MONDAY, MAY 21, 2012, AT 6:30 P.M., AT THE ART CENTER,
Elizabeth Pierce -Roe, Chair (arr 646 pm) Wally Majors, Recreation & Parks
Charles Kanter Director
Robert Lapin (arrived 6 40 p m )
Catherine Scantlan
John McVey, Vice Chair
Chair Pierce -Roe called the meeting to order at 6:48 p.m.
Chair Pierce -Roe called the roll. A quorum was present.
The minutes completed by Mr. Majors of the park tour were available for review. No
action was taken.
A. Priority List of Park Projects
Wally Majors, Director of Recreation and Parks, commented that one of the reasons
there are park tours was so the Board could provide feedback regarding park
development priorities. The City was not in a position to contemplate any major projects
in the foreseeable future, but it was helpful. The Commission had asked that the Board
provide them with a list for reference.
Mr. Lapin inquired what the status was on Phase II of the Park on Congress Avenue.
Mr. Majors indicated it depended on monies received and what a donor would like to
see developed. At this point, the development activities were the responsibility of the
Foundation, which was working towards a sponsor that would come forward and make
a significant donation that would allow installation of the big piece of playground
equipment. Mr. Lapin advised he had a friend at Hunter's Run who had substantial
fundraising experience. He contacted the person who was running the Foundation, but
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 21, 2012
he had not contacted his friend that was willing to raise money. Mr. Majors commented
that the Foundation was an independent entity from the City. There was a staff liaison
that works with them and he could forward the comments to them The Foundation had
just begun and chose their first project. Their goal was to secure monies to build the
large playground piece and once they accomplished that, they would move on to the
next goal. It would have to be a recreational, educational or cultural project within the
Greater Boynton Beach area.
Mr. Majors advised the undeveloped park sites are reviewed on an annual basis and
invited Board members to discuss what would be the next priority park project. Last
year Congress Avenue Park was number one, the park on the Beach was number two
and Quantum was number three. Mr. Kanter discussed the Quantum Park issue and
advised it was desired to have the Park developed as originally planned as an eco -park.
There had been a problem with financing and the parking lot issue which was hopefully
resolved. He advised he went to the Quantum POA and they felt it would be a "feather
in the City's cap" to complete the park as it could be a big attraction for both residents
and businesses. Currently, it consisted of thousands of square feet that were not being
used. He also advised he met with the Quantum Community Development District and
discovered that the Sierra Club was interested in combining the 40 acres adjacent with
Quantum Park to make the combined Park almost 60 acres. This would be the largest
eco -park in Boynton Beach and possibly the County. There would be funding for it
because the current funding for the area was already being assessed and would
transfer to that budget line. There was some discussion on this and possibly adding it
as an agenda item at a later time.
Mr. Lapin felt that the Board should know what funds would be available before
considering which parks are priorities. Mr. Majors reminded the Board that the City was
not in a position to contemplate any development for several years.
Chair Pierce -Roe mentioned a property the County gave to the City known as Girl Scout
Park. She discussed the possibility of having students in certain schools be taught how
to grow fruits or vegetables. There was currently water and access and the idea would
be to use it for educational purposes. Mr. Majors mentioned that a number of "eco"
events had been done in some parks with some schools. There could be grants that
could help with plantings by students, but most of those would be matching grants.
Even if the County or school districts used the land on their ability to get funds, the City
would still have to maintain the property. There was discussion of possibly using
student volunteers for maintenance. Mr. Majors suggested doing research and
reminded the Board there was the Adopt -a -Park program currently using volunteers. In
addition, the City was receiving grant funding for the scrub property that the school
district provided to the City located near Galaxy Elementary School. The funding would
be to provide educational opportunities for students because it was a green school. Part
of the funding would be based on moving the exotic plants out, explaining to the
students what exotics are, and how to maintain the scrub.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 21, 2012
There was further discussion about some of the different uses for the parks. There was
consensus to prioritize the park development with Quantum Park as being number one,
Meadows /Nautica being number two, and Girls Scout Park being number three, subject
to change, depending on funding and other factors.
V. New Business
A. Wedding on the Waterway
Mr. Majors advised the Wedding on the Waterway would take place on Saturday, May
26 at 4:00 p.m. at Oceanfront Park. This program was developed by Commissioner
Orlove and was an event where people were invited to write an essay describing why
they should be entitled to a complimentary wedding on the beach. All services
associated with a wedding were donated by area businesses. A young woman who
works at the Palm Beach County Convention Center wrote a compelling essay and was
chosen to be the recipient of this first event. The Board would be invited to attend.
B. Adopt a Park
Mr. Majors advised that more "adopters" were desired to adopt more parks in the City.
Oceanfront Park, Intercoastal Park and Jaycee Park are some of the parks in the area
already adopted
C. Youth Leadership Program
Mr. Majors shared that there was a program offered for teens. The Youth Leadership
Program would meet on Saturdays at the Civic Center and would provide local teens an
opportunity to receive information about career building, resumes, trips and other things
of interest.
D. Art Center Program Review
Anyone who wished to have a tour of the Art Center and learn of its services was invited
for a tour at the conclusion of the meeting.
VII. NEXT MEETING: June 25, 2012
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 21, 2012
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m.
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Ellie Caruso
Recording Secretary