Joseph F. Zack, Mayor
Emily M. Jac~_~on, Vice Mayor
Richard D. CaldwelI, Councilman
Joseph DeMarcB, Councilman
Norman F. Strna~, Coupe ilman
Frank Kohl, City Manager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Gene Moore, City Attorney
~L~yor Zack called the meeting ~o order at 4:00 P. M. and
announced it was a Special Meeting in accordance, with Sec-
~ion 56 of the Uity Charter of the City o£ Eoynton Beach,
for the followin~
Discuss Widening of Seacrest Boulevard
Consider Utility Relocation Agreement -
Seacrest Boulevard between Woolbright Road
and Boynton Canal (Tabled)
Housing Authority (~o Resolution)
Guidelines for Boards
4. Reconsider Drug Abuse Program
Discuss Widenin~ of Seacrest Boula~ar~
Mr. DeMarco told about discussing the preservation of water
for this area with County Commissioner Bill M~dlen and was
advised there was no way possible to do this.
Mr. DeMarco stated that rather th~u lose the money, he moves
to four lane Seacrest Boulevard according to specifications
set up by the Department of Transportation. Mr. Strnad
seconded the motion. Under discussion, M~. Caldwel~ stated
it was unfortunate for the residents of that particular strip
because in his opinion they are stuck between a rock and hard
place. There is a definite need for widening and improved
drainage. On the other hand, the people adjacent will be
losing substantial property and having their property values
lowered considerably. He still feels Seacr~st Blvd. could be
widened to about 66 ft. instead of 80 ft. However, inasmuch
as the Dept. of Transporation have made up their minds what
plans they are going to push and what plans they are not
~oing to use and inasmuch as the traffic situation must be
zmproved, he only will supDort the 'olan. However, the Dept.
of Transpor~tio~ better make darn ~ure that every person
losing property is more than adequately reimbursed for the
land taken for the road widening. They must consider the
people living there and how they must Dut up with road con-
ditions not that appe~lling with traffic flow c~se to their
homes. The lo~ sizes will be decreased ~d the chances for
resale will be less. As far as he is concerned, the Dept.
MARCH 18, 1977
of Transportation had better indemnify these people accord-
ingly. He will go on record to make certain these people
are given a fair price for the inconvenience, property, and
property values due to the condemnation of tWi~ land. M~yor
Zack informed him that this was explained at the public hear-
ing and the people will be taken care of, but he does not know
to what extent. Mr. Caldwell replied that they must make sure
to defen~ the people against the Dept. of Transportation.
Mr. DeMarco added that he had looked into it and explained
how tkey have done everything possible. }~. Caldwell replied
that he appreciated this, but we must ~ake certa~ they do
Mayor Zack referred to the Council requesting the City ~na-
ger to inquire about this and requested his report. ~.
Kohl told about ts]W~ng to Mr. Medle~and being advised that
if Boynton Beach did not go along with the engineering plans
as provided in the plsms and specifications, Mr. Medlen would
recommend on Tuesday that these funds be taken away from
Eoynton Beach. He told about calling two other County Com-
missioners and they also verified they would stick with the
plans as presented.
Mr. Kohl then advised that some of the property to be taken
was actually County right-of-way. He explained how the
people would be reimbursed for their property and if a
driveway was destroyed in the front, they would install a
replacement driveway to the rear or side° Mayor Zack asked
if he tried to contact the other two County Commissioners and
Mr. Kohl replied that he had, but could not reach them.
~s. Jackson stated that she hoped at some future date, they
wouldn't be sorry for doing this. She is very unhappy about
it. The engineering department is looking into ways for
preserving the water and she thinks we will be sorry we are
losing the fresh water.
~L~yor Zack referred to the suggestion to install a dry well;
however, he has not made any promises or commitments. Pro-
gress must go on and he referred to how property was taken
mhen Federal Highway and Route 804 were widened.
Mr. Caldwell stated that he agrees definitely the street
should be widened and the drainage is necessary. The only
thing he is concerned ~ith are our residents. These people
must be amply indemnified for the~/oss of their land. ~yor
Zack agreed, but added that usually they never get what they
want and the attorneys make the profits with the people
fighting it.
N~s. Jackson requested that the resolution be read. Mayor
Zack asked if the previous resolution was rescinded and Mr.
MARCH 18, 1977
Kohl replied that he did not recall. Mr. Moore informed the
Council that the County Commissioners had requested an up-
dated one ~ud he read proposed Resoultion No. 77-Q.
Mrs. Padgett informed the Council that Mr. Jackie Bolden had
requested to speak and Mayor Zack referred to there being a
motion on the floor and also questioned whether the public
spoke at Special Meetings. ~s. Jackson informed him it was
not customary for the public to speak when the subject has
already been discussed at a Regular Meeting.
Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motio~ includ-
ing the adoption of Resolution No. 77-Q as follows:
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMarch - Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson - Yes
M~¥or Zack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Utility Relocation Agreement - Seacrest Boulevard
Between Woolbri~t Road and Bo~ynton C~l (Tabled)
Mr. Kohl informed the Council this was for moving the utility
lines on Seacrest Blvd. and will cost approximately $20,000.
He explained how it was an adjustment of the utilities of a
minor nature.
_Mr. Caldwell made a motion to remove from the table Item 1-A
for discussion, seconded by M~s. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
~. Caldwell asked if there was any w~y the County or the
Dept. of Transportation would consider this burden of relo-
cation suad Mr. Moore explained how the City had utilities in
the County right-of-way. When it needs to be relocated, it
is at our expense. F~. Kohl added that the same thing hap-
pened on 15t~ Avenue and it cost the City $165,000. This is
the ws~v every City must do it in County or State roads. ~.
Moore added that the only alternative would be to condemn
land outside of the rigk~s-of-way and buy the land, but this
would not be practical and would cost more in the end.
M~. Strnad moved for the execution of the utility relocation
agreement, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Under discussion, Mr.
DeMarco asked if the job would go out for bids and ~Ir. Kohl
epl~ed, yes and the approximate e~timate was $20,000.
Motion carried 5-0.
Housin~ Authority (No Resolution)
Mayor Zack referred to there being a lot of oublicity in the
newspapers lately regarding housing authorities. He advised
~L~CH 18, 1977
that he checked the ordinance book and under 14A7, 14A8 and
~4A9, ahd there is all kind of information giving the City
Manager the authority to have the Building Inspection Depart-
ment investigate these homes, make surveys, demo~ff~ etc.
In view of these, he wonders why they are trying to set up a
Housing Authority. Also, as of this date, he does not think
we have a resolution with the Co~tyo He is also ooncer~d
with Resolution No. 76-BBwhic~ was _~sed requesting the
City Manager to look into the position of housing.
Mrs. Jackson requested the new resolutiom to be read and
Moore read proposed Resolution No. 77'P.
Mrs. Jackson moved adoption of Resolutio~ No. 77-P, seconded
By Mr. DeMarco. Under discussion, Mrs. Jackson stated that
2his was covered a great deal by the ordinances and she also
feels the Community RelatiOns Board could give recommendations
regarding housing. She then read an article referring to the
Riviera Beach Housing ~uthority. She Believes we do have pro-
~ems and created somethi~gwe did not ~1~ ~* ~ - --
powers it did. Mayor Zack agreed and added that the power is
terrific, in fact more power than the City Council as has
been proven elsewhere. There has been sad experienees with
federal housing with the situations in P~viera Beach and
Delray Beach.
Mr. Strnad referred to the Housing Authority being created
.~p.o~ Mr. Kohl,s recommendation and Mr. Kohl clarified that
tbs ~ou~'cil asked him to look into the Housing Authority and
~s ' al~ t~e .informatio~ he could procure. Resolution
~. fo ~ was a~op~ed and that is all that was done. Mr.
Strnad stated that the people of this City will still be en~
titled to th'e same benefits even if we don't have the Housing
Authority an~ Mr. Kohl replied that he did not _know as it
would beu~p ~o the Cou~t~ Eousing Authority. Mr. Strnad
questioned why they should plaae themselves in jeopardy
Be£ore looking into thia ~rthe~ ~s they must think of the
people needing these f~nds.
~yor Zaek referred to the resolution designating the need
of a HouSing ~uthority and also to waiting for funds. Mr.
Kohl informed him that under the Community Block Development
Program, we are rehahilitating some houses in the northwest
seetion. We are going.to rehabilitate most of them. This
is under the Community DeFelopment Block Gran~ which we
signed with the County. Mr. Caldwell asked if further funds
would be jeopardized and ~. Kohl informed him that the
Community Block Program does not have anything to do with
the County Housing Authority. ~. De~trco added that the
funds are available through the Co,muty and anybody can apply
and Mr. Kohl explained the Section 8 Progrs~ subsidizing
rents. He added that he thought it was available to anyone
MARCH 18~ 1977
in Palm Beach County as long as they apply to the Palm Beach
County Housing Authority. There have been approximately IO0
people applying for rent subsidiesswith the County Housing
Authority. Mayor Zack asked if they had received it and Mr.
Kohl replied that he did not know. He added that the people
must qualify and the applications be reviewed, etc. He also
does not know if they will receive it without the City Hous-
ing Authority or not.
Mr. Strnad stated if they didn,t know then why are they step-
ping forward at this time? He suggests that they find out
what is going to be involved first~ Mr. DeMarco replied
that he would rather make a further stud~ Before keeping
the Authority active.
Mrs. Jackson referred to the resolution only referring to
looking into the need of a Housing Authority, but actually
they set it up. Mr. Strnad asked why they should rescind
tkis resolution then and Mayor Zack agreed and referred
again to the ordinances actually spell~g everything out.
Mayor Zack then referred to homes heing demolished and asked
what became of the families and Mr. Kohl replied that he did
not know and explained how he had not removed any families
without a place to go. He explained how there wer~ 50 homes
to be demolished, but people were not living in them,
Fr. Strnad moved to table this until the Council knows more
about what they are doing as they have plenty of time to
disband this Board. Mr. DeMare~ referred to having ten mem-
bers on this Board and he thinks it should be held in abey-
ance. Mrs. Jackson asked if ~. Strnad had read the Housing
Authority Law and M~. Strnad replied: no. F~s. Jackson in-
formed him that this is what made up her mind after reading
it and N~. DeMarco added that he also had read it and the
powers are too broad. Also, he is certain the people can
apply for rent subsidies through the County.
~. Caldwel! referred to having the Boar~, but actually not
having created the Board. Logic indicates something is not
kosher. How can they abol~ish something they never instituted
to begin with? Are any of the agreements w-hich the Housing
Authority entered into binding since we did not crea~ the
Housing Authority? He is~looking for answers. Does the Coun-
cil have the authority to merely appoint a Board without a
resolution? Mr. Moore exDleJ~ed how the Board was created
by enactment of Statute a~d the Board gets life when the
local governing body passes a resolution declaring the need.
The Board was created by the resolution declaring the need.
The Statute states once the resolution is passed declaring
the need, the Board is considered in effect.
~L~RCR 18, 1977
Mr. De~L~rco read Section B and stated that actually any time
they see fit, they can reactivate the Board and be in line.
Mayor Eack clarified that as far as the Council is concerned,
we did create a Ho~sing Authority, but it has never been con-
firmed or a resolution sent to th~ County, He added that at
one time, they thought the Coumty should handle it all and
Mr. Kohl added that at one time, he was told the County would
handle it all.
Mr. Caldwell stated that the question still remained whether
the Eousimg Authority can float bonds and who is responsible
for payment. The g±ty is allowing an outside governing body
to meddle i~ the~w affairs. It is a burdensome Droblem be-
cause we definitely must start some cohesive action te remedy
the housing shortcomings; however, to create a monster which
we~ cannot cg~ntrol is something he would move on Eery cautiously.
-Tx we d~.~_e, with the Housing Authority ~ud re~e the
~r?sponsib~li~ies to the Conmm~ity Relati°ns Boa~ h~ f~w~
~e~y~_m~st be~ given .diree.tiVes. ~t.o seek ~ol~tions t~ ~e-~ng
_~-u~.~ ~ney mus~ wore on ~s as a recommending body.
~yor Zack told abont his orevious e~perience in ~ and how
the people became involved-with improving their Pmeperties
and bank loans were obtained. Mr. Coldwell agreed and ex-
plained how there were many w~ys to indu. ce people to t~ke
positive action. If this is the approach they agree on~
he thinks they should actually look into a program along
these lines.
~ms. Jackson asked if e~y type of tax incentives were allowed
in the State of Florid~ and M~. Moore informed her there were
certain isolated procedures, but nothing to do with this.
F~. Strmad referred to the last Council meeting when a sug-
gestion was made for a gentleman to come from the County with
his attorney~to further explain the housing program and asked
if they should consider this before making a decision and
Mrs. Jackson replied that after reading the law, she didn,t
thi~ the man could exolain anything to her to make her tb~k
it was the proper thin~ to do. The law is very specific.
Mr. Strnad replied that this was her opinion and he would
like to hear from this man as he may have a different inter-
pretation of the law. N~r. DeMarco then read the Powers and
Authorities from the law. Mrs. Jackson then read Page 222,
Cooperation of Authorities and stated that this meant people
would be coming in here and they would have people from out
o~ to~n*on the Housing Authority. She added that other pages *being
go in~o bondingdeb~t~s and sh~ thin~s this is too great a subsidized
thing. ~ ~ in o~ City
Mayor Zack questioned the position of the City in enforcing
the ordinances they have and M~. Kohl informed him the ordi-
nances were being followed under the Community Developmen~
See Council
Minutes of
MARCH 18, 1977
Block Grant and he will continue to do more as he receives
funds. Mayor Zack asked when he expected to recei~e funds
and Mr. Kohl replied that funds have Been allocated, But
not received yet. When they ar~ received, he will ~uroceed
with the rehabilitation. First, they must get the 50 con-
demned homes
Fmyor Zack asked if it was possible for the building insoec-
tots to talk to the people to see if they will improve t~eir
homes or not and Mr. Kohl rePlied that this could be tried.
~orzack added thatpOssibly ~hey could also help them
get loans.
M~.yor Zack then ascertained there was no second for Mr.
Strnad,s motion to table.
Mr. DeMarco requested that an addition be made to the ori-
ginal motion to continue further study at a later time.
Mrs. Jackson added that they should immediately get the
resolution off to the County and explained how she thought
it was a shame that the lOth Avenue widening project was
~s. Padgett then took a roll call on the
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman De~mrco - Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson Aye
Councilman Strnad - No
Mayor Zack - ~Ye
Motion carried 4-1.
motion as follows:
quidelines for Boe~
Mayor Zack referred to most of the Boards operating satis-
factorily at the present time and suggested that the Chair-
man and members prepare guidelines to be submitted to the
Council for aoproval or disaooroval. He thinks this is the
starting pein% and the Counc~ should work with the Board
members first and get feedback as they know what they are
doing. ~nis would work similar to job descriptions.
Mrs. Jackson agreed this was a good idea, but referred to
the Community Relations Board having no guidelines at all
and she thinks they should be set by the Council. Also,
there is the rule that after three unexcused absences, a
members will be replaced and in going over the Boards, there
are people excused for long periodsof time and there should
be a limit set. If someone goes away, they should be careful
not to have a lengthy absence period. Mayor Zack agreed and
stated this should be included in the guidelines.
MARCH 18, 1977
M~o DeMarco advised that he requested Mrs. Padgett to get
information regarding every Board and this possibl~ could
be used for a guide. It has been compiled from the Charter
and other rules. Mrs. Pad~ett distributed a folder with the
information to each Council member.
Mr. Caldwell stated that from reading the minutes of the first
Community Promotions Board meeting, there s~e two distinct
areas of interest. There are two understandings of what the
rules for that Board are. He feels we should give them some
guideline as to where they should be going.
~or Zack referred to the other Boards not having a~y pro-
blem~ and explained how severs~ experience~ members were on
each Board. However, he is concerned with the Community Re-
lations Board and Community Promotions Hoard. Mr. Caldwell
agreed that the members on these two Beards were grouping
for direction. The Community Promotions Board h~s two dis-
tinct sides with the people having di£ferent points of view
as to what areas they should conce~2~e on. N~yor Zack
stated that first of all they should have a resolution recom-
mending the Community Promotions Board and Mrs. Jackson
agreed and added that they must know their aimed.
M_r. DeMarco stated that the information in the fol~s spells
it out an8 he thinks each Chairman should be given a copy and
Mayor Zack agreed. Mr. DeMarco then told about attending a
Board meeting one night and the members did not know what to
~or Zack suggested turning it over to the Chairme~ of the
Boards mud having them make recommendations to the Council.
~. Caldwell referred to there being two arguments from the
Community Promotions Board, one to promote the various activi-
ties of the City and the other to promote the City to out-
siders. He does not think these can be brought together.
He thinks they can be included in a community promotions con-
cept.. He explained how he felt community promotion meant to
make the community attractive to outsiders to live here as
well as for Businesses. He explained how he felt the Com-
munity Promotions Board should be concerned with social
functions and also work with the Chamber of Commerce to at-
tract industry.
~yor Zack asked if they would accept his suggestion to turn
the guideline preparation over t~ the Chairm~m of the Boards
with the exception of the Community Relations Board and Com-
munity Promotions Board and have them make recommendations to
the Council. N~. Caldwell so moved, seconded by Mr. De~mrco.
Motion carried 5-0.
M~RCH 18, 1977
Mayor Zack announced they should work on the Community Pro-
motions Board and Community Relations Board. He added that
a resolution was needed for the Comm~mity Prometions Board
indicating their responsibilities. ~s. Jackson stated she
thought the Community Promotions Board should be divided into
sub-committees ~zith the people interested in industry on one
comittee and the others interested i~ social functions on the
other. She thinks~ the intention was for them to work with
Mr. Kohl on various things. She then told about the City
having an Industrial Board in 1970, but it was dropped when
it was found out it was a duplication of efforts by a Chamber
of Commerce Board. She explained how she felt the Chamber of
Commerce was actus, lly the ones concerned with promoting indus-
try. Mayor Zack stated that he has always felt the Community
Promotions Board is to work in conjunction and sell ~he com-
munity as far as social and cultural affairs s~nd should be
under the direction of the City, Manager.
Mr. Caldwell stated that his view was more expanded and ex-
plained how he felt the Chamber of Commerce and Community
Promotions Board should werk together. Re believes the
Community Promotions Board, from obtaining information from
the Chamber of Commerce, should do research and report to
the Council as to what cam be done to he~D create the at-
tractiveness of Boynton Beach. They also should get involved
in the public relations campaign to let people know what
affairs are taking place. He does not see the necessity to
narrow the interest merely to promotion. He explained fur-
ther how the Community Promotions Board. shou~ld let people
wanting to move here ~ta~ta~ac~_e%~iti~$~ etc.
~myor Zack stated that Usually any industry considering
moving here will check with the Planning ~ Zoning Board,
City Planner and Chamber of Commerce. F~rs. Jackson added
that she did not feel the businesses should contact the
Community Promotions Board as they are no~ experienced for
this. She told about her experience of most businesses con-
tacting the Chamber of Commerce.
M~yor Zack referred to the Community Promotions Board not
actually knowing what they should be doing, but a monthly
calendar of events was suggested. ~yor Zack asked if Mr.
Kohl had anything to add and U~r. Kohl informed him that the
meeting this week was cancelled awaiting the Council's recom-
m~dation. -
~yor Zack suggested that a resolution be prepared for the
Community Promotions Board to promote civic minded affairs.
Mrs. Jackson so moved. ~. De~urco asked if there was a
need for the other division, could it be broken up into two
groups and Mayor Zack replied that this could be done later,
but he feels the Chamber of Commerce should be doing that.
MARCH 18, 1977
Pk. Moore referr~gto the Chamber of Commerce serving as a
promotional arm of the City and the City give~ them promo-
tional funds, so he questions whether they skould create
another Board. He does not know if such guidelines can be
spelled out. If they continue to fund the Chamber of ~ommerce,
possibly the direction mhould be expanded to them. He ex-
plained how he felt people inquiring about the City should
only have to come to one person, the M~yor.
~. DeMarco asked if there was a record of just what the
Chamber of Commerce has done and Mrs. Jackson informed him
that they were working closely with the City Planner. Mr.
Kohl explained how he also worked very close with the Cham-
~er of Commerce. He explained how the v~rious social events
were worked in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce.
I~r. DeMarco asked if they should forget about promotion of
industry and Mrs. Jackson replied that the City does support
the Chamber of Commerce financially and industry is really
their field.
~. DeMarco then seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Mr. Caldwell stated that the Ch~nber of
Commerce was not only working ~ith the City F~zUager on social
affairs, but also in attracting business. If this is the pu~-
pose of the Community Promotions Board, why have a Board if
it is being .done at the present time? Mayor Zack informed
klm that some of the same people have been helping the City
~nager year in s_nd year out and they.~ust creat~d~ a Board
now. 'There was further discussion about whether the guide-
lines should cover industry as well as social activities.
Mayor Zack announced it had been moved and seconded to direct
the City Attorney to prepare a resolution creating the Commun-
ity Pr'omotions Board and to incorporate those items which the
City Manager thinks should be incorporated. Motion carried
4-1, with Mr. Caldwell ~oting against.
~yor Zack referred to the intent of the Community Relations
Board being strictly inter-racial and asked if there were any
problems and Mr. DeMarco replied that since we have rescinded
the Housing Authority, he would like to see as many of those
people possible on this Board to help. U~s. Jackson stated
she thought they needed a resolution. S%e continued with
explaining that there wasn, t ad'finite number for this Board
and anyone interested should be on the Board. She th~nks
they can go into the housing situation and make recommenda-
tions where we need help. Mayor Zack referred to having
passed resolutions in 1963 and 1966. ~. Caldwell referred
to incorporatir~ some~of the responsibilities from the Hous-
ing Authority to the Community Relations Board and asked if
it could be spelled out. He believes housing should be im-
proved in specific areas. However, it would be a recommending
MARCH 18, 1977
Board in any event. .Mr. DeMarco stated that it should be
through the City.M~ager as he must enforce the rules. Mrs.
Jackson questioned whether the number of members should be
limited ~_ud Fw. DeMarco suggested leaving it open. Mayor
Zack suggested that it be worked out with the City Manager
and the group should be continued. Mr. Caldwell so moved,
seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Reconsider Drug Abuse Pro6ram
Mms. Jackson auno~e~ that she had requested this to be re-
considered. She voted for this reluctantly because she feels
we are charged with spending the taxpayers' money collected
in the City and it should be spent inside the City for our
people. This affects less than 50 people in the City. She
then re~erred to a television interview on Wednesday night
stating the~ would have to close the doors of this center or
raise money through fund raising affairs. They stated they
only had $9,000, She feels it is wrong if Boca Raton, Delray
Beach and the County are not going to cooperate and our
p~ople wilt be paying for it.
Mrs. Jacksoh moved to add totthe previous motion that we will
p~ our fair share when the other cities come through with
their share.
Mr. Caldwell stated this came back to the same thing with
Boynton Beach following the shad~w~o£ Delray Beach and Boca
Raton. Our children are at this center. As Will Rogers
said, our greatest asset is our young people. The City
should not look to see who is going to take the first step.
This is a very worthwhile progrsm. We shoul~ do it and do
our fair share. These are our children ~ud not from Delray
~each, Boca Raton or the County. There are 44 Boynton Beach
ohildren involved. We should do our fair share. If the other
c/kies renege, it i~ on their conscience. He will not allow
this Council to renege on its young people regarding something
which is destroying characters, minds, etc. He thinks Boynton
Beach should look to themselves for one direction and quit
following the other cities in regards to i~portant matters.
~or Zack added that if you don't get them young, you don't
get them at all. You do not P~ow where they will end up.
Also, he believes they were informed the other evening that
Delray Beach is giving $2,500 plus additional money from
the Community Chest of Delray Beach ~uud their share has
been fulfilled. He also heard that Boca Rat0ncemm~ tted
$3,000 ~md will pay the remainder. He thinks this i~ a good
mo~ion. If Boca Raton comes through, we should come through.
~ms. Jackson referred to requesting Mr. Kohl to call Boca
~aton and Delray Beach yesterday and asked for him to report
the responses. Mr. Kohl informed him that M~. ~mmiott advised
that they had not given one penny as yet, but do have 2 0
in the budget for this program and also $2,500 for ano~h~ 0
program. He also talked to Boca Raton yesterde~ and w~
formed they had given ~othing; however, today at 4:05 P. M.
Mrs. Wilken called and left a message advising that Boca
Raton has referred to their City Attorney to see if~m~e is
some way ~u in~ergovernment agreement could be worked ou%
so the State could get the funds and the funds come back to
this program° The Bgca'Raton Char~er prohibits funding
charitable orgsmizat~oz~.
~s. Jackson referred to Belray Beach having t~ocontributio~s
set asidesand stated that if the City gives to one, there
will be other requests. She then told ahou~ being assured
the names were kept confidential, but how a name had been
brought up which ~asn't good.
~. Strnad referred to 44 children being treated from this
area and stated if we soend $8,500 for saving one child's
lifetime and correct hi~ in his ways, it is well spent. He
agrees with Mr. Cmldwell and questions why they have to look
to the other cities. This is Boynten Beach and we should
look to our own City. He is not afraid of someone else com-
ing &n and asking for funds~ but they ~ust have to consider
whether they deserve them.
Mrs. Jackson referred to there still being $9,000 due from
De!ray Beach ~ud Boca Raton and she asked what would happen
if they don,t get it? She still saystthey should wait.- Mr.
Strnad replied that we would beoout $9,000and would have
~e~ned a lesson. Mrs. Jackson referred to this being ta_~-
payer~, money ~ud M~. Strnad replied that they have wasted
money in the past. ~s. Jackson stated if the center c~n't
do it without money from other people, then what are they
going to do with our money? Mr. Strnad replied why should
they worry about the other people this is Boynton Beach.
Ee added that she would have a different attitude if she
had any experience with people on drugs.
Mr. DeMarco asked if it was within the Charter Eights to make
this donation and Y~. Strnad replied that they have done so
previously. ~fr. De]~rco asked!if it was budgeted and Mr.
Kohl informed him that one time it was and one time it w~sn't.
Mr. gtrnad added that if the taxoayers in this City knew what
the money was going for, he is m~re they would not hes~tm~adto
recommend to allot the monies. Mayor Zack added that he felt
thefamilies' ~ could not afford it and if they could, they would
contribute to the clinic. There was a total of ~93 with ~4
from Boynton Beach.
Mrs. Jackson announced that she made a motion that we will
pay ~m~ share of this when Delray Beach and Boca Raton pay
their share. ~. DeMarco seconded the motion for the pur-
pose of voting. Under discussion, Mayor Zack stated that he
~CH 18, 1977
personally feels since we have not contributed anything and
have gone so far, he thinks we should contribute the money for
the cause and appeal=to the County Commissioners for help.
Mrs. J~ckson referre~ to the largest mrea covered being in
the un!ncorperated area west of the three cities and stated
this should have been a four way thing instead of a three way
thing. She feels ths County shonld have supported it.
Caldwell replied that he concurred wholeheartedly a~d the
County should have been negotiated in this particular issue,
hut it does mot rectify this.~ The Program is short of f~uds
and they need to get to the momth of d~tue. If we give money
amd help them keep their doors open a little longer, possi-
bly the Coumty will'see fit to g~t tke mone~. He suggests
~at possibly a resolution from Boynten Beach should be sent
appealling to the County to contribute the fumds.
~. DeMarco asked how long this money would last them and
referred to the television interview saying they were about
to close their doers because of lack of funds and a represen-
tative informed him it would lamt through June 30. He added
that they have spent the $10,000 received from Delray Beach.
Mars. Jackson asked if they were having fund raising affairs
and the representative replied that they were tryiug and
have received $1~000 from the Mt. Patrick's Parade sponsored
by Delray Beach. They have a request on the County Co~m~s-
sion Meeting Agenda on Tuesday. F~. DeYa~rco asked if the
County had ever worked with it.and t~e representative re-
plied: no, this is the first t~me itson ~he agenda.
Jackson added that there had been another group.
I~. Strnad stated if everybody waited for everybody else,
they would not get anything. Mr. DeMarco asked about Boca
Raton and the representative replied that the attorney was
researching it.
Mrs. Jackson clarified that her motion was to pay our share
as soon asDelray Beach and Boca Raton pay their share. ~s.
Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman DeMs~co No
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - No
C~uncilman Caldwell - No
Mayor Zack - No
Motion failed 4-t.
Mr. DeMarco suggested that in the future, money should be
budgeted and Mayor Zack suggested contacting the County
MARCH 18, 1977
~r. Caldwell moved to draw up an immediate resolution to
present to the County Commissioners that the City of Boynton
Beach hereby resolves and recognizes ~h~ Dosition of the
County to help further the County Drug ABuse Program. The
resolution must state this City is requesting the County to
do their share and ifnneed be take over everything. _Mr.
DeMarco seconded the motion. Under discussion, ~. DeFm~rco
asked when the County Co~missioners would meet and the repre-
sentative informed him it was on Tuesday. ~.r. DeMarco re-
marked that there was not time for a resolution and Mayor
Zack replied that he would talk to the County Commissioners
about it. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson moved to adjourn~ seconded by _Mr. Strnad.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
at 5:40 P. Mo
~City Clerk
(Two Tapes)