Joe DeLong, Me, or
Joseph F. Zack, Vice ~4ayor
Edward F. Harmening, Councilman
Emily M. Jackson~ Councilwoman
Norman F. Strnad, Councilman
Frank Kohl., City Manager
Tereesa ?adgett, City Clerk
Robert B. Reed, City Attorney
Mayor DeLong welcomed everyone and c~!ed the meeting to order
at 7:30 P. M. He requested everyone to please arise at the
sound of the g~vel for the Invocation given by Mr. Frank Kohl,
City Manager, and to please remain standing for the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag led by Councilman Norman Strnad.
Procle~ation - Human Rights Week
Mayor DeLong read a proclamation proclaiming December 6 thru
12, 1976~ as Human Rights Week.
Safety AweL~d Recognition - Sewage Treatment & Water Plants
Election of !~. Perry Cessna, Utilities Director, as Vice
President of Florida Pollution Contro~ Association
Major DeLong read the attached memorandum dated November ~,
~976 from Perry A. Cessna, Director of Utilities, to Frard~
Kohl, City ~nager. Mayor DeLong added that at this time,
the Chair on behalf of the members of the City Council ex-
tends sincere congratulations to M~. Cessna for both awards.
Chamber of Commerce Resolution - Re. Signs on ~ 95
Msyor DeLong ascertained that the members of the Co~ucil had
an opportunity to review the Chamber of Co~nerce Resolution.
He stated that from all indications, the Chair believes a
motion is in order to instruct the City Attorney to draft
an appropriate resolution to coincide with the resolution
presented by the Greater Boynton Beach Chamber o~ Commerce
relative to signs on 1-95. ~. Strnad so moved: seconded by
M~s. Jackson. Under discussion, M_~. Strnad referred to this
being the second resolution being sent as more than a year.
ago, he requested a resolution asking for the same thing.
Hopefully they will have better luck this time. ~s. Jack~on
told about attending a meeting with ~. Zack aud $~a.~Phil
Lewis advised them that he was also going to try to do some-
thing. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor DeLong requested anyone present in the audience wishing
to address the Council on any item on ths agenda to kindly
step forws~d and give their name ~nd Fhat item they wish to
talk about to ~s. Padgett and when the proper tLme comes
when that item is the order of ous_ness, they will be called
NOVEMBER t 6, 1976
Regular City Council Meeting - November 2~ 1976
The members all passed when called upon for comments. ~.
Zack moved to adopt the M~nutes of the Regular City Council
Meeting of November 2, 1976, as submitted, seconded by Ma.
Harmening. Motion carried 5-0.
Special City Council Meeting - November 9~ 1976
Mayor DeLong called upon the ~embers. Ma. Zack passed a~ud
M~. Hs~mening abstained. M~s. Jackson referred to Page 2,
second paragraph, and advised that Joe Rosnick was not on
the list submitted by M~~. Strnad. M~. Strnad passed.
Mm. Zack moved to adopt the Minutes of the Special City
cil Meeting of November 9, 1976, as corrected. Motion car-
ried 4-0 with ~. ~armenmng abstaining.
~yor DeLong announced a motion was in order to suspend the
regular order of business. M~, Harmening so moved, seconded
by M~. Zack. Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-52 - Re: Setting Forth Conditions
Under ~hmcn a Single Fa~ily Residence & Customary Accessory
Buildings May Be Erected on a Non-conforming Lot
Mr. Reed read Ordinance No. 76-52 by caption only and noved
that the reference to Ordin~ace No. 76-19 should be 75-19.
Mayor DeLong asked if at, one present wished to speak in favor
of this ordin~ce amd received no response. He then asked if
anyone present wished to spe~ in opposition and received no
~. Zack m~ ~d . ~
_ ~v~ the adoption of Ordinance No %-52 on second
reading, seconded by Ma. Harmening. No discussion. ~s.
Pmdgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Counci!wo~an Jackson - ~e
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice M~yor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-Oo
T ¥~ER 1976
MO ~ ~ 16,
Ordinances - 1st Reading
Prooosed Ordinance No. 76-53 - Re: Providing for Adjustments
of ~he General Fund, Federal Revenue Sharing Fund, Publicity
Fund and Operating Capital Improvement Fund for the Fiscal
Year Ending September 30~ t976
~. Reed read proposed Ordin~uce No. 76-53 by caption only.
Mrs. Jackson moved the adopvion of Ordin~ucs No. 76-53 on
first reading, seconded by M~. Zack. No discu~siono M~s.
Padgett took a roll call vote as follows~
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Co~ucilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad ~e
Vice M~yor Zack - Aye
!~or DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Prooosed Resolution No. 76-ZZ Re: Authorizing ~ecution of
AgrSement to ?artici~ate in ,,Cooperative Dispatch Center"
M~. Reed referred to Reso~tion No. 76-ZZ having been tabled
and advised that since he nor the City Ma~uager had heard
anytnmno f~rther, they suggest it be left on the table.
Proposed Resolution No. 76-~ - Re: Designating as S. E.
2~th Ct. That Portion of S. E. 1st Place .
~. Reed read proposed Resolu~mo_ No. 76-i~KK by caption only.
Mr. Zack moved the adoption of proposed Resolution No. 76-~K,
Harmen~_~. No discussion. ~h~s. Padgett took
seconded by Mr. ~
a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - id~e
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution
Paramedic Officer
No. 76-LLL - Re; Establishing Position of
~o. 76-LLL by caption only.
Reed read proposed Resolution ~T
NOVEmbER t 6, 1976
Mrs. Jackson moved the adoption of Resolution ~ 76-LLL,
Zac_. Under d~ocuss_on~ Mrs. _a~gett as_.~edW
seconded by Ms. ' k ~ ' ~ ~ ~ '
if they needed an effective date in Section 3 and Mr. Reed
referred this cuestion to Mr. Sullivan. ~. Sullivan in-
formed them that it should be effective immediately, ~s.
Padgett then took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jack, on - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice ~yor Zack Aye
~or DeLong Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
A~ this ~_me, Ma~or DeLom~ suggested goir~ back to ~mb!ic
Audience as approximately ten minutes' time remained before
the Public Hearing scheduled at 8:00 P. M.H He announced a
motion was in order to revert back to the regu!e~ order of
business. M~s. Jackson so moved, seconded by M~. Harmening.
Motion carried 5-0.
~. Ford Carter stated his name and his address as 1002 S. W.
24th Avenue. He informed the Council that he was here because
of the sewer situation and advised that several people were
present in reference to this in the Golfview Harbor Subdivi-
sion. They are the first residents who moved to Golfview
Harbor approximately 15 years ago. The City began putting in
sewers about four to five years ago mud they were anxiously
waiting to tie in. They were advised about one to two years
ago that they would be the last people allowed to tie in be-
cause of a problem with the lift station. It seems all the
other people were allowed to hook into the sewer and were
granted a 60 day period before being chsa~ge~ the hookup fee.
Last month, the people on 24th Avenue and loth Street re-
ceived a notice with their water bill that they now had to
hook up within 30 mays and received a ~ill for the sewer.
They were not told they could hook up before. He third~s they
should have the same privilege of hook~ng ap within 60 days
without paying ~he hookup fee of $250. It is an extreme
hsm~dship on some people with a 30 day notice mad they were
never advised about this.
Mayor DeLong added that he had received a comolaint in refer-
ence to this from Henry Valero, 2302 S. W. loth Street also.
He requested the City Manager to explain the procedure used
in sending out these notices.
M~. Kohl stated that he had spoken to M~. Carter amd had tried
to inform him and help him. ~ey do have an ordinance on the
book~ stating that everyone hooking up to the sewer system in
NOVE~ER 16, 1976
Boynton Beach pays a $250 hookup fee. In his conversation
with ~. Carter, he was told that people over the years did
not pay this fee or only $100. He, as City ~nager, cannot
make any changes on his own. If the City Council wants to
change the ordin~uce, it is uo to them. He must obey the
rules and regulations. ~. C~rter clarified that he was only
talking about the neople living in Golfview Harbor at the
same time the sewers were installed alad were denied hooking
up when the other people could.
Mayor DeLong asked if there would be any conflictions with ~the
bonding resolution and ~. Kohl replied that he was quite sure
there would be. Mayor DeLong suggested seeing what kind of
definitive decision could be arrived at. He believes they
should get an opinion from the City Attorney ~ud ~so have
the City Attorney explore the possibility of a special excep-
tion being made for these people in this area who through no
fault of their own were denied hooking up and now have to
suffer with this increase. They should f~ad out what effect
this will have on the bonding resolution and if there is a
possibility of aD~~ adjustments. Mr. Carter replied that he
appreciated this a~ud feels they should have the same privi-
lege. Me$~or DeLong explained that they must follow procedure
and the City Attorney will check if justice can be done.
Mms. Jackson questioned the approximate number of residents
involved and ~. Mohl replied that he did not know at this
time, but would have a study made. Mayor DeLong announced
that ?~. Kohl would make a thorough study of the entire sit-
uation ~ud the City Attorney will come back with a legal
opmnion regarding the bonding resolution and the possibility
of any recon~liation of lowering the fee.
M~s. Jackson euestioned the bill received and l~m. Carter
informed her that he received a bill with his October water
bill and a notice to hook up within 30 ~ays, but during the
past two to three years, they were told they could not hook
up. 5~s. Jackson questioned how they could be billed for
something they did not receive and Msyor DeLong asked the
City ~ttorney if this Council would be in order to declare
a moratorium on payment at the present time until a decision
is received from the City Attorney. ~. Reed replied that he
thought a temporary moratorium would be appropriate, but it
would have to be definitive to whom the moratorium is going
to apply. M~. Carter stated 'that it should apply to the
people with homes existing when the sewers were put in.
Mayor DeLong suggested that the City Manager present a list
to the City Council so they c~au declare a moratorium with
those soecifics. ~.~. Reed suggested that timewise, it would
be more-appropriate for the City Council to instruct the
City Manager to notify the occupants of those homes which
were in at that time of the sewer installation that until
further notified, the Council has granted a temporary mora-
torium in respect to hooking up to the sewer.
NOVEMBER 16, 1976
Mr. Strnad so moved, seconded by Mms. Jackson. Mayor DeLong
clsm~ified that it had. been moved ar_~ seconded to direct the
City P~nager to contact the people in this particular area
a~ud tell them there will be a moratorium declared on the pay-
ment of the sewer charges until they receive f~urther notice.
Under discussion~ Mms, Jackson referred to this same thing
happening in the Las Pa!mas Park s~ea ~d M~. Kohl agreed.
Mayor DeLong stated that included in the motion would be any
other areas which appeal to the City Manager. ~. Ca_~ter
added that he is sure he spoke for the people in his area and
they will be delighted to hook up to the sewer if given the
same opportunity as the other homeowners in the same area.
M~s. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the movion as
Councilman Ha_~mening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice ~or Zack - Aye
M~yor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5~0.
Rezonir~ Request
Address: Lots 21
and 22, Cre~iew S/D
Lot 21 - 2312 S. E. 3rd Street
Lot 22 - 335-337 S. E. 23rd Avenue
Lots 3-t0 incl. - Robinson Addition
403-515 S. E. 23rd Avenue
Louis L. Spano, Lots 21 & 22
Marie L. Croft, Lot 3
Louise Thompson, Lots 4 & 5
M~s. Susie Sporysz, Lot 6
Leslie Yasser, Lots 7 & 8
Jos. A. Sciortino, Lot 9
A. S. Davis, Lot 10
Rezone to C-3 from R-3 for Co~ercial Use
~. Mohl informed the Co~cil that the Ple~ning & Zoning Board
at their Regular Meeting of November 9, t976, unanimously re-
commended denial of the above reeuest based on the small size
of the lots, the non-conforming navure of the existing build-
ings, the established residential nature of the neighborhood
~ud the lack of adequate p~king facilities. The motion to
deny was made by ~. Lambert and seconded by ~. ReisS~.
Mayor DeLong asked if a~yone present wished vo speak in favor
of this particular request.
NOVEMBER 16, 1976
16r. Louis Spano stated his name and his address as 333 S. E.
23rd ~venue. He informed the City Council that he was re-
presenting the people that petitioned the Zoning Board for a
change of the zoning. There are ten lots in question in the
area on the south side of S. E. 23rd Avenue which are bordered
on the east by C-3, on the west by C-2, further up the street
bordered on both sides of the street with C-1 which is all
private homes, mad bordered on the south by C-3. In 1975,
when the City Council decided to rezone the City of Bo~aton
Beach in the master plan, all the neighbors he spoke of were
R-3. In R-3~ they allowed doctor and dentist offices m~.d
other clean commercial establishments. When the zoning was
changed, these ten lots in question wets excluded and were
left in R-3, all bordered with coma~ercial endeavors. They
cannot figure the reasoning. They looked at the plan before
the zoning was passed and it was proposed to make it all C-3.
They realize the Zoning Board said there would be no parking,
but the other areas were rezoned to C-3 without par!ming. He
explained how 23rd Avenue was heavily travelled and going
commercial. In reference to parking, if two or three lots
were sold together, there would be room for adequate parY_ing.
The City Council members are the elected officials ~d it is
their obligation to determine whether what they ~e ~k~ing for
is right or wrong. The majority of the people do not want
to change the area, but are looking to protect their property
rights. If the area goes commercial, they just want the same
property rights.
Mr. Louis ?reiditsch stated his name and his address as 800
Canary Walk, Gulfstream. He game M~s. Padgett a letter
~uthorizing him to speak for his invalid wife, the owner of
Lots 10, 1~ and 12, located within 400 ft. of this rezoning
request. He referred to 23rd Avenue being a designated
street for a bridge road and also a main route to the west.
He then told how he felt this area would be good for ser-
vices. He does not think it is a big deal in order to have
to make some changes to meet the parking requirements.
~nese people w~ut to change over and they are in a mish-mash
with all commercial areas and he thinks they have the right.
His opinion is that anything from the railroad to the highway
should be commercial. He does not think this situation turned
down by the Plar~uing Board was gone into deep enough by them
to recognize the needs of services. He does not have e~y ob-
jections at all.
~. William Fiorentino stated his name a~ud informed the Coun-
cil that he owns property on tn~ south side of 23rd .~_venue
which is designated C-3. He does not see a~uy difference be-
tween the property on the north and south side. The sam~e
right should be given to the property on the north side. He
has no objections.
NOVE!~BER 16 , 1976
M~yor DeLong then asked if anyone wished to speei~ in opposi-
tion and received no response.
~. StrP~d requested the City Co~uucil to acknowledge a favor-
able request for these people wanting this cha~age and M~s.
Jackson seconded this as a motion. 5~or DeLong clarified
that it had been moved and seconded to grant the request of
these people for rezoning from R-3 to C-3. Under discussion,
Mayer DeLong stated he could not understand wuhy this was
turned down by the Plar~uir~ & Zoning Board. The City is
responsible for taking the whole street. It has to be com-
mercial from U. S. 1 to Seacrest, but it was spot zoned with
leaving this particular parcel out. They have been struggling
to do away with spot zoning. This is a reasonable request.
R-3 will be to the north which will be a buffer for this com-
mercial. He c~not understand why this was bypassed parti-
cularly with a commercial operation right across the street.
~hy not make it all commercial? it shouldb~e made compatible
with all the zoni~ug. There is no such thing as not having
enough psmk_ing. There is not one individual on either side
of the street living in a fa~ly house that has the intention
of trying to develop his particular lot into a co~ercial use.
It cannot be done ~ad cannot be claimed a hardship. This
street has been laid out as commercial and it is a lhng range
plan. The people won't run out tomorrow ~ad start commercial
operatiOnS. Developers will buy up the n~cessary parcels cz
land to develop the parcels as C-I, C-2 or C-3 to meet the
zoning requirements. He believes this is long overdue. ~ey
should eliminate spot zonir~ and would do so by overriding
the recommendation of the Plar~ing & Zoning Board.
M~. Zack stated that he checked this area and some rather new
homes have been built in the past few years ~ud there are
only two vacant lots, _,=hey have been residential and it is
still cls~sified as residential. He then asked why this was
not brought up to the Planning & Zoning Board when they had
their meetings. He feels these people had the che~ce and
should have gone before thePPlanning & Zonir~ Board. The
Planning & Zoning Board worked on this and voted denial.
It is residential and he feels it should be kept that w~.
In changing to C-3, it is causing a hardship and they must
go to the Boardoof Adjustment for a varia~ce.
~yor DeLong referred to prevailing upon the former ~jor to
have a joint meeting with the Plannir~ & Zoning Board to
discuss the rezoning thoroughly. They were denied the
joint meeting and there was confusion with the oublic hear-
ings held. He believes in order to get out of a bind, they
decided to pass it end take care of the inequities at a later
date. M~s. Jac~on added that they were under a time limit
with the Area Planning Board and had to have a plan for the
NOVEmbER 16, ~ 976
~. Strnad stated he believes they are charged here tonight
with correcting a grave error. This particuls~ piece of land
was ~_ oversight and a bad error was made e~ad he thir2~s they
should correct it. Mrs. Jackson referred to tryir~ to keep.
the sewer and water down sm~d she believes C-3 would use less
water and sewer than R-3.
M~. Zack referred to the m~ in~quities mentioned an~ stated
he believed it should be brought to the attention of the Plsau-
ning & Zoning Board to be corrected. Mayor DeLong replied
that they will get it corrected ~ud with the aid of the City
Planner now, this will be corrected.
Mms. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as
Councilman Harmening -
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - No
Mayor DeLo~ -
Motion carried 4-1. Me, or DeLong added that the City Attor-
ney was instructed to prepare the appropriate ordinalaces.
Mms. Jackson moved to return to the regular order of business,
seconded by PL~. Zack. Motion carried 5-0.
LEG~_L (Continued)
~. Reed referred to being instructed by the Council at the
last meeting to look into the matter of preparing the appro-
priate instrument regarding the elimination as a policy of
City Council meetings which would be held simultaneously on
a day when national, state or local elections e~e held affect-
ing the citizens which conflict with holding meetings. He
has reviewed the provisions of the municipal chsa~ter a~ud
finds that this matter is up to policy discretion of the City
Co~cil. T~e~C=.y~ Council can estaol_sn~ ~ ~ appropriate rules of
procedure as long as two regular meetings are held each month.
If it is the pleasure of the Council not to hold a meeting on
the same day as an election affecting the residents:of the
City, he would suggest that the Council establish a policy
by motion.
Mayor DeLong requested the feeling of the members of the
Council. He asked if they would rather have a regular meet-
ing on December 7 or one day after? l~s. Jack, on replied
that she thought the evening after would be appropriate as
they could canvass the vote. ~. Harmening agreed.
NOVE~ER 16 , 1976
Mayor DeLong announced a motion was in order that the next
regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Wednes-
ds~, December 8 at 7:30 P. M. &nd he requested the City
Manager to make certain that no public hearings will be
scheduled for December 7, but should be for the following
day. M~. Zack so moved, seconded by M~s. Jackson. Motion
carried 5-0.
~r. Reed asked if the Council cared to m~2~e a general policy
statement to eliminate meetings in the future on election
nights? ~s. Jackson re£erred to previously just simply
voting to char~ge the regular meeting night from No~ay to
Tuesday. Mayor DeLong stated that if an election comes up,
he fsels the City Council shouSd have the privilege to make
the decision then if they desi_~e to hold the meeting the
followir~ night.
Request by Councilman Norman Strnad
~. Strnad referred to when he moved here in 1960 and he was
permitted to do construction work on his particular co~mmer-
cial piece of property as long as he conformed to all City
codes and regulations. Recently, it has been brought to his
attention that property owners of commercial properties are
being denied working on theLr own properties. As long ~£
the work is being performed to the code, he cannot understand
this and why a licensed contractor must do it. He would like
to know if this has been changed in the last few years o~
what. He would like to know if the law is the same as when
he ca~ here in t960. He continued with telling about people
using licenses of other contractors to build commercial build-
ings and selling at a profit, which he is not in favor of.
However, if a man lives on the property and it is done accord-
ing to the code, he does not see why it is not allowed.
~myor DeLong agreed that the owner at one time was privileged
to make his own alterations as long as he complied and sub-
mitted a sketch and obtained a permit. He requested the
Building Official to an~er this.
~. Howell informed them that the Boynton Beach addendums
prevent this. He explained how the Federal Government was
requiring this ~ud it would be uniform throughout ~alm
Beach County. They also have had proble~ in the past with
owners doing this ~ud it ~st be taken into consideration
that the public uses commercial buildings. To the best of
his knowledge, most all municipalities have outie~ed owners
of co~_~erclal buildings doing their own structural work.
When he came here, the City did not allow an owner to do
non-structure work, but they do allow it now according to
the addendum.
NOVE~ER t 6, 1976
Mayor DeLong referred to o~e~doing the work and payir~ gen-
eral contractors for the use of their licenses and Mr. Howell
replied that this was illegal a_ud explained how it was h~d
to prove~ but tt State inspectors were checking on it. They
disc~sed this practice further.
M~yor DeLong then asked if the system was cha~uged whereby the
owner was privileged to do all the work and ~. Howell in-
formed him that an owner can build his own house or duple~ as
long as he is going to live in it, but he cannot build a
commercial building that the oublic is going to use.
~. Strnad referred to the mention of running into problems
and stated if the building was inspected properly, it would
eliminate the problems. ~r. Howell replied that this was the
only reason he could give for the adoption of the addendums
by then~unicipelities. He told about some problems and how
something could be ir~pected 100 times and still not be
right. M~. Strnad clarified that he was talking about people
caoable of doing the work and Meyor DeLong replied that they
were not allowed to do it on commercial buildings for public
M~. Harmening asked if the Hotel and Restaurant Cc~mzission
started this and M~. Howell replied that he believed they
were the first instigators. M~. Harmenim~ continued that
his main reason of not being in favor of it is because of
the orobler~s which they have run into r~_king more work for
the ~uilding Dept. ~. Howell reolied that he was just sim-
ply stating that unless they stoo~ and guided some people
s~ud supervised the job, it would never get done. Mr.
Harmening remarked that they should never let it get done
then and added that he would never deny a man the right to
build what he wants, i~. Howell informed him that they
would have to msm the Building Dept. heavily if they were
going to let commercial work go that way.
~. Strnad stated that if he now decided to build something
on his commercial property~ he could do it by p~-ing $500 to
a general contractor and use his license. ~. Howell in-
formed him it was illegal to buy a license mud this proce-
dure was discussed further.
First Aid Station
Mayor DeLor~ requested Mr. Kohl to make a revisw of the
correspondence with regard to approachir~ a~?~y action on the
first aid station at the beach, so there won't be any loop-
holes for them to squirm out of. He requested the City
Council's agreement to turn this over to both the City Mana-
ger and City Attorney. If something has been neglected in
the ~ast, they should take care of it immediately. The
members expressed their agreement.
See P. 2
of 12/8/76
SeeP. 3
NOVEI~ER 16, 1976
Request for Ma?
Mayor DeLong stated that for three ~o four years, he has been
one of the staunch advoaates to have a map of the City to
hang on the ceili~ which could be pulled down for the peopl~
in the audience to view. He referred to the rezoning request
previously and how the people were not aware of what area
was being discussed.
Ad Hoc Committee Pension Report - Vice M~yor Joseoh F. Zack
P~. Zack told about the numerous meetings held by the Pension
Ad-Hoc Committee. it was their general opinion that the Den-
sions need upgrading. They upgraded all three and still re-
mained below the budget approved. He then introduced ~.
Kenneth Kribs, Finance Director, to explain the costs and
funding for the Employees' Pension Plan. Mr. Eribs then
read the attached sheet containing the Proposed Amendments
and Funding.
M~yor DeLong pointed out that the plan they are operating
under at the present time is a plan which provides practi-
cally little of nothing for the retired employee after many
years of fruitful ~nd devoted service of being a public ser-
vant. It would appee~ to the Chair that this upgrading and
updating of benefits are long past due. Ee thinks it hs~
been the general conse~s~ of the entire com~ttee, not only
the Ad-Hoc Committee but also the Firemen, Police and Gen-
eral Employees Pension Boards, that this is long overdue.
A person could work for the City for 25 to 30 yea_~s ~ud would
wind up with little of nothing. ~. Kribs agreed.
Mr. Spielberg referred to the availability of funds a~ud Mayor
DeLong replied that he believed they did have sufficient
funds available. He continued that improvements are most
important. It raises the standards of the City ~ud has been
long overdue. He thinks they are headed in the right direc-
tion..They have first class employees and first class ser-
vice and should have first class pension rights.
~. Zack moved to recommend the adoption of the proposed
plan as presented by the general employees and to instruct
~he City Attorney to prepare the necessary legal documents
to put this in operation. M~s. Jackson seconded the motion.
Mayor DeLong clarified that it ha~ been moved and seconded
that the City Council approve or accept the upgradi~ or
updating of the pension plan as s~emitted by the Ad-Hoc Com-
~ttee for the general employees emd instruct the City Attor-
ney ~o prepare the legal instrument for approvs~. No discus-
sion. ~s.'Padgett took a roll ca~l vote asffollows:
NOVE~,~ER 16, 1976
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman S trnad - Aye
Vice ~ayor Zack - ~ye
Mayor DeLong - ~e
Motion carried 5-0.
M~. Zack then referred to the pension plans for the Police
and Fire Departments and advised that they could be combined
in the report, b~t not in the pension plans. After investi-
gation, they have decided to upgrade these plans, but not as
extensively as the general employees. He then called on
Deputy Chief William Hamilton to give the report.
Deputy Chief Hamilton advised that there were two majom ~eas
to be considered which are disability and average wages upon
which benefits are based. In the areas of disability at the
present time, only employees with ten years' service ~e
covered at all. This needed immediate attention. M~yor
DeLong agreed. Deputy Chief Hamilton continued with explain-
ing their recommendation to change the average wmges upon
which benefits are based. He then read the attached costs
for the recommended Police & Firemens Pension Plans. He
added that they her~e also asked, per his memo dated November
10, for ~he Cmty to may the existing bill to Eruse, O'Connor,
and Ling, Inc., Consultants and Actuaries, who did the study.
At ~uresent, they owe them $1,355 a~ud would also like the City
to consider having them write the ordinances for an additional
estimated cost of $300 to $400.
Mayor DeLo~ then read the attached two memorandums dated
Nover~£oer 10, 1976, regardir~ Pensio~ ImDrovements. He
stated that these cleared the air insofar as all the mercers
involved. He clarified that they did take a poll of the de-
partments and everyone is in favor and Deputy Chief Hamilton
replied that they took a po~l about six months ago and the
Board gave him the authority. Mayor DeLong asked if there
was any disagreement and Deputy Chief Hamilton replied: no.
M~yor DeLong announced a motion was in order to accept the
recommendations of the Municipal Police Department Retire-
ment Fund Board of Trustees insofar as pension improvements
including the payment of the actuary fees by the City.
Zack so moved, seconded by M~s. Jackson. No discussion.
M~s. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman H~mening -
Cou_uciiwom~n Jackson - _&ye
Councilmala Strnad Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
NOVE~ER ~ 6, 1976
Y~yor DeLong announced a motion was in order to accept the
recommendation for the pe~ion improvements as submitted by
Fire Chief C. E. ~right, Secretary & Treasurer for the Muni-
cipal Firemen's Pension and Trust Fund Board of Trustees and
pay any fees that may be due to the actuary for the perform-
ance of his work shall be paid by the City. ~. Zack so moved,
seconded by M~s. Jackson. No discussion. M~s. Padgett took
a roll call vote as follows:
Counci!ma~ Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - ~~ye
Councilm~ Strnad - ~e
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Ays
Motion carried 5-0.
~. Zack then th~ed the Ad-Hoc Committee. He added that
~here were no arguments and they were very agreeable after
being told what money they had to work with. He thanked
them for their cooperation and good work.
M~yor DeLo~ announced that the Chair would like to discharge
this Co~mittee at the present time with a vote of thanks for
the work which was performed. He was on the scene and =knows
of the multitude of meetings held ~_ud certainly devotion o~
duty beyond call. A terrific job was done. He can testify
and ver_~y that each and every one was dedicated and came up
with a plan that everyone c~u be proud of. He hereby dis-
charges this Committee with a vote of thard~s and prevails
upon the City ~'~uager to forws~d a certificate of apprecia-
tion to each menaber for a job well done.
~. Spielberg thanked him, but advised there was one ur_fin-
ished piece of business. During the 35 meetings during the
year, several times the question was raised in reference to
pulling out of the Social Security system. He told ~oout
several cities having done this. It is the Co~mittee's sug-
gestion, on behalf of the employees of the City of Boynton
Beach, that this Co~cil consider getting out of the Social
Security system. Mayor DeLong referred to the Committee
m~k~g a study of this ~ud ~. Spielberg replied that they
did discuss it, but are referring it to the Council. Mayor
DeLong stated that he thought the Co~mittee in the course
of meetings smd upon the advice of the actuary had pointed
out the benefits to be derived. He understands an applica-
tion has to be made and will not take effect until two years
after notifying the Federal Government. He suggested that
the Councilbe given all the information regarding the im-
provements and he guarantees that the Council members will
explore it. M~. Spielberg agreed that both actuaries felt
M~U~S - REGUI~.R C!~f COU~iC~ ~T!NG
NOVEmbER 1 ~ 1 976
they would be much better off to get out of the Social Seco~-
ity system, if the Council sees fit to proceed with this sug-
gestion of the Ad-Hoc Committee, he would be pleased to work
with the Committee, Mayor DeLong suggested that the actuaries
be requested to gfi~e the exact benefits they feel would be de-
rived from severing relationshio with the Social Security
system. ~,~. Spielberg replied ~hat they would receive this
information in writing.
Consider SupptementaiAgreement No. 5 to Russell & Axon
Engineerin~ Contrac~
~. M~lt Hallman, Vice President of Russell & Axon, appeared
before the Council. He advised that they were submitting for
Council's consideration Supplemental Agreement #5 which is
required by the speczal conditions in the EPA grant offer
for the force ~n and lift station. He explained how EPA
now required everything to be converted to a l'~mp sum agree-
M~or DeLong referred to receiving a recommendation to approve
Supplemental Agreement #5 from ~. Perry Cessm~ and asked if
the City Attorney had an opportunity to review this agreement
and questioned his recommendation. I~. Reed replied that he
had the opportunity zo review it and talked to Mr. Swan.
He would recommend approving it with m~d~ing a change on the
first page, Paragraph b, to change Resolution 76-F to 76-E.
Mayor DeLong asked if the egreement was in legal order smd
M~. Reed replied that a motion would be in order directing
the Mayor to execute the agreement.
Me~yor DeLong requested that the recommendation from the
DS~ector of Utilities be read into the record. M~. Kohl
read the attached memorand~ dated November 10 from i~L~.
Perry A. Cessna.
M~s. Jackson moved to accept the recol~mendation of 5~. Perry
Cessna em_d aoor~e the Supplemental Agreement No. 5 to the
Engineering ~ntract s~ad ~.struct the Mayor to sign the agree-
ment. M~. Zack seconded the motion. Mayor DeLong cla~if£ed
that it had been moved and seconded to approve the Supplemen-
tal Agreement No. 5 to the Engineering Contract of the City
of Boynton Beach as recommended by ~. Perry Cgssna, Director
of Utilities, with the change in Paragraph b as recommended
by the City Attorney mad the orooer City officials shall be
instructed to execute said agreement. No discussion. M~s.
Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwom~nJackson - Aye
Councilm~ Strnad -
Vice M~vor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carr_ea 5-0.
NOVE~ER 16, 1 976
Request Approval to Encumber Unexpended Funds from 1975-76
M~. Kohl read Mx. Y~ibs memo dated Nove~oer 9 requesting
Council approval to encumber unexpended funds from the 1975~76
Budget per the Enc~mbering Documents submitted.
.~. Zack moved to approve the recommenaa~mon of the C_~y
Manager to approve the encumbering of unexpended fo~ds from
the 1975-76 budget. Motion carried 5-0.
Request Approval to Transfer $10,000 - 1975-76 Budgeted
Civil Defense Fund to Reserve~for Emergencies
Mm. Kohl advised that this actually amounted to the same
thing as the previous item~ but it will be kept in emergency.
Mayor DsLong asked if there was a special number for that
fund and ~. Kribs replied that it would be a reserve in the
General Fund.
Mayor DeLong announced a motion was in order to approve the
request to transfer $10,000 - ~975-76 budgeted Civil Defense
Fund to reserve for Emergencies. ~. Zack so moved, seconded
by Mrs. Jackson. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Site Plan for Addition to Bethesda Eospital
!~. Kohl informed the Council that the site plan for the ad-
dition of an incinerator to the Bethesda Memorial Hospital
complex was submitted to the City Planner, Mr. Carman
Ann~ziato. The Planning & Zoning Board, at their Regular
Meeting of November 9, ~976, unanimously recommended appro-
val of the addition subject to the compliemce with all appli-
cable health regulations and that the exhaust stack be at
least ten feet higher in elevation tha~ the roof of the homes
directly west of the hospital. The motion to approve the
site plan was made by M~r. Winter and seconded by Mr. Lambert.
~. Harmening moved to approve the si~e plan for a new incin-
erator at Bethesda Memorial Hospital, seconded by ~. Zack.
~.yor DeLong clarified that it had been moved an~ seconded
to approve the site plan for a new incinerator at Bethesda
Memorial Hospital provided the requirements are met. No
discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Cons_~der Membership to Palm Beach County Munici~oal League
~. Kohl referred to a copy of a statement for membership
dues for the Palm Beach County Municipal League as well as
thei~ fin~acial report for 1975-1976 being submitted. If
Council decides to join this organization again~ they will
need -
NOVEmbER t 6, 1976
We anticipated an increase mn memberships in our new budget
and did allocate $500.00~ morethan last year ($1,500.00 to
$2,000.00), but the cost of living was higher than our anti-
cipations. We received a statement from the Florida League
of Cities in the amo~_ut of $1,821.17 which was~paid a~d which
leaves a balance in the account of $178.83. W~ therexore
request a ~ransfer of funds from the contingency account in
the amount of $225.00 to cover the membership dues in the Palm
Beach County Municipal League.
Y~r. Harmening so moved, seconded by ~. Strnad for discussion.
Mayor DeLong ~larified that it had been moved ~ad seconded to
retain membership in the Palm Beach County Mo~icip~l League
~d also to transfer the appropriate fund to pay for the mem-
bership. Under discussion, M~. Strnad stated he was very
hesitssat to vote in favor of this particular membership ~uutil
they receive an equal voice intthis -oarticular organization.
He car-uot underst~ud how m~uuicipalit~es with a few thousand
peopl~ or less have the same voice as Boynton Beach with~
37,00u people. M~s. Jackson remarked that the same t~ng was
true in the Florida League of Cities. She does feel a great
deal can be learned. She is not always in agreement, but
feels they have learned things from them. if there is any
doubt in anybody's mind about ahing this, possibly it should
be tabled for next year's Council. Msjor DeLong added that
he was the originator of a walkout at one of their meetings
principally because they would not live up to the commitment
to appoint a member of this Council to a vacancy. This de-
finitely is controlled by the smaller townships. He still
feels maybe one day that will be resolved. As long as he is
a member of the Co~2acil, he would not attend because he does
not compromise with the principle; however, there is plenty
of ~.~owledge s~d benefits to be obtained. It is to the bene-
fit of the City ~ad is profitable in many avenues. As a lame
duck member of the Council, he certainly would not w~ut to do
arsrthing that would preclude any benefits that migh~ come to
this City by not being a member of the League~ tsking into
consideration the small amoun~ of money paid ~ud the amount
of benefits returned. M~. Zack agreed that M~. Strnad ~mde
a good point as it takes 23 municipalities to equal the popu-
lation of Boynton Beach, but they only carry one vote. He
thinks they do get some valuable information from these peo-
ple. He thin!~ the datagrams are helpful. ~s. Jackson re-
ferred to serving for foar years on the Dual Taxation Com~mit-
tee and advised that this year something is goir~ to happen.
She suggested possibly sending a formal resolution to the
Municipal League regarding this. Motion carried 5-0.
~s. Jackson then moved to instruct the City Manager to send
a letter to the Palm Beach ,~
~ - County M~micipal League asking the
Board to consider this before the fiscal year oeomns. M~yor
DeLong suggested a better app_oacn possibly would be to con-
sult with the sister cities to the south with a population
larger or as large as Boynton Beach and prevail upon them to
send a resolution also. He requested Y~s. Jackson to talk
to the ether cities about this.
Consider Requests for Expendi~res from Publicity Fund for
Festival of Arts _
M~. Kohl rea~ the attached memorandum dated October 29 from
74~~. Charles C. Frederick. He added that $980 was given to
the City by the Stateoof Florida by a grant worked on by
Frederick ~d himself.
Mrs. Jackson moved to gr~t the Festival of the Arts the
amount of money they need and keep in the ~blicity Fund.
M~. Strnad seconded the motion. Mayor DeLong clarified
that it had been moved and seconded to approve the memo
dated October 29 received from Mr. Frederick in its entirety
relative to the Festival of the Arts. No discussion. Motion
of M~~. Anthony Canon, Chief Executive Officer, SCR~TDB
To Adopt Retirement Plan Agreement
Authorize Attorney to Initiate Indemuification Agree-
~. Kohl read the attached letter dated November 5 from ~.
PLmyor DeLong announced a motion was in order to ratify this
request of the mrevious action of the Board. M~. Harmening
moved to adopt ~aad ratify the previous action of the South
Central Regional Wastewazer Treatment & Disposal Board to
adoDt a retirement olan agreement mud authorize the attorney
to ~nitiate an inde~ification agreement. ~. Zack seconded
the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Request for Cemetery Lot Refund Ina J..Stauffer
P~. Kohl referred to a copy of a request from ~k-s. ina J.
Stauffer regarding a refund on Lot 80: Block C, being on
file. He advised that the Cemete~ Board approved this re-
quesv at their meeting of November 3, 1976.
~hos. Jack, on moved to gr~at this request~ seconded by ~*~.
Harmening. Mayor DeLong clarified that it had been moved
and seconded to grout the request as recommended by the
Cemetery Board for a lot refund to ~s. Ina J. Stauffer.
Under discussion, ~. Strnad asked if these cemetery lots
were the same price as ~5 years ago or if they had gone up
and M~s. Padgett replied that they had gone up. !~. Strnad
NOVEI~ER 16, 1976
questioned w~ 20% was taken off and ~. Kohl replied that
they do have maintenance over the years. M~. Strnad re-
marked that people should be rewarded for not having to use
a cemetery plot. Motion c~ried 5-0.
Consider Zoning Approval for Beer & Wine Package Store -
Cumberl~ad F~m~ Food Stor~s~ inc.~ 1899 S, W. ~5th Aven~
~. Kohl read the application submitted by Cumberland Far~s
Food Stores, Inc. and advised that everything was in order.
M~s. Jackson moved to grant the request, seconded by
Harmening. Mayor DeLong clarified it had been moved and
seconded to grant approval and attest to the zoning appro-
val for gumberland Farms Food Stores, Inc., located at
~899 S. ~V. 15th Avenue. No discussion. Motion carried
Applications for Permit to Solicit:
~. Heart Association of Palm Beach County
2. American Cancer Society, Palm Beach County Unit
._tl~ntmc H. S Band & Be~_d Booster Association
~. Kohl read the applmcatmo~naa advised that all were in
order and requested Council's approval.
~. Harmening moved to grant application for permits to
solicit to:
1 ~_ear~ Association of Palm Beach County
2. American Cancer Society, Palm Beach County Unit
3. Atlantic H. S. B~d & Band Booster Association
~L~. Zack seconded ~.~e motion. No discussion Motion car-
ried 5-0.
Approval of Bills
Mr. Kohl read the following bills for approval:
1. Allied Chlori~ae & Chemical $ 1,380.00
Ch~ormne _~or water pmant
Pay from budgeted funds 030-8tl .63
2. I B M Corporation 2,967.00
Computer rental for November
Pay from budgeted funds 001-890.38
Bid accepted 9/30/75
3. Agri Chemicals I ,082.50
Pay from budgeted fun_as 001-85t .64
"~'~ T ~C ~
NOVEI~ER 16, 1976
Willie Ruth McGrad~.
server for Senior Oitizens Club - 1 week
pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 020-880
Ord~ace #73-15, passed 5/15/73
Is i ~h Andrews
Drmver xor Senior Citizens Club 1 week
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 020-880
Ordine~uce #73-15, passed 5/15/73
Russell & Axq~ 6858-15-CPR Inv. #3 3,407,93
Engineering services ~or resolution bf
problems with Florida Power & Light Change
Order ~1 (Water Treatment Plant Expansion)
P~y from Utility General Fund ~yables 030-300.01
Authorization dated 5/8/74
7. Intercounty Construction 9atp. 54,392.79
Water Treatment Pl~aat Expansion
P~ from Atlantic Na-tional Bank ~975A Series
Contract dated 7/9/76
R~. Kohl stated that the bills described have been approved
and verified by the depa~tment heads ir~olved; checked amc
approved for payment by the Fin~ce Director; funds are avail-
able in their respective budgets. He recommends payment o£
these bills. He added that a lettsr from Russell & Axon was
submitted to the Council members as requested at the last
Council meeting. He does have ~other letter to submit at
the next Council meeting.
Mrs. Jackson moved to pay the bitls, seconded by ~. Zack.
Under discussion, M~. Ee~mening stated that the two bills
from the lastmmeeting could also be included s~d ~. Kohl
informed him that the one was listed, but they will have to
have a resolution from the City Attorney for the other one.
~. Harmening clarified that he had no reservations about
either one.
Mayor DeLong announced a motion was in order to approve the
bills including the one deleted previously in the amount of
'~6,000 from Orton Construction Co. MC, Harmening so moved~
seconded by ~ir. Zack. Under discussion, ~Jor DeLong asked
if the intercounty Construction w~sL~ui*ld~i~ at the water
plant and ~,~. Kohl replied: yes. ~yor DeLong referred to
this company ruining 700 feet of concrete sidewalk and re-
quested the engineers in the Building Dept. to note this
and M~. Howell informed him that this would have to be re-
placed before a C/O was issued. Motion carried 5-0.
Mm. Strnad moved to adjourn, seconded by i~s. Jackson.
Motion carried 5-0 ~ud the meeting was properly adjourned
at 9:45 P. M.
NOVE~F~R 16, 1 976
~cil Member
~ ~--~y Clerk
Rector ding Secretary
(Two Tapes)
Frank Kohl
City Manager
Perry A. Cessna
Director of Utilities
,~,,~ ~
November 1, 1976
...... Safety Award (Sewage
Treatment Plant and Water Plant)
This is to confirm that at the joint conference of the Florida
Pollution Control and Florida section of the A~A in Tampa last
week, the Boynton Beach SEwage Treatment Plant was presented
an a~rard of honor for their t975-76 safety record and wi!-i be
receiving an appropriate plaque. The Boy, ton Beach Water Treat-
ment Plant received a letter of ~.PLe-.'zd~
?ne city and I-have-been honored by m'V election to the office of
Vice Pres-~ dent of tine ~io~ida Pollution Contro~ati~o=u_; and
this will mean tha~ .in-October of 1977, I will come into office
as President-of ~the FPCA for ~he vear 1977-78.
Enc. (i)
'Oerry A ss..a ~~
Proposed Amendments & Funding
Present Cost. of Plan
Additional Benefits Cost
Ihcrease Monthly Retirement Benefit 25~
Reduce Normal Retirement Age to 62
Increase Interest Earned on Emp!o~e
Contributions from 3~ to 5%
Add Disability Benefit
Offsetting Credits
Amortize Unfunded Liability over 30 years
Eliminate Death Benefits (Sec. 21--51) to
exten~of Refund of Contributions
Interest at 5~
Revise Death Benefit after Retirement to
Acbuarially Reduced Option or Refund
Net Additional Cost
Total Annual Cost
$ 98,906
Funds Available
General F~nd Pension Reserve-Unappropriated
Budget 1976--77
General Fund
~ utility Fund
Disability Insurance 1976-77
General Fund
Utility Fund
Tota3_/~ail~b!e ~nds
Additional Funds Required
$ t7~882
Annual Net Contribution from City
Projected Pension Costs
Police & Firemens Pension Plans
Net Cost of Present Plan as of 7/10/76
Disability Benefits
66-2/3% Service Connected less
Social Security and Workmen's Comp.
Non-Service Connected !0 yrs. Serv.
C<n_ange 10 yr. Average Earnings to
5 yr. Average Earnings
Police Fire Total
$ 4,976 $ 11,868 $ 16,844
3,516 2,312 5,828
224 1,437 1,661
8,048 13,880 2t~928
11,788 t7~629 29,417
S 16,764 $ 29,497 S 46,261
Mayor DeLong & the City Council
Municipal Police Department Retirement
Fund Board of Trustees
November 10, 1976
Pension Improvements
The undersigned Members of the Municipal Police officers Pension Fund
Board of Trustees which is outlined in Chapter 185 of the Florida Statutes,
after unanimous vote at a meeting where all M~mbers were present, hereby
give Deputy Chief of Police William R. Hamilton, the authority to work in
our best interests and reco~end any improvements ~hich he deems necessary
and feasible after consultation with our Actuary. A recent vote was taken
~nereby a ma3ority of the Members of this Plan reflected that they were in
agreement with this process.
~No~h E. ~dd~esto~--
Wilti~m R3 H~mi!ton
:/ ,:ph .. Trolian
William P. Morkan
WRi-i. law
Mayor DeLong & the City Council
'~ire Chief C. E. Wright,
Secretary & Treasurer for the
Municipal Firemen's Pension and
Trust Fund Board of Trustees
November 10, 1976
Pension Improvements
As Secretary and Treasurer of the Municipal Firemen's
Pension and Trust Fund, which is outlined under Chapter 175
of the Florida Statutes, I have the authority to work in the
bes% interest and recommend any improvements deemed necessary
and feasible after consultation with our Actuary.
Az~e_ discussion with all Board members, it was agreed
upon-to accept the recommendations for-improvements as voted
upon by the Ad Hoc Co_mmittee members.
C.E. Wrmgnt, Se ry and Treasurer
Frank Kohl
City Manager
Perry A. Cessna
Director of utilities
November 10, 1976
...... Supplemental Agreement ~5
to Engineering Contract, City of
Boynton Beach
Today, I have reviewed this Supplemental Agreement $5 with Milt
Ha!!man and Joe Swan in my office. I understand this completely
and recommend that this be executed by the city, so that we can
go ahead with completion of the Step 2 Grant and move into Step 3
program applicatio~so -we can receive our money in order to baild
the Regional Pumping Stations and Force Main.
i would like to point out one thing -- the fees involved in this
were somewhat lower than were originally authorized; and, this is
being done strictly because of EPA's requirements. It effectively
ties down what monies we are responsible for to the engineers on
this project.
At the present time, the engineers' estimate of this contract is
about $6175 Million, -which would increase the cost if we were on
a percentage basis. Because of EPA's requirements, we are gam~-
ling that it will be a lower engineering fee at a flat rate, than
if we were on a percentage basis, in other words, if the bid comes
in higher than $6,100,000, we will be saving money on engineering
fees~ whereas, if it came in lower than ~chat, our engineering fees
'would be slightly higher. Actually, we have no control over this,
because of EPA_ requirements.
EPA has already approved fees in excess of those which we are
ina for under the lump _s_~m, Supplemental Agreement ~5.
Vice Pres. ,
Joe Swan, P. E.
Engrg. Mgr.,
Ken _~ibs, ~inance Dir.
October 29, 1976
TO: Ken Kribs,
Finance Director
RE: Festival of the Arts
In reference to our grant from the Fine Arts Council,
Department of State totaling $980, the following is recommended:
Request Mx. Kohl to present to City Council a recommendation
to allocate $980 from available funds to the Publicity Fund
~060, account 888 entitled "Festival of the Arts" which is
currently at a zero expense balance. This fund is designated
for expenditures by the City ~{anager for performing artists
participation in the festival program.
Chaztes-C. Frederick
Recreation Director
cc: Frank Kohl, City Manager
November 5, 1976
J. Eldon Mariott, City Manager of De!ray Beach
Frank Kohl, City Manager of Boynton Beach
Dear Sir's:
In accordance
Agreement, certain
with the requirements of the Intertocal
actions of the SCRWTD Board are required to
be also APPROVED by a majority vote of each'City Council. Therefore
would you place before your next City Council meeting the following
actions taken by the SCRWTD Board at their November 4, 1976 meeting
for_APPRO%~L of your Co~ci!:
1) Voted ~to-"ado~t-the RetiTement Plan Agreement" for the CEO
of SC.,~TD Board.
2) Voted to" authorize the attorney to put this Tn' z=: -
Agreement into effect" for the CEO and SCPJWTD Board members.
Please advise me of ~bn~wCouncils action.~fhank yo~.
Very truly yours,~-