Joe DeLong, M~yor
Joseph F. Zack, Vice Mayor
Edward F. Hammen~ng, Councilman
Emily M. JacY~on, Councilwom~n
Norman F. Strnad, Councilman
Frank Kohl, City Maunager
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Robert B. Reed, City Attorney
Mayor DeLong welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order
at 7:30 P. M. Ke requested ~eryone to please arise at the
sound ok the gavel for the invoca~mon given b~ Father A1 Victor,
Assistant Pastor~ St. Mark's Catholic Church, ~ud to kindly re-
main standing for the Pledge of Allegi~uce to the Flag led by
Councilman Nor~n F. Strnad.
Presentation of Trophies to the Boynton Beach All Star Little
League Baseball Team
Mayor DeLo~g first reviewed the history of the 1976 Little
League plevoffs by the Boynton Beach All Stars. He added
that it was his understanding that this was the first occa-
sion the Little League had won the sectional championship.
He then read their record for the sSo~ional championship
games played. He announced they had won second place in the
State championship. These ~1 and 12 year olds represented
the City honorably and showered the City with prestige. He
thanked the members of ~he team, coaches and m~uagers
stated it was his hono~ to present the~ophies on behalf of
the residents and City officials.
~. Kohl read a letter from the Little League Baseball team
tha~rd~ing the City for their support and providing the bus
to take them to the championship ga~es. He then called out
the names ~ the members, coach and maneger and resuested
them to come forward to receive a trophy from the Mayor.
Mayor DeLong then announced it was all right for the Little
League members to leave to celebrate their victory or they
were welcome to stay to see how City government operates.
Mayor DeLong anno~unced that City Hall would be closed on
Monday, September 6, in observance of Labor D~y.
Mmyor DeLong then called upon Mr. James 0'Meara to make an
announcement. M~. O'Mearaaannou_uced they would have their
Boynton Beach Bicentennial Committee Awards Night on Septem-
ber 12 at the K~ights of Columbus. He told about what was
AUGUST 17, 1976
Regular City Council Meeting - August 3~ 1976
All the members passed when calleduupon to make corrections,
additions, etc. Mr. Zack moved to accept the ~nutes of the
Regular City Council Meeting of August 3, t976, as submitted,
seconded.by M~s. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Special City Council Meeti~ - Ausust 4~ t976
All the members passed when called upon and P~s. Jackson moved
to adopt the Minutes of August 4, ~976, as submitted, seconded
by M~. Harmeningo Motion ca_~ried 5-0.
~yor DeLong requested ~anyone to step forward who wished to
address the Council. He added that if there was any item on
the agenda anyone present wished to speak about to kindly
give their name to the City Clerk, ~s. Padgett, and when
that becomes the order of business, they will be called upon.
M~. R. B. Vastine stated his name and his address as 132
Leisureville Boulevard and informed the Council that he was
the President of the United Boynton Civic League. He reminded
everyone that September 7 is a very imports_ut day and stated
he was specifically referring to the s~_x items on the ballot
for their consideration. He stressed how public participation
was very important. He referred to the Nayor ~cd Council
giving leadership, but 56w it was ~mufortunate that some mem-
bers of the Council felt their "noTM votes were an official
act. They have their right to their opinion, but the voters
~have the right vo express their opinions. The League has
studied the proposals in depth and the Bos~d of Directors
~c~imously approved all six proposals and they stress that
the people should go to the polls and vote on September 7.
He added that this was presented to the public as a civic
service. The people must decide what they want. He then
requested the opportunity to speak further on this matter
u_uder Legal, proposed resolution regarding capital improve-
ment revenue bonds.
M~. Robert Tuttle stated his name and referred to four to
five weeks ago when he asked permission to move an office
trailer into the industrial park, which was granted by the
City Council. He stated he was a citizen of the State of
Florida ~ud a voter in Palm Beach County residing in West
Palm Beach. He feels he was put upon by the Building De-
partment of this City ~ad harassed. In the past 45 years,
he has been faced with many unusual predicaments. For the
AUGUST 17, 1976
~ast 13 years, he has been in the construction industry and
the last 6 years has been in Florida. Re was confronted with
a problem about five weeks ago, but considered it solved by
the City Council. After that, he was harassed. The money
he spent was unnecessary. He represents a comp~uy working
here. He represents himself tonight and the people who work
for him. Nine of the people live in Boynton Beach a33.d four
are homeowners. He referred to submitting a letter contain-
ing his complaint and requested the City Council members,
Mayor and City Manager to read it at their leisure. If they
have any questions, he will be glad to apoear before the
Council Dr his office is open. Mayor DeLSng replied that he
believed they should make a study of his report and give
their comments to the City Manager. If the City Manager
~eels th~.complamnts are justified, he can follow through.
The Coun~l members agreed.
M~. Charles Daniels stated his name and that he owned the
C & B La~u~dry~ on 2nd Avenue. He stated that he received the
report f~om the City Engineer stating the laundromats should
still stay on commercial rates because all the water they use
has to b&~treated. He would like to point out if they were
.not in e~istsnce, all the water they ~ut into the sewer sys-
tem woul~ be put in through people doing ~heir laundry at
home. T~e citizens are going to wash their clothes some
place and the water is going to be treated. Mayor DeLong
asked if the report was from the City Engineer or the
sulting Engineer smd Mr. Daniels replied that it was from
~he ConsUlting Engineer. He continued that for the month
of July, he spent 50% of his gross income for utilities
alone. His books are open and there is just not that much
money in this business. His water bill jumped 100%. Mm~or
DeLong recommended, in view of the fact that each member of
the Council received this communication from the Consulting
Engineers, the, the Coumcml members come forwarm ~th some
input insofar as the~ feelings if anything car. be done in
this instance for relief. He believes they should give the
input to the City Manager for consideration at a later meet-
mng. M~. Strnad stated that he agreed with ~. Daniels that
clothes must be washed somewhere in the City. He thinks this
is a very good point as far as the wash water having to be
treated. He thinks this should be looked into f~3~rther.
Mayor DeLong called upon the City Manager for more detailed
information with regs~ds to exactly what the communication
meant. He referred to the Consulting Engineers referring to
the ~ond~ng resolution. M~. Kohl agreed that it did refer
to the bonding resolution and read the clauses stated. He
added that regardless of the wording of the ordinance, it
was neve~ the intent of this f~rm to include laundromats in
any other classification but commercial.
Mayor DeLong suggested that this be turned over to the City
Attorney to di~est the verbiage in the resolution and to
scrutinize the contents and present a recomm~endation. M~.
Reed referred to this being discussed previously and advised
that he did check into this. He is concerned whether the
City had the power to change the rates. He checked with the
City Finance Director ~ad dmscove~ed ~hms ~au$usge _n one of
the outstanding bond resolutions. He checked with the Con-
sult~ug Engineers a~ad as a result of that, the Consulting
Engmnesrs prepsu~em tnmo matter whmch states laundromats ShOUld
be mn the c ommercmal category~ He mnterprets mt that they
ca,mot t~ke laundromats out ~ the commercial category. He
thizaks they should consider whether the rates can be amended.
Mayor DeLong asked if they should check with the bonding at-
torneys to see if they are yrivileged to mmamd this and M~.
Ree$ agreed ~hey could con~act the bond counsel. He added
that it was mmportant whether the City was generating more
thau?u~ficient~ ~ucgmes based on the rates in this ordinance
to adeq~$tely fmnd the ~nds. Mayor DeLong stated he be-
lieved i~ would be worth the opportunity to go all thswaY
to mae if they oould gi~e these people relief. He believes
it is the intent of the majority members to try to give these
business people some reZief.
~s. Jackson asked if the condominiums charged for the use
of their machines and ~. Daniels replied: yes. She asked
if they had the same license and Mr. Daniels replied that he
did not know. ~s. Jackson referred to there being preferen-
tial treatment and Mayor DeLong replied that it would be up
to the bQnding attorney and City Attorney. He added that it
was a question of legality whether they could amend the bond-
lng resolution or pass any legislation which would be in dis-
agreemen~ with what has been in the past. Mme. Jackson
referred, to char~ging ~ates in the past ~ud added that she
thQug~t ~ondominiums should be looked into. Mayor DeLong
state~ they would do all they could.
M~yor DeLong noted that the ti~e was 8:00 P. M. and Mrs.
Jackson moved to proceed to the Public Hearings scheduled,
seconded by ~3~. Harmeu~ug. Motion carried 5-0.
- Lot 27, Block 4 L~ke Addition
Address: 613 N. E. 8th Avenue
Applicant: LaV~uce G. Muro and Hazel F. Sommons
Request: Rezone to R-2 from R-lA
Use: Construction of Duplex
M~m. Kohl mnxor~.ed the Council that at the Planning & Zoning
Board meeting of August t0, the members reco~mmended approval
of this application by a 3-~ vote. The City Planner has
AUGUST 17, 1976
advised the motion to approve the request was made by M~.
Lambert. His motion was based on the need for buffer uses
to separate the C-4 from the R-I~. Ms. Ryder voted in the
negative, owing to the spot zoning nature of this applica-
tion. All legal reauirements have been met.
Mayor DeLong asked if anyone present wished to speak in
favor of this particular application.
LaVs~ce M~o stated her name and informed the Co%uucil that
she was a joint owner of this lot with Hazel F. Sommons ~ud
was ~ favor.
Mayor DeLong asked if anyone else desired to speak in favor
and received no response. He then asked if anyone opposed
and received no response.
Mayor DeLong referred to reading the minutes of the Planning
a~ad Zoning Board meeting a~d stated he was quite concerned
with the 3-I vote. They just had a zoning revision and are
going back into the same old story of spot zoning. He re-
ferred to a previous recommendation from the Planning &
Zoning Board similar to this. If they e_~e going to accom-
modate people and_ olace a buffer, he thinks it should not be
just one lot but a strip. M~s. Jack, on replied that they did
not advertise for a strip. Mayor DeLong continued that in a
similar instance, the Planning & Zoning Board approved spot
zoning on N. E. 7th Street and the final approval by the City
Council was to t~dme an entire strio and rezone it. He then
asked if the City Ple~uer was presSnt, as he was curious ~o
know if there could be a strip and ~. Kohl replied that he
was not present tonight. Mss. Jackson referred to having to
advertise all over for the whole area and Mayor DeLong agreed.
M~. Zack stated he felt this would definitely be spot zoning.
He has ~ead the input from the City Pl~ner. He is not in
favor of spot zoning.
M~. Zack moved to reject the recommendation of the Pla.~ing
and Zoning Board for the app%ication to rezone from R-~A to
R-2 Lot 27, Block 4 Lake Addition. Ms. Strnad seconded the
motion. Under discussion, ~. Strnad s~ated that he agreed
in that this would not serve any purpose at all just with
taking one pmece of property ~ud using it as a buffer zone.
He thi~s a whole strip should be taken and not just one lot.
~s. JaCkson agreed. ~s. Pad~ett then took a roll call on
the motmon as follows:
Councit~ Hs~mening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Co~cilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack -
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
AUGUST 17, 1976
- Tract 4,
Golfview Harbour, 3~d Section
S. E. Corner 23rd Ave. & Congress
E. 450' to be rezoned to C-1 from R-1AA
W. 700' to be rezoned to C-2 from R-1AA
C-1 - Neighborhood Office
C-2 - Shopping Plaza
Norman J. and ElisD~/ca E. M~cD~el
M~. Kohl advised that the P!~uning & Zoning Board at their
meeting of August 10 had a public hearing, However~ they are
unable to submit a recommendation ko the City Council due,to
a ~plit 2,2 vote on the motion to deny the application. The
City Planner has advised the motion to deny was made by P~.
Ryder and seconded by Mr. Kostner. This resulted in a split
2-2 vote. M~. Ryder based his motion on the established re-
sidential chea~acter of the ~eighborhood a_ud on the existence
of ample commercial zoning in the e~ea, Mr, Lambert and ~.
Kelly disagreed in part with the reasons presented in ~.
Ryder,s motion and voted in the negative. All the require-
merits have been met and th~ residents in the area have been
notified. It is his %~uderstsr~ding the City Clerk has ar3y and
all approvals or disapprovals on this request.
~a~yor DsLong requested anyone in the audience wishing to speak
in favor of this application to appear before the City Council.
~. William Boose stated his name and advised that he was a
lawyer from ~est Palm Beach representing Mr. & ~s. No,man
~chael. He stated they had several graphics and site plan
boards to share with the Council. He would also like to t~ke
the opportunity to reserve the right to return to the podium.
Mayor DeLong replied that he would be given plenty of time,
as this has been a long standing problem in that area. Ne
will not cu~ ar~-one short.
Mr, Boose continued with showing a color graphic of the re-
zoning a~tivity which has taken place in the western Boynton
Beach area. He pointed out the location of the specific
ps_~cel e~ud the zoning in the s~ea. He stated that for an
applicant to come forward amd propose a commercial area, he
~st have something special. It has to be something non-
existent in the general area. He agreed that there has been
a history with this application. He visited with the Planning
a_ud Zoning Board on July 13 and the site develooment plan was
withdrawn because of technical problems presented by nes~by
residents. On August 10, the application was again heard by
the Planning ~ Zoning Board as reported by the City M~uager.
They tried to take the constructive criticism given at these
hearings and think they have acconmnodated most of the objec-
tions, in working with the neighbors at the south side of
the camel in Block 19, they were a~ked to modify the reZoning
AUGUST 17, 1976
application to put C-1, professional offices, immediately
across from these neighbors. They have amended the appli-
cation to go from 440 ft. to 540 ft. in C-1 and decreased
the C-2 from 700 ft. to 600 ft. Also, the Lake Worth Drain-
age Bistrict gave permission to use 40 ft. for accessory
parki~_g, but they have decided against that and will buffer
that area for the protection of the residents. He then
showed a map of Golfview Harbour and pointed out the single
family and multi-family areas. He then showed a site plan
and pointed out that the eastern area would be C-1 and the
western portion would be light neighborhood commercial. The
purpose and intent of the C-2 is to provide limited small
commercial facilities for the neighborhoods in the immediate
area. These needs are not being met in the Boynton Beach
area. He referred to the large areas of commercial develop-
ment an~ explained how they were fan different from this
type of development. He pointed out the extensive landscap-
ing and screening planned. He explained how they had pro-
vided for traffic improvements. In addition, they are pro-
posing a plaza to make this a social experience and not only
a shopping experience. He then showed the architectural
theme and explained how it would be a specialty plaza. He
thinks it will be a refreshing change for the Co~uty and
Boynton Beach.
~. Boose then referred to being faced with a problem of
guaranteeing that this is what will be built. He stated
that they were interested in giving the Council, residents,
friends in the community, ~d people not favoring this to
go beyond what the ordinance requires. He presented a notar-
ized affidavit to the City Clerk stating in writing what
they have tied to this site plan. He then read the affi-
davit. He advised that the affidavit would be attached to
and made a part of the site ple~u.
M~. Boose then referred to being concerned with the head
count of those in favor and objection. He stated that they
were concerned with the wishes of the residents of this
project as they have bought quality homes. They wanted to
concentrate on those residents nearest to the proposed
development. He presented a petition with 25 names living
within the 400 ft. approving this application. He added
that these were not people who took a casual interest in
this application, but reviewed it in great detail. They
are in support of the application because they feel there
is an economic need being met and it is being done in a sen-
sitive manner. It is comprised of light intensive uses not
found in Boynton Beach and not planned. He explained haw
great planning had gone into it. He referred to receiving
objections to the pedestri~u access bridge and advised that
they were totally flexible about this. The shopping center
is well planned and is convenient and meets the criteria of
the zoning ordinance. These land owners have demonstrated
sensitive treatment for the site. They have solved the
problems by taking care of off-si~e traffic problems ~ud
have presented a definite solution. He respectfully re-
quests approval of this project.
M~yor DeLong informed him tha~t since the last time he ap-
peared before the Council at the rezoning public hearing,
the City has hired a City Planner aud if there still exists
any defioiencies in the zoning code, it is ca~ably being
taken of. Mr. Boose replied that he has had discussions
with the City Planner and believes he is in agreement.
Mayor DeLong then asked if anybody else wished to speak in
favor of this particular item. He suggested that a spokes-
man speak for the people. He then asked if s~yone desired
to speak, in opposition to this and suggested that a repre-
sentative from their homeowners, association be the spokes-
M~. Richard Caldwel! stated his name and his mddress as 1350
S. W. 27th Place. He informed the Council that he had been
asked to spe~d~ on behalf of the residents opposed to this
rezoning. A few weeks ago, the homeowners' association
vote~ to survay the homes within the 400 ft. area and the
results were 2 in favor, 15 against and 9 wish~ag not to
comment or outoof town. _~-aese 26 homes are the ones to be
the most directly affected. These must be heard above all
the other people and they say no to the rezoni~. He then
asked those opposed to stand up. He then referred to the
question raised about the suitability of this land for devel-
opment and advised that several new homes were being con-
structed along 23rd Avenue and builders have e×pressed a
desire to purchase this land for residential development.
This land could become valuable land in relation to water
front property. This land can definitely be used for resi-
dentia!. There is a surplus of vacant commercial land. He
referred to the various shopping centers in the area. Why
should they put more commercial in this residential area?
People are moving away from Miami to get away from commer-
cial. They want business to do well in Boynton Beach, but
must not let the zoning get aw~y from the citizens like it
has in other communities. Vice Mayor Zack and Councilman
Strnad campaigned in establishing a new master plan for this
City and he encourages them to work for this plam. They
should use their good sense and project the uses if this
land were to go to commercial. He then referred to the
Simpson incident and stated that violent crimes were more
prevalen2 in commercial areas. What about the foot bridge?
Is there any evidence to support the claim that the proposed
stores will thrive with department stores opening up the road?
Is there s_uy assurance that you will get what you say? With
AUGUST 17, 1976
regards to the signed affidavit, what about contract zoning?
Does this City's coffer swell so much that they need a law
suit? Also: what about spot zoning? How manY more changes
will be made before this Coo~ncil has a clear-cut plan to con-
sider? The value of this property will soar the same night
it is rezoned. Last year, the City Council voted 5-0 to keep
this land R-I~ and he sees no change in the last year to
necessitate the change. To the contrary as the recent con-
struction along 23rd Avenue would indicate there is a need
a~ud desire for residential. He ask~ the Co-mucil to repeat
their vote of last year and vote 5-0 against this.
Col. Albert Wehrell stated his name and that he understood
from the discussions that they p~an to put a restau~at in
the C-1 zone. At present, the ordinance does not permit this.
~. noose informed him the restaurant would be in the C-2
M~. Wayne Upton stated his name and his add~ess as 1401S. W.
25th Avenue. He informed the Council that a group got together
las2 S&turday who live abutting this property. They went out
and canvassed as best they could to see what the opinion of
others was in the a~ea. He presented a petition with 149
signatures objecting to the rezoning.
Dr. Robert Guzauskas stated his name ~ud that he lives in
Golfview Harbour and owns a business at 2800 Seacrest Blvd.
Several months ago, M~. noose represented him to rezone his
business property from residential to professional office
use. The need at that time was real. The zoning change
passed, Five City blocks now extend from Seacrest around
the corner on 23rd to Federal Highway. ~. Michael is seek-
ing a zoning change tonight. He dree~ms of building a shop-
ping mall. They should consider the community need for this
~mll. There is some nearby existing commercial property s_nd
others on 2nd Avenue. There are ms_ny existing mad available
commercial properties. There is about 50,O00 sq. feet under
construction and unrented at this time. There is over one
million square feet for sale in the C-1, C-2 and C-3 zones
saad he has a listing available of these properties. He then
questioned if this request was for the co~.mmunity good. He
believes the co~unit~ does not exist with Golfview Harbou_~
unfinished, Leisureville under construction and Charter World
having gone b~ukrupt. At the Plar~uing & Zoning Board meeting,
the contention was made this would bring money to the commun-
ity, but small offices and stores do not create new wealth,
but recirculate the money. Also, there are as many ba~ as
there are gas stations, if this zoning is in the comm~uity
good, let's first establish that good community. The land-
scape of Florida is littered with the b~oken dreams of men.
He urges the Council to reject _Mr. Michael's request. Also,
he asks the Council not to allow ~@. ~chasl or ~. noose to
withdraw the request, but to give a yes or no vote on this
~v~s. Kathisen Kirton stated her name and her address as 2526
S. W. 13th Court and added that she was a member of the Commit-
tee appointed by the President of the homeowners' association.
This Committee purchased from the City the list of the home-
owners Within 400 ft. When they did this s~mrvay~ they noted
26 homeowners with homes built ~ud on the tax roll. She would
like to see the list to, ned in with 25 names and check it
out. She knows there are more within the 400 ft. opposed to
this than for it. She urges the Council to check the City
list to see if their survey is correct with 26 homes. Mayor
DeLong asked if she did contact the people on the City list
and ~s. Kirton reolied: yes and she doesn't know where they
could come up with-25 within the 400 ft. in favor as this
is not true.
t~. John Meyer stated his name and advised that he o~ms two
houses in Golfview Earbour. He stated that the main problem
is that this looks great~ but what stopst~hem eventually if
this restaurant fails and then a fast food 9-11 could go in
there two to three years from now. Once the zoning is changed,
any control or any promises made are totally worthless. Their
concern is not that they promise this, but there are no real
g~antees this will continue. He has seen all kinds of pro-
perty run down in value. They don't want to deprive M~.
tAtchael of making a fast dollar, hut don't want to have their
property ru~u down.
A member of the audience stated that Mr. Michael has kept
his promise~ and has done above a~d beyond. Mayor DeLong
replied that they had been given the opportunity ~o speak
when asked for those in favor. Mm. Boose referred to there
being some confusion at that time as he knows there are people
present in favor. Ms~vor DeLong then asked if anyone wished
to speak in favor.
M~. Mike Shortley stated his name and that he was ~uilding a
home closest to the property in question. There was a ques-
tion the last time he was here whether he owned this property
and he now has the deed to show to clarify that he has the
right to speak. He then asked the people in favor of this
rezoning to stand up. He added that some of the people who
did not sign the petition are the silent majority, but he
c~unot speak for the people who did not sign. As far as the
specialty shops proposed, he has been in the retail business
for ~5 years and specie~ty shops are not in the shopping
centers and they do not have any in Boynton Beach. He pla~us
to move to this area and has a f~mily. He thir2~s this will
complin%ent the area. He does not know where the infor~nation
came from that people arelleaving Miami because of the com-
mercial areas. He does not think it is proper to refer to
the fast buck. ~. Michael has been here awhile and will be
here awhile. He feels the Council is open minded enough to
realize buildi~ is starting to pickuup and there is a need
for these offices a~ad stores. They must keep ahead and he
believes they are headed for a good economic situation.
~yor DeLong ~nounced that a fair and equitable way to as-
certain this was to take a count of those present. He asked
those people in favor of this particular application living
within the 400 ft. radius to please stand up, one from a
family and M~. Kohl counted 6. .Mayor DeLor~ then asked those
~h~ 400 ft, radius to olease
in opposition living within + ~ _
stemd up, one from a f~ly and ~. Kohl counted 10. ~yor
DeLong then asked everyone ou~ide the 400 ft. in objection
to stand up, one per family and ~. Kohl counted 15. Mayor
~eLong asked all those living outside the 400 ft. in favor
0 stand up, one per family, and Mr. Kohl coumted 21. M~.
Kohl s~ated the results were.
Within 400 ft. - Against - ~0
Favor - 6
Outside 400 ft.- Against - 15
Favor -.21
Mayor DeLong asked if anyone else desired to speak.
}~s. Elisia Steohanie stated her name and her address as 25th
~ay. She state~ she was for this until she found out it was
C-~ and C-2. She is not in fe3~or of it now.
~. Clifford Morf stated his name and referred to two a~Eu-
merits being presented againsthihis. ~ith reference to the
crime, how will a shopping center stop or encourage it? He
is not a personal friend of Mr. Michael, but bought a house
from I,~. Michael. He was I0~/o honest and beyond that, he
had integrity. He told how he had repaired the grouting
after he had lived there for two years, Also, ~. Michael
has been accused of making a fast buck, but there would be
no Golfview Harboo~.
~Aayor DeLong announced that. he believed they had heard about
everything there is to be heard outside of the attorney for
the applicant having his say in rebuttal. ~. Boose stated
there were several co',mments he would like to bring to the
Council,s attention. He think~ they need to take a real
careful look at the request for a land use change. ~is there
a need? He explained how they coul~ be possibly swayed by
the petition~ but not kmow how they were presented. He
referred to ~. Caldwell's preparedppresentation ~ud the
petition sub~tted. ~. Caldwell insists the best use is
residential, but he lives in the project. The land owner
has spent a great deal of money trying to determine what is
the proper use. This ma~u will have an office here ~ud will
continue to live in Golfview Harbour. He agree~ with M~,
AUGUST 17, 1976
Caldwell that people are fleeing Dade and Broward Counties,
but they have not been pl~uned this way. This will raise
the values with the buffering and architectural design. In
reference to Simpson's crime record, that is really irrelevant.
It will be __ghted and will have a fence. A competition oro-
blem was cited, but they had a feasibility study done and have
total backing sad a green light that this can be done today
because the builder is ready to go a~head today. ~ne contract
zoning question has been eliminated and will be eliminated
by the zoning not being ap~oved based on the affidavit.
The developer will complete the project as stated. Spot
zoning was mentioned and this is alw~s tD~rown around. Spot
zonmng ms not Wm±_mamsourg Row. Last ~ear's decision was
unfor{unate, but the devslope~ is prepared to go ahead with
this ~lan and assign and there is an economic need. A peti-
tion was presented with 149 Signatures, but he expl~imed how
they did not know where thess people lived. Also, it must
be considered if the project was properly explained. In
reference to the commercial land available, they also made
a survey ~ud the _enmers did too and have given the go ahead.
They believe t~ms is nob available in the Boynton Beach li~ts
today. The fact there are some incomplete aspects in the multi-
fancily area, this will be resolved. He ~a meetiD~ with the
City ~nager and the Cm~y will issue building permits and they
will be built on schedule. They must have building permits to
build the project. He does not think this is relsv~ut.
Mayor DeLong clarified that he was referring to the land south
of the c~ual court ordered for multi-family and asked the City
Manager to comment. Mr. Kohl stated that he had made no com-
mitments to anyone, but stressed to Mr. Boose that when the
City Attorney arrived back from vacation, he would decide.
M~. Boose agreed and stated he will meet with the City At-
torney a~ud has resolved in his n~ind a solution to the pro-
blems. The City Manager has made no com~itnaents at ~ll.
Mayor DeLong continued that if there are obligations on the
part of the developer~ this Council will not go along with
any approval -~util~ the conditions are met. He told about
people co~ing in every day in regards to the conditions be-
ing corrected at Golfview Harbo~. ~. Boose replied that
if the City would issue the proper permits to proceed, it
will all be resolved. Mr. Kohl stated that he could not
issue permits until the things referred to in his letter are
done. His concern is the City and whether the ordin~uces
are being adhered to. ~yor DeLong added that he knew build-
ing permits could not be issued until the obligations ~e met.
They are going to act on something ton~'~ht and they will want
building permits, but their obligations have not been met.
~. Harmening referred to digressing into something that has
no bearing ontthe public hearing and M~or DeLong replied
that they must abide by their present commitments.
Mx. Norman Michael appeared before the Council. He advised
that on June 18, 1973, they were granted Zoning on the t~_ree
parcels of land on Congress Avenue. The improvements are
tied to the permits which should have been issued to them
under that court order. He applied for the permits for the
villas ~ud the site plan was approved by 4~. The other
improvements they are discussing are the entranceways and
storm drain. These improvements are directly connected to
the permits which should have been issued under R-3 ~d were
issued im November, 1973, but were not given to him. A sewer
moratorium was in effect. Since April, he has requested new
b~ilding pern~ts. ~ne site plan has been held up to deter-
mmne whether they fall under R-3A or R-3. R-3A was issued
under the court order. He is trying to improve the balance
of the property, but has not been granted the permits by
the City. Mayor DeLong referred to him coming in ~_ud how
they tried to resolve this a~ud he suggested that he meet
with the City Manager a~ud City Attorney. Mr. Michael re-
plied that he is still waiting and has submitted a site plan
to the City Planner. M~. Kohl stated that he was not being
h&~d up by the City. The City Attorney has been on vacation,
but he stated he would talk to Mr. Boose. Mayor DeLong
stated that they must resolve this particular problem and
give it immediate attention this week.
Mx. ~chael referred to the stipulation agreement and Para-
graph No. 4 stating the City is to issue building permits.
The plans were submitted to the City in July, 1973. The
permits were issued on November 21, 1973, but were never
gluten to him. Mayor DeLong replied that a sewer moratori~
was olaced by the County Board of Health. M~. Michael agreed
but ~tated that the permits were issued, but not given to
him. M~yor DeLong stated it was critical for the people con-
cerned and ~. ~chael replied that the c~ual has been blocked
up. Mayor DeLong questioned whose responsibility this was
~ud ~z~. Michael replied that the movement of the Big Bass
Waterway is not goi~ to move because of a~y development.
He is just going to put in a storm drain. It will t~dme
the surfac~ water into the waterway, but these improvements
are not going to alter the present conditions. It wilt take
the surfac~ water off the parY~ng lots. However~ if they are
not allowed to build the buildings, how can they build a
storm drain to take off the water from a parking lot not
even constructed? Mayor DeLong replied that this should be
answered by the people holding up the hermits and ~. Michael
informed him that they were going to m~et. R~. Boose added
that he did not w~ut to see anyone sidetracked on the credi-
bility of this builder. Mhat they see on the plsm is what
they are going to get if this approval moves forward. The
other problem~ will be solved at the meeting with the City
Administration. Mayor DeLong informed him that this had
been mentioned in communications sent in objection. The
people are concerned. Now it will be ~ question for the mem-
bers of the City Council to decide what to do with this
~. Zack referred to the Planning & Zoning Board minutes
containing approximately eight pages regarding this appli-
cation and ~tated that the information presented tonight
doesn't ~ibe~ He is not concerned with the people living
outside Of' the 400 ft. area. He doesn't believe they should
be concerned with them. In these minutes, the Vice President
of the homeowners, association mentioned l~'for and ~2~-against
and Chairman Kelly mentioned !etters had been received from
5 for and 5 against. Mayor DeLong informed him that the
ordi~ance did not require ~uysne outsi~e of 4.00 ft. to be
notified. ~¢r. Reed added that the property owners within
400 ft. are obviously the most directly affected, but other
residents are interested and should be heard. This is the
basis for the public notice. Mayor DeLong added that it
~ppeared the people of every city have the right to decide
what type of zoning they Want.
?~. Strnad stated he was still not clear as to how ~ny
people were for this am'~.~g~t'_~.s~e~f~t~o~h~ th~
have appe~ed, D~titions pr6~ented, etc. ~or DeLong
asked if he wanted a poll taken of the entire ~ea smd
S~rnad replied he would like to see that done. He d~not
~ive ~ honest vote if he doesn't ~uow what the oeople w~t.
M~or DeLong asked if it wo~d b~ out' of order f~r the City
~d~nistration to conduct a Doll and >~s. Jackson po~ted
out that they were here not for a site plan, but for zoning.
M~yor DeLong stated that if a study was conducted, it would
be based on the zoning ~d not the site pl~. M~s. Jackson
citified that the pictures shown have been site plans ~d
M~yor DeLong replied that it was proper to show what was
planned in desiring to develop property. If a slat is not
in order with the oro~ecti~e, then that is the-time the
City Planner ~d P~anning & Zoning Board should get after
it. ~s. Jackson remarked that it was too late then to
c~nge the zoning. Mayor DeLong stated that if they do
approve the zonmng, it must meet the prospectives sub-
mitted on the plat. ~'s. Ja~on asked if there was any-
~-g. ~u_t~e come s~atmng mf they ch~uged the zoning, it
mmsv se ou~lt as presente~u~. Reed replied that there
ws~ nothi~ in theeordin~ncs, but the necess~y site plan
would have to pass the appropriate bo~ds. Ms_Esr DeLong
a~ded that it could not be developed unless a plat Is ap-
proved by the City Pl~uner e~d Plsmning & Zoning
~s. Jackson pointed out they had advert~ed for rezoning
tonight and M~or DeLong ~reed.
~. Zack stated that he re&tized that~an affidavit was
presented, but he would not be sold on an affidavit. He
ms concerned with C-1 and C-2 and ~aything can be built in
those zones. He can deviate from that and Mayor DeLong
agreed that he could deviate from the prospective. However,
if the City Plann~rand Planning & Zoning Boe~d object to
the deviation, it stops there. If in the event there e~e
going to be changes of any degree, it must comae back to the
City Council for their decision.
AUGUST 17, 7976
Mr. Harmening referred to the architectural renderings not
telling them auything definite. What goes in there is any-
thing allowed in C-1 or C-2.
~!r. Harmening moved to deny this application for rezoning
and to uphold the Platting & Zoning Board's recommendation.
Mayor DeLong stated there was no decision from the Planning
and Zoning Board as it was a'tie vote.
M~. Strnad moved to table this ~tter at this time until they
receive the proper information he requested on which to base
his vote. M~. Zack asked if he was referring to having the
Administration check into this ~ud M~. Strnad agreed. M~.
Zack then seconded the motion. Mayor DeLong clarified that
he moved to table this ~to h~ve the Administration conduct a
survey. He asked if there would be another public hearing
to he~ the pros smd cons and M~. Reed replied: yes. ~or
DeLong prevailed upon the maker and seconder of the motion
to withdraw, so they could get this show on the road. ~.
Ha_~mening agreed that this could be postponed indefinitely.
?~. Reed added that he was concerned with the emphasis which
has been placed on the head count. This is an application
for zoning ~nd not a popularity or beauty contest. He would
caution the Council from the legal sta~dpoint to view the
application on those merits. He thinks the primary thing
to be considered is whether the application requests the
highest and best use of the p~ticular property and whether
it serves a co~.~unity need. They should show interest in
the co~ents made, but he is a little concerned about the
great interest which has been placed on that. Mayor DeLong
replied that he believed the Co~aucil had a right to ~uow
what the division is on this particular question. There is
no other way to arrive at it without taking a co,ut. They
all understand what should predicate their judgement inso-
far as ~oting, but the feelings of the peopl'e concerned should
be t~d~en into consideration also. They must also weigh the
merits of the application. ~yor DeLong asked again if they
were going to withdraw the tabling motion due to the fact
this will be tied up as it will te~ke qu~te a period of time
for the Adm~nistration to conduct a survey and have another
public hee~ing. It will only be delayed and he believes they
have ~eceived enough information tonight to make up their
~inds. M~. Zack then~w¢ithdr~w his second and ~. Strnad
withdrew his motion.
~. Harmenirg made a motion that the application for rezoning
to C-~ and C-2 for Tract ',
~, Golfview Harbour, 3rd Section,
be denied. ~irs. Jackson seconded the motion. Under discus-
sion, ~s. Jack, on referred to this coming up at least once
~ year and the same people have been keot in a const~at tur-
moil enad she thinks it is time to dec!dS just what it is going
to be. M~. Harmening stated he has long felt that the highest
AUGUST 17, 1976
and best use for this land is definitely the present zoning
R-IAA. It should be residential and he believes they should
keep it that way. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote
on the motion as follows:
Councilman Harmening - ~e
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - No
Vice Mayo~ Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLor~ - Aye,
Motion carried 4-1.
to vote with the
At this time, Mayor DeLong declared a five minute recess.
He called the meeting back to order at 9:50 P. M.
#3 - Abandonment of Right of Way Location: S.W. 13th Street
Applicant: O'Brien, Suiter& O'Brien Representing
Milnor Corporation
M~. Kohl informed the Council that the Planning & Zoning
Board at their meeting of August 10 recommended unanimously
that the existing cul-de-sac be abandoned and that the pro-
posed cul-de-sac be dedicated with a 50 ft. radius. ~ne
City Planner advises this abandonment and dedication will not
cause any appreciable change to the existing street layout.
All legal requirements have been met.
M~. Strnad moved to acceot the recomm, endation of the City
Planner to approve the a~ndonment of the right-of-way io-
cared on S. W. 13th Street as requested. ~. Harmening
seconded the motion. Mayor DeLong added that the City At-
torney shall be instructed to prepare the appropriate legal
instrument and Mr. Reed agreed.
~yor DeLong then asked if anyone present was in favor of
this application.
Mr. Norman Michael '~
s~.ed his name and his address as 1310
S. ~. 27th Place. He informed the Council that this was a
request to relocate a cul-de-sac on 13th Street.
Mayer DeLong then asked if anyone was opposed to this appli-
cation and received no response.
Under discussion of the motion, ~. Harmening asked if the
two pieces of ground being swapped were of equal size and
~. Clark informed him the cul-de-sac was a standard ~00 ft.
and he believes it is the same size as originally. He ex-
plained how the cul-de-sac was planned as ~u easement into
the exist~g lots and was being reversed so it would not
damage these lots. A 100 ft. cul-de-sac is equal to City
st~udards. This will provide the same function. Mr. Harmen-
lng clarified that he was speaking of the square footage of
the land area and Ms. Clark replied they would probably pick
up 70 feet. Ms. Reed asked if there had been any agreements
prepared on th~s dedication or abandonment and Mr. Clark re-
plied that he received a sketch of the proposal and presum-
ably the dedication documen~ has been approved, but he does
not know i£ it was recorded. ~. Kohl added that he had the
agreement. Mss. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the
motion as follows:
Councilwoman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad Aye
Vice Ms~yor Zack Aye
~yor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
#4 - Consider Repealing Sections 6(A) (5), 6(B) (5), 6(C) (5)
and 6 (D) (5) of ~ppendix A Entitled ~Protective Buffer"
M~. Kohl informed the Council that at their meeting of August
]0, the Planning & Zoning Board recommended approval of this
ordin~uce amendment by a vote of 3-1. The City Planner ad-
vises M~. Ryder moved for approval subject to including Sec-
tion 8(A)(3). His motion was based uoon the need to ade-
quately buffer residential uses ~ud zones from industrial
e~d Commercial zones. M~. Lambert voted in the negative,
stating this would cause a gross hardship on the developer
as well as the City. All legal requirements have been met.
Mayor DeLong asked if anyone in the audience wished to spekk
in favor and received no response. He then asked if anyone
was opposed to this application smd received no response.
fees. Jackson moved to accept th~ recommendation of the Plan-
ning & Zoning Board to repeal Sections 6(A)(5), 6(B)(5),
6 ~
~)(5), 6(D)(5), and 8(A)(3) of ~ppendix A, Zoning Regula-
tions, of the Codified Ordinances. M~. Zack seconded the
motion. Under discussion, ~. Reed suggested including in
the repeal of Section 8(A)(3) to amend Section 4 to add a
new Paragraph L. Mrs. Jackson agreed. Mrs. Padgett took
a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jac~on - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
AUGUST 17, 1976
Cons_der Amending Section 6(C)(1 )(k) of Append~_x A -
RE: Residential Uses in a C-3 Zone
~. Eohi informed the Council that at the August 10~h Plan-
ning & Zoning Board meeting, members recommended the City
Council approve this ord±n~uce by a unanimous vote. This
zoning ordinance amendment is to provide parameters for resi-
dential uses in the C-3 zone. The City Pls~ner advised the
motion to approve was made by ME. Lambert based on the need
to ~rovide adequate parameters concerning - ~ ~'
a C-3 zone. The C~t
- y Attorney has prepared the amendment to
this ordinance for consideration, under Legal, Ordina~nces,
~st Raad±ng (No. 76-39).
M~. Zack questioned what was being repealed and ~k~. Reed
clarified that Section 6(C)(1)(k) of Appendix A ~e the
zoning regulations which relate to permissive uses. At
t~e present time, this particular section p~mi~ss multi-
family residential as a permissive use in the C-3 zone uoon
recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board and approval
of the City Council. A law suit resulted and the result was
the court ruled the pa-~anthetical clause was invalid because
it did not set forth sufficient guidelines for the Planning
~d Zoning Board and City Council to follow. However, the
court went on ~md ruled the plaintiff could not use C-3
property at all for multi-family. This is a proposal to
tie the basis on what multi-family can be used in the C-3
zone and is proposed in 0rdins~ce 76-39.
Mayor DeLong asked if ~one in the audience was in favor
of this and received no response. He then asked if anyone
objected and received no response.
M~. Harmen~ug moved to amend Section 6(C)(1 )(k) of Appendix
A, Zoning Regulations of the Codified Ordinances, regarding
residential mses in a C-3 zone. M~. Zack seconded the motion.
Under discussion, M~. Strnad asked if the density restrictions
would apply in residential in C-3 as it is in the residential
area ~ud M~. Reed replied this was exactly the effect of the
ordinance. The residential building e~_d site regulations ap-
~!ying to R-3 are super~posea on C-3. ~
- ~s. Padgett took a
roll call on the motion as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor DeLong s~nounced a motion was in order to revert back
to the regular order of business. ~. Harmening so moved,
seconded~o~v Mrs. Jac~son.~ Motion carried 3-0.~
AUGUST t7, 1976
Col. Walter Trauger stated his name and his address as 702
S. W. 28th Avenue. He informed the Council ~h~he and his
neSghbors were concerned to read in the '~News Journal,~ a
letter of censnreregarding ~s. Padgett. She has been a
mainstay in this City e~d serves with the highest regard.
He has served on the Planning & Zoning Bos_~d and her ser-
vices to the Board have been utterly phenomenal. He feels
the letter of cens~regiven to her by the Gity M~nager was
not issued without some pressure. He is petitioning the
City Coo~cil to instruct the Oity Manager to have that letter
withdrawn and is &mploying Mr. Vastine to use his power to
have that letter withdrawm. M~yor DeLong a~ed if the
Council desired to take any action ~ud received no response.
.O. rR~.nances - 2nd Readin~ - Public Hearing
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-25 - Re: Approving Plat of L~/~e
Worth Mariner Village
M~. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-25 on second reading
y c~ptmon only.
Mayor DeLong asked if ~uyone desired to speak in favor of
this ordin~mce and received no response. He then asked if
anyone wished to speak in opposition and received no response.
M~. Zack moved the adoption of proposed Ordin~uce No. 76-25,
seconded by M~s. Jackson. No discussion. M~s. Padgett took
a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Council~n Strnad - Aye
Vice M~yor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong Aye
carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-27 - RE: Establishing
Procedure for Abandonmen~ of Streets
~. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-27 on second reading
by caption only.
Mayor DeLong asked if anyone desired to sneal~ in favor of
rmmn~auce No. 76-27 and received no resnonse. He then asked
if anyone desired to spea/~ in oppositio~ and received no re-
AUGUST 17, t976
Mrs. Jackson moved the ~aopt!on of proposed Ordinance No.
76-27 on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Zack.
No discussion. ~s. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - ~je
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-28 - RE: To Change the Office of
.City Planner from Unclassified to Classified Position
~. Reed read proposed Oral._ance No 76-28 on second reading
by caption only.
~,~yor DeLong asked if anyone present wished to speak in favor
and received no response. He then asked if anyone wished to
speak in opposition ~ recemved no response.
M~. Zack moved the adoption of oroposed Ordinance No. 76-28
on second reading, seconded by ~. Harmening. No discussion.
Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - ~¥e
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad ~e
Vice Mayor Zack Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 3-0.
Proposed Ordinance ~o. 76-29- RE: To Chenage Ofz_ce~ of City
Engineer from Unclassified to Class~_.t~ed Position
M~. Reed r~ad posposed Ordinance No. 76-29 on second reading
by caption only.
Mayor DeLong asked if anyone present wished to soeak in favor
of this ordinance and received no response. He ~hen asked if
anyone wished to spe~ in opposition and received no response.
~. Harmening moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 76-29 on
s~cond and final reading, seconded by F~. Zack. No discus-
sion. i¢~s. F~dgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilmau Harmening - ~&ye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - ~ye
Vice Mayor Zack Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
AUGUST 17, t976
Prooosed Ordinance No. 76-30 - RE: To ~£ohibit the Leaving of
Bu~idi~ Materials on Project Sites for Longer than 3 Months
~. Reed read proposed 0rdinam-ce No. 76-30 on second reading
by caption only.
Mayor DeLong asked if anyone present wished to speak in favor
of this ordinance scud received no resoonse. He then asked ~
anyone desired to speak in opposition-and received no response.
M~. Harmening moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 76-30 on
second scud final reading, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Under
discussion, ~, Strnad referred to the three month period
possibly being too long a time smd stated he would like to
know' the feelings of the Building Official. M~or DeLong
replied that six months was given now, but they are cutting
it down to three months. Mm. Howell informed him that this
would only apply where they move in and do not sta_~t con-
struction. Tine cles~-up bond would apply to cleaning up.
There was further discussion and M~. Howell stated that what-
ever the Council desired, he would enforce it. M~. Strnad
referred again to three month~a~ seeming like too long a time
and Mayor DeLong expla~ed how they must hs3~e ~lexibility.
M~. Harmening agreed. ~Ms. Jackson added that if they change
it, it would go back for first reading, M~. Strnad replied
that a couple months more would not mai~e much difference.
~k~s. Padgett then took a roll call vot~ on the motion as
Councitm~a Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad Aye
Vice M~yor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - kye
Motion carried 5-0.
Prooosed Ordinance No. 76-31 _.E. Pertaining to the Method.
~fBilling for Sewer Service Charges
~. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-31 on second reading
by caption only.
Mayor DeLo~ asked if ~uyone present wished to speak in favor
of this ordinsmce and received no response. He then asked if
anyone desired to speak in opposition smd receive'd no response.
~,~s. Jackson=ove~ ~ the adoption of Ordinance. No. 76-31 on
second and final reading, seconded by ~¢k~. Zack. No discus-
sion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
AUGUST 17, 1976
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jack~on - Aye
Councilman Strnad - ~e
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0,
Ordinances - ~st Reading
Mr. Reed asked if it was the pleaso~e of the Council to read
these two ordinances in their entirety or by caption only,
Mr. Strnad moved to read by caption only, seconded by Mr.
Zack. NO discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-38 - RE: Approving Plat of Portion
of Gulfstream Estates Plat No. 2
M_~. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-38 on first reading
by caption only.
~. Zack moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 76-38,
seconded by ~rs. Jackson. No discussion. ¥~s. Padgett took
a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - ~ye
M~yor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
~roposed Ordinance No. 76-39 - RE: Amending Section 6(C)(1)(k)
of Appendix A to Establish Building & Site Regulations Located
in C-3 Community Commercial District
M~. Ree~ informed the Council that his letter regarding the
law suit which generated the preparation of this ordinance
is attached to the ordinance. In addition, he believes all
the memhmrs received a copy of his letter to the City ~.~na-
get dated August 16 advising of an amendment to the Florida
Statutes modifying the procedure in reference to amending
ordinances. He believes this would apply to this particular
ordinance because it does involve the land.use p%andbecause
they are changing the basis where multi-family will be per-
~tted in the C-3 zone. The effect of this amendment will
affect all C-3 zones in the City. Since the C-3 zones con-
stitute at least 5% of the la_ud area of the City or more,
he believes it would be under the requirements on the second
page of his letter where the Council is reouired to hold two
AUGUST t7, 1976
oublic hearings. Ms. Kohl added that this was received this
~fternoon and he gave copies to the members tonight. Mrs.
Jackson asked if it would make any difference to table this,
so they would have a chance to look at this and Ms. Reed re-
plied he thought it would be well to look at this. Mayor
DeLong referred to stating on many occasions that they do
not want to be bogged down with last minute information
without having a chance to review it. Mr. Reed replied that
this was his fault and he should not h~¢e put the ordin~uce
on the agenda.
Mss. Jackson moved to table proposed Ordinance No. 76-39 for
further study, seconded by Mr, Strnad. Motion carried 5-0.
~. Harmening stated that he never received a copy of the
summary judgement in the Webco case and ~s. Jackson added
that she didn't either. M~. Harmening continued that he
was a little surprised as this is the first time he did not
receive a copy. M~. Strnad stated that he received it.
Harmening continued that not only did he not receive it, but
this is a case where the time has already run out and there
is no possibility for rehearing or appeal if they desired.
He doesn't know if they would be interested in this, but
thinks the Council should have been given this opportunity
for consideration. He believes someone slipped up.
Kohl replied-that he would check it out. I~k~s. Jackson stated
she thought they should receive information so they k~uow what
is going on. M~. Reed stated he would be happy to explain
anything about the order gr~ating the summary judgement.
Rarmening stated he thought the Council should receive the
findings of the court in plenty of tim~ to decide whether
they like it, want to appeal, etc. Mr. Kohl infermed him
that he would check this out and send a notice in the morn-
ing. He added that they h~ve always received copies of these,
~h~. Harmening continued that he alws~s reads the~ cover to
cover. He also reads some of the references contained if
available. Regardless of whether they received it or not,
he thinks it should have been brought to the Council in time
to m~d~e a study of it. He thinks someone has missed the boat.
~. Strnad replied that he thought these cases were very rare
indeed ~nd is sure they c~eu overlook this inasmuch as they
have gotten a terrific job from the City Attorney.
Harmening replied that it was not his ~ob to furnish them
with all the copies. He does not make up the agenda.
Ifohl requested that he wait for the verdict tomorrow.
Proposed Resolution No. 76-SS - RE: Appointing Interim
h~nicipal Judge ·
-23 -
~. Reed read proposed Resolution No. 76-SS.
I,~. Harmening moved the adoption of Resolution No. 76-SS,
seconded by Mr. Zack. Under discussion, ~s. Jack, on asked
if they were paying three judges now or if Judge Wessel!
would be paid from Judge Schwartz's funds and I~. Kohl re-
plied tha% after this month, he would tell the axact situa-
tion they are in. This past month, they have been in a
quandary with one judge sick and one on ~acation. ~irs.
Jackson askedif he would have to resign since he is runnihg
for office mad M~. Harmening replied: no. l~yor DeLong added
that Judge Schwartz was working part time and bk. Kohl agreed.
He stated again that after the month of August, he would
bring back to Council the situation. M~. Harmening asked how
long Judge Schwartz had been incapacitated and Mr. Kohl re-
plied approximately two months, but he is working one day a
week now t~?~ing chs~ge of arraignments in the Police Depart-
ment. M~s. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion
as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - _&ye
Councilman Strnad Aye
Vice ~yor Zack Aye
Mayor DeLong Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No.
merit Revenue Bonds
76-TT - RE: $865,000 Capital
i~. Reed r~quested to read Resolution No. 76-TT by caption
only, Mayor DeLong entertained a motion that Resolution
?6-TT be read by caption only. Mm. Strnad so moved, seconded
by M~. Zack. Motion c~mried 4-t with Mms. Jackson voting
Mm. Reed read proposed Resolution No. 76-TT by caption only.
Mms. ~dgett informed the Council that Mr. Vastine had re-
quested to spee_k. ~. R. B. Vastine stated his name and his
address as 132 Leisureville Boulevard. He stated this was a
very significant.move they were going to make this evening.
He referred to when the proposal was first presented and }~s.
Jackson asked to have it go to referendum. He has done some
di~ging and at the meetir~ in October, 1971, ~s. Jackson
moved that ~i~al plans for the Police Department be accepted.
He then read the motion regarding the bond figure established
from the minutes of July 6, 197]. The point that he is try-
in~ to bring out is that he cannot underst~ad Mrs. Jack~on's
inconsistency. This is no different than in ~971. He feels
this is good for the City to have this second floor complex.
It is basically essential. It will not cost the taxpayers
one cent in ad valorum taxes.
~UGUST 17, 1976
~s. Jack~on replied that the old police station had been
condemned and they had no choice. As far as the second story,
it was for the court room and they will not have a mumicipal
court after this year. She is being very consistent.
~. Vastine continued that it was obvious that the City is
growing and will continue to do so. Here is an opportunity
to move progressively forward and do something with that
building. He hopes the Council votes for this project, as
it will not ~ost the ts~payers one red cent.
~'~. Zack moved the adoption of proposed Resolution No. 76-TT,
seconded by M~. Strnad. Under discussion, ~. He~mening
stated he Just wanted to tsi~e a small exception to one thing
made by the last speaker - any time yo~ borrow money on a
bond issue, the t~pe~ers don't have to pay for it out of
the advalorum taxes. This would appear on the surface to
be true, but he does not agree that this is how the process
actually works. When a bond issue is proposed, they must
find some source of revenue. If the cigarette ta~es are
pledged to pay the bond issue, that is where they go. if
there is no bond issue, then these taxes could go into the
general fund. In many cases, it will reduce the ad valorum
taxes or at least keep them from going up. He certainly
cannot agree that when a certain type of revenue is pledged,
it doesn't cost anything in ad valorum taxes. Also, when
selling bonds, the interest must be paid and this cost is
almost twice for what you are buyir~g. He does realize in
some cases this isnnecessary. However, he doesn,t fee! it
is necesse~y at this time for improvement or construction
and he deesn't feel he can support a bond issue of this
nature. Mayor DeLong replied that he didn't believe Mr.
Vastine was ~luding to the fact that they didn't pay ad
valorum taxes, but that there wasn't a necessity for a refer-
~endum~ ~ and M~. Vastine agreed. ~yor DeLong questioned what
~mfzerence there was using the cigarette tax revenue for the
police station or ta~uing it from ad valorum. Zf they take
it from ad valorum, they must have a referendum.
P~s. Jackson stated she didn't believe the people had been
told the truth at all. She questioned the interest mai~ing
the total loan over one million doiis~s. Mayor DeLong re-
ferred to the interest for the revenue certificate fortthe
water and sewer. ~Irs. Jackson continued that she would l~ke
to see the feasibility study made and Mr. Kohl informed her
there was no feasibility study, but pl~_s~u were made regardir~
the need for a police station. ~s. Jackson stated she would
like to know when the last appraisal was made on this piece
of ~op~rt~ ~ud ~ Mohl replied that it was ~ppro×~mave~y
1 to 1½ years ago.
~. Zack referred to the letter from ~. Arnoid~ider.in
regards to deleting Section 2 and Section 15-H. F~. Reed
reolied that he think~ he was referring to Section 7. Sec-
ti~n 2 is necessary. Section 7 was merely amended. Mayor
DeLong called on the representative from the fiscal agent
and he informed them that Section tl is the one which could
be deleted. ~ney feel this is not needed. ~. Harmening
agreed. ~. Zack questioned Section 15-H regarding the
State auditor being involved and M~. Reed informed him that
Pages 7 and 16 araend Section 1'5-H to deleter the reference
to the State Auditor General and Section 11 is amended to
permit the facsimile signature of the City Atto~ey to be
affixed to the bonds, M~s. Jackson askeC how many times
this had to be validated and Mr. Reed informed her the order
to 'show cause will be published for thirty 6ays prior.
~s. Padgett then took a roll call vote
Councilman Harmening - No
Councilwoman Jackson - No
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
on the motion as
Motion carried 3-2.
Legal Opinion - Mayor Joe DeLong
Mayor DeLong ~unounced there wouldn't be a legal opinion,
but a request_ that a motion be made instructing the City
Attorney to put some t~eth into the City Manager form of
government in this City. In Section 49 of the City Charter,
the City Council has the right to set the government by ordi-
nance. The people who drafted the ordin~ce are responsible
for the adoption an~ he thinks they were weak. They w~auted
the City Manager form of government, but did not delegate
authority as we do not have a City Manager form of govern-
M~or DeLong recon~ended a motion be -~ade vo instruct the
City Manager and City Attorney to review the provisions for
the office of the City Manager as set up in the City Charter
of Boca Raton in comparison to the Boynton Beach City Char-
ter and including the p~am~¢y clause for violation. Mr.
Strnad so moved, seconded by ~. Zack. Under discussion,
~. Harmening stated he was not familiar with the charter
of Boca Paton or their ordine~ces pertaining to any charter
revisions. This proposal seems rather nebulous. Until he
has additional information, he would be inclined ~o vote no.
Mayor DeLong replied that as soon as the City Attorney com-
pleted his mission, he would see a copy of that particular
AUGUST t7, 1976
ordinamce and will have time to study it. ~. Harmeni~ re-
plied that he wmated to know what it is in detail. ~@. Zack
added that the responsibilities of the City Manager were very
vague in the present City charter. }~s. Jackson stated that
she hated to vote on something unles~she k~uows what she is
voting for. Mayor DeLong replied that she wasn't going to
vote for it anyhow, but would have an opportunity to study
the copy after it is drafted by the City Attorney. M~s.
Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilm~u Harmening - No
Councilwoman Jackson - No
Councilm~u Strnad ~ve
Vice Mayor Zack -
Mayor DeLong
Motion carried
i~yor DeLong requested the City A~torn~y to proceed and added
that if he had any questions, he would be available.
Consider Request of ~. David D. Cen~o_a, Attorney -
P~: Village Royale Condominium Association
~. Kohl read the attached letter dated July 29, 1976, from
Attorney David D. Centola.
Mayor DeLong pointed out that it referred to the job being
stopped, but no mention was made that they did not have a
permit. ~. Eohl agreed and added that it would be in court.
Hr. Kohl advised that he did check this with the Building
Official ~ud PVC is good. The Building Department was going
to recommend this ~ud it has been sent to the City Attorney.
He just has not gotten to it. Mayor DeLong clarified that
he wanted &omotion to le~ them proceed and M~. Eohl replied:
yes, because they are going to ch~uge it. M~s. Jackson asked
if the trenches were still open an~ ~. Howell replied that
he told them to board them up.
Mayor DeLong announced a motion was in order giving them
authority to proceed providing they acquir~ a permit and
the City Attorney to be instructed to prepare the appropriate
amendment to the building code to permit the use of ~JC.
}~. Zack so moved, Seconded by ~. Strnad. Under discussion,
~. Strnad stated he thought this was a Ereat steo forward in
the City and explained. Motion carried 5-0.
AUGuo_ 17, 1976
Request of ~.
SCRWTD Board -
Anthony Canon, Chief Executive Officer,
RE:. Funds ~or Fiscal Year
~. Kohl read the attached letter dated August 4, Ij76, from
~. Canon.
~. Harmening moved to grant the request of M~. Anthony J.
Canon, SC~TD Board regarding funds for the next fiscal year
in the amount of $30,000. M~. Strnad seconded the motion.
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
uthor_,zatmon Requested to Execute Disaster Shelter Agreements
Between the City and The American Re__~. Cross
M~. Kohl requested authority to execute the agreements between
the Cm~y and T~e American Red Cross for ~nelvers.
~. Harmening moved to authorize the City Manager to execute
the agreements between the City and the American Red Cross for
shelters. M~s. Jackson seconded the motion. Under discussion,
Mr. Zack asked if they were prepared a~ud ~yor DeLong replied
that ~ney were m~fmnm~ely, long ago. ~. Zack stated that he
saw no mn~ormatmo~ published for the public suud Mayor DeLong
suggested that he inquire of the Fire Chief and added that he
.thought it was time they got information around since they ~e
mn the hurricane season. Motion carried 5-0.
Receipt of Correspondence - Super X Drug Store - RE: Trash
Mr. Kohl read the attached letter from Super X Drug Stores
dated August ~, 1976. He~ ada~c~ ~ that this was not rather
peculia_~and read Section 13-34 (Ordinance 70-22 dated
9/~4/70) am~d Section (~.~eW added that they are going to
have to realize saad come to ~ determination s_ud either give
this to everyone or cut it out and stay on one trash program.
Mayor DeLong requested a reco_~nuendatlon and added that he
thought it was about time to have these people comply with
the City ordinemce. M~. Kohl replied that he would be glad
to make ~b~
~m comply. ~s. Jackson asked if this was dry
trash and ~. Kohl replied: yes.
~irs. Jackson moved to accept the City Manager,s recommendation
to stick to the ordina~uce and in the fut'~re, ~ ~ ~v
tn~s ~ pe of
request will be denied. Mr. Zack seconded the m~-on.~ ' No
d~scussmon. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Recommendation of Planning & Zoning Board - ~:
Bowling Center for Sands Point Homes~ Inc. (Tabled)
~'~. Harmening made a motion to r~move this from the table,
seconded by ~. Zack. Motion ca_~r_=d~ p-~,.~ ~
.~.~TING AUGUST 17, 1976
M~. Kohl referred to the meeting of August 3rd when the
City Council asked that this ~tter be tabled ~atil the proper
orocedures were followed. On file is the request presented
at the last meeting from ~. ~aillip T. Crenshaw and his re-
sponse to him mt that time. The Plannir~ & Zoning Board
unanimously recon~ended approval of this plsn~ subject to
Technical Review Board recommendations and to the changing
of the court order to allow a bowling alley. The City Plan-
ner advised the motion to approve was by M~. Lambert after
discussions concerning location, parking, streets 8_ud the
court order. This is being presented to the City Cou~.cil
for consideration according to Section 31-2, Paragr~oh (m).
Mayor DeLong stated that it appeared to the Chair that in
accepting this recommendation of the Plar~r~ing & Zoning Board,
the motion should also include instructing the City Attorney
to prepare the necessary amendments to the restricted cove-
naars and ~m. Reed agreed. Mms. Jack~on asked if Delray
Dames was involved in this ~d ~. Reed replied: no, they
were just given the option to buy the golf course. He
added that they all executed gsneral releases in the law
suit and he will check the releases. He understands that
all the individual parties had signed the general release.
M~. Harmening moved to accept the recommendation of the
Planning & Zoning Board and direct the City Attorney to
enter into an agreement to modify the court order. Mrs.
Jackson seconded the mot.ion. ~,~yor DeLong clarified that
it had been moved smd seconded to accept the recommendation
of the Planning & Zoning Board relative to the bowling center
for Sands Point Homes a~d instruct the City Attorney to pre-
pare the necessary amendments to the restricted covenants in
the deed. P~. Reed pointed out that the recommendation was
subject to approval by the Tec_hnical Review Board. No dis-
cussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Recommendation of Pi~uning & Zoning Boa. m RE:
Development Plems for Florida Pneumatic
Mm. Kohl informed the Council that the City Planner advised
that the Plemning & Zoning Boe~d at their August loth meet-
ing recommended unanimously to approve the pla_us subject to
the Technical ~eview Board recommendations ~ud the approval
of the various other Boards. This is being presented to the
City Council for consideration according to Section 31-2,
Paragraph (m).
M~. Strnad moved to consider the recommendation of the Plan-
ning & Zoning Board e~d accept the plans for Florida ~neumatic.
He added that this was a clean operation. ~h~s. Jackson
seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Amendment to Zoning Ordinance - RE: To Allow Custom
Cabinet and Furniture Construction on Premises Not Exceeding
6~000 Square Feet .
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that the City Pi~_uner advised
that the Planning & Zoning Board at their meeting of August
loth, unanimously recommended the zoning ordinance be amended
to allow custom cabinet and furniture- $onstruction on ?-
premises not exceeding 6,000 sq. ft. in sized with all con-
struction to be performed within the building, ~d the pro-
posal be forwarded to the City Council for further action.
The motion to approve was made by M~. La~3oert after discus-
sion concerning size and location of potential opsrations.
If Council approves this amendment, he respectfully recom-
mends that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the ap-
propriate ordinance.
~h~. Zack referred to reading the minutes of the Planning &
Zoning Boa~d meeting and stated there was quite a discussion
regarding the manufacturing of furniture. 'M~yor DeLong
replied that this was not manufacturing like on a large scale
and they have put it on a square footage basis to eliminate
large ~nufacturing. Mm. Kohl added that custom cabinet
and furnit~&re was different th~u manufacturing.
M~s. Jackson moved to accept the recommendation ~ the Pi~u-
ning & Zoning Board and make an amendment to the zoning ordi-
nance to allow custom cabinet and furniture construction on
premises not exceeding 6,000 sq. feetiin size. ~. Zack
seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Xetly appeared
before the Co~aci! andiinformed them that normally this type
of work on a larger scale would have to be in the M-1 zone
and ~yor DeLong clarified that i~ would be a permissive use
in C-4. Motion carried 5-0.
~k~. Reed referred to the mo~ion just passed directing him to
prepare an ordinance and Mayor DeLong informed him it wou~d
be an amendment to C-4 making this a permissive use.
Reed asked if they w~ted to include the additional clause
with the premises not exceeding 6,000 sq. feet and M~. Eelly
agreed. M~. Harmening clarified that they were talking about
the smze of the building and Mayor DeLong added that the floor
area is 6,000 sq. feet. He referred to the Planning & Zoning
Board first trying to reconcile this with the number of em-
ployees, but this was better. M~. Strnad questioned why
6,000 sq. feet =ha not 3,000 ss. ft. and ?~t~. Harmening re-
ferred to detailed discussion ~6eing in the minutes.
Consider Zoning Approvals on Beverage Licenses: 1. Gulfstream Liquors, ~671S. Federal Highway
(Gulfstream Shopping Center)
2. Ranch Hous~ of America~ 240 N. Congress.Ave.
~. Kohl read these applications andamv=sem~ ~ ' that the loca-
tions do comply.
Pks. Jackson moved to grant Gulfstream Liquors and Ranch
House of Americ~ licenses. ~. Harm, riling seconded the
motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Zoning Approval on Beverage License for The Cavalier
Club~ 414 N. W. lOth Avenue (Club License)
M~. Kohl requested that this be tabled as he would like the
City Attorney to revmew it. He added that there are some
repercussions as they do have a beer and wine license now.
He wants to make sure they do it right.
~. Harmening moved to table this request,, seconded by Y~s.
Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
~pproval of Bills
Mr. Kohl read the following bills for approval:
IBM Corporation $ 2,786.00
Computer rental - month of
Pay from 00t-890.38
Bid accepted 9/30/75
· =ercuies Tank & iron Works & 3,963.51
Products for Industry~ Inc.
Pay per bid approved Council 2/3/76
Pay from 030-830.55
Peabody Peterson Est.~#20'
Final estimate ~astewa~er Treatment
Facilities upgrading & expansion
P~y from Utility General Fund
Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
?ay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 020-880
0rdin~uce #73-15, passed 5/15/73
Cynthia Lewis
Server for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Shewing Fund 020-880
Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73
96 · O0
AUGUST 17, 1976
Allied Chlorine & Ch.~mical Products
ny from budgeted funds 030-811.63
Russell & Axon 6858-15-III & C?~
Engineering services in connection with
consulting services for Water Facilities
Expansion - Water Treatment Pleat
Pay from Utility General Fumd 030-205
Authorization dated 5/8/74
8. Russell & A~on 6858-7-CP Inv. #24 1,680.92
New Hell Fields, location & testing
Pay from Atlantic National Bs_uk - Series 1975B
9. Csrpen~r~ .~ay & ~remer 3,556.00
Professional s&rvices rendered
Pay as follows:
Series 1975B 030-205 $ 550.88
030-215 $ 701.12
Generel Fund 00t-299 $ 1740.00
W & S Rev. Fund 030-299 $ 564.00
10. Palm Beach ~ior College 80.00
Career Devel$~ment Refm~sher - 2 Officers
Career Development Supervision - 1 Officer
Pay from Police Education Fu_ud O01-507
Ordinance ~74-38, Section 2-~0, l(b)
~. Kohl noted the bills described have been approved and veri-
fied by the department heads involved; checked and approved
for payment by the Finance Director; funds ~e available in
their respective budgets and he recommends payment of these
M~. Reed
re~r_e~ to No. 3 from Peabo~ Peterson and stated
that Peabody Peterson is a general contractor. One of their
sub-contractors is Tisdale, whom they e~e involved in a law
suit with and the hearing is set this Friday morning. He
would recommend that they p~y that bill with the exception
of $10,000 until after the hearing.
Mmyor DeLong announced a motion was in oorder to p~y the
bills, except Peabody Peterson in the amount of $51,690.71,
which the City Attorney ha~ recommended be paid in the amount
of $41,690.71. ~s. Jackson so moved, seconded by M~.
Harmening. No discussion. Motion ce~ried 5-0.
~. Harmening moved vo adjourn, eeconded by ~rs. Jackson.
Motion carried 5-0 ~ud the .meeting was properly adjourned at
1 1 :~5 P. M.
August 9, 1976
City of Bs~ton Beach
Office of City Manager
12C N°Eo 2nd Avenue
Bo~mton Bsach~ F!. 33435
Cent iemen:
3uoerX bas t'-:o stores in Bo}~ton Begch. SuoerX Dr~gs, FL-36~ 552 S.E. !Sth
~v=nu~ Z-~=~X Drugs, FL-92~ 250 N. Congress Ave~ne.
We ha-~e installed - · ........
crash c.~m~c~o~s i~ both st~res ~r economic reasons, based
on a quote us your office on installation of a 2 c~Dic foot conbaine~ eibh }
%,sek!y ~ .... ~ a ~= of ~36~00 ~er month
Your o~i~c~ aa~sem our store FL-36 .... bhe.chmnge over in sera. ce would have
bo be approved by the City Council, ~nd that if o-o_~ Bistricb Office would
ree~est this in ~=~'~ -
~ns, you would bring this before them.
Tb!s seems rather peculiar, however o!ease consider this a request to do so
at your ear.est conve~ence.
Joseph H. Giltner
District M~nager
CC: Jobm Boss, ~_rector System~ & Proceedures
AUGUST t7~ 1976
Recbrming Secretary
(Four Tapes)
-33 -
July 29, 1976
Honorable Joseph Detong
and Me.ers of the City
City of Boyn%on Beach
Boynton Beach, Florida
Re: village
Royale Condomini~mm Association
Dear Mayor De!ong:
The Village Royale Condominium Association
has requested ~hat t communicate with you in reference
to a problem which developed in said condommnium
development in reference to replacement to existing
galvanized pipe.
The Association entered into an agreement
with a licensed contractor, to replace the existing
galvanized pipe with PVC pipe. The Contractor was under
the impression that since PVC piping is:approved by
the Southern Building Code and by thirty~three (33)
counties of Florida, it was approved by the City of
Boynton Beach.
After work commenced the worked was stopped
by the building department for the City of Boynton Beach.
There now exists open trenches on the project which
presents a dangerous condition for the residents.
The difference mn contract price between PVC
pipe and copper pipe is $370.00 per building or $7770.00
for the twenty-one (21) buildings in the agreement.
In checking with the various departments it
was determined that the building department is intendin~
to prepare and present for approval a resolution authoriz-
ing the use of PVC in situations covered by the present
~Onora~ble Joseph Delong
and Members of the City
Counci 1 - 2-
July 29, 1976
It is thus requested that (1) due to the Wide
acceptance Of PVC piping; (2) the intended recommen~a_
tion in the near future by the building department that
PVC be authorized; and [3) that magnitude of difference
in the cost, that the City Council perm/t ~-he use of
PVC in this project at Village Royale Condominium.
It is. respectfully
Open trenches which Dres~- req.mested that due ~
~ . ~ mae City
CounCil COnsider this reques~ as an emergency measure
at unemr next meeting.
matter. Thank you for your cooperation in this
Very truly yOUrs,
IX. A.
August 4, 1976
TO: J. Eldon Mariott, City Manager, Delray Beach, Fla.
Fr~rik Kohl, City Manager, Boynton Beach, Fla.
Re: Assessment for SCRWTD
Board Admin-. Exp~ FY 76/77.
Dear Sir's:
sment payable to the South Central
and Disposal Board. Thank you.
Please be advised that the SCRWTD Board at fihelr July 8, 1976
.... e~lng voted to ~lve. ~i~es of Delray Beach
and Boynfion Beach for assessmenfis of'$25~ooo for administrative
expanses and $5~000 for minor construction related expenses for
the Fiscal Year begining Oct. 1 (FY ~6/77) from each city.
Please take fihe necassary action: to make the $30,000 asses-
R~ional Wastewater Treatment
ce~-~ SC-~TD Board
~Very truly yours,
'~thony~J. Canon
iF' ~'°' sc~w~D~_