Joseph F.
Emily M.
Norman F
Vice Mayor
, Councilman
Fr~k Kohl, City ~mager
~ene Meo~e~
Mayer Zack welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order
at to rise at the sound of
the ~ ~mith,
Allegiance to led t Nerman F. Strmad.
if there was any i&em on the agenda
step forward .and give
City Clerk wi!l call on them at the appropriate time.
Mayor Zackan~ounced there would be a Special City Council
Meeting on Tuesday, February 8 at 7:30 P. M.
Mayor Zackannomnced there would be a Department of Trans-
portation ~garding the Bo~nton Beach Bridge
over the held at City Hall on February
9 at 7:30 P. M.
Mayor Zack read a Proclamation proclaJmf~g the week of Feb-
ruary 20th 'through February 27th, 1977, as Brotherhood Week.
Mayor Zack rea~ a Proclamation proclaiming February 10, 11,
and 12, 1977, as Peppy Days.
A~enda Ad~t miens
Mrs. Jack, on requested the addition of another item under
Legal, Other. Nr. DeMar¢o requested the addition of the
headinE:"Meeting" under Other.
Regu~r Cit7 Council Meeting - Jamuary 18, 1977
Mayor Zack called on the Council members and Mr.
Mr. Strnad and Mrs. Jacksonpassed.
Mayor Zack referred to Page 2, fourth ~n~l and stated
it should be: "Approved" instead of passed.
Mr. Caldwell referred to Page 13, Paragraph 2, and requested
the addition of: "serving" before: in temporary positions.
FEBRUARY 1, 1977
Mrs. Jack~_~on moved to adopt the minutes as corrected, seconded
hy Mr. DeMar¢o. Motion carrie~ 5-0.
Mr. Jose~ stated his name and his address as 2520
N He informed the Council that he wished to
speak L ordinance affecting the members of the
;. in the City of B0ynton Beach. He added that
he the Board of Adjustment. He the~ read
He understands ~here has been
the offlee~ of
the law
that way.
Nfs. Jack. on sugg?st~d that Mr. Moore study thio and re-
~aest~d that he give an opinion where the ordins_nce was read
on second reading.
Mr. Otto D~issig stated his name and his address as 230
Country Lane. He referred to Pine Point Villas ~ever having
~he Ci~t2 maintai~ their sewer system since it was built four
years a~e because the builder never put in a lift station
satisfactory for the City~ He understands it will be cor-
rected in the near future~ However, they did hire an omt-
side company te service the lift station a~d help in emer-
gpncy. On January 23 at 4:00 A. M., they had an emergency
and at 8:00 A. M~, they called the outside company and a
mare looked at it at 9:00 A. M. At 3:30 P. M. the man opened
the hole and left. By 5:00 P. M. the lift station was filled.
~e Da. nicke~, thinking all the apariment~ would have backups.
At 5.30 P. M., he called Mr. Cessna and explained their need
for some assistance. Within 30 minutes, men were there and
within noticed a wire was missi~g from the
~ack an auxiliary pmmp and the men
for lift station wa8 emptied.
He felt it was his duty to let the City k~ow and also to
th?~k Mr. Cessna and hi~ men for assisting im a serious sit-
uatio~o All the residents ef Pine P~int Villas are grateful.
T~he me~ from the City did not leave until 10:30 P. M. and
Goo came at 11:30 P.~ M.~and prat in a
thinks the City Council should kaow
Ordinances - 2nd Readin$ - Public Nearin8
Proposed Ordinance Ne. 76-56 - Re: Amending Section 4 (B) of
Appendix A, Zoning Regulations, to Establish Bailding amd
Site Regalations Applicable to Accessory Buildings in Resi-
deb tial Districts
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 76-56 on second reading
~y caption only.
Mayor Zack asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of pro-
posed Ordinance No. 76-56 and received no response. He then
asked if ~yone wished to oppose this ordinance and received
no response.
Mr. Caldwell moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 76-56 on
second and final reading, seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No dis-
cussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Comncilman Caldwell - Aye
CouncilmamDeMa~co - Aye
Vice M~yor Jackson - Aye
~ouncilmam Strnad - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 77-1 - Re: Amending Article VI. Sec.
21-93 and Adding New Sections 21-94 and 21-95 of Chapter 21
(Pensions) to Provide Firemen's Retirement Fund Benefits
Mr. Eoore read proposed Ordinance No. 77-1 on second reading
by caption only.
Mayor Zack asked if a~yone wished to speak in favor of Ordi-
m~_n~e Ne- and received no response, ge then asked if
to speak in opposition to this ordinance a~d
received no response.
Mrs. Jackson moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 77-1 on
second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Coldwell. No
diseassion. M~s. Padgett reek a roll call vote as follows:
Co~ane&]men DeM~co
Mayor Zack
- Aye
- Aye
- Aye
- Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 7772 - Re: Amending ~rticle V.~Sec~.
21-87 amd Adding New Sections 21-88 and 21-89 of Chapmer 2~
(Pens~ons) to Provide Police Officer~ Retirement Fu~d Benefits
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 77-2 on second reading
by caption only.
Mayor Zack asked if amyone wished to speak in favor of this
ordinance and received no response. He then asked if amyone
wished to oppose this ordinance and received no response.
Mr. DeMarco moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 77-2 on second
and final reading, seconded by Mr. Gal~well. No discussion.
Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Vice Mayor Jackson Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
CouncilmamDeN~reo - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 77-3 - Re: Amending Section 66 of
Article IV of the Municipal Charter to Olarify the Meaning
of ~Publ~ Records"
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 77-3 on second reading
by caption only.
Mayor Zack asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of this
Mr. David Roberts appeared before the Council spe~ng in
favor of Ordinance No. 77-3.~ He referred to it being
rescinded a year ago and also/quotations in the paper in re-
ference to the central file. He cannot understand why any
honest person would object to this ordinance. He referred
to this falling Back on Chapter 119 of the Florida StatUtes.
Mr. Roberts, who was Mayor in 1975, then read one paragraph
of Chapter 119 which wa~ omitted by Mayor Zack during discus-
sion on first reading of Ordinance 77-3 designating a custo-
dia~ of the records. He asked who is the custodian of the
City Council and City Manager's mail.* Mayor Zack replie~
that there was no questiom about this as it is the City Clerk.
Mr. Roberts clarified that the City Clerk will be responsible
for all mail that comes in and Mr. Kohl agreed.
Mr~ Roberts continued, referring to the public record~ Being
open to the citimens. He has come acros~ some evidence, which
he proposes to present to this Council, so possibly they may
see it his way and without hesitation pass this ordinance be-
cause he thinks they will agree that any mail that comes in
should be delivered to the presiding Mayer no matter wha~
Mayor's name is on it. He referred to a letter from the
Attorney General in 1973 referring to public records. He
told how some records had been withheld and referred to the
Florida criminal code.
Mr. Roberts then referred to 1974 and told about the former
~yor withholding records and holding a meeting with no min-
utes. In 1975 as Vice Mayor, he had an office set up in the
personnel office, had a secretary and conducted City business.
No records were turned in at the end of his term as Vice Mayor.
Last month he completed his term as Mayor and no records were
turned in. In fact, he instructed his secretary not to turn
them in. Mr. Roberts said he came in to pay a bill and dis-
covered the records that had just been turned in. However,
records were recov.ered as many were aware of his previous ac-
tivities. He then showed the Council members the file turned
in £rom 1975. He referred to a letter in the file dated Dec-
ember from an attorney with an offer to work at a certa~u
salary with a contract and this was received before the previ-
ous. City Attorney had been dismissed. In addition, there are
letters going to various departments in regards to the Christ-
mas parade complimenting the City .Manager mhd then an investi-
gation was requested for the same thing recently. These parti-
cular records were hidden and this is contrary to law. He
thinks, continued Mr. Roberts, it is incumbent upon the present
Council to review these things. He requests the Council to ask
the City Attorney to look at them and form an opinion to see if
an investigation should be requested. There is mail addressed
to different departments and he doesn't know how former Mayor
DeLong got ahold of them. There were complaints registered.
He used a particular section of personnel with m secretary and
also conducted personal business. He is in favor of this
ordinance so things like this won't happen again. He camnot
u~derstand why it was voted down. They should have this ordi-
nance in case they get another character in there with the same
ideas. In that particular year, they did not have a City
Mamager/Oity Council form of government. He is glad to say
the Council has been operating differently this year. He
the passage of this particular ordinance, but
th~ 'of these records should be made to see if there
is amy breach of the law. He thi~k~ he has said enough be-.
cause the evidence speaks for itself. Any~ed2 ~ae is homest
deem ~ot have to worry about this ordimanee.
Mr. Roberts added that he is sure Mayor Mack receives mail
~arious prey like he d~d where he
he is going
~hr~ngh the e~ts. He urges the
Mayor Zaek thanked him amd then asked if amyone else desired
Mr. De,arco stated that inasmuch as this was one of his issues
and platforms for election, he moves that Ordinance No. 77-3
be ad~pted on second and fimal m seconded
~d this was
DeLo~'sreply to a letter mamrequesting re-
pairs at the corner of ~cean Avenue and Blvd. She
stated she was sorry to say that she was ashamed of
letter written hy their former Nayor. ~is the kin~ of
thiug i~ these four fol~ers and abe feels it was wroug,
Mr. Galdwell stressed the importance of everyone ~i~g to the
polls to vote and also to bring their neighbors wmth them.
If a letter of this type alienates them, they have nobody to
blame but themselves. They have the power to control the
people they elect. Time:and again, year iafter year, it seems
like people tend to elect someone and find out too late, he
is not the mas theythought he would be. If this is the type
of correspondence~ the2 are prou~ of having in the records
of Boymton Beach, they should vote for this type of individual
again. Everyone should get involved and vote independently.
Mrs. Padgett then
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Ca!dwell - Aye
Councilman D~Marco - Aye
Vice Mayor Jacks~ - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
took a roll call vote on the motion as
Motion carried 5-0.
FEBRUARY 1 , 1977
Mrs. Jackson stated that inview of the folders turned in,
she would like to move the City Attorney be instructed to
ls~k through these a~d see if theretis amything in violation
of the law. Mr. Caldwell seconded he motion. Under dis'
they should keep i~ in their ownfamily a~d if the City
Attorney finds something, they could then contact the State
informed them that he had ~ of time.
that he appreciated t comments
it is
to see are
proceedings. Mrs. Padgett then took a voteon the
motion as follows:
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Ceuncil,~ DeMarco - A~e
Vice Mayor ~ackson Aye
Councilma~Strnad - Aye
Mayor Zack Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Ordimances - 1st Readin$
Proposed Ordinance No. 77-6 - Re: Amending Codified Ordinances
of City to Transfer Jurisdiction ~ Control of Mumicipal License~
Department from Cit~ wn~$er to Cmt~ Bmildin~ Official
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 77-6 in its entirety on
first reading. He added that the only changes ~ere to sub-
stitute the name of Buil~g Officialfor that of City Mana-
ger and there were no other material changes.
Mr. DeMarco moved to adopt Ordinance No. 77-~ on first reading,
seconded b2 Mrs. Jackson. Under discussion, ~. Caldwell _
asked if there was any way they could legislate a time stipu
lation whereby the City officials shall issue a license to the
mnu within a specified period of time, so the man was not
caused any hardship in opening and Mr.~ Moore replied t~a~ he
·hought t4is w0mld Be administrative rather th.a~, legis±a=ive
~_ud explained. Mayor Zack suggested that possibly the City
~nager should ge~ i~put from the Building Official. Mr.
Kohl repliedthat.he has been involved in quite a few of
these and every tmme he has checked, ~verzthing has bee~
done in accorda~?e with the ordinance~ H~ added that this
had ~een under him for the past year a~d he advocated moving
it. He explained how there were many factors to be considered
for inspecbors~approval. Mrs. JacksOn replied that she under-
stood all this, ~ut hoped they were n~t holding builders back.
FEBRUARY 1 , 1977
Mayor Eack told about a party being critical of an inspector,
but he found out the inspector had not come back to make a
re-inspection as he had mot been called. Mr., Caldwell agreed
that situations like this should ~e handled through the proper
channels. Mr. Kohl explained how he had rmnacross a few
believed i~spections had improved
Official on doing a terrific jo~.
was to hear that ins] ~ction~
he was
time it took te get a new
and possibly there
~ the Building
state~ that he
as he does
L will
~ how
to aid busi-
the basic eom-
: and
Mr. Kohl informed them that the law must be mpheld as written
b7 the how they had proBlem~
in Palm Beach
and ituSed to take
on this. Nayor Zack re-
established and Mr.
of it and advised that they
basis. He
get a permit
Mr. Caldwell
~t on the agenda for further
either af-
law and he re-
%Eat the handi-
the popmlation.
would have
~okto get
it up at the
~with a
and ¢lari-
e is~middle
~does not ~nt to
FEBRUARY 1, 1977
Ooumcilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilmam S.trmad - Aye
Cou~cilmam Oaldwell - Aye
Mayor Zack ~ye
Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as
Motion ear,led 5~0.
Ordinamee No. ?7-7 - Re: ,Amendi~ Provisions of Sec.
for EstaBlishments of Fire Districts Within
Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 7?-7 i~ its entirety on
first reading.
Mr. Caldwell moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 77-7 on
, seconded by~s. Jackson. Under discussion,
a copy of the map and Mr. Moore re-
plied that it was attached to the ordinance. Mrs. Padgett
took a roll call vote as follows:
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilma_u Strnad - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
,Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson referred to the next resolution going with Ordi-
nance No. 77-6 and asked if they were being premature in
passing a chart for the ordinance which would not go into
effect for 45 day~ and Mr. Kohl replied that the date could
~e inserted er left ope~ Mr. Moore referred to the chart
being recommended by the City Manager and only some portions
would not become effective and it would not function until
the ordinance was effective.
Proposed Resolution No. 77-H - Re: Adopting An Official
Or~atio~l Chart
Mr. Moore read proposed Resolution No. 77-H.
Mrs. Jacksom moved the adoption of Resolution NO. 77-H,
seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett
took a roll call vote as follows:
FEBRUARY 1, 1977
C oun¢ilmam Strnad Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
Councilman DeMmu~co - Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
M~yor Zack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resglution No, 77-I - Re: Authorizing the~ ~Exe~cutio. n
of Traffic Signals Maintenance Agreement Between ~.U.T. ama
Mr. MOore read proposed Resolution No. 77-I. Mayor Za~k
added that this was located~ on N. E. 4th Avenue per Exhibit
Mr. Caldwell moved the adoption of Resolution No. 77-I,
secondsdbyMr. DeMar¢o. Under discmssion, ~. Caldwell
asked if it was for the City
te foot the bills for electrical billing
and Mr. Kohl informed b4m this was just the maintenance agree-
B~t~arco asked if
maintenance and Mr.
~ensiveand we are not
did not th~k we could de
them that West Palm
~ossibly Boca Ratonalso
~hey did wit~ the
p!ained how some
~ere starting a
~formed him that
~ the m~on as follows:
Councilman Caldwell
Vice-Mayor ,Jackssn
Mayor zac~
to have their own
· that it woutd~e very ex-
- Aye
- Aye
- Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson made a motion to instruct the proper authori-
ties to execute the agreement, seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No
discussion. N~s. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman DeN~arco - Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Councilman Caldwell - Aye
.Mayor ~ack - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
FEBRUARY 1, 1977
Proposed Resolution No. ?7-J - Re: Establishing Bank Accounts
for Antirecessiomal Assistance Pro~ram~ Title II
Mr. Moore read proposed Resolution No. 77-J.
Mr. DeMarco moved to adopt Resolutiom Ko. 77-J, seconded by
up to the Finance Director in regards to the amount of inter-
est received. He has always tried to procure a high amoumt
of also tries to service all the banks in Boynton
Beach. ~ that he had also submitted a letter stating
the funds if they were given the
Title II. He
He clarified
jobs will go
roll ~alt vote on the
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Council~ Str~ad - Aye
Goum¢ilma~ Caldwell - Aye
~un¢ilman DeMarco - AYe
or Zack Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
At this time, Mr. Strnad asked to be excused on account of
mot feeling well and left at 8:45 P. M.
Resolutiom No. ?7-K
Mr. Moore referred to having Resolution No. 77-K prepared and
asked if the CrabSree Construction contract had been let and
~. Clark informed him that it had been sent, but they must
wait for a signed letter from Crabtree Construction.
Status of Law Smits
Mayor Zack referred to having a workshop meetimg for the
review of the law suits and Mr. Moore replied that he would
just give a brief s%ummary of the law suits at this time.
Mr. Moore referred to three suits from Snug Harbor and ex-
plained how they had attempted to embroil the City im this
controversy on the basis of the City conducting the iaspec-
tions. He advised that the suits were dismissed as far as
the City is concerned, but the plaintiffs can amend the
smits and there is the possibility all three suits will be
FEBRUARY 1 , 1977
Mr. Moore then referred to the Seagate of Gulfstream and
their claim of an improper count on the number of sewer
facilities and advised that he thinks it was resolved admin-
istratively and the correct amount agreed to. He explaimed
there was also a qmestion about independent garbage service,
but we feel confident if it is called up, we will prevail.
Mr. Moore referred to receiving the decision from Judge
the Green amd advised
basis re
re~iew the case and hate a
SO an~ may work eut some
suit. filed eh-
it wemld appear
He Will
~ Or
Mr. Moo~e referred to the N. R. Field suit amd advised that
~pparently there was some question about.continuing 0bliga-
%ions.and he thimks this is simply a matter of wo~gwith
the Finance Department to unravel what he is entitled to.
~. Moore referred to the Rimker suit attempting to transfer
eir location and advised that the Appellate Cour, t had j~st
recently reversed the decision of the ~rial Court. He re
ceived a letter from the attorney for Rinker this afternoon
and he will review it and submit a report to the Council.
Mr. Moore informed~k~m that the~ Case was settled and was
handled by Mr. Simon regarding the sewer problem.
Mr. Moore informed them there was a small claims court matter
an~ we collected money for a water hill. ~There was a suit
inv olving a police car and a citizen, which has been resolved
and dismissed. There was another claim ia County Court for
a $200 water bill and he believes it was made.
Mr. Moore informed them that the Normam Michaels case was
set for February 25 and he told about discussing this with
the City Plamner. He plans to have further discussion with
the City Planner so they can produce evidence showing there
is no discretion.
Mr. Moore added that he wo~ld also discuss the Rinker matter
with the City Planner, as it is very complicated. If there
is over $~,O00,000 in damages, Rinker will probably be awarded
b~ the State Road Department if their case is annituilated.
They were entitled to business interuptiom when the highway
went through the plant and if they are totally phased out,
there would be damages for total destruction and profits
over the years. The $1,000,000 would be additional compen-
sation paid by the State of Florida. This will mot be deter-
mined until they fdhd out if they cam move across the tracks.
FEBRUARY 1, 1977
Mr. Moore then told about writing a~d calling Ocean Ridge,
~ut being unable to get a meetingset to discuss the matter.
He is attempting to work out a resolution to the problem to
have them m~ilize the property. However, he thinks he is
they woul~ talk to him, it would be one t~ing? ~u~ he cannot
get past their Tow~Mana~.er. He reco~m~.en~ tha~ ~y ~?
ahead and obtain a j~dieial determination. Mr. Oa±mwem±
moved te take the neeessery actions as laid out by Mr. Moore
and go to court on this matter. Mr, 0ore eontinued with
referring to the ~ posted by the property
court may ss~vwe slipped on
our r~ ~ack asked how mmch time he wanted to
Moore re that the fact they won't
to a
us, we will proceed
Reso~utian No. ~-L
told about having a brave little boy from Boynton
the hospital in Niami and reGuested a resolution
au honorery Councilman and to set
Aaron Witherspoon week and a request te
the people to remember him in a monetary way if possible and
im their prayers.
Er. Moore read Resolution No. 77-L.
M~. Caldwoll moved the adoption of Resolution No. 77-L,
seconded by Mr. DeMarco. Under discussion, Mr. De~zrco
announced that the Fire Department would be having a sausage
aud pancake breakfast on Sunday from 9:00 A. M. to 1:00 P. M.
for the benefit of Aaron Witherspoon. He urged everyone to
come. Mrs~ Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion
as follows:
Councilman Caldwelt - Aye
Councilman DeMarco - Aye
Vice Mayor Jackson - Aye
Mayor Zack - Aye
Motion carried4-O.
Mr. DeMarco then referred back to the Rinker matter and
stated it has always been his feeling that a settlement is
better than a law smit. He thinks we might be smart to make
a reasonable settlement if we can make a fair deal. Mr.
Moore clarified that the City moved to dismiss the complaimt
since they did not exhaust their mmhicipa~jremedies. They
are back in on a techmical point. He explained how there
were a number of factors to be considered and advised that
he would report to the Council.
FEBRUARY 1, 1977
Status ~eport om Par~,~ - N. E. 22nd Avenme (Tabled)
Mrs. Jackson moved to remove this from the table, seconded
by ~. DeMarco. Mstion carried 4-0.
Mr. Kohl referr?d to the instructions given to him at the
last meeting being very ¢onf~msing and advised' that he visited
the site and found
~l~e rear. He,ewer,
did not know what he w~ smDpese4 to de. ~or
Zack t~t the or~ i~ea w~ to ~eck ~ report
on the =ost for a~itio~ ~d ~. Kohl informe4 h~
it w~ l~ate~ in ~he C~ ~ere is p~,
but it is tee f~ aw~ ~rem the dr~ store and ~hey ~st have
parking-by the store.
would not
there also.
think it
thinks i~
Catdwell stated that the parkinE
store, bat the ether stores
~ ~hem,
parking. He doesn't
~ to the City. He
merchants that
so they ca~ prosper i~
~O ~
~struct the City Mamager to remove the
so~thbo~ad side of N. E. 2and Ave.
the motion.
the "Ne Parking" signs
there. Every time
w~ml~ be
~ss people, but it is a City
what would look nice.
and Nr. CaldweI1 with-
that this mat%er
Clt~Ma~ager to be taken eare of.
~iscuss Wide~g of $~eac~t Blvd. (Ta~led)
Nrs. the table, seconded
b~Mr. 4-0.
Mr. Kohl re:
has been
question is
with the
are here.
to '
between the City represe~-
that he thinks it
stated that the basic
?t. right-of-way. Mrs.
this today and feels it
' property. Before
~ have a meeting again
people ~ow that the stakes
FEBRUARY 1 , 1977
Mrs. Jackson moved to have a speci.al hearing for this purpose,
seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Under discussion, Mr. Cald. well
asked how %his would effect the progress of this prosect and
if it would delay it at all and ~rs. Jackson replied .that it
was being held mp mntil they hear from us. ~yor Zack stated
that he womld hate to lose a~y He thin~ we shomld be
concerned about the drainage.
than asphalt, how
o~ the
shoul~ he able to come
as the
the people,
b~t there are
nors of the
~ed that he
the m~ae~, more
represented the
checking what percentage
sug§ests that everyone
~ does
as fsm
Mr. ~aldwetl asked for
and Mr. Kohl smggested
Engineer and D.O.T. to set up a
Ee will find out when they can come
the Council and the people.
me e ting
Mausoleum - Ma~or Joseph F. Zack
Mayor ~ack told about discussions with Mr. Hurford, Chairman
of the Cemetery Board, regarding t~is. He the~ explained how
they planned to finance the mamsolemmwith a loan of $150,000
_a~.d $100,000 from their trust fund~ He suggests that the
Cmty Council move in this directio~ and let the City Attorney
and City Manager proceed:if the City Council agrees.
Mrs. Jackson referred to.the trust fund and askedthe City
Attorney if they were allgwed to mortgage it and Mr. Moore
replied that he didn't think they could utilize those funds
om the basis of bmildlng a mausolemm because the basms o
the fund i~ to provide perpetmal c~re. He expl~i~ed how
~he fund Was set aside for erie purpose and he ~uestions
whether the size of the fund is large-enough:to pay for
maintenance without taking a major portion and utilizing
it for the mausoleum. Mayor Zack replied that they have
$275,000 and womld borrow $150,0~0. Mr. Moore stated that
the in~cme from the total fund now ~no~ sufficient to pay
the maintenance now and ~Lr. Kohl disagreed.
~. Moore then explained how there would be many problems
connected with this with having an architect, sales force,
FEBRUARY 1, 1977
etc. Also, yom camnot mortgage cemetery property as proposed
by the bank and he explained how it must be free smd clear.
Also,L he understands there are over 5,000 cemetery spaces
available now and most progressive cemeteries are going into
double entombment and these would be projected into 10,000
Mr ~ Kohl told about discussimg the alternative with Mr.
Hur£ord and Mr. Moore of someone else coming in and building
-the mausoleum. However, everyone likes tO make as much money
as he possibl~ eau. Hr. Emrford wants to do the ~best he can
for the City of Boy.~ten Beach, but sometimes they must let
the dollar sign .go By and let someone else Build. Mr.
DeN~zrco replied that he thought Boynton should h~ild
it. Namer Zack told about a to build the
mausoleum on City property
and he would take
going into
tha~ it
Board for ~ detailed
to table this and refer it back to the
Mr. DeMarco referred to this
md stated he would like to
Mrs. Jackson replied that
be made first. Hr. Caldwell
Motion carried ~-O.
Intracoastal ~terwa~ Bridse - Ma~or Joseph E. F, ack
9 at
regarding 2he
to there being a meeting scheduled for
stated he would give a briefing
Mayor Zack state~ that Location A womld be the existing
Bridge on Ocean Avenue. He explaimed how the existing
bridge was in l~or cemdit[ the bridge is. low and must
be opened for tke existing roadway of
20 ft. Be explaimed how the replacement
must serve far future. He explained the construc-
tion pla~s necessitate the closing of the
FEBRUARY 1, 1977
Mayor Zack stated that Location B would be the continuation
of N. E. 2nd Avenue approximately 700 ft. north of the exist-
ing bridge. It would require 1t* ft. wide right-of-way for
a projected length ef 3,200 ft. Traffic en the existing
bridge womld be maintained until the new bridge was com-
pleted. He noted the residences and business which would
be affected.
Nfs. Jackso~ referred to there being a legal ad i~ the Palm
Eeach Post and asked if there was going to be a~y large ad
that it
Gonsider Request of Atlas Peat & Soil ? Re:~Excavation
Mr. Kohl referred to this
total project at the
advised that a request t
o£ Atlas Peat & S*il
accomplished im four
required. This proJ
each consist'ing of
set at $100,000
consideratio~ of this
Atlas Peat & Soil.
eYer~o~e ¢oncerne~ a~d
for the
the President
the four phases,
Council ' s
Mrs. Jackson asked how long this was going to drag out and
referred to one p%ace dragging on for year~ Mr. Clark re-
plied that he believes Mr. ~well work~
on this and there is going to be a sti
mmch as two acres could be left
believes theme is an agreement
went o,/t .of business,
know how we could control it any more
stated that they must set a date and N~
that the company was stopped with two
the agreement stating ith~t,~a maximum
he e~ceeded. M~. Moore s~ated that
deadline date to
that he would give him
q~estioned ~ust lOng
that they should have
him that he would
years for 39 acres.
supervision and
we could say the
years and the
month at a time.
at one time. He
how long
the company
and he doesn't
Mr. DeMarco
Mr. Kohl read
~eview. Mr. Moore
wo~ld take an~ stated ag~
having additienal
Mr. Clark stated
~ as their work,
in so many
more than one
FEBRUARY 1 , 1977
Mr. DeMarco made a motion to go along with this providing a
' t
time limit is set for the total prooec , seconded by Mrs.
Jackson. ~o discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
~n~der Leasin~ of I.B.M. Equipment for Police Department
Mx. Kohl stated that he respectfully requests Council's con-
sideration on the computer terminal system as it connects us
with the Gouty court. This system basically has the follow-
i~g f-~ctio~s: The Judicial Data Ba~k will give the City
direct information om all pending cou~t cases, i.e., location,
witnesses, motions filed and dispositions. The seco~ feature
has a Law Enforcement Ba~k. This provides case history i~for-
matio~ on the'defendant. The City will receive the entire
record om the history of all cases within the County imclmding
di~positioms, description of the defemdant, loc-al addresses,
k~ow~ associates, other names ~y which defenda~ut may ~e known.
It also gives specific i~formatien, i.e., does he carry a
does he is he affiliated with a~ gangs.
the compmt~r in our Police.Depart-
enable them to receive instantaneous informa-
tiom a~
of funds umtit
wh, ic~
the Sheriff is on file. He respectfully
requests approval of the ~ove~
Mrs. Jackson told about being on a Committee for the Palm
Beach Co~ty ~and stated they must have this
whether they wa~t ; or ~ot. Mr, Kohl added that mamy cities
were getting involved.
Mrz. Jackse~ moved to purchase ~his I.B.M. equip~ent, ~con~ed
by Mr. Caldweli. Umder discussion, Mr. De~Na~?o asked mf thms
w~s almost mandatory and Mrs. Jackson replied: yes, all the
cities~are going in with it. It will help with a~ c~es
h~ing joine~ t~gether. Mr. DeMarco stated he was ~aml±lar
wmth t~e system and.it is a good ~emture. Mrs. Jackson
agreed, but stated it was ex~sive. Mayor Zack added that
he tal~ed to ~e Police Chiefl about this and he feels it ms
not costly in ~omp~ri~on to what they will get in return.
Motion carrie~4-O.
FEBRUARY 1 , 1977
Consider Proposed Zoning District Entitled -Planned Indmstrial
Development" (P.I.D.)
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that the Pla~mimg & zoaing
Board at their meeting of jamaary 25, 1977, unanimously recom-
mended this sorting proposal be a~opted as presented. The
Board and~eur Gity have been
working on t~,~ zoning .~ two and have
thoroughly reviewed all aspects.~ This proposed Planned In-
is to replace ~ ~ the office
7 of the The
motion ~to approve was made ~yF~ seconde~ by Mr.
Ryder~ MOtio~ carried 4-0. approves this new
mon~wg district, City Atterne~ be directed to
prepare for same.
Mr. 0aldwell moved to d:irect the
ordimaace to adopt the Planned ~
on his
It wiTl
will in,ace h~iness people mad
Beach. Boynto~ Beach is the first to
greater revenues. The
the inmtma~m e~, a~othe~ The
ceDt is the concept of the future,
type in o~her ~areas ef the c~m~try,
sa enormous h~est, He is personally
promote this
Zack st
~S ~S
he thought it
added that
Beach a reason
base. It
locate in Boynton
this in the County.
· should not only
If we don't take
~ark con-
seen parks of this
help in any
emi. Mayor
Nr. Caidwell
s a posi-
Gonsider Site
~wn~.~mses for Gol~
FEBRUARY 1, 1977
Mr. Kohl informed the Comncil that the Pl~nuing & Zoning
Noard at their meeting of January 25, 1977, ~na~imously recom-
mended the site development plans for the towmhouses of Golf-
view Harbour be approved subject to the following:
1. The h~mdicap provisions of the building cede be
provided £o~
The water system be looped for proper fire protec-
The ~-plex u~it im the northeast corner he eliminated
as it is planned om an existing easement
4. Easements he provided for access and mtility p~r-
5- All utility department requirements be provided for
The site for the towmheuses is located om Tracts 2 and 3 of
Golfview Harborer 3rd Section, Congress at S. ~o ESth' Place.
The motiom to approve was made by Mr. ~amBert amd seconded
by ~. Tinter. Motio~ ca,tied 4-0. ~ar C±ty Planmer, Mr.
Carmen Anm~uziato, is present and has the ~rawi~$ and will
Co~cil ~ay have on these ta s.
he have Please.
Mrs. Jackson asked i~ Mr. Michaela had agreed to these stipu-
lations an~ Mr. Anmunzmate re~lmed, yes.
Mr. DeMarco moved to approve the site development plans for
No discussiom. Motion carried 4-0.
Consider Site Plans for St,rage Room Addition - Kmights of
Mr. Kohl informed the City Council that the Planning & Zoning
B~ard at their meeting of Jam~ary 25, 1977, unanimously recom-
mended that the site development plans for a storage room at
the Knights of Colmmbus be approved. The motion to approve
was made by Mr. Winter and seconded by Mr. Ryder. Motion
c~rried 4-0. Our City P~anner, Mr. Carmen Annunziato, is
~esent and ~.the drawings and will answer any questions
Cou~cil may have on these plans. May he have Council's
wishes please.
Mrs. Jackson moved to approve the plans for the storage room
additiom at the Kinghts of Columbus, seconded by Mr. Caldwell.
Ne discussion. Motion carried
Gonsider Chan~e Order #1 - Wastewater Treatment Pla~t
¥~. Kohl rea~ the attached letter dated December 29, 1976,
from Russell & Axon. He added that this was for rest room
modifications for the hamdicapped.
Mr. DeMarce moved to approve the change order for the Waste-
water Treatment Plant, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Under dis-
cussign, Mr. Kohl i~formed them that the handicapped law
went imto effect eight months ago and these plans were worked
on two years ago, Motion carried 4-0.
Consider Recommendation of Utilities Director - Re:
Mr. Kohl referred to the memo dated November 4, 1976, sub-
mitted by the Utilities Director and advised that he did
discuss this with~. Cessna and would like thisapproved
as it would be Eood for the City.
sN-~s. ~ackson moved to grant the reque~st from Er. Cessna,
econded by Mr. Caldwell. Ne discussion, Motion carried
Consider Requests of Chief Executive Officer of South Central
Regional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board
A~re~ment - Re: Construction Supervision
Mayor Zack stated that he personally feels this agreement
should be tabled until our City Attorney is well versed on
it. He would like to see it tabled until we get input from
the City Attorney. Mr. DeMarco moved to table Item F, Part
1, until~the Council gets i~put from the City Attorney,
seconded by Mr. Caldwello Motion carried 4-0.
Consider Resolutio~ 2-77 for Board
Re,most Authorization: Nuttings Engineers of Fla.~ Inc.
Mrs. Jackson moved to ratify Resolution 2-77 for the Board
and ratify authorization for Nuttings Engineers of Florida,
Inc. to do~the test work. Mr. Caldwell seconded the motion.
No discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Request Approval to Purchase One (1) Pump for Well~
Mr. Kohl read the attached memo dated January 18, ~977, from
Mr. Melvin Colgin, Supv. of Water Treatment Plant, to Mr.
Perry Cessna, Director of ~tilities. He then remd the at-
tached memo dated January 18, ~977, from N~. Perr$ Cessna to
~. Fra~kKohl. Mr. Kohl stabed he would like approval from
the CoUncil to purchase a Goulds Pump in the amount of
.~hn..~aldwell moved to approve the purchase of one Goulds Pump
~e amomnt of $2,483.00. Mr. DeM~rco seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Mr. DeMarco asked if the old pmmp 'could be
salvaged and Mr. Kohl explained how they went over them all
and possibly used~he parts. Motion carried 4-0.
Request for Cemetery Refund - M~ri~n Boeh~er
they should de se and he recommends this refmnd.
to purchase these lots, seconde~ by Mr.
No discussion. Motion carried 4-G.
~Beer & Nin~,~License
2nd Ave.
Mr. K~hl read the license applicatiom and advised that the
location hoes comply with local zoning ordinances.
Mrs. Jackson moved to grsmt approval, seconded by Mr.
Caldwell. No d~iscussion. Motion carried 4-0.
for New Beer & Wi~e License
W~ 2md Avenue
M~. Kohl read the application and advised that in the opinion
of the City Attorney, the applicant d~d apply for a SBX Bowl-
ingAlley License and every~ has beem approved by the
Building Department and everything does comply.
Mr. Caldwell moved to issue aSBXLicense to Fairlanes
Florida Bowling, Inc., seconded ~y Ers. Jackson. No dis-
cussio~. Motion carried 4-0,
Consider F~inse Benefits
Mr. Kohl referred to requesting this to be deleted and Mayor
Zack s~ggested considering this under Other.
Parade Trailers
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that whe~ he began planning
the Christmas Parades here in Boynton,, the first year of his
ar=ival, he transported to the City three of his trailers
for the floats. In the past four years, he has also pur-
chased three more trailers with his own money. Also, this
past December (1976), he paid $135.~6 for tires on two of
the trailers. This is to inform the Council that these six
trailers are identified with his initials and are stored at
the General Services Garage, with the eEception of one which
he allowed General Services to use to haul different equip-
merit around the City inasmuch as it is of steel construction.
The only reason he mentions this now is to have it in the
record as they do belong to him. However, the City can use
them as long as he is here as City Manager.
Mayor Zack told about discuss~ug this with the City Manager
regarding space and whether City equipment was ou.t in the
open and Nr. Kohl advised that they were all out mm the open.
Mayor Zack added that it was good business en the City Mana-
ger's par~.
Mr. De~eo stated that the City Council knows they are his
and he womld like thi~ Council to go on record that they
belong to Mr. Kohl and they are his and everyone shall be
notified to that al%oct. Mr. Caldwell extended Nr. Kohl
their sincere appreciation for the loaning of his trailers
to the City. Mr. Eohl clarified that they were ~ought for
parades, but are used for transporti~. Mrs. Jackson
seconded the motion. Notion carried 4-0.
Approval of F, iltm
Mr. Kohl read the following Bills for approval:
~udgeted funds 03
$ 2,650.00
2, ~asselt & Axon 6858-15-CPR Inv. #6 4,758.31
Resident Y~nsp6ction amd Resident Engineering
Services during construction at Water
Treatment Plant
Pay from Utility General 030-205
3. Rmssetl & Axon 6858-24-CP Inv. #9 1,299.32
New #626-681-12-4
Engineering Services performed in connection
with plans .and specs and contract documents
£or Water Dmstribution M~in
Pay from Utility General 030-205
Authorizatiou dated 3/30/76
4, Russell & Axon 626~681-19-4 Inv. #I 1,157.66
ProfeSsioz~al services performed in connection
with Feasibility Study - Pt. Overlook
Pay from ~tility General 030-310.13
(Deposit Elleness Corp.)
Authorization dated 12/16/7~
5. I.B·M. Corp. 1,294.37
YearlyMaintenance Agreement on Electric
Typewriters - various departments
Pay from budgeted f~ds
6. Lon#view Lime 1,728.00
For Hydrate Lime and freight
Pay from bndgeted funds 030-822.65
FEBRUARY 1, 1977
Miracle Recreation Equipment Company
Metal bleachers
Pay from budgeted funds 020-851 ($16~.40)
.Pa~ from encumbered funds 02~-500($878.00)
8. . Commissiomers
Pay from budgeted funds 001-854.9~
9. I.B.M.
~a~ from budgeted f~mds 001-890.38'
Bid accepted 9/30/75
Penwalt Corp.
Ferric Chloride
Pay from Budgeted funds 030-822.65
l~lice Career Development Refresher - 2 officers
Pay from Police Education F~nd 001-507
Ordinance #74-35, Section 2-10, l(b)
Isiah Andrews
Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Budgeted f~nds 020-880
Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73
Willie Ruth. McGrad~
Serverf0r Sea-tot Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from budgeted fmnds 020-880
Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73
Russell & Axon ~460-5-I Inv. #5
mew #~34-741-03-1
Engineering Services for "201 Facilities
Plamming" SC~TD Board
Pay from Utility General Fund 030-215
AEthorization dated 2/3/76
Russell & Axon 7460-I-CP Inv. #15
New #634-744-01-$
Engineering services performed i~ connection
with SCRWTD Board
Pay from Utility General Fund 030-215
Authorization dated 12/26/73
Motorola~ Inc.. 7,212.00
Radios and ~utennas for various dep~rtments
Pay from budgeted funds 001-850.84 - $ 818.00
030-921+23 - $ 818.00
020-824 $ 793.00
020-828 $ ~,19~.00
020-836 $
Per State Contract 76-4
Allen Insurance Agenc~
General Floater Policy
Police Comm~mications Equipment
Pay from budgeted funds OO1-885.32
Pay from budgeted funds 001-885.32 - $ 7,762.60
030-830.32- $17,251.40
Plans 3,375.00
special services
thru July 31, 1976, and services authorized
by Ad Hoc Committee
Pay from accounts payable 040-300 ($2,554~50)
Pay from encumbered f~mds 001-537 ($ 820.50)
The bills described have hee~ approved amd verified by the
tive bmdgets and he recommends payment of these bills.
Mrs. Jacks~ asked where the metal bleachers were going to go
and Mr. Kohl replied that he did not know off-hand, but would
let her know.
Mr. Caldwell moved the payment of the bills as per Er. Kohl's
recommendation, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Under discussion,
Mayor Zack asked if all the typewaiters were I.B.M. and Mr.
Kohl informed him that every one bought im the past few years
has been I.B.M. Mayor Zack asked if they were the hall type
and ~o Sullivan informed him that some were, but most are
standard. ~. BeMar¢o referred to there being two insurance
bills, one for $1,122.00 and one for $25,014.O0, and also one
approved at the last meeting. Mr. Kohl informed him that the
one approved previously ~a~ for a liability poAicy and added
that they are all bid on. Motion carrie~ 4-0.
Report on ReQuest to Legislative Delegation
Mrs. Jackson told about reading--~R~s~jJ.~3%~C~-~Ti' at the Legisla-
tive Delegation into the record and having asked Mr. Hallman
to make a presentation. However, he did not have to. Repre-
sentative James had a bill in the Homse and she asked if they
would have a bill in the Senate. They di~ ask if a precedent
had been set and N~. Hallman assured them that it was with
Pompano Beach and also Palm Beach and Lake Worth have applied.
FEBRUARY 1 , 1977
Consider Recommendation - Portion of Sewerage Collection
System~ Golf View Harhour
Mr. Kohl read the attached memo dated July 13,1976, from
Mr. Perry ~essna, Director of Utilities, to Mr. Frs~w Kohl,
City Manager~ He added that ~hey did have a meeting and he.
tthhe City E_ngiaeer, City Plan~er, and Utilities Director feei
ey should proceed with thin. He would like approval to
get bids and to come hack to Council to proceed with this.
Mr. DeMarco moved to proceed to get bids o~ this, seconded
by Mrs. Jackson~ Under discnssion, ~r. Moore referre~ to
when this went i~to foreclosure, there was some ty~e of
agreement with the they ~ere going~o have
the responsibility for utilities and Mr. K~hl
replied that he would look imte this~ Mr. Moore ad~e~ that
he did ~ot know ~f it effecte~ these lots. Er. Clark stated
that he ~heught it was a different group ef lots.
Mr. Caldwell asked h~ it would a~fect the cmrrent home owners
and if it would have to he ~aid in a l~mp sam and Mr. Kohl
replied that it could be paid monthl~ on the water ~ill.
Mr. Caldwell asked about the $250 sewer hookup charge aud
Mr. Kohl explained how a list was heine prepared so they
would know who must pa~ the $250 fee. Er. Caldwell asked
if this could also ~e paid on a monthly basis and Mr. Kohl
replied: yes. Mr. Caldwell asked about the People that had
been given notice and Mr. Kohl informed him that they must
pay the momthly char~s. He added that a ~erson ~et hooked
Law that one
and Mr. Moore
30 days~ Er. Kohl
lett~rs~ However,
t~e sewer i~ one is available
correct and they w~re given
that they W~ send'~Jag oat new
have to ~ithe $5.00 fee if
Nayor Zack alarified
that the motion was to ~roceed smd get
loo~into the possibility
Motion earrie~ ~-0.
~o, nsider Fringe Benefits
Mr. DeMarco referred to the City Manager and stated that he
m~derstands that Mr. Kohl has been here almost four years
and has never had vacation or sick lea~e. In checking around,
he finds that other City Managers ~o get this.
FEBRUARY 1 , 1977
Mr. DeMarco made a motion that Mr. Frank Kohl shall be con-
sidered an employee of Boynton Beach with the same benefits
as other Department Heads in the Cit~, namely sick leave and
vacation time, starting with Ja~ary 1, 1977. Mr. Caldwell
seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Sack suggested
setting up some criteria. He referred to some cities having
seven months service he fore being considered a regular employ-
ee. He referred to the possibility of hiring a new City
Manager in five years amd sngEested that a pro~atiom period
of six to seven months should be considered before going on
this basis. Mrs.
be one year
ager ear~.~
come a member
Were alt
days off
Mr. DeMar¢o
amd stated she felt it should
M~yor Zack told abomt check-
~ort~ and ad~ised that the City
plms he cam be-
. Jackson
a good to have the
Boca P~ton
~he same
e~c. and
Civil Serv:
Mr. DeMarco stated if it was the wish of the Council, he
~emld like to possibly hav~ a meeting with the City Co~acil,
City Maria. get and Department Heads intthe near future possi-
bly at 4~00 PJ M. for the purpose of meeting them, getting
better acquainted, etc. Mayor Zack replied that he could
see his point, but possibly this would be undermining the
City Manager and Mr. DeN~rco clarified that it was in the
interest of harmony and better cooperations. Mr. Kohl stated
that he doea get goo~ cooperation; however the COuncil sets
the policy and naturally whatever they like, 99.9% of the
time he says to go ahead. Mayor Zack told about his exper-
iences of ~eing a former administrator and how he believed
problems should ~e handied~by department heads. Mr. DeMarco
clarified that he would just like an opem discussion.
Mr. Kohl stated that he felt possibly the Department Heads
may feel like they are being put on the spot and he wel-
comed Mr. De~rco to go with him to every department and
Mrs. Jackson said she met everyone in every department.
and meet everyone aud he will step aside while he talks to Se~eove
them ~ersonally. Mr. DeNarco replied that he was not trying
to ge ~ehind his back, bmt wanted to accomplish harmony. ---- 2-15-77
M~or Zack stated that he th~ks the City Manager has hat- Minutes
money with the Department Heads in meeting with them monthly.
Mr. Kohl informed them that when he first started, he had
weekly meetings every Friday mor~g, bat certain things
[. He started these meetings agai~ a few weeks ago
and getting back~zere they were four years ago~
He fee the ~ity is as high as it ever has
~een and thinks it is go~ to ~t be%tern. They do have a
couple problems, hut it will change.
Mrs. Jackson then seconded the motion adding that she feels
there! are some Department Heads she really doesn't k~ow.
it wo~ld b~ good to ts_ke aa hour and get together. ~. Kohl
state~ that he did not wan~ any Department Head stating some-
thing~ahout his department. The Council may tell them what
they Would like to have and meet them. Motion carried 4-0.
Mr. DeNarco moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Caldwell.
Motio~ carried 4-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
at 10~0 P. M.
(/ 7
Vice Nayo=
Council Member
(Four Tapes)
M~. Frank Kohl, City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
P. O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33455
Dear Mr. Kohl:
Electrical Modifications ~-Restr0om Modifications for Handicapped
wrY' Expansion"- Wmter Distributiom Warehouse ~ Office
City of BoyntonBeach
Project No. 626~681-08-$ [68S8-15-III)
Enclosed please find six copies o£Cha~ge Order No. 1 and four 8 1/2" x 11"
drawings of plan changes for'subject-project, as required by the Building
Official of Boynton.Beach~Electrical Code~amd S~ate Hmudicapped Access Law.
One set of three sheets moves the main circuit breaker from Room 109 to an
outside wall, adds a ground, alters Panel RP mhd changes the enclosure to a
Nema 4.
The other one of four sheebs alters some dimensions¥ doors, and an interior
wall in the restrooms to comply with handicapped code.
We submit this, Change'Order~for Council. approval with our recommendation.
~ please 'r~_t~in two copies and return four executed copies for our
Joe C. Swan. P. "E.
Proj ect__Engineer
Mr. Perry A. Cessna,'Dir. Util~ w/encl.
WWM-~R~A~=DetraM~ -legtem only-
MLH--R~A~ Daytona~ "
Perry A. Cessna o^T, January 18, 1977
Director of utilities
Melvin colgi~, Supv. ~,~ Replacement pump for
Water Treatment Plant No. 7 Well
On January 10, 1977 due to loss of flow, No. 7 pump was re=
moved and found to have worn out shaft, column pipe, pump and
bearings. This is a Layne and Bowler pump. Replacement.parts
are available from Layne Bowler or Go~lds, ~ut Deming will not
fit without changing the discharge head and piping.
Price quotations are as follows, and I recommend replacement
with Goulds' pa~ts:
Layne Bowler
$3,098.00 (8 to 12 weeks)
$2,483.00 (3 to 4'weeks)
Request permisbion to order the Goulds pump.
MC :hr-
Frank Kohl .... January 18, 1977
City Manager ~,LE
PSr~A. Cessna ~ Well No. 7, Replac~ent
Director of utilities p~p (Go. ids)
Attached is a copy of a memorandum from Melvin Colgin requesting
approval to order one (I) Goulds pump to replace a worn out pump
on Well ~o. 7.
Money is available under account 030-810-34 and we are asking that
you secure approval frem the City Council for this expenditure of
This is not an emergency at this time; but, I do not want ~ny un-
due delays. By the time we receive this and install it, we will
be getting into the high flow season and may need this well.
c c *_ --- Me~in_~C~tg-i~, _ Supvc
Wa t er~Tr~atment Plant
Perry Al-Cessna
-~D_$~ect_or o~tilities
Frank Kohl
City Manager
Perry A. Cessna
Director of utilities
July 13, 1976
Section 2
You may or may not know that a p. ortion of the sewerage collection
system in Golfview PI~rbor. Section 2, was never installed. As a
result, there are 42 lots which are unable to connect into the
City sewage system.
Of these 42 lots. 13 already have homes built upon them and ha~e
septic tar~s. It would seem to me that some way or other under
City ordinance, we should be able to install the sewer lines and
assist these 42 lots on a front-foot basis, so that this area is
sewered and we don't continue to add septic tanks in the City.
The attached is not an engineering drawing, but does have all the
basics showing ~he lots which can be served and those which have
homes on ~hemand also shows an estimated cost of approximately
$33,000 to install this system.
I feel that it would be adviseable at some early date to get
together with you and Tom clark and discuss the possibilities
of executing this project.
ce: Tom,lark
City Engineer
Ifil ..:? 1976
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