Don Scantlan, Chair Barry Atwood, Finance Director
Dennis Dougherty Tim Howard, Deputy Finance Director
David Katz
Terry Lonergan
1. Call to Order
Chair Scantlan called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Roll call was taken. A quorum was present.
2. Approval of March 12, 2012 Minutes
Chair Scantlan advised he had a possible change to the minutes. On page three,
second paragraph, second sentence, he suggested adding the word "initially" when Ms.
Lonergan stated she "felt that there was needless money being spent for a March
election." (Chair Scantlan was of the opinion that the word "initially" should be added
after the word felt, as to not appear to draw a conclusion.) There was discussion
between Ms. Lonergan and Chair Scantlan and it was agreed to add the word initially.
Mr. Katz moved to approve the minutes as amended. Ms. Lonergan seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
3. Review results of Commission Agenda Item (first of two readings)
requesting the Commission to amend the Ordinance creating the
Select its own Chair & Vice -Chair
Chair Scantlan advised that at the Commission meeting, it was voted that a Vice Chair
should be nominated for the Committee. Mr. Katz suggested holding off the nomination
until there was a full board. Chair Scantlan asked for volunteers.
Meeting Minutes
Financial Advisory Committee
Boynton Beach, FL March 26, 2012
Ms. Lonergan moved to nominate Mr. Dougherty for Vice Chair and was seconded by
Mr. Katz. The motion passed unanimously.
Update Member qualifications for consistency with the Committee Appointment
Mr. Atwood advised nothing further had to be done.
4. Citizen Survey discussion
Only 2 added responses since March 15
Confirm ending the survey on March 31
Chair Scantlan confirmed that two responses were added since the last meeting and
barring anything else, the survey would end on March 31. He would provide a summary
at that point.
5. Update by Committee members regarding progress to date of their
assignment areas (Updated list of assignment areas attached)
Mr. Katz advised he had no update to provide.
Mr. Dougherty advised he was presenting one item that was completed.
Ms. Lonergan advised she had two assignments that were complete. She advised she
was able to meet with Julie Oldbury in Human Resources. Ms. Lonergan stated of all
the projects she had taken, there was very little money to be saved. Ms. Oldbury had
stated one area being investigated, but was not for publication, was the discussion of
furlough days. It supposedly would save the City $187,000. In the interim, she was
meeting with the unions to discuss this and is currently in negotiations.
There was discussion on how to present this as a recommendation if the
recommendation came from Human Resources. Ms. Lonergan would present the
recommendation with a pro and con format, and state that it was pending negotiations
with the unions.
Chair Scantlan advised the only project he was making progress on was the citizen
survey In addition, he would set up an appointment with the Interim City Manager to
review all the redundancy between City and County services.
Meeting Minutes
Financial Advisory Committee
Boynton Beach, FL March 26, 2012
6. Distribution and Presentation by each Committee member of Individual
Recommendations (Copy of Recommendation Form Attached)
Review and vote on each recommendation
Mr. Dougherty recommended that funding continue short -term for the Schoolhouse
Children's Museum, which was currently funded at $204,000. This included $120,000
for two senior employees. Last year's recommendation was to reduce funding by 8%
and the Commission rejected it. The Museum received a $73,000 Quantum Grant. It
was unknown how many additional donations or grants they had received to date. Mr.
Dougherty discussed some issues he found in the agreement provided by Craig Clark.
The funding of salaries was not included in the agreement. It was included in the
budget. It was paid out quarterly. The City also had a line item to maintain the building.
Mr. Dougherty's recommendation would be to continue the funding for the museum.
Mr. Katz requested that if the survey was going to be referenced for this item, that the
amount of responses also be referenced. The responses of the survey so far resulted
in 88 out of 141 voting against the Schoolhouse Museum. It was recommended to hold
off the vote until next meeting to obtain the remaining survey responses, if any, by the
cutoff date and then make the additions on the recommendation form.
Ms. Lonergan presented her recommendations on the election topic and City parks.
She met with Wally Majors and was informed that no park would be closed. Currently,
the City was meeting the green space per capita requirement.
Ms Lonergan recommended no change.
The vote passed 4 -0.
Ms. Lonergan presented her recommendation on the municipal elections. After meeting
with Janet Prainito, the City Clerk, it was determined that having the municipal elections
in March saved the City money. The cities share the costs of the Municipal elections in
March, as opposed to the City having to pay the entire cost in November. Ms.
Lonergan's recommendation was to keep the March elections.
Ms. Lonergan recommended no change.
The vote passed 4 -0.
Meeting Minutes
Financial Advisory Committee
Boynton Beach, FL March 26, 2012
Joint workshop with City Commission set for Sat. May 19
7. New Busi
Comment mentioned by Commissioner Holzman at March 20th Commission
Chair Scantlan inadvertently left this item off the agenda and requested it be added as
an item under New Business.
Ms. Lonergan moved to add Item 7, New Business to the agenda. The motion was
seconded and unanimously passed.
Chair Scantlan mentioned a comment that Commissioner Holzman made at the
Commission meeting relative to this Committee not bringing forward proper information.
He stated that the Committee had not gotten into the numbers as much as he thought
would happen once the Committee was established. Chair Scantlan requested
discussion from the Committee.
The study items were developed two years ago from surveying the City employees, by
the members of the Committee at the time. It gave the Commissioners the opportunity
to add items, if they wished. Chair Scantlan would like to go back to the Commission
and ask them what items should be looked at that are not being reviewed presently.
The Commission should provide advice on what areas they want reviewed. Mr. Katz
was of the opinion that possibly the Commission was looking for bigger chunks of
money being saved. For example, if there is a $5 million budget shortfall, the garbage
rates could be raised $2.00 a month; that was close to $900,000. Chair Scantlan would
like to open that communication channel so the Commission could advise the
Committee what they want.
There was discussion on different suggestions of where to possibly cut the budget.
Last year, the Committee met with each Department head. The direction given last year
was to cut 8% across the board, which was done. This year the decision was made
when there was a full Board to research items individually, rather than meet with the
departments. Chair Scantlan advised the A76 study would not be done this year
because it was not a one person job and takes significant effort from City staff. He
made a presentation to the Commission and made them aware what the A76 study
was, but received zero feedback from them. The members all felt there was a lack of
direction from the Commission. Chair Scantlan will contact the Interim City Manager
and inquire whether it would be appropriate to query the Commission on what should be
looked at and add it as an agenda item.
Meeting Minutes
Financial Advisory Committee
Boynton Beach, FL March 26, 2012
Chair Scantlan commented that at the last Commission meeting he told the
Commissioners there would not be a "robust" report. He would give this year's report
and invite them to comment or give them an opportunity to attend a meeting and ask
It was noted that if another member was not appointed by the Commission before the
April 9 meeting, and if the Committee was not dissolved, there would not be a quorum
for the April 9 meeting. The meeting would be cancelled.
8. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Dougherty moved to adjourn. Ms.
Lonergan seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned
at 7:02 p.m.
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Ellie Caruso
Recording Secretary