Minutes 11-09-76 ~ ~ ~mv OF BOYNTON
~ nAiL, TUESDAY, NOVE~ER 9, 1 976
Joe DeLong, M~yor
Joseph F. Zack~ Vice M~yor
Emily M. Jack, on, Eouncilwoman
Normsm F. Strnad~ Councilman
Frank Koh!,CC~ty ~nager
Ca!lie clanton, DePuty City Clerk
M~yor DeLong called the meeting to order at 4:00 P. M. and
announced it was a Special Meeting ~called by the Mayor in
accord~uce with Section 56 of the City Chs~ter for the follow-
lng purposes:
~. Election Poll ~orkers
2. Any Other Business Which May Rightfully
Come Before the City Council
Mayor DeLong referred to having received ~none calls s~ad otY~er
material relative to workers at the polls. He advised that
Sally Reiser did not receive her notice even though the ot~er
workers did ~d gave this message to the City M~uager.
Mayor DeLong stated that they have a situation where people
are being moved out of their precinct where they originally
worked. He believes it i~ incumbent upon the City Council
to direct the City Manager to send notification to all those
working ou~ of their districts that theyonly way they can
vote ~suld ~e to cast absentee ballots,
~s. J~ckson moved to instruct the City Manager to send let-
ters to people working out of their precincts notifying them
to cast absentee ballots. ~. Zack seconded the motion.
Mayor DeLong clarified that it had been moved an~ seconded
that the City Manager is hereby instructed to notify all poll
workers working out of their precincts that they must cast
absentee ballots if they wish to vote in the primary or gen-
eral elections and the City Manager shall also notify them of
the dates and place where to cast the absentee ballots. Under
discussion~ ~. Strnad stated he was much in favor of this
motion, but he does not see w~ anybody has to be moved out
of their designated precinct if they have been serving there
for a number of years, He think~ maybe some people would
have to~ whom have not worked on the polls previously. He
does not understand why this was done. ~s. Jackson referred
to the list not showing what precincts they were for. She
added that Precinct 1~ has ~many people who do not read and
write ~ud she hopes somebo6y will be there to help these
peop!e,~as they do need help. She referred t~ I~s. Hoffman
being transferred to Galaxie School and she does not k~ow wb~~
except possibly because she is experienced. Mayor DeLong
then requested the motion to be read back and ~k~s. ~ruse read
it back. Mayor DeLong then requested a roll call vote on the
motion and M~s. Cis~ton took it as follows:
NOVE~ER 9, 1976
Councilwoman Jackson -
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack -
~Dayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Mayor DeLong then continued that he was a little ~fUbprlsed at
the message which was sent to the City Manager by the City
Clerk. He referred to her asking if they have a person ap-
pointed for an election worker and they are unable to serve,
what procedure should be followed ~ud if they need additional
people, what is the procedure? He has to laugh as the City
Clerk has been doing this for 20 years and kuows the procedure.
M~s. Jackson stated that the motion made and seconded and
voted on stated there were to be no chemges without Council
action. Mayor DeLong replied that the procedure they eme
following is Co~tuncil action smd that is what will be done
today. He think~ the list was explicit.
Mayor DeLong ~ontinued that in addition to ~ally Reiser~ Joe
him by Gil Eckert as a deputy. ~lso, a message was sent from
Beatrice Annie stating she 'is unable to work in the primary
election, buv would be happy zo serve in the December elec-
tion. She was appointed to serve as a clerk in P£ecinct
~56 and 16t. She contacted ~s. ~aroc~morton and she could
replace her as a clerk. !@. Zack replied that he had no ob-
jections s~_d Mrs. Jackson agreed, as long as they are trained,
this ms what they need. Mayor DeLong clsmified that Gil
Eckert had been appointed as a deputy, but will now serve in
the vacancy created by Beatrice Annie. Gil Eckert will serve
as he always has. in view of the fact, Joe Rosnick was on
the list and never notified and due to the fact he is regis-
tered with the Sheriff's Department, he is being put in place
of Gi! Eckert as a deputy. Mrs. ~roc~mmorton will take the
place of Mms. Annis. He announced it would take a motion to
approve of this switching around as recorded by the secretary.
~-~. Zack so moved, seconded by Mr~Strnad. ~o discussion.
Motion carried 4-0. Mayor DeLong requested the City Manager
to also send a notification to Joe Rosnick.
Mayor DeLong continued that he would prevail uoon the City
Council to have the City ~nager set uo a clas~ of instruc-
tion particularly for those people who have not been in-
structed. M~~. Strna~ so moved, seconded by M~. Zack. Under
discussion, ~. Kohl stated he would like to send a letter to
everyone. ~s. Jackson referred to some of these people hav-
ing gone through the school and she didn't think they should
be recuired to go again. ~. Kohl agreed and advised that he
would note this in the letter. M~s. Jackson referred to
NOVE~-~ER 9, 1 976
machines being different up north and stated she believed the
people who have not worked on the polls in Palm Beach County
should go to the school. Mayor DeLong replied that it would
be ascertained who the new people were and they will be re-
quired to take' instructions. Motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Strnad advised that ~. Marlo Arrigotti informed him that
he would not be able to serve and he asked in place of him
that M~. Stanley Waiega be appointed. ~s. Jackson asked if
there were any h!acks on this list and M~. Strnad replied
that whomever sent in their names were included and he did
not ask if they were black or white. Mayor DeLong added that
it seemed inappropriate to raise this question now.
Jackson referred to a certain woman having served on the polls.
M~or DeLong referred to the Charter provisions for appoint-
ments and advised that one of his previous appointments, Dave
Simmons~ was still on the list and he is black. ~.~s. Jackson
replied that she thought it was fair. Mayor DeLong agreed
they should be recognized. Mr. Strnad then e~plained how he
compiled his list by going over the list for the past 3 to 4
years a~ud if both husband and wife were serving, one was re-
moved. He added that some are experienced and some e~e not,
but the exoerienced people at one time were inexperienced.
They can a~so learn from the people who are experienced.
Mayor DeLong stated that he thought any men, bet of the City
Council has the privilege to submit names for the election
poll workers. He believes this has been a sad neglect in the
past on the hart of the City Councils. They just let the
authority drift according to the previsions of the City
Charter. ~s. Jackson replied that the Council alwe~s voted
on the people. Me~yor DeLong stated that the list was not
prepared by the City Council and stated again the provisions
of the City Charter.
Mr. Strnad continued that the substitu~eshe would like
· ~t are:
~rancine Garcia
2392 S. W. Congress Blvd.
Gene Frisch
445 S. W. 3rd Ave.
to sub-
Mayor DeLong announced a motion was in order to approve the
substitutions as submitted by Councilman Strnad. ~. Zack
so moved, seconded by ~. Strnad. No discussion. Motion
c~ried 4-0,
Mayor DeLong referred to Councilman Strnad subn~tting this
list and stated he would like to have the City Council dele-
gate Councilman Strnad to supply any names in the future for
NOVm_~V~ER 9, 1976
this coming and next election. He thinks it would be appro-
priaze to delegate that authority to avoid these afternoon
meetings. Mk~. Zack so moved, seconded by Mr. Strnad. M~yor
DeLong clarified that it had been moved and seconded that
Councilman Norman Strnad is deleg~tedu and given the author-
ity to supply the City Clerk with any additional names that
may be needed in the event of substitutions or vacancies. No
discussion. Motion carried 4-0.
Other Business
Mayor DeLong announced he had a very important message to
deliver to the City Cou~ucil. He referred to receiving a
teleohone call mad this is a problem he has discussed with
the ~ity ?~nager, who is on top of it and knows about it,
mn referezce to cutting off Haverhill Road to the City domp.
He received a message that signs have been put up and he
thinks there may be a problem. They were given this route
to the City dump, He understands this will be taken away
from them. These people are so disturbed mad he thinks they
e~e going to contact the Governor. He told them it would
not affect them as another route has been negotiated. He
understsn-~ds the developer has reached out fa~ enough to pro-
hihit it. ~.~. Kohl replied that he had not been advised.
~yor DeLong continued that he would call these people this
evening anm he thinks the City Manager should be instructed
to follow through on this.
~. Strnad ~'~ ~e -
s.~v~a __ would like to submit the name of
~ ~nar_es Johnson on the Com-
Raymonm Keirnan to replace !~~. ~'
munity Relations B.~ara. He referred ~o Mr. Johnson having
been appointed to the Boynton Beach Housing Authority.
Mrs. Jac~so~ moved to appoint ~. R~mond ~eirnan ~o tn~
C~ar~es Johnson.
Community Relations Board in olace of M~r. ~ ~
M~. Zack seconded the motion. ~o discussion. Motion c~-
rie~ 4-0.
Mi~. Strnad then told about the Senior Citizens Co~ittee
requesting approximately 40 chairs which were t~en out of
the Council Chambers. About five to six years ago, they
had 16 chairs removed and they were never returned. He
explained how he thought there were too many chairs now in
the recreation center. He would tike to ask the Council to
appropriate 40 of these chairs for the Senior Citizens Com-
mittee. Mayor DeLong ascertained from ~. Vena Deusen that
the Senior Citizens Committee was only requesting 30 chairs~
the 16 to be returned which were t~en out for repairs emd
an additional t4. M~. Kohl informed the Council that this
request was given to him the other night at the City Coun-
cil meeting and he immediately called the Recreation Direc-
tor ~he next morning and he is going to take care of this
NOVE~ER 9, ~ 976
ome way or the other. He does not think this should be
brought up for Council action. He thinks it should be taken
care o£ by the Recreation Director. ~ayor DeLong asked l~.
Van Deusen if he was notified that they were going to get any
chairs and Mr. Van Deusen replied that he did talk to
Fredericks and was advised that he was having the ~6 chairs
repaired and he told him that they ws_uted 30 chairs alto-
gether. Mayor DeLong stated he thought Councilman Strnad had
this right. ~. Strnad moved to appropriate these 14 chairs
for the Senior Citlzens~ seconded by !~. Zack. Mayor DeLong
cla~i££ed that it had been moved and seconded to direct the
City Manager to supply the Senior Citizens Club with 30
chairs~ t4 being an additional amount and 16 owed to the
Senior Citizens having been taken out for repairs. Under
discussion, M~. Strnad rema_~ked that he did not see why
there should be such a big deal. They have a s~rplus of
chairs. These people are there almost every night. The~e
are for the taxpayers of the City. He does not see
holdup on this. He would like to see this done ~ithin the
next week. He does not see any reason for holding this up
longer the~ a week. Mayor DeLong replied he was sure the
directions would be complied with. ~,~s. Clanton then took
a roll call vote as follows:
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
M~or DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
At this time, Mayor DeLong apologized for not having intro-
duced the Deputy City Clerk~ ~s. Callie Clanton, servicing in
the absence of the City Clerk, who he believes is vacation-
M~. Strnad moved to ~o~rn, seconded by ~s. Jackson.
Motion carried 4-0 and the ~-~
mee ~n~ was properly adjourr~ed
at h:30 P. w?
· ~=~=~ - S~CIAL CiTi~ COUNCIL
.NOV.~R 9, ~976
- - s~A~H, FLORIDA
Council Member
Re cording -~ecre tary
(Two Tapes)