Coumt and get this over with. The people will be assessed
in a fair and honest way and they will not have to continue
night after night talking about shell rock streets. Mme.
Holgerson added that it was aggravating to have streets
like this. Mayor Zack~referred to there being approxir~tely
eight residents l?¢ing on this street s_nd Mme. Holgerson in-
formed him there were seven and a couple of empty lots.
M~. Catdwe!l stated that the question still remained as to
h~ the people were to be assessed: 10~ to the property
owners, 10~ on the City, or I/3-t/3-1/3 split. He added
that this question was unresolved the last time. Mayor
Zack referred to stating previously that in checking back,
$89,000 has been paid by people for their roads. If they
are going to go on a percentage basis, what about the people
who have paid and are they going to give back $30,000? Will
this set a precedent? They have about 4,800 linsblfeet of
roads to be considered. It may also be possible that the
estimate may be lower tha~ $7.00. He does not think they
should change the policy now. Mme. Jackson stated that the
other people voted over 50% to pay their assessments, but
the people on 7th Court did not do it that way. Fm. Caldwell
stressed that they must make a decision regarding the assess-
ment. Mm. Strnad asked if it had been the practice to charge
on a ~/3-~/3-1/3 basis and Mr. Kohl replied that it had been
done both ways in this City. Since he has been here, the
people h~3'e been charged 10~, but he ~nderstands it was done
on a 1/3-1/3-1/3 basis prior to when he came here. M~.
Strnad ~sked why it was changed? Mayor Zack asked if they
ch~uged to the I/3 basis, '~ould there be the D~ssibil~t~ of
t7, 1977
a class action suitraud ?~. Moore replied: sure. ~. Strnad
stated the City would pave the road if the people are willing
to pay on a 100% b~is smd M~rs. Holgerson replied that four
to five people have agreed to pay the 100% if it can be paid
over a ten year period. Also, they understand if a new
owner moves in, they will take over the psyments. Mayor
Zack informed her that the to_xes would not be increased be-
cause the street was paved.
Mr. De~rco moved to pave N. W. 7th Court and assess the
property owners lO0%with payment to be made over a ten year
period. Mr. Strnad seconded the motion. Under discussion,
~. Caldwell remarked that he still thought the ~ople should
be given a break and M~s. Holgerson agreed. She further told
about the living conditions on the street. Mayor Zack referred
to the City Manager sending a crew out about two weeks ago to
fill the holes, but he was stopped because the people did not
want it done. Mrs. Holgerson remarked that some crazy people
live there. Mrs. Jackson referred to some streets being in
subdivisions platted before the ordinance was passed stan-
dardizing the building oF streets smd the people
these streets thinking it was~ing to be taken care of by the
City. She feels the streets in this particular condition
should be paid for entirely by the City.
As requested, M~s. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion
as follows:
Councilman~ Strnad - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMarco - ~e
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
~&myor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
i~. Ps~l Hill stated his name and his address as 2451N. E.
Ist Lane. He told about coming home the other d~ ~ud find-
ing a notice attached to his~cmmper parked in his side yard.
Meyer Zack informed him that ~'Camoers mad Trailers~ had been
added as am additional item on th$ Agenda under item X. Other,
C, and would be discussed later.
Ordinances - 1st & .2~d Readings
Rroposed Resolution No. 77-CC - Re: Establishing Criteria
for the Community Promotion Bgard (Tabled)
I~. Caldwell moved to take this from the table, seconded by
~m. DeMarco. Motion carried 5-0.
N~. Moore read proposed Resolution No. 77-CC.
Mrs. Jac~on moved the adoption of Resolution No. 77-CC,
seconded by ~m. DeMarco. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took
{ ·
a roll call VOte as _ollows.
Councilman Caldwell - ~je
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 77-DD - Re: Request to the Board of
D~blic Instruction of Palm Beach County for the Establishment
of a Boynton Beach H%~h School
I@. Moore read proposed Resolution No. 77-DD.
M~. Caldwell moved the adoption of Resolution No. 77-DD,
seconded by Mr. DeMarco. Under discussion, Mr. Caldwell
referred to Dr. Carroll's statements at last Friday's meet-
ing and stated that somebody must bring him up-to-date as
to what is happening in Boynton Beach. Mr. DeM~rco urged
the citizens to back this request for Boynton Beach to have
a high school. M~yor Zack told about his surprise when mov-
ing here to find there was no high school in the community.
However, he does not ~ow how f~ we will get with the County
Board since they have plans to build a school at Hypol,mxo &
Lawrence Roads. M~s. Padgett then took a roll call vote on
the motion as follows:
Councilman DeMarco - ~ye
Vice Mayor Jackson - ~a~e
Councilm~ Strnad - ;Je
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 7?-EE - Re: Recommendation for the
Demolition of ~'
Cer~mn structUres ~ud Buildings
Moore read proposed Resolution No. 77-EE.
~. DeMarco moved the adoption of Resolution No. 77-EE,
seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. F~so Padgett
took a roll call vote as follows:
Vice Mayor Jackson ~e
Councilman Strnad Aye
Councilman Caldwell -
Councilman DeI~co Aye
Mayor Zack Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
~onsider Lease Agreement Between the City and the Fraternal
Order of Police (Rifle Range) (~aoled)
~s. Jackson moved to take this from the table, seconded by
~. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Zack referred to the length of the lease and asked if
the Council members desired to have the lease read and ~.
Caldwell replied: yes. Ma~. DeMarcb suggested explaining it.
~. Moore explained that the lease covered a parcel of lsmd
in the northwest section of the City where there would be a
pistol range, police training amid an education center for the
Fraternal Order of Police~with the remainder going to the
Cit~. It is basically an expansion of a prior lease cancelled
by this agreement mad restricted to a smaller area. Mayor
Zack told about looking at the rifle range mud noticing the
building was not completed and tbs shooting was being done
on the outside. He was concerned about the building not
being completed mud discussed it with the Council and Police
Department. He suggested a fence being installed around the
building amd putting ~p the shell of the building. There
will be sm area of approximately ii to t2 acres left, which
he suggests calling the Range Park. The Range Parkwill be
turned over to the Recreation Department and when money is
available, they can take care of the needs for that s~ea.
Mr. DeMarco asked if it would be open to the public and
Mayor Zack replied: yes and the people can also take instruc-
tion~ in shooting.
~. DeMarco moved to approve the lease agreement for the
range, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion
carried 5-0. Mayor Zack clarified that this was giving
authority to,the City Manager to proceed with obtaining
estimates for the building.
Consider Revised Contract Between the City and Palm Beach
County Re: Bristol Sprin~s
?m. Kohl read the attached letter dated MAY3, 1977, from
Ms. N. Suzanne Hunter, Environmental Control Officer of Palm
Beach County. Mayor Zack asked if the City Attorney had re-
viewed the agreement and Mm. Moore replied: yes, it is ac-
ceptable as to form.
M~rs. Jackson moved to accept the agreement between Palm
Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach regarding Bristol
Springs and to have the proper authorities execute it. Mr.
Caldwell seconded the motion. Under discussion, ~. DeMarco
referred to the people in Bristol Springs still not having
any water and must boil the water and advised that he had
been approached by Mm. McArthur wantLug to know if there
was ~ny way they could get water and offered to put in their
own lines. Mr. Kohl suggested not doing this as Bristol
Springs is bankrupt with liens on the property. Ms. Hunter
agrees we should stay pat until it is settled with the
Mr. Strnad moved to table this until we have more information
to show it will be profitable or we must do it. ~. DeMarco
referred to agreeing on this previously and Mm. Strnad re-
plied that he did not like the idea that we will have to take
care of all connection and distribution lines and mak~ im-
provements. Mr. DeMarco referred to agreeing on it previously
and Mm. Kohl added that this is in our service s~ea and the
sewer and transmission lines will be paid for by other com-
panies and he explained how Pointe Overlook and Southern Bell
would pay for them. ~. Strnad stated that the Boynton Beach
taxpayers do not have to pay anything and Mr. Kohl replied:
no, not after Southern Bell and Pointe O~-erlook pay, plus
they will be paying ~25% for the water. Mayor Zack ascer-
tained there was no second to Mr. Strnad's tabling motion.
Mayor Zack then called for a vote on Mrs. Jackson's original
motion and the motion carried 5-0.
Discuss Swimming Pool Ordinance - Councilman Norman F. Strnad
and Councilman Richard D. Caldwell
Mr. Strnad referred to the large crowd being present in the
audience and stated he would like to acquaint them with the
facts of how this particular ordinance ~as passed to begin
with. At this time, he was unable to find his notes and re-
quested the public be heard before he spoke.
P~. Patrick Stafford, ~9 Colonial Club Drive, appeared before
the Council ~ud referred to two weeks ago when he appeared
before the Council and at that time, the Council made a verbal
17, 1977
commitment they would look into this matter and let us know.
They appreciate the quick action in placing this on the agenda.
They hope the Co~uncil in their corrective wisdom will come to
the decision to amend this ordinauuce or grant a variance to
Colonial Club. He then oresented a petition signed by 353
residents of Colonial ClUb. He fUrther commended the Counci!
for their prompt action in this matter. He then requested
the representatives present from Colonial Club to stand to
show their appreciation to the Council. Mayor Zack~informed
them that the City Manager and Building Official had looked
into this and would giveaa report later.
Mr. Sam Wall, 2018 S~ Federal Highway, Seagate of Gulfstres~,
appeared before the Council. He advised that Seagate of Gulf-
stream is an adult community with no small children except
those visting either at C?~ristmas or Easter. When children
come, they do not use the pools in the complex without an
adult being in attendance at any time. Also, the oools are
closely supervised by adults or pool attendants. ~hey recom-
mend that the Council amend the ordinance eliminating fencing
in condominium pools. He explained how they did not think
fencing would accomplish anything and would possibly be detri-
mental in getting to a person who has fallen into the pool.
They feel this ordinance will not do what it is supposed to
accomplish. Their pools have been in use for four years and
they have had no problem with safety. He again requested the
Council to eliminate the pool fencing. He then requested the
people from Seagate of Gulfstream to stand.
~. John Q. Adams, 770 Horizons East, Sterling Village, ap-
peared before the Council and stated their point of view was
similar to the previous two speakers. He told about their
pools being in use for 12 years and having no safety problems.
They feel their pool maintenance committee monitors the oool
extremely well. He told about having public liability i~sur-
ance coverage far in excess of that required. They request
the ordinance to be amended in the direction as requested by
the previous two spe~ers that condominiums ~ad cooperatives
be omitted from compliance. He added that good friends of
theirs in a larger condominium in the northwest section would
be delighte8 to have this go through since it will enable them
to get what they want from their developer; however, they are
not concerned who will pay the bill. He then the~ked the
Council for receiving his message.
Y~. Ed Tottser, 2540 $. Federal Highway, Hampshire Gardens,
appeared before the Council. He advised that this was a
senior citizens development ~nd children do not generally
use the pool. There is a hazard ~lready existing in the
area with the Intracoastal Waterway. The pool is located
a full 200 yaz~ds from the nearest public highway, with one
side on the Intracoastal ~nd having a mecorative masonry
MAY 17, 1977
wall. They feel a fence would be aesthetically devastating.
They are willing to absolve the City of any responsibility
and will deliver liability coverage in thi~ regard. They
have substantial resentment to a pool fence. He then re-
quested the delegation of concerned people from Hampshire
Gardens to stand.
Mr. Joseph Arc, ow, 2520 N. E. 1st Court, Village Royale on
the Green, appeared be£ore the Council. He first stated he
w~ sorry he did not hear the remarks Mr. Strnad wanted to
express in regards to the introduction of the original ordi-
nance. He stated he wanted to call their attention to the
fact that three members of the present Council were present
when the ordinance was passed in 1976 a~ud when it was amended
on August 9, 1976. This ordinance was adooted for the ~afety
of not only children, but adults and peopl~ in general. ~t
Village Royale on the Green, one pool is within 100 ft. of a
City street and the other pool is within 200 ft. of four to
five other City streets. He told about having to call the
Police Department on at least six occasions to have them get
People out of the pool between 11~00 P. M. ~ud 2:30 A. M.
He has no objection to a variance being granted ~o any condo-
minium if the Board finds they are entitled to it. However,
as far as they are concerned at Village Royale on the Green,
they have a situation where health and safety of not only
the residents but all the people who can gain access to the
pool should be taken into consideration. He told about dis-
cussi~g this with Mr. ~dams ~d informing him he was opposed
to the ordin~uce being amended for the same reasons explained
now. This ordinance was passed for the health and safety of
the people in Boynton Beach. A navigable waterway was taken
into consideration and no fence is required on that side. He
thinks the ordinance should he maintained in its original
form for the benefit of the people in the City of Boynton
Beach. He trusts this will be t~e result of the investiga-
tion made by the City Manager and Building Superintendent.
He added that they have approximately750 residents at Vil-
lage Royale on the Green.
~. Doug Crawford, 2222 N. E. 1st Way, VillaEe Royale, ap-
peared before the Council. He stated he was not aws~e of
this ordinance, but~has heard enough from the other people
to know what the problem is. He agrees with everybody but
?~. lranow because he thir~ks the ordinance should be amended
or a variance given. He thinks this applies equally to indiv-
idual home owners as well. He referred to senior citizens on
fixed incomes purchasing the homes incondominiums ~ud stated
why should these owners who were not aware of the ordin~uce
pay for something which the bmilder should have done. He re-
quested the people from Village Royale to stand. He then
clarified that Village Royale was separate from Village
Royale on the Green ~nd Village Royale~!nc.
MAY 17, 1977
Mr. Strnad informed the people that the original ordinance
was drafted in 1960; however, it was never updated to in-
clude any condominiums in the following years. ~ He believes
the first condominium built was Hampshire Gardens, which was
started in 1964. He believes this ordinance should have been
updated at that particular time to include thes~ particnlar
areas if the Council desired. He believes the Council mem-
bers went along with the amendment to the original ordinance
based on the fact we had a new Building Official and he was
in favor of it. He read from the ~nutes of Ju~e 15, 1976,
when M~. Howell brought it"to the Council's attention. Mmybe
they did not have all the information, but the ordinance was
passed. From the amount of people present showing concern,
he believes an amendment is not necessary, but believes it
should be left at the discretion of the Building Official and
City Manager to determine where it is feasible not to have
fences installed. It is fine if people wa~ut fences mud they
can put them up. If theoordinance is discontinmed or changed,
he is afraid the people who do want it would have to pay for
it themselves rather than the developer or builder. The
_oerson who built the swimming pool must pay for the fence.
He requests the Council to go along with having a committee
or the City Manager mud Building Official find extenuating
circumstances and allowing them to have no fence. Mayor
Zack referred to authorizin~ the City Manager and Building
Official to investigate some of these places and he believes
six or seven were checked. M~. Kohl informed him that they
checked eight.
~s. Jackson stated she thought this suggestion was a legal
question as she does not think we can make it a rule for some
and not others and M~. Moore agreed.
Mrs. Jackson stated she was in favor of this all the way
through until last week when she heard the statement that
too many laws are made to protect us from ourselves. She
explained how there was the possibility of someone fainting
and they could fall into the bathtub as well as into a pool.
She thinks there should be an either/or clause requiring a
fence or a good amount of insurance.
M~. Caldwell stated.he was appreciative of ~. Strnad's
statements and the position the Council was in last year,
and explained how an ordinance, law, or even the Constitu-
tion of the United States, could be amended if found not
flexible enough or not in harmony with the feelings of the
people who control all power. He thin~ an amendment shoul~
be passed taking into consideration the views which have
come to light since the passage of the original ordin~ace or
particular law. Based on this, he asked the City Attorney
to draw up ~u ordinance amending the original Ordin~uce No.
76-17 to take into consideration special situations which
17, 1977
arise from time to time in regards to both commercial estab-
lishments and condominium areas. He referred to recommenda-
tions made by Mr. Moore, ~. Eo~hl, and Mr. Howell emd stated
this was the reason he requested this amendment and to have
this item on ~the agenda. He thinks what we have to do as
Council people is realize in our wisdom that we do goof up
s~ud we must be adult enough to realize if a change is neces-
sary, we should go about it in the proper manner to adopt
changes to offer flexibility. At this point, he requested
the City Attorney to read the amended ordinance. Mayor Zack
requested this to be read later after the discussion is com-
pleted. ~4r. Caldwell stated he thought they must take a look
at this particular ordinance con~rning pool enclosures and
do something about ~ne commercial establishments, condominiums,
rental apartments, etc, a~ud also maintain some control by the
City Manager and Building Official to offer discretion when
and how to exclude such establishments from the existing ordi-
M~'or Zack stated that the ordinance was set up for the
safety and welfare of the people. On October 2~, 1960,
when the ordinance was drafted, all private ventures had
to have enclosures, but motels smd hotels were excluded if
they had insurance, but that was discrimination. Now, all
pools must be enclosed. The City Manager was instructed to
check places and he discussed the flexibility with him, but
they mus~ enforce the ordinance as much as possible. He
then requested the City Manager to read his report.
Mr. Kohl reported that he and Mr. Edgar E. Howell, the Build-
ing Official, visited eight condominiums on T~esday, May 3,
and Thursday, May 12, 1977. M~. Howell s~d he both agree to
adhere to the Swim~ng Pool Ordinance subject to~ the unique
situation of each individual condominium. For instance, four
condomini~ have buildings on each side of the pool. Five
condominiu~ have the backside of the pool near the intra-
coastal, and a retaining wall in which the intracoastal and
walt are both a ~arrier to getting into the pool area for
anyone, child or adult. Two of the condominiums have prac-
tically three sides of the pool faced with buildings and the
intracoastal on the backside. He clarified that his opinion
was that buildings are the same as a fence.
M~yor Zackthen asked how many people had conformed to the
ordinance ~ad ~. Howell replied that ~pproximately one half
of the condominiums have conformed at this time or are in
the process of conforming. He pointed out that the Board of
Appeals can hear hardship cases and he does not think it
would be legal for him to give a variance ~ud Mr. Moore
informed the Council that he did not think the Council had
the legal autD_~_ty to delegate authority to an official.
Any time that a person does not agree with the Building Offi-
cial's decision, he can appeal to the Board of Adjustment, but
must prove a hardship.
t7, 1977
Mrs. Jackson stressed that she thought there should be an
either/or clause with either requiring a fence or enough
instance, so it would be fair to everyone. In reference
to Mr. Aranow's mentioning they had to call the Police, this
is a case of people trespassing on private property. When
the original Swimmi~ Pool Ordinsmce was written, nobody even
knew what a condominium was. With condominiums, it is a dif-
ferent thing. She thinks they must have a lot of insurance
or a fence. Mmyor Zack referred to the insurance and asked
who they would sue and Mms. Jackson reolied they would sue the
person who has the swim~ug pool. i~5~y~r Zack stated they
could not sue themselves as the insurance is paid by them.
Mm. DeMs~co stated he went along with the people from Ster-
ling Village and those pools that are surrounded. The Intra-
coastal Waterway is a hazard and do they want fences along
the whole waterway? Also, they~must consider how c~uals are
dangerous. Mayor Zack stated that nobody was m~ing a home
there and M~. DeMa_~co replied there are a lot of homes on the
Proposed Orml_ance No. 77-16 Re~ Safety Enclosures for Pools
Mm. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 77-16.
Mayor Zack announced that on behalf of the new Council members,
any time an ordinance is to be submitted, it should be pre-
sented to the Council a~ud not be done by one member individ-
~. Caldwetl stated that everything was fine as drawn up,
but with giving more thought perhaps the additional phrase
should be added~after personnel: "and upon written request
to the City Manager and Chief Building Official and upon
their recommendation'. }Ar. Moore informed him this would
~e giving illegal delegation of authority to ~a administra-
tive official ~ud the Council must make the decision what
the law is to be. M~. Caldwell questioned who would deter-
mine whether or not the particular condominium or motel pool
was under propsr surveillance and ~. Moore replied that the
Building Department could do that and issue a violation.
M~~. DeMarco suggested the insurance coverage be not less than
$t00,000/$300,OOO instead of $50,000/$100,OOO. ~s. Jackson
M~. Caldwetl withdrew his suggestions after considering the
legal opinion.
Mr. Caldwell moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 77-16 on
first reading with the $100,000/$300,000 insurance stipula-
tion, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Under discussion, Mayor
17, 1977
Zack stated he still thinks the purpose of the Swimming Pool
Ordinance was for the safety and welfare of the people. He
thinks the City Government should be responsible for these
things. Most of the people 8~e seniors and need protection.
He has been involved in some of these cases personally and
feels the health and welfare are his concern. ~s. Jackson
remarked that m~ybe fences should be required along canals
and around bathtubs. Mayor Zack clarified that he was just
stating his opinion and~-requested that he not be taken the
wrong way. M~s. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the
motion as follows:
Councilman Strnad - To
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilme~ DeMarco - Aye
Vice M~yor Jackson - .~ye
Mayor Zack - No
Motion carried 3-2.
In view of the people exi%ing, Mayor Zack declared a recess
at 9:05 P. M. He called the meeting back to order at 9.1~ P.M.
Discuss Tree F~eservation Ordinance
M~. Kohl informed the Council that this ordinance had been
submitted to three attorneys and at one time, it was sent
back to the Community Appearance Board for their review.
This ordinance has also been before Council several times; and
at this time, the Community Appearance Board, at their Regu-
lar Meeting of May 2, 1977, requested that it be presented
again to Council.
Mayor Zack remarked that he thought they were still back
where they were before. He thinks the ordinance is compli-
cated ~md they would hs3;e problems enforcing it. Mr. Howell
agreed and stated they would have to have someone who knows
about trees.
~s. Jackson referred to Section 23 causing an unnecessary
delay. She thinks the ordinance is too restrictive. She
thi~Cms it would put a great burden on the Building Depart-
Mayor Zack suggested sending it back to the Community Appear-
ance Board to be simplified. Mm. DeMarco moved to send it
back to the Community Appearance Board for simplification,
seconded by ~s. Jackson. Under discussion, ~s. Jackson
stated that they must remember this is to be enforced by the
Building Department. She also stated that they must consider
making it impossible for anyone to build anything. Mmyor
Zack suggested that the Building Official review it before
17, 1977
it is resubmitted to the Council. ME. Kohl informed them
that the Building Official and Planner both looked at 2he
ordins_uce and both rejected it. Mr. Strnad stated they
would have to have someone with knowledge in the horticul-
ture line to enforce this ordinance. Motion carried 5-0.
Six (6) Tennis Courts - One (1)
and ResBrfacing
Pract_~e Area Reconditioning
Mr. Kohl referred to the City Council, at their Regular Meet-
lng of May 3, 1977, approved his recen~mendation to negotiate
on the above. He referred to recommendations submitted from
M~. Charles C. Frederick, Recreation Director; M~. W. V.
Flushing, Deputy City Engineer and Mr. William H. Sullivan,
P~rchasing Agent. Those three individualsrrecommend that
this project be let to Tennis Supply Comp~any of Lake Worth,
inasmuch as they meet the required time limit plus they are
willing to post a certificate of deposit for the specified
amount. Also recommended is that we hold 1~ of the total
and release these funds upon completion and satisfaction of
the job. He concurs with the above recommendations.
M~s. Jack~on questioned the difference between the bid from
All Sports Construction Co., Inc., which was slightly lower
and M~. Kohl replied that it was the time limit. Mr. DsMarco
added that he would like to deal with local companies when-
ever possible. M~. Strnad ~uestioned the difference in time
and M~. Frederick informed him the one was 25 days ~ud this
one is t3 days. ~. Strnad asked if he had seen the work
performed by these pe~ticular companies and if it was com-
parable with taking longer and ~. Frederick replied that he
has seen and insoected the work of this comps_ny and has full
confidence in thSm.
M~. DeMarco moved to accept the City Manager's recommenda-
tion, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0.
Wilson Pool Repairs
~m. Kohl read a memorandum from ~. Willis~ H. Sullivan,
Purchasing Agent, advising that he telephoned the fo~r
pool firms previously expressing interest, but only two
responses were received. One bid was in the e~ount of
$11,300 from SparSe Pools which included sand blasting,
re-marciting a~d installing six racing lines, with $1,600
to be deducted if the sand blasting is excluded. The time
required is 30 days ~d the one year guar~utee cannot be
given if the pool is not s~dblasted. The other bid was in
the amount of $11,657.50 from ~entury Pools and includes all
the work outlined above with $1,125 deducted for sand blast-
ing. Completion time would be 20 days only and a one year
guarantee is given. He recommends accepting the quotation
from Century Pools for the firm price and a guarantee with
or without sandblasting.
~s. Jackson moved to accept the City MAnager,s recommenda-
tion a~ud award the contract to Century Pools, seconded by
Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
West Palm Beach Auditorium
Mayor Joseph F. Zack
Mayor Zack told about the West Palm Beach Auditorium opera-
ting $250,000 in arrears and advised that the County Commi~-
sion would like to know our feelings. He does not thir~k we
should be involved with bailing somebody out. He recommends
a resolution be sent to the County Co~missioners.
M~s. Jack. son moved to send a resolution to the County Commis-
sioners as requested by Mayor Zack, seconded by ~. Strnad.
Under discussion, M~s. Jackson stated that the auditorium has
been operated in the red ever s~nce it was built. The City
officials voted for it in West Palm Beach e~ud now they want
everyone to bail them out. Mr. DeMarco asked if the County
was asking us to participate or just feeling us out and
Kohl clarified that at the request of Mayor Zack, he called
a couple County Com~ssloners and Mr. Lake Lytal emphasized
he was going to send a letter to each city asking what they
thought, but he has not received the letter. M~. Moore clari-
fied that the Council intended to take the position in oppo-
sition to the County being involved. He believes the County
would entertain being involve~ if the cities would pay off
the obligation. Mayor Zack added that they were asking for
our comments since it wil~ involve our tax dollars. Also,
everyone pays to go there and why should we bail someone
else out. 5~. Caldwell questioned that if in the event the
city no longer wished to maintain the building and the County
does not accept it, will there be an auditorium for such
activities? He thinks before making a'decision, we should
consider the alternatives of what will happen if the City
cannot afford to run the place 8~ud sells it to the County
or an outside concern. ~ayor Zack informed him that the
city of West Palm Beach must hold onto it until the bond
indebtedness is paid off. ~s. Jackson told about the audi-
torium never having paid for itself. Also, she would not
ex_oect '~¢est Palm Beach to bail us out if we ma~de a mistake.
M_~. DeM~co stated if the County want~s to go ahead, he thir_ks
it should be their prerogative, but the City should not get
involved. Mayor Zack stated tS~t the County uses our money
and ~m. DeMarco replied that eve,rybody in the County is using
the aua_~to~mum. Mayor Zack pointed out that the people pay
admission. !~. De]~co remarhed' that if it were run better,
he believes they could opera, re o~ a better basis. M~jor
Zack stated that not too many .municipal auditoriums are self-
supporting, but a~e subsidize~ by the city. Motion carried
17, 1977
Consider Approval of Right-of-Way }~p - Seacrest Boulevard,
Between ~oo~bri~ht Road and Bo~nton Cana~
M~. Kohl referred to correspondence from the Board of County
Commissioners Survey Division and advised that he had the
map with him. He pointed out there was a May 24, 1977,
deadline. He referred to a statement submitted from the
City Engineer recommending approval of the map.
M~. DeMarco moved to approve the Right-of-Way Map, seconded
by Mr. Caldwell. ~o discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Change Order No. 2 - Water Treatment Pl~t
~. Kohl read the attached letter dated May 1t, 1977, from
Russell & Axon.
Mayor Z~ck asked if the Building Department looked over the
plans prior to awarding of the contract and ~. Kohl replied
that they did at some extent, but many times things are not'
caught until after construction. Mayor Mack asked if the
contractor was aware of codes and regulations ~ud ~. Kohl
replied: yes.
M~. Kohl then read the itemized list covered by the change
order. Mayor Mack stated he was concerned about Items 5 and
6 as required by the Building Department.m Mr. Howell in-
formed him this was procedure and the code calls for expan-
sion joints at any key joints. ~. Kohl asked why they
were being charged for it now if it was called for by code
and ~. Howell replied that he was not ~are of these addi-
tional charges. He added that the electrici~_u should also
have been aware of the code. Mr. Kohl requested ~@. Swan
to explain. M~. Swan referred to Items 5 and 6 and stated
these joints are required by the Building Dep~tment, but as
far as their Design Departr~ent was concerned, these construc-
tion joints are not necessary on the inside of a shaded
building~ so the original plan approved by the Building De-
partment did not include construction ~ud expansion joints.
The contractor bids on the plan and not code. Mayor Zack
asked if the code was checked before the bid was let out
and M~. Howell replied that every plan that goes out of the
Building Department is stamped that issuance of the permit
does not entitle any contractor to violate codes. M~stakes
can be made, but when an inspector goes out on a job and
finds it not according to code, it will be turned down.
~. Swan added thmt these two were the only ones involving
code. Mayor Mack asked if he was aware of these, so it
could have been changed in the blueprint and ~@. Swan replied
that he was not aware of this particular facet of the Boynton
Beach code.
~Y 17, ]977
Mayor Zack asked about the other items and M~. DeMarco asked
why they were changed? Mr. Swan referred to Item 2a and ex-
plained how at the time of design, the telephone conduit was
specified, but not as much as required since the superinten-
dent will occupy the building, it will requ~re additional
lines. The use of that building was not contemplated that
extensively when designed. Mayor Zack recommended turning
down this Change Order and having the City Manager and Build-
ing Official meet with Russell & Axon.
~. DeMarco made a motion to refer this Change Order back to
the City M~uager and Building Official for all eleven items
to be checked, seconded by -~s. Jackson. Under discussion,
M~. Strnad requested the items to be defined further and re-
ferred to Item 2a mad ~he number of feet not bedmg specified.
M~. Kohl advised that he would find out. ~. DeMarco added
that the changes must be made now because it will cost more
later. Motion carried 5-0.
Request for Purchase
Tre= ~me~t Plant
of Polymer & Hydrated Lime for Sewer
M~. Kohl referred to a self-explanatory request submitted
from the Purchasing Agent ~ud advised that inasmuch as the
above is purchased regularly, the monies have been budgeted
in the Sewage Treatment Plamt Account #030-822-65. As indi-
cated in M~. Sullivan's memorandum, by purchasing these pro-
ducts in bulk, the City will realize a better price. It is
Mr. Sullivan's recommendation to continue purchasing these
products from the same two companies who are supplying us at
this time. He concurs with Mr. Sullivan's recommendations.
Mr. Caldwell moved to approve these recommendations, seconded
by M~. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Approval for Purchase oE Books & Other Media for the
~. Kohl requested Council's approval for the purchase of
books mud other media, i.e. records, puzzles, etc. for the
Library at an approximate cost of $5,000.00. A copy of the
Budget Trsmsfer Request has been submitted, which must be
approved subject to Council's approval of the above. As indi-
cated, monies are available to be trmusferred from Fixed
Charges, Special Contingency/Anti-Recession Account No.
885.17 to the Library (Books) Account No. 001-880-74.
As they know, the Anti-Recession funds can be used for this
and he would like to mse it for books.
Ca~dwe__ moved to approve the City Manager's request for
the purchase of books and other media for the Library at an
approxlm~.te cost of $5,000.00. M~r. DeM8~co seconded the
17, 1977
motion. Under discussion, Mayor Zack~clarified that this
$5,000 was not part of the budget and ~k~. Kohl replied: no.
Mayor Zack~referred to the total of ~25,O00 s_nd ?lt. Kohl
clarified that only $5,000 was spent for the Library and
there is more in the budget. Mayor Zack stated he thought
the Library should be updated as much as possible. Motion
carried 5-0.
~equest for Extension of Retirement - M~. Henry Alber~
Mr. Kohl referred to a recuest from M~. Albers submitted
and his comments which he'submitted on Ms~v 6, 1975, at the
time of ~. Alhers, first request for an extension of re-
tirement. To bring you ~p to date on his absences, he has
been out four (4) days in 1976 due to the death of his
mother who resided in Daytona Beach; mud for 1977 (to date)
M~. Albers has not been out at all. Needless to say, he is
of the same opinion regardingMr. Albers, ability and dedi-
cation; he is an outstanding employee s~d most certainly a
credit to the City. According to the ordinsaace, ~. Albers
is permitted to request an extension of his retirement for
four (4) successive years or at age 70 whichever comes first.
Again, he strongly reconnmends M_r. Aibers' retirement be ex-
tended for one year beginning June 14, 1977 through June 13,
~978 in the position he now holds as Supervisor of the Build-
ing Maintenance Department.
Mrs. Jackson moved to grant this extension. She added she
didn't think anyone should be put out to pasture because
they reach 63. She thinks ~. Albers has done a wonderful
job. ~. DeMarco seconded the motion. Under discussion,
M~vor Zack%stated he personally feels this man is very re-
sponsible. Mr. Strnad added that ~. Albers has probably
done more for this City than any other person who has worked
for this City. This man is terrific amid it would bsa shame
to 10se a man of this calliber. He suggests honoring him in
some way for his dedication to the City. Motion carried 5-0.
(A S~preme Court Ruling)
Mrs. Jackson referred to the lawAhavlng been changed s2ating
you cannot discriminate because of age and suggested that the
Civil Service laws be reviewed mud possibly take out the age
limit. Possibly they could put in if the employee is in
good health with a doctor's certificate, they could continue.
She would like this to<~be put on the agenda for the next meet-
ing~for further discussion. Mss'or Zack<~replied that they did
have a right to Continue if the City Manager recommends for
one year at a time. Mr. Strnad suggested leaving it as is.
~-~s. Jackson continued that she did not think they should
simply depend on one person,s viewpoint whether the employee
should be let go. She thinks they should be able to sts~v if
their health is good and they are doing a good job. Mr.
Strnad stated that when a person reaches the age of 70, he
See Min.
may want to keep active, but they should give younger people
a chance also. ~ms. Jackson clarified that she was just re-
ferring to the age of 65. Mayor Zack stated that the City
Manager is acquainted with the employees and should know
whether an extension should be gr~uted. M~s. Jackson re-
ferred to one case previously when the City ~nager did not
submit a written recommendation. She requested this item
to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.
Request of Boynton Beach Child Ceme Center, Inc.
Mr. Kohl referred to a request submitted from the Boynton
Beach Child Care Center for permission to move a mobile
trailer onto property leased to them by the City. If Coun-
cil approves, this permission would be6gr~uted for a period
of one year.
Mr. DeMarco moved to grant approval, seconded by Mrs. Jackson.
Under discussion, M~. Caldwell questioned why they were re-
questing this and asked if the Center was operated by the
City? Mr. Kohl read the letter dated May 3, 1977, from the
Boynton Beach Child Ceme Center for further cls~iflcation.
M~or Zack asked if this would be checked out by the Build-
~g Department ~ud ~. Kohl replied: yes. ~s. Jack~on added
that this has been done in the past. Motion carried 5-0.
Discuss Accommodations at Animal Shelter
~. Kohl informed the Council that last week, a resident of
the City called regarding conditions at the Animal Shelter.
She was particularly concerned about the following:
The ~uimals did not have actual bedding or pads to lie on.
Cages for the cats were too small.
Mistreatment of the animals.
Does the City have a flea control program.
He requests Council's wishes regarding an investigation of
the situation at the Animal Shelter ~ud possible recon~enda-
tions to improve this operation. He realizes this is an
Administrative item; however, there could be monies involved.
i~s. Jackson referred this might be reported to-the H maae~Societ
and asked if M~. Kohl had looR~d into ~is ~ad M~. K6~ ~eL Y
plied that the main thing was the plastic bedding. ~. See Min.
DeMarco asked if this was required and M~. Kohl replied that of
he did not think it was. 6/7/77
M~. DeMarco moved to instruct the City Manager to handle this,
seconded by Mrs. Jackson. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
ReQuest for Refund on Cemetery Lot ~. Harry N~im!ch
M~. Kohl referred to correspondence received by the Cemetery
Board from ~. Nemd_cn and requested Council's wishes on this
M~s. Jackson moved to grant this~request, seconded by
DeMarco. Under dSsc~ssion, Mr. Strnad stated he still
thought we were rlpping people off with taking 2~g off.
He referred to the price paid for the lot and what it could
be sold for. ~. Kohl stated that the lots are maintained
a_ud there is a cost involved and this has been the policy
for years. ~, Strnad remarked that it was a shame we have
to make money on a cemetery plot and Mrs. Jack, on replied
that we are not making money. Mr. Kohl informed them that
the money did not go into the General Fund, but into the
Cemetery Fund. Motion carried 5-0.
Accept Resignation from M~. Arnold R.
lations Board
Fasano - Community Re-
Mrs. Jackson moved to accept the resignation from Mr. Fasano with recy~et
and requested a letter to be sent. She referred to the ledge
number of members on the Community Relations Board ~ad stated
she did not think it was necessary to appoint a replacement SeeM dh.
member. ~. DeMarco seconded the motion. No discussion, of
Motion cs~ried 5-0. 6/7/77
Appoint Alternate Member to the Board of Adjustment
M~s. Jackson referred to ,Mr. Ben Adelman submitting a letter
statir~ he would like to serve and moved to appoint ~,~. Ben
Adelman as an alternate member of the Board of Adjustment.
MC, Caldwell seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion
carried 5-0.
Applications for Permit to Solicit:
1. American Legion Auxiliary Unit 288
2. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
3. Leisureville Post 10~50~ Veterans of Foreign Wars
M~. Kohl informed the Council that all the applications were
in order ~ud requested approval. Mrs, Jackson moved to ap-
prove all three applications, seconded by ~. DeMarco. Eo
discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Application for Beverage License - Villager Pub
Kohl read the application. Mr. Caldwell moved to grant
Jesus,_ce of the license, seconded by Mr. DeMarco. Under ~
cussion, ~s. Jackson referred to receiving some complaints
17, 1977
and questioned how many places were located in this area?
Mr. Caldwell informed her that Mr. Hans Schmitz formerly
owned the Villager ~.b, but he passed awsy recently 8~d
this is his daughter applying for the license. Motion car-
ried 5-0.
.Consider Approval of Various Budget Transfer Requests
Mr. Kohl requested approval of the following Budgev Transfer
Requests, all of which have been submitted:
For final psjment to Martin J. Yoha!em, P. E. for Tech-
nical Assistauuce ordered by the Grand Jury and approved
by Council on December 21, 1976, regarding Village Royale
on the Green, Greenview Building, Final Payment - $127.50.
For fill at landfill area - Keatts Trucking Service in
the amount of $1~024.O0 is listed on this agenda's
"Approval of Bill~. Final Payment is expected soon and
will be placed on the June 7th agenda's "Approval of
Two Budget Transfer Requests involving different accounts
to cover additional Carpenter, M~j & Bremer invoices for
the 1975-t976 Annual Financial Report in the amount of
$1,188.38. included in this agenda,s "Approval of Bills".
At the time of the 1976-1977 budget preparavion, we found
we were quite short as mentioned to all of you. He had
to include every de~oartment ~ud deleted this Merit Bonus
item. Now that the-fins~cial report is in ~ud he has un-
appropriated surpluses~ he would like to include this in
the present budget under "Fixed Charges~, in the amount of
Mrs. Jackson moved to accept the recommendation of the City
Manager and grant the four budget transfers. Mm. Caldwell
seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Receipt of List of Payments fo~ Ap~i%~ 1977
~s. Jackson moved to accept the List of Payments for April,
1977, and attach to the minutes, seconded by M~. Caldwell.
Under discussion, Mayor Zack asked whose uniforms were cleaned
and M~. Kohl informed him that blankets were clea~ued. Mayor
Zack referred to Dixie Asphalt Co. submitting several small
bills and M~. Kohl informed him that they buy asphalt from
them for the box spreader and patching holes. Mayor Zack
referred to Page 19 and the payment to Olenik Plumbing and
asked if there was a con~lict with this since I~. Olenik
serves on a Board and !~. Kohl replied that as long as the
price is the same, they can buy anywhere. He added that
these payments covered equipment purchased by all depart-
ments. Motion carried 5-0.
MAY 17, 1977
Approval of Bills
~. Kohl read the following bills for approval:
American S~htseeing Tours~ inc.
Senior Citizens trip to Busch Gardens
Pay from 001-402
City re-imbursed by individuals
Frank Boulton Datsun
Shortbed pick-up' for Sewage Pumping Station
Pay from budgeted funds 030-921.51
State bid per City Manager's approval
South Central Regional Wastewater
Treatment & Disposal Board 250,764.00
Aprzl o. zsbursemenz of funGs
Pay from Atlantic National Bank - Series 1975B
Per "~dministrative Procedure" dated 1/27/77
4. Allied Chlorine & Chemical Products~ Inc. 4,388.86
Pay ~om budgeted funds 030-~11.63 $3,258.00
030-822.63 $1,130.86
5. Advance Air Conditioning & Heatin~ Inc. 1,650.00
Install A/C in Personnel Dept.
Pay from budgeted funds 020-800
6. Ernest G. Simon 3,258.00
Professional' s~rvices on Rinker, Lehigh
Portland Cement & Tick cases
Pay from Account O01-814.18
Transfer approved to cover cost
Intercounty Construction Est. #8 201,911.32
Water T~eatment Plant Expansion
Pay from Atlantic National Bank ~ Series 1975A
Contract dated 7/9/76
8. Gersch & Brmmuchi Est. #8 18,476.10
Water Distribution Building & i~,~a_rehouse
Pay from Utility General Fund 030-205
Contract dated .~/26/76
9. Willie Ruth McGrad..v 96.00
Server for Senmor Cmtizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from b~dgetem funds 020-880
Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73
10. Isiah ~ndrews 1tO.O0
Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2
Pay from budgeted funds 020-880
Ordinmuce #73-15, passed 5/15/73
~£~Y 17, 1977
Publix Supermarket
Food for needy and infirmed
Pay from budgeted funds 020-880
Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73
12. ~eatts TruCkin~Service
~ill for City Landfill
Subject to approval of transfer
Pay from 001-853.39
13. c~penter~ M~& Bremer
printing cOsts of annual report
Subject to approval of transfers
Pey from 001,830.21 $792.26
001-802.2t $396.12
Board of County Commissioners 1,714.45
Repair & material for Servicing traffic devices
Pay from budgeted funds 001'854.97
15. Crabt~ee Cons%ruction Co.~ I~c. Est. #2 30,251.33
Relocation of U~ilities on Woblbright Rd.
Pay from Utility General Fund 030-205
Contract dated 2/15/77
16. UnSted States K-9 Tr~nin~ School 11,268.00
FOU_~ (4) K-9 DOge, training course and
Pay from~funds transferred - 5/3/77 meeting
17~ ~.B.M. Corporation 3,~35. 0
~ompUter r~ntal - month of May ($3,059.00)
Back billing for Jan., Feb. & Mar. ($276.00)
Pay from budgeted funds 001-890.38
~. Kohl stated that the bills described have been approved
and verified by the department heads involved; checked and
approved for payment by the Finance Depamtment; funds are
available in their respective budgets. He reco.~.ends pay-
ment of these bills.
Mms. Jackson asked m~ Item No. 8 had a~thir~ to do with the
Ch~mge Order which was sent back for review and ~. Kohl re-
plied that the Change Or~er h~d nothing to do with this.
}~. Strnad referred to Item No. 6 ~nd stated he thought we
were all through paying ~. Simon for his work on cases.
Mr. Simon has not been the City Attorney for over a ye~.
How come this bill was submitted so late? Mm. Kohl replied
that these were the three cases approved by the Council for
Mr. Simon to handle. !~myor Zack questioned the lateness in
submitting the bill and Mr. Kohl replied that he did not
know why, but }~i. Simon admitted they were late.
DeMarco asked if the bill was in line ~ad ~. Kohl replied
they have to pay on the integrity of the person. ~s.
Jackson added that the Tick case was just recently finished.
M~. Kohl agreed ~d added that Rinker and Lehigh Portland
Cement went on and on.
M~s. Jackson moved to pay the bills, seconded by Mr. DeMarco.
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Disposition of Used Equipment
Mr. Kohl requested permission to sell an addressograph and
the supplies which go with same to the Chamber of Commerce
for the price of $40~.00. This price is better than any
bids received in the past for this item. Also, he requests
approval to trade several miscellaneous office machines to
Business Macaine Co. of West Palm Beach for two (2) new cal-
~. Strnad asked if this was the same addressograph used by
the F.O.P. to send out letters arid ~. Kohl replied that it
is, but the Chamber of Commerce is willing to help any organ-
ization in the City. Also, the City does have a computer
addressing program which can be used if necesss~.y.
~. DeMarco moved to grant the City Manager's requests,
seconded by ~_~_rs. Jack, son. No discussion. Motion carried
Request for Approval for Engineering Study - N. E. 7th Street
M~. Kohl requested approval for an engineering study to be
made by our City Engineer for the possible re-building of
N. E. 7th Street. He would like to do the job with large
sizes of "rip-ra~' similar to what is being used at the
municipal boat ramp. He added that this street was located
p~allel to the intracoastal.
~L~. Caldwell moved to grant the request for an engineering
study, so we can do something about the streets in our town.
Mr. DeMarco seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion
carried 5-0.
Campers and Trailers
M~. Paul Hill, 2451N. E. 1st Lane, appeared before the Coun-
cil and stated he felt his Constitutional rights were being
a little bit violated. He referred to the ordin~uce per-
taining to camping trailers parked on private property. He
owns one amd it is not up often, A red tag was placed on it
17, 1977
and he went to the Building Department about it and was sent
a copy of the ordins~ce. He requests the Council to take
into consideration that he cannot afford to pay someone to
store this for him for a~long period of time. He told about
his job requiring him to drive through the City often and
he sees them sitting all around, but m~4y people cannot
afford or have available places to store it. He requests
the ordin~uce be changed to allow campers ~ud trailers to
be parked on private property. He referred to boats, swamp
buEgys, etc. being allowed, ~hich look terrible. He takes
pride in his own property and does not offend anyone. He
does not feel his camper offends anyone nor hurts anyone by
setting by his home. He would like the ordinance changed
to read from private property to City streets. He does not
agree to having them parked on City streets, but feels they
should be able to park them onzprivate property.
M~. Charles Whooten, 111N. E. 17th Avenue, appeared before
the Council and stated that he also owns a 19 ft. travel
trailer. He also had a red tag placed on his. He thinks
the ordinance is unjust and doesn,t think the inspector ms
going about enforcing the ordin~uce in the right manner.
He tab<ed to the inspector and was told this was done when
they have a complaint. He informed the inspector if this
was the case, he would officially make a complaint against
all such trailers and campers in the City of Boynton Beach
and request red tagging on all, so all are removed ~md
everyone is treated equally instead of going to the north
side at one time and not the south side.. He does not think
the job is being done properly. He sees no reason these
vehicles should not be allowed parked on personal property,
but not in the street or the ares between the pavement
the street. The ordinance also states truck~ are not allowed.
These trailers are not being lived in. He does connect the
electricity to his periodically to protect the refrigerator,
but that is all. The inspector said the ordinance applied
to arjthing over 3/4 ton capacity which covers Winnebagos.
If the law is going to be enforced, it should be done 100%
throughout the City or not at all. He requests the ordi-
nance to be ch~uged so people can park these vehicles on
their property. He has his parked in his driveway as there
is not enough room in the side or rear. He suggests possi-
bly that the City issue a sticker for $2.OO or $3.00 to
cover the work for these things. He wsmts to see it en-
forced to the extent that it is just to all people in the
Mayor Zack clarified that if it was enforced throughout the
City, ~. Whooten would be in favor of it. He asked if it
was being enforced and M~. Kohl replied: no. He stated that
he requested this to be on the agenda because of phone calls
he has received do~ing the past week. He has nothing against
MAY 17, t977
these people and appreciates their position. There is an
ordinance which has not been enforced ~ud he does not w~ut
to hurt people, He must either start enforcing this 10~
or the Co~ucil must change it.
Mayor Zack told about different areas of the City ha~l~g
1 '
restrictions a_low~.ng 1/2 ton trucks, but not 3/4 ton trucks.
Mss. Jackson stated that this came up in the late 1960's
bud was hashed around and they decided to keep it on the
books, but it was not enforced. She thin~ this is wrong.
This is a recreational City and the people should be allowed
to have them as long as they are not an eyesore. It should
b~ okay to park them on their private property as long as
there~is plenty of room and it is screened. She told ~oout
~eeMin. o
a former M~yor parking his boat in the garage and leaving 6/7/77
his car in the driveway. Mayor Zack stated this did not
apply to boats ~nd ~. Kohl agreed that boats were allowed.
M~s. Jackson clar~ied~h~tthisap]~p~sto~ll~t~a&ler~includinu~oattraile~s.
She thinks it is wrong to keep the people from having recrea-
tion when this is a vacation area.
Mayor Zack stated that he personally thought it was a good
ormmnance ~ud s~ouim be enforced.
M~. DeMarco stated he thought the ordinance stinks. The
people have trailers, boats, etc. ~ud this is the way it is
today. The people buy tags for them. He is against the
ordinance and th~uks it should be chsmged.
M~. Bill Humphreys, 1~3 S. W. 24th Avenue, appeared before
the Council and informed them he has l~¢ed here for 24 years
and has worked here for 15 years. He has watched the communi-
ties develop near Boynton Beach and kuows there are so many
restrictions, you can almost choke. He owned a camper for
19 years and now has a mini motor home. He knows about the
ordin~uce, but wonders how m~uy complaints were received.
This law was passed in ~963 and there have been a lot of
developments since then in the recreation vehicle field.
He represents the Florida Chapter of the Starcraft Camper
Club and has run into this problem in other cities. There
are too m~ny restrictions and requirements on their personal
rights right now. He has invested money in his recreation
vehicle so his family can do things together. If the people
are forced to store them, he does not think there would be a
place to store them all. He called a place about storing
and got the price of $t5.00 per month. He explained how
with paying storage, it would defeat the purpose of the
motor home. Also, there is the possibility of his insur-
gence rate being increased. There are also a lot of vans,
even 3/4 ton vans with sleeping ~ud cooking facilities, and
these cannot be restricted with people driving them every
dsy. He csm use his mini-van every dsy~and can circumvent
M~&Y 17, 1977
the ordinsmce. In reference to screening them, in some cases
a hedge may be all right, but he would venture to say some
screening attempts would be less appealing than a c~per.
Also, in view of vandalism, with screening it would not be
in view of neighbors or the police. Some ordinances allow
them to be parked at the side or rear of the house; however,
the zoning restrictions in this City do not leave enough room
in the rear or on the side where vehicles like this can p~rk.
In reference to garages, many homes do not have garages or
the campers do not fit. Also, he does not think a motorized
vehicle should be under the same ordinance as it is a differ-
ent type of recreation vehicle with gasoline, battery, etc.
and cannot be set off somewhere. He thinks the ordinance is
wrong. South Florida is recreation inclined. Instead of
trying to enforce it, he thinks the ordinance should be
change~ to make it realistic. There ars boats, junk cars,
dune buggys, etc, ~arked on the street which should be con-
sidered. He thinks if people have nothing to do but attack
other peoples' personal rights, he gets worried thinking of
what will be next.
~,~s. Wagner, 309 N. E. 2Oth Avenue, appeared before the
Council ~ud stated that she has a 19 ft. Tioga Motor Home.
It is parked in front of her garage. She challenges anyone
to find anything untidy about it. She previously lived in
Boca Raton and moved to Boynton Beach because of the restric-
tions there. She agrees with the other speakers and would
like to add it is very serious when their personal~berty is
infringed upon to s~¢ someone c~unot have a good looking
pxece of equipment on their own property. She then told
about her husbmud having a physical disability and needing
this type of vehicle to ride in. She told about the diffi-
culties they experienced when living in Boca Raton and hav-
ing to store the vehicle. She thinks the primary purpose
of the law in the first place is to restrict people from
sleepim~ in them and they do not use theirs for this par-
pose. She thinks consideration should be given to the rights
of retirees and handicapped people and others who have spoken
who are interested in Boynton Beach.
Mr. Fred Debbin, 370 Minor Road, appeared before the Council
and stated he would like to add that he doesn't think there
should be any amendments, but the ordinmace should be tsd<en
off the books altogether. He told about a msgazine article
where i~ was found that such sm ordinance was unconstitu-
tional in Euclid, C~io. Most of the people owning these
vehicles have families and feel it is important to do things
together as a family. The price of the vehicles is almost
out of reach for families smd it will be made out of reach
if they have to pay storage. He does not agree with any
fencing. Most of the people in Boynton Beach do not own a
lot big enough to park it next to or in the rear of their
houses. As long as the vehicle is not obstructing traffic
and is not unsightly, he thinks it should be allowed.
17, t977
M~. John Jameson, 649 Las Palmas, appeared before the Council
suud stated he did not know this item was going to be on the
agenda and thinks there are ms~y other people in Boynton
Beach in residential areas who are totally unaware this ms
under discussion or consideration tonight. It seems the
group presenv is losely organized and presiding on one side
of the story. There are zoning laws in this City. There are
people living here who are proud of their residential areas
and this should be considered too. The Council has nm. de a
commitment to the other people as well. He does not think it
is fair to make any decision on this tonight unless it is ad-
vertised ~ud the other people in the City are given the oppor-
tunity to give their viewpoint. M~yor Zack agreed.
~. Edward Wallschlag, 1611N. Seacrest Blvd., appeared before
the Council and stated that he has a 19 ft. travel trailer.
He put in a concrete driveway to park it on; however, because
of the traffic on Seacrest Blvd., he moved it into storage
before receiving a red tag on it. He told about having to
move the trailer from one storage area to another because of
the vandalism and still has a vandalism problem. He s~ad his
family enjoy camping in their trailer. He does not see where
he c~unot keep his own personal pro~rty on his own personal
property. If he cannot keep something like this which he
enjoys, he might as well move out of Boynton Beach.
~myor Zack referred to'this being a controversial issue and
suggested tabling it until the next meeting, so more people
can be informed. M~. DeMarco asked about the red tags.
Mm. Caldwell stated he thinks when this ordinance was ori-
ginally drafted, it was probably designed to keep gypsies
out. He agrees it causes an undue hardship on the people
owning these particular vehicles. He feels we must t~ke
steps to make the ordinance more for the people. However,
we must protect the overall appearance of the City in the
residential neighborhoods. He thinks this should be on the
agenda for the next Cou~ucil meeting and possibly lay the
groundwork with preparing ar~ ordinance more in line with
today,s situation. Mayor Zack agreed it should be puv on
the agenda for the next meeting to give the other side a
chance to express themselves. They should hear from both
sides and then draft an ordinance.
M~s. Jack, on stated this happened io~the late 1960'saud ~ameupcon-
stantly week after week. It was then decided that the ordi-
nance was not going to be enforced. She is hoping it will See Miu. of
be resolved. They should be trying to keep families to- 6/7/77
gether. She does think there would have to be some kind of
ordins~ce drawn up to take care of people not wanting u~-
sightly things and obstructing traffic.
17, 1977
~e. Jac~on moved to put this item on the agenda for the
next meeting, seconded by~. Caldwell. Under discussion,
M~. Moore suggested advertising and holding under a public
hearing. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jack~on asked about the red tags and Mr. Kohl replied
that the Council must tell him not to red tag. M~. DeMarco
moved to hold off on the red tags ~until this is straightened
out, seconded by Mr. Coldwell. Motion carried 4-1 with ~.
Strnad dissenting.
M~. Mike Mehalic, 327 N. E. 15th Avenue, appeared before the
Council and st!ated he was in favor of everything. He told
about a bus being par~ed across the street from his house
foreight d~¥s ~ud obstructing traffic. M~s. Jackson agreed
that some restrictions must be included. ~. Kohl stated if
he had been notified, it would have been moved the first d~v.
Mr. Charles Johnson, Co-Chairman of the Comm~uity Relations
Board, appeared before the Council and stated %hat the Com-
munity Relations Board was appointed to deal with the health
and welfare of the people of Boynton Beach ~ud he believes
the Councilshould have some input from this Board and M~yor
Zack agreed.
~@. Kohl referred to previously discussing buying microfilm-
ing equipment for the Building Department and requested
$6,500 to microfilm everything in the Building Department,
so they can get rid of antiquity and be able to find infor-
mation. Money is available in unappropriated surplus. He
explained how it was advantageous to microfilm instead of
having file cabinets.
M~s. JaCkson moved to grant this request, seconded by M~.
Caldwe_z. No mzscussmon. Motmon carried 5-0.
.~!egram Regarding Water Treatment Plant Expansion.
~k. Kohl read a telegram he sent to DER on ~y 13, t977
and the reply from ~, Landers receiVed today at 3:00 P. M.
Mm. Strnad statedhhe was glad these were read as this is what
he was trying to point out in the previous minutes. This is
just what they wan-ted and what they mandated. Mme. Jackson
replied that he voted to have this telegram, go out and }~.
Strnad agreed. }t~. Moore asked who arranged for this tele-
gram to be sent a~ud Mr. Kohl replied that he talked to the
Mayor and Vice Mayor and was authorized to contact DER.
F~Y 17, 1977
Mm. DeMarco stated this was not done by a majority vote of
the Council. ~m. Kohl explained that ~. Joe Swan came into
his office on Friday and asked him to sign a paper with things
Russell & Axon wanted to do at the water plant. He suggested
asking DER if we could or could not do it. ~4~. Swan said
Council w~uted the eight items approved and he rejected. He
talked to.the Mayor ~ud Vice ~yor and sent the telegram.
Mayor Zack added that they were ur_der the impression that
Russell & Axon was going to follow this up and when they did
not, we did. Mr. DeMarco clarified that the instructions
were for ~. Hallman to fill out the forms ~ud apply. ~.
Strnad stated he did not see ~nything irregular about this.
~s. Jackson asked if M_~. Hallma~u took any action ~ud M~.
Hallman replied that he has been ts.king action for almost
four years. M~s. Jackson clarified that she me~ut after the
last meetin~ and ~. Hallman told about drafting a letter
outlining their understanding and directions based on the
majority of the Council members advising how they were pro-
ceeding to satisfy the requirements of the Council. He also
spoke to a representative of the County Health Department.
Also, ~. George Russell attended a conference in Tallahassee
prior to the last meeting which he reported to the Council.
They are prep~ing what they were instructed to do by the
Council. The technical information must be submitted for
DER,s review and this is what ~. Russell outlined at the
last meeting.
~jor Zack asked if he had contacted DER since the last meet-
ing and ~. Hallm~u replied that he contacted Mr. Warren
Strahm, DER Palm Beach County representative. However, they
must have the technical information submitted.
Mms. Jackson stated she felt they all should have a copy of
the letter sent to ~. Kohl ~ud~m.u Hallman read the letter
confirming the ~ctmons of the City Council meeting.
M~. Hallme~ then stated that since they have received this
telegram from Mr. L~uders, 82ad he feels M~. L~aaders' staff
will back him, they have two alternatives either to continue
with construction using 1Lme softening or challenge DER's
authorization. They were under the impression that the re-
quirements were relaxed. He attempted to do this in an or-
derly manner and has had the staff wor~g on it. They were
instructed by the Council to do certain work and if it is
the direction to stop what they were instructed~ they w~at
the Council to tell them. He has had a staff of people
and engineers in Daytona assigned to preparing the
tual design, technical data, etc. He spoke to ~. Kohl
after he sent the telegram and wrote ~uother letter.
17, 1977
Mss. Jackson stated when they had the difference of opinion
of what happened at the last meeting, she asked to have a
transcript of the me~ting of what ~. Russell said. ~.
gtrnad didn't understand what was said and Mm. Kohl and M~jom
Zack did not agree with her. She listened to the tape twice.
The whole thing has been botched up.
Mayor Zack clarified that the question is whether we are
going to proceed or stop. He feels they should stop con-
struction. Mm. DeM~co asked for Mr. Hallman's opir~ion
and M~. Hallman replied that it would cost $76,900 to stop
construction for one month.
Mayor Zack stated that he was under the impression that
Russell & Axon was going to follow this up with DER and Mm.
Hallman informed him that they were attempting to do this,
but know the technical data must be presented. M~or Zack
stated the question was whether to continue on with the same
process without lime softening ~ud I~s. Jackson added that
the instructions were to submit an application to DER and
no application was sent. ghe added that this was in the
minutes and exactly what was said. This is what ~. Hallman
was instructed to do. Mayor Zack asked why }~. Hallman did
not apply foraan application? Mms. Jackson stated that the
instructions did not ssy N_~ Kohl should send a telegram, she
listened%othe~tape~twice_and asked tobav~ a transcript made of this
b~t this was not dc~sothere would not be any question about SeeM in. of
~he whole thing 8~ exactly what I~. Russell said. ~. 6/7/77
Hallman informed them that he spoke to several people about
this and was told to prepare the~necessary documentation and
they would take a look at it.
M~. Kohl clarified that the~statement in the telegram of an
additional treatment barrier as approved or comnensurate
shall be provided means we must have another chemical bar-
rier and ~. Hallman explained how they had two positions
open either to continue exactly like they are with construc-
tion of the treatment plan or question DER's oosition or
authorization to do this. He requests the CoUncil to tell
them whether to continue with the conceptual desi~on.
i~s. Jackson stated she felt the question of why they re-
leased it for M~uaiapan ~ud not for us should be answered
and ~[~. Hallman replied that he thin/~s this was_accurately
answered by M~. Russell with his explanation that Mr. Landers
disagreed with the technical staff and directed the letter
to be written. I~s. Jackson asked if he had any answer and
~. Hallman replied: no~ he was trying to prepare the mini-
mum requirements necessary to get consideration to continue
with the filtration which they are operating with.
~aY ~7, ]977
Mm. Hailman then clarified the previous statements made by
.~. DeMarco Lcd advised that the figure for the actual savings
between lime softening and iron removal is .07855 per gallon,
On a design rate of 16 million gallons per daj, this works
out to one-half million dollars per year. He believes the
figures ~L~. DeMarco quoted referred to construction costs
to be saved.
Mm. DeMarco stated that the Council never told them to stop
building the water_ olant as we have the need for water. ~.
Hallman referred to ~. Kohl's resentment to signing the
authorization and stated that each time they are authorized
by the Council to do something, they get authorization from
the City Mmnager clarifying the instructions, especially in
working with the time frame they are working in. ~ney are
trying ~o diligently proceed with the work. They were try-
ing tb give their understanding of the nine items. They
need the Coumcil's direction.
Mrs. Jackson stated she would like to have a copy of the
letter sent to Mm. Eohl from }~. Hallman. She feels there
has been a great misunderstanding. She feels there was a
misunderst~uding in the minutes because we do not have a
transcript of this. ~yor Zack requested her to check th~
tr~uscript of this.
Mr. Haiiman stated that he still needed direction. Mayor
Zack suggested that he contact DER himself ~ud see what they
think without going too far in the design. ~. DeMarco
stated he thought we should file an application.
M~s. Jackson moved to have ~. Hallman file an application
with DER asking the necessary questions, as we must have the
application filed with DER. M~. Hallman replied that they
wanted to do exactly what the Council wants. He stated that
they have received direction from M~. Landers as to what he
and his staff waist.
Mr. Strnad stated he could not see going into this additional
expense. Why change? We did make direction at the last
meeting, but now have gotten ar_ answer. We wanted to find
out if they were going to relinquish their de~nd for lime
softening and now we have the answer. Why go through the
expense? ~s. Jackson asked what ex!~nse there would be in
filing an application and asking why they relaxed the bar-
rier requirement in Manalapan ~ud not here? M~. Hallman
stated that he has attemoted to outline to the Council that
this is a difficult proposition in preparing the technical
data. The application must be ~ended and technical backup
prepared. They are talking about $2,500 to $3,500. Mayor
Zack asked how long it would take to prepare this data ~od
>~. Hallman replied approximately two more week~. They had
planned to sit down with the people around the first of June
for discussion. Mayor Zack clarified that they platted to
present the design with the application and!~. Hallman re-
plied: yes, the~ planned to present the design and technical
backup data to DER ~ud sit down in conference with them and
Palm Beach County ~ud proceed from there. This is the route
which must be t~en intthe design of any water treatment
~. Strnad asked if it was a fact that an additional barrier
was not required because it is a different system and M~.
Hallman explained how it was a different process. M~.
Strnad clarified that they were mixing applas and oranges
and could not comp~m~e the Manalapan plant to our plemt, as
it is a different type of plant. If they don't require the
barrier, it does not n~an that we do not need it. Mr.
Hallman replied that in their opinion, a portion was relaxed
in the earlier direction with not requiring sedimentation.
Also, it was their opinion that the Council's 4-I recommenda-
tion is that direct filtration was ~u experiment and they
did not want to try it.
M~. Ca!dwell stated that in lieu of this telegram, is this
plsm going to make any dif£erence to ~. Landers ~ud
Hallman replied that they have two directions to t~e, ~ither
continue with what they have or instruct the City Attorney to
reG~st a legal authorization to add a chemical barrier.
~. Caldwell stated that this did not answer his question a~ud
he asked if they had an alternative from ~ER at this junction
in time ~ud ~.'Hallman replied that he thought he ~swered
that question. ~s. Jackson clarified that she understood
M~. Hallms~ was saying we can ask our City Attorney to con-
tact DER and find out the legality of why the barrier was
relaxed for Manalapan. ~. Hallman stated he would request
what was their legal authority to require this City to pre-
pare and use an additional chemical barrier, the lime soft-
ening process. ~s. Jackson clarified that we must get the
legality of the whole thing.
~. Moore referred to being involved in litigation with DE~R
~ud stated that as speaking as a ~itizen of this City, he
would s~y the telegram was sent by a me,Ocr of M~. La~ders'
staff and based on his personal knowledge, it was in direct
confrontation of M~. Landers. He also thinks it was a mis-
t~e for the City Mauager to directly contact DER without th~
engineer,s input. ~. Strnad declared M~. Moore out of order
and stated he was here as the City Attorney and not a citizen.
Mayor Zack added that the City Manager has the authority
and M~. Moore replied that he did not have the anthority to
go against the directions of the Council.
17, 1977
~s. Jackson stated she objected to the telegram ~ud Mr.
Kohl replied that she asked him to send it. Mx. DeMarco
added that it was contrary to the minutes. M~. Hallman
stated they would ha'ze a hard time fighting a telegram sent
by ~. Landers.
~. Strnad moved to instruct Russell & Axon to discontinue
aH further action mud continue with the plantas we have been
going ahead with it. Mayor Zack ascertained there was no
second and laid aside the gavel and seconded the motion.
Under discussion, ~L~. Caldwell stated he was confused and
asked if they could hold off for two weeks without causing
any hardship and M~. Hallman replied that the only h~dship
is that the construction of the plant must continue with it.
He told about the equipment being ready for delivery. He
added that he was trying to continue on without causing dam-
age to the City, but if they make them sit ~ud[~hold this on
discussion, the City will be penalized.
M~s. Jackson moved to table this until the next meeting,
seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Under discussion, M~. DeMarco
referred to having a fixed cost on this. ~. Hallman
stated he understood the instructions of the Co~cil were
as stated in the minutes. If they tell him to stop tonight,
he will stop the crew of people working on this. Motion
carried 3-2 with Mayor Zack and ~. Strnad dissenting.
M~. Hallman clarified that he would proceed under the under-
standing from the last meeting. Mayor Zack suggeste~ that
he prepare the design e~d application a_ud submit it to the
Council and ~. Hallman replied that this is exactly what
he u~nderstood.
Mrs. Jackson moved to adjourn, seconded by M~. Caldwell.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
at 11:10 P. M.
~Y 17, 1977
6~6~c i! Member
Council Member
~ City Cle~
Recorming Secretary
(Four Tapes)
Report on "RID LITTER DAY"
April 30, 1977
9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Boynton Beach, Florida
The purpose of this event was to instill civic pride in keeping our
City clean in the hopes that people will think before throwing away
litter in Boynton Beach, and instead remember to use litter containers.
Thus, Boynton Beach will be a City that can point with pride to its
efforts in this cooperative project.
Ten (10) individuals donated money and ten (10) organizations donated
money for a total of $273.50 collected, with which 12 new litter
barrels will be placed as a constant reminder that this should be a
litter-free city.
The planning committee, made up of 49 organizations and schools parti-
cipating, met in six sessions beginning February 28th working out the
details of the event. Galaxy Elementary School had a poster contest,
and all the posters were placed where they could be seen.
Figures and Facts:
745 children received certificates. Those-sponsoring children picking
up litter were Galaxy Elementary School, Forest Park, Boynton Elemen-
tary, Congress Middle School, Rolling Green, Poinciana, St. Marks
School, Boynton Academy, Cut Scout Pack 316 Den 5, Palm Glades Girl
Scouts, Wilson Youth Association, Methodist Youth Association, Little
League, Women's club, Fraternal Order of Police, and Division of Youth
Serv ices.
Also, two neighborhood groups participated, one organized by a Lake
Worth High School student and one by a Lantana student living in
Boynton, !! years of age, who wishes to form a group from all over the
city called CUBBS, "Clean Up Boynton Beach society", whose aim is to
clean up their own neighborhoods week!y~ This in itselfmade RID LITTER
DAY worthwhile.
Orqanizations that took part in the actual clean-up are: Rotary,
Sorosis, Chamber of Commerce, Knights of columbus, Community /mprove-
ment Forum, Royal Palm Women's Republican club, Greater Boynton Beach
Republican club, Kiwanis and Fraternal Order of Police.
Total number of certificates given: 813 (adults did not get certifi-
cates - just their organizations).
~e~'~ort on "RID LITTER DAY"
Many thanks go out to not only the actual litter-pickers but to the
teachers and chaperones who supervised the children.
Thanks are also due to the churches that not only announced '~RID LITTER
DAY" in their bulletins, but announced from the pulpit. The Chamber of
Commerce announced "RID LITTER DAY" in two monthly newstetters. Also,
thanks to the businesses that advertised the event on their signs. A
notice was also on all April utility bills as well as signs on the
garbsge trucks. The signs at the entrances to the city, as well as
the watchful eyes of the police, helped make this an accident-free event.
The Recreation Board and Community Appearance Board expressed cooper-
Thanks are due the news media: The Shopper, Sun Sentinel, Boynton Beach
News Journal, Condo News, Palm Beach Post, Palm Beach Times, Miami
~erald, and special thanks to radio station WKAO for giving 4 spot
announcements a day for six weeks.
Also, thanks go to the following establishments for distributing flyers
announcing the event: 2 Publix Stores Grand Union
3 Winn Dixie Stores K-Mart
2 Super-X Stores 2 Eckerd Drug Stores
Walgreens Drug Store
Special thanks go to my telephone committee:
Ethel Peters and Kitty Deneen.
the students at St. Marks.
~2ae Tindell, Clare Casper,
Also to Mike Mehalic for his help with
The success of the day would not have been possible if it had not been
for the tireless ~Jim Patterson of the Recreation Department for
coordinating the whole event, and the men from the Sanitation Depart-
ment who volunteered their services without pay for collecting the bags
of litter.
The crowning bonus for the children is due to McDonalds, who are giving
a ticket for a cold drink, and Bud's Sake Out, who are giving a ticket
for a piece of chicken.
The result at noon on April 30th ~esi~es some sore backs from stooping)
was over 25,000 pounds of litter picke~ up, which resulted in a cleaner
City, and a feeling of cooperation with people of all ages.
rs.) Emily M. Jackson
Vic~ Mayor, City of Boynton Beach
~ ~"~ ~:rd~of Country Commisssoners
Lake L~tal, Chairman
Peggy B. Evatt, Vice-Chairman
Dennis P, Koehler
Bil~ Medlen
Bill l~aile¥
County Administrator
John C. Sansbury
Department of Environmental Control
1977 ~
Frank Kohl, City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
120 N. E. Second Avenue
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Re: Bristol Springs
Dear Frank:
The County's efforts to acquire the Bristol Sprmngs system
through a bankruptcy sale having been frustrated, we are
now attempting to acquire Bristol Springs through a pur-
chase from Chase following foreclosure. Chase has agreed
to foreclose and will enter into a contract to sell the
lines and land to Palm Beach County.
A few changes are needed to the County's contract with
Boynton to reflect these changes in our approach.
Please review the attached draft. The fifth Whereas and
the first_p~_~graph have been changed ac__cordingly; the langu_~-
~g~__"collection and" has been added to all references to
distribution lines and the old contract is revoked.
~therwise~ the contract is identical to our current contract.
If the contract is O.K., please have it approved by your
Council, and executed in triplicate and returned to me.
Thanks again, Frank, to you and your Council for your
cooperation in helping solve this most frustrating problem.
N. S~u~anne Hunter, Esquire
Envii~onmental Control Officer
901 EVERNIA STREE ? ' WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 (305} 832-8561 EXT. 81
Established in 1920
Engineers · Phnners · Architects
Mr. Fr~k Kohl, City Manager
City of Bc~nton Beach
Post Office Box ~10
Boyntc~ Beach, Florida 33435
Nay 11, 1977
Change Order No. 2
Gersch &Bramuchi
Project No. 6858-15
Phase ~-BNater Distribution Bldg. & Warehouse
City of Boynton Beach
Attached are 6 copies of Change Order No. 2 for subject project which
represents a net increase of $2,734.00, made up of eleven minor items
encountered during the course of the entire ccastruction which is nearing
completetic~. This should be the final increase in cost of .the project.
The items listed On page 2 range from a credit of $284 to a charge of $783
with most iu the $100 - $300 range. Some changes wore required of necessity,
some to meet the .City's Code and others at the Departments request. Ne
reoommend approval of-this change order.
If this meets with your approval, please obt~B the required signatures and
return k copies to this office, reta~Bfng 2 copies for your files.
V~ry truly yours,
Joe C. Swan, P.E.
Resideet Engineer
Attachments (6)
cc: PAC with att (1)
MLHwith att (1)
May 13, 1977
Honorable Joseph J. Landers
Secretary, Dept. of Environmental Regulation
2562 Executive Center, Circle East
Montgomery Building
Tallahassee, FL 32304
Mr. Warren Strahm
DPC Southeast Regional Office
Pal~ Beach County Health Department
200 S. E. 6th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Mr. James C. Williams
Water Supply Section
Palm Beach County Health Department
826 Evernia Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33402
It has come to our attention through letters fr~ Mr. Joseph
Landers that Manalapan has received conceptual consideration
for their direct filtration water plant.
Therefore, the Boynton Beach City Council members would like
to continue with the expansion of our water plant minus the
lime treatment and to proceed with the acceptable method of
iron removal/filtration process that the City is presently
using and has been using for a number of years.
May I have your answer by telegram prior to our next City
Council meeting on May 17, 1977, 7:30 PM.
Frank Kohl, city Manager
city of Boynton Beach
120 N. E. 2nd Avenue
Boynton Bemch, FL 33435