Joseph F. Zack, ~tyor
Emily M. Jackson, Vice Mayor
Richard D. Caldwell, Councilma~
Joseph DeMarco, Councilman
Norman F. Strnad, Councilman
Frs_~k Kohl, City Manager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Mayor Sack called the meeting to order at 4:00 P. M. and
announced it was a~pecial Meeting in accordance with Section
56 of the City-~harter or,he City of Boynton Beach to consider
the .request of the $omth Couaty Drug Abuse Foundation.
Before going into finai discussion on this, I~yor Zack related
back to their previous actions. He read from the minutes of
~1~rch 15 when Mr. Strnad made a motion requesting the City
Manager to make this donation from iulappropriated f~z~ds and
the motion carried 5-0. Ee then read from the minutes of
March 18 when Mrs. J~ckssn made a motio~ clarifying that we
a motion was carried 4-I approving an ordinance for these
funds to Be obtained from ~ti-~ecession Funds. This ordi-
~tC~eW~l.~o~be e~c~iv~ ~ntil May 3 and the money will
a~alza~ie ~ntii May 1~.. He suggests that the City
Manager take %his mo~ey o~t of the General F~nd or some
other fund to make ~a~men% now.
Mr. Kohl stated that at thi~ time, if it is the pleasure of
the Council, he will take the amount of $8,721 out of the
Disability Insurance Fund in the~present budget and transfer
it to the South County Drug Abuse Foundation, which Council
has asked to pay. When the ordinance is in effect,-he will
take the $8,721 and place it back into the Disability Insur-
ance Fun~. He has the ~apers for the transfer request and
the check.
M~. Strnad moved to have Mir. Kohl turn this amount of money
over to the South County Drug A~use Foundation. He added
that he was sick and tired of all the delays and suggests
they get the mo~ey to the people right now. Mr. Caldweli
seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Caldwe!l stated
he did not think there was a delay in tactics inasmuch to
get the funds, an ordinance had to be passed and certain
ground rules followed. He thought when the ordinance was
passed, the funds could immediately be turned over to the
South County Drug Abuse Foundation. He does not think any-
body threw a~y malicious attemptythrough any road blocks.
They are just rectifying the short comings of the original
motion. Nm. Kohl added that he probably should have brought
it to their attention that to get the money immediately, it
APRIL 14, ~977
should have been an emergency ordinance. Mr. Strnad referred
to meeting with road blocks in previous years and Mr. Caldwell
replied that this is a new Council and a new year and he sug-
gests they ~et what happened in the past. Mr. Strnad re-
plied that this is what he would like to do and they should
work in a progressive manner towards the City.
~myor Zack asked the representative from the South County
Drug Abnse Foundation if they would stay in business if this
money was allocated today and the gentleman assured the
Council that if it was received today, they will be in busi-
ness after June I.
Mrs. Jackson explained how the courts require the funds be
s~ent to benefit a l~ge number of the public and primarily
the whole society. Her vote is going to be no, simply be-
cause she wants to live up to the law. Mayor Zack referred
to the agreement they just signed to pay $10.00 per day for
municipal prisoners and stated that this money goes out of
the City and handles less than what the Drug Abuse Fonnda-
tion takes emre of. Mrs. Jackson replied that they have
alway~ fed the prisoners and added that this would be a help
to the policemen and also charities go under a different
Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson - No
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 4-1.
Mr. Strnad moved to adjourn. Mr. DeMarco asked if it was
possible to discuss the land which is ~ the process of
being lost ~efore adjourning. Mayor Zack referred to Mr.
Caldwell requesting a study to be made on this at the last
meeting and stated that this Special Meeting was called for
only one purpose and they should be careful not to make ad-
mtmons. Mr. De~rco stated that he requested this addition
yesterday. Mayor Zack replied that he called this Special
Meeting for this one purpose and referred to the amount of
people attending Special Meetings on short notice and stated
that the public should know. Mr. Caldwell requested this
to be om the agenda for the next meeting. Mr. DeMarco stated
that he understood if they don't have some guarantee, there
are other people after the land ~ud it may be gone by Tuesday.
Mayor Zack stated they were talking about a large amount of
money and must not be pressured into it. ~. DeFm~rco agreed
and stated it should be voted on by referendum. Mayor Zack
APRIL 74, 1977
suggested that it be discussed when the public is present.
Yr. DeMarco stated that it was discussed at the last meet-
~ng and a feasibility study was requested and he would like
o discuss it further at this time.
Mr. Moore informed the Council that the owner wants some kind
of indication from the Council they are interested in looking
into the utilization of the land. A feasibility report will
cost some money to make a report to the people to know what
they are going to vote on. ~-~s. Jackson questioned a reason-
able period of time and added that she did not want a refer-
andum in the middle of the summer. Mr. Moore stated that
they must look at the l~nd and he suggests that the City
Planner work with ~he Recreation Department and Utilities' ' ~
Department and make a recommendation what could be done with
the land. He thinks the owner wants an indication from the
City that they are going to present a reasonable ~ntelligent
report to the people.
Mr. Strnad announced that as far as he was concerned, the
particular meeting he signed for was called for one reason
and this has ended ~ud he is not goingto dzscuss' anything
further without the public being notified. He then left
the meeting. Mrs. Jackson remarked that she was glad Mr.
Etrnad felt this way this year. Mr. DeM~mco moved to dis-
cuss this. Mayor Zack replied that he wanted to discuss it
on Tuesday and he then left.
Mrs. Jackson referred to ~,~. Fronrath being present and re-
quested him to speak. Mr. Fronrath informed the Council that
~. Melear is not a pressure man, but people have expressed
interest in the land. He would like to see it be a City
park~and would like the Council's reaction. He will give the
Council time to put it up for a voze and is awaiting the
results of this meeting. Mrs. Jackson requested him to in-
form Mr. Melear that the Mayor did not include it on the
agenda for today,s meeting and two members walked out. Mr.
DeMarco added that they would like the cooperation of all
five Council members. ~s. Jack. on added that it would be
on the agenda for the Regular Meeting on Tuesday night.
M~. Fronrath replied that he would contact Mr. Melear right
away and advise him of what happened today.
Vice Mayor Jackson declared the meeting adjourned at 4:15 P.M.
APRIL 14, 1977
~ice Mayor
Council Member
~ouncil Member~
Council Member
~City Clerk
c ord~ng ~ecretary
(One Tape)