Joe DeLong,-Mayor
Joseph F. Zack, Vice Mayor
Emily M. Jackson, Councilwoman
Norman F. Strnad, Councilman
Prank Kohl~ City Manager
Terees~ Padgett, City Clerk
Mayor DeLong called the meeting to order at 11:00 A. M. and announced
it was a Special City 2ouncil Meeting called at the request of the City
Manager in accordance with Section 56 of the City Charter of the City
of Boynton Beach for the purpose to consider an increase in the pre-
mium for WorkmenTs Compensation and any other business that may right-
fully come before the Council.
Mayor DeLong then requested Mr. Kohl to proceed and outline the
course of action he believed the City Council must pursue in con-
junction with the increase of the Workmen~s 2ompensation. Mr.
Kohl advised that as of the meeting of September 30, he did not
know the price was going to be increased from S87,e~S to $114,~0~.
He explained how during this time he had been researching this.
At this time, he is unable to come up with a ~Scost insurance
program which he wanted for the City to go with self-insurance.
Me wilt continue to research. However~ at this time to protect
the taxpayers of the City and the City, he requests the increase
of S26,757, so they may have WorkmenTs Compensation. ~ae money
is available in the General Pund and Utilities Contingency Fund.
See Min.
of 10/19/7~
Mayor DeLong requested Mr. Kohl to explain further regarding the
ill effects of not taking action and Mr. Kohl explained how it
possibly could cost thousands of dollars if a back claim was
filed from an individual working for the City.
Mayor DeLong ~sked if the City would get immediate coverage and
Mr. Kohl informed him it would be effective when the check ar-
rived on Monday at the Workmen's Compensation Bureau. Mr. Allen
added that they would not be covered until the check is received.
Mr. Strnad questione~ the expiration date Df the present policy
and Mr. Kohl informed him it was October 11. Mr. Strnad asked
how much grace period they had and Mr. Kohl replied: none. Mr.
Zack asked if it was norma~ procedure to have no grace period
and Mr. Allen replied that it was under this circumstance, but
adde~ that how this came about to some ~egree in that this is
not an increase as such. Under the normal policy setup, there is
a p~nium ~iscount on a staggered bas~s so much for the first
4~000~ so much for the nex~ 95,£00. You get a discount on the
premmum. This has not been considered in this $114,402. It has
also the experience modification which the City is entitled to
which has no~ been figured into this premium. Theme will be a
refund of the experience modification and also at the end of the
policy period~ there will be ad ~djustment as far as the premium
discounu is concerned. So, what you are doing is paying it now
OCTOBER 15, 1976
and hopefully there wonTt be any great increases in the interim
period, which we canTt guarantee. You will get some of this money
back at the audit at the end-of the year.
Mr. Kohl ascertained that the members had received a copy of the
letter from the Compensation Rating Bureau outlining this increase
from ~87~000 to $114,000.
Mayor DeLong requested the secretary in preparing these minutes
include the remarks of the Insurance Agenv v~erbatim.
Mrs. Jackson asked if there was a claim against the City, would
the rate go up and Mr. Allen replied that this is where the exper-
ience modification comes into play and it will vary with the
amount of claim. It will go either way based on the experience
modification. Mr. Zack asked if it was based on so ma~y years and
Mr. Allen replied that it is based on three years minus the previ-
ous year. Also, there is one other thing in this market we are
in$~Workmen~s Compensation insurance is one of the few types of
policies that if there is an increase in the policy term~ the in-
sured pays that increase at the time. In other pcl~cies, you are
protected until the policy expiration date. In this past year~
I think you had three increases which were additions onto the
policy or will be.
Mr. Zack referred ro having no choice and made a motion tc accept
the offer of S26~757 additional to what was approved at the last
meeting. Mrs. Jackson requested that it be included To come from
and General and Utility Fund. Mr. Strnad seconded the motion.
Mayor DeLong clarified that it had been moved and seconded to
increase an additional amount in the premium Df $26~757 for Work-
menTs Compensation to be paid from the ~tility and General Contin-
gency Funds. No discussion. Mrs. Padqett took a roll call vote
as follows:
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Mayor DeLong asked if there was any other business and Mr. Zack
questioned about how long it would take to gev information on the
self-insurance and Mr. Kohl informed him that it may take from
one to vwo months.
Mrs. Jackson moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Zack. Motion car-
ried 4-0 and the meeting ~was properly adjourned at 11:10 A. M.
OCTOBER 15, 1976
~/ 'ty Clerk
~ Recordin~ ~amy
(3ne ~ape)