Joe DsLong, Mayor
Joseph F. Zack, Vice Mayor
Edward F. Harmening, Councilman
Emily M. Jackson, Councilwoman
NormauF. Strnad, Councilman
Frauk Kohl, City Manager
Robert B. Reed, City Attorney
Teressa Padgett, City Clerk
Mayor DeLong called the meeting to order at 3:00 P. M. and
an_uounced it was a called special City Council meeting by
the M~yor requested by the City ~ttorney insofar as there is
a time lib_it regarding advertising for referendum. He then
announced the Agenda was as follows:
1. To consider the final reading of proposed Ordinance
No. 76-32 relative to the special referendum elec-
2. Any other business that might rightfully come before
the City Council and the following two items have
been brought to his attention:
a. Representatives from Village Royale on the
Green have requested an audience with the
City Council and they will be heard.
D_~scussmon of the Regional Wastewater Treat-
~e~tr. Construction ~greemen~~ ~ p~oposed 'oy the
City of Delr~~ Beach.
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-32 - RE: Special Referendum Election
~. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-32 by caption only.
M~or DeLo~ asked if anyone present wished to speak in favor
of this particular ordinance and received no response. He
then asked if a~yone wished to speak in opposition and re-
ceived no response.
M~. Zack moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 76-32,
seconded by Mr. Strnad. Under discussion, M~s. Jackson re-
ferred to the preamble allowing for the staggered terms of
two years for Civil Service ~md stated that it should be three
years for the Council elected members also. Meyer DeLong
agreed ~nd asked if ~. Reed could t~d~e care of this. He
clarified that it stated staggered terms of elected and it
should also include the appointed members by the City Coun-
cil and elected members by the employees. M~. Reed informed
him the only reason that it is not mentioned in this parti-
cular ordinance is that is the way it is in the present Char-
ter section. It would do no harm to add it, but the intent
is to set up a Civil Service Board with a staggered term
basis ~ud this would be accomplishes with the two year terms.
AUGUST 4~ 1976
Mr. Harmening then asked what provision was made in case the
primary election failed and M~yor DeLong replied that they
would be guided by their present rules. Mr. Reed added
that if this failed, they would have a municipal primary
election. If changing the date also failed, it would be
held under the Charter now. If the second Tuesday in Me, ch
passed, it would be incumbent uoon the Council to amend the
Charter by ordinance. P~. Harm~ning stated that under Home
Rule, they canner amend the Charter on an election process.
Mr. Reed stated that if the provision on the question of
whether to have primaries or not failed, then they would have
primaries. If the question of the mu~mcipal el~ctmon da~e
passes, then it will be the second Tuesday in March with
primaries and the Charter ~mst be amended. He does not see
any need for a separate referendum,to ask whether to have
primaries two weeks before the election date. Mrs. Jackson
suggested including if the proposition fails about the pri-
maries, there would be a primary two wee~ preceeding the
election. Mr. Reed replied that he didn't think any harm
would be done, but he doesn't see any neoessity. If the
proposition fails, it obviously me~us tbs electors want to
continue holding primary elections and the date would be
~overned~by the Char~er, Mayor DeLong remarked that ~hey
till ham time to ta~e care of this and M~. Reed agreed.
M~s. Jaclmson then referred to limiting the number of terms
the ~'Dyor can serve, but not doing it for the rest of the
Council and she feels this is discri~mina~ory. Mayor DeLong
replied that she was entitled to her opinion and referred
to it being well advertised.
Mr. Reed referred back to the possibility of proposition
No. ~ or No. 2 failing and suggested possibly clarifying
it by stating if oroposition No. 1 fails, it will be held
on a certain date-in 1977.~Lver~DeLong suggested that he
insert the proper wording to clari£y it.
~s. Jackson referred to the last item mud stated she did
not like it going into effect immediately, but feels it
should go into effect after the terms are up of the people
sitting on the Council now. Mayor DeLong replied that this
would be foolhs~dy and explained. ~s. Jackson continued
that when the people voted for them, it was for two years
and not two years az~d three months. M~vor DeLom~ replied
that they would not hold a special election for a three
month period mud referred to this happening on ms~.uy occa-
sions. P~. Hs~mening added that if the people should eli-
minate the primary, it was possibl~ somebody could be
elected for office with 200 to 300 votes. MmG~or DeLong
stated that he thought there was a lot of unnecesss~y worry-
ing and suggested they they let the people decide.
AUGUST 4, 1976
.Mr. Reed asked if it was the intention of Council to let the
C_ty Attorney modify proposition No. 2 to specifically spell
~ropos~on Mo.
out when a municipal election will be held if _ ~
1 fails and Mayor DeLong replied that he believed it would
be ~p~e~riate for the ~mty Av~orney to be ch~ged with the
proper wording, Mrs. Jackson referred to it having been ad-
vertised and Mayor DeLong asked if they had time for the modi-
fication ~ud ~, Kohl reolied that it was too late. After
m~scussmon on this, ~. ~eed stated he thought ,ney could go
~/aead and let the ordinance be published as it is and he will
add the clarified language to proposition No. 2 and the ballot
will include this clarifying language. Mmyor DeLong advised
him to take every precaution.
~s. Padgett then took a roll call vote ~n the motion as
Councilman Harmening - No
Councilwoman Jackson - No
Councilme~ Strnad - ~e
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - ~ye
Motmo~ carried 3-2.
Audience with Vm_lase Royale on the Green
M~yor DeLong requested the representative
on the Green to appear before the Council.
from Village Royale
M~. Joseph Aranow stated his name and his address as 2520
N. E. 1st Co~t. He informed the Council that there were
two reasons for the people being present fro~ Village Royale
on the Green. The first one can be disposed of very shortly.
They are glad to have the opportunity vo be here and he~r the
discussions regarding referendums to be placed on the ballot
for the citizens. He expressed their tha~_~ for giving them
this opportunity.
M~. Aranow continued that the second reason they are here is
one that takea a little more expla~uation. Some of this infor-
mation has been heard by most, but very little has been heard
by the City Attorney. He would like the City Attorney to
particuls~ly pay attention to some of the remarks referring
to the action that has been brought against the City for a
permanent stay. Over a year ago, Village Royale appeared
before the Pla~uning & Zoning Board on June 10, 1975. _~ey
appeared there because they were told that the Village Royale
parking problem had reached such stages that there had to be
modifications of the site plans. They were to appear before
the Planning & Zoning Board and if they wanted to recommend
a change, they could smd it would go to the City Council for
approval. At that time, they raised the question where the
AUGUST 4, 1976
authority was given to the Planning & Zoning Board to re-hear
a set of site plans when there has once been a set of site
plans submitted, recommended mud passed. At that time, the
Planning & Zoning Board did not entertain this application.
it was brought to them by the Building Official. They felt
this matter did not belong before them and the application
was denied to have a new site plan submitted at that time,
This is not the first time that Village Royale came to the
Planning & Zoning Board for help in the matter of the pro-
blems. They submitted site plans on June t0, 1972 to the
Planning & Zoning Board. These site plans were studied by
the Plannir~ & Zoning Boe~d. They were recor~mended by the
Ple~ning & Zoning Board to the City Council for approval and
the City Council did approve the original set of site plans.
After that, Village Royale decided theywere going to ignore
those site plans. They did not build according to the site
plans recommended by the Planning & Zoning Board and approved
by the City Council. During the course of construction, the
representative of the Building Depe~tment inspected the proper-
ty at Village Royale and found that there were so ~.~J devia-
tions from the site plans submitted and approved especially
with rege~ds to Building 7.
Mayor DeLong suggested that it would be advisable in relating
history to note what years it occurred in and added that a
lot of the members of this Council inherited this.
Mm". Aranow continued that the original site plans were recom-
mended by the Plemning & Zoning Board in June 1972 and they
were approved by the City Council a short time thereafter.
He explained that the facts presented would be verified from
the minutes of the meetings. He then told about the Building
Official, ~. Galeazzi, ma~ng ~u inspection prior to Decem-
ber 1972 amd finding many deviations~ particularly on Building
H (7). After building a second floor, the builders realized
they left ou~ the stairwell emd if they put it in where they
were supposed to, it would be on a City street. He does not
know whose suggestion i~ was, but within d~ys, they went to
the Planning & Zoning Board to try to get this corrected. On
October 30, t972, they submitted a new site plan for approval.
Remember that the buildings constructed up until that time on
the Village Royale 40½ acre tract were not built according
to the original site plan, but to the plan being submitted
on October 30, 1972. If he is correct, there is an ordinance
in the City stating if site plans are not built on within a
certain period of time, they are deemed abandoned amd any ap-
proval given to site plans where there has been no building
or deviations from the original site plans, the Council ap-
proval is terminated. If Village Royale wanted to say they
had approval for the original site olems, he thinks they are
mista/~en an.d thiri~s that should be ~onsidered.
AUGUST 4, 1976
M~. ~ranow continued with reading excerpts from the ~inutes
of the Planning & Zoning Board meeting on October 30, 1972.
These minutes pertained to the building not being buil~ ac-
cording to the original site plan and the results of Mr.
Galeazzi's inspections. At this meetiP~, ~. Galeazzi recom-
mended the submission of a new site plan and the new site
plan was submitted and discussed. However, there is the fact
that changes were made from the original site plan bsforea
new plan was submitted.
Mr. Aranow then referred to Village Royale appearing before
the Board of Adjustment on December 11, 1972 to ask for a
vari~mce to correct the ills caused by them. He advised
that they had made a tape of these minutes if they desired
to hear it. Mayor DsLong replied that he thought it would
be advisable. He would like to hear what it says and be-
lieves this body shoul~ be acquainted with all the facts.
~. Morton Levine stated his name ~ud his address as 2515
N. E. Pud Court. He informed the Council that this tape
was a bit out of the ordinary because he started with side
two of the disc available from the City Clerk's office. He
will play the most important part where Councilman David
Roberts mud Building Official W. Galeazzi report to the
Board of Adjustment that to their knowledge no approval
given to the site pleas. He then played the tape.
Mayor DeLong stated that it appeared to the Chair that there
certainly were deviations from the original plat and planty
of vielations. Evidently everyone k~ew about it, but nobody
did anything about it. M~. Ars~ow replied that in November
of last year when they asked to h~J~e a special meeting for
Village Royale, they were told it was getting close to the
end of the year and possibly they would have better luck
next year. Mayor DeLong clarified that he me~t nobody did
a~ything about it in t972. ~..~ranow agreed. ~yor DeLong
continued that it was comuaon knowledge that there were devia-
tions from the ormginal plat and violations, but nobody took
any action at that time. ~s. Jackson svated she was on the
Council in 1972 and they did not have a site olan then. ~hen
it was pe~sed by the City Council, there was a beautiful golf
course, etc. She did go to the site herself after finding
out one building was built wrong. Actually the law they had
on the books had no teeth to it. They had no way of enforc-
ing the law. They rewrote the law in 1973. Mayor DeLong
replied that he felt it was highly irregular that g~ound could
be broken unless a plat was adopted. A developer cannot
break ground until a plan is recemmended by the Plarming &
Zoning Board ~ad approved by the City Council. ~s. Jackson
stated she believed ~% ~ranow did find the original plat.
She kevt asking why the buildings were being built and could
get no-satisfaction.
AUGUST 4, 1976
Mx. ~_ranow continued that the rest of the background was
mostly contained in a summary submitted to the City Council
on October 21, 1975. He is sure t~rs. Padgett has a copy of
this in her records.
~,~. ~r~now stated that at this point, he would like to get
down to something which is quite bothersome at the moment.
When M~~. Jack Barrett was Building Official, they tried to
tell him about the probien~ at Village Royale. They asked
him to go into the question of parking, He did go into
that reluctantly. They also told him ~ad the City Council
that they were not worried about the violations they could
see, but those they could not see. They want to be sure
their buildings a~e safe. They thought the City Cottucil
should direct an investigation. There was. A d~y after the
Planning & Zoning hearing on June 10, 1975, Mx. Barrett
handed in a resignation. A short time thereafter, M~. Bushnell
was appointed as Building Official. The City Council in-
structed the City Manager to have the Building Official c~n-
duct sm investigation. Close to a year passed and Mx.
Bushnell gave them nothing. Finally with a new administra-
tion and Building Official, they got what they thought they
were entitled to at least a year before. They got a letter
sent to Mr. Gross by the Building Official on June ~8, ~976
wherein he advised M~. Gross of eleven code violations.
This was sent by ~. Howell. Until this letter was received
by Mx. Gross, the residents at Village Royale did not know
the first thing about the existence of these violations dis-
covered by M~. Howell. In M~. Howell,s reoort to ~.~. Kohl,
he advised that when he wenz to make the i~vestigation,~he
did it not by himself but with the Building Official from
West Palm Beach mud another Building Official from North
Palm Beach, two totally disinterested people who would see
objecti~aly_~o what the conditions were. They gave an honest
effort to this thing and turned in a report. Of course, !~.
Gross, who always sa~s he builds where, when and how he
pleases, disregs~ded this mutil Mx. Howell wrote another
letter telling him he had mutil June 30 to comply and at
that time, the prosecutor would be informed. Around July 1,
M~. Gross, on behalf of Village Royale, Inc., went into
court and asked for a tempor&ry stay and got it. He isnnow
suing for a permanent ste~~ ~ud declaratory judgement. Inci-
centally, the taoe played of the December 11, 1972 meeting
was first heard ~y us yesterday for the fir§t time. They
relied previously on the minutes, but they were not verba-
tim. In the answer submitted by the City Attorney, a copy
was sent to ~. Kohl. He then read ~. Smodish's letter
dated July 29 regarding Village Royale, Inc. vs. the City
of Boynton Beach. This is his complaint, which is a mild
way of putting it. in this letter, he sees everything that
M~. Gross' lawyer has to s~-. Ee referred to the offer of
deeding an adjacent piece of land and stated if that was
AUGUST 4, 1976
going to affect the City Attorney's decision and the Council's
decision, he feels it is very important they find out from the
residents of Village Royale whether there ever was a legitimate
offer to do this. Reference is made to the offer being rejected.
M~yor DeLong questioned when the City rejected it and ~. Kohl
replied that they did not reject it, but stopped them. Mayor
DeLong clarified that he would like to know whether the City
rejected an offer for the additional parking spaces and ~.
Aranow replied that he did not remember any offer be~g made
to the City. In May, June, July and August of last year,
they tried pretty hard to solve their problems with Village
Royale. They even got so far as to get Mr. Gross to sign
25 points affecting all the buildings to be completed within
60 ds~s.
Mayor DeLo~g asked if the present City Attorney had all the
information being presented by ~. Aranow and ~. Ara~ow re-
plied that all this information was included in the October
2~, ~975, meeting here. At that time and on other occasions,
he has offered their help and advice to Mr. Reed, but he has
not seen fit to call uoon them. He finds fault that inaccur-
acies have been stated-in this letter. Mayor DeLong replied
that ~. Reed was not here in 1975 and evidently Mm~. Simon
had this information. M~. Reed asked if they were referring
to the October 21, 1975 summary of the situation and ?~ayor
DeLong asked if he had the information being presented by
Aranow now regarding ~. Gross' signature to certain conces-
sions. ~M. Reed replied that he had not seen such a document.
~'. Aranow stated he would be glad to give him a copy. Mayor
DeLong requested that he read these 25 points into the record
and M~s. Jackson referred to M~. Kohl having these. ~M. Kohl
agreed and advised that the Council members had received a
copy. This was all in the Village Royale file given to the
City Attorney. M~. Reed stated that he did not thir~k they
had the Village Royale file, but he would check. Mayor
DeLong stated that possibly ~. Reed did not receive it be-
cause it was forthcoming from the previous City Attorney.
M~. Aranow continued that the point he was try~.g to m~e is
that they have papers signed by Mr. Gross obligating him to
do certain things which he does not do and he doesn't care.
What ~ood is it going to do if Mar. Gross orally tells some-
sue he is going to make a park, etc.? This information could
have come from one or two sources. He then read Ps~agraph 25
of the complaint against the City of Boynton Beach a~d stated
this may have been the basis of the infor~ation the City At-
torney took when he said they were offered parking soaces and
a park. If that was not the basis, the only place it could
have come from was from the City Prosecutor, Dave Centola.
On the morning of the trial, M~. Centola asked ~,~. Levine
and him to discuss what they wsmted. ~. Centola spent t5 to
AUGUST 4, 1976
20 minutes talking to the attorneys from Ms. Gross and he
informed him that ~ shouldn't tell him as he is not the pro-
secuting party. He w~nted Mm. Gross to put this on the re-
cord, but M~. Centola stated that he was telling him. He
advised him to take this information up with the City of
Boynton Beach or the judge. At about that time, Judge Schws~tz
came in and wanted to ~umow what it was all about and ~t~ntola
said it could be settled. Judge Schwartz questioned ~o nmde
the offer ~a~d Mr. Centola said the ~efendant's attorneys
JUdge Schwartz questioned where they were.
~. Aranow then pointed out that if there were no orosecutions~
the City will have certain proble~ with the taxpayers at
Village Royale, He informed ~. Reed about this problem when
he was appointed and stated they would like to kuow and get
an answer to the question asked of P~. Simon over a year ago
and that is: What is the liability of the City to the unit
owners at Village Royal~? What about the people liv~ug at
Village Royale? Aren't they entitled to some consideration?
If those c/o's were impD~perly issued, he would like to know
why the City is not responsible to the unit owners. They
have been trying to get to the bottom of this thing. When
they got those eleven violations from ~. Howell, they were
grateful for s~a honest job. Why should his hands be tied
for however long this appeal will go on? Why doesn't the City
have the right where a judgement was made in their favor and
%mtil that judgement is repealed, why don't they have the
right to go into court for a violation that happened that
day and every d~v after? If they don't, he thiraks they are
doing the same thing hs Village Royale and that is stalling
this so it is outlawed by the Statute of Li~mitations. They
are willing to work as it is for their own interest. They
have been hooked, but car~uot do anything about it. They can
lay the facts in the h~ads of M~r. Regd so he ca~m form a better
opinion of the actual facts. They give sources along with the
facts. They can show papers where Ms. jerry Gross has denied
he ever made any agreement even if it is in writing. He then
told about the situation with the taxes not being paid. He
referred to ~. Simon telling Mss. Jackson prior to October
2t that the question of par~ng was involved and ~s. Jackson
was reluctant to vote. The pe~king was not part of any law-
suit, but the lawyers told ~. ~ohl it was. .Anything he
hears from the attorneys for ~. Gross~ if it is not in
writing, he does not w~ut any part of it. They will supply
written information. They do not want to be stalled by these
people. The City of Boynton Beach~ould see to it that all
ordinances are followed out. Zt is a wonderful thing if
these c/o~s were illegally or improperly issued and the
City is not responsible and M~. Gross is not responsible,
but who is - the people who bought the property?
AUGUST ~, t976
Mayor DeLong stated that he ~ud Mr. Levine had done a very
thorough job of digging. He requested the City Attorney to
meet with these gentlemen to obtain the factual information
to strengthen the case he must defend and Mx. Reed replied
that he would be h~ppy to. ~. Aranow requested him to name
the time and place and they would be available. Mayor DeLong
svated that evidently there was a lot of information the
City Attorney did not have with not having been in the oic-
ture in the past. He is quite sure M~. Reed is interested
in the City. He must defend the people in the City. The
Gouncil is also here to protect the people. They reoresent
them mad they are always welcome smd invited to come. They
wilt always have an attenti~Ys ear. He appreciates the
fact they have taken such a deep interest in the City. They
only can obtain good government on the relience of people
such as them.
~. Aranow thanked him and stated he would like to point out
if he may seem overly concerned, he does not do it without
good ree~on. He then read Paragraph 33 of the complaint smd
stated that this applied to him. Mayor DeLong replied that
he believed his interest in this particular situation was
centered upon being an individual of the City and a resident.
His appointment to the Ad-Hoc Com~wittee soecifies exactly
what he is to do. It is just a question Sf using a
brush on him. ~,~. Aranow replied that he was not worri~d
about that or the threats. He just po~ted out that the
City Attorney is -moving to strike that from the record.
He questions why it is included. Mayor DeL~ng replied that
he believed the court will look at it s~ a xriv~.~ous state-
Mrs. Jackson stated that she believed M~. Aranow and Mx.
Levine had done au excellent job, but believes there has
been a lack of communication. She suggested instructing
the City Attorney to meet with ~. Aranow and Me, or DeLong
replied that that has already been t~d~en care of. He recom-
mended ~. Aranow to get in touch with ~. Reed. Mr. Reed
stated that he would be available on Friday and ~. ~anow
reo!ied that they would be there and would call his office
tomorrow for the exact time.
Mayor DeLong thanked him for his interest. He added that he
understood they had been notified about the referendum ~ud
M~. Aranow informed him that the Men's Club News published
the item~ for the referendum and the reasons for same. Most
of the people present wanted to hear the discussion of the
Mayor DeLong then declared a five minute recess. He called
the meeti~ back to order at 4:40 P. M.
AUGUST 4, 1976
Mayor DeLong referred to the Council mer£oers receiving a
letter from Ecological Services Products, inc. He read
this letter stating their appreciation for being allowed
to compete for the sludge. He added that to his knowledge,
he didn't think they were considered. He then informed the
Council that he was just handed a telegram from the City
Manager's secretary. He then read the telegram from Ecolo-
gical Services Products, Inc. stating their protest to the
award of the bid. He added that this was to notify them
that they ars protesting, but it does not say there is any
court action. It was shocking after the flewery letter we
received prior to the telegram. It behooves the members of
the City Council to watch every move made.
Discussion of the Regional Wastewater Treatment Construction
~greement Proposed by the City of Delray Beach
M~yor DeLong ~mmounced they would now go into the contract
which has been forwarded to all mem?oers of the City Council
by the M~yor of Delray Beach. He stated that this definitely
was not as Mayor Scheifley stated, the contract which was
worked on or discussed by the C.E.0. and Mm. M~riott and Mr.
Canon agreed. M~cyor DeLong continued that ta_s was mislead-
ing. He pointed out that nowhere in the pa~ticul~ agree-
ment forwarded by ~ayor Scheifley to this City Council was
there any mention of the stipulations received by the City
of Delray Beach regarding the action by this City Council
in the communication sent by Mr. Kohl. If they sme not going
to abide by the stipulations spelled out, it appears they
are wasting time.
Mr. Zack referred to the letter sent to Delray Beach being
read at the last Board meeting. Since they have not taken
e~y action, the position stauds as it was before and there
are no changes. M~vor DeLong agreed that everything was the
same. It is strictly bypassing the C.ELO. His understand-
ing when he was employed was he was to be the same as the
name: Chief Executive Officer. He understands that Delray
Beach went to the degree and extent to tell ~. Canon that
his presence is not going to be welcome when the pleat is
Mme. Jackson referred to Mayor Scheifley w~ating to expedite
things. Boynton Beach has made thi~s clear. They would
not have gotten the grant if Mm. Canon was not here. She
does not thintu they should back down.
Mayor DeLong suggested a motion be made to re-affirm their
previous actions and the City M~uager shall notify them.
Mrs. JacD~on so moved, seconded by [~k~. Zack. M~or DeLong
clarified that it had been moved and seconded for the City
Council to go on record to re-affirm their previous action
AUGUST 4, 1976
relative to the agreement between Boynton Beach and Delrej
Beach regarding supervision of the construction and the City
M~uager shall forward a communication to the Mayor and Council
of Delray Beach tb~.t there will be no deviation from their
previous stand. Under discussion, FPs. Jac!~on suggested
including P~yor Scheifley's phrases regarding achieving har-
mony, etc. ~. Strnad added that they are just telling them
the new agreement is not acceptabl~. Motion carried 5-0.
Mm. Earmening asked if they were going to discuss the letter
from Village Royale ~ud the ~C pipe ~ad Mayor DeLong ex-
plained how M~. Eohl was handling it administratively.
Mr. Zack asked if they could have a small discussion regard-
ing the retirement program of the Chief Executive Officer
since he was present. ~yor DeLor~ replied that nobody
wanted this man more them they do, but their action will
not be accepted by Delray Beach. The Interlocal Agreement
provides that so many people must approve. Mm. Reed re-
ferred to ~@. Canon not getting the imoression that they
were not doing a~jfthing mad told about writing to the Attor-
ney General, Florida League of Cities, etc. However~ this
is evidently a case of first impression. The Attorney Gen-
eral's office felt they would not v~ant to get involved in a
local matter. They ars still trying to obtain advice from
other cities who have entered into similar interlocal agree-
ments to see if they have some provision. They have con-
tacted the IRS, etc., but have not gotten fsi. M~. Zack
referred zo the IRA being an individual plan. The money
cannot be drawn out until he reaches 59~ yeses of age.
Mayor .DeLong referred to Delray Beach objecting to this p%em
and added that muything they did no~ would not be acceptem.
~. Zack agreed, but suggested disoussing it themselves.
Mayor DeLong suggested jogg~ug along until such~time when
somethir~ comes up more beneficial and acceptable to Delray
Beach. ~-~. Harmening stated there m~v be an honest miscon-
ception on the pe~t of one member of the Ad-Hoc C¢~ttee.
He think~ there ~y have been some misleading information.
One was under the impression that the funds in !~ could be
drawn out as needed, but he is not sure about this. If the
money cannot be drawn out until 59½, death or disability,
maybe Delray Beach will go along with the I~. ~,~yor DeLong
suggested discussing it with them, but he explained how he
didn,t think they should tsl~e definitive action. M~.
Harmening stated they needed to kmow for certain whether
money in ,_~R~A could be drawn out under certain circumstsmces
with paying the tax liability or whether it could not be
drawn out until death, disability or 59½ years. After further
discussion, M~. Harmening stated he would try to get more
information regarding the LRA plan,
AUGUST 47 1976
~s. Jack. on moved to adjourn, seconded by Mx. Harmening.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
5:00 P. M.
~ce M~_yor
Cou~¢~ Member
City Clerk
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)