Joe DeLong, Mayor
Joseph F. Zack, Vice M~ffor
Edward F. Harmeni~g, Co~u~cilman
Emily M. Jackson, Councilwoman
Norman F. Strnad, Councilmmn
Frank Koht, City Manager
Robert B. Reed, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett, City. Clerk
Mayor DeLong welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order
at 7:30 P. M. He requested everyone to arise at the sound of
the gavel for the invocation given by Pastor RebySnider,
Boynton Baptist Temple, and to kindly remain st~ding for the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Vice Mayor Joseph F.
Mayor DeLong referred to no announcements listed on the Agenda,
but ~unounced that he received a last minute call pertaining
to the Boynton Beach Little League All-Stars. They ~e no~
entered into the tournaments having won the district champion-
ship. They are requesting the City to defray the expense of
the team to travel to the ch.ampionship games. He read the
schedule for the weekend and the costs estimated to oover same.
He then requested the pleasure of the Council members regard-
ing this request.
Mr. Strnad moved to request the City to appropriate the funds
necessary to bring the Little League along on their journey
towards winning this championship. ~s. Jackson seconded
the motion. Mayor DeLong clarified that it had been moved
sm~d seconded to i~struct the City Manager to defray their
expenses as needed. Under discussion, ~s. Jackson remarked
that this is the first time in the history of Boynton Beach
that they have won~ the district championship e~d she thir~ks
they should be proud of them. Mayor DeLong agresd. Motion
carried 5-0.
Regular City Counci! Meeti~ug - July 20~ 1976
As customs~y, M~yor DeLong started on his right for comments~
corrections, additions, etc. M~. Zack ~d M~. Harmening
passed. ~rs. Jackson referred to Page 15 before Administra-
tive and at this time, she asked the Mayor to a~unounce a
special meeting the next day at 9:00 A. M. smd she added
she would like to announce tonight that there is a special
meeting tomorrow at 3:00 P. M. ~. Strnad passed.
M~. Harmening moved to adopt the M~nutes of July 20, 1976, as
corrected, seconded by M~. Zack. Motion carried 5-0.
AUGUST 3, 1976
Special City Council Meeting - July 21 ~ 1976
~yor DeLong proceeded as usual and ~. Zack stated that he
ad a question before proceeding with the minutes. He asked
if the minutes were t~uken from the tads o~ the secretary's
notes amd Fr. Eohl replied that he believed from the tapes.
Mr. lack continued ~that after going over the minutes of July
21, 1976, pertaining to the budget, he found that a number of
items had bsen !eft out. He requested the following items to
be listed for a mattsr of record in the minutes of July 21,
"Salaries paid~ other Cities for the duties of a City
Manager for year 1975-1976:
Delray Beach - $28,500 and the use of City car.
Pompsno Beach - $30,450 and the use of City c~.
Riviera Beach - ~24,900 for acting City Manager. (New
City Manager will st~t between $21,000
to $28,000 and a City car.)
Deerfield Beach - will start anywhere between $20,000 to
$25,000. (The former City Manager was
earning $29,827 and $75.00 monthly car
Boca Rat6n - $30,000 and the use of City car.
Lake ~orth - $28,433 and $150 monthly car allow~uce.
~est Palm Beach - $30,606 an8 the use of City car.
Boynton Beach - $2~,500 and $100 monthly car allowance.
"Salaries of Department Heads in the City of Boynton
Beach for 1976-1977:
Police Chief
Fire Chief
General Service
City Clerk
Water Dist.
23 ~37
23 937
22 888
22 888
22 683
22 230
2~ 8t8
:20 011
~ 9,695
Employees Ce:~ Allowance
3 1,200.00
96 City Car
40 City ~ar
4 300. O0
53 1,020.00
9 400.OO
I ,200.00
8 300.00
t3 ....
~. lack continued that the reason he had these figures avail-
able was to substantiate his motion for the increase to the
City Manager.
Mayor DeLong ruled that if in the event any member of the
Council at any time feels as though there ~any important
suggestions left out of any minutes where they are involved
or not involve~, they may review the tapes e~d come back
and have their request included in the minutes. He asked
AUGUST 3, 1 976
if ~. Mack wa~uted these incorporated in the ~nutes and ~.
Zack replied: yes. Mayor DeLong then requested that he give
a copy to the secretary. M~. Strnad questioned whether the
minutes were taken from M~s. Kruse's Shorthand or the tapes
and Mr. Zack added that possibly they could get together with
the short~d and check the differences. (M~s. IIruse tried
to inform them that all the ~minutes she types are t~en from
her shorthand notes only emd she does not listen to the tapes
at all.)
~. Harmenir~ passed. M~s. Jackson referred to Page
~ and advised the word should be: "aide". She referred
to the next page, second parsgraph~ sixth line down, which
skould have: "could have full time City Attorney'. She re-
ferred to ~o lines down and she said: "It had been in writ-
lng with the previous attorney~. She referred to Page ]1,
line three, and ~here should be a word inserte~ so it reads:
"should have only'~. She continued with referring to the
third paragraph, f~Ms~ line which should read: ~M~rs. Jackson
then referred to ~t~lm~es s~d t~ng surplus®mone~ twice
year from the sin_~ing zund.- She referred to ~e~,l~
and corrected the spelling to: ~aide~. M~r. Strnad passed.
Mayor DeLong anno~ced a motion was in order to accept the
minutes as corrected by Vice ~yor Zack and Councilwoman
Jackson. ~. Harmening moved to adopt the !!inut~s of the
Special Meeting of July 2~ 1976, as corrected, seconded by
M~. Mack. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor DeLong requested anyone wishing to discuss any item on
the agenda to please step forward and give their name to the
City Clerk, ~s. Padgett, and advise what item and when that be-
comes the particular order of business, the City Clerk will
call upon them.
He then asked if anyone in the audience wished to address
the City Council and received no response.
One (t) Field Portable Biomedical Telemetry and Voice Co=~uni-
cations Unit-- Fire Department
M~. Kohl informed the Council that bids for the above were
opened On July 26, ~976, at 3 P. M. in the Office of the ~ar-
~hasing Agent. The Tabulation Committee reconumends accepta_nce
of the low bid from Biocom, Inc., Culver City~ California, in
the amount of $4,350. Funds are available in Federal Revenue
Sharing 001-81 t. The Tab Sheet is on file. Mr. Bill Sullivan,
our purcaas_n~ agent, has requested the affidavit from Biocom
AUGUST 3, 1976
and this should be here within seven to ten days due to the
distsa~ce. He concurs with the recommendations of the Tab
Committee a~d requests the aws~d be made to Biocom subject
to receipt of the affidavit.
rms. Jackson moved to accept the recommendation of the City
Y~nager e~d Tabulating Committee mud award the bid to Biocom,
Znc. in the amount of $4,350 for one Field Portable Biomedical
Telemetry and Voice Communications Unit. M~. Zack seconded
the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
One (1) Continuous Forms Burster
Mr. Kohl referred to requesting bids on this previously and
awarding the bid, but the model was no longer manufactured.
Mrs. Jackson questioned whether they should reject the prev-
ious bid before going out for another bid and M~. Reed asked
if this is what had tM~en place before? Mr. Kohl infor,~ed
him that they received a letter from the company that they
were not ma24ing that particul8~ model Sday longer and they
went out for re-bid to all the companies.
~. Kohl stated that bids for the above were open on July 30,
1976, at 9 A. M. in the Office of the P~rchasing Agent. All
requirements have been met. The Tabulation Committee recom-
menas acceptance of this bid from Ta~ Products Co. of Hallan-
dale, Florida, in the amount of $2,830, This is a budgeted
item and fu_uds are e. vailable in account No. 030-902.~I. The
bids received from N.CCR. and UARCO did not meet specifica-
tions. The Tab Sheet and a~fidavit from Tab Products are on
file. He concurs with the recommendation of the Tabulation
,.Mr. Sack moved to accept the recommendation of the Tabulation
Committee and award the bid to Tab Products Co. in the amount
of $2,830 for one Continuous Forms Burster° ~¢¢s. Jackson
seconded the motion. Under discussion, M~. Harmening stated
he would like to know in wha~ respects the N.C.R. For~,~s Bur-
ster did not comply with the specifications and referred to
there being qui~e a difference in price. Mayor DeLong called
upon M~. Sullivan to reply. ~4~. Sullivan informed him that
the main difference with the N.C.R. and U~C0 is that both
had a fixed speed machine and they asked for a varian~ speed
machine. Tab and Moore met the specs to regulate the speed.
He further explained how this was an important function. He
added that the U-~CO bid was for a used machine also. Motion
carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson made a motion to move from the regular order of
business until 8:00 ~ud proceed to Legal, seconded by
Harmening. ~tion carried 5-0.
AUGUST 3, ~976
Ordine_uces - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing
P~oposed Ordinance No. 76-24 - ~: To Place Responsibility
for Installation of Safety Enclosures Around Swimming Pools
Upon Owner of Record
~. Reed read proposed Ordine~uce No. 76-24 on second reading
by caption only.
Mayor DeLeng asked if anyone present wished to speak in favor
of this ordinseace and received no response. He then asked if
anyone present wished to speak in opposition to this ordinance
and received no response.
~s. Jackson moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 76-24 on
second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Zack. Under dis-
cussion, M~. Ha_~mening referred to mot being in favor of the
basic ordinance, but since being modified, it does give some
relief to some of the tenants. However, he thinks the whole
basic ordinance was unnecessary. }~s. Padgett then took a
roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack Aye
M~yor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
~oposed Ordinance No. 76-26
,Payments on the First Day of
- RE: To Provide for Annual
the Month in Which the Same
~. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-26 on second reading
by caption only.
Mayor DeLong asked if anyone present wished to spe~k in favor
of this ordinance and received no response. He then asked if
anyone wished to speak in opposition and received no response.
Mm. H~rmening moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 76-26 on
seconm arid final reading, seconded by ~. Zack. No discus-
sion. ~s. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Hemmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - ~ve
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
~yor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Ordin~uces 1st ReadinE
Mr. Reed asked if it would be the pleasure of the Council to
read the ordinances by caption only on the first reading or
in full? ¥~. Strnad made a motion to read by caption only.
Fps. Jackson replied that she felt it would be all right for
this one, but feels it is a disservice to the oublic to read
all by caption only. Mayor DeLong stated that-they were pub-
lished in full and Mr. Reed informed him that they were oub-
lished by caption only. Mayor DeLong requested his recommen-
dation and ~. Reed replied that it Was at the discretion of
the Co~cil and it is legal to read by caption or in full.
Ms. Zack then seconded the motion. ~. Strnad stated he fe2~
if the people wer~ interested in a particula_~ ordinance, they
will get a copy of the ordinance and read it later. He re-
ferre~ to listening to ordinances being read and explained
how he obtained more from reading it himself. ~ysr DeLong
added that the ordinances were posted on the bulletin~ board.
Mu. Harmon!rig sgreed that the caption gave a brief
but explained how certain parts of theordinance~may be of
interest but cannot be noted fromtthe caDtion. He thi~w~
they should read short ordinances as a service to the pnblic
to keep them better informed. ~s. Jackson referred to having
a public hearing on the previous ordinance and stated she did
not believe the people Lu the audience knew what it was.
Mayor DeLong replied that when they are interested, they know
what it is. Mss. Padgett ~hen took a roll call vote on the
motion as follows~
Couucilman Harmening -
Councilwo~u Jackson -
Councilman Strnad
Vice Mayor Zack
Mayor De~ong
Motion carried 4-1.
Yes on this one, but she
prefers to have them all
Proposed Ordinanze No. 76-33 - R~: Amending Various Sections
of Chapter 15 for the Control of the ~un~cmo~l License Dept~
M~. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-33 on ~mrst=' ~ea~mng~ "~
by caption only.
~'~. Zack moved '~ ~ ~=
t~e adoption of proposed Ormmn~ce No. 76-33
on ~lrs~ reading, seconded by M~. Strnad. Under discussion,
M~s. Jackson stated that she believes the C_oy~ Manager is
loaded down with things to do now and she sees no reason for
ch~ging~ ~this and she is going ~o vote no. __w~. Harmening
stated tn~t for years, this City has issued licenses through
the City Clerk and he has heard no complaints and has only
AUGUST 3, 1 976
heard good things ~ud he sees no need to change it whatsoever.
M~yor DeLong stated that he believed this particular transfer
was not going from the City Clerk,s Office, but this particu-
lar function was supposed to be under the Building Depe~tment.
M~. Kohl informed him that the inspector was under the Build-
ing Department, but the clerk was under the City Clerk. Mayor
DeLong clarified that it was not a~ updated ~r ~pgraded proce-
dure. Mr. Earmening stated he thought the way the ~stem
operated in the past was in the best interests for everybody
in the City and displayed remarkable efficiency, Mayor DeLong
suggested that they give this chan~e a chance for several
months. M~s. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion
as follows:
Councilman Karmening - No
Councilwoman Jackson - No
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
~yor DeLong - ~ye
Motion carried 3-2.
I~yor DeLong announced a motion was in order to revert back
to the regular order of business and conduct the P~blic Hear-
ing. ~. Strnad so moved, seconded by M~. He~mening. Motion
carried 5-0.
2624 North Federal Highway
Rezone to C-4 from C-3
Amos & Kathryn M. Hudson
~. Kohl informed the CounciI that all legal requirements
have been met on this request. They are in receipt of all
documents; however, the Planning & Zoning Board at their
meeting of July 27 by unanimous decision denied the above
request. The Board,s decision was based on the following
1. This would be a down grading in zoning.
2. This recuest was adjacent to an R-I~A zone.
3. There i~ an existing orderly pattern of zoning.
4, This would constitute spot zoning.
May~r DeLong asked if anyone in the audience wished to spe~k
in ia¥or of this request and received no response. He then
asked if anyone was opposed and received no response.
~s. Jackson stated she believed the Planning & Zoning Board
gave this a great deal of thought and she agrees with them.
~s. Jackson moved to accept the recommendation of the Plan-
ning & Zoning Board and deny this request from Amos and Kathryn
Hudson to rezone certain property from C-3 to C-4. Mm. Zack
seconded the motion. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll
call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Back - Aye
Mayor DeLong &ye
Motion csmried 5-0.
~. Harmening moved to revert to the regular order of business
beginning with Legal, seconded by Mx. Zack. Motion ca_wried
Ordinances - 1st Reading (Continued)
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-34 - RE: Amending Section 84 of the
Charter - Determination of Amount of Money Necessary for 0per-
ation~of the City No Latsr Than the Third Tuesdey in September
~f Each Year
M~. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-34 on first reading
by caption only.
~. Back moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 76-34
on first reading, seconded by ~. Harmening. No discussion.
Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening -
Councilwoman Jackson - ~ye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Me~yor DeLong - kye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-35 - RE: Adopting a Budget for the
Fiscal Year Begim_uing Oct. ~ 1976 & Ending Sept. 30, ~977
~. Reed re~.d proposed Ordinance No. 76-35 on first reading
by caption only.
M~. Back moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 76-35
on first reading, seconded by Mm~. Strnad. Under discussion,
M~. Harmeniug referred to the attachment from the City Attor-
ney setting forth the amount of re~mneration, special fees
AUGUST 3, t976
for special cases, fees for bond validations, s~ud also a con-
tract being included. With these being incorporated into the
budget, he does not feel he c~_u vote for the budget° Basically
he does agree with it. M~s. Jackson added that in reference
to this, she has a letter from the office of the City Attorney
s~ving a retainer agreement is all right. However, she remem-
bered something that happened in ~971 and she went to the
County law library ~d then quoted a certain statement from a
law book. This means they cannot do it and she is opposed to
this. Mr. gack reolied that he believed the rets~ner was
p~etty clear in that either party may cancel within 30 days.
Mrs. Jack, on stated that the night the people are installed
as officials of this City is the night they are supposed to
a~ppoint a City Attorney. This is stated ~u the Charter and
with this method, how can they give 30 d~ys notice? ~s.
Padgett then teok a roll call vote as fellows:
Councilman'Harmening - No
Co~&ucilwoman Jack, on - No
Councilman Strnad -
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
~yor DeLeng - Aye
Motion carried 3-2.
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-36 - RE: Fixing a T~ M~!lage for
Fiscal Year Beginning Oct. 1, 1976 & Ending Sept. 30~ 1977
M~. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-36 on first reading
by caption only.
~. Zack moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 76-36
on first reading, seconded by F~. Strnad. Under discussion,
~ Harmening referred to this ordinance merely being the
underpainting of the orevious ord~uance and in order to be
consistent, he cannot vote for this one. Mrs. Padgett took
a roll call vote as follows:
Counciiman Harmening - No
Councilwoman Jackson - No
Coo~cilman Strnad - Yes
Vice M~or Zack Yes
MsJor DeLong Yes
Motion carried 3-2.
~o~oosed Ordinance w
_ ~o. 76-37 - RE: Amending Section 2.4-8 of
~hapter 2 ~staolmshmng Revised Municipal Personnel and Equip-
ment OrganizationaI Chart ..
M~. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-37 on first reading
by caption only.
AUGUST 3~ 1976
~. Zack moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 76-37
on first reading, seconded by ~-~. Strnad. Under discussion,
~r. Harmening referred to this ordinance purporting to change
the table of organi~ation of City persor~uel amd changes the
licenses from the City Clerk to the City ~anager. He was
opposed to this a fsw minutes ago ~ud he has not cha_uge~ his
mind and will vote ~o. ~s. Padgett took a roll call vote on
the motion as follows:
Councilm~ Harmsning - No
Councilwoman Jackson - No
Councilman Strnad - Yes
Vice Mayor Z~ck - Yes
Mayor DeLong - Yes
Motion carried 3-2.
Proposed Resolution 76-RR - RE: Requesting Florida Legislature
for Reimbursement of.Funds Representing Outstanding Debt Due
on City Wastewater Treatment P18mt
M~. Reed read proposed Resolution 76-RR by caption only.
M~s. Jackson asked the City Attorney if he could add two
words: outstanding net worth and debt. ~. Reed replied
that the outst~uding indebtedness owed to the bond holders
on the City's existing wastewater plant was not nee~ssarily
the same as the net worth. They are requesting to be reim-
bursed with the outstanding indebtedness. The only city suc-
cessful to date on this has been Pompano Beach. He checked
with the City of La~e Worth, who adopted a somewhat similar
resolution in January 1975 and have had a claims bill pending
mn the Legislature, but to his knowledge, nothing has been
done. Subsequent to adopting a resolution in order to affect
a claims bill, he believes they had to adopt another resolu-
tion that if the claims bill was paid by the Florida Legisla-
ture, it would go to the outstsm_ding bond holders. If the
Le~islat~e ~asses a claim, s bill, it would be in the amount
of money due-to the ouvst~uding bond holders. MsG~or DeLong
asked if he believed the resolution as drafted was sufficient
and ~. Reed replie~ that he believed it was. ~s. Jackson
referred to having net worth in there and putting more in all
the time. She suggested asking for as much as they could get.
If they adopt this resolution, then possibly they should have
another for the net worth. She feels they owe it to the tax-
~s$~ers. The bond holders are in this and the re, payers could
be in the other one. M~. Heed replied that he would be happy
to draw a new resolution. It was his impression that if the
clai~?~ bill had a chance of massing the Legislature, the
e~ount request would have to-be tied down ~o what the City
AUGUST 3, 1976
owed. M~or DeLong asked again if he was satisfied that this
particular resolution was sufficient and Mr. Reed replied that
he thought the resolution presented tonight was sufficient.
Ee thinks this resolution is adequate and sufficient as it
goes. Only one City has eet a precedent. He has no objec-
tions to preparing another resolution, but thin-ks the reso-
lution as it stands right now is s~fficient and in line with
what has been required of L~e Worth.
~s. Jackson made a motion to adopt Resolution 76-RR, seconded
by Y~. Earmening, ~nder discussion, Mr. Harmening referred
to discussing the readimg of ordinances by caption only, but
noth~ug was said about resolutions ~ud this resolution has
only been read by caption only. Mayor DeLong replied that if
he wanted the resolution read in full, he could retract his
second, t~. Harmening did so and ~rs. Jackson retracted her
~s. Jackson moved to read Resolution 76-RR in its entirety
because it affects the taxpayers, seconded by Mr. Harmening.
M~s. Padgett took a roll call ~ote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Council~Strnad - No
Vice Mayor Zack - No
M~yor DeLong - No
Motion defeated 3-2.
~yo~._ DeLon~o announced a motion was ~ order to adopt Reso-
lute_on 76-RR as read by caption. Mrs. Jackson moved to adop~
Resolution 76-RR, seconded by M~r. Zack. No discussion. M~s.
Pa~gett took a roll call vote as follows:
Counci!~ Harmening - Aye
Cou~cil~om~u Jackson - Aye
Councilme~ Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Eack - ~e
M~yor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0,
N~s. Jackson moved to instruct the City Attorney to at least
make a try to get part of the net worth and send a similar
resolution to the Legislative Delegation for reimbursement
of the net worth. ~. Reed questioned the figure for the
net worth ~ud M~s. Jackson suggested that he check into the
bonding agreements ~o see wha~ was paid. ~-~. Reed stated
that the net worth implies there is some market for treatment
plants and Mayor DeLong replied that it was not the question
AUGUST 3, 1976
of selling it, but protecting the investment. Mr. Reed referred
to the initial cost of approximately $4,000,000. Ms. Harmening
suggested using the replacement cos~ less depreciation. Mr.
Zack added that he thought the Legal Counsel would need g~id-
ance to appraise the net worth. Mayor DeLong suggested that
this be turned over to the City Attorney for research and he
shall m~d~e a reco~nendation to the City Council or present the
appropriate resolution and the members agreed.
Receipt of Correspondence from Hon. Phillip T. Crenshaw, Atty.
.~E: Boynton L~es~ Inc.
Mayor DeLong recommended that this be turned back to the City
Planner and Pl~uning & Zoning Board for some input.
Mrs. Jackson made a motion to refer this to the City Pl~uner
and Plaguing & Zoning Boe~d ~ud added that she thought the
City Attorney should also be involved since a court judgement
is involved. ~or DeLong explained further how he thought
this input should be received before the City Council made any
mention of their ideas. M~. Zack seconded the motion. Mayor
DeLong clarified that it had been moved and seconded to in-
struct the City ~ a~
~n get to forward this request to the City
Planner ~ud Planning & Zoning Bo~d for input and the City
Attorney will be available for consultation. Motion cs~ried
~iscuss Re-cycling of Steel - Councilman Norman F. Strnad
?~. Strnad told about receiving letters Irom~ two ~l_~erent~'~
people in. the City requesting this to be brought before the
Council to see if there was any feasibility for such a pro-
ject in our City. Personally, he thinks it would be too
much of an undert~ming for the C~ty mtse_x, but possibly a
few cities could get together. He wanted to br~g'~ ~t' ~o' the
attention of the City Council for their ~eel~nos.~ ' ~
~s. Jackson agreed and told about Franklin, Ohio, undertak-
ing such a project in ~972. It was brought out that it would
be wortnwnm_~' ~ ~ '~ for a City this size. She corresponded with
Franklin, Ohio, and tn~= whole story received from the~ ms' on
file. She suggested oossibly instructing the City Manager to
write to Franklin, Ohio, to ~z~d out if ~'
there was somet~zng
they could do as one City. M~yor DeLong instructed the City
Manager to follow this through and the members agreed. ~.
Strnad added that in thebrochures' he presented~ it also
noted that you could write to the Steel Institute in Washing-
ton, D. C. Mr. Kohl replied that he would write the letters.
AUGUST 3~ 1976
Consider Recommendation of Planning & Zonim~
Boat Sales in C-3 Zone
Boa_rd - P~:
Mr. Kohl informed the City Council that Mm. Carmen Annu~ziato,
the City ?lanner, advised that at the Planning & Zoning Boemd
meeting of July 27, 1976, the above item was discussed. The
Board unanimously recommended that new boat sales agencies be
added to the uses permitted in the C-3 zone, subject to the
application for such use be referred to the Plsm~aing & Zoning
Board for recommendation to the City Council for approval.
The Board based their recommendation on the nature of the pro-
posed use and their ability to review any application of this
Mr. Strnad moved to consider the recommendation of the Plan-
ning & Zoning Board to include boat sales in the C-3 zone.
He added that he thinks this is a clean business and feels
it would be appropriate in this zone. Mr. Zack seconded the
motion. ~yor DeLong requested that the motion include that
this will be for new boat sales only and the Board will t~e
under consideration to placing used beat sales in the C-4
zone. F~. Strnad agreed to include this. ~vor DeLong clem-
ified that it had been moved and seconded to accept the recom-
medation of the Pl~uuning & Zoning Board relative to incorpora-
ting in the C-3 zone the sale of new boats only and to ma~e
permissive s~%e of used boats in C-4. Mr. Strnad questioned
if this would also include new boats in C-4 as well as used
boats and Mayor DeLong replied that anything permissable in
higher classifications is also permitted.
Mms. Jackson referred to this coming about because of the
Gulfstream Marina. She read the minutes from the Planning &
Zoning Board meeting e=ud the man stated he had a license to
sell boats. She checked this afte~vards and the man did not
have a license to sell boats. She objects to somebody stat-
lng he has a license when he does not. She feels they should
not make a change just because somebody wants something and
especially when he is doing it illegally. She questions
whether they should m~e this change to suit him. Mayor
DeLong replied that he thought this was appropriate for that
particular zoning. They do not want to chase businessmen
out of the City. }L~s. Jacl~on continued that she wanted to
be sure that he has a license to sell boats. !~. Strnad
questioned whether she brought this to the attention of the
proper authorities and Mms. Jackson replied that she found
this out after reading the Planning & Zoning Board minutes
and thought it would be proper to bring it out before the
Council in this discussion. She added that she did mention
it to ~,~. Kohl.
AUGUST 3, 1976
~. Reed stated that he understood the motion was to recommend
that he prepare an ordinance which would move new boat sales
to C-3 and in C-4, permissive uses would include used boat
sales. He referred to there being a distinction between per-
missive use~. As it stands, boat sales agencies is a condi-
tional use in the C-4 zone. It is permissable conditioned
that the Planning & Zoning Board recommends the use and the
City Council approves. A permissive use is where it does not
have to come before the Planning & Zoning Board. What the
Co~mecil is suggesting is that new boat sales agencies would
now be a permissive use ih the C-3 zone. Mayor DeLong re-
ferred to the Planning & Zoning Board recommending this and
~r. Reed clarified that they recommended conditional use.
Mayor DeLeng replied that they were accepting the recommenda-
tion of the Pls~r~ug & Zoning Board.
}~. Reed suggested that possibly they may w~ut to instruct
the City Plmener and him to look .into the desirability of
making a distinction between new and used boat sales agen-
cies and what zones they may go in. Under the law, there
can be no distinctions, but if there is legal justification
to classify them differently, it c~u be done. ~yor DeLong
replied that the legal ver~ge was up to him to ts3~e came of.
~, Reed pointed out that there were other conditional uses
in the C-4 zone, such as automobile and truck sales agencies,
which to some extent parallel boat sales agencies. He beli~wes
it would be advisable for the City Plsmner an~d himself to
look into these also. Mayor DeLong suggested that they take
everything into consideration ~ud give what they want which
will fit the upgrading of the different zoning classifications.
He thinks they should get together and present their intent.
Pk. Reed stated that as he understood, the suggestion is to
m~e new boat sales agencies a conditional use in the C-3
zone. He asked if the used boat sales ~Eencies were to be
permissive or conditional use in the C-a zone smd Mayor
~eLong replied this was something for him to decide. This
ms uo to him and the City Planner to decide.
i~Lrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as
Councilman Narmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Ay~
Vice M~yor Yack - Aye
~yor DeLong
Motion carried 5-0.
Con~ider Acceptance of Final Plat of Rep!at
Gulfstream Estates Plat No. 2
of a Portion of
AUGUST 3, 1976
~. KOhl informed the Council that the final plat document on
the above was unanimously approved by the Plemming & Zoning
BOard on July 13, 1976, The staff has completed review of
the engineering drawim~gs, plat documents and bond estir~ate
and recommends approval f · .
o same, subgect to recelpt of the
performance bond in the amount of $46,219.53. Me. Tom Clark,
City Engineer, has the development plans and ~m. Carmen
Annumziato, City Planner, has the plat if you care to review
these documents, if Council approves, they respectfully re-
quest the Cit~ Attorney to be directed to prep~e the ordi-
nance for the mesting of Augnst ~7, 1976.
t~ms. Jackson moved to accept the final plat of replat of a
portion of Gulf Stream Estates Plat NO. 2 and instruct the
City Attorney to prepa~e the ordinance for the meeting of
August 17, I976. Mr. Zack seconded the motion. No discus-
sion. Motion carried 3-0.
Consider Traffic Control Agreement Between the City smd Palm
Beach County
>~. Kohl read the attached letter dated July 15, 1976 from
the Office of the County Engineer regarding the Traffic Con-
trol Agreement covering the Intersection of Northwest 2nd
Avenue (S-804) a_ud 1-95, ~aad Intersection of ~oolbright Road
(S. W. tSth _.venue)~ - · and 1-95.
Mayor DeLong asked if the City Attorney had reviewed this
agreement and M~. Reed replied that he had, but has one
question. The letter refers to the two intersections,but_t
the agreement refers only to the intersection at E. ~. ID h
Avenue and 1-95 and he did not see any reference to the
intersection at N~ [. 2nd AVenue and 1-95. ~. Kohl agreed
that the letter s~a~ed both smd advised that he would check
this. Mayor DeLong stated that the motion should be contin-
gent upon the inclusion of N. W. 2nd Avenue.
Mme. Jackson moved to execute the Traffic Control Agreement
between the City ~ud Palm Beach County cuatingent upon the
~e mn~er~ec~mon o~ N. W. 2nd Avenue ~d 1-95~
~s well as S. W. 15th Avenue and 1-95. ~. Ksmmening seconded
the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 3-0.
Discuss Regional Board Activities:
a. Awarding Contract for Construction of Regional Plent
b. Awarding of Contract for Regional Plant Effluent
c. A~thorize City Msmager to Sign Agreement with
Russell & Axon to Perform 20~ Facilities P__lan
}~. Kohl read the motion made by the SCRWTD Board at their
meeting of July 29, 1976, as follows:
~To accept ~e recommendation of the Consulting Engineer,
subject to concurrence of the Environmental Protection Agency,
to tentatively award construction of a comolete new Regional
Wastewater Treatment Plant (Part A) which ~ncludes Contract 1,~
Section 1 (Liquid Phase); Contract I, Section 2 (Solids Phase);
andt ~C°ntract 2, Alternate. "A", Sludge Reduction (Incineration),
~ iTtercgunty Constructlon Corporation of Fort Lauderdale,
~or~da, for the lump sum amount of $7,725,000.00, all in ac-
cordance with their proposal of June 15, ~976."
Mayor DeLong announced if it was agreeable with the other mem-
bers of Council he would suggest they also include the other
recommendation. He added that they were ratifying their prev-
ious action at the meeting of the Regional Board.
I¢~. Kohl then read the second motion as follows:
~o accept the recommendation of the Consulting ~ '
subject to conc~mren~of the Environmental Protection Agency,
to tentatively award construction of the Regional Wastewater
Treatment Plant, Part B - Effluent Force ,iW~in and all Appur-'
tenances thereto, to Paul N. Howard Compa~ of Greensboro,
N. C., for the o~it price totalling E1,174,000.00, all in ac-
cordance with their proposal of June ~5, ~976."
~yor DeLong announced a motion was~ in order to ~atify the
action of the Council sitting as members of the SCR~TD Board.
~. Harmening moved to confirm and ratify the previous action
of the SCRWTD Board to acceot the reco~endation of the Con-
sulting Engineer, s~bject t~ concurrence of the Environmental
Protection Agency, to tentatively award construction of a com-
plete new Rggional Wastewater Treatment Plant~ (Part A) which
includes Contract ~, Section 1 (Liquid Phase); Contract 1,
Section 2 {Solids Phase); smd Contract 2, Alternate
Sludge Reduction (Incineration), to Intercounty Construction
Corporation of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for the lump sum
amoun~ of $7,725,000.00, all in accordance with ~
~he_r pro-
posal of June ~5, ~976, and to further include to accept the
recommendation of the Consulting Engineer, subject to concur-
rence of the En~v~ronmental Protection Agency, to tentatively
award construction of the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant,
Part B - Effluent Force ~-~in and all Appurteneaaces thereto,
to Paul N. Howard Company of Greensboro, N. C., for the
price totalling ~1,t74,000.00, all in accordance with their
proposal of June ~5, 1976. ~s. Jackson seconded the motion
Motion carried 5-0. '
_Mr. Kohl then read the attached letter dated July 29, ~976,
from ~. Canon. Mms. Jackson moved to authorize the City
Manager to execute the Supplemental Agreement No. 4 with
Russell & Axon to conduct the 201 Facilities Plan of the
$ou~bJCentral Region of Palm Beach County. ~. Harmening
seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
~ T
AUGUST 3, 1976
Request Permission to Auction Obsolete City Ecui~ment
Fm. Kohl informed the Council that he had been advised by ~.
Robert J. Feltz, General Services Superintendent, that they
have two (2) pick-up trucks they can no longer utilize due to
their deplorable condition. Ee also inspected them ~nd is in
agreement. They should dispose of them by auction. They
are: 1968 ~/~0 Chevrolet
1970 C/20 Chevrolet
He respectfully requests
trucks. Mi
6~51 Parks Deot.)
S/N CS148At46~50
6~5 Sanitation Dept.)
S/N CS240B148377
permission to auction off these
~m. Harmening moved to authorize the City Manager to auction
the obsolete City equipment, seconded by ¥~, Zack. No dis-
cussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Requests for Zoning Approval - C & M Pizza (Mary L. Giardina)
.... Publix Su~er Market
~. Kohl informed the Council that a new application was re-
ceived from Mary L. Giardina under the business name of C & M
Pizza. The type of license is for beer package only and the
location does comply. The other application is from Publi~
Super Markets at 111N. Congress Avenue for beer and wine
package sales only. ~ne location does comply.
Mm. Strnad moved to grout permission
seconded by Mm. Zack. No discussion.
Applications for Permit to Solicit:
for these two licenses,
Motion carried 5-0.
a. Leukemia Socity of America
b. Boynton Rams Athletic Association
c. Insurance Women of Palm Beach County
Mm. Kohl read the th_tee applications and added that they were
in order and for good causes. Mms. Jackson referred to the
Rams Athletic Association an~ stated she believed the Police
Department objected to having collections at intersections.
She askediif this had been checked and Mm. Kohl replied that
he checked with the Recreation Dept. and they are connected
with the Boynton League. Mrs. Jackson continued that she was
concerned about safety. Mayor~ DeLong asked if everything was
in order and Mm. Kohl replied: yes.
Mr. Zack moved to accept the applications for these people
to sol_~cmt, seconded by ~s. Jackson. Under discussion,
Jac~on requested .~. Kohl to check with the Police Deot.
regarding these collections being made at intersectionS.
Motion carried 5-0.
AUGUST 3, 1976
Aoproval of Bills
Kohl read the following bills for approval:
~asy ~ Tire Store
o Radial Tires for Police Dept.
Per State Bid
Pay from budgeted funds 001-860.54
Chevrolet Company
5da4- door !m~la C~ev. for Police Dept.
Pay from budgeted funds 020-800
Bid accepted 2/2~/76
Cynthia Lewis
Server for Se~nior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing 020-880
Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73
96. O0
Isiah Andrews
Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing 020-880
Ordinance . ~
#73-~5, nassem 5/15/73
Mr. Kohl noted the bills described have been approved and veri-
fied by the department heads involved; checked and approved for
p~memt by the Finance Director; funds are available in their
respective budgets. He recomnaends payment of these bills.
~,ms. Jackson moved -co pay the bills and
from Russell & Exon. Mm. Zack seconded
cussion. Motion carried 5-0.
noted there was nothing
the motion. No dis-
Mr. Kohl stated he would like the Council to instruct the
City Manager to write to Jack Wessel to be the judge for the
month of August, inasmuch as Judge Schwartz is unable to
come u~ stairs. Mayor DeLong requested the City Attorney
to draft the appropriate resolution. ?~s. Jacl~on moved to
instruct the City ~nager 5o write to Jack Wessel to be the
judge for the month of August, seconded by ~. Harmening.
No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
M~s. Jackson moved to adjourn, seconded by M~. Harmening.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meetir~ was oroperly adjourned
at 9:00 P.M. -
July 15, 1976
14r. Prank Kohl
City Mmnager
City of Boymton Beach
F. O. Box 310
120 N. E. 2nd ~zenue
Bo~.mton Beach, Florida
SL~J-ECT: TRAFFIC CONTROL AGREE~NT - inter~ection of Northwest
2nd Avenue (S-804) and 1-95
intersection of Woo!bright
Road (S. W. !5th Avanu~ and
Dear Mr. Kohl:
The Board of County Co=-m~issioners has approved entering into a
Traffic Control ;greement with the City of Boynton Beach for the
traffic signals located at the above referenced locations.
Enclosed are four (4) copies of each agreement %enich are to be
executed by the officials of the City of Boynton Beach. i~hen
executed, please return all copies to this office so we may
present them to the Board of County Co~issioners for execution,
at which time a copy will be returned to you.
Your continued cooperation in these matters is appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
Supezvisor, Data A*%alysis Sectiom,
Traffic Division
LY: SLF :mm
Enclosures: Traffic Control Agreements
July 29, 1976
J. Etdon Mariott, City Manager, Delray Beach, Fla.
Frank Kohl, City Manager, Boynton Beach, Fla.
Re: C120623010
"201" Facilities Plan
Dear Sir:
A requirement of the E.P.A. Grant Award of June 30, 1976
for conducting a "201" Facilities Plan and which was recently
accepted by our letter of July 27th, is to have the existing
consultant engineering contracts amended (see Special Condition
No 5). Accordingly then, please have your Council at its next
me,ting to:
"authorize the City Manager to execute Supplemental Agreement
No. ($ 24 Delray) ($4 Boynton) with Russell and Axon to conduct
the (201) Facilities Plan of the South Central Region of Palm
Beach County".
Thank you.
Very truly yours,
AUGUST 3, 1976
' ~ncil Member
~o~cil Member~
Recordin~ Secretary
(Two Tapes )