Joe .DeLong, Mayor
Joseph F. Zack, Vice Mayor
Edward Fo Harmening, Councilman
Emily M. Jackson, 'Councilwoman
Norman F. Strnad, Councilman
Frank Kohl, City Manager
Robert B. Reed, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Mayor DeLong welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order
at 7:30 P. M. He requested everyone to arise at the sound of
the gavel for the invocatio~ given by City Manager Frs~ Kohl,
and to kindly remain standing for the Pledge of Allegianee to
the Flag led by Councilwoman Emily M. Jackson.
Mayor DeLong called upon the City Attorney to give a report
concerning a restraining order regarding Village Royal~ on
the Green. bM. Reed referred to Palm Beach County entering
a restraining order two weeks ago and advised that they have
the case ~nder advisement and plan to meet with the City
Department Heads involved this week.
Mayor DeLong requested anyone in the audience wishing to ad-
dress the Co~c~l on any item on the agenda to please step
forward at this time and give their name to ~s. Padgett and
~ ·
when that becomes the order o~Bns~ness, they will be called
Mayor DeLong announced that on the Agenda under Leg~l, Other,
there will be the first reading of the ordinance relative to
the referendum. He added that.it was not submitted until
this morning Because the attorney has been doing work on it.
M~yor DeLong read a notice from the ~ome~n~s League of Voters
~dvising that the books will close on Saturday,July 24, for
registration for the primary election and he read the loca-
tions listed to resister. He added that if anyone was going
to be away on election day,. they could write in for an absen-
tee ballet.
Presentation of Service Awards to Cit~ Employees
Mayor DeLong announced the following employees receive ser-
vice awards for their employment with the City of Boynton
Beach. The employees all receive pins and the employee with
20 yeams of service will receive in addition to his pin, a
$25.00 savings bond. He then made the oresentations to the
following extending congratulations ~ud-commending them for
their service to the City:
20 Years of Service
Hulett Byrams - date of employment January 23, 1956 (Streets)
JULY 20, 1976
1~ Years of Service
Freddie Patrick- date of employment Feb. 2, I961 (Gen. Serv.)
Noah Huddleston - date of employment July 10, 1961 (Police)
~z~zie King - date of employment Feb. ~, 1961 (Bld.g. M~int.)
ldre~ E.war~ - date of employment J~u~e 5, 1961 (Library)
6arolyn Smms .- date of employment July 5, 1961' (Recreation)
~.0 Years of Service
T. B. Hicks - date of employment July 14, 1966 (Garage)
Henry Albers - ~ate of emplsyment July 18, 1966 (Bldg. Maint.)
Mayor DeLong added that it will be 46 years age that he started
mn public service and one of his prime objectiv~ is his keen
and close observation of those people employed by the City.
Boynton Beach can be proud of the type of individual they em-
ploy. He wished each smd every one good luck.
Regular City Council Meeting - July 6~ 1 976
Everyo~euncil member passed when requested to make comments.
M~yor DeLong then announced a motion was in order to adopt the
Minutes of the ~egular City Council Meeting of July 6, 1976,
as submitted. Mr. Zack so moved, seconded by Mr. Harmening.
Motion carried 5-0.
S~ecial City Council Meet~n~ - July 8~ 1976
Each Council member passed except ~. Strnad, who referred to
the last paragraph on Page~l and a misspelling error which
should be: ~r. Condon. ~¢rs. Jackson moved that the ~nutes
of the Special City Council Meeting of July 8, ~976, be adopted
as corrected, seconded by M~. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0.
In reference to these minutes, ~s. Jackson asked Mr. Kohl
who aske~ to add the $150,O00 to the bond for the cemetery
mausoleum and M~. Kohl replied that Mr. Hurford came into
his office and told hLm that he could not get a loan. ~s.
Jackson ~uestione~ whether he consulted with any members of
the Council and Mr. Kohl replied that he believed Mr. Hurford
did. ~s. Jackson stated that she felt the members of the
Council were not kept informed.
Mr. Allen ~eber stated his name and that he was the owner and
operator of Christine,s Coin Laundry at 556 N. E. 22nd Avenue.
He referred to receiving a hill reflecting an increase in
sewer charges on June 30. He told how he believe~ an error
was made and checked i~to it. However, he was informed he
was billed under the new rate as he is listed as a commercial
JULY 20, 1976
operation. After contacting several City officials, he de-
cided to appear before the City Council with hopes that some-
thing can be done. He referred to the ordin~uce classifying
laundries, but he has been removed from that classification.
Ee then cited lower rates from two neighbor.~gcities. He is
certain the City is in need of funds, but he thinks it is un-
fair to penalize a small businessman like himself to gain
funds. He pointed cut how this City's schedule was out of
proportion. He hopes they will consider placing his business
bac~ into the previous category. He then referred to condo-
miniums, trailer parks, etc. opsrating coin laudries and Being
in 'competition with him. He is not appealing that these
~heuld be subjected te the same hardship, but he would like
to be placed in the same position as previomsly. He hopes
the Council,s concern for the businessmen of this City will
he~ guide them in listening to this request.
M~vor DeLong requested ~M. Kohl to reply..Mr. Kohl read the
letter he sent ~o all laundry owners advising that prior to
June 1, they had been charged on a residential basis rather
thsm commercial. This method was incorrect and he read
Chapter 23-A of the City ordinance verifying this. He added
that he has done some research and checked the rates in ether
cities and laundries are listed at commercial rates, but they
are lower than Beynton Beach.
Mayor DeLong questioned whether there would be much of a pre-
blem to get this rate in line with the other municipalities
~uud Mr. Reed replied there would not be any problem as long
as the City has not p~edged and become obligated for any
sewer and water bonds charged per this ordinance. Mayor
DeLong asked if he had ascertained whether this was ~ the
bond issue and Mr. Reed re~lied that he had not. Mayor
DeLong suggested that a research be made. Mr. Reed agreed
an~ added that it also mus~ be investigated as to why these
rates were established in the existing section.
~o~9~ De~o~ announced that 2he Chair ~ould accept a motion
m.mrect. ~ne City Manager in conjunctmon with the City Attor-
ney to ma~e a research insofar as this appeal is concerned
finding out whether any relief cs_u be forthcoming and report
to the City Council. ~$rs. Jackson so moved, seconded by Mr.
Zack. Under discussion, ~. Weber compared the rate from
B0ynton Beach to West Palm Beach and Lsd~e Worth. Mayor
DeLong replied that theywould research this and added that
he believed all the members of the City Council did not have
any desire to chase the limited amount of businessmen out of
the City. Mr. Weber asked whether he should pay the bil.1
and Mayor DeLong replied: yes, until an adjustment is made and
~. Reed agreed. Mayor DeLong continued that the ordinance
is the law and they must abide by it. They will try to get
relief. Motion carried 5-0.
JULY 2O, 1976
Mr. Mike Wolf son stated his name and informed the Council
that he owned a laundry at 310 North Federal. He pointed
out that according to the ordinance they are discussing,
the City Mar~ger moved them from one category to smother.
The category they were previously in is Section 23-A~ but
the City Manager moved them to Section 23-B and it is specim
fically stated in Section A.
~tyor DeLeng replied that somebody must have called this to
the attention of the City ~nager ~.ud suggested letting their
research proceed. Mr. Reed read Section 23-A and pointed out
that it related to residential dwellings. He Believes this
section refers to laundries located in residential areas such
as located in multi-family dwellings. He then read Section B
and pointed out that it referred to commercial. This is basic-
ally upon which the rate was chef,ged. Since 1973, the commer-
cial laundr~mats have been incorrectly Billed. He added that
he was not ~ng any statements regarding the reasonability
of the rates involved. He believes laundramats should be in
the commercial classifications. N~. Wolfson replied that
every condominium or residential duplex apartment has a la,n-
dry room with coi~ slots on t~e machines and it is a commer-
cial enterprise. ~. Reed replied that he didn't prepare this
section, hut was trying io interpret the l~Euage. There is
a distinction between laundries in a residential area ~nd in
a commercial laundre~nat. Ee W&ll determine whether this is
fair. Mayor DeLong suggested discussing this at a later date
after the study is made.
~ater Distribution Main - S. W. 23rd Avenu~
M~. Eohl informed the Council that on June 28th, bids were
received in the office of the Purchasing Agent on the sub-
ject project. On file are copies of correspondence from
Russell ~ Ax0n, which is self-explauatory, a recommendation
from the Utilities Director, Mr. Perry Cessna, and the Tabu-
lation Sheet. All legal requirements have been met and he
concurs with the recommendations of the Consulting Engineer~
and Utilities Director. Mr. Eohl then read the attached
letter dated June 30, 1976, from Russell & Axon.
Mr. Zack moved to accept the recommendation of the City's
Consulting Engineer and award the contract to the low bidder,
Barile Excavating & Pipeline Co., 1330 S. Killian Drive, Lake
Park~ Florida, in the amount of $26,140o ~. Strnad seconded
the motion. No discussion~ Motion carried 5-0.
OrdinancesT 2nd Readin~ - PUBLIC ~ARING
Proposed Ordinance 76-20 - RE: Amending Sections 6(G)(2) and
6(D)(2) to Prohibit Sales Bazaar - Farmer's Markets, Flea or
Thieves Markets~ Swap Sho.ps~ etc ...... TABLED
Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-20 by caption only.
M~yor DeLong asked if anyone present wished to speak in favor
of this ordinane~e.
Mr. Morton Levine stated his name and his address as 2515
N. E. 2nd Court. He informed the City Council that he was
the representative for the Owner's League of Village Royale
on the Green. He stated that from their little corner~ of
Boynten B~ach, the residents of Village Royale on the Green
wish to make it known that they are in favor of the amend-
ment being passed and feel justified in saying they do. He
explained how a dangerous traffic situation exist~ in the
area proposed for a Farmer's ~arket. Also, th~feel there
are sufficient big name and well known department s~ores and
retail stores of a permanent type nature to amply take care
of the vicinity. He also explained how they felt proper pro-
t~ction ~as given to the purchasers of goods from these per-
manent type stores. They respectfully request this City
Council to approve the passage of these amendments. In sup-
port, he presented a petition containing 793 names.
M~or DeLong referred to the second reading of this ordinance
being tabled at the July 6th Comucil meeting pending a public
hearing conducted by the Pla~na~_~ug & Zoning Board. This public
hearing was held at their regu!arly scheduled meeting of July
13th and the Board unanimously recommende~ that the proposed
ordinance be approved as written. Mrs. Jmckson made a motion
to remove this from the table, seconded by Mr. Z~ck. Motion
carried 5-0.
Mr. Floyd Van Deusen stated his name and his address as 227
N. E~ 22nd Aveuue. In support of the amendment, he read a
petition from Royal t~alm Village and submitted it to the City
M~s. Jack~on pointed out that this would not only affect this
location, but the whole City. ~yor DeLong agreed.
~yor DeLong then asked if anyone present was in opposition
to this particular ordinance and received no response.
~s. Jack~on moved the adoption of Ordinance 76-20 on second
and final reading amending Sections 6(C)(2) and 6(D)(2) of
Appendix A of the Codified Ordinances of said~City to Prohibit
Sales Bazaar - Farmers Markets, Flea or Thisves ~rkets as
recommended by the Planning & Zoning Board. Mr. Strnad seconded
the motion. No discussion. ~s. Padgett took a roll call vote
as follows:
JULY 20,
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jack, on - Aye
Ceuncilman Strnad - ~ye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance 76-21 - RE: To Designate & Establish the
M~u~ipal Plar~uin~ & Zo~iag Board as %he ~Local Pl~g Agency-
M~, Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-2~ on second reading
~y caption only.
~ayor DeLong asked if anyone present wished to speak in favor
ef this ordinsnee and received no response. He then asked if
anyone present wished to speak in opposition and receive~ no
_Mr. Harmening moved for the adoptio~ of Ordinance No. 76-21
on second reading, seconded by M~. Zack. No discussion. ~s.
Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack _&ye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance 76-22 - RE: Rezoning Certain Property
Located in S~e~tion 21 by_Rezoning from COt oR-lA
M~. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-22 on second reading
by caption only.
Mayor DeLong asked if anyone present ' b
wms~ed to speak in favor
of this ordinance and received no response. He then asked if
anyone present wished to speak in opposition and received ne
~. Zack moved for the adoption of proposed Ordinance No.
76-22, seconded by ~r. Strnado No discussion. M~s. Padgett
took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - ~ye
Councilm~ Strnad Aye
Vice M~yor Zack Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
~otion carried 5-0.
JULY 20, 1976
Ordi?a~nces - 1st Readin~
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-25 - RE: Approving Plat of Lake
~or h Mariner Village ..... TABLED
Mrs. Jackson made $ motion to remove this from the table~
seconded by Mr. Zack. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Reed referred to this being tabled at the last meeting
because they wanted to he sure all the requirements had been
met. He stated that it appeared from Mr. Clark's memorandum
dated July 14 to ~r. Kohl ~hat all therrequirements have been
met and ~. Kohl agreed.
Mr. Reed then asked the members of the Council if they desired
to have the first reading of the ordinances by caption only.
M~or DeLong Dolled the Council members and they agreed it
was acceptable to read by caption only with the exception of
Mrs. Jackson.
Mr. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-25 on first reading
by caption only.
M~. Zack moved for the adoption of Ordin~mce No. 76-25 on
first reading, seconded by Mr. Strnad. Under discussion,
Mrs. Jackson suggested letting it be known that ~he Planning
& Zoning Board had also recommended this and Mayor DeLong
agreed and requested the City Manager to include a memo re-
garding this in the future. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll
call vote on the motion as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - ~ye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-27 - P~: Establishing a Uniform
Procedure for the Application to the City for Vacation and
Abandonment of Streets, Alleys, Special Purpose Easements
and Other Non Fee Interests ..... TABLED
Mrs. Jackson made a motion to remove this from the table,
seconded by Mr. Zack. Motion carried 5-0.~
Mr. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-27 on first reading
by caption only.
}~s. Jackson moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 76-2?
on the recommendation of the _lannmng & Zoning Board. Mr
Zack seconded the motion. Under discussion, IZ~. Harmening
JULY 20, 1976
read Section 4-B and stated he would like to see it spelled
out a little more definitively that the $50 fee would embrace
one ~articular segment of the easement or the whole easement.
Mr. Reed replied that the determining factor as to how mauy
fees i~ determined by the n~ber of applications. The appli-
cation form shows no limitations on the size of the property.
M~. Harmening withdrew his complaint then. Mrs. Padgett
then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Gouncilman Hsrmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
~yor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
~. Zack questioned if the application was included with the
ordinance and Mr. Kohl informed him that the application is
mentioned in the ordinance and it is all inclusive.
Proposed 0rdin~uce No. 76-28 - RE: To Change the Office of the
City Planner from an Unclassified ~.a Classified Position
~. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-28 on~Tirst reading by
caption only.
~. Zack moved for the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 76~28,
seconded by Mr. Strnad. Under discussion, Mr. Harmening re-
ferred to this City and others having ~mrying types of exper-
iences with planners. He has nothing against this p~rticular
man in any manner; however, if in the near future, they find
he does not work out, they are sort of tieing their hands.
~yor DeLong referred to having a young man maY_lng a career
of being a City Planner. It would appear in all sincerity
this is his life,s endeavor and he believes he should have
some protection. He explained how they did have regress with
the Civil Service Board. Mrs. Jackson added that she recog-
nized ~. Harmening's feelings because of their experience,
but there is a year's probation. This was discussed further
and M~. Kohl pointed out that even though the position was
classified, itddid not mean a lifetime position and the man
could be dismissed. M~s. Padgett then took a roll call vote
on the motion as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson ~ Aye
~ouncilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack ~ Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
JULY 20, 1976
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-29 - RE: To Change the Office of the
City En$ineer from an ~nclassified to a Classified Position
Mr. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-29 on first reading by
caption only.
~o lack moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 76-29~ Mrs.
Jackson seconded the motion. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett
took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-30 - RE: To P~ohibit the Leaving of
Building Materials on Project Sites in an Unsafe Condition
for a Period LoDger than Six Months
~. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-30 on first reading by
caption only.
~,~s. Jackson moved the adoption of Ordinance No. ~6-30 on first
reading, seconded by~-~. Harmening. Under discussion, Mr.'
Zack stated that personally he felt that six months was too
long a time and that it should be cut down to three months.
The other Council members agreed and Mayor DeLong instructed
~he City Attorney to make this change. ~. Reed referred to
the cleanup bond oosted and Mayor DeLong explained how this
covered an entire~y different situation. Mr. Strnad questioned
the penalty and Mr. Reed informed him it was a $500 fine or 90
days in jail or both. M~yor DeLong explained further how he
~hought this was appropriate with some developers not living
zn the area. ~s. Padgett then took a roll call vote as
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor lack ~ ~ye
~yor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-3~ - RE: Pertaining to Method of
Billin$ for Sewer Service Char~es
_Mr. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-31 on first reading
by caption only.
JULY 20~ t 976
Mx. Zack moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 76-31, seconded
by Ms. Harmening. No discussion. M~s. Padgett took a roll
call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 76-00 - RE: Authorizing Execution of
Mutual $id Agreement
Mr. Reed read proposed Resolution No. 76-00. ~yor DeLong
ascertained that the City Attorney had reviewed the agree-
ment and everything was in order.
Mayor DeLon~ announced a motion was in
tion No. 76 O0 upon the recommendation
a~ud instruct the proper City officials
ment. ~s. Jackson~so moved, seconded
order to adopt Resolu-
of the City Attorney
to execute said agrse-
by Mr. Harmening. No
~ms. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad -Aye
Vice Mayor Zack - Aye
~or DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. 76-PP - RE: Designating Individuals
.t° Perform Duties and Functions of Board of Trustees
Mr. Reed read proposed Resolution No. 76-PP.
5~. Zack moved the adoption of Resolution No. 76-PP, seconded
by t-~. Harmening. No discussion, l~s. Padgett took a roll
call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Strnad - AYe
Vice M~%vor Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
JULY 20, 1976
Proposed Resoluti~
Service Charge
uent to the !nitia
- RE: To Increase Amount of
and Disconnecting Water Meters
Mr. Reed read proposed ~olution No. 76-QQ.
to draft and
she was not o
be better
an inter-~
that she
Mr. Zack moved the ado of Resolution No. 76-QQ, seconded
by Me. Harmening. Under N~s. Jackson asked just
what brought this about Mr. Kohl informed her this was
recommended by the Financ~ Director. He continued with ex-
p aln~ug how they have~nn~ons now and the cost has increased.
Mrs. Ja~ksgn, r~fe~red to ~he rate being changed fer lau~dro-
ma~s an~ s~a~em she w±she~ they would be ~otified so they
coul8 give an answer when pegpleask. .Mayor DeLong stated
the agenda ~a~erial is distributed previously and any member
of~this Council has the.r~ to propose ~ny resolution or
ordinance. Aisc, the Cit~ has the right upon the recom-
mendation of Ci~ Depart to contact the City Attorney
~n. Mrs. JaCkson replied that
but they should he notified to
~rmation. She ~hi~ks
Manager weald be helpful.
member was mo~ satis-
table. ~s. Jackson replied
it. ~i~. £trnad stated that
item~ he went to N~. Kohl for
~o Harme~i~~ state~tthat Mrs. Jackson had touched partially
on some.o~ ~he questions ~e had in mind. He then asked if the
water Bills ~ere Becoming more delinquent i~ the ~ast few
mgnth~and Mayor DeLong q~estioned i~ this was in~-conjunction
w~th ~he resolution and Mr. Harmening replied that he felt it.
was pertinent to the resolution..Mr. Kohl informed him thzt
he was quite sure they were becoming more delinquent and told
about ~he ~many phone call~ he had received. He added that
they were in ~he red so f~r regarding connections and discon-
~ecti~ghs.~ ~yor~ ~Lo~g c~arified that the picture had changed
~a~s~ o~ ~ne oolt,ga~ion~ the City must meet in regards to
~e~m~n~. ~. Ha~,me~n~ ~tated he was inquiring speci-
fically whether ~ne ra~e O~ Ge~inquent accounts ha~ increased
a~d ~. Koh~ replied that he thought it haS, but he will check
it out and let him know t~morrow.
~. Strnad q~estioned why ~hey went out after hours to turn
water meters off or on and Mayor DeLong explained how people
came home after work to find their water turned off. ~.
Mohl explained further howthere was the possibility of the
check being in the mail ~£having been brought in after hours.
There was some further discussion and M~. ~ack then questioned
whether Sect&on 9 would fill the bill and Mr. Kohl replied
that actually they are not supposed to make money.
JULY 20,
Mrs. Padgett
then took a roll call vote on the
Councilman Harmening -Bjfe
Councilwoman Jackmon - Aye
Councilman Strnad Aye
Vice Mayor Zack Aye
Mayor DeLong - Aye
motion as
Motion carried 5~0.
Proposed Ordinance No. 76-32 - RE: Special Municipal ElectiQn
Mss. Jackson requested to ask a question of Mr. Reed first
before the reading of the proposed ordinance and asked if he
Rad any input from ~he Council on the wording of thio ordi-
nance? She added that she knew there had been discussion
among the Council regarding the wording of this ordinance.
ME. Reed replied that he received a typed list of recommenda-
tions from the Mayor. He Believes a vote was taken on the
referendum and remembers discussion on several points. He
doesn't remember in the past discussing wording of ordinances
they have prepared. ~s. Jackson stated that when she read
the ordinance and compared it with the sheet from l~yor DeLong,
she found it was not quite the same. She feels this ordinance
is very vague in some instances.
Mayor DeLong referred to having experience with this and the
City Attorney has made an in-depth study and has proposed
what is to appear on the ballot. Also, the City will convey
to the public just exactly what this is all about. He be-
lieves Mss. Jackson voted for the referendum. He doesn't
believe anyone would deny the voters of this City the right
or privilege to make a determination.
Mms. Jackson snggested having public hearings so the people
can be told what it is all about and Mr. Reed replied that
following publication, there will be a public hearing. He
added that he ~as open at any .time for any suggestions from
any member of the Council regarding recommendations for ordi-
nances they are preparing. He believes these recommendations
were submitted to the Council at least two months ago and he
has not received any recommendations from any member of the
Council. ~r. Zack agreed that he~made the motion some time
ago suggesting that the City Attorney prepare the ballots.
M~s. Jackson referred to Page 4 and the State having people
working at the polls for this election and M~. Reed cl8~i-
fled that she was referring to Section 5 and advised that
~he2last two s~ecial referendum elections keld in this City
contained this and they did not run into a_ny problem. ~s.
JULY 20, 1976
Jackson continued that the County furnishes the machines and
people working here and she thinks it is ambiguous that the
City Co~mucil should appoint inspectors. Mr. Reed replied
that he thought it was incumbent o~ the City to appoint these
inspectors and Mrs. Jackson stated they would have a dual num-
ber of people. ~yor DeLong stated the appropriate person
for the City Attorney to contact would beuthe supervisor of
elections. He suggested that they proceed with the reading
of this ordinance en first reading and instruct the City
Attorney to contact the supervisor of elections and any
changes te be made, he will have the authority to do.
~ms. Jackson referred to a public hearing being required on
the second reading and stated she didntt feel that was ade-
quate. She suggested possibly putting an ad Lut'The Shopper".
Mayor DeLeng replied it was the intent of the City with the
approval of the City Council to run a~ ad expl~ing in ordi-
nary language exactly the purpose of these questions. They
intend to do this in every legal respect. The majority mem~
hers of this City Council are certainly not going to open the
door again to go to the County regarding investigations. Mm.
Reed added that pursuant to the State Statute, if this ordi-
nance is adopted after the public hearing and~second reading,
this will be published for four consecutive weeks before the
election. It will receive a lot of print in theppaper.
Mr. Reed read propose~ Ordinance No. 76-32 by caption only.
~s. Jackson stated she thought this should be read in its
entirety s~ the people k~ow about it and Mayor DeLong ex-
plained that the people were going to get plenty of informa-
Mr. Zack moved the adoption~f proposed Ordinance No. 76-32,
seconded by Mr. Strnad. Under discussion, ~s. Jackson re-
ferred to Page 2, second paragraph, Section 2, stating the
City shall pay the clerP~, etc. ~ud since this is in con-
junction with a County election, the County will be paying
the people. Mayor DeLong replied that he believes they just
reconciled that particular question in directing the City
Attorney to contact the supervisor of elections.
N~s. Jackson referred to the same page and Proposition 2
not being in accordance with the paper presented by the
Msyor earlier this year. ~yor DeLong explained how the
results of this particular referendum would not take effect
in this instance until 1978 to protect the Vice Mayor, who
was elected by the~people. Mrs. Jackson agreed this was
how it should be, but did not think it was stated like this.
Mayor DeLong suggested that she consult with Mr. Reed about
Mrs. Jackson referred again to Mm. Reed finding about the
payment to the people working and in reply, Mayor DeLong
cited Mr. Reed's performance record since being employed°
JULY 20, 1976
Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - Aye
Councilman Str~ad Aye
Vice YmLYer Zack - Aye
Mayor DeLong -
Motion carried 5-0.
Mms. Jackson stated that if the City Attorney found out there
were ~hings to be changed, they must go back to first reading
~_ud Mayor DeLong replied that they would leave it up to the
City Attorney. Mm. Reed added that he thought it would de-
pend on the manner in which they made the motion. He sug-
ges ed.possibl~ Dassing a motion in reference to Section 2
regarding the ~pa~ment of clerks and inspectorS. If the
motion was wo~ded to adopt this ordinance ~L!if he discovers
from the supervisor of elections that it would not he the
responsibility of tke City to pay, he could be instructed to
delete th~s particular section. This particular clause does
not have anything to do with the substa~uco of the ballot.
Mayor DeLong announced a motion was in order that if in the
event there i~ any.~ha~? insofar as the City supplying clerks,
insDectors, e~c., ~ne ~y Attorney will ~e authorized to
delete that particular section. Mr. Zack so moved, seconded
by Mr. Strnad. Yms. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows:
Councilman Harmening - Aye
Councilwoman Jackson - ~Je
Councilman Strnad - Aye
Vice Mayor Zack Aye
Mayor DeLong Aye
Motion carried 5-0.
Traffic Lights - Maygr Joe DeLon~
Mayor DeLong told about the serious situation at S. W. 23rd
Avenue regard±rig people trying to get out of Gentleman Jim's.
He believes there should be lights on the opposi~ side of
thelstreet and they should be synchronized. He requested
Kohl to call this to the attention of D.0.T. Fm. Kohl replied
that he did do this a few months ago and they refused. Mayor
DeLong suggested that he try again. ~m. Kohl informed him
that it Was their opinion that Gentleman Jim's should pay
for it. iMayor DeLong replied that he was not concernedwith
who would pay for it, but was concerned about the safety of
the people. He suggested the possibility of a compromise.
JULY 20, 1976
.Consider Reques$ of Southern
M~. Kohl informed the Council that Southern Bell is consider-
ing the construction of an office building, Hypoluxo Road
addition, three blecks east of Seacrest which will ultimately
produce a maximum of 4,000 gallons per day on a 24 hour basis.
They are willing to pay or install an 8" water line from the
present City limits all the way up to Seacrest Boulevard and
eastward on Hypoluxo Road to their building. Further, they
will also install a pump station and a 4" line along the same
route as the water line down to the northermost manhole in our
system on Seacrest. The water line extension does agree with
our rmster plan. This entire project is in our service area.
They ha~e requested acceptance of the concept from the City
Council, so ~he~ can go to the Public Service CommSssion.
Both tbs City ~gineer and Utilities Director are agreeable
with this proposed concept. He has the drawings if they care
to review them. He added%that this is the first time someor~
has come to them and stated they would pay for everything.
Nms. Jackson moved to accept the proposition of Southern Bell
and proceed post haste, seconded by Mr. Zack. No discussion.
Motion carried 5-0.
See Minutes of August 3, 1976, P. 1.
Consider Acceptance of E.P.A. Grant Offer of $45,000 for
20~ Facilities_Plan
Mr. Kohl read the attached letter from ~-M. Canon dated July
15, 1976.
1,~s. Jackson moved to accept the E.P.A. grant offer of $45,000
for the 201 Facilities Plan, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Mayor
DeLong also instructed the City Manager to notify the Regional
Board. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Request of Board of County Commissioners - RE: Speed
Limit - Woolbright Road (~. W. ~5th Avenue)
~. Kohl read the attached letter from the Board of County
Com~ssioners dated June 22, 1976. He added that the Emgi-
neering Department and Police Department have stated it should
remain at 35
I~. Zack made a motion to request that the speed limit stay
at 35 MPH, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. No discussion Motion
carried 5-0. '
JULY 20, 1976
Consider Change Order No. 1 - Jarvis Test Well Program
Mm. Kohl read the attached letter dated July 12, 1976, from
Russell & Axon.
M~yor DeLong emnounced a motion was in order for approval of
Change Order No. 1, Jarvis Test Well Program, City of Boynton
Beach, Project No. 6858-7GCP~ in the amount of $10,934. Mrs.
Jackson moved to grant the change order for the test wells in
the amount of $10,934, as recommended by Russell & Axon. Mr.
Zack seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Request of Robert Tuttle - RE: Use of Trailer for
Office Accommodations
Mr. Kohl read the attached letter from Mr. Robert Tuttle,
Bistrict Manager for Southeast Port-O-Let Company, Inc.
Mayor DeLong asked if there had been a time limit with this
request and Mr. Kohl replied that this is the only information
he received. Mrs. Padgett in£ormed them that ~. Tuttle had
requested to speak.
~z~. Robert Tutt!e stated his name and his address as 6284
16th Way, South, West Palm Beach and informed the Council
he was the District Manager for Southeast Port-O-Let Company,
Inc. He stated that this request was merely a temporary re-
quest and suggested that it be permitted for a period of one
year. They are negotiating to buy l~ud and when they do,
they will build.
~rs. Jackson moved to grant the request from Mr. Tuttle for
a temporary trailer at 6t7 IndUstrial Way for oneyyear or less
from this date. Mr. Harmening seconded the motion. No dis-
cussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Refunds on Three ~emetery Lots
~. Kohl advised that these had been approved by the Cemetery
Board and everything is in order.
Mr. Harmening moved that the request be granted for a refund
on three cemetery lots, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. No discus-
sion. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Zoning Approval for New Beer & Wine License - Beacon
M~. Kohl informed the Council that this was a new application
for the Beacon Restaurant for beer and wine consumption only
on the premises. EverythLug is in order and the location
does comply.
JULY 20, 1976
~s. Jackson moved to grant this request, seconded by
Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
~Approval of Bills
Mr. Kohl read the following bills for approval:
I. City of Melbourns~ Florida $ 2,500.00
Utility BillinE & Accounting System
Pay from 001-890~21
2. Penwalt 1,083~68
Ferric Chloride Anhydrous Crystals
Pay from ~udgeted funds 030-822°62
Approved ~y City Manager
3. Pah Beach Junior College 320.00
Cs~reer Development Refresher #8 - 6 officers
Career Development Supervision #3 - 5 officers
P~ from Police Education Fund 001-507
Ordinance #74-38, Section 2-10, l(b)
4. Board of County Commissioners 8,825.25
50~ of cost for bikepath
Pay from encumbered funds 001-523
Council approved 2/3/7~
5 ~c~pal Code Corp. 1,231.38
Supplement #27to the Boynton Beach Code of
Pay from budgeted funds 001-820.17
6. Isiah Andre~s 90.00
Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 020-880
Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73
7. Cynthia Lewis 96.00
Server for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks
Ps~ from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 020-880
Ordisance #73-15, passed 5/~5/73
8. Russell & Axon 6858-4A-II-CPS Inv. #t3 1,0~6.57
South Central Regional Li£t Stations &
Force Mains
Pay from Utility General Fund 030-215
Authorization dated 11/2/73
JULY 20, 1976
Russe~_l & Axon 6858-7-CP
En$imeering services for testing and
Zocation~f mew water fields
Pay from Atlantic National Bank 1975A
Bond Issue
Authorization dated ~1/71
Gonsman Interiors
~raperies ~for Council Chambers and Gen.
Serv. Complex
Pay from budgeted funds 001-813.70
Fire Fighters Equipment Co.
Hurst Rescue Tool
Pay from budgeted funds 020-827
Bid of 6/29/76
$ 2,887.96
Freeman, Richardson, Watson, Slade, McCarthy
and Kell~ -:
ProfeSsional s~fvices in connection with
1975B Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds
Pay from Atlantic National Bank
!BM Corporation
Rental on Computer for 1
Pay from 00~-890.38
Bid accepted 9/30/75
~k~. Kohl noted that the bills described have been approved
and verified by the department[~.heads involved; checked and
approved for payment by the Finance Director; funds are
available in their respective bndgets; and he recommends pay_
ment of these bills.
~'~. Strnad made a motion to approve the bills as submitted,
seconded by M~. Zack. No ul~cussmon. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Kohl informed the Council that he was going to remuest
bids on two short streets, which he asked permission ~or
prmo~ to this meeting, and also the upper level with the
bottom tier at the beach certainly could be re-asphalted
sand possibly this could be included. F~. Zack moved to
authorize the City 14anager to go out for bids for blacktop-
ping the lower and upper levels at the beach, seconded by
Mm. Strnad. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Morton Levine appeared before the Council and stated his
name and his s. ddress as 2515 N. E. 2nd Ct. He referred to a
JULY 20, 1976
number of weeks ago when Attorney Reed gave them a classifi-
cation of a street and since then, he has been informed that
additional information has been forwarded to the City Manager
regarding this street. He would like to know whether the
classification of N. E. 1st Court has changed? ~ Reed re-
plied that he was still looking into the matter. They found
a resolution, but it does not appear to postdate the deed on
the property.
N~. Zack moved to adjourn, seconded by M~s. Jackson. Motion
c~rried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:35
Coup' Member
Council Member
Recording Secretary
(T~.~o Tapes)
Established in 1920
Engineers · Planners · Architects
June 30, 1976
Mr. Frank Kohl., City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach,..Florida 33435
Dear Mr. Kohl:
Water Distribution-Main - SW 23rd Avenue
City of Boynton Beach -
Project No. 6858-24-CP
On June 28, 1976, at 3:00 P.M..bids. were received in the offi.ce of the
· Purchasing Agent on subject project. ~here were eleven plan holders, and
bids were received from six contractors. Attached is a. summary of the bids
and proposed calendar days for complet-ion, as vemi~ied by this office. This
was an itemized bid, with no alternates.
We hereby reco~end award of the contract to the low biddeK, BariTe Exca-
vating & Pipeline Co., 1330-S. Killian D~ive, Lake Park, Florida 33403,
whose bid was $26,140.00 and stipula%ed30~.-calendar days fon completion.
This firm has successfully completed two projects within ~he past year on
which wewere the consulting ~ngineers. All~.work~was successful-,and com-
pleted on time; and we have no hesitancy-about r~commending them for this
Should this recommendation be accepted, we will provide contract documents
as usual. Please advise this office of your action
cc Mr. Perry A. Cessna, Dir. Util. (w/enc.)
Barile Excavating & Pipeline Co.
MLH - R&A, Daytona
Joe C. Swan, P.E.
Engineering Manager
167 N. E. 2ND AV/~NUE · POST OFFICE BOX I837 · DF. LPdkY BEACH, I~OPJDA 33444 · 305/278-26'15
July 15, 1976
TO: J. Eldon Mariott, City Manager of Delray Beach
Frank Kohl, City Manager of Boynton Beack
Dear Sir's:
Re: "201" Facilities Plan
Attached is a copy of E.P.A. -letter dated Jui~8,1976
indicating a Federal/Grant Offer in the amount of $45~000. for
the preparation of a Facilities Plan for the Planning Area
designated under Section 201 of P.L~ 92-500.
Acceptance must be within three weeks. On July 8,1976
at the SCRWTD Board meeting, the Board accepted thin,rant offer.
I believe the two Cities must also accept the grant ~ffer due
to the requirements of the Interlocal Agreement and other reasons.
To facilitate acceptance requirements, t have prepared the
attached letter of acceptance which I think will
requirements. Please have your City Council make
MOTION as soon as possible.
satisfy the
the indicated
Very truly yours,
'Anthony ~.~Canon
Bo~'rd of County Comm~ssmne~s
, [ E.W. "Bud" Weaver, Chairman
I Lake Lytal, V~ce-'Cha[rman
Robert F. Culoepper
Robert C. Johnson
Bili Medten
John C. Sansburv
and Public Works
H. F_ Kahlert
County Eng neer
June 22, 1976
Mr. Frank Kohl,City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
P. O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
SUBJECT: Speed Limit - Woolhright Road (S. W. 15th Avenue) from Congress
Avenue to 1-95 Overpass
Dear Mr. Kohl:
This office recently conducted a speed study on the above referenced road
to detemine a safe and reasonable speed limit. The results of our engin-
eering speed.study indicate that the safe and reasonable speed limit is
45 MPH,
Before the request for adoption and resolution are placed on the agenda of
the ~alm Beach County Board of Couqty Commissioners, concurrence is requested
from the City of Boynton Beach. We, therefore, respectfully request your
Your continued cooperation in these traffic matters is greatly appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E.
Acting Director, Traffic Division
Copy of Study did. 5/24/76
BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 (305) 684-2460
Established in 1920
Engineers · Plarmers · Architects
July 12, 1976
Mr. Frank Kohl, City Manyger
City of Boynton Beach
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Dear Mr. Kohl:
Change Order No. 1
da~vis Test Well Program
City of Boynton 3each
Project No. 6858-7-CP
Enclosed are six copies, of Change-Order No. 1 for subject'tesg_we-ll program,
reflecting an increase of $10,934.00~ As-yo~are aware; ~his .program called
for two 6"-test wells and four-2"-observation.wells-to be drilled to a depth
of 150'; In all'six locations~-:the geological formation was~uch that no
suitable strata was encountered in the:¢irs{ 150'. A'narrow band of rock
encountered between 60' and 80' depth proved n-ot"to have the capability of
supporting the kind Of production wells needed. - .........
We, therefore, deemed'it necessary to driN all wells to the 200~250' depth,
where we did ~ncounter a very-good strata which appears capable of supporting
six production wells. Thjs will be proveh by pumping tests conflucted'as a
part of this contract; at no additional-cost, t~ our Sudgemen~; therefore,
~he additional depth proved very worthwhile and justifies the added cost.
There should be no additional increases in this contract.
~unds .are available for this increase, 'since. Bond Issue Series 1975A and
1975B included $13,500 and $35,000, respectiv61y:, for.the tes~'~ells, study,
neport and new water management-(FCD):permit application. We recommend
167 N. E. 2ND AVENUE · POST OFFICE BOX 1837 * DELRAY BEACH. FLOP~3A 32444 * 305/278-2615
Mr. Frank Kohl, City Manager
Page 2
July 12,-1976
Jarvis Test Well'P~ogram
.Change Order No. 1
Project 6858-7-CP
approval of this Change .Order No. 1. ~f approved, please retur~
copies to this office, retaining-two copies'~for~yo~r ~iles.. -
four executed
Joe C. Swan, P.E.
Engineeri~9.. Man. ager
cc Mr. Perry A. Cessna,~Dir. Util.(w/en¢.)
MLH - R&A, Daytona "
Port-O-Let Co., Inc.
Division of Thetford Corporation
P. O. Box 5707
Jacksonville, Florida 32207
City Council Members
City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Honorable Council Members:
Please accept this letter as a request to move a
10 x 35 office trailer on the property at 617 Industrial Way,
Boynton Beach, Florida.
The purpose of this trailer is to occupy my secretary,
my company records and myself.
I will be present at the next City Council meeting to
answer any questions that you may have.
Thank you for your ki~d consideration.
Respectively yours,
~e ,~D~nag er
Southeast Port-O-Let Co., Inc.